#Young Lions Cup XIV
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chikaraspecial · 6 years ago
Podcast-A-Go-Go #557 ft. Omari vs. Cameron Zagami, the Young Lions Cup XIV Final Round tournament match from “Young Lions Cup XIV, 2nd Stage (3.31.2018)” in its entirety!
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iamchikara · 7 years ago
Preview time is happening a day early because I’m feeling a mite squirrelly. Night Two of the YLC Tournament (which really can’t be called that anymore because it’s only the finals on there for the tournament itself) is this Saturday, so let’s peep in on what’s gonna happen! In the aforementioned YLC finals, finalists Omari and Cam Zagami will battle it out to win the fourteenth tournament and the cup. Omari pulled out quite the upset on the Hour of Power last week by defeating Fire Ant (subbing in for Rory Gulak who had to withdraw), can he pull off another one? Or will Zagami take the prize? (No points affected by this, as it’s YLC, so Omari will be keeping his sole point.) Grand Champion Juan Francisco de Coronado will be defending the Grand Championship against Ophidian, who earned his third point at the expense of friend-turned-rival Fire Ant earlier this month. Can Ophidian wrest the gold away from that wily Ecuadorian, or will JFDC once again employ his cheating ways to keep his death grip on the title? Also, will Dasher Hatfield, who recently was accused of cheating by JFDC, have something to do with the result? (It’s way past time for this one-note title reign to end!) There are only two spots remaining to qualify for this year’s Tag World Grand Prix, and both will be decided at this event. In one qualifier, the Throwbacks take on Hallowicked and Frightmare of the Legion of Rot (watch out for Kobald, you two!), and in the other, former Campeones Los Ice Creams face Ursa Minor and Still Life of the Nouveau Aesthetic. Speaking of the Nouveau Aesthetic, the Proletariat Boar of Moldova has been hoodwinked by BLANK and his creations ever since this year’s NPWD, leading to two embarrassing losses. Now he looks to finally get his hands on their creator. Will BLANK’s ongoing attempt to turn CHIKARA into his own personal art exhibition come to a crashing halt courtesy of a Gore, or will that intriguing auteur once again find a way to trick the Boar? Also speaking of the TWGP, we’ll be having a bit of a preview of that as well, via an atomicos contest! The second generation of the Colony (grow up, Fire Ant) will team with the Rumblebees to face Crummels and DeFarge and the Creatures of the Deep’s Oceanea and Merlok. (Hopefully the legitimate businessmen avoid upsetting the Queen of the Deep, as that may bring this partnership to a messy end!) Last but not least, Razer and Nytehawk of the Xyberhawx look to become the second Hawx combo and second team as a whole to earn two points towards a shot at the Closers when they take on the makeshift team of YLC tournament contenders Anthony Greene and DL Hurst.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Monday 26 August 1839
6 50/..
12 40/..
fine morning F61° and sun out at 7 ½ - breakfast at 8 20/.. to 9 – A- sketching the chateau from our room window – left her to finish (to colour) her sketch a little and I off to the library at 9 10/..
“catalogue général du la littérature Française content les ouvrages publies en France...... pendant l’année 1837 …. avec table systématique pour les ouvrages imprimes in 1837 et les Journaux de 1838. publié par la Librairie Brockhaus et Avenarius. 1ere année. 3fr. Paris, B- et A-, Libraire Française-allemande et Estrangère Rue Richelieu, no. 60
Leipzig, même maison
they refer to la Bibliographie de M. Beuchot et le Bulletin de M. Cherbuliez – and Bibliographie d’Allemagne paraissant Leipzig
the above lying on the table of professor Skraeder ancient history with Arabic books (published here) etc. etc.
Has his pedigrees and prefers [pasted] into books with whity brown paper leaves left about 1 ½ inch broad – books about the breadth and twice the length of our common 4to i.e. narrow folio size
Laerebogi de romerske Oldsager af S.B. Bugge rector ved cathedralskolen i Christiania. melfem Steentryk. Xtiania 1837. Trykt [Tryckt] i R. Hviids Enkes [Entes] Bogtrykkerie og paa hendes Forlag of G. Hansen:
Beitrage[Beiträge] zur genauern Kenntniss der ehstnischen Sprache . Neunzehntes heft. Peranu, beim herausgeber. Reval, bei Bornwasser. 1828.
§ Initia Homerica by Thomas Burgess a.m. London 1720. printed by Dove – sold by R. Priestley – given to Upsala [Uppsala] by ‘Thomas Burgess episcopus Salisburiensis donatus 1837”
August Monday 26 the Italian cabriolet? made at Augsburg – very curious – Xtianas’ Snuff grater and box looking like a broadish knife the box at one end and the blade a grater on which the tobacco leaves were grated  
Real musk in a little lead box like a bit of a small animal bag or pouch with short 1/4in. long like bristles on it –
Xtianas small fusils to kill fleas –
about 3ft. 6in. x 6ft. and about 2ft. 6in. broad –
Gustaf 2 died 1792 left chest and black leather covered box to be opened in 1842.   2 of his drawings in Indian ink dated the one a chateau 1763.  (26 September 1763)
and a bridge and two towers one at each end or thereabouts of the fridge dated “Gustaf fecit [d] 19 Setepmber 1763 Drotningholm [Drottningholm]
at the library till 11 ¼ - gave the men 32sk. banco a one rigs. dollar note – content he then shewed us the new library – not yet finished tho’ some books put there on the ground floor – there at 11 25/..
new library bookcases au premier 6 ½ x 2 ¼ red books (handbook which is about 6 ½ inches long height up to gallery = about 4 yards – pilasters between the cases = 3 red books wide i.e. about 6 ½ in. x 3 = 19 ½ to 20 in. –
Racking or shelf-grooves at every 2 inches -  about 2in. left in front of the cases for hanging doors if wanted lock-up doors with wire net at the old library 5 or 6 ft. high against the bottom shelves
there will be book cases to front the pilasters
Salle about 58 yards long and about 5 yards wide across from pilaster to pilaster – grand entrance in the middle 5 cases on each side the door and then 5 windows on each side beyond these 5 cases respectively greenish-white veined or waved marble (like my specimen of the holy
vide bottom of next page
sepulchre at home) window seats about 2ft. 6in. high from the floor –
whole breadth of window including frame = about 5ft. 6in.
whole height including framing = about 10ft. up to bottom of gallery –
glass 6 panes in height – panes about 17 or 18 in. x 10 + 4 panes in breadth i.e. 2 in each ½ opening with a spagnolette the whole breadth height of the window –
August Monday 16
3 yards + taken up by the partition down the middle which parts the whole floor into two similar book-galleries, a ballustred gallery running all round at about 13ft. high from the floor – the man says there are 120,000 vols. – floor diamond flags size of those formerly in the hall at Shibden, of red and greenish porphyry (like the window seats) – 2 rooms at each end of the book rooms and between these 2 rooms (at each end of the building) a spiral staircase to the top of the building, and leading also to an immense salle (over the library, i.e. au 2nde)  round above? with portico behind the pillars underneath the gallery? to be galleried all alcove (is a sort of throne there or what to be?) at left end as one looks on the town this immense salle entered also in the middle by the great staircase as below – 2 flights of steps taking up a breadth of about 13 yards and a depth of about 16 yards in a projection towards the castle the opposite front looking exactly along a long straight road to Dannemora and old Upsala [Uppsala] and on to the town, and a little to the left on the cathedral as now renewed since its being burnt in 1702 –
(chateau (right) going up great stairs and looking towards the town)
at the new library till 12 5/..
at the cathedral at 12 ¼ - the monument memory of Linne – is in the a little side chapel (left) near the great west doors as one enters
‘Carolo a Linné | Botanicorum | principi|
amici et discipuli| MDVVXCVIII’
the a = von = de = noble (e.g. Thomas a Beckett)
above the inscription is a bronze head – side face – très ressemblant, by J.T. Sergell ‘A : MDCCXCIV’ beautiful brown whitish green veined granite ? from Elfdal  [Älvdalen?] north of Falun,
the marble of the window seats etc. at the new library comes from between Norköping [Norrköping] and Nyköping – i.e. from the forest of Kolmorden [Kolmården]
(the comma over the e in Linne is to double the e)
August Monday 26
Linnaeus’ granddaughter died here (Upsala [Uppsala]) last spring and left to Ridder Bielca who married her sister a fortune that would keep ten cavaliers 10 horsemen i.e. ten men and ten horses and the terrain (but that depends upon the goodness of the land) that would maintain one horseman = 8 – 10,000 dollars banco purchase money, the terrain containing forest fisheries etc. –
everything here counted by how much land will keep a man or horseman – the academy has as much (as the man said yesterday) as would keep a hundred men – and a terre to keep a man costs 4,000 to 5,000 dollars banco to buy it – In buying land one ought to have 6 to 8 p.c. for ones’ money –
fine tomb from Rome in 1793 of archbishop Carolus Frid.
