#a bit criticism
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Nightfall headcanon! Do you know/believe in MBTI personality types? I do, but not to a T. If you do, what do you think willemmy's mbti would be? I feel like em would be INTP/INFP, and will would be ENFJ/ENFP. Like theyre mostly the complete opposite, but because they are both very curious people, they always aim for more, better, higher. One knowledge or trouble is not enough for people like them, they need to be in constant adventure. I think it suits them so much because even when they werent shown to be adventurous (action-wise) given the circumstances, when they do, it was always full of adrenaline. Not to mention, willemmy was CRAZY! They were literally going through so much shit, plus all those mind games in blackchurch from everyone, and they came out ok, and be like "yeah fun". I cannot imagine kaibanks having the same reaction with them honestly, lmaooo! Like would kaibanks have fun? Yea maybe, but would they be crackheads about it like willemmy? Nah. Even michaelrika would be crying over each other honestly. And damonwinter would be more protective and doting of each other. Idk, theres something crazy about willemmy that scratches a very specific part of my brain. Like they literally are THAT couple in the series thats ACTUALLY fucking unhinged. The other three are unhinged too, but were they on willemmy's level? No. Like if you noticed, Nightfall is considered boring to many, but thats the thing, if you read in a different pov, the story was unhinged from the start until the end. One trouble after another. It's a constant thing, not like Corrupt, Hideaway or Kill Switch where the troubles are two or three at most, and thats why Nightfall "Little Trouble" is just! So! Willemmy!
Unpopular opinion, readers when they enter Nightfall, are already so desentisized with unhinge things because of the past 3.5 books that they dont realised the more extreme and constant high stakes of Nightfall. For me, this element was what made dynamic good too, because they really like to cause trouble everywhere 🤣 for themselves, for each other and literally for everyone. No wonder their family wanna jump kick them (fondly) sometimes ahaha! I remember Michael being frustrated at Emmy during the chase and run with Martin at the end of the book because she took the time to daydream 😭🤣 and kai being frustrated with will too 🤣 and who fit in with willemmy well from the start again? Damon! Exactly, hahaha! And thats why i'll always think willemmy's the most unhinged, because all the characters have to think about their morals yada yada for years, but willemmy was like huh? That was only ONE trouble though? No big deal 😭☠️🤣 they onky took years to find courage for the other but whenit comes to chaos? No one had to instigate anything 🤣😂 ahahhaha the more i think about it, the funnier it gets. It's even funnier when emmy thought nothing abiut her fits in with them, when she LITERALLY was a little shit too (fondly) like the rest of her current family 🥹 Like Willemmy's the couples that made people like kai wanna choke them to death (lovingly ofc), michael want to bonk their sometimes, and damon wants to jump in the truck with, ahahaha. Little trouble really suits Emory so much because of this. When PD wrote about if Will didnt find trouble, trouble will find him 😂 No truer thoughts have been spoken!
