#Yuki is always rude
pickingupmymercedes · 14 days
It's always Lewis who has to let it go and move on, isn't it?!
Let go of the racial comments dressed as jokes, let go of the racial bias, let go of how they doubted and still doubt him.
Let go of the abuse, let go of how different he's been treated.
He is the one who needs to let go of what happened in 21' and move on.
A huge part of why his fan base is as closed in on itself is because they are 24/7 trying to validate his place in a sport where he's not allowed to feel and be human without backlash.
His story in f1 is a cycle of: when he's snappy he should be more level headed, when he answers on track it's mind games, when he talks he should take it on the chin, when he keeps quiet it's all pr agenda.
So yeah, Newey, we get you'd deal with what happened differently, but you weren't in that car. You didn't go through what he did. He doesn't need to let it go like you'd have supposedly done so.
His feelings, and however long it took for him to process them, are valid.
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lexxiisstuff · 3 months
𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒓 𝒅𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕:
𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒊 𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒐
"I can't fucking believe you" Your boyfriend shook his head incredulously and you sunk further into your seat with your arms across your chest. "Do you know how embarrassing that was for me?"
"It was an accident" You whispered softly staring at the red stop light in front of you too afraid to look at Rin. It had been a gang party. You were invited because you'd been with Haitani for almost three years now and the members trusted you enough to let you into their little circle. You had wanted to impress them because you knew how much they meant to Rin.
That's the reason you had accepted drink after drink that each of his friends had poured for you. Not wanting to seem uncool or uncomfortable. You had obviously gotten drunk. Haitani had seen you tipsy multiple times but you were never the type to get truly wasted. Which is why when you were dancing so completely out of rhythm and screaming his name at the top of your lungs he had grabbed you thrown you over his shoulder and took you to the car. You had sobered up some as the apartment you shared was on the other end of the city and took awhile.
"An Accident?" He scoffed and his hands clenched on the steering wheel as he glared "I can't believe I agreed to take you there. I thought you would have at least tried to behave yourself. God how can you be so careless? "
"Rin my head is fuzzy okay. Can we please, please just do this at home" You sighed tiredly rubbing your temples.
"Are you fucking kidding? No we're talking about it now. If you can't own up to your idiotic fucking actions-"
"Stop the car" You demanded. Furious.
"Are you going to be sick? Oh fucking great" He pulled over on the side of a main road and you yanked off your seat belt and got out of the car.
"I know I messed up but it doesn't give you the right to talk to me like that. You don't always have to be such a condescending asshole." You shut the door in his stunned face and turned to start walking away.
"Y/n! Y/n! fuck. Come on!" He drove the car next to you slowly and you turned to glance around. The road was empty almost deserted. The window of the car was wide open and you glanced at Haitanis pleading look but you were petty and so you continued walking.
"Baby get in the car please. I'm sorry I shouldn't have lost my temper with you. I'm sorry sweetheart . It's dark and you're not fully sober yet so can you just get in for me please. " He said gently
"No. I don't want to talk to you right now" You muttered shivering. It was freezing. Haitani watched helplessly as you trembled.
"Honey as we've established I am in fact an asshole. I'm sorry. I won't talk to you okay? Just get in and I'll take us home. Please. "
"I don't want to go home. Take me to Yuki. I'll sleep there tonight. I don't want to burden you and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to wake up to throw up. She'll take care of me" You mentioned your best friend and he shut his eyes angry with himself because he wasn't the one you wanted to comfort you at this moment.
"I can take care of you." He flinched at your harsh gaze "Alright I'll take you to Yuki. I promise" You sighed but got in the car quietly and he blasted the heat warming you up instantly.
"Love" He started but you turned to look out the window.
"You hurt my feelings Haitani" You mumbled sadly feeling teary eyed.
"I know and I never meant to. I'm sorry sweetheart. I don't even care about the dancing or the yelling or whatever but you don't ever drink that much and I was worried and I guess I took it out on you" He said squeezing the steering wheel.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize. You should be able to have fun without me treating you like a child. I don't mean to be overbearing or rude. And I would never want to hurt you" He mumbled sadly and you watched as he pulled in front of Yukis house.
"You're really gonna let me spend the night here?" He hated when you slept away from him and would complain about it all the time.
"I don't want you to. I want you in our bed tonight where I can watch over you but if you feel like that's not what you want I won't stop you. I fucked up but I love you and I want you to know I'll be here first thing in the morning to pick you up and take you home" He leaned in to link your fingers and brought you hand to his mouth kissing your palm. Something you usually would do when you were trying to win him over.
"Can we just go home now" You whispered tiredly.
"You want to stay with me tonight?" Hope glittered in his eyes
"I want to stay with you forever" You leaned in to kiss him and both his hands held your face. "Don't talk to me like that again"
"Never" He agreed pressing a kiss to your forehead.
𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑴𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒚𝒂
"Hey honey" You muttered as you jumped into the passanger seat of your boyfriends car tiredly.
"Hey" He muttered angrily pulling out of the parking lot rather aggressively.
"Woah. What happened?" You asked nervously as he hit the gas.
"Why would you think something happened?" He said through a clenched jaw and you turned your head incredulously.
"Oh I don't know maybe it's the way you're clenching the steering wheel and have your foot flat on the accelerator. Slow down!" You gripped the dashboard and turned to glare at him "What the hell is going on?"
He just continued swerving through traffic ignoring you until finally he had to pull up at a red light "You have some fucking nerve" He muttered .
"What are you talking about?" You glared at him but he just ignored you. "Screw this. Stop the car right now"
He pulled over at the side of road ready to rip you a new one but before he could say anything you unbuckled your seatbelt and got out of the car not caring that it was raining. He hit the steering wheel in frustrated anger and sighed before storming out after you.
"Get in the car!" He yelled as you began to walk away. The both of you were getting soaked to the bone but he didn't care. He grabbed you around the waist and tugged you towards the car.
"Let me go!" You fought in his arms and he swore under his breath "Let me go asshole!"
"What the fuck" He hissed as you bit his hand and he let you go. You turned around furiously and even though he was fuming he couldn't help but stare at you in awe. Your eyes were shining your clothes and hair completely drenched and you were shaking in Fury. Goddess on earth he thought.
"What is your problem?" You breathed
"Did you tell people in your class that you've been wanting to break up with me for fucking months but was scared I'd hurt you?" He couldn't hide the crack in his voice.
"What?" You breathed. Confused
"If you want to break up with me then do it but you know. ..You have to know.. I would never-" He was cut off when you threw yourself into his arms wrapped your legs around his waist and you arms tightly around his shoulders.
"You idiot" You cried against his chest.
Confused but wanting nothing more than to comfort you he ran a hand down your damp hair and back. "Huh"
"You know better than anyone not to listen to the things people say. I love you” you mumbled
He stared at you utterly in love “Fuck baby. I love you. I’m sorry”
You both grinned at each other. Soaked to the bone but desperately happy
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satorushousewife · 28 days
headcanon! falling for choso kamo (SFW)
summary: my take on how things would go after meeting choso and falling for him (he falls for you too)
notes: i got excited and wrote quite a lot, but there's still room for more! please tell me if you would like a part two! hope you enjoy your reading <3 xoxo lola
before the relationship
so you've met.
it actually means nothing to Choso, so you both would keep living your lives separately... unless you're friends with Itadori!
if that's the case, then it depends on how highly Itadori sees you.
if he cherishes you (not romantically), Choso would definitely be jealous! he wouldn't actually be rude to you, but he would make sure both you and Itadori know he doesn't really like you. he competes with you, especially if Itadori tends to ask you for help. he would make a run for it and offer his help first. if you're a healer, he would actually be sad because he can't provide Itadori with the help you can.
otherwise, if you're just another one of Itadori's friends, Choso wouldn't bat an eye. Itadori does have a lot of friends, and Choso respects and cherishes all of them because they make his brother happy. however, if anything ever occurs, Itadori is always at the top of his priority list.
you fall first
inevitably, since you're friends with Yuuji, Choso is often around, either interacting or just being there.
he is a very reserved person, doesn't talk much unless it's with his brother, and speaks only when necessary during conversations with others.
he's really not the type for small talk, so he wouldn't try to initiate anything but would definitely respond to your questions.
for whatever reason, you fall for him, and it would be up to you to approach him or not.
you end up deciding to start things slowly, trying to include him in whatever activity you and Yuuji are up to.
he wouldn't say anything, but he would certainly feel grateful, especially if you take the time to explain whatever you're doing and how he could do it. he always wants to bond with his brother more, but the barrier of the century he was born in is a nuisance. he doesn't know many things from this era but is eager to learn so he can interact with Itadori more.
for example: you and Yuuji are playing a game Choso has never seen before. you ask him if he wants to play and explain how he can join both of you.
he falls for you
over time, he warms up to you. it wouldn't happen overnight, but once he realizes he's not just eager to spend time with yuuji but with you too, the change begins.
yep, he's in love now. good for you!
…not so good for him.
his chest pounds when you're nearby, his cheeks flush when you accidentally touch each other, and his heart flutters when he sees you smile at him. the man is terrified.
choso doesn't understand his feelings. he's never felt this need to care for another person other than his brothers, so yeah, he's scared—a lot. he panics a little, becoming extra quiet around you. you even ask him if something's wrong, but he dismisses any worries.
he wonders if he should ask Yuuji for help, but his pride doesn't let him. after all, he's supposed to be the older brother and the one to lead the way!
he doesn't know who else to turn to, so he goes to yuki. she is his only friend, so he trusts her with all the things he's been feeling. she lets out a soft laugh as she hears everything and tells him the truth. "you are in love," is what she says.
if that's supposed to make him feel better, well, he'll be damned because it only worsens everything.
it gets to the point where Yuuji notices something is wrong and confronts him.
under the confrontation, Choso spills the truth.
Yuuji calls him an idiot. Choso gets indignant with the insolence (after all, he is the older brother) but says nothing about it (although his face demonstrates a lot).
"even if you're my older brother, you don't need to know it all. it's your first time living too, there's no way you would know the answers to everything. besides, we're brothers, aren't we? i'm supposed to help you too," is what Yuuji says.
after that, he gives some tips on how Choso could approach and even flirt with you, suggesting that he and Choso make a plan on courting you.
that simple conversation makes Choso reflect all night.
his anxiety is still there, but lessened as he now knows that Yuuji got his back.
that night before sleeping he makes a decision: he would definitely try to court you, and his brother would help.
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hxhhasmysoul · 9 months
jjk tags and fags - translator assigned genders / fandom assigned genders
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The people who translate this manga and anime just can't fucking help themselves with constantly assigning genders to characters.
Yuuji is not gendering Uraume in any way in what he says in the manga:
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And he says the exact same thing in the anime: Ore dake hyoyketsu ga amakatta Sukuna kanren dana. That roughly translates to: The ice around me was half-hearted likely due to the connection with Sukuna.
He doesn't mention Uraume by name, which is very typical in Japanese which is a very context reliant language. But in the context it is clear that he is referring to Uraume's connection to Sukuna.
Uraume's gender is ambiguous on purpose, Gege is very deliberate in this.
Uraume of course isn't the only one.
Other characters and their tags and fags.
People who know them closely, like Tengen, always refer to them without gendering them. Sometimes the people who don't know them well gender them according to presentation like Takaba, or like Chousou who heavily associates Kenjaku with Noritoshi Kamo. And also those who think Kenjaku is Getou.
The fandom is super bad about Kenjaku, people insist on calling them he/him and making really homophobic and transphobic comments regarding their motherhood. Or the Getou fans just erase Kenajku and pretend that everything Kenjaku does is actually Getou...
She literally in open text says how she wants to be gendered. People use the preface where she says that technically as a cursed spirit she doesn't have a gender to pretend the next line doesn't matter. When the opposite is actually true. Even if Tengen could decide to forego having a gender after her evolution, she says nah, grandma, don't call me a guy. And then proceeds to indulge in masc presentation, Queen!
I personally get more annoyed when people use they/them for Tengen than he/him. The he/him people usually just read casually and remember all the times the translators called Tengen master and they haven't really paid that much attention to her scene with Yuki. But I've seen people use they/them on purpose to ignore Tengen's words.
Kashimo is never gendered by the other characters. They use the personal pronoun "ore", which is associated with men but not used by them exclusively. It is rather harsh sounding pronoun, and as @/cursedvibes says it fits Kashimo who speaks in a crude and masculine way. Kashimo's modern day presentation isn't very gendered looks wise though.
But presentation =/= gender. Regardless if it's looks or speech.
Fandom will say well in the past life they looked like a guy and it's just rude to assume based on that :/
Also even if, maybe new life new gender who knows.
If Gege was trying to obviously gender Kashimo the 3rd person pronouns were right there yet remained unused.
I've written about Kirara's pronouns before.
I read Kirara as a woman and I explain why in the post above. I don't mind non binary readings because it's really not super clear.
And I don't even have some huge issue with people calling Kirara a high femme boy, though I personally don't read her like that at all.
As long as it's done in a kind and not transphobic or homophobic way. But alas the fandom is there to disappoint quite often.
I don't know how are people confused about her gender this far along. I didn't remember that her gender was revealed when she actually started interacting with the other characters because Tengen'd spoken about her many chapters earlier. But Angel is very clearly gendered as "she/her". And she's been in the story for many chapters now.
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sh0jun · 2 months
Ikemen Sengoku Modern AU
Boys as various university professors or teachers--
I'm not elaborating it much for now
Maybe there would be updates idk--
Oda forces
→ Nobunaga Oda (Academic Head/Economics teacher)
He's gonna have a separate drawer in his office FILLED with candies
That drawer has a lock on it all the time (he doesn't want Hideyoshi to find out about it)
→ Hideyoshi Toyotomi (history teacher)
Really looks up to the department head
Very patient with all the students and will help each and every single one of them :)
You'd see him in the halls A LOT
so be careful. If you get caught breaking the rules you WILL be lectured by him
He keeps a check on every teacher's health too- also he would tell you to take it easy if he sees that you're not well
Also pretty good at giving motivational speech
→ Mitsuhide Akechi (computer science)
Okay hear me out. This man will be GOOD with computers and technology.
The event stories prove it
He's the teacher you'll go to every time there's something wrong with your iPad
And he WILL tease you endlessly
→ Mitsunari Ishida (Maths teacher)
For obvious reasons.
Our clumsy but very smart angel.
He'll be very kind. And calmly teach you if you're having trouble with a math problem no matter how many times you come to him
But no matter what you do, you won't be able to get his attention if he's reading
The janitor has caught him several times in the library reading books in a secluded corner when it's late in the night
Librarians sometimes have to kick him out
→ Masamune Date (food tech)
I think it's self explanatory (I don't have anything to say about him I'm sorry-)
You'd always. ALWAYS. catch him at the farmers market.
→ Ieyasu Tokugawa (Biology/ chemistry teacher)
He knows his stuff when it comes to plant and medicine
He'd be very cranky if you come to his with a question but he will answer it in full detail
He does NOT like the math teacher
The math teacher and the physics teacher seem to constantly fawn over him which he does not enjoy.
→ Keiji Maeda (Drama/music teacher)
Pretty self explanatory this one.
He and the literature teacher are good friends :3
Best friends in fact.
He's the cheery teacher. Very enthusiastic.
→ Ranmaru Mori (teacher assistant)
The principal's assistant to be more specific
Running around doing errands for Nobunaga. Looks very cute and is very helpful
The students love him
Kasugayama forces
→ Kenshin Uesugi (specialist PE teacher/sports department head)
Martial arts. Fencing. Horse riding. Swimming. Sword fighting. You name it
This guys knows EVERYTHING
he trains students in these sports for competitions.
The group sports activities go to the other gym teacher
Very cold. And seems very rude and icy. But will teach you if you ask for his help
Also do NOT expect him to go easy on you
It's your first time learning judo? Will TOO bad. You will be thoroughly beaten up by this guy
→Shingen Takeda (DT/department head)
The hot teacher who's at the carpentry workshop
Many students attend the workshop JUST to see him
Very nice. Flirt to everything that breathes
Loves sweets just like the academics Department head.
But doesn't like Nobunaga at all
→Yukimura Sanada (PE teacher)
The worst PE teacher you'll ever have 💀
Doesn't know how to talk to students or teachers which result in him getting some pretty snarky comments
Is in charge of preparing sports teams for sports competitions
Does not like Kenshin's guys but has to put up with them
He's best friends with the physics teacher and they sometimes show experiments together (yuki is the lab rat of course)
→Sasuke Sarutoki (Physics teacher)
That fun physics teacher that shows experiments in the class
Uses memes in his lectures
All his lectures are extremely fun
The students are often confused as to how does he always has a straight face
The PE teacher is his guinea pig at times
The sports department head has some beef with him for some reason
→ Yoshimoto Imagawa (Arts teacher)
The guy LOVES art and appreciates it to his fullest
This job was MEANT for him
Will appreciate your art and also give you pointers if you ask for it
Very charming
Students fawn over him
Has a very soothing voice along with a pretty face
→ Kanetsugu Naoe (Literature teacher)
Teaches English along with Japanese
Very strict
He's pretty and has little fangs but the students are afraid of him
A very good teacher
But also does some very strict marking in tests
Do not try to fight with him cause he will point out all the grammatic errors
Lone forces
→ Kicho (linguistics teacher)
Teaches other foreign languages
Like French, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, German, arabic, Russian. You name it.
This guy is a genius
He and the computer tech teacher are cousins
Seems very tired always (cough blackholes cough)
→ Motonari Mouri (portugese teacher)
No comment on him.
Those who know him well will probably get it.
Will teach you every single curse word there is >:D
→ Kennyo (History teacher/ religious studies)
He does not like how modern studies are taking over
No phones allowed in his class
Very calm but also hella intimidating
Uhhh- does not put up well with the Computer tech teacher's antiques
Usually eats alone outside with cats.
Animals love him <3
→ Mai Mitsuzaki (Textiles teacher)
Das right. Mah girl gets her own category
The most fashionable teacher on campus
Everyone loves her
Shingen, Masa and she are the DT trio
Will teach you all there is to know about clothes and fashion
Designs the best clothes
She should be a designer.
Tags: cause idk who wants to be tagged--
@ikesenanigans (we came up with these together<3)
@rubia8 @bakersgrief @nightvers @ginshoujo @y2ashlee
Anyways Enjoy :D
This is my first hc that i wrote--
Leave in the comments whatever else you want to add? Idk how this works bro- ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
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jeankluv · 2 months
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 16
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words: 4k
summary: While everyone adored him, you stood apart in your feelings. It wouldn't be accurate to say you hated him, as " hate " was a strong word, rather, you harbored a profound dislike towards him. The problem was he knew that and his irritating presence seemed to persistently cling to you whenever he crossed your paths.
Now, you found yourself paired with him for your semester project, and the thought made you wish to hurl yourself out of the third-floor window. Three months of working alongside him loomed ahead. Adding to the discomfort, you were currently under the scrutiny of hundreds of eyes, each gaze feeling like a murder attempt. It seemed everyone coveted the opportunity to collaborate with Gojo Satoru, except for you.
ac: _a3aem
tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball, Gojo needs a hug
notes: this chapter will be focus on Birdie, there won’t be much Gojo & Birdie (sorry) I hope you enjoy it.
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist | ao3
materialist | previous chapter | next chapter
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You looked in the mirror and bit your lip. That dress wasn't appropriate either, in fact none of the dresses she owned were appropriate for a charity gala full of rich people.
“Not this one either.” You sighed, taking off your suspenders.
“I think it’s good.” Kyoko said from your bed, as she took a sip of her coffee.
“Kyoko, I can't appear at a charity gala, full of rich people and knowing that Satoru's parents and grandparents are there with an openness that reaches me here.” You pointed to your hip.
“You would attract attention, that's for sure.” You rolled your eyes and took off your dress completely.
“Ugh, this is so stressful.” You threw yourself to the bed. “The gala is in two days, I don’t have anything.”
“Why did you accept?” You looked at Kyoko. “That sounded a bit rude, but what I meant was that, you always hated fancy places and I was surprised when you told me you were going.”
“I want to support Satoru.” You sat down and took the shirt that was on the floor. “This is important for him and… I want to be there for him.”
“Oh…” Kyoko smiled. “Aren’t you the cutest?” She pinched your cheeks. “But why don’t you talk with Sato…”
“No, I’m not asking him to buy something for the gala. I don’t want that.” You sighed.
“Okay, okay.” And she smiled. “Wait, I might know some who might be able to help you.”
“Who?” You looked at her.
“Shoko’s girlfriend.” She smiled and started texting on her phone.
“Shoko has a girlfriend?” You said surprised.
“Sometimes it surprises me how clueless you are, she told us, at the club, remember? We were in the couches with her and Yuki.” She said looking at you through her eyelashes and then a smile spread across her face.
You opened your mouth in a shaped O and remembered that moment. “Oh yeah I was probably elsewhere.”
You for sure where somewhere else, distracted watching Satoru as he talked with that girl, that later you found out her name was MeiMei.
“Shoko told me to go to her apartment after you finish your work, Utahime will help you.”
“Kyoko, I don't know if…”
“Let yourself be pampered and take care of yourself a little.” You looked down and sighed. “You're going to leave Satoru speechless at that gala.”
You hoped so, but you also hoped that eyes wouldn't land on you. You didn't want to have to endure an awkward question session all night. But you knew that if Satoru was with you that wouldn't happen.
You and Kyoko got ready to go to class, that day you only had one class and unfortunately for you, it wasn't with Satoru. It was hard to believe, before you avoided Satoru Gojo like the plague and now you longed to spend even a few minutes with him.
But that day was not going to be like that and you would have to limit yourself to calls and messages. Satoru was busy with his basketball practices and you were busy at work.
You and Kyoko got ready for class, gathered your materials and left together. You only had one class today and unfortunately for you, it wasn't with Satoru. It was hard to believe how much everything had changed in just a few months, before you avoided Satoru Gojo like the plague, but now you longed to spend even a few minutes with him. But that day was not going to be like that and you would have to limit yourself to calls and messages.
The walk to class felt longer than usual. Your thoughts drifted to Satoru, imagining his smile, his teasing words, and the warmth of his presence. The more you thought about him, the more you missed him, and it seemed like Kyoko noticed your distraction.
"It looks like you're going to be punished." Kyoko leaned towards you, a knowing smile on his lips.
You sighed, trying to push away the longing. "It's just that today Satoru and I won't see each other."
Kyoko laughed softly. "You sound like a puppy in love."
"Maybe I am." You admitted, laughing. “But I can’t help it.”
“Who would have thought I would see you so cloying and romantic.” Kyoko laughs leaving the subway.
You shrugged and didn't think much of it. Maybe if it was true that you were different from your usual way of being, it used to be difficult for you to show your feelings, but now with Satoru it was easy for you and it was something you wanted to do, you wanted to feel the serotonin in your body, the beating of your heart and the blood. of your body to rest on your cheeks.
