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ninjavolador · 1 year ago
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callmeanxietygirl · 11 months ago
QUÉ TRISTE 😢😢¡Así es como luce La Laguna de Zumpamgo en la actualidad! 1850 hectáreas totalmente secas debido a la escasez de agua y a la sequía actual. #alert #sequía #agua #CDMX
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HOY 2024
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drapeau-rouge · 1 year ago
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fernando-arciniega · 2 years ago
Zumpango - Contexto social, económico y cultural de Zumpango Estado de México
En este capítulo se explorará el contexto social, económico y cultural de Zumpango, un municipio situado en la región noroeste del Estado de México. Con una población en constante crecimiento, Zumpango es una ciudad que combina la tradición con la modernidad, y que ha experimentado importantes cambios en las últimas décadas. Se analizarán los aspectos más relevantes de su historia, su demografía…
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semtituloh · 4 months ago
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Vía Archivo Histórico Unicach
El Zócalo Capitalino después de la lluvia 1922 fotografía de Manuel Ramos.
La CDMX, se encuentra sobre 5 antiguos lagos ; al norte los de agua salada Zumpango y Xaltocan , al centro el de Texcoco siendo este el más grande y al sur el de Xochimilco y Chalco.
En temporada de lluvias la Ciudad de México parecía ser retomada por el gran imperio de Tenochtitlan que reclama sus territorios lacustres.
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friendswithclay · 1 year ago
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“India Zumpango”
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aquariuminfobureau · 8 months ago
The tragedy of the axolotl
The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is a species of tiger salamander indigenous to Mexico, and specifically to a few connected lakes in that country, located near Mexico City. It is in fact the most famous and best studied of the tiger salamander complex, which have a tendency towards axolotl-like paedomorphosis, a fact that confuses taxonomists. Mature axolotls retain larval traits such as external gills, whilst developing those features of an adult salamander, such as gonads enabling them to reproduce without a terrestrial stage. A full sized axolotl may be about 30 centimetres or 12 inches long, though they are frequently sold when much smaller.
The original, wild morph of the axolotl, which is still bred in captivity, is of a dark coloration. However a number of captive morphs have been bred, and it is white axolotls that are most common in aquariums worldwide. The strain of white axolotl encountered is not usually albino, but technically leucistic. Other domesticated strains bred by humans include golden, piebald, etc. Axolotls are sometimes traded in North America, as the Mexican walking fish, although they are not fish, but very obviously amphibians. Another name for this species, is the Mexican salamander, derived from their geographical origins.
Axolotls were known to the Aztecs and had a significance in the Aztec culture. The very name of the axolotl, is one of the words that has entered our own English language, from Classical Nahua, the language of the Aztec Empire or Old Mrxico. The etymology of the word axolotl is a compound of atl, meaning water, and xolotl, meaning a male servant or a dog. Thus a translation of 'water dog' also entered the English language, though it transferred to an unrelated, but visually similar salamander genus, Necturus, that also possesses similar external gills, and an entirely aquatic life cycle. These traits have, in fact, evolved a number of times among the salamanders.
Axolotls were harvested for food by the Aztecs, depicted in their art, and mentioned in their mythology - there was even a canine god named Xolotl, who turned himself into an axolotl, in an effort to save himself from Ehecatl, the wind god, at the origin of the Fifth Sun. Thus axolotls were incorporated into an Old Mexican symbolic nexus, that also included dogs, death, and lightning. The Spanish were unimpressed by the axolotl, and the species doesn't have such an esteemed place in the modern Mexican culture, as it had in Old Mexico. Modern Mexico has allowed the habitat of the axolotl to degrade, and its population size to collapse.
The wild axolotl is best associated with the lake named Xochimilco, and the anthropogenic waterscape known as chinampas. Historically the axolotls adapted to human presence by colonizing this system of canals which were created and managed by people before the Spanish conquest. Wild axolotls are known to still be present in these canals. Unfortunately, a number of more contemporary human activities, have since harmed wild axolotl populations, and the species has declined until it is nowadays close to extinct in the wild.
