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📍 Zuiderpark Den Haag ve @dusenyildizlar
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#cat#sunshine#sun#summer chair#summer#rest#garden#rotterdam#lazy life#warm#walk#zuiderpark#photography
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Teleurstelling bij college over medewerking RWS aan geluidswal A7 bij Wieringerwerf
Lokaal nieuws: 'Teleurstelling bij college over medewerking RWS aan geluidswal A7 bij Wieringerwerf'
WIERINGERWERF – Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) wil alleen onder meer voorwaarden meewerken aan het plaatsen van een nieuw geluidsscherm langs de A7 bij Wieringerwerf. Dat heeft RWS aan de gemeente laten weten. Dit is voor het college zowel een verrassing als een enorme teleurstelling. De geluidsoverlast is al jaren een bron van ergernis bij de bewoners. De raad heeft dan ook niet voor niets 1,6 miljoen…

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Openluchtzwembad en wedstrijdbad de Plompert bij het Zuidplein, november 1970.
Twaalf graden Celsius was de temperatuur van het water toen gistermiddag om drie uur tien meisjes zich in een van de bassins van De Plompert lieten zakken, naar de overkant zwommen en daar bibberend onder hun badlakens Sport- en Recreatiewethouder R. Langerak een zelf geschreven oorkonde overhandigden.
„We vinden dit een prachtig bad en zullen er graag terugkomen" las de wethouder voor. Met dit sportieve staaltje werd het eerste vier hectaren beslaande deel van De Plompert, Rotterdams grote openluchtbad in het Zuiderpark, officieel in gebruik genomen. Het omvat drie kleutervijvers, een L-vormig bassin van 48 bil 65 meter, waarvan de diepte varieert van 40 tot 80 centimeter en een half diep bassin van 50 bij 35 meter, waarin de bodem afloopt van 90 centimeter tot 1,40 meter. Volgend jaar komen er nog vier hectaren bij met een internationaal wedstrijdbassin en een springkuil met duiktoren. Totale kosten van dit bad — in zijn soort het grootste van Nederland — omstreeks ƒ.10 miljoen.
De fotograaf is Ary Groeneveld en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt via delpher.nl uit het Vrije Volk van 24 mei 1969.

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9 May 2019 | Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex arrives at Sportcampus Zuiderpark in The Hague as part of a programme of events to mark the official launch of the Invictus Games. HRH will spend time meeting potential competitors and their families, joining the Netherlands in celebrating what an exciting event The Hague 2020 will be. Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex founded the games in 2014 in which wounded veterans compete in an array of sporting events in The Hague, Netherlands. (c) Chris Jackson/Getty Images
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Digitaal wijkagent krijgt eerste "Haagse Cyber Veiligheidsfakkel"
Digitaal wijkagent Malek Kariebo van basisteam Zuiderpark is de eerste drager van de ‘Haagse Cyber Veiligheidsfakkel’. Kariebo kreeg de fakkel voor zijn inzet in het digitaal weerbaarder maken van Haagse burgers en ondernemers. Hij geeft les op school over cyberpesten, sextortion, grooming en geldezels, en workshops aan ouderen om digitale criminaliteit te herkennen. Ook gamet hij en houdt hij…
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Pippi en Pan
Opdrachtgever: Zuiderpark Theater
Regie: Arne Sybreen Postma
Kostuumontwerp: Reindert Kruse en Bert Feddema
Meer foto’s van dit project klik op navigatiebalk
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Zuiderpark Live: Edwin Evers Band - DenHaag, Netherlands | 22 Jun, 2024.
Find out more / Tickets on sale.
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The Apollo Kids Foundation has been making picture books with music since 2003
Apollo Kids was created by collaborating with Lucienne Tomesen (illustrator and writer) and composer and musician Guy Renardeau.
We publish DVDs, TV films, video clips and musical theater.
Our work has been reviewed in: NRC Next, VPRO 3 voor 12, Groter Groeien, J/M, Boek en Jeugd Gids, PeuterPlace, IOS Olijfmagazine, NBD Biblion, Peuteren, Pluizer, Days Magazine, Kleuternetwerk, Entoenentoen, Shownu.nl, Kindermuziek .com, Ook!, Kind Haarlem, Haarlems Dagblad, Haarlems Weekblad, De Haarlemmer, Haarlem dit Weekend, Wakou, De Sterrenparade RTV Oost, Kinderopvang Totaal, Kinderliedjes.info, Kindermuziek.tv, Wij kinderinfo.nl, Nederlandse Kinderjury KB, Jantje , Viva Mama, What are you reading?, Parents online, Boekenpret/Fantasia, Boekenkaravaan/Leesweb, Leeskraam, Literatuurlinks.net, Literartuurplein.nl, (Voor)leesplein, Voorleesgids, Attent, Probiblio, HRLM, De Echo Amsterdam-zuid, Uitgast Newsletter 2011, Uitmarkt, News Lelystad, Kinderzwerfboek.nl, De Volkskrant, NRC, Het Parool.
