reggae-vibes-com · 4 months
Zion Head – Mount Zion
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#Review | Zion Head – Mount Zion. There's no reason at all to not give the France-based Jamaican artist's new album a listen. #ZionHead #MountZion #NewAlbum #OutNow Read the full article
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Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU Fanfiction)
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Chapter 5
Warnings: None swf, slight fluff. 
Author’s note: Literally couldn’t come up for a good Pro Hero name for Mai’s ex colleague so I’m giving credit to my friend @thatgirlwithcamera for coming up with Gemini with ease. As the story progresses you’ll see how it fits perfectly for that character.
The doctor explained all of Aizawa's injuries to me as he was still asleep. Turned aside from the broken limbs, his right arm was also missing a few layers of skin and muscle was exposed, luckily it wasn't infected. We still have yet to see if his erasure quirk was intact, Aizawa had to be awake to check his quirk but that wasn't happening any time soon.
Nezu felt it was best to close the school down for a week to give the staff and students time to recuperate after the attack. During that week I have been just going between my place and the hospital and emailing parents of Class 1-A. Currently though, I was sitting in the love seat they had in the room with my laptop watching Netflix and checking emails.
A few emails caught my eye.
Hi Sweetheart,
I know we haven't spoken since the drama revolving around the court case. I just heard about the attack at UA. Now, I am not planning on telling you that you should come to I-Island and lay low here. I just want to let you know I'm not mad anymore and wanted to see if you're okay. Te quiero, mi Sión
Great. My mom. I guess she changed her mind about me moving to I-Island and making it come off as her own idea. I'll reply later and blame it on the time zones.
Hiya teach!
How's Japan treating you? I'm only emailing you because my cousin told me about what happened at UA. I hope you're okay and so are the students. Everyone here in the U.S. miss you. Oh! Also I need to know the address to your new place to send you the invitation to Aaron and my wedding. So please let me know soon! Love you, miss you, and hope all is well on your end.
I quickly typed up a reply giving her my new address and telling her how we're all fine aside from Thirteen and Aizawa being injured. She's probably going to freak out to hear about her favorite underground hero being injured. I gave her a brief sentence or two explaining how I'll tell her more in detail about everything if we ever get to video chat. After replying I went back to my Netflix binge with my eyes switching between the screen and Aizawa's sleeping form every now and then.
"What are you watching?" I jumped in my seat slightly and almost dropped my laptop as the mummy beside me grunted. "Why do you react so dramatically?"
I stood up to help Aizawa move and sit up, I glared at him and grabbed the hospital bed remote to change his position. "Well, I'm sorry, I didn't expect my colleague who was asleep for four days to just speak out of nowhere." Even though his face was bandaged up, I could still sense his signature annoyed expression. I just copied the expression with my right hand on my hip holding the bed remote.
"You're so immature." He sighed and looked down. "Why are you here?"
"Huh? Oh, I guess Nezu didn't tell you about making me your emergency contact since we're partners at the school." I rubbed the back of my neck. "The doctors and nurse think I'm your fiance though, because Nezu wanted to make sure that they didn't try to kick me out." Aizawa simply hummed in response. "I've been here since you came in. All the students wouldn't stop blowing up my email asking about you." I gave a soft chuckle. "They're incredibly worried but relieved that you're alive." It was hard to meet his eyes. I felt vulnerable where I stood despite not being the one in a full body cast. I hugged myself tighter into my cardigan, "I'm going to call a nurse in to let them know you're awake." Another hum was left in the air.
The doctor and nurses told me that I needed to leave the room while they examined Aizawa, despite Aizawa surprisingly refusing me to leave. So, I took the opportunity to go down to the cafeteria to grab a bite and maybe bring something for Aizawa. I decided I would text the group chat between Aizawa, Lily, Iris, Mic, and Midnight to let them know he was awake.
Me: He lived bitches
Mic 🎧🎤: HE'S ALIVE
Iris 👓: Oscar the Grouch has risen? 🧟‍♂️
Iris 👓: Glad to hear he's awake. 💜🖤
Midnight 🌙🥀: Did you tell him that the hospital thinks you're engaged? 😏
Lily 🥧: Wait, who's engaged?
