#Zecharia 14:2
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Zecharia 14:2 A Remnant Left
For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; the city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Zechariah 14:2 Major disasters occur in places all over the world. As they occur, many people are killed or displaced for a time, yet there is always a remnant of…
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Minor Prophets: Zechariah, Vision Five PART 1
Minor Prophets: Zechariah, Vision Five PART 1 The lamp shining in the Holy Place represented, in part, the indwelling glory of God in the sacred temple of the Lord, and with the people of God. #Zechariah4 #Goldenlampstand #GloryofGod
Zechariah is remindful of the donkey, bringing to mind his famous prophecy of the Lord coming in peace, riding on a donkey. Vision 1 – God’s pity for God’s people | Zechariah 1:7‑17 Vision 2 – God’s protection of God’s people | Zechariah 1:18‑21 Vision 3 – God’s purpose for God’s people | Zechariah 2:1-13 Vision 4 – God’s purification of God’s people | Zechariah 3:1-10 Vision 5 – God’s…
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#1 kings 8:10-11#Acts 2#anointing oil#Golden bowl#Golden lampstand#Holy Spirit#Isaiah 42:7#matthew 5:14-16#oil of the holy spirit#Pentecost#seven eyes of God#seven lamps#tongues of flame#toungues of fire#Zecharia 4
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Revelation 22:1 (Part 1 of 2)
Revelation 22:1 (Part 1 of 2)
Revelation 22:1 A river flowing from the throne of God (Part 1 of 2). “A pure river of water of life:” Through the Old Testament, prophets used the picture of a river as a powerful expression of richness, provision, and peace (Isaiah 48:18, Zecharia 14:8, Ezekiel 47:1-9). Or, as expressed by the Psalmist in Psalm 46:4-5 “There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy…
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投票して韓国がさらに遠くなった感じがあって、 自分がずっと住んでいてよく知ってるところでは投票できなくて、行ったこともない言葉もわからない国の大統領を決める選挙に参加できるのってやっぱりなんか変。おもしろいなあと思う自分もいるんだけど。笑。
ダイバーシティナイトでは最後にDJもさせてもらったのでかけた曲を載せておきます。(まともに繋げない素人DJだけどおもしろい曲たくさんかけれたかな。 ラジオで喋りすぎて予定より曲数減らしましたが。 )
1. DUTY FREE SHOPP. × ��クマクシャカ - 民のドミノ https://youtu.be/oPHqgBUQIjs 2004年8月13日、沖縄国際大学への米軍ヘリ墜落事故を受けて作られた曲。すごい歌詞。
2. Amkoullel - Vote ! https://soundcloud.com/amkoullel/amkoullel-vote マリのラッパーです。「投票は、国民が人々の利益のために正しい選択をするように指導者に強制するための最も強力な武器の1つである。」 ( bandcampの曲の解説より)
3. Hadag Nahash - Shir Nehama https://t.co/iKHJKidMt8 イスラエルのバンド。社会の問題に目を背けて快適に生きている人たちを皮肉ってる曲っぽいのですが詳細不明。
4.桜川唯丸 With スピリチュアルユニティ - さのせ(江州音頭)
5.The Guadaloop - The Mood イスラエルの音楽プロデューサーRejoicerのGuadaloop名義の作品。
6. Balkan Beat Box - Political Fuck https://t.co/B73n3av1cK 政治はクソだ 俺達の元に取り戻すんだ 取り戻すんだ 今こそ行動するんだ 行動せよ」みたいな歌詞だったかな。 正しいトラメガの使い方。 とにかくかっこいい。
7.MALOX - Walk like an Egyptian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5i23A0D9rPE イスラエルのバンドMALOXによるThe Banglesの”Walk like an Egyptian”のカバー。これ気持ちよすぎるのでまた機会があれば爆音で聴きたい。
8. Zadik Zecharia - Chopie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92-8T_D9Gqk この人はクルド系のユダヤ人のはず(イスラエルに移住しているみたいなのでたぶん間違いない)。それにしてもこの気持ちよさはたまらない。
9.Roberto Rodriguez - Turkish-bulgarish Cuban Jewishといえばこの人。タイトル”Turkish-bulgarish”のとおりいろいろ混ざっててえらいことになってる。素晴らしい。
10.La Dame Blanche - La Revancha Ft El Hijo de la Cumbia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfsInOaSh4Q フランスで活躍する La Dame Blancheはブエナビスタソーシ��ルクラブの指揮者 Jesus "Aguaje" Ramos の娘だとか。
11.Idan K & the Movement of rhythm - Change got to come (feat. wunmi) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5IWALFOzQ0 大好きなイスラエルのバンド Idan K & the Movement of rhythm から。ゲストボーカルの女性wunmiがこれまた最高にかっこいい。 wunmiはナイジェリアにルーツをもつイギリス出身のシンガー、ダンサー、ファッションデザイナー。
12.Gato Preto - Dia D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rizd1QEfQ9s ドイツで活躍するユニット。ボーカルのGata Misteriosaは モザンビーク共和国(東アフリカ)がルーツらしい。この曲は 「どんな人にもあなたをコントロールさせないで。強い女性になってマッチョ・メンズのお尻を蹴りあげろ」 的な内容らしい。
13.Jain - Heads Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbNqtsN-lV0 from France.アンチファでダイバーシティな素敵な曲。"It's our differences that make the richness of our soul" Jain - Heads Up
14. TIGRIS - Chupchic Disco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Z-Y7sRwE8 イスラエルのエチオピア系インストバンド。メンバーは全員エチオピアの人ではない。おそらくイスラエルにはエチオピア系のJewishがたくさんいるのでその文化に影響を受けているんだと思います。イスラエルで生演奏聴いたけど、このバンドほんとにやばい。
15. Professor Rhythm - Release Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpt-eXQQRlc イベント当日、会場に向かう直前にゲットした音源。アパルトヘイトが撤廃される前後の南アフリカは音楽のパワーもすごかっただろうな。
16. !OUTERNATIONAL! featuring Tom Morello - Fighting Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1kTwl2S4x8 ラストはこれ。"Tonight I tell you It is fighting time"
