#Zelda the sacred realm
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months ago
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Twi link is my fav link so here’s a bunch of twi links! :D
In order:
Twi from @linkbetweenlinksau by yours truly
Daybreak made by @ladye-zelda
Twilight from @recalled11 made by @l3ominor
Twilight from @linked-maze made by @frulleboi
Twilight from @zelda-the-sacred-realm
Ordon from @linkedspirit-fanartfunart made by @fanartfunart
Twi from @houseofheroesau made by @phoenix-arts7
And Twilight from @limited-hero by @kenxboi !
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kipleto · 2 years ago
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trippygalaxy · 1 month ago
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((Click for better quality))
COMIC?! FROM ME? Surprise i know /lh
I wanted to redo an old comic of Sr! Link having a nightmare about his grandpa! Im pretty happy with how it came out and even happier that it didn’t take me forever akshkabsjs
@zelda-the-sacred-realm I hope you like :D
EDIT: accidentally added the wrong first page! Oops
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dadaromance-azi · 3 months ago
A small doodle of "Link" from @zelda-the-sacred-realm
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theyasart · 7 months ago
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My entry for Zelda the sacred realm.
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sleepyy-27 · 6 months ago
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@zelda-the-sacred-realm so here’s my entry for the art challenge! :D
(Sorry this very last second and almost late ;-; )
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mooutchi · 11 months ago
Im finally able to draw correctly !!! So obviously the first thing i did was making a fanart of @zelda-the-sacred-realm ((i hope you dont mind the tag!!)) original Link , i love him very much♡♡
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Close up and others vers under the cut :3
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links-crosses-multiverse · 3 months ago
Drew my Time meeting the Time from @zelda-the-sacred-realm
My Time is on the left, done in my old shading style, while SR Time is on the right, where I tested out a new shading style.
I had a lot of fun with this crossover and trying something different with the shading—what do you think? And what about the shading what looks better?
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majorproblems77 · 7 months ago
Sacred realm competition entry!
This is my participation in the @zelda-the-sacred-realm's writing and art competition, for the theme Adventure. I love this comic so much and I love the characters. I've tried my best to characterise them based on the information we have.
We are sending our friend Link on an adventure today, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it. (To be honest, i really enjoyed making this and ill probably continue it in the future.)
And a thank you to the creator, for giving us the opportunity to create stuff like this. This was so much fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has come up with as well.
It will be Cross-posted to my A03 account (And my writing account)- As soon as I figure out how to tag it so it's findable
For now, I introduce
You're a hero too, a sacred realm short story
- 1705 words
“It’ll be an adventure!”
He was already on enough of an adventure thank you very much. According to Wind, they had come across a Temple entrance of some kind, and The young spirit seemed eager to explore its depths
“Uhh Sky?” Link asked softly. Standing behind the spirit as the sky hero walked ahead of the group.
“Look over there. You see that.” Wind bounced on the balls of his feet and pointed to his right towards a large-looking tunnel. Engravings curved around the wall.  “Theres a tunnel here. And where you find engravings like this. There's often a temple not far behind. With puzzles!”
“A puzzle?” Link asked. “Like from the stories?”
“Yeah!” Wind smiled, his eyes searching the wall. “Guaranteed there’s a puzzle in there.”
“Gods and spirits often leave things for heroes to find later. I got these from a temple!” Sky turned his head to show his earrings. The light of the hero's spirit shone across them as Link looked closer at them. “Originally these were fireproof earrings for my adventures through a volcano.”
“You think I’ll get anything like that?” Link looked back to the forest behind them as they entered the tunnel.
“Well, you are a hero.” Sky smiled. Placing a hand to Link’s back. Turning his head to look at him. “So I would think so!”
Link smiled softly, as Wind ran ahead. Ushering him forward. “Come on!”
Wind lead the way into the tunnel as the group entered the darkness. “Is it very long? Do I need a torch?” The realm’s hero asked, wringing his hands nervously as he continued to follow the group.
The tunnel opened out to large pit in the middle of the room. Decorated in red and blue torches the top of the walls had runes across it. Sunlight filtered through the ceiling, as the three separated. Time walked to one of the walls, investigating it. While, Link walked to the large pit which sat central in the room.
