#Young Leroy Gibbs
NCIS: Origins Cast (thus far)
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lizzyk137 · 5 months
Could you please write my idea for jethro Gibbs 🙏
Imagine Gibbs seeing you doing a million steps nightly skin care routine and just laying under the covers and waiting for you to be done and come to bed already and slowly getting frustrated
Maybe a little toddler cuddling in bed with him and Gibbs fake complaining to them about you
“Mommy is taking a long time huh?”
Nightly Routine- Gibbs X Reader Fanfic
Summary: Gibbs' daily night with you doing your skincare routine. Warnings: None, per fluff! Thank you so much for requesting this! I'm so sorry it took so long; I get into funks where I hate everything I write. It's longer than I wanted but i couldn't help thinking about his little family and the adorable dynamics! Hope you enjoy! ❤️
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
He watched as you grabbed yet another bottle to spray on your face. This was the third thing that you had sprayed on your face in the past 10 minutes.
He knew every step you did morning and night. This spray was step seven of the night. He didn't understand why you had to do a long skin care routine every day. You were beautiful. Your skin was soft and flawless, unlike his that was full of cracks. He'd remind you every day how beautiful you were and occasionally telling you that you could have it worse, aka his skin, but you'd always shake your beautiful head, the light bouncing of your hair like a halo when you did, and you'd always tell him you loved every line and crack on his face, it was beautiful.
"Leroy Jethro Gibbs."
Gibbs turned his gaze down beside him to look at his youngest son, who was holding his badge. He didn't know where he grabbed it from, which concerned him, but his son was always fascinated with it. He even had asked him to show him how to flip it open and around like a real agent does.
"That's great, baby! Can you read the next line?" You cheered from your vanity as you applied the next cream to your face.
Gibbs smiled at you. Even when you took time for yourself, you were still present with your son. "I think you know these letters so tell me what they are." Gibbs spoke up next as he pointed to the word N.C.I.S in the large font that was at the top of the badge card.
Gibbs had helped sound out every word for his five-year-old on the badge card, and you still were doing your routine.
He sometimes would get annoyed with how long it took, not really because of the time but because he wanted you in his arms, your attention fully on him before he had to leave and capture yet another monster. But you didn't ask for anything. You were raising three of his beautiful, making a beautiful home, went above and beyond at work as a special education teacher all the while taking away any baggage or worry, he has carried back from work and restarting him every day so he could be a better man for you and his kids.
You could've asked for more. Way more. But you didn't. You were young when you had first gotten pregnant. A drunken one night with Gibbs, which eventually led to him falling head over heels for you and asking you to marry him. You were worried since having your oldest that you wouldn't be present enough with your career and taking on the father role when Gibbs worked overtime. He actually had to sit you down and tell you it was okay to enjoy doing your skin care and that those minutes were for you to enjoy and unwind. You felt guilty, but after Nathan turned four and you had another on the way, you were thankful for that skin care routine each morning and night.
Your son was nestled into his side, his light brown hair falling into his eyes as he slept. He gave a quick kiss and looked at the clock. 10 p.m. He waited for the quick pitter patter of feet, and then their door opened, revealing his beautiful daughter, a stuffy in one hand, and a book in another.
"Daddy, could you read this?" She came over and sat beside Gibbs, Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing falling into his lap. His daughter was incredibly smart for her age of ten. She had Down Syndrome, and since day one, she's defied every pressure society has given her, excelling above and beyond and making a name for herself in school and the community. She was far smarter than him on subjects, and he always loved it when she taught him new things. His heart burst every time she told him she wanted a career in the same field as her daddy.
Every night, she comes at exactly ten o'clock and asks him to read her a chapter because her eyes got too tired, and he was happy too even though he wasn't the best reader. He perched his glasses on his nose, her head resting on his chest.
He finished the chapter and looked at the clock. 10:30 and you were in the bathroom blowing your little fan to dry your face. He heard the drawers being opened and you were rummaging through them.
The door opened a peak, and he saw his oldest stick his head in. "Hey, I just got back from Josh's. Where's Mom?" Gibbs just raised his eyebrows in reply, earning a small chuckle from his son. "Ah, skin care."
He nodded as he sat the book and his glasses down on the bedside table. Nathan came over and sat beside Sophie, his head resting on the top of hers as he played with her fingers, something that always calmed him down after a long day at school and practice.
His youngest stirred, his eyes blinking open before asking where his mommy was.
His smiled and chuckled, "Mommy is taking a long time, huh?" His joking tone making even his youngest smile.
