#a bit late to the party perhaps but oh well better late than never XD
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sugarbeampop · 6 months ago
Oh yeah!! I started watching Murder Drones last night, and im quite enjoying it so far!!
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dreamerwriternstargazer · 11 months ago
I said I would go to sleep didn’t I XD
Okay listen listen listen it took a while to clean, tempered the chocolate well, everything went smoothly and I’m not stressed actually Alhamdulilah I wish I could get more time to sleep but oh well
I’m still not having to cook Eid lunch and that’s giving me a lot of ease Alhamdulilah 💙💜 dad wants to order from some fancy place for dinner and have an easy brunch after prayer and I heartily agree
After cooking Eid dinner the past few years I… can’t say I’m AS set on it as I used to be, I still think my food would taste better than any takeout but while I live here I prefer the convenience of ordering when I don’t get additional help in the kitchen. Actually screw it yeah not every Eid obviously but I really like this feeling of not feeling the overwhelming dread of having to cook for 4 hours tomorrow, I mean I’ll still need to do party prep but that’s late at night and not a whole load of cooking and I don’t mind cooking on party day it’s just, being free on Eid day hits different, I’ve never felt like this
I think I’ve always assumed if I didn’t have the cooking to do then what could I even do and now I find as a person who’s grown to enjoy free time actually and to use it for the things I love to do ^_^ it gives me more time to give thought into other things, like charity work, like getting my friends gifts and my family gifts and really appreciating the moment, to throw parties and to put my efforts into something where I know it’ll be appreciated by those closest and dearest to me. I think perhaps cooking on Eid wouldn’t be so stressful if that small element changed too, to cook for those I care for and who care very much for me. It’s quite overlooked currently and while that doesn’t mean I’d stop because I seek the praise or attention… it certainly feels more draining.
I feel pretty good also for doing the best with scheduling as I can, Alhamdulilah, it’s not been perfect but I feel quite organised and if something doesn’t go to plan I feel a bit steadier in confronting it Insha’Allah
Anyway, here’s behind the scenes of wrapping up gift bags:
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The lighting was Not Great ™️ and my flash didn’t make it look so good so my sister had the bright idea (lol) to use her phone light to spotlight the bakes
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The kitchen lighting is really quite bad so the second pick I feel is more true to look
It’s late otherwise I would’ve done a proper photoshoot, another time Insha’Allah
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chocochar · 4 years ago
Hallooo :) I must ask bcs' I need some fiery sugar....would you consider doing headcanons about, (yes you are reading it correctly 😂😂) ENDEAVOR. Like he on a first date with his s/o 🔥
HOOOOO boi I haven’t ever written for Endeavor, I’m gonna be 100% with you XD so I really hope this is okay, sorry it took so long, I rewrote it a few times and I’m sorry ahead of time if he comes off as OOC! TuT  (btw i loooove your Midnight Stalker fics, had to add that, okay onto the hc’s!)
🔥 Endeavor is, well, not the best person socially. In fact to most people he’s hard to get along with, so finding someone who cares for him despite this the older man wasn’t expecting.
🔥 (F/n) is quite a few years younger, but doesn’t seem to mind the gap in age, being in their 20′s. Having started working at his agency as a secretary (F/n) proved themselves quite efficiently, which that along with their looks and attitude Endeavor couldn’t help but start to watch them, glancing and feeling a softness in his chest that he’s never experienced. They didn’t show fear of him, even if he got mad they’d simply fix the mistake and even tell him to calm down.
🔥 Endeavor never planned to ask them out. The #1 hero dating a secretary? To him at first it was an embarrassing thought. Plus his track record with relationship is... not good and scarce. But as time went on and the hero slowly began to change inside inch by inch since becoming the big #1 that thought started becoming more appealing, even if Endeavor wouldn’t admit it.
🔥 It was Hawks who set up the date (kind of, he helped push it, and nearly lost his feathers for it). He saw the light blush dusting the fire users cheeks when (F/n) came up to them with documents, and he was quick to ask if they’re single and looking.
🔥 Endeavor tried to hide his interest when (F/n) said yes to both, but his flames burst high when Hawks grinned and asked,”Oh yeah? Well, are you interested in hot heads?” as he visibly gestured at Endeavor.
🔥 (F/n) understood, and glancing at Endeavor they were reluctant to say so at first, but once they saw the way the hero was eyeing them they blushed, turning back to Hawks and saying,”... Yeah, I actually am.”
🔥 Smiling they figured Endeavor may get mad, after all he couldn’t possibly be interested in them-
🔥 “Soooo how about dinner with Mr. Hot Head here?~” Hawks grinned, jutting a thumb at the red head standing beside him stiffly.
🔥 (F/n) was surprised, but replied,”I mean... I suppose yes-”
🔥 Hawks grinned wide and added,”Alright, I’ll set it up, don’t worry you two awkward love birds, it’ll be great.~” Endeavor hadn’t said a word the whole time, dumbfounded it seemed, not knowing what to say.
🔥 Hawks left. When (F/n) looked at Endeavor he was already leaving, but stopped with his back to them.
🔥 “Meet me at the address I’ll give you through text, at 8 PM Saturday. You have it off, correct?”
🔥 “Uh... Yes.”
🔥 “Good, don’t be late.” He left once he’d said what he needed to, (F/n) was shocked but smiling they go back to work.
🔥 Boooi (F/n) isn’t prepared for the expensive dinner waiting for them
🔥 They aren’t dressed up super fancy, they did their hair nicely and made themselves look presentable at least! After all, they’re going on a date with the #1 hero! And he definitely seems like an ‘appearance’s type of man from just working with him
🔥 The place is nice, and (F/n) settles in feeling a little out of place. Enji got them flowers and looks incredibly handsome in his tailored suit, the scar across his left eye not bothering them a bit even when he received it. His face looks red too, and they wonder if his heart is pounding a million beats a minute like theirs
🔥 “I’ve heard really good things about this place, have you been here before?” (F/n) breaks the silence that settles over them
🔥 “Yes, a few times,” he starts, going on to explain (in sparse detail) about the hero parties held here that he only came to due to his position as #2, now #1
🔥 Silence sits between them again after (F/n) replies, and they’re racking their brain for more to say
🔥 “You... Look nice tonight,” he says out of nowhere, catching the secretary off guard as they look taken aback, cheeks going red. “This isn’t too... Awkward, is it?”
🔥 Again fairly surprised by his sudden shyness (F/n) blinks before smiling. He is a socially awkward kind of guy, so shaking their head they decided to take the lead for the date, at least for now.
🔥 “Not at all, it’s nice,” they reply. This seems to put the #2 at ease as he nods and clears his throat, looking over the menu. (F/n) rests their chin on their palm and asks,”So, um... Enji, Tell me about yourself.”
🔥 It’s a simple request to help break the ice although (F/n) is already well aware their boss isn’t very forthcoming with information about himself. But this doesn’t change anything, after all they did come to dinner with him with this fact in mind. Enji cocks a brow, meeting their (eye color) orbs with his cerulean.
