#Ysolda One Shot
Exploring Skyrim
I started this journey by first grabbing the mammoth tusk from the top of a cupboard in our homestead to take to Whiterun, the start point, in order to give it to Ysolda. I also dealt with Mikael for Carlotta and met Sam Guenvere. I also realised that I would no doubt be entering some very tricky dungeons and decided to get Uthgerd the Unbroken as a follower. I realize I should have done a poll for this but I will do one after whether to keep her or not. After this I headed north where I discovered and cleared Halted Stream Camp but most importantly it was here that 'A new hand touch's the beacon'. I then discovered Volunruud and by reading Heddic's Volunruud Notes I started Silenced Tongues. This was a tricky dungen considering I had no armour so I used Uthgerd to tank and do most of the damage while I sneak attacked, retreated and then snuck back. Defeating Kvenel was incredibly hard as he could one/two shot kill me, so I resorted to instructing Uthgerd to attack while holding back and waiting when she's down to reset her health before entering the fight when Kvenel's health was low enough I could help. I then carried on north and found the Lord Stone and Dimhollow crypt, which will be useful for the Dawnguard questline. Carrying on I discovered Frostmere Crypt where I was approached by Eisa Blackthorn and started the quest The Pale Lady. The quest was simple and the dungeon only had a few bandits that were easily dealt with. The pale lady herself was trickier and I had to replace the sword a few times in order to wait to replenish my health but between Uthgerd and I she was able to be taken down. Carrying on north I hit the destroyed Hall of the Vigilants which I looted for any new gear. I then went west towards Morthal and found Kjenstal Ruins before hitting Myrwatch. I completed the quest there and now we have a second player home. Although I had to use flames to unlock it but as that is a quest requirement I don't think you'll mind. I then went to Morthal itself before heading north towards Solitude where I discovered Morvath's Lair (useful for the Morthal vampire quest) then Folgunthur where I got the second Gauldur amulet fragment as well as the Gauldur Blackblade. Once Mikrul Gauldurson was defeated (easier than Kvenel I found) I carried on north where I discovered the East Empire Company Warehouse, Katla's Farm, Solitude Sawmill before heading south and finding Meeko's Shack. Next up Was Dead Man's Respite where I was lead by Svaknir's ghost through the dungeon until I came upon his corpse with the copy of King Olaf's verse before being taken to fight King Olaf. The resting dragur I dealt with by sneak attacking them before they woke up. When it came to King Olaf himself I let Svaknir deal most of the damage while doing sneak attacks from behind. I then set off towards the homestead where I discovered Crabber's Shanty, Orotheim, Swindler's Den and Broken Fang Cave. Orotheim was simply a bandit cave same as Swindler's Den where I contracted Rattles. Broken Fang Cave was differant in that it had Vampires but Uthgerd was more than able to keep them distracted while I attacked from behind. All then that was left was returning home with my new loot.
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quest lines active: Before the Storm (main), Dampened Spirits (thieves guild), Good Intentions (college of winterhold), Mourning Never Comes (dark brotherhood)
quests started: The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal, A Soul Divided, The Rising Dead, Forbidden Legend, Guest for Dinner, Hendraheim, No Stone Unturned, Dawnguard, The Break of Dawn
mic quests: learn more about the thieves guild from Delvin and Vex, return the queen bee statue to Delvin, join the Imperial legion, join the Stomcloaks, Talk to the companion leaders for work, speak to the Jarl of Falkreath, speak to Constance Michel about adoption, participate in a drinking contest with Sam Guenvere
Places Discovered:
Halted Stream Camp
the Lord Stone
Dimhollow Crypt
Frostmere Crypt
Hall of the Vigilant
Kjenstal Ruins
Movarth's Lair
East Empire Company Warehouse
Katla's Farm
Solitude Sawmill
Meeko's Shack
Dead Men's Respite
Crabber's Shanty
Swindler's Den
Broken Fang Cave
Enchantment's learned:
Fortify Smithing
Frost Damage
Fortify Conjuring
Shock Damage
Spells learned:
Transmute mineral ore (alteration)
Shouts learned:
Life, Aura Whisper
Flesh, Ice Form
Frost. Frost Breath
Whirlwind, Whirlwind Sprint
Head: Silver helmet, Thieves guild hood (prices are 10%better), Shrouded cowl (with and without mask) (bows do 20% more damage), Leather Scout helmet, Fine hat, Shrouded hood (sneaking is 25% better)
Body: Dwarven armour of conjuring (Conjuration spells cost 15% less to cast), Steel armour, Thieves guild armor (carrying capacity increased by 20 points), Shrouded armor (Increases Poison Resistance by 50%), Scaled armour, Fine clothes, Shrouded robes (destruction costs 15% less to cast)
Hands: Steel Plate gauntlets, Thieves guild gloves (lockpicking is 15% easier), Shrouded gloves (backstab does double damage), Scaled bracers, Gloves, Shrouded hand wraps (Double sneak attack damage with one-handed weapons)
Feet: Dwarven boots of waning fire (Increases fire resistance by 30%), Steel soldier boots, Thieves guild boots (pickpocket success is 15% better), Shrouded boots (Wearer is muffled and moves silently) , Scaled boots, Boots, Shrouded shoes (Wearer is muffled and moves silently)
Shields: Dwarven, Elven
