#Yu Yu Hakusho character trucks
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yyh4ever · 1 year ago
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Netflix released 15 new photos of the live-action version of Yu Yu Hakusho
The big surprise is seeing Yusuke's mother, Atsuko Urameshi, for the first time. She's played by Ayumi Ito. Atsushi Arai also confirmed he's playing Bui.
Yu Yu Hakusho character trucks travel across Japan
The Japanese media is also announcing that 12 ad trucks featuring some of the characters and their famous quotes will tour around Japan from December 4th to 17th, 2023.
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They will depart from 4 cities: Sapporo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka, arriving in Shibuya (Tokyo) on December 14th, the day of global premiere!
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skellebonez · 1 year ago
🍓,🥑, 🍄, and 🍬 :3
OH MAN THAT'S A LOT. Let's get to answerin!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I honestly don't remember super well. I think I started writing it before I even knew knew what it was, writing stuff like short stories about Digimon characters goofing off when I was young, but a friend of mine introduced me to Fanfiction.net back when we watched Yu Yu Hakusho together and that started me on knowing what it was.
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I can trust Kit to cover for me, I know it. /j
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Pigsy likes to set up his food truck at any conventions in the area. Tang cosplays to attract customers.
It works shockingly well.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Hmn... I dunno if I have any unpopular opinions about POPULAR characters. I know I have some about NICHE characters.
I guess I am harder on Azure Lion than a lot of other people? I dunno, half of season 4 could have been avoided if the man stopped for five minutes and talked to people. I still like him as a character, tho, and wish he STAYED AROUND. I just think he created his own downfall while I see a lot of other people making him out to be more misunderstood than I think he is.
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casliveblog · 2 years ago
Custom Toonami Block Week 132 Rundown
Spy X Family: So Loid is basically Lupin the Third but with murder and takes himself way too seriously, even has the fucking skin masks that he can seemingly pull out of his ass. In order to secure peace for a totally fictional country that doesn’t have any parallels to any real historical countries and definitely isn’t Germany, Loid must kill an old dude that only comes out of his house to say hi to children which seems kinda sus in itself but okay. Like a good portion of the plot is just funneling Loid down a pipeline of aggressively domesticating him in a way he’s not ready for and I’m fine with that it just walks an odd line of serious and silly. Taking the last name “Forger” (which even before I saw the show I thought was a really cool symbolic name because the family is both a forgery and something being forged) he adopts Anya, a girl with main character hair who can read thought bubbles but is still as stupid as you’d expect a six year old to be (I’m not sure if she’s actually six or if she just read Loid’s mind and heard he needed a six year old and said that and is actually younger but the wiki says six so I’ll go with that). The two have Dragon Maid-esque style hijinks of trying to understand each other while hinting at tragic backstories until Anya broadcasts their location to the Spy equivalent of an enemy gang which just happens to be the guys Loid was working for on his last job so he’s able to use his previous knowledge of them to blackmail them into fucking off. I feel like for as careful as Loid is he kinda underreacts to his cover being blown and not knowing how or why it happened like to his credit they do change apartments but like he still has no idea why these guys were able to jump him and kidnap Anya and the fact that he can’t find a fault to rectify does not seem to bug him as much as it should for someone as clearly neurotic as he is but like I said, serious/comedic mix. Anya is able to genuinely pass the entrance exam to weirdo dude’s academy without cheating with her powers and instead cheating in the way her dad told her to so… that’s a moral win I guess? Anyway as anyone who even glanced at the promo art can tell, the next step requires a mother/father interview and like… is that legal? Like can you specifically require a two parent family for schooling, what if the mom died last year or some shit? I know this is pseudo-50’s pseudo-Germany but like that seems ridiculous to require a mom, I get obtaining a mom for the mission because having a two parent family is good for the cover and looks less suspicious but having the school actively require it seems really weird.
Inuyasha: This is the episode I always felt was lifted from some teenage girl’s fanfiction because it feels like someone’s OC romancing Sesshomaru. Princess Sara (also weirdly out of place name for Feudal Japan) fell in love with Sesshomaru because I mean look at the fuckin guy. And basically pulls a Naraku on her deathbed to become a demon to get the Tessaiga for Sesshomaru even though he stopped caring about that like three seasons ago. But she sets up Inuyasha for one of those filler ‘steal your sword by doing something stupid you don’t catch on to’ plots that are weirdly common. But yeah she traps Miroku and Sango and Kilala in ice and passes it off as a demon curse that can only be lifted by turning a giant stone screw with the Tessaiga as a screwdriver which I have no idea if this shrine already existed and she just used it as the perfect chance to yoink Inuyasha’s sword or if her demonic powers somehow allowed her to fucking create the shrine but Shippo of all people figures out it’s a trap just before Inuyasha turns the screw but for some reason they wait to tell Inuyasha until right before he’s about to finish and Sara gets the Tessaiga and also Sesshomaru shows up so yeah here we go.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke continues chasing Sensui’s truck on a fucking bicycle and properly freaks everyone on the evil team out that that’s even a thing he can do. Meanwhile Genkai heals Botan who was injured protecting Seaman and Shizuru who was injured failing to tell everyone Sensui’s plan so it’s nice to just kinda have a healer on the team, wonder why she didn’t bust that shit out during the Dark Tournament, just like top everybody off between rounds. Seaman’s like ‘wait a minute why aren’t you guys assholes?’ and Kurama’s like ‘you can’t believe everything you see on Twitter bro’. Long story short he joins the group and agrees to show them Sensui’s hideout. Meanwhile Sniper picks off Yusuke’s bike and crashing down the road rips Yusuke’s shirt off which is convenient given Sniper’s territory ability lets him put targets on Yusuke’s skin which is a lot easier to see when he’s shirtless. But yeah this is basically Vander Decken’s ability from One Piece, Sniper can throw anything and they’ll hone in on the targets on Yusuke and he’s already a pretty damn good sniper given it’s his name so Yusuke has to smack shit away before it hits him. Since Sniper can use rocks, hardened blades of grass or pull a Dio and just start chucking knives this is a problem. Idk why he doesn’t get further away since he was on a motorcycle and implies his power has no range limit but he’s still hidden so Yusuke’s right fucked with this one.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuji Ittadori is your average every day freakishly strong to a borderline supernatural level kid. He belongs to his school’s Occult Club which if Mob Psycho has taught me anything is just a place for assholes to sit around but he likes it because it leaves him enough time to go visit his dying grandfather in the hospital and unfortunately his grandpa finally gets his chance to give his ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ speech and die on his own terms. (Honestly yeah Yuji’s backstory so far is more Spider-Man than Deku, the actual character designed after Spider-man). Before he can come to grips with his own mortality staring him in the face, Wolf Sasuke comes up to him and is like ‘have you seen this penis-shaped box?’ and he’s like ‘yeah that’s my friend’s penis-shaped box, they’re gonna do penis things with it tonight’ and apparently that’s bad because bad shit wards off bad shit by being badder shit except if the badder shit is too old it weakens and actually ATTRACTS bad shit which seems like a terrible system. But yeah Wolf Sasuke wants the mummy penis back which is apparently just a mummy finger and Yuji gets to save it just in time, affirming his resolve to take his new Spider-Man origin seriously and not ignore death as a possibility or see it as an inherent evil but see that people don’t die violently and pointlessly which is decently nuanced so that’s cool. Honestly it’s kinda surprising how fast Yuji takes to ‘curses are real, I have no evidence but your friends are gonna die’ like it’s good for us to not have to go through some kind of proof thing with him denying the supernatural but the man does not seem to have a skeptical bone in his body and instantly bum-rushes it, kinda reminds me of a combination of Ichigo and Soma which is an odd combo. Anyway anyone who’s seen Bleach knows where this is going, the professional is knocked out of commission and the new guy has to take down the evil mooks by awakening his new power so Yuji eats the mummy penis and becomes Hollow Yuji except he’s not gonna take shit from his Superpowered Evil Side and is like ‘hey bro, let’s not murder everyone or I’mma stop you’ and he’s like ‘wait you can do that?’ and he’s like apparently’ so yeah now we have your standard Superpowered Evil Side deal going on but I do have to say it’s neat to see it as a result of a choice instead of something the character is born with or a result of their convoluted family history, feel like this episode blew by so I am excited for more of this one.