Maybe you had changed or maybe that part of you had always been there and now your relationship with Satoru had brought it out. But one way or another, what mattered to you was that you liked that new version of yourself that was being drawn, and you wanted it to grow and open up more.
No matter how hard you tried all morning, your thoughts were not completely on the class and from time to time they wandered and you ended up thinking about Satoru. You wanted to ask Kyoko if she had felt that way when she started dating Suguru but it seemed like a silly question to you, so you kept it to yourself.
With the day's classes already finished you went with Kyoko to eat in the cafeteria, that day you would eat there instead of at work. Like most times, the cafeteria was packed, but luckily you managed to seat us at a table.
“Kyoko about the dress…”
“You need to relax.” She said. “Utahime is really nice and she is willing to help you. She is also excited to meet the girl that is willing to date Satoru.” You looked at her confused. “They have a friendly beef.” You nodded. “But don’t be jealous.”
You gasped offended. “I’m not that type!”
“Sure…” She smirked. “You want to remember that time when you saw a girl with Satoru and you came here all angry?”
“I… that’s not.”
It was then when Kyoko's smile became bigger and you look at her with a strange expression on your face. When you were about to ask her about that expression on her face, you felt a hand land under your chin and lift it, causing your head to look up. But that's when you met it, the one that turned into your favorite color. Those blue eyes smiled at you from above.
“Sato���” You were unable to finish the sentence, Satoru had brought your lips together in a kiss.
You enjoyed the kiss forgetting completely about the fact that you were in the cafeteria and that with that kiss everyone was finding out about the both of you. Satoru separated from you and through your eyelashes you saw the smile that appeared on his lips.
“I needed to see you…” He whispered against your lips. “Even if it was just for 5 minutes.”
You looked down, embarrassed by his words. “Satoru…”
“What?” He sat down next to you. “Can’t I say I missed my girlfriend and I needed to see her so badly?”
You bite your lip and shyly smiled. “Stop…”
“No way…” He whispered and kissed your cheek.
“Is it true you only have five minutes?” You looked at him.
He nodded. “As soon as Coach Yaga told us that training was over, I rushed out here.” You looked him up and down and knew he read your mind. “I took a shower.” Then he turned to look at Kyoko. “Hi Kyoko, Suguru will be here later.”
“Yeah I know, we are going out later.” She smiled.
“So you have to leave?” You tilted your head.
“Yeah I have a class now.” He pouted. “I will see you after work.”
“Sorry.” Kyoko spoke before you could say anything to Satoru. “But your girlfriend will have girls night today.”
“Oh.” He opened his mouth surprised.
“Yeah, sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” You told him.
Satoru shook his head, not giving a lot of importance to it. “Don’t worry.” He got closer to you. “This weekend and the next one will be full for just us.”
“I will talk to Haibara today, to change our shifts this Saturday.”
Satoru smiled. “Okay.” He kissed your lips and stood back up. “I have to leave.” He looked at you one more time. “I will see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah.” You smiled and waved goodbye at him.
You watched as Satoru walked between the tables of the cafeteria and how he said hello to people there. It was a remark of his popularity, after all he was the star of the basketball team and now your boyfriend. Which had caused the people around you to start gossiping.
You knew that moment would come sooner or later, after all people liked to talk and gossip, and it was a gossip about Satoru Gojo, obviously they were going to talk. You didn't care, you had never cared what they said about you. At least not until Satoru told you that you shouldn't take it so lightly when people who didn't know you spoke badly about you.
“Do you think she is with him because of his family money?” A person behind you spoke.
“No idea.” Another one spoke. “The Gojo clan is really powerful and has a lot of money.”
“Yeah… but I heard that Satoru Gojo is a bit of a player.” Another voice spoke and your blood started to run faster. “I heard he even hooked up with a teacher.”
You hit the table hard and turned to look at those people who had such long tongues. “Don't you think you are polluting this public space too much with all the dead cells that you are expelling through your mouth?” The three of them looked at you in surprise and you could hear Kyoko calling you. “If you don't know how to say anything but lies to satisfy your boredom, you'd better keep them damn closed.” You glared at them.
You felt eyes fall on you as you became the center of unwanted attention. Whispers of amusement and surprise ran through the cafeteria, but you didn't care. You were tired of the gossip and unfounded rumors, and it was about time someone reported them.
One of the three, a girl with a surprised expression, opened her mouth as if to retaliate, but no words came out. She exchanged a look with the other two and they all stood up, clearly nervous, before hastily leaving the table. You watched them leave, a feeling of satisfaction bubbling within you.
Kyoko, eyes wide with a mixture of admiration and disbelief expeto. "Wow, that was... something." She gasped.
You took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline rush through your veins. “I didn't want to keep listening to them talk bad about Satoru.” You sentenced.
Kyoko smiled at you. “You care about him.”
You looked at her. “Of course I do, he is my boyfriend and I’m defending him.” You said. “The same way he did with me.”
Kyoko laughed. “You are both so cute. I could die.”
“Geez Kyoko stop!” You covered your face.
“Oh but you two are adorable.” She said. “But anyway, what I was telling you earlier, before your cute little boyfriend came, I will go for you after your shift and we will go together to Utahime’s apartment, Shoko will already be there.”
“Kyoko, I… I still don’t know.” You hesitated. “Isn’t this too much?”
She shook her head. “No.” She said firmly. “Please let us pamper you a little.”
“I think you do that more than enough.” You replied.
“Because we love you.” She said and you felt how the words sank on your chest.
You looked down. “Thank you.” Looking back at her, you smiled. “I need to leave.”
“Did you just get emotional?” She said in a silly tone.
“No I didn’t.” You obviously did. “Look, your boyfriend is coming.” You said pointing at Suguru who was coming your way.
“Oh.” She smiled warmly. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He approached her and kissed her cheek.
“Well, now you two are together, I will leave for work.” You stood back up.
“I will be waiting for you to go to Utahime’s apartment.” Kyoko shouted from the table.
As you walked across campus, heading to the bus stop to go to work, you couldn't help but look at the windows of your faculty building. You were looking for white hair that would always stand out from the crowd. When you finally saw him, your heart skipped a beat and a smile spread across your face.
You took out your phone and this time you were the one who wrote a message to Satoru.
You to Satoru ✨
Hey, I see you
Guess who is watching you from the outside this time?
You pressed send and watched as he checked his phone. You saw the familiar smile appear on his face as he read your message. Within moments, his phone vibrated with his response.
Satoru ✨
Oh look who is the stalker now 😂
If I open the window, we could be like Romeo and Juliet.
You chuckled and typed quickly knowing that Satoru didn’t know what shame meant and he was probably able to do it.
You to Satoru ✨
Please don’t
I need to leave, I will see you 💋
You looked back up and saw how he turned his face from the phone and sent you a flying kiss. You looked in both directions, embarrassed. You really needed to get used to Satoru’s extrovert self.
With a blushing but happy smile, you waved your hand goodbye to him. You turned on your heel and walked towards the bus to go to work. The tour was once again the usual one, with the music from your playlist playing in your headphones and your mind wandering between the night that awaited you and the charity gala where you would accompany Satoru.
In what seemed like a sigh you arrived at your work, finding yourself surprised that Haibara was not there.
“Oh!” A younger girl greeted you by name and you looked at her strangely. “Sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Mina, Yu's little sister.”
You opened your eyes surprised. “Oh Haibara has told me a lot about you.”
She laughed softly. "Oh really? I hope for good things.”
You nodded. “And Haibara?”
“He is sick, last night he stayed up all night playing video games and today he had a headache.”
You nodded. “Have you been here all morning?”
“No, my grandmother was here and I'm came after class.” She smiled.
You bit your lip thoughtfully, you should talk to Haibara as soon as possible, to ask her for the schedule change for Saturday.
“Is there a problem?” She took you out of your thoughts.
“Oh… I just needed to talk to Haibara to change our shifts for this Saturday.”
“I will call him.” She took her phone out.
“No, don't worry.” She shook her head and called her brother.
“Yu!! Yeah I’m here with…” Mina started talking with his brother.
The scene reminded you of that time when Haibara also called her grandmother so you could go to the basketball game. In fact, the energy of Haibara and her sister were similar, both seemed to have explosive energy and an outgoing personality, capable of spreading it to those around them.
“Yu told me that there is no problem.” Mina granted you a warm smile.
“Thank you so much Mina.” You thanked her.
“Oh please don’t thank me.” She shook her head. “My family is really happy with how you work and how nice you are, so it’s the least we could do.” She turned to look at the clock on the wall and then back to you. “I have to leave. It was nice meeting you.”
You farewelled her and you started working as you normally did, clients came and went. And you put on your best smile and were as kind as possible with everyone. By the time you realized it, the sun had set on the horizon and the streets of that neighborhood were illuminated by bright streetlights.
Your face lit up when the store bell rang and Kyoko entered through the door with a smile. And came to the counter.
“Hello.” She wildly smiled.
“Hi.” You said back with a smile also drawn on your face. “I need to change and we can go.”
“Perfect!” She smiled. “By the way, next weekend you told me you are planning on taking Satoru to Kamakura, right?” Kyoko followed you to the changing room.
You didn’t mind her being there. “Yeah, I want him to know where I was raised and everything.” Kyoko nodded but you could tell something was bothering her mind. “Spilled out Kyoko.”
Kyoko sighed and finally spoke about what was going on in her mind. “It’s just that I’m worried about you.” You looked at her with a wondering look. “When we went there last year, remember who we met right?”
You bite your lip remembering last summer when you, as you wanted to do now, wanted to show Kyoko your hometown, the landscapes with the flowers blooming, the people there, the temples, the train that passes by the coast and allows you to see the sea. But in one snap got ruined.
“Nothing will happen.” You smiled at her. “Satoru will be with me, it’s okay.” Kyoko twisted her lips and nodded, not very sure of that smile you were giving her.
“Utahime apartment is a bit far.” Kyoko mentioned that you were putting your shoes on. “We could take a taxi.” She suggested.
“It’s fine by me.” You stood up.
Making sure that everything was neat, turned off and in order, you closed the store and together with Kyoko you walked to the main street to get a taxi. During the trip they both had a pleasant conversation from time to time, diverting to talk about their boyfriends. You couldn't help but laugh like schoolgirls when talking about them, you were really at a point where you both felt capable of anything, not only because you were in love but because you felt full and happy with yourself.
When the taxi stopped at your destination, you got out of the car and your body almost froze when you saw the residential neighborhood where you were. Utahime's family, like Satoru's, must have had money, but it was not surprising, Kyoko had mentioned to you that Utahime would also attend the charity gala, so you assumed that her family must have a high economic status.
The speed of the elevator as you went up to one of the elevated floors made your stomach turn slightly and you had to close your eyes to make it go away. Kyoko walked determinedly almost as if she knew where to walk, while she held your hand, giving you a security that you didn't know you needed.
She stood in front of one and rang the bell, a few seconds later the door opened, showing a beautiful girl with dark hair with bangs, big brown eyes and what looked like a scar on her face. She looked at you and a wide smile spread across her face.
“So you are the girl that had Satoru Gojo down on his knees?” A girl with black hair and a scar crossing her face, smiled at you. You guessed that it was Utahime, based on the description Kyoko gave you earlier.
“Yeah, that’s probably me but I think that’s a bit exaggerated.” You chuckled.
“Oh believe Uta, he is down on your knees for you.” Shoko appeared behind Utahime.
“It’s good to meet you Utahime and to see you again Shoko.” You greeted both of them.
Utahime smiled at you wildly and welcomed you to her apartment. “You are also going to that gala right?”
“Yeah.” You looked around the room and saw how her apartment was decorated elegantly, with a cozy style that welcomed you. “I'm going as Satoru's plus one.” You smiled, looking back at Utahime.
“That’s good. I will be there too.” She smiled. “So if you need a break from the Gojo clan or the old boring people, I will be there.” She winked.
Those words gave you a comforting relief that you had been trying to ignore since you had accepted or rather told Satoru that you would go with him to the gala. The idea of ​​meeting the Gojo clan overwhelmed you, you knew the clan, who in Japan did not know? And introducing yourself to them made your legs tremble as if they were jelly. But you didn't want to cower, you wanted to present yourself in that place as the confident person you were and you weren't going to lower your gaze.
“That makes me feel more relax.”
“Now.” She clapped her hands with a smile. “Take a seat.” She told Kyoko and Shoko, for them to look at you. “And you.” She pointed at you. “Come with me.” She grabbed your hand and guided you to what you guessed was her bedroom.
It was big, bigger than your whole living room and kitchen combined. It wasn’t surprising, she was going to the same gala as the Gojo clan, so probably her family had the money.
“So…” Utahime turned to look at you. “I have some ideas in mind, I think there are a couple of dresses that could make you look spectacular. But is there something you want?”
“I just don’t want to stand out too much.” You mentioned.
Utahime shook her head and smirked. “Unfortunately that will be impossible.” You looked at her. “First of all, you are stunningly beautiful, everyone would be looking at you and secondly, you are going as Satoru Gojo’s plus one, everyone will be laying their eyes on you.”
You swallowed and took a deep breath, Utahime noticing your distress sat down next to you and held your hand searching to calm down.
“It’s okay.” She smiled. “I know it will be a lot for you but…” She sighed. “I know how he is and I’m sure, like 200% sure he will make sure you are completely comfortable.”
You smiled, feeling a bit more relaxed after hearing her comforting words. “Thank you Utahime.” She shook her head, resting importance to the matter. “And yeah… I have an idea of what I would like to wear.” You slightly smiled.
“Tell me.” She said with her eyes shining with excitement.
“I would like to wear blue.”
“Blue?” She thought. “Okay, but why that colour?”
With a shy smile you said. “I want it to match Satoru’s eyes.”
Utahime smiled widely. “God, not only is Satoru at your feet, you're also fucked by him.”
You shrugged your shoulders. "I guess so."
She stood up and smiled at you. “I think…” She walked to her wardrobe. “I have the perfect dress for you.”
Utahime disappeared from your sight and you let out the air accumulated in your chest. Even though Utahime's words had been comforting and relieving, the knot that was forming in your stomach was there. You told yourself that you were doing it for Satoru, that as his partner and knowing his situation with his parents, you wanted to support him, like he did.
But you also wanted to prove to everyone present that even if you didn't come from one of those gold-plated families, you were worthy of them there, to hold your head high and walk at the same pace as Satoru Gojo.
“Here.” You heard Utahime’s voice and turned to look at her.
Your eyes and mouth opened slightly and you felt your heart stop beating momentarily. Utahime was holding a beautiful dress that was capable of taking your breath away just by looking at it.
“Utahime.” You swallowed, trying to find the words. “I don’t think I can wear that dress.”
“Yes you can.” She approached you. “I designed this dress and made it but never found anyone that could give it justice, but now, I know you can.” She looked at you with shiny eyes. “I know you will look absolutely beautiful in it.”
Your heart raced, imagining yourself in that dress that looked so delicate and beautiful before your eyes.
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final note: finally I made Utahime and Birdie meet, I really wanted them to meet 🤗
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keelt9 · 25 days
Chapter 2
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Mom keeps talking about how happy she is that we finally spend time together after so many years, just like the old times.
She grabs my face. “Now the 9 years of difference are almost imperceptible.” 
“Mom! I don't look that old!” Lewis choked with his fruit.
“You wish you looked like this at my age.” He sat straight. I was about to speak but mom interrupted us. 
“Keep eating, keep eating.”
This week I'll be at our parents house, so Lewis can have a few days off from me.
A Wednesday night mom entered the kitchen where Jewel keeps at my side.
“How is the project going?” I'm buried in papers, madeleines and tea.
I scoff and take my glasses. “Good? I don't know, I never imagined this amount of responsibility.” 
Mom serves a cup of tea, and sits next to me.  “He said you're doing pretty well.” I scoff and watch the papers and empty pens, picking up all the things so we can talk calmly. 
“Next is?” I pat Jewel and gave her a piece of carrot which reject at the second bite. Lewis and his idea about trying to become her vegetarian, it's useless.
I’m melting like ice, if I thought the first day we arrived was hot I was clearly short about how hot the day of the race is.
“How much weight will he lose?” I asked the doctor who weighs Lewis and George.
“Between 4 or 5 kilos.” I opened my eyes. “Maybe 6.”
“SIX?! Oh my word!” Lewis laughed and set properly his race suit one more time. “Drive safe, all right?” He nods and kisses my cheek.
I walk to the hospitality area, 50 minutes until the race begins although I see Checo chatting with Yuki, a casual talk in the way both are laughing. This time Red Bull is in front of Mclaren and Mercedes next to them. 
Checo saw me and waved his hand, so I walked closer to greet him properly.
“Hi. Yuki have you met Y/N?” Yuki made a small bow and I did the same. “She is Lewis sister.” 
Yuki opened his eyes, like he just knew a big secret.
“How are you?” Checo asks me, I move my hand trying to have a fresh breeze of air.
“Melting, but I'm fine.” Both giggle.  
Yuki is the first young driver I officially met, beside George of course. “It's your first time in the paddock?”
Checo saw me with pressed lips. “Kind of.” It’s a half honest answer. “I'm dying to be in Japan, that definitely will be my first time.”
Yuki smiles as we get involved in a deep talk about food and places I should visit in the few days we'll be there.
“It’s hot, definitely hot.” We turn around and see Max walking right to us. “Morning Yuki, Y/N.” 
I don't want to be rude with Yuki so I cut the conversation as friendly as I can. “I count on you for that, all right?” 
Yuki nodded and I said goodbye to them bumping fists with Checo.
“What did I say this time?” Max says it almost right to my face. Checo laughs and pat his teammate back.
“You’re on the darkside, mate.” Max bluffs but raises his voice as I walk away.
“FINE! IT DOESN'T MATTER!” I roll my eyes when I enter the hospitality building. 
A tricky race, Lewis fought until the last lap but just reached the sixth position. It hasn't been his weeks and he knows it by the way he goes down this car and walks slowly to the garage.
This time I took a risk and waited for him at the back of the garage, even here I could hear the noise of camera shots, reporters and all the talks from the mechanics.
Lewis was surprised I was there. “Hey.” I smile and give him a small push, making just the faith of a smile appear on his face. 
“You get back, don’t pressure yourself too much.” He just nods and keeps walking to change his clothes, definitely mad about his performance.
By the time we arrived at the hotel Lewis put on his best facade during the day and tried to fool us but the one who knew him, saw something was going on.
“What do you want for dinner?” He asked me as we left the paddock.
“Actually, I prefer rest, tomorrow I have an early flight and I still have things to work on.” I’m hungry but I know he always chooses to make me company when actually he's dying from a proper rest.
Lewis is about to complain but I grab his hand on the SUV. “It’s ok, I eat a lot in the hospitality and I always can order room service.” He laid back in the seat. “Just rest, all right?”
I don't lie, I kept working on some drawings until my stomach started to growl, but I needed fresh air, so I took my purse and phone and went out for dinner.
After a quick research online I found myself waiting on a food truck for a burrito and a lemonade, with the ocean at my back and a humid ambient.
“Here you have. Enjoy your food.” A young woman gave me my order, I thanked her sitting in one of the benches they have.
It’s a peaceful night of course with a Grand Prix this morning, you can hear from time to time chattings about the drivers, the race and the results.
“I'm telling you, it was insane!” A man is walking hand in hand with a girl, who is thrilled as him, for the way she makes little jumps and talks with her hands.
“It will be out of this world, be this close to a car.” She narrows the distance of her fingers.
I scoff as I clean my fingers after finishing my dinner, even in the most random place people agree with Max.
I go back walking to the hotel, just a 20 minute walk; I need to do the last adjustment before I leave. I was talking with the receptionist when loud laughs and mumblings distract me.
Carlos, Charles, Lando, George and Max enter the hotel making the few people still up late at night and staff members look at them.
“Miss?” The receptions remind me of what we were talking about. 
I asked her to please wake me up at 4 am, and disobey Lewis' order, they don’t wake him up. I take full responsibility for him not getting upset leaving a handwritten note. 
“Sorry.” I ended up writing the note and gave it to her. “Thank you so much.” The girl smiles at me before I take my phone and walk, seeing the photos of Nicola with the kids and Roscoe.
Until I almost hit my face with the floor of the lobby.
“Don’t worry, nothing is going to happen to you tonight.” I didn’t even notice the fast reaction of Max grabbing my left arm. 
The half twisted smile and the fact he's holding too to a chair, make me take my arm from his hand.
“I'm fine, thanks.” Max stares at Charles who has a red face almost like a tomato, sitting in the chair.
“Long legs, you almost make a girl fall, that's rude.” I refuse to get involved in this so I start to walk to the elevator.
“Wait, I'll take you to your room.” Max panicked and corrected himself. “To the door of your room, not inside of your room, at the frame of your door.”
I bluff, he's definitely drunk and the only one staying alone there; Charles, is talking with a girl who is coming for him. 
I want to leave him there, I truly want to, but the half closed eyes and the fact he believes he is the savior when I easily could get in trouble, makes me doubt.
I clicked the bottom for the elevator but he sits on the chair.
“Goodness gracious.” I whisper to myself before walking back and pull him to the elevator. 
He looks at me with his eyes as open as possible, still I didn't even say a word. 
The 10 floors seem eternal as the elevator goes up, I keep tipping the floor with my feet as it could make it go faster, getting distracted when I feel Max is sliding.
I complain internally about dad always teaching us help every time you can. I grabbed his arm and put it around me, at least he could lean on me. 
“Which one is your floor?” The smell of whisky is perceptible. 
“What? No, no, I'll take you. You're the one who almost got hurt.” I clicked my tongue; discussing with him is harder, now, being drunk could be a pain.
“Ok, at least you should tell me, just in case I need more help.” My words are pure irony.
He sighs and a rumble laugh comes out of him along with a. “Smart girl.” 
My giggle is an honest one. “Yes, I know.” 
When we reach the 12th floor Max keeps mumbling things about the race, the night and why he “thinks” he’s probably drunk. 
“Ok, which one is yours?” I practically dragged him out of the elevator begging no one else where in the hallway. 
He splits and leans on the wall. “No, no, no. You first.” He highcough, still I know I have to be patient.
“Why don’t we go to your room, calm and then you could leave on mine? If you throw up, at least I prefer to be in your room.” He scoffs but nods.
“Omg, Max?” I feel my blood turn cold when I hear another voice. “I thought you would say any drinks tonight.” A man runs to him and holding him avoids him crashing on the floor.
“It was the plan, just…” He plays with his fingers before grabbing the man shirt. “A few.” 
“Let’s go, I’ll take you to your room.” But Max splits and points to me.
“No, we almost made this young girl fall, I must leave her in her room safe.” Finally the man noticed my existence and smiled in an apologetic way.