Jewellery: Amulet of Arkay (Increases health by 10 points), Amulet of Dibella (+15 Speechcraft), Amulet or Stendarr (Block 10% more withyur shield), Saarthal amulet (Spells cost 3% less to cast), Gauldur amulet fragment (Increases magicka by 30 points), Gauldur amulet fragment (Increases health by 30 points), enchanted ring (Increases health by 20 points)
Orcish bow
Orcish battleaxe
Dwarven greatsword
Elven warhammer
Ebony war axe
Orcish mace of winnowing (absorb 20 points of magicka)
Eduj (Target takes 10 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina)
Dragon Priest dagger
Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson(Target takes 25 points of damage, and twice as much Magicka damage)
Staff of Magelight(Ball of light that lasts 60 seconds and sticks where it strikes)
Goblin totem staff (Lightning bolt that does 40 points of shock damage to healt and half to magicka, then leaps to a new target)
Staff of Sparks (Lightning that does 8 points of shock damage to health and magicka per second)
Steel staff of War (Elemental damage that does 4 points per second to health, magicka and stamina. Targets on fire take extra damage)
Staff of the Familiar (Summons a familiar for 60 seconds whereber the caster id pointing)
Wooden Staff of Shaming (Creatures and people up to level 8 flee from combat for 60 seconds)
Scroll of Firestorm x2 (A 75 point fiery explosion centered on the caster. Does more damage to closer targets)
Scroll of Blizzard (Targets take 20 points of frost damage for 10 seconds, plus Stamina damage)
Scroll of Dread Zombie (Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds)
Scroll of Ice Spike (A spike of ice that does 15 points of frost damage to health and stamina)
Scroll of Circle of Protection (Undead up to level 8 entering the circle will flee)
Scroll of Ice Storm (A freezing whirlwind that does 50 points of frost damage per second to health and stamina)
When polling please be aware two handed weapons will be included in the right hand poll while staffs and shields are in the left.
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Ring- Ysolda
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Pairing: Ysolda x Reader
Characters: Ysolda
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 426
Author: Aaron
Aromatic pockets or rosemary, thyme, garlic wafted from the bakers stalls, the Whiterun winds carried the clouds of herb filled air all over the territory, even the farmlands on the outer rim of the Whiterun hold knew that it was market day from their nose alone.
“We will have our very own stall here one day.” Ysolda smiled at the thought as she handed over a small handful of worn septims for a braided loaf of crusted bread. “And we can sell whatever you want.” She gently placed the bread in the basket which slung under your arm and waved past the smiling baker.
“We are a little bit of time away from that, we barely have the money to keep our own food on the table, never mind the money for a stall in the centre of Whiterun.” She stopped and pulled you towards a table, a proud Khajit, clad in silk like robes with dazzling rings in his elongated ears, presented a display of exotic necklaces and jewels. “Wow.” Her eyes sat on one ring in the centre of the table, the only item protected by a lockbox on the display and by far the most extravagant.
“That’s beautiful.” You too found it hard to turn away from the sparkling diamond. “I didn’t think you were into things like this.” The merchant waited with arms crossed behind the table, his eyes carefully watching your hands.
“Fifty thousand Septims.” He said in a low, raspy voice, knowing full well how out of your price range that would be. “I can go down to fourty-seven thousand but that is all I can drop it.” You and Ysolda knew it was not going to be a cheap item, but you still saw the disappointment in her eyes. “If you aren’t going to buy, please can you move along you’re putting off potential customers.” Reluctantly you both moved on and carried on along the market, but you couldn’t get the image from your head.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s a nice ring but not fifty thousand septims worth of nice, think what else we could buy for that kind of money if we had it.” She perched on one of the benches shaded by the Gildergreen, a moment off her feet during a busy day of shopping.
“I’ll buy you a nice ring one day, I promise.” She tucked her head into your shoulder and placed her lips gently on your cheek.
“If you spend that much on something like that, I’ll kill you. Now that’s a promise.”
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gaylittleinnkeepers · 3 years
on solid ground [miraak]
(miraak x non dragonborn!female!reader)
the first thing miraak did when he arrived back on tamriel was look up to the sky.
for the first time in- how many years? ages and ages and ages, the sky was blue. he'd never thought he would see the colour blue again. apocrypha's skies were murky green, and he could never look up without seeing what a shithole everything was.
he looked down at the ground- dirt! solstheim, to many, was a disgusting place, but miraak couldn't be happier to see it.
ah...there was the complication of the many people he'd aggravated and killed over the years. but he felt too happy to be back on solid ground.
"happy to be back?"
miraak had forgotten that he wasn't alone. "yes. i mean- it's been so long."
y/n grinned, and looked up to the sky. "i can't imagine what it'd be like. so, what are you gonna do now?"
he was momentarily stunned. what...what was he going to do now? somehow, conquering the world and recruiting dragons didn't seem important, or like anything he wanted to do.
