mosthuggableffxiv · 5 months
Most Punchable Job Trainer (Healer)
Honorable mention to Jannequinard de Durendaire, who is not an Astrologian trainer in any sense of the word but is, in your humble pollrunner's opinion, pretty punchable.
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bloodsworn-marshal · 1 year
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Alka Zolka
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scholars-of-nym · 24 days
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A beautiful dance~
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astra-xiv · 4 months
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A Scholar's Journey
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dragons-bones · 1 year
Prompt: reactivation (free write!) || Master Post || On AO3
A/N: This idea originated before the 6.4 PLL that announced Certain Specific Scholar Updates. Yoshi-P, I demand royalties along with the use of my twenty-year old internet handle as the abbreviation for your new expansion.
Synnove stared down at the soulstone on her desk; the dark blue stone was cut in such a way that what little light refracted through it drew the eye to the Scholar’s bespectacled emblem carved into its surface. She poked at it gently and the sonorous bzzz of unaspected aether brushed against her mind. Soulstones didn’t usually have unaspected aether unless they were blank, waiting for memory and experience to fill them.
This one was weird.
“This one is weird,” she said aloud. “Not that I don’t mind a mystery, but Surito is sending this along because…?”
“It’s something about the fairy,” Halulu said. “This one is from the most recent cache of soulstones the recovery teams have located in the Palace, and it’s the only one Surito can’t place to its original owner at the time of Nym’s fall. All the others, if he couldn’t recognize the aetherial signature, the fairy within responded at least long enough to identify herself and her Scholar.”
“But this one stayed silent,” Mhaslona said, not a question after Halulu’s explanation. Synnove’s old advisor lounged in one of the chairs on the other side of her desk, turned to the side to allow her to stretch her prosthetic leg out.
Halulu nodded and said, “And since Synnove is Eorzea’s resident strange summons expert…”
“You rewrite the laws of aetherology once and everyone expects you to walk on water,” Synnove grumbled without any heat. Halulu and Mhaslona both snickered at her. “All right, I’ll see if she’ll say hello to me.”
She pushed back from her desk and stood, picking up the soulstone in the same motion, and walked to the center of her office. Those first summonings of Tyr and Ivar had taught her never summon a damn thing near her desk ever again. The Gate quartermaster would likely refuse her requisition for another ironwood desk, especially one that would need hauling all the way up the northeast tower.
Synnove cupped her hands together, the left under the right, with the soulstone nestled in the center of her palm. She allowed her eyes to unfocus as she reached out with her aether to nudge the soulstone. In her mind, it hummed acknowledgment, but did nothing else.
The logic for a fairy wasn’t one with which she was intimately familiar, but her perfect memory could recall it regardless and Synnove held it in her mind as she drew on her aether—and frowned.
The soulstone refused to respond.
Only faintly conscious of her head tilting in puzzlement, Synnove mentally prodded at the soulstone again. Scholar soulstones were locked with the fairy logic; summon the fairy and the bearer could begin to attune to the soulstone. And it wasn’t a mystery lock, either, the logic was practically writ into the soulstone’s aether, one just needed to ‘fill’ it and—
—unless it wasn’t a fairy.
Synnove mentally threw out the fairy logic and plunged into the heady waters of the soulstone. Yes, there was the most basic of geometries used in summoning at its heart, pulsing and strong, but the way it branched out into the greater logic didn’t match the ones Scholars used for their fairies. She followed the equations and lines spiraling out from the core, mentally tracing out the shape of the summon that guarded the soulstone’s heart.
…This was familiar.
This was very, very familiar.
Without intention, without even having finished tracing this not very Scholarly logic because it wasn’t a logic at all, it was an array, Synnove filled in the blanks, and aether sang out in her office.
Synnove looked down.
A bright blue carbuncle blinked up at her.
There was a moment of stunned silence, and then a sound not unlike that of an Allagan node—though oddly feminine in its neutrality—rang out in her mind.
[>>776SKK900NLS0000 GLORIOUS DAWN NRM-COM/IPMA: ASSETS//CORE//IMPERATIVE IMMEDIATE ACTION ORDER Tactical morality reset from EMERALD EXIGENT. SECURITY STATE is ADAMANTOISE. LUCIFERON is INACTIVE and MIDNIGHT. Primary command structure defragment commence on mark. Evocation matrix INDIGO ABRASAX reactivation success. Format moral structures for KYRIA TRACE. STOP STOP STOP 776SKK900NLS0000]
With the way Mhaslona and Halulu were excitedly chattering behind her, Synnove knew she was the only one who had heard that. She suspected she wasn’t supposed to have heard that.