Lake Xochimilco is an upland freshwater environment, near Mexico City. Its parameters are hard and alkaline, and its climate zone is subhumid and temperate. Depending on the season, the temperature of Lake Xochimilco varies from 8 degrees centigrade in the winter, sometimes dropping lower, and up to 18 degrees in the summer. Unfortunately the lake itself, is a threatened environment of Mexico. Another lake inhabited by axolotls, Lake Chalco, has already been drained as a flood protection measure. And it is assumed the species is now absent from the lakes Texcoco and Zumpango.
Axolotls are easily maintained at a pH of 7.0 to 9.2, and water temperatures of 16 to 23 degrees C, based on the literature. Temperatures above 24 degrees centigrade may be harmful to them, although conversely they have survived short spells in outdoor ponds during the wintertime, as long as the winter is not too severe nor the freezing period prolonged. Axolotls are thus unsuited to life in tropical aquarium conditions, and are best considered coldwater aquarium inhabitants.
During a heatwave affecting the Netherlands, some axolotls were reportedly behaving as normal, when the air temperature had risen to 27 degrees centigrade. They did not cease feeding, nor did they hang around the water surface more closely, as did some of the other aquatic salamanders. A closely related species, A. tigrinum, was also withstanding the same brief hot spell. Perhaps some axolotls have better tolerances for temporary warmth than do others, owing to their status as members of captive bred strains. But it should be stressed that this was an unusual, and temporary, summertime situation for the axolotls.
Axolotls are entirely aquatic, and no land portion is required or desirable in their captive habitat. Their natural environment is full of freshwater plant life, which should be replicated, but this species is likely to consume any motile animal, that it might fit into its maw. Another problem is that the delicate but neccessary gills of the axolotl, and other amphibians with such external gills, might be bitten and damaged by other tankmates. Overall this species does not mix well with other species of aquarium inhabitants.
Axolotls are not sociable, and although more than one axolotl can share an aquarium, if the available space is permitting, there is a risk of aggression and injury. Cohabiting two or more axolotls should only be attempted if the aquarium is large enough, with breakages to their lines of sight. Although axolotls are suction feeding predators, their bites can hurt and injure one another. Because their skin is soft they should not be exposed to sharp edged stones or gravels. On the positive side, axolotl physiology is very resistant to injury, but this is no excuse for failure to prevent them coming to harm.
Axolotls are carnivores with a natural diet of freshwater prey that are low in fats and oils. Most of them will accept sinking pellets as for carnivorous fishes, if they are soft enough to appeal to the axolotls. The most suitable foods are probably the items sold frozen for aquarium fishes, but they will also eat items from the fishmongers. Because axolotls are suction feeders, which should be expected of a salamander feeding underwater, all morsels of food should easily for into their mouths, whatever is their nature and origin. Many pet axolotls die from internal organ failures, caused by humans feeding them improperly on land vertebrate meat. The bulk of their natural diet, is of arthropod, annelid, and molluscan origin.
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revistatmx · 3 months ago
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🛟⛑️ #EdoMéx.- Rescatan cuerpo de menor de edad, que perdió la vida tras ahogarse en la #Laguna de #Zumpango.
▶️🛜 Autoridades estatales y municipales mantienen abanderada la zona del rescate.
🌐 RevistaTMX.Com
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acapulcopress · 3 months ago
Salud estatal intensifica acciones de combate al dengue en zonas afectadas por John
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CHILPANCINGO, Gro. * 14 de octubre 2024. ) Salud Guerrero La Secretaría de Salud Guerrero (SSG), afirmó que atendiendo las instrucciones de la
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gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda, a través de la Fuerza Operativa Guerrero, se ha intensificado el combate contra el mosco transmisor del dengue en todo el estado con énfasis en las zonas afectadas por “John”. La SSG, explicó que las acciones se realizan en coordinación con el Servicio Nacional de Salud Pública, contemplan la eliminación de criaderos, control larvario, nebulización espacial y nebulizaciones térmicas. Detalló que, a la fecha, se ha aplicado abate en 1 millón 596 mil 729 viviendas, así como rociado intradomiciliario en 92 mil 757 casas, mientras que a través de la nebulización espacial se han trabajado 150 mil 587 hectáreas, además de 63 mil 223 hectáreas nebulizadas con máquinas térmicas. Indicó que, de acuerdo con el informe correspondiente a la Semana Epidemiológica 40, Guerrero acumula 5 mil 613 casos confirmados de dengue, cifra con la que la entidad se mantiene en segundo lugar nacional.