He heard you laugh at his joke from the bathroom before coming out, your skin glowing and bright. You placed your hands on your hips and just gave him a look before coming over and putting a kiss on your two oldest kid's heads. Each was falling asleep, and he chuckled over how much room they were taking up. His youngest crawled over him and pushed himself in between his siblings whose hands were still clasped.
You both pulled the covers over your sleeping kids before you made your way over to Gibbs. He was glad you had conned him into a king-sized bed, especially since there wasn't much room left for the both of you to sleep. You crawled in next to him and snuggled into his chest, the last few knots of worry leaving him, and he sighed.
"I took a while because I was trying to get off permanent marker from my face." You mumbled into his chest.
"It's okay, you deserve your time, baby, no need to explain." He kissed the top of your head. "I do think we need to explain to the kids that they're bed hogs."
"Or we could just get a bigger bed." He eyed you before smiling and nodding his head as his way of saying yes.
He rubbed your soft cheek with his thumb, your breathing slowing down, your long lashes fluttering closed before he finally closed his eyes.
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Safe and Sound
“Sweetheart, if you keep running like that, you’re gonna fall,” you advised your overly confident 4 year old as she raced through the squad room. Sure enough, just as she was about to turn the corner, her feet got tripped up and she took a small tumble. Nothing you were worried about but Tony had just happen to see and your daughter knew that if she started crying, he would come running. So that’s what she did.
“Oh no, did that evil carpet trip you?” Tony picked her up off the floor and sat her on his hip, wiping her crocodile tears away. You made your way over, smiling and setting a box of take out on your husband’s desk.
“She’s got you wrapped around her little finger Tony. All she wants are those Italian crackers you keep in your desk.”
“Crackahs,” your daughter mimicked, proving your point.
“Ah yes. The cracker tax will be paid, fear not young padawan,” Tony told her while setting her down in his desk chair and opening up his drawer to pull out the little stash. You shook your head and smiled as your toddler happily munched on her favorite snack, dropping crumbs all over Tony’s desk.
“Where’s Jethro?” you asked, also noticing the other missing agents.
“He’s with Bishop questioning some lady who might know where our suspect is hiding. Been gone a while, shouldn’t be too long of a wait.”
Jethro had told you their day was a bit slow since they hadn’t had any new leads so you decided to surprise him for a late lunch. You knew he wouldn’t want to leave the office so you brought food from his favorite Chinese restaurant. Figured you 3 could eat in the conference room or something.
“Oh, would you look at that. Bishops calling me now.” He picked up the phone while sitting at the edge of his desk. “Your ears must be burning Bishop-
He stopped his joking as his face got serious, catching your attention.
“What happened?….Did he get away?…..What hospital?”
You hoped to God they weren’t talking about Jethro as your worst nightmare started playing in your head.
“Alright. I’ll grab Ducky and Palmer and meet you there.”
He hung up the phone and you waited for his next words.
“The suspect was hiding out at the house. He shot Gibbs in the shoulder but he’s fine. They brought him to Sibley Memorial.”
Without another word, you were out of your seat and scooping your daughter up before heading for the elevator.
“Where we going mommy?” your little girl asked from the backseat as you drove.
“We’re gonna go see Daddy sweetheart. But we gotta be really gentle when we see him because he just got a big ouchies on his shoulder, ok?”
“Ok. How come Daddy got an ouchies?”
“Sometimes he gets ouchies when he’s working. Remember the ouchie he had on his knee?”
“From the bad guys!” she resolved proudly.
“That’s right. But don’t worry. Daddy got the bad guy.”
She didn’t ask anymore questions after that thankfully. Sometimes it was difficult explaining Jethro’s job but she actually understood a lot of it, making it easier. She got all the smarts from Jethro you’re sure of it.
Once you arrived, you headed straight for the nurses station.
“Leroy Jethro Gibbs. He’s my husband, I believe he was brought in a little bit ago.”
The nurse typed a bit on the computer before nodding. “Looks like he just came out of surgery. Room 323. Third floor.”
You showed her your ID and received your visitors sticker, your daughter taking it immediately to stick it on herself. Then the two of you made your way through the hospital till you found his room. You were surprised when you saw him out of bed, buttoning up his dress shirt.
“Leaving against medical advice again Jethro?”
He looked up surprised and gave that half grin when he saw you two.
Your daughter dropped your hand and raced over to him as he crouched down to her level.
“Remember be gentle honey,” you reminded before she reached out for a hug.
Jethro picked her up easily with his good arm and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“How’s my princess? You learn anything new at school?”
“We did numbers. And colors!”
“Wow. You are so smart, you know that? You’ll be taking Uncle McGee’s job before you know it.”
