#Zelda- insecure bright eyed child
smilesrobotlover · 1 year
in kotg what are the champions relationship like with one another ( also including link and Zelda)
As I’ve said before Urbosa and Daruk are sort of the parents? I love found families so I honestly want them to be a little family. Rebels style you know?
Urbosa is def the most responsible, I imagine that when Zelda and Rhoam aren’t there, she’s the one leading the champions. She’s the chief, very motherly, so of course she’s the most responsible. She’s very comforting to the others when needed and overall they greatly respect her. Now, I haven’t played the dlc for botw so I haven’t read the journals, nor do I have creating a champion, so some facts may not add up, but I do know that Urbosa describes the others besides Daruk as very young, so I think she naturally feels very responsible for the other’s well being. She and Daruk, being the oldest, are good friends and I would describe them as drinking buddies. She’s very motherly towards Mipha, I feel like she and Zelda have a lot in common so Urbosa treats her the same way as Zelda. She sees Link as a goofy teenage boy (even tho he’s 20 in this au) but I feel like she treats Link the same way Telma treated Link in tp? Not super motherly towards him cuz he doesn’t need that (his mother is alive and well) but she does guide him when needed and sees him as a capable adult. And Revali… there’s a reason that he’s scared of her. Anytime Revali would act up she’d scold him and tell him that he’s basically an idiot lol. She understands that he really has a lot of underlying issues underneath his arrogant attitude so she does look out for him.
Daruk a fun dad type of character. I imagine he’s charismatic and helps hype people up when needed, and he’s kind of a ride or die kinda guy (lol). But he’s not responsible. There’s a reason why Urbosa is in charge and not him lol. He’s a loveable himbo who wants to look out for the kidlets you know? Obviously he thinks they’re all adorable, Link is his little guy, Mipha is the little zora princess who has a huge crush and wants his help to confess to Link (he’s a wingman ;)) and Revali is the sassy child who needs some love. Even tho Revali makes fun of him, he doesn’t get offended by any of it. Whether it’s because he’s understanding that Revali means nothing by it, or if it’s because he’s just a himbo, who knows. He loves the kids tho (I keep saying they’re kids they’re adults but THEYRE LITTLE 💀💀💀). But yeah, he just kind of vibes. He and Urbosa are indeed besties and again, he sees Zelda almost the same as Mipha. Just a sweet little child
Mipha is kind of a people pleaser and doesn’t know how to say no. So she finds the champions who won’t take advantage of her kindness very comforting. Now, Mipha’s mother is gonna be in this au (just say she’s alive and don’t worry about the logistics lol) but she doesn’t see her very often so it’s nice to have Urbosa there to tell her “hey take a break”. Zelda is her best friend and they love hanging out. Mipha is really the only person who got through to Revali, so she considers him to be a very good friend. Obviously she loves Link and is basically going to Daruk for help. She wants to impress him with her fighting skills <3 and yeah. She very much wants to protect them. If anything where to happen to them, well… you’ll see :3c
And lastly Revali. You saw that stupid respect thingy ma Bob i made. He’s afraid of Urbosa, but more in a fearful respect kind of way. He won’t cross her in any way and he doesn’t want to make her upset of course. He is very fond of Mipha and Zelda. He thinks they’re both very great people who are strong princesses. He respects Zelda’s determination and intelligence, and he respects Mipha’s kindness and selflessness. He may sass them a couple of times but overall he likes them. Even tho he makes fun of Daruk, he deeply cares for that rock guy. Daruk is just a silly guy and Revali will laugh at him but will defend him with his life. And Link…. Revali is a hardworking guy who is very good at what he does, and Link seems to be some prodigy who is good at everything, and that makes Revali very insecure. Like Zelda, Revali has a huge issue with comparing himself to others. If he’s not the best then he’s the worst, and Link really makes him struggle with that. It’s not Link’s fault, and Revali genuinely thinks he’s an amazing fighter, but he’ll never say it out loud. It’s complicated to say the least. Honestly Revali is the only person who sees him as a rival. Link doesn’t care and the others just think that Revali hates Link lol.
Now for Link and Zelda. Y’all know my thoughts on this zelink. I feel like Zelda would love Link but I don’t want to deal with a love triangle so I might not explore any of that. But they are just friends. You can overall pick up their thoughts on the champions with this.
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soph-goat-stories · 5 years
Zamba at Zambo
Zamba was another special girl, and from another era. Zamba would have been 247 years old by the time Zelda was born, and 225 by the time Zoodoo was born. It just was not in the cards for her to ever know those two, and perhaps she never would have wanted to. Zamba was exceptionally bright, but in a way that only a young child could be. Since her birth she had gained considerable knowledge of the world already. Proving to be a rather bright girl for her class, she always had responded confidently, quickly, and accurately to questions on just about any fact that she had once heard. She didn’t necessarily have a photographic memory, but still had the ability to relay accurate factual information or any memorized non-factual information with considerable reliability. There was more room in her brain for growth and malleability when it came to knowledge retention and capacity to plan and critically analyze, yet her distinct personality was already set in stone. When asked about her “favorite” anything, she already had an answer at the top of her head. Zamba did exhibit keen understanding of others’ emotional states, though at times decided to act against predisposed notions of politeness in spite, contempt, or for reasons she couldn’t comprehend at that moment in time. She sometimes avoided debates that would arise, understanding how they could get out of hand, but wholeheartedly enjoyed being correct. 
