#Youngin co
socialscreamsauce · 2 months
But, it's a drag, you're so mean, destroying my belief in, in love oh, love
having breakdowns every other day at work currently
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stone-stars · 8 months
happy 6 years of naddpod everyone <3 (alt title: the dragon pussy podcast making me cry for 6 minutes straight)
Mee Maw: That's true, but… there's also somethin' else. Murph: And you see she pushes her cloak to the side, and you see she has black scabs-- Caldwell and Jake: Oh, no! No no no! Moonshine: Oh, Melora! Murph: --and deep crick rot all over her chest and neck.
Marabelle, weakly: Jolene? I-- I didn't realize I was gonna get to-- say I was sorry. Moonshine (pretending to be Jolene): Thank you, of-- of course you're forgiven! I love you so much! You're my big sister!
Melora: You're not cursed. You were born like this.
Hardwon: (desperately) Gemma? Gemma? Gemma wake up. Gemma baby. Hey. Murph: You see she's-- she's-- she's cold and dead. Hardwon: Fuck!
Balnor: I couldn't help them. I can barely swing a sword. Alanis: There's a war coming, and everyone needs to fight. Even old men who don't know how.
Beverly, crying: No, he's-- he's my light. He's my Pelor! He always was! I strayed!
Bev Sr: You tell her the truth, Bev. You tell your mom that I died in the Feywild. Beverly: (crying) You know I'm bad at lying. Bev Sr: It's not a lie, Bev.
Deadeye: Yeah, I know I'm down a hand. And an eye. And a life. But I got a soul, and a family. And I finally know which is worth more.
Deadeye: I hate to think about what woulda happened to me, but maybe more I hate to think about who I still would've been if I had never met you.
Rosa: JV, I can't-- I can't find my lantern. JV: Aw, well look at that? There's a lantern right here. Rosa: Are you sure that's mine? JV: Yeah. Yeah, I'll-- I-- I'm gonna go look for mine.
Hardwon: --interpretation. I-- I-- Moonshine: Hardwon, I really don't want you to want to die, because I want you to live so much and I don't want to be alone in that feeling.
Lydia: Elias, is that you? Hardwon: It's uh-- It's still little Elias. You saved the child, ma.
Lydia: I don't know what I've been these past few years, I don't know what I've been these past few decades. But I want you to know that when I was your mother that... you were wanted.
Murph: Somebody who felt they could never have a child… um, is holding their child. Moonshine: I-- I didn't want to need you, dad, but… now that you're here… it-- it's kinda nice.
Murph: Your father has given you... a strategy guide on how to beat him. Caldwell: I have to look away so that the tears don't ruin the pages.
Beverly: (tearful) I don't want to go. I don't want to go. But I have to. It's my duty. I have to do this. Moonshine: Okay, youngin, I want you to know. I will love you whatever you choose to do. But, here's my two cents: A child has a duty to his father, but a hero has a duty to the world. Now, I've got my opinion of which you are. But it's time for you to decide.
Bev Sr: Thanks, Bev. I always-- I knew I could make the deal, because I knew you'd stop me.
Moonshine: (tearful) I-- I've been wanting to tell you about this for so long, and I just didn't get a chance to. And I don't know if I will, so I just wanted to make sure I told you.
Moonshine, crying harder as she goes on: Paw Paw. You are… You are my best friend. And you are the best part of me. (sobs) And I am so grateful. For-- (sobs) the fact that so much of our lives have been braided together. But… where I'm going, next-- after we beat Thiala, which we will-- you can't come, mmkay? So I just need to make sure that you are taken care of, and I need to make sure that you take care of some people, okay?
Pendergreens: This time, you picked me up. And you were nice to me for no reason.
Pendergreens: If when you come back... if I'm different? Moonshine: Mhm? Pendergreens: Just, remember me as I am now. 'Cause I like who I am when I'm around you.
Death: I will take everything from you-- Hardwon: Quit pointing at people! Death: --until you come with me. Hardwon: Ok-- I'll go! I'll go. Beverly: Hardwon, no! Hardwon: Bring her back, and I'll come. Bring her back.
Lydia: All my life, people told me what I had to be. You don't have to be anything other than what you are.
Lydia: I think you should talk to your friends. Not because you owe them an explanation, but because you deserve to be heard.
Melora: Beverly. Beverly: Yes? Melora: I wish you could grow up in a normal world, but the Gods have not blessed you with a normal life. You are… afflicted with duty. Things thrust upon you far beyond your years.
Melora: The world should have protected you, but you have been asked to protect it. What an honor, what an injustice.
Moonshine: How long do Half-Elves live? Mee Maw: You talkin' bout Hardwon? Moonshine: I mean-- It's on my mind.
Moonshine: I guess, if I'm being honest, I don't know what it's gonna be like to know Bahumia without Hardwon Surefoot. (tearful) And there's a part of me that doesn't want to find out what that feels like.
Moonshine: There is something sour I probably need to swallow, though. It is-- There's people you meet that are once in a timeless body lifetime kinda people, right? Mee Maw: Oh, yeah. Moonshine: Okay. Mee Maw: And you keep 'em with ya. Moonshine: Okay.
Moonshine: (crying) It's okay, Balnor. Like all the most powerful things in this world, I knew I was only borrowing you.
