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theindescribable1 · 3 days ago
Got a new sketchbook. Here's some stuff I got.
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2 of these are actual drawings 🙏
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melodylyricx · 2 months ago
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Literally the duo ever
Characters belong to @theindescribable1 (love ur work btw)
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theindescribable1 · 6 months ago
Hmmm I wonder why you like drawing Zuix 🤔🤔🤔
Im obsessed with drawing other peoples ocs
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@sunnyboi3 lovely sun!! Augh, I've been wanting to draw them for awhile!!! I'll probaly draw them digitally soon, but yknow
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@theindescribable1 and of course, zuix. Hehe
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sungracd · 6 months ago
" get behind me. " from @zuixing.
there are still a great many mysteries surrounding someone like dan feng, but if there's anything adrian has learned it's that he tends to prefer space and solitude. he also doesn't waste words. so the mild command catches them off guard, turning a curious glance to the other as if there's a possibility they've misheard over the roaring of the wind and waves.
but he remains unreadable as always, piercing blue eyes staring towards to the horizon where the sea meets gloomy skies. the wind is constant, sending waves crashing against the shore and strands of hair obscuring their vision. the sand beneath their boots gives way as they move to do as he says without question.
and the sight before them as they peer over his shoulder is enough to catch their breath. the ocean waves begin to move against their natural flow and under his skillful command, rising gradually to tower as tall as buildings. before long the mass of water pools apart, revealing a path along the ocean floor.
although unable to peel their gaze away from the magnificent view, adrian remembers at least to exhale a shaky breath. " . . . where are we going? "
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inde-extras · 10 months ago
new ocs incoming
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These two are part of that new story I mentioned on my main blog.
Square dice head Boi is Ambrose!
Mushroom angry Boi is Zuix! (Zoo-ihx)
Not digital art, crazy right?
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theindescribable1 · 2 months ago
Something crazy happened in character ai when I was messing around with it and it made me think of this fanart. Cuz uhh..
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Hehe doofus @theindescribable1
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yingren · 6 months ago
" we’re on our own now. " from @zuixing.
𝐡𝐢𝐭 ‘𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. ( accepting. )
vibrant nebulas, dying stars, burning suns. everything as it used to be, as it has always been. it isn’t a very uncommon sight, all these years of traversing the universe will eventually turn the most fascinating views into something mundane. ren stands side by side with dan feng when the former high elder speaks. even the sight of them together isn’t something noteworthy or new. they could make a flipbook and fill each page with the two of them in this very position, barely touching, barely talking. yet it is somehow different from all those times before, as if drawn with a new brush, colored with different hues. it opens up possibilities & he thinks he’s seen it all before.
torture is not always defined by physical pain, the amount of bones broken and wounds healed. sometimes it’s as simple as something internal, the slow descent into madness, the forced wilting of a soul. rotten, broken, bruised. everything grows back with new life, as it always does. new branches, leaves and stems; but they all originate from the same seed. it grows on him & he believes he’s seen it all before.
" when has that ever stopped us? "
a smile, a soft exhale and a nudge one would miss if they blinked. yingxing breathes warmth into every word ren utters, fanning the flames of an old companionship akin to the most sacred page ripped from a novel. where secrets are spilled between two people there is no room for fear to reign. familiarity emerges victorious, as it will always do. ren allows his arm to envelop dan feng’s shoulders, naturally pulling him closer. like two jagged pieces of one and the same puzzle, they slot together as if it is the most natural thing in the world. it feels like home & he knows he’s seen it all before.
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theindescribable1 · 1 month ago
Bop It!
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Shake it, shout it, spin it, fuck it!
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Version 2 under cut
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theindescribable1 · 2 months ago
OH THATS ADORABLE OH GREAT HEAVENS THAT IS SO CUTE. I just woke up and saw this, my day has already been made 💕💕💕💯💯💯💯
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Literally the duo ever
Characters belong to @theindescribable1 (love ur work btw)
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dyslexious · 6 years ago
I have a really bad Camera but I hope you can see it okay. Thus is Zuix she's a lovely harpy. She was actually just randomly drawn. All I knew was I wanted to go draw a harpy it a bird and I drew the body and then winged it from there.