“Uhh… What do I do?” Link turned back to Sky, who had paused between the two. Looking to the ceiling above the hole, then down at it. He moved across the room to stand besides Link. Sky looked around the room. Eyes pausing on time for a moment. A hand raised to his chin.  “Well. If I had to guess…”
“Hang on.” Sky paused. Looking to Time who had a hand raised. Then to Link. “I think he should figure it out.”
“Why?” Wind raised an eyebrow. Crossing his arms. “We are here for a reason. Surely we should be helping him when we can.”
“And if there's another spirit barrier?” Time said, stopping the hero of the wind’s in his tracks. He pointed a finger towards the hero of the Sky. “You were out of action for a week by hopping into the fight.”
“Hoping into the fight was the right thing to do.” Sky shot back quickly. His voice not accusatory for the moment, but a hint of annoyance on the tip of his tongue.
“I had it handled.”
“Did you?” A pause. “Or did that thing inside the medallion have to save you.” Sky pointed to the item on Link’s chest. Eyes fixed on Time.
Link’s eyes widened at that. The spirit, which he’d nicknamed amulet, was still a mystery to him. Every time it entered the fray he felt helpless. Like a prisoner in his own body. He took a step back and lowered his head. Biting his lower lip as he looked down at the item in question. Placing a hand under it so he could look at it again. The lights of the hero’s spirits shining bright across the surface. Twilight, Wild and Worlds light’s shining dimly.
 The medallion was a warning and a burden, its golden surface a cruel reminder that he still had a lot to learn.
“uhh, guys.” Wind walked over to Link while the others locked eyes with each other. The tension cut with a knife. “Maybe you should wait…”
“Link.” Sky’s voice was immediately laced with guilt as he heard the spirit move around him. His eyes searched the walls below him and they met a small platform. About five feet below him. An eyebrow raised as he turned. “I shouldn’t have…”
“Now look what you’ve done.” Time stood with his arms crossed.
“I…. I didn’t.” Sky stuttered. Looking over to the man in question. Who was leaning over the edge of the platform. Having spotted the same one he had. “Link Wait!”
Link wasn’t paying attention to the spirit beside him. His eyes fixed on a platform below him as he moved around the pit slightly. Placing a foot right on the edge of the pit he took a breath.
Here goes nothing….
Link jumped onto the platform below him, and felt the feeling of shifting through a barrier. Another spirit barrier. The others wouldn’t be coming with him.
“Link!”  Sky’s voice above him he didn’t look up. “Link! Wait!” Slowly walking over to the edge of the ledge he was on allowed him to. He could do this. He could do this. He could…
Oh…. There was no platform there. There was no platform there! Nonnonononono.
He looked upward. Trying to see if he could jump back out. Taking a step back, The feeling of a plate pushing down startled him. He looked to his foot and spotted a pressure plate.
Oh no…
 The walls began to rumble and shake. The platform began moving. The sound of stone grinding as the platform began to retract into the wall from which it came.
“Oh nononono,” he slid backwards and scrambled to the wall. “Nononono, please stop please stop please stop.”
“Link! Link! To your Right!” Wind’s voice sounded over the noise. He looked up rapidly to see the hero of Sky pointing, “Down! And to your right!”
He looked right and saw another platform springing from the wall. A little lower. Panic rising he looked up to see Sky and Wind pointing to it. “That one! THAT ONE!” The spirits voice sounded worried. He appeared to be leaning down but recoiled as blue flames licked at his fingers.
He nodded, standing up on shaky feet he jumped down another five feet.
Another plate. Another shifting platform. As he jumped lower and lower.
The further we went the braver he became.
It was just jumping down a few stairs he’s fine. Well more than a few, but as sky said. He was a hero, right? He should be able to do this in his sleep.
Finally, he made it to the floor. Looking up from his spot he could still see the yellow glow of Sky and Time above him.
“Link! Are you okay?!” The sky hero’s voice echoed down the tunnel as the last of the platforms disappeared into the wall.
“Yes!” Hands to his knees he took a few deep breaths before straightening up. Looking around the walls were a deep grey, illuminated by the faint glow of lanterns dotted across the wall. The ground shifted around his feet, the sand falling away as he made his way around. Placing a hand to the wall he walked the pit’s perimeter to find a switch. But found nothing.
