#a bit rwde
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scattered-winter · 7 months ago
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finally made rwby meme slides. after like a literal fucking decade
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constantvariations · 4 months ago
Tripping on "the goal of a savior is not to be lionized" again and I can't help but think of that one jewish story
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Compare Adam and the wealthy man to those with Hero Syndrome: all are (supposedly, in Adam's case) attempting to gain attention and public affection by doing good deeds, but opposing systemic oppression or building an orphanage are acts that benefit large swathes of people as opposed to an individual resolving a purposefully contained conflict. There's reason to condemn the latter, especially when it's done by those with authority over life and death, but the only grievance to the former is thought crime
Which is, like much of this show, a very Christian thing. Having selfish motivations behind actions do not cancel out the good those actions cause yet thoughts are also subjected to the judgement of god with equal weight
I haven't the slightest idea as to the writers' personal beliefs, but seeing as how Texas is 77% christian and christianity dominates American culture as a whole, it's impossible to argue that it hasn't influenced their writing. The theology I believe rwby echoes the most is Calvinism, the most rotten of the bunch. It holds the belief that humanity is so thoroughly stained by the original sin that they are incapable of saving themselves, that only god's grace can bring them salvation
But grace is in short supply
Thus, god decides apropos of naught but ☆~vibes~☆ who gets salvation and who gets eternal damnation. This choice cannot and does not change no matter how much good or evil a person puts into the world
This is why Emerald and Ilia's redemption arcs fall short, why Adam was never even considered for it, why our protagonists will never need it despite their own multitude of sins: redemption is not a thing earned, it is a thing bestowed. Those who have it are Good, now and forever, and those who don't are Bad, now and forever
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diaryofamadsunwukongfan · 11 months ago
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Volume 3 episode 2 rewatch thoughts, RWDE/critical opinions inbound
.The only things I remember about team BRNZ is that one guy being important in books and that one girl both being headcanoned by people to have huge tits and her name being 1 letter off from Mao Zedong
.A lot of the models look kinda off in this fight to me more then just poser era being poser era, I don't know why maybe the lighting?
.There has to be a guy with lightning attacks because neither Nora nor her teammates have a way to charge her themselves for some reason.
.I don't trust Port calling a female student of his "one of his favorites"
.Why are Port and Oobleck just telling everyone the semblance of a member of one his home teams? Oobleck also says Nora can "produce" electrical energies even though she's literally never been shown to be able to do that.
.Really convenient that the side of the arena they were on just happened to have a storm maker, did Cinder rig that somehow?
.I really like the heart pattern that Nora firing 5 fucking grenades at once makes
.People claim Jaune is a good leader but didn't even tell his teammates what his commands for attacks are, I don't care if he says they went over it they clearly didn't
.Jaune's ship names are terrible, flower power sounds like something out of Mario and he didn't even try with Arkos
.BRNZ... you have a sniper, just shoot them while their talking
.Nora can almost 1-shot four people, give her a lightning dust crystal and she could swash Cinder like bug, trust
.haha it's the crowbar because it's the bar Qrow is in
.Qrow cares as much about the early rounds of this tournament as I do
.Knowing how shit like sport riots have happened IRL, is it really a good idea to host something like this, Vacuo fans hurting might get someone fucking killed
.Shut up Port
.Shout out to the girl holding up a picture of Sun's abs
.Are team SSSN famous or some shit
.Remember that RT denied letting one of the members of team NDGO be "too fat" (Don't give me bullshit about animation constraints, they were 100% willing to make other body types but ONLY for men) and then when the people who originally designed them called them that RT had them be evil and incompetent in the books out of saltiness
.Why does anyone like Neptune? I will never get it, he's either an unfunny punchline or a shitty boyfriend or both depending on what episode your watching, and he sometimes drags Sun down with him too just ugh I don't like him.
