#Young Sendak x Reader
galraluver · 16 days
Young Sendak and Hepta (separate) whose s/o is going through a period?
Don't worry, I've got it covered 😊
~ Hepta ~
~ Hepta's still a young man and trying his best to learn about human things, but sometime after the two of you get into a relationship and you get your period he panics
~ Like as in a full-blown panic attack because he thinks that someone hurt you and you're bleeding out
~ You have to take a little extra painkiller so you can calm him down enough to explain menstruation to him
~ Hepta needs lots of reassurance from you that you're not bleeding out and that you have to have your period every month
~ After your explanation he finally understands why you were acting so strange a few days/a couple of weeks before your period actually came
~ He dislikes the scent of blood, but he tries not to let it bother him
~ Insists that you don't do anything for yourself until you're feeling better, except he lets you use the bathroom on your own
~ Hepta also makes you as comfy as possible during your time of the month
~ Expect a pile of blankets arranged on your bed like a nest and a whole hoard of your favorite snack stashed somewhere in your room
~ If you have a condition that makes your period worse Hepta takes care of you to the best of his ability, and to get rid of your cramps he buys some painkiller made for galra that's also safe for humans to consume
~ Cuddling and snuggling are absolute musts during your period and so are lots of kisses
~ Honestly, your mood swings kind of scare this poor confused man, so sometimes you ask for some alone time so he can have a little break from his confusion
~ Hepta feels a little awkward about going out to buy pads, tampons or whatever menstrual hygiene product you use if you just so happen to run out of it bc he's not used to buying such things; he applies the whole Victory or Death mantra to it to help himself feel more confident about buying period products
~ Oddly enough period sex weirds him out, so if you're into that kind of thing then you're out of luck
~ Periods are strange enough to Hepta because he finds it seemingly impossible for anyone to bleed for three to eight days every month without dying
~ Nevertheless, Hepta takes care of you during your period because he loves you; he does the cooking and cleaning as well until you feel better, just so that you won't have to be in any discomfort
~ (young) Sendak ~
~ Sendak strives to be the best significant other for you that he can be and he always takes care of you when you need him the most, especially when you're on your period
~ When he first learns about your period he did his best not to panic before you could explain it to him
~ After you explain menstruation to him he insisted that he take care of you until you felt better, that includes lots of snuggles
~ Luckily you don't have to deal with cramps for very long because of the galra version of painkillers
~ However, you enjoy being spoiled during your period
~ You feel bad that he has to smell your blood, and you can tell that it makes him 100% more protective of you out of instinct
~ Sendak is only a little bothered by your bloody scent, but to make you more comfortable he doesn't let it bother him
~ As far as your hormones go, Sendak doesn't take any offense to some things you might do or say; deep down, he knows that you don't mean it
~ Every time your period comes Sendak makes a blanket nest on the bed with every fuzzy, fluffy blanket he can find
~ He also makes sure to have a full stash of your favorite sweet/salty/spicy snacks and plenty of water so you can stay hydrated
~ If you're having mood swings he either gives you some time alone or he cuddles with you, depending on your mood
~ If you happen to have pmdd he goes the extra mile to be there for you
~ This man is not the slightest bit embarrassed to go out and buy pads, tampons or whatever menstrual hygiene product you use
~ If you need it, he'll go out of his way to get it for you
~ If you had a condition that made your periods worse before you got into a relationship with Sendak, you don't anymore because Haggar (the palace doctor) cured you so that your periods are normal
~ Sendak also takes care of all the housework and cooking during your period if you're not up to it
~ He's only slightly weirded out by period sex because he's worried about accidentally hurting you, but if you're into that kind of thing then he'll give you exactly what you need
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fuerstinlya · 1 year
Royal greetings,
Well at least drawing young sendak turned out to be a bit easier!
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Stay tuned darlings!
- Fürstin Lya
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beeslibrarylist · 4 years
Early Reader in Brief: Little Bear’s Visit
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Little Bear’s Visit Written by Else Holmelund Minarik, illustrated by Maurice Sendak
Publishing Information:
Published by HarperCollins, December 19, 1979. Hardback dimensions measure   6 x 0.19 x 9 inches
Awards Won:
A Caldecott Honor Book.
Story or Concept Theme:
Little Bear visits his grandparents and listens to their stories before his parents come to take him home.
Target Audience/Age:
I Can Read 1: Beginning Reading. Ages 4-8.
Narrative Plot
Beginning: Little Bear has fun with his grandparents. He asks his grandfather to tell him a story, but he falls asleep. Middle: Little Bear’s grandmother tells him a story about when his mother raised and released a baby robin. Little Bear’s grandfather tells him a story about a goblin whose shoes chase him through the woods. End: Little Bear’s parents come to pick him up. At first, he pretends to be asleep, but is caught. He insists he isn’t tired, but then falls asleep as his parents carry him out of the house. 
Coherence/relation between text + visual pictures:
There is enough happening on each page that the majority of the illustrations depict one of the moments described. The illustrative style is consistent, even as the storytelling style changes between the main story and those being told by Little Bear’s grandparents.
Storytelling techniques used:
This book uses nested stories to create narrative complexity. Minarik also uses emotional language during the stories told by Little Bear’s grandparents to increase the reader’s investment in the characters, and to create dramatic tension.
Physical structure/design:
Physical copy has 64 pages. The text is set in a large, serif font, consistently at the bottom of each page, or filling a page with no illustration. Lines are spaced out, and line breaks create rhythm where appropriate. There is 1 two-page spread.
Brief assessment of the book's quality:
Little Bear is timeless and engaging, if a bit simple. It seems more complex than the assigned reading level, which seems to be the norm with Easy Readers written before leveled reading was commonplace. 
Brief assessment of potential use of book with young readers, if applicable:
Because Little Bear also exists as a TV show, it could be a great tool for engaging reluctant readers. I can see the different meta-stories being read independent of the rest of the book for children who struggle with long passages of text, as there is little narrative plot connecting the chapters.
Brief assessment of the book's appeal to potential readers:
Little Bear is a classic, which means it’s recognizable; however, the language is dated and formal, which might make it difficult for young readers to engage with the content, especially if they aren’t familiar with the TV show. The fact that it’s illustrated by Maurice Sendak is an added bonus for recognition. Because the language and art style are both very clearly old-fashioned, and because physical copies owned by libraries might be fairly old themselves, I can’t imagine a child choosing this for themselves unless they recognize the characters.
Edited 4/10/21 to change “Easy Reader” to “Early Reader”
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maandags · 6 years
Blood trail (Keith x reader)
hey so this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks and i finished it today. it’s 10K of pure angst and I’m sorry
Word count: 10.2 K
Genre: angst
Notes: injuries TW - blood TW - masterlist - look the title for this. sucks but if y’all have any suggestions i’ll gladly take them because i will change it probably
You gasped as you broke the water’s surface, violent coughs racking your body. The switch from using your gills to using your nose and mouth to breathe was never comfortable, and even less when it was so abrupt. You thrashed and hissed, scared and confused; only a couple of minutes ago you had been collecting seaweed and pieces of dead coral littering the ocean floor. Next thing you knew, a big black… thing descended onto you and started pulling you up.
You kept thrashing, flailing your arms around, trying to slice the ropes of the net with your fingernails and teeth. Panic rose up like bile in your throat and high-pitched hisses made their way past your teeth. You squirmed but only managed to tangle your tail further in your trap, and a yelp of pain rang out of your mouth when you cut your tailfin on a sharp piece of glass that got tangled in the net along with you.
But then your tail didn’t touch the water anymore and you hung in the air, arms pressed against your body and ropes tangling around your throat, arms, torso.
“Well, well, well, what have we here,” an almost mocking voice rang out across the water. You quit your struggling, breathing heavily as you stared at the owner of the voice.
Pirate, was the first word you thought. Pirate, pirate, pirate. Your heartbeat picked up, fear and survival instincts coursing through your veins and screaming at you to flee! Get away!
The middle-aged man wore a long leather overcoat on top of a white shirt, loose brown trousers and black leather boots. Creases and wrinkles hung low over his bead-like eyes, showing nothing bar a flash of a sharp gaze, hardened by years of fighting and struggling to survive the dangers of open sea. A sword hung at his side and you noticed multiple gun holsters crossing his chest and hips. Behind him stood a crew of maybe twenty men and a couple of women, shifting on their feet and fingers anxiously twitching next to their sword hilts. You swept your glare over each of them. When they met your gaze, they looked down in fear. Then their captain shook his head. Gold flashed in his ears.
The pirate leant forward and grinned when you tried to scuttle back as far as possible. “Mermaid,” he said, as if he couldn’t quite believe that he caught one. You mentally scolded yourself for letting yourself get captured this easily. For letting yourself get captured at all. You thought of what Shiro would do if he realized that you had been captured. Your brother would not think twice about sinking the ship, and you knew that the rest of your shoal would follow him without any hesitation. The thought brought you some comfort.
“Let me go.” You spat the words, trying to fill your voice with as much venom as you possibly could. A few of the crewmembers actually recoiled and flinched in fear. You felt some sort of contempt in your belly as you registered the pure terror on some of the men’s faces.
“Yeah, no. Not gonna happen,” the captain said. He cocked his head in amusement at your furious growl.
“You are walking a fine line between bravery and absolute stupidity,” you hissed. The pirate threw his head back and laughed, a spooky sound cutting through the complete silence cloaking them.
“Is that so?” he mocked, a hand on the hilt of his sword. “What exactly are you going to do?”
“Me? Not much,” you admitted, subtly untangling your hip pouch from the net. You slipped your hand inside, fingers brushing over the vial of blood you always kept in there. “My brother, on the other hand, will have no trouble sinking your ship and killing the lot of you.” You trickled some blood along your tail and breathed a barely noticeable sigh of relief when you heard the drops hit the water.
The blood was a system your shoal used ever since it had been discovered, years and years ago. The scent would alert mermaids and animals alike that something wasn’t right and they would come to check it out. A simple trick, but very effective. You did the math in your head: it would take Shiro around two hours, maybe a little longer, to find you. You just had to make sure to stay on the sea. If you somehow had to go on land, things would get a lot more complicated.
“Really?” The captain’s voice was soft, but somehow a lot more threatening than it had been before. He lifted a finger to his chin, tapping it as if considering your words, then he grinned again. “I’ll take my chances. Haul the fish in, lads,” he added over his shoulder before turning his back to you and walking away.
Frozen in shock, you could only stare at his back for a few seconds. Then five crewmembers started pulling at the rope connected to your net and snapped you out of your trance. You started thrashing like crazy again, but the men only pulled harder and not three seconds later you landed on the deck of the ship with a dull bonk. You hissed and bared your teeth at every hand that came even relatively close to you and they flinched away, but you knew in the back of your head that fighting back was in vain.
But by the Lions, if you were going down, you would take as many of them with you as you possibly could.
As hands started to fiddle with the net you shifted, grabbing the small knife you kept in your pouch. You slashed at the fingers coming just a little too close, the sharp bone blade coming into contact with flesh more than once and pulling a string of curses from their mouths. A particularly muscled and rough-looking man hissed when your knife cut a deep gash in his palm.
“You filthy fish!”
He kicked your stomach. Hard. With a grunt, you doubled over and you saw white spots clouding your vision. Was it anger, or pain? Both, possibly.
“Sendak! Cut it out,” a different voice called out. You craned your neck to look at the new arrival: it was a thin young man, a little shorter than most of the crew, but walking towards you at a pace that screamed authority. He pushed past the big man he’d called Sendak without sparing him more than a glance, crouching next to you and resting his forearms on his knees.
The thing was, you wanted to hate him the moment you saw him. It would have been a lot easier to hate him if he had looked cruel, or ugly, or like a bad person. But he didn’t. Violet eyes pierced yours and his eyebrows were furrowed in genuine concern. The ocean breeze blew black tufts of hair in his face, hiding the sharp yet gentle features of his face. And again, you cursed his good looks; it made it a lot more difficult to hate him. After all, he was one of the men that captured you.
“My name is Keith Kogane,” he said.
“Go to hell,” you spat in answer.
“First Mate,” Sendak interrupted with a cough. “We are to take the fish to its cabin.”
Keith Kogane, the First Mate, sighed. “Yes. Alive, and unharmed.” He stood up and turned to the bigger man; even though Sendak was at least a foot taller than him, Keith stood his ground with an air of nonchalance, close to boredom, but keeping his aura of authority and strength. “Unharmed. Is that understood?”
The two men had a silent stare-down, Sendak wearing a scowl and with balled fists, Keith’s features stony. Then Sendak lowered his gaze and grunted out a yes, Kogane. Keith smiled a cold smile and walked away, shooting you one more glance over his shoulder. Your eyes were glued to his retreating form, the movement of his long overcoat billowing in the wind mesmerising. The illusion was broken when a hard object came down onto your wrist and you cried out in pain. You looked up, tears of pain pooling in your eyes, right into Sendak’s face.
“Let go of the knife, fish,” he said calmly, slowly applying more pressure onto your wrist with his foot. A whimper of pain rolled past your lips. You closed your eyes, gritting your teeth against the pain, tightening your grip on the hilt of your dagger in defiance. That was a mistake, as Sendak’s foot pressed down even more harshly and this time you couldn’t bite back a scream.
“Let it go!” he barked.
And you let it go.
“That’s a good fish,” Sendak crooned, pressing down hard one more time before letting go of your wrist. You immediately pulled your arm to your chest, inspecting the bruises that were already starting to form. So much for unharmed, you thought wryly. When you looked up again, you saw that Sendak had picked up your dagger, studying it closely, examining the patterns carefully carved into the hilt.
“What’s this even made of?” he wondered aloud.
You should have kept your mouth shut. You know you should have, but anger clouded your vision and you suddenly lost all verbal filter.
“Your father’s bones,” you grit out. With those words, you successfully turned everyone’s attention to you. Sendak’s knuckles turned white around your blade. His huge hand almost covered the entire dagger. It suddenly looked a lot less like an actual weapon, and a lot more like an insignificant toothpick. You silently cursed your inability to keep your thoughts to yourself.
