#Zeta hasn't got anything in a while but she has a halloween alt so might wait until christmas to theorize for her
icharchivist · 11 months
According to the granblues rule Galleon could be a candidate too, and since Fediel got a summer unit....🥺 I wonder if people in the next granblues also count as new candidates
i did think of that possibility too, and while i'm not opposed to dragons alts in principle i kinda hope not :sob: like it still feels wrong to me that the skin rotation didn't even finish and we're getting alts instead
but yeah Grand Blues are usually a good indicator of possible new units, they tend to tease them ahead, so Galleon might be one of them. And now that i'm looking through the new Grand Blues it explains why the previous anon theorized Ippatsu and Silva, going with this logic they are strong contender. And Galleon is as well, as said.
Beatrix also makes a surprise appearance in the last one, so maybe she can come and join Zeta/Vaseraga/Eustace there (and it's been a while since she had a new unit compared to the rest of the gang)
EDIT: I TOTALLY forgot Bea had a Halloween SR though so maybe not???
So yeah keeping an eye out to the Grand Blues for clues, so far strong possibilities in Ippatsu, Silva, Galleon, and Beatrix imo. Let's see how granblue surprises us.
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