“I’m sorry, but one of the girls called to the reception about Max making a scene in the lobby but when I arrived he was already gone.” The man extended his hand. “I’m Harry, teammate of Max.”
I take his hand. “Y/N Hamilton.” He blinked rapidly.
“Y/N Ham… Hamilton. Lewis sister?” He mumbled, still Max answered for me.
“His little sister, to be more clear.” Harry threw lethal eyes to him.
“You made Lewis little sister carry you up here in these conditions?” Max nods slowly and makes me smile. “Oh, right, I almost forgot, almost made her fall.”
“Fuck yeah.” Max answers and walks where I still was standing.
“No, no, let’s go Max, you need to lay down.” Harry tries to grab him but he already has his arm around my shoulders holding me tight. 
It’s obvious he won’t let go of his nonsense of leaving in my room. 
“Hey Max, let’s do what I propose, all right? Then you could leave in my room.” In his condition, as soon as he touches his bed he falls asleep. Harry watches us unsure however follows us until his room.
Inside I walked with him to his bed as Harry closed the door and ordered a strong coffee to his room. When we reached the border of his bed I carefully made him sit but he fell backwards and closed his eyes, like I predicted.
I was about to leave him when he spoke, turning to his left side. “Y/N, you’re pretty strong you know that?” 
His words left me surprised with a strange sensation of pride. Harry enters and apologizes one more time, saying he takes care of him.
“Thanks Y/N. Most of the people will leave him, making sure they win a good post on their feeds.” I nod before walking out of the room, this time after 20 minutes I arrive at my room.
By the time I was about to get in the plane, I received a text from Lewis complaining that I must wait for him to at least he take me to the airport but I calmed him down saying I take one of his boys to do that.
“Try to have fun, ok?” I keep reading his text before entering the house.
After my no-wedding I barely see my friends, I feel so ashamed and embarrassed even though there were just a few ones who used it all the “momentum” against me. This is the first time I came to a birthday party fully convinced.
“It's nice you came Y/N, thanks.” Thomas hugs me after I finally get the chance to talk to him, he’s the birthday boy.
“Oh my, look who’s here!” The voice of Hanna or I must say the scream makes Thomas sigh and I tense my whole body.
“I’m sorry but even if I tried, she always is in the wrong moment.” 
I take a deep breath before facing one more time my “best friend” who tactfully reminded me after and during 5 months of my broken heart.
“Go, I can deal with her.” Thomas is about to speak but it's his birthday, the last thing he needs is stress on his day. “I’m fine.” 
Thomas nods and walks away as Hanna comes closer, a drink in her hand and poison accumulation in her mouth.
“My girl, it’s been what? 9 or 10 months since we saw you?” Both of us know the last time she saw me it’s the day after my wedding. “And you barely reply to my texts.” 
“Yes, I've been kind of bussy.” I play with the ice of my drink to avoid making eye contact.
Hanna fake a compressive smile, predicting something she will say. “I can imagine after a failure like an almost wedding, there are a thousand things to do.” 
Even now she gets under my skin so easily.
“I sent you the invitation for my party but you didn't reply or anything like that.” She takes a sip of her drink.
“You know, it's the 21st century, when something is unwanted, hateful or something like that the mail goes right to the spam.” I turn around to see Mika challenge her.
Mika is a friend from the college who Hanna always told me it’s a witch, I guess it was her reflection in the mirror. 
“Mika, nice to see you.” Hanna said, trying to kill her with her eyes.
“I love to say the same but…” Mika eats his olive and smiles. “It’s stressful to see you.”
Hanna scoffs but I learn something about Mika all the months she helps me pack and making sure I barely see people who were enjoying seeing me that hurt, she doesn’t leave a prayer alive.
“But hey! Don’t worry, I’m not the only one who thinks the same here.” Hanna takes a deep breath before leaving us.
I take out all the air I’ve counted and smile at Mika. “Thanks.”
She smiles. “She’s been hunting you since she arrived, I was at the backyard with the food but Thomas gives heads up.” She takes the last sip of his martini. “Nevermind her, let’s party all night.”
I spent the night talking with friends, drinking and enjoying the night dancing, until the clock marked 2:37 am, and my legs screamed for rest. 
I say goodbye to everyone leaving Thomas and Mika at the end. “Thank you for inviting me.” I hug Thomas at his door. 
“Thanks for coming, hey, when you’re in town give us a call, any plan could come out.” He smiles at me.
“And if you need something for the refuge, we love to help.” Mika said, almost dragging her words.
I was about to get in the cap when unlucky Hanna realized I was about to leave. 
“Y/N make sure at least just pass another 4 months until we see you again.” The bloody wink makes my blood boil. 
The next morning I was received in the kitchen with an aspirin, and a black coffee.
“Long, funny night?” Dad smiles at me with a newspaper in his hands.
I cover my eyes with a napkin. “How can people do this every weekend?” 
Dad chuckles and I hear the slow but heavy steps in the wood floor along the gasp, Roscoe is coming.
“Hi, baby.” I carness his head as he closes his eyes. “Wait a little bit more and you’ll be with me.” 
After the race in Italy, I already talked with Lewis about taking Roscoe a week earlier before the race in Monaco, a little help and a needed backup for the team. 
“Me?” Dad asks standing to prepare the breakfast, I roll my eyes and clarify.
“Us, you’ll be with us.” I sat on the floor and gave a kiss to him. “Let’s keep a secret, I'm your favorite.” 
I arrived the night before the race, I had two visit schedules for seeing apartments and made it impossible for me to leave until the night; that’s why I don’t see my brother until early morning, indeed early morning.
“Morning.” I appeared at the restaurant of the hotel where he and Bottas were having breakfast before getting ready to go to the paddock.
“Oh, hi, I thought I’ll see you in the paddock.” I kiss his cheek before giving a hug to Bottas. 
“I’m hungry.” I joke as I sit with them, Bottas giggles and calls for the waitress.
“Something doesn't change.” We looked at him with curious eyes. “For winning something with his young lady, food is a shortcut.” 
Lewis laughs nodding incessantly. “I couldn't agree more.”
Arriving at the paddock when the drivers are doing the same, is total chaos, people, reporters and cameras all over the place, it’s like an obstacle race.
I walked to the Mercedes hospital next to Red Bull and in front of Ferrari, my eyes were stuck on my phone, when I felt someone soft touch.
I lift my eyes and I recognize the girl in front of me, the same that picked up Chalres. “Hi.”
“Hi, I’m Alexandra, Charles' girlfriend.” I nod, but don’t say another word. “I want to apologize for leaving you alone the other night.”
Oh I got it. “Oh, no worries, it’s ok.” I smile honestly as I put my hand on her arm.
“I hope someone went fast to help you, I tried to go back but Charles was a little bit of a troublemaker that night.” Well, at least I wasn’t the only one with that situation. 
I laughed and shook my head. “You’re the one who called to pick him?” Alexandra nods. “Thank you, and yeah, someone help me.”
“Great! I think I'm seeing you around right?” I realized I didn't introduce myself. 
“We could say that, I’m Lewis sister, Y/N.” She smiles but we were interrupted by Charles, who has an embarrassed expression.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” He giggles and covers his face with his hands. “I’m so embarrassed with you.” 
Alexandra giggles, it's obvious the love in her eyes. “When Alex told me what happened…” He sighs. “I’m sorry.”
I shake my head, containing the laugh. “It’s ok, don’t worry, I understand, great race.” 
“Max wasn't that drunk.” Alexandra plays with him, making him raise his eyebrow. “She’s in fact Lewis sister.” 
“Oh, he's definitely going to throw up this time.” Charles noticed the confusion on my face. “When Aelx told us what happened, Max said he had blurry memories of you helping him but we thought it’s the hangover, clearly it’s not.”
“Talking about the king of Rome.” Alexndra points to Max who’s coming out of Red Bull hospitality. 
When I turn around I see a red Max walking… dragging his feets to us, the blue t-shirt just makes the redness intensify.
“Am, Y/N?” Rosa calls me to appear at the door. “Your brother is looking for you.” I nod but the fact I don’t move makes her say one more thing. “Like, now.”
I open my eyes and before Max reaches us I apologize to them and wish Charles a good race, running inside as she holds the door for me.
“Making friends?” She smiles at me as I walk inside and put an arm around me.
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astonmartingf · 6 months
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mick schumacher x reader x liam lawson
series summary— the world of motorsports is vast, yet it is also very limiting. like an intricate web of relationships, connections can get you everywhere, and underneath the pinnacle of motorsports are the secrets waiting to be unfolded.
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news catches to your parents while you spend time with them during the break, and new rumors begin at the start of the season
warnings: daddy issues, reader has nervous breakdown, even more conspiracy theories
previous ★ masterlist ★ next
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“I’m surprised you found your way back home.” 
Your father’s voice is cold and distant as you enter the front door, no bother sneaking around your own house. After your late night trip to a taco truck and two orders of fries, you decided to stay over at Yuki's, a place you both shared together when you wanted to get away from your own house.
Entering the living room, you catch your father at the dining table, in his pajamas, glasses adorned on his face with his hair unkempt, a cup of black coffee on one hand and scrolling through his iPad on the other.
Old you would’ve caused a ruckus by now, shouting in the early mornings causing your father to reply in the same fashion. One thing you learned late, is that you are your father’s daughter, no matter how you may act around each other, you’re both made from the same pieces of string. There’s no denying that, not at least to you.
The best way to avert the situation is to play it cool and keep calm, walking past him making your way in the kitchen. You situate yourself on the kitchen island making your own breakfast, the same butter and honey on pumpernickel toast since you came home from college. It became a comfort food, reminding you of home, rather, your father.
“I slept at Yuki’s, I planned things with him way before the dinner and I was running late, it’s rude to be late at plans.” Your father scoffs, nodding his head slowly. Your face falls flat. You’ve seen that expression before, disappointment, doubt, suspicion. Your appetite weans off as you drop the toast back on the plate, avoiding his gaze.
“I see… Care to explain this then?”
Raising your head, eyes following the screen of your father’s iPad— a news article of you, well Mick’s but you could see yourself in the blurry pictures. You sit frozen, trying to gain composure, hiding your own nervousness to your father. There hasn’t been a close call like this, not in the last five years at least.
Your eyes wander, rereading every paragraph double-checking, triple checking if your name is mentioned. The thought leaves your mouth dry as your hands begin to shake under the table, eyes flickering through the screen. Taking slow and deep breaths, you avoid your father’s eyes. Knowing for sure he’ll have another outburst- this time it was truly your fault.
Your father cares too much about you to not let this slide, he always put your privacy above everything else, to the point where you began to think if he wasn’t proud of you, or if he didn’t want to be associated with you. 
It didn’t matter what you did, he always let you do whatever you want, as long as you're careful around the public. Your identity, a mystery to everyone, maybe it’s why you didn’t have a lot of friends growing up, maybe that’s also why you’re always with Mick or Yuki, you can be yourself around them.
Your perception of your own father confuses you sometimes, he would do all these contradictory things, like Pavlov’s dog you’d learn when to react to his affection, and when to keep distance. He’s always controlling what and what not to do, act, say, at some point you find yourself an extension of your father and not yourself.
It was whiplash, one second he’s singing you praises, the next he’s looking at you like the piece of shit under his shoes. Nonetheless, you’d learn to understand that it was all for your safety, as much as you loathe him, he’s your father.
There are things that can’t change.
“Of all the people… Mick? God YN, when will you stop acting out everytime things don’t go your way and grow up-”
“Stop it this instant.” You glance at your stepmother and step sibling as they walk into the kitchen. You stay frozen in your seat, hands trembling as tears slowly pool on the corners of your eyes. You look at her through your blurry eyes, desperate to leave, you didn’t want her to see you like this.
Especially your stepmother, but things don’t ever go your way, as much as you want to leave, your legs are stuck on your seat. Your heartbeat dampening the sound of whatever your father might be talking about, it only dawned then the gravity of your mistake. Not being with Mick, but the mistake of being seen.
You learned to live for so long away from the camera, you got used to not being seen. Sure you went on races but it was easier to control variables in the paddock. Seeing yourself on the front pages of a local newspaper-
“YN-” Standing on instinct, you face your stepmother, “if you want, you can leave.” 
Wasting no time, you burst through the door- leaving your bag, you had nothing but it didn’t matter now. You walk around avoiding the main streets to the nearest park in the area, feeling grateful how you chose to sleep at Yuki’s last night. It was still early enough, not a lot of people your age, mostly elders and their breed dogs walking around the park.
You don’t know how long you spent adorning the lake, it could’ve been minutes or hours— not that it mattered, you’re enjoying the solitary time. From the corner of your eye, you catch a familiar figure, a blondie panting as he points in your direction. “You’re hard to find you know.”
Watching him sit down beside you, he pants catching his breath before situating his head on your lap, lying down on the grass. “I know what you’re thinking… but you need to wait until I catch my breath… I’m— I'm not letting you leave this time.”
Instinctively, you move your hands at the stray hairs sticking on Mick’s face. Wiping the sweat off his face using the sleeves of your sweater, observing his face, the sweat dripping off his forehead as he catches himself in labored breaths, eyes closed. Smiling to yourself, you relax in his presence, leaning back on the heel of your palms copying his actions.
Closing your eyes, you feel the cold air rushing through your face, the warm sunlight peeking through the branches of the tree, shining light on both you and Mick. Your breaths, slow and steady, taking in every moment, when you open them, you watch Mick’s intently gaze upon you.
“How’d you find me?”
Mick smiles before showing you his phone, a message from your stepmother saying you left. You roll your eyes hiding the laughter growing in your smile. “Of course she told you…”
“Who else if not me?” Mick shrugged, clearly not caring if your stepmother called him early in the morning, or late at night. 
“If it’s you, of course I’ll come. I’m always one call away YN, for you especially.”
His statement earned a scrunch from your nose, cringing at his cheesy lines, “Even while you’re racing?”
This time it was him who grimaced at your statement, “Okay don’t play smart with me, if I could answer my phone during races, why not. But you know what I mean YN.”
You sit still in silence at his answer, playful or not, you knew Mick was sincere with his words, there are few people who you trust with all your life— Mick was one of them.
Which made it even scarier to you as you continue playing around with fire like this. Moments like these are a wake-up call to the burning fire already spreading out in your mind. Moments like these which make you think if you'd been a normal person, maybe your chances with Mick might be better.
Unlucky are you.
Pushing blondie away from your lap, you stretch your legs ready to leave. The blonde senses this and follows through your actions, timing his movements with yours, making sure he’s steps behind you leaving you space. It only frustrated you more, knowing how observant he is—
He who knows your quirks and the little things you do, your mannerisms, what you like and don’t like, he’s constantly there, showing up. Slowly picking up the mess you leave every single time you fuss or mess up, always the first one you call and talk to, always the one you look forward to seeing.
He’s always there.
And it hurts more knowing that one day, he might get up and leave— off with someone better, someone normal. Someone who isn’t you. And you’ll be left alone, still used to him, still looking forward to him, still you’ll be waiting for him.
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“How does it feel to have offers left and right?” You bump your shoulders against Yuki as you walk around the Bahrain International Circuit with him. Your friend scoffs, looking back at you, “You mean to ask that to yourself?”
You press your lip into a thin line, hiding the smile growing from your lips slowly feeling bashful at his words. “My offers are yours Yuki, you know I won’t leave without you. I’ve been training to be your race strategist since forever, I think I’d rather be with you.”
“I heard from Helmut they’re interested in taking in a new race strategist for a second driver.” Your eyes widen slowly walking closer to Yuki, head glued beside him.
“A second driver for Tauri? Are they replacing you?” You shake his arm, whispering right by his ear.
Yuki scoffs, pushing your head to the side, “It’s for Red Bull, apparently they’re looking for a second driver for the next season.”
Raising your brows, you pull Yuki to the side of the track letting other members of the team walk first. Looking left and right, you check for other staff in the track doing their own session. Once the coast is clear you bring Yuki closer to you, “Where’d you get that? The season has yet to start, why are they looking for a second driver?”
Yuki shrugs his shoulders, “I have no idea, Helmut was asking about you since Newey wants to talk to you about something, I haven’t got a clue.”
You both continue walking, but your head is still stuck on the conversation earlier. How could Yuki know about that? You knew Helmut’s preference towards Yuki, he sang him with praises, which automatically puts Helmut in your good books. But is their relationship even that close to sharing information?
Apparently it is, but you can’t stop thinking about it, especially since Newey and Helmut asked for you— Yuki’s race strategist. Why would they want to talk to you? Unless…
“YUKI! Oh my gosh! Why didn’t you tell me sooner!” You pinch his arms, jumping in the middle of the track leaving the Japanese confused with your sudden outburst.
“You’re getting the Red Bull seat aren’t you?” You exclaim in full confidence, albeit a little loud for your own preference, it seems like no one noticed your scandalous statement as everyone continued walking along the track.
This time it was Yuki’s turn to burst out laughing, “Where are you getting those ideas from, like you said it’s the beginning of the season. I thought I heard crazy shit, but here you are spouting crazy nonsense.”
You deadpan, slapping Yuki’s arm— “Think about it, why would they ask to talk to me? A race strategist? Obviously this is about you. Yuki, I swear you’re getting this seat.”
Yuki nods along, not fully convinced, “Okay, let’s say they’ll be talking to you but they may just poach you away from me, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
The more you think about it, the more you feel upset about it. “I don’t want to be separated from you. I’d rather stay in Tauri than move up.”
Yuki raises his brows, patting your shoulders, “As much as I admire what you’re planning for us, it’s not as bad as you think. We still have a whole season in front of us, let’s leave those thoughts for later and focus on what we have now.”
Gasping, you throw a hand in front of your mouth, fake crying, “When did you get so mature Yuki? I can’t believe we’re already acting like serious adults, thinking about our career perspectives.”
Earning a groan from Yuki as he shakes his head in disbelief, “Like I said, forget what I said and let’s focus on the upcoming season. Also, don’t you dare tell anyone about it, and expect a call sometime now. I haven’t told anyone as well.”
“Not even Pierre?”
Yuki shakes his head left and right, leaving you flabbergasted, “This is serious, serious isn’t it? Why would you tell me something like that? Who am I going to talk to about it?”
“No one. Not even…” Yuki raises his eyebrows hinting on the person he’s implying.
Another gasp escapes your lips, “HECK NO! Especially not blondie, if he knew, then he’s contractually allowed to tell you know who…” you trail as your thoughts eat you alive.
Yuki twists your body, making you face him as he grabs both your arms, “Which is why I beg of you, don’t tell anyone. I know we already talk way too much, but you can only talk to me about it okay? And maybe Liam…”
Your face morphs into a blank expression, eyes dilating at Yuki’s deliberation, “I happen to tell him… but that’s aside the matter. Do not tell any other driver, promise me.”
You gulp at the seriousness, usually these rumors fly around the paddock all-season round but I guess this was something that will actually come to fruition in the upcoming future since they’re keeping it hush hush. You nod your head, afraid to speak anything out into existence.
What’s not adding up is how Yuki knew, at first you thought it was Gasly who told Yuki who told you. But this— this was from Helmut directly to Yuki and then to you.
How you got involved into all this is shocking, even to you. By now Yuki is probably regretting telling you, but you admire his honesty in telling you beforehand rather than getting blindsided by Helmut and Newey calling you to the main office. Suppose you knew about both teams picking drivers from the same pool, but staff?
It’s all too coincidental that they asked for you, even as Yuki’s race engineer they could’ve just gotten someone in Red Bull to replace you, if it’s Yuki they want. Especially with your personal circumstances, a secret daughter of an F1 Team Principal, people in the smaller circles of the grid knew who your father is.
You don’t want to jeopardize what you built for yourself all these years. But like what Yuki said, it’ll be another problem in the future. Maybe then you’d have the answers to your questions. Especially when you know how he isn’t your true father.
For now it’ll be better to keep your head down on the low, and focus on Yuki— because at the end of the day, it’ll be just you two. Just then your phone pings, receiving a message from a person you haven’t heard in a long time.
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amgf ★ superstars @woozarts @minkyungseokie @iienstein @eugene-emt-roe @laura-naruto-fan1998
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yuki x chef reader for your 6k celebration :) you can take it whichever direction you'd like
whoever sent this, I’m smooching you 🫶🏽 // all photos are from pinterest and/or instagram
sous chef
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liked by pierregasly, yukitsunoda0511 and 23,959 others
youruser: special guest in the house today 💚 thank you yukitsunoda0511 for stopping by!
tagged: yukitsunoda0511
view 149 comments
yukitsunoda0511: thank you for having me 💚
↪️youruser: come back anytime!
pierregasly: wasn’t invited, wasn’t brought back anything 🙄 this is rude
↪️youruser: yukitsunoda0511 please bring him next time
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liked by youruser, pierregasly, nyckdevries and 302,294 others
yukitsunoda0511: food was too good, had to go back 👍🏻
tagged: youruser
view 1,029 comments
youruser: always a pleasure having you
↪️yukitsunoda0511: your food is amazing, I’ll come back anytime you’ll have me
↪️youruser: doors opened anytime you’re not racing 🫶🏽
yukifan101: are they flirting on main ??! 👀
pierregasly: can I come too youruser 🥹
↪️youruser: yes you can 🤣
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, f1 and 49,394 others
youruser: my forever sous chef 🫶🏽
tagged: yukitsunoda0511
view 204 comments
yukitsunoda0511: ❤️❤️
at22yt: it just makes sense that yukis dating a chef 😭
pierregasly: hoping I get invited to this one!
↪️youruser: you’re first on the list
↪️yukitsunoda0511: that’s true
nyckdevries: congrats yuki and yn! ❤️ wishing you two nothing by the best!
pierregasly: did he ever help you cook ?
↪️youruser: he was more help away from the kitchen
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snowyyyw · 5 months
Getting Along? [Part 2]
Hey! Sorry for the long wait guys! Honestly I didn't think the first part to get so much reader so thank you so much!
Part 1
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After the so called "tour" with suho. We come back to classroom.
"I like that book too!" I say while sitting back my seat.
"It's a nice book" Suho said while he sat back to his seat too. We continue talking until a girl comes next to me, and Suho leaves because a teacher calls him.
"How can you manage to talk whit him?!" I look the girl whit a Suprized look
"What you mean?" I asked looking at her and her 2 friend I suppose.
"He doesn't talk to anyone like that! You are amazing! I'm Su-ah btw" she said whit a warm smile
"Idk.. We have some things in common ig" I said as I look at away for a second and than her
"And I'm Itō Yuki nice to meet you Su-ah and?.. "
"Jeakyoung" She said whit a smile on her face
"Nice to meet you than?" I say as I smile as well and from here we just talked a lot.. I mean a lot like we always come up whit new subjects so we never run out of subjects.