Sendak took a deep breath before crouching back down again and grabbing a piece of the net, yanking it up to his face. Your nose was inches from his. You could see every scar on the man’s cruel face, every ugly wound etched into his skin. His eyes bore into yours, nothing but pure hate radiating from them. His other hand, the one holding your knife, crept up and the cold blade came brushing along your collarbones.
“If you don’t shut your whore mouth, fish, you will be skewered on your own blade,” he growled. You smiled coldly, feeling the tip of your knife pierce your flesh. It stung a little.
“Those are bold words you speak. You could have killed me at any time; I am as helpless here as you are beneath the waves of the sea. Yet you threaten me, without fulfilling your promises.” You don’t break eye contact with him, hissing each word in a low, cool voice. “Coward.”
Sendak’s grip on the net tightened and he curled his upper lip. Then he let go, pushing you on the ground once more for good measure. “Take the fish to its tank,” he told three men standing behind him. And then he turned his back to you.
You ran your fingers through the water the pirates provided you with. It was ocean water, that much was true, but it had definitely been in the shallow tank you were sitting in for far too long. Most of the oxygen had evaporated, making it impossible for you to use your gills properly. You had resigned to sitting upright on the bottom of the tank, where the water came to your collarbones. It wasn’t deep enough to swim in, but it was just deep enough for you to be able to move around somewhat freely.
You had been sitting here for what felt like ages and your back was starting to hurt. You hadn’t screamed. You knew there would be no point, that you would most likely get gagged, and you wanted to keep your voice. You were going to need it.
You wondered whether Shiro had picked up on your blood trail yet. Soon after you were brought here, the ship had started moving and you had a feeling that it was headed straight for land. You prayed to every celestial being that Shiro would find you before it was too late.
And so you sat in old water, helplessly moving along with the rocking of the ship. You had never felt this hopeless before, never felt this powerless and weak. You wrapped your arms around your torso and sat back against the side of the tank, closing your eyes. You tried to picture yourself back into the reassuring setting of your home town, the soothing sway of seaweed in the current of the water, your collection of polished sea-glass glittering in the few rays of sunlight they managed to catch. It didn’t help. Only made you sadder.
The creaking of wooden planks, announcing someone’s entrance to your bland and small room, had you cringing away. Your mind blanked, and you forgot for a second that the water you were sitting in was absolutely filthy and that breathing it in would most likely make you incredibly ill. The creaking got louder and louder, and so did the screaming of your instincts to hide! Just hide!
Your eyes clouded with panic. Before you could reconsider you had slid your head underwater.
You were careful not to breathe in any of the murky water, neither through your gills nor your nose or mouth. Instead you held your breath, slowing down your heartbeat as much as you could. You had never been more grateful for Shiro’s lessons on how to hold your breath for longer periods of time. You recalled your reluctance to actually listen to what he had to say, grudgingly giving in after Shiro had followed you around the ocean floor, yelling that you would be grateful one day.
You were. You kept your eyes wide open, trying to capture even the smallest flickering in the beams of light filtering through the murkiness of the water, the tiniest indicator of movement outside of your tank. Your actual eyes were very sensitive to light; they were merely covered by a protective layer of skin, like an alligator’s were. They covered your eyes whenever the concentration of light in your immediate surroundings was too high. Underwater, the first layer retracted, giving you back some of the knife-sharp eyesight you were used to.
The form slowly approaching your tank was not Sendak. That much you were sure of. The black silhouette was too small, too thin to be him. You wondered what anyone but Sendak would want with you: the quartermaster had made it crystal clear that all he wanted from you was your head on a stick, and preferably the honour of doing so himself. So if it wasn’t him, then who was it?
The figure said something, though you couldn’t make out any words. A glurble. You pushed yourself further into your corner, cursing the limited sight the murky water gave you. The figure tapped on the side of your tank and you flinched, biting back a screech. The sound of his knuckles rapping on the glass resonated in your ears and you clawed at the sides of your head, wanting to disappear into the void more than ever.
Your lungs started to ache slightly from lack of oxygen. You’d have to come up for breath soon. Your heart started beating faster, your survival instincts coming in stronger than ever. The tapping continued. The noise echoed loudly inside your skull, rattling your brain. A haze of fear and anger settled over your being once more, and the urge to fight, to hurt, swelled stronger with every passing second. A sickeningly sweet taste filled your mouth and when you looked into the glass you were pressed into, your eyes seemed to glow. The sweet taste grew more insistent.
You knew what it was. Shiro had told you about it, the automatic defense response rooted deep in every mermaid’s core. You started for the surface, partly because you needed to breathe, partly because you couldn’t wait to see who was the unfortunate soul that had deemed it a good idea to disturb a furious mermaid. You held your breath as you breached the surface, carefully giving your lungs time to adjust with small breaths through the nose. The figure inhaled sharply, and when you opened your eyes the stared right into a pair of violet ones.
First Mate Keith Kogane held a salty-smelling bucket, raised to his face as if to protect himself. You sniffed the air, making out seaweed and sardine, a couple of mackerels. He’d brought you food. How sweet of him.
Keith cleared his throat, visibly unnerved by your silent staring at him. You figured your glowing eyes didn’t do anything to help him calm down. Good, you thought.
“I–uh–I brought you-some fish? If that’s–what you eat, you know. I just figured–since, you know–you live in the ocean and all–”
“Lived,” you corrected him finely, batting your eyelashes at him and approaching the edge of the tank slowly. “Not anymore.” A disapproving glance at the wooden cabin and the bucket Keith clutched in his hands.
“Right,” he said, shuffling awkwardly from one foot to another as you casually draped your arms over the edge of the tank. Come here, come here, little pirate. You wondered if your eyes were still glowing. As if pulled to you by an imaginary force, Keith slowly took a step forward. Then another step. And another. His violet eyes were fixed on yours, a small frown knotting his dark eyebrows.
Someone could have shot a cannon right next to you. You doubted either of you would have noticed. It truly was like a bubble slowly encased you, nothing existing in the world but Keith and you. You’d never used your sirenic abilities before. They only worked on one animal, or person, at a time, you knew. You had never paid much attention to Shiro when he explained your abilities to you, the abilities all mermaids had: hypnotizing prey. Your shoal’s hunters often used it. They said it was useful for bigger prey, on which sometimes the nets and knives had no effect. You’d never used it before: you were no hunter, and you had always preferred to rely on your speed.
But now, your prey was Keith. And you were not in the open ocean, you couldn’t outswim him. So you had to turn to the darker part of yourself, the part you would prefer remain hidden. You had no choice, you told yourself as you looked into his eyes. Those beautiful, gorgeous violet eyes. There was an ache in your chest. He looked so peaceful under your spell, so inncocent. His eyes wide with wonder, your own glowing irises reflected in his. You didn’t want to kill him. So this was what a prey looked like before it was speared by a hunter. You didn’t want to kill him. Keith kneeled in front of the tank, his eyes never leaving yours. His eyelids slid closed and he leaned forward. Asleep. So fragile. You didn’t want to kill him.
You didn’t want to kill him. You couldn’t kill him. His life was in your hands. He wouldn’t fight back, even if he could. Helpless. Hopeless. You wondered what it felt like. A small sigh escaped his lips. Tears of frustration left your eyes. You had to do this. Why was it so hard? If you didn’t, you would never leave this ship alive. Who were you, to prioritize some human’s life over your own?
But why did it have to be Keith? He was the first mate, a little voice chided. He was perfect. It had to be him. No. Yes. You didn’t know. A deep breath. A glowing tear splashed into the water, its fluorescent colour quickly diluted. There, and then gone. The rage that had been churning in your belly only a few minutes prior had dissipated, not unlike your tear. But you had to do this.
You didn’t want to do it.
But you did it anyway.
Stroking aside Keith’s hair, exposing his pale neck. He swayed slightly with the current. You leaned over, squeezing your eyes shut and parting your lips. Your second set of teeth zipped out, already coated with venom.
You hovered over Keith’s artery for a few agonising seconds, knowing that it would be over right then and there if you cut his throat. The feeling of his pulse, calm as ever, made your eyes water. Your venom wouldn’t even be needed. But you couldn’t do it. So you shifted your mouth and sank your teeth into his shoulder, only a few centimetres away from his artery. 
The second you pierced his flesh, Keith gasped. The spell was broken. Scrambling away from you, he stifled a scream, pressing a hand to the wound in his shoulder. Blood gushed past his fingers and he frantically tried to get as far away from you as possible. His eyes, his beautiful violet eyes, were still trained on you, but where they once had been so calm and serene they were now filled with pure fear and hatred.
Your breathing turned ragged. The bubble shattered. In the water, you caught your own reflection: your eyes didn’t glow anymore, instead stormy with the same fear that filled Keith’s own. You turned back to him, your head a flurry of thoughts refusing to make sense.
“Don’t,” he gasped, wiping at the blood staining his pale skin. “Just don’t.” He tried to stand up, weakly grasping at the walls for support, and then stumbled up the stairs. Your chest ached as you watched, helpless, not able to do anything but clutch the edges of the glass tank keeping you confined. The swishing of your tail in the water was soon the only sound to be heard in the cabin. Keith was gone. You let yourself slide back into the water.
What had you been thinking? Now that he was gone, and you could finally think straight again, the muddiness clouding your thoughts having dissipated, you saw how stupid you truly had been. You dipped your head into your hands. The one person who hadn’t wanted you dead, who had brought you food, who had seemed to at least slightly care for you now probably wanted your head on a stick as well.
You had bitten him. The one man on this ship that could have helped you live to see the next day, and you had bitten him. The look in his eyes when the spell broke–you would never forget the look of utter betrayal lacing the violet of his irises. You slowly shifted back into your far corner, casting regretful looks to the mackerels scattered on the cabin floor. Sardines, too. You didn’t know how long you could survive without eating, and you doubted someone would be so kind as to feed you anytime soon.
You let your eyes slide closed, curling up into a ball and using your fingers to pick at your tailfins. The grime from the dirty water already started dulling your scales and the edges of your fins had gotten slightly ragged. You were tired, but anytime you closed your eyes, Keith’s violet ones stared right back at you.
The door to your cabin was thrown open with a force that startled you to the point of you flapping your tail and emptying half of your tank’s contents on the cabin floor. You watched with wide eyes as Keith stalked down the stairs and right up to you, his dark eyebrows knotted into a scowl and his mouth twisted into a snarl. Out of instinct, you backed up until you couldn’t anymore. You resisted the urge to bare your teeth at him, keeping your lips sealed tightly shut.
“What is this?” Keith hissed, yanking away his shirt and exposing the wound on his shoulder. The cuts had been cleaned up: you could very clearly see each of the eight puncture marks left by your fangs. You could also see the black lines filtering through his pale skin, webbing outwards and emanating from those very puncture marks. Your heart skipped a beat.
Clearing your throat, you avoided the First Mate’s piercing gaze as you said, “Mermaids are venomous, Keith.” You fiddled with your nails. “It’s a self-defence mechanism. Involuntary.”
Keith dropped his head, gripping the edge of your tank and squeezing it until his knuckles turned white. He took a deep breath through his nose, trying to calm himself down. Black tufts of hair fell into his eyes.
“Is the venom lethal?” His voice was barely above a whisper. It trembled.
“I don’t know,” you said truthfully. Keith shot you an incredulous look. “I really don’t, okay? I’ve never done this before. I’m not a hunter, I don’t know anything about mermaid venom.” You kept your gaze on Keith’s, not flinching back under his murderous stare. “It could take weeks to kill you, if it even will. I don’t know.”
Keith heaved a sigh, releasing his hold on the edge of the glass panel and sliding down against it so that his back was to you, not seeming to care about the wetness of the floor. After a few minutes of silent internal debating, your curiosity got the best of you. “Keith, why are you here?” He turned, raising an eyebrow. “You know what I mean. What do you want?”
He bit his lip, a hand coming up to brush his wounded shoulder. “I–I don’t know. I…”
“Aren’t you angry at me?” Approaching the side of the tank Keith sat against, you pressed a palm to the glass. “I could have killed you.”
“But you didn’t.” The corner of Keith’s mouth curled up at your baffled expression. He shifted. “You’re right: you could have killed me. I was completely out of it. Completely under your control.” His gaze turned serious. “So why didn’t you?”
You thought back to the clenching in your stomach when Keith had knelt right in front of you, looking up at you with those eyes. The restriction of your chest as you had realised that there was no actual way that you would be able to kill him. The pull and push, not unlike the waves lapping against the shore, that had you wanting to be close to him while simultaneously repulsing you. The confusion that had plagued you for hours afterwards. “I don’t know.”
Keith rolled his eyes. “I’m not taking that for an answer.” He paused, one eyebrow raised. You said nothing, because what was there to say? You merely looked into each other’s eyes. Somehow, all feeling of threat that you had before had completely disappeared. You didn’t feel completely at ease with Keith yet, but you certainly didn’t feel like you were in danger anymore. “Well?” he prompted.
“Look,” you started, avoiding his eyes. “At first, I wanted to. I did. I felt so angry and helpless… I didn’t know what to do. I thought–I don’t even know what I thought.” You hollowed out your cheeks in frustration, waving your arms around to emphasise your point. “I’ve never used my hypnotic abilities before. I don’t know what triggered them, I don’t know how I used them, I don’t know what snapped me out of it.”
Keith frowned, pushing himself to his knees. “What do you mean, snapped you out of it?”
You cast him a small smile. “In a way, I was just as much in a trance as you were, Keith. Just as out of control.”
“Then why didn’t you kill me?” Keith’s eyes grew more confused by the second.  
A lump formed in your throat and you looked away. “I don’t know, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I have no bloody clue.” You ran a hand through your damp hair. You’d stayed above the water for so long that your hair had started to dry. Wincing, you splashed some water on your gills to keep them from aching too much. “You just looked so–I don’t know. But the only thought in my mind was that I couldn’t kill you. There was no way I could have killed you.”
Pursing his lips, Keith stared into the air in front of him, fiddling absent-mindedly with his fingers. You could almost hear the gears in his head turning. For a while, the two of you just sat next to each other, separated by nothing but a sheet of glass. One Landwalker, one Merfolk. Two species that were famous for their eternal mutual hatred, and yet here you sat next to Keith and for the first time since you had gotten captured you felt somewhat at peace.