Mennander nat. 1712 ob. 1786 formerly bishop of Åbo who translated the bible into Finnish – whole length of him sitting, leaning on ‘Biblia Fennica’ – good looking – 7 allegorical female figures.  and all on a tablet under the figure of Religion carrying a large cross and leaning on an urn –
chapel of Gustaf Wasa painted in fresco by
“John: Gust: Sandberg pinxit 1831-1838’
Eric xiv and Jean iii sons of Gustaf W- and Charles ix his young son
Left hand, on entering the chapel (behind the altar) the paintings are
over the pictures arms window
                                                                    1st Gustaf on horseback receiving the keys of Stockholm Riddarholm                             [Riddarholmen] castle some years ago burnt down
                                                                      2nd ------------- on horseback (young) in a battle against the Danes
ditto                                                               3rd------- at Lubeck asking assistance – a Danish nobleman claiming him
ditto                                                                4th ------- at the peasants cottage in Dalecarlia with flail a Dane seeking him entering the barn –
ditto                                                               5th ---------- Haranguing the peasants in Dalecarlia
ditto                                                               6th two bishops presenting him the 1st bible Eric 14 at his elbow
arms                                                               7th taking leave of the deputies, who was then a boy, dressed in red died soon after
 1 and 4   azure 3 gold crowns (the arms of Sweden) i.e. lakes
2 and 3 azure. lion rampant or on 3 white wavy bands (the arms of Götheborg [Gothenburg])
August Monday 26 escutcheon of pretence arms of Gustaf Wasa
azure. a gold sheaf (gerb) – called in Swedish vasa –
supports 2 lions or crowned [proper]
In the sacristie or room where they keep the 2 gold crowns lately taken respectively from the heads of Jean iii and his queen Catherine and some valuable gold cups etc.   is the half length old wooden statue of the pagan god Thor – part of his left side gone and his right arm broken off from the elbow – gilded formerly – brought from old Upsala [Uppsala] – many more old things all burnt with the cathedral in 1702 – this room is a sort of safe closet – safe from fire – 3 boxes of valuables put here as we should send plate to the bank for safety –
Get at Stockholm, chez C.M. Carlson Roadbook of Sweden and Norway 1830.
i.e. “Vägvisare” Roadbook, bought a little one at Upsala [Uppsala] for 12 sk. banco
August Monday 26 came in at 3 ¾ - dinner at 3 55/.. to 4 20/.. – good – same as yesterday but herring-and-rice-and-potatoes-pudding with anchovy sauce instead of soup – off at 4 ¾ from Upsala [Uppsala]  alight at old Upsala [Uppsala] at 5 ¼ - off to the tumuli close by the Donnemora cull judges’ hill first – then the 3 tumuli of Odin, Thor and Frea – all the 4 [3?] very near together and the
cull, hill, collis.
3 conical mounds very conspicuous all the way from Upsala [Uppsala] – fine view from all especially from Frea because farthest from the church – quite close to Odin and impedes the view from him – Good country about here – more quite clear ground (clear of stones, boulder and rock) than we have seen elsewhere - .:. land valuable here – but no forest of two miles .:. wood dear – large extensive plain on all sides – merely a few bits (on the Eastern side) that one can just see encumbered with stone to remind one of being still in Sweden – the church small – not worth going into but expected (disappointed) some to see there some funeral urns found in 1 of the tumuli – fine view of Upsala [Uppsala] – its castle looks well from here – its 2 (there are only 2) round towers (North and North east corners) seen, and cone of the ugly pediment side seen – the 2 cathedral-towers are seen as one – and the peasants’ church tower and one other church tower are seen in one line – Beyond Freas’ tumulus a little range of hill and the foot of this and of the tumulus itself towards the village and Upsala [Uppsala] studded with little hillocks – on the other side the tumulus and range of hill is a little lake – A- is sketching the church – she did the castle nicely yhis morning – Old Upsala [Uppsala] pretty little picturesque gardeny village – a peep at the little River – a minute or 2 in the old church – nothing worth seeing in it – back at the house to drink our bottle of mead at 6 5/.. excellent – good as champagne – how to make it is a secret – heirloom secret – 24 Rigs sk. per bottle – a pink mead at 48sk. but she has none at present     off again at 6 25/.. –
Monday 26 August
in 20 minutes a little rock and boulder and Sweden again – excellent road charming evening – beautiful sunset – Hogsta  [Högsta] should be Uggelsta single house – poor little place – could not sleep there – next stage.........Andersby – 2 1/8 miles – nice open country – sowing rye and reaping it – at Dannemora no! Österby near Dannemora, at 11 5/.. – we had to call the people up – very fine day – F62° now at midnight
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girl4music · 5 years ago
Tarot representation in 'The Bitter Suite' with the Major Arcana: 22 Archetypes
The Rider-Waite tarot deck is really cleverly used in the episode 'The Bitter Suite'. It's mostly Major Arcana representation but there are also a few Minor Arcana cards represented in it too. That being of The King of Swords, The Queen of Pentacles and The Two of Cups. My reason for doing this post is to show people how creative and intelligent and artistic this episode actually is, AND WHY IT’S MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE!!!
The Tarot can teach us many things, but most of all that... just like the cards themselves... there are always two sides to every story. Enjoy!
0 – The Fool (Callisto’s first card in Illusia; Aleph.) - The Fool is the happy wanderer who sees the world through the eyes of a child. Most tarot experts agree that The Fool represents each of us—naive travelers through life, off on a grand adventure, out to learn whatever experience the tarot can teach us.
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I – The Magician (Joxer’s second card in Illusia.) - The Magician is the skilled and cunning master of all he surveys. He represents an individual in control of life's tools and techniques, like those on the table in front of him. Typically, they include a cup, sword, pentacle, and wand—the four symbols of the Minor Arcana.
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II – The High Priestess (Xena’s first card in Illusia.) - The High Priestess is the enigmatic keeper of spiritual secrets. Secretive and guarded, she knows the secrets life holds—but she shares them only with the wise.
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III – The Empress (Gabrielle’s first card in Illusia.) - The Empress is the archetypal mother who nurtures and protects all of her creation, including humankind.
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IV – The Emperor (Ares’ first card in Illusia. His second card is of The King of Swords but that is not part of the Major Arcana.) - The Emperor is the authoritative protector and provider who rules the known world. A father figure, he brings order out of chaos so that civilization can prosper.
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V – The Hierophant (it’s possible Lila could represent this card.) - The Hierophant is a symbol of traditional authority and influence. He's the head of a hierarchy, determined to maintain his religious and cultural traditions.
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VI – The Lovers (Xena and Gabrielle having a lover’s spat.) - The Lovers embody the twin principles of opposition and attraction. While an appearance by this couple could encourage any hopeless romantic, the card also signifies a choice to be made between two equally strong desires.
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VII – The Chariot (the mode of transportation Xena and Ares ride on.) - The Chariot is a vehicle for forward motion and change. The young charioteer is in command of his physical and emotional drives, even when they seem to oppose each other.
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VIII – Strength (Gabrielle’s third card in Illusia.) - Strength is the lovely lady with the heart of a lion. She gently holds the jaws of a powerful wild cat, patiently controlling a force that could otherwise eat her alive.
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IX – The Hermit (Joxer’s third card in Illusia.) - The Hermit is a recluse, far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. He reflects on spiritual concerns, and carries the light of wisdom as a beacon for others to follow.
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X – The Wheel of Fortune (drawn by Callisto with the four animal figures: (the Lion, the Ox, the Snake, the Eagle.), as well as Anubis and The Sphinx.) - The Wheel of Fortune is the spinning wheel of destiny and fate. Because nothing is certain but change itself, the Wheel of Fortune reminds us all that what goes up must also come down. 