It was end of the school day and I let out a sigh out of relief as I pack my bag and wear my headphones again for some comfort but it didn't last long until Su-ah come jumping towards me and jump on my back.
"Yuki! Let's go and spend girl time together!" Her voice was evident like a little toodler so I couldn't say no to her.
We spend all our time in arcade and in an karaoke shop and had a lot of fun. At least I had so much fun. I start to walk to the bus stop while texting my dad that I'm on my way.
"What a girl like you doing here. Heh?" A boy said from behind Yuki but she didn't even turn to look at him and ignore him while walking
"Oi! I'm telling you" this time the boy grab her arm and make her turn around
"Leave me alone" Yuki said in a rather calm voice as she pulled her arm to herself and tried to walk away again but she was phused to the wall
"You think you can get away this easily?" The boy said as he take her between him and the wall.
"She said she doesn't want it right?" A similar voice spoke but Yuki didn't see the face clearly because of how dark it is.
"What you gonna do if I don't?" The man said as he backed away from Yuki and go towards the voice. Yuki was backing away from the spot she was standing slowly but steady until she heard a punch and a groan and followed by the guy hitting the floor. Now she was scared like hell.
"I swear I don't have money! And I'm actually!-" Her rambling lasted until she saw Seo-jun's face trough the light.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he pretended like he didn't care. Yuki blinked in disbelief as she remember about the apology.
"Why are you here?" She asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Wow not even a 'thank you'?" Seo-jun asked as he rolled his eyes
"Not even in your dreams" Yuki said as she turn around and start to walk to the bus stop she meant to be there by now
"Your always this rude or what?" He asked as he followed the shorter girl not far behind.
"Why are you following me? Go home"
"Following you?" Seo-jun asked and laughed after as he walked faster and get next to his motorcycle. This made Yuki blushed out of embarrassment and turn her head to the side so he couldn't see her face.
"Hop on" Seo-jun say as he trow the girl a helmen.
"I'm not ridding that thing and whit you? No thanks" She said as she tried to give him the helment back but couldn't succeed.
"No is not an awnser. Now hop on" After that she gave up and wear the helment as she sit behind and hold onto the back of the motorcycle. Seo-jun started it first he so flowly but after seeing how Yuki was unbothered he fasten out of nowhere and making the girl hold onto his shoulders.
"Han Seo-jun!"
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minkyungseokie · 6 months
Toxicity within Formula One
I usually never give my own opinions on anything Formula One related because I’m afraid of getting hate, but I am sick of it, and I will finally want my opinion heard.
For a sport that’s not as popular as any other sport in the world, there is so much toxicity and animosity between fans. Either fans of people on the same team or fans of people on different teams are going at each other for no reason and it mostly happens within Ferrari, Mercedes, and Red Bull. Lately, Mercedes has been infighting more than worrying about anything else.
You’ve got(and I’m not generalizing the fans. I’m calling out all the toxic ones. So, when I say fans, I meant the highly toxic people who be smirch others names and hype up their own favorite)
Russell fans calling Hamilton washed and occasionally saying racist things about him
Hamilton fans discrediting Georgia’s achievements and saying he will never be as good as Hamilton(also the people who are stuck on Abu Dhabi 2021)
Carlos fans making fun of Georges crash and saying the rudest things about Hamilton just because of a decision to not keep Carlos with the occasional racism
Charles fans doing the exact same thing Carlos fans are doing, but on a little bit lighter level because I haven’t really seen Charles fans being as rude to Lewis as Carlos fans
Max fans thinking they are on top of the world and absolutely nothing can touch them and being toxic overall
I don’t really see a lot of Checo fans, but the ones I have seen are always overshadowed by the max fans, but they are still toxic
Alex fans hating on Logan just because he’s not as good as Alex. Pretty much everyone’s fans hating on Logan for being American AB’s being xenophobic
Logan fans are pretty chill, but with what happened yesterday, they aren’t as chill as you think. There is no reason that they should be sending hate, and death threats to Alex because of a decision that was not his.
Fernando fans are pretty chill usually when I look at the comment section of Aston Martin. Unless it comes down to the LGBTQ. The amount of hate towards the LGBTQ under Aston Martin’s post by both Still fans, Alonso fans, and other team’s fans is disgusting.
Stroll fans usually don’t do anything except try to defend their favorite person, but I can assure you that they are not innocent just because you rarely see them being toxic. The whole thing with Bianca proved that, but I’m pretty sure that it was mostly just people who usually don’t like Stroll taking the chance to be misogynistic instead of criticizing her like everyone else was doing
Yuki fans, journalists, and other fans just calling Daniel washed and saying that he should give his seat up to Liam and wishing horrinle thing upon him
Daniel fans infantilizing Yuki, occasionally being racist, making fun of things he cannot control, and just being overall terrible people towards Yuki
And that’s not even all of it because then there’s the fighting of other teams still going on. And the overall hatred of Alpine for some reason.
Now, I can’t say much for the fans of Kick, Alpine, and Haas. I scroll through their comment sections and it’s usually people criticizing the team itself for their crappy cars or crappy pitstop. I don’t follow Haas so I don’t know how their comment section is like.
Of course, there are toxic people within those three teams fandom too, but go to their comment section, it’s mostly wholesome. Still toxic occasionally, but way more wholesome than Mercedes, Ferrari, and Red Bulls
I didn’t forget about McLaren, but they seem to actually be moderating their comment sections
I’m aware of how toxic Instagram is, but it’s not just on Instagram. It’s on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, I’m not calling Twitter X.
I know this is probably just going to get me hated on, and I’m probably yapping about nothing, but I feel like people take things way too seriously.
This is a sport. Meant for enjoyment and entertainment. I understand that not everyone is going to get along, and that there’s always going to be toxic people, but some of those same toxic people get upset when people are toxic towards their favorite.
This is probably all sounding like absolute Yapanese right now and I’m sorry if I haven’t properly got my point across. I’ll fix this in the morning when I’m more clear minded, but I wanted to point out just how toxic this fandom is. It’s more toxic than any other fandom I’ve been in except for K-pop
These are screenshots of responses to a comment on RB’s post about Yuki actually being in P7 after Alonso got a penalty. The comment said let’s not hate on Daniel because he will pick it back up. This is only a taste of what I mean.
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I can’t even go back to Ferrari to screenshot comments and explain what I mean and I’m not going to Red Bulls page for that either because seeing the comments make me sick. But this is what I mean. And these are the tame ones.
Formula One fans need to realize that these men are not toys. They are not just entertainment. They are human beings with feelings who make mistakes just like everyone else does. They do, say, and act very stupidly, sometimes, but that does not warrant some of the stuff that is said to them. They do not deserve death threats, and hate just for crashing and being afraid for their life or enjoying a win they deserve.
They are not toys. They are human beings. Just like you and me and they deserve respect because they put their lives on the line to do with their love and entertain their fans.
Speaking of fans while I’m at it. Respect the privacy of the drivers. Someone filming George Russell while he’s using the year or not and posting it on TikTok is not okay and should never ever be considered okay
Here are some comments from George’s post where he’s apologizing for crashing and saying that he’s going to try to do better
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And don’t even get me started on the Ferrari fans bitching about Carlos leaving. It’s an extreme sport, no one‘s going to stay on their team forever just because they got one win and a couple of podium. I hate to sound toxic, but the way some of those, grown ass men and women are talking about Hamilton as if he’s not the seven time world champion as wild. It’s not Hamilton’s fault that Ferrari thought he would be a better fit.
I sincerely love Ferrari and their drivers, and I wish him the best and it makes me happy to see them win, but it does not make me happy to see the fans thinking that they rule the world, and that no one on the grid is better than Carlos. I love Carlos, but if Hamilton had a better car and Max‘s car didn’t start setting itself on fire, he would not have won.
Again, I hate to say that because it sounds like I’m hating on him, but I’m not. That’s why I like Tumblr better, because the people on TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram, are all… I don’t even even know how to say it without sounding weird. So this is where I’ll end it for now.
And before anyone says anything, I know it’s an extreme sport and people are gonna hate on someone that’s not their favorite driver, but the people I’m talking about are taking it way too far. You shouldn’t hate on anyone just because they aren’t your favorite in general, But I’ve seen a Ferrari fan called Hamilton a monkey because he’s going to be joining the team.
I’ve seen a Daniel fan say only sushi eaters like Yuki. As in, only Japanese people like Yuki, and nobody else.
There’s a difference between expressing your dislike towards something somebody did, and something somebody has said, and being extremely toxic. Some of you might have even been those toxic people if you are, do better, because even just saying something like that on the Internet can make karma come for you.
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seravphs · 2 years
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Gojo and you have little to nothing in common besides a friend group and a shared crush on Nanami Kento. However, as befitting the sorcerer to end all sorcerers, of course Gojo has one up on you - he’s actually made a move on Nanami. If he offers to give you a taste through him, who are you to turn down such a golden opportunity? 
wc — 4.5k
tags — mdni, nanami x reader is present but not the focus, praise, Gojo’s a tease, fingering, mutual pining but for Nanami, crying during sex but in a good way, light begging
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Work has been long and exhausting. Everywhere in the world is overrun by curses, but surely the solution can’t be to simply give the sorcerers more curses. There’s only so many of you, and with assignments piling on, you all can barely breathe. Sooner or later, someone’s going to burn out - and that’s an infinitely worse possibility. You don’t want to know what happens when a sorcerer goes rogue. 
That’s why you’ve taken to recovering the best you can. At least the pay has been proportional, thanks to the efforts of one Nanami Kento. Enough so that you’ve been able to rent an apartment in the heart of Tokyo, where you can home after work and relax - as much as you can when most days you go out into the field, come home, sleep, and repeat. You’re not even sure when you’ve had the time to eat these days. 
Which is why coming home to the sounds of music leaking out of your apartment is a little unwelcome. As you hear a crash from inside, and a loud, “Shit!”, you begin to regret giving your friends your keys. It was supposed to be for emergencies only, and yet, as you unlock the door - 
“Welcome home,” Nanami says dryly, nursing a drink in his other hand. Utahime notices next and scrambles up to greet you with a kiss on either cheek. 
“Hi,” she says, breathless. “I tried to stop them. Sorry.” 
And then arms encircle your waist from you behind, pulling you flush against a broad chest. Gojo. 
You sigh. 
“That’s kind of rude, you know,” he says. He steals the maraschino cherry out of Nanami’s glass and pops it into his mouth, spitting the pit back out in a perfect arc over the kitchen counter into the trash. 
“We came all the way here to cheer you up, but you’re not happy to see us? It was hard to organize this, you know. No one’s ever in the same place at the same time,” he complains. 
As if anything is hard for Gojo Satoru. He probably didn’t even use the keys you gave him, just popped up all over Japan collecting your friends before he teleported directly into your apartment. 
Nanami, completely understanding of what it’s like to deal with Gojo, tips his drink into your mouth so you can take a sip. Your cheeks feel warm, but you gratefully accept. When he takes his drink back, you realize your lipstick has transferred onto his glass. As he knocks it back, it leaves a hint of light gloss smeared across his lips, as if you’ve kissed him. Butterflies explode inside your stomach, leaving you feeling light and fluttery. Gojo watches with unconcealed amusement. 
By the couch, Yuki is saying something that turns Utahime a very pleasing shade of pink. Shoko laughs - rare - and brings an arm around Utahime’s waist, tugging her back down to the couch as Yuki retells one of her wilder stories from her travels, something about a boy she adopted, you think? 
You don’t think Yuki would make a very good mom, but you could always be proven wrong. You’re tired but Gojo’s right - he always is, even when you hate him for it. You’re happy your friends are here. You missed them. 
Nanami gets up to offer you his seat at the island. He’s always been such a gentleman. You realize, quite belatedly and to your surprise, that he’s been keeping Gojo company as he mixes drinks. You thought it would be- 
“Suguru isn’t here,” Gojo supplies as you gratefully take the bar stool from Nanami. He heads somewhere in your apartment to grab another one. “He said he was tired.” 
When you were younger, a first year, you thought Gojo Satoru didn’t have a heart. He was cruel to Utahime and disrespectful to Yaga. You had despaired that the Jujutsu World’s god was so inhumane. 
But the more time you spent with him, the more you realized how he was the perfect sorcerer to be the best. Gojo was the strongest and he knew it, but he was also painfully aware of his strength. You had always thought he was the way he was just for kicks, because he could, but all along, Gojo had known how lonely it was to be the Six Eyes. At the peak of the world, he was born singular, an anomaly. If he couldn’t be loved, he’d be hated. 
Or annoying, at least. 
When you had finally noticed, you reciprocated, trying to bring Gojo into the fold. Even when Utahime had raised an eyebrow at you inviting Gojo along as often as you could, you had always extended a hand to him. 
Because Utahime rarely wanted to tolerate him in large doses, the usual trio ended up being you, him, and Nanami. It feels a little like old times when Nanani returns. 
“What did I miss? It feels tense in here.” 
“You’re just imagining things,” Gojo teases, snapping back to himself instantly. “You sloppy drunk.” 
Nanami makes an aborted gesture like he’s going to smack him on the arm, then changes his mind when he remembers Gojo’s untouchable. Instead, he directs his attention to you. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Tired,” you admit truthfully. “I think Yaga has been giving me the most annoying cases on purpose ever since I accidentally told him the beard isn’t working for him.” 
Nanami’s lips twitch. “I told you to watch your mouth.” 
“You know me,” you laugh. Gojo is stealing from Nanami’s glass again, swiping the drink from his hands to crunch down the cherry liqueur flavored ice. “I can’t help myself.” 
Gojo chimes in through a mouth full of splintered ice. “Remember that time we were on a mission and you told the manager she looked so much younger than her pictures?” 
You slam your cup down on the table so hard it might crack. Nanami reflexively reaches out to steady you. “That was- we agreed not to bring that up again! I didn’t say it like that-“ 
“Not exactly,” Nanami says dryly. 
“I’m not that clumsy with my words…”
The two men exchange a look. Then, Gojo is crossing the island from his side, cluttered with bar equipment and fruit syrups, to come to your side. He catches your jaw between his thumb and forefinger, teasingly jerking you around. 
“No, baby,” he coos. “You’re not. You just constantly put your foot in your mouth.” 
Pouting won’t help, but you’re sulking, anyway. Gojo always gets like this - just because he’s a year older, he babies you relentlessly. It’s funny, because he mercilessly bullies Utahime for being his senior, but you? 
You’re spoiled endlessly. Embarrassingly so, because he’s condescending even when he’s not meaning to be, and often he is. Gojo is just like that. 
Nanami grunts as Yuki slings her body over him. Gojo straightens up when he notices her. You’ve known Yuki for a while because she’s often with Utahime - she loves to dote on her little junior, but Gojo has only met her once or twice before, despite both being special grades. Or perhaps because of - the higher ups don’t want their living nuclear weapons getting too chummy, especially not with their shared radical views. Who knows what anarchy could come out of their joint force? 
“Nanamiiiii,” Yuki sings. Drunk already - you smell apples on her tongue. She looks up at you from beneath her bangs, all terrible gorgeousness. 
Is it a requirement for special grades to be beautiful? Yuki is the sun personified, with her long, silky blonde hair and her arrogant, but deservedly so attitude. Her black biker leathers contrast with her creamy skin but only add to the general aura of unrestrained confidence. You blush and avert your eyes, no longer able to hold her steady gaze. Her lips curve into a smile as she abandons Nanami, who was being silently crushed under her weight, to come to you. 
“Hi, cutie,” she says. “Sorry we crashed.” 
Gojo casually leans his weight against you, forcing you to brace yourself. 
“Tsukumo,” he says. “Thought you were hanging out with Shoko and Utahime in the lounge?” 
“Nah, that got boring. They’re totally trying to make moves on each other but can’t tell at alllll what the other is trying to do,” she makes a face. “Can’t stand the tension. Come out,” she commands. “No more hiding in the kitchen. Come play with the rest of us.” 
“So bossy,” Gojo whines. Yuki slips a hand into his hair and tugs hard enough that he nearly loses his balance, yanking him towards the living room by his scalp. He yelps and scrambles for stability. Even the strongest submit to the hierarchy of age sometimes, you suppose.
“So mouthy,” she flings back. “You’ll come, won’t you, lovely? You won’t leave me to be lonely?” The last part she directs at you. 
Obediently, you follow Yuki out, and Gojo follows you. Shoko is already curled into Utahime’s side, crunching on your last bag of chips. She looks so cute bundled up in (is that Getou’s? It has to be) a hoodie way too large for her diminutive frame. You can’t even be mad. Utahime rests her chin on her head, hand splayed over her waist, just the tip of her fingers hidden inside her hoodie. 
Utahime looks up when Yuki enters. 
“Finally?!” Yuki squawks, offended. 
Utahime ignores her. “We were about to start the movie without you.” 
Yuki takes the ottoman. Gojo and Nanami share the loveseat. That leaves you…nothing. With a sigh, you resign yourself to the floor of your own apartment, except Nanami reaches out and snags you by the waist. 
“What are you waiting around for? Come sit.” Sandwiched between two grown men in a space far too small for you all, you don’t even attempt to concentrate on the movie, letting it run into background noise. 
Gojo, in an incredibly Gojo-like manner, stretches out so his body takes up even more space. His thigh knocks into yours and stays there, radiating heat. 
Halfway through the movie, Nanami must get tired, because he slouches down until he can comfortably rest his head on your shoulder. You stop breathing. His cornsilk hair is soft against your chin, and you can feel his breath on your neck. Amused, Utahime makes eye contact with you from the other side of the room. Even without words, you can tell she’s teasing you for your obvious embarrassment. 
Nanami shifts so his position is easier on his spine. Gingerly, you lift your arm and rest it across his shoulder, fingers carding through his hair. 
“Mm, thanks,” he murmurs. You nearly squeak. His breath comes as warm puffs against the thin, sensitive skin of your neck. “Feels good.” 
“Get a room,” Yuki hollers, and you both shut up, but he doesn’t move, and neither do you. You’re frozen until the end of the movie, rewinding Nanami’s voice in your head over and over, the low, raspy way he said thank you. The soft groan he made when you scratched his scalp with your nails just right. His cologne tickles your nose - something Tom Ford and expensive. Your throat is dry. 
The movie ends with every character dying but one, a final girl. Shoko looks pissed, Utahime’s crying, and Yuki is drunk. 
“Alright,” Gojo says with a sigh. “Don’t say I never do anything for you people.” 
Utahime reaches up for him, still weepy. He hauls her into his arms, ruffles her hair lightly with a fond “Oh, you little crybaby”,  and teleports. 
It never gets old, seeing him blink in and out of existence. The power that thrums off him is titillating, makes your mouth water, wondering what it would be like to be strong like that. Not just strong, invincible. Capable of anything. 
Gojo’s in your living room again in less than a second. He runs a hand through his messy hair. “I put her to bed, Shoko, relax. She’s fine, no need to worry. She just needs to sleep this off. Come on, up.”
She clambers into his arms, and then he’s gone again to Shoko’s apartment on the campus. 
Yuki, who has no need or want of Gojo’s services, has called in a favor from a manager to pick up both her and her motorcycle. She blows you a kiss goodbye and then she’s out the door, her own force of nature. 
“Last one,” Gojo calls, and Nanami begrudgingly gets up to go to him. He offers him his hand, and instead, Gojo pulls him close. They’re chest to chest, locked in an embrace, when they disappear. 
Half a second later, Gojo comes back. 
“Guess I don’t need to take you back to your own place,” he says, grinning, teeth sharp. Predator. You’re not even sure why he came back, and then you’re pulling him down, down, down. 
Gojo tastes minty. 
His mouth is hot and he’s a good kisser - this feels good, so good your brain can’t catch up. Kissing shouldn’t - it shouldn’t be normal for just kissing to feel this good, but his tongue is sliding against yours and every nerve lights up. 
He pulls back, panting, and you whine for him. “That desperate?” He laughs, and he’s doing it again. Gripping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, holding you in place. You’re easy for him to manhandle. “Stick your tongue out for me, baby.” 
You obey, and he’s licking into your mouth, sucking on your tongue until you’re squirming under him. He’s so- you realize that you’ve lifted your hips unconsciously, pressing yourself as close to him as you can get, legs wrapped around his waist. 
He bites you, lightly, and even that feels good. Then he does something with your tongue that makes you fiercely angry because you know it took experience. It annoys you, so you bite back, deepening the kiss, making it messy, sloppy. You let spit spill as you push a hand into his hair to tug on it lightly, as your teeth accidentally catch his lip. He moans low and it does something strange to your stomach, has you all in knots and tense. 
“Gojo, Gojo, stop,” you gasp out, and he pulls back, running a hand along your side soothingly. “I want more.” 
His lips peel back from his teeth. “But I like kissing, baby.” 
You kick him lightly in the back and then he’s laughing. “Alright, alright. I got the hint.” 
He gets up to strip his clothes off. His shirt falls off his shoulders first, long fingers undoing the buttons with ease. You’re practically salivating just looking at them, those gorgeous, musician’s fingers. 
His pants come off next, kicking off his uniform to reveal his pale torso, the cut of slender abs. He’s carved marble and alabaster, shining faintly under the light of the moon streaming in from one of the windows in the hallway. Beautiful, beautiful boy. 
When he’s about to get to his boxers, he turns to you and notices that you haven’t made a move at all. 
“You’re so fucking difficult,” Gojo sighs. “Can’t get your clothes off yourself? Arms up, baby, there you go. Good girl.” 
Baby this, baby that - Gojo can’t seem to help himself from calling you sweet nothings. Something in your chest preens under his praise. Craves more of it. Demands all of his attention, his kind words. 
He slips your sweater off your shoulders, pressing a light kiss to your collarbone, your neck. Then, a little harder. A bruise blooms violet against your skin. His hand reaches behind you and unclasps your bra, sliding down your back to pull off your skirt and panties. His eyes track down your body. 
You’re squirming under his gaze. You’re not embarrassed, but something about the intensity of his eyes is too much for you. He runs a hand along your side, light touches that make you crave more. “Cute little thing,” he murmurs. “Pretty all over, aren’t you?” 
“Boxers,” you complain. “It’s not fair that I’m naked and you’re not.” 
“Greedy,” he laughs, and then he’s pulling them off, finally. 
Oh, you want him so badly it’s a physical ache in you. But he won’t give that to you. He toys with your clit, gently petting it until you can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter. It’s not enough, but instead of giving in to you, he just presses two long fingers into your cunt and crooks them just right to have you clutching at his bicep. 
“Feeling good, baby?” 
You can’t speak, just curling your fingers into his arm. 
“You think Nanami would fuck you like this?”
Your eyes shoot open. Where did that come from?
“What, you want me to be Nanami?” He laughs, throaty. Then he’s not laughing, because- 
“Oh, baby,” he coos. “What was that, huh? No, don’t hide from me-“ you’re trying to close your legs- “Just his name turns you on that bad? I can work with that.” 