"you should settle down," y/n suggested. she held out a pouch of septims. "there are places, i know, that you could stay without being chased after, or-"
"i want to stay with you," miraak interrupted her.
y/n looked up in surprise. "stay with- really?"
he nodded. "i can fight, with you. i'd..." his voice faltered. "i want to see what tamriel is like now."
y/n stared at miraak for a second, dumbstruck, before she grinned. "i'd like that...very much! so, let's go!"
the bannered mare was quite busy at this time of night, miraak noted. there was a little girl (she looked lonely), a bunch of smelly men and a few women. he'd met most of these people already; they'd been kind to him when y/n and miraak first came into whiterun after a while out in the wild.
"when will you do it?"
miraak shot lydia a puzzled look. "what do you mean, 'when will i do it'?"
lydia gave an exasperated sigh before taking a sip from her tankard. "ask her out."
"look, you've been travelling with y/n for a whole fucking year and me and rayya both know that you have a massive crush on her. it's so obvious."
miraak tried not to spit his ale everywhere. "lower it down would you! i don't want all of tamriel to know!"
"hah!" lydia wore a triumphant look. "i knew it! rayya owes me 20 septims."
"am i really that obvious?" miraak said in a low voice. "it's awkward. we're the best of friends, because she saved me from apocrypha, but..."
"just ask her to the bannered mare or something," lydia said. "easy-peasy. if she doesn't seem interested, just pretend you asked her out as friends!"
i would prefer for that not to happen, miraak thought. "fine. i'll do it tomorrow night."
at that moment, rayya walked over with a bottle of mead in her hand and a piece of bread in the other. lydia beckoned her over and whispered in her ear.
miraak heard, "thirty septims he chickens out."
thanks for the vote of confidence, miraak thought to himself.
y/n was having a shit, shit, shit day.
first there was the matter of clearing that one stupid-ass cave with a FUCKING GIANT and finding out that ysolda is a drug dealer.
then braith was being a massive stingy bitch again.
and then she cried because lucia was so cute and lonely.
so, to sum it up, shit day.
y/n brightened up a bit when miraak knocked on the door to breezehome, though. her best friend was sure to make her shit day a bit less shit-ier.
"miraak! what have you been up to?" y/n asked.
miraak took off his mask, hanging it on a little knob thing (idk what they're called). "oh, i was just out with anoriath. he's been kind, letting me practice archery on the animals in the plains."
"nice to know you're making friends after the whole 'being evil' thing," y/n offered lightly with a small laugh. miraak couldn't help but smile.
"so...what're you doing tonight?"
y/n cocked an eyebrow (a small trait she'd picked up from lydia). "nothing. why? you wanna do something?"
miraak opened his mouth, then closed it again before answering. "er...would you- i mean, would you want to go out with me? to the bannered mare, i mean!"
y/n stared at him- dumbstruck, again, much like when he'd told her he was going with her- before giving a grin.
"sure," y/n said.
miraak let out a sigh. finally things are going my way...sort of.
little did he know, y/n was freaking out.
fuckkkkkkkk, y/n silently panicked.
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knitmoregirls · 3 years
Pompeii- Episode 651- The Knitmore Girls
This week's episode is sponsored by:
    Carry your creativity with Erin Lane Bags! Whether you show your fiber fandom with the woolly wonder
Sheepleverse, or dive into history with the Curiosities collection, our project bags, totes, and hook and needle
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See the currently available gradients at infinitetwist.com, or be the first to know when new colors are posted by signing up for our newsletter at infinitetwist.com/newsletter-signup
      Have you ever had to frog because you forgot a step several rows back? Or lost your spot because you dropped your magnet board or lost track with your highlighter tape? Instead of wrestling with paper, use the knitCompanion app. It keeps you on track so you can knit more and frog less. knitCompanion works with ALL your patterns and is available for Apple, Android, and Kindle Fire Devices
          Are you feeling dis-GRUNT-eled about your stash? Are you browsing Insta-HAM looking for knitting inspiration? Is color "kind of a PIG deal" in your life?
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  For a limited time only, bring home the bacon with code KNITMORE and get fifteen percent off in-stock yarns and fibers at oinkpigments dot com. Shop soon, because these pigs will FLY!
      One Minute Health update: Boosters for us, and first shots for the kids
On the Needles:(0:45)
Grandma Naheed got her shawl in the mail. Girls got their socks and our book
Jasmin finished the first sleeve and started the body on the test knit for Ellie Skeinanigans in Knitcircus Daring DK “All the Bacon and Eggs You Have"
Gigi is working on autopilot socks for Jasmin: Online SuperSocke 2317 from Black Squirrel  in Berkeley next pair with turquoise at J's house, lavender at mine  
Jasmin finished the sleeves on her Rainbowgan test knit by Saffiyah/DrunkKnitter in the Frost Yarns Lisa Frank gradient kit.