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XI – Justice (Callisto’s second card in Illusia.) - Justice is both the giver and enforcer of laws. As the ultimate arbiter, she holds a two-edged sword—a reminder that fairness cuts both ways.
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XII – The Hanged Man (Joxer’s first card in Illusia.) - The Hanged Man sacrifices his comfort and passions for a time, knowing that better things will occur as a result. He is the visionary who sacrifices one life to be rewarded with another.
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XIII – Death (represented twice throughout the episode. When Xena kills Gabrielle and when Xena dons a purple shift and is tied to the cross.) - Death is the card of transition. Like the Grim Reaper, who clears away all that cannot survive, the card depicts the turning of a page, the completion of one chapter of life, and the exciting start of a new story.
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XIV – Temperance (Gabrielle’s second card in Illusia.) - Temperance is the archangel of balance. With dexterity and grace, Temperance demonstrates that moderation can serve as a bridge to wholeness.
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XV – The Devil (Dahak’s evil flame represents this card.) - The Devil is the dark and shadowy side of our existence. With tongue firmly in cheek, he demonstrates how a selfish devotion to material possessions and ill-conceived passions can tie us down and keep us from true happiness.
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XVI – The Tower (the Halls of Echoes being struck by lightning.) - The Tower is a forceful clearing of pent-up energy that strikes like lightning. It's a bolt from the blue, and it can shake any overbuilt structure to its foundation.
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XVII – The Star (this card is probably represented each time Xena and Gabrielle are naked, which happens 4 times in this episode.) - The Star is a shining light in the darkness. Like the goddess of the night, she's the blithe spirit who offers hope, inspiration, and guidance.
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XVIII – The Moon (this is the card Ming Tien represents.) - The Moon is the ever-changing mirror of the sun, and a symbol of the unconscious mind. From its perch in the night sky, the moon represents secrets and mysteries that may not be understood—or even recognized.
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XIX – The Sun (this is the card Solan represents.) - The Sun is a symbol of consciousness and action. It's the center of the universe, and the source of heat, illumination, and life on earth.
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XX – Judgement (the is the dark figure with the trumpet.) - Judgment reveals all, heralds the dawn of a new world, and stands as a reminder of the power of forgiveness.
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XXI – The World (this is what they return to to start all over again.) - The World depicts the never-ending, spiral dance of life. It's a card of completion and success—as well as the chance to start another round.
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the-deeds-to-shibden · 5 years ago
Monday 26 August 1839
[Quite a busy and pleasant day. Ann starts it with producing a quality sketch of Uppsala castle, before joining her wife for a book-browsing session at the university library, where Anne really gets stuck into exhaustive (and exhausting) descriptions of the architecture and shelving, with a view to implementing some of that back at Shibden (sigh). Another visit to the cathedral provides snippets of Swedish history, followed by a trip out to the Old Uppsala, the capital of pre-Christian Sweden. Unbelievably, Anne completely misses the grave of Anders Celsius in the church there, which could have inspired her to get herself a few more thermometers with a scale she hasn’t used yet. What an opportunity missed! But they get to enjoy some first-rate secret-recipe mead and another beautiful sunset.]
[up at] 6 50/”
[to bed at] 12 40/”
fine morning Fahrenheit 61º and sun out at 7 1/2 – breakfast at 8 20/”  to 9 – Ann sketching the chateau from our room window – left her to finish (to colour) her sketch a little and I off to the library at 9 10/”  sent for Ann at 9 40/” ‘Catalogue general de la litterature Française contenant les ouvrages publiés en France, ……. pendant l’ année 1837 …. avec table systématique pour les ouvrages imprimés en 1837 et les Journaux de 1838. publié par la Librairie Brockhaus et Avenarius. 1ere première année. 3 francs Paris, Brockhaus and Avenarius, Libraire Française- -allemande et etrangère. Rue Richelieu, no 60.  Leipzig, même maison. They refer to la Bibliographie de Monsieur Beuchot and le Bulletin de Monsieur Cherbuliez – and Bibliographie d’Allemagne, paraissant à Leipzig the above lying on the table of professor Skraeder ancient history with Arabic books (published here) etc. etc. Had his pedigrees and papers pasted into book with whity brown paper leaves left about 1 1/2 inches broad – books about the breadth and twice the length of one common quarto i.e. narrow folio size
Laerebog i de romerske oldsager af S. B. Bugge rector ved cathedralskolen I Christiania. med fem steentryk. Christiania 1837. Trykt I R. Hviids Enkes Bogtrykkerie og paa keder Forlag af G. Hansen.
Beitrage zur genauern Kenntniss der ehstnischen Sprache. Neunzehntes heft. Pernau, beim herausgeber. Reval, bei Bornwasser. 1828.
Initia Homerica by Th. Burgess a.m. London 1820. printed by Dove – sold by R. Priestley – given to Upsala  by ‘Thomas Burgess episcopus Salisburiensis donatus 1837’
the Italian cabinet? made at Augsburg – very curious – Christina’s snuffgrater and box looking like 
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a broadish knife the box at one end and the blade a grater on which the tobacco leaves were grated Real musk in a little lead box like a bit of a small animal bag or pouch       with short 1/4 inch long like bristles on it – Christinas small fusils to kill fleas –  Gustaf 3 died 1792 left chest about 3 feet 6 inches x 6 feet and about 2 feet 6 inches broad – and black leather covered box           to be opened in 1842. 2 of his drawings in Indian ink           dated the one a chateau 1763. (26 September 1763)           and a bridge and two towers one at each end or thereabouts of the bridge           dated ‘Gustaf fecit d[ie] 19 September 1763 Drotningholm  at the library till 11 1/4 – gave the man 32 skillngs banco a one rigs dollar note – content he then shewed us the new library – not yet finished tho’ some books put there on the ground floor – there at 11 25/”  new library bookcases au premièr 6 1/2 x 2 1/4 red books, handbook which is about 6 1/2 inches long height up to gallery = about 4 yards – pilasters between the cases – 3 red books wide i.e. about 6 1/2 inches x 3 = 19 1/2 to 20 inches Racking or shelf-grooves at every 2 inches –  about 2 inches left in front of the cases for hanging doors if wanted lock-up doors with wire net at the old library 5 or 6 feet high against the bottom shelves there will be book cases to front the pilasters Salle about 58 yards long and about 5 yards wide across from pilaster to pilaster – grand entrance in the middle 5 cases on each side the door and then 5 windows on each side beyond these 5 cases respectively – greenish – white veined or waved marble (like my specimen of the holy sepulchre at home) window seats about 2 feet 6 inches high from the floor – whole breadth of window including frame = about 5 feet 6 inches whole heighth including framing = about 10 feet up to bottom of gallery – glass 6 panes in heighth - panes about 17 or 18 inches x 10 and 4 panes in breadth i.e. 2 in each 1/2 opening with a spagnolette the whole heighth of the window – 3 yards and taken up by the partition down the middle which parts the whole floor into two similar book-galleries, a ballustred gallery running all round at about 13 feet high from the floor – the man said there was says there are 120,000 volumes – floor diamond flags size of those formerly in the hall at Shibden, of red-greenish porphyry (like the windowseats) – 2 rooms at each end of the book rooms and between these 2 rooms (at each end of the building) a spiral staircase to the top of the building, and leading also to an immense salle (over the library, i.e. au seconde) to be galleried all round above? with portico behind the pillars underneath the gallery? – alcove (is a sort of throne to be there or what?) at left end as one looks on the town this immense salle entered also in the middle by the great staircase as below – 2 flights of steps taking up a breadth of about 13 yards and a depth of about 16 yards in a projection towards the castle the opposite front looking exactly along a long straight road to Dannemora and old Upsala and on to the town, and a little to the left on the cathedral as now renewed since its being burnt in 1702 – (chateau, right, going up great stairs and looking towards the town) at the new library till 12 5/”  at the cathedral at 12 1/4 – the monument to the memory of Linnaeus is in a little side chapel (left, near the great west doors as one enters ‘Carolo a Linne’ | Botanicorum | principi |             amici et Discipuli | MDCCXCVII.’ the a = von = de = noble (e.g. Thomas a Beckett) above the inscription is a bronze head – side face – très ressemblant, by J[ohan] T[obias] Sergell ‘A[nno]: MDCCXCIV’ beautiful brown whitish green veined granite? from Elfdal north of Falun the marble of the window seats etc. at the new library comes from between Norköping and Nyköping – i.e. from the forest of Kolmorden (the comma over the en in Linne is to double the e) 