You just watched the two of them have their conversation with a smile. She loved talking with her dad. Whether it was about her favorite show or asking him what every one of his woodworking tools did. She was definitely more of a daddy’s girl than mommy’s. But you loved it. You loved the way Jethro’s face lit up everytime he saw her. He could be having the worst day at work and she would be the one to make him crack a smile.
“And mommy got you food,” she continued.
“She did? Well I’m hungry as a bear. And if I don’t eat something soon, I just might eat you!”
She squealed in laughter as he gave her kisses and walked over to you.
“You gave me quite a fright today Mr. Gibbs,” you chastened as he set your daughter down.
“I’m sorry about that Mrs. Gibbs. I’ll try harder not to.”
You two kissed deeply, happy that his injury wasn’t too severe and he was safe.
“Did I hear my daughter correctly when she said you bought me food?” he mumbled against your lips.
“Mm-hm. It’s at the office. Room temperature, just how you like it.”
He chuckled and gave you another kiss before taking your daughter’s hand in his and leading the way out of the hospital.
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I was wondering if you can please write fanfic. Where the reader is a mother of young twins who is fiercely protective of them because one of them is completely colorblind and the other one is going deaf and nobody on the team knows of their existence.
So one day her babysitter can’t work or something do whatever you like at this part, but basically, the NCIS team finds out about the twins and her fierceness protectiveness and Leroy Jethro is like ok I’m kinda in love with you to you’re officially Mrs. Gibbs five and have fun with it.
Do whatever you like with this and I hope you enjoy writing it. I hope you have a wonderful year a wonderful month in your writing is amazing and I appreciate you.
Fierce Love
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: Flashbacks, Mentions of SA, Kidnapping, Mild Language, Violence, Guns, Blood, Suggestive, Angst, Fluff, etc.
Prompt: You are a mother of young twins, one who is colorblind and the other who is going deaf. The team doesn’t know of their existence until something happens to the babysitter who so happens to be your goddaughter. The team finds that you are fiercely protective and fiercely in love with your kids. But, this stands out more to Gibbs because he’s been trying to figure out for
Sidenotes: I used a scene from “The Rookie”, not to the exact measures, but similar.
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You look down at the twins you held, your eyes instantly teary as you looked at the two bundles that saved you. They were perfect with their ten fingers, their ten toes, their tiny noses, their tiny lips and their healthy selves.
Adeline Iridessa Y/L/N, you sweet baby girl who was younger by a few minutes. Then her older brother by only minutes, Alexander Archer Y/L/N.
"Mommy will always protect you." You whisper softly.
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"Ms. Y/L/N, I'm afraid to tell you that Adeline is colorblind. Alexander is rapidly losing hearing and we fear he may be deaf." Dr. Bryant explains.
You were silent for a moment, trying to soak in this information. You look at the twins for a moment before turning back to him.
"Is there anything we can do to try and preserve and maybe even salvage what hearing Alex has?" You ask.
"We could try some tubes, however I fear that his case is too severe. Here are some pamphlets. This will help Alexander if he needs to learn sign language. It's always good starting them off at a young age anyway. They tend to retain the language better and he will be better. You may want to also have Adeline learn the language for her brother as well." He explains.
You nod, looking at the twins who were wide awake, looking around curiously. Your heart aches knowing that Adeline will never get to see such beautiful colors because she has achromatopsia color blindness and then Alexander will eventually lose his hearing altogether.
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You were sitting at your bullpen, trying to figure out how to make their 5th birthday party the best birthday ever for them. You know you probably spoiled them too much, but they were your babies and you'd be damned if you ever let something happen to them.
The thought of sending them to school was agonizing. Knowing that they were getting older was scary. These were your babies and the thought of anything happening to them sent you into a protective mode instantly.
"Alright, what do we have?" Gibbs asks, coming back from getting coffee.
Tony, Ziva and Tim immediately are up and fighting to tell their finds. However, Gibbs was focused on you who seem distracted on something.
Gibbs was able to read everyone. However, after four years of working for him, he still was trying to figure you out. Almost everything about your file was confidential. He was so brutal on you when you first came here, however he has gotten better over time.
The elevator doors open and everyone turns back. You stand slowly as you see your twins exit the elevator hand in hand with your neighbor following behind them.
"Mommy!" Adeline squeals, running to you and hugging you.
You squat down, hugging her and Alexander. You gently push them back and look to Alexander, signing, "What's wrong baby boy?" 
He looked pale and like he wasn't feeling the greatest. Which was strange because before you left this morning, you made sure to make sure both were tucked in and weren't running fevers.
He sighs, signing, "Just worried and tired." You frown, gently guiding them both behind your desk, lifting them both into your chair before your neighbor walks to you.
