#Zoophobia NG
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itshauntedtoon · 5 months ago
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Early Xmas gifts for friends because it's going to be VERY busy irl for me and my family for the next three months.
Chance- @pupper-star
Tmnt Oc- @palettepainter
Dance x Villa ng- @aimlovesmusic
Aaron- @cakeyleader
Prudence- @ynkaliko
Winnie- @doeboy-ken
Twyla- @twilightna
Dawn- @jellori
Larry- @tremendousmiraclecherryblossom
Ace- @discorded-ace
Mata- @rmcreepers
Kayla from Zoophobia for a twitter friend
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palettepainter · 8 months ago
I know you probably don't want to hear about Hazbin Hotel but who is your next gen character Nero's parent other than Vox?
Tbh I don’t necessarily *mind* Hazbin but yeah I’ve pretty much lost interest in making content for it cuz of how garbage its pacing is. Though I don’t have the same desire to stay clear of it like the plague unlike the Zoophobia webcomic 
And full honesty I’ve forgotten, I changed it around so much. I’m not even sure if I decided to keep her a Vox ng or not 
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aimlovesmusic · 2 years ago
Ok I’m heading back into my zoophobia phase, ask blog is open!!!!
You can ask about the NGs, Ocs and headcannons of my zoophobia Au
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hazbinextgeneration · 4 years ago
In light of the new Zp animation I will be drawing all my Zoophobia and Hazbi ngs/ocs for Charactober. First ones already posted.
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aimlovesmusic · 2 years ago
Doing this with my zoophobia NGs.
Tell me which ones to do in my ask box!
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Outfits meme! Pick an outfit+ character and send them
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palettepainter · 1 year ago
I’m gonna update my pinned post with this when I get back home cuz the WiFi is constantly dropping and I’m on holiday, frankly I don’t wanna talk about this but I’m kind of annoyed 
Please don’t make fanart of my Zoophobia OC’s or NG’s. I no longer want to be associated with that fandom and I don’t want any more fanart to exist of my characters. I’m done with ZP, please don’t post anything with them. 
As my characters I have copyright over them and any posted work of them goes against my copyright of them, so please, don’t make art of them. 
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palettepainter · 4 years ago
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Is it clear enough in this drawing that I'm a sucker for pinks?? So Pastel got another redesign again - though I did like her old design I did feel like it was kind of lacking, like her design just didn't pop like the other designs I've done. Plus Pastel herself is technically half demon (idk what Ink is exactly, I know she makes nightmare creatures with her ink so I'm gonna guess she's a demon of some sorts) and her being blues and whites after a while just didn't feel right. Still figuring out what powers and abilities Pastel will have, but I can say that's she's an Elephant hawk moth shapeshifter Pastel also got a redesign because I at last found someone to ship with Ink - Pastel now has two mummas! Working on a headcannon drawing for Ink and her wife, so hopefully I can post that soon! For now I don't have anything else to add to this so I hope you like Pastels new look! DO NOT REPOST/EDIT/COPY/TRACE MY ART OR OC
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palettepainter · 3 years ago
hey I was wondering if the kids of zoophobia and hazbin have a crush or are dating someone,
Honestly haven't given it much thought. Right now I'm just enjoying MHA, since we haven't gotten a lot of Hazbin or Zopohobia content for a while my drive for those fandoms has died out a bit. Plus trying to give each individual character a compelling story and personality can be tiring, especially for both fandoms mentioned above as those two fandoms are the ones I have the most OC's for.