His smile is wicked. You can see it even though you’re hiding behind your hands. 
“How did you-? How?”
“Lucky guess,” he shrugs. “But I was spot on, wasn’t I?” 
“I-“ you gasp as he thrusts his fingers into you again, hitting that perfect spot to make you wallow in sin. “Gojo, I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be. Do I look offended, sweetheart? Let me let you in on a little secret.” His debauched smile plucks at your heart strings as he leans in. “I can tell you exactly how he’d fuck you and make it so real, because he’s fucked me before.” 
The world stops turning. 
“You and Nanami? Before?” 
“We don’t really talk about it,” he shrugs. “It just- We were both lonely, and he was right there. Now we act like it never happened.”
His blase attitude doesn’t hide how much that last sentence stings for him. But he grins down at you anyway. “Wow, did that ruin the mood or what? And here I was trying to be sexy-“ 
“No,” you cut him off. “I think I’d like that. Tell me how he’d fuck me.” 
His eyes darken and he licks his lips. His voice drops to a raspy whisper. He’s so close his breath ghosts above your lips. 
“He’s a good kisser,” he murmurs, and leans in to steal a peck. “Knows how to tease, how to keep you wanting.”
Gojo is certainly living up to his recollection. He has you panting into his mouth for more. 
“He liked playing with my chest,” he groans into your mouth as he slides his own hands up your body, toying with your nipples. You shudder as his lips close around one. He nips you with his teeth. 
“He likes it when you beg,” Gojo says, almost cruelly, as he pulls away from you, his fingers leaving you empty. 
“Gojo, wait!” You say, alarmed. Franticness comes easy when you’ve pulled out of your fantasy of hazy pleasure. 
“Yeah, just like that. Don’t worry, sweetheart. You know Nanami wouldn’t leave a pretty little thing like you waiting for long.” 
Gojo fumbles for the drawers to the side of the couch and pulls out a tube of lube. 
“How’d you know?” Your voice is high with embarrassment. 
“Lucky guess,” he winks as he slicks himself up. 
The truth is, no matter how good Gojo is at everything, he isn’t getting that lucky with his guesses. The truth is, he knows you and your habits. The truth is, he knows exactly what you’d like, perhaps even better than you would. He knows everything you hide from yourself. 
“When he gets what he wants, he’ll give it to you nice and easy, like this. He likes seeing you cry and struggle to take him when he’s too big for you - oh, you like that, huh? - but he’ll treat you nice and gentle. If it gets to be too much, he’ll kiss away your tears just like this.” 
Gojo’s pressing into you, a warm, delicious heat that leaves you almost delirious. He feeds you his cock inch by inch, slow, careful, making sure it doesn’t hurt. You feel so full of him, all other thoughts simply float away from your brain. Deep inside you, a core of untapped desire burns for more. 
More of him. More of the stretch that has something inside your stomach winding tighter and tighter. More of his dirty talk about how Nanami would fuck you just like this. 
“So good for me, sweetheart,” he moans when he finally bottoms out inside you, hips pressed flush to your ass. “Fuck. So good, baby, this perfect little pussy, so pretty.”
“Gojo, Gojo,” you know you’re whining but you can’t help it. He thrusts his hips into you like he can’t help it, can’t control himself, you just feel that good. It leaves you with nothing to do but cling to his shoulders, helpless to the impending orgasm threatening to swallow you whole. You’re overwhelmed, but you want it anyway. 
He hits a pattern that has you arching so hard your back hurts. Each stroke hits your sensitivity just right, perfect bliss as your breathing stutters in tandem. 
“Oh, god, it’s too much,” you gasp out. You can feel it in your stomach. These aren’t like the sweet orgasms you give yourself on your cute little toys, riding bullet vibes until your mind melts into soft, floaty pleasure. Gojo’s going to fuck you until you break. 
“Don’t stop,” you plead when he slows down. “I need it. I need you.” 
He laughs cruelly. “I said that too. You wanna know what he said?”
“Please, please, Satoru.” There are tears dripping out of your eyes and running down your face, crystal fractures that clump your eyelashes together and make your vision blurry. You want him to just let you come already. Is this how Nanami really is? Winding you so tense you feel like you could shatter under his touch? 
“He said it was too easy to make me beg for it, then he fucked me until I couldn’t walk the next morning.” 
Gojo’s grip on your hips is starting to hurt in the best way. You’re pretty sure you’re going to find bruises in the morning, but you can’t bring yourself to care when he starts rubbing at your clit again. 
Euphoria hits you, whiting out your vision for a moment as your entire world shrinks down to how full you feel, how good you feel. You’re limp and boneless, floating in an infinite void of pleasure. Everything is so, so beautiful right now. 
Coming down from that kind of high doesn’t come naturally. You drift all the way down, energy spent, content to let Gojo cum after you as your pretty little cunt flutters around him. 
As you’re lying there, waiting for the humming to stop, a thought comes to you. Nothing like post-orgasm clarity to give you shocking revelations. 
“You love him too,” you say, softly. 
“Love is a bit strong,” Gojo protests. “I like him.” 
Ever detached, the god of the Jujutsu world. 
You roll over onto your side. This is a bit pathetic. Two spurned lovers who haven’t actually been spurned because the both of you are too cowardly to confess to Nanami in the first place are in bed together. You reach a hand out to trace the veins on his neck, blue against the near translucent pallor of his skin. 
He shudders under your touch, ticklish as fingertips ghost over his flesh. He catches your hand in his and turns it over, linking together, palm to palm. “You should tell him,” he whispers. “I think he might say yes, if it’s you.” 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you say, and curl into him. Two perfect sets of apostrophes, like his body was made to bracket yours, as his arm wraps around you. “I- No. Don’t give me false hope.” 
“Too much thinking, sweetheart,” he murmurs in your ear. “Just go to sleep.” 
You’re already doing as he says even as you protest. You need to clean up, change the sheets so the two of you don’t have to sleep in the wet, but Gojo shushes you. 
“I’ll take care of it.” 
It’s an easier, gentler sleep than you’ve gotten in months. Your dream is white noise that softly fades into the background when you wake, leaving you with the dissolving remnants of sugar on your tongue and the sweetest memory of comfort. 
Too bad the image that greets you when you wake is more like a nightmare than your brain could ever conjure up. When you finish brushing your teeth and pad into the kitchen, it’s apparent that Gojo hasn’t left your apartment yet. 
Instead, he’s sitting at the kitchen table, looking confused and slightly annoyed as he eats the plate of eggs set in front of him. Nanami stands at the stove, wearing an apron that reads ‘kiss the chef’. 
You shoot a wide eyed glance at Gojo, but he clearly also has no idea what’s going on. Nanami’s completely casual and at ease as he moves through the kitchen with brutal efficiency, whipping up another batch of eggs before he finally notices you, hovering in your own doorway like you need to be given permission to enter. 
“Oh, you’re up. I was worried about you last night, so I figured I’d drop by.” His eyes flit from you to Gojo. “You two look strange. Is something wrong?” 
“No,” you squeak. “Nothing happened last night!”
You regret it as soon as the words shoot out of your mouth. Gojo slams his palm against his head in second-hand embarrassment. Curse your big mouth. 
Nanami raises an eyebrow. “I never said it did. Explains the bruising, though.”
You clap a hand to your neck in horror. 
“I’m just messing with you,” he laughs. “Gojo was careful. Why don’t you take a seat and eat before you start panicking?” 
“Nanami,” Gojo butts in. “Why are you here?”
Instead of answering, Nanami’s hand encircles your throat. You suck in a breath too fast, too large, and almost choke, even though his grip hasn’t tightened. He’s just holding you there. The knowledge that his grip is strong even as he’s treating you so delicately would be more than enough to keep you still, anyway. His fingers press down on the side of your neck lightly, just enough to get your attention, not enough to really choke. 
“Why don’t you answer this for me instead, Gojo. Should I punish the two of you for having fun without me?” 
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damn-stark · 8 months
Chapter 23 You’re an Angel, I’m a dog
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Chapter 23 of Sugar
A/N- WAIT WAIT— “I’ll never be a son.” And “I’ll never be his favorite son.” Fits Choso and mc to a tea especially in this chapter!!!
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, FLUFF, spoilers, NFSW? Not really though it’s light, talks of miscarriage, SLOW BURN, heavy pining, long chapter
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Takes place during- Chapters 145 & 146, and the beginning portion of 203 & 207, of the Manga
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
This is Tengen? This tall pale thing?
You always imagined they’d be more majestic looking considering how old they are and the responsibility they hold, but they look more like a pale four-eyed alien.
“Aren’t you gonna say hello to me Tengen?” Yuki remarks after she was left out of his sudden greeting.
“This isn’t the first time we’ve met Yuki Tsukumo.” They finally address her and they sound annoyed. “Why did you close off the tombs of the Star Corridor? I was afraid you might be in alignment with Kenjaku. After all, I cannot see into the human heart.”
Kenjaku? Who the hell is Kenjaku?
“Kenjaku?” You probe and slide your hands off Choso’s arms now that your fear has subsided.
“The sorcerer who was Noritoshi Kamo and is now inhabiting the body of Suguru Geto,” Tengen shares.
“That name suggests compassion and salvation. Gimme a break,” Yuki snaps.
“Master Tengen, why do you look like that?” Itadori suddenly interrupts, making your eyes widen with bewilderment.
“Itadori,” you scold.
“What?” He asks you over his shoulder as if that question isn’t obviously rude to ask someone.
“You can’t ask someone that,” you whisper sharply. “Even if they are centuries old. You can’t ask that.”
“I was just curious.”
“I may be immortal,” Tengen cuts in, making both Itadori and you look forward, but that was a mistake considering they tug on a creepy-looking smile. “But I'm not immune to aging. After 500 years, you’d look like this too.”
You scrunch your nose in disgust and mentally groan.
You’d rather die than look like that.
“Eleven years ago, after failing to merge with a Star Plasma Vessel.”
“Riko Amanai,” you cut in bitterly, making all eyes fall on you, including all four of Tengen’s—“considering she died trying to get to you, why don’t you have the decency to actually say her name.”
Tengen looks into your eyes, and no matter how intimidating they actually look, you don’t falter, you challenge them and stand by your ground.
“Riko Amanai,” they give in. “After I failed to merge with her my aging accelerated and my self-awareness as an individual diminished. The very world became myself.”
“And that’s why your “voice” doesn’t proliferate,” Yuki adds before Fushiguro raises his hand and politely interjects.
“Excuse me, but…”
“We came to ask about Kenjaku’s objectives,” Okkotsu continues for Fushiguro. “And how to open the prison realm. Will you tell us what you know?”
Your face drops the annoyed hardened expression and paints on a hopeful one as you wait for a solution to your brother's predicament.
“I wish I could simply say yes,” Tengen crushes your hopes. “But there is one condition. Yuta Okkotsu, Yuki Tsukumo, Y/N Gojo…”
“…and the Death Painting Womb. Three of you must remain here to serve as my guards.”
You roll your eyes and press your hands on your hips as your annoyance returns.
For someone so mighty they still surely sound human.
And why do they need guards?
“Guards? Aren’t you immortal?” Okkotsu steals the words out of your mind.
“Are you worried about the seal?” Maki chimes in.
“No fair!” Yuki whines. “You haven’t even told us why or for how long we’d have to do it!”
“So then shall I speak of Kenjaku?” Tengen ignores Yuki and everyone else. “His objective is to force the evolution of all human beings throughout the land of Japan.
You nod. “Yeah, yeah, he yapped on about that,” you interject. “We want to know exactly what he intends. Why didn’t he use your barrier that time and turn everyone in Japan into sorcerers via Idle transfiguration?”
“He lacks the cursed energy to do that,” Tengen says. “Cursed energy that has been refined through Uzumaki cannot return to the sorcerer...”
Well, you knew that because of Suguru. You just thought Kenjaku would be different considering he’s old and he has the technique to jump into others’ bodies.
“…triggering an evolution in each individual with a cursed technique is incredibly inefficient. The method of evolution that Kenjaku has chosen is the merging of humankind and me.”
Is that…even possible?
“Is that even possible?” Itadori voices your same concern but in a much louder way.
“Isn’t that impossible for anyone but a Star Plasma vessel?” Fushiguro mutters his question.
“Yes,” Tengen nods. “The way I was before, but now that I have evolved for the past 11 years it would not be impossible for me to merge with someone other than a Star Plasma Vessel.”
Then they should have probably tried to protect Amanai more.
“But you’re only one person right?” Choso asks. “How could you merge with multiple people?”
“I am not what you see before you at the moment,” Tengen explains, making your eyebrows knot with confusion. “My evolved soul exists all around us. As I said, my self is now the world itself. A human who merges with me transforms into something greater than a sorcerer, as a new being that is both there and not there. I posses barrier techniques so I am able to maintain this form and self-control even after evolving. However,” they input. “If humankind evolves, and even if only one person rages out of control the world will end.”
You swallow thickly out of discomfort and shift your stance.
“Why?” Yuki inquiries.
“There would be no boundaries between individuals,” Tengen says. “So evil would spread instantaneously. The impurity of a hundred million people would flood the world. What just happened to Tokyo would happen to the entire world.”
“Why would Kenjaku do that?” You ask for the curious group.
Tengen shrugs stiffly. “I do not know. As I said, I cannot read the human heart.”
“So why don’t you just refuse to merge?” Maki asks something that should be simple to solve. Tengen wouldn't be needing guards if it was that simple.
“That is the problem,” Tengen proves you right. “Now that I have evolved I am more cursed spirit than human being. That makes me a target for cursed spirit manipulation.”
You gasp in disbelief and your world then falls silent, and all you can think about is if Miguel was right.
“Considering Kenjaku’s ability as a sorcerer he might be able to seize me the moment we encounter each other,” Tengen continues. “That is why my main body is rejecting everything at the tombs of the star corridor.”
Was it your fault? All this? All because you couldn’t even look at his body after he died?
“And the reason you want guards, right?” Okkotsu asks, making Tengen nod in agreement.
“Yes. Kenjaku is the second-most powerful barrier user after me. I don’t know when he will undo the seal of the tombs.”
Tengen surely fails to answer a lot of questions.
“Why now?” You step forward to ask with growing concern. “Kenjaku prevented a merging with a Star Plasma Vessel and forced your evolution, and wants to consume and control you through cursed manipulation.”
“Apparently he was also involved with Sukuna,” Yuki bounces in. “So he’s been a sorcerer for at least 1,000 years, so why now?”
“I,” Tengen points at their chest. “The Star Plasma Vessel, and the Six Eyes, are all connected by fate.”
You blink and slowly your confusion is replaced by disbelief while realization slowly seeps through.
“In the past, Kenjaku has twice lost to sorcerers of the Six Eyes. The second time, he took no chances and killed the Star Plasma Vessel and Six Eyes less than one month after they were born. Nonetheless, on the day of merging, the Six Eyes and Star Plasma Vessel appeared.”
“Which is why he sealed my brother away, I assume,” you interject with your thoughts.
“Yes, after that Kenjaku switched to sealing instead of eradicating the Six Eyes and began searching for the Prison Realm,” Tengen shares nonchalantly. “Because two bearers of the Six Eyes cannot appear at the same time.”
Hm. Well, thank the stars for that.
“But then the unexpected happened 11 years ago when Toji Zen’in intervened. He was physically gifted through heavenly restriction and on top of that he was an anomaly who had escaped from cursed energy.”
You try not to but you steal a glance at the son of Toji Zen’in, whom doesn’t know thanks to your brother's lack of sharing. It explains his lack of reaction now too because of it.
It sucks! You need him to know already!
“As a human being who had escaped fate through the power of restriction, he destroyed our destinies,” Tengen goes on. “Then came along a boy with cursed manipulation.”
You drop your eyes and frown sadly at the ground.
“Suddenly all the pieces had come together except for the prison realm. Then even that fell into his hands six years ago.”
Almost like fate. Cruel fate.
“So why is the Culling Games happening?” Fushiguro asks, a bit distressed.
“It is like breaking the body prior to merging,” Tengen tells all of you. “It is not impossible to merge with someone other than a star plasma vessel but is highly unlikely and would be incomplete at present. The Culling Games uses the players’ cursed energy and the boundaries binding barriers in a ritual for conveying the human beings of the country to the other side. Through that custom, he will begin the merging with me. However, in order to perform such ritual, Kenjaku has undertaken certain binding vows.”
You know your answer to Tengen’s previous request now. It’s costly for you because you don’t want to be stuck and play a waiting game, but with Okkotsu here, now you can focus on getting Satoru out. So you drown out what they have to say about the Culling Games. If you have to somehow participate in them then you’ll ask for the rules and conditions then.
All that truly matters about them is that the games will continue until every player is dead or until they all refuse to play and die, and that killing Kenjaku won’t stop the games; so that plan is diminished.
You only bring your attention back when Tengen cuts Itadori off to get the answer out of who will stay
“I will stay,” Yuki, Choso, and you volunteer at the same time, making you happy that you don’t have to be stuck with Okkotsu, and that you’ll spend more time with Choso….and Yuki!
You shouldn’t be so enthusiastic, you have your protests after all, but your heart can’t help but jump.
“Yuji, you absolutely need Okkotsu’s or this woman’s cooperation,” Choso interjects seriously so Itadori can understand his brotherly concern. “Especially if Noritoshi Kamo—if Kenjaku comes for Tengen. Ending his life means salvation for my little brothers.”
“And rest for Suguru’s body,” you input your decision, gaining the attention of the room. “So I’ll stay here to help kill Kenjaku, and get the answer on how to get Satoru out.”
“And I’m not done talking to Tengen,” Yuki shares her reasoning for staying. “Is that all right, Okkotsu?”
Okkotsu nods and his eyes almost gleam with relief and joy. “Yeah! I don’t want to leave the others.”
You focus your eyes on Okkotsu and squint slightly before you interject in a menacing voice. “Okkotsu, you help Itadori, understand? Keep the promise you made to my brother.”
Okkotsu eyes quickly find you and his relief and excitement are quick to fall and be replaced by discomfort and nerves.
“Y-yes ma'am,” he quickly assures you, causing you to scoff and then look away to avoid looking at him more than you have to.
“Thank you,” Tengen once again speaks as they begin to reach in a black portal. “This…” they trail off and pull out a dull-looking box with a stitch on one side. “…is necessary for freeing Satoru Gojo.”
You perk up and slowly fill with hope and relief.
“It is the back of the Prison Realm.”
You blink and shift your gaze back to Tengen. “Back?” You question.
“I’ve never heard of that,” Yuki muses.
“You mean like a back gate?” Itadori is finally the first to understand something instead of being the first one to probe.
“Yes, that is right,” Tengen agrees as he keeps the back gate in their large hand. “Before Kenjaku found it, the prison realm was outside my barrier. I believe it was overseas. By sealing this rear gate, I was hiding the existence of the “front”, but it was no use. Satoru Gojo Is also sealed inside the rear gate.”
“Then if we open it can we—”
“No,” Tengen breaks Itadori’s hopes. “The authority to open the gate rests with Kenjaku as the bearer of the “front”.”
Which gives you more reason to stay!
“Breaking it open requires either the inverted spear of Heaven that nullifies cursed techniques or the black rope that disrupts and cancels cursed technique effects.”
The back rope? Miguel’s destroyed black rope?
“But Satoru Gojo sealed the inverted spear of heaven overseas 11 years ago…or destroyed it! Why’d you do that Gojo!” Itadori exclaims and Fushiguro follows to do the same.
“And last year Satoru Gojo got rid of all the black rope! Why’d that guy do that?!”
Okkotsu laughs nervously and you bring your hand up to bite the tip of your manicured nail since you can’t smoke inside.
“Miguel went to Africa in search of more black rope,” you share with the group. “But he found none…isn’t that right, Okkotsu?”
Okkotsu nods. “Yes, it was a fruitless effort.”
You groan and snap your gaze to Tengen. “But there is a way? Right?”
“Yes,” Tengen lets you sigh with relief. “Among the players participating in the Culling Games is a sorcerer from a thousand years ago who calls herself Angel. Her cursed technique can extinguish any cursed energy.”
“She can extinguish cursed techniques?” Fushiguro questions.
“Yes,” Tengen reinstates. “The Angel’s cursed technique can open the “back” of the prison realm.”
“Do you know where she is?” You ask.
“The colony in the east side of Tokyo,” Tengen surprises you by saying, it seems they tend to not know a lot of important answers. “The game barriers reject me, so I don’t have any more information,” he finishes as he puts the back gate back in their portal, leaving Satoru out of arm's reach.
Yeah, you can’t get him out without the sorcerer and her technique, but you were comforted by the fact that he was close, that you could see a part of his prison, but he’s gone again. And so your worry regrows.
Choso seems to notice your disappointment and very gently pats your shoulder.
His gesture surprises you considering you’re the only one who’s given physical touch, but you welcome his comforting touch and thank him with a small but sweet smile as Tengen starts to give more information on the Culling Games. Something you probably won’t participate in because you’ll be here, so you hardly listen.
You know that if you enter a certain colony you’ll be added as a player, players get points by killing other players, and if that player's points remain the same then they could lose their technique. That's all you really gather as your mind goes back to Suguru and your impossible choice.
Guilt begins to bloom where there wasn’t any, while Miguel’s words echo in your mind.
“And you were supposed to cremate Geto’s body,”
If you had picked his body off the ground before you left, all this could have been avoided. All these problems and these outcomes would have not existed if you had given him a proper funeral. But you got swept up in your emotions and left him there.
He would’ve taken your body, Miguel was right about that too, but you couldn’t do the same. Now this is all your fault…your parents…were right…you are a weak link.
“Y/N, Yuki, and Choso will remain here to guard Master Tengen,” Maki snaps your attention back to the room. “I will return to the Zen’in clan and collect cursed tools. Soon after Satoru Gojo was sealed the Kamo and Zen’in clans cleaned out Jujutsu High's cursed warehouse. But Megumi is now the Zen’in clan's leader.”
“What?!” Itadori exclaims.
“I’ll explain later,” Fushiguro mutters to his friend.
“Thanks to that, it’s possible to search the Zen’in warehouse at length, but first, Master Tengen?”
You look between the two completely lost on what’s going on.
“Understood,” Tengen interjects. “Juzo Kumiya’s workshop right?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go with Itadori?” You ask Choso as the kids discuss their plans. “Yuki and I can handle your father.”
Choso looks over at you at his side and responds. “I have to be the one to kill my father for what he’s done to my brothers. It's the only way they can be at peace. You,” he redirects. “Your people don’t need you? You’ve been gone from home for a while. And your daughter, will she be okay?”
The corner of your lips twitch to a smile as you hear his concern. “Yes, my people will be fine, I trust the people that are in charge, and Satori will be fine where she is,” you let him know. “We’ll just have to miss each other for a bit longer, but this is for the greater or good.” You sigh deeply.