"Y/N/N, Lexi answered the door this morning and their was a man there who was claiming to be the twins' father. The twins followed your "game" as Adeline put it if a stranger shows up. Lexi was taken by that man. And I came over here as fast I could." She explains.
You let a slow breath out as your heart rate picks up. Lexi was a good girl. She was your older sisters daughter. Lexi made you realize how much you wanted kids of your own. Lexi was like a daughter to you. You look at the twins, knowing that Lexi would do anything for them—just like you—which is probably how she ended up in this situation to begin with.
"Thank you, Bebe. You did the right thing." You say.
"Do you want me to take the twins so that you can work and get Lexi back?" She asks.
"No, no, it's alright. I think I'd feel better knowing they are with me. Thank you, Bebe. I'd say yes if I felt safe about it, but their father is...a very unpredictable man. I don't want to put you or the twins in danger." You explain.
It made you feel guilty, like you didn't trust Bebe, but thankfully she understood where you were coming from. She gave you a big hug, promising that everything would be okay and that Lexi was a tough girl. You knew Lexi was tough. You also knew Lexi would have left clues for you. She leaves and you turn to your team who was watching.
"You have kids?" Tony asks surprised.
"Yes." You say a bit more defensively than you expected, moving in front of the twins.
"Hey, easy there mama bear. I'm just surprised. You have no pictures and you've never mentioned them." He says, putting his hands up in surrender.
You clench your jaw, choosing to keep silent. These were your babies. You know your team wouldn't do anything to them. You knew that they'd protect them just as fiercely as you. However, your protective side was running wild knowing their father was after them and knowing he had Lexi.
Gibbs was staring at you, a small smirk on his lips. He could finally read you and put every piece to the puzzle together about you. It was like you were an open book right now.
I'm so in love with her, he thinks to himself.
"That's a pretty dress you have on sweetie. Is pink your favorite color?" Ziva asks and your heart clenches.
"Adeline can't see colors. She has achromatopsia color blindness. Alexander is deaf...he lost all of his hearing by the time he was one. He knows sign language though. So does Adeline. He can also read lips very well. Both of them can. Even though Adeline can talk, sign language and reading lips is a second nature to her." You explain.
You didn't realize you were nervously rambling, but the team did and smiled softly. They understood the normal moms fierce love for their child, however yours was far fiercer and far more protective. And it wasn't because you were an NCIS agent. It was because both of your babies were special.
"Mommy says pink is my color. And I trust mommy." Adeline says, smiling at Ziva who grins.
"Well, your mommy is very much right. Pink is definitely your color." She says.
"Alex, Addy...this is mommy's friends. That's Ziva, this is Tim and that's Tony. That's mommy's boss, Gibbs." You say, pointing to each of them.
Adeline was in a full conversation with Tony, Tim and Ziva. Alexander was looking at Gibbs who crouches down to his height and signs, "Are you okay?"
Alexander smiles and you look down, a light blush on your cheeks. You always had what Abby liked to call a "school-girl crush" on Gibbs. The elevator doors open and you look over to see Abby skipping towards you.
"Oh my goodness! They are so cute!" She exclaims.
"Mommy, who is that?" Adeline asks while looking at you.
"Mommy?" Abby asks, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Y/N is a mom, Abby. She's just been trying to keep them safe from their father." Gibbs explains before going back to signing with Alexander.
"What? You didn't trust us?" Abby asks.
"Abs, that isn't the case...their father is a terrible man. I thought he was still in prison. But, he isn't and he has my goddaughter who babysits for me...and because he is out, he was trying to get the twins. I just was scared that mostly you would get attached and what if I had to up and leave one day with the twins? I knew staying in one place meant he'd find me. I just..." You trail off and sit down as you bury your head in your hands.
"You have made a family. It explains why you were so distant. How did you and the father meet?" Tim asks.
"I was kidnapped by him when I was undercover. I'm sure you can put the pieces together." You mumble.
"Y/N/N." Abby whispers with watery eyes.
"It's fine. I don't dwell on the past. Not to mention, I've got these two who saved me." You murmur, lifting your head to look at your twins.
The team shared pitiful smiles, never realizing what you have gone through. You let a shaky breath out, moving your hands to your knees.
"They know sign language?" Abby asks while looking at Alexander.
"Alexander is deaf. He can read lips and sign, and Adeline can too. I made her learn too for him. Adeline has achromatopsia color blindness." You explain.
"Okay. Y/N, would you be okay with Abby taking them so that we can get your goddaughter back? And so I can personally speak with the bastard?" Gibbs asks.
"Y-Yeah, of course. Abby...I...I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I...I probably—." You start until she covers your mouth.
"Don't apologize. I understand and I'm not mad. However, I'm making them call me Aunt Abby." She says and you laugh.