Back to willemmy's MBTIs, Willemmy's minds and hearts are always churning too, for more and better things. Because of their N type function, they got each other in a more sincerely deep and complex relationship than others because casual or shallow things dont work for them in a long run. Like the things they talk about, their hobbies, passion, feelings about everything is deeper than just the surface, and they really need someone to share these kind of personality with. It's not because they were trying to be different either, they were just naturally curious people with big thirst and interest in mysteries or the nature of things. It's because their need to be and do more is like top priority. So people either dont bother to speak more to them because theyre not as interested as them in certain topics, they assume they cant handle it because of their introverted/extroverted qualities, or are just intimidated to talk them about certain things because theyre smart people or smth like that. These MBTIs can usually only genuinely connect and build a long fulfilling lasting relationship with others with the same function of them (N type) and I wasnt surprised at all when willemmy never found any deep curious connection with others even if they might have friends and families surrounding them for so long. This doesnt mean they felt unloved or anything, but rather, in things that they were very invested in (which are many), they might feel very lonely because they have no one who they can communicate with in super complex manner. The horsemen and cowgirls are friends and fanily with will, but he cant always nerd or geek out about everything that he likes, hates or wtf, to them because they might think he wasnt able to handle it, or because they cant keep up with the way he works out his feelings, logic and interests in general. Will is like thos people who's fucking deranged about something but his friends response to say, godzilla will be "haha, that was fun" and he'll be like? JUST fun? Why? Like he literally ate up challenges and curiosity like snacks yeah, and a lot of his conversation with his friends so far in the books were very surface level things even though he mentioned many times he craves for something more complex than that. Rather than putting a blame to anyone about how he feels, or the way others treated it, i think it's more accurate to say that he just needs to find someone who can fulfill this needs, outside of his friendship with his friends. Because what he differs from his friends or personality wasnt just the way they and he percieve each other, but rather a very personal need that he never really realised he needed, until he met emmy and took all those years in prison and after to sort what kind of relationship and person he want to be with to feel fulfilled in life. So then comes Emory Scott. Unhinged and curious, likes to argue, just as prideful, smart, creative, confident in her abilities, loyal and everything else that he loves about the her world and want to actively be apart of. Whatever thing that emmy lacks when it comes to processing complicated feelings, will balanced it. Whatever will lacked with critical thinking, emmy made up for it. They challenged each other and make each other feel so fulfilled and happy. (Imma cry for willemmy as i write this). Em was more lax in her work too, even she plans things, if she felt or thought she couldnt continue it, she just stops in the midst of some plans, and on the opposite, will was a bit random with his life, but when he got a plan, he really sticks to it. Willemmy is the most Perfect for each other. The end. Lmao.
Edited for grammar, spelling and word choice; but also re-reading the ask made me unbelievably happy! Thanks to the anon that sent it in, if you're still around!
I used to be really into MBTI types, and I think they’re a great place to start when trying to understand a character*. But I haven’t thought about it in years and haven’t considered what their types would be. I used to take online test and answer as I think the characters would and then check a few of the neighboring types to see if any fit really well. I might still do that now...
I feel like em would be INTP/INFP, and will would be ENFJ/ENFP. Like theyre mostly the complete opposite, but because they are both very curious people, they always aim for more, better, higher.
I agree that Em would be more on the I-T side and Will E-F, but the other functions in the stack are hard to figure out.
However, you’ve got me thinking! Em is so incredibly curious. With people who have such serve trauma, it’s impossible to tell what traits are natural to them and what traits they developed to survive. I wonder if Em would have always been as logical and hard if she didn’t need to quickly develop those traits to combat Martin.
Would she lean more towards playful, as we kind of see her behave at the Cove on Homecoming, or even in Blackchurch at times?
Or was that just those circumstance that allowed her to let go for a short time, and she would have always developed this tendency towards logic over emotions?
It’s hard to tell, because she’s so jealous over the other kid’s freedom, but at the same time, she attributes her desire to stand out in areas like band, swim, and academics as just apart of who she is without outside influence of Martin and his abuse. She’s competitive by nature, and a lot of time, competitive people fall within the Thinking function.
they got each other in a more sincerely deep and complex relationship than others because casual or shallow things dont work for them in a long run. Like the things they talk about, their hobbies, passion, feelings about everything is deeper than just the surface, and they really need someone to share these kind of personality with. It's not because they were trying to be different either, they were just naturally curious people with big thirst and interest in mysteries or the nature of things.
Will and Em compliment each other really well, as you pointed out! On the surface, they seem like the opposites attract trope, but in they’re not really opposites. They’re nerds on different ends of the spectrum.
For example, I spent some time thinking about their love of movies. I didn’t catch it my first few times reading, but Will’s family owns the theater. At first, I thought Will just saw her go in, followed her, and that’s how he knew about Godzilla. He also knows that she likes movies, so he could have been staking out one of her favorite haunts. But what if he was already there, in the projection room?
