#a beautifully shot tragic love story
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leavemetoplaythesims · 2 years ago
i watched the world to come the other day and i'm playing the soundtrack on repeat cause i can't stop thinking about it and it's so eerie. that whole movie was just me waiting for something to go horribly wrong.
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years ago
Indie horror filmmaker Eddie Munson, high off his first big (underground but notable) success, knows the movers and shakers of the film world have their eyes on him. 
They're just waiting to see if he was a one hit wonder before they open all the doors he's been trying to kick down. 
His next upcoming film is his chance, his shot at finally making it. Of being like Rob Zombie and the other creators he looks up to that masterfully blended metal and horror. 
This is his golden ticket. 
The project starts off smooth. His last success has greased the wheels, and things fall into place faster than ever before. 
He's got the best idea for this insane haunted house story, a true "mazes in mazes" type of deal with a queer twist. A real look at how a place can haunt a person just as easily as a ghost can.
 Everything's going swimmingly--until one of his leads drops out the day they're due to start shooting.
No call no show's, and later, Eddie will find out the guy got a last second call back to be a contestant on one of those Love Island bullshit romance gigs (and laugh his ass off when the main love interest takes one look at Billy Hargrove and goes on a five minute rant about ugly mullets on national television) but right now? 
He's fucked. 
He's called in every favor he has for this film. Maxed out every credit card he owns, tapped every contact, got on his hands and knees and begged his rising star journalist best bud to help him market it. (Which Nancy agreed too, for way less cash than she should have.) 
 Eddie can't get anyone on the phone, much less find a replacement actor and the amazing place they rented, that is so dark and wonderfully eerie, is booked out the rest of the year as an AirBnB. 
If he doesn't film now, he loses it all.
Cue the other lead, unknown theater actor Steve Harrington, watching his hair pulling, tire kicking, 'cursing and hopping while holding a toe' mental breakdown and asks why Eddie himself doesn't act in it. 
"Just go full Kevin Smith man. Act and direct." He says, with an easy grin. 
Jeff, Eddie's tried and true videographer, trades glances with Gareth and Grant (Eddie's long used special effects and makeup team, who double for about twelve other jobs because they're also his best friends and they're all in this together, make or break.)
"We don't really have a lot of other options." Gareth hedges. "You're already using me and Grant as background characters." 
Eddie, hands fluttering around his face as though trying to wave away this entire situation, squeezes his eyes shut and lets out a pained hiss. 
"Fine, fine!" He announces with the air of a man running towards a fire. "Fuck it, this is our one shot and so help me I will be shooting it!" 
Steve politely hides a laugh with a cough. 
"Chuckle all you want big boy, I'm going to tragically romance you so hard people will forget both of our characters actually live." Eddie snarls.
Steve, the handsome bastard, just winks.  "Looking forward to it." 
Eddie blushes, but hides it with a surge of frantic energy, conveyed by lots of yelling and moving and getting the ball rolling. 
Two days later, Steve would give the performance of a lifetime down on his knees, covered in a literal pound of fake gore, booty shorts and nothing else as he sobbed about how a lover could become a home. His hands clawed at Eddie's jeans before resting a tear stained face on a slim leg as he bent his body towards Eddie like it hurt to be away from him. 
Eddie would later receive equal praise in his own acting during the scene, with the world and every reporter in it asking how he conveyed an otherworldly panic so beautifully throughout Steve's performance. What was he thinking, to evoke those expressions on his face? 
The way his own pale hand, unmarred by blood and acting as a metaphor for the plot, would come to stroke Steve's cheeks.
Eventually he'd come up with a smooth polished answer that cheekily pleased his audience, but nothing would ever come close to the truth. 
("Eddie I've known you since grade school." Jeff said that night, a scant few hours after they'd wrapped. "You can act man, but not like that." 
Eddie made a wild "shut up" gesture, looking frantically over his shoulder before admitting; "You saw how close his face was to the prince of darkness!? I was seconds away from popping a boner next to his lips, in front of the 4K camera!” 
Eddie bounced into Jeff’s face so he could hiss: “He fucking had his chin on my thigh, Jeff, and I am only a man. A mere mortal!" 
"So we're gonna unpack all of that later." Jeff said finally, when he'd managed to get his mouth working and Eddie back out of his personal space. "But dude, we've talked about you calling your dick the prince of darkness." 
Eddie flipped him off.) 
One year later and critics named Corroded the best horror film of the year, praising the camera work, practical effects, and how there wasn't a soul alive who was surprised to hear Eddie and Steve were dating after their explosive on screen chemistry.
No one ever quite understood the prince of darkness jokes or why Steve mentioning it made Eddie blush, but that was a secret to find out later. 
Today on WIP’s I have no intention of writing, indie horror movie AU!
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potteresque-ire · 5 months ago
Happy 8th Debut Anniversary, Gg! Since so many of your fans have already expressed their well wishes so beautifully, I'm just going to post my celebratory dance here 😁😁😁. (What? it's not like I can replicate any other of your or Dd's dance performances!! THIS IS YOUR (AND DD'S) FAULT.) (For those who have not seen this "dark history" gem video from Gg's X-Nine days — it's a rehearsal clip for the X-Nine Variety Show Ep4, aired December 2016 — lyrics + why this performance is in my BJYX treasure chest under the cut!!)
Okay, why don't I start with what the song is about? Published in 1997 by the aboriginal Taiwanese singer Ayol Komod 張震嶽 (Chang Chen-yue), the song is about a teenager's first heart break.
It got very popular because the tune's catchy, and because it's funny! The teenager in question.... definitely isn't the at-the-cusp-of-adulthood-YA-romance-male-lead type. Ayol admitted later that he got the inspiration of the song's grammatically Japanese name, 愛的初體驗, also known as 愛之初體驗 or 愛の初體驗 (Love's First Experience; の being the Japanese character for possessive), from a porn magazine cover in a Japanese convenience store.
(Japanese porn, more commonly known as AV, was (is?) an obsession for many teenage boys in the region, as one can imagine). Now, on to the lyrics. This poor teenager, how did he tell his heartbreak story?
如果說你要離開我 請誠實點來告訴我 不要偷偷摸摸的走 像上次一樣等半年 If you're leaving me, please honestly tell me. Don't sneak your way out, make me wait half a year like last time. 如果說你真的要走 把我的相片還給我 在你身���也沒有用 我可以還給我媽媽 If you're really taking off, give me back my photo. It's not useful on you. I can return it to my mom. 什麼天長地久 只是隨便說說 你愛我那一點 你也說不出口 What is everlasting (love)? It's just talk. What do you love about me? You can't even say. 你認識了帥哥 就把我丟一旁 天氣熱的夏天 心像寒冷冬夜 So you meet a handsome guy, and dump me to the side. Hot is the summer, but my heart is cold as a winter's night. 想要買酒來澆憂愁 卻懶懶不想出去走 想要來一包長壽煙 發現我未滿十八歲 Want to buy alcohol to douse my sorrow, but feel lazy and don't want to go out. Want to buy a pack of Longlife cigarettes, and realize I'm not yet 18. 是不是我的十八歲 註定要為愛情流淚 是不是我的十八歲 註定要為愛情流淚 Is it that my 18 years old is fated to shed tears for love? Is it that my 18 years old is fated to shed tears for love?
The "give the photo back to my mom" is usually when I burst into chuckles ... and makes sure I wouldn't place this teenager, age-wise, anywhere remotely close to adulthood 😁. The lower-end teenage age was suggested in Ayol's original music video too (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4shwLyB7690), in which toys were abundant, including Barbie and Godzilla figures representing the "girlfriend" (who probably thought of the teenager as no more than a kid) and the handsome guy.
I'd place this poor kid in early high school at the oldest, perhaps? Meanwhile, this kid was imagining himself as this tragic male lead suffering a romance-novel-worthy heart break. Hence, the use of phrases and analogies common in those books (such as everlasting 天長地久; literally, "long (in length) as the skies and long (in time) as the earth") and, more importantly, calling up "mature" imageries associated with heart break, of alcohol and cigarettes. These details, ironically, simultaneously gave away just how young he was, most telling being that he was not yet 18 years old, the minimum legal age at the time to purchase both in Taiwan. This explains Gg (and PCY's) awesomely silly moves in the dance, which matched the lyrics both in meaning and in style. While the lyrics isn't included in the video I posted, here's the shot of them playing the teenager handing his photo back to his mom after a swipe of it on his pants (0:36):
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... imagining himself getting drunk (~1:13):
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... and smoking (1:19):
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I've gone through the performances on Youtube of this song (yes, because research is absolutely necessarily on something like this), and this is the only one in which the singer(s) accurately capture(s) the ... 小學雞 Xiao Xue Ji ness of the teenage narrator (Turtles all remember Xiao Xue Ji "Primary School Chicken", right?). Other performances tend to turn the song into a showcase of singing prowess, as is common and, as some of us may be reminded of over these last few days, necessary in performances intended for mainland China's audience (here's an example by Coco Lee (RIP): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFOCMgB7UoA). While singing prowess is much appreciated, sometimes, an audience like myself just wishes for something fun. Something goofy. For a good laugh, to shout along to (I'd never call whatever escapes my voice box "singing"), to do celebratory dances with. This video delivers for me 😊. With similar sentiments, I prefer this video over the actual performance in the X-Nine Variety Show (https://youtu.be/F1jXP2R-zy4?si=N1Hg1IKwp-dRc_vM 2:10:05), which is more prepped, less casual. Gg mentioned in the show that this song is retro (the glasses were a nod to that; Ayol's MV also had retro elements), and I find the faded colors of the rehearsal video more complementing to this retro feel. Its camerawork was also much better at capturing the fake manga fight that made up so much of the heart of Xiao Xue Ji ness (a special shoutout to whoever feigned the Qi Gong reaction, who did it better than Gg's teammates in the actual show).