.I didn't used to get why people loved Sun some much I know I get it. He's Jaune minus the things that make me hate Jaune. (I like him less latter but still)
.They have the tech for fake suns? That's more advanced then I think even the writers realized, just get some of these for Mantle
.You can tell Scarlet is gay because he has the gay voice™
.Dust stave users are just wizards but not
.Sage doesn't have a single actual line and get jobbed immediately... great just GREAT /s
.Team NDGO's pretty impressive actually
.Scarlet has a sword and a gun but they aren't combined, how bizarre
.That clip of Patric Star watching TV for the part with the coconut
.Can these fights stop ending with one anticlimactic hit please?
.Port hates puns, of course I hate him
.Volume 3 Qrow is great because he is as tired of this shit as I am
.Blake was objectively into Sun and people saying otherwise just can't handle a character in a same sex ship being BI
.Aw Weiss loves her sister (Please ignore what said Sister does next episode)
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saltedsnails · 1 year ago
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kitkatopinions · 1 year ago
What does Weiss think about her scar?
I really wish I had a canon answer for this question, but I truly don't think her scar is ever mentioned by her or anyone else throughout the whole show.
Which isn't to say that this is a big deal, sort of thing, but it's more of a nitpick where I am interested in every little detail and the fact that a lot of little things like 'how characters feel about this or that small thing' are often left out is something I personally wish wasn't the case. XD
In my own headcanons, I think I tend to imagine that Weiss was taught to view scars as a part of growing as a hunter, that students still in school and training were likely to get scars. So I think that Weiss probably could be more practical about it and learned to fight through pain as part of her training because of the inevitability that hunters will get hurt. But I also think that Weiss in the early seasons was hard enough on herself and others and had that 'I'm not perfect... Not yet' moment, and that sort of characterization I think would've also had Weiss in the early seasons thinking that although getting hurt in combat is an inevitability for training students, TRUE and SKILLED Hunters would just be good enough to avoid them. So I think that in the early seasons, Weiss would kind of see her scar as proof of her hard training, but also the result of a childish miscalculation in combat that she'd be eager to prove she could avoid in the future. But I think that Weiss would learn better in the Fall of Beacon, with prodigy students like Pyrrha dying but more importantly with Professor Ozpin dying, with Blake and Yang injured and Ruby passed out, I think that Weiss would've started to be a lot less... I don't know if 'victim-blamey' is the right word, but I think she'd soften towards herself and others on her stances about hunters getting hurt.
Speaking on Weiss's thoughts on her appearance specifically, we don't see Weiss as very concerned with her physical beauty and appearance much more than what you would assume just from her designs, so I don't think she'd be too insecure about a scar. And I think that it would more fit in Weiss's character to show off what her father would perceive as 'imperfection' rather than be that embarrassed about how it makes other rich snobs perceive her.
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rwde-chibi · 2 years ago
If I had a nickel for each RT property that has a primary character “ascend” in a way that either kills them or is highly comparable to suicide, I’d have two nickels.
Which is enough for me to develop pattern recognition. Why they would do this after Gen:Lock fucking cratered is beyond me though.
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dragynkeep · 2 years ago
TFW you genuinely feel more sorry for the Curious Cat (aka the main villain of the volume) than Jaune because the former had no choice but to be stuck in that place whereas Jaune could've left hadn't been for his self-indulgence and arrogance.
As much as I hate Jaune, it's not so simple as he could've left the Ever After because he too was in a situation where his grief and hero's complex was stopping him from accepting himself. The isolation didn't help and he waited for RWBY to fall rather than leave by himself.
The story is bad and he shouldn't have even been there, and the treatment of Curious was awful, but it's kinda bad reading to just leave the inability to leave as arrogance.
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kaedeichinose · 2 years ago
Who tf invited lionheart. My man bludd thinks he's on the team.