Hardwon: Moonshine, when-- When I left Irondeep, I-- I didn't know where I fit in. And then I met you, and you didn't just let me in. You brought me in, and you thought I was good.
Balnor: I hope that you all get to leave this world with the same comfort that I had: knowing that it's in good hands. I love you. Murph: "Your knight, Balnor."
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httpscomexe · 2 months
Forbidden Secret Desire 2
Summary: He tries so hard to take you out of your comfort space, and you try so hard to co-operate. Only forgetting a majority of the day as the time ticks by. But when you finally get to bed, you immediately relax. Now the only thing that annoys you is this weird sound.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Logan Howlett x Reader
Warnings: (Individual warnings per chapter) Manipulation, anxiety, social dissociation, hidden cameras, a lot of awkwardness. THIS is going to be a dark one. If you are not into non-con fics, then I suggest you don’t get too attached. There will be VERY detailed descriptions in the near future.
Word Count: 3285 (Find all chapters here) Chapter 3
Tags: @remmyj10 @sammyluvsfics
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again.
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“Guys, meet Y/N.”
You hated it already. I was forcing you to meet people, and everyone he introduced you to gave you the side eye. Some didn’t even say hi. Except Kurt.
“Oh, hey Y/N.” Kurt was the first one to step away from the small group of kids, then he outstretched his arms to hug you, causing you to have to uncross your arms and embrace it. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Yea, I’ve been busy.” You tell him quietly, not wanting anyone else to hear you.
“Well these are my other friends.” He nods towards the small group of people. “Storm, Jane, Havok, and Cyclops.” They awkwardly wave towards you, but the one named “Havok” smirks down at you. Charming. You roll your eyes a little.
“You don’t have to call me Havok, Alex works too.” He tells you, reaching his hand out and letting you shake it.
“We’re going to the mall later, would you like to come with us?” Kurt asks you, but instead of answering, you turn your head to look towards Logan.
“Her and I have plans, maybe another day. I was gonna show her around, she hasn’t really gotten to go anywhere so I figured I’d take her out.” He reaches his hand up, and gently places his palm on your shoulder.
“Oh okay, maybe another time then.” Kurt sounded disappointed, but you paid no mind to it. You could finally go out in public without being stared at or hated.
“Well, it’s nice seeing you youngins, but she and I are gonna get going.” Logan looks back down at you and you smile softly, still feeling awkward.
After saying some goodbyes and exchanging a few more words, the two of you finally turned around to leave and then you weren’t so sure you’d be able to socially enjoy yourself outside the mansion anyways. But Logan seemed excited, and you didn’t want to ruin that.
Now he was standing outside of your room, waiting for you to get ready for the day. You weren’t exactly sure what style was popular, you had been stuck in the mansion for over two years now after all, so you just threw on whatever you felt would be acceptable for going to the mall.
Just a simple grey sweater and your favourite black short skirt, then you threw your hair up into a messy bun before shoving your phone in your pocket. You don’t have a pocket though. You bite your lip with some frustration as you realise your skirt didn’t have a pocket. “Damnit.” You mumble. You didn’t have a purse either since you never expected to leave the mansion anytime soon. You can do without your phone for the day. You tell yourself, opening a drawer and stuffing your phone inside before closing it and checking yourself in the mirror.
“All ready?” You nod, then begin walking down the hall with him to the entrance of the mansion. “We're just gonna go out shopping a little then we’ll get some snacks and come back, shouldn’t take too long.” He tells you.
“Uh, okay.” You twiddle your thumbs in front of you nervously. “Sounds good.” You chuckle awkwardly, then follow him to one of the cars in the parking lot.
It was a rusted old ford pickup truck. You honestly hadn’t expected anything more from him, you definitely didn’t expect some Honda Civic or more clean and collected car. HillBilly it is.
He uses his key to open the driver's door and as you pull on the handle to the passenger side it doesn’t open and your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Then he reaches for the door from the driver's side and unlocks it for you before you step in and sit down. The seat was hot from the truck sitting in the sun all day. “What kind of music do you like?” He asks you, turning on the engine. “Or do you prefer the quiet?”
This literally couldn’t feel any more awkward for you as you felt your chest tighten up, like you were already doing something wrong. “Nothing really in specific.” You tell him, and he turns a radio dial on the dash until some country music starts playing. Fuck this is so awkward.
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The ride was awkward. There were maybe a total of ten words spoken. There was so much traffic. And one of the roads was closed, adding about an extra twenty minutes of awkward silence. It literally could not get any worse. You tell yourself as he finally pulls into the parking lot at the mall, somehow managing to find a spot near the front, surprising you considering how damned busy it was just on the sidewalks.
You both stepped out of his truck, and you immediately went to his side, staying by him like a child who’s reliant on their dad to keep them safe. You see him smile out of the corner of your eye before he hangs his arm around the back of your neck, leading you to the front of the mall. You figured it couldn’t be THAT bad, right? Oh my fucking God why are there so many people holy shit bring me home. Was the very first thought that ran rampant in your mind. The moment the automatic doors opened they welcomed you into a living and breathing hot and sweaty circus of hell.
There were people who didn’t bother you so much, they were just walking with a few bags in their hands and minding their own business. Then there were families which honestly only raised the body heat in the building as they ran around trying to catch up to their sons and daughters. But the most annoying of all were the little stands in the middle of the mall and next to the escalators that were blasting music as they sold little simple things like fidget spinners or Mario plushies that looked like they had been through war.