"Alright. I mean I've talked about all of you guys to them and that's kind of how I've labeled you. Personally, I think you should be their godmother but if you want to be Aunt Abby, well I guess I'll have to find a different godmother." You say casually as you shrug with a smile and she gasps before squealing and hugging you.
"I want to be the godmother!" She exclaims.
You chuckle and stand before you tap your foot three times pretty hard on the ground. Alexander turns to you, feeling the vibrations on the ground.
"Come here." You sign and he walks over to you.
You kneel and gently grasp Adeline's elbow and she looks at you before moving to stand by Alexander.
"I want you guys to meet someone else. This is your godmother and one of mommy's other friends." You say and sign.
"Okay mommy, who is it?" Adeline asks.
You point to Abby and they both turn. Abby kneels and starts to sign to them which you couldn't help, but smile at Alexander's excitement. He really struggled because it wasn't like everyone knew sign language.
You turn and see a hand outstretched in front of you. It was Gibbs. You take it and he helps you up. You turn to look at the twins who seemed to be in awe. You focus on Abby's hands and notice she is telling them about her lab. You laugh quietly. Both of your twins were in love with anything to do with science so you knew they'd be just fine with Abby.
Abby looks at you and grins before she takes their hands and goes to lead them to the elevator. You find yourself having an internal battle, wanting to go with them, but you managed to keep yourself rooted to where you stood. You feel a hand on your hip and turn to see Gibbs.
"They are with Abby. They are safe." He mumbles.
You nod, knowing he was right and he pats your hip twice as Tony excitedly announces since it's your case, your lead.
"We should start at my house. Lexi is a smart girl and she would've left clues. I know her. And knowing that man, he probably searched the house for the twins. But, Lexi told them to play that game when a stranger comes over. It's basically a game to them, but it's something I've done in case someone tries to get to the twins. They have a hiding spot. Lexi and I are the only ones aware of that spot." You explain.
"It's good you had that in place." Ziva says as you all head to the elevator.
"I know I probably seem like an overbearing mom and that I'm really overprotective, it's just...I worry. And Alexander can't hear what's going on and I know Adeline will talk to anyone and everyone because she doesn't understand the dangers of talking to strangers. She thinks I'm mean for saying we can't talk to people we don't know." You explain.
"Y/N, we aren't judging you. Your an amazing mother. You have no need to worry." Gibbs says softly.
You look at him for a moment and nod. You go with Gibbs to the car as the other three go to the van. You felt extremely stressed and nervous so when traffic hit, it was even more stressful.
"They arrived at the house. I'd try to get us out but we are blocked in." Gibbs says.
You sigh, running a shaky hand through your hair. He studies you for a moment before putting a hand on your thigh. You look at him and he smiles slightly.
"We will get her back." He says.
It was silent, his hand on your thigh and your brain was now running about your "school-girl crush" on him.
"Gibbs, I need to tell you something." You admit.
"I know." He says softly, grinning.
"You know?" You ask confused.
"I know." He says, the both of you looking at each other.
"Then what was I going to say?" You ask.
"That you like me." He says and your cheeks flush.
"Was it really that obvious?" You ask quietly and he chuckles.
"Trust me, I only know because I was looking for the same signs." He says, looking ahead.
"Wait, you like me too?" You ask.
"Mhm. After we wrap up this case and the other one we are working on, I'd like to have you over for dinner." He says.
"I'd like that a lot." You say softly, your cheeks flushing red.
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"Alright, we got prints but that's all." Tony says once you arrive.
You walk into the house and look at the end table and grab the notepad.
"License plate." You say and Tony grabs it, looking at it confused.
"She etched it in?" He asks.
"You do what you have to do. Plus he would've saw it and I'm sure we would have found her already, just not the way we wanted." You say, doing your own investigation.
"Name." Gibbs says, grabbing a candy wrapped off the ground.
"She probably didn't think Bebe would've witnessed it all." You murmur as you knew who it was.
"What's this?" Tim asks.
You walk into the living room again and see the TV was glitching and you laugh. Soon Lexi's face was on the TV.
"Oh thank god. I knew you'd be there." She says.
"We are coming for you Lex." You say.
"The twins, are they alright?" She asks.
"Yes, they are. Are you okay?" You ask.
"A little roughed up, but you should see him." She says with a grin and you smile slightly.
"Just be careful. If he loses his temper, it will be bad. Don't antagonize. Just comply with whatever he says. I'm hurrying. Do you know where your at?" You ask.
"I kind of stole his phone and I'm using it to somehow hack into your router so that I can display this. I'm in the back of a truck. It's a semi-truck. It's been moving ever since he left. I don't know where he is taking me." She says.