BUT here are a list of some in relationships/crushes just for you anon! (this is just for OC's btw, also prolly gonna forget to mention a few so plz don't mad if that's the case)
In a relationship:
Adrien (Addison x Gustav) and Sulhur (Tom x Mackenzie)
Mako (Husk x Crymini) and Ripper (Molly x Valentino)
Amber (Taylor x Penelope) and Willow (Autumn x Rusty, adopted)
Edge (Damian x Alijah) and Pastel (Ink NG)
Blaire (Camilla x Bozzwick) and Juliet (Fitch x Adina) - on off sort of relationship
Benjamin (Kimberly x Quintin) and Robbie (Daphne x Orion)
Lucas (Tentadora x Styx) and Riley (Sir Pentious x Cherri)
Coal (Simon x Vagenza) is crushing on Zillia (Zill x Kayla)
Basil (Camilla x Ronaldo) and Pearlie (Lenny x Jamille) are crushing on each other
Alberto (Alanzo x Jackie) is crushing on Maggie (Vinny x Baltimore)
Yoyo (Spam x Vanexa) is crushing on Brook (Jack x Jill)
Ramona (Alanzo x Jackie) is crushing on Nico (Cameron x Zechariah)
Cooper (Carrie NG, adopted) is crushing on Amaris (Hatchet x Jackalope OC, OC is still a wip)
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palettepainter · 4 years ago
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Gonna post some Zoophobia art here to tumblr since I always seem to forget So what started off as sketches turned into a small headcannon I made for Francesca, her older design in my NGAU has since been updated compared to when I first drew her. I changed up her hair style and clothes to give her a more matured look, also, pointy vampires ears, I had to add them. Sum notes on her -Francesca runs an independent hair salon in Safe Haven. Though she runs her own business she is a fierce supporter to her younger sisters Pepper's and Bamibi's species appreciation acceptance club. Francesca gives me a laid back and relaxed vibe, she's chill. She'll show up to events hosted by her sisters, sporting their species acceptance t-shirt merchandise and blow into a party horn with a lazed smile on her face. Despite her lay about arguably lazy side she is very caring, being a big sister, and is often the voice of reason among her two sisters when they're thinking about doing something crazy. -Francesca is hella gay, in her first years of ZPA she was a bit of a closet gay, not really confident to talk to girls she thought where pretty. It wasn't until she had her first fling with Camilla did she finally embrace it, Camilla and herself had a friends with benefits sort of deal during their years at ZPA. They'd laugh together, do dance class together, judge people together, fuck together: you know, typical best friend things. In Francesca's third year she began to grow a bit more confident in herself, and in the end her and Camilla stayed as very close friends. -Not shown above but Francesca is married to Spring, Autumn's sister. Spring works as a professional yoga instructor, hosting yoga classes out in the middle of sunny fields to be one with nature, her powers making her perfectly skilled in the art of growing and nurturing flowers and plants of all kind to bloom, a perfect relaxed environment to practice the art of yoga. The two met when Summer dragged her older, slightly anti social sister to Francesca's salon for a hair doo. Though scatter brained and a little forgetful Spring means well, embracing her hippy dippy ways to be one with nature. Her siblings are all generally okay with this, buuuut because of how much time she spends in nature Spring sometimes forgets to trim that mane of hair, and more often then not one of them has to drag her out to get a trim. Francesca is not intimidated by the tall women with a head of green hair flowing to the back of her knees, and confidently arms herself with her scissors and hair ties. It took a whole day for Fransceca to tame the hair into a more manageable style, Spring's siblings simply said that they wanted Spring's face to be visible, and that Fransesca had free will to style the hair how she liked. After she's finished and Fransesca gets her first propper look at the timid customer, she's already drawn to her shy nature. Francesca, though being a bit of a wild card, has a thing for shy people, perhaps it's a bit of vampire quirkiness, perhaps she likes the idea of someone shy and timid when she flashes all but a single toothy grin (Simon was and still kind is a bit of a sadist, he had no issue biting Fabian or restraining Zill, heck he even seemed pleased at the idea of drinking Carries blood cuz she was a demon - he's got some sadist nature in him, and it rubbed off on Francesca just a wee bit). Fransesca is laying out her smoothest flirts and pick up lines, all of which Spring replies too with a flustered deer whinny sound. Fransesca confidently gives Spring her card with a wink, and Spring hurriedly leaves. In the end Peppers and Summer got fed up of Spring pinning for Fransceca who was having way to much fun getting Spring all flustered that the two put them up on a yoga date. Fransesca had been pretty stressed out lately with helping Peppers and Bambi with big events at the centre, and so Spring gave her a full yoga therapy session. Fransesca at first doesn't really see the point in sitting in a field in some weird robe thingy, or walking calmly through the grass bare foot, or listening to the sound of a stream - yet, she tries anyway, mostly going into this yoga session thinking it would be all laughs and jokes. She's very surprised at just how..good Spring is at getting her to relax, there's something so soothing about Spring's voice it actually lulled her to sleep at one point, her snoring kinda broke the atmosphere Spring had going. They're happily married, Fransesca loves her dorky deer wifey -Blaire has a somewhat tense relationship with her mother Camilla, with the lack of a motherly figure in her life Blaire unconsciously seeks approval from the older female figures in her life: those two being Rosie, and Fransesca. Blaire is currently studying beauty and fashion at ZPA, despite what others think she's actually really found of exploring different fashion themes and playing around with hair dyes. She currently has a job working at Fransecsca's hair salon, she has yet to actually do any styling herself and works mostly behind the till. It's not the job she wanted, and it's pretty sucky, pretty damn boring. Fransesca sees that Blaire is obviously not having fun, not like Blaire was trying to hide it, so Franscesca one day gives Blaire a mannequin head and wig, and tells her to 'show what shes got' Blaire was a bit nervous at first, feeling as though this was some test, didn't help that Fransesca was watching silently the entire time. By the time she's finished Fransesca walks over to inspect her work, Fransesca doesn't sugar coat, she's to the point and Blaire may have been a little hurt. Then Fransesca gives her shoulder a friendly punch and admits that she's seen worse, and that Blaire has some potential for this kind of work. She takes Blaire on as a sort of apprentice, but it doesn't take long for the two to have a more relaxed bond then a worker and boss one. Francesca comes to enjoy the snarky brat, she sees a lot of herself in her DO NOT REPOST/EDIT/COPY/TRACE MY ART Franscesca/Bambi/Pepper/Spring/Simon/Camilla - Zoophobia Blaire - me
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palettepainter · 4 years ago
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The main Zoophobia five all had slight modifications done to their designs. Zill, Kayla and Jack remained overall the same with little changes, but Spam ans Vanexa had different fur patterns added and honestly I like them! It makes their designs pop out!
Though now was a good time to draw my NG Yoyo and give his design an update based on the ones we got in the ZP short. I gave him most of Spam’s fur markings, but added a white belly like Vanexa cuz I thought it looked better
For anyone new Yoyo is my Vanexa x Spam next gen
Yoyo - me
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palettepainter · 4 years ago
Do any of your Zoophobia NG's have pets?
Some do!
-More info on his pet here but I'll drop a few small notes here: https://www.deviantart.com/palettepainter/art/Zoophobia-NG-Cooper-redesign-866392327
-Cooper's pet is Dart, a sup species distantly related to Manticores. Dart is a very powerful animal - claws strong enough to break through gravel, sturdy horns for charging and powerful hind legs for kicking. While still very strong she's kinda been puppy-fied by Cooper, she's a gentle giant and spends most of her days snoozing when she's not with Cooper
-More on her pet here: https://www.deviantart.com/palettepainter/art/Suki-the-kitty-815448768
-Sulphur has a pet cat named Suki. Go figure but she's grown up to be a cat lover thanks to her parents. Her mother probably would have adopted eight more cats, but Tom put a quick stop to that. He grown to like cats thanks to his wife, but he doesn't wanna be overrun with them.