Linnaeus’s grand daughter died here (Updala) last spring and left to Ridder Bielca who married her sister a fortune that would keep ten cavaliers 10 horsemen i.e. ten men and ten horses and the terrain (but that depends upon the goodness of the land) that would maintain one horseman = 8-10,000 dollars banco purchase money, the terrain containing forest, fisheries etc. everything here counted by how much land will keep a man or horseman – the academy has as much (as the man said yesterday) as would keep a hundred men – and a terre to keep a man costs 4,000 to 5,000 dollars banco to buy it –  In buying land one ought ot have 6 to 8 percent for one’s money –  fine tomb from Rome in 1793 of archbishop Carolus Fridrik Mennander nat[us] 1712 ob[iit] 1786 formerly bishop of Åbo who translated the bible into Finnish – whole length of him, sitting, leaning on ‘Biblia Fennica’ – good likeness – 7 allegorical female figures all on a tablet under the figure of Religion carrying a large cross and leaning on an urn –  
chappel of Gustaf Wasa painted in fresco by
‘John: Gust: Sandberg pinxit 1831-1838’
Eric xiv and Jean iii sons of Gustaf Wasa and Charles ix his youngest son }
Left hand, on entering the chapel (behind the alter) the paintings are
over the pictures
arms      .  1st     Gustaf on horseback receiving the keys of Stockholm Riddarholm castle some years ago burnt down 
window .  2nd ____ on horseback (young) in a battle against the Danes
ditto    .  3rd _____ at Lubeck asking assistance – a Danish nobleman claiming him
ditto    .  4th   ______ at the peasants cottage in Dalecarlia with flail, entering the barn – a Dane seeking him
ditto    .  5th   _______ Haranguing the peasants in Dalecarlia
ditto    .  6th  _______ two bishops presenting him the 1st bible Eric 14 at his elbow who was again a boy, dressed in red
arms      . 7th ________ taking leave of the deputies, died soon after
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 1 and 4 azure. 3 fold crowns (the arms of Sweden)
 2 and 3 azure. lion rampant or on 3 white wavy bands i.e. lakes (the arms of Gotheborg)
escutcheon of pretence arms of Gustaf Wasa
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azure. a gold sheaf (gerb) called in Swedish vasa – supporters 2 lions or crowned proper
In the sacristie or room where they keep the 2 gold crowns lately taken respectively from the heads of Jean iii and his queen Catherine and some valuable gold cups etc. is the half length old wooden statue of the pagan God Thor – part of his left side gone and his right arm broken off from the elbow – gilded formerly – brought from old Upsala – many more old things all burnt with the cathedral in 1702 – this room is a sort of safe closet – safe from fire – 3 boxes of valuables put here as we should send plate to the bank for safety –            
Get at Stockholm, chez C. M. Carlson Roadbook of Sweden and Norway. 1830.  i.e. ‘Vägvisare’ Roadbook, bought a little one at Upsala.            for 12 skillings banco. –  came in at 3 3/4 – dinner at 3 55/” to 4 20/” – good – same as yesterday but herring-and-rice-and-potatoes-pudding with anchovy sauce instead of soup – off at 4 3/4 from Upsala alight at old Upsala at 5 1/4 – off to the tumuli close by the Dummer Cull judges’ hill first – then the 3 tumuli of Odin, Thor and Frea – all the 
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very near together, and the      | cull, hill, collis. |      3 conical mounds very conspicuous all the way from Upsala – fine view from all especially from Frea because farthest from the church – quite close to Odin and impedes the view from him – good country about here –  more quite clear ground (clear of stones, boulders and rock) than we have seen elsewhere – therefore land valuable here – but no forest of two miles therefore wood dear – large extensive plain on all sides – merely a few bits on the Eastern side, that one can just see encumbered with stone to remind one of being still in Sweden – the church small – not worth going into but expected (disappointed) some to see there some funeral urns found in 1 of the tumuli – fine view of Upsala – its castle looks well from here – its 2 (there are only 2) round towers (North and Northeast corners) seen, and none of the ugly pediment side seen – the  2 cathedral-towers are seen as one – and the peasants’ church tower and one other church tower one seen in one line –  Beyond Frea’s tumulus a little range of hill and the foot of this and of the tumulus itself towards the village and Upsala studed with little hillocks – on the other side the tumulus and range of hill is a little    lake – Ann is sketching the church – she did the castle very nicely this morning – Old Upsala pretty little picturesque gardeny village –  a peep at the little River – a minute or 2 in the old church – nothing worth seeing in it – back at the house to drink our bottle of mead at 6 5/”  excellent – good as champagne – how to make it is a secret – heirloom secret – 24 Rigs skillings per bottle – a pink mead at 48 skillings but she has none at present – off again at 6 25/”  in 20 minutes a little rock and boulder and Sweden again – excellent road charming evening – beautiful sunset – Hogsta should be Uggelsta single house – poor little place – could not sleep there – next stage . . . Andersby . . . 2 1/8 miles – nice open country – sowing rye and reaping it –  at Dannemora no! Ӧsterby near Dannemora, at 11 5/” –  we had to call the people up – very fine day – Fahrenheit 62º now at midnight –  
Anne’s marginal notes:
Catalogue of French books Paris and Leipzig
Initia Homerica
Christina’s cabinet
New library
order such at Shibden?
vide bottom of next page
new library
salle au seconde
Kolmorden and Elfdal marble vide bottom of last page
manner of estimating property
bishop Mennander who translated the bible into Finnish
WYAS Catalogue:  SH:7/ML/TR/13/0009    SH:7/ML/TR/13/0010    SH:7/ML/TR/13/0011     SH:7/ML/TR/13/0012
One of the frescoes by Johan Gustaf Sandberg in Uppsala Cathedral showing the exploits of King Gustav I Vasa (Gustav Vasa Speaking to the Dalecarlians at Mora):
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The three tumuli (the Royal Mounds) at Old Uppsala:
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The church at Old Uppsala, which Ann sketched:
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Interior of Carolina Rediviva, now the main building of Uppsala University library; a work in progress when Anne and Ann visited it and Anne described it so thoroughly:
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9 notes · View notes
chikararesults · 7 years ago
S19 - “Young Lions Cup XIV - 1st Stage” Results (3.17.18)
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1) YLC Eliminator #1 - Omari outlasted Brett Domino, Percy Davis & Green Ant in 9:52 to advance to the semi-final round.
2) YLC Eliminator #2 - Blanche Babish advanced into the semi-finals over DL Hurst, Fuego del Sol & Dylan Bostic in 13:29.
3) YLC Eliminator #3 - Cajun Crawdad outlasted Gabby Ortiz, Anthony Greene & Super Beetle in 12:34.
4) YLC Eliminator #4 - Cameron Zagami advanced into the semi-finals over Eli Isom, Geddy Cahoon & Air Wolf in 10:55.
5) Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifier - Oceanea & Merlok qualified for the tournament by beating Colin Delaney & Cheech Hernandez in 15:08.
6) Ophidian pinned Fire Ant in exactly 10:00 to capture his third point.
7) Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifier - The Rumblebees (Solo Darling/Travis Huckabee) advanced into the TWGP by defeating The Whisper & Troll in 9:07.
8) YLC Semi-Final #1 - Cameron Zagami made Blanche Babish tap out to his “American Grip” in 5:08.
9) YLC Semi-Final #2 - Omari pinned Cajun Crawdad, at the 10:25 mark, following “Ozone.”
Encore) Thief Ant upended David Dennison.
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wolfy58 · 4 years ago
1839 August Monday 26
Got up 6 50/..Went to bed 12 40/..
Fine morning F 61º and sun out at 7 ½ – breakfast at 8 20/..  to 9 – Adney sketching the chateau from our room window – left her to finish (to colour) her sketch a little and I off to the library at 9 10/..  sent for Adney at 9 40/..