“Hm, she’ll understand,” he tries to assure you.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “I hope.” You swallow thickly.
“Yeah, you guys go to Kinji as planned,” you hear Maki direct at Fushiguro, making you drift your attention back to the group of kids.
“Kinji?” Itadori asks for a person he could’ve met but didn’t because he was in his room the entire day.
“Kinji Hakari, a suspended third year,” Okkotsu lets Itadori know.
“Anyway we’re short-handed,” Maki adds. “So we got to rope in whoever we can.”
“Is that guy tough?” Itadori returns to the conversation about Hakari even after Maki tried to end it.
“Well,” you give your opinion. “He’s moody.”
Itadori slowly churns his head and looks at you with wide curious eyes. “You know him too?” He asks.
Choso and you share a teasing look, and then you nod. “Yes, he went to the house on the first. Not that you would know...”
“You were locked in your room,” Choso finishes your sentence.
Itadori narrows his gaze and looks between Choso and you as if trying to figure out what the two of you are getting at with your in-sync conversation.
“When he’s worked up, he’s stronger than I am.” Okkotsu shares, but he’s quickly turned down by Maki’s sly comment.
“That’s not true.”
You’d tell Itadori and Fushiguro to tell Hakari and Kirara that you sent them, even if you didn’t, but that advice wouldn’t be much help. So you just keep that to yourself and instead share something else that can help. “Hakari and Kirara are in an abandoned multistory parking lot in the Tochigi prefecture. He’s making money by becoming a bookmaker for gambling matches.”
“Gambling matches?” Itadori cuts in confused.
You nod with a proud smirk tugging on your lips. “Fights between sorcerers.”
Itadori’s eyebrows only furrow deeper. “What? That’s crazy. How do you know?”
“I’m his and Kirara's mentor. And when it comes to the fights I helped them finance the club.”
“Hm, so you’re like the Godmother?” He says without need for explanation which makes you excited.
Itadori’s jaw drops and he leans over. “Do you fight?”
You grin and show off. “I’m their jackpot, honey.”
You don’t fight often, you’ve only fought a couple of times, but when you do fight you use your family name so there's always an anticipating crowd and a lot of money.
“The spectators are…” Fushiguro trails off for you to finish.
“Basically non-sorcerers.”
Both he and Itadori look at you shocked.
“Doesn’t that severely infringe upon the Jujutsu rules article 8, which is to keep confidentiality?”
You scoff and quip, “so what?”
Fushiguro and Maki both look at you with annoyance and they both mutter, “she’s just like her brother.”
You scrunch your nose in disgust at their comparison, but you don’t say anything, you just give Fushiguro and Itadori one warning. “Among the participants of the gambling matches are some curse users, so be careful.”
Itadori is quick to nod and assure you. “Got it!”
You smile at him and Fushiguro and say your goodbye. “Take care of each other, hm?”
Fushiguro spares you a glance and gives you a stiff nod before he turns to leave with the other two, whilst Itadori gives you a thumbs up and follows the others out.
Albeit he then turns and calls out, “Choso!”
You look at said man with excitement for him, and he rightfully looks surprised by the call of his name from his little brother, but he’s quick to interject sweetly and with a charming grin. “Don’t die, okay?”
“Thanks. I appreciate it,” Itadori says before he throws Choso a wave, causing the nonchalant man to cover his face with his hand right away and sniffle?
Is he crying?
You give him all your attention and confirm your suspicion right away when you see his shoulders shake, and a tear slip past his large palm.
Yuki sees the same thing but she looks confused, whereas you can’t help but smile in admiration.
“Are you crying?” Yuki probes.
Choso waves her off, and you giggle and pat his shoulder to share your pride for the development with his brother.
“Oh, you could die happy now couldn't you, Cho?” You tease him as you lean your head over his shoulder.
He sniffles. “Just about.”
You chuckle and give his shoulder a squeeze.
At the feeling of your touch, he pulls his hand off his face and looks back at you with a watery gaze. “Can you believe it?”
You flash him a grin and nod. “I saw it. I’m sorry I couldn’t take a picture or a video. But there’ll be more times.”
“You think so?” He shares his doubts.
You nod. “I know it.”
His lips tug on a small smile and he nods in comprehension as he feels comforted by your reassurance.
Silence fills the room after that and welcomes an awkward tension. Not between Choso and you, or Yuki, Choso, and you, but between the three of you and Tengen.
“So,” Yuki rolls out. “Now what?”
“Where are we going to stay?” You ask as you look around at the white nothingness. “And what are we going to eat?”
Tengen sighs as if they're already over Yuki and you. “I have everything you need here,” they mutter.
“Hm. Okay.”
Well, this should be an interesting time…
“Oh, oh,” you exclaim and snap your eyes open to sit up—or try, you really strain yourself to sit up. “What about Cursed manipulation?” You muse softly.
Suguru slowly blinks his eyes open and sighs before he lolls his head to the side to look at you through the darkness of your room. “No,” he gently turns you down.
You pout and press your hand on his toned bare chest to lean closer. “Why not? That way you won’t feel so lonely with your technique. That way you can teach our child about your technique,” you argue your point.
A touched smile tugs on his lips and his eyes fill with love. “Baby,” Suguru coos. “I don’t want our child to share that burden. Having me carry that technique with me is enough. You know that.”
You drop your eyes on the beauty mark on his chest and gently trace it with your finger. “I know,” you whisper. “But I know how much you dislike your technique, and maybe a part of it is because no one understands. Having our girl have your technique will give you someone to bond with, a reason for your technique not to be such a pest.” You try to make him see the bright side you’re trying to let in.
But all Suguru sees is a more threatening darkness, and he doesn’t want his child to be cast with such an isolating and draining burden.
“What about,” Suguru rolls out as he slides his big and soft hand over your smaller one. “If she has your technique? Your technique is fun. A lot easier.”
You laugh softly and rid of all the lurking shadows Suguru saw crawling in his corner with a simple look in your eyes.
“It would be fun,” you go along with him as he pulls your hand to his lips to press a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“Come here,” he reels you in so you can lay down on your side and rest your head on his chest so he can gently massage your head.
“If our baby girl has my technique she will be pursued by your family, you know that,” he adds a warning you’ve been trying to forget for your sake.
You swallow thickly and murmur, “Satoru wouldn’t let that happen.”
Or you hope so.
“Yeah,” Suguru doesn’t hesitate to agree, but he still continues with doubt laced in his voice. “But you know they’d find a way. My technique is the only reason they let us date when we were in high school.”
You manage a tender smile and nuzzle your head in his chest, but quickly find your position uncomfortable due to the baby growing inside you, so you flip to your back and wrap Suguru’s strong arm around your neck.
“So,” you change the subject so you don’t spiral in your anxiety that tends to poison you when you think of your parents taking your child. “Have you picked a name yet?”
Suguru leans his head on yours, letting you feel his throat vibrate on your head as he hums. “What about Satori?” He shares. “It means enlightenment.”
Just like Satoru’s name.
“And you were supposed to cremate Geto’s body,”
Those words keep ringing in your head like a bad and out-of-tune echo
You had made peace with the choice you made that day. You made his funeral with nobody to mourn and you were okay praying to his portrait in his shrine, but now your past plagues you and you can’t stop the guilt from consuming you.
All this death, this chaos is happening because of that one choice you didn’t make.
All the distress everyone’s living through is because of you?
You slowly twist your head towards the door and see an upside-down Yuki stopping under the doorframe.
“Are you done talking with Tengen or are you still glowering?” You remark teasingly.
Yuki scoffs and breaks away from her spot. Yet before she can join you on the bed, you quickly interject.
“Turn off the light. My head hurts.”
“Too much wine?” She quips with a snicker as she does as you ask before she moseys on over to jump on the bed.
“Yeah,” you groan and cover your eyes with your arm. “I was doing some work and was chugging that wine…”
“And now you have your head hanging off the bed,” Yuki finishes for you in a scolding voice. “I wonder why your head hurts.”
You slap your hand on your stomach and lose your gaze on the blue hue painted on your ceiling by the fake bright night sky Tengen made for all of you. Which is kind of neat and nice….you have to admit.
“You know,” you add as you get lost in thought. “It feels weird staying here. I mean we’re not above ground on school grounds, but we’re still here, and it’s weird.”
“Yeah,” Yuki muses. “Takes you back doesn’t it?”
“Hm—Oop I'm getting lightheaded now,” you mumble and throw your upper body up to drag yourself forward on the bed and then throw yourself down when you’re at Yuki’s side.
“I mean to have a cute guy fawning over you with their dreamy brown eyes is so weird,” she says in a mocking way you instantly recognize and try not to give into, but you can’t help it. You drag your eyes to your side and see she’s already passing you a teasing look.
“Har-har,” you feign a laugh and mistakenly prove her right, so she continues to push.
“Oh you could die happy couldn't you, Cho?” She changes her voice as she bats her eyelashes. “Now I’m going to bat my pretty white Gojo lashes at you, and speak in my very fancy voice which seeps with my lust for you.”
You bite the inside of your cheek and shoot her a pointed glare. “I don’t talk like that,” you remark and avert your gaze.
“You do,” she yells. “You talk in a very old money, old movie star kind of way, which if someone wouldn't know you, they’d think you’re snobby, but I guess he likes that because he drools over you with whatever comes out of your mouth.”
Your heart swoons and begins to dance all giddily, causing a smile to start tugging on your lips, but one you try to fight back.
“It’s not even like that,” you mutter in a very shaky way because of how bad you are at hiding the excitement that she is making you feel. “Shut up,” you blurt and flip around to give her your back. “I’m 28 now, I don’t giggle,” you grumble.
“Oh,” Yuki snorts. “You giggled.”
You don’t comment and watch the stars twinkling in the distance with a smile winning its territory on your face.
“Do you,” you quietly give in to your feelings, this once, out of excitement. “Think it’s obvious?”
“Not to him.”
You nod softly and welcome more silence as you let your heart gush over Choso and this conversation.
However, then Yuki's impression of you crosses your mind and you can’t help but burst out laughing. And as if in tune with your thoughts Yuki joins, and you both just laugh your asses off until you’re both out of breath.
When you collect yourselves you don’t continue to laugh however, your smile falls and you lock your feelings away, forbidding your heart from them.
It’s cruel, but it’s for the best. It’s for his sake. And no matter how much your heart weeps and begs for you to show it some sympathy, you won’t give in, you can’t give him more thought, or else you will fall and you’ll give into a happiness you don’t deserve to feel.
You prove that to yourself now, in the silence that fills the room once again, while your mind sinks back in your guilt.
Guilt you need to express before you’re overwhelmed. “Yuki…do you think…all that’s happening is my fault?”
Yuki shifts and her big brown eyes bore in the back of your head. “What do you mean?” She questions.
You let out a deep breath and turn around to face her with a watery gaze full of pain and guilt. “All that’s happening,” you clarify. “It’s my fault, isn’t it? Because I couldn’t burn his body when he died…” You trail off and feel your bottom lip tremble. “…he was my husband, I should've taken him with me and burned his body, but I left him there and Kenjaku got him because of it.”
Yuki looks into your eyes for a moment longer before she sighs and begins to share her thoughts. “You should’ve burned his body, that’s true…”
You gasp and feel like you’ve been stabbed in the heart.
“But,” she adds. “It wasn’t your fault. None of what’s happening is your fault. You should’ve burned his body because he was your partner, you should’ve given his body a resting place, but he was also the man you loved, y/n, losing him was hard. I understand why you couldn’t do it, but what happened because of that is not your fault. Kenjaku was probably already creeping around him, waiting for the right moment, it all would’ve happened eventually.”
Her answer doesn’t assure you, it doesn’t take away the agony you feel now.
“No,” she cuts you off. “What ifs don’t exist. What happened, happened, but you are not to blame, do you understand?” She presses with a threatening narrowed glare. “This is not your guilt to carry. And you know damn well your brother and Suguru would never want you to beat yourself over it.”
Tears roll down your cheeks and you answer with a soft nod.
“It’s not your fault,” she insists as if she could see your reluctance to let your guilt go. “It’s not your fault, y/n.”
Her words strike against the guilt and work to stop it from spreading, but in order to get rid of it indefinitely you’ll just need time.
“Okay,” your voice quivers.
Yuki offers you a sweet smile and grabs your shoulder to give it a gentle squeeze that makes you smile faintly in return.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
Her smile turns to a smug grin. “Of course. I’m always here for you, y/n.”
You reach for her hand and give it a gentle squeeze, letting the silence settle, and for a comfort to finally set in your heart.
Not only that but at least now you can sleep too without having to be attacked by all your thoughts, thanks to her. You really owe her a lot.
A knock raps on the door, pulling him from his slumber and putting him on instant alert. When he drifts his eyes to check the clock, the bright numbers read 2:06 am, so whoever it was must come with urgency.
Thus, he gets out of bed and walks over to open the door, and see that it’s you in your night attire.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He immediately asks with concern.
You assure him with a quiet response so as to not wake up Tsukumo. “Yeah, yeah, I just…” you trail off and glance at the ground. “I don’t want to be alone.”
Choso’s heart skips a beat and his mind completely falls blank at the sound of the vulnerability you were letting him see.
“I’m sorry if I woke you,” you quickly add as he stays with his mouth ajar. “I can go.”
“No,” he quickly finds it in him to snap out of his stupor. “Come in.”
A relieved smile grows on your lips and when you walk inside he sees your shoulders lose the tension they held, meaning you felt comfortable being in his presence, which makes him happy to see. He doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable when you’re around him.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat in a more sweeter and apologetic tone. “I know it’s late.”
Choso shakes his head and quickly assures you. “No, no, it’s okay. I don’t mind.”
You peer back and flash him a content smile before you turn and walk back toward the bed with a faint smirk. “Your hairs down,” you point out. “I like it. It looks nice.”
Once again his heart skips a beat in its rhythm, but this time a fluttering grows in his stomach that makes his face grow hot. Which is embarrassing to him, and it always happens when he’s with you.
“Thank you,” he mutters as he holds your gaze that lights his room in a way the fake night sky never did.
“Are you sure you're okay?” He makes sure to ask again.
You sit on the edge of his bed and nod. “Yes,” you smile. “I’m fine, Cho.”
The sound of that short nickname coming out of your lips sends shivers down his spine he never knew he could feel by the simplicity of a nickname.
“Okay then,” he says and glances at the bed and then at you. “You can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the ground.”
You laugh softly and drag yourself back to one side and pat the other. “Come lay with me, we’ve spent enough time together already for it to be weird.”
His face grows hotter and his heart instead begins to pound in his chest.
In all the times you’ve spent alone you're always sitting across from each other, on a couch, or at a small distance side by side, you’ve never shared a bed. He almost wants to say no out of respect for you, but he doesn’t want to wound your feelings. Plus you did say you wanted company, so he slowly approaches the bed and climbs back on his side.
“If you're not comfortable then don’t listen to me,” you let him know so he doesn’t feel forced. “Please.”
Choso turns his head and meets your red-orange eyes mixed with worry, so he assures you right away. “I don’t mind. I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
You share a soft laugh and he can’t help but let his lips tug to a faint smile.
“Choso,” you whisper now in such a soft and vulnerable way once again.
You let out a deep sigh and first roll to your side before you continue. “Will you help me? Keep me safe…please.”
You didn’t even need to ask, he already put himself in charge of that the moment he recognized you that night in Shibuya, but hearing you ask him this now just has a way to make the feelings he already has for you, intensify. He can’t even put into words how content he feels, and what other feelings are racing through his veins.
It’s like you set him on fire.
“Always,” he assures you right away.
Your lips tug to one of those sweet smiles he likes to admire on you, and suddenly, again, just like other times before, his eyes—no his whole being feels magnetized to your lips.
“I’ll always keep you safe,” he reinforces his statement.
“You promise?” You ask for reassurance as you, yourself can’t raise your eyes off his lips.
“I do.”
Instead of smiling this time, you lean in and he gives into the force attracting him to you and parts his lips to give into his desire.
Yet, before he can know the feeling of your plush lips on his, everythings gone in a flash and his eyes snap open to see an empty room, and his hard member bulging through the blankets. Again.
It seems that he always feels a pressure within him that lit his veins with wildfire whenever he thought of your lips, your soft skin under his fingertips, your body under him or over him, your perfectly sculpted face so close to him that he could feel your breaths unfurl over his lips, and or whenever he dreamed of you…like now.
And his dreams always varied. Sometimes they were sweet like the one now, but other times he dreamed of you in ways he figured out shouldn't be had by friends and always woke up with the same throbbing pressure that ached for you because of it.
At first, he didn’t know what it was he felt, his body just set on fire, making his blood rush, and causing his member to rise and grow hard to the point it throbbed when you appeared in his mind. It wasn't until he was being nosy one time and found his answer in some pages in a book he peeked in after he saw you keep smiling at it as if it held some juicy secret.
He just wanted to know what was so interesting and why you read it so much in your free time. He won’t do it again, he knows that for sure.
Now, as to how he cooled himself down? He waited sometimes for it to pass, or he went to go get some water and fresh air, hoping not to run into you.
Like he will do now because recently waiting hasn’t helped, all he feels is the need to relieve himself to the thought of you. So he gets up and leaves his room and hopes you’re not out there.
The night is cold, especially because you’re underground.
But that’s what you get for being here as some bodyguard to an enlarged four-eyed thumb.
You just want to go back to your house and finally sleep in your own bed! You miss it all terribly.
And you miss having a warm body sleeping next to you. Sometimes you’d sleep at the furthest edge to avoid the contact, but in the back of your head, you always knew there was someone there to comfort you. Now all there is a cold and empty spot.
Maybe…no, that can’t be possible. You’re too much of a horrible monster to deserve anything good. He’s too good and his heart is too pure. You’ll just corrupt him.
But—no! No.
“Ugh,” you groan and flip around to groan some more into your pillow and keep your face buried.
Maybe this way his handsome nonchalant face and his precious eyes will leave your mind alone.
Nevertheless, the door of your room suddenly opens and when you turn to face the entrance there walks in the man you were trying to stop thinking about.
“Choso,” you call out in confusion.
He usually knocks and waits for you to open the door, or for you to invite him before walking in, this time he just barged in completely out of breath.
“Y/N,” he speaks in a deep silky voice that makes goosebumps grow on your arms.
“Choso, what’s wrong?” You ask as he keeps looking at you with his eyes darker than usual.
However, he doesn’t answer you, he just walks to you and stops when he’s at the edge of the bed, making you grow more confused, but also causing your heart to start racing out of what you can only describe as excitement over his proximity and boldness.
“I want to be with you.” Choso breaks his mysterious mask and takes no time to climb over you on the bed. “Always.”
You swallow thickly and let your eyes flicker between his eyes and his pink lips that radiate his warmth and tempt you to close the gap.
“I want you to be mine,” he murmurs against your lips, making your heart burst, sending your blood to race through your veins and catch your body on fire.
“Choso,” you whisper and keep your eyes on his lips, refusing to lose sight of them, as if you were some addict seeking their next high.
“Will you let me?” He asks as he grazes his lips on yours, making you gasp and feel a growing need in your core that begins to weep for him.
“Yes,” you give in so easily and see him smile before he presses himself closer to let you feel his hard member against your throbbing core.
“You’re so…beautiful,” he muses and finally gives in to your temptation by pressing a kiss on your lips.
Albeit you can’t describe the feeling of his lips. It’s like nothing pressed against you. But instead of questioning it, you fuel your need and wrap your arms around his neck to smash his lips against yours again.
“Y/N,” he groans against your lips.
You listen to your heart and deepen the kiss, feeling his hips roll against you.
“Choso,” you moan in his mouth.
He utters your name and pulls back, but presses a hand on your cheek to not lose contact. He parts his lips again to say more but suddenly you can't hear him, and everything around him and you slowly goes to black until suddenly you’re yanked back into a void that blinds you for a second before you suddenly open your eyes and see the ceiling.
There’s no Choso and no warmth, just the ceiling, and an empty bed, meaning it was a damn dream!
A sex dream no less that just leaves your heart lonely and disappointed, and your panties wet whilst your pussy throbbed over nothing.
Great. Great!
You should’ve not even accepted the mission! Choso is everywhere now that you don’t want to think about him or his pink and inviting lips you want to taste. His pretty sunkissed brown eyes you can get lost in. The veins on his hands you want to see when he grabs onto your thighs, his defined shoulders you want to cling onto, and his beautifully sculpted abs you want to press kisses on…
Just maybe you can just think about him until you satisfy your need with your fingers…
No! No! What are you thinking?!
Why? Why now?
You can’t think of him like that! You can’t just let your body ache for him, you told yourself you wouldn't, so sorry to your heart, but no!
And if you stay on your bed you will fall into temptation, so you get out and march out of your room.
Alas, when you walk out you let out a sharp gasp when you run into Choso!
“Sorry,” he immediately throws out as he steps back and turns away from you. “I-I didn't mean to scare you.”
You clutch onto your heart for a different reason and quickly assure him. “No, it’s okay. It’s fine,” you murmur and make the mistake of meeting his gaze, but you can’t hold it so you yank your eyes away because of the dirty thoughts you just had of him.
“Are you okay?” He asks and that only works to reignite your desire.
“Yeah.” You nod and bring your eyes back to his gaze, and realize that he never looked away. He keeps looking with a deep intensity that you can’t look away from now and works to restart the pulse in your core.
“I just need…water,” you lie, making his jaw go slightly ajar.
“Oh,” he breathes out. “Me too.”
“Now I won’t be alone,” you play it off and lead the way to the kitchen in a loud silence in which all you can do is dart your eyes from his hands, the hall, his lips, ahead, his baggy shirt hiding his defined torso, and the approaching kitchen.
When you’re going to reach for a cup he beats you to it and reaches for two, causing you to watch how the veins form on his hands as he grasps onto the cups.
Before he can hand your cup though, to avoid letting him catch you staring, you walk over and take the water jar out of the fridge to pour some into the cups he puts on the counter for you. Once you fill his cup you pick it up and hand it to him, realizing when your eyes land on him that he’s been watching you.
“You know,” you fill the silence and turn away from him to lean back on the counter. “We might as well be drinking air, considering earlier today we walked into a white canvas, and moments after that a house appeared out of thin air.”
Choso shares a small laugh, making your smile widen.
“Well,” he says. “At least we'll go insane together.”
You chuckle with him and then say, “yeah, lucky us,” before you trail off softly and bring your cup to your lips to drink, missing the way Choso couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
When you bring your cup down you look over at him and he looks away and drinks. “Your hair’s down, it looks nice,” you tell him, making him gulp, and for his eyes to widen.
You think it's just him getting flustered so you don’t probe and instead continue and let your heart lead the way. “You know when we fought I saw you kind of lacked in hand-to-hand combat. I could help you if you want.”