Hmm. What else? Oh, maybe, since I'm feeling self-indulgent (I think I say the same thing in every post?), let me share a little something personal that cements the place this performance has in my BJYX treasure chest. Some of you may have noticed the "Longlife cigarettes" (長壽煙) in the lyrics. The very ... curious brand name aside (Longlife? For cigarettes?), this is yet another element in the song in which the teenage narrator tries to create an image of maturity ... and only made him sound young. You see, in Taiwan, cigarettes had used to be sold by the government only, until 1987 when the government opened its market for foreign imports. "Longlife", a high-end cigarette line, had made its debut in the late 1950s. So the brand name, to be fair, had been created before the health effects of cigarettes were known. Regardless, the government's monopoly on cigarette sales allowed Longlife to own the vast majority (more than 3/4) of the marketshare until the foreign brands took over in the late 1980s, after which its sales plummeted.
"Longlife cigarettes" is therefore extremely well known in Taiwan — hence, its inclusion in the song, and to the point that the Taiwanese government, in the early 2000s, got caught in a dilemma + controversy of whether to rebrand the famous cigarettes, now that they were known to work against a long life. (It didn't.)
"Longlife cigarettes" is therefore also retro, the majority of its smokers being of the parents', and grandparents' generation. That our teenage hero thought of Longlife cigarettes — he had likely picked up that image from those generations above him, the "old people" — further suggested his knowledge about cigarettes wasn't from his peers (who would likely be smoking the foreign brands), because he was too young... ... Young, like me! (Hey, I * was * young in 1997!). Longlife just happened to be my grandpa's favourite cigarettes as well. It was ... at the turn of the millenium, a year or two after the release of this song, I think? When my mom told me how she used to light my grandpa's favourite cigarettes for him as a child. Predictably, the brand name made me cackle. Soon, with the Xiao Xue Ji spirit strong in me, it captured my imagination enough that the next time I visited Taiwan, I took a photo with a box of Longlife cigarettes at the airport's duty-free shop before bothering with things like Immigration and Customs. In the same ... chickenly spirit, therefore, I've already reported to my mom that Gg is / has the intention of smoking my grandpa's favourite cigarettes ... my grandpa who passed away before I was born. She has always been amused at my curious enthusiasm over that curious brand name, and she liked that it formed a curious connection between me and my grandpa. She, of course, knows about Gg and Dd, and my curious interest in them. On this happy anniversary, therefore, I may not have a photo to return to my mom, but I have this video and I'm sending it to her. * Duck Dances *
Ah, maybe along with Gg's other performances this week. He's only a superstar now, right? Right ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
PS. Gg, seeing you so happy at the concert the other day makes me wonder: can it possibly mean there will soon be good news to share with fans? Just ... curious 😁.
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rwrbficrecs · 1 year ago
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Here's our October recs ❤️ also, look at our new banner !! 🥰 Happy reading !! I’m just too soft for all of it by @bellamysgriffinprincess (book/movie-verse)
@dot524: This is a sweet one shot where Henry is struggling with depression, Alex drops everything to be with him, and they comfort each other. Very well done.
Confidential Memorandum by @sherryvalli (book-verse)
@wilmonsfolklore: this is such a sweet kidfic. Henry is Alex's boss, and Alex keeps getting calls from Henry's daughter when Henry is busy. It's heartwarming and comforting and the dialogue is wonderfully written, especially their love confessions.
@babiemonk: the perfect lighthearted kidfic! The child dynamic is perfect and the humor is spot-on. If you’re looking for a fun, feel good, story with some domestic fluffiness this is it.
@rmd-writes: a sweet, funny fic with excellent banter, and a stellar supporting cast of OCs. It quite literally made my face do this: 🥰 I saved it with the note "read when you need to feel better about the universe).
Aged Like a Fine Wine by @three-drink-amy (book-verse)
@babiemonk: Alex and Henry are older now and cakegate never happened. There’s lots of emotions and angst and growth and it’s really quite beautiful but also tragic at times. It hurt my heart and my feelings before putting them back together again.
In my dreams (In your dreams) by @lizzie-bennetdarcy (book-verse)
@babiemonk: very cute drunken love confessions— absolutely precious friends to lovers
all of our love filling all of our room by @kill8a (book-verse)
@inexplicablymine: this is so incredibly soft and childhood friends to lovers I have reread this more times than I’m willing to admit
Help Me Hold On To You by @affectionatelyrs (book-verse)
@read-and-write-: A one- shot, a very cathartic one about the aftermath of a fight between Alex and Henry. This is one to cry from beginning to end, it's beautifully written and you will be left speechless.
flatline by rizcriz (book-verse)
@wilmonsfolklore: exes to lovers is one of my favourite tropes and this work shows perfectly how naturally and fully Henry and Alex love each other. it's sad and heartbreaking but it has a happy ending that makes the crying all worth it.
What I Need Tonight by @sparklepocalypse (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: This fic was written for Kinktober's prompt "selfcest", which for some might be sound a little too weird, but that's exactly why I picked this one as my monthly fave. If you like reading smut, give this a chance. Yes, it's hot but also emotional and it has Oxford-time slutty Henry!
heartbeats under coats by @hypnostheory (book-verse)
@heybuddy-drabbles: one of my favorite works to come out of FirstPrince week. It's really sweet and sexy. There was only one bed at its finest.
All Booked Up by @three-drink-amy (book-verse)
@heybuddy-drabbles: another FirstPrince week gem. This was just so beautiful. Alex and Henry meet during a vacation, spend three perfect days together and then loose contact until June and Nora force Alex to read a book they both love and something about it makes Alex think of Henry. I absolutely fell in love with it.
@rmd-writes: it's no secret that I'm an allmylovesatonce fan and this is one of my ultimate favourites of hers. A very cleverly told love story, with some wonderful June and Nora content as a bonus!
praying our bridges don’t make waves by @anincompletelist (book-verse)
@rhubarb1210: This fic is such a cool take on soulmates. Henry agrees to pretend to be Alex’s soulmate to get June health insurance. Lots of universe building. And I can’t give away more! Inspired by Fractured by @clottedcreamfudge
everything's growing in our garden by matherine (book-verse with a few movie elements)
@indomitable-love: Absolutely loved this hanahaki fic – the pacing and tension are so good, the relevance of all the different flowers is just beautiful
It's Nice to Have a Friend by @mainstreamelectricalparade (book-verse)
@read-and-write-: Childhood Best Friends to lovers AU, where Henry, the prince of england meets another boy during a holiday, they send each other letters and they fall in love, it's soft and it's beautiful, a love that tascends the page and is reflected on all the characters actions.
I feel the beating of your heart, I see the shadows on your face by @anincompletelist (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: This fic has such an interesting premise, and although I’ve never been into the bodyswap trope I’m so glad I gave this one a chance. It was done so incredibly well and was such a fun, wholesome fic.
Henry Fox, All-American Hero by @tintagel-or-cockleshells (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: This is a fic inspired by Meg Cabot’s All American Girl (which I am a huge fan of) and everything about this fic had me screaming in delight. Loved this so much, I’m obsessed.
maybe take me into your room by @smc-27 (book-verse)
@thesleepyskipper: Alex and Henry are both the children of ambassadors to Canada from their respective countries in this lovely AU. Friends-to-lovers perfection, this was so, so good.
a degree of fate by @softlofty (book/movie-verse)
@dot524: In this AU, Alex and Henry meet as university students. This is a sweet get-together fic with depth and heart.
It's Tradition by @f-ing-ruthless-baz (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: Alex and Henry's soulmate bond revealed itself publicly and now they have to act like they're in love, even though they hate each other. This fic is such an excellent use of soulmate trope and looks into so many possiblities in a world were soulmate bonds exsist. It's also super funny, a little angsty and Alex is even more oblivious than usually.
I’d be smart to walk away (but you’re quicksand) by @littlemisskittentoes (book/movie-verse)
@dot524: Such a wonderful, heartfelt 5+1 based on canon events when Henry walked away and one where he stayed.
Catalyst of Change by @uglygreenjacket (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: an AU that’s pretty close to canon in some ways: Alex (still a well known child of politicians) and Henry (still a prince) meet as students in Edinburgh. This story is sweet and gentle and heart wrenching at points, but also incredibly uplifting in Henry and Alex’s determination to be together no matter the obstacles. And the Scottish setting is gorgeous and really evocative.