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Las 10 localidades que concentran el mayor número de casos confirmados son: Acapulco con 2 mil 107; Chilpancingo con 358; Taxco 273, Iguala 263; Tlapa 252, Huamuxtitlán 73, Zumpango 78, Zihuatanejo 66, Teloloapan 55 y Ometepec con 43. La dependencia estatal, recomienda mantener las medidas preventivas contra el mosco transmisor, por ello invita a la población a sumarse a las acciones que realiza el personal de vectores, principalmente con la estrategia “lava, tapa, voltea y tira”, que es la más efectiva para evitar criaderos de moscos. ) www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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sociedadnoticias · 4 months ago
Pactan corredor de transporte mexiquense Zumpango-Ecatepec
El gobierno de Delfina Gómez apuesta por un transporte más seguro y eficiente en el Valle de México Por Mireya Estrada | Corresponsal Como parte de las iniciativas para modernizar el transporte público en el Estado de México, el gobierno encabezado por la Maestra Delfina Gómez Álvarez, a través de la Secretaría de Movilidad (Semov), firmó un convenio con transportistas del Valle de México para…
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reygfr · 4 months ago
Encantado por esta fusión de lo antiguo y lo nuevo. ⛪✨El campanario colonial se alza majestuoso, testigo de siglos de historia, mientras que la arquitectura moderna lo rodea con un toque contemporáneo. ¡La naturaleza, con sus flores vibrantes, añade el toque perfecto a este cuadro! ¿Qué opinas de esta mezcla de estilos?
#arquitecturacolonial #arquitecturamoderna #campanario #historia #naturaleza #patrimonio #explora #travel #mexico #Zumpango #igersmexico #instamexico #visitmexico #travelgram #wanderlust #instatravel #photooftheday #beautifuldestinations #exploremore #loves_united #arqui #ig_mexico #megustamexico
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notatrasnota · 7 months ago
Hallan fósiles humanos del Pleistoceno en Zupango, Edomex
Estudios sugieren que esta persona están más cercanas a los primeros pobladores de América que de los grupos prehispánicos Zumpango, EdoMex.-En un hallazgo sin precedentes, durante la construcción del aeropuerto en la base militar Santa Lucía fueron hallados restos humanos precerámicos, datados hace 10 mil años, el hecho fue realizado por un equipo multidisciplinario del INAH. El esqueleto,…
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alexvogager · 9 months ago
Dra. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo en Mitin en Zumpango Estado de México 🇲🇽
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centraldenoticiasmx · 10 months ago
Buscará Xóchitl Gálvez recuperar lagos y lagunas abandonados en el país
🖊#Elecciones2024 | Buscará Xóchitl Gálvez recuperar lagos y lagunas abandonados en el país +INFO:
Durante una reunión con pobladores y prestadores de servicios aledaños a la Laguna de Zumpango, la candidata a la Presidencia de la República por el PAN, PRI y PRD, Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz, se comprometió a recuperar las lagunas abandonadas en diferentes regiones del país. En el encuentro, la ingeniera explicó que el primer paso será instalar plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales y el líquido…
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hectorrofficial · 11 months ago
📰- Portadas: El Universal - Acusan a la Conagua de AMLO de saquear Acuífero en Zumpango-Cuautitlán
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insurgentepress · 11 months ago
Sufre sequía total laguna de Zumpango
Agencias/Ciudad de México.- Lo que hace un par de años aún era una prolífica laguna, hogar de peces y aves migratorias y sustento de familias dedicadas a los servicios turísticos, ahora es una gran extensión de tierra desértica. Se trata de la laguna de Zumpango, que hace cientos de años conectaba con el gran lago donde los aztecas fundaron la capital de su imperio:…
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