The musical theater performances we have produced are Brrr-live!, Meh-live!, The 4 Seasons, Dutch Landscape, Into the Wide World, parts 1 and 2 (Netherlands, Belgium), In die weite Welt hinein (Germany), Parcourir le monde (France). Our performances could be seen at: War Child Open Air Theater Caprera Bloemendaal, Kinderparkpop The Hague, Bevrijdingspop Haarlem, Haarlemmerhout Festival, Children's Festival Utrecht, Children's Festival Amsterdam, SonsbeekTheaterAvenue Festival Arnhem, Bloemencorso Haarlem-Bollenstreek, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ Amsterdam, Toneelschuur Haarlem, Open Air Theater Caprera Bloemendaal, Vondelpark Open Air Theater Amsterdam, Zuiderpark Open Air Theater Amsterdam, OBA Theater Amsterdam, Uitgast Festival Lelystad, Uitmarkt Amsterdam Nemo Theater Amsterdam, Theater VanBeresteyn Veendam, Brestheater Zeeland, Kindvakbeurs Den Bosch Brabanthallen, Toddler Festival Amsterdam, Theater aan de Werf Utrecht, Ostade Theater Amsterdam, Vondelpark Open Air Theater Festival Amsterdam, Odeon Arnhem.
We have produced music albums, and a dance hit single, 'I Dream of Sinterklaas', which won the radio music prize. We have published books and TV films in the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia.
We gave successful concert tours from 2004 – 2011, and in 2011 we collaborated with the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ in Amsterdam. We gave a classical concert there with music by Guy Renardeau and a music and singing workshop with a song from the performance for children.
Sverre Fredriksen. Studio 2.13 • www.svrr.tv https://www.linkedin.com/in/sverrefredriksen/ https://www.imdb.com/name/nm286
Sverre Fredriksen explores new territories in analog animation and has satisfied a wide range of international clients with his commissioned work. In the short Cloacinae, Sverre developed a new animation technique involving ice and puppets with artist Serge Onnen. Cloacinae premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival in 2017 and has been exhibited in art galleries in the Netherlands and China. Human Nature (2019) is Sverre's most recent short film. Filmmaker & animation artist Sverre Fredriksen runs Studio. 2.13 with graphic designer Quirin Jacques.
Guy Renardeau. Film Music, Songwriting, Electronic Music. Music for Children. Instruments: Piano, Guitar and Bas. Bio. Guy Renardeau is a multi-award-winning composer and producer for film and television based in The Netherlands and in Maryland (US). After obtaining his master's degree in composition, orchestral arrangement, sound design, piano and guitar from the Hochschule für Music in Kõln, Germany, and the Conservatory in Amsterdam, and film research at the University of Chichester, England, he traveled to several countries in Europe, touring with well-known musicians. He recorded for EMI, Sony and film producers. For a couple of years, he has developed a successful and unique approach to his scores and film music productions, songwriting, games and trailers.
Apollo Kids: From 2004 to 2011, he was the composer and musician in the productions: Brrr; About the Sea, Meh, The 4 Seasons, and Dutch Landscape. Guy was hired as the bandleader. They performed over more 500 concerts at children's festivals, concert halls and schools. Press: What makes his musical creations so unique? When composing for a movie, I think about the character and the story meticulously, doing research and analysis. Then, I work on the proper musical sound palette to perfectly support and underscore the story and marry the music to the picture. Joe Kraemer – Compose (Jack Reacher, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation) Guy Renardeau has proven himself as an outstanding musician and composer and as one of the most promising young artists to arise in the genre of film music. In his film music, Guy can use the music of a grand narrative, classical music and modern fusion, regardless of whether they are a magnificent present or his exquisite expression in music.
Articles with Guy Renardeau. Magazine Heart of Hollywood interview https://pdf.ac/1bKKTH. Clouzine Magazine interview https://pdf.ac/JSpVM. Hollywood IWAA interview https://pdf.ac/1odpj. Feature Film 202 See me once more, My Dear Kid. Grammy: Voting member. Hollywood Music In Media Awards: Juruy. European Film Academy: Jury. Bafta: Voting member.