The thundering of footsteps on the wooden stairs woke you with a jolt. Your mind immediately jumped to Keith, but when you listened closely you noticed that it was not one but two pairs of footsteps that resonated inside your cabin, and you recoiled into your corner, mind panicking. In a reflex against the loud noises, you bared your teeth and hissed, your eyes clouded with fear.
“Wait, wait–Sendak, stop!” That was Keith’s voice crying out. He tried to hold Sendak back, grabbing his arm, but ended up getting thrown into the wall like a ragdoll. You winced at the crash and squeezed your eyes shut when Keith’s grunt of pain resonated in your ears, louder than ever. Something unfurled in your chest, a burst of pain that had your breathing turn ragged and a lump form in your throat. You had never felt anything like that before, but the one thing you were sure of was that you had to get to Keith. You needed to make sure he was safe.
Unfortunately, you were stuck in a small tank, with no way to get anywhere bar a metre to the side. You frantically searched for him, but your view was blocked by Sendak–big, tall, scary Sendak–stalking over to you, eyes shining with malice and fury and his mouth twisted into a snarl. Your instincts were screaming at you to hide, but there was nowhere you could hide. The water was too filthy to even see properly in anymore, and Sendak didn’t look like he would be scared off by a little bit of water.
Now would be a really good time to use those sirenic abilities, you thought. But of course, nothing happened. Your breathing got faster by the second and you were paralysed in fear.
“So, filthy fish, you thought you could bite the first mate and get away with it?” Sendak hissed. You could do nothing but stare at him, could do nothing but blink sheepishly at the man who had threatened to kill you before and didn’t look like he would hesitate to do it now. “You thought you could poison him? Kill him, maybe? I bet you’d like that, huh. Well–”
He was cut off by Keith hurling himself in front of you, his back almost pressed against the glass of your tank. His arms were spread in a protective gesture, and for a second you thought that he was going to turn around and attack you too, but when he didn’t move and instead started yelling at Sendak you understood that he was protecting you. Keith was protecting you.
“Sendak, stop!”
The quartermaster made to shove him aside again, but Keith drew the sword hanging at his hip, forcing Sendak’s attention on him. “They did nothing wrong. I was careless, I was stupid. It’s my fault that I got bitten.”
Your heart was beating in your throat. Why was Keith saying these things? Surely he didn’t actually believe the words he spoke. You listened, your brain not quite processing what was happening.
“I swear, Sendak. Don’t hurt them, they didn’t do anything wrong. It was my fault,” Keith repeated, lowering his voice. He’d dropped his sword to his side, but his knuckles had turned white, and the fingers of his other hand trembled, even though he’d balled them into a fist. You couldn’t see his face, but his leg muscles were tense, and his shoulders drawn up as if he was preparing himself for a fight.
“Kogane,” started Sendak, trying to keep his voice as low as Keith’s, “the fish’s venom could kill you. It could kill you. Are you just gonna let it walk?” A glance at your tail. “Swim, whatever.”
“I told you, it was my fault.”
Sendak cocked his head, his eyes narrowed to slits. “I don’t believe you.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“I think you’re trying to protect the fish, for whatever reason.” He took a threatening step forward, forcing Keith to back into your tank even more. The latter raised his sword, shifting his stance. He truly looked like he was ready to fight for your life. But then he said something that must have impressed Sendak, as the bigger man’s eyes widened.
“Haggar needs them alive and in good state, remember?”
The comment stung more than it should have. You had known that you weren’t on the ship to stay; you had known that you had been captured to eventually serve a higher purpose, but you guessed that hearing it coming from Keith just made it sound even more real, somehow. It stung. You weren’t afraid to admit that, and you felt your eyes water as you looked away.
Sendak grunted, taking a small step back. He cocked his head, glancing over Keith’s shoulder your way. A corner of his mouth pulled up. “All right, then. If you say so.”
“I do,” said Keith sharply. Sendak’s smirk widened, if just a fraction.
“Okay.” Sendak stood in front of Keith for a moment longer before slowly backing away. You kept as silent as you could, barely daring to breathe at all, afraid that if you made your presence clear Sendak would come back and this time Keith wouldn’t be able to hold him back. For what felt like hours Keith stood in front of your tank, his back to you and his sword still in his hand. His shoulders were still tense and rose and fell with heavy breaths. Then he seemed to realise why he was down in your room in the first place and whirled around.
“Hey. Are you–are you okay?” he asked, lowering his sword. Taking a shaky breath, you looked away. Were you okay? No, you weren’t. You were, in fact, far from okay. But you nodded vaguely anyway, smoothing down the fins at your hips with trembling fingers.
“Keith, who’s Haggar?” The name left a foul taste in your mouth and you scrunched up your nose, but you were truly curious as to who this Haggar was. You figured you had a right to know, since she was apparently the one you would be sold to.
Heaving a pained sigh, Keith pulled a wooden stool next to your tank and slumped down on it, resting his forearms on his knees. He looked oddly interested in a dirty spot on the wooden floor, rubbing the tip of his boot over it listlessly. “Haggar,” he started, his voice strained, “is a scientist. She likes to experiment on all kinds of species.”
You listened with an open mouth and a growing feeling of disgust settling in your stomach. You were going to be experimented on. Like a lab rat. Slowly, you backed away until you couldn’t anymore. Tears mounted to the surface as you recalled the feeling of fresh salt water on your skin, or the tickle of sunrays drying the droplets. You wouldn’t ever feel that again.
You’d never see your family again. Shiro, Lance, Hunk, your parents. Your friends. The coral reefs and the thousands of fish and other marine animals you crossed every day back home. That was the moment that you thought, I really am trapped here. You would never see your home again.
“Hey, it’s okay,” said Keith’s voice, closer than you expected. You couldn’t help the hiss that made its way past your teeth, because how could he say that to you? Especially now? He could talk easily: he wasn’t the one who was going to be held captive at a laboratory and tested. Images of all sorts of torture devices that you had only heard stories about filled your mind.
“How can you say that?” you asked, your voice barely a wheeze. There was a desperate undertone to your voice. Tears streamed down your cheeks.
Carefully, hesitantly, Keith leaned forward and reached out until his fingers brushed your cheeks. Forcing you to look at him by cupping your cheeks, he said, “I’m not going to let that happen to you. You’re gonna get out of here, and alive and unharmed.”
His touch was like fire and ice, burning the skin his fingers brushed against. You were scared of what that fire would do to you but wanted to feel it more, wanted to explore the things you felt whenever Keith was near you. They scared you, but at the moment you didn’t care. You wanted more of it. You wanted to drown in it. It was strange. You hadn’t ever heard of mermaid drowning.
“How do you plan on doing that?” you said, sucking in a breath when Keith started brushing strands of hair away from your face. Don’t do that! you wanted to shout, but at the same time you wanted him to do anything but stop. You really needed to sort out your feelings. Keith frowned.
“I’m–I’m working on it,” he mumbled, drawing a giggle from your lips. A smile curled his own. “I’ll keep you updated.”
“You do that,” you told him, raking your eyes across his face, drinking in every detail. A warmth spread in your chest, seeping into your very bones and making the tips of your fins and fingers tingle with a type of electricity you had never felt before. Keith sighed, letting his hands fall to his side and slumped in his chair. He flinched when the movement sent a bolt of pain through his shoulder. Guilt settled in your stomach as you saw the black lines slithering up his neck and down his arm. The venom was spreading.
“It’s fine,” Keith assured you when he saw you look. “Only stings a bit.” The sweat beading on his forehead told you otherwise and you sunk your teeth into your lower lip, frantically racking your brain for something–anything–that could save Keith’s life. There were accidents all the time when merfolk got into a fight and one bit the other, so there had to be an antidote. There had to be. Shiro would know. Oh, why hadn’t you listened closer when he gave his boring lectures? Why had you thought that it was unimportant, because surely you weren’t stupid enough to let yourself get bitten? Seeing Keith like this, close to dying because of you, made you want to punch yourself even more.
He left all too quickly, promising you that he’d be back soon, that he needed some air to clear his head and figure out how he was going to get you off the ship. You waved him off with a strained smile, following the jagged lines up his neck with your eyes and silently swearing that you would do whatever it took to find the antidote.
“Tonight, Y/N,” Keith said before he’d even taken his place next to your tank. You splashed over to the edge and gripped it with both hands, your knuckles turning white, not caring about the litres of water that you sent cascading over the side of the glass. Keith had managed to convince the captain to have your water refreshed, and you could breathe a little more easily: the old water had gone completely stale and had been unbearable to live in.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m getting you out tonight. When everyone’s asleep,” Keith said softly, leaning forward as if afraid that someone would hear his words. “I got watch duty. If everything goes according to plan, nobody will even find out that you’re gone until morning.”
There were so many holes in this plan, so many things that could go wrong. “Keith, how would you even get me out of this tank?”
“I’ll carry you. I’ll be fine.” He flexed his shoulder absent-mindedly, and you didn’t miss the flinch crossing his features. But you knew Keith hated it when you fussed over him, so you kept your mouth shut.
“But they’ll know it was you who helped me,” you said, voice rising with worry.
“That’s a problem for tomorrow,” Keith waved your protests away. “Look, if we don’t do this tonight, I don’t think there’s gonna be another chance for you to escape at all. Two days before we go ashore and sell you to Haggar. We’re out of time.”
Even though you saw the logic in Keith’s reasoning and had to begrudgingly agree with him, images of worst-case scenarios flashed in front of your eyes. “What if we get caught?”
“We won’t,” said Keith firmly. He rolled his shoulder again.
But what if we do? Gritting your teeth, you banned the thought from your mind. Deep breaths, Y/N. You focused on the black lines that now started to cover Keith’s jaw and his hand, and probably started to creep along his chest too. As much as you hated it, you had no doubt in your mind that once the venom got to Keith’s heart and lungs that he would die. Why it took so long, you had no idea. But the jagged pattern reminded you vaguely of the blobs of shallow water seaweed floating in the current–
Seaweed. Algae. You clapped your hands over your mouth, stifling your gasp. Grabbing the edge of his stool, Keith leaned forward and hissed, “What?” But you could do nothing but stare. Why, oh why, hadn’t you thought of this before?
“The antidote,” you breathed. “I just remembered. It’s a type of black algae, I know where to find it. You–you have to grind it to powder and then mix it with salt water and it’ll draw the venom out.”
Slowly, Keith sat back on his stool, looking baffled by your words. His fingers crept up to where your teeth marks had swollen and grown infected, lightly tracing the black veins sprouting from them. “You’re sure about this?”
“Positive,” you said, already thinking of ways to get the algae to him when you’d have found them. If you even got off the ship. You would just have to be extremely cautious while swimming back to the ship, making sure to not get caught again. Yes, you could do that. You would have to, if you wanted Keith to live at all.
As you looked into each other’s eyes, you could feel the weight of the promises you made to each other at that moment. Keith’s promise to get you off the ship unharmed, and your promise to come back with the antidote that would save Keith’s life. You supposed there was a certain irony in the whole situation: after wishing for days to get away from the ship, now you were already counting the hours until you could get back.
“Careful, careful,” you hissed, tightening your hold around Keith’s neck when he started up the stairs. The strain in his muscles was easy to feel, and the trembling of his arms gave away that you were heavier than he let on. But he gritted his teeth and adjusted his grip on you, climbing up the steps one by one, slowly, never losing his footing. You poked your nose up in the air, catching the salty smell of the ocean.
Excitement curled in your stomach, and you gripped Keith’s shoulders even tighter, but letting go at the audible wince of pain that slipped past his lips. “Sorry,” you whispered.
From the ship, the stars were brighter than you had ever seen them before. They shone like little glowfish, trapped in the black sky and you craned your neck, marvelling at their beauty. They reflected in the water, their light distorted by the ripples of coming waves. The moon glowed even brighter than the stars, illuminating the deck with its soft silver glow. You flicked your fins, suddenly resisting the urge to squirm from Keith’s hold and just book it for the waves. They seemed to call out to you. They beckoned you home.
“Keith,” you whined, digging your nails into the skin on his neck, your eyes trained on the water surrounding the ship. You needed to get out there. Now. Right now.
“I know,” he said. “I know.” He stepped out towards the railing and you heaved a sob, already starting to wriggle like an impatient child.
“Kogane. What a surprise seeing you here,” a voice rang out over the deck, not sounding surprised at all.
Keith tensed up, at the same time that your heart seemed to skip a beat in your chest, a “No!” slipping from your lips. Keith didn’t even turn as he said, “Sendak.”
“I must say, I didn’t expect you to turn your back on your crew this easily,” Sendak drawled, snickering at his own joke. “But I’m not even going to pretend that I won’t enjoy killing you.”
“Get ready,” Keith muttered to you, his voice low enough that you had to concentrate to hear it. “I’m going to throw you over the railing.” You felt him slowly adjust his stance. Your breathing instantly quickened.
“You’ll get killed,” you replied just as softly, not being able to ban the worry from your voice. “I don’t want to leave you.” And it was true. Because even though you wanted to join the sea again, you wanted Keith to be safe more. And to be honest, you didn’t really want to get off the ship if it meant leaving Keith at the mercy of Sendak. But you knew that Keith would never forgive himself if you got hurt because of him.
“Turn around and face me, Kogane. Hand over the fish, and maybe I’ll let you live.”
“I’ll be fine,” said Keith, and you wondered quietly, How can he lie so easily?
Before you could change your mind, you grabbed Keith’s face and pressed a kiss to his lips. When you pulled away, you curled your hands to fists on his chest and touched your nose to his. “For good luck.” For a split second, you looked into each other’s eyes, wondering why fate had to be so cruel.
And then he took two steps forward and launched you over the railing, and the last thing you saw before hitting the water’s surface was Keith whirling around and drawing his sword just in time to block Sendak’s attack. Then you broke the sea’s smooth surface, and you were swimming again, acting on instinct and getting as far away from the ship as possible, going deeper and deeper, ignoring the pull in your chest towards the man you loved.
You swam into Shiro about four hours after you had taken off from the ship. You had been calling out desperately, straining your muscles and forcing your tail to propel you forward as fast as possible, when he had finally answered. As he crashed into you, sending both of you spiralling, he wrapped his arms around you in a crushing hug, and you couldn’t keep the tears at bay anymore. You completely broke down in sobs.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ve got you,” Shiro shushed, stroking your hair and lovingly rubbing his fins against yours. His aura of safety only made you cry harder, because Keith should have been here with you. It wasn’t fair that you were safe while he was fighting for his life–because he had saved yours. “Y/N, what happened? I heard that you were captured–a couple of nurse sharks picked up your blood trail and warned us. I’ve been worrying my tail off.”