And then the carbuncle opened her mouth, and in the same voice said:
[Greetings, New User! I am the Intelligent Personal Obligant and Medical Operative for Emergency Applications! You may call me Ipomoea for convenience. Please specify the nature of your emergency for prompt service.]
Dead silence in her office.
“Um,” Synnove said intelligently.
“Is,” Halulu whispered, “is she talking? As in, open mouth, sound comes out talking?”
“More like an orchestrion rather than talking,” Mhaslona said slowly.
“Oh, I don’t like that. Not one bit.”
“So,” Synnove said, filling the final shot glass with whiskey and keeping it for herself, “best I can tell, the soulstone was carved from a carbuncle-quality focus gem.”
Surito Carito, Setoto Seto, and Alka Zolka were huddled around her desk with herself, Halulu, and Mhaslona, each with a shot glass in front of them. The bottle of Synnove’s best whiskey was not as full as it had been half a bell ago.
Surito sighed heavily and rubbed his face. “I remember her,” he said. “Her summoner—though perhaps better to say her programmer—was the college’s Allag expert, Vatete Vate. And carbuncles weren’t a popular choice for familiars; fairy logic was the preference, since it wasn’t reliant on gemstones infused with living aether.”
“We were isolated from most of Aldenard because of Mhach and Amdapor’s warring over the centuries,” Setoto said, shaking her head. “By the time of the War of the Magi, we hadn’t had a reliable gemstone trade in generations, it was why the fairy logic was developed at all.”
Mhaslona sucked on her teeth. “Where the fuck did Vatete even get the Allag tech? Based on what Synnove heard, it sounds like she reverse-engineered one of their command nodes into a carbuncle array.”
The two tonberries and one former tonberry all shrugged.
“Best we can do at the moment is ask around the Palace,” Surito said, raising his whiskey glass to sip from it. “Vatete isn’t among the tonberries, and she kept to herself much of the time, but she’d ramble to anyone who showed a lick of interest, so it’s possible, though not probable, that she may have let slip something without either she or her audience realizing the import.”
Synnove rested her cheek on her fist and sighed, then said over her shoulder, “How’s that database update coming along, honey?”
[Azys Lla terminal connection is sporadic, update is only seventeen percent complete.] Ipomeoa had, thankfully, switched to an aetheric harmonic upon request, although it still sounded vaguely artificial. [Prioritization algorithms are still sorting data. WORLD STATE: HYDAELYN set to UNBOUND.]
“…I don’t want to know what that means,” Alka Zolka said wearily. “I don’t think I have the clearance to know what that means.”
“You do now,” Synnove grumbled, and tossed back her whiskey in one gulp.
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strwpup · 6 months
✨ilsabard contingent appreciation post✨
why do we not talk about the ilsabard contingent more!!! absolutely the steppe trio is great, bard boys are great, emmsic is great, it's delightful to see all these beloved characters and job npcs, but today i want to talk about two specific dynamics not discussed enough visible in just the first cutscene of the contingent and arrival at broken glass
sicard, alka, and broenbhar
i completely missed this the first time i got here because there was so much to be excited by, but on my second playthrough i have been just so delighted to see them interacting
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here's sicard randomly shadowboxing broenbhar and doing push ups in the middle of the room surrounded by strangers before he is personally introduced
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here's alka laughing at sicard being embarrassed
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alka and broenbhar maraudering together
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alka after asking broenbhar for advice. i just. they're having a great time work hard play hard!!!
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emmanellain and stephanivien
listen. listen. there are three (3) fics in the emmanellain & stephanivien tag on ao3 and they are all written by me. we need to talk about them more!!!