🔥 “Such as?”
🔥 “Y’know, favorite TV show, what you do in your spare time, do you like cats, etcetera, just some stuff so I know my date better, right now we’re more than just boss and secretary after all,” (F/n) winks, this gaining surprise from the normally uptight man. He brings the scowl (which he’s trying to reel in for tonight) back but he seems to be fine letting them know some answers. Not everything, he keeps the more personal aspects of himself under wraps for now, after all it’s only a first date, but the secretary across from him seems appeased and even smiles at the answers. “I see, I’m fairly surprised but you seem kinda normal.~” They tease, Endeavor averting his gaze.
🔥 “And you?” It’s his turn to learn about them more. Granted, he’s studied them, he knows some things but learning more never hurts.
🔥 “Well, I love to (hobby) and (hobby), my favorite show is (TV show), I’m probably more of a dog person, I am definitely a (night owl, morning person, etc), I like to make sure I’m always on time to things,” they start to tell him, answering any questions he has. Even if it’s a mundane conversation he is surprisingly taking every piece of information in and locking it up in his thoughts. That way, he knows for later. To be honest, he’s intrigued. (F/n) laughs lightly and finishes with,”Sorry, sorry, I was rambling, haha!”
🔥 “It’s fine.” Endeavor responds, telling the waiter what he’ll have. “I find you interesting, different compared to others I’ve met.”
🔥 “Is that a good thing?” (F/n) laughs, smiling warmly lifting their brows.
🔥 “Yes, very,” he replies, and even gives a small smile himself, although it’s easy to miss.
🔥 The two start to eat once their food is brought out and while they eat they talk, discussing not only more about themselves but Endeavor’s jobs, (F/n) plans for something at work, and more. Soon enough they’re done and after paying Enji takes (F/n) home, the drive even holding it’s own conversations. Enji surprisingly seems to have been brought out of his tough as steel shell although it’s only with (F/n), and (F/n) is content in his company, seeing the normally scary boss is surprisingly softer inside, under all the layers of anger and pride.
🔥 Reaching (F/n)’s address Enji parks and turns his gaze to the secretary, who’s getting ready to leave but stops to look at him.
🔥 “Thank you for dinner, Enji, it was delicious,” they sigh happily, smiling and he nods, (F/n) unbuckling and about to get out but stopping.
🔥 “Perhaps we can do it again, I enjoyed your company, (F/n),” the fiery red head admits, (F/n) nodding.
🔥 They surprise him with a kiss on the cheek before getting out of his car and peering back in at the blushing, taken aback older man.
🔥 “Of course, you have my number so call me and we’ll plan another date~”
🔥 The (brunette, blonde, etc) shuts the door and waves as they head inside their home, Enji not leaving right away as his heart pounds. Clearing his throat he watches them go in and shut their door before leaving, already planning to ask them out again (and keep this secret from Hawks lest Enji listen to the feathered annoyance tease him about)
AHHHHHHH I hope this was okay!! I kinda struggled with Enji so I hope he wasn’t too OOC QwQ thank you for the request!
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szopenhauer · 5 years ago
When was the last time you cried and what was the reason?: family issues
Do you believe in ghosts?: maybe
If you could live on the moon, would you?: almost all of it belongs to Tom Cruise so no 
What is your favorite time in history to learn about?: I just like many interesting history facts in general
When is the last time you felt discriminated against because of your gender?: not sure which situation was last
What race are you?: caucasian, white, european, polish, slavic
What is your favorite sex position?: I’m not into sex tbh Have you ever lost your SO to another person?: yup
Have you ever had a thing for a friend’s parent?: no
Have you ever believed in Santa Clause? from what I remember
Have you ever thought you were getting a surprise party, but you really weren’t? nah and I don’t like surprises so I’m glad I never really had a party like this
Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday? I suck with dates
Has a friend looked bad in a profile picture and you didn’t tell her? it was my opinion but if they liked their pic then it’s their problem
Does it take forever for your internet to load websites? sometimes
Have you ever pretended to listen to someone but you really weren’t? yeah :x
Are you a bad driver, or do you know someone that is? I know some that are bad yet say they’re oh so awesome at it ugh!
Have you seen the animated movies Tarzan? sure
Have you actually called 911 for an actual emergency? If so, what was the emergency? not me but my parents
Do you sleep in the living room a lot? I never do
Did you enjoy watching The Flintstone’s growing up? yep
Do you wish you were born in a different year? kinda wish I was born after war and die before 2020 or even live in another time period 
What do you buy more: Movies or candy? neither
Did you used to eat chapstick when you were younger? ewww, noooo, not even toothpaste
What made you pick up the last book you started reading? I was watching a movie and heard that book has a different ending so I had to see for myself Have you received any bad or troubling news lately? shitload When was the last time you were relieved about something? I wish I was... What about your life concerns you the most? my health related issues mostly but also money and fam, love life, religion etc. Is there a common thing most people seem to do without trouble, but it scares you (talking on the phone, driving, interviews, etc)? When was the last time you had to do one of these kinds of things? there are, recently
Describe a time when you were there for a friend? were there in person? When was the last time you went somewhere for the first time? days or weeks ago What is a situation that makes you feel especially confident? umm... Hypothetically and generally speaking, how would you go about breaking up with someone? Is there anything you would make sure to say, or perhaps not say? depends Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend? I guess I’m easily offended Is there a belief you have that most others around you don’t have? Do you share this belief with others, or do you tend to keep it to yourself?  sure, might talk about it if asked and in the mood  If you’ve moved out from home, what was the scariest thing about it? What was/is your favorite thing about it? I didn’t move out yet but there are dark scenarios I imagine that could happen and they concern me What are your thoughts on “forgiving” murderers or rapists? Do you think it’s even possible to forgive these people? I wouldn’t forgive a rapist but particular murders can be justified If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take? who cares about grades and cost when you have no possibility/talent/ability anyway?... Last item of clothing you purchased - do you wear it often? didn’t wear it yet Has anything made you feel nostalgic lately? lots What was the last chore you completed? I just helped mom around kitchen and bathroom - przynieś/podaj itp.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? sloth?
Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? nope, my mom is incapable, she whispers louder than when she’s normally talking to someone
Who was the best kisser you’ve ever dated? I’ve only kissed one person in my entire life
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? yesterday
this one
and I plan on doing smth similar
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? one of the most reliable sources that are available for free
When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? meh
Do you want to repaint your walls? I prefer to move out 
Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? hardwood
Who would you say is the most selfish person you know? majority of society
Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? waste of the movie
How old were you when you got to go on your first date? dunno what I can count as one
Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? weirdly protective
Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? never had a chance to
Has anyone ever called you a good kisser before? I had my moment
Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? she’s into men so...
Do you know someone who cares about themselves more than their child? it seems that most of parents act this way
What’s your favorite hairstyle you’ve had so far? hmm...