-Has a pet corn snake named Pepper, she was a birthday gift from Gustav and has had her since she was a baby
-Spends a lot of time with his pet snake, he'll be reading or studying and his snake will be curled in his lap or slithering over his arm, slithering up his sleeve, on his shoulders, in his pockets - Pepper is a pretty clingy snake so she never slithers too far from Adrien
-As a child she had a centipede named Sam which was sadly killed when her mum sucked him up into the vaccum cleaner. To this day Zillia thinks that Sam just escaped and is still living freely. Zillia really likes insects and so most of her pets where bugs. She had a butterfly farm for a little while but released them when they where able to fly
-Zillia currently owns a Mexican Redknee Tarantula, which she creatively named, Red. Brook and Edge are the only ones not freaked out by Red, Yoyo is terrified of him.
-Basically has the equivalent of a hellhound pitbull which she named Gnasher
-Often has him in her truck when she's driving about, he's her go to car travel buddy when Edge isn't around. Is often described as a walking trash can as he will literally eat anything he's given , has a tendency to combust into flames when excited so Blaire keeps a fire extinguisher near by. Hobbies include squirrels
-Her and Edge both own a cat named Simba - he's a normal cat that Pastel adopted and Edge was like 'sure why not?'
-Loves loves loves Pastel, loathes Edge. Spends his time following behind Pastel in the hell palace, knocking Edge's video game set over and avoiding Blaire's hell hound pitbull Gnasher
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palettepainter · 4 years ago
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I mentioned here - https://www.deviantart.com/palettepainter/art/Rippers-gang-863496237
that Basil and Coal work a day job at Nutmeg's bakery - this was for background practice mostly because I feel as though I don't draw them enough, so this was fun to try!
Coal and Basil got their job at Nutmeg's bakery when they where sixteen and have been working their during the week days ever since. Snake more so then Camilla wanted Basil and Coal to get jobs, wanting them to have a job so they could prepare themselves for when they went into full time work. Basil was not enthusiastic at the idea, but Snake nor Camilla didn't give him a choice in the matter. The two ended up getting jobs at the same place as both Camilla and Snake thought it would be best mostly for Coal that he stay close with Basil. Coal is known to be one of the very first docile vampires in hundreds of years, being raised on a normal diet and devil fruits to help keep his vampire urges at bay. Camilla and Snake also hoped that having Coal get a job would help him out of his shell, but since they weren't a hundred percent sure if their idea would work, they got Basil and Coal temporary work at Nutmeg's bakery. Nutmeg's bakery is small yet not unpopular, it's famous among Safe Haven citizens that stick to the more traditional way of things. Nutmeg having a very down to earth up bringing prides herself on making not only tasty but delicious bakery treats, made with ingredients shipped from the forest district. However with Nutmeg running the bakery and with Nathan teaching up at UA Nutmeg sometimes struggles to meet the demands of her customers. Camilla, having known Nathan from dance classes gets into contact with Nutmeg, who happily offers the two boys work experience at her bakery. Again Basil wasn't enthusiastic to be spending his time kneeing dough, washing dishes and pounding eggs, he didn't click with the job right away. Despite his lack of joy or motivation Nutmeg tried to be a fair yet fun boss, having two others around the bakery certainly kept her company. Coal took more interest in the job then Basil, baking soon became his own hobby outside of work, and the job soon began to help him feel more confident. Coal being happy at work begins to rub off on Basil and he two soon begins to enjoy their shifts, even calling their boss Nutmeg by Missus 'Meg, but she doesn't mind. DO NOT REPOST/EDIT/COPY/TRACE MY ART OR OC'S!!! Basil/Coal - me Nutmeg - Vivziepop
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palettepainter · 5 years ago