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live ishgardian reaction to aforementioned sicard doing push ups in the middle of this room
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he is literally hiding behind steph before and after his twinkle toed gentleman of light moment. my brother in halone you are a tank, steph's tits will not protect you
also ive hit the post photo limit but steph is smiling in the background when emmanellain has his moment :> they spend so much of the time in the contingent hanging out working on the heaters! they grew up across ths street from each other! they probably aren't as close as they are with some of the others, but i know in my heart that emmanellain looks up to steph as someone who is so unashamed to be himself regardless of what their social circles think of them
looking at these, i am just. imagining them getting into hijinks when they were younger, and steph would hide emm and take the blame when they got caught. thinking about steph fostering emmanellain's openness and cheerfulness when haurchefant moved to dragonhead and ishgard froze over and house fortemps was just so cold and quiet
i just love the ilsabard contingent and all the little relationships in it so much!!! you agree. you want to make content about the ilsabard contingent soooo bad. is this working is this thing on
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driftward · 1 year
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Zoissette had other soulstones she had attuned before. Her first had been the Regiment Stone when she had taken over as Knight Captain. An Astrologian soulstone, a gift from a friend. But the Scholar's soulstone, a relic of ancient Nym, had been different, somehow. It had opened up new revelations to her as she had opened herself up to it, and with it, she had also gained the wisdom and experience of a new companion to stay with her, to help guide her. To help her make sense of a world she often found confusing and distant.
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madqueenmomo · 2 years
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More sketches of May from my Twitter!
Have some screenshots of her cause I love her.
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shieldkeeper · 1 year
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Lalapril - Day 2: Guild
Unknown to most, Garen and Alka Zolka are distant cousins! They ended up kindling a friendship with their love for books and all things scholarly. Garen enjoys working with Alka’s group as well as they pursue the mysteries surrounding Nym.
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potassium-pilot · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023, Prompt 1: Envoy
"Oh, are we close?" Surito Carito asked, the tiny tonberry trying to lift himself against the edges of the ship to see the surroundings. Behind him, Dia gave a boost so he could see.
"Wow", he breathed. "I'm only sorry that my memory is failing me in the geography of my time. This place is breathtaking." Lily appeared at his side to join him in looking.
"So this is Old Sharlayan", Alka Zolka commented. "I admit, I'm a bit overdue for coming here. Ever since they opened their borders to adventurers, I had been meaning to visit."
"Me too", Setoto spoke up. "I simply can't believe they would allow a tonberry to speak in a place like this."
"Well, I admit I pulled a few favors, but Scholarch Montichaigne seemed positively tickled by the idea of having someone who lived in the era of Nym come and speak on its behalf", Dia explained. "I can also tell you with certainty that no small amount of students want to hear about it. There's a lot of historians here and they are all very curious about what happened to the nation."
"And none of them are going to try and kill me, correct?" Surito asked. "I saw the looks that the Limsan citizenry gave us. Had it not been you protecting me, I'm certain I would have been set upon ere I set foot on the ship."
"So long as you stick by me, you'll be safe." Dia pulled a box nearby so Surito could stand on it. "Now just keep looking at the ocean."
The ship made its way to Scholar's Harbor slowly but surely. Around 10AM, it docked and allowed its passengers to depart. Dia, Surito, Setoto, and Alka Zolka made their way towards customs and arrived to the lalafell woman who presided over it. She took the names and professions of Alka Zolka and Setoto, who simply stated that they were scholars of Nymian history.
"And your name?" She asked of the tonberry.
"Surito Carito"
"And your profession?"
"I am a scholar."
"Of what field?"
Surito seemed confused. "Er, simply a scholar, madam. A member of the Nymian Royal Marines."
The official raised her eyebrow slowly. "Er...why would we need a soldier here?"
Dia shook her head. "Forgive him. He's an envoy of the former nation of Nym, here to give a lecture on its history and culture. There should have been a form explaining his special circumstances sent to you by the Studium."
"There is, yes. I simply need to confirm his name and profession as is listed here. At any rate, all appears to be in order, and you are all granted permission to enter Sharlayan at your leisure. Welcome."
With that, Dia guided the three of them away from the gazebo and into Sharlayan proper. As they walked, all of them noticed as eyes gawked at the creature walking about the city. Some even ran at the sight of Surito's waddle.
"Oh dear...", Surito whispered.
"Don't worry. They are merely ignorant. This is why you're here, is it not? To inform", Alka Zolka tried to reassure.
"Surely, it won't be too long until people begin to understand", Setoto concluded.
Even with their encouragement, Surito kept as close to Dia as he could. As he said, when people saw the ex-Warrior of Light leading the tonberry, they knew better than to try and interfere. Finally, they arrived at the new headquarters of Baldesion Annex, where Dia arranged rooms for them all to stay. Upon the doors opening, Ojika formed a big smile. "Ah, Dia! I'm glad to see you and your friends have safely-- EEK!"