How many dogs do you have, if any at all? 1
Do you think biting is weird or sexy? biting hard is very dangerous and I’m not into being bitten but I might/can bite a little
Would you rather be called hot or beautiful? neither but I'll “believe” slightly more in being beautiful than hot I think
Have you ever had a pet turtle before? yep
Do you still sleep with your parents when you’re scared sometimes? just once I had a bad night and my dad was working overnight so I went to my mom’s bed but then I left in the middle of the night anyway as she was snoring, not that it usually bothers me 
Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes? saw pics on the internet only
How many surveys on average would you say you’ve done in your lifetime? shitload
Do you enjoy going school shopping? tiny bit as I enjoy shopping in general?
Do you think Pug dogs are adorable or just plain ugly? adorable
Have you ever met someone who completely resembled their pet? lookalikes
Has anyone ever knitted you something before? sure
Do you think there is a soulmate out there for everyone? then why some ppl die single?...
Do you like short or long surveys the best? it’s not about length, I need interesting questions
Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? I didn’t try to make it pas for real wtf
Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? *rolling my eyes*
How many uncles do you have? don’t know nor care as they don’t give a shit about me
Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? nah, sometimes I feel physically bad because of it tho
How often do you shower? basically everyday
What is the absolute worst thing about high school? from my personal experience - stress
How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? I don’t drink soda for years
Have you ever met an annorexic pregnant woman? woah I can’t imagine that
Have you ever simply looked at someone & could tell they were homosexual? oh well...
Do you have the ability to read someone without even knowing them? sometimes
Would you rather eat or sleep? sleep
Are you one of those die hard Twilight or Harry Potter fans? am not, especially Twilight - I didn’t read/watch it because it sounds awful
Have you ever cried while watching a movie trailor? yes 
Have you ever learned that someone had lied to you all along? sadly
When was the last time you had a physical injury? this ending week
Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer? not really
Have you ever had to bail someone out of jail before? nope
Is there anyone in your imediate family who was adopted? no
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have any common sense? I meet many ppl like this often on the streets or online
Do you think you look anything like your parents? I know I do
Who is the skinniest person you know? Is it because of a disease? when it comes to look or weight? disease though
Is this year the best one you’ve had so far? r u joking?...
What color is your significant other’s hair? natural or dye? XD
Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? yeah The best Christmas gift you ever gotten? The sims 2 as I dreamed of it and didn’t expect my poor parents will afford and give it to me ever, I was so moved that I cried and my sister was jealous and angry 
Who is your favorite actor or actress? can’t decide
What is cuter: kisses on the forehead of the cheek? I don’t consider them cute when I receive them but kind of awkward actually but giving them is a different story
Do you believe in evolution or creation? smth in between, it’s complicated 
What group would you say you’d normally fit into the most? I feel that I wouldn’t really fit any
Are you better at drawing things or painting? drawing
Have either of your parents ever called you a failure before? I am a failure
How long have you been on the computer right now? too long, about 6 hours Name three black things that you can see? celphone, pendrive, necklace would you perfer to do the dishes or hang washing/laundry? dishes
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years ago
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Thirty-Two: Gateway ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Divine Light ] [ AO3 Link ]
Well...this isn’t how he planned this journey to go, if he’s going to be honest with himself. When Itachi approached him with a plan to make a mountain of gold with what would likely be only average effort...well, he wasn’t about to say no. Sasuke isn’t a greedy young man, but he is a bit desperate. Their family, fallen from grace when he was a boy when their homeland was conquered, are only shadows of their former glory and influence. If they could just get some of their money back...then surely the Uchiha name would have a fighting chance!
But that means earning it. Their new ruling class aren’t too fond of those able to wield the elements...and that’s made things hard. So a job like that Itachi had described - rescuing a kidnapped princess from the clutches of her personal hand mage gone rogue - seemed the perfect opportunity. Their magic would put them on good footing. Add in that it would be two on one, and...surely they couldn’t fail.
Plans, however, have a way of...changing.
Because while they did indeed find the missing princess they’ve been looking for...there’s a slight problem. For Hinata, daughter of the king Hiashi of the line Hyūga, was not kidnapped. Or so she claims, backed up by the woman painted as the guilty party. Oh no...the tale was indeed far more complicated than that.
What Itachi had been told was that a woman - a mage and bequeathed to the princess when they were both only children - had stolen the princess away as a means of leverage for her escape. A citizen of a conquered land, she had been treated as an object, gifted to Hinata as a servant and plaything. The story went that her hatred had grown silently, never shown, until she stole the princess away to ensure her safety until reaching the border.
But...that’s not the truth, or so Hinata claims.
Itachi had held up a hand upon her rather blunt declaration of the true reason behind their being missing. “...your father was going to have you killed…?”
The princes gave a grave nod. “...several weeks ago...he discovered a truth I’d been hiding from him for quite some time. My mother - his first wife - was n-not what she seemed. She was a mage, but kept it hidden from all. My powers woke when I was young, and it was my handmaid who helped me hide it, and helped to teach me.”
The brothers’ eyes had gone wide, exchanging a knowing glance.
Hinata’s eyes dropped somberly to the floor. “...I knew he’d be furious should he ever discover it, but also that - eventually - it would slip. And when it did, he f-flew into a rage. Forbade me from ever using it, and began seeking ways to strip a mage of their powers. It was then we began to plot an escape. But just as we were preparing, my father revealed his own plan: a coverup. He would have me killed, and place the blame on my handmaid: spin a tale of hate and jealousy when in fact...she’s my closest friend.”
“...so when you escaped, he altered the tale…”
“Yes. We’re fleeing for the northern border - the lands Hiashi lost in the last war, and my previous homeland,” the maiden mage then offered, stepping up. “We plan to find asylum there. If we do, Hinata will be safe...and I can try to find the remnants of my people. We just have to evade those like you seeking to take Hinata back. If they were to succeed...I can guarantee she’d be dead within a fortnight.”
Itachi hummed in thought, a hand at his chin. “...might I make a suggestion?”
The women exchanged a look, and then warily nodded.
“First, let me ask: have you any coin? Surely you need it to make such a journey. But I can’t imagine you were able to raid Hiashi’s coffers before you fled.”
At that, Hinata gave a hint of a smile. “...I have my inheritance.”
“What, on you?” Sasuke asked skeptically.
“In a manner of speaking, but...for safety, I can’t really tell you.”
“I see...forgive my brother, he often speaks before thinking,” the elder then apologized, tone hinting at Sasuke to curb his tongue with a glance. “Then perhaps we could make a bit of a deal…?”
“What kind of deal…?”
“Well, when we began this quest, we sought to earn gold for our family by returning you ladies to the king. But now, we can hardly do so and keep our consciences happy. So what if we were to turn our intentions on their heads?”
“...meaning?” the handmaid asked.
“Rather than capture you...we could escort you. We know these lands well, and we are both adept in magic like yourselves. With which we could guide you through the safest routes, and help protect you...respectively.”