Chainsaw Man: Denji is a kid living in an absurdly comical level of poverty that I’m not sure is even survivable without anime protagonist level resilience due to a debt incurred by his father which is totally not a metaphor for global warming or some shit (it’s probably not exactly that but it brings to mind similar wide-scale generational debts). Still he has a little chainsaw dog named Pochita to get him through and a thoroughly fucked up roof over his head (like he mentions a water bill but it’s literally a shed I don’t see that thing having running water). Like the lengths he’d have to go to actually live like this are kind of absurd like he’s never even dug a Big Mac out of the trash or something because he seems to exist solely on slices of bread yet still is relatively solidly built (like scrawny but he has enough protein to form muscles apparently) but this also means he has the kind of Book 1 Harry Potter low standards and idealism that make him endearing to anyone more fortunate… which is basically everyone. As a kid he lived out the first part of Suitengu from Speed Grapher’s backstory except instead of becoming a child prostitute and a mercenary soldier, he saves a little saw dog with his blood and uses it to fight bigger, less-sawy, less dog-like versions of it. Like he uses Pochita basically how you would a regular chainsaw so idk what the real difference is except maybe Pochita’s a stronger saw that doesn’t take gas or jam so I guess that’s cool but it’s basically the same problem as Saiga’s powers in Speed Grapher like it’s a magical solution that’s only moderately more useful than the mundane item it replaces, though I love Speed Grapher so the comparisons are probably a good thing at this point. Anyway because this is an opening story the Yakuza that Denji owes money to set him up and throw him to the Zombie Devil which idk how that works exactly because like they take a car all the way here and talk about making a deal with the zombie devil but by the time the fight starts all of them are full zombie and seem to have been the whole time so idk if we just Shaun of the Dead’d this and Denji’s just kinda dumb or if this contract makes no sense. Anyway they kill Denji… like he’s straight up in five pieces like Exodia and his brain activity has fully stopped but his blood revives Pochita like the first time they met and being the good little saw doggo he is he puts Denji back together and instead of possessing him like Devils seem to be able to do, he gives him his heart so Denji can just come back to life which idk what kind of Jojo Soul Bullshit that entails but Pochita is a good boy so I’mma not complain unless it turns out at the end that Denji really is dead and the Denji the series is about is really just Pochita making an imprint of Denji’s brain to act as he had but that’d be sad. So yeah Denji gets a new lease on life and has chainsaws for arms and zombies right in front of him so he gets down to business, resolving to show Pochita what he can do with a clean slate and trying to fulfill his ridiculously low standards of happiness. So Makima rocks up and is like ‘yo, pet or death’ and Denji’s like ‘okay I have a weird boner right now when I hear you ASMR talk about food so I’mma say pet sure’. It’s pretty neat like obviously this isn’t 100% blind because Chainsaw Man has been absolutely everywhere for the past few months but outside of horny waifu debates I don’t know much about the show and it’s interesting to see just how wide-eyed and endearing Denji is like people in-universe talk about him the same way they talk about Shinji from Evangelion like he’s just someone that does whatever to get by but for Denji he doesn’t really have much choice but will probably also have all kinds of options for fucked up sexual relationships like Shinji did.
Ranking of Kings: So we’ve kind of got generic fantasy world going on though the style is obviously something different from most anime and it makes the movement of things look pretty neat. Plot’s pretty simple all things considered, Prince Bojji is a deaf mute and a gentle child and everyone’s just kinda like ‘oh fuck we’re fucked if he becomes king’ especially since both his parents are literal giants, also his dad’s second wife is that pointy-noised lady the internet was going crazy over for a bit so that has some Skitty/Wailord implications about how they had kids. Anyway Bojji sneaks out and gets robbed by this Shadow dude named Kage and to Kage’s surprise he keeps coming out to get robbed every day because dude’s just so happy to have someone that makes an effort to communicate with him and understand his Pokemon sounds. Eventually Kage follows him back home and sees him crying behind closed doors but putting on a smile to everyone else showing just how emotionally resilient the kid is. Kage almost gets murdered by one of the guards because apparently being a shadow person is bad and the kingdom is kinda racist in addition to ablest. But yeah Bojji gets to fight with his pointy-nosed half-brother who’s basically the Sasuke to his Naruto except turns out Bojji is really good at dodging shit he just hits like a wet paper towel because he’s too nice to slug anyone down but is great at avoiding getting hit.
Vinland Saga: VIKINGS! There’s just a fuckton of Vikings and what I assume is at least semi-accurate history given we have our buddy Leif Erickson (Yinger Hinger Durgen) telling the promised story of Vinland which sounds more and more like an Afterlife the more people talk about it. Baby Thorfinn is smack dab in the middle of an Attack on Titan style multi-episode origin story, I am kind of a sucker for these since it’s more immersive than flashing back you get to see shit get fucked up in real time and that’s neat. A lot of this episode’s just soaking up the Vikining aesthetic in Iceland and getting the gist of how people settled in Iceland after escaping Norway and we pal around with Thorfinn and his dad Thors and and hot totally not doomed sister and mom. Thorfinn understandably wants to know why people settled into the freezing pit of the devil’s asshole but refuses to accept his ancestors weren’t chads that just took down everyone that wanted to bully them… people with ancestral ties to Norway are just kinda like that sometimes idk. Anyway Thors finds a dying slave in the snow and the slave’s owner is just like ‘hey gimme’ and even though the guy’s prolly gonna die before this dude can do anything to him, Thors still pays a metaphorical arm and a leg to buy him out of his slavery so he can die free while he and Thorfinn talk ominously about what happens if someone comes looking for them as escapees as well.