Gigi cast on a Musselburgh hat  by Ysolda out of Oink Pigments. the next color came  in the mail: “Sting operation” 
Jasmin finished the back of the Whitby cowl and is about halfway up the front in Nicole Frost’s MCN worsted in “Jasmin Yellow with speckles”
Gigi broke up with the Rocky Coast cardigan. Pulled out the needles so G can harvest the stitch markers
Rex had cardigan envy. Jasmin swatched in Seismic Yarn's "Black Widow" colorway.
In Stitches:(12:19) 
Gigi wore hand knit socks, and the Pointed Pines shawl 
Rex wore his fox hat, lionheart hoodie, and hand sewn masks
Jasmin wore her yellow silk/merino hat, resistance hat, 
Stitches West 2022, Sacramento CA (March 3-6, 2022)
Digital COVID19 Vaccine Record website
Mother Knows Best:(21:28)
Don’t work when tired.
When Knitting Attacks:(25:59)
Gigi had no fiberfill for ossicones.
Also : Musselburgh hat. Emily Ocker circular cast on.
Jasmin reversed the directions on the Ellie Test Knit.
Jasmin felted her entire Reignbeaux sweater set in the washer.
Straw into Gold:(41:10)
Jasmin spins some of Perry Cormo on the Daedalus Falcon
Knits in Space:(44:32)
Jasmin worked the district-wide vaccination clinic!
Jasmin's "M is for Medicine" blogpost here
And Sew On: (51:18)
Trouser Construction class at Cañada College
Check out this episode!
0 notes
Alright, so, I finally decided to give Amorous Adventures a shot (The clean version of course, got no time to set up the 27 thousand ancillary mods to get sex (or even just kissing) in skyrim to work), and after a couple days with them here's my thoughts:
1) first off, the Priestess of Azura? I think she doesn't work in the clean version. The site says she is a unmarked questline, and I've completed the Azura Star quest in her favour, but aside from her going "I will serve you from now on, Champion (of Azura). Obediently. Do to me what you want" Or some Submissive Comments of the sort, and have a bunch of dialogues options that IMPLY my character should be about to kiss her and whatnot, but nothing ever comes up, neither animations nor Text Screen like all the other Adventures do. Am I missing something?
2) That being said, It appears my Dragonborn... Likes... Older Women? He goes to the college in search for the wizard who stole Azura's Star and gets roped by Mirabelle, the deputy headmistress, into doing weird sex magic experiments with her (IS THAT EVEN LEGAL?), then when we get to whiterun there's Carlotta, certified "milf" who also happens to have a entire quest based around not wanting to be pursued by people, and Janessa, who apparently lost her last girlfriend 50 years ago and is still hung up on that. This isn't helped by the lack of branching path in the conversations, which forces me to have him as a suave womanizer whoever he's trying to bed, which I must say it's starting to give me That One Bosmer Casanova from Interesting NPCs war flashbacks.
3) (Then again, he's a Dunmer, so who knows how old he actually is (Then again he's younger than said priestess given how her vision of him from Azura came to her before he was born).
3.5) Or maybe he's just into women who can easily kick his grey wizard ass? Dude likes to live dangerously and with the constant yet arousing threat of Janessa gutting him the day he tries to cop a feel?
4) Also Ysolda has a thing for MIKAEL THE BLOODY FUCKBOY? And apparently he doesn't want to "tap" that because he thinks she's crazy because she hangs out with the Caravans ("Because no real nord would hang out with them, they are thieves and animals... No offense" he says, adding the last part as he notices my dear friend Inigo (The Blue Murdercat) giving him the glare to end all glares) and asked me for a mammoth tusk which OBVIOUSLY means she wants to use her to pleasure herself, and I must say, I feel like that's a waste of a romantic plot when it comes to Ysolda.
For one, they could have tied it to her Drug Smuggling Cartel and played up the Drug Kingpin Angle, instead than doing the old as balls joke about the mammoth tusk. That vanilla questline is an unmarked one anyway, they could have gone with that. Or maybe something about her not minding you fucking a Hagraven?
Then again I've still to talk with Madran in her quest, for as much as I know Mikael is just a huge fuckboy red herring and there is more depth on this than I espected (After all, I wasn't expecting "Murder is a Art" Janessa quest to have a scene all about the dragonborn, who was charaterized as a womanizer since then, to go "wait, if you aren't into it and are still hung up on your dead girlfriend you don't need to fuck me once we complete this job like we agreed, I don't want you to feel unconfortable" so, hey, maybe they are going to surprise me with this one)
5) BTW, I've heard Elisif is a beddable character here, and, while she does deserve to move on and find love again and whatnot, I really don't want to be a dick to Torygg by fucking his widow. Also I feel like Sybil is goinv to castrate my Dragonborn if he tries to do anything on the woman Torygg loved, so there's also that.
As a side note, Interesting NPC almost gave me a heart attack today when, while snooping around the secret tunnels of Dragonreach Prison in order to retrieve a Ring from the Rings of Old mod, I end up face to face with the ghost of a Snow Elf Woman, bastard daughter of a ancestor of clan battleborn, turned into a wispmother by Clavicus Vile.