When he takes her to the theater, he calls someone to open the open the doors for him. At first, I thought “Will’s connected. This is just a guy he knows.” But then I realized he says his parents took away his keys.
Because the Grayson’s own the theater. (admittedly a head canon, but still it works so well!)
Which seems like such a random thing for them to own. Later in NF, he says that his mother made him sit with her through a Doris Day marathon. Like…I love my mom, but I wouldn’t sit with her through an entire marathon of Doris Day. Which leads me to believe...the Grayson’s love movies. Or at least his mom does (which also new head canon:…maybe his dad bought his mom the movie theater because she loves movies and it was gift. And maybe Will loves monster movies so that’s why they have monster movie marathons during October…like this family is so ‘we love each other and we love this town so everyone benefits’. Now I think the Grayson's are adorable.).
When Emory is sprouting off facts about 80s action movies, Will isn’t a silent onlooker, in awe of her knowledge. He actively participates in that conversation.
Rather than putting a blame to anyone about how he feels, or the way others treated it, i think it's more accurate to say that he just needs to find someone who can fulfill this needs, outside of his friendship with his friends.
Yeah, maybe Emory geeks out over old stuff, antiques and architecture, or even movies and books. But Will has his stuff that geeks out over too. Like really geeks out – rambles on and on, has done 2am research, can drop random trivia, etc. Like you said, he’s just not surrounded by people who get it, so he keeps it to himself.
Here's a list of things I think Will would geek out over:
Theme/adventure parks. Will is the type to have a rollercoaster bucket list. He’d want to take a summer to drive the country and hit as many as he could.
Exploring and abandoned places. Especially if they're rumored to be haunted. He loves mysteries and mayhem.
He loves traditions. His being able to tell the Reverie Cross story from memory speaks to how much he studied it. I doubt any of the boys wanted to listen to him go on and on about it after a while but he was so invested in the town lore. He started a new tradition in Fire Night, and it seemed like he was very enthused and serious about visiting Edward's grave.
Which brings me to the next thing: He loves Thunder Bay. He probably knows that town history forwards and back. When Em goes on about a specific architecture design and its history and why it was used and why it should be preserved, Will listens intently and hypes her up, not only because she’s his girl, but because this is so interesting. He is genuinely interested in what she has to say, even when she's rambling.
Emory Sophia Scott 'nuff said on that.
I don’t think anyone in the group geeks out over this kind of stuff like the two of them. I can definitely see how the stuff that Will gets excited over being deemed ‘immature’ by Michael and Kai. Like you said, it doesn’t mean they don’t love him, just that they’re not getting that side of him. I always thought the way Michael indulged Will in Corrupt was very telling of their bond. While Kai said ‘no’ immediately because he understood the repercussion, legally but mainly emotionally for Will, Michael knew that it was something he needed. And when Rika asked, he said Will “loves the girl who built it.” Not ‘loved’ not ‘had a crush.’ Loves. They boys do a lot to understand each other, but they’re not at all the same.
Will and Em are curious and eager to learn and uncover mysteries. They don’t want to stay in the same place for too long. They don’t let the fear of ‘trouble’ stop them from discovering new things. Em went with her gut feeling to discover the Carfax room. Will found Coldfield on his own because of the mystery and because it served a purpose. Meanwhile, Kai only wanted at The Pope when he had a reason for it. Michael found St. Killain’s and stayed there forever, literally making it his home.
These two little history nerds, action movie buffs, explorers and adventurers would never stop moving. At least not for long. Will traveled the world before going to Blackchruch because he craves new experiences, and he was hoping something would spark an interest for him. And the second he gets Emory in a safe place, his first thought is “Do you wanna travel and see things? Where do you wanna go? Some place old? Some place wild? Everywhere? Do you wanna go everywhere???? ‘Cause I wanna take you everywhere.”
