#a bomb factory
grinningsnapples · 7 months
she is givin a cake to her little digital circus enemies
...i mean friends. ;3
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chaiaurchaandni · 11 months
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helen-high-water · 19 days
Steven having the problems he had and then going to Jasper for help is like hey I need to glue my broken cup back together I'm gonna go ask for help at the bomb factory
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detectiveneve · 1 year
on the topic of astarion being useless, I accidentally built him to be so wildly competent he's the one I break off from the group and send to do every annoying or difficult part of a quest. which I know he would bitch and moan about incessantly if he was aware of this
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motheryves · 1 year
the intro to her hits, but when they brought out the CHOIR???
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lyrics written by the one & only florence welch.
king / mermaids / cassandra / dream girl evil / morning elvis / no choir / prayer factory / the bomb
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Steven Knight on what the movie will be about:
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thejadecount · 2 years
I love how with each new installment of TMNT Donnie just becomes more unhinged. Like we’re gonna cut to the Mutant Mayhem movie and Donnie’s online human persona is going to be some cyber-terrorist who’s a known war criminal in at least 24 countries.
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starheirxero · 7 months
tbh if eclipse really wanted sun and moon dead he should have made a zip bomb file titled like "creator's secret blueprints" and airdropped it to them. at least one of them would have fallen for it i think
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gonkaccino · 12 days
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phase 2 complete, time to go pass out for 12 hours. when I awake, the greatest of nice little rewards will be at my fingertips: TRAINS!!! TRAINS AND THE ABILITY TO TRANSPORT GOODS LONG-DISTANCE, ALLOWING ME TO CREATE PROPER FACILITIES WITH FLOOR PLANS
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teasetsotw · 6 months
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--- Designer/Manufacturer: Nelson McCoy Pottery Region: Roseville, Ohio, United States Time period: 1945-1950
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The Kong Archipelago Location
So in an old developer interview from 1994 found on shmuplations, Miyamoto claims that "The Mushroom Kingdom looks to be on the outskirts of Donkey Kong's homeland, as seen in the game's ending…" in reference to DK 94's ending. So that seems to make it an open and shut case, DK's home is near the Mushroom Kingdom. Wellllll.... probably not. So with newer information from other games this piece of info in this interview has effectively been retconned. Thus DK's Tower is either not part of DK's homeland, or they went to the Mushroom Kingdom for the ending of the game. Why do I say this?
It's because in Donkey Konga 2 you can seen in the background of the menu, and from a scene from the story mode there appears to be a city in the distance across the water from Donkey Kong Island. In addition we actually see parts of this place for some of these levels for this game. This is more than likely the shoreline of the Metro Kingdom and would lead to Big Ape/ New Donk City. This would place the Kong Archipelago near the Metro Kingdom. Interestingly enough there is 2 sets of Islands on this Odyssey map near the Metro Kingdom that could fit the bill.
This would explain some other things. In Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze we see Stanley's Greenhouse from Donkey Kong III in the level Fruity Factory. This makes some sense, DK Snr. traveled on this island and gave Stanley trouble while on his way home. This also explains why it was so easy for the Kongs to get to Big Ape City in Donkey Kong Land. With that being said due to the trees I believe Mario Bombs Away would take place on one of these islands as well.
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thecleverqueer · 7 months
After watching the Second Battle of Geonosis arc again, I’m even more convinced that Barriss didn’t actually mean to fuck Ahsoka over in the Wrong Jedi arc and that she just blew ass at improvisation.
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nofatclips · 1 year
15 Stars by Ötzi from the album Storm
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the-cricket-chirps · 10 months
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Andy Warhol, Bomb, 1967
Andy Warhol, You're In, 1967
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