Seriously, that shit was pretty unexpected, let me tell you.
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ch4rmsing · 7 years
Cheese, not snouts
I had been hanging out at a shrine of Dibella along the Northside of the Jerall Mountains. It wasn’t too far from Markarth, on the road toward Falkreath. A hunter was leaving an offering or loitering around, waiting for a divine sign or something. Maybe he wanted luck in his love life.
Also hanging around with me, were my three body guards, Rumarin, Gorm, and Larkspur, whom my husband doesn’t approve of at all because Larkspur is a shameless flirt of a wood elf, but if he gets to fresh I just hit him with some friendly fire. Rumarin is a high elf smarm-master and I keep him around more for entertainment than his fighting skills. Gorm is a hulking Redguard who is happy as long as I have meat on hand to feed him.
I check my to-do list, it’s pages upon pages of scribbled handwriting in a journal that looks like it’s traveled Tamriel thrice over. Most of the list has been crossed off but I have three events circled.
I don’t even know who wanted it but it looks like there’s some vampire lair I need to oversee some murders in.  The cave is in Whiterun and I could have sworn I have been to it before to murder the last creatures that took up occupation. Maybe it was one of Aela’s jobs.
Not far away is a Giant’s camp that needs to have one of it’s members disposed of. This was by order Jarl Balgruuf. I was beginning to wonder if he’d ever met a giant before - they don’t really pose any threats as long as you steer clear of them and their Mammoths.
Gorm mumbled something about a roast mammoth snout.
I closed my journal and placed it back into my pack. I was searching for a path that could lead me up the small mountains and back toward Whiterun Hold. As fate would have it, I found the path and at the start of it was Ma’aiq the Liar. I briefly engaged him as I had on previous travels. His advice was something I am sure he told me before but I like the sound of his voice so I nodded politely before continuing on.
The Vampire Lair was easy to clear out with a Dragonborn, and two-and a half bodyguards. I say two and a half since Rumarin is more jester than protector.He was berating the dead master vampire for not eating all his food but the humor was lost on me since there were no bodies laying around.
It was after mid-day when I came across Sleeping-Tree Camp. I hadn’t been there before because I didn’t recall the electric blue glow of the water in a pond surrounding a dead-looking tree. There was a giant and two mammoths nearby. I crept through the camp and stole three bowls of mammoth cheese. I am a sucker for cheese of any kind. I took aim and shot an arrow at the giant, he got angry, understandably and so did his mammoths. We slaughtered them all and I felt really really bad. I’m not a mammoth poacher, never wanted to be.
I took out my journal to cross off this murder on my to-do list and cursed because the giant I was supposed to kill was inside a cave nearby, not this poor dead one in front of me. I closed my eyes and furiously meditated.
The wind picked up, I felt backward and dizzy and when I opened my eyes I was standing outside of the Vampire Lair. I had taken myself back in time by a few hours to spare that Giant and his mammoths. I don’t care HOW much Gorm like’s roasted mammoth snout.
I traced my steps back to the camp, re-stole that delicious mammoth cheese and entered the cave. There was a body in it, and after I had dispatched the rightful giant, I looted the bodies - found a note from Ysolda. I was heading to Whiterun in thew next few days anyway and might as well put on my list to let her know that her person here...her contact...he was dead now. He had a few bottles on him of Sleeping Tree Sap so I made Rumarin carry them and headed toward my Lake Home. 
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House- Ysolda
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Pairing: Ysolda x Reader
Characters: Ysolda
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 411
Author: Aaron
“It truly is a lovely house, right in the middle of the trading capital of Skyrim too.” Your new wife Ysolda ran her hands along the stonework that lined the walls of your home.
“When we first met you told me that you wanted to be a merchant, where better than Solitude for that?” She began to unpack the boxes of belongings that she brought from her humble home in Whiterun and that somehow survived the rugged journey in a carriage.
She blushed and walked over to you, smiling hopefully and placing her hand gently on your chest, followed shortly by her head. Her hand ran slyly over your shoulder and down your arm, clasping her fingers tenderly around yours. For what felt like an eternity you both stood there, the emptiness of the newly purchased property being broken only by the spluttering of the lit hearth, you just stood there holding each other, slowly rocking back and forth.
“Do you think that you’ll ever hang up your sword?” She asked you out of the blue, the grip on your hand slowly and slightly tightening and her other hand reaching around your back and pulling you closely into her.
“Maybe one day I’ll retire from the adventuring life. I would have to hit something big of course and even then, I don’t think I’m cut out for a standard life, even if it is easier. Why?”
“Every time you go out, how can you be sure that you’ll return? I don’t see you for weeks, sometimes months at a time. I understand that you do what you must and that you do it for us. I’m just scared that I’ll never see you again.” Where her head was resting on your chest you felt a small wet patch develop, you unclasped your hand from hers and lifted her head with your finger until she was looking into your eyes, even though you weren’t sure if she could see you through the tears.