Surito jumped at the shriek of the lalafellan innkeeper. Dia scowled. "Yes, he's a tonberry. No, he does not have a stabby death awaiting you. His name is Surito Carito, and he's a guest lecturer, so I'd appreciate you not screaming at him."
"How do you do?" Surito greeted nervously.
"S-sorry. I've never seen one up close before. I've never even heard of one that could talk before."
"They don't, usually", Surito explained. "Dia here helped break me out of the trance that traps all of my brethren in a state of perpetual violence."
"If you want to learn more, I'd recommend sitting in on his lecture", Setoto encouraged. "It's tomorrow at 11AM."
Ojika looked up to Dia, who nodded in affirmation. "I think I can make the time for that. Why don't I show you all to your rooms?" With that, the three were led to their quarters for the evening. Upon reaching Surito's quarters, Dia and Surito couldn't help but hear footsteps running towards them. Upon the turn of their heads, they spotted a red-haired miqo'te rushing them.
"Dia!" G'raha exclaimed happily. "Always glad to see you." He looked down and noticed the tonberry, making a curious look form on his face. "Er...Dia?" G'raha darted his eyes down in Surito's direction.
Dia looked down to her scholar companion. "Go on. Introduce yourself. I know him; you'll be safe."
Surito cleared his throat. "Hello there. My name is Surito Carito, one of the last scholars of Nym and one of the last members of the Nymian Royal Marines."
G'raha's jaw remained wide open and he gawked at the marine in shock. "I...I'm pleased to meet you. G'raha Tia, at your service."
"Forgive me, but you are a miqo'te, are you not?"
"I am."
"I've never met one before today. Ah, this day has been full of new experiences."
"Much the same for me", G'raha agreed, "I've never met a tonberry before today."
Surito's face squinted in happiness. "I hope you'll be one of the attendees for my lecture tomorrow morning."
"A lecture?" G'raha looked up to Dia, who nodded. "Well, I can certainly try to make time for something like that. What is your lecture on, exactly?"
"Nymian culture and history."
"Considering your interest in Allagan history, I think you'd be interested in a society that took full advantage of Allagan summoning arts to mold into the tactics of the Nymian scholar", Dia pointed out.
"That would be interesting, yes. Even without it, I must admit I know little and less of the nation."
Surito nodded. "Then may I see you there." With that, Surito hopped up to reach the doorknob, opened it, and let himself into his room. G'raha, still reeling from the idea that he just met a tonberry that didn't want to stab him mercilessly, merely blinked.
"You all right?" Dia asked.
"I...have a lot of misconceptions I need to clear up", he admitted.
"Everyone does. That's why he's here", Dia smiled. "Oh, did you have plans for lunch?"
"Not a single one", he lied, having initially intended on using it to do some research on the Twelve.
"Then you should join us. I intend to take everyone to the Last Stand. I was going to ask Krile too."
"I'd love that! I'll see you then."
A few hours pass, Dia using the time to help Krile with her research, telling her about her own, and listening to Krile vent about the difficulties of restarting the Students of Baldesion. As the stroke of 1 in the afternoon, Krile declared, "Now might be a good time for a break, do you not agree?"
"I couldn't agree more. Let me fetch everyone and we can go to lunch." Dia left Krile's study and gathered Alka and Setoto. Upon arriving to Surito's room, Dia knocked.
"Who is it?" Surito asked.
"A ghost. Thought I might haunt you a bit, just for kicks."
"Come in, Dia."
She opened the door and smiled at Surito. "We're heading for the Last Stand for lunch. You're in for a treat. It's the only restaurant with remotely edible food in Sharlayan."
"Oh...I'm fine here, thank you."
"Surito?" Alka asked. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing at all. I just believe it might be better if I just kept to my room during my stay."
"Oh none of that, Surito! We want you there", Setoto protested.
"I don't wish to scare anyone again."
Dia breathed a sigh from her nose. "Come on, you two."
The three left the room, Surito using his solitude to try and practice his lecture. About twenty minutes in, his door burst open and a crowd of people flocked in. "Hope you're decent!" Dia laughed.
"Oh! What is this?" Surito exclaimed.
"This is lunch. You're eating it one way or another", DIa insisted. "I've brought G'raha along and our host."
"Hello. You must be Surito Carito. My name is Krile Baldesion. I've been looking forward to meeting you."