Ghosted by @tintagel-or-cockleshells (book-verse)
@suseagull04: Twists and turns abound in this story that borders the line between life and death. I love the depth of the plot and just how deeply and quickly Alex and Henry fall for each other- and the fantasy aspect immediately put this high on my list of faves! Not to mention all the great references to my favorite things throughout the fic. This fic is amazing!
Such a Burden, This Flame on My Chest by @three-drink-amy (book-verse)
@heybuddy-drabbles: a 911 Lone Star!AU very angsty but with a happy ending. Alex going through grief felt really fucking relatable. It's also spicy in contrast with the angst.
But I love him, whether or no. by @leaves-of-laurelin (book-verse)
@dot524: This firefighter AU is one of my favorite RWRB fics ever, and I’m glad I was able to follow it from WIP status to complete this month. Alex as a firefighter is irresistible (Henry thinks so too) and somehow these two feel so true to character even in a completely different context. There are so many fun scenes here - riding a bull, an airport scene, shenanigans at a fire station, sentimental piano playing - but none of them are forced. Truly a wonderful fic that I know I’ll be returning to again and again.
@wilmonsfolklore: seconding this one so so so much!! read it in one sitting and have been thinking about it ever since then. there are so many heartfelt and sweet conversations in it. everyone's so true to their character in such a different situation. can not recommend it enough
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deadite-central · 1 month ago
Wano is where I’m officially starting to give out spoiler warnings here, as all things considered, it’s a long and fairly recent arc so:
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There’s something incredibly magical about getting to this page, as there is something magical about getting to the beginning of Wano in the anime and hearing the theme music for the first time. Wano is an incredibly monumental arc, and you can tell that just from this panel. Everything is so beautifully drawn and the way everything is presented in acts, as if it’s a theatre play, is amazing. It also helps with the pacing of the story
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While the Straw Hats get separated for a while, Luffy finds himself befriending Otama, as he always befriends someone whenever he’s left to his own devices, it’s Luffy. We quickly learn of how tragic her life is, and by extension, the lives of the people of Wano, as the expansionism of Kaido and the tyrannical rule of Orochi has left many people in the country in terrible living conditions. Otama brings out a lot of Luffy’s parallels to Ace, as well as showing us just how far he’s come in his healing journey since Marineford
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Oda wastes no time in FINALLY reuniting Zoro and Luffy once the latter gets here, and I love the way it’s done. Luffy’s hugs are drawn in a way where you can just feel from the pages how he’s squeezing the other person and holding onto them, he’s such a lovable character. For Zoro, while he might seem like the stoic character archetype, Wano immediately reminds us that he’s still the same dummy who adores Luffy and was joking around on the Going Merry. Reunions between characters are always a great thing, and considering half of the crew has been missing since Zou, it’s nice for the reader to see that familiar face we haven’t seen in a while
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Wano also wastes no time in showing us Kaido’s forces. From the SMILE fruit users, to the Supernovas like Hawkins, the Beast Pirates aren’t anything to sneeze at, and there’s definitely something to be noticed that while characters like Crocodile and Doflamingo had to take over countries using their cunning, and pretending to be heroes, Kaido is an expansive force that makes it clear he does not give a flying fuck about anything other than the strongest in his crew. He’s incredibly strong, and the people of Wano know that
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Like I’ve stated already, Otama sees a lot of Ace in Luffy. It hasn’t really been brought up all that much in the series, probably the only other character that really noticed it up to this point was Jinbei, but this is important to something I will be talking about during act three. It’s also really sweet that these parallels are drawn, as Luffy always looked up to his brother so, so much, and now he’s the one protecting a crybaby kid who wants to be strong
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Now I could talk about the absolute masterpiece that is Kaido’s dragon form introduction panel, and don’t get me wrong, it is, but immediately contrasting that wit his alcohol problem is so jarring, in a good way. Like a record getting scratched in a movie you know? It’s funny, like sorry but I never expected to see a giant dragon tell his underlying that he’s not drunk when he’s, clearly, drunk. It doesn’t make Kaido any less scary as we see how he pretty much one shots Luffy when he gets serious, but it’s still a character quirk that I think works really well
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The comedy in Wano continues to be great, with one of my favorite gags in the series, the goddamn faces everyone makes when seeing Luffy got to Wano and immediately got captured. It’s even funnier cause Zoro doesn’t even do the face because of that. I know comedy is subjective but the timing here is actually gold like oh my lord
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We end act one of Wano with Luffy in what’s essentially a work camp, and the tease that he’s not alone here, oh no, Kidd has been also shown to be defeated by Kaido, and now with the two in the same place, act two will introduce us into one of my favorite duos in this arc. And again, I adore splitting it into acts, it’s really nicely done, and helps keep the pacing steady like I mentioned at the beginning,
Overall act one of Wano is a great set up for what’s to come
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salvadorbonaparte · 29 days ago
January 2025 in Films
Hey what if I do these monthly?!
Godzilla Minus One (2023) - I love a big scary lizard but I love stories of hope and perseverance and of trauma and horrors of war even more so you can imagine the great time I was having crying while watching this
Mutt Boy (2003) - the protagonist's dog is killed and eaten by bullies and he should have been allowed to go full John Wick on them. He does get to beat people though, which is a plus. A very weird film but somehow enchanting. Also a rare example of a film with a mentally disabled protagonist without it being the main focus
Operation Mincemeat (2021) - pretty standard when it comes to based on a true story WW2 spy stuff but fun to watch
Steel Rain (2017) - character dynamics reminiscent of a buddy cop movie, blatantly propaganda and weirdly pro nuclear weapons but also surprisingly nuanced in some ways, some really fun and tragic character moments
Steel Rain 2: Summit (2020) - fascinating choice to have the same actors in different roles and switching nationalities, a lot sillier and a lot more convoluted than the first one, works pretty well as a satire and once again surprises with some character dynamics
Conclave (2024) - Edward Berger's sins (his all quiet adaptation) have been forgiven. So beautifully shot. Like 12 angry men both in some plot aspects and in the way I was surprisingly on the edge of my seat despite it just being old men talking. The plot twist made me gasp
A City of Sadness (1989) - tfw a film called a city of sadness is actually sad... I've screamed about this film before but insane how it portrays mundane beauty in times of political terror, really interested in disappearances and presences in it, my first Taiwanese film and made me really curious about Taiwanese history
In the Mood for Love (2000) - I put off watching this for years because I wasn't in the right mood and then it peeled me like an orange, a film that feels like basking under the warm glow of an infrared lamp while it tears you apart at the seams
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) - Paul Newman I love your salad dressing! Great landscapes and an outlaw polycule
Kommt ein Vogel geflogen (2023) - the poster has a parrot and an old timey German font so I jokingly asked if the parrot is a Nazi and then the parrot actually was a Nazi. Insane film. Funny in a surreal fever dream way. Takes itself too seriously at times but really good when taken as satire
Eternal Summer (2006) - deeply moving and tender, filled with so much yearning I had to hold my breath at times, yearning so intense it becomes self destructive and isolating, I'd argue the ending is more ambiguous and positive than some claim
Girlfriend Boyfriend (2012) - it's only fair that after Eternal Summer Joseph Chang plays the gay yearning part of the love triangle this time, more yearning to the point of self destruction or how the film puts it "the bitterness is self-inflicted", an exploration of teenage rebellion succumbing to adulthood and the changing political landscape
The Silent War (2012) - Good news this included two research interests at the same time and also Tony Leung. Bad news it wasn't very good. Really difficult to find online with English subtitles.
Soul (2013) - this one was surprisingly difficult to find with English subtitles at first but worth the search, a very quiet slow horror film but still shook me to the core, I loved the ambiguity between possession and mental illness because in the context of the movie does that even matter?
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miniaturesketches · 10 months ago
Skyeward Fic Recs
Here's a new list including both old and recent works! I'm always on the hunt for beautifully written fics with great plots and compelling characterization - or you know, just enjoyable and quick fixes, that too - so this list will be updated from time to time. (Note: some fics are abandoned or incomplete.)
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The Head & The Heart series by Poetgirl925 is my all-time favorite long fic, featuring a non-HYDRA Agent Ward who ends up planning and working on operations with Skye at the Triskelion. It's the lesser-known sister of the famous Under Your Skin fic by the same author.
the death of peace of mind by hellfxres involves a Hellfire! Ward working as a firefighter. That is, until Agent Daisy Johnson shows up at his station. I haven't finished reading this, but the premise is so interesting that it's on my list.
There is Nothing Special About Grant Ward by NezumiPi is one of my only two bookmarks. That's how good it is - a complex and absorbing exploration of Grant Ward's childhood as the son of a mob boss, his abusive relationship with Garrett, and his subsequent crimes. In custody at the Playground, Ward slowly is allowed to participate in operations again. (Note: this is not for the apologists and while there are interactions between Skye and Ward, they are not romantic in nature.)
You Know You're My Saving Grace by GreenEyedStone is historical fiction set in WW2. Unapologetically Skyeward, it follows the life of Skye, the daughter of the United States Air Force Major Phil Coulson, as she gets married to the soldier Grant Ward and has a child. She works on the frontlines in Europe as a journalist. (I'll admit I'm biased as I beta'd some of it, but I think this fic is criminally underrated.)