They’re so cute. And crazy. Probably the most eager to explore anything, followed by Damon (and Alex. I think fire night or the epilogue specifically says she is the ‘adventurer’ but whatever 😒 Is there anything Alex isn't, according to PD?). Emmy does fit in with the group as a whole, but she had to accept that side of herself first and stop judging other people for ‘having fun.’
These two balance each other so well! I will never stop loving that about them.
already so desentisized with unhinge things because of the past 3.5 books that they dont realised the more extreme and constant high stakes of Nightfall.
PD tends to use the same devices over again in this series, just with new faces and names. It’s all the same but different. The things that were ‘unhinged’ in NF were in the other books too, it was just slightly altered. So there really wasn’t anything new in terms of the couples interactions and they dynamics at play. Even if it was posed as different, it wasn’t really. I can understand why people felt tired/bored of that, even if they couldn't identify why exactly it felt that way.
NF was unique because there was no down time between major events. There also was no build-up (if you're like me and read NF without reading Conclave first). We were dropped straight in the middle of the plot; Will’s been MIA for over a year, we know practically nothing about Emory, and we have a completely new cast. It's a closed location, forced proximity, and dubious characters and the action never stops. The Blackchurch timeline is like 5 days. And it did raise the stakes. With the others, at least by the 50% mark, we knew basically who the our heroes were going to be in the end. NF did leave Aydin up in the air until the last second. I don't have positive feelings for Evans as the last antagonist, or Aydin at all, so the stakes fell flat for me at the end.
My main issue with NF has always been we traded characters who we were eager to see how they interacted with Will and especially Emory, with characters we don’t know and therefore didn't care about at first. I can’t tell you how much more I want to know how Emory would interact with the rest of the cast in normal circumstances. Not when people are angry, not when they’re preparing for a wedding, just…like the rest of the books, I wanted everyday stuff and I never got it. And unlike a lot of the fandom, I never came to care about Aydin, Micah, or Rory. Maybe I would have if we had more time, but I felt exhausted by the whole thing.
And thats why i'll always think willemmy's the most unhinged, because all the characters have to think about their morals yada yada for years, but willemmy was like huh? That was only ONE trouble though? No big deal
I mean, I definitely feel that of all the couples, Willemmy fit together the most? The things that kept them apart were out of their control, but when they are around each other, there's a clear connection. They can overcome anything if they're working together. Sometimes if feels like the other couples, especially Michael and Rika, work against each other, or look for ways to undermine or hide things from each other. I never got the impression that Willemmy would do that after they were married.
Little trouble really suits Emory so much because of this. When PD wrote about if Will didnt find trouble, trouble will find him
I love this! Like so much. Trouble will find him❤️
Thanks so much for this ask! It was a lot of fun to respond to!!!
*I specifically say character because I don’t encourage trying to type real people unless you have psychology training, but typing a character is harmless.
#asked and answered#devil's night series#emory scott#will grayson iii#nightfall#mbti#ko's hc tag#a bit criticism#not hate#asked and answered 15
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This episode really demonstrates why M9 won the battle royale. They really are nigh unkillable.
They are rolling like dogshit and losing spell slots left and right, have less PCs than the VM fight at the Key, have taken exhaustion points and soo much damage, and their healing is being sabotaged.
But they still managed to complete their encounter in less than 1 episode. They managed to avoid all the obstacles leading to the boss fight. They had no deaths.
This party build is legit insane. Theyre so mobile, cant pin them down. Their casters control the battlefield. Their tanks are basically immortal. They have 2 guaranteed Divine Interventions, 2 Mass Heals. They have 1 Vestige, and an unending well of tricks in Fjord and Veth. They are dripping with advantages, resistances, and rerolls.
Mighty Nein most qualified assholes for the job fr.