‘Catalogue general de la litterature Française contenant les ouvrages publiés en France, ……. pendant l’ année 1837 …. avec table systématique pour les ouvrages imprimés en 1837 et les Journaux de 1838. publié par la Librairie Brockhaus et Avenarius. 1ere année. 3 fr. Paris, Brockhaus and Avenarius, Libraire Française- -allemande et etrangère. Rue Richelieu, no 60.  Leipzig, même maison.
They refer to la Bibliographie de Monsieur Beuchot and le Bulletin de Monsieur Cherbuliez – and Bibliographie d’Allemagne, paraissant à Leipzig
The above lying on the table of professor Skræder ancient history with Arabic books (published here) etc. etc. Had his pedigrees and papers pasted into book with whity brown paper leaves left about 1 ½ inches broad – books about the breadth and twice the length of one common 4to i.e. narrow folio size
Lærebog i de romerske oldsager af S. B. Bugge rector ved cathedralskolen i Christiania. med fem steentryk. Christiania 1837. Trykt i R. Hviids Enkes Bogtrykkerie og paa hendes Forlag af G. Hansen.
Beitrage zur genauern Kenntniss der ehstnischen Sprache. Neunzehntes heft. Pernau, beim herausgeber. Reval, bei Bornwasser. 1828.
Initia Homerica by Th. Burgess a.m. London 1820. printed by Dove – sold by R. Priestley – given to Upsala  by ‘Thomas Burgess episcopus Salisburiensis donatus 1837’
The Italian cabinet? made at Augsburg – very curious – Christina’s snuffgrater and box looking like
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a broadish knife the box at one end and the blade a grater on which the tobacco leaves were grated
Real musk in a little lead box like a bit of a small animal bag or pouch with short ¼ inch long like bristles on it –
Christinas small fusils to kill fleas –  
Gustaf 3 died 1792 left chest about 3 feet 6 inches x 6 feet and about 2 feet 6 inches broad – and black leather covered box to be opened in 1842. 2 of his drawings in Indian ink dated the one a chateau 1763. (26 September 1763) and a bridge and two towers one at each end or thereabouts of the bridge dated ‘Gustaf fecit d[ie] 19 September 1763 Drotningholm  
At the library till 11 ¼ – gave the man 32 sk. banco a one rigs dol. note – content, he then shewed us the new library – not yet finished tho’ some books put there on the ground floor – there at 11 25/..  new library bookcases au premièr 6 ½ x 2 ¼ red books, handbook which is about 6 ½ inches long height up to gallery = about 4 yards – pilasters between the cases – 3 red books wide i.e. about 6 ½ inches x 3 = 19 ½ to 20 inches
Racking or shelf-grooves at every 2 inches –  about 2 inches left in front of the cases for hanging doors if wanted lock-up doors with wire net at the old library 5 or 6 feet high against the bottom shelves
There will be book cases to front the pilasters
Salle about 58 yards long and about 5 yards wide across from pilaster to pilaster – grand entrance in the middle 5 cases on each side the door and then 5 windows on each side beyond these 5 cases respectively – greenish – white veined or waved marble (like my specimen of the holy sepulchre at home) window seats about 2 feet 6 inches high from the floor –
whole breadth of window including frame = about 5 feet 6 inches
whole heighth including framing = about 10 feet up to bottom of gallery –
Glass 6 panes in heighth - panes about 17 or 18 inches x 10 and 4 panes in breadth i.e. 2 in each ½ opening with a spagnolette the whole heighth of the window – 3 yards and taken up by the partition down the middle which parts the whole floor into two similar book-galleries, a ballustred gallery running all round at about 13 feet high from the floor – the man said there was says there are 120,000 volumes – floor diamond flags size of those formerly in the hall at Shibden, of red-greenish porphyry (like the windowseats) – 2 rooms at each end of the book rooms and between these 2 rooms (at each end of the building) a spiral staircase to the top of the building, and leading also to an immense salle (over the library, i.e. au 2nde) to be galleried all round above? with portico behind the pillars underneath the gallery? – alcove (is a sort of throne to be there or what?) at left end as one looks on the town this immense salle entered also in the middle by the great staircase as below – 2 flights of steps taking up a breadth of about 13 yards and a depth of about 16 yards in a projection towards the castle the opposite front looking exactly along a long straight road to Dannemora and old Upsala and on to the town, and a little to the left on the cathedral as now renewed since its being burnt in 1702 – (chateau, right, going up great stairs and looking towards the town) at the new library till 12 5/..  
At the cathedral at 12 ¼ – the monument to the memory of Linne’ is in a little side chapel (left) near the great west doors as one enters
‘Carolo a Linne’ | Botanicorum | principi |
amici et Discipuli | MDCCXCVIII.’
the a = von = de = noble (e.g. Thomas a Beckett)
Above the inscription is a bronze head – side face – très ressemblant, by J.T. Sergell ‘anno: MDCCXCIV’ beautiful brown whitish green veined granite? from Elfdal north of Falun the marble of the window seats etc. at the new library comes from between Norköping and Nyköping – i.e. from the forest of Kolmorden
(the comma over the e in Linne is to double the e) 
Linne’s grand daughter died here (Upsala) last spring and left to Ridder Bielca who married her sister a fortune that would keep ten cavaliers 10 horsemen i.e. ten men and ten horses and the terrain (but that depends upon the goodness of the land) that would maintain one horseman = 8-10,000 dollars banco purchase money, the terrain containing forest, fisheries etc.
Everything here counted by how much land will keep a man or horseman – the academy has as much (as the man said yesterday) as would keep a hundred men – and a terre to keep a man costs 4,000 to 5,000 dollars banco to buy it –  In buying land one ought to have 6 to 8 p.c. for one’s money –  
Fine tomb from Rome in 1793 of archbishop Carolus Frid. Mennander nat. 1712 ob. 1786 formerly bishop of Åbo who translated the bible into Finnish – whole length of him, sitting, leaning on ‘Biblia Fennica’ – good likeness – 7 allegorical female figures all on a tablet under the figure of Religion carrying a large cross and leaning on an urn –  
chappel of Gustaf Wasa painted in fresco by ‘John: Gust: Sandberg pinxit 1831-1838’
Eric xiv and Jean iii sons of Gustaf Wasa and Charles ix his youngest son
Left hand, on entering the chapel (behind the alter) the paintings are
over the pictures
arms      .       1st     Gustaf on horseback receiving the keys of Stockholm Riddarholm castle
some years ago burnt down 
window .       2d ____ on horseback (young) in a battle against the Danes
ditto      .       3d _____ at Lubeck asking assistance – a Danish nobleman claiming him
ditto      .       4th   ______ at the peasants cottage in Dalecarlia with flail, entering the barn – a
Dane seeking him
ditto      .       5th   _______ Haranguing the peasants in Dalecarlia
ditto      .       6th  _______ two bishops presenting him the 1st bible Eric 14 at his elbow who
was again a boy, dressed in red
arms      .       7th ________ taking leave of the deputies, died soon after
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1 and 4 azure. 3 fold crowns (the arms of Sweden) 2 and 3 azure. lion rampant or on 3 white wavy bands i.e. lakes (the arms of Gotheborg)
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escutcheon of pretence arms of Gustaf Wasa azure. a gold sheaf (gerb) called in Swedish vasa – supporters 2 lions or crowned proper
In the sacristie or room where they keep the 2 gold crowns lately taken respectively from the heads of Jean iii and his queen Catherine and some valuable gold cups etc. is the half length old wooden statue of the pagan god Thor – part of his left side gone and his right arm broken off from the elbow – gilded formerly – brought from old Upsala – many more old things all burnt with the cathedral in 1702 – this room is a sort of safe closet – safe from fire – 3 boxes of valuables put here as we should send plate to the bank for safety –            
Get at Stockholm, chez C.M. Carlson 
Roadbook of Sweden and Norway. 1830. 
i.e. ‘Vägvisare’ Roadbook, bought a little one at Upsala.            