So you told him everything, from the moment the net had first started pulling you up to the second Keith had thrown you overboard, thus saving your life. Shiro had frowned when you first started talking about Keith, but he must have noticed how much you cared about him, because his eyes softened and his scowl disappeared. “But I bit him, Shiro. I need some black algae, I need to get back to him. I have to–”
“Whoa, whoa, hold on,” Shiro said, grabbing your wrists to prevent you from swimming away.
You grunted, trying to break free from his hold. “Let me go. He saved my life, Shiro!”
“I know, and I will forever be thankful for it. But you can’t just go and swim back and put your life in danger for this–this Landwalker.”
“He put his life in danger for me countless times! He’s doing it right now! I don’t even know if he’s alive,” you shouted, voice cracking on the last word. “Please, Shiro.”
He cast you a pained look, anxiously flicking his tail. “Okay. Fine. But there’s no way you’re going back out there alone.”
You flung your arms around his neck, blubbering a string of thanks, but before you could take off towards the ship again, Shiro grabbed your arm once more. “Wait. Let me call the others. If we’re really gonna do this, we’re gonna need backup.”
It took you just under a day to reach the ship. You only allowed yourselves to take a couple of breaks, gorging yourselves on various fish for energy. Allura and Shiro swam at your sides, Lance, Hunk and Coran behind you. Shiro had filled them all in quickly, explaining the big picture of what had happened. As expected, your fellow Merfolk weren’t too happy about your insistence to launch yourself back into danger for the sake of one human.
“A Merfolk and a Landwalker,” Allura muttered beside you when the ship came into view, a vague dark blob floating on the current. “Unbelievable.”
“All right, guys,” Shiro shouted from in front of you. He gestured for everyone to huddle around him. He glanced at you and handed you his pouch. You knotted it around your waist. “In there are the black algae. you know how to apply it.” He put his hands on his hips and looked around the group. “You all know your role: buy Y/N the time to grab Keith and then book it. Don’t engage in a fight, only defend yourselves and the rest. Got it?”
You cleared your throat. “I just–I really appreciate that you guys are doing this for me.”
A nod from Shiro. Tension rippled through the group. None of you needed to say anything; you knew what was at stake and what needed to be done. So after a moment of silence, you scattered.
From the moment you gave the first beat of your tail, there was nothing on your mind but Keith. Save Keith. You made sure to approach the ship from underneath, staying out of view, and grabbed hold of an iron bolt, collecting your thoughts before you started to climb up the side of the ship, pressing your body flush to the wood. Around you, your friends breached the surface and started screaming at the sailors, hopefully taking them by surprise: you saw nets descend into the clear water, but now the mermaids were ready. It was time to show these pirates just how deadly a group of angry Merfolk could be.
You sank your nails into the wood of the ship. The surface of the water was just a couple of centimetres above your head, and you took a deep breath to calm your nerves. A line floated in the water next to you, and you grabbed hold of it and started pulling yourself up. When you were completely above water, you stopped and held still, listening for any sign that you had been spotted and ready to let go of the line and drop if that was the case, but the screaming you heard was directed at the back of the ship, not the front, where you were. The distraction was working.
So you continued on, pulling yourself up, centimetre by centimetre. By the time you reached the height of the figurehead, your arms were trembling and your breathing had gotten ragged. You paused, glaring at the wooden mermaid staring helplessly into the void, tied to the boat by a sculpted wooden rope. “Anatomy’s off,” you hissed through clenched teeth before hoisting yourself up with a grunt.
The railing was right above you. One more pull and you would be in full view. You sucked in a deep breath, curled your fingers around the wood and pulled.
Your eyes frantically searched the almost deserted deck. The majority of the crew was running around the other side of the deck, screaming at each other and at your friends. None of them paid attention to you. Then your eyes landed on Keith and your grip on the railing tightened.
He was tied to the big mast and he looked bad. Only barely conscious, he had been stripped of his shirt, so that you could see every jagged line that your venom left on his skin. They had expanded to his cheek and down his chest, and your throat closed up with the thought that you could be too late, but then you banned the idea. You weren’t too late. It was impossible. What truly made your chest clench were the deep cuts on his back, covering his pale skin in dried blood. His upper arms sported deep gashes too, no doubt to prevent him from fighting back. His head hung forward, his chin touching his chest and red with blood. His black hair was a tousled mess, sticking to his forehead and neck, the skin there slick with sweat. He looked like the ropes tying him to the mast were the only things keeping him upright.
“No, no,” you whispered, focusing on his chest, checking if he was still breathing. He was, if only barely. “Keith!” you cried out, a sob tearing itself from your chest.
He lifted his head slightly at the sound of your voice. His eyebrows furrowed. You called out his name again, and this time he managed to open his eyes and look at you. His eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something, but broke into a coughing fit and doubled over. Fresh, bright red blood dripped down his chin.
A hand grabbed Keith’s hair and forced his head up, drawing a whimper of pain from his lips, and you screamed.
“Well, hello there, fish,” Sendak said, his breathing heavy and his grip on Keith’s hair tightening. The first thing you noticed was a gash over his right eye: it looked fresh, and you were sure it hadn’t been there when you left. He drew his sword, and you lurched forward, reaching out with an arm but grabbing only air: the railing was the only thing holding you up, and Sendak and Keith were way out of your reach. Sendak knew this, too, and didn’t even flinch when you bared your teeth at him in a furious snarl. “That little trick doesn’t work on me any more, fish! You’re going to have to do better than that!”
But you didn’t have better than that, and both you and Sendak knew it. You were trapped, and so was Keith, and Sendak’s eyes sported a manic glint that sent cold shivers down your spine.
“He fought like a beast, you know,” Sendak said. “Actually incapacitated a good twenty men before finally being overpowered. Got a nick at my eye, too,” he snarled and pointed at the cut. “It was impressive.” He cast you a sideways look, giving Keith’s head a shake, and the cry of pain he let out made your heart clench. “But not good enough.”  
“Sendak, he did nothing wrong,” you said, knowing that it would do nothing to change the man’s mind, but you were out of ideas. You were willing to try anything. “Just let him go–he’s suffered enough–”
Sendak barked a laugh. “Suffered enough?” His manic grin turned into a snarl. “But, you see, fish, I don’t do enough.” He lifted his sword up to Keith’s neck and pressed the blade into his skin, drawing droplets of blood to the surface. “You know what, I think I’m going to kill him right now. His blood will stain this deck for the next decade.”
You didn’t know what exactly triggered it. It was probably everything together that made you snap, but the next thing you knew your eyes were glowing and you started screaming.
Sendak let his arms drop to his side and froze, just like Keith had done when he had been trapped underneath your spell. Only this time, you were dead set on keeping control. “Free him,” you growled, pointing at Keith. Picking up his sword, Sendak turned to Keith and sliced through the ropes. Keith crumbled to the floor like a ragdoll.
“Pick him up,” you commanded. Sendak did, his eyes dull and free of the anger and cruelty that had filled them only moments before. Strange, you thought, how a predator could turn another into a prey. You were just higher on the food chain.
“Bring him to me.”
When Sendak set Keith down in front of you and stepped away, waiting for further orders, you wrapped your arms around him and buried your head into the crook of his neck and let your tears fall freely. He let out a groan, trying to lift his arms, but you pulled away and cupped his face, brushing strands of matted black hair from his face. “Shh, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” Keith opened his eyes, albeit with trouble, but when he did and met your eyes, they lit up and the soft smile that stretched his lips made a bubble of heat burst in your chest and you laughed.
“Y/N! WATCH OUT!” Shiro’s voice roared out over the deck and yanked you back to reality, and you looked up just in time for you to duck away and narrowly avoid Sendak’s sword’s blade and stifling a scream. As you looked up, scrambling to protect Keith with your own body, Sendak hovered over you and raised his sword again with a roar, and you squeezed your eyes shut and tightened your hold on Keith, burying your head into his chest, waiting for the final blow.
But it never came.
Instead, the unmistakable crash of a sword falling on the deck resonated in the wood, followed by Sendak bellowing in pain. You yanked your head upright again, and saw the big man grasping at his arm, where you spotted a knife–similar to the one you had carried before getting captured–buried in the flesh up to the hilt. Your gaze trailed to the other side of the deck, where a figure was leaning over the railing–Shiro. The belt he wore across his chest and where his dagger should have been sheathed was empty. He was frantically waving at you, one arm supporting him on the ship’s railing, and shouting something lost to the wind but that you could make out by reading his lips: “Let’s go!”
You nodded at him, turning to Keith and tapping the boy’s cheeks until he groggily opened one eye. “Hold your breath,” you said, wrapping your arms around his chest and letting yourself slide off the side of the ship.
“Hello, handsome,” you called to the man picking his way along the beach, resting your chin on your hand. Keith answered in the form of a wave and a blown kiss, keeping a careful eye on where he placed his feet so that he didn’t tumble into the sea. When he finally got to you, you hoisted yourself up on your arms and beamed a smile at him, squinting because of the sun rays. Keith flopped down next to you and pulled you in for a kiss, cupping your cheek with one hand and letting the other play with the hair at the back of your neck.
You pulled away and pressed a kiss to his cheek, and then his other cheek, and then the tip of his nose, feeling the butterflies in your stomach act up in response to Keith’s giggles. Then you grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling it aside and running your fingers over the teeth marks on his shoulder.
The black algae had done their work and drawn the venom out, but the scars from your bite would stay forever. Even though Keith had said that he didn’t mind the scars at all, you frowned at the wound. The fact that Keith had almost died because of you still didn’t sit quite right with you.
He had been living in a small fishermen’s village for the past few weeks, resting up. He had told you that he didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon: the people in the village were nice, and–he’d added with a wink–the two of you could meet up anytime you wanted.
“Find anything new?” Keith joked, gently taking your hands and kissing your knuckles.
You smiled. “You know I haven’t,” you said, flicking your tail and scratching at a scale.
With a sigh, Keith shifted closer to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “We’re okay. I’m okay.”
Resting your head on his shoulder, you closed your eyes and said, “I know.”
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angels17324 · 5 years
The Violet Paladin (Keith x Reader) Ch. 7
Word Count: 2286 Update Schedule: Every Monday [Masterlist] [Prev] A/n: Hey guys I opened my Ask Me Anything so feel free to ask me questions about this, myself or anything you’d like to know. Also today I’m taking my real estate exam so probably by the time this posts from the queue I should be done and hopefully passed anyways onto the story! 
It was the following morning and everyone was in the infirmary we were all just staring at Lance who was still in the pod.
"I can't tell if he looks healthy or not," Hunk quizzically said.
"I think he's breathing weird," Pidge said with her nose pressed up against the glass.
"Oh come on!" Keith complained wanting to open the pod.
"Not yet, just a few more ticks," Allura slapped his hand away.
"What the heck is a 'tick' anyway?" I questioned I've heard them say it a few times but still hadn't figured out what exactly it meant.
"A time slice," She replied.
"You mean like a second?" Shiro asked.
"What's a 'second'?"
"Like this," Pidge pulled out a timer showing seconds.
"I think ticks are bigger, Coran do you have a ticker?" Allura asked.
"Right here, Princess," He pulled out a 'ticker' everyone gathered closer to watch.
"I think ticks are slower," Hunk commented.
"We have to start them at the same time," Pidge and Coran started the two timers.
"I think we're winning!" Hunk shouted excitedly.
"Winning what? The intergalactic time measuring competition?" Keith questioned.
"Yes," Hunk replied.
"Are you guys having a Clock party?" Lance asked.
"Awe Lance- Wait, Lance you're okay!" Hunk hugged the Cuban boy.
"What happened?" He asked.
"We can tell you all about it while you get something to eat," Allura placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Talking? Eating? Are you asking me out on a date?" He asked her.
"There he is."
"He's okay." Everyone sighed.
After he got dressed and at some food, he seemed a lot better.
"Wow. Thanks, everyone," He smiled then turned to Keith. "Sounds like the mice did more than you did," I sighed here they go again.
"I punched Sendak!" Keith shouted.
"Yeah, after I had emerged from a coma and shot his arm off," Lance said.
"We had a bonding moment. I cradled you in my arms!" Keith shouted.
"Nope! Don't remember didn't happen."
"Even I was there Lance. It happened," I interjected.
"Now, I do remember you being next to me," He said flirtily.
"So he does remember he just refuses to admit that you two were actually nice to each other." I glanced at Keith.
"So, what about Sendak?" Lance asked.
"He's in a cryo-pod we're keeping him here in the castle," Allura informed him.
"Are you sure that's safe?" Lance asked.
"He's too dangerous to be roaming free," Allura told him. "Besides we might be about to get some useful information about Zarkon,"
"So what's our plan now?" He asked.
"We have to get back to the Balmera and save Shay and her people!" Hunk demanded.
"Wow. You are really hung up on this lady," Lance commented.
"No! It's not that," he explained how they'd been under Zarkons rule for a long time, and how he had destroyed their home. "This is what being a paladin is all about, it's time to man up!" He seemed to have ignited a spark in everyone.
"Well let's go, time to defend the universe," everyone began to walk out.
"Wait," Pidge called out to everyone. "I have something to say first," we all turned to look at the young teen. "I need to come clean about this, and I'm afraid it might change your view of me. Just so there are no secrets between us anymore. I can't 'Man up' because I'm a girl... I mean I can 'man up' because its a figure of speech and you don't actually have to be a man," Lance seemed to be the only one in shock.
"Wha... You're a girl?! How?!" Lance shouted.
"I've known for some time but I'm glad you came clean," Allura said.
"Yeah, I figured," Hunk said.
"Yeah me too," Keith smiled a bit.
"Wait, we were supposed to think you were a boy?" Coran asked.
"Pidge, owning who you are is going to make you a better paladin,"
Lance turned to me since I had been quiet thus far. "Aren't you shocked?" He asked.
"Nope, I've known Pidge for her whole life basically. There's no secret she could keep from me even if she wanted and vise versa."