It was only when someone got in your face with a coupon that you finally broke and stopped, then stared up at Logan. “I don’t like it, I wanna-”
“It’s a lot busier than usual.” He tells you, shoving his hands in his pockets. He knew you wanted to leave, and that it was a lot. But he was determined to walk you through the mall. “So what store should we go into first? Maybe we can get you something? Do you like jewellery? Or a purse maybe?” He throws some ideas at you, attempting to distract you from your inner turmoil.
And of course, it works.
“Uh yea, sure. I mean, I don’t really know any stores, I honestly wouldn't know where to go.”
“Okay, well let's start with something simple, there's a clothing store just down there.” He tells you, nodding his head past you, in the previous direction you were walking in.
“Okay…” You whisper, then step back to his side as you two continue your walk down to the store he was talking about. You hated it, but he was trying so hard to make you feel included.
“Excuse me ma’am, would you like a free sample?” A man asked you, holding a large silver pizza plate in front of you just as you had begun your walk. “It’s sweet, and everyone does say you are what you eat!” He says excitedly and you can’t help but think he sounds like a clown from a movie.
“Uh, no-”
“What is it?” Logan steps forward, letting go of your hand which you hadn’t even realised he was holding, to grab two of the little cups, handing you one.
“They’re cinnamon rolls. Just like the normal ones, but they’re mini.” He tells you both. Watching as Logan takes a bite out of his, and you hesitate at first but then take a small bite out of yours.
“Good?” Logan asks you, and he stares as you use your tongue to lick some of the icing off of your lip. He seemed hypnotised before you nodded your head to answer his question.
“If you’d like to buy the bigger version, you can get two for $7 if you go to Jackie's Pastries on the second floor.” The other man tells you, then swiftly walks away to a family, offering each of them a sample and he laughs as a younger child takes three.
“Wanna get some? They’re good?” He grabs your hand gently again, but you notice this time, of course, you don’t say anything about it.
“Sure, they taste good.”
“Good, I’ll lead the way.” He tells you before taking small steps to match your speed and he makes his way to an escalator. God did you hate escalators and elevators.
“Are there no normal stairs?” You ask him nervously.
“No, they’re becoming more modern as we speak.” He tells you before stepping onto the next stair that comes out of the track, and you make an anxious and quick step forward with him, putting you both on the same stair, causing you to sort of mush against his side as his hand gently squeezes yours a little tighter. You clench your jaw in embarrassment, you’ve never felt more exposed and awkward in your life.
“So what would you like?” He asks you, as you both wait in line, by the time you were behind the last five people, you had unconsciously held his right hand with both of your hands, but you still hadn’t even noticed it. “Just the cinnamon rolls, or something else?”
“Uh…” You take a deep breath in, and look up at the sign above the workers as one of the people ahead of you order icecream and waffle cones, drizzled with chocolate syrup. “Yea, I think?”
“You think?” He chuckles a little, looking down at his hand wrapped in both of yours as you unconsciously pick at his skin. Another thing you would feel ashamed of if you noticed. “How about we get you a cinnamon joy bowl.” He tells you. “It’s got cookie dough ice cream, a cinnamon bun on top, and 3 french toast sticks on the side all drizzled with vanilla icing.” He tells you. Sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen. 
“Sure.” End me faster you delicious snack. You both step forward as you’re next in line.
“Anything to drink?” You shrug. “How about just some water.” You nod, and he sighs a little, then the people ahead of you finish ordering as well, leaving you both in line now. “Hey, can we get a cinnamon bowl with two scoops of icecream and then water? Thank you.” He tells the cashier up front, then he pays and you both step away, letting the person behind you order next as you both stand waiting for his name to be called, and you continue to unconsciously pick at his hand with your thumb.
“So after this, we can stop by a toy store I think you’ll love?”
“Uh, okay.”
“Are you still nervous?”
“What? What makes you think I’m nervous?” You chuckle, and he looks down at your hands. “Oh, oh I’m so sorry…” You apologise quickly as you move your hands and see the little red spot you’ve created on the back of his hand. “I didn’t even realise I was-”
“It’s okay, bub.” He laughs lightly, then swings his arm around you again and pulls you in close to his side. “I’ve had much worse.” He jokes, making you laugh a little. Why would you laugh at that? He’s literally been shot!
“Logan?” A voice says, bringing your attention to the worker behind the counter holding the bowl of sweets, and Logan drops his arm to hold your hand again and pulls you with him to retrieve it.
“Thank you ma’am.” Then he takes you away from the counter, constantly leading you around, knowing you’d stand like a sitting duck if he wasn’t by your side this entire time.
“Try it. Any good?” He asks you, walking over to a metal table with two seats, dragging a chair back for you to sit in.
“Thank you. Yes, it’s good.” You tell him, sitting down and placing the little bowl on the table in the middle, handing him the second spoon and watching him as he takes the plastic off of his spoon.
You both relaxed for about thirty minutes, just shoving your mouth with sweets. You don’t even notice how he takes small bites, letting you take the bigger bites to make sure you eat at least some of it. And you eat a lot of it, not even noticing how he lets you have the majority. He knew it would for sure brighten your mood to have some food and sweets in your body.