"Hello to you, Krile. Thank you for your hosting my compatriots and I. You're quite possibly the most welcoming presence I've encountered here."
Krile frowned. "Dia told me of Ojika screaming at the sight of you. I apologize for him. I'm afraid that while I informed him of a guest speaker coming to stay with us, I failed to inform him of what to expect of you. I apologize for his conduct."
"It's of no consequence. At least he didn't run at the sight of me like some of the people I've encountered today."
Dia placed lunch on his table. "Well, let's forget about them and get some food in our bellies. Come on up."
The five sat around the table, G'raha in the middle surrounded by Dia and Krile on one side, and Setoto surrounded by Alka and Surito on the other. Dia handed Surito an Archon burger. "You'll love it!"
"So, Surito, what inspired you to come and give a lecture in Sharlayan?" Krile asked.
"In truth, I have been looking for how to revive the art of the Nymian Scholar for some time now that we have a cure for the plague in our grasp."
"Plague?" G'raha repeated.
"Yes. You can see its effect on people by looking at me, and you can see that the cure works with one look at Setoto here." G'raha and Krile snapped their attentions to Setoto, who smiled at them proudly. "You're Nymian?" G'raha exclaimed.
"I am. You wouldn't be able to tell with one look at me, but I am one of the few students of the art left. Were it not for Dia, Alka, Surito, and the work of my father, we may not be speaking today."
Dia smiled as she chewed. Upon swallowing, she added, "We had discussed it for a while and agreed that the best way to try and keep things going was to utilize modern day historians. Montichaigne seemed to rather like the idea."
"I don't blame him in the least", Krile commented amusedly. "This is the first lecture of its kind- a discussion from a citizen of a society long thought to be dead."
After the remainder of their time was spent listening to Krile picking Surito's brain on history, the five stood up and went their separate ways for the evening.
The morning dawned on Sharlayan. Surito awoke and rose from his bed before he scrambled to find his notes. Upon finding them and reading them through, he heard a knock at his door.
"Who is it?"
"Remember that ghost from yesterday? She said you owed her 20 gil, so I'm here to collect."
"Come in, Dia."
She opened the door and entered alongside yet another new face.
"Oh...hello...", Surito greeted hesitantly.
"Hello", she greeted back warmly. "My name is Ameliance Leveilleur, a good friend of Dia's. I understand you're to give a lecture in the Studium today, is this correct?"
"I am. My name is Surito Carito. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
"As am I. If you're going to give a lecture here in Sharlayan, however, we thought it best if you might look the part." Ameliance reached into her inventory and pulled out a small, white Sharlayan robe, sized for a lalafell. "What do you think?"
"That...would be lovely. I wish I knew what to say...thank you, I..."
"But of course. Go ahead and change into it for me."
Upon the two looking away, Surito changed into the white robe and looked in the mirror.
"It looks nice."
They looked back and judged for themselves. "It does", Dia affirmed, "Although it is a little big..."
"That much, we can change. If you wouldn't mind helping me with adjustments, Dia, we can get started."
After an hour preparing the robe to fit him, they looked upon their handiwork proudly. "Now that's a Sharlayan."
"Don't worry; we can hang the Scholar armor on a mannequin and show it off that way", Dia suggested.
"I would like that. It's important for Scholars to have the appropriate gear", Surito reminded her to Dia's amusement.
"Now that we have you dressed up, why don't we show it off, hm?" Ameliance suggested.
"I...I don't know."
"The only way people will get used to seeing you is to see you. The more people that see you walking peacefully with Ameliance and I, the better", Dia reminded him.
He took a deep breath and braced himself. "All right. Let's go."
With that, the three escorted Surito out of his chambers and led him around town. To his shock, fewer people seemed outright horrified at the sight of him as they walked around town. Some even cooed at the sight of him in their robes, like they would a child. He wasn't sure if that was any better.
After enjoying a leisurely walk about the city-state, they arrived at the Studium where they were directed to the lecture hall. Upon opening the doors, he was surprised at the amount of attendants that had already gathered, and the event wasn't due to start for another fifteen minutes. He sat in a chair on the side alongside Dia, Lily on his shoulder, Alka and Setoto (the latter having arrived about ten minutes before Dia and Ameliance did) and stared at the crowd of students.