How to Keep Your Distance, Unsuccessfully by miniaturesketches, aka me, is an old two-shot. Set in Season 4, Daisy Johnson is on the run as a wanted vigilante, hunting down the Watchdogs. When she's severely injured, there's only one person she can call - Grant Ward, her old partner at S.H.I.E.L.D. (Note: "Ward Is Not HYDRA" fic.)
Four Bullets and A Dirty Smile by thefrenchmistake is one of the most popular Skyeward fics of the early 2020s. Not S.H.I.E.L.D-friendly, it's a classic Grant Ward redemption story. But my personal favorite from this author is the oneshot Maybe in One of Those, We Can Win It All, involving the multiple tragic universes in which Skye and Ward meet. So much angst.
I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day by go_astray_with_me, who is the queen of fun-to-read Skyeward. I'm always excited to read her oneshots (and PWP) when they turn up on the Skye/Grant Ward tag. This one is pretty much as the title says.
The Fine Dimensional Line by Kylia has one of the most exciting plots I've read. Grant Ward and Kara Palamas, desperate to escape HYDRA! Skye, take a gamble on one of Fitz's mad ideas - and end up in an alternate world, one where the fine line between loyalty and treachery, love and hate, worked out completely differently.
Real or Not by DrawntoDarkness is a classic oneshot. After being tortured, Skye has trouble differentiating truth from her implanted memories. She spends a day with each member of the team.
The Persistence of Memory by Eienvine is a "Ward goes through T.A.H.I.T.I." fic. James Shaughnessy is a respectable but average person living a respectable but average life . . . except for the dreams. Except for the scars on his body that he can't explain. Except for Daisy, the beautiful girl who comes to his restaurant sometimes and looks at him like she knows him.
The White Silence by starshine is a beautifully written oneshot. After they crash in the Canadian mountains, Ward must get an injured Skye to Providence. The fact that he is an enemy of SHIELD is of little importance in the face of hypothermia threatening to set in.
A Spy Like Me by colormeblue. After the Battle of New York, Grant Ward decides that he no longer wants Hydra to win its war with SHIELD and becomes a triple agent. Nick Fury gives him orders to work with Coulson's team in order to get valuable intelligence on Hydra but Grant finds his triple status and working with a team quite difficult.
Shades of Grey by imadetheline is another slowburn, Grant Ward redemption fic (unfortunately, abandoned). It was one of the first SW fics I read and I still have fond memories of it!
More coming soon!
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yulesmistress · 9 months ago
My first story I’m finally publishing, hope you lot enjoy it lolz.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warning: This is SMUT.
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Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/369395515?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=yulesmistress
There I sat..in a studio, with the bass guitar that had lingered and taunted my dreams since I was a young lassie. God, it was beyond ethereal...the way the polished wooden neck felt upon my honored left hand, the girthy twang of the strings ringing as my rough fingers plucked and strummed them. Now before this, I would've thought,
"Shit, this is THE dream, my dream...it couldn't possibly get any better than this."
I can't even begin to fathom that fucking stupendous thought.
Why, you might ask..?
A sweet, sing-songy voice suddenly strokes my eardrums, contrasting with the low, gravely sound of my bass. Mmm, how could I possibly ignore this painfully familiar voice, the voice in subject that I had studied for many, many hours. The person to which the voice belonged to I had also, madly, studied. His low eyelids slowly unveiled his tantalizing globes, just like how the sun peeks over a horizon, as his eyes greet mine in his usual stern manner.
Geeeeooorrggee Harrison.
He crept me a shy smile, appreciating me only from the corner of his eye before continuing to rehearse Old Brown Shoe with the lads. I bit my lip, hoping to sustain the violent quivering that activated as soon as his gaze shone on me.
I still cannot believe I am in a studio...with the Beatles...playing with George Harrison and the bassman himself Paul McCartney. I questioned my worth as I sat so feebly in that room full of musical geniuses. I wasn't sure how to contain myself—how to manner myself. But, obviously, I had no other choice but to conceal these brash admiral feelings...as they all felt I was a pretty impressive artist. After all, they had invited me to jam with them, and I wasn't going to fuck it up by revealing the fact I was somewhat of a fangirl. I couldn't.
After a few eventful hours of mindlessly jamming and productive writing, lunchtime came around. With Paul, John, and Richie's temporary absence, George and I were abandoned in the studio with only the suffocating tension of one another. I resumed on my bass quietly, slouched on an uncomfortable chair as I faced the ceiling. However, the subtle sound of George stumbling over some thick wires had deflated the dome I was in.
"Fucking hell.", he cussed sharply under his breath.
My slightly tired eyes shifted to the cigarette that was once in his mouth, noticing it was now lying on the ground. He was still venting the smoke through his lips from the previous puff he had taken, which I had found oddly attractive.
I shot him a fake-sympathy frown, which earned a low chuckle from him.
"You don't 'appen to have a Marlboro on you, do you, Madame?"
George's words interrogated me slowly and smoothly, his thick accent tickling the tip of my tongue as I pulled out the precious pack of cigarettes I luckily had. A wide grin magically appeared on his cheeky face, causing me to chortle at his reaction as his hand began to eagerly reach for a ciggie.
I cooed, averting the pack of cigarettes from his grasp as I swayed them tauntingly in his face. George shot me a befuddled look, his propped up eyebrow leaving that hint of playfulness in his expression that his face so beautifully displayed.
"My, where are your manners Mr. Harrison..?"
I noticed a cherry hue that enriched his cheeks as I teased him. Did he enjoy this?
"Oh, my sincerest apologies, me gracious queen.", he sarcastically remarked.
With a swift movement of his long fingers, he managed to snatch a ciggie and prop it in between his glistening lips, then without warning, approached my face daringly close to slowly ignite his cigarette with my own. My eyes shifted down at the touching tips of our cigarettes...steadily watching as a familiar ember glow emerged from the toxic paper. George then clasped the smoke with two of his slender digits once it was properly lit, and exhaled a cloud of toxicity right in my face. I noticed his bashed expression and prominent features through the sheet of smoke that was now flowing between both of our faces.
Why was that hot? I panicked internally.
This was only one of the subtle, steamy moments I had encountered with George.I had noticed it, and I knew I wasn't going fucking crazy.
He had to be into me.
The shameless flirting that painfully teased me, oddly leaving me wanting more. The sheepish glares he would sneak my way from across the studio, followed by the rather riskier glares that would trail from my operating fingers...up to my lips...down to my tempting cleavage which—of course—I had left there on purpose. The way he'd somehow always seemed to find an opportunity to interact with me in any way. The stone ball of tension that would clump up in my chest everytime his presence neared me. His peculiar shyness and tint in his cheeks when I would catch him staring particularly hard. His admiration of my musical abilities that he was never afraid to express; How my skills were a sort that he has "never seen before and should be more recognized." George saw me...saw me as a woman with "crazy good taste", with personality, not as the stereotypical 60's birdie who would try her hardest to be the perfect girl for her man. Who would make sure to shut up and stay to the side, only arising when a man needed her for sex, children, food, marriage, comfort...for anything he wished for. Because that was all women could be according to society. However I refused to stay within these ridiculous boundaries society had set up for me, and actually be a woman who was aware of her own wants and feelings in life, and wasn't afraid to express these things in any way she pleased.
I mean shit, it wasn't illegal was it?
George saw a true character in me, and so I did him. Although he had usually been the discarded one during band sessions, his lack of brashness only melted me into him even more. I knew he was a genius. After all, the ones with the finest ideas are forced to keep quiet, so the egotistical ones can propose as they please. George had this perplexing detail about him...about his aura...about those eyes that had grabbed me by my heart and reeled me in shamelessly. I wanted to know all of him—not just what the papers had claimed.
Shifting back to the present moment from my short tunnel of thought, I quickly noticed the blinding gray haze had already slipped away, leaving George's gradually red face and mine only mere inches away. My eyes widened for a split second and an alarmed cough heaved from the edge of my throat, as I attempted a fake smile.
He definitely noticed.
And it definitely turned me on.
"Hey-uhm..I was actually working on some stuff last night for..."
I didn't finish my sentence, for the reason that when I stood up and positioned my hands to prepare to strum a new bassline, George had halted my fingers with his own, turning my beloved bass in a different direction.
My heart did not jump.
No—it damn near performed backflips at his sudden taking of action. I swallowed quietly as that overwhelming feeling overcame me; y'know, that suffocating warmth where you're sweating but you're not really sweating..? He had noticed my use of gimmicks to attempt to change the subject, but he didn't want to change the subject. Nor did I, at least not anymore after weeks of this anticipation-filled taunting of ours. I shifted my attention up to his eyes and they were already fixated on me, just as I expected them to be as I felt his gaze sifting through the tender grooves of my ego when I was looking down at my instrument earlier. He sent me a look that I can only decipher as need.
His yet to be gathered words are quickly cut off before he can even finish my first name. That look was all George needed to do to send me over the edge. I dropped my bass (which pained me to a great extent, but at that moment I couldn't care less) in order to grasp his face with both hands and pull his lips to mine in a heated kiss. I felt his body jerk the slightest bit, in reaction to the sudden feeling of my lips daringly welcoming his. Both of George's eyebrows shot up, eyelashes fluttering shut as he proceeded to kiss me back in a slow, painfully sweet manner.