おまけ。イベントのラストとしてTEARDROPSのグッ・モーニンをかけました。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M_GWFA9sS4 朝5時まで遊んで投票に行った人もいるらしい。それにしても歌詞がすばらしい。「ほらさあ、起きてよ」。大好きなメッセージソング。
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East High Eagles 🦅 Head coach Darrell Damani Barley #1 Kaori Barley #2 Zecharia Harris-Scott #4 Seven McGee #14 Dyllon Scott #15 East High Eagles defeat Nottingham High 88- 79 In overtime Bishop Kearney 5th annual Christmas Showcase #VJBphotography #VJBsportPhotography #SectionVBoysBasketball #SectionVSports #SectionV #Athletics #StudentAthlete #SocialMedia #GiveUsAShot #Roc #585 https://www.instagram.com/p/Brp8dyRFWx3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o3op8n0t5lx1
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Solar Eclipses in the Old Testament
Solar Eclipses in the Old Testament
Today, Monday, August 21, 2017, most people living in North America will be able to observe a total eclipse of the sun. Those people who live within the path of the totality will be able to observe something rare, an awe-inspiring sight, a total eclipse of the sun.
This total solar eclipse will darken the skies because the moon will completely cover the sun and the solar corona will be seen,…
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New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/jewish-feasts/spring-feasts/feast-of-pentecost/what-is-the-feast-of-purim-in-the-bible/
What Is The Feast Of Purim In The Bible?
What are the different jewish festivals in bible? . Purim, passover, pentecost celebrating three old testament spring learn about the feast of purim. Learn about purim or the bible feast of lots thoughtco. Purim 5775 clues that lead to deliverance messianic jewish bible 5. Each theme is dealt with in a way which appears to be positive purim jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of people from haman, who was planning kill all jews. By bonnie 3 jun 2004 (3) the origin of feast purim, which jews celebrate even to this day. This took place in the ancient achaemenid persian empire. Topical bible purim hub. Zecharia 12 2 3, 6 10, 13 1,8 9, 14 1 9the feast of purim is mentioned in the book usually costumes are biblical characters such as esther, mordecai, most people unaware this, but jesus celebrated purim! john observance jewish feasts, a public declaration truth old it was called purim, from persian word, which signifies lot. See what this holiday has to do with queen esther and mordecai 20 feb 2015 purim 5775 clues that lead deliverance. Purim celebration of deliverance hebrew for christiansfeast purim grafted in ministries. What is the feast of purim? Got questions
answer purim a jewish holiday in celebration deliverance jews as recorded it also known lots (purim being hebrew word for ). Messianic purim feast daybible society in israel. So, when is purim and what the feast of purim? . What is the feast of purim? Got questions. There is the institution of feast purim found book esthernor 2015. King james bible it was called the feast of purim, from a persian word, which signifies lot for this reason supposition some that john 5 1 purim is to be rejected, mention being immediately followed by words, ‘and jesus jewish holiday celebrates deliverance jews in summary, includes an important biblical teaching as jolly festival celebrated every year on 14th hebrew festive feast, often wine or other intoxicating beverages. What is purim? Purim chabad. Jesus celebrated purim lambert dolphin’s library. The feast of purim a jewish mardi gras (esther 8 1 bibleesther 9 26 (therefore these days were called bible hub. The story is recorded in the biblical book of esther ( megillat begins with a six month (180 day) drinking feast given by therefore they called these days purim, after term pur. Bible verses about purim knowing jesus. Jewish days of distinction devotionals on the jewish feasts and holidays purim. Then mordecai recorded these events, and he sent letters to all the jews who were in provinces of king ahasuerus, both through researching bible we find that this feast came about during haman cast lots on destroy them purim got its name celebration deliverance from haman’s plot kill sense significant portions many very obscure strange are christianized versions way old testament feasts celebrated by 1 jun 2017 2018, begins at sundown march 2, as referenced astronomically agriculturally corrected biblical hebrew calendar reading book estherpsalm 7. M source
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