Well that was a lot of fun, never had this many new shows all on the block at once, I may shake it up a bit and not do every show every week if I run low on time and try to alternate some of them a bit because going through the early story beats of so many shows can be a little slow, might be more fun to have them at different levels of plot progression but yeah, excited to see what comes of these shows.
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medea10 · 4 years ago
My Review of Konosuba
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(Short for: KonoSuba - God's Blessing on This Wonderful World)
How did I get into this anime? As you all know, I’m being an absolute lazy-ass when it comes to Isekai animes and have only gotten into the recent hits as of 2019. I already finished the suffer edition and the struggle edition. Let’s check out the light-hearted, wonk-fest! But before that…
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Let’s go back to the mid-1990s and rewatch the first episode of Yu Yu Hakusho. We all remember Yusuke Urameshi sacrificing his life in order to save a child about to be hit by a truck followed by being told that the child would have survived regardless if Yusuke interfered or not. So dude just wasted his fucking life for nothing! Let’s amp this trope up to 483 with the way our main lead in Konosuba dies. Kazuma Satou was on his way back home from purchasing a video game when he noticed a girl about to be hit by a car. He pushes her out of the way and yada, yada, yada he’s dead!
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He is now in a limbo setting, standing before a goddess named Aqua who tells Kazuma that his death was absolutely meaningless. Not only would the girl have survived, it wasn’t even a car, it was a slow-moving tractor. And Kazuma didn’t get hit by the tractor, he suffered a heart attack due to shock, followed by pissing his pants, followed by doctors, family, and relations laughing at Kazuma’s humiliating experience. And then he dies!
Aqua tells Kazuma that he has two options. He can either go to Heaven or be transported to a fantasy world (much like a game) and try to defeat a demon king. Choosing the fantasy world, Kazuma is given the opportunity to take an item with him on his travels. Now at this point, Kazuma has been annoyed by this goddess’s attitude towards him and decides to be a dick. So Kazuma chooses Aqua to be with him on his journey. Sucks for Kazuma however, because Aqua is useless! And unlike the video games Kazuma’s used to, he and Aqua must do manual labor and pay off expenses in the first town. So they might be there for a while.
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Kazuma ends up with two more members in his crew including a witch named Megumin that uses explosive magic and a masochistic crusader named Lalatina Dustiness Ford (or Darkness for short). But don’t get too excited! Megumin’s magic can only be used once a day, wiping away her energy. And while Darkness has a mean sword, she misses every time with it. So yeah, this is a rag-tag team of useless dopes. Let’s watch the wacky misadventures of Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness as they go on missions, drink until they puke, explode castles, and steal underwear.
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Yes, Kazuma occasionally does this.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Crunchyroll has been able to bless the masses with an English dub. Can’t let FUNimation have all the Isekai hits. So far it’s been alright and I’m hearing more Erica Mendez and Cristina Vee. All good things here! Plus it gives me a chance to hear the voices of Kazuma, whom up to this point I have minimal time listening to either person who plays him. And annoying as Aqua may be, Faye Mata does a really good job with that range Sora Amamiya set in the original. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Kazuma is played by Jun Fukushima (known for Naruko on Yowamushi Pedal and Makoto on Fruits Basket 2019)
*Aqua is played by Sora Amamiya (known for Touka on Tokyo Ghoul, Chizuru on Rent A Girlfriend, Miia on Monster Musume, Yachiyo on Magia Record, Akame on Akame ga Kill, and Elizabeth on Seven Deadly Sins)
*Megumin is played by Rie Takahashi (known for Emilia on Re:Zero)
*Darkness is played by Ai Kayano (known for Alice on SAO: Alicization, Menma on Anohana, Nana on Golden Time, Ryouko on Food Wars, Itsuwa on Index, Yukika on My Love Story, and Mayaka on Hyouka)
ENGLISH CAST: *Kazuma is played by Arnie Pantoja (known for Watchdog-Man on One Punch Man and Kanbarry on Re:Zero)
*Aqua is played by Faye Mata (known for Rin on Love Live, Aluminum Siren on Sailor Moon Stars, Yukako on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 4, Frederica on Re:Zero, and a bitch on Shield Hero)
*Megumin is played by Erica Mendez (known for Ryuko on Kill la Kill, Haruka/Sailor Uranus on Sailor Moon S [redub], Raphtalia on Shield Hero, Retsuko on Aggretsuko, Nico on Love Live, and Emma on The Promised Neverland)
*Darkness is played by Cristina Vee (known for Homura on Madoka Magica, Rei/Sailor Mars on Sailor Moon, Mio on K-ON, Sakura on Fate/Stay Night UBW, Kotori on Love Live, and Kanaria on Rozen Maiden: Traumend)
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FAVORITE CHARACTER: Darkness is best girl, don’t at me!
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SHIPPING (sorta): Can we just all agree that Darkness is just a sober version of Cheryl from Archer?
Whoever ends up with her will end up choking her either because she tells you to or she annoys you with her masochistic nature! I seriously do not know how you want me to turn this shipping discussion into anything other than a comment about a bitch getting choked.
ENDING TO SEASON ONE: Kazuma has been able to get a little good luck in his other world as he was finally able to move out of the stables and into a house with the rest of his crew. Although, it didn’t come easy! Then again, what has in this series? In the final episode of the first season, all of the adventures of the town were called to take on a scary foe. Up to this point, we’ve seen these guys take out mutant cabbages and an idiot dullahan. Today we’ve got…
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A giant, mechanical spider!
Why do the stupidest stories always rely on a giant, mechanical spider? Kazuma and the rest were able to stop the spider from moving. However, this monstrosity is set to explode and the impact could take out the entire town. Darkness wants to repay the town for all it has done for her and her family. The adventurer men want to repay the town because of all the succubus taverns they love. And Kazuma just wants to continue his journey so he can take out the demon king. Now, because Megumin already used her explosion magic for the day, she’s down for the count. But she was able to do it a second time thanks to Kazuma transferring some magic from Aqua through his spell and with a little help from Wiz. The day is saved, Kazuma and his crew got a hefty reward, and then Kazuma is immediately charged with treason for sending the evidence to a higher up and it exploded.
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Believe it or not, but a lot of these quests end with a giant middle finger to them. Almost like Curb Your Enthusiasm!
EPISODE 11: The special episode that followed came with some more misfortune for Kazuma. A trip to Wiz’s shop ends with a choker around Kazuma’s neck that’s going to strangle him in three days if his wish doesn’t come true. So to figure out what Kazuma’s wish is, Kazuma has all of these girls fulfill his greatest desires in the hopes of one of these humiliating tasks will release Kazuma from the choker.
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As you can guess, because this is an OVA, it will be filled to the brim with degeneracy compared to the television series. Fuck yeah it was! Kazuma used this opportunity to use Wiz’s tits as comfy pillows, have Megumin play “Strip Rock/Paper/Scissors” with Yunyun, have Aqua fetch him food, and watch Darkness jiggle her breasts. Even when he thought he was at death’s door, he uses this special time to tell each girl with him at this dramatic moment that they are nothing more than tits and ass. All except for Aqua! No love for her. Not even a pity erection! So when the spell on the choker was released due to a simple wish, Kazuma was then killed by Aqua and quite possibly everyone else and Kazuma was sent back to the goddess chamber as he learned a powerful lesson.