for 12 sk. banco. –  
Came in at 3 ¾ – dinner at 3 55/.. to 4 20/.. – good – same as yesterday but herring-and-rice-and-potatoes-pudding with anchovy sauce instead of soup – off at 4 ¾ from Upsala alight at old Upsala at 5 ¼ – off to the tumuli close by the Dommera Cull, judges’ hill first – then the 3 tumuli of Odin, Thor and Frea – all the very near together, and the (cull, hill, collis.) 3 conical mounds very conspicuous all the way from Upsala – fine view from all especially from Frea because farthest from the church – quite close to Odin and impedes the view from him –
Good country about here –  more quite clear ground (clear of stones, boulders and rock) than we have seen elsewhere – therefore land valuable here – but no forest of two miles therefore wood dear – large extensive plain on all sides – merely a few bits on the Eastern side, that one can just see encumbered with stone to remind one of being still in Sweden – the church small – not worth going into but expected (disappointed) some to see there some funeral urns found in 1 of the tumuli – fine view of Upsala – its castle looks well from here – its 2 (there are only 2) round towers (North and Northeast corners) seen, and none of the ugly pediment side seen – the  2 cathedral-towers are seen as one – and the peasants’ church tower and one other church tower are seen in one line –  
Beyond Frea’s tumulus a little range of hill and the foot of this and of the tumulus itself towards the village and Upsala studded with little hillocks – on the other side the tumulus and range of hill is a little lake – Adney is sketching the church – she did the castle very nicely this morning – Old Upsala pretty little picturesque gardeny village –  a peep at the little river – a minute or 2 in the old church – nothing worth seeing in it – back at the house to drink our bottle of mead at 6 5/..  excellent – good as champagne – how to make it is a secret – heirloom secret – 24 Rigs sk. per bottle – a pink mead at 48 sk. but she has none at present –
Off again at 6 25/..  in 20 minutes a little rock and boulder and Sweden again – excellent road charming evening – beautiful sunset – Hogsta should be Uggelsta single house – poor little place – could not sleep there – next stage … Andersby … 2 1/8 miles – nice open country – sowing rye and reaping it –  at Dannemora no! Ӧsterby near Dannemora, at 11 5/.. –  we had to call the people up – very fine day – F 62º now at midnight –  
In margin:                         Catalogue of French books Paris and Leipzig
 Initia Homerica
 Christina’s cabinet
 New library
 order such at Shibden?
 vide bottom of next page
 new library
 salle au seconde
 Kolmorden and Elfdal marble vide bottom of last page
 manner of estimating property
 bishop Mennander who translated the bible into Finnish
0 notes
racingtoaredlight · 8 years ago
The Great Super Bowl Uniform Matchup Rankings: 40-31
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50-41 and a detailing of just what the hell I’m doing here. It’s important to remember right off the bat in this installment that I hate color on color.
#40. Super Bowl XLIX - Seattle Seahawks vs New England Patriots
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The Seahawks remain a disaster but this is still better than their Super Bowl XL mud teal. White pants with this wouldn’t kill you. Hell, even a gray to match that shoulder stripe.
The modern Patriots presented a problem for me in these rankings since I have no strong feelings one way or the other. I think the numbers are kinda ugly but, just like the franchise, they’re a professional look with minimal bells and whistles. I prefer their home uniforms with the blue jersey and silver pants but the road whites are highly inoffensive.
Fuck this game by the way, Pete Carroll still owes me $50.
#39. Super Bowl VIII - Miami Dolphins vs Minnesota Vikings
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The first appearance of the Miami Dolphins whose teal jerseys I harbor a fondness for. Whenever the current Dolphins bring them back all I can think of it “Why don’t they wear these full time”. Also love the old helmets with the dolphin wearing a helmet of his own, sad that in this current climate of CTE and concussion awareness Miami is no longer concerned about its logo’s long term mental health. This is a winning look and the Dolphins look fantastic in this photo.
So after waxing poetic about their look in Super Bowl VIII are they all the way down here? The purple, the goddamn purple. Not to spoil too much of what’s to come but this set of games might as well have been dedicated to Bud Grant.
#38. Super Bowl XXXVIII - New England Patriots vs Carolina Panthers
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One of my favorite Super Bowls despite the buzzkill winner, just an incredibly weird game with zero points scored in the first and third quarters with the second and fourth being big play extravaganzas. As I talked about yesterday, this is my favorite Panther uniform but it’s still nothing special and the Patriots, now in their home blues, aren’t bringing much to the table while also not removing a whole lot.
We’re pretty much past awful uniform matchups in this reporter’s opinion (even with some more Vikings purple to come) which just goes to show how if you look good you play good so note the lack of Jaguars, Lions and Browns in any of these games.
#37. Super Bowl XIV - Pittsburgh Steelers vs Los Angeles Rams
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Yup, same Rams uniforms from Super Bowl XXXIV with the weird blue in the helmets but we get our first look at the Steelers in all their black and gold glory that can elevate even the most pedestrian of opponent garb to another level.
There’s also something fun about how the respective uniforms tell the story of this game in that the big bad Steelers, three time champions, in the powerful black against the longshot upstart Rams in the more pleasant blue and yellow. Although sadly kids sometimes (most times) the underdog shows they’re the underdog for a reason. We do thank the Rams however for keeping the Super Bowl and the Rose Bowl where the game was played free of Buccaneer Bruce.
#36. Super Bowl IV - Kansas City Chiefs vs Minnesota Vikings
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The Chiefs almost highhandedly pulled this game up to #36. That red is fire, the classic helment shines and I even like the racing stripe on the pants. For whatever reason in looking at pictures from this game I’m not even that bothered by the Vikings being involved. Wearing the road whites helps and the red and purple, at least to this reporter, compliment each other well.
FUN FACT: This, the first Super Bowl the Vikings made it to, saw them favored by 12 points only to lose by 16. After that people got wise and never expected them to win a big game again.
#35. Super Bowl XXXIII - Atlanta Falcons vs. Denver Broncos
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A Super Bowl best remembered for a prostitution scandal and John Elway calling it a career after an MVP performance, Super Bowl XXXIII deserves some love for featuring the kickass Falcons Deion-era black uniforms. The Falcons, who will take the field on Sunday against New England, have elected to wear their home reds which is fine, but man I loved their old ones. The simplicity of the logo, silver pants instead of white and the red tinting, that’s the real shit.
Denver still looks like shit though, the side stripe going all the way to the collar was never my cup of tea. Too bad the Jets didn’t hold on in Denver and brought their road whites to this game.
#34. Super Bowl VII - Miami Dolphins vs Washington
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There’s really nothing wrong with either of these uniforms, I still think the Dolphins look solid as hell and Washington with those dark gold pants are contributing nicely to the decor of the game. It’s just that a decade later these teams would face again with the home and road roles reversed and for my money it blows this one out of the water.
#33. Super Bowl XI - Minnesota Vikings vs Oakland Raiders
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I’m embracing hypocrisy here on a couple levels since I’ve placed Viking home purple above a game I just said feature two nice uniforms and I’m letting the sun drenched Rose Bowl setting of this game and the photos it created influence my decision making.
But holy hell do those Raider silver and white uniforms work, especially against an opponent who’s really bringing a strong counter color. I’m loving this image so much it’s making me rethink the entire anti-Viking stance I’ve had going, but then I remember that purple is still butt and to use this moment for the first time to celebrate the Raiders.
#32. Super Bowl XLIV - Indianapolis Colts vs New Orleans Saints
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I don’t really love the Saints road uniform and feel the pants look better with the black jersey. But I’ll take the classic Colts look every damn day (of course I understand the value of rebranding with new uniforms in a way to peddle more product but this old timer still appreciates the Colts and their lack of bullshit)   and think that in a weird way this mix of old timey success and new money (before 2009 for those too young to remember the Saints weren’t exactly known for glory) worked.
Fuck Hank Baskett for life though. Catch the ball.
#31. Super Bowl XXXV - New York Giants vs Baltimore Ravens
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This is gonna sound dumb but for whatever reason I just remember this game looking great on TV despite it being a snoozer. I believe this was the first year the Giants switched back to their old timey helmet logo instead of the GIANTS one and akin to the Colts classic look, I appreciate the sleekness of the whole thing.
The Ravens meanwhile don’t completely sabotage the affair by being the road team so there’s not purple jerseys. The 3D numbers are still dumb but aligned with the Giant blue it doesn’t rake the eyes like I’d expect it to. The B on the hips seems unnecessary but it’s covering up purple so no harm done.