While the princess looked hopeful, her handmaid held out a bracing hand. “...why should we trust you?”
“I realize you have little more than our word to go on, but...in a sense, we know your struggle, ma’am. Our family was also assimilated unwillingly when we were conquered. It’s for them we work to refill our own coffers. In truth, we’ve little love for Hiashi...as mages, he sees us as lesser and tainted. By helping you, we could kill two birds with a single stone. Perhaps earn some coin, and also deliver a bit of a blow to the man who reduced our family to ruin.”
“...so you’re loyal not to Hiashi, but to yourselves...and your family.”
“And - out of necessity - coin. Should you agree to part with a small sum of the princess’ treasury, we’ll gladly lend you our aid.”
“And if someone were to offer you more to harm us?”
Itachi gave a wry smile. “Well...you also happen to have the advantage of being an enemy of our enemy. It will take more than that, I assure you.”
“...I think we should go with them,” Hinata had murmured, earning an uncertain glance from her companion.
“But, my lady…?”
“They’re right. We need help. And we have a common enemy.” There had been a small flicker of an emotion across her face at the word none of them could identify. “As far as I can s-see...we’ll all help one another. And it’s safer to travel together. Please…”
The mage sighed heavily. “...as you wish. But your safety is still my utmost priority, my lady.”
“I know.”
It was then, after a few more haggles over details, that the group of four had left the strange cave and took to the road. With only two horses between them, they maintained a slower pace to the next town. The mage had saddled up with Itachi, and Sasuke was stuck with the princess.
Thankfully, she hasn’t said much, just sitting behind him with a careful grip around his middle for balance. Sasuke’s never been too keen on women. Needless to say...he’s a bit unsteady.
“May I ask...which war saw you become citizens of my father’s nation…?”
“...it was when I was fairly small,” he manages to reply, tone a little terse with exasperation at the small talk. “Maybe five or so.”
“I see...the same, then, that I was given my handmaid. Only for the north to be conquered instead by the Namikaze king a few years later.”
“...that’s where we’re headed, eh?”
“Yes. We hope to find safety there.”
“What would they want with a princess no longer tied to a kingdom?”
“Their king and ours have a-always been at odds. My father’s loss to him left him embittered, and there’s been a long-standing stalemate between them. But unlike here...mages are free to live as they please in the north. It would be a personal blow if they played a hand in t-thwarting my father’s attempts to be rid of me. And even if no longer a princess by rite, I still carry royal blood.”
“Hn...never been one much for politics.”
That earns a soft laugh. “Nor have I. In all honesty...I’m glad to be rid of my title. It’s better suited to my sister.”
“...so, she’s a half-sister, then?”
“Yes...my mother died when I was four or so. Father then remarried, and soon had Hanabi. And after all of this, I wonder…”
“...if her death was planned as mine was. If Father remarried and had another child for fear that I would be like her…”
In spite of himself, Sasuke balks a bit in surprise. “...would he…?”
“...I can no longer assume he wouldn’t.”
Unsure what else to say, Sasuke instead looks up as they pass beneath an arch that houses a gateway into their next destination. The women need horses if they’re to make any decent pace. “...well, we’re here. My brother and I will buy the mounts. You two stay out of sight, and do your best to disguise yourselves. Speak to no one, and try not to leave the inn.”
With two rooms rented for the night, they settle the pair in before leaving for the livery.
“We’ll bring a meal with us,” Itachi promises. “Just be patient, if you would.”
“Thank you.”
Glancing to Hinata, Sasuke hesitates a moment. “...keep yourself safe until we get back.”
“...I will.”
     (This is a sequel to day 321!)       I'm super tired sooo I'll be brief!      More of the old RP-turned-fic...thing. Kinda. I dunno how to describe it xD Fantasy stuff! Mages! Not-so-kidnapped princesses! Evil kings! All we need are some dragons and our checklist will be complete, right?      I dunno if I'll do more of this - I'm...unsure about a lot lately given just how DRAINING and busy life has been (and will be) for...a while. So forgive me with how much I'm falling behind, I just CANNOT keep up. But as always, I WILL FINISH THIS. It's just gonna stretch past.      ALSO! Since we ARE nearing the end, please PLEASE let me know somehow - be it comments here, messages on Tumblr, etc. - your top pick(s) for ideas from this challenge you'd like to see given more chapters! I AM going to take a fairly big break after this challenge cuz OOF, but I DO want to do some short multichap fics once I'm recuperated, so...if you have a favorite, let me know, and I'll see if I can do more with it!      Anyway, I reallllly need to sleep, so I'll leave it at that - thanks for reading!
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comicteaparty · 6 years ago
April 25th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on April 25th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Castoff by Star Prichard.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Castoff by Star Prichard~! (https://castoff-comic.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
im probably going to go with frankie's introduction. this scene fulfilled several things for me. first, it explored more of the world in a super natural way that makes complete sense to the story and gives you a better picture. second, i super love frankie. he is a great character deserving of hugs. third, i enjoy how frankie joining the party works out. it felt like so logical how everything played out despite the difficulty in getting another person to join the party naturally.
just overall though i love frankie's addition. i think his personality is a great balance to vector and arianna's personalities since both are not the friendliest of sorts since one is super shy and the other super grumpy. and i feel like frankie perfectly fits the triforce
That triforce analogy is great and I agree
another scene i really enjoy is the one where arianna captures vector. i love the lighting on the pages because it is so ungodly ominous and really sets the mood. plus, its the first major time we get to see magic and it looks amazing (edited)
but on the frankie train, i also enjoy how he offers vector something that arianna cannot. which is knowing what its like to be feared and kind of one-of-a-kind. cause i think this makes for a beautiful friendship between the two that offers vector more emotional support in a way than arianna can't. not to mention, one of my other fave scenes is the one where vector stands up for frankie against arianna and says nah my dude, hes coming with us. that was such a significant character growth for vector that hit me right in the feels. and i think it works cause of how vector clearly empathizes with frankie, so it all ties together
Little one seems calm in her crib now. Hiyo, and awesome to have another creator who's a teacher. ^^
hi math
I made it through 5 of the chapters. My favourites in general through that is probably the "Wait, What" moments, just because I tend to use them myself... there was the one with Zera, about Arianna's full name, and then with Arianna, who did it about Frankie coming along with them. (Also, a hint that they're related? Hmmmm.)
Zera and Arianna that is, not Arianna and Frankie.
Good point about the Frankie and Vector similarities, incidentally. I wonder if the "Frankie" name is a riff on "Frankenstein"?
There's also the fact that "Vectors" can refer to small organisms like mosquitoes that carry diseases. I feel like there's stuff going on with names.
nope arianna and frankie are related now. new head canon
arianna was also a robot this whole time
It would explain how she died.
you know what, i didnt draw the connection between frankie and frankenstein
thats a good catch math
and very fitting for the character
Though I admit my own feelings about that are Arianna's got amnesia or something, which is why she can't be tracked.
Just kinda occurred after the dramatic reveal.