“I don’t have a choice.” You proclaimed, wiping tears away with your thumb as you held her head in your hands.
“Do you not?”
“I couldn’t wait that long to see you again. Sovengarde has feasts, flowing ale and battles that last eons. But it wouldn’t have you, and no foe is greater than my love for you. No dragon’s breath is more powerful than the flame in my heart that is set alight by you and you alone.”
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Home- Ysolda
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Pairing: Ysolda x Reader
Characters: Ysolda
Warnings: N/A
Request: @kittenlordofdarkness - Ok so I freakin LOVE Yosolda but my game hates my and now she does too. T_T just because I decided to move our family to a cute house that just "happened" to be right next to a necromancer altar. Your work is amazing so I was wondering if I could request sonething cute with her. Like maybe her and her wife caring for their kids as they travel Tamriel protecting people. (This is totally extra but my character is a thief so bonus if her wife was a thief that gave up her life of crime) Thanks :) 
Word Count: 586
Author: Charlotte
A pleasant smile curled onto your lips as you saw your cabin amongst the nearby forest. As a home that you had worked so hard to build to provide your family a perfect home and safety from all of the evils that Skyrim held, you were fond of seeing it again. Even though your blood, sweat and tears had gone into your home, you very rarely ever got to see it, let alone the occupants inside.
You swung open the door, to the smell of freshly cooked food seeping throughout the house. You allowed your nose to lead you to the cast iron pot hanging by the fire. Dipping the ladle in, you scooped out some of the stew that simmered in side, drinking it with great joy. Certainly, you missed your family, but you missed your wife’s cooking terribly as well. The stew warmed you through, something that had lacked whilst traversing Skyrim.
The door behind you opened, but you hadn’t heard the movement until your wife gasped loudly. You shot around to see Ysolda in the doorway, arms filled with a mixture of her own and your daughters clothing. She discarded the laundry onto the floor, rushing to you. Her arms flung around you, as you steadied her and pressed your lips to hers.
Of course, you loved travelling and fighting for those who could not fight for themselves, but it did hurt your heart to not have your wife and daughter around you.
“I did not think that you were to be home for several moons,” she smiled happily. “Your face? Who caused you such an injury?”
You gave her a reassuring smile to let her know that you were not as bad off as you looked.
“I did not need to travel as far as I first believed. The bandit camp was far easier to clear out than they usually are, and I was able to catch a carriage to Falkreath and their camp wasn’t too far from there,” you explained.
“Do not ignore the matter of your injury,” Ysolda said firmly.
“It looks worse than it is. The bandit leader caught me off guard and hit me with his dagger, there is no real damage and he certainly didn’t come out as well off,” you laughed.
She gave you a disapproving glare as she allowed her thumb to trace the scar on your cheek. It certainly wasn’t your first scar and you doubted it would be your last, but anything was worth knowing the good you had done.
“I do miss you when you are away, it tears me apart not knowing what has come of you, but it would be wrong for me to ask you to stay here and not assist all of those that you do help.”
You kissed her forehead lovingly.
“I have always promised you that I will come home to you, nothing shall ever stop that,” you smiled. “Now where is our daughter?”
“She’s off by the creek with that little fox she has befriended. Lucia has missed you, she’s been picking you flowers and leaving them in a basket in her room for you,” Ysolda commented. “I shall call her home now to see you.”
Shaking your head, you rested a hand on her arm gently, to stop her from leaving the home to shout your daughter back.
“Do not disturb her, my love. Allow her to play whilst the sun shines, she shall not wish to be cooped up in here until morning.”
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gaylittleinnkeepers · 4 years
innkeeper family au
hulda is the mother you heard it here first
nazeem is the eldest child, but he’s a little shit and none of his siblings like him
carlotta is second eldest. she’s sweet and soft and a teen mom to three year old mila
elrindir is the fourth. he’s twin to anoriath but older by three minutes LMAO
anoriath is fifth. he’s twin to elrindir and he likes Man Bun
finally is ysolda. she’s the youngest but she’s super sassy and the best
they usually all get along
they all live in the bannered mare
carlotta and ysolda share a room
and elrindir and anoriath share one too
we don’t talk about nazeem
lucia is three and is being taken care of temporarily by danica pure-spring. danica usually plops lucia into the bannered mare at nighttime and the fam take care of her
brenuin is an old grump
hulda !!
hulda says she loves all her kids equally but everyone knows she resents nazeem
thought she was done after anoriath and elrindir but accidentally popped out ysolda
tired mom but her kids are very helpful
runs the inn
husband who? single old mom
probably gonna retire soon
sometimes ysolda and carlotta help around the inn as like innkeepers
nazeem !!
bitch boy
24, he/him
hulda has no idea how she gave birth to him but ye
his father was an asshole so maybe that’s why
usually away to some ‘fancy uni’ and never really visits
siblings are not fond of him
big headed
fuckin asshole
probably dated five girls who all dumped him lmao
ysolda keeps in touch with him but only to tell him about how happy they are without him
canon hetero
doesn’t know that mila exists
carlotta !!