As soon as you were both done,he stood up and threw the empty bowl in the trash. Ugh… This is so awkward. You keep telling yourself it’ll get better, but of course, it doesn’t.
The entire trip to the mall, from getting into his truck to leaving the mall in the late afternoon was nothing but awkward for you. Your anxiety got the best of you, and you felt like you couldn’t breathe at times. The only time you actually were excited was when he took you to a little shop called “Build a Bear.”
It was stressful. To the point where you wouldn’t be able to recollect the memories even if you wanted to. As you both returned to the truck, you finally started coming back to your head. With your arms crossed you watched as he put a few bags worth of items on the back seats. There had been a few conversations on the way back, which you had brainlessly answered, not a single actual thought had been on your mind, you were just so emotionally exhausted and your brain only registered a few moments. But the last conversation to end the trip was the most conversation you think you’d had.
“You like that bear huh?” He chuckles a little as he puts the truck in park and looks down at your lap, the little brown build a bear wearing a tutu sitting on your legs.
“Yea…” You say quietly, then look up at him.
“You okay, bub?” He asks, reaching over and resting his hand on the seat behind your head.
“Yea, why?”
“You seem… I don’t know…”
“Sorry… I’m just really tired… We were out for a while.” You say nervously, leaning back in your seat and playing with the little bear by moving his hands a little.
“It’s alright.” He smiles softly, then gently pushes some of your hair behind your ear that had fallen in your face from looking down. “Lets get inside, it’s getting dark out.” He grunts a little as he gets out of the truck and you get out a moment after.
He walks you to your room and sets the bags down for you. “Thank you.” You mumble.
“Of course.” He looks back down at you, still holding the bear in your hands as you stared mindlessly at the floor where the bags were. “Well, I hope you sleep well tonight. Sorry if I put too much on you.”
“Oh, no. You didn’t put too much on me, I had fun. Plus I needed to get out.” You laugh a little and he smiles, something you realised he does only when you’re smiling or laughing.
“Good, good. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, in class. I’m substituting for Xavier so you’ll have two classes with me.” He sighs a little.
“Oh, okay. Then yea, see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, bub.” He hugs you from the side, and you only lean into the hug, then he starts walking to your door to leave your room, but stops with his hand on the doorknob. “Oh, one more thing, can I ask you something?” He turns around, his hand falling from the knob.
“Uh yea, of course what’s up?”
“Do you have any zip ties?” He tilts his head a little in question. “I know that’s a weird question, I was just curious.” He adds.
“Uh yea, they’re in my closet somewhere, hold on.” You tell him, placing you bear on your bed for a moment to walk into your closet.
You checked some shelves and drawers, not finding anything. But you knew you had some in your closet. Where did I put you..? You ask yourself, then your hand comes across a bag of long green zip ties, you remember you had used them for some projects since they were easier to notice than plain white or black ties.
“Does it matter what… colour they are?” You ask him, stepping out of your closet and closing the closet door slowly as you see him holding your bear. “I uh, have these green ones but that’s it.” You tell him, and he sets your bear up on your desk, facing the room.
“Nah, colour doesn't matter. I should only need like six though.” He says, noticing you were holding a bag of about thirty ties.
“Oh okay here.” You count as you take them out of the bag, only six, and then hand them to him. “What do you need them for?” You laugh a little, what could he possibly need zip ties for?
“Oh well I have my own home away from the mansion, I just needed something to be tied up.” He tells you nonchalantly. “Anyways, thank you darlin’, I appreciate it. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” You smiled softly up at him, his eyes looked almost black as he stared down at you.
“See you tomorrow.”
Then he leaves, closing the door behind him which you promptly lock so nothing else can bother you for the rest of the day, while you were going to be sleeping. Taking one look at the bags of items he purchased for you, you quickly decided you would deal with it tomorrow.
You reached behind you and took the back of your shirt in your hands before pulling it over your head, then removed your little skirt and discarded both clothes items in your little basket of dirty laundry. Then you reach behind you to unclasp your bra, which you threw on top of your sweater and skirt before walking over to your desk, reaching for one of the washed tank tops in your clean laundry pile just sitting on your chair, but a quiet clicking sound catches your attention. You look up, and see nothing, so you assume your neighbours are doing something, then you begin to put your top on, reaching up to get it on, and you hear another click. What is that stupid sound? You wonder, looking over at your desk. Then you realise it’s probably your phone, which you just remember you had shoved into your desk before leaving this morning. So you stop freaking out, and take the phone out, immediately going to silence it, but it was already silenced. You assume it was just a glitch, then turn all of your lights out and finally crawl under the covers of your bed.
“What a long day.” A long sigh comes from your lips as you lie your head back on the pillow, then you remember your bear was still sitting on your desk. You immediately push past the thought of getting up to bring it to bed with you, you were too damned tired, so you just block out everything, your room completely silent as you stare at the ceiling. A faint whirring sound coming from across the room, and your bear staring at you while you sleep…
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redeyerhaenyra · 5 months
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Fluffy moments with Stilgar
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Summary: Headcanons full of fluff with Stilgar bcos I am not immune to sand daddy
Warnings: Not much.. age gap? I think that's it. Let me know if I've missed anything!
Notes: I can't wait to write smut for this dude wait what who said that
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God I love this dude
Not nearly as much as he loves you though
Stilgar often isn't a man or words I think.