Also, since I teach math, I was already suspicious of the name "vector".
QUESTION 2. The comic’s central character, Vector, has many mysteries surrounding him. What exactly do you think Vector is? Why is Vector seemingly able to do powerful magic beyond any mage? Why does Vector make everyone become almost possessed and panicked, and why are Arianna and Frankie exceptions? Why do you think Vector is wanted for treason? Is Arianna right that it’s a trumped up charge to get rid of him? If so, why would Alveria want him silenced? How do you think Vector wound up with Ms. Robins? Last but not least, what might all this have to do with the prologue’s opening scene?
I got this. Vector's the guy who was tied up in the prologue, they were trying to use him to do crazy magics... and he wasn't the first, since it's implied there's others. But with him it went wrong and the magic ended up inside him. Arianna was that girl peeking at the door when it happened, so she's okay with the crazy eye thing, and it's why they thought she died. They want Vector back to undo the magic stuff, hence "treason" in order to get everyone interested.
Also, for Vector... coo coo kachew, Ms. Robins' son, Jesus loves you more than you will know. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
math no XD
i also agree at least that vector is the guy from the prologue
and he got all the magic trapped inside him
and is now super magic baby
he is the living essence of magic
and the voice hes been hearing is the soul of magic
Maybe it was a big plan to try to bring magic to the other parts of the world that went very bad.
but perhaps the yellow eyed one recieved a part of the magic
since i bleieve there was a lot of light paths coming off
and he was the first one we meet
Speaking of which, massive props to starting things out with the failed radio-like device at the start. To put us into the frame of mind of magic. Sets the scene real well and acts as a misdirect later when you realize it's not worldwide.
There was actually a bunch of sneaky stuff then, like the mention of "Feron" ages and ages before it came up again. (Honestly, if the creator hadn't pointed that out, I'd have missed it.)
i really need to go back and examine the prologue closely.
I meant this part: https://castoff-comic.com/comic/chapter-1-page-8/
ah. that is smart. good catch in details!
actually i take my theory back. reexamining the prologue, i dont think vector was the guy tied to the chair. but i do think hes basically an aspect of pure magic. and i agree that given all the light balls coming off the event, there are probably more of vector's kind out there(edited)
but since vector is an aspect of magic, thats why he has the effect he does. like maybe yellow magic is the magic of fear
vector was a yellow lantern all along
Oh, that's an interesting idea. I like that. Since magic is colour based in this world.
(Zera is Green Lantern?)
yeah see this is just an origin of the lantern corps story.
but i think vector being an essence of magic ties in all the dots. but rather than the voice being the soul of magic, maybe its the guy who probably got killed during that event.
So how is Arianna red if zombies are supposed to be black lanterns...
though if there are more vector's, youd think theres be more wanted posters. unless vector is the only one they never found
cause shes not a zombie probably
There was no picture of Vector since he was just a wee one at the time. And I think it was said he was the only one with no image. The others they had pictures for. So if they weren't found, they're probably in hiding.
Probably amnesia. Zombie is a fun thought though.
i mean its not impossible for her to be a zombie.
An amnesiac zombie?
another point for why i love vector and frankie's relationship though, if we go through this vector is magic theory, it means he and frankie are polar opposites. making their friendship more beautiful
best of both worlds i see
i can respect that
That's pretty cool, actually. Do you ship them?
i dont think i ship vector with anyone yet cause vector has to do some character growth first.
Fair. (I think all I can ship is Arianna and Sonja. And the latter seems to have a thing for Zera.)
I do like Arianna's nickname habit.
Popping in late to say Arianna is my fav because I’m a sucker for angry girls
Hi kay. Cool. She seems to have had a harsh childhood.
i wonder what her nickname for zera would be
maybe raccoon
cause of the dark circles
She seemed to know him, from Zera's mental flashback. She was saying things were his fault. So maybe "jerkface".
that is also plausible
actually tbf, double plausible
cause i doubt shes gonna be happy to know hes the reason shes wanted
whereas if he had just left it alone everything would be fine
and only vector would be the wanted man
Yeah, puts a wrench into her plans. Whatever those are.
Maybe she's trying to find out her true identity. What with the amnesia.
(I should fix this broken record.)
the plot twist is zera was what she wanted to steal back all along
QUESTION 3. Besides Vector, Arianna herself has some mysteries surrounding her. Who exactly is Arianna? Is she the real Arianna Marcel, or did she steal the name? If the latter, why would she steal it? Who is the real Arianna Marcel to Zera? What do you think will happen when Zera catches up with Arianna in his quest for truth? How do you think Arianna wound up on the streets as she mentions regarding her past? What do you think Arianna is after in the capital, and why was it taken from her? Ultimately, how do you think Arianna’s quest to retrieve her stolen property will interfere with her taking care of Vector and getting him home?
arianna is probably that person whose name got covered up by the speech bubble on that one page. and i think arianna took the name out of sorrow for missing who im just gonna assume is her sister. cause she desperately wished she was the one who was dead
All you other Arianna's are just imitating so won't the real Arianna please stand up, please stand up...
I'm not sure which name coverup you mean, but I think it is clever how the art does faded bubbles for when someone's half unconscious or when someone's talking over someone else.
I do feel like Arianna's the real one though. And that she was the one spying in the prologue, as I said.
i will try to find the page im talking about
the alternate is that she is the real arianna and the one who dies was her sister. i dont discount that
given the same last name i assume siblings tho?
in regards to the relationship between zera and her
Tempting. Could be cousins.
that page bottom right
so there is clearly someone else with the marcel named that exists or once existed
Ahhhh! So that's the mystery sister.
(Incidentally, been reading Chapter 6 in the background here. Elves are colour-coded too... makes me wonder if it's personality based or what.)
i think when zera catches up to arianna hes gonna have a my life is a lie conflict and realize that whether shes the real one or not, he was never told everything about the death. cause the death of the real or fake arianna i think has a lot to do with why she was on the streets
i did get the impression the auras were based on personality
like arianna is super angry therefore gets the red magic
i feel somewhere it was mentioned real arianna's aura was pink?
which is why i do think this arianna is the sister of the real arianna. that apparently zera didnt care about at all. for shame zera. especially cause if i knew there was another marcel id be searching for that one to make sure there were no shenanigans
Yeah, Zera said pink. Which is close, which is why I think she was just mentally tweaked a bit. Also, Arianna's eyes do the red glow thing, and I don't think that's necessarily true of others doing casting?