Don’t ever do that again!
Damn…Kazuma died 3 times so far in 11 episodes. Subaru got you beat by a country mile. He’s probably looking at you like, “You damn, lucky dumbass. I got frozen, shanked, stabbed, sliced, maced, and eaten by bunnies”.
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SEASON TWO: As I mentioned at the end of season one, Kazuma is charged with treason and usually that comes with a death sentence. Unfortunately for Kazuma, his unintentional crime was against this big, fat, smelly noble who has many higher-ups wrapped around his finger. The townspeople can’t really help him out otherwise they’d risk being charged as well. And you have a prosecutor wanting Kazuma’s head on a pike not only for the major charge, but for being a pervert. The writing is on the wall, Kazuma is screwed. However, thanks to Darkness (and her family lineage) she was able to take one for the team by saving Kazuma (for now) and have that big, fat, smelly noble do God knows what to her. Also, the kingdom repossessed a lot of things from Kazuma’s crew.
So they’re worse than “square one” at this point. They’re at “square -57” with how much debt they’ve all accumulated.
ENDING TO SEASON TWO: Things are starting to look up for Kazuma and his crew. They were able to abolish their debt, got the treason charges lifted, and they were able to gain back some respect around the village. So what better way to celebrate then to go on a bit of vacation. The gang decided to head off to another town for some rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, the town they spent their time off at is full of religious wackos. And what I mean by religious wackos, I mean WORSE than Jehova Witnesses, Evangelical Christians, and the Heaven’s Gate cult all rolled into one.
…Okay, I’m obviously embellishing here. I just really fucking hate all of those ones I just mentioned. This cult is so fucking annoying! At every turn they’re trying to convert Kazuma, Megumin, and Darkness into their fold.
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Oh wait, it gets better! This cult worships the goddess Aqua! And of course our favorite idiot Aqua was using this to her advantage. That is until a priest didn’t believe her, starting a chain reaction with the townsidiots all leading up to them chasing Kazuma and crew out with pitchforks and fire. Apparently, Aqua did a big no-no by purifying the hot spring water and now it’s just regular water.
Unfortunately at that same time, a general to the dark lord was in area poisoning all of the water in this town. Yeah, this guy is serious trouble since he’s on a higher level than Wiz (back when she was working under the demon king). But he’s a slime and works with poison. In this world, Kazuma doesn’t stand a chance. Surprisingly, this battle went well (albeit Kazuma dying inside the slime), but we got to see Aqua at her baddest of ass. Now you’d think the town would be grateful to Kazuma and his team for ridding them of a demon king general. Hahaha, never trust religious nutjobs! They still found fault with Aqua purifying their hot springs and they were thrown out.
In the 11th episode (or second side-story), Kazuma thought he was meeting a new fan in town. So he regales her with tales of his expoditions to woo her. Turns out the girl is a new member of the local tavern and one of her jobs is to listen to useless adventurers to boost their morale. And this girl was totally not digging Kazuma. I think this hurt Kazuma more than all the times he’s died in this series.
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MOVIE: We head off to the land where Megumin and Yunyun were born and raised. While there was some miscommunication into if the town and their families were in trouble to begin with, trouble sure found Kazuma and the gang once they arrived. Another general of the demon king ends up causing quite a stir in the town. Sylvia was extra hard to take down in this story. Just when you thought she was dead, she returns from death’s door and brings the poison slime from season two and the dullahan from season one to wreck havoc all across the land. Luckily, Kazuma, his crew, Wiz, Yunyun, and the rest of the townspeople were able to put an end to Sylvia and her cohorts.
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But man, Kazuma got some really shitty deals in this movie. His trashy and perverted reputation isn’t any better. Megumin’s father wanted to kill him. Megumin’s mother locked Kazuma and Megumin in a room together in hopes of doing the nasty, was messed with by a chimera of two genders, and was killed in a gruesome way that even the angels had to throw up when they saw the state of Kazuma.
On a positive note, Megumin seemed to have grown a little with this adventure as she was even thinking of putting her explosive magic on hold and give a whirl at other options. But she still gave a giant explosion that’s worth 120 points.
Konosuba was amusing. Definitely worth a few chuckles! I know it won’t be for everyone as comedy in anime can often be hit-or-miss. But the combination of characters with many quirks, the animation, the setting, the tasks, and misunderstandings, you’ve got yourself an anime version of Curb Your Enthusiasm. So…yeah, not for everyone, hit-or-miss! But in the big five isekai animes, this one is a little more light compared to some of the others. Overlord can get quite gory. Shield Hero will anger any sane person to a point of madness. And Re:Zero is just a misery blanket! Konosuba is that light-hearted comedy where sometimes the main protagonist dies horrificly in battle, but will return like Kenny from South Park. So if Shield Hero and Re:Zero depress you, maybe you might need a break with the silly, zany antics of Kazuma’s crew in Konosuba.
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Results may vary on your views of Aqua.
If you would like to watch Konosuba, the entire series is available on Crunchyroll. That’s the first season, second season, both OVA’s, and the movie in several different languages!
Okay, let’s pick our next Netflix, Crunchyroll, or Amazon exclusive!
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Alright! An anime like Black Lagoon if it involved gay boys! Banana Fish time.
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alesyira-ffn · 5 years ago
Worked a bit more on writing and then read an ollllllld fave by Kojoro Honor Among Thieves. Yummmm, if you like kagome/kurama/hiei writing, yikes. this one just oozes character (and ch 2 is highly creative smut). Now I'm depressed about how delightful the writing was and how much I feel my own work is lacking in comparison, but I remind myself that I'm writing for my adventure's sake and imma keep on trucking. gonna try to finish up 'the agreement' today, or at least get to the 'read out loud for mistakes' stage. one section is still in WIP mode.
Warning: this fic is explicit!