"I'm glad to finally have that off my chest. Now let's launch this Castle-ship!" She ran out of the room.
"Wait, Pidge is a girl. And the castle is a ship? How long have I been out?" Lance asked.
"Amazing how much you can miss in the span of a day," I chuckled to myself before joining the others. After getting into my paladin gear everyone was in the control room and walked to the respective seats. I didn't really listen to the launch as I was too focused on wanting to understand everything on the screen in front of me. I glanced up to see that Keith turned his head away from me as soon as our eyes met. Strange...
Soon after everyone got up and gathered together while Hunk started talking about the plan for the Balmera.
"So, when we get there, what do you think? Do we just start blasting? Or do we land and have some sort of public address system, like, 'Attention Galra this is Voltron turn yourselves in'? No, wait, Blasting right?" He looked at everyone.
"Calm down Hunk," I tried to smile at him.
"Yes, Hunk Blasting," Keith said.
"It's our first big rescue mission he's just excited," Shiro commented.
"Excited to see his new girlfriend~!" Pidge teased.
"She's not my girlfriend," He defended, now he knew how Pidge and I felt. "She's just a rock I happen to admire very much."
I was about to join in on the teasing but an alarm started to go off.
"Are we being attacked?" Shiro asked Coran.
"No, it seems to be a distress signal,"
"It's coming from a nearby moon," Allura informed us. "Apparently a ship has lost power,"
"I wonder who it is?" Pidge inquired.
"Well they're just gonna have to wait, Shay has first priority, they're just gonna have to wait,"
"The Paladin code says we need to help all those in need," Allura told him
"Wow, this is so cool. It's like we're space cops on space patrol. Hey, Coran, do we have a siren we could turn on?" Lance asked.
"No, but I can record you making a siren noise and broadcast that to them,"
"Perfect!" He cupped his hands over his mouth.
"No, Not doing that," Shiro thankfully stopped him. Soon after we landed and everyone except Coran left to help the other ship.
We were met with three people a guy, a girl, and a robot. "You don't know how happy we are to see some friendly faces. People aren't exactly willing to jump in to help someone on the run from the Galra," the guy said. "I'm Rolo, that's Nyma, and that's our cyber unit, Beezer." Looking behind me I saw both Lance's and Pidge's eyes light up as they leaped to greet the two.
"So was your ship damaged in battle?" Shiro asked Rolo.
"Yeah, and parts aren't exactly easy to come by we barely made it here," He explained
"Well, you won't be fighting alone anymore. You'll have the paladins of Voltron by your side," Allura told him, he glanced back at Pidge and Lance who were both still obsessing over the other two.
"I don't think he's heard of us," Shiro said.
"Well, it has been ten thousand years," Keith said.
"No, I think it's more of those two don't exactly instill a whole lot of confidence for us," I pointed at Pidge and Lance.
"Well, let's start working on that ship. I'm sure we all got places to be," Hunk hurried us along.
"Sure," Rolo smiled. He opened the side of the ship, "our whole flaxum assembly is shot. I don't know what extra parts you carry in your rig,"
"I'm sure we can get you back up and running," Allura assured him. Rolo printed a list off of Beezer and handed it to Hunk before wanting to join and help find the parts.
"I don't think so," Hunk put an arm up.
"Hunk, don't be rude," Allura scolded him.
"Yeah Hunk, there are ladies present,"
"I don't know about you guys but the last time we let our guard down the castle was nearly destroyed and Lance you almost died,"
"He's right," I said.
"Sorry about that Rolo," Shiro apologize.
"No, I get it you gotta look out for your own," He said. Hunk returned to the ship and while we waited we listened to Rolo tell us about his life.
"Okay, I got the parts... you know to get your ship running," Hunk said, but Allura asked Rolo another questioned.
"This sector belongs to a nasty general named Sendak," he explained.
"We've met," Keith said with disgust.
"Hey, I think you guys are keeping Rolo from working," Hunk pleaded again.
"Alright," Rolo got up and started looking through the parts, I turned to Keith when Shiro walked over to Hunk.
"Guess you don't know how to help either." He said.
"I was my team's engineer but I'm pretty sure anything I do know is out the window," He just chuckled. I smiled and glanced around, "Hey where-" I watched the blue lion leave the castle. "Nevermind..." You sighed.
"Lance..." Keith groaned.
"I'm gonna go save Beezer before Pidge gets any crazier," I got up to walk to the youngest member it was a slight struggle but I managed to pull her off the poor robot. "Come on Pidge," She pouted.
"I'm just playing with Beezer," I chuckled before Rolo called out to Beezer to co-pilot.
"Well, he sure seemed to want out of here in a hurry," Everyone sat around waiting.
"How many ticks have they been gone for?" Pidge asked, probably wanting to see Beezer again. Lance has been gone a while too, now that I think about it.
"I don't know," Shiro said.
"Guys! Help!" I heard Lance shout.
"Lance?" Everyone put on their helmets "Lance? Where are you?" Shiro asked.
"Chained to a tree... and Nyma and Rolo just stole the blue lion." He said.
"Where are they?" Shiro asked.
"...Space," He said sheepishly.
"I KNEW IT!" Hunk shouted the whole way to our lions all we heard was Hunk complaining about how he knew it.
"Okay, we get it!" Everyone shouted. we flew after Rolo and Nyma as quickly as possible. Finally, we caught up to them but they flew into an asteroid belt.
"We'll never get through that," I said.
"Maybe I can smash through." Hunk tried... it didn't work...
"Keith, you and red should be able to make it through,"
"Right," Keith flew in after them.
"See you on the other side," Pidge said as the rest of us flew around, after a few minutes we were able to stop and corner Rolo taking back the blue lion.
"Hey, Lance, I got your lion back!" Keith said I could feel him smirking through the speakers.
"That's great but can you untie me?!" He shouted.
"Huh? What was that? You're cutting out," Keith laughed, I smiled it's nice to see everyone really is getting closer.
After towing Rolo, Nyma, and Beezer back to the moon the whole group stood in front of them.
"Well now your ship really doesn't work so you'll just have to wait here for rescue," Keith told them.
"Thank you for sparing us." Rolo looked down.
"Now that these guys have been dealt with let's get to the Balmera and save Shay and her family," Hunk said... again for the god knows how many times today, I really wanted to meet Shay now to know what girl got him this crazy.
"You may not believe this but I really do hope you stop Zarkon. It was a lifetime of fighting the Galra that lead me to where I am today." Rolo looked up at everyone. We went back to the castle.
"Hey Allura," I called out to the Altean.
"Yes, (Y/n)?" She asked.
"Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I asked.
"Of course." The two of you waited for the others to leave. "So what's up?"
"Well, normally, I would have gone to Pidge to talk about this but one, I don't think she'd really know how to help and two, I feel like it'd be weird asking a younger friend for help in this matter."
"Go on what is it?"
"Well, I have these feelings... and I don't know how to really explain them. I just know that after actually getting to know him I've never felt like this for anyone else before,"
"Wait do you perhaps like someone?" She asked with a gleam in her eyes.
"Maybe I shouldn't talk about it..."
"No, please tell me, I want to help." She said.
"Alright... fine, I guess I do like him... more than a friend..."
"Who is it?" She asked.
"It's not Hunk is it?"
"Oh, no, he's a big teddy bear, plus I really want to meet this Shay girl." I smiled.
"Lance...?" She asked.
"No." You deadpanned.
"Then that leaves Shiro or Keith." I guess I must have made a face before she guesses. "It's Keith!" I covered her mouth quickly.
"Could you be any louder?" I asked sarcastically. "Please don't say anything," I asked her.
"I promise," she smiled. "You two might be good together too,"
"Well, let's go rescue Hunk's lady," I smiled.
Third person POV
Unknown to the two girls, a certain Cuban boy overheard the last half of the conversation. He smirked ever so lightly determined to tease his two friends... and maybe help them get together.
Tag List~ (As a reminder this is still open lol)  @somebodytouchedmysaeran @ittie-bittie-tittie
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janeaddamspeace · 7 years
Faith Ringgold's Art Featured Around the Country and Abroad #JACBA Newsletter 21Jul2017
Professor Emerita Faith Ringgold Featured in 'Soul of a Nation'
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Featuring more than 150 works by over 60 artists, many on display in the UK for the first time, Soul of a Nation will be a timely opportunity to see how American cultural identity was re-shaped at a time of social unrest and political struggle.
Soul of a Nation will showcase this debate between figuration and abstraction, from Faith Ringgold's American People Series #20: Die 1967 and Wadsworth Jarrell's Black Prince 1971 to Frank Bowling's Texas Louise 1971 and Sam Gilliam's April 4 1969. A highlight will be Homage to Malcolm 1970 by Jack Whitten, who was awarded the National Medal of Arts by Barack Obama in 2015, which will be going on public display for the very first time.
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Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky by Faith Ringgold 1993 Awardee
'It Remains Relevant - History Repeats Itself' Faith Ringgold discusses the importance of art
AT THE time I made American People Series #20: Die, all hell was breaking loose across parts of the United States.
There were riots as people fought for their civil rights.
Not much of this was being recorded in the press or on the TV news, but I saw the violence myself, and felt I had to say something about it.
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Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power, review
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Benny Andrews's Did the Bear Sit Under a Tree? is one of a number of punchy message-driven works that set the scene: the Stars and Stripes rolled back to reveal an angry black man waving his fists both at the Flag and the viewer.  If the execution is none too subtle, with the figure rendered in rough-hewn sacking-relief with a zip for a mouth, Andrews wanted to reflect the "raw" aesthetics of his background in rural Georgia.
Faith Ringgold's Die creates a frantic pattern of wild-eyed, bleeding black and white people in which it's impossible to tell who's stabbing or shooting who, all in a compelling pop-expressionist style that isn't revisited in the exhibition or, it seems, the artist's own work.
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Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky by Faith Ringgold 1993 Awardee
Soul of a Nation - Art in the Age of Black Power, exhibition review: Pride and prejudice. This ambitious and energetic show charts 20 years of the struggles that formed the modern black artistic identity in America
Tate Modern's Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power is a trip through 20 years of black artists in the US experimenting with what black art could possibly be.
Benny Andrews worked with Bearden in another group, the Black Emergency Cultural Coalition. In Did the Bear Sit Under a Tree? (1969), a black protester shakes his fist at the American flag, which is meant to protect him, but is seen closed-off in its own cold space.
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Delivering Justice: W. W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights, written by Jim Haskins, illustrated by Benny Andrews 2006 Awardee
Spencer Museum exhibitions highlight African-American story quilts
The Spencer Museum of Art recently opened two evocative exhibitions that highlight African-American quilting traditions.
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To complement this exhibition, Earle curated "Narratives of the Soul," which presents significant African-American quilts from the Spencer Museum's collection, as well as regional and national loans. One highlight of the exhibition is the art museum's "Flag Story Quilt" by renowned artist Faith Ringgold. Ringgold will give the keynote lecture for the Quilt Convention on Wednesday, July 12, at the Lied Center.
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Find out how to choose the right book during at A.K. Smiley Public Library presentation
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On Sept. 7 an upcoming adult literacy event when author Francisco Jimenez will speak at the Contemporary Club at 6 p.m. Jimenez, is the author of "The Circuit" and "Breaking Through," autobiographical stories about his life as a child of migrant workers and his love of education.
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The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child by Francisco Jiménez 1998 Awardee
Poetry Sunday: Lauren Wolk Local NPR for the Cape, Coast & Islands
Lauren Wolk reads her poem "Shopping for Bras."
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Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk 2017 Awardee
The Vibrant Art Of Roxbury's Ekua Holmes Recalls The Harlem Renaissance
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The exhibit mostly displays Holmes' paintings for the children's books she has recently illustrated, including her works on Fannie Lou Hamer, titled "Voice of Freedom" and "Out of Wonder, Poems Celebrating Poets." The Hamer book, produced with writer Carole Boston Weatherford, garnered a children's book trifecta: The Caldecott Honor Book, The Robert F. Sibert Honor Book and the John Steptoe New Talent Coretta Scott King Award.
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Birmingham, 1963 by Carole Boston Weatherford 2008 Awardee
Carlsbad Museum opens children's books illustration exhibit
The exhibit, "Childhood Classics: 100 Years of Original Illustration from the Art Kandy Collection," is open through Sept. 30 to allow for class field trips to view illustrations from children's books.
The exhibit, which originally opened in California, features original illustrations from Dr. Seuss' "Cat in the Hat", Garth Williams' "Stuart Little," "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak and Floyd Cooper's "Jump! From the Life of Michael Jordan."
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Ruth and the Green Book by Calvin Alexander Ramsey with Gwen Strauss and illustrated by Floyd Cooper 2011 Awardee
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In this week's interview, we speak with Carmen Agra Deedy, author of The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet!, a children's book-illustrated by Eugene Yelchin-about a rooster who insists on singing despite the mayor's no-singing laws. Deedy discusses young readers, surveillance, and the use of humor when confronting difficult realities.
What is the responsibility of the writer of children's books?
To respect the intelligence of young readers and never, ever, lie to them. They will love you for the former and crucify you should you ignore the latter.
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The Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of Denmark by Carmen Agra Deedy 2001 Awardee
Meigs ancestor became renowned author
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The fame of the Rodgers family of Perryville and Havre de Grace extends far and wide with Commodore John Rodgers being the top echelon of that pyramid of fame.
If one were to trace the lineage of Meigs and Rodgers families for a bit, one will arrive at another Meigs of note who, sadly, hasn't reached the level of fame and recognition as her male ancestors with their impressive military careers. This ancestor was Cornelia Meigs, an author of fiction and biography, a teacher and historian of note and a critic of children's literature. Truly she was an astounding woman who contributed greatly to children's literature as a whole.
She would leave Bryn Mawr to teach writing at the New School of Social Research in New York and was the lead editor and a writer of "A Critical History of Children's Literature," published in 1953. The book was called landmark in the field of children's literature studies. It was later revised under Meigs' critical eye and reissued in 1969.
She would write over 30 fiction books for children, two plays, two biographies and several books and articles for adults.