Lucienne Tomesen. Already published by Lucienne Tomesen at Apollo Kids Publishers 'Brrr', picture book about the sea, with music CD, poetry, illustrations and lyrics Luciënne Tomesen, music, compositions and lyrics Guy Renardeau, series 'The four seasons', Pereboom publishers and Apollo Recording Studio, Bussum-Badhoevedorp, 2004. 'Mèh', picture book about spring, with music CD, poetry, illustrations and lyrics Luciënne Tomesen, music, compositions and lyrics Guy Renardeau, series 'The four seasons', publisher APOLLO kids and Apollo Recording Studio, Haarlem-Badhoevedorp, 2008. 'Tikketakkeregen', picture book about autumn and winter, with DVD film 'Into the wide world', poetry, illustrations and song lyrics Luciënne Tomesen, music, compositions, song lyrics and film Guy Renardeau, series 'The four seasons', publisher APOLLO kids and Apollo Recording/Film Studio, Haarlem-Badhoevedorp, 2012 'Dutch Landscape', DVD film, music, compositions and film Guy Renardeau, illustrations Luciënne Tomesen, publisher APOLLO kids, Apollo Recording/Film Studio, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, MuzyQ, Amsterdamse Waterleiding Duinen, 2010. 'I dream of Sinterklaas', dance - single with TV clip, lyrics and illustrations Luciënne Tomesen, music, composition, lyrics and film Guy Renardeau, publisher, APOLLO kids, Apollo Recording/Film Studio, Pink Records, 2010. Also available on the Olon CD. Tomesen's work is available in the Netherlands, Belgium, the Caribbean Netherlands, Australia, French museums, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, and Morocco.
Tomesen received financial support for her projects from the KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences), NWO (Dutch Scientific Research), Maastricht University, Erasmus University, Municipality of Tilburg, Municipality of Maastricht, Municipality of Haarlem, Province of North Brabant, Province of South Holland, Ministry of WVC, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, European Commission, Shell International, European Cultural Foundation Amsterdam, Dutch Language Union.
Lucienne Tomesen twice won the 'Dutch Radio Public Award' with the composer, musician and music educator Guy Renardeau for the musical picture book series 'The Four Seasons'. "Contemporary quality music for children." - VPRO "Also nice to listen to for parents." – ChildrenVarious music companies have performed around 500 musical theatre performances of picture books with poems, music CDs and DVD films in concert halls, theatres, festivals and schools in the Netherlands. Tomesen wrote the lyrics and poems, made the illustrations and props, and built the sets for the performances. The picture books with music have also been made into six short TV films, 2 of which have been released on DVDMovies: https//vimeo.com/user13258945.
Tomesen and Renardeau put 'contemporary quality music for young children, written by living composers' and 'contemporary music performances for young children, performed by the composer/musician himself' in the spotlight at multimedia publisher
APOLLO Kids in 2004-2012. 'Children and music' are now on the map within Dutch education, with Queen Maximà as the figurehead.The composer, musician and music educator Guy Renardeau wrote the music for her picture book series 'The Four Seasons'. Renardeau lives and works in the US, the Netherlands and France. He has many film music awards to his name. IMDb Pro http://www.imdb.me/GuyRenardeau
Dr. Luciënne Tomesen (Haarlem) is a writer, scientist (law and philosophy), university lecturer, nature guide and pedagogue. She writes novels, poems, song lyrics, translations and scientific work. She also illustrates picture books. The scientific collection 'Thinking about Culture in Europe' received an excellent qualification within university education under its editorship.
New titles from Lucienne Tomesen in 2023-2024 from Apollo Kids publishers. Extra-curricular Lucky Ones. With pictures, photos and film. Lucienne is inspired in her work by nature in her living environment. She is one of the pioneers in greening childcare in the South Kennemerland region. Tomesen is a green bricklayer at the national Groen Cement Foundation, a nature guide at the children's working group of the Institute for Nature Education and Sustainability (South Kennemerland department) and a school counsellor in the oldest native garden in Europe: Jac. P. Thijsse's Hof in Bloemendaal. Tomesen completed a field biology course at the Royal Dutch Natural History Society. For over 12 years, Tomesen allowed children within childcare, education, cultural organizations and nature organizations to benefit from her artistic and green knowledge for a few half-days a week. She works according to the 'arti et naturae' principle. For her, art and nature are inextricably linked. Movies. The composer, musician and music educator Guy Renardeau wrote the music for the short films 'Butterfly' and 'Play with Me' for the book 'Out-of-school Bofkonten'. The drawings, photos and texts in the films are by Lucienne Tomesen. https://vimeo.com/user13258945 (APOLLO kids publisher) https://natuurluciennetomesen.tumblr.com.