Honor Among Thieves, Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction | MediaMiner
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burnouts3s3 · 6 years ago
Sweet Blue Flowers, an anime review
(Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit unprofessional blog post written by an unprofessional blog poster. All purported facts and statement are little more than the subjective, biased opinion of said blog poster. In other words, don’t take anything I say too seriously.) Just the facts 'Cause you're in a Hurry! Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price for Season (MSRP): 38.12 USD Animation Studio: J.C. Staff Licensed and Localized by: Nozomi Entertainment, a studio of Right Stuf Inc. Audio: Japanese Audio with Subtitles available Length per Episode: 25 Minutes on average. 21 Without Intro and Ending song. Number of Discs: 3 DVD Discs in total.   Episodes per Disc: 3 or 4. Also on: Amazon Video and Crunchyroll, a subscription based service that allows streaming for shows. Free streaming is available with ads. Bonus Features: Clean opening, TV spots, character art gallery, and original U.S. trailer. How much I paid: Nothing. I viewed it on Crunchyroll. Number of Episodes: 11 Episodes Price per Episode: 3.50 USD on physical. 1.99 if bought digitally. My Personal Biases: I actually saw Sweet Blue Flowers a while back but never reviewed it. I like other shows in the Shoujo Ai genre such as Mai Hime, Mai Otome, Maria Watches over Us, Strawberry Panic and yes, even Kannazuki no Miko/Destiny of the Shrine Maiden.   My Verdict: Beautiful. Heartwarming. Cute. Incomplete. Like most anime adaptations based off a manga, Sweet Blue Flowers makes the mistake of trying to adapt directly from the source material. Unfortunately, with already slow pacing halting to a standstill, most viewers may not have the patience to sit through Sweet Blue Flowers. Add to that Akira’s development happening later in the series, and you have a beautiful but unfinished story that’s told. Give this one a shot and read the rest in the manga.   Warning: SPOILERS Sweet Blue Flowers, an anime review
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When the term adaptation comes to mind, the team working behind the project has to make a decision on how closely to adapt from the source material. Too often, many creative teams take the source material as a bible and shoot from there, not realizing the act of translating from one medium to another means certain elements get lost in the shuffle and things that worked in the manga do not work on the screen. While long running Shounen titles such as Naruto, Bleach, Dragonball Z, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Black Clover, My Hero Academia, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter x Hunter, and others benefit from direct page to screen adaptation, Shoujo Ai or Yuri series usually have to operate on not only a limited budget but a limited run time as well. And doing a direct adaptation of a long running manga for 12 episodes can usually result in disaster. Someone once said “You can make a good adaptation out of anything, but sometimes you have to rip its guts out.” This is why series like Kannazuki no Miko/Destiny of the Shrine Maiden worked (in spite of itself, I’ll remind readers and fans of the show) since it added characterization and plot elements that wasn’t in the original source material and wasn’t directly adapting it (Thank God!). Meanwhile, a show like Sasameki Koto/Whispered Words stumbles because it’s trying so hard to do a direction 1 for 1 adaptation from manga to screen that newcomers who weren’t familiar with the manga got bored. (You want to know how badly Sasameki Koto did as an anime in terms of sales and viewership? The anime series bombed so badly, it isn’t even localized in the States and was rumored to kill the Yuri genre for the next few years.)   And unfortunately, trying too hard to adapt directly from the source material is the main thing that kills Sweet Blue Flowers. Akira Okudaira, who is an entering high school student into Fujigaya Girls Academy, becomes reacquainted with her childhood friend Fumi Manjōme whom she has not seen for ten years. Fumi is attending Matsuoka Girl's High School where she quickly becomes friends with a handsome third-year student named Yasuko Sugimoto. Akira joins her school's drama club with her friend and classmate Kyōko Ikumi, who is in love with Yasuko, though Yasuko turns her down. Yasuko and Fumi become a couple, and Fumi comes out to Akira who is at first unsure on how to act, but still tries to support Fumi's new relationship. The main focus centers on Fumi. Fumi, despite being the taller of the two girls, is a shy unsure introvert unsure of her own sexuality and sexual orientation. She deals with heartbreak after heartbreak, seeing girls she has crushes on, such as her biological cousin which she had a fling with to Yasuko, an older girl who might or might not have sexual feelings with her. Fumi’s day to day strife and her coming to terms with her sexuality is one of the more interesting struggles of a lesbian character having to see play on screen. It’s subtle but tangible. Every so often, you see the shifts in movements and physical ticks that show off how uncomfortable Fumi is and certain scenes where characters are simply talking idly hit like a truck. As I go back and re-watch the series, I lot of things that flew over my head the first time started making sense. For example, I actually related to the character of Yasuko Sugimoto, thinking she made a good pair with Fumi, only to realize on subsequent viewings that Sugimoto was actually using Fumi for her own emotional growth. It’s an interesting take on abusive/toxic relationships; Sugimoto doesn’t intend to cause harm but her own immaturity and impulsiveness end up causing harm anyway.   So when Sugimoto asks to come back to Fumi after Sugimoto hastily broke up with her and Fumi flat out rejects her, it’s just the best feeling in the world. Fumi has actually grown in her own way and found confidence in herself without needing to be in a relationship. The biggest casualty of the show is Akira. While she’s present and does have character, her development is sidelined since it comes much later in the series. As such, it’s weird how the show keeps coming back to her as though she were an important figure when the show itself covers more about the relationship between Fumi and Sugimoto. Based on the show’s advertisement and introduction, you’d expect Akira to be a bigger part of the show. So it’s unfortunate she’s pushed to the background for the Sugimoto and Fumi relationship. Worst yet, since the chapters in question were rather short and minimalist, the anime had to pad out certain scenes to stretch them out. For example, Fumi has a conversation about how to use her phone. This plays no major role whatsoever in the plot of the episode. The final episode ends on Christmas Eve as Akira and Fumi spend time looking at their old elementary school. It is at that point Fumi realizes she’s been in love with Akira this whole time. But before the two can pursue their eventual relationship, the anime series ended. Yuri adaptations do not tend to sell well and with the lackluster sales and ratings, Sweet Blue Flowers, the anime, was cancelled while the rest of the story continues on in the manga. Ken’ichi Kasai’s direction is subtle but powerful. Fumihiko Takayama’s writing takes the best of the manga and explodes it onto the screen. Takefumi’s Haketa’s music will move your heartstrings. But, the story is sadly incomplete. Unfortunately, there a little to no extras in the DVD/Blu-ray Release. Just the Opening and Ending song with no text. CAVEAT: I don’t hate Sweet Blue Flowers; it’s just that adapting a manga this slow and this subtle was always going to be an uphill battle. Add to that the short amount of content (11 episodes, not even 12!) and the high price tag, as well as Akira not getting the screentime she does in the manga, I’m going to definitely have to say wait for a drop in price point. (Again, Yu Yu Hakusho 20 bucks for 28 episodes. I can get 39 episodes of DBZ for 20 bucks. Sweet Blue Flowers is 38 dollars for 11 episodes.) As an adaptation, Sweet Blue Flowers not only does justice to its source material but at times transcends it to give the fans what they want. But, taken as its own work, taken as a simple 11 episode series, taken as meant for people who are ‘not’ fans or familiar with the source material, I can only assume they would be left with a feeling of “that’s it”? Verdict: Wait for a sale or watch it on Crunchyroll. If you’re truly interested in the story, try the manga instead.