Choso lowers his cup and shakes his head. “I wouldn’t want to burden you,” he doesn’t try to turn you down, he just doesn’t want to bother you.
“I don’t mind,” you quickly assure him. “I think it’ll be fun actually.”
Your eyes find each other and he unfurls a deep breath before he lets himself give in. “All right. Thank you.”
You walk to the sink and dump the water from your cup because it’s not water you needed, you needed air to keep your mind off him, but well…
“Good, we start at 8 am,” you let him know and leave the cup to turn on your heels. “Don’t be late.”
“Well,” he says lightheartedly. “There’s nowhere else to go, so. I couldn’t even if I tried.”
You laugh just like he wanted.
“Good night, Cho,” you tell him for a second time tonight.
He watches you walk away and speaks softly as if out of breath, “Goodnight y/n,”
You offer him one last smile over your shoulder before you leave the room.
Instead of returning to your bedroom though, you end up outside to finally catch some fresh air and lose your gaze on the beautiful wave of colors that rocked over the ground as if they were ocean waves, and slowly feel all your concerns and desires slip away like they would when you admire the lake by your house, or the oceans you like to travel to.
Even if you’re stuck underground, in a place that can weaken you, you don’t feel distressed, you feel…bliss in the peaceful silence.
And that is something you haven’t felt since October 31st. So you relish in it while you can before you’re faced with more disaster.
You could actually sleep out here, but in the back of your head, you do worry that something will come out of the walls, or from the surface and drag you to some depths of hell or something so you just sit back and watch the aurora borealis accompany the starry sky.
For a while longer at least because then you hear something creak behind you and you have to look out of fear it’s some kind of demon.
Luckily though it’s just your tempting desire that plagues your mind often; Choso.
“Are you spying on me?” You tease him with a playful glare.
“I,” he stammers as his cheeks grow pink. “No. I saw someone out here. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t unwanted company.”
You ease the teasing glare and offer him an assuring look. “I was just messing with you,” you let him know. “Now.” You pat the spot beside you. “Why don’t you forget we said goodnight to each other and sit with me.”
Choso steps away from the back door and shakes his head. “No, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”
“Pft,” you brush him off with a flick of your wrist. “It’s our thing you know? Us being up late and keeping each other company. I’ve grown to really look forward to it, so come if you want I don't mind.”
You should mind. You really definitely should.
“Well,” Choso breathes out and hides his reddening cheeks by looking at the ground. “Only if it’s alright with you.”
“It is,” you reassure him.
Choso’s eyes flicker to you and he sees that you hold no ill will so he takes you up on your offer.
“You know,” you muse when he takes his seat. “That the brightest star, The North Star, is right there,” you share and point to the bright speck on the sky just above your heads. “And if you find it you’ll always find home.”
Choso’s gaze lingers on your smug little smile before he follows your finger to the biggest star in the sky.
“Or at least,” you scoff. “That’s all that stuck from what Kira told me.” You laugh softly. “They told me about all these cosmos and nothing really stuck, but that. So if you’re ever lost just find the star.”
Choso blinks and mutters, “what if I’m lost in the day?”
You snort and look at him with amusement. “Then you’re shit out of luck.”
Choso laughs and you laugh with him for a long moment before you clap and interject excitedly. “OR OR, you can always tell yourself this, Never,” you point ahead. “Eat.” You point east. “Soggy.” You point south. “Waffles.” You lastly point West and grin over the fact you remember that catchy phrase.
However, Choso doesn’t understand so he just looks at you with his thick eyebrows deeply furrowed.
“North, East, South, and West,” you clarify. “Belinda taught me.”
Choso nods in comprehension and nods slowly, but you can still see from his slightly scrunched-up nose that he’s still confused.
And you are too.
“But I guess it wouldn't make sense if you don’t know where North is…so,”
“We’re both lost?” He finishes for you as he meets your gaze with his lips picked up into a faint smile.
“Yeah,” you laugh. “We’re both lost, so it’s a good thing we have our mobile devices,” you mock him, and he catches that right away and shoots you a pointed look that only lasts for a second before he turns his head away as he can’t help but smile.
“No, but really, home is not far from here. Home is surrounded by trees to keep the community kind of hidden, it’s big for obvious reasons,” you say with a smile. “And, I actually thought of a perfect home for you and your brothers to stay at.”
Choso’s eyes snap to you admiring the colors in the sky turning from blue to red, and his jaw slightly drops. As if this is the first time he’s heard of this plan you told him hundreds of times already.
“It’s just above the lake, so close to me but not too close either,” you continue to say, letting him watch how the red hue consumes your face in such a majestic way—“it’s the house surrounded by the most trees so you get more privacy. And it’s not big enough to fit all of you, but you can build onto it. I think that’d be fun.” You look away from the sky and immediately find his softened gaze. “Don’t you think?”
Choso blinks repeatedly to break from the trance you casted on him, and shakes his head. “We’ll be fine,” he tries not to concern you, but you argue back right away.
“No, you’ll need your own space. You all will. Trust me,” you laugh dryly. “I know, because one, brothers date your best friends and break up with them, causing said friend to drop you because you remind them of your brother and they can’t handle that,” you ramble about your own past instead of actually advising him. “Two, they steal your hair products and always forget to buy you more after they finished them. They tease you until you cry and play cruel pranks in front of their friends to act cool. And lastly, they buy your child a pony without asking you first.”
Choso scoffs in a judgy way and queries the same without shame. “Your brother does that?”
You roll your head forward to watch the red hue become fiercer in color, and sigh deeply. “Yes. But you can’t blame him, we’re barely a year apart, so our dynamic shows that,” you defend your brother.
“Our parents got excited after they had their boy,” you share. “So they chose to try for another in hopes it would be another strapping boy, but I came out, cockless and became their headache.” You snicker.
There was so much Choso wanted to say to contradict you and comfort you after you just brushed off your parents disdain since he knows that feeling of saying you don’t care but deep inside it hurts. Yet he can’t form the words to say it the way he wanted, the way you would’ve comforted him, he instead tries to relate to you so you could know that there are similarities between the two of you.
“Sometimes I don’t think it matters what gender you are. I turned out to be a man along with the rest of my brothers, and Kenjaku didn’t care, he still left us like trash.”
Your heart sinks and your smile turns to a frown.
“Parents are like that if you don’t fit their perfect ideals,” he mutters.
You lay back on the grass and keep your eyes on the stars behind the red hue while your mind sadly agrees with what he said.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “They are, aren’t they? Do you…” you hesitate and let out a deep breath to let out some of that tightness in your chest that had begun to grab ahold of you. “Ever think what it would be like if you were ideal in their eyes? I think I would be less afraid, and I wouldn't have pushed myself so much.”
Choso stays quiet as he tries to come up with something he’s often thought about in his time in the void.
“I…would’ve been out 150 years ago,” he says softly but in a voice laced with spite and anger. “And I wouldn’t be as strong as I am now. I honed my technique because he left us.”
You look at aurora borealis slowly shifting to yellow above your heads and whisper, “I’m sorry.” Causing him to lay back to show his confusion better—“I must sound ungrateful and bratty compared to what you went through. That was real pain. I’m sorry.”
Choso’s eyes narrow to express his remorse before he interjects in the best way he can. “No, you don’t. Not to me.”
Tears fill your eyes and you can’t help but share a soft smile as you finally feel understood. Suguru tried to relate to you saying his parents never understood him and that they became distant, but that was just a teenage phase for him, he never really understood you. Not in the way Choso can.
It’s why it makes indulging into this dark topic a lot easier.
“Can I ask how it felt being stuck there?” You bring up timidly hoping it doesn’t upset him.
Choso lets out a deep breath through his nose and narrows his gaze on the sky, looking almost like he wanted to damn the sky because of the past that flashed through his mind.
“I’m so—”
“It’s okay,” he cuts you off before you can finish your apology, and clears his throat. “It was…dark. Like when you close your eyes and see nothing but pitch darkness. I felt my brothers, their presence, but I was still alone because we couldn’t talk, or exist, we just felt each other nearby. And the years for me didn’t pass quickly like it would for them, I felt every year pass by,” his voice quivers, and you see tears rush down his cheeks, making that ache you had already begun to feel only hurt deeper for him.
Even if you can’t know his pain, you still feel for him, especially as you see him cry.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” you murmur and wipe away the tears that broke out of your eyes to scoot closer to him and grab his hand, going unaware of his shiver the moment your warm hand touched his cold one.
“You’re here now though,” you try to comfort him. “You’re out, under the sky and with a beating heart, working every day to give your brothers peace.”
More tears run down his cheeks and you’re tempted to wipe them away, but that might be too intimate for you trying to avoid developing your feelings, so you just let your heart yearn and let him wipe away his own tears.
“Thank you, y/n,” he whispers in a sweet way that makes your heart start to race. “You’re sweet. You always have been to me. Thank you for that.”
“You deserve it, Cho.”
The corner of his lips twitch to a timid smile, and you hold each other's gaze for a lingering moment as all your hearts do is yell to give in to what you both so desperately want.
Alas, you both don’t listen to your yearning. You let go of his hand, and look back at the sky while you slowly grow somber as you grow the confidence to share something personal now that you’re being vulnerable with each other.
“Can I share something with you that only my best friend Kento knew?” You ask first.
Without hesitation, he answers. “Of course.”
You let out a shaky sigh and clasp your hands together over your chest to fiddle with your nails. “Last year a month before Suguru died, we found out we were expecting,” your voice grows softer and shakier as you fight your tears. “And then he died and…the baby went with him.
No matter how hard you hold back from crying, tears cloud your eyes and stream down your cheeks.
“No one knew,” you add. “It was too soon to tell anyone, so we kept it a secret we would have shared later on. It never happened of course…” you trail off.
“I’m so sorry,” Choso says right away.
You wipe away your tears and meet his worried gaze. “It’s okay, I've made my peace with it,” you say.
Choso’s hand twitches out of a need to cup your hand the way you comforted him, but you kept your hand on your chest and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by reaching over your chest, so all he offered you was assuring words even if his face expressed pity and agony because of the pain he saw in your eyes. “You didn’t deserve that.”
You could say otherwise, you could bring up multiple pieces of evidence, but you don’t want to argue so you answer with silence.
“But why,” Choso interjects, catching your attention. “Why did you share something personal with me? Me out of all people, I’m—”
“My friend,” you cut him off before he can talk bad about himself. “And I shared this with you because I find it easy talking with you. Because you’re someone I can confide in.”
Choso swallows thickly and leaves a longer silence than he intended because of his disbelief over your words which only heightens his burn for you.
“Is that okay?” You check in.
He blinks and nods softly. “Yes. It is. I find it easy talking with you too.”
You can’t help but smile and reach over to grab his hand. “Promise me something, Choso.”
Said man is left speechless so he nods.
You then proceed to fold his arm over his chest to press his hand on his heart.
“You have a good heart,” you tell him something you know he doubts. “Promise me you’ll never lose it. Hard times will come, but you’re strong, keep your heart. Promise me.”
Choso’s bottom lip trembles and his eyes glisten, only letting a couple of tears fall before he nods even if he's still hesitant to believe your kind words that have never changed.
“Good,” you whisper and let his hand go to rest yours back on your chest.
You did such a terrible job at keeping him out of your mind. You suck.
“We have to get up early today,” Choso reminds you after a few minutes of peaceful silence.
“Yeah,” you make no attempts to leave, and neither does he. “We’ll pay for it in the afternoon.”
His fists are too tightly clenched and he has his feet too dug in the ground. He’s too tensed up.
Which isn’t strange to see, when he uses his cursed technique he’s always fighting fiercely. But when he’s fighting hand to hand he needs to loosen his body up more to move swiftly when the need calls or else he’ll be an easy opponent. Like now.
Instead of advising him right away though, you charge forward. When you get close you spring forward and throw your knee at his face, but he manages to barely swerve and causes you to land with your back to him.
You quickly spin around and in that moment catch him trying to swing his leg at your head, but you manage to trap his leg on your shoulder and throw your leg forward to kick his crotch, causing him to grunt and pull his leg off to stumble back.
You don’t wait for him to get better, you lunge forward and kick him to the ground before you drop down and straddle his waist to swing your arm over his face. But stop just before you can actually hit him.
“Dead,” you exclaim with a proud smirk. “Again.”
“Tsk,” he complains.
You get off him and grab his arm right away to help him back to his feet and finally share your advice. “You need to loosen up. You're too tense.”
Choso reaches for your elbow, but doesn’t make contact, he lets his hand hover under your elbow as he listens.
“You’re an easier target that way,” you continue. “You make yourself harder to move.”
“Sorry,” he says as if he was in trouble.
“Don’t apologize, it’s training,” you assure him and let his arm go to pat his shoulder and walk back to your spot to continue. “Let’s go another time and then we can take a break so you can watch Yuki and me next.”
He sighs with disappointment at his failure, so you rebuttal.
“Cho,” you press and turn to face him across the circle. “It's okay, you'll get better, that’s why we’re training.”
Choso rolls his shoulders back and lifts his fists, whilst you bend your knees a bit and clench your fists.
“Lighter on the feet,” you remind him before you run at him and hop again to bring down the strongest part of your arm on him, your elbow.
However, Choso crosses his arms and blocks the impact, making you smirk and pull your other arm back to throw him a left hook that he blocks again.
“Good,” you compliment, and then use your knee to jab his stomach and push him away from you.
This time though he doesn’t give in to the dull pain. He counters by coming at you by swinging his arm, making you dodge, just like he wanted, and quickly follows up by overwhelming you and throwing his other fist, and actually managing to nick you on the jaw before you could dodge.
“Good,” you mutter with a menacing chuckle before you shoot him a pointed glare.
Choso mirrors your glare and gets ready for your attack. Albeit instead of meeting him with a blow, you actually wrap your arms around his waist and then swing your foot back to smack your heel on his face.
Choso groans from the pain in his nose, and you try to swing around him to hug him from behind, but he wraps his arm around your neck to keep you in a headlock.
You try to squirm away, but he squeezes tighter, making you groan and dig your nails in his skin.
Choso doesn’t react to that though, instead, he brings his knee up to your stomach twice. But, he doesn’t demonstrate a finishing move, so you swing your legs around his waist and rock up with all your weight, resulting in you on the ground and him on top of you in a very uncomfortable position only because of the way his arm is still clung around your neck.
Not like it mattered to your racing heart and your need for him though; a heat still unfurls within you. While he falters.
Yet neither of you give into your desires, you ignore them and use your strength to roll back on the ground and throw him over you.
The both of you then quickly get up to face each other again, deciding not to waste a second and charging at each other.
The moment you’re close you swing your left fist, but he claps his hand together and throws his arms up to block your attempt.
“Nice,” you say between pants and get a smirk from him.
Nonetheless, you proceed to shift to the side to smack your hand on the back of his neck and push him down before you wrap your arm around his throat and throw your knee up.
Choso however, manages to block you and smacks his hands on your hips to swing you around as he turns so you can let go.
And you do but you then show off how flexible you can be after years of training, and wrap your legs around him with your back still pressed against his chest, and flip you both to the ground.
“Nice, that was quick thinking,” he compliments you between his own heavy breaths.
You snicker and don’t let get him off easy, you throw a jab over his face and swing over him to throw another hit, but he snaps his head to the side and makes your fist slam into the ground.
“Damn,” you hiss in pain and get off him to stay on your knees. “Damn.” You complain again and shake your hand.
Choso pays you no mercy, which is good, he shouldn’t because this is training and the second complaint was fake in hopes he’d worry. So you’re proud that he swings his leg. But since you were faking it the second time, you throw your upper body back to dodge and plant your hands on the ground behind your head to swiftly hurl yourself back to your feet using just the strength in your arms.
Now instead of giving Choso time to counter, or even attempt to move, you swing your leg. Choso catches your action and puts his hands out and claps them together out of instinct to use his technique, leaving you with the great opportunity to kick his face and send him to his knees the moment of impact, just out of the pure strength behind your swing.
And just to finish this round you walk around him and point your fist at his face. “And that’s dead.”
You drop your arm and offer him your hand.
Choso meets your gaze with no ill feeling and takes your offer, letting you pull him to his feet.
“Did that hurt?” You worry about him now that the session is over. “I’m sorry, Choso.”
Said man holds his cheek and covers how red it’s getting. “It’s nothing that won’t heal. You were great, y/n.”
You give your gratitude with a sweet smile before you grab his wrist and yank it down to pull him over to the bench. “You won’t heal right away like I can due to my RCT, which means it stings. Trust me I know. So let’s just put some ice on it.”
Choso parts his lips to argue since he will heal, but he can’t turn you down so he lets you sit him down, and just watches you wrap a towel around cubes of ice before you very gently press the cool towel against his cheek.
“Those were some nice moves,” you fill the silence so you can avoid getting lost on his handsome face and his pink lips just inches away from yours. “I like how you grabbed my hips and swung me around. That was quick thinking.”
Choso sits up straight and huffs. “On that last move, before you hit me, I pointed my hands out—”
“I saw that!” You exclaim and jump out of excitement. “You were totally going for a piercing blood!”
Choso chuckles softly. “I was an idiot. I could’ve dodged.”
You laugh and nod. “Yeah especially because I kind of fumbled my footing there.”
“Really?” He asks and raises his eyebrows. “I didn’t see.”
“No.” You roll your eyes playfully. “Because you were going to shoot piercing blood.”
Choso snorts and snickers, making your heart skip a beat, and your smile to turn to a beaming grin.
“I…I did see a difference when I changed my stance and lifted some weight off my feet,” Choso let you know.
“Really?” You probe curiously. “You liked it? I know some people prefer the additional weight. It makes their swings harder.”
“Well, if I add the weight when I hit instead, I find it smoother,” he says and you nod.
“Yeah, I do that too, that way I can move fast without being too tense, but making my impacts harder when I use that weight with my swings instead,” you share.
“Hm.” He hums.
You laugh softly down at the bench. “I was trying to trick you after I smacked my fist in the ground,” you let him know.
Choso’s eyebrows quirk up and he shoots you a puzzled look.
“I faked that second damn to try and distract,” you explain.
“I knew that,” he now claims, making you chuckle and roll your eyes.
“You didn't know shit!” You argue and playfully push him away.
A teasing smile tugs on his lips and he just continues to say a bunch of shit out of the high of the moment you’re both stuck in. “I knew not to check on you.”
You shake your head as you laugh, and he furrows his eyebrows and brings up a question. “Does that usually work?”
You shrug. “Sometimes, depends on who I’m fighting. But it’s not to check on me, more so my opponent let their guard down because they think I got weaker.”
“Hm. Well, it’s smart then,” he tells you softly.
You mutter, “thanks,” sweetly, and then your phone suddenly starts to ring, so pull away and grab your phone from your sweater draped over the bench.
When you check who it is you smile when you see that it’s Belinda.
“I’ll go,” Choso tries to be respectful and give you space, but you grab his wrist to assure him it’s okay before you answer the phone.
“Hello?” You greet in a sing-song voice as all you see is a wood ceiling. “Who am I talking to?”
A few seconds of silence pass before you hear your daughter's sweet voice. “Mommy!”
You grin. “Chipmunk,” you greet. “What are you doing? Why am I looking at a ceiling?”
“Oh, right,” she mumbles before she picks up the phone and finally shows her face to the camera. “Hi,” she greets again with a wave this time.
“Hi,” you don’t fail to return. “What are you doing?”
Satori flashes you a grin and points the camera at some long strings of dough. “I’m making pasta noodles,” she reveals. “Belinda's mom said that it’s important I know because I’m a girl.”
Of course, that lady would say that. Tsk.
“Oh,” you feign a laugh. “That’s…cool. You having fun?”
“What are you doing?” She cuts you off and stares hard at her screen to try and figure out the answer to her question.
“I’m training,” you let her know, making her pull back and smile again. “Actually,” you add with a growing grin. “I’m here with my friend, Choso.”
You proceed to shift so you can show him off to your daughter.
“Choso this is Satori,” you introduce him to the most important person in your life. “Satori this is Choso.”
Choso glances at you nervously as if trying to make sure it’s okay before he looks at the camera and offers your daughter a small smile. “Hello,” he greets nervously.
Satori's dark eyes narrow as she studies his face for a moment before her face eases and she smiles sweetly. “Hello,” she manages to greet without shying away since she’s behind a screen. “Uh, my mommy talks about you a lot.”
Your eyes widen and you quickly turn away. “Satori,” you quietly scold her.
“What?” She asks without understanding why you’re acting the way you are. “You and daddy always said to tell the truth. I did.”
You sigh deeply knowing you can’t say anything about it now so you just bite your tongue and wait to correct her tomorrow.
“Anyway,” you change the subject. “Satori how was your trip to—”
“Oh, Mom I have to go, I'll call you before bedtime, bye.” And just like that she ends the call and leaves you hanging.
“Well,” you clear your throat and don’t touch on what she blurted to him. “You met my daughter,” you say and shift to face Choso and press the ice back on his cheek that isn't as red as it was moments ago, but it still is swollen.
“She looks like him doesn't she?” You ask.
Choso swallows thickly and drifts his gaze away to nod before he looks back at you with a timid but soft look. “She has your smile though,” he says.
You’re caught off guard and feel your breath hitch softly before you show your flustered smile to the bench. “Thank you,” you whisper.
You let out a small breath and then look back at him. “Does it hurt less?” You ask with concern.
Choso nods. “Yes, thank you. You’re sweet even though I will heal, I told you.”
“Pft,” you blow out. “Then heal right now.” You urge him to prove you wrong.
Choso narrows his gaze. “Well, it’s not how it works.” He argues.
You scoff and smirk. “Well until then I’ll worry if I want to.”
Choso’s chest rises and you know what he’s going to respond with so you beat him to it.
Choso shoots you a pointed look, making you snicker as you hold his gaze.
And since he wasn’t really upset, he can’t hold back from sharing a soft smile while he gets lost in your eyes, building the tension that had already made itself a home between the two of you and urged you to just break it with an act of a kiss, or a confession.
But neither of you do, you just torture yourselves and sit in silence where only the two of you existed before suddenly Yuki’s excited shout breaks you away. “Who's ready?!”
“Sorry I’m late,” you make your presence known as you slide the door open to the parlor room where you’re supposed to brainstorm a battle plan.
“We haven’t started…” Yuki trails off to scoff, making you pick your eyes off the ground to watch her stuffing her face with crackers. “You’re wearing a kimono?” She says teasingly.
You flick your wrist. “Don’t make a big deal,” you brush her off and sit beside her and across from Choso.
“I hardly see you wearing them,” Yuki ignores you as she props her elbow on the table and rests her chin on her hand to lean towards you. “What’s the occasion?” She asks with a smirk.