Iris 👓: Aizawa and Mai
Lily 🥧: Since when?
Midnight 🌙🥀 Since Nezu made them their emergency contacts and told the hospital they're engaged. 😂😂😂
Midnight🌙🥀: I can hear the wedding bells ringing
Mic 🎧🎤: More like a gothic organ playing 😂
Me: This is why I don't talk to you guys 😒
Iris 👓: What's the couple name? 🤔
Iris 👓: Shai? Aizontoya... ew no.. Maizawa? Zionhead?
Lily 🥧: I like Shai. It's cute and simple just like the lovely couple.
Me: I'm going to kill you all. 😑
Me: You know Aizawa is in this chat too, right? 🙄
Midnight 🌙🥀: Yes and we don't care 😈 MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Lily 🥧: You guys would have cute babies.
Mic 🎧🎤: They'll be cute because of M&M not Shota.
Me: I'm muting this chat now.
Lily 🥧: We're only messing around 😂
Me: I'll give you guys more info later, now behave children.
Iris 👓: Okay, mama montoya!
Lily 🥧: Love you mama!
Midnight🌙🥀: Make sure you tell daddy we said hi!
Midnight🌙🥀: emphasis on the "daddy" part 😏
Mic 🎧🎤: Kayama please don't sexualize my parents. I just got them back together after fifteen years. You're going to make me not want them 🤢
Lily 🥧: Did someone say daddy kink? I'm here for the mommy kink
Lily 🥧: God I almost barfed typing that
My phone kept buzzing. And I'm almost positive Aizawa's phone was going berserk in my purse too. I shook my head and let out a sigh. I grabbed a burger for myself and some fries with a water bottle and then I grabbed an apple sauce packet for Aizawa mainly because I highly doubt he can physically chew on anything right now and well, the man already lives off them. I walked back to his room, hopefully, I'm allowed to come in now, and with my food. None of the staff told me not too when I passed by so I figured it was okay. The door was closed so I looked through the window to see if Aizawa was still with the doctor and the nurses. All I saw was a sad mummy man using MY laptop.
I opened the door with the tray of food in my hand, "Why are you using my laptop?"
"I wanted to check my email." His voice was muffled. He leaned forward to the screen trying to see.
"You can't even type. How did you... never mind. Next time ask to use my laptop, please?" I walked up to him and placed the packet in front of him. "If you feel like your up for it, I'm willing to share my fries." He pushed my laptop to the side and grabbed the packet, struggled a little to open it. I set my food down next to my laptop and opened to the packet for him. At a small glance, I noticed that my laptop was opened on my email. Specifically, the email I got from my mom. "Checking your emails huh?" I raised my eyebrow at him and held myself back from smacking his head.
"As you can see I was struggling a bit to use the laptop in my current condition." He said while sucking on his applesauce.
"But you managed to open my emails?"
"It was an accident. Nice to know your mom is the same as ever." He grumbled.
"You haven't gotten any emails. Most of the staff just sent me anything they needed you to look at since they knew I was with you." I stuffed a fry into my mouth. "So, what did the doc tell you?"
"That I'm surprisingly healthy." He said staring at my fries. And then he tried to scoot over. "You can sit if you want."
I smiled a little and sat next to him, "You want a fry." I waved a fry in front of his mouth and he solemnly leaned forward and let me feed it to him. "Did he tell you about your quirk?"
He leant onto my shoulder, and I was feeling nothing but flames erupt within my body, "Yeah, but I'm not worried. The most that could happen is that I can't use it for as long as I used to." I fed him another fry. "So your mom wants you to move to I-Island after one villain attack?"
I took a bite out of my burger, "Nope, we're not switching to me." I grabbed my laptop and set it on both of our legs switching from my emails to Netflix to find something to watch. "Technically, I wanted to move to I-Island since my mom and my Uncle Dave were there and well I could've had a low profile there like I do here. But my mom and I weren't exactly on the best terms so she told me not to come." I was met with silence, "And then Nezu called me and asked me if I wanted to come back. Funny how that mouse always comes to pick up the slack." I sadly smiled.
"Why were you guys fighting?" Aizawa's voice was muffled but oozed concern.