I am literally kissing George Harrison right now.
It was incredulous. The sentiment of his lips were incredulous. With each rhythmic pucker in which his mouth morphed into mine, a fluid saccharine dispersed through my veins. After 5 incredibly steady seconds, our lips parted with only the sound of a wet smack followed by synchronized panting. I inhale shakily, parting my swollen lips in awe as I peer up at his flustered face. Something was suddenly...different about George's demeanor. From his taunting frame displayed an aura that was 10 times more powerful than it was five seconds ago, that had me questioning whether I should be scared—or excited—or both.
My words trailed off into a cry as George longingly pressed my figure against his, demolishing any space between us that could interfere with the intertwining of our rutty bodies. With one of his hands applying pressure to my lower back forcing my crotch to bump against his, and the other holding the back of my neck to ensure I was strictly only inhaling the air that left his mouth which still had a smoggy hint to it, he kissed me once again deeper than before.
We were in a rut, like caged fucking animals who haven't been able to interact for years. The slow, sentimental kissing we had partaken in just seconds ago had quickly turned into a hot, sloppy make-out, as several chairs, guitars, and drinks had been repeatedly knocked over consequently from our passionate fondling. Oh, how passionate it was. The harmonic "huffs" and "puffs" reverberated off the studio walls, blending with the sound of George's groans, which I earned from from occasionally tugging at his silky brown locks I cherished so much. He had then slipped his eager tongue past my inviting lips, as it explored every empty space inside of my mouth and occasionally swiveled its wetness around mine. After traversing around the room in a lustful tango for what seemed like forever, I eventually felt a cold collision between my back and the wall behind me.
"Shit, Harri...", I wept to his right ear, the grip I had on his shirt growing even tighter from the shifting levels of our hot clothed sex down below. Our bodies were inseparable at that point, being so close that I could sense the heat that radiated from George. Suddenly I felt the corners of his moist lips expand into a smile against mine.
"What 'appened to 'Mr. Harrison?'"
The pitch of his voice steeped lower than usual, however he still had that undertone of mockery that rang through my ears and shot signals down to my aroused areas. Huffing a light chuckle through his nose, he urged to continue his hand's exploration of my vulnerable body...however I had interrupted his hungry gestures.
"You're gonna have to prove yourself for such a title...", I whispered as I took both of his veiny hands within my grasp and started to slither them down over my chest, then eventually to my stomach...then lastly I guided him to where it ached for his infectious contact the most. When I shifted my attention back to his face, his peering velvet pools indicated he had took me on to this "challenge".
George had surely understood the assignment.
We both heaved out a sigh as his yearning fingers started to slide under the waistline of my jeans, and very slowlyyyy dipped into my sopping panties. I bit my lip as my eyebrows caved in, anticipating the electric touch of his fingertips. He tapped the slick residue from my aching heat, almost as if he was testing the waters, jaw clenched tight from the wet abundance that coated his fingers. I could tell it was turning him on like crazy. While humming blissfully through pursed lips, George gently pushed his independent digit inside of me making sure to curve it at that perfect angle which ever so slightly hit my sweet spot, before drawing his drenched finger back out. A whine escapes my mouth at the emptiness of my needy muff.
"Fuck, I can't", he exhales while looking at my squeamish body.
"What do you mean"-
"I can't wait any longer, I want to taste you."
Leaving a beam of excitement shooting through my core, he lifted me up with both hands supporting my ass, and lied me on the piano. As the shock of the cold surface raised my restricted nipples almost immediately, George skimmed his hands down my body, then slid down my pants so only my lacy underwear remained.  The corner of his lips formed a coy smile when he noticed the decently sized dark spot that lingered on the fabric of my crotch. Then as he licked his lips once more, he pulled my panties aside with a singular finger, exposing my—
"Pretty cunt", he buzzed while he admired the not-so-still picture that was now displayed for him. His word choice seemed brash, but the way it slurred of his tongue was so gentle...in a way that made him seem strangely humble.
He's unreal, I thought as a wave of shyness came over my body in reaction to the sight of him observing my sacred parts, urging me to quickly close my legs. However before the skin of my thighs could smack together, George pulled them back apart, revealing his cheeky smile.
A tingling pink hue scattered through my face when I realized that he was mocking me from our little Marlboro situation. The sass of that man.
George didn't waste a second re-entering his finger into my seeping twat, following that slow, steady rhythm he had performed just seconds ago. He knew exactly where to hit. Every dip and protrusion of his experienced feeler that rubbed against my sensitive walls shot pulsing signals through my body— and catapulted me into a fucking orbit. My stomach caved in as I tensely watched his finger disappear in and out of my pussy, each time coming out shinier than before. My front teeth sank into my bottom lip in attempt to hide restrained whimpers that escaped my mouth...until he snuck in a second finger (it wasn't sneaky at all) with a wet kiss to my clit. Unable to bear the dilated size and girth of his two fingers alone pumping into me so sweetly, my head flew back and I started let every gasp and moan he triggered spill shamelessly from my lips. I couldn't tell if he wanted me to beg for mercy...or serve me by satisfying any desires and fantasies that I wished. George was so alluring...so complex. I loved it.
"Yes...thats it, love, don't hold back. Am I makin' you feel good?"
He knew what he was doing. He was fully aware of the dramatic effects he had on my body, but he just wanted to partake in toying with me further. George's thick accent that bled through his vocabulary only turned me on so much more with each syllable rattling my core—making it so much more harder to choke out words, therefore I only nodded my head obnoxiously to satisfy his question.
"Mm-mm, I need to hear you. Let me hear how good my fingers make you feel. C'mon...", he encouraged as his tall frame draped over mine; long strands of chocolate hair gracefully tickling my hot cheeks. As he serenaded my soul with his words, his fingers were gradually fucking my insides faster and faster, each stroke producing a raunchy squelch that became more and more audible. Torpedos of pleasure repeatedly shot through my body with each time George flawlessly curved against my G-spot, never missing a beat. Finally, I folded my neck to desperately look at his eyes which were keenly observing every facial and bodily reaction that was fingered out of me. His staggering orbs then peered into mine, hassling me to give him that audible closure he yearned for, as his locks shuddered from his jerky movements. I managed to to cry out one more shaky moan before panting out,
"Yes Mr. Harrison, it feels so good. I want you so bad...I want to come all over your fingers. Please."
George plastered an appreciative smile on his face in attempt to mask the fact my pleading and name-calling had drove him fucking feral; the suffocating protrusion in his pants making it evident already. His right hand crept down to the band of my undies, retracting it so it would audibly slap against my skin. His eyes shot up to mine.
"May I?", he questioned as he continued the fiddling of my intimates.
I bobbed my head once and with that, he hooked his fingers under the east and west ends of my panties and sluggishly pulled them down to my ankles, slick rubbing off on my thighs on the way down. George took his time enjoying every twitch and squirm of anticipation that ran through my legs, subconsciously swiping his tongue over his lips several times before I was finally free of any restraints. His attention shifted to the wall clock for a brief second before returning back to the helpless—dressless—woman that was now naked and ready for him.
"Sorry, love. Im going to have to make this quick", he says before flashing a smirk.
Why?, I thought as I turned my head around to try and look at the clock, however my thought was mercilessly pushed away by George's wetness invading my eagerly displayed pearl. My teeth almost immediately captured my bottom lip at the surging pleasure that quickly dispersed through every nerve that claimed my system.
Boy, did he have some magical tongue.
George steadied himself by setting his hands on my jerking hips as his tongue flicked heavy stripes and circles around my clit—every motion erupting huffs, moans, groans, and squeals from my core to the edge of my lips. And with every lewd sound and dirty prompt that shamelessly spewed from my mouth, a groan, hum, or chuckle from him followed...each one a wet vibration to my clit. His encapsulating eyes flicked up second after second to capture every reaction that was sucked so graciously out of me. Every once in a short while my eyes would meet his, and I could tell this man was enjoying every jerk and squirm my body made, every cave and expansion of my stomach, every pant I heaved like a dog in heat, every direction my eyes would turn whenever he hit a particularly sweet spot....he made sure to absorb everything. While my hands were desperately trying to grab something for support, they just so happened to meet George's messy mop, tugging tightly until it urged a groan from his lips—and an addition of two fingers inside of me.
"Oh god..." , I whimpered as the mixed sensations of Georges gentle kisses and licks to my jewel and his skilled digits rhythmically pumping inside my heated walls pushed me closer and closer to the edge. I watched tentatively, noticing how between kisses his gaze would shift constantly between the hot sloppy juices that exited my body and coated his fingers, and the priceless facial expressions that morphed my face...almost like he struggled deciding which view was better.
"Right there..?, he cooed with his mouth hung open, being entranced by the image before him and wanting more of it. I helplessly nodded my head as he continued to course his curious muscle around my clit, pleasantly tossing it around and sucking it occasionally with his pillowy kisser. With a few more bumps his fingers had flawlessly pressed to my G-spot, that all-too familiar sensation started creeping up from the depths of my core like a volcano, as I felt the earth-shattering eruption overwhelm my body.