"Did he say anything to you?" You ask.
"He's rambling. It's like he's having some psychosis episode." She says.
"He might've mentioned where he's bringing you though, Lexi. Think." Gibbs says.
"He said something about a desert and a cabin. He also said he was going to tattoo my date of death on me. That's what that tattoo on your thigh is, isn't it?" She asks.
"Yeah. He's taking you back to where everything happened with me. Okay. Listen to me. If I don't get there before he does the tattoo and the barrel, don't panic. Slow breaths. It will give us more time to find you." You say seriously.
"Barrel? What the hell did he do to you? And is he actually the twins' father? Were you guys dating or something?" She asks.
"He's a sociopath, Lexi. I was really hoping he'd do some ransom thing but clearly he is still just as delusional as he use to be." You say.
"Oh shit. I've got to go." She says and the video cuts out.
"I think we need to review your case." Gibbs says.
"He kidnapped me. He proceeded to SA me. Lexi is safe there. He happens to like (your hair color). She's (her hair color). However he doesn't like (her hair color). That was who we were finding in the barrels. Well, then he tattooed the day he thought I was going to die, but little did he know I had a whole team ready to bring me home. So, I wasn't in the barrel long. A few hours, but that's it." You explain.
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Gibbs and you run in from the front, Tony and Ziva going in through the back with Tim following not long behind him.
"Zayn, where is she?" You ask, your gun on him.
"I want my kids. Give me my kids." He snaps.
"They aren't your kids. You'll never be a father to them. They are my kids and I'd be damned if you ever try to get near them again because if you try, I'll shoot you." You say lowly, further pressing the gun against his temple to get the point across.
"And they say I'm crazy." He laughs.
"She isn't crazy. She's a mother and a mothers love for their children is such a crazy thing because a mother would do anything for their child. She's fiercely in love with those kids and she will fiercely protect them, no matter what." Gibbs says, hooking his arm around your waist and pulling you back.
Tony arrests him and you step out of Gibbs' hold and head outside. You knew he wouldn't have put her close to the cabin. He would have gone a bit further out. But, it would be close enough to his property so he could see it. You get to the edge of the hill and look over it before something sparkles in the sun. You start hurrying down the hill as Gibbs yells for you to wait.
You kneel and grab it. It was her ring. You shove it in your pocket before digging around, pushing the sand away when you see the top of the barrel. You start to lift the lid and toss it to the side.
"Y-Y/N?" She whispers.
"Oh baby. It's okay. I'm here. I promised I would be here." You murmur as your team joins you.
Tony helps get her out of the barrel and you sit next to her. She leans her head against your chest before breaking into tears. You shush her softly, petting her hair.
"He told me what he did to you. He told me everything. Why did you lie to us? You went through all of that alone and had no help. And we were so hard on you because we thought you should've worked it out. We didn't know he did those things." She sobs.
"Lexi, shhh...I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be treated any different. Your okay and I'm okay. I didn't take anything you guys said to heart because I knew you guys didn't know." You explain softly.
"What do you think of my tattoo?" She says, trying to smile and you look at her leg.
"I think you've got one hell of a story to tell. Don't look at it and think of this. Think of it as surviving. Because you did survive something horrific." You said.
"I don't even feel scared. I never felt scared once because I knew you'd find me. I did what you said to. Slow breaths. Because I knew you'd find me. I don't even care about that tattoo. This should bother me more than it is, but it isn't." She says.
"You could be in shock." Tim says.
"No. Not in shock. Right, look at my pupils." She says.
"She's right. She isn't in shock. She use to be a nurse." You explain.
"Your a strong girl. And you know your aunt well. You knew she'd find you. You are very brave after today." Gibbs says.
"Can you walk?" You ask.
"I'm not going to lie, I think I sprained my ankle." She says.
"How did you do that?" You ask confused.
"I full on round house kicked him, but then I screwed up my footing. I sooooo could've got away if I didn't screw that up. It so reminded me of this movie. I felt like a total badass too. Then I ruined it." She says and you couldn't help, but laugh.
"Well come on. I'll carry you up." You say.
"What? You can't do that." She says.
"Piggy back ride? I think I can." You say.
After getting situated, you start up the hill with your team. You had Tony and Gibbs on either side of you, in case you lose your footing. Lexi was babbling on with Tim about some game.
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You move off of Gibbs, laying your head on his bare chest as you move the sheets up to cover your bare body.
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you. It has been a little of six months since it had became official between you both. He stayed over at your house almost every day. You had been over to his house a few times, but you didn't like being away from the twins for long.
