alding-art · 11 months
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Back to Star Wars in the Old Republic era, with Havoc Squad and their Jedi allies planning their next operation against the Sith. 
On the left side are Zadina and Zerel, my OCs, while on the right are SWTOR canon characters Fideltin Rusk, Aric Jorgan and Kira Carsen.
Zadina Draz is a cathar and commands the Republic's elite Havoc Squad. She is currently enjoying the new resources that have been generously flung her way after her success at the Battle of Corellia. It was not without casualties though and highlighted the long-standing problem of how normal soldiers are supposed to deal with Force-using Sith. Excessive automatic firepower, explosives and improved shielding can tip the scales and she's collected a fair amount of lightsabers from overconfident Sith Apprentices. However, veteran Sith warriors with their own special equipment are still deadly and can derail an entire mission in a moment.
Fortunately, Havoc Squad have since enlisted the services of Jedi Sentinel, Zerel Nes'aro who joined them to offer Force support and tactical advice. After resolving the Children of the Emperor impostor crisis within the Jedi's ranks, going back to normal combat duties is a nice and simple job, or so he claims.
Zerel had previously transferred his rather stubborn but efficient sergeant, Rusk to Havoc Squad to best make use of his heavy weapon skills so this was a nice little reunion. Also tagging along is his former apprentice, Kira Carsen because 2 Jedi are better than 1 (rumours that they are actually a couple are definitely not true. Yes.)
And finally there is the fellow cathar, Aric who is still a rather grumpy cat from being demoted due to failing to stop members of the previous Havoc Squad from turning traitor. But Zadina, knowing that events were beyond his control, pulled some strings and now he serves as the squad's second in command and hopes to gradually salvage his reputation.
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thesplashyeth · 1 year
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buncha doodles i did of my new dnd party!!
names below cut in case my handwritings too hard to read
Atle Xanax Krave (Half-Elf Scout Rogue)
Zerel Lansi (Human Phantom Rogue)
Aeva Earle (Human Oathbreaker Paladin) @shynypeacekitten hehe hi
Lee Jehanne (High Elf Zealot Barbarian)
Pimos Teacobble (Halfling Tempest Cleric) (le moi!)
Dorkas Tunebringer (Half-Elf Lore Bard)
Okora Liadon (Wood Elf Moon Druid)
also a non colored version
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enelea · 1 year
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After a nice afternoon with friends and swimming, finally dinner and then homework, it was time for Zoran to go to university. Everyone said their goodbyes and then Zerel asked his dad if he could borrow the car to go out for a bit. Mason and Zoe waited up but eventually poor Zoe just couldn't keep her eyes open. "You sure gave that curfew a push, son." Mason chuckled a bit relieved when Zerel finally came back. " Sorry dad, I had to give more friends a lifet home that I originally thought I would have to." Zerel explained " and I didn't want to text and drive". " No probs, I know you try to be responsible." With a pat on Zerel's back they went to bed.
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fletchfeathers · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
aww this is nice!! thank you zerel 🥰
dany 🩵
d&d and OCs/RP in general
the first cup of tea in the morning that makes the dark souls Humanity Restored bar appear
art!! all the art!! i've been just Emotionally Flourishing in tattooing and i can't believe it's my real job that i get to do ;;; but also Writing and Music and Performance and All the creative pursuits, they scritch my brain good
animals of almost any configuration, get at me critters i love you (and if i don't yet i'll learn to!!)
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Another WIP of what I’m currently working on.
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sparkadream · 3 years
@etvice requested the sparkle of Zerel! For Narai!
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“Ain’t nothing quite like living on the edge.”
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What's Behind a Smile?
You never truly know a person Until you see the reason behind their smile The reason behind why they laugh Why they love It's never quite so simple As you might expect
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sparkinlowercase · 6 years
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Digital Inktober Day 27: Thunder
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thevoices-ofmymind · 6 years
*~Headcanon: Singing [Emily, Kiran, & Zerel]
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Emily [VC]: Doesn’t sing that often, she can but then again her voice isn’t exactly suited for singing along to the kind of music she usually listens to anyway...most of the time. Whenever she and her siblings are jamming in their make-shift band (and so long as her sister isn’t hogging the mic again) she’ll sing every once in a while, but only if asked.
Kiran [VC]: Loves to sing, however he can’t really do so in dragon form. Instead whenever he tries to sing it just comes out as screeches. However, in the rare times he’s in human form he can actually sing pretty well especially when he gets older. But of course seeing as he doesn’t like being in human form it can be very difficult to convince him to shift forms even if it means being able to sing.