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Been away from Zoophobia for way too long! Sorry for the lack of art with my Zoophobia NG’s and headcannons, towards the end of 2019 as I mentioned I wasn’t very happy and even before then I was lacking a lot of motivation to draw for this fandom. Managed to finally doodle out something with my NG’s Robbie and Benjamin! In the book series I had at first planned for Benjamin to be with Willow and then Robbie to be with Amber, but the pairings after a while just felt boring (sporty gal with sporty guy, nerdy dude with nerdy girl, it got boring after a while), I’ve got nothing against these pairings! But me personally, after a while the pairings just felt bland. I debated for a while on making them a big old poly family, but settled on having them instead be their own relationships, but they all live together and form a big family like unit Notes on these two boyfriends relationship: -Robbie (brown haired dude) is the son to Daphne and Orion (nerdy boy with the smart blunt girl I’m all over it-), his mother being a lawyer means their family is very well off, and though Daphne was flabbergasted when she turned up pregnant, the pregnancy was both a joyful journey and a pain in the back, in both the literal and the metaphorical sense. Robbie like his father shares a strong love for sports and has a strong competitive spirit, however he is incredibly skilled at problem solving and calculating problems in his head, much like his mother. He’s a perfecr mix of competitive jock and supportive brother figure 2)Benjamin‘s and Robbie’s fathers had been close friends when they where in high school so the two from a young age had been very close friends, it wasn’t until many years later when the two themselves where attending ZPA together did Benjamin start developing a crush on him. It had all become clear to him the day in which Benjamin’s umbrella broke in the middle of a very rainy day. Robbie offers his best bro his own umbrella, to which Benjamin firefly denies (he didn’t want Robbie to get cold because of him). Theres a lot of persuading from Robbie that hell be fine, but it ends with Robbie putting away his umbrella as he decides to become drenched with him. There’s a lot of laughing and puddle splashing, and afterwards the two crash at Benjamin’s place, both sniffling, drenched to the skin and dripping with rain water, but they had fun! They had good old childish fun! Robbies hair is messier then usual, his brown hair sticking to his forward as the rain water on his face seems to make him glisten in the light of the roaring log fire, his warm chuckle making Benjamin’s chefs all light and fluttery as the two share a large fluffy blanket and cocoa Benjamin in short goes ‘Oh shit I think I’m a little gay’ 3)Instead of going to his parents for advice, who Benjamin guessed would instantly gossip about it to Robbie’s parents, resorts the only option he had left: call his other two best friends Willow and Amber. Some advice they offered was bad, other bits weren’t, the two pretty much straight up became his two wing gals as they - perhaps a little too eagerly - tried to get Robbie and Benjamin hitched. Benjamin was good with words but not when it came to talking with his now crush, and Robbie was great at playing it cool and being causal, but that only got harder when he took notice of his best mates blushing and stammering. Their first official date date ended up being a double date after Willow insisted to Amber that they go out for a date also, at the same fun fair, around the same time, it totally wasn’t so Willow and Amber could not so discreetly spy on them, never! But the two certainly did sneak a few glances in there direction, and where maybe slightly embarrassed when Robbie just casually walked up to them as asked if they wanted some candy-floss. But the date was full with fun and laughter anyway! 4)Robbie woes the shit of out of Benjamin once he starts gaining more confidence in their relationship. Underneath all that competence spirit and jock behaviour he’s very warm-hearted and affection, will bombard his boyfriend with kisses during study sessions and is all up for a night spent snuggled under a blanket in cozy pj’s, with a movie and some popcorn.
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palettepainter · 6 years ago
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Doodeled this quickly to show off more of Ash's character, he's a weird one for sure. Unlike his two mothers Ash is often moody looking, looks like he's been smoking something illegal or he hasn't slept in 5 days, and he's that one kid that asks those really stupid and dumb and sometimes philosophical questions to himself. Will he ever receive answers to these desperate questions? Who knows.. Questions came from these videos, used these ones because I felt as if they described Ash the best, not sure why I felt like that -  www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bs7D_… www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnkGtV… Ash - son to Nightingale and Mint - me Nightingale/Mint - Vivziepop
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palettepainter · 6 years ago
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Happy new year everyone!! ^^
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aimlovesmusic · 2 years ago
Jubilee, Rachel and younger sibling mitchel
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