"George..!", I cried, squeezing his left hand that still rested on my waist—which was now elevated a few inches off the piano—I experienced a high I've never done before. Patches of color and patterns masked my vision in a striking haze as I bared the painfully-sweet orgasm that possessed my body.
Damn, all he did was eat me out.
Once I recovered, I fluttered my eyes open to see George below me—messy hair, flushed cheeks, and...wet clothes? I quickly scanned the area and noticed the piano speckled in a water-like fluid, along with my own clothes.
Once I realized what George had evoked out of me, I shot upwards and closed my legs shut, hands flying to my mouth in embarrassment.
"My, where are your manners?", he mocked once again with a stupid smile tweaked in his lips, standing up straight to uncover my bashed face with his hands.
"Don't act so posh now, you devil."
He mumbled something sultry under his musky breath before dipping his head in for another kiss, however before the edges of our lips could meet, a parking vehicle catches our attention from outside the window. Our heads turn simultaneously as our eyes slowly track a familiar figure strut out of the car and closer to the studio building.
It was Ringo.
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menacingearthwork · 2 months ago
was tagged by @beatriceportinari 2 list my top 10 first watch movies of this year and since my brain is a hole it took a while to remember but here are my rankings from da "worst" to da BEST
10. cemetery man - when that bus of schoolkids careened off the cliff i thought i was going to shit myself in the theater with how hard i was laughing. otherwise just fun and campy
9. bronson - very winding refn. tom hardy is such a treat always. a fun creative venture, but unfortunately the back and forth bored me too much to enjoy the storyline as i probably should have. i would still recommend it for a nice evening watch tho
8. the devil's bath - interesting sleeper pick i stumbled upon at the theater, really loved the cyclical stories playing hand in hand with one another, especially in conjunction with the rendition of 'female madness'. beautifully filmed without being too heavy-handed
7. arrival - to tack onto the cyclical storytelling i loved the, no pun, loops this story wove within itself. villeneuve at some of his finest work, and tickled something fun within me as a language enjoyer TM. lost ranking for romance+family nonsense as a personal pick but i also saw dune pt 2 this year and enjoyed this so much more.
6. ed wood - if tim burton and johnny depp kept on this sort of path i would be more prone to enjoying anything either of them had done ever. probably my favorite collaboration between the two. johnny's ed charmed me to bits with his fun quirkiness and I LOOOOOOOOVED MARTIN LANDAU'S BELA LUGOSI SO MUCH!!!!!!!! great sets great acting loved every single character and their relationships. watched for halloweentime and may do so every year because i loved it so much
5. rosemary's baby - somehow this was the first year i watched this movie probably because i saw the last scene when i was 10 and it freaked me out so bad i had to wait 20 more years to watch it, which was a wise decision on my part because i appreciated the true horror of it all, which was the atmosphere. sinister, foreboding, eyes constantly on mia farrow but you could never really see them, but you just knew something was going on. and, of course, the s/a scene was so terrifying in its own right that i can still hear mia farrow's "this isn't a dream, this is really happening!" line in my head
4. trainspotting - i could talk pages about the scene with the baby passing away and everyone immediately shooting up in grief, or the suppository scene, or the withdrawal scene, and how hilariously tragic the entire story is, especially as someone who has enjoyed irvine welsh's writing since i was a teenager but IT'S SHITE BEING SCOTTISH, WE'RE THE LOWEST OF THE LOW, THE SCUM OF THE FUCKING EARTH, THE MOST WRETCHED, MISERABLE, SERVILE, PATHETIC TRASH THAT WAS SHAT INTO CIVILIZATION, SOME PEOPLE HATE THE ENGLISH, I DON'T! THEY'RE JUST WANKERS! WE ON THE OTHER HAND ARE COLONIZED BY WANKERS! CAN'T EVEN FIND A DECENT CULTURE TO BE COLONIZED BY! WE'RE RULED BY EFFETE ASSHOLES! laid into me, man
3. robocop - ROBOCOP SHOT THAT MAN IN THE DICK!!!!!!!! otherwise was just SO MUCH FUN, blood and spatter and the melding of man and machine, the loss of humanity and question of law and order, with INCREDIBLE filmmaking prowess by verhoeven as always. my stomach lurched the entire way that robocop became robocop, especially the new year's scene where everyone treated him as a prop despite him at his core being human. i expected to feel more miserable with this one but wound up having a GREAT time
2. clerks - shit on me all you like for taking so long to watch this movie in full but i watched it on physical media given to me from my dad and now i can't stop quoting it. hashtag me of all time. after all, i don't watch movies
1. anatomy of a fall - hands down my favorite film of the year. watched it on a whim and didn't feel like a second of the 3hr runtime was wasted, and barely even noticed that it was 3hrs in the first place. near perfect execution in all regards. minimal soundtrack cemented the story with proper gravitas, told a story of an inter-european immigrant family with mastery, never was overbearing for a second, gorgeous scenery, natural script. a heartbreaking mystery that never once jumped the gun or felt hamfisted or felt full of itself. it just really is such an incredible story let alone movie that i don't hesitate to say will find few rivals for the rest of the 2020s.
usernames with e, l, h, n, and y are tagged :P
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bellisima-writes · 6 months ago
August Fanfic Roundup
Good morning fandom readers,
I was able to read a bit more this month than last, but still not much. Quality over quantity, right? Here is a round up of the goodies I was able to gobble up in between the craziness that is my life:
Lesser known fiction (a shout out to some of the newer writers in our community!):
A Place for the End of the World by @kitty-kat-undercover - E - 77k
Three weeks after Aziraphale left for Heaven the Second Coming is fast approaching. A heartbroken Crowley decides to return to an old friend's home in Canada to live out the last few days before the end of the world
This was a beautifully written and original take on how Crowley and Aziraphale's story could end. The author has an incredible ability to paint a robust picture with their words, really dropping you into the landscape and feel of the story. There is a tenderness and a joy to the characters and the prose that paint the whole thing in a hopeful light; something I don't think we see too much in our angsty post season 2 world (my works included).
The story includes characters from the show as well as some wonderful original ones, all of them bursting with love and fondness for the world and each other that really shines through on the page. If you want a romantic character study of Crowley's journey through his grief and Aziraphale's discovery of his own bravery, then this is a great choice.
Apus by @notalostcausejustyet - E - 3.6K
A beautifully written one shot about the power of love, both of another but also of yourself, and the discoveries that can be born from that love.
It's a soft and sexy snapshot of the ways in which Aziraphale and Crowley continue to teach each other things about themselves, how their adoration of the other enables self discovery in both, and the power of love throughout it all.
@notalostcausejustyet is not just an amazing author, but an incredible human being. Definitely check out this and their other work!
Well known Post S2 fiction (stuff most of you have read but I am still catching up on):
scherzo in f-sharp minor, for orchestra by @astrhae - M - 23K
Two years after leaving, Aziraphale turns up at Crowley's doorstep without his memories.
Told entirely through Crowley's POV, this story packs a LOT into relatively few words. The prose are poetic and the reader is taken on a journey through a selection of vignettes and snippets that are weaved together to tell a complete Second Coming story.
The historical references stand out here, as well as the almost cinematic way I felt as though I was being pulled along through a montage of images and scenes, never lingering too long but fully feeling the weight of each of as they pulled together to tell the story.
The focus here is entirely on Aziraphale and Crowley and their journey to save the world and get back to each other. Not sure if there's anyone left who hasn't read this, but if you want a beautifully written but relatively short Season 3 what if story with a laser sharp focus, this is for you.
Classic fiction (reserved for older pre and post season 1 works only):
Married at First Sight by @aracloptia - T - 147k
A little young to be a classic but it was started before season 2 so I think it counts.
Human AU in which Aziraphale and Crowley join a reality TV series where they meet one another at their own wedding and have to stay married for six weeks before deciding whether or not to break up or stay together. Things start off rocky for the pair, and after a while they decide on an arrangement of their own to help them survive the remaining length of their marriage while also minimizing their own humiliation.
This one was a joy to read: sweet, funny, beautifully written, with wonderful (and sometimes tragic) characterizations and depth that likely doesn't belong in an AU about a reality TV show. Not to mention how brilliantly crafted it was - I actually had to message the author at the end of one chapter to ask them HOW they made it all work so well!
I was at the point this month between all of the heavy post season 2 canon stuff I had been reading as well as writing my own darker AU, I needed a palate cleanser to lighten the mood. And this was PERFECT.
I am partial to human AU's, and this one joins some of my favorites alongside Slow Show, Old Vines, What We Make It (Shotgun Wedding) and For His Eyes Only. I know this one has been making the rounds on my side of tumblr (it's how I found it myself) but if you've still not read it, you definitely should! You won't be disappointed.
I am also reading a few awesome WIPs by some of my mutuals that I hope to include next time! I'm just a wee bit bogged down with the start of the school year as well as trying to pull together my own WIP.
Til next month!