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constantvariations · 1 year ago
Instead of saying Ironwood fell into villainy, I'm gonna say he was teleported there
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lionizehim · 2 years ago
throwaway thought on my rwby side blog, but i can't help and wonder if i'm reading too much into the paper pleasers and the fact that they're origami and that they believe in some version of reincarnation ala buddism. and then everyone calling them suicidal (negative connotation) afterwards
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diaryofamadsunwukongfan · 11 months ago
Case file #1001: Emerald
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Race: Human
Nationality: unknown
Ethnicity: Vacun
Weapon: (Dual hand canons that unfold into chain scythes. The bullets are made from Storm Dust, an extremely rare variation of Breeze Dust that is 10x more powerful and Green in color.)
Gender: Woman
Sexuality: bisexual (I'll let you know that I'm the only intern in this facillaty that has a PS that allows me to detect people's sexualities through sight! And yes, I can see Aura in photos.)
Starting Age: 17 (?)
Aura Color: Green
Handedness: right
Complexion: Dark
Eye Color: Red
Semblance: unknown (Contradictory reports indicate some type of Transportation or Deception semblance. If she is captured alive, interregate her on her semblance immediately.)
Occupation: [CLASSIFIED]
Guys, how am I supposed to do a report when we don't have any information about her??? No last name, no kingdom of origin, this photo was taken from a Dust station, no weapon name, age is approximated, I had to use my semblance to check her sexuality (its not even like we need this information, no one is going to seduce a girl that dosen't look legal), her only reported crimes are petty theft and something else I can't find out because someone classified half of the information about this girl?!
Yes, I'm keeping my rant in the case file and yes I will be filing a complaint with someone's manager! Honestly, I don't even know why we need a report on her. Classified information aside, she looks like some random street rat from Vacuo.
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Rewrite Alyx and Lewis or just about ANYONE in the Ever After, please!
Doing just Alex for now because I got literally nothing for Lewis and most of the other afterians deserve full asks
.In the flashbacks she's framed differently as Yang replaces Jaune and is able to see her for brash yet scared and confused kid she is, Yang even blames herself for the poison
.While her body ascended into the blue butterfly, she will was so strong her aura manifests a sort of "ghost" that silently guides team RWBY and tries to communicate with them like in the reflection of her knife (The cat fucking SWEARS their was a fifth person fighting them at the end)
.After the Cat is subdued, she re-fuses with the butterfly and fully comes back with her memories intact and decides to go with team RWBY to Remnant, it will be super weird for her because it's 90 years into the future and she's known as a beloved fairytale character but she's is pretty damn used to weird at this point
.She is absolutely fascinated by the modern world and learns enough to make her own fully functional weapon incredibly fast (still haven't figured out what it would be though)
.Her semblance is called rabbit holing which lets her make 2 way portals and she can control the velocity of anything that comes in or out of them
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yourwolfmuzzle · 2 years ago
For some reasons i always have this “hehe funny” moment when i see headcanons about Jaune sexuality or gender. Its just feel funny.
Its like “oh this character who have to much “self insert” vibes going on with cis person who have strange opinion on bi people or only headcanon him as a bi in those “pay to ask question” videos and most of the time this character “got all bitches”? Yeah well we take this baby, now they queer af and they probably trans baby! C:”.
Its have this soft of “fuck you” energy, even if person who headcanon all of this is not from rwde\”critics” tag and just hardcore fan.
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anothergayrobot · 2 years ago
Trapdoor is such a good song I wish more of the stuff in it was actually covered in the show
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kitkatopinions · 2 years ago
Do you guys remember when I made this post about wanting chill pointless just-for-fun video games in franchises I already liked like Fire Emblem and Kingdom Hearts?
Well, I was thinking about my concept for a chill Fire Emblem Three Hopes/Houses concept - A Fire Emblem 3 Houses/Hopes game with no war where you just build friendships/romances with the characters and pair people off romantically - and I was thinking..... That would work so perfect as a RWBY video game concept.