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swift-pro-blog · 6 years ago
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The iOS 10 Developer Bootcamp: Master Swift and Objective-C ☞ http://go.edupioneer.net/HJgq_-zUIX #ios #swift
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theindescribable1 · 7 months ago
("The Brains" is Eris btw :] )
First page in my new sketchbook and instead of drawing my own characters I decided to draw other peoples lmao (it made it a lot easier tbh)
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(Close ups and credits under the cut)
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Zuix, Ambrose, and The brains (??? Is that what they're called?? Idk bro-) by @theindescribable1
I swear when I first saw Zuix I didn't see why people found him hot but I've slowly grown appreciation for him- *cough*
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ATWR Eclipse by @sunny-inajar
God i love him. I was tempted to draw his jacket but he looked fine without it so I decided to leave it. Took 2 tried drawing his eyes (drew them too low the first time) but he looks decent so its okay 👍
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And finally Nora (their design for EAPS Sun) by @alexandraisyes
Been meaning to draw them- probaly will digitally soon. Also ignore the fact they're on a sticky note the first time I drew them they looked terrible 😔
So its covering it up
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technteacher · 7 years ago
Show HN: Web app template like a real mobile app (PWA score 98/100)
Show HN: Web app template like a real mobile app (PWA score 98/100) 2 by zuix | from Blogger https://ift.tt/2MtJOHu
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Show HN: Touch-enabled Gesture Helper for your website 21 by zuix | 5 comments on Hacker News.
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usviraltrends-blog · 7 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://usviraltrends.com/signs-of-symbolic-behavior-emerged-at-the-dawn-of-our-species-in-africa-science-2/
Signs of symbolic behavior emerged at the dawn of our species in Africa | Science
By Ann GibbonsMar. 15, 2018 , 2:00 PM
More than 320,000 years ago in the Rift Valley of Africa, some early innovators adopted a new technology: They eschewed the clunky, palm-size stone hand axes that their ancestors had used for more than a million years in favor of a sleek new toolkit. Like new generations of cellphones today, their Middle Stone Age (MSA) blades and points were smaller and more precise than the old so-called Acheulean hand axes and scrapers.
These toolmakers in the Olorgesailie Basin in Kenya chose as raw materials shiny black obsidian and white and green chert, rocks they had to get from distant sources or through trade networks. In another first, they chiseled red and black rocks, probably to use as crayons to color their bodies or spears—an early sign of symbolic behavior. “This is indicative of a gear change in behavior, toolmaking, and material culture,” says evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, who studies social networks.
A trio of papers released online in Science today documents this remarkable technological transition. Although other sites have yielded MSA tools, the new, securely dated chronology nudges the transition back by at least 20,000 years, matching when our species, Homo sapiens, is now thought to have emerged. By analyzing artifacts over time at one site, the papers also show that these behaviors developed as climate swings intensified, supporting the idea that environmental variability drove innovation.
A team led by paleoanthropologists Rick Potts of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History and Alison Brooks of The George Washington University, both in Washington, D.C., gathered artifacts from sediments spanning 1.2 million years at Olorgesailie. Unfortunately, ancient erosion stripped away layers between 499,000 and 320,000 years ago, erasing the time when the MSA was probably invented. But by looking at more than 20,000 animal fossils associated with tens of thousands of stone tools, and multiple clues to the ancient environment, the team provides a detailed picture of life before and after the transition to the MSA. They pin down the timing with what geochronologist Michael Storey of the Natural History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen calls “very impressive” dating.
The roots of modern human behavior
Many complex technologies and signs of symbolic behavior, such as sophisticated Middle Stone Age (MSA) tools and pigment use, appeared first in Africa and then in fits and starts around the world.