Surito had a flash of memory. Nymian universities that trained young people all had their own robes to don in uniformity. They would gather and discuss, await the professors before they would start their work. They would ask all sorts of questions, pose theories, discuss history, magic, current affairs of the time, spend countless hours writing papers and preparing arguments. They would laugh together, they would cry together, bemoan assignments together, and cheer in triumph in their accomplishments together.
To see these young minds carrying on such similar traditions warmed his heart. It hit him in this moment that no Calamity, no apocalypse, and no tragedy in the world would ever dim a curious mind.
The hour drew nigh for the lecture to begin. Surito walked up to the podium that was adjusted for his stature and looked out to the crowd, who all looked to Surito to pay him heed. As he looked upon the faces of these students, he could see them- his classmates, his former teachers; he was back in his element.
He took a deep breath and spoke aloud.
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seaseren · 1 year
Actually I'm really interested in how people feel about their main job's questline. Do you overall like it? Do you like one part but don't care for others? Is there anything you would tweak? Or would you just want, in an ideal world, something completely different.
For me scholar is an absolute nothing of a questline- I like Surito but he's never really allowed to be your mentor? Alka Zolka isn't bad on principal but was never interesting to me, I hate Heavensward scholar quests completely, and Stormblood was the biggest "....ok." But most of all what frustrated me was that it never really let me feel like the scholar. There was a couple of moments in ARR scholar that did, but after that I just felt completely like Alka Zolka's sidekick. That's an issue for many job quests, I know, but it feels especially prominent in scholar
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mosthuggableffxiv · 5 months
Most Huggable Job Trainer (Healer)
By popular request, I have separated out A-Ruhn-Senna and Raya-O-Senna, even though that means that almost half of the options are White Mage-specific.
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XIX. Weal
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“A young lady who burst in here not a quarter bell ago? Aye, I’ve seen her.” Momodi Modi crossed her arms. “Tried to hide her tears when gettin’ her key, she did. You wouldn’t have had something to do with that, would you?”
“C-certainly not!” Alka Zolka stammered. “We had agreed to meet on the steps for Little Ladies’ Day, and I am to be her seneschal. I had only just caught sight of her on the Avenue when she ran off!”
Momodi eyed Alka up and down, then squarely met his wide, earnest eyes. “You seem an all right sort,” she said. “Honest enough. I’ve been in this business long enough to have a pretty keen sense for these things, if you’ll excuse me sayin’.
“But just so I ain’t callin’ on some other distressed young lady today, I’m goin’ to need her name.”
“Setoto,” Alka said, relieved. “Her name is Setoto, and oh, thank you, miss. Tell her it’s Alka Zolka asking after her.”
“Don’t go thankin’ me yet,” Momodi cautioned. “If she decides she ain’t of a mind to see you, I won’t be pushin’ the subject–and neither should you.”
Alka nodded so vigorously he had to push his slipping glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “Yes, yes of course. Thank you, ma’am.”
“I said don’t thank me yet,” Momodi said wryly. She waved a hand toward the center of the Quicksand. “Take a seat, then. I’ll have one of mine call on her.”
As the Adventurer’s Guild’s branch in Ul’dah, Alka Zolka did not expect the place was ever what could be considered quiet, but with the Little Ladies’ celebrations in full swing, most of the seating was already taken by adventurers. He gratefully took a small table off to one side when a server pointed it out to him, assuring him that no one had come to claim the seat yet.
The sandy and earthy tones of the Quicksand’s decor were awash in the bright pink of potted cherry blossoms and paper blooms, and the reds of decorative parasols and runners laid across each table. Alka twisted his hands in his lap anxiously. The noise–and trading his armor and axe for the loose, breezy fashions of Ul’dah–did not help calm his nerves any. Just to take his mind off things, he started counting the petals on the floor that had drifted in from the main avenue, and tried not to glance in the direction of the bar too much.
It was during one of these glances that he at last caught sight of Momodi gesturing him over. He hurriedly stood. 
“She ain’t ready to come downstairs,” Momodi told him when he reached the bar.
Alka’s expression fell. Momodi wagged a finger at him. “Now, don’t go mopin’ about just yet. She said you can go up and speak with her. Room twenty-two, on your left.
“And while I don’t know what happened, you set things right, you hear? I don’t want to see any young ladies’ cryin’ their eyes out on a day meant to be all about their happiness.”
Alka, one foot already on the stairwell, looked over his shoulder. “Bringing her happiness is precisely my intention,” he said, resolute.
