#a battle royale of lssjs would actually be kinda cool ngl
shibuyashotos · 1 year
This is kinda more of a one off post, but I wanted to do somethin' like writing up a couple scenarios and what kind of dialogue I'd imagine happening in them. Nothing too major, just a spur of the moment kind of thought process.
Scenario 1 - "Roles"
(Dialogue between Tempo and Amara about their dynamic. Tempo is a character belonging to @inkyblott)
Tempo: "Hey, so I was wondering... What exactly would you say our dynamic is?"
Amara: "Dynamic?"
Tempo: "Yeah like what're our roles. Our positions. You know, functions?"
Amara: "As far as I'm aware, we're best friends."
Tempo: "Okay but like aside from that."
Amara: "We're best friends."
Tempo: "I was thinking like I'm always the goofy one and you're the big scary looking straight-woman that keeps me grounded. You kinda got this big stick up your butt."
Amara: (sounding a cross between incredulous and offended) "Tempo, we're best friends. Take it or leave it."
Tempo: (realizing her mistake) "Okay, no worries! No worries!"
Scenario 2 - "A Horrible Idea"
(The following dialogue is between two gods, one of them having a very peculiar idea)
God 2: "Okay so all I'm saying is that we gather up every single one of those legendary super saiyans, put 'em in the same area and have 'em battle it out to see which one is deserving of the title."
God 1: "Do you know how terrible that idea is?"
God 2: "Don't you mean how Awesome that idea is? Just think about it. It'll be like one big green battle royale! The last one standing is the real legend!"
God 1: "You Do realize that there are a lot of universes and thus a lot of them right?"
God 2: "Yeah?"
God 1: "You also do realize that each one is capable of destroying a planet at minimum, yes?"
God 2: "Sounds pretty fun yeah."
God 1: "Think about what would happen if you pit... oh i don't know, one hundred of them against each other in a battle royale."
God 2: "...I see the problem."
(They did not see the problem and still wanted to go through with it.)
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