“There’s nothing down here!” He shouted up towards Sky who disappeared past the lip before returning. “I can't find a way up!” Looking across the walls they were decorated with random poles and circular patterns. He felt fear grip him.
Trapped. He was trapped.
“We can't get down to you from here!” Wind’s voice shouted down. “Think you can disable the spirit barrier somehow?!”
“I don’t think so!” He tried to keep his voice steady. Don’t want to panic Sky. “I’ll keep looking.”
“What do you see?!” Time also leaned his head over the pit, his face as stoic as ever.
“Just a bunch of Sand…” He looked to the floor and crouched. Brushing at the floor. More sand met him. The way it shifted made him pause. It didn’t seem all that deep. And there was an indentation buffed in the ground.
A door? A way out? Deeper into the ground. Great.
He began to dig around the edges of the square indented in the floor. If he just kept digging. And digging. And digging. Hoping He might find a way out of this mess.
His fingers brushed a latch as his digging became more frantic.
He revealed a door, and his eyes widened. “Guys! Guys, I found a door!”
His fingers latched the handle and pulled, opening a pit of darkness. The sound of sand falling into it filled his ears as the ground around him shifted. Looking into the darkness he could just about make out the floor below him. He’d have to jump into the pit, which would close the hatch…
A One-way drop.
“Sky! You guys better get back in the medallion!”
“What did you find?!” The Skyloftians's voice sounded. The outline of shining light filtered down towards him. A hand raised to his forehead as he squinted his eyes. “Are you okay?!”
“There’s a hatch in the floor!” Looking more closely he spotted carvings dotted across the wall.  “I think. I think Wind was right! I think it’s a temple!”
“Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!” Wind’s voice echoed around him as swirling wind shifted around him and light burst back into the medallion. His spirit shone as bright as ever along side the others.
The swirling sounds of fire and lightning echoing through the air rang in his ears as the spirits flew down the tunnel and nestled inside the medallion.
He wouldn’t be alone, he just had to remember that.
The door above him loomed red and blue dancing across the wall. He raised a hand to the surface and pushed. The door creaking forward darkness met him as he reached to his right. Looking between a red torch and a blue torch before grabbing the red torch, and holding it close to his chest as he took a deep breath. Walking into the darkness. One thought echoed through his mind.
Time for an adventure.
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dragonknightcal · 1 year ago
Some Sacred Realm Incorrect Quotes to congratulate @trippygalaxy on 300 followers, so let's go!
SR Incorrect Quotes, sourced from my family <3
Time: If she doesn't like you, then you're the problem.
Sky: You can't say that!
Time: Why not? It's probably true.
*after defeating a monster*
Twilight: Kid, I think you mean best?
Wind: *not unenthused at all* YES! I MEANT THAT!
Wild: Look, Link. It's not about the glory. It's not about fame. It's not even about saving the world. It's all about the pottery we smash along the way. *hands him a pot*
Sky: NO-
Wild: What are you eating?
Link: My regrets.
Worlds: Your regrets look a lot like pasta, if I'm being honest.
Time: Ok, I'll admit it. That was a little clever.
Sky: Wind, that's not what he meant. You're very clever.
SR belongs to @zelda-the-sacred-realm, go check it out if you haven't yet!
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karakulialiny · 6 months ago
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I had no idea what to draw for day 5, then I realized that I've been following @zelda-the-sacred-realm for a while but never made any fanart for it. I just didn't have any ideas and didn't really want to.
{Previous drawing] [Next drawing}
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trippygalaxy · 9 months ago
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(Click for better quality)
The @zelda-the-sacred-realm boys as swords!!
I original came up and laid out the idea in this post (lists the swords and why I gave the boys those swords) but for the sake of keeping it all in one post, I'll be listing the sword types under the cut! Will be in the order they show up in art!
