#Zagreus rambling
pupuseriazag · 10 months
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Couldnt found much Miguel related clothing on AC so have this sweater I did in 2 hours ✌💜
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cactusnymph · 5 months
love the difference in tone when homer narrates about zagreus vs melinoe. he's like the lazy ass prince blunders on and on. oh the splendor of the princess as she moves in darkness......... he has a favorite
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passerinesoncaffeine · 2 months
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Achilles writing the codex:
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pxper-cranes · 4 months
Every child of Hades gotta have:
a milf mother figure that aint their real mum
a mean goth gf
a moody emo bf
a baddie mentor from the Trojan War
and a neurodiversity
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mawrrbid · 5 months
I had a vision and I need y'all to hear me out (I would pay someone to draw that /srs):
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modeus-the-unbound · 4 months
The more and more I play Hades 2, the more I can't help but think about how much nicer everyone is to Melinoe compared to Zagreus. Even the double boon rooms, "Oh you should have picked my boon, ya little shit!" Taunts have less bite to them.
I wonder what made this change in writing happen, the desire to tell a story with a different focus (Toxic relationships VS war against Chronos), the way people still want to mount Hades head on a pike even after getting the "happy ending" in the first game, the simple unconcious bias between being rude/flippant to guys is more comedic than a lady?
Because correct me if I am wrong, in the entire game of Hades 1, aren't Achilles and Nyx the only ones to treat Zagreus like most character treat Melinoe?
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jules-ln · 4 months
When people say "the Greek gods should be ethnically Greek in Hades" they mean white.
Like they literally mean that they want all the Greek Gods to be white in the game
No, they don't mean culturally, if they wanted to talk about culture they wouldn't have brought up the word "ethnicity" and equal that to race (ethnicity doesn't mean just race, it can also mean a shared tradition or shared language, so yes, POC can be ethnically Greek if they had lived all their lifes there)
And it's so silly because like, oh, then Chaos isn't "greek" either because they're Grey and there aren't any actual Grey Greeks?
Also they're Gods! They can be anything they want, like sure, Zeus can be a swan and that's fine, but if he was a man with dark skin, that's too much?
They aren't criticizing the cultural hegemony the US has, they're just being racist and then masking their racism with "progressive" language
And then people here go and be like "Oh, poor little white people!! They have a right to demand a game without POC because it's their culture!!!"
Like what?
I'm sorry but you do remember that Greek mythology has been used, and is still being used as far right propaganda?
Like do you remember that the protagonists of the games are white and green eyed (on one eye) and the only POC are on secondary roles!?
(There can be a valid criticism about cultural hegemony in Hades, but this, isn't that)
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My one ask, that even if it doesn't happen I won't care but, in Hades 2 I hope after we free Zagreus (if we do) that he is the only one that Cerberus allows him to pet
Now hear me out, we know from the dialogue box when interacting with Cerberus it states that he doesn't even let Hades near him and neither does he let melinoe. But I think it would be really sweet that if zag comes out and sees Cerberus just sitting there and immediately starts petting him as Cerberus happily complies and wags his tail
Idk I thought that would've been a cute idea and probably will never happen but let me have it
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go-to-the-mirror · 8 months
"I could fix him" "I could make him worse" I could make him care about me so much that he's risk the universe to save me, that he'd kill himself to save md. i could make him leave me behind and i could love him enough to stay with him. he could become worse of his own volition in a way that only hurts me. we could walk in circles for daysweeksyears, long enough that our joined hands fuse together and we become as one. we could become one another completely and utterly and we could say i will not see the other dead, i would die before they did, and so we stay alive together. we could become our own people again, but there is a part of him in me and a part of me in him. we could walk away, and we could hold hands and he could say it's no longer necessary and i could say i know. and we would still hold hands.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Zagreus to Bianca, Nico and Hazel in that "siblings with a huge age-gap" style.
As in: Zagreus letting two-year-old Nico sit on his shoulders while five-year-old Bianca is dangling from his biceps. People would tell him "Your daughter is so cute!" when he and Hazel take Cerberus out for a walk together. He's the one tucking the kids in. When they do the challenge Nico marches to Zagreus's spread arms instead of Hades. Persephone tells Bianca no but Zagreus says yes so it's a yes. He's the kids' enabler.
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mrsoftthoughts · 4 months
I have this little headcanon that some of the godly relatives (or really close people, but mostly relatives ) likes to check upon demigods or they do by the child parent request
So I'm sharing my thoughts about this!!
Leto LOVES to take care of her grandchilds, the Apollo kids are pretty used to the fact that every single one of them have at least one history were they meet this kind woman , she also checks up her niece childs (Hecate) sometimes, she knows that her sister asteria also would have loved to have the chance of meeting her grandkids, so she's there doing that for her
Artemis also has an eye upon her nieces, especially the ones that she seems potential for joining the hunt, but in general she's there at the distance taking care of them
Both Hecate and Hermes kids (who are more aligned to their father cthonic aspect) can get some help of the god or goddess if they are lost in some way and have a pretty good chance of maybe see them in person sometimes
Macaria and zagreus used to visit the di Angelo's house pretty often to see Nico and bianca during summer and spring when hades couldn't be there himself , they also try to look upon them at the lotus casino but it was to risky ( that doesn't stop them from shot Alecto with their questions about their little siblings everytime)
The nine muses kids always end up meeting at least one of their aunts when they are little
Same for the apollonides and the Apollo kids with musical alignment, 99% they have seen some of their sisters around them
Melinoe used to see how hazel was doing it pretty often, it was for both pluto and Hecate/trivia request, she end up having a little of affection for her step-sister, just a little bit
I would love to see other people headcanons around this idea so feel more than welcome to share your thoughts!!
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cactusnymph · 4 months
it does make me happy that while everyone who used to complain about zag loves mel, chaos is the exact opposite. of course chaos would prefer the adhd child over the autism child. a rare win for zag
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thatrandombystander · 2 years
Remember how Zagreus Hadesgame was presented as wanting to leave the underworld because he wanted to join the gods on Mount Olympus, and then it turned out that all he really wanted was to see his mother?
Really curious if Melinoë Hadesgame's goal of "death to Chronos" also has a subversion or at least is not quite what it appears to be on the surface
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dervampireprince · 4 months
still standing by what i said on stream that my favourite pat/zag/achilles dynamic is achilles being repressed and feeling guilty that he wants to kiss zag but he can't kiss zag because what would pat think, meanwhile pat has already made up with zagreus like 10 times already.
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masked-loser · 3 months
Hc zagreus gets hugs and kisses from everyone because dying hurts and the solution to chronic pain is gay love.
(This is a scientific fact)
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nocturne-reverie · 2 years
Zagreus: Mel, did you know Achilles died of ligma
Melinoe: Zagreus, Chronos is going to kill us all and bring all of greece to ruin
zagreus: ligma balls
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