Zerel [VC]: Pretty much the only people he will ever willing sing for is his family [Or just those he cares about in general] and that’s it. So it’s not too difficult to convince him to occasionally join in on the little band the dragonlings put together but it’s not too common of an occurrence.
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la0istouden · 2 years
"Dnd promotes devil worship" people have never met a single person who plays dnd. we're all just goofy goobers okay. my brother and his friend had twins named yevdokia and yevdokavich. we called them yev and yev. yevdokia adopted anyone under 4 ft tall. My character zerel had a giant dog named baphomet we all called baphy. there were arguments over who could pet the dog. yevdokavich seduced the evil wizard we were working for. he gained a jade chicken automaton. yev made her homunculi familiar a mech suit out of the remains of a giant automaton we fought. I once had a frog character named rug hat.
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alding-art · 1 year
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The boys are fighting.
It took me 3 days to get poses that would link up.
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mujin-draws · 3 years
So something about Zerel, my oc...
He is no longer mine.
I adopted him last year, but the original owner told me to give him back because I don't draw much about him hhh
It clearly is my fault. I just wanna let you guys know.
Sorry if you liked him
It's all my fault.
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enelea · 1 year
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Comparing Zoran and Zerel. Both brothers find family important and have a playful streak, but each have different priorities in life. Interesting 🤔.
Zerel spent some father- son time with Mason and unfortunately Chase also got the flu.
Zerel made sure to see his flame again, just to ensure she knows how he feels about her and won't date anyone else.😅
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mujin-made-hn-au · 4 years
Some ocs that are related to basic hn universe I built.
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Zerel- manager of HN universe
He is the one who take care of characters and game itself. He is strict person and always quiet.
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Michael-manager of Lobotomy Corporation
He used to be the one taking care of HN, but he changed his working position. Sometimes he visit Zerel to help him. He has opposite personality with Zerel but they get along well.
Sorry for broken English but enjoy
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suns-to-come · 5 years
A Survey of What We Have to Work With: Chen Durel edition
Right now I’m only going to dig into the Guide. There’s more stuff, both back from antiquity and from other fanworks, but the Guide is now the place to start.
First and foremost: the name has flopped between Chern Durel and Chen Durel for a while, but the Guide uses Chen, so that’s official.
Chen Durel is treated as a province of Kralorela, and given 6 pages of its own. A third of the Notable People of Kralorela are Chen Dureli, and all of them are members of Can Shu’s clique. The gods of Chen Durel occasionally get mentioned elsewhere - the Gang of Four are part of Kralorela’s history, the Black Sun is described when talking about troll gods, and they all get play in the Hero Wars section. As a consequence of its placement, we should expect the writing to have a quietly pro-Kralori bias.
The history of Kralorela is well rehearsed. Prior to any human life, there are ancient pyramids covered in hieroglyphs. There is in the Godtime the worship of a Sun God, who appears in different ages: Early Light, Rising Orb, Victorious Zenith and finally Solar Storm. Elsewhere he’s named Zerel Fan. Under Solar Storm, they attempt to invade Kralorela, but the newly rising Emperor Shavaya “finally opened the blinded third eye of the ferocious Solar Storm and brought him to peaceful enlightenment” (GtG p.286). The defeated Chen Dureli return to their ancient ruins, and a new prophet rises among them named Shadow of the Sun, who reveals a previously hidden meaning from the pre-human writings of their home. These are the revelations of Solar Storm after his enlightenment. After hearing of the Suns to Come, and about how the world will end, the people of Chen Durel turn from enlightenment and become the Kingdom of Ignorance. This is probably the most obvious place that Chen Durel is interpreted from a pro-Kralorelan perspective, as it requires us to accept a framework where Kralorela is the enlightened land, and a failure to act as Kralorela is a wholesale rejection of mystic pursuit, as such. We better model dynamics across Glorantha to instead adopt a Nysalorean/Arkati distinction here, where Kralorela is a Nysalorean mysticism and Chen Durel is forced to develop an Arkati model as a response to Kralorelan power shaping Chen Durel.
A second prophet arises later, Jorazzi Redhands, who institutes human sacrifice to strengthen Zerel Fan. The blood-drinking aspect of the sun is named the Blood Sun, and in return for the gift of blood, the Blood Sun gives food and spiritual power. As the next section is the arrival of a great army of trolls during the Lesser Darkness, it’s unclear when this happened. This may be an episode of the Lesser Darkness, after the death of Zerel Fan/Yelm but before the rise of Chaos, or it may be more associated with the Golden Age. I am tempted, actually, to call it an episode of the Lesser Darkness, but it plays out really weird in Chen Durel as a function of the unity of Sun and Storm that is seen nowhere else in the world (that I can think of).