Okay I’m back from class Will have to leave again in a bit but I just caught up reading everything and I’m enjoying all the theories
Yay class! Next comes the grading. What a life. ^.^
Ehehe, I’m technically an assistant teacher so no grading for me~
I’m an assistant ESL teacher in Japan- my part of teaching is mostly “get the kids to practice their English” via games and stuff
Fair enough. Didn't mean to vector us off track. ^.^ Incidentally, I originally thought that maybe Vector's power didn't work on Frankie because he only had the one eye, so the eyepatch was saving him. Until the whole metal revelation.
ya know tbf that was a decent theory before the metal reveal.
im sticking with our arianna being fake and think shes after something of the real arianna's. like a magic gem or something. i do think down the line arianna is gonna have to pick which is more important: the thing she was trying to get or vector. and i think shell be a good person and pick vector cause shes growing and learning its not cool to sacrifice ppl for your aims
on a side note i hope we get to meet her merc company
im interested to see them(edited)
Maybe they have gem boasting nights out. "Mine's bigger" and all that.
i hope thats true somewhere in the comic's world XD
It might be why people are annoyed at the elves.
Heh, "Best Friends plus Arianna", nice one. Made it to Chapter 7.
i found it interesting that even the elves freaked out at vector. cause the minute they appeared that was the largest question on my mind. if theyd be effected or not
QUESTION 4. Of course, there are a few other mysteries present within the story. Do you think there is any story related reason only some continents in the world have magic? Why do you think Frankie, a machine, was created? Further, what is Frankie doing in Kardia in the first place? How do you think Frankie might help or hinder Vector and Arianna getting back to Alveria, especially since he’ll be aiding criminals? Back in Alveria, why do you think General Brisse was so critical of Zera? Do you think he might know something the others don’t? Overall, what do you think will happen once the characters are back in Alveria? Who will side with who on this matter?
i do think the lack of magic might be related. but i kind of think maybe its the opposite to what was already stated. and that the ppl in the prologue were trying to monopolize magic so they could be the superior country
I think Frankie coming to Kardia is related to his injuries. Like he escaped from his creators or something. That's why they couldn't fix him and he had to do it himself.
Hmmm, maybe there's some big magic/tech war going on in the background and only the General is in on it. The magic people are temporarily undefended what with Vector having most of the magic bottled away, hence why their shield is only around their castle and not the whole capitol, and why they want Vector back - or dead, if that would spread the magic around.
i considered that as a possibility. cause usually magic and tech are at war. and weve already seen evidence that magic users think tech is dumb cause how silly of ppl to want things that magic can already do.
but also math how dare you suggest frankie has such a tragic past
hes too innocent for that
and i have to go weep in the corner for him now
frankie was probably created with not good intentions. i mean i could pretend he was meant to test the legs of tech and see how far they could go. more likely they just wanted a robot assassin
am i the only one who things brisse has something to do with arianna's death? cause he seemed really critical of what is actually a good lead to finding a criminal he super wants. and i mean it could just be the last name thing, but i still get the impression he knows something
Aw. I feel like all the characters have tragic pasts though. And when Frankie told his story, I did wonder why he had to fix himself up... like, did he maybe even kill his creator? And repressed the memory along with the defense personality?
I think Brisse is just pretty focussed and has probably read Zera's files. I could be wrong. Though it reminds me of Terran. I like him as a secondary character. Good puns, and good plans for circumventing things that aren't technically against the rules.
yes i appreciate him having a loose interpretion of what he should and shouldnt do
i hope the creator isnt dead just for the story potential tbh
for frankie
cause thats just what they need
frankie's creator showing up to say "hey frankie what up"
and frankie can be like "oh noooooo"
Twist, Frankie's creator is a zombie.
Still thinking about side characters actually, the scene between the bookstore woman and the priest was nice. Kind of superfluous at first glance, but it gave Vector more backstory and added more to the world.
Also confirmed not-dead.
yeah i was intrigued by that scene. but tbf as a character ms robins is useful cause she can give us insight into whats going on in the capital outside of the royal guard
cause surely shell see the wanted poster at some point
and go wtf
maybe even try talking to someone
get thrown in jail
tell vector if he doesnt show up theyll assume she did the treason
i took that from happy to sad
very quickly
That's a very good point. I hadn't considered that.
Maybe she'll meet them as they're approaching the city.
yeah she could also be a key ally in helping them
cause for sure i think itll be obvious to the guards at a point theyre heading back to the capital
She does seem very overprotective. I wondered about her reaction initially, as Arianna didn't seem so bad. Then, of course, she proved to be self-serving.
after they get frankie his own wanted poster
Wanted... for cuddling.
wanted for being a great dude
One other thing I want to mention before we wrap up is I dig the art style on the characters. I'm not quite sure what it is, the larger eyes or the hairstyles or some mix? But I like it.
Just don't get Frankie wet. He's like a gremlin.
yeah i really love the art style as well. although what sells it for me is the magic. that magic circle in the prologue was beautiful with how it glowed and made me eager to see more of the magic.
but i might just be a sucker for magic circles
before we close out i do want to say i think zera will join forces with the main trio at some point
Oh, I dig magic circles too. Big Nanoha junkie over here.
cause zera does not seem like someone whod look at shady stuff going on and be like "im ok with this"
Zera does seem to have a conscience. I think they'll butt heads first though.
oh for sure
i hope terran finds something interesting in zera's file
like zera has a side career as a juggler once
He finds... a magic square!
(Hey, if colours can vary, why not shapes. )
ya know what, despite that being a joke thatd be very interesting
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Star Prichard, as well, for making Castoff. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Star Prichard’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://castoff-comic.com/
Star’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/castoff
Castoff’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/CastoffComic
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years ago
[ @sasuhinamonth || SasuHina Month 2019 || Day Ten: Historical Romance ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi, Hyūga Hanabi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Georgian Gentry ] [ AO3 Link ]
From very young, it has been impressed upon her that the most key of her purposes will be, in fact, to wed...and wed well.
With two daughters and no sons, having lost his wife so early, Hiashi Hyūga has been left with few options. With a dead twin brother and a sister-in-law left with the only male heir in their line, it’s almost certain that any and all inheritance from both estates will be deferred to his nephew, rather than his daughters.
Therefore, all his hopes lie with both Hinata and Hanabi marrying well.
At nineteen years old now, Hinata is in her prime. Well-educated for a lady, with abilities to draw, to dance, to sing, to sew, and even play the piano, she is the portrait of a future wife. Soft-spoken, well-mannered, and sweetly tempered, she needs only to meet the man who will have her.
Having been told again and again since her mother’s death that her role is preordained, Hinata has long since accepted such a lot...if not a bit somberly. Hiashi has not the heart to marry again. There will be no son of his own to inherit. Instead, he struggles to arrange interviews and meetings with other affluent men of the county. For it’s true, the Hyūga estate does well...but his daughters will be left with only dowries of mediocre size once Neji takes on the land and money.
But misfortune seems to follow in his wake. Again and again, circumstances have failed to align. Suitor after suitor has either refused, or been made unable to accept. And soon, he fears there may be no options left.
...but then, a miracle.
“What news from town, Tokuma?” Hiashi asks this morning, eyes scanning the paper briefly.
“The only thing of note would be the taking of an empty property by a new family, sir.”
With a flutter, Hiashi folds the paper down, looking over it to his distant, employed relative. “...oh?”
Upstairs, still dressing before breakfast, Hinata glances up as a knock sounds against her door. “...yes?”