You shoot her a pointed gaze knowing this was only about one man. “I wear kimonos often, they’re comfortable, especially when I’m on my period, like now.” you don’t give in to her taunting. “Do you wear them?” You raise a brow.
“Sometimes,” she shrugs you off.
“Well,” Choso interjects, stealing your attention away from your mentor and notice that a soft blush painted his cheeks. “I think you look very nice, Y/N.”
You can’t help but smile as you smooth out the red robe that didn’t hang tightly around your body, it fit comfortably since you were just staying indoors today.
“Thank you, Choso,” you redirect softly.
Said man swallows thickly and offers you a soft nod as you continue to hold his gaze until you feel Yuki nudge your knee.
You pinch her back under the table, making her snicker before she pinches back a bit too hard.
“Ow,” you whine and smack her hand. “Some master you are.”
Yuki chuckles and takes a sip from her tea, whilst Choso just ignores your and Yuki’s doings, and instead directs his question to you. “Would you like some tea, y/n?”
You perk up and nod. “Yeah, thanks.”
Choso grabs your empty cup and gets up to walk to the kettle, causing Yuki to mock him speechlessly.
“Mature,” you mouth and just ignore her as you fold your arms over the table to rest your head on your arms. “You know I was supposed to go to a gala today,” you murmur sadly. “I was going to wear a beautiful and expensive gown, and get all dolled up.”
“Oh, really?” Yuki probes. “Were you going with anyone?”
You smile. “Nanami to introduce him to a model slash sorcerer friend, and Shoko to get her out of work for a while. And Satoru had invited himself along, so he was going to go too.”
“Ah the media would've eaten you and your brother up,” Yuki points out. “I can read the headlines now, the ever so mysterious model, y/n, finally showing off a bit of her life tonight at blah, blah gala.”
You snicker. “Yeah, and he would’ve gotten carried away.” You can’t help but share with a bit of actual sadness that you couldn't actually see this day through like it was planned. It would've been so much fun.
“Here,” Choso interjects as he falls beside you to hand you your tea.
“Oh, thank you, Cho.” You thank him while you reach for your cup, and accidently brush your fingers over his as you take it from his grasp.
Choso offers you a nod before he retakes his seat at the same time the door opens and Tengen finally walks in.
“About time,” Yuki remarks as she sits up and folds her arms over her chest.
“Sorry, there’s much to do,” they excuse themselves while they take their seat. “Since I am late, why don’t we save casual mingling for later.”
You scoff and bring the hot cup to your lips. “We weren’t going to mingle with you,” you say bluntly and take a careful drink, realizing at that moment that the hot tea that seeped into your taste buds is prepared exactly as you like it. It’s exactly how you prepare it…
Did Choso know this from just watching you prepare your tea during those nine days?
“Gojo,” Tengen speaks in such a booming and yet elegant voice. “I know what Cursed manipulation consists of, but some of your peers aren’t aware, why don’t you share what you know since you lived with Suguru Geto.”
You swallow your drink and put the cup down. “Well,” you sigh. “There’s no limit to how many cursed spirits he can hold, but last year in the fight people call The Night Parade, he unleashed a majority of his curses. Meaning,” you add hopefully. “Kenjaku shouldn’t have many, I mean Suguru spent his lifetime collecting them, so it’s doubtful Kenjaku could’ve restored Suguru’s stock in a year.”
“What about the religious facilities?” Yuki asks. “He got curses from the non-sorcerers that worshiped him.”
You drop your gaze to your cup and shake your head. “No, I closed them all down, there was no need for them after he died.”
“Then why does Kenjaku still dress like a monk?” Choso spats.
You look at him across from you and bounce off him. “That’s what I'd like to know. I mean sure before he revealed himself it was to keep up appearances, but now? Who knows.”
“Kenjaku is tactical,” Tengen interjects and ignores the conversation between Choso and you. “He’ll find a way to work with the curses he gathered and what he had left.”
“Then let me go first,” Choso cuts in, making your eyebrows furrow in confusion, while your stomach knots together out of worry.
“You’ll die if you do,” you blurt without thinking.
Choso doesn’t notice the concern laced in your voice or the perplexity behind your eyes. “Then would you and Tsukumo fight against Noritoshi Kamo, three against one with me?”
You and Yuki share a look, but rather than expressing nonchalance like her, you share your growing concern.
“I’d be in the way right?” Choso continues to share. “So I’ll go first, draw out his cursed spirits, and get him to reveal information. If I can get him to open his domain…”
Then he’ll die. Does he not want to see that? Does his life mean so little to him?
“Then Kenjaku will have difficulty using cursed techniques,” Yuki adds in for him. “That’s when Y/N and I strike.”
“Exactly,” Choso agrees.
“I’ll say it again then,” Yuki repeats. “You’ll die.”
Choso doesn't look bothered or upset by the warning, he’s fucking nonchalant and it starts to upset you. You can’t even try to fight it for the restriction you put against yourself. The concern you felt twisting your insides, developed into anger that seeped through your veins and slowly spread out.
“I don’t care as long as we kill him,” Choso argues nonchalantly, making that anger pulse and pump faster throughout your body—“For me, my brothers, and the sake of my mother's curse, which makes up half of me and my brothers. For Yuji’s future as well.”
That anger now makes your heart pound and your jaw clench.
How dare he bring up his brother's future if he doesn’t even plan to be in it? Does he not want to stay with him, spend time with him, and fight for his survival? Why does he want to throw his life away like it meant nothing? Like it doesn’t matter?
You should be asking yourself why it upset you so much. With him gone at least your desire will fizzle out and you’ll stop thinking about him and a future you lost sight of when Suguru died. But your anger reached your mind, and clouded your reasoning, judgment, and critical thinking altogether.
All there is is pulsing anger mixing with your concern, so you can’t keep your mouth shut anymore, you interject to express emotions. “So what? You’re just going to leave Itadori here? Alone? Without you? After you just found each other.”
Choso blinks and slowly sits up, whilst his face shows his perplexity over your emotions.
“Y/N,” Yuki tries to stop you.
“No,” you spat and pierce a glare into Choso. “Why should I sit here and listen to him planning to kill himself? There’s other ways. I can help you, you don’t have to throw your life away.”
“I’ve lost so many people I care about,” you cut Yuki off with your voice shaking with anger and…fear. That’s what you felt too. That’s what you recognize coursing through you too.
“All in a span of a year,” you continue, leaving poor Choso just more confused and baffled—“why should I let someone else I care about die?”
“Because,” Yuki argues, but you keep looking deeply into Choso’s eyes. “It comes with our lifestyle. You know that more than anyone. Sure, you had a privileged upbringing, but you also grew up in this world, it comes with sacrifices. If you don’t like that then you can leave, I told you that already. Do you want to leave?”
You hold Choso’s gaze for a moment longer, and he parts his lips and looks at you with just soft disbelief now. It seems he wants to add something, but you drop your eyes and don’t let him interject. “No, Master,” you mutter.
“Good,” Yuki sighs. “Now you two listen to our plan.”
You tighten your grip around your cup and pierce your glare in the light brown tea as Yuki shares a plan she came up with Tengen. You have no protests, you’re okay with what she planned for you to do, so you never interject, nor does Choso. He just chimes in after she’s done explaining.
“Hmm, dismantling the domain huh?”
“You come after that,” Yuki clarifies.
“No, I should go first,” Choso insists, making you roll your eyes but stay quiet now.
“Domains are powerful but burnt-out cursed techniques afterward,” Choso continues. “So there’s a risk that your cursed techniques will be hard to use after a while. I know you and Tengen want to exploit that, but he won’t open his domain if he expects me to leap in. Even if beats me once it’ll convince him that the fight is only against you, Tsukumo, and y/n.”
“Alright fine,” Yuki finally gives in. “Y/N?”
“Yeah,” you mumble and take a sip of tea.
“And Y/N can’t use her fire-snake technique,” Choso protests. “Noritoshi has the advantage of knowing her every move thanks to who he’s inhabiting, he’ll see it coming and kill her.”
You almost choke on your tea, but you manage to navigate down the right pipe before you finally break your silence. “He’ll try to kill me either way because of it, I won’t be safe regardless.”
“Then let me help you,” he volunteers without hesitation. “I’ll fight what he tries to throw at you.”
The words you were going to share right away get stuck in your throat as you breathe in sharply. And that anger you held for him is forgotten for a moment as you’re now shocked.
“No,” Yuki argues for you, snapping you out of your stupor. “We stick to our plan. Y/N can handle herself. You can help when it’s your time to come out if you want to so badly.”
“Right.” You clear your throat and let your anger rush back. “I have my supreme art technique that I never showed Suguru. Trapping Noritoshi in my domain won’t work, he’ll probably overpower me, so I’ll use my supreme art technique to tire him out for Yuki.”
Choso narrows his eyes and probes with concern laced in his voice. “And you’ll have enough energy to fight after?”
You nod as you swirl the tea in your cup. “Yes, I will,” you assure him. “I’ll be okay.”
Choso looks unsure about your reassurance out of concern, but he also trusts you and believes in you, so he doesn’t argue.
“Great!” Yuki exclaims. “So we all know what we’re going to do? No protests?”
Yes, one, Choso’s willingness to sacrifice his life. It still pisses you off and makes you want to cry and fight him, but you’ve been told off already. And he doesn’t seem to want to listen, so you bite your tongue and let the plan be. Even if your heart…begins to ache.
A/N- If you think about Choso and mc have not spent a day apart since Shibuya
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest
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bengiyo · 5 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Hiromu’s father reappeared in the story and did a shit job of trying to reconcile with the family. It wasn’t until Hikari berated his grandfather to stop bullying his papa that the grandfather was able to understand the level of his offense. Things seem to be developing between Yuki and  Hiromu’s friend, and Yuki has become protective of the Fujiyohsi family as well. Hikari is our hero.
I really and truly love how much Hiromu loves his family. This man is crying as he films a typical morning moment between Masaki and Hikari.
They’re expecting a girl! I’m excited about this.
Everyone is so rude in this world! Every new person says some wild shit in front of Masaki and Hikari every time!
Whoa, that got dark just now.
Name of the show. Finish your drinks.
“You wanna keep watching?” Thank you for breaking the tension, Hiromu.
It’s really refreshing that Masaki was able to tell Hiromu about how he’s feeling and they be able to process that together.
Thank you, omegaverse BL, for not putting me through extensive mpreg.
They named the baby Hinata after the sun omg.
Underrated aspect of this show is all of the parents not panicking any time a baby cries.
I’m so stoked about this game of hide-and-seek.
Throwing scissors late, hiding under pillows, and now Hikari is it. They understand exactly what the people need.
Hiromu always being sensitive to Masaki’s feelings as a form of love is so touching.
Hiromu taking a picture of Matsu with a sore shoulder sent me.
Looks like it's time for us to acknowledge Matsu and Yuki next week.
I cannot believe we already have a second adorable baby that has Masaki’s hair! We have so many episodes to go! I love this show so much.
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gx-gameon · 6 months
Yugi adopting Jaden part 2
Start - next
Yugi and Solomon talk the whole night. Planning out how they can do this and the practicality of it. (Where will Jaden sleep? Do they have the money? Can Yugi continue going to college?) a lot of hard conversations but Yugi is determined.
Solomon is so proud of his grandson but also sad in that Yugi is only 18. He’s always had so much pressure on him, and now that he’s free to be a young adult he is choosing to take in a child. Solomon couldn’t be more proud but this is a sacrifice. One Yugi is willing choosing to make.
Yugi gets all the paper work in order. He’s looked up everything he needs and knows this is going to be a long process, but before he can start it there is someone he needs to talk to.
He goes to the orphanage the next day and tells them that he wants to adopt. And they laugh at him at first, he is very young. Yugi shakes it off and continues, “I’d like to adopt Jaden Yuki.” No one is laughing now. They are looking at him like a man walking towards his death and Yugi is so curious to know why that is the reaction this gets. But he can’t ask because they are moving so fast.
Jaden is dragged in by one of the adults. They’re dragging the poor boy, his arm caught in a far to tight grip, and Yugi wants nothing more than to take Jaden far away from here. But he still needs to do something.
Jaden looks up at him and his expression goes from fear to excitement. “Yugi!” The adults get mad at him telling him to ‘be respectful’ and call him ‘Mr. Mouto.’
Yugi tells them to leave it and walks over to Jaden. He kneels down in front of the boy and tells him. “Jaden I have a question for you. And you can tell me no. But I want to adopt you. Are you okay with that?” Yugi wants this to be Jaden’s choice.
The boy doesn’t even think about it. He launches himself into Yugi sobbing, “yes! Please!” And Yugi just scoops the boy up holding him close. He stand up with Jaden still in his arms, the boys little arms wrapped around his neck and his little face buried in Yugi’s neck. He moves to sign whatever papers they need. He asks how long it will be before he can take Jaden with him, there’s a process to this, and no matter how much he wants to take Jaden and run he knows he has to do this the right way.
But the orphanage says he can take him today. When Yugi asks about home visits or check ins they tell him “not to worry.” Or “ there won’t be any of those.” And okay, either this is the worst orphanage ever or they really want to be rude of Jaden.
Yugi takes Jaden back upstairs to his little cubby of a room. (It’s so small, Yugi can’t imagine a child living here) and gather all of Jaden’s possessions. There aren’t main to grab. Then Yugi scoops his boy back up and walks out of that orphanage forever. He doesn’t put Jaden down again until they reach Domino. (Holding him through the walk through town and the train ride)
They make their way to Kame Game shop where Solomon is able to meet his new greatgrandson. And instantly the old man is spoiling the little boy rotten. They give him Yugi’s mom’s room. After Yugi graduated high school his mom moved out to live with his dad in America, so the room is open. Jaden is thrilled to have his own space.
And so they settle the little boy in for the next few days. It is in the first night that Yugi learns that Jaden has horrific nightmares. Things the little boy can’t remember when he wakes up. But both the spirits of Silent Magician and Dark Magician Girl are telling Yugi that his dreams have to do with the spirit world. Which is weird because Jaden can’t see spirits, and has no magic signature. It’s almost like he’s been cut off from that realm…
Jaden wakes up screaming the first night and Yugi goes to check on him. Jaden asks if Yugi will stay with him. He feels safe when Yugi is around, and how can Yugi refuse after that. This is how it goes for the first few nights.
Yugi eventually gets tired of having more questions than answers and looks into Jaden’s past. But it’s empty. His medical records, school records, even the boys birth certificate is missing the parents names. Yugi has no idea how that is even possible. So he goes to the only person who might be able to help him find some answers.
He leaves Jaden with Solomon tell them he’ll be back in a few hours, and he heads to Kaiba Corp. if anyone can find Jaden’s files it’s the Kaiba brothers.
But when he gets there Mokuba is in a panic. It’s been a month since Seto launched himself into the afterlife and he’s still not back yet.
Yugi arrives and is brought to Mokuba. He’s about to ask for help when Mokuba cuts him off. “I was just about to send for you. You have to help me Yugi. Seto wanted to duel the Pharaoh again so he built this machine that lets him travel between dimensions. But he left a month ago and he’s not back yet. I’ve got this new way to get him but I can’t go after him because I don’t have a connection to ancient Egypt. But you do. Please you have to help me find Seto!”
And Yugi is going through it. What do you mean. Seto built a machine to go duel Atem again? A week ago he would have left in that moment, but he can’t now. He’s got Jaden. If he doesn’t come back what happens to Jaden?
Mokuba can see Yugi hesitating and he begs him again. “Please I can’t lose my brother.” And Yugi knows he’s going, but he needs to take care of Jaden first.
“I’ll go Mokuba but I need you to do something for me while I’m gone.” Yugi explains already making a mental plan.
“Anything!” Mokuba is so releaved that Yugi is going after Seto. But he is a little surprised at Yugi’s request. It’s not like Yugi to ask for favors in return, though he did come here on his own, he probable needed something and that’s why he arrived at Kaiba Corp.
Yugi explains Jaden and their situation. “You see I adopted a four year old named Jaden Yuki.” Mokuba’s world goes side ways. Yugi adopted a kid? Why?
“Why?” Mokuba can’t help but ask. And he kinda wishes he didn’t once Yugi explains the situation to him. The knows exactly how poorly and orphanage can treat the kids it houses. He’s so amazed that Yugi adopted a kid. When Yugi asks him to look into Jaden’s past. That all the records are blocked, sealed, or destroyed. Mokuba is all over it. “You can count on me!”
Yugi knows he can but there is something else he has to do before he leaves. “Thank you Mokuba. Give me a few hours to make sure Jaden is taken care of, then I’ll be ready to go.” Mokuba agrees easily. As much as he wants Seto back he knows this is important to. He even offers to have Jaden stay with him at Kaiba Corp while Yugi is away. Yugi takes him up in the offer but wants some one else with them. If Jaden is drawling the attention of the spirit world in his dreams, Yugi doesn’t want to leave him without having and experiences duelist there to watch over his son.
So he calls Joey.
“Hey pal! Long time no see. What you go to college and become to good for your old friend Wheeler?” Yugi can hear the joking tone Joey is putting forward, but he can also hear the hurt in his voice and it’s now that he realizes that he’s hasn’t called Joey since he started meeting Jaden in the park. The little boy really absorbed Yugi’s world and he hasn’t told anyone about him.
Yugi feels awful. It’s not like him to leave behind a friend. With Téa in America and Tristian working at his father’s business he knows Joey had to be feeling as alone as he has. But he’s been so distracted by school and Jaden he hasn’t reach out in almost two months. “Joey I’m really sorry that I haven’t called you but I need your help. Can you meet me at the game shop?”
“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Joey doesn’t ask any follow up questions. If Yugi needs him, he’ll be there. Sure their relationship has been experiencing some growing pains with Yugi in college and Joey trying to make it as a pro-duelist, but Yugi is still his best friend.
Yugi runs home, Joey hung up right after he told him he’d be there so Yugi didn’t get to tell him he wasn’t home. Yugi gets home to see Joey waiting outside for him.
“Yugi what’s up? Gramps made me wait outside and everything. Whats going on?” Joey moves towards Yugi as soon as he sees him. Whatever this was, it was big.
When he showed up, Gramps had asked him if he had talked to Yugi. When Joey responded with ‘ya he asked me to meet him here.’ Gramps had looked at him and asked ‘so you know?’ Joey responding with ‘know what?’ Probably wasn’t his best response, considering Gramps had immediately chased him out of the store.
He was worried. He had thought all the fate of the world crap was behind them. But if Yugi was being targeted again Joey would stand by his side, there’s no doubt about it
“Joey I-” Yugi has no idea how to explain what’s going on. He takes a deep breath. “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time.” Joey’s ready for anything. His mind is run through the options. Evil cult, already beat one. Ancient culture come to destroy them, done that twice. Kaiba being a jerk, when isn’t he. Whatever it is they can handle it.
“Alright well it all started about 2 months ago.” Yugi proceeds to tell Joey about how he met Jaden. How people treated him. How Yugi started spending time with the kid. How he started to care and eventually adopted the kid.
“You adopted him?!” Joey had been just as upset as Yugi was upon hearing how people treated the little boy. But he was shocked by Yugi’s decision. It was a big decision after all. Huge! But Joey couldn’t see his little buddy doing anything different, and he knows that Yugi thought this decision out way more than he would have. So there is only one thing he can say. “Well what are we standing outside for? Can I meet him?”
Yugi had been ready for any number of lectures. He’s 18 and he just adopted a kid. Joey could have named any number of reasons why that was a bad idea. But instead Joey just wanted to meet Yugi’s son. He was so luck to have such a good best friend.
Continue here
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cure-papaya · 2 days
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“When you think of those fantasies of Iroha…” He paused, unsure how to put this in the correct way. “Do you ever, uh, wonder if maybe you're… projecting a little?“
what it says on the tin (though it's just mayu and satoru hanging out and talking about iroha)
“Gosh just imagine Iroha's soft hands and gentle smile as she brings me into her embrace, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest. It could be- No, it has to be love! I can see it now,” Mayu cooed as she ran a brush through Yuki's fur. The cat was out like a light after getting to play with a new toy that her owner had gotten her earlier that day. Which may have had a dash too much catnip in it.
“Mayu?” Satoru poked his head around to the girl who seemed so enthralled by her fantasy and was maybe brushing a little too fast.
It wasn't often the two of them spent time alone. Iroha often acted as the glue which kept the two of them from being more than just mere acquaintances. Aside from, of course, the other glaring reason which Satoru begrudgingly acknowledged. Mayu, perceptive as ever, had somehow been the only one to pick up on Satoru's feelings for his childhood friend. He had tried to make it as subtle as he possibly could and up until recently he was convinced he'd take the secret to his grave.
That was until Mayu entered the picture. He hadn't had any strong opinions when they had first met. She seemed shy and easily flustered around his crush yes, but he always figured that's how she was with any positive social interaction. The rush of dopamine making her brain short circuit. But this, this gave him a moment's pause.
“When you think of those fantasies of Iroha…” He paused, unsure how to put this in the correct way. “Do you ever, uh, wonder if maybe you're… projecting a little?“ Satoru's voice had trailed off to a whisper and at this point Mayu had stopped brushing altogether.
“Augh, I'm sorry! Forget I said anything it was rude of me to speculate about that,”
“It's ok, It's ok! I just um-“ Mayu began to trip over her words as the two of them began to stumble through the conversation, anxiety reaching critical levels that caused Yuki to stir in her sleep.
“I mean I'm cool with that kind of thing if so.”
“Really? I just don't want you to think I'm any kind of competition! I know she only likes me as a friend. I don't want to bother her…” There was a pause after this as the two realized the deja vu that sentiment stirred in them.
Satoru felt it settle like a pit in his stomach the size of the mirror stone. How were they supposed to continue with what they were initially planning? Mayu's idea was to help him confess to Iroha but how could now when he knew how she felt?
“Mayu? Would you uh, want to try doing makeup on me?” Satoru asked. In all honesty he had doubts this would work at all but it seemed to at least bring her back to earth.
“Oh, Satoru you don't have to-”
“I want to! I- I mean I've always been curious to at least get my nails done. But it's not like something I've really thought about a lot or anything,” Satoru finished.
It didn't take long for Mayu to get to work after that and in her locked in trance it seemed she completely distract herself from the conversation before. Satoru silently thanked himself from remembering that little quirk of hers as she began to apply his blush. She went through the process in such a methodical and streamlined way Satoru could barely wrap his head around it. She seemed to do it so effortlessly and there was something in the back of his mind that wished it came to him to.
When Mayu had finally finished the sun had descended far enough to cast the entire room in a vibrant orange glow. As she slowly came out of her trance she seemed to have been taken aback as she moved a locke of hair out of her friend's face. Both were lucky the low light of the sunset hid each other's blush.
“Wow, I-” Satoru started. “Thank you for doing this Mayu, if anything I think Iroha would be missing out for not dating a girl like you.”
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