The existence of Solar Storm as compared against other Sun/Storm dynamics is something to be explored later.
Regardless, the Lesser Darkness is most explicitly marked by the arrival of the trolls. Upon finishing their generations-long ascent from Hell, a band of trolls discover a great black flame, who leads them to Chen Durel from the West. The flame is recognized immediately by the Ignorants as the Black Sun, a long predicted Sun to Come, and they quickly find a way to live that involves the cannibalism, human sacrifice, ball games and gladiatorial battles we all know and love.
Interestingly, the Guide fast forwards to 550 S.T., and doesn’t touch on Emperor Sekever in a Chen Durel context at all. The rundown of Kralorela’s history explicitly connects him to Chen Durel:
The Land of Splendor was then ruled by the evil, false Emperor Sekever. The antigod ruler of Ignorance, Sekever conquered Kralorela with an army of demons and corpses. He was an evil demigod who caused even the Minister of Fire to hide himself away so that all the land was cold and dark. Sekever then sacrificed to his hidden god, and a Black Sun rose into the sky and sent rains of blood across the world. Sekever warred against Vormain and Teshnos, and blasted all the lands west of the mountains into wastes.
Other sources deal with Sekever in a Chen Dureli context, which is to say positively, but the ones I have are mostly fan works.
The 550 S.T. jump also marks a jarring and sudden introduction of Mostali to Ignorance, who make common cause with Uz and Ignorant humans against a Kralorelan invasion, that fails due to infighting. The dwarves are expelled from Ignorance and their lands are seized by the Dragon Empire. It’s not clear where they came from, what they were doing, or where they went.
We skip ahead again to 768, when the New Dragon’s Ring seizes power in Kralorela and refugees flood north. An enterprising group of refugees makes an alliance with the trollkin, and uses them as manpower to defeat and expel the last troll kings of Ignorance north to Koromondol, noting that this either has led to their near extinction, or becoming incredibly powerful after spending 1,000 years undisturbed in the uninhabitable wastelands that Uz can inhabit quite well, thank you.
400 years later, Godunya expels ShangHsa May-His-Name-Be-Cursed, the False Dragon, in 1120 and is enthroned as Dragon Emperor in 1124. The newly ascendant central Kralorelan authorities reintegrate the refugee communities of Chen Durel into the Dragon Empire, and Godunya assigns Can Shu to be Exarch of Ignorance around this time. Administrators are sent from Kralorela to Chen Durel to run the place, and they fucking hate the gig.
Not much time is spent on how Ignorance fared under Sheng Seleris, but as nothing bad is said the answer seems to be “Ignorants gleefully joined up as a chance to revenge themselves against their hated enemy to the South.” It’s also not clear what Can Shu was doing during this time. It’s also not clear how Can Shu has lived to the ripe old age of at least 500.
So, there are a lot of productive gaps from the basic history. We have a scenario: a conquered region that has always been shaped by a peripheral relationship to the economic powerhouse to the south. What had been for hundreds of years an informal alliance between a government-in-exile and the native population against the Middle Sea Empire-backed New Dragon’s Ring has solidified as Kralori domination of the region now that said government-in-exile is out of exile. The native customs of Chen Durel are routinely described as disgusting, from a Kralorelan perspective, and ongoing efforts to suppress the native culture and religion are a constant effort of the administrators dispatched there. The impact of some of the biggest events to happen in the region are not really explored, at all. No reign of Sekever is considered from an Ignorant perspective, nor is Sheng Seleris, who attained enlightenment in Chen Durel.
Now, this has gone long enough, I’ll make this Part 1, with Part 2 to focus on the description locations. After that, I should look into Can Shu, who cannot be avoided, and into the gods of Ignorance, but for that one I should probably grab a copy of Revealed Mythologies.
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sparkadream · 4 years
Tag Drop [relations 2/2]
♦◊♦.。.:* ᴛʜᴇ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏɢ || Prompto - 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 [Jack]
♦◊♦.。.:* ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ's ʏᴏᴜ || Riku - 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 [Veillios]
♦◊♦.。.:* ᴛᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡs ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴛ ɢᴏ ᴏғ ғᴇᴀʀ || Mal - 𝓸𝓯𝓿𝓬𝓻𝓹𝓪𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓹𝓬𝓮𝓶𝓼 [Veillios]
♦◊♦.。.:* ǫᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜɴ || Arianna - 𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓼 [Zel]
♦◊♦.。.:* ᴍᴏsᴛ ᴛʀᴇᴀsᴜʀᴇᴅ ɢᴇᴍ || Rarity - 𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓼 [Zerel]
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