He noticed that and quickly made sure to make it your house that you guys went to most of the time. He found himself thinking about how you use to be so eager to get home and frustrated when you couldn't leave yet because of a case and yet, now he knew why you were so eager to get home. You had two wonderful kids that you adored fiercely and he found himself loving them just as you do.
"Okay, I've realized something." He murmurs.
"And what is that?" You ask softly, tracing random patterns on his chest.
"I'm so in love with you and I think it's time you become Mrs. Gibbs number five. Okay, you may end up Mrs. Gibbs number five, however I want you to be the last Mrs. Gibbs." He says.
"Wait...are you...purposing?" You ask, sitting up on your elbow to look at him.
"Not yet...I want to purpose the way you deserve it. But, what do you think?" He asks.
"I...I've honestly been wondering when your going to ask the damn question." You admit as you laugh softly and he joins you.
"Soon." He promises.
"I know you ain't crazy about the whole idea of getting married in front of people unless it's a judge, but if this is gonna be the only time I get married, I want the whole experience." You say and he chuckles.
"Then we better give you the experience because this is the only time you'll be getting married." He says and you laugh.
"Mrs. Y/N Gibbs...I like the sound of that." You murmur.
"Hm...me too. What about Adeline Gibbs and Alexander Gibbs?" He suggests and you cover your mouth as your eyes water.
"Y-You'd really want that?" You ask softly.
"Of course. I love them like they are my own. They are my kids." He says, his own eyes watering and you grin.
"I'd love that. And what about Luna Shannon Gibbs and Leroy Jethro-Arlo Gibbs?" You ask and he shoots up, looking down at you confused.
"Why are you trying to change the twins' names?" He asks.
"Well...actually. I'm not." You say softly.
It was quiet as he looked down at you with a confused look. You waited, smiling softly as you knew he was about to figure it out.
"Your pregnant...with twins?" He asks.
"Mhm." You hum.
"Wow...this is...amazing. For Luna...can we do Luna-Kate Shannon Gibbs?" He asks.
"Of course. I love that. Kate would be honored." You murmur.
"I miss her still. It's been almost what three or four years and I still miss her." He admits.
"I miss her too, Jethro. She was a good women, but she died doing what she loved most. She'll forever be remembered." You murmur, sitting up with the blankets wrapped tightly around your front.
He smiles, nodding in agreement.
"Mommy! Mommy! It's time to get up! It's our first day of school!" Adeline exclaims.
"Can we just keep them home forever?" You ask and he chuckles as he gets up to get dressed.
"No, we can't. Come on. You go shower real quick and I'll start breakfast. Then we will switch so that you finish it and I shower. Hopefully, we can all eat together and then we will take them to school and we will go work." He says.
You nod, sighing as you stand. You left the blankets on the bed and you look over at him to see his eyes on the tattoo from the unsub. You frown, covering it with your hand as you hurry to the bathroom and close the door. You heard him sigh and curse, but you needed a moment.
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You were kind of sad that it was the twins' first day. You made sure to get plenty of pictures and now it was silent between Jethro and you on your guys' way to work.
"Baby?" He says.
"Hm?" You hum.
You were a little surprised he called you that. He typically only does when he's deep in thought or scared shitless. So, you clue it that he was deep in thought.
"I didn't mean to make you upset this morning." He admits.
"I wasn't upset." You say.
"You covered it and ran off to the bathroom like a dog with its tail between its legs." He deadpans.
"I wasn't upset though. I just...I wouldn't even say self-conscious. However, I know when you look at it, your putting every piece of what happened to me, together. You know what that date means. Anyone else will look at it and assume it's for someone or it's some joke. But, it's the day I was supposed to die. Plus, it kind of springs up memories on me. I need to get it removed, but I don't for the time for it and I don't want to be asked about it either." You admit.
"Baby, when I look at that...it just makes me realize what you've been through and how strong you are. You are a fighter and I love how strong and how brave and how fierce you are." He say and you smile slightly.
"I love you." You murmur.
"I love you too, hon." He says, grabbing your hand.
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crazycurly-77 · 5 months
Like an old married couple - Chapter 1
From the beginning right from the very start you and Gibbs were bickering like an old married couple. 
Why? Nobody knows. At least of all you two, but that's just how it were. 
You saw each other and were immediately at each others throat. You clash like ice and fire and nobody had the courage to step between you. 
Originally you were an FBI trained pilot, but since the NCIS needed a helicopter, a plane and someone who is able to fly them NCIS Director Jenny Shepard and your now ex-boss Tobias Fornell arranged that you transfer to the NCIS under the authority of Jenny. 
Since you had not to fly all the time and you have a talent for IT you were taking care of the joint venture software of FBI and NCIS and especially you were taking care of the users and what they are able to see and to do within this software. 