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marlequinncos · 7 months ago
Now that HOTD Season 2 is over, I have a lot of thoughts about what has transpired. Full disclosure: I basically wrote an essay, so long post ahoy! I have read the book, meaning there are a couple book spoilers in here along with show spoilers. Also: there are all my personal opinions, so you may agree or disagree.
The Good
The show is beautifully shot and the cinematography is excellent. We've gotten some really gorgeous shots this season.
The dragons look great, they're animated well, and I like how we can really see their different personalities and their relationships with their riders.
The acting is solid pretty much across the board. Folks like Emma D'Arcy, Matt Smith, and Olivia Cooke are excellent as usual. The standout for me this season, though, is Tom Glynn-Carney as Aegon. He's thoroughly fleshed out his character and given him some really interesting shading and depth and I really enjoy watching him on-screen.
Some excellent new additions to the cast! Ser Simon Strong is a national treasure, Gwayne Hightower is a mood, Alys Rivers is who I aspire to be in life, and the Hull brothers are both interesting (especially their dichotomy) and they better show more with them as per the book.
Rook's Rest gave us our first real dragon battle of the show, and I thought it was really well done. I was concerned that it would be the kind of fight that's hard to follow visually, but it was clean and worked nicely. I also love that they made Aemond torching Aegon a conscious choice.
The costumes are, once again, beautiful.
The embroidery title sequence kicks a lot of ass, and I like how they're adding to it with major events.
I do really like how they've made Helaena a dreamer (which they started in season 1) and how she's a tragic Cassandra figure. However, I do have some issues with her that I'll talk about later.
The Red Sowing was done well. I was hoping we were going to see some people get incinerated to really underscore how dangerous claiming a dragon can be, and that did not disappoint.
Little Oscar Tully verbally suplexing Daemon through an announcer's table was everything I've ever wanted.
I really like the relationship between Rhaenyra and Alicent. That said, I think there are some real issues with the writing that I'll discuss below.
Big fan of them putting Tyland Lannister in Situations.
Aemond committing war crimes and serving cunt as ye olde Sephiroth. 10/10 no notes.
While I do think the tripping balls in Harrenhall arc went on for far too long, I like how the show is leaning into the magic of the world with the weirwoods and insane visions of the past, present, and future.
Women kissing
The Bad
The pacing. Listen, I like a slowburn (one of my favorite horror movies is The Witch which many people find boring), but the slow pacing has to build to something, and this entire season felt like it was just build-up with no payoff. Last season ended with a consequential event (death of Luke), and this season began with another (Blood and Cheese), yet I don't feel like those events have managed to push the plot forward. Even Rook's Rest, which seemed like we were finally getting the ramp up to all-out war that's been teased for one and a half seasons due to Aegon being burned and Rhaenys dying, didn't really ramp up the stakes. We're still waiting for the war, and it feels like Season 2 was just a giant teaser for Season 3 rather than a stepping stone of the whole story. Think of it this way: season 1 ended with a build-up to the war and yet somehow this season also ended as a build-up to the war. It doesn't feel like progress was made; we're essentially in the same spot. The season should have ended with either the taking of King's Landing or the Battle of the Gullet.
Blood and Cheese. There is a reason this event lives in infamy for book readers. It's essentially the Red Wedding of the Dance of Dragons, because of how truly heinous and horrifying of an event it is. But the show toned it down a lot, and I think that was a mistake. Not to mention the fact that the death of Aegon's heir, who was a literal child, only seemed to be an issue for about an episode, and then everyone kind of forgot about it. Frankly, I don't like how the deaths of Luke, Jaehaerys, and Rhaenys were somewhat glossed over other than an episode of some characters being sad. Those deaths should have reverberated with long-ranging consequences and I don't feel like that's the case.
The writing. It's just not as good this season. Yes, I know the writer's strike probably affected it, but still. The conversations are nowhere near as engaging or interesting as they were in season 1, and I'm someone who loves dialogue scenes of political intrigue. I also think some of the character decisions they've made don't work. The biggest issue I have in that regard is with Rhaenyra. I don't actually hate the scene in the Sept (even though I think it is kind of silly how Rhaenyra managed to sneak into KL without being detected), because I like how they establish that Alicent knows that was wrong in her assumption about Aegon and yet she doubles down and they both realize that war is now inevitable even if it all began because of a misunderstanding. But book Rhaenyra is both far more active and ruthless than her show counterpart. There's a reason they call her "Maegor with teats". I thought we were getting some of that "warrior queen Visenya" Rhaenyra during the Red Sowing episode, but the fact is that she's spent most of the season trying to decide on a course of action and trying to do everything peacefully. She should have thrown that out the window after her conversation with Alicent in the Sept. It's especially weird considering she ended season 1 out for blood for the death of Luke. I feel like the writers are afraid that having her sometimes make nasty decisions will make her unlikeable to the general audience. But by doing that, they've also reduced this fascinating woman into a shell of who she should be. Look at Dany and Cersei from GOT; both of them were women in positions of power who did not hesitate to make (sometimes bad) decisions and/or commit horrible acts to further their goals and guess what: for the most part, the audience liked them! Give me "blood and fire" Rhaenyra! Support women's wrongs! Make characters morally grey! LET WOMEN BE AWFUL!!
I also think that the writing is doing Alicent a disservice. They really don't know what to do with her, and its a shame because Olivia Cooke is great. She just feels rudderless to me.
It really looks like the show is cutting Nettles entirely and giving her plot to Rhaena and I don't like this choice. Nettles is an amazing character in her own right, and her relationship with Daemon is key for him to start changing his Targaryen supremacist worldview and for his arc as a whole. Plus, this takes away the significance of Rhaena and Morning at the conclusion of the Dance.
While I like Helaena being a dreamer, they need to give her more screen time and dialogue. Girl had almost nothing to do this season.
I wish we had seen more of Jace and Cregan in the North and the Pact of Ice and Fire. Not saying we need 20 minutes of that, but 5 would have been nice.
I like the idea of that big vision of the future in the finale, but knowing how GOT ended does soften the impact quite a bit. And I don't love that Daemon and Aemond kind of already know their fates?? That's definitely going to hurt their arcs going forward.
The season should have been 10 episodes. Having it be only 8 really messes with the pacing of the story. Not loving the 2 year breaks between seasons either.
The "Let's Wait and See"
Aegon said that Sunfyre is dead. I really hope he's wrong about that because boy howdy that will have major plot implications if Sunfyre really is dead.
DAERON REAL. It would have been nice if he had been mentioned in season 1 and actually seen in season 2, but at least we know he exists and isn't a cryptid. Hopefully we finally get to see him in action in season 3 because poor dude has just been implied for two whole seasons.
I hope we see more of the book's excellent side characters like Black Alys, Benjicot Blackwood, and Sabitha Frey (who we did technically see briefly, but if you're a book reader, you know what I'm talking about). I'd also like to see more Cregan.
Overall, I think the season was a mixed bag. I hope season 3 fixes some of the issues with pacing and writing, because they have a great cast and a show that looks beautiful.
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mist-fire · 11 months ago
Thirteenrose Master Fic List
I'm aware of the fact that honestly, there's not enough fics for this ship (a tragedy) to warrant a master list, but I wanted to share some of my very favorite thirteenrose fics.
All below the cut!!
last sunrise in the wasteland, by Shaedan
A tragic, angsty fic of how Thirteen would handle being able to interact with Rose, one last time.
i'm on my own, you're at the beach hundreds of miles away, by thelemonisinplay
Rose only has 36 hours in her universe to solve a problem, and then she's heading home. Angsty lovely closure.
'cause I followed my star (that's what you are), by quantumshade
Lovely little one-shot, where instead of regenerating into Ten during the Christmas Invasion, the Doctor regenerates into Thirteen.
A Door Once Opened, by BlueMargaritasAndYum
Rose comes back, but she's got a wedding to attend to, and what better way to do it, then have the Doctor be her fake girlfriend. Super sweet, soft fic that I loved.
Back Here in Another Universe (After All You've Been Through), by regenderate
Fantastic reunionfic one-shot, that I have no notes for. It ate that up.
Pink and Yellow Roses, by CupofSonic
Another by CupofSonic! Multi-doctor one-shot, ultimately ending with a thirteenrose reunion. Beautiful prose and an excellent understanding of the characters.
I'll Take You There Someday, by Allamarain
You want Thirteen pining after Rose, even after thousands of years? Look no further than this angsty hurt filled one-shot that breaks your heart in the best of ways.
The Reason (Is You), by MarbleHeart
Featuring two of my favorite tropes: Thirteen looking like Rose for a reason, and a reunionfic! Gorgeous fic!
Heal Thyself, by Allamarain
I love Tentoo as much as the next person, but what if he was too much? What if Rose couldn't fix him? This explores that, in the first longer form story yet on this list!
One Ring to Bind Them, by CupofSonic
Multi-doctor fic that has them mourning over Rose, until suddenly, they don't have to mourn anymore.
You're So Northern, by MiJasmine
What do I need to say about this? Short, soft, fluffy reunionfic!
i had a feeling so peculiar, by tablox
Love the hints of Bad Wolf throughout this one! The Doctor is searching, but can she find Rose? Reunionfic
Here I Love You, by Maiden_of_the_Moon
A desperately mourning Doctor talks to sixteen year old Rose in a club. ANGST fest galore, but beautifully written.