Given leave, Hanabi steps in, lips pursed in a pout. “Natsu fumbled my hair again - can you fix it?”
“All right, all right...come and sit.” Removing the ribbons from her sister’s hair, Hinata sorts it with a brush before applying her usual style.
“Father seems delighted this morning.”
“Yes, he left before he finished breakfast to go somewhere. He didn’t say where. But Tokuma said there’s a new family moved nearby, and Father went to introduce himself.”
Immediately, Hinata’s eyes lift from her task, pausing. “...a new family…?”
“He didn’t know much more than that.” Turning in her seat to look at her sister, Hanabi asks, “...do you think Father means to check for a suitor?”
“...I’d imagine so. He’s grown quite d-desperate as of late.” Urging Hanabi back around, Hinata continues her work. “...there, all done. Now, down to the table with you.”
The sisters eat alone, Hiashi still nowhere to be found. He doesn’t return, in fact, until late in the day. By then, the news has spread to everyone on the estate, and his daughters rush to meet him.
“Are there sons?” Hanabi asks as he leaves his carriage. “Will Hinata marry one of them?”
“They are to attend a ball this Friday next,” Hiashi replies. “...and we shall make an appearance as well, when I will introduce you.”
Giddy, Hanabi begins rambling as she takes off back toward the house. Hinata, however, lingers back. “...are they agreeable?” is her idle question.
“I met only one son - the other was absent. The elder, Itachi, is very soft-spoken, very agreeable. The younger, I hear, is a bit more...standoffish. Your age. But you will have a chance to meet them both come Friday. Whichever you better catch the eye of is what matters. The rest you can sort out once you’re wed and have nothing else to fear.”
Slowing to a stop as Hiashi keeps on toward the house, Hinata lingers, expression falling.
The manor is all aflutter the week before the ball. Both girls have dresses freshly tailored and touched up, adorned with ribbons and perfectly fitted. As they make for the hall to host the dance, Hinata can’t help the butterflies she feels in her gut. It’s been some time since she last met a suitor...and she’s sure the other girls of the county will be just as eager to snap the brothers up. She can only hope all her grooming for this task will serve her well.
A bit crowded, they must wait a while before making it to the doors, disembarking and making their way in. Familiar faces abound - it seems the news of newcomers has everyone willing to gather and see. Keeping close to her party, Hinata tries to spot the newest guests.
Within, dancing has already started, and Hiashi gets confirmation that the brothers have yet to arrive. “Fashionably late,” he mutters, releasing his daughters to go and start dancing.
Hanabi is quick to acquiesce, Hinata lingering with a few local girls around her age. Partners seem a bit scarce, so she’ll wait her turn...and linger by the doorway. Just in case.
Five minutes pass. Then ten. Absorbed in conversation, Hinata looks up as the hall seems to quiet.
...they’re here.
A family of four: rather small for their era. On either side flank the pair’s parents: their father, a square-jawed, barrel-chested man...and their mother, a slender, almost haughty-looking beauty. Between them, the sons. The elder, a bit taller, wears raven hair in a long tail. He almost looks...perhaps a bit frail. And beside him, the young, with black hair untamed and a wary gaze.
The host greets them, and with that, the hall eases back into its festivities.
Seeing her father catch her eye, Hinata moves to join him. “My elder daughter, Hinata,” he offers as she curtsies before the newcomers. “Hanabi is already dancing. Hinata...this is Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi, and Sasuke Uchiha.”
“A pleasure,” she offers softly, smiling warmly. “I hope you’ve enjoyed your time in our county this far…?”
“It’s far less crowded than London,” Fugaku quickly agrees, arms crossed. “We’ll see how we fare.”
“It is a quiet lifestyle here, but diverting in its own way,” Hiashi assures them. “But perhaps for now, one of the young gentlemen would like to dance…?”
After a tick, it’s not Itachi, but Sasuke that steps forward. “If I may…?”
Giving a nod, Hinata offers her hand, a bit curious at the pause and gesture. Her father had named the younger brother as standoffish...why would he take the initiative, then?
...it would seem she’s much to learn about these newcomers, yet.
     ...I've always wanted to write something like this xD Technically I started a fic like it on ff.net ages ago that I never finished with another Hinata ship, but...sadly I lost interest when I had a rather lengthy illness, BUT! Here's my second, shorter shot at it lol      No idea if I'll do more, but...here's a taste of it? It was my first thought at the word 'historical', haha~      Anyway, that's it for SHM today! Be back later for my daily - thanks for reading~
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years ago
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Eighty-Seven: Open ___ ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, alcohol, vulgarity ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
He’s never liked weddings. But at least this one has something he can appreciate: that being an open bar.
Sipping his whiskey on the rocks, Sasuke tries to ignore the party behind him. A little difficult to do, however, as the groom’s best man. He never thought the idiot would manage it, but...here they are, celebrating his wedding to his childhood sweetheart.
The same woman that obsessed over Sasuke nearly their entire primary and secondary school careers.
But hey, apparently people change. And he couldn’t be happier for them. Maybe with the pair of them hitched, they’ll have less time to drive him nuts.
...they’re his friends. Really, they are. But sometimes they really test that definition is all.
“Excuse me…”
Glancing over as someone steps up to his right, Sasuke recognizes one of Sakura’s bridesmaids: Hinata Hyūga. Ino had the honor of being her, well...maid of honor. The two have been inseparable since first grade...even if they had their rough spots due to...eugh, competition over who, apparently, was going to end up dating Sasuke.
Now Ino just needs to get married…
Hinata, however, was more their wallflower friend, from what he can recall. The quiet background girl to their bombastic natures and forward actions. And in all honesty, he’s surprised she’s here, all things considered. After all...she was head over heels for Naruto for a long time. It’d been hard enough for her, surely, when Naruto and Sakura started dating. He can only imagine what it’s gotta be like being a bridesmaid in their wedding.
Sure, it might’ve been a while ago now...but first loves always stick with you, right?
Sasuke wouldn’t know. He hasn’t had one yet. And doesn’t really plan on it, in all honesty.
Still, he snaps from his spirit-tinged stupor as she asks the barkeep for...ginger ale? A dark brow perks, and his addled mind doesn’t censor asking, “You feelin’ sick?”
Startling a bit at his voice, she nearly sloshes her soda. “W...what?”
“Ginger ale. Isn’t it good for stomach aches?”
Pale eyes blink. “Um...yes, but...I just...I don’t drink.”
There’s a soft snort at his rather...obvious slip in character. “It’s just n-not my thing.”
“But there’s an open bar - it’s free!”
“And so is the soda,” she replies simply.
Sasuke scoffs...but doesn’t have a retort.
“Is there a reason the b-best man is getting so...sloshed?”
“Psh, I’m not sloshed. Just...taking the edge off,” he mutters.
“...I hate weddings.”
“Oh...then why did you…?”