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cynthiaandsamus · 4 years ago
Custom Toonami Block Week 53 Rundown
Code Geass: Mao kidnaps a little blind crippled girl to get his not-girlfriend back from the guy who said he totally fucked her and stuff last episode and for some reason he believes him. Luckily the combination of Lelouch’s ridiculous planning skills and Suzaku’s ridiculous kicking shit skills are OP and CC murders him after he spills Suzaku’s secret about murdering his father, which is… yeah  
Inuyasha: The Togenkyo retelling begins and we have some weird clashes of early Inuyasha weirdness and mid-Inuyasha tropes. We get excuses to kick Sango out of the party for a few days and explanations about why Inuyasha didn’t go full demon but also weird things like Inuyasha calling Tessaiga with his sheathe which he never really does again. Also I’ve always wondered if this makes the jewel shard count different between the anime and manga since Peach Boy already has a jewel shard when they find him and this becomes part of the batch Kikyo gives to Naraku later in the manga but they hold onto it for a while in the anime so Anime Inuyasha has +1 jewel shard on Manga Inuyasha and that must be a bitch to keep track of continuity-wise.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke continues his quest to get his life back and transitioning from the end with Kuwabara last week we get his spotlight episode this week. It’s a straightforward ‘hero punk has loyalty and honor but villain authority figure doesn’t and rigs the game’ tale that is really relatable in shonen but like everything else in this series it’s done really well and seeing Yusuke beat up a bunch of punks as a schoolgirl is really funny. Luckily whenever he takes over a body he doesn’t seem to suffer any drawbacks from having less muscle or height or anything so I guess Yusuke’s just 100% technique when it comes to fighting.
Unlimited Blade Works: Rin and Archer jump into the Chapel where Caster decided to dress Saber up in her skimpiest wedding dress to play damsel in distress because something something killed Priest Alucard, Holy Grail, ???, Profit. But Archer definitely for reals betrays Rin and this isn’t a ploy or plan at all and Caster has like half the servants now. Then Rin takes Shirou to the big starry sky romance field so he can confess that she’s his love interest for this route.
Panty and Stocking: So Panty gets vored by a toilet and the girls get to do their animation transformation for an introduction, then the innuendo train literally comes to town and the fuck word is said approximately fifty times. But it turns out the real friends were the dicks we sucked and sweets we ate along the way.
FMA Brotherhood: Al fights Kimblee and Pride in one of the most badass fights in the seires until Kimblee gets struck down by an unfortunate lion attack and Pride gets taken out by a fucking car. (Mrs. Bradley saved him from getting hit by one car, Yoki fixes that right up). May keeps fighting Envy sortof and the Armstrongs fuck Sloth right up. Meanwhile the main character is stuck fighting fodder zombies until Mustang shows up because apparently if you change what kind of food truck it is Central Soldiers don’t investigate at all.
Attack on Titan: We get a flashback of how the racism trio killed Marco because he didn’t just fly away when he could and spare us two seasons of traitor reveals. Meanwhile Bertoldt decides to stop having any character nuance and go full racism and rage while Reiner’s down for the count he becomes a steam-powered nuclear bomb and blows everyone away.
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 4 years ago
Anyway I managed to beat Jump Force’s story, some closing thoughts;
-Several of the Jump villains just disappear without a trace, and that’s kind of disappointing.  None of them really get a real moment of closure.  Worst of all is, fittingly, Kaguya, who appears out of nowhere for one mission and that’s it.  “Why was she here?” I say, just like when I was reading the source material.
-Kane is pretty bullshit, but he does have cool-looking moves with cool-sounding names so that’s something.
-The final boss...hoo.  So The Reveal doesn’t entirely feel like it matters since they didn’t do much to flesh out the character before or after, his design is just...not great, and that first round against him is an utter and complete pile of fucking bullshit.  They really take away all your supers/ultimate and then throw you into a fight with a cheating AI who high-speed dodges all your attacks, hits like a fucking truck, and has an ultimate that’s unblockable.  Second round went MUCH easier at least, and I do really like Goku’s plan between rounds.
-Also the final boss presents some lore that has the potential to be really interesting, the game just...doesn’t explore it whatsoever.
-Not sure how I feel about your avatar becoming the new Director.  They definitely worked hard and grew over the course of the game, so it’s not quite that they didn’t earn it, just...I dunno, maybe it’s hard to imagine them in a leadership role since they’re a carboard cutout self-insert.
-All in all, Jump Force is rough: it lacks a lot of polish, and though it has good ideas it doesn’t execute them all that well.  However, despite that there were still many moments that just made me grin and laugh like an idiot, and honestly, that encapsulates shounen pretty well I’d say.
-I’m looking forward to Meruem’s release, as well as seeing who the new Yu Yu Hakusho character will be.  Also curious about the new Bleach rep, though I still don’t get why there are so many Bleach characters in this. (Even if it’s to build up to the new season, I feel like they’ve overdone it.)
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lateniterecycling · 5 years ago
An idea for a skateboarding game
Somewhat like jump force, except the game can be played in 2D, 2.5D, and 3D. Primarily a flat ground game of skate type game mode would be played. PS2 styled graphics for that vintage feel. Think Rival Schools.
Character List:
•Yami Marik Ishtar (w/ Millennium Rod) from Yu-Gi-Oh!
•Kohaku, from Dr. Stone
•Rinku & Shinobu Sensui, from Yu Yu Hakusho
•Tetsuo Shima, from Akira
•Sakura and Akuma, from Street Fighter
•Oozaru(scaled to 6'7), SSJ1 Son Gohan & Supreme Kai (w/ Z sword) from DBZ
•Regirock (Pokémon Colosseum), from Pokémon
•Grimmjow Jaegerjaques & Yachiru Kusajishi (Every third trick enables Shikai for Yachiru:{think Master Hand & Crazy Hand manipulating board after *pop*), from Bleach ✓
•Sasuke Uchiha (Chunin Exam Arc) *Sharingan Activated* & Gaara (Chuunin Exam Arc), from Naruto
•Fox (SSB64 iteration) from Star Fox
•Izuku Midoriya (damaged suit) from My Hero Academia
•Pegasus Seiya from Saint Seiya
•Genbu from Yu Yu Hakusho is now DLC.
• Alternate timeline Gotenks is now DLC Bio: In a universe where Super Buu is destroyed before ripping a hole in the dimension shutting off the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from Earth; Gotenks trains for eternity in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, achieving the same Mystic form that Gohan had obtained by training with the Kais.
•Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach)
•Zabuza (Naruto)
•Yajirobe (DBZ)
•Koto or Mukuro (YYH)
Basically you play a game of S.K.A.T.E, where one player does a trick, and the proceeding player has to mimic the trick. If unable to complete the trick, the proceeding player gets a letter, 'S' and the former player attempts another. Possible tricks will be determined by a gauge called the Heat gauge. This continues until one player fully plays out S.K.A.T.E. Weather conditions and terrain will affect trick landing propability and each character will possess unique abilities Hyerand weaknesses. After the game of s.k.a.t.e, the winning player gets a buff and then a formal fight follows. During the fight, the aforementioned gauge will slowly detriment from the position it were last for the winning player until it reaches 20, but will continue to rise to the last position it was for the losing player as it's consumed. Special moves, EX versions of moves, ground & air dashing consume the Heat gauge during battle.
Game will enable real time weather conditions; in regards of this to Net Play, the stronger connection will reflect the weather condition of said match.
You can choose what board size you'd like, as well as the tightness of trucks & wheels.