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Jane Addams: Pioneer of Social Justice written by Cornelia Meigs 1971 Awardee
Books raise awareness, sensitivity to suffering
Today's reviewed books help create a more sensitive awareness of this global problem that promotes empathy, and that's a very good thing because if we were among the 65.6 million displaced people in the world, we'd surely want others to be empathetic toward our plight and offer us help.
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"A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park
Alternating narratives of two young people living in Sudan, this book is based on the true story of the life of Salva Dut, who, at age 11, was separated from his family and village during yet again another battle in the Second Sudanese Civil War. Against all odds, Salva's journey of many years, walking from one refugee camp to another, across Africa to Ethopia, to Kenya and back to Sudan, demonstrates enormous courage, hope and the will to survive.
The second voice in "A Long Walk to Water" is young Nya, who walks for eight hours every day simply to fetch water. How and why their lives intersect is both profound and moving.
An important work in many regards, "A Long Walk to Water" not only raises an awareness of the suffering of others, but in so doing, helps readers develop compassion, empathy and a deeper appreciation of those things many of us take for granted.
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A Long Walk to Water: Based on a True Story by Linda Sue Park 2011 Awardee
When My Name Was Keoko by Linda Sue Park 2003 Awardee
Thoreau Bicentennial Gathering: Celebrating the Life, Works, and Legacy of Henry David Thoreau
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PEN New England presentation of Thoreau Prize for Nature Writing to Sy Montgomery (Sy Montgomery, a naturalist, author and scriptwriter who writes for children as well as adults)
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Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World by Sy Montgomery 2013 Awardee
Western Washington University and the Whatcom County Library System chosen as site for 2018 Arbuthnot Lecture
The 2018 May Hill Arbuthnot Honor Lecture featuring Naomi Shihab Nye will be held in the spring of 2018.
Sylvia Tag, Curator of The Children's Literature Interdisciplinary Collection, noted that, "Naomi Shihab Nye spreads hope and light through her poetry and prose. Western Washington University and the Whatcom County Library System are honored to host the Arbuthnot Honor Lecture, and invite her particular brilliance to illuminate our diverse and word-hungry communities."
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Habibi by Naomi Shihab Nye 1998 Awardee
Sitti's Secrets by Naomi Shihab Nye, illustrated by Nancy Carpenter 1995 Awardee
Since 1953, the Jane Addams Children's Book Award annually acknowledges books published in the U.S. during the previous year. Books commended by the Award address themes of topics that engage children in thinking about peace, justice, world community and/or equality of the sexes and all races. The books also must meet conventional standards of literacy and artistic excellence.
A national committee chooses winners and honor books for younger and older children.
Read more about the 2017 Awards.
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childrenbooks · 5 years
Picture Books
What is a picture book?
A child’s picture book tells more than a story. A picture is better than 1000 words. There is a picture on every page of a picture book. Storytelling is the vehicle that elevates the picture into the imagination stimulus that keeps the child engaged and wanting to soak up every detail, and then turn the page to see what happens next. A children’s book with pictures on every page, to a child is the equivalent of a ‘movie’ to an adult. Their underdeveloped mind cannot keep up with a (fast paced, constantly moving) movie but soak up a page that is illustrated with images and pictures as if the movie is paused and they ‘get it all’. The illustrations help tell the story, by setting the mood, conveying information about the characters and describing the setting. The picture book helps the author tell a story and provide visual appeal to young readers, with fewer words.
Picture books are for children aged 2 to 12.
An eleven-year-old-boy was asked to read a picture book. His mother encouraged him to read the book but prefaced her statement with “even though it’s a little young for you.” The boy read gracefully and turned to the author and asked, “how do you say that word?” The word was examination. He sounded it out then asked, “what does it mean?”
school friends
The author only observed and did not respond. The little boy associated the word with the illustration and came to the conclusion that an examination was an appointment with the doctor in the story. He cried, Mom, I learned a new word! Ex-am-in-a-tion!” Mission accomplished Mom. Picture books are for ages 1 to 90.
Picture Books are published in a larger size, usually at least 8” X 10”, consuming up to 32 pages and usually not over 1000 words. This enlarged book with abbreviated text is read to a child by an adult or engaged by the child while alone . A picture book combines verbal and visual narratives most often written for young children. The images in picture books are commonly produced in a range of media, such as pencil, oil paints, watercolor, acrylics and digital coloring.
The history of the picture book
would have to date back to the cave drawings of prehistoric man. Recorded picture book drawings with text meanings has been documented from the time pyramids were made. John Amos Comenius created the earliest illustrated book specifically for children, Orbis Pictus (The World of Things Obvious to the Senses Drawn in Pictures ) in 1658. This book was more of a children’s teaching encyclopedia than a story, and was publishing by a method wherein all the illustrations were woodcuts (carved pictures that were inked and pressed on paper). Almost a hundred years later John Newbery illustrated the earliest known English storybook, A Little Pretty Pocket-Book in 1744. Modern children’s picture books didn’t come into its own until the late nineteenth and early twentieth century when visual thinking expanded the learning capacity with the understanding of the relationship between pictures, words, shapes, and thoughts. Picture books account for more books on the children’s retail department shelves than any other format. Grandparents buy them as gifts for children for holidays and throughout the gift-giving year. Children beg for picture books. Parents see these books as a vehicle for literacy, for home and travel. Children may start with picture books with simple texts, however, the reader will rapidly graduate to longer books with a greater vocabulary. Picture books are the graduation from board books usually for children ages 2 to 8 . Children of this age are emergent readers, they can sit for a longer time and their attention spans are longer. They are now ready to read longer books and
From Tree to Twelve
leave board books.
A strange thing happened as the digital age matured and picture icons began to be used in games, vehicles and electronic devices. Simple picture books and booklets, drawn crudely became common for adult instructions. These elementary picture books evolved into humor and adult comics.
Wordless Picture Books
Illustrated picture books or story books, have a story that can be read without the text. Text adds to the story, but some stories would make sense without text. Plot type Picture book plot types are usually one of three concepts. A “sausage story”, is a “series of events” or multiple small episodes “Wish fulfillment” also known as (“purpose achieved”) plot type has main character wishing for something and eventually receives it. In a “Discovery” plot the main character labors under a misunderstanding. Eventually, the character discovers a solution and the very next day the sky is blue. All misunderstandings fade away.
Genre A modern picture book can be any of the following genres:
science fiction,
fairy tale,
historical fiction,
horror, or
Setting These illustrated books generally occupy a single setting. The best place and time for the story to occur, is the setting. (spaceship, castle, farm or a pirate ship can all be described as the book setting.
The Theme in these story books can be a lesson, social behavior, manners or just a story. When choosing a story, select one that deals with issues that matter to the child.
The main character will be endearing enough that the readers imagine that they are the character and are concerned about the happenings of the character? Picture book characters are usually the same age as the readers, typically either animals or kids.
Picture books are instrumental in word association with a picture. The child learns easier if the picture describes the word. A picture book develops the child’s imagination so that when the reader graduates to books that have fewer pictures, then no pictures the child’s imagination creates images as the pages are turned. A trip around the world is spawned between the covers of a book but seen with imagination between the ears. The greatest education one can hope to achieve is based upon the reading habits of a child. Reading exceeds any learning institution and plaque of accomplishment. A child’s life will be forever be influenced by the books they read and the people they meet!
Re-readability Picture books are written with few concise words. Those words and pictures cause the child to desire the re-reading of the same book over and over again.
Classics picture book authors for young children’s first books are:
• Dr. Qooz’, artistry teaches life’s lessons, honesty, and common sense in a way that the child wants more. • Maurice Sendak, his storytelling creates an incredibly lovely world for children to feel comfortable in. • Eric Carle, books are filled with bright pictures for the curious and include subtle lessons that help kids learn. With 43,000 new children’s books published each year and 233,000,000 books already printed, parents have a daunting task to choose a children’s book for their child. A 3 ½ minute solution is available.
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galraluver · 1 month
Gonna be honest with u, I have a big kink for people with mommy issues because they're treating me like a fucking goddess (and i think you know who i am at this point, and this question is a little bit awkward now tbh, but i HAVE to ask this:)
Kolivan/Sendak/and two other galra (or not-galra) of your choice with mommy issues X dom[if possible!] momfriend reader?
And can you add their reactions if the reader calls them a "good boy/girl"?
Yk i love your writing <3
I'm not really the best at this kind of thing and I'm probably getting this wrong, but I'll give it a try anyway.
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan had a mother when he was very young, but one day she disappeared and he never saw her again
~ Because of that, he grew up with mommy issues
~ Kolivan grew up without the gentle love of a mother, and even though he had a great relationship with his father he always felt that something was missing in his life
~ Until he met you, that is
~ You almost immediately know what's going on in this man's life as soon as you meet him and you take on the motherly role he never had growing up
~ Within a few months of his friendship with you Kolivan slowly becomes less cold and stoic
~ He will do anything for you just to hear you praise him
~ Loves being called a good boy, because it heals his soul
~ Sendak ~
~ Sendak had both of his parents around during his childhood, but his mother was always dismissive towards him
~ She always preferred his sisters over him
~ And because of it, he ended up with mommy issues
~ Sendak secretly has self image issues and he's never sure how to treat women; he feels betrayed by his mother no matter how old he gets
~ Of course, that changes after he meets you
~ You treat him far better than his mother ever did and you're just so motherly,
~ After Sendak pours his heart out to you, you work on being the mother he deserves
~ With time, Sendak feels more complete and he's not as aggressive; he also treats you like a queen
~ Each time you tell Sendak he's a good boy, he shows his appreciation for you by giving you a hug while purring deeply
~ Narti ~
~ Narti never really knew her parents because they abandoned her at an orphanage shortly after she was born
~ As you can imagine it caused some issues for her, especially mommy issues
~ She's secretly very anxious all the time until she meets you
~ You have a motherly aura and she's immediately drawn to you
~ For Narti, it feels as though she found a missing part of her life
~ She tries her best to be the best official unofficial daughter you could have ever asked for
~ And if you ever call her a good girl? Narti feels as though her life is truly complete
~ Lotor ~
~ Lotor never really knew who his mother was when he was a child and it created some issues; mommy issues, mainly
~ He refuses to believe that Haggar is his mother even though she is, for him it's just easier to deny that fact
~ However, when Lotor gets to know you better he realizes how mother-like you can be sometimes
~ He treats you like a Goddess and he would never, ever do anything you wouldn't approve of
~ You think he's sweet and look out for him as much as you can
~ Whenever you call Lotor a good boy he finally feels truly loved
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galraluver · 4 months
Sendak x reader for this idea. The reader, kinda out of it today/little depressed is soothed by the pouring rain. They are made even happier when Sendak joins them in the downpour, holding them, laughing, kissing, ect.
Sure thing 😊
When (Y/n) woke up one mid spring morning in particular she felt a little off; things had been going well between her and Sendak, in fact they were currently in one of his temporary homes on a planet in his territory, and yet she just felt a little depressed. The young woman sat up in bed and looked at Sendak who was still fast asleep and the dim sunlight lit up the small bedroom just enough for her to see him. (Y/n) honestly didn't know why she felt depressed, she just did and she couldn't help but dwell on it. The sound of raindrops outside caught her attention; not every planet in the universe had rain, luckily the one she and her boyfriend were on did. She really missed the rain, in fact back when she lived on Earth (Y/n) would go outside in the rain when she felt depressed, even if it was a downpour.
(Y/n) took one last look at Sendak before she slowly uncovered herself and carefully slid out of bed, not wanting to wake him up since he had some time off from his duties. She stepped quietly as she grabbed an old outfit of hers out from her suitcase, then she went to go get dressed in the bathroom. It wasn't surprising that Sendak had a casual house on every planet in his territory considering his high rank in the galra empire, as well as how long ago he'd conquered his territory. (Y/n) didn't bother brushing her hair and teeth, the only thing she wanted to do was go outside in the rain. By the time she got to the front door the rain was pouring down from the sky, just the way she liked it; (Y/n) only put a light jacket on and her shoes since it was warm when it rained and out she went, although she made sure to close the door behind her on the way out.
“I've missed this so much.” (Y/n) mumbled to herself after she stepped out into the rain, immediately getting soaked by the big drops of water that gently pelted down on her.
The weather of the planet she and Sendak were on was warmer than it was where she came from on Earth, so she wasn't cold while she stood in the pouring rain. (Y/n) felt soothed by the pouring rain as it fell on and all around her, it was as though all of her concerns about life and the depressed feeling went away within only a few minutes. She took a few deep breaths and breathed in the damp scent of the forest around her; (Y/n) was so in her own little world while she stood there that she didn't realize that Sendak had woken up. While (Y/n) stood outside in the rain she really wished that Sendak was there with her, and even though she didn't feel as depressed she still felt a little lonely. Meanwhile, Sendak had woken up when he didn't feel (Y/n) next to him; he'd reached over to cuddle with her, but when he didn't feel his significant other next to him he opened his eye and frowned.
The large furry commander onlined his mechanical eye and sat up, brows furrowed as he looked around the bedroom in confusion. He was concerned because he couldn't hear anyone else in the small house, in fact the only sound he could hear was the pouring rain outside. The sound soothed him and that's when a thought crossed his mind, perhaps (Y/n) was standing outside in the rain like she'd told him she enjoyed doing back when she lived on Earth. Sendak got out of bed and decided to join his lovely young mate out in the rain, he didn't mind getting soaking wet as long as they were together. His hunch was right, (Y/n) was standing outside in the pouring rain and he realized that she must have been feeling a little depressed; (Y/n) didn't hear Sendak walk towards her, but his presence would brighten her day.
“I figured that you might be out here.” Sendak spoke calmly when he stood next to (Y/n), wrinkling his nose a little as raindrops fell on his face.
“You know me really well.” (Y/n) replied, feeling a warmth grow in her chest that made her feel happy.
“As I should as your significant other. Before I met you I would have never considered standing out in the rain like this, but now I enjoy how soothing it can be.” Sendak said after he closed his left eye; (Y/n) was already soaking wet and his fur was nearly soaked within a matter of minutes, not that he minded since he was outside with her.