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wikitopx · 5 years ago
A visit to Versailles is a fairytale experience for all entering through the golden gates,
with the opulence of its palace and equally luxurious gardens designed by Andre Le Nôtre, with its intricate patterns, waterfalls, and majestic fountains. Today, the Grand Canal provides the water necessary to keep the fountains flowing as much as the wine overflowed daily in Louis XIV’s court. To observe these hydraulic masterpieces located throughout Versailles’ palatial grounds, visitors can enter the royal estate on Tuesday - Sunday from 9:00 am - 6:30 pm at the price of 30 USD. To see some of the remaining 2,400 hand constructed fountains commissioned by Louis XIV, please check out the following article on the best fountains in Versailles, France, below.
1. Four Season Fountains
At the foot of Latona’s Parterre and the entrance to the Great Lawn or Royal Way is where visitors can admire the spectacular four seasons fountains. Bacchas, the god of the wine harvest, can be seen indulging in a cup of wine representing the Autumn fountain (#31 on the map). While the Spring fountain (#34) is represented by the goddess Flora who can be seen protecting the delicate floral arrangement alongside three cherubs taking from mythology that she was the goddess of flowering plants and the spring. The Summer Fountain (#36), is represented by Ceres, goddess of the harvest and motherly love is seen sitting on a bed of cornstalks and roses while her children play under her watchful care. The last of the stunning Four Seasons Fountains is the Winter Fountain represented by Saturn (#30 on the map), later thought of as Father Time, hence the older appearance, who appears alongside four cherubs being surrounded by seashells and squid.
2. Neptune Fountain
The Neptune fountain is an impressive feat of hydraulic engineering with 99-water jets and stunning life-like creations by Ange-Jaques Gabriel. Amphitrite can be seen ruling over the sea alongside her powerful husband Neptune with a trident in hand. Proteus can be seen shepherding the surrounding marine life. Oceanus, resembling a merman with his scaly fish-tail, can be seen sitting at Neptune’s left hand as he co-rules over the earth’s oceans. The fountain was constructed between 1679 and 1682 and overseen by Andre Le Nôtre who had a major influence on Versailles’ gardens under Louis XIV, whose vision of grandeur for this fountain was fulfilled later on by Louis XV.
3. Apollo's Fountain
Louis XIV, known as the Sun King, was inspired by his icon Apollo to commission Charles Le Brun to design this majestic fountain of the Sun God bursting from the water while championing his golden chariot on his daily flight to earth. As he makes his descent to earth, Apollo’s messenger can be seen blowing a horn to herald the god’s arrival to perform his daily duties towards his earthly subjects. Apollo was known as the God of music, poetry, arts, prophecy, archery, protector of herds and flocks from diseases, light, sun, knowledge and protector of the young. As depicted in this magnificent fountain, the King of France was inspired to create Versailles to be a place of beauty, filled with culture, music, and enlightenment during his reign, and these fountains he had designed throughout the grounds were used to attest to his kingly power
4. Fountains of the Fight of the Animals
Jules Hardouin-Mansart was inspired by Diana, the goddess of the hunt, when he created the Night or Diana Fountain which features a lion ferociously bringing down a wolf and a lion defeating a wild boar. The Dawn or Daybreak fountain features a tiger conquering a bear while a bloodhound can be seen taking down a mighty stag. These violent realistic depictions of powerful beasts conquering other beasts easily represented the strength of France’s army as its unprecedented dominance was felt across Europe under Louis XIV’s direction during his reign.
5. Dragon Fountain
Inspired by Greek mythology, young Apollo can be seen in the background with his bow in hand while the dragon can be seen in the forefront reeling in agony on the way to its death, by means of the young god’s arrow. Surrounded by dolphins armed with bows and arrows and swans, the winged dragon meets its defeat and slips slowly into the pool while conquering Apollo looks on. The Dragon Fountain is one of 50 remaining fountains of the original 2,400 fountains that Louis XIV had constructed, to impress upon visitors his ability to control nature which was indicated by the thousands of meters of water that he had pumped in from a reservoir above the Seine daily, which was a major engineering accomplishment in 1685.
6. Lantona's Fountain
Lantona’s fountain is a stunning marble creation that is found at the top of the luxurious gardens while looking protectively over the Grand Canal and the acres of lush greenery and beautiful intricate designs of flora by Le Nôtre throughout the regal UNESCO World Heritage site. The Metamorphoses by Ovide inspired the design where onlookers can see Latona protecting her children from the taunting insults of the Lycians as Jupiter turns the citizens into golden frogs and lizards. To watch the fountain in all its glory with arches of water coming forth from the frogs and lizards while Latona and her children sit on the top marble tier, visitors to Versailles have the option to purchase a Musical Fountain show ticket for during the day or evening during the summer months.
7. Water Theatre Grove
The Water Theatre Grove was originally designed by Francois and Pierre Francine in 1674 to be featured as an open-air theatre where spectators could witness many combinations of waters shows, including the technical prowess to create forms out of the water which was an amazing feat for the times. In 2015, Lois Benech and Jean-Michel Othoniel created the current fountains where visitors can witness amazing hydraulic features as the water shoots skyward throughout immaculate gold piping and then cascades down into the pool. To watch a stunning performance of the fountain’s capabilities, visitors can purchase tickets to see Musical Fountain evening shows during the summer months with fireworks and color infused into the water to make for a memorable experience to Versailles.
8. Pyramid Fountain
Versailles’ Pyramid Fountain consists of four bowls being held in place by powerful tritons. During the fountain show complete with baroque music accompaniment, the water flows from the top, downward over the heads of the dolphins, crayfish, children, and tritons. The Pyramid Fountain was constructed in 1889 and it is surrounded by spacious alleys leading to the France Victorious and the Three Fountains groves.
9. Mirror Pool
Le Nôtre designed the Mirror Pool to complement the large Royal Isle Fountain referred to as the King’s Grove. The designer used the difference in the ground level to develop the Royal Isle Fountain below the Mirror Pool by positioning a retaining wall between them in a series of cascading architectural features. Today, visitors to Versailles can enjoy the beautiful fountains during the Musical Fountain shows in the gardens throughout April - October, when they can be witnessed dancing in harmony to classical music.
Read also: Top 10 things to do in St Cloud, Florida
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-9-things-to-do-in-versailles-best-fountains-in-versailles-france-706202.html
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chikaraspecial · 7 years ago
Super Beetle Adventures #9 ft. Young Lions Cup XIV behind the scenes footage!
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iamchikara · 7 years ago
Results for Night One of this year’s YLC tournament under the cut.