Momodi nodded approvingly.
Setoto’s room was near the end of the hall, and Alka wondered if she had intentionally asked for such a secluded lodging–at least as much seclusion could be found in such a well-frequented establishment. He knocked softly under the “22” that had been engraved into the wood of the door.
There was a pause, and then Alka heard a shuffling and a quiet sniffling from behind the door. His heart sank.
“Setoto, what’s wrong?”
Another fitful lapse into silence, punctuated by another sniffle.
Alka swallowed. “If…if it isn’t your wish to have me accompany you as your seneschal, my lady, just say the word. Your comfort and happiness is paramount to me, on this day and any other.”
To his dismay, that only prompted a loud sob. “Oh Alk- k- ka, it’s just like you to assume you’re the one at fault. I-it’s not you. It’s me!”
“How can it be you?” he asked, bewildered. He wished he could open the door and sweep her into a hug. “I don’t understand.”
“I-I don’t want you to see.”
Alka leaned his face against the wood and closed his eyes, ignoring the way it dug his spectacles into the bridge of his nose. “Setoto…you know that I have ever found you beautiful beyond compare. Even if you were to suddenly turn into a tonberry again on the morrow, it would change naught of how I see you.”
He waited. Suddenly the door was yanked open and he stumbled forward, nearly falling on his face.
“I’m sorry, Alka,” Setoto hiccuped, letting go of the door handle to steady him. “I didn’t know you were that c-close to the door.”
Her cheeks were flush and damp with tears. Before Alka could reassure her that the apology was unneeded, Setoto abruptly pulled up the sleeve of her riviera dress and thrust out her arm toward him, her face screwed up in distress. The exposed skin was riddled with painful looking weals, each swollen and red.
“I d-don’t know what’s happening,” she cried. “They just started appearing, a-and I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong with my codex or my incantations or if it just isn’t responding to healing magick.”
She yanked her sleeve back down before he could take a closer look. “What if it’s the plague coming back?” Her gold-colored eyes were brimming with panic and more unshed tears. “I think it started this way, too. The welts, and then the ghastly greenish color, and then the painful shriveling of the limbs, and–and didn’t Surito say there was a chance it could come back? What if–”
“Setoto.” Alka grasped her hand, careful not to jostle her afflicted arm. “We don’t know that yet.”
A door opening further down the hall alerted them both. With Setoto’s hasty nod, Alka fully stepped in the room and quietly shut the door. 
“You are but recently come to Ul’dah,” he told her gently. “There may be all manner of common sores and illnesses that you’ve never been exposed to, making you more susceptible to them.” He reached into the pocket of his sarouel and handed her a handkerchief. 
“I apologize,” he hung his head, “I should have thought of that before inviting you to a city packed to the bloody brim for a festival…”
Setoto gratefully took the handkerchief and dabbed her eyes before noisily blowing her nose into it. “Don’t blame yourself, Alka,” she said thickly, “I would’ve come anyway.
“I…I really do want you to be my seneschal for the day. Just not…” Setoto gestured hopelessly to her arm with her hand that clutched the kerchief, still holding his hand tight with her other. “And what if, in public….”
Alka mustered his most reassuring smile. “Let us call upon a chirurgeon. I am sure we can arrange to have someone sent up to the rooms–Ul’dah plays host to the Alchemists’ Guild, after all.”
“If they cannot diagnose it,” said Alka, squeezing her hand, “we will call upon Surito. He will set things right.”
Setoto’s shoulders relaxed, but her eyes were still fearful. “What if it’s just a temporary fix?”
“Then we seek a longer term stratagem, my lady.” Alka gingerly lifted his hand to her cheek, and when she leaned against the touch he thumbed away the fresh tears there.
“Let us take it day by day,” he said. “And today, I have a princess that will want for escorting after she is given the very best care the realm has to offer…if she is still amenable.”
Setoto let out a small, glad sob. “I would like that. Thank you, Alka.”
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scholars-of-nym · 6 months
Day 1 - Arrival
After a short journey, Setoto and Alka Zolka finally arrived at Limsa Lominsa! The shining, white spires reminded her of Nym in its hayday.
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12 notes · View notes
astra-xiv · 4 months
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NPCs only this time but... my favourite lala-nerds.
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arianeoftheglade · 11 months
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Alka Zolka and Setoto
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