sweet innocent angel
21, she/her
born from an actually stable marriage
probably hulda’s favourite
her and ysolda are actually the best sister duo ever
Canon Pansexual
gave birth to mila when she was 19 from some drunken hook-up
will do anything for her siblings (except maybe nazeem) and daughter and mother
somehow able to take care of mila while doing her studies?? supermom
writes/reads fanfiction
elrindir !!
buff brother
18, he/him
don’t even know where he or anoriath came from
hulda gets him to do jobs for her lmao
so clueless like wtf is going on
usually with anoriath
loves to hunt
what tf is man bun? show off all that HAIR
probably a drunkie heh
What Is Sexual Attraction
does not like kids and so does not volunteer to take care of mila
anoriath !!
mr man bun
18, he/him
the Hot (self-proclaimed) twin
boasts constantly about his bow skills
is actually able to shoot something from like a mile away
terrible at studying
hunter boi
never ever see him without trusty man bun
once babysat mila by strapping her to his back while hunting
needless to say, carlotta never let him babysit ever again
canon bi
once, elrindir accidentally shot anoriath in the ass with his hunting bow
anoriath had to go to hospital for three weeks
ysolda !!
the youngest child
16, she/her
where the Fuck did she come from
so ysolda was born a few years after elrindir and anoriath, after hulda decided she was done with kids
everyone instantly was like “awwww youre our babey sis now”
despite her being sixteen she’s pretty much mentally six
carlotta is very protective of her
mila’s favourite aunt/uncle person
is actually amazing with children and often plays with little mila and the other kids in whiterun
lowkey considered adopting lucia but settles for seeing her every evening
if you have any ideas about the au then PLEASE TELL
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gaylittleinnkeepers · 4 years
iida: you know, there’s a funny story i want to tell you
ysolda: oh, what is it?
iida: so i was killing bandits and stuff, the usual when one of them went and shot an arrow into my back! it hurt a lot but i pulled it out
iida: and i killed the dude who shot me. isn’t that funny?
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Do you have a list of upcoming stuff?
Hannah and I are trying to get through requests, so if you have any questions about them feel free to ask. Aaron on the other hand is just trying to write.
However currently in the queue there is 229 one shots. A list is below the cut:
Bilbo Baggins- Protect
Podrick Payne- Injury
Neville Longbottom- Father
Cordelia Chase- Trapped
Tony Stark- Pregnant
Draco Malfoy- Book
Gary Preston- Movie Marathon
Arya Stark- King’s Landing
Aaron Hotchner- Pregnant
Sansa Stark- Joffrey
Matthew Crawley- Rattle
Samwell Tarly- Home
Alexander Hamilton- Black Eye
Jon Snow- Spar
Clint Barton- Jealous
Piper Wright- Camp
Robb Stark- Pregnant
Spike- Wedding
Reed Richards- Secret
Spike- Blood Van
Scott Lang- Baby
Thomas Jefferson- Coffees (Modern AU)
John Mitchell- Blood Lust
Missandei- Leave
Remus Lupin- Fictional Characters
Amelie LaCroix- Doomfist
Tony Stark- Bubbles
Jesse McCree- New Life (1)
Jake Peralta- Kiss
Preton Garvey- Settlements
Jon Snow- Ghost
Nick Valentine- Restrained
Ron Weasley- Doubt
Nick Valentine- Apprentice
Robb Stark- Labour
Buffy Summers- Care
Samwell Tarly- Gilly
Raymond Holt- Short Notice
Savos Seaworth- Shireen
Draco Malfoy- Crush (2)
Jefferson- Reunited
Ginny Weasley- Library
Robb Stark- Status
Cordelia Chase- Friends
Jake Peralta- Bullet
Tyrion Lannister- Joffrey
Jim Pomatter- Pregnant
Peter Parker- Bathroom
Khal Drogo- Husband
Aela The Huntress- Wolf
Scott Lang- Monday
Sansa Stark- Moon Door
Clint Barton- Ronin
Brienne of Tarth- Opening Up
Loki Laufeyson- Worthy
Brook Soso- Shower
Sirius Black- Bet (1)
Piper Chapman- Alex
Sirius Black- Bet (2)
Cersei Lannister- Joffrey
Tony Stark- Daughter
Arya Stark- Sword
Steve Rogers- Grief
Jon Snow- Fire