Dr. Jac. P. Thijsse's Hofhouding. Nature education in Bloemendaal. With pictures, photos and film. Lucienne worked as a school counsellor at Thijsse's Hof in Bloemendaal from 2007-2010. She provided nature education to schoolchildren in the oldest native garden in Europe. In this collection, she describes Jac's court with great humour. P. Thijsse. Thijsse is the founder of numerous nature organizations in the Netherlands. He was a teacher, writer of nature books, pioneer, naturalist and conservationist, and was of great significance for nature in the Netherlands.
Window TV. You don't know what you see. With pictures, photos and film. Lucienne lived for a few years (2015-2016) in a farming village in 'the Bathtub of Europe'. The Zeevang polder is on the Markermeer, 30 km north of Amsterdam. A typical Dutch landscape with low skies, windmills and expansive views. The peat meadow area in Laag Holland has been declared a Natura 2000 area. With photos, drawings and stories about villagers, farmers, green city dwellers and 'the things no one knows'. Luciënne's grandfather and aunt had a farm in a village in the southernmost tip of South Limburg, in the Geuldal. She spent much of her childhood there. The landscape where Aunt lived was declared an Iconic Landscape a few years ago. Eli Heimans, Jac's friend. P. Thijsse conducted research there and wrote the book 'Uit our chalk land', 1901. Documentary Lucienne Tomesen in the peat meadow landscape in Low Holland by Guy Renardeau with music by Guy Renadeau. The drawings, photos and texts in the films and the documentary are by Lucienne Tomesen. https://vimeo.com/user13258945 (APOLLO kids publisher) https://natuurluciennetomesen.tumblr.com.
Documentary Do farming villages and farmers in the low peat meadow landscape (Natura 2000 area) in Low Holland still have a future? Guy Renardeau (LA) made a documentary about nature and farmers in the Zeevang Polder (2015-2016), with music by Guy Renardeau. The theme of the documentary is 'enlargement of scale'. How can facilities such as a school and a bus connection, an association for rural women and cultural activities in the reformed church be maintained? He asked this question to a farmer, his wife, and a young man who attended primary school in Ribbon Village, which consists of 500 inhabitants. The young man was in a class with his younger sister. His class consisted of 2 people. https://youtu.be/RCLtLrL3MdA?si=oCi0JyaCA1XDgqZi.
Movie Nostalghia. Andrey Tarkovsky's masterpiece 'Nostalghia' is a film about 'loss'. Guy Renardeau wrote music for this magical black-and-white film (his last) in 2020 during the 'pandemic'. Tarkovsky grew up in the Russian countryside. Stalin and communism destroyed that countryside with its farmers and its wooden houses. This film tells the story of Tarkovsky and his time and tells something about us and our time ('Great Reset'). 'Nostalgia' means longing for that which is definitively gone.
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Prijs: 700 per maand Kamer omsch... #Kamer #Kamer #Rotterdam #ZuidHolland https://actuelekamers.nl/kamer-tehuur-rotterdam-1400-eur/?feed_id=62993&_unique_id=64fec6031b17e
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Rotterdam et La Haye
Rotterdam est une importante ville portuaire de Hollande-M��ridionale essentiellement connue pour son histoire navale riche et ses bâtiments neufs à l'architecture moderne et audacieuse tandis que La Haye est un bourg de bord d'océan axé vers le tourisme balnéaire où siège la Cour de justice de l'ONU.
Comment venir ?
Rotterdam se situe :
en train : 15min de Dordrecht, 25min de Bréda, 40min d'Amsterdam, 45min de Tilburg, 45min d'Anvers, 1h d'Eindhoven, 1h20 de Bruxelles, 2h40 de Paris
en voiture : 30min de Dordrecht, 40min de Bréda, 1h d'Amsterdam, 1h de Tilburg, 1h15 d'Anvers, 1h20 d'Eindhoven, 2h de Bruxelles
en bus : 1h15 de Tilburg, 1h30 d'Amsterdam, 1h45 d'Anvers, 2h d'Eindhoven, 2h30 de Bruxelles
Si vous souhaitez visiter également La Haye, comptez 30min de train pour effectuer le trajet depuis Rotterdam.
Quand et combien de temps ?
Rotterdam et la Haye étant proches l'une de l'autre, ce duo complémentaire offre un cadre diversifié pour un séjour de deux jours, afin de visiter tranquillement les lieux principaux, ou pour un grand week-end, si vous souhaitez pleinement découvrir les multiples facettes de ces villes du nord.