He's kinda like a cat. He'll just stare at you, slowly blink.
He likes to simply spend time in your presence
Definitely DOES NOT emit soft low moans that rumble from his chest when you thread your hands through his hair. Definitely doesn't do that.
He calls you "rohi". Doesn't tell you what it means you have to ask another Fremen to find out
(It means "my soul mate" 🥺🥺)
Sometimes he'll pinch your cheeks like you're a child
When you pout about it he just giggles at you that you look so silly
Will always pull the age card btw???
"I am old I don't have to explain to you-" "Yes you do?" "No-"
"No you're too young to do that rohi I will do it :3" "Stilgar im a grown adult" "Just a little baby compared to me I will do it :33"
He's such a cootiepatootie ✨️
Like to think he doesn't realise he's looking at you sometimes
Just staring at you from across the room with a big smile on his stupid face and the other fremen will motion to him like "Stilgar's at it again."
Actually worships the ground you walk on
Put it this way: if it rained on Arrakis he's not just putting his coat down over a puddle for you, he's throwing HIMSELF down over the puddle too
Oh and he always has to be near you
Not required that he's touching you at all times but he's gotta be close to you
Likes to keep an eye on you yknow? For safety
He's also a fucking oven???
This is a sfw post so I won't go too in depth about stilgars thick hairy sweaty body- *gunshots*
He's soooo soft and warm I just know it
If not pillow why pillow shaped?
Shai'Hulud help you if you try to get up out of bed before Stilgar is ready to get up
Cos it's not happening
Stilgar is NOT a morning person
Tell him good morning he just grunts at you
He's tired okay
Grumpy old man tm
Though he often won't fall asleep until you do.
He strokes your hair and gazes at you like you've just presented him with the sun, moon and all the stars as you're curled up asleep next to him
Stilgar whispers to you how much you mean to him in the wee hours of the night. When it's just you and him.
You think he doesn't know that occasionally you're pretending to be asleep just to listen to him, but he knows. And he keeps doing it.
He'll scold you for staying up late though >:( youngin' like you needs your sleep!
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pit-of-maggots · 7 months
STARTER FOR @young-botanical-genius 🌼🐛
It was the dead of night... two cloaked figures walked the streets of Skid Row until they reached the closed front entrance to the botanic shop they've been observing a while.
"I'm not positive I agree with using my children as guinea pigs, Beatrice." The High Priest hissed under his breath as the woman gently placed the basket, it's contents neatly hidden by the fluffy pink blanket inside it, in front of the door of the little shop.
The idea of one of his children potentially being killed, or worse, being poorly looked after- infuriated the fly-man. And he wasn't fond of treating his spawns as if they were disposable objects.
"It is not a guinea pig, so you better watch your tongue before you question my actions, Concetto." The woman spat back with indignance in her voice, although it was quiet whispering- her words were still piercing. The man remained quiet, he and the woman had a staring contest for what felt like an eternity as if they were fighting eachother via who could give a more accusatory stare at the other.
Finally, Beata Maria spoke again: "I have kept my eye on the boy that... resides here. He will care for the youngin like he cares for the plants."
"And if he doesn't?"
With that insinuation that she was wrong, she remained silent, once again staring daggers at her co-leader. She inched close to the man until they were face to face, furiously staring at one another as they (quietly) fought verbally about who was righteous.
" Vedremo. ( ' We'll see. ' ) " She simply said, before one of her arms stretched out, adapting the form of a long, black tentacle and proceeding to... 'knock' on the door of the shop, calling it knocking was putting it lightly- the tentacle practically slammed against the door twice so hard it probably scared awake nearby homes, it was a miracle the door didn't break down. Concetto quickly went to hug the little basket, giving one last good bye, before he and his companion vanished into the shadows.
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showmey0urfangs · 1 year
Hi! So I have an unpopular opinion...Jam Reiderson lack sexual chemistry. They seem like really good friends, but they lack that romantic spark, even in their intimate scenes on-screen. When Sam Reid did interviews with his Belle co-star, you could feel the sparks between them, like he was head over heels in love, you know? There was even a reporter who straight-up asked if they were dating, and they just laughed it off. The same thing with Jacob and Natalie Emmanuel, on and off the screen you could sense their attraction. Sam and Jacob seem like really tight buddies and I love their friendship, but there's just no "let's jump each other's bones" kind of vibe. What do you think?
Oof! Are you sure you want to wake that demon Anon? 😂 Jam's chemistry is legendary and it's literally the thing everyone always compliments them on.
Whether their chemistry is sexual or not is debatable but on screen, they 100% sell that Louis and Lestat are crazy in love and do want to jump each other's bones as you say.
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I think I know which interview you're talking about though and I agree that Sam and Gugu also had amazing chemistry. Belle is one of my all-time favourite movies and the part where John screams I love her with every breath I breathe! is ingrained in my brain forever. I always tell the youngins that Belle walked so that Brigderton could run.
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But anyways...Actors don't have to be having an affair irl à la Brad Pitt and Angelina for them to deliver a sizzling performance on screen. At the end of the day, an actor's job is to ACT i.e. pretend to be someone they're not, feeling emotions they don't. Sam and Jacob are excellent actors and their real life friendship also adds a lot to that imo.