So you were reporting to Jenny, but your desk on which you were working from now on was right next to Gibbs - only separated by a thin sound insulation. 
Around you there were a lot of co-workers, but due to your special job you only had to do with each other professionally when there were problems with the software. 
Working there were really good and the people around you were really nice - except one of them. 
First of all there was your new boss Jenny. She was the director of the Washington Department of the NCIS, red headed, in her forties, determined, but kind. 
It seemed that she had some kind of connection to the team leader Gibbs. 
Then there was Ducky the coroner - a real gentleman and very kind and his assistant Palmer was a nice person too, but his intended jokes not always were understood. 
You and Abby the forensic scientist clicked immediately with each other. She was a little bit crazy and a goth and opposite to that you loved neon colors, but you were a little bit crazy too and you shared a good laugh every time you were together. 
In the office there was Tim - a cute and nice probie special agent. He seemed to like food, had really good knowledge of computers, but was really shy. 
Ziva was short, but seemed to be a very tough agent. She was a really sweet one, stylish and had sometimes troubles in finding the correct wording since she came from overseas. 
Tony…yeah, Tony…he was a “very special agent” as he always described himself. He was very good looking, not as young as Tim and Ziva, but a womanizer and very nosy. He was second in command after the team leader Gibbs. 
Finally there was…HIM. Leroy Jethro Gibbs the team leader and ex-Marine who had his desk right next to yours. 
He was in his fifties and very easy on the eyes with his salt and pepper hair, large trained body and eyes of the iciest blue you have ever seen. Every inch of him screamed authority, but his smile was of that kind to had you melt in a puddle. 
On the other side he could walk very silently so he was standing undetected behind you when you didn't expect it. When his team didn't think straight like him and were rambling he head-slapped them. He seemed to catch everything which was said or done. 
He never spoke much least of all about personal things and he was never without his holy coffee. 
What complicated the things between you two was that he didn't like modern technology and since you were supporting the software with which they all were working you were his declared enemy. 
(To be continued...)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
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glitteringsunshine · 2 months
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Gibbs’s Gal
Part 1
Pairing : Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader
( crossover with madam Secretary)
Reader’s POV:
“Okay the reports done.” Jay said. “ You think these joint task force reports would be easy, but getting approval from all the departments is a real headache.”
“ So what’s the final title of the report?” I asked.
“ Corruption in selected foreign military and the difficulties in building Infrastructure” Phew. Err some parts of the NCIS report has been redacted. I don’t know why.” Blake said.
“ Well we need to find out. I mean the it’s their marines who are working for the state building infrastructure. But state has the right to know ground data.” I said.
“ Yeah ,I tried to talk with the NCIS Director but he shut me out. “ Nadine said.
“ Well its not only State’s development money , but it is also the funding of many international Agencies. We can’t put up redacted reports to the UN.” I stated.
“ Well I will ask Russell Jackson to look it up. After all nothing is Privy from POTUS”. As his chief of staff Russell Jackson will know what to do.
“ Y/N , come with me to Russell Jackson”. The Msec said.
“ About the Corruption report?” I asked .
“ Yes”.
I quickly hopped in with Msec in her motorcade.
“ Ohh wow aren’t we going to his office?” I asked.
“ Apparently a top secret meeting is going to happen here.” She said.
“ Really ! In the Men's Restroom.” I rolled my eyes.
“ Well not my first choice” she chuckled.
“ Apparently Henry is coming in too” she said.
“ What’s DIA have to do with the report?” I asked.
“ Yeah I would like to know why I am meeting my husband in a men’s room too Y/N, sorta reminds me of college” she chuckled.
“ I heard the door open and saw Tony and McGee walk in.”
“ Hello Y/N, nice to see you”. McGee said.
“ Hello” Tony said warmly. “Gibbs asked us to come here, any idea why?”
“ Vague one. BTW meet the Secretary of State”
“ Huge fan” They said in unison. “ Ma’am you are my favourite politician” Tony said.
“ Don’t say that . She hates the word” I chuckled.
“ Done being a fan, Dinozzo ? Then we can discuss stuff.” I heard Gibbs say as Henry ,Gibbs and the Director of NCIS walked in, followed closely by Russell Jackson.
Introductions were made. Though all of us knew others by reputation.
“ This is Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs” Henry said. He is a fellow marine. He served under me in the marines. I believe you two have met before.”
“ Yes we crossed paths a few times related to work” I nodded.
“OK”said Russell Jackson. “In a Joint mission by NCIS and DIA we have uncovered alarming human rights violations in the countries mentioned in the report. The part redacted is actually the source that