#this is a bit rambly but i just rlly missed them#it was so fun seeing them be hypercompetent and efficient#even in the midst of all the shit talking and trolling each other they wiped the floor with ancient beings who controlled an entire planet#m9#the mighty nein#critical role#cr
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Percy and Vex'ahlia in The Legend of Vox Machina 3x03 "Vexations"
#tlovm#tlovm spoilers#cr#c1 spoilers#critical role#the legend of vox machina#critteredit#criticalroleedit#tlovmedit#mine#*my gifs#*my tlovm#*my critical role gifs#perc'ahlia#percy x vex#vex x percy#this episode was so good#the whole set was#they just kept getting better#i was not expecting this and it took me by total surprise#but this is one of my favourite scenes!!#it was a bit of a bitch to colour but alas
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"This is some gay shit" Good. Silly. Fair enough. Doesn't inherently invalidate other interpretations of the relationship. Honestly yeah, it is kind of gay regardless of their canonical relationship status
"There's literally no platonic explanation for th-" WRONG!! KILLING YOU WITH AMATANORMATIVITY KILLING LOBSTERS 🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞
#i like a good ship as much as the next guy. in fact im mostly a shipper but good lord this phrase pisses me off sometimes#especially when its a relationship that canonically is explicitly platonic to highlight the importance of platonic relationships. COUGH#malevolent#COUGH. <- i ship private eyes. i dont have an issue with it. i think its just when people phrase like that specifically that its a bit HHHH#uhm uhm uhhhh. slips.#jayvik#WOAH. how did that get there (obligatory: i literally ship them. again its just.. the phrasings kind of insanely dismissive of friendships)#amatanormativity#fandom critical#fandom discourse#txt#johnlock#<- AS IN LITERATURE. LIKE. LIKE NOT BBC SPECIFIC (BECAUSE THAT WAS A QUEERBAIT I'M AFRAID)#sashannarcy#<- theyre like. in a polycule to me but that doesnt mean their canonical friendship isnt worth celebrating#dare i say#bnha#mha#rwby#<- I SHIP BUMBLEBY THIS IS NOT ABOUT THEM#lord of the rings#<- again not the ships specifically thats the issue but its just the implication that a romantic reading is like inherently superior#to a platonic one#this isnt even a critique of shipping. i think shippings fine as long as youre willing to acknowledge its not inherently canon (and doesn't#have to be) and dont invalidate or devalue non romantic interpretations
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alexa play im not okay by my chemical romance
#twisted wonderland#twst#ツイステ#ツイステッドワンダーランド#twst spoilers#twst yuu#twst oc#twst grim#mmarts#dire crowley#skully j graves#well hes there just a tiny bit#CHAT iam not doing well UUEUEUEUEUEUEUUE soung of crgyingh#I SAW THIS COMING BUT I STILL GOT A CRITICAL HIT IM OUGHU IM GONE BYE#id love to draw skully more but im runnin out of time#sighhhh but im delusional rn. hes gonna be in HW 2 electric boogaloo christmas edition i can feel it in my bones#that cryptic ass ending with the q mark and the oogie boys and the crimmas bg i can just feel it#yapyapyap
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Have you seen his cat? Now you have!
#caleb widogast#frumpkin#critical role fanart#cr2#campaign 2#mighty nein#critrole fanart#cr fanart#liam o'brien#described in alt text#digital art#critical role#art haunts#tried to do a bit of digital painting in the face and i am p happy with it#2025 and i am back on the cr train#pose based off a pinterest image i saw and immediately thought Caleb!
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Dorian x Orym 💙💕 Critical Role fan-art
#critical role#criticalrole#crit role#critical role fanart#crit role fanart#crfanart#cr fanart#dorian fanart#orym fanart#dorym#dorym fanart#IT'S BEEN A WHIIILEE#since i last posted hi sorry social media is a bit of a hellscape atm
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#jade draws#critical role#cr3#critical role fanart#imodna#imogen temult#laudna#something ive been working on for a bit
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And Trinket's come around!
Bonus: HE SIT!