NOTE: I actually don't think this should get made because Rooster Teeth sucks, there's members of CRWBY that overlap with RT such as one of the main writers for all nine seasons Miles Luna, and I do not trust any rwby writer to make things that aren't bad. I'm just talking about something that I would find fun and would love if I got to make something good entirely with no input from RT or crwby.
But like just imagine a RWBY game where you just go through four years of school being able to improve character's skills (impacting whether or not they do well in the Vytal Tournament,) and getting characters to interact. Maybe you could do special things like have characters spar together, study together, go on outings... And maybe based on dialogue choices you can pick and what you choose the characters to do, you can make your characters either platonic, romantic, or enemies!!! And maybe you could collect various characters to play as, as the characters come into play and you can only send them on outings and increase their stats and control their dialogue if you collect them. So you can start out able to play as all the members of Team RWBY and quickly gain the option to collect Team JNPR, and then eventually get Penny and Sun, and so on and so forth.
And I can imagine people saying "But Kitkat! What about the teachers like Oz and Ironwood and Glynda that I love so much? How do I collect them if it's about increasing student stats and playing around with romances?" Well, this is a video game where I get to imagine up and make the rules, so I think you should be able to collect and increase the stats of and play around with romances with adult characters too, they just won't be able to do the vytal tournaments obviously, and their romances would be with other adults, and when you send them on missions they're like more serious missions than the missions you can send kids on.
I can also imagine people saying "But Kitkat! What about the villains like Roman and Emerald and Cinder that I love so much? How do I collect them?" And to that I say that once you send people out on missions, they can encounter villain characters, and based on your choices get the option redeem them into good guys! And if you do they can start working for Ozpin and appearing around Beacon and able to send on missions and develop dynamics with the characters you have. I feel like I would keep Salem and Jacques non-recruitable, but almost every other villain would probably have the possibility of being redeemed and collected for the people who want it.
And just in case anyone says "But Kitkat! What about when students or Headmasters from other schools have to go home, and when former-villains or teachers are out on missions?" Well, I would want something sort of similar to MySims agents. On MySims agents, you can recruit all kinds of characters you encounter and then can form little groups and send them out on missions, and when you do, you get pop up updates with a bit of character dialogue where you can make choices for the direction of the missions.
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I mean, obviously more serious in general than the silly stories in MySims agents, but the general idea would be that even people you don't always have around Beacon, you could still be getting updates about them through messages like this. And for the older people who already graduated or who never went to Hunter schools, you can create teams for them to work in - for instance I've long loved the idea of Roman, Neo, Emerald, and Mercury forming a team together, and so I could pair them up in the video game!
Also I only just thought of this, but what if we didn't just get 'four years of school' and we also got at least two years of being able to see Ruby and Weiss and Yang and Blake and all the other students as full time Hunters! You could break up teams outside of Beacon and form new ones! If you didn't like Weiss and wanted the rest of Team RWBY to work with Velvet instead, you could do that! And you could make people graduate and then decide you really want... Sun and Adam to pair up and join a team with Flynt Coal and Penny Polendina! You could make Ruby graduate and join the freaking Ace Ops, or whatever you imagine or want.
Also obviously you'd get to experiment with new outfits and different looks (especially based on character choices, like for instance getting casual look options for Weiss if she breaks away from the Schnee wealth and name, but getting fancier look options for Weiss if you took her on a colder path into being a worse person more like her dad and grandfather.) And then at the end of the game, if you've done all the romantic growth you can literally make people get married and you do not have to do only canon ships. You could make... Ruby marry Whitley, or Weiss marry Neon Katt, or Jaune marry Ren, or Qrow marry Ironwood, or Mercury marry Emerald if you want. The possibilities are endless!
Idk, I have a lot of ideas, but this is like... my fantasy game for RWBY. RWBY Arrowfell? No freaking thanks. But this concept right here literally keeps me up at night.
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