Ces deux villes sont particulièrement agréables au printemps et en été afin de pouvoir profiter des floraisons, du beau temps et des températures moyennes. Mieux vaut éviter l'automne et l'hiver qui sont souvent froids et pluvieux.
Que voir à Rotterdam ?
Des monuments et sites historiques : Euromast, Cool haven, pont Erasme, Delfshaven, les maisons cubiques (Kubuswoningen), pont Willemsbrug, usine Van Nelle, Kop van Zuid, West Kruiskad, Oude Heaven, Witte House, Markhtal, Luchtsingel, Blue city, Kop Vuid, Centre, Markhtal, Binnenrotte, Noodplein, Lijnbaan, Stadhuis, Groothandelgesbouw, Katendrecht, bassin de Rijnhaven, pavillon flottant et Bobbing Forest, Didden village, Stolpersteine
Des musées : dépot Boijmans, musée d’histoire naturelle, musée de la photographie, musée maritime, Het Nieuwe instituut, musée Chabot, Khunsthal, Rewriters App, Rotterdam Routes , Kijk Kubus, musée du jeu vidéo
Des espaces naturels : Het park, Ferme flottante, Recycled Park, Zuiderpark
Que voir à La Haye ?
Des monuments et sites historiques : palais de la paix, escher, madurodam, marché, ooievaart
Du patrimoine religieux : nouvelle église
Des musées : musée de gavangenpoort, musée louwman, musée historique, kunstmuseum, maurithuis, musée panorama mesdag
Que voir dans les environs ?
Des villes et villages : Dordecht, Amsterdam, Bréda, Tilburg, Eindhoven, Anvers, Delft
Des espaces verts : parc de Kinderdijk, parc national du Biesbosch, île de Tiengemeten, jardin historique de Schoonoord
crédits photos @lilstjarna
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De Carnisselaan uit het westen gezien, 1920.
De Carnisselaan is vernoemd naar het oude dorp Carnisse in de Riederwaard, dat al in 1272 voorkomt. In 1375 is het dorp ten gevolge van een overstroming verdwenen. Later is dit gebied herdijkt en ontstond de heerlijkheid Carnisse met een buurt van die naam in de gemeente Barendrecht. Carnisse is nu een woonwijk, gelegen tussen Dorpsweg, Pleinweg en Zuiderpark in de deelgemeente Charlois. Midden in de wijk liggen de Carnisselaan en de drie Carnissestraten.
Carnisse is een voormalige buurtschap in de gemeente Barendrecht in Zuid-Holland. De buurtschap lag rond de Voordijk en de Carnisseweg. Carnisse was ook de naam van een ambachtsheerlijkheid, die een leen was van de baronie van de Merwede. In 1483 was de ambachtsheerlijkheid in bezit van de familie van Loon; later is deze overgegaan op de familie van Boetzelaer. In 1736 is de ambachtsheerlijkheid verkocht voor 36.300 gulden aan Diederik van Leyden, heer van Vlaardingen en Vlaardingerambacht. Omdat de familie van Leyden ook al ambachtsheer was van West Barendrecht zijn deze beide heerlijkheden daarna gezamenlijk bestuurd en met invoering van de gemeenten ook als gemeente West Barendrecht op de kaart gezet. Van der Aa vermeldt in 1846 voor Carnisse een oppervlakte van 400 bunders en rond de 400 inwoners, die voornamelijk leven van akkerbouw en vlasteelt, maar ook van de visvangst, met name zalmvisserij.
De prentbriefkaart komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt eveneens uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam en van Wikipedia.

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9 May 2019 | Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex arrives at Sportcampus Zuiderpark in The Hague as part of a programme of events to mark the official launch of the Invictus Games. HRH will spend time meeting potential competitors and their families, joining the Netherlands in celebrating what an exciting event The Hague 2020 will be. Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex founded the games in 2014 in which wounded veterans compete in an array of sporting events in The Hague, Netherlands. (c) Chris Jackson/Getty Images
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"Meld ongevallen met drones altijd bij Onderzoeksraad"
Om te leren van eerdere incidenten met drones en om die drones veiliger te maken, roept de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid op om vooral melding te (blijven) doen van ongevallen met drones. Soms gaat het daarbij flink mis. In 2020 verloor de politie een Inspire 2 in het Haagse Zuiderpark nadat een ‘payloadwissel’ was gedaan, ook in 2020 verloor de brandweer een DJI M210 als gevolg van motorfalen en…
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