This phenomenon where some fans expect actors who play a couple on screen to be fucking irl is just so weird to me, and I've noticed it a lot recently, like in the Bridgerton/Queen Charlotte fandom where fans analyze every interview between Corey and Amatifio and speculate about him cheating on his gf with her which is so wtf!
Idk, I think it's important to differentiate between the characters and the real people who play them.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
So Ray you would not believe it but I was contacted by an old fandom buddy who beta'd for me back in the day and she was like "yo remember that KHR fic you had running? The one with Hibari's mom?" And I was like "yeah what about it?" and she was like "so a friend of mine saw a request from someone in some tumblr blog asking people about it" and I was all "word? people still remember that? That was on ff.net way back in the day. Anyhow which blog is it?" and before she even said it I knew, it was rayshippouuchiha cos you were doing Watch Wednesday with KHR.
So here I am after finding the ask. Anon, To Retire in the Waves is my fic. You can see that I was a youngin who thought they knew all about Japanese just because I watched anime by the fact that I thought the Nami in Namimori meant Wave cos of Nami no Kuni in Naruto lolz.
And the anon who contacted me via my old beta pal got something's wrong. Tsuna wasn't illegitimate. Just a neglected older son, again a popular trope those days. Still is tbh. And it had dimension travel and all.
But good news. Your ask motivated me to find the fic in my folders and re-read it and I'm brimming with inspiration. So I'm officially re-writing it. I'll send link here when I'm done with the first chapter. Thank you for reigniting my love for KHR anon!
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rattkachuk · 4 months
nobody asked, but i wanted to share!! here's a curated leon playlist with themes of hard work, suffering, loyalty and a side of c*nt <3
and because i put far too much thought into this, songs and the corresponding lyrics that i thought made them a fit for this playlist are below the cut!
i'm your man - mitski you're an angel, i'm a dog or you're a dog and I'm your man
work song - hozier and i was burnin' up a fever i didn't care much how long i lived
spotless (ft. the lumineers) - zach bryan if you want spotless, i'll always lose you gave me your love, lover, you gave me the truth kids - current joys i'm no longer a kid and everything has changed
matthew - tyler childers and he worked them hands to splinters and he raised them youngins right
too sweet - hozier i work late where i'm free from the phone and the job gets done
pretty when you cry - lana del rey don't say you need me when you leave and you leave again i'm stronger than all my men except for you
r.i.p. 2 my youth - the neighbourhood i'd like to be proud, but somehow i'm ashamed sweet little baby in a world full of pain
stonecutters - dope lemon make livin' on very good times
torches - the oh hellos and father ignorance will make brothers of us all as he sets our torch aflame chasing down the flimsy specters that we co-create still beating - mac demarco honey, i cried too better believe it
night shift - lucy dacus am i a masochist, resisting urges to punch you in the teeth call you a bitch and leave?
kaleidoscope - chappell roan whatever you decide i will understand and it will all be fine
cool slut - chastity belt we're just a couple of sluts so what? we just wanna have some fun
portrait of a dead girl - the last dinner party i'd die for you, no questions asked if anyone could kill me, it probably would be you
hot blood - kaleo you wanna prove you're the better man you wanna reach for the things that nobody can
my way, soon - greta van fleet i'll bet on a chance if i've just got one i'll throw out the plans and live with no burden
take me home, country roads - lana del rey drivin' down the road, I get a feelin' that I should've been home yesterday take me home to the place I belong
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vivianvixen · 4 months
Preface: I'll only be covering the TV shows I've seen at least partically, plus one other thing.
What's With Starfleet's Uniforms and Color?
There seems to be this odd trend in the uniforms on Star Trek to gradually reduce the amount of department-identifying coloring. Exhibit A:
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Here's the one from the original and animated series. Good classic look, somehow just the most spaceman-looking getup they ever had in my eyes. Like I look at this and just go "yeah that's a guy who goes around in space." It might be because it reminds me of the Space Lego guys I had as a kid, because I'm entirely too young to have watched the original show as a youngin'. Notice how the shirt is entirely in command gold (actually chartreuse!).
Exhibit B:
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Here's the original one they had on The Next Generation. I kinda like this one better than the one they switched to later, dig the piping on the shoulders, and it feels more spacemanny. But I get why they changed to the other one because this one was causing back problems because it was so tight. Same basic design, though. Never quite figured out why they swapped the colors between command and ops, maybe because the movies with Kirk & Co. made red such an iconic uniform color? But most importantly, notice how the shoulders are black, as are the sides and a bit of the tummy? It's still clearly an update on the TOS style, though.
Exhibit C:
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This one originally appeared on early seasons of Deep Space Nine, apparently meant to be what they wore on starbases as opposed to starships, though they then also used it on Voyager and graudally phased it in in Generations. I like that it's a more seamless jumpsuit as opposed to the shirt and pants they had in late TNG, again making it somehow more spacemanny (yes that's an important quality). But what's with the almost reversal in the color? Now it's just the shoulders that are in department color!
Exhibit D:
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This one was used in the post-Generations TNG movies as well as later seasons of DS9 and you have got to be kidding me! They swapped the colors of the shoulders and the undershirt, so now you can only see the department color around the collar!
Exhibit E:
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Continuing in linear time, this is the standard uniform style from Star Trek Online, seen here worn by one Captain Nog. The department color is barely noticable. This is a travesty.