Peter Parker- Suit
Oberyn Martell- Revenge
Bucky Barnes- Friends
Buffy Summers- Alley
Bucky Barnes- Set Up
Molly Weasley- Egg
Podrick Payne- Pregnant (1)
Astrid- Recruit
Podrick Payne- Pregnant (2)
Ysolda- House
Podrick Payne- Pregnant (3)
Thor Odinson- Gym
Kate Austen- Exercise
Tyrion Lannister- Wedding
Natasha Romanoff- Old Friends
Molly Weasley- Pie
Peggy Schuyler- Heat
Gamora- Father
Olivia Colomar- Hacker
Okoye- Recruit
Heather McNamara- Loss
Stephen Strange- Five Years
Willow Rosenberg- Anxiety
Tormund Giantsbane- Woman
Rosa Diaz- Tech Monkey
Jesse McCree- New Life (2)
Valkyrie- Nightmare
Han Solo- Job
Ginny Weasley- Secret (2)
Thor Odinson- Let Myself Go
Artesian McCullough- Riot
Lorna Dane- Pregnant
Mimi Marquez- Fidget
Veronica Sawyer- Dead Girl Walking
Kara Danvers- Role Model
Lena Luthor- Kidnapped
Emily Prentiss- Wedding (1)
Alex Danvers- Training (2)
Natasha Romanoff- Leave (1)
Jenny Calendar- Think
Buffy Summers- Cupboard
Lorna Dane- High School
Wanda Maximoff- Mutation
Diana Prince- Beautiful
Willow Rosenberg- Witch
Lena Luthor- Fall
Jemma Simmons- Hospital
Kara Danvers- Distraction
Kara Danvers- Cat Grant
Wanda Maximoff- Love
Wanda Maximoff- Trust
Lena Luthor- Bullet
Daenerys Targaryen- Hope
Hermione Granger- Yule Ball
Rosa Diaz- Jake
Queenie Goldstein- Walk
Veronica Sawyer- One Of The Heathers
Alex Danvers- Anger
Maria Hill- Fury
Diana Prince- Hope
Wanda Maximoff- Birthday
Lena Luthor- Bar
Daenerys Targaryen- Viserys’ Burden
Carol Danvers- Change
Anna Smith- Injury
Cait- Lunch
Juliet Burke- Protect
Kate Austen- Alternate Universes
Edith Crawley- Jobs
Marisol Gonzales- Work
Hana Song- WiFi
Alana Dwight- Snoring
Nymphadora Tonks- Fluffy Socks
Rowena Ravenclaw- Training
Brigitte Lindholm- Worry
Olivia Colomar- Proposal
Brook Soso- Kindness
Stacy Hinojosa- Molly
Thea Queen- Truth Or Dare
Jennifer Jareau- Proposal
Elle Greenaway- Doing Well
Ginny Weasley- Study
Tara Chambler- Shower
Peggy Carter- Assistant
Valkyrie- Defeat
Ana Amari- Fareeha
Faith Lehane- Distraction
Aela The Huntress- Dragon
Eponine Thenardier- Letter
Imra Ardeen- Centuries
Dorcas Meadows- Bullies
Angie Martinelli- Keys
Angelica Schuyler- Forbidden Love
Eliza Schuyler- Love
Peggy Schuyler- Arranged Marriage
Beca Mitchell- Comfort
Paige Dineen- Idiot
Happy Quinn- Fire
Amy Madison- Spell
Angel Dumott Schunard- Visitation
Joanne Jefferson- Cheesy
Narciss Black- Auntie
Bonnie Bennett- Hoodies
Samantha Arias- Date
Ofelia Salazar- Injury
Maggie Sawyer- Morning
Ruby Lucas- Clean Up
Kelly Booth- Dancing
Heather McNamara- Confusion
Megan O’Brien- Walter
Jenny Calendar- Computer
Penelope Garcia- Coming Out
Artesian McCullough- Going Out
Lorna Morello- Glasses
Mimi Marquez- Good And Bad
Poussey Washington- Release Date
Maria Ruiz- Pregnant
Helena Bertinelli- Best Friend
Natasha Romanoff- Leave (2)
Emily Prentiss- Wedding (2)
Kate Beckett- Worry
Hope Van Dyne- Concern
Buffy Summers- Accident
Willow Rosenberg- Optimist
Lorna Dane- The Hellfire Club
Luna Lovegood- Mudblood
Quinn Fabray- Wheelchair
Belle French- Dagger
Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon- Strength
Daisy Johnson- Good
Jemma Simmons- Accident
Bellatrix Black- Pregnant
Michell Jones- Pride
Tahani Al-Jamil- Height
Kara Danvers- Coffee
Nia Nal- Cafe (1)
Nia Nal- Cafe (2)
Nell Crain- Phone Call
Sansa Stark- Comfort
Harley Quinn- Arkham Asylum
Mary Crawley- Sybil
Spencer Hastings- Video Games
Cersei Lannister- Pleasure
Shuri- Genius
Stephanie Hapakuka- Riot
Gamora- Decision
Rosa Diaz- Parents
Hermione Granger- Dinner
Daenerys Targaryen- Meereen
Elizabeth Swann- Dress
Queenie Goldstein- Sick
Veronica Sawyer- Mythic Bitch
Maria Reynolds- Affair
Maria Rambeau- Carol
Lena Luthor- Dinner
Carol Danvers- Fiancee
Jenna Hunterson- Sofa
Theo Crain- Hangover
Elena Gilbert- Bite
Alex Danvers- Road Rage
Wanda Maximoff- Tour
Diana Prince- Destiny
Maria Hill- Lesbian
Yara Greyjoy- My Queen
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