I don’t know if we’re getting auditions for new ring announcers ala the last time a replacement was needed, but I’m hearing the one handling this show was not great. Nothing’s been said beyond Vlad leaving, so we’ll see what happens later in the month. Match #1: YLC Elimination Four-Way Green Ant vs. Brett Domino vs. Percy Davis vs. Omari They kept this one pretty short, with Domino being eliminated first by Davis, then Davis by Green Ant, then Green by Omari. There was a neat spot where Domino invoked his last name by standing all three opponents up, then dropkicking them so that they toppled. WINNER: Omari Match #2: YLC Elimination Four-Way DL Hurst vs. Blanche Babish vs. Dylan Bostic vs. Fuego del Sol Babish, knowing not to wrestle with gum, stuck hers on the top turnbuckle...and Hurst promptly grabbed it and started chewing it. Yuck. This one went longer than the first, with the first elimination taking twice as long to achieve. That one went to Babish, who swiped a pin out from under Bostic and eliminated Hurst. Bostic went out immediately after, courtesy of del Sol. Minutes later, Babish locked del Sol in a rolling armbar and tapped him out. WINNER: Blanche Babish Match #3: YLC Elimination Four-Way Cajun Crawdad vs. Anthony Greene vs. Super Beetle vs. Gabby Ortiz Someone was a little off the ball regarding graphics on the ‘Topia broadcast, from what I’ve heard. Greene was accidentally listed as the Grand Champion. Oops! Anyways, Greene went out first courtesy of Ortiz, who got pinned by Crawdad shortly after. With a powerbomb out of the corner, Crawdad secured his way to the semis by pinning Beetle. Post-match, Beetle said that won’t be the last of him in CHIKARA. Good on you, dude. WINNER: Cajun Crawdad Match #4: YLC Elimination Four-Way Air Wolf vs. Geddy Cahoon vs. Eli Isom vs. Cam Zagami Another succession-style elimination match, much like the first. Cahoon eliminated Isom, Wolf knocked out Cahoon, and Zagami pinned Wolf. Once again kept fairly short. WINNER: Cam Zagami Match #5: Tag Contest, TWGP Qualifier Oceanea and Merlok vs. Colin Delaney and Cheech Hernandez Surprisingly enough, NOT a squash. Cheech and Colin hung in there with the Creatures of the Deep, long enough for this match to go fifteen minutes. Oceanea pinned Cheech to get her team into the TWGP after a very interesting double team: with Cheech prone on the mat, Oceanea got Merlok up on the middle rope and hit a Destroyer, dropping them both onto Cheech. There’s gifs of this on Twitter, it looks like death itself. WINNERS: Oceanea and Merlok Match #6: Singles Contest Fire Ant vs. Ophidian (2 points) A ten minute brawl/game of oneupsmanship that saw both competitors evenly matched. Fire, sporting new red and black gear, kept being warned for aggressive tactics. A jackknife pin into a bridge got Ophidian the win. This sounded excellent. Post-match, Ophidian recounted the road he traveled to get there, then announced that he’ll be cashing his points in at Night Two of the YLC tournament on March 31st. WINNER: Ophidian (3 points) Match #7: TWGP Qualifier The Rumblebees vs. The Whisper and Troll Like I figured he would in my preview, Troll had a lot of ring rust and generally wasn’t a good partner, letting Whisper down tremendously. Solo tapped Whisper out in nine minutes with the Sharpstinger. WINNERS: The Rumblebees Grand Champion Juan Francisco de Coronado hits the ring, and he has a grievance against Dasher Hatfield. Apparently Dasher’s been trying to expose JFDC as a cheater, which shouldn’t be shocking for those of us who’ve had to sit through his championship reign. JFDC counters that Dasher’s a bigger cheater than he is, even bringing Bryce out to support his claim, which brings Dasher out to the ring to deny the allegations. JFDC says he’ll expose Dasher soon. WHY WASN’T THIS DONE PRIOR TO LAST SEASON’S FINALE?! It would’ve made a ton more sense then! Match #8: YLC Semi-Final Blanche Babish vs. Cam Zagami It wasn’t announced prior to the show that they’d be doing the semis as well as the qualifiers, so I’m a mite surprised by this. Anyways, fairly quick, with Zagami taking advantage of the inexperienced Babish to tap her out in five minutes. (Interesting note: Jeremy Leary was on commentary here...hmm!) WINNER: Cam Zagami Match #9: MAIN EVENT, YLC Semi-Final Omari vs. Cajun Crawdad Hearing this was a good match, though not one of Crawdad’s best showings. Poor dude. Anyways, Omari got the win in ten minutes, sending him to the finals at the end of the month. WINNER: Omari Match #10: ENCORE, Singles Contest Thief Ant vs. David Dennison Looks like this one counts, as I’ve read four different sources and they all mention it. Anyways, Thief stunned Dennison (who was meant to be a Trump joke, can we please not do that anymore?) and won it in a minute, so SQUASH. WINNER: Thief Ant (1 point)
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chikaraspecial · 7 years ago
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The 15th competitor announced for the Young Lions Cup XIV tournament represents Beyond Wrestling, and like many of this year’s tournament participants is a graduate of the New England Pro Wrestling Academy - Cam Zagami! Zagami is a surprising representative for Beyond as for the past six months or so, he has become the thorn in the side of his fellow NEPWA graduates and hid behind “The Kingpin” Brian Milonas in recent bouts. Zagami was also a part of the first season of the “American Grit” television series which was hosted by John Cena. Zagami looks to be one of many to bring the Cup back to New England this year, and with his cunning, Zagami may just have what it takes to do so.
15 names down, only 1 more to go before the complete field is revealed!
“Young Lions Cup XIV - 1st Stage” - Saturday, March 17th - Philadelphia, PA (3:00 PM EST)
Participants include:
1. Airwolf (The Academy: School of Professional Wrestling)
2. “Retrosexual” Anthony Greene (Limitless Wrestling)
3. Super Beetle (Empire Wrestling Federation)
4. Eli Isom (Ring of Honor)
5. Cajun Crawdad (CHIKARA)
6. Dylan Bostic (International Wrestling Cartel)
7. Fuego Del Sol (National Wrasslin’ League)
8. Omari (Fight Club: Pro)
9. Percy Davis (School of Roc)
10. Green Ant (CHIKARA)
11. DL Hurst (Chaotic Wrestling)
12. Gabby Ortiz (Women of Honor)
13. Brett Domino (Chaotic Wrestling)
14. Geddy Cahoon (The Monster Factory)
15. Cam Zagami (Beyond Wrestling)
“Young Lions Cup XIV - 2nd Stage” - Saturday, March 31st - Philadelphia, PA (3:00 PM EST)
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chikaraspecial · 7 years ago
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The twelfth competitor in the Young Lions Cup XIV tournament represents Ring of Honor’s Women of Honor, Gabby Ortiz! Gabby debuted just last year, but has made waves in a short period of time, even competing for STARDOM on a two month tour. She has trained with both the Ring of Honor Dojo and Monster Factory in New York. Gabby looks to follow the footsteps of Heidi Lovelace and become the second ever female to win the Young Lions Cup.
“Young Lions Cup XIV - 1st Stage” - Saturday, March 17th - Philadelphia, PA (3:00 PM EST)
Participants include:
1. Airwolf (The Academy: School of Professional Wrestling)
2. “Retrosexual” Anthony Greene (Limitless Wrestling)
3. Super Beetle (Empire Wrestling Federation)
4. Eli Isom (Ring of Honor)
5. Cajun Crawdad (CHIKARA)
6. Dylan Bostic (International Wrestling Cartel)
7. Fuego Del Sol (National Wrasslin’ League)
8. Omari (Fight Club: Pro)
9. Percy Davis (School of Roc)
10. Green Ant (CHIKARA)
11. DL Hurst (Chaotic Wrestling)
12. Gabby Ortiz (Women of Honor)
“Young Lions Cup XIV - 2nd Stage” - Saturday, March 31st - Philadelphia, PA (3:00 PM EST)
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chikaraspecial · 7 years ago
Podcast-A-Go-Go #520 ft. Cameron Zagami vs. Eli Isom vs. Air Wolf vs. Geddy Cahoon in a first round Young Lions Cup XIV tournament match from “Young Lions Cup XIV, 1st Stage (3.17.2018)” in its entirety! 
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chikaraspecial · 7 years ago
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The third participant in the Young Lions Cup XIV tournament is “The Toku Titan” Super Beetle, representing the Empire Wrestling Federation out of California! Beetle is under two years into his career and the Young Lions Cup, and the tournament gives him the opportunity to make an impact on a whole different coast. Will Beetle be able to bring the Cup back West?
“Young Lions Cup XIV - 1st Stage” - Saturday, March 17th - Philadelphia, PA (3:00 PM EST)
Participants include:
1. Airwolf (The Academy: School of Professional Wrestling)
2. “Retrosexual” Anthony Greene (Limitless Wrestling)
3. Super Beetle (Empire Wrestling Federation)
“Young Lions Cup XIV - 2nd Stage” - Saturday, March 31st - Philadelphia, PA (3:00 PM EST)
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chikaraspecial · 7 years ago
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Fuego Del Sol is the seventh competitor in the Young Lions Cup XIV tournament! Sol represents the National Wrasslin’ League (NWL) out of the St. Louis area and has been wrestling for three years. Primarily competing the Midwest and South, Sol has the chance to make a big splash in the Northeast on March 17th!
“Young Lions Cup XIV - 1st Stage” - Saturday, March 17th - Philadelphia, PA (3:00 PM EST)
Participants include:
1. Airwolf (The Academy: School of Professional Wrestling)
2. “Retrosexual” Anthony Greene (Limitless Wrestling)
3. Super Beetle (Empire Wrestling Federation)
4. Eli Isom (Ring of Honor)
5. Cajun Crawdad (CHIKARA)
6. Dylan Bostic (International Wrestling Cartel)
7. Fuego Del Sol (National Wrasslin’ League)
“Young Lions Cup XIV - 2nd Stage” - Saturday, March 31st - Philadelphia, PA (3:00 PM EST)
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