#“As long as the other bits work I don't mind” Foreshadowing having a Small Child in 35 years time huh#tlovm#tlovm spoilers#cr spoilers#critical role#tlovm s3#the legend of vox machina#perc'ahlia#percahlia#vex'ahlia#percival de rolo#trinket
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Downfall: Part Two
#cr downfall#exu downfall#critical role#cr spoilers#mygifs#criticalroleedit#critteredit#downfalledit#brennan lee mulligan#noshir dalal#laura bailey#nick marini#asmodeus#sarenrae#ayden#the dawnfather#pelor#everyones reactions to this bit#ashley johnson#father milo#i get why zerxus was down bad#unforch i think i could fix asmodeus too#c3e100
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i know this has been observed before (maybe even by me) but it's literally so funny watching critical role when matt's describing something terrible but exciting happening and the entire party is like D: :( :o and travis willingham is sitting there like :D
#he's sooooooooooo me#if there is something objectively bad but also cool and exciting and tense happening at the dnd table you best believe i am GRINNING#critical role#i'm having such a zahra and kash moment that i've started rewatching s1e43#and the bit where matt's describing the fall of draconia is exactly like this
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It feels good to be able to help. (for @overnighttosunflowers)
#critical role#criticalroleedit#imodna#southerngothic#marisha ray#laura bailey#imogen temult#laudna#laudna cr#gifs#*#*cr#*parallel#*request#cr3#ship: imodna#1k#scheduled#16m c3e4#3h15m c3e12#18m c3e17#3h16m c3e19#17m c3e40#2h35m c3e46#1h38m c3e49#3h48m c3e102#THANKS ABBY for all your help on this!!!!!!!! you're a real one. i hope it turned out at least a little bit like you wanted!!#revisiting all these moments was such a heartache-y nostalgia trip. i love them so much...i MISSED them so much........#also it wouldn't fit in this set but imogen laughing and saying 'it feels good to be able to help!'#and then her face falling and watching with so much worry and So much love when laudna quietly folds in on herself. augh
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I wanted to work on something a little more detailed and re-draw THIS piece.
#essek thelyss#caleb widogast#shadowgast#critical role#rosemuse art#leaning more into realism is a bit hard for me at times - but i wanted to experiment and do something a little more nouveau
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"Oh! Vax. Did you need something or…" "Mm, just a soak. Mind if I join you?"
#tlovm#tlovm spoilers#cr#c1 spoilers#critical role#the legend of vox machina#critteredit#criticalroleedit#tlovmedit#mine#*my gifs#*my critical role gifs#*my tlovm#percival de rolo#vaxildan#vex'ahlia#percival fredrickstein von musel klossowski de rolo iii#pery x vex'ahlia#perc'ahlia#i can't believe they actually did it#i just love the relationship between vax and percy too#so glad they're fluhsing it out a bit#and this scene is also just so iconic#long post but needs to be
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Why would you use this sequence of shots
As your opening scene
And then just never properly tackle Vi's feelings towards becoming an Enforcer? Let's say I was convinced enough that she'd join up for the Jinx hunt—my sister's gone I need to lay this ghost to rest—where was the guilt that should have been eating her alive afterwards?? And the working through of that guilt?
I don't know if I dislike this writing choice more, or the deluge of fans nodding along to the tune of "love and understanding can fix all of it"
#there's a part of me that's starting to think you do need to be a little bit radicalized before this becomes your default reaction to s2#which is such a hot button word for simply watching something earth shattering play out in front of you#and coming to the realization that the powers that be really do not care and no amount of applying#to their better nature will get you anywhere because this doesn't register on the same level of humanity to them#Arcane#Arcane critical#Vi#Vi Arcane#Fizzy talks#Fortiche#Arcane liveblog
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The God Eater
#critical role#cr spoilers#predathos#my art#elzorton draws#critical role fanart#artists on tumblr#this is wayy out of my comfort zone of what i usually draw#just doing lineless at all feels so weird#i experimented with layer types a bit more than i usually do and learned some things at least
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