Pinnacle Point in South AfricaShellfish harvests, use of red ochre pigment.Africa, Asia, and EuropeShaped bone and ivory tools, notation systems, stunning figurative art.Skhul Cave in IsraelCreation of perforated shell beads.Widely accepted fossils of H. sapiens, MSA tools.Jebel Irhoud in MoroccoOldest fossils of early Homo sapiens, MSA tools.Emergence of Acheulean stone tools in Africa.Olorgesailie in KenyaOmo Kibish in EthiopiaOldest securely dated MSA tools, use of red and black pigment, long-distance transport of obsidian.50,000 to 30,000~1.7 million ~320,000~300,000 years ago190,000164,000105,000A descriptive headline for your chunkEvent 1A very short description of the event in this space. No more than four lines if possible.Event 1A very short description of the event in this space. No more than four lines if possible.Event 1A very short description of the event in this space. No more than four lines if possible.Event 1A very short description of the event in this space. No more than four lines if possible.Event 1A very short description of the event in this space. No more than four lines if possible.Event 1A very short description of the event in this space. No more than four lines if possible.
About 900,000 years ago, a skull cap shows that the human ancestor H. erectus lived at Olorgesailie and used big Acheulean hand axes and scrapers to butcher meat. About 800,000 years ago, the climate began fluctuating more intensely from wet to dry, and the environment became more arid and grassy. At about 615,000 years ago, early humans began to make smaller Acheulean tools they could carry farther, and to more carefully select basalt as raw material, perhaps shifting hunting tactics in a changing environment, Potts says. The last hand ax at the site dates to 499,000 years ago, before the gap.
By the time the archaeological record restarted at 320,000 years ago, the Acheulean tools were gone and the basin had changed dramatically. The wet-dry cycle was even more extreme. More than 80% of mammal species had vanished and new kinds of elephants, pigs, foxes, and springboks gathered at tree-lined streams. MSA tools���relatively sophisticated blades and points that would have been hafted onto spears—were plentiful.
The site yielded no human fossils in this key time frame, so researchers can’t be sure who the new toolmakers were. But discoveries elsewhere offer a strong hint. For years archaeologists had thought the MSA tools were too old to have been made by our species. Then, last year, fossils resembling H. sapiens were found near MSA tools and dated to nearly 300,000 years ago at Jebel Irhoud in Morocco—timing that fits the Olorgesailie chronology.
Features of the MSA tools also suggest they were the handiwork of sophisticated humans. The toolmakers were highly selective about their raw materials, importing obsidian from up to 90 kilometers away. Such far-flung connections are a “hallmark of human social organization, and an important buffer in forager societies,” whose members may move to distant places in hard times, Brooks says. The tools also are smaller, more precise, and more uniform in shape than Acheulean tools. They represent a milestone in abstract thinking: A hand ax preserves the shape of the original lump of rock, but creating a blade from an already prepared core forces toolmakers to visualize its shape in advance, Brooks says.
The team also found chunks of black rock and pieces of red ochre that had been punctured by sharp stone chisels. They propose both were used as pigments to create marks of individual or group identity, suggesting a high degree of social organization.
Bodo, EthiopiaHertoin Ethiopia~160,000Omo Kibishin Ethiopia~195,000Jebel Irhoudin Morocco~300,000Olorgesailiein Kenya~320,000
Expanded social networks are “a key unique feature of modern humans,” says archaeologist Curtis Marean of Arizona State University in Tempe, although he suspects there will be some debate about the evidence for long-distance networks, noting that most of the stone came from just 25 to 50 kilometers from the site.
By combining artifacts with environmental data, the papers help explain what drove the MSA, says archaeologist Shannon McPherron of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. “They were able to use the long time-sequence at Olorgesailie to demonstrate how changes in the environment and the fauna correspond to the shift to the MSA.”
But these MSA toolmakers hadn’t developed the full package of sophisticated behavior, Dunbar cautions. “It’s at the bottom of the scale of modern behavior,” he says. “We’re not talking about Salvador Dal��.”
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t-baba · 7 years ago
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#177: Designing Websites for the iPhone X
Mobile Web Weekly September 27, 2017   #177
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