(Y/n) just stood there and thought about what he said; Sendak didn't do a lot of things before he asked her to be his lover because he thought they were a waste of time, then everything changed after she convinced him to try new things. Sendak glanced down at (Y/n) and smiled, deciding to pick her up all of a sudden so that he could hold her close. The petite woman gasped in surprise when she suddenly felt Sendak pick her up; she opened her eyes and held onto his shoulders, and even though she didn't necessarily always like the feeling of wet fur she didn't really care. (Y/n) no longer felt down and depressed, Sendak's presence accompanied by the pouring rain made her feel content. She gazed deeply into her lover's eyes and he looked into hers, it was just the two of them out there in the pouring rain and they smiled at each other; (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh a little when she saw how soaking wet Sendak looked since he wasn't wearing any clothes and it was kind of funny, but in a cute way.
“What's so funny?” Sendak asked (Y/n) gruffly whilst grinning, feeling his heart leap with joy.
“You're soaking wet.” (Y/n) answered between giggles, hardly able to prevent herself from laughing.
“You're soaked, too.” Sendak reminded her, a humorous grin playing across his lips.
“Yeah, I know. We're both completely soaked. I really love you.” (Y/n) responded before she leaned in for a kiss, caressing the side of his face in the process.
Sendak purred deeply as soon as her lips met his in a chaste kiss while he stood outside in the pouring rain whilst holding her; when they arrived on the planet a few days prior he exchanged his usual druid arm for a regular prosthetic that was more proportionate to his body so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt his petite human lover. His ears instinctively swiveled back a little during the kiss, but then (Y/n) reached for the sensitive bases of his ears which drew a quiet whine of pleasure from the back of his throat. (Y/n) delicately ran her fingers through Sendak's soaked fur and rubbed the area just below both of his ears to get what she thought was a cute reaction from him. They were completely alone and there was no one to disturb them, they had more than enough time to play in the rain. Eventually they would go back inside, dry off and Sendak would make something for them to eat, but until then (Y/n) enjoyed being out in the rain with him.
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galraluver · 11 months
Hello again, I hope your well or at least better than you have been lately.
I'd like to request a platonic reader x Alfor scenario at the juniberry festival. Idk if you or anyone else remembers it but it was briefly talked about in episode 9 I believe of season 1, when Allura is talking with hologram Alfor
I'll try my best. I wish that DreamWorks gave us a little more info about the Juniberry festival because it honestly sounds fascinating
With the juniberry festival coming up Alfor had been busy seeing to the preparations; the juniberry festival was the biggest celebration on Altea and every year everyone looked forward to it. (Y/n) couldn't wait to see Alfor, her childhood best friend, at the festival since they couldn't hang out while he was busy. The young altean woman got to see Alfor's fiance, Melenor, a couple of times and they had the chance to hang out together at one of the little cafés near the palace. Melenor didn't mind Alfor being friends with (Y/n) since the other altean woman wasn't attracted to Alfor, Melenor knew Alfor only had eyes for her. The juniberry festival was everyone's favorite event of the year, adults and children alike looked forward to it all year.
On the day of the festival (Y/n) put her favorite outfit and shoes on, styled her long silky hair by curling and made sure she was ready before leaving her house which was located near the palace where the festivities would be held. The juniberry fields were in full bloom which made the area nearby smell absolutely heavenly, not to mention it was finally juniberry berry season. Juniberry berries had a particularly sweet flavor that everyone on Altea loved, not to mention they could be used for all kinds of baked goods, drinks and so much more. (Y/n) had a look around the festival grounds before she went to go look for Alfor and Melenor so they could go get some juniberry berry cookies at one of the food stands. After searching around for a while (Y/n) was confused because she couldn't find her best friend and his wife, thankfully the altean king and queen saw her before she saw them.
"(Y/n)! We're over here!" Alfor called out when he and Melenor quickly walked over to the young altean woman, happy to see his friend.
(Y/n) waved to her friends before she began weaving through the crowd, politely excusing herself each time she accidentally bumped into someone. Sometimes people from neighboring planets would come to the juniberry festival because of how popular it was and everyone always had a good time. Blaytz, Gyrgan and Trigel were somewhere, although they were at different parts of the festival during that particular moment; Zarkon was usually a killjoy and didn't come to the festival, although Sendak and a few of his buddies did. By the time (Y/n) made it to Alfor and Melenor the back of her hair was a little messy; she reached back so she could smooth it down so that it hopefully wouldn't get too tangled. Alfor and Melenor held each other's hands while they waited for (Y/n) to make her way through the sea of people; that year's festival was particularly crowded, they weren't expecting so many guests.
"I don't remember last year's juniberry festival being this crowded. Anyway, I'm starving after looking for you two, shall we go get some juniberry cookies before they run out." (Y/n) commented before she suggested they go get some cookies; there were a lot of people, which meant the bakery might actually run out before the end of the day.
"That sounds wonderful." Alfor agreed wholeheartedly, since the festival officially started he and Melenor could finally just enjoy themselves for a while.
(Y/n) beamed and the three of them headed to the local bakery in hopes of buying some freshly made juniberry cookies; the soon-to-be married couple were exhausted after everything they'd done and they could barely wait to have a normal day at the festival. On the way to their destination the three young adults crossed paths with Coran and invited him to tag along, it was only proper for the king of Altea to have his royal advisor nearby. The sound of people chatting and the scent of food in the air was certainly different compared to the usually calmness near the castle, the juniberry festival was fun for everyone. Thankfully the bakery hadn't run out of juniberry cookies by the time they arrived and there was even a table available for the four of them to sit at, although it helped that Alfor was the king and Melenor would soon be his wife. Later they would go play some of the carnival games together, but until then they enjoyed eating the juniberry cookies they bought.
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galraluver · 2 years
I got a cute idea for a Sendak x reader. It is a nice summer night, the sky is clear and the air isn't to hot or too cold. Just right. They are laying on a wood, suspended, outdoor swing and the reader is laying on sendak's chest asleep and Sendak is softly singing love songs.
You're right, that is cute 🥰💕 You know that I love writing soft! Sendak fics, so this'll be super easy
Sendak purred softly while he slowly swung on the large wooden suspended outdoor swing, his beloved human wife resting on his fluffy chest. Since it was a beautiful summer evening he wanted to spend time outside with his mate on their outdoor swing; the weather wasn't too hot nor was it too cold, just the perfect temperature, and the stars were beginning to show up in the sky. Ever since he fell in love with the young human woman nearly three years prior he changed in a way he never imagined he would before he met her, although he wasn't complaining because it meant he got to have a cute little wife who could be feisty sometimes. That evening in particular (Y/n) wanted to watch the sun go down with her husband and Sendak wasn't going to deny her of any cherished moments of their marriage. Right as the sun went down he knew that his wife was about to fall asleep, but he didn't want to go back inside of their house yet because he wanted to spend more time with her outside.
(Y/n) loved spending time out on their wooden swing with Sendak; it was one of the simple pleasures in life that neither of them would ever take for granted. They lived in a large house on a planet she couldn't pronounce the name of in a secluded area which meant there were no close neighbors, although she was fine with that seeing as she was married to Sendak and people usually hated him considering what he did in the past. The gentle rocking motion of the swing and being pressed against her lover's body made (Y/n) feel relaxed and sleepy. With a gentle breeze rustling the leaves on the trees and the long grass on the ground accompanied by the sound of a few cricket-like insects chirping it was the perfect romantic setting for the couple to enjoy, just the two of them for the time being. (Y/n) wasn't quite asleep and she wanted to hear her husband sing a soft love song; she loved hearing him sing even though he didn't do it too often.
"Sendak, sing me a song." (Y/n) quietly requested while she glanced up at his face, her gaze meeting his.
"What would you like me to sing, little one?" Sendak queried with an equally quiet tone, his ears perking up when their eyes met.
"Looking for romance." (Y/n) mumbled dreamily, a soft smile tugging at her lips as she looked at him with a starry-eyed look.
"If that's what you want me to sing, then I will." Sendak responded with a loving tone, feeling his heart beating faster in his chest before he cleared his throat and started singing in a soft tone.
"I bring you a song, and I sing as I go. For I want you to know, that I'm looking for romance. I bring you a song, in the hope that you'll see. When you're looking at me, that I'm looking for love."
"I'm seeking that glow. Only found when you're young and it's May. Only found on that wonderful day. When all longing is through. I'm seeking that glow. Only found when a thrill is complete. Only found when two hearts gently beat. To the strains of a waltz that's both tender and new."
"I bring you a song, for I'm seeking romance. You're by my side, there's a moon up above. It shines with a light that's so mellow and bright. It's easy to see that tonight we shall fall in love."
"I bring you a song, for I'm seeking romance; and you."
While Sendak was singing the old love song (Y/n) ended up falling asleep on his broad chest; not because it was boring, but because she loved the way he sounded when he sang so beautifully. No one in the entire universe would expect Sendak, the late Zarkon's favorite commander, to have a gentle side when it came to his significant other because only (Y/n) got to see that side of him. As Sendak finished singing he felt emotional and he could feel that a couple of tears of happiness had escaped his remaining eye; he couldn't help it, though, because of the tender moment he was sharing with his wife. When he looked down and saw her sleeping the ex-commander felt a warm feeling in his chest, loving the sight of his much smaller mate sleeping on his chest with her fingers tangled in his fur. (Y/n) breathed slowly while she slept on her husband's chest without a care in the world, knowing he would always be there for her.
"You're so beautiful when you sleep, little one. I'm grateful that you changed my life after we met. I love you." Sendak whispered so that he didn't accidentally wake her up, lightly caressing her back with the backs of the fingers on his right hand.
It was as though she heard him, and she did, but after Sendak finished speaking a slight smile appeared on (Y/n's) face. Sendak decided to stay outside for a while longer so he could look up at all the stars and two moons in the sky, basking in the gentle blissful feeling he felt during that beautiful summer night. He decided to quietly sing one more love song to her before he carried his significant other to bed, although it was an ancient galran love song that he managed to remember after living for so long. With (Y/n) peacefully sleeping on his chest Sendak felt overwhelmed with love for her, knowing he made the right decision when he decided to stop Zarkon from destroying everything in his path. Sendak eventually got up and carried (Y/n) to bed, making sure she was comfortable before he let himself fall asleep; he slept curled around his wife that night, holding her close to him because of how much he truly loved her.
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galraluver · 3 years
Sorry I post too fast lahn,sniv,trugg,young sendakand lotor with a S/o who got anxiety/panic attack ?
No need to be sorry, I know that there's still a lack of Galra x Reader fics around. Since I've done Lahn (in a scenario) I'm only doing HC's for Sniv, Trugg, Lotor and Young Sendak
~ Sniv ~
~ When you have a panic/anxiety attack Sniv does his best to defuse whatever's causing it before he takes you somewhere quiet
~ He's not the best at calming you down, but he's not too bad at it either
~ If your panic/anxiety attack isn't too bad all he has to do is take you to an empty hallway or some where he can quickly calm you down
~ However, if you're having a bad panic/anxiety attack he'll take you to his and your shared habsuite
~ During your bad panic/anxiety attacks Sniv will cuddle with you until you either calm down or fall asleep
~ Trugg ~
~ When you have a panic/anxiety attack, whether it's a small one or a big one, Trugg will take you to her and your shared habsuite
~ She doesn't show it in public, but she's actually very loving towards you
~ She always tries her best to calm you down no matter how busy she is
~ During your worst panic/anxiety attacks Trugg will let you hug her while you sit on her lap
~ She doesn't judge you if you cry, but if you start talking bad about yourself she'll get on you about it
~ In the end, she always calms you down
~ Young Sendak ~
~ When you have a panic/anxiety attack Sendak takes you to his and your bedroom
~ He knows to get you out of whatever situation caused your panic/anxiety attack
~ To calm you down, he cuddles with you and purrs loudly
~ Sendak knows that panic/anxiety attacks are sometimes normal for Humans, so he doesn't judge you
~ If you start talking bad about yourself he convinces you that you should stop saying those things about yourself
~ If your panic/anxiety attack is really bad Sendak will stay with you until you're feeling better, no matter how long it takes
~ Lotor ~
~ When you have a panic/anxiety attack Lotor takes you to his and your bedroom where it's quiet
~ He has his Generals deal with whatever or whoever caused your panic/anxiety attack
~ Lotor's not always the best at comforting you, but he does his best
~ He doesn't hold it against you if you cry during your panic/anxiety attacks
~ He always cuddles with you and whispers comforting words to help you calm down
~ Listening to his smooth voice always seems to calm you down no matter how bad your panic/anxiety attack is
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galraluver · 4 years
If the galrans did find out reader is pregnant. What would their opinion/reactions be to it? What gender would they be hoping for? How many do they hope will be born? Plans for the child in the future? How would they care for the reader? What's something the galrans have in mind for the child that they wouldn't admit?