It's Me Here, Riding A Light Through The Universe, by Allamarain
What if Rose had never met the Doctor until she was twenty three? This story explores that! Another long form fic by Allamarain that I THOROUGHLY enjoyed.
You Will Find Me Time After Time, by mltrefry
This is seriously one of my favorite thirteenrose fics ever. When the stars never went out, Rose was trapped in the other universe, but now, for a completely unrelated problem, she has returned. Will she meet the Doctor? Another longer one!
When The Chaos Calls Me Out, by Melusine0811
Thirteen follows the ache of a broken bond to Pete's World, where she finds Rose alone and hurting, the Metacrisis nowhere to be found. What's an alien to do? Longer form, and absolutely brilliant!
i wished on a star (it brought me you), by rcsetyler
Broken and alone in Pete's World, Rose tries to find the one person to lessen her grief. A wonderful reunionfic.
come on, come home to me, by nounpolycule
Short and sweet reunionfic of what might've happened if Rose was stranded in the same place the TARDIS had stopped.
Pertinacia by lumidaub
The first incomplete and first comic of this post, but don't let that dissuade you! This comic is gorgeously drawn, with just the right amount of ridiculousness. Very excited to see where lumidaub takes it next!!
your bouquet of golden roses, by lifeitself
Also incomplete, and unlikely to be finished, but truly one of the most gorgeous and well written pieces of media that I have had the fortune to consume in the past few years. The last chapter is a decent enough stopping point, and the story and prose itself are so so worth it.
a collapsing star, by sunshinemachine
A little twisted and convoluted in the best of ways, this is an angsty one-shot that will keep you on the edge of your seat!
No More, by Singing_Siren
What can I say other than a masterfully executed reunion one-shot!
World in Flux, by withthekeyisking
Rose takes a bit of a unique path back to her original universe, but she muddles along the best she can, hoping to eventually find the Doctor. Great one-shot!
Interwoven, Entangled, by regenderate
Multi-doctor fic showing how Rose fits in with the rest of the Doctors, featuring one of my very favorite hcs, Bad Wolf as Disability!
forever (wondering if you knew), by sherlgrey
Silly little multi-doctor speed dating fic, and ends with some gorgeous thirteenrose.
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wxblogs · 10 months ago
if anyone wants a few reasons to watch dead boy detectives-- ill give you some!
- it is beautifully written. as is all of gaiman's work BUT the writing tackles very deep and real issues while also keeping the show itself lighthearted and fun.
- ALL of the characters are amazing! even the antagonists and the ones you reallyyy want to hate. it's hard to! all of them have many, many layers and are so complex. (except maxine. fuck you maxine.)
- the two main boys are absolutely smitten with each other from the second you see them on screen. george and jayden have beautiful chemistry together and i think they are truly the best choices they could've made casting wise.
- a TON of amazing queer and poc representation. none of it is stereotypical or fetishized. it tackles poc and cultural issues, while also addressing things like internalized homophobia.
- the show itself covers many topics like abuse, homophobia, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, and ptsd. plus a lot more! the actors do an amazing job of portraying all of these struggles in a way that feels SO real and personal.
- edwin and charles spend their time solving cases for other ghosts to give them the peace the two of them never got. the story that unfolds throughout the first season is beautiful, and sweet, and so, so lovely. but it is tragic, and horrible, and i think that is reason enough to just give it a shot!
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mikoriin · 2 months ago
hello hello! im interested in watching some new anime this year and my fave animes r sailor moon, madoka magica, and ouran high school host club. i especially love a silly funny slice of life show. what r the top 3 youd recommend as fitting the bill?
okay so out of all the anime ive ever seen, know, or like i think these animes would maybe fit your fancy:
Revolutionary Girl Utena.
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spoke about it in my last ask so u can find more info there if u havent already seen it, but please anyone reading this, if u havent seen this anime please PLEASE go watch it. trigger warnings for the things i discussed in the last ask i answered, but it is beautifully animated, it crafts a deep, meaningful, and impactful story about breaking down the patriarchal ideals of what it means to be a "prince" and "princess". how society tries to assign us these roles based off of our gender or sex, and how they affect both men and women in terms of toxic masculinity, and how young girls and women pay the price for it. it is often told in heavy symbolism and metaphors or through a fairy tale like lens, but it all has a purpose. theres a ton of symbolic meaning in it that i still dont understand, even after my most recent rewatch. its stunning, and its queer as hell! directed by none other than kunihiko ikuhara, if anyone is familiar with any of his other popular works (such as the sailor moon R movie, yurikuma arashi, and penguindrum)
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HEAR ME OUT i ADORE clannad it is one of my top 5 animes ever and it is BEAUTIFUL. its two seasons total, produced by kyoani, and it is funny, charming, beautiful, and tragic. the second season is its most acclaimed, because After Story is just....breathtaking, but the first season rly starts off good too. the humor is so fucking good, i found myself laughing my ass off all through both seasons and it reads as a harem, but it doesnt follow the exact same harem tropes because the main guy has always had eyes for one girl since day 1 so....sorry ladies this is nagisa's house. also it is based off of an old 2000s otome game so thats why too. but clannad follows the main story, nagisa's route.
the story is essentially about a high schooler named Tomoya Okazaki who hates his dad, the town he lives in, and himself. and on the hill going to school one day he meets a senior, Nagisa Furukawa, and she's talking to herself to calm herself down because she's afraid to go back to school. tomoya overhears and it kinda...resonates with him. so he basically says theyll do it together. and so kicks off their story, about how nagisa's passion to follow her dreams before her senior year is over warms up tomoya's frozen heart and they fall for each other. it has a good cast of characters, like the girls in the cover shown and more, and its a slice of life, drama. beautiful 10/10 definitely recommend. get ur tissues ready tho i will warn u, i stayed crying like a baby lolol
3) Cardcaptor Sakura
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another magical girl series if u havent already seen it! a classic among the magical girl genre, i offer you CLAMP's probably highest grossing series, cardcaptor sakura! i grew up on this anime, and im talkin GREW UP i was 9 when i watched this anime in japanese on youtube in 3 parts lmao (i was not fuckin with that 4kids dub ngl) and i adore this anime. granted it is a CLAMP creation, therefore there are some Questionable things in there, but the story, art style, characters, and magic are rly fun!!! plus....SYAORAN LI UM HELLO??? MY SON???? total tsundere brat, but hes a dream boat too yknow????
i wassss going to recommend Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle as my third ngl, because it does have sakura and syaoran as their main protagonists in trc, as well as many other clamp characters (mcu who?) buttttttt tsubasa is always a shot in the dark to recommend to people because 1) the anime sucks. if u want the true, authentic story u gotta read the manga. i am rolling around in my grave for all eternity until tsubasa gets a manga-faithful anime adaptation....and 2) not a lot of people like tsubasa because its unnecessarily convoluted lolol there are definitely gripes i have with certain aspects of its story, but i adore that manga with all my being it is sooo so good.
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bandaidfingers · 5 months ago
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🦇🩷BLOOD AND ROSES (1960)🩷🦇or Et Mourir de Plaisir (Le Sang et La Rose)
A French film Inspired by the novel Carmilla (as many of the movies on this list are). This movie involves the descendants of the Karnstein family, in particular it centers around Carmilla, who is jealous of the engagement between her best friend and her cousin (both of whom she is secretly in love with). She spends their engagement party moping around the family cemetery, when an accidental explosion caused by fireworks unearths the hidden tomb of her vampiric ancestor, Millarca, whose spirit then possesses her. This movie ends up being much more of a tragic romance than a horror movie as the story goes on, with Carmilla gradually losing her sense of self and time as she preys on the women of her household and distances herself further from her two loved ones. Overall this is a slow, moody, and beautifully shot movie that I would recommend even to someone who isn’t generally a vampire enjoyer.
second movie in my lesbian vampire illustration series :)
and you can buy this original here :)
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 2 months ago
as a literature diva, your jake oneshot gave me much to think about… the little details and nuances are actually insane. i think people often overlook context when it comes to one-shots like this. like yeah from the surface, how could she forgive him so easily? but then you think about what three years can do to emotionally tie you to somebody even if its toxic. to her jaeyun was all she had, and leaving him probably felt like leaving a part of herself. so when jaeyun confesses, it’s only natural that she gravitates to him. because that’s literally all she wanted. as much as he treated her like shit, she still loved him. and this was so tragically yet beautifully portrayed in the way you wrote how she cared for jaeyun when he was sick. and even after being disappointed, she still hoped. also don’t even get me started on the metaphors 😭😭😭 i’m a true believer that if your words can make someone cry, you’re a talented writer. thank you for writing this masterpiece. 🫶
omg... you analysed this down to a T. this is exactly what i imagined went down in the character's thought process. the story is a happy ending but not a "happy ending" at the same time, because she's still tied to the ring she claimed she hated so much in the beginning. you actually caught the nuance to that, thank you so much??? and this is exactly why there probably won't be a part 2, as much as i would love to write it T.T i'm sorry!!!!!
whoever this anon is, i love you 🫶
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