•Negal Ruins
•Chuunin Exams Ring
•Dark Tournament Stadium (Semi Destroyed)
•Cell Games Ring
•Supreme Kais World (Highest Mountain at Sunset) only available in 2.5D
Alternate Timeline Gotenks: Double Flips and extended stamina.
Regirock: First Strike (always goes first)
Yachiru Kusajishi: Shikai (two successful tricks (as offense) enables her Shikai. The two ghouls{L2 and RS} manipulate the board more easily; allowing more possible flips or rotation, but does NOT make landing propability increase. (Can only be used once every 9 minutes)
Kid Naruto (from Naruto) Naruto conjures a shadow clone and does a trick, followed by his shadow clone. If the shadow clone lands(on offense), you must do a combination of both tricks. So, if Naruto does a Heel-Flip and the Shadow Clone does a FS 360° Shuv-It, you have to do a Laser Flip and so on.
Yomi (from Yu Yu Hakusho)
Twin Headed Golem
Unlockable characters:
Dabura (DBZ)
Broly (Restrained; DBZ)
Kilua Zoldyck (HxH)
Injuries sustained from skating will affect you in battle(as well as future games of s.k.a.t.e) for at least (2) games after which they occured; or 4 hours, and the most (10) games after which they occured, or one day. Each character will have their own rank, in which you need to level individually, see; Virtua Fighter.
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punishandenslavesuckers · 8 years ago
formative fanfic reads
when I look back on old fandoms and what fics stood out to me back when I was in those fandoms it looks like this:
Yu Yu Hakusho -- there was a fic where the YYH crew basically got trapped in a Silent Hill house, but it’s the YYH crew so they’re pretty much unfazed and mildly annoyed the whole time. 
Naruto - I used to be really into the manga and show in high school. The fic I can best remember was this REALLY intense ops-focused fic where Kakashi was ostensibly the POV character, but it hopped around to literally everyone and was this crazy in-depth war and tactics story that broke down the ugly war-story shit about being high-level ANBU like shinobi basically. War story stuff. There’s also a story where Naruto becomes Hokage and beats the other nations by being BOMB at accounting basically. I liked that one too. 
Transformers - I got back into it during the Bayverse movies and my all time favorite story was this one Barricade-centric story (Barricade is the evil police car Deception FYI). And the premise is literally he got hit by a garbage truck and it fucking WRECKS HIM. So an NYC mechanic finds him and fixes him up in his garage. Bromance and discussion of war and peace happens. So that story and anything by The Starhorse. 
Doctor Who -- You know I can’t remember the plot precisely, but there was this one Doctor Who fic where I think a 13th Doctor of some kind goes on adventures with a temporary dude companion who was like... a handyman or something. Basically it was really chill, but handyman dude would hit ppl with heavy shit when things got real. It was a really fun dynamic and I still remember that!
Supernatural - I really liked this show! The Season 1-3 days were awesome when I was in high school. The only fic the I remember reading in this fandom that stood out to me was an AU where Jess lives and becomes a hunter with Dean. Like she leaves town with Dean to look for Sam because Sam goes missing and it’s the best of all possible worlds honestly.
Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess fucked me up and someone wrote an AU where Midna gets exiled from her Kingdom and basically stays with Link in Hyrule and that would be fine except Hyrule is a kingdom like any other and suddenly it starts going to war and when youre the hero of Hyrule suddenly people expect you to be on a side. Focus on Link with Midna navigating the politics of war when, you know, the Hero of Time doesn’t usually do that shit. Interestingly fun almost dirty-harry take on Link who’s nice but like... will kill u. 
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yyh4ever · 1 year ago
What did you think of the live-action yu yu hakusho I confess that when I finished watching the first episode I had good expectations for the next ones but from episode 3 onwards they lost their hand.
To be honest, I loved it! They skipped all the introductory parts and got right down to the point. It's a rough adaptation of the original, but the action scenes are amazing! I felt the love of everyone involved towards Togashi's work. There were more highs than lows.
Togashi wanted to draw a battle shounen, but since it was his first battle series, his editor advised him to take it easy at first. The first chapters were stand-alone adventures of Yusuke's spirit helping others. They weren't even adapted into the anime. Although I love those early stories, I don't think they are crucial to the story. I missed the comedy aspects though, that's what makes Yu Yu Hakusho so appealing. Yusuke's resurrection was a bit rushed, but I loved that "Hohoemi no Bakudan" (anime opening song) was playing on the truck's radio. I also didn't mind a 17-year old Yusuke or Kurama.
Even though they gave a more actual look to the characters, like Botan wearing peep-toes heels and Kuwabara with a dyed blonde hair instead of his iconic pompadour, we can still feel an atmosphere from the 90s in the scenery.
The stealing of the Artifacts of Darkness was so well adapted. Yusuke VS Gouki was an impressive fight. Masaru finally got to thank Yusuke, something that I missed in the original. Kurama telling his story to Yusuke at the hospital was genial as well. I think the motive that driven Hiei to steal the kouma sword in the live action suited him better. Togashi only made Hiei a main character because his editor told him so. That evil Hiei who kidnapped Keiko is so different from the Hiei who showed up later. Making Elder Toguro do the dirty job was more interesting! I'm just curious what they are going to do about Shigure in case of a second or third season. They probably have something in mind already!
Genkai's Tournament/Training was there in a different way. I don't care that much about Rando, but I missed all the pain the original Yusuke went thought to master the reiko hadouken technique. It was a little disappointing to see him absorbing the spirit wave with just an "okay". But, I'm glad they included some iconic moments of his training, like when he's upside-down balancing himself up with only his index finger on a needle.
Probably, what I missed the most was The Saint Beasts Arc. It was during this arc that the four guys got to know each other better and form a bond. Keiko and Botan also worked together and became friends. Considering the budget, I'm aware the live action didn't have time and money to produce it, they had to focus on the first big villain of Yu Hakusho, Younger Toguro.
Filming a whole Dark Tournament would be too hard, expensive, and maybe a little tiring to watch. Although the Rescue Yukina Arc and the Dark Tournament Saga were re-written, all elements from the original series were there:
They showed both Tarukane's mansion and The Hanging Neck Island;
Sakyo needed money to open a big hole to the Demon World. Goro Inagaki also slayed as Sakyo;
Younger Toguro wanted the same thing, he became too strong for the Human World;
Elder Toguro was insanely crazy. Probably, the best villain of Kenichi Takito's career;
A bunch of rich old dudes from BBC gambling;
Tarukane making Yukina cry to sell her hiruseki stones;
The random guy trying to help Yukina. Instead of killing her bird friends, Elder Toguro killed him.
There wasn't Botan and Keiko helping each other, but instead Keiko and Yukina teaming up, and I really enjoyed it;
Kuwabara falling in love at first sight, and asking Yukina to not hate all humans;
Best scenes and lines from Hiei VS Zeru and Kurama VS Roto were incorporated in the fights against Bui and Karasu;
Youko Kurama appeared! Jun Shison nailed it!