This might get a little long. I'm so sorry that I couldn't come up with anything for that last part 😅 if you want, I can do a scenario with one of your favorite Galra to make it up to you
~ Their reaction to you being pregnant ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan wouldn't be sure what to think at first, but after a few moments he would smile, kneel down in front of you and gently hug you
~ Antok ~
~ Antok would be a little shocked, but happy
~ Krolia ~
~ Krolia would be happy that you're pregnant (if you got a sperm donor instead of adopting)
~ Thace ~
~ Thace would be happy and probably cuddle with you in bed or something
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz would be overjoyed and a little dazed, but after a few minutes he would take you to your shared bedroom to cuddle and rub your belly
~ Regris ~
~ Regris would be very happy and probably go around the entire BoM base, telling everyone the good news before taking you to bed for cuddles
~ Sendak ~
~ Sendak would be a little nervous at first, but he wouldn't show it. Then he'd take you somewhere private and nuzzle you
~ Young Sendak ~
~ Sendak would be overjoyed and you both would celebrate in your shared with either cuddles or soft, gentle sex
~ Haxus ~
~ Haxus wouldn't know what to say at first, so he'd just take you to the bedroom for cuddling, nuzzling and kissing
~ Hepta ~
~ Hepta would be absolutely speechless for a few seconds before leaning down, nuzzling you and telling you how happy he is
~ Throk ~
~ Throk would doubt it for a while, but once he realizes that you're really pregnant he'd be happy and become very protective of you
~ Sniv ~
~ Sniv would be so happy that he'd go to the control room and shout it through the intercom system before taking you to bed for cuddling and talking to your belly
~ Claw Guy ~
~ He would be nervous, but happy
~ Lahn ~
~ Lahn would be happy and insist that you should stay home so that he can take care of you
~ Ladnok ~
~ Ladnok would be completely speechless, but secretly excited (if you got a sperm donor instead of adopting)
~ How many they're hoping for/what gender/genders they're hoping for ~ 
~ Kolivan ~
~ It's your first pregnancy, but he's hoping for twin boys
~ Antok ~
~ Since it's your first pregnancy he's hoping for only one
~ He's okay whether it's a boy or a girl
~ Krolia ~
~ You're Human, so one baby is to be expected
~ She's hoping for a girl, but she's okay if it's a boy
~ Thace ~
~ Thace is hoping for triplets, but he's okay with however many you have since it's your first pregnancy
~ He's hoping for two boys and one girl
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz knows that it's your first pregnancy, and that carrying a half Galra baby isn't easy, but he's hoping for quadruplets
~ He doesn't care what genders they are, as long as they're healthy
~ Regris ~
~ Regris knows that babies are hard work, so he's hoping for only one
~ He's hoping for a son, but he's perfectly okay with a daughter
~ Sendak ~
~ Sendak is hoping for only one so that they'll be easier to take care of
~ He's hoping for a son so that he can pass on his fighting techniques
~ Young Sendak ~
~ Sendak's hoping for either twins or triplets
~ If it's twins, he wants one boy and one girl. But if it's triplets he wants two boys and one girl
~ Haxus ~
~ Haxus only wants one, especially since it's your first pregnancy
~ He wants a girl so that he can spoil her
~ Hepta ~
~ Hepta's hoping for twins, but he's okay if you only have one
~ If it's twins, he's hoping for one boy and one girl. But if it's only one he's hoping for a daughter
~ Throk ~
~ Throk only wants one child because he knows that they'll be a handful
~ He wants a daughter so that he can spoil her rotten
~ Sniv ~
~ Sniv is really hoping for twins
~ He's hoping for two adorable little girls
~ Claw Guy ~
~ He's fine with however many you have
~ He's fine with either having a son or a daughter
~ Lahn ~
~ Lahn is hoping for twins
~ He wants one son and one daughter
~ Ladnok ~
~ Ladnok wants you to have twins
~ She's hoping for one boy and one girl
~ Their plans for your and their child/children in the future ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan wants his and your future children to grow up and join the Blade of Marmora
~ Antok ~
~ Antok wants his and your future sons to join the Blade of Marmora when they're old enough and his and your daughters to do something where they won't get killed
~ Krolia ~
~ Krolia wants the baby to grow up with the other Blades around maybe become an operative someday
~ Thace ~
~ Thace wants all of his and your children to grow up and become spies or something
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz wants his and your future children to do their own thing when they grow up
~ Except for one; he wants one to follow in his footsteps and become a doctor
~ Regris ~
~ Regris wants his and your children to choose their own paths in life when they grow up
~ Sendak ~
~ Sendak wants his and your future son to take after him
~ Although, if the baby turns out to be a girl he wants her to marry someone important in the Galra Empire and be a lady
~ Young Sendak ~
~ Sendak wants his and your future children to become brave warriors like him
~ Haxus ~
~ Haxus wants his and your future child to become a Lieutenant, like him
~ Hepta ~
~ Hepta wants his and your future children to do something good with their lives
~ Throk ~
~ Throk wants his and your future child to be important in the Galra Empire
~ Sniv ~
~ Sniv wants his and your future children to do whatever they want in life
~ Claw Guy ~
~ He wants his and your future children to become someone important in the Galra Empire and not make the mistakes in battle like he did
~ Lahn ~
~ For his and your future son, he wants him to become a Commander
~ For his and your future daughter, he wants her to marry someone important and be a stay at home mom
~ Ladnok ~
~ For her and your future children she wants them to be a powerful warriors
~ How they take care of you while you're pregnant ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan would make sure that you're taking care of yourself when he can't be around
~ He would also take time off of work so that he could take care of you
~ He would take over all the chores and make sure that you have plenty to eat and drink and that you get plenty of rest
~ During your morning sickness he would be there for you and if you're having mood swings he'll give you some space until you fell asleep
~ He would also make sure that you're not in any pain and that he cuddles with you
~ Antok ~
~ Antok would take care of you any way he could so that you wouldn't over exert yourself, that includes taking care of all the chores
~ He would also make sure that you're always comfortable and that you have plenty to eat and drink and that you take a nap every day
~ He would definitely be there for you if you're having morning sickness or mood swings
~ Also, expect lots and lots of cuddling and kisses
~ Krolia ~
~ Krolia knows that Human pregnancies are different, so she would take the time to take care of you
~ She would take over all the chores so that you wouldn't have to do them
~ She's not bothered by your morning sickness nor mood swings
~ She would get you anything you're craving, massage your feet when they're sore, cuddle with you, make sure that you're resting and even shave your legs during showers
~ Thace ~
~ Thace would take time off of work so that he can be with you
~ He would gag a little when you're having morning sickness, but he'd still be there for you
~ He would also take care of all the chores, be there for you when you're having mood swings, make sure that you're resting and get you any food you're craving
~ There would also be lots of cuddling and kissing
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz would take the time off of work so that he could be there for you
~ He would be there for you during morning sickness, mood swings, aches and pains and get you any food that you're craving
~ He would also take care of all of the chores, make sure that you and your babies healthy, make something to make the stretch marks go away, make sure that you're getting plenty of rest and and even bathe you
~ He would definitely be more affectionate with you and get as many fluffy blankets and pillows so that you could be comfortable, especially when he's cuddling with you in bed while talking to your babies while his face is pressed against your belly
~ He would even take care of your sudden higher libido
~ Regris ~
~ Regris would take the time off of work so that he could take care of you and do all of the chores
~ He would try best not to gag when you have morning sickness and not anger you when you're having mood swings
~ He would definitely get you any food you're craving and massage your feet/back if you're sore and make sure that you're getting plenty of rest
~ Sendak ~
~ Sendak would take his ship somewhere where you both would never be bothered
~ He would definitely be more gentle and patient, and always be there for you when you're having morning sickness and give you space if you're having mood swings
~ He would hunt fresh meat for you and get you anything that you have a craving for and make sure that you're resting
~ He would also help you with things that you couldn't do because of your pregnancy
~ Young Sendak ~
~ Sendak wouldn't be sure what all to do, but he would pick up on all the chores and do the cooking
~ Even though he thinks that your morning sickness is gross he'd be there for you
~ He'd give you space when you're having mood swings, get you anything that you're craving, make sure that you're resting and make the bed extra comfortable
~ He would also massage you if you're sore and insist on cuddling with you every chance he gets
~ Haxus ~
~ Haxus would pick up on all the chores since it's tradition to do so
~ He isn't squeamish, so your morning sickness wouldn't bother him
~ He would leave you alone during your mood swings, but he wouldn't ignore you
~ He would get you any food that you're craving and bathe you when you need it
~ He would also cuddle with you, especially at night
~ Hepta ~
~ Hepta would naturally take over the housework and do the cooking
~ He gets grossed out by your morning sickness, but he's there for you regardless
~ He's there for you if you're having mood swings unless you're angry
~ If you're craving for something he'll get it, if you're sore then he'll give you a massage, if you're tired then he'll cuddle with you until you fall asleep and if you're horny then he'll help you;)
~ Throk ~
~ Throk definitely takes over all of the chores so that you can get plenty of rest
~ He's there for you when you're having morning sickness, but he gives you space if you're angry during your mood swings and he's there for you when you're sad
~ He will get or make you any food you're craving, cuddle with you and make sure that you're resting
~ At this point he doesn't care that the baby isn't full blooded Galra, what matters is that the baby is healthy and so are you
~ Sniv ~
~ Sniv would do his best to take on all of the chores and do all the cooking to keep tradition
~ He might be a Galra Commander, but that doesn't mean that he has a strong stomach, so he gags when you have morning sickness
~ If you're having mood swings he'll be there for you, even when you're angry
~ He also makes sure that you're getting rest, he gets you whatever you're craving, tells you how beautiful you are and helps you with your sudden high libido
~ Claw Guy ~
~ He can only do so much, so he has a sentry do all the chores and most of the cooking
~ He does his best to be there for you when you have morning sickness, mood swings and aches and pains
~ He tries to get you what you're craving, he makes sure that you're resting and he makes sure that you're always comfortable
~ Lahn ~
~ Since it's tradition for him to take on the chores and do the cooking during your pregnancy, he does so that you can rest
~ He expects you to only wear the finest robes, rest a lot and stay home
~ He expects you to only wear the finest robes, rest a lot and stay home
~ He gives you space when you're having mood swings, he's there for you when you have morning sickness and he gets you any food that you want
~ He tries his best to be sensitive and be there for you when you're sad and listen to you more
~ He also cuddles with you a lot more
~ Ladnok ~
~ Ladnok takes on all the chores, does the cooking and makes sure that you're always comfortable
~ She doesn't have a problem with your morning sickness or mood swings and she even becomes more caring
~ She also gets you any food that you're hungry for, bathes you, cuddles with you, massages you and makes sure that you take one nap every day
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galraluver · 4 years
What do you think the galrans would do if they were trying to attract their' love interest?
I'm no dating expert, but this is how I think they would try to attract you (aka the reader/their love interest)
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan would be less strict with you and would probably kiss you on the hand and give you flowers or something
~ Antok ~
~ Antok would let you see his soft side and get to know him on a more personal level
~ Krolia ~
~ Krolia would probably be more emotionally vulnerable around you and spend more time with you
~ Thace ~
~ Thace would probably flirt with you, but also treat you with respect
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz would create an emotional connection with you and always be there for you when you need him
~ Regris ~
~ Regris would be more confident around you and would show you his sense of humor
~ Sendak ~
~ Sendak would tell you war stories and impress you and let you rub his ears whenever you want
~ Young Sendak ~
~ Sendak would make you feel desired and loved no matter what
~ Haxus ~
~ Haxus would just start giving you courtship gifts and treat you with respect
~ Hepta ~
~ Hepta would be confident and just approach you and be affectionate with you
~ Throk ~
~ Throk would make you work for his attention, but once you had it he'd shower you with affection
~ Sniv ~
~ Sniv would be more stylish, say cheesy pick up lines and always listen to you when you need someone to talk to
~ Claw Guy ~
~ He would try his best to be charming and he treats you with respect
~ Zarkon ~
~ Zarkon would get you everything you needed and wanted and give you your own planet
~ Lahn ~
~ Lahn would give you various courtship gifts and show you that he would be a good mate
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galraluver · 4 years
How do the galra feel about having kids, or being parents?
Here's what I think they would feel about having kids/being a parent with you (the reader). I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you all like it 
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan doesn't hate kids, but he isn't crazy about them either
~ He wouldn't mind having one or two kids with you
~ Antok ~
~ Antok is a little nervous about having kids because they would be so tiny compared to him
~ However, he wouldn't mind having a few kids with you and being a dad
~ Krolia ~
~ Krolia's already a mom, so obviously she likes most kids
~ She wouldn't mind possibly adopting a baby so that she raise them with you (and give Keith a baby brother or sister)
~ Thace ~
~ Thace would love to have a few kids with you, especially if it means that he can teach them some of his moves
~ He would love being a dad, especially since you would be their mother
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz isn't too fond of kids. Unless, of course, if he's having them with you; only then does he like them
~ He wants to have as many babies with you as possible as soon as you both can
~ He would love being a parent with you and would teach at least one of your kids everything he knows about being a Galran doctor
~ Regris ~
~ Regris likes kids, so he wouldn't mind having a few with you
~ He thinks that being a dad would be fun, especially with you as their mother
~ Sendak ~
~ Sendak usually thinks that having kids would be a waste of time, but ever since he started courting you he started reconsidering having a few with you
~ He knows that being a parent is hard work, but as long as you're the mother of his kids he wouldn't mind it
~ Young Sendak ~
~ Sendak likes kids and is surprisingly good with them, so he definitely wants to have a few with you
~ He knows that parenting can be hard at times, but since you're going to be the mother of his children he knows that he'll enjoy being a dad
~ Haxus ~
~ Haxus has never considered having kids until you both started being more intimate, but as long as he gets to have them with you he's okay with it
~ He wouldn't mind being a dad as long as you both don't have too many kids. Although if you do he'll still help you raise them, even if it wears down on his nerves
~ Hepta ~
~ Hepta's never been around kids, but he wouldn't mind having a few with you
~ He thinks being a dad would be fun and easy with you as their mother
~ Throk ~
~ Throk thinks kids are annoying, but he wouldn't mind having at least one with you
~ He knows that if he has a kid with you they'll be a halfbreed, but with you as their mother he doesn't care and wouldn't mind being a dad
~ Sniv ~
~ Sniv kind of likes kids, so he wouldn't mind having a few with you
~ It's no secret that being a parent is hard, but as long as you're with him he would love being a dad
~ Claw Guy ~
~ He doesn't have any experience with kids, so he's not sure if he likes them or not
~ He wouldn't mind being a dad and having kids with you, but he's still scared of accidentally hurting them with his prosthetics
~ Zarkon ~
~ Zarkon absolutely hates kids (after the quintessence incident)
~ Because of what the quintessence did to him, he doesn't want any more kids because he thinks that they're a waste of time
~ Lahn ~
~ Lahn has never been around kids, but he wouldn't mind having a few with you
~ He wouldn't mind having and raising kids with you, as long as you stayed at home where you belonged
~ Ladnok ~
~ Ladnok isn't sure what to think about kids, but she wouldn't mind raising one with you
~ She isn't the motherly type and doesn't have any experience with kids, but she secretly would like to try either having or adopting one with you
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galraluver · 3 years
The Galras favorite places to kiss their S/O?
As usual, your wish is my command! I hope you like it 😄
~ Antok ~
~ Antok loves kissing you on your forehead because he thinks it's cute
~ He also likes kissing your cheeks and lips
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz' favorite place to kiss you is on your lips
~ He also likes lightly kissing your nose and neck
~ Young Sendak ~
~ Sendak loves kissing your neck because it makes you blush
~ He also likes kissing you on your lips, your knuckles and your forehead
~ Sniv ~
~ Sniv really likes kissing you on your lips and lower jaw
~ He'll also kiss your neck and he really likes kissing the tops of your breasts
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