And finally, Exhibit F:
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I have nothing bad to say about the uniform from Enterprise. Where the TOS one screams "spaceman," this one says "astronaut." And that's awesome, it's a really nice midpoint between, like, NASA and Starfleet. And look at all those pockets! So handy! I love this one, and while the department color is minimal, at least it's back to the original ones!
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neverchecking · 1 year
Hi there!
Lol, father sage and mother wild had me laughing so much I cry.
But here a imagine
Since sage and wild are dub co parents by the baby reader and whenever the baby is with one of the chain, they try to kill each other or beating each other up but they'll stop of they hear the baby whimpering or coo calls as the chain use the baby reader to keep the two in line and stop killing each other.
Time: sage and wild stop it right now.
Sage: hell no, he trick my baby!
Wild: their a baby sage, they're just misunderstood on what a women look like.
Sage: well! You and sky look and sound like a women!
The two try to pull their weapons but time lift the baby reader to show them and by doing this the two stop and put away their weapons cause they can't show the baby violence and they are seen as parents to the baby eyes.
Baby reader coo happy to see their parents as the chain behind time are hand the other rupees since one side lost the bet.
Sky: for the record, I don't look or sound like a women-
Baby reader hear sky and say.
Baby reader: titi! (Means auntie in Spanish)
Sky freezing and look to see sage and wild looks.
Wild: you were saying sky?
The rest of the chain using the baby to make those two behave is SO FUNNY to me like-
A single glare at each other and Twilight is just 'nuh-uh-uh, don't want the youngin' seein' that, now do we?' and they're just >:(
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mossofbeast · 1 year
Bite size Socks and Buskins ft. Diwa
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Socks and Buskins
- theatrical theme unit
- trio (Sierra, José, and Frecil) producer Cherry
- Co-founded by José and Frecil
- Three "roles/characters" Queen(Sierra), King (José), and Jester (Frecil) (inspired by Oberion, Titania, and Puck from Midsummers night)
- Each song tells/contiunes a story (Written by José)
- Works on perception and comedy/tragedy hence the name
- Originally from sister Yumenosaki school in New York
- Supposed to avoid: Most units but especially: Fine, Switch, Ryuseitai, Eden, Crazy:B, UnDead, annnd Anzu (all Cherry's order)
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José Diaz
- made leader, much to his dismay, by Frecil
- selective mute due to anxiety/speech issues, which is why being an idol + being able to sing and write is very important to him
- has a prosthetic for his forearm and foot
- is generally the one keeping the unit together. Very goodboy
- secret Valk fan (small crush on both Shu and Mika wtf get help)
- inferiority complex
- aloof, but easily flustered
- likes Sanrio a lot
- writes the songs with Frecil
- trying to be a good leader, but gets overshadowed by Cherry/Sierra
- you think he's the moon, but he's actually a sun
- has a star motif
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Sierra Rivera
- this girl has some issues and she's making it your problem
- overly sweet to the point that it's sickly, she's condescending on purpose
- trouble maker, does things to either piss you off or love her
- starts fights for fun
- does have a hearing aid (more research will be done)
- tones down her sweet act around the juniors, but not much
- very outgoing, but also very double face
- she will talk about you behind your back and then play buddy-buddy with you
- doesn't want to be forgetten (plot)
- has a deal with Frecil
- step-sister with Frecil (their relationship is...complicated)
- another sun, but so bright it hurts
- broken heart motif
- choreographer of the group
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Frederico "Frecil" Rivera
- eldest and most experienced of the trio, but shortest
- plays into a childish role to get you to underestimate them, knows more than they let on
- theater kid
- yes, they are in the vents, yes they are sleeping underneath your bed. You can't escape them
- is legally blind and uses a white cane, despite this they are incredibly reckless
- due to events in their third/senior year, they were held back
- already did their time in the light, now they're acting as a teacher to José and...Sierra, although their teaching methods is different. (José has soft love, Sierra tough love)
- Aka they're playing a supporting/defense role, does know how to work behind scenes.
- composes the songs for Socks and Buskins
- smells like..?? Petrichor for some reason?
- Sparrow motif
- did know OreRei
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Aela "Cherry" Barbasdotter
- Heiress to a company in Germany
- Had grown up hopping between Germany and Japan
- is German and Japanese
- Despite being a rich kid, kinda grew "normally" compared to the other rich kids
- Is very much built and towers over Rinne and Kuro
- She knows how to box and is constantly looking to learn other fighting form
- Very stoic and doesn't trust others/overprotective to the point that it's stiffling
- Ceo of OuterGalaxies (Oc Idol Industry)
- Does soften up towards the youngins (Aira, maybe Kohaku.. Sora..deffo Sora)
- Is surprisingly good at making candies
- Doesn't like fighting, but will end them if she needs to (thx sierra)
- Yes, you're getting a background check. Yes she knows about you.
- have stolen cigarettes from people, especially when she's stressed
-cherry motif
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Diwa García
- 2nd year student but uhh, how does school work?
- enroll in producer course on pure impulse/wasn't thought out
- extremely impulsive/reckless at times
- you think they would freeze when there's a fire, but you're wrong (isn't afraid of death)
- is very hard to scare and tends to be rather expressionless
- kinda like a jotoro situation where they think she's expressing their emotion, but they're really not?