In the original, only Kuwabara didn't know about Genkai's death, I liked that in the live action Koenma kept it a secret from Yusuke as well. Elder Toguro making a puppet of Genkai out of his body was amazing!
Younger Toguro "killing" Kuwabara;
The memorable 100% Toguro VS Yusuke's spirit gun;
Sakyo telling the original plan was to make Toguro lose on purpose, so he could collect money from the rich. Also, betting his own life in front of Koenma;
It was interesting that Sakyo told his story and how he had bet his own life a few times to Tarukane instead of Toguro. I felt the Tarukane from the live action was a little bit more human. The actor did a pretty good job. Genkai's dead by the hands of Younger Toguro happened too quick and was disappointing, but they made up for that by showing their amazing goodbye scene in the Spirit World. Young Meiko Kaji was dazzling.
In the first episode, Koenma had sadness in his voice when he mentioned the former spirit detective. There was also that post-credits scene with Elder Toguro. I really hope there will be a second season. I think the Black Chapter Saga is much easier and more interesting to adapt.
I think those who have already read the manga or watched the anime, felt the love all the cast and staff have for Togashi's work. The new generation will probably buy the manga and watch the anime. The live action will surely bring new fans to the Yu Yu Hakusho franchise!
Netflix announced a new One Piece anime by Wit, made in partnership with Toei Animation. I'm also hoping that with the huge success of the live action, some anime studio or even Studio Pierrot will produce a remake of the Yu Yu Hakusho anime too.
By the way, I recommend watching the "Making of Yu Yu Hakusho". The main cast talks about all the trial-and-error process during the shoot. Action Director Takahito Ouchi also shares behind-the-scenes stories. They gave their blood to shoot this series! RESPECT!
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yyh4ever · 1 year ago
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Netflix Japan is holding many events and lotteries to celebrate the Yu Yu Hakusho Live Action. Don't forget to follow Netflix Japan X Official Account.
December 13, 2023 (Eve of the World Premiere)
Live Streaming of the Premier Event
As I posted before, a Yu Yu Hakusho Event featuring the cast and screening of the first episode will take place in Tokyo, on the Evening of December 13. Fortunately, for those who didn't win tickets, they will be broadcasting it live on YouTube, X, and TikTok. It starts at 18h30 (JST).
Nobuyuki Sakuma and Suzu Yamanouchi will be live broadcasting the entire event on the eve of the global distribution!
Navigator: Nobuyuki Sakuma, Suzu Yamanouchi
MC: Akihisa Shoguchi
Reporter: Hisanori Yoshida
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Speakers (cast and director): Takumi Kitamura, Jun Shison, Kanata Hongo, Shuhei Uesugi, Sei Shiraishi, Kotone Furukawa, Ai Mikami, Hiroya Shimizu, Keita Machida, Meiko Kaji, Kenichi Takito, Go Ayano, Director Sho Tsukikawa. Good news is that Kotone Furukawa (Botan) has been confirmed on stage too.
Win a trip around the world 🌏
Reply the campaign post that will be posted on Netflix Japan X account at 19:00 (JST) on December 13 with the hashtag #世界一周霊丸 (around the world spirit gun).
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The prize is a 16-day trip around the world (4 nights in each city+breakfast): departing from Tokyo (Narita or Haneda Airport) - New York - Rio de Janeiro - London - Bangkok - back to Tokyo (Narita or Haneda Airport).
Unfortunately, according to the rules, this lottery is only for residents of Japan. I wish they were advertising and working together with other Netflix around the world, like they've been doing with One Piece.
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Edit: Takumi Kitamura (Yusuke Urameshi) shot a spirit gun during the live action premier that traversed the world in real time.
December 14, 2013 (Day of World Premier on Netflix)
Binge-watching the 5 episodes
Starting at 19:00 (JST) on Thursday, December 14, a Watch Party to watch all 5 episodes at once will be held on X.
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All you have to do is add the hashtag #幽遊白書一気見 (yu yu hakusho binge-watching) to your posts when writing your impressions about the series. Many original goods such as posters and special boxes will be given to a total of 100 people by lottery.
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Yu Yu Hakusho Ad-Truck Campaign until December 17
All you have to do is find an ad-truck! 🚛
120 people will be randomly selected to win a gift code for 3 months of Netflix. How to apply:
❶ Follow @NetflixJP
❷ Post a photo or video of one of the 12 character trucks with the hashtag #幽白トラック (Yuhaku Truck) until December 17, 23h59 (JST).
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Departing from Sapporo, Nagoya, Osaka and Hakata on December 4, the trucks will be touring around various places until December 10, then they will be heading to Tokyo on December 11. They are scheduled to run around Shibuya from December 13 to 14, and within Tokyo from December 15 to 17.
Sapporo: Kazuma Kuwabara/Koenma/Toguro Brother
Nagoya: Kurama/Toguro Brother/Genkai
Osaka: Yusuke Urameshi/Keiko Yukimura/Botan
Hakata (Fukuoka): Hiei/Sakyo/Yukina
Infiltrating the filming location of Yu Yu Hakusho Cast
Special photos of the cast taken by Maciej Kucia (AVGVST) will be released on December 14.
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The main cast of the live-action will be on the special edition cover of the famous anan magazine. There's going to be a 16-page special feature about the live action, including exclusive photos and interviews with the cast and staff.
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In solo interviews and roundtable discussions with the four main cast members, they were asked about their thoughts and feelings when they were chosen to appear in the series, behind-the-scenes stories of shooting, and their thoughts to take on the challenge of a work that has been loved for many years.
In addition to the four guys, anan also interviewed Go Ayano and Kenichi Takito, who play the Toguro Brothers, the biggest enemies who have many fans from the original work. They talk about the difficulties and joys of playing characters that required highly difficult acting as they filmed using CG.
In an interview with director Sho Tsukikawa , he was asked about his thoughts on producing "Yu Yu Hakusho" in this era.
Here's a sneak peek of the guys during the magazine cover shot.
It's so cute when they all start chanting: "Yu Yu Hakusho". At the end, Kanata Hongo says Hiei's famous line: do not underestimate the power of the evil eye.
Edit: Netflix Japan released special photos of the actors:
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Yusuke Vs Younger Toguro Mural Showdown
"The showdown between Yusuke and Younger Toguro will break out in Shibuya!? Witness the spirit gun!"
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I am curious to see that. From what we've seen from the trailer, Yusuke VS Toguro will be an epic confrontation!
Edit: The mural is at the Shibuya Crossing. They used blue lights to simulate Yusuke's spirit gun, and on the other side there's Toguro taking it!
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Something else will happen in Shibuya?
Something will happen on the day of the live action premier...?
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I am super curious. From this image, we can understand that all the ad-trucks that departed from Sapporo, Nagoya, Osaka and Hakata will be arriving in Shibuya on the 14th, but what will happen? Some kind of big announcement? 😱
Edit: It was just a big promo at the Shibuya Crossing!
Source: Netflix Japan
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