"Didn't you read the email?" I chuckled and looked over to him.
"So it had something to do with the case against Gemini?"
I nodded and bit my cheek. "She didn't think I should've done anything about him. That I should've stayed quiet. But you know how she is. My whole life, she's been paranoid that with my quirk people would try and hurt me or use me. And you know, since I clearly made a name for myself and moved past all my transgressions. She didn't want me to be a victim again."
"She still shouldn't have shut you out." Aizawa stated a matter of factly.
"Yeah, well, she did." I put on a movie and leant against the pillows on the bed while Aizawa did the same. It was a peaceful silence between us while the movie played quietly. I put on a simple comedy to lighten up the mood and keep us entertained, "I used Oboro's quirk."
"What for?" he shifted slightly.
"I had to hide Midoriya and All Might from the villains while Snipe shot at them." I folded my arms, "They saw my face though, so I guess using the quirk did have a setback."
"You did what you could in the moment. I'm sure they won't even remember you after that. Just actually wear your glasses and maybe they won't recognize you." I heard humor in his voice.
"Ah yes, the famous glasses disguise." I waved my hands in a rainbow motion earning a small chuckle from the both of us.
"The doctor said that Recovery Girl can come in and pretty much help me heal faster so I can get back to work sooner."
"I wouldn't suggest going back so soon. You have to give yourself a chance to actually heal. You trying to teach students is mentally and physically draining." Ah, yes, Mai. Please lecture the 30 year old man like he's a child.
"The school isn't even open right now. I'll be fine by next week." He went back to his monotoned gruffy voice.
"As your fake fiance, I have to say no to you going back to work. Just have Midnight or Mic take your place." Boy I am so glad that I can't see Aizawa's face with those bandages. I do however see the glowing red and floating hair from his quirk. "Oh, look, your quirk works!" I smiled brightly to show I wasn't intimidated even though I was. "Fine, maybe Midnight or Mic shouldn't take over for you. I have a better option."
He turned off his quirk and gave a stern and cold voice, "Who?"
I pointed to myself all proud, "Me!"
"Absolutely not."
"Why not?" I puffed my cheeks into a small pout.
"You said you couldn't teach."
"I said I couldn't use my quirk to teach. I can just act like you. 'Today you will pick your hero names while I nap.'" I tried my best Aizawa impression. Needless to say he was not amused.
"I hate you."
"Awe, but baby, we're engaged." I smirked.
"No, we're not." He groaned.
"Oh no, sweetheart, did the blow to your handsomely stupid head make you forget your undying love for me?" I put a hand to my heart and pretended to be heartbroken and then I went to hold him gently while fake sobbing, "It's okay, love, I'll do my best to have you fall back in love with me."
"Please get off of me." I didn't. "You're insufferable."
"Why must you be so mean to me, Shota baby." I let out a few more sobs before finally letting him go. "You think I was annoying, you should see the group chat. Apparently we're parents to our friends now."
Aizawa responded with another groan and a brief, "I hate the people I surround myself with." I simply gave him another hug which he tried his best to wriggle out of, but eventually just gave in. "You're annoying."
"Shut up and let's go back to watching the movie, butthead." I said while stroking his hair.
My master list 😊
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@inumorph @thatgirlwithcamera @mel-sanch
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reggae-vibes-com · 4 months
Reggae Vibes Album Top 20 | May 26 | 2024
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REGGAE VIBES ALBUM TOP 20 | #1 Earl Sixteen - Roots Foundation | @CherryRedGroup #RomainVirgo #AkaeBeka #BlackUhuru #Bandulus #CreationRebel #EarlSixteen #BlackRoots #LambertDouglas #DelroyWilson #SoloBanton #Alborosie #ZionHead #LoneRanger #RootsArchitects
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reggae-vibes-com · 6 months
Reggae Vibes Spotify Playlist #63
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REGGAE VIBES SPOTIFY PLAYLIST #63 | #Spotify playlist of tunes released in the previous week and several other goodies ft. #richiespice #ZionHead #KoptiqSun #JahDon #ChukkiStarr #AkaeBeka #SeanPaul #Turbulence #reggaeplaylist Read the full article
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