Zamba could predict some elements of the future based on her current modest trajectories her brain could manage. She assumed that people would act according to the change in their environment, and know that for a fact, so she understood the future as flexible and ever changing, and she was right. But Zamba could not predict the details. The flying helicopters dropping fresh water weekly by the doors. The drones piling in dumpsters alongside old personal vehicles. The people meeting in support groups to share information and cash for fleeing hurricanes and fixing their properties. What Zelda was 5 she saw for the first time the news document 2 hurricanes within one year of each other occur in upstate New York, a previous safe haven for those from the southeast. And though Zamba was this way, the creatures at Zambo knew from previous experience that humans of her age could not survive in the conditions they were predisposed on putting her in. 
After moving to a new state due to better job opportunities in the Solar Boost field for her parents, Zamba had worked her way through the social insecurities of the first day at her new school. At the end of one day the bell rang and she heard sharp whispering from some adults around 25 feet down the hall. She was curious as to what they were concerned about, and carefully approached them. What are you whispering about? They looked down in surprise and quickly hushed, motioning for her to pass ahead and help herself to basement lunch food. Zamba hesitated, but decided to inquire herself without being noticed. She hid behind a protrusion on the wall and staggered between some cleaning supplies. She heard the adults, and one she recognized as a class visitor as well, talk about how Zamba herself was subject to being expelled! 
Zamba was not incredibly emotionally attached to her school, and knew she was capable of teaching herself about the world, but knew this was a bigger deal in bigger ways. There was no way she would have upset any student besides the ones she would occasionally bully. Unfortunately she did not make out some details of the conversation due to the passing line of children heading to lunch, but she knew her plan: demand from the principal the next morning answers. She needed to prepare for whatever was about to happen, tell her family, friends, and if possible fight against the decision. She didn’t want to deal with negative outcomes from her family, who are already surprised at how she had turned out. 
However little did she know the word “expelled” was a code word for “Admitted”. Quite an opposite meaning, but in this case it meant both. The thing that she was going to be Admitted to she would only be able to know on the spot, at the time of Admittance. The few educators and staff of the institution on her case were precisely the type of people with the scrutiny to decide of which child in the school was fit for Admittance. The thing to be Admitted to was a special school that no one had ever heard about besides the educators carefully undercover (though known to use code words to speak outside of closed doors). They went through the program themselves, and came out with special intuition about the future. They needed younger people to learn the same knowledge and be educated on why it was necessary to keep it a secret. Zamba was more or less the type of student who could understand this, even at her age, though would need to be edged out of deviant behavior and her passion for being open about her thoughts before she was allowed back into regular society. 
Zamba left the hallway where she heard to conversation and went about the rest of her day, went home, and had dinner with her family. She kept the conversation she and her utterances of a secret, of course, daring not to spark any drama among her sensitive household. The next day she came back to school with some skepticism that whatever she had heard about was even important. It made absolutely no sense to her why she would need to be expelled, and honestly her name used could have been for another Zamba. Maybe she was overthinking all of this and didn’t have anything to worry about overall, and her life would continue normally. However her concerns came to a head when she heard yet another utterance of her name once through a small hole between two administrative rooms, once during recess in her classroom, and once in a dream she had overnight, where all she could hear was the word “expel”, and at a room with dark drapes and a conference table. Now Zamba was officially worried about this, and decided to finally seek out an answer from the administration. She remembered the few professors who were originally conversing about her a few weeks back, and approached one of them after school one day with a simple question. “I have heard rumors about me being expelled, is this true?”. The educator was taken aback, but then leaned forward and in a low voice said “yes”, you must prepare immediately. Come with me.
And then Zamba followed them to another room hidden by a curtain against the wall she was previously unaware about. The educator, tall and serene, and dressed in a uniquely dark coat with a purple tie, admitted her into the doorway centered in the wall, and they went through together. Then Zamba couldn’t believe what she saw: a gaping hole, black all the way through, inside the wall that they now stood before. What she was looking at was the Black Hole, the hole that changed any individual walking through it by way of simple physics, and maybe a hint of magic, though debated. Suddenly they were in a new cavity. She thought she saw some gooey maroon substance on the walls before turning her attention back to the strange administrator, who was eying her suspiciously, drawing a blade out of his coat pocket. This made her heart beat even faster, and as she began to tremble, her legs jerked like a spark and she flew down the hallway underground. This is where she finally confronted Zidi for the first time, who was the messenger for Zambo, and who would be the ultimate director of her travels and tests to prepare her for the real world.
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