“S’not like I could say no,” he sighs, realizing her question before she finishes. “He’s my best friend. I guess. I dunno. He can be a right prick sometimes, but…” Shoulders lift in a shrug.
Hinata gives a smile that’s both sympathetic...and perhaps a bit amused. “I mean...I wasn’t exactly Sakura’s b-best friend in high school. To be honest...I don’t know w-why she asked me.”
“Could be she just wanted to boost her maid numbers,” he offers, examining his held-aloft cup. It’s almost empty...he needs to fix that. “She’s a show-off that way. Probably wants t’be able to shove that in Ino’s face later, that she had more bridesmaids…”
The Hyūga’s expression falls just a hair...and thankfully Sasuke notices. Ooh...he said a bad, didn’t he?
“...or maybe she wants to reconnect,” he tries to amend, but it’s clearly too late. Apparently she hadn’t considered the possibility she’s just number fodder as opposed to a valued friend. Sasuke doesn’t know their relationship: he can’t exactly speak on the matter, just offer a theory. But...clearly there’s a hint of truth to it if she takes it to heart.
After a pause, she slides up onto the stool besides him, taking a sip of her soda. “...maybe. At least it’s been fun, I guess…”
“Fun? Really?”
“In a way.”
“How’s it fun to watch your childhood sweetheart marry someone else?”
...damn it, he really needs to learn to shut up. Maybe he has had too much to drink if he’s going to blurt things out like that...like some kind of asshole.
Hinata flinches. “...that was...a long time ago.”
“...uh huh. Your reaction’s real telling.” Someone shut this man up!
Pale eyes slide to their corners to give him a look. “...and you’re c-clearly still bitter about how Sakura treated you...at least I made an e-effort not to let my feelings ruin their day. I’m sure they’ve noticed the best man sulking and drowning his sorrows…”
“You kidding? Those two only notice me when they want something,” Sasuke scowls, kicking back the rest of his whiskey and flagging for another. “S’far as I know, my duties are over for the night...I’m done. We did the toasts and all that nonsense. All that’s left is cake and dancing...and I hate cake. And dancing.”
“Do you like anything?” Hinata asks with a sigh.
“...yeah. But nothing I like is here.”
“What a winning attitude,” she half teases, half drawls.
“My cynicism is all that keeps me going.”
Her eyes roll. “...I don’t know what’s going to pickle you first: your drinks, or your vinegar attitude.”
At that, he gives a snicker. “...that was a good one. You’ve got a sense of humor. I learned something new.”
“Yeah. Though to be fair…I dunno anything about you besides that you were that weird, quiet kid in school.”
“Not much has changed, really,” she assures him. “Now I’m just the w-weird, quiet adult at work.”
“The one everyone’s afraid is gonna go ballistic?”
“More like the one that gets walked all over. But at least I can pay my rent,” she replies, shrugging.
“Well that’s no fun.”
“What about you? Still mister popular?”
His lips fall into a pout. “...nah. Well, maybe a bit. I’m just another lackey in my dad’s company while my brother gets groomed for a top dog role. I’m fine with being whatever, so long as I can afford what I need to. Just gets old, y’know? I love my brother, and I love my dad. But it leaves a guy wondering what it’s like to be the favorite.”
Hinata gives a sympathetic frown. “...sorry.”
“Not your fault.”
“No, but...I brought it up.”
“Was only fair - I asked you first.”
The music then quiets, and the pair turn to see Naruto attempting to remove Sakura’s garter for a crowd of luck-seeking guys in attendance.
Sasuke’s face falls into one of disgust. “Eugh...creepy.”
“...you take a garment from a newly-wedded woman’s thigh...and you toss it to a bunch of dudes who probably just wanna use it as an excuse to get laid. Just like ladies use the bouquet as one to hint at getting married.”
Hinata can’t help a snort. “...I’ll admit, it’s weirder than the bouquet. But hey, traditions are usually weird.”
“I’d never let my wife do that. Anything under her gown is husband-only, far as I’m concerned.”
A far less dignified snort works its way from Hinata’s nose, almost spilling her ginger ale.
“Noting, just...w-wasn’t expecting that,” she giggles.
There’s an uproar as the garter is thrown, and then comes the bouquet. “...gonna go try?”
“Why not?”
“I’m hardly even looking to date, let alone get married,” she replies with an exasperated smile. “...better to let someone else have that moment. It wouldn’t m-mean anything to me.”
“...fair enough.”
With that, the music kicks back up, and the pair lapse into a companionable silence. He’ll admit...seems Hinata’s grown a bit since they last spoke, what...back in high school? Seems her shyness is still there, just...with a new tinge of sass. Or maybe just a bit more confidence...or it could be a lesser tolerance for bull.
Either way...he’s having fun talking to her. By far, in his opinion, the best part of the night he’s had yet.
“...do you want to dance?”
“Dance. Do you want to?”
“I told you, I hate dancing.”
“And I hate seeing you mope. You’re here, you might as well do something, right?”
“I am doing something,” he sniffs. “I’m drinking.”
Giving him a look, Hinata abandons her half-empty glass and tugs on him. “...come on.”
“Come o-on!”
“I said no!” he retorts, nevertheless stumbling off his stool at her insistence. “The hell’s your problem, lady?”
“I’m bored, and I want to dance. And I don’t know anyone else here well enough to dance with. And you need to take a break. I don’t want you miserable in the morning.”
“Who says you’d even see me in the morning?” he retorts, following her into the crowds.
“I suppose that depends on how the night goes,” she teases back, smile ensuring him that’s one hundred percent a joke.
...but it still makes him pause.
Giving a little shimmy, she tries to egg him into dancing. “Can you still manage basic motor skills?”
“Course I can. Maybe I just don’t want to.”
“Either way, you’re doing it.” She gives him a pointed look. “Dance with me.”
Heaving a sigh, he blinks owlishly at her. “...fine. But you owe me a drink, since I never got my second whiskey before you whisked me away.”
Snorting at the wordplay, she replies, “I’ll consider it...after you dance.”
Sighing, he does a little...something. “...how’s that?”
“Pathetic,” she laughs. “Come on! You have to try.”
“All right, all right…” Following her lead, he just sort of...grooves around. Sasuke’s never been much of a dancer, but...this isn’t too bad.
...and maybe he really wants her to get him that drink.
     I had an UBER long day and I'm v tired and only just managed to get this done at two am, sO...I'm gonna be brief, lol      I dunno...what this is. I stared at the prompt before the phrase 'open bar' popped into my head, and we got...this. Out of a very tired author's brain. So I have nO idea if it's any good.      Hinata feels...a lil ooc? But she's feelin' the sass after her convo with Sasuke, and tbh the look she gives Hanabi in The Last when Hanabi's teasing her tells me that Hinata DOES have some inner sass (even if The Last isn't the greatest movie and I replace Naruto with Sasuke in it, in my head xD). So maybe it's not too bad. I dunno. I'm v tired, ahaha~      Annnyway, I need to go sleep, so that's it outta me for now! Thanks for reading~
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