- only when extremely flustered/confused does she express
- is studying you
- naive in the sense of people, but not in the sins of the world
- knows more then she let's on, let's say the dead don't keep their secrets
- trying to separate herself from her family's gifts
- is very easy to influence/tends to mimic the people she's studying
- has beef with Eichi
- can and will go guard dog for Tomoya/Anzu
- Produces Rab*its
- Makes knitted phone charms (with wards inside them) for Tomoya and Anzu
- this ends up with all the cast getting a charm from Diwa
-did meet Chiaki and Eichi when they were at the hospital.
-cat/death motif
-medium and trying to be normal
- missing their left pinkie
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le-dormeur-du-val · 7 months
fyodor isnt a bad dude. hes just a lil silly. "he like nearly ended bsd" stfu "he like. bombed a bunch of youngins" shhhhhhhhhh
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serethereal · 1 year
thanks for tagging me @fruity-individual <33
1. named after anyone? no im the first of my name..
2. last time u cried? no clue
3. do u have any kids? @fruity-individual you just lost custody w that suggestion...
4. do u use sarcasm a lot? not really
5. what's the first thing you notice about people? i measure every pulse at their carotid. count their heartbeat. those that fall anywhere outside the normal range perish.
6. colour of ur eyes? blue but in the light a little hazelish green but under the setting sun grey but legally on my passport it says massive wet doe brown so.
7. scary movie or happy ending? depends
8. any special talents? literally no… i’m very flexible so… is that a talent? idk
9. where were u born? this security question ass question... i was born in heaven so.
10. hobbies? praying for that house in nebraska
11. any pets? no :(( im co-parenting salem and reggie though so.
12. which sports have u done? a ton when i was a youngin… not much now…
13. how tall r u? the govt won't let me release this Information but just know Tall..very..very..Tall.
14. fave subject in school? my old enemy shool... [incredibly niche reference]
15. dream job? 100 million dollars a year to hang out + be cute
tagging: @steelycunt @moongays @vexedtonightmares @maybebabyplease @pancakehouse and @boydykepdf <333
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widefuturesss · 1 year
Been thinking about media consumption n production… like y I think y’all owe me a listen 2 my sound or a read of my worlds when it’s soo much shit out dere. Da stream is endless. Chi alrdy decided a while back 2 disengage with politics and economies of visibility yet I don’t think I fully understood what it meant 2 really unlearn an audience. I’ve beenn talkin abt faking a collective but damn, I think I’m daring to dream a sistahood. A sacred one. I want my worlds to inspire creation/co-creation and sacred exchange amongst ourselves. I’m talkin abt Freedom dreaming n revolutionary practices thru an engagement with the very limitlessness of our very own expressionzzz. Ain’t no chain or hierarchy of creators, because ain’t no money involved, jus love, jus love. I tell anyone dat if dey feelin me if dey seein me… dat means u my family. Sure I got elders I’m tryna look 2 and sure I got my youngins I wanna extend resources tooo but dats dat sacred exchange!! Where dat community at? Widefuturesss dis u? Da space I’m tryna dream up? I pray my ancestors n my inner divine lead me further towards becoming. Da art alrdy soo Powaful, everything I’m doin runninnnnn soooo deepppp, it’s jus hard not getting lost in da sauce of commodity politics n name n reputation… y’all hearin me?
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yumikeki · 10 months
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Doodled one of the first Sonic ocs I made, Rusty, otherwise known as Pup-Pop. Will make a better ref of him one day, but wanted to show my progress. Ill write a bit about him under a read-me!
Rusty is a toymaker of a small town and remained there even after his son, Red, grew up and left for a life of adventuring. Rusty wrote letters to his boy, which he responded to but perhaps not as much as Pup-Pop would like. He focused on his work, but he grew lonely, and eventually wondered what adventuring would be like. Finally deciding to travel the world, he ventures out, still giving toys to those he meets. After meeting Sonic and co. he stays around there for a while, learning more about Eggman's plots and how he's hurt people. Pup-Pop, seeing the danger the youngins face everyday, decides to become a part of the effort, turning his toys into weapons to help. He's not used to this line of work, and he feels severely outclassed by anyone and everyone, but he knows he's doing it for a good cause. One thing that makes stuff awkward is how much he reminds others about Mr. Tinker. He tries not to fall in that shadow, as far as he's concerned he's just trying his best. Eggman especially grows to despise the constant reminder of his past life. When Pup-Pop isn't being a handyman, toymaker, and making weapons, Pup-Pop tries to help by offering a kind hand and a listening ear to those around him. After raising Red, he usually knows the right advice to give, and the right activity to get their minds off of their worries. Eventually, everyone around him calls him Pup-Pop, which he's honored by.
Pup-Pop worries about his son a lot, wondering how he's doing and where he's been. But as long as he can build a more peaceful world, he thinks his son will be fine.
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mintmatcha · 2 years
just saw the cowboy stuff and my horse brain jumped outta retirement. like imagine kirishima who’s a little older and he always tips his hat and talks in a slow drawl and calls you darlin. and he’s got the good jeans that like hug everything🥵 idk if anything makes sense cos there’s just so much
he had to JUMP to get those jeans on and he'll always shake his head and say some shit like "well i guess'm not a youngin' anymore"
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