1.) Time - Claymore 2.) Sky - Rapier 3.) Worlds - Arming Sword 4.) Wild - Falcata 5.) Twilight - Scimitar 6.) Link - Falchion 7.) Wind - Cutlass
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dadaromance-azi · 6 months ago
Here's my submission for the ZTSR challenge! @zelda-the-sacred-realm
I had lots of fun drawing this and I would make more art for the series because it deserves a lot more love (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year ago
Febuwhump Day 2 - Solitary Confinement
Based on @zelda-the-sacred-realm's comic, particularly her lore about the Hero of Time! Hope you like it :)
The destiny of a Hero was to be alone.
Link knew that in his heart. He had accepted it, and that acceptance had made him stronger.
There was nothing else to be said about it. Loss and abandonment were so ingrained into his being at this point... what else could there possibly be? The harder his heart, the better. He had long since acknowledged that there was to be no companionship for him - friends were fleeting, and love even more so.
His resolve had been tested, once, when a young, scared Hero in the making had approached him on all fours, trembling and lost. At first the boy had been a disgrace to the title and legacy, trembling and lost as he was. He'd felt more like someone to protect than to teach.
But oh had he learned. The boy was quick, mature, courageous. Link had been so proud of him.
But then the boy had died. He'd died and Link had been powerless to stop it. And once again... he was alone.
The destiny of a Hero was to be alone. And so alone he remained.
Until one day, a new young man wearing the proud green approached his statue in the remote village, and destiny called once more. And though it beckoned him, and though Hyrule once again needed his help, he found himself surrounded by companions, and...
The destiny of a Hero was to be alone. Even with his dearest Hero back alongside him... he knew it was inevitable.
Link, the Hero of Time, had to focus on his duty. Everything else would leave him, as all things did.
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birb-boyo · 1 year ago
How Short is SR Link?
This question spawned after I went searching through the Sacred Ream page(all made by @zelda-the-sacred-realm) and I saw a picture of Realms(?) standing next to Wild and went “HOW SHORT OS THIS MAN???”
So, as stated before, all art credit goes to @zelda-the-sacred-realm
Also, this entire post is a joke. Please, for the love of god, don’t take it seriously💀💀💀
This guy is S H O R T. Short king, if you will.
1st piece of evidence?
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See here, Realms is slightly bent over, yes, but you can still see a difference.
I gave a measurement of how he is slouched and an estimate of him standing straight
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Both of which still make him look tiny…?
Not only that, but Wild is behind Realms. Which, if that one yellow chair perspective trick from Brain Games taught me right, that means that he should seem shorter than the nearer figure, but maybe this doesn’t work because they’re so close
So then that means that it’s time to dig deeper, right? Well good ol’ Google says:
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No, I didn’t feel like reading through articles, I’m not Matpat, HOWEVER, hypothetically, if Wild stopped growing after Breath of the Wild, that means that Wild, according to Screen Rant, is somewhere between 4’11 and 5’2…
That means that Realms is probably in the 4 foot threshold
(Picture taken from this)
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Here, Wild is being yanked by Time. So, reasonably, he is on slippery footing, basically tilting, only the chain keeping him from falling
And here’s my estimate
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Far fetched? I know, but hear me out-
Wild didn’t stop growing. This is because Wild is still technically 17 in BotW. A male is expected to stop growing at around 21.
So, if Wild grew tall enough to be Time’s height-
Your wrong
You’re like…so wrong
We’ve already gotten a comparison between Time and Link, why not just use that?
…what comparison?
…this one (from this)
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I thought we already knew this?
Stop edging everyone and get to the point then.
…ANYWAY that is at least a foot difference between Link and Time, but here’s another clashing factor-
The Hero’s Shade
…yeah, the Hero’s Shade. If this Time is as Tall as the Hero’s Shade then
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Thank you Kerest, I didn’t feel like doing real diving😌
So if this Time is 6’5…Link just might not be as short as a short king
So now we’re back to square one.
How Tall is Sacred Realm Link?
He’s 5’5 btw
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@trippygalaxy @majorproblems77 :]
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madebysoupy · 2 years ago
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Grasshopper meets the Hero of Time from @zelda-the-sacred-realm
(click for higher quality!)
Whenever I see a Links Meet AU my first thought will always be "but what if they met my boys", and feisty little Grasshopper squaring up to the grumpiest hero I know made me giggle the most so it had to be done teehee :]]
Thanks for sharing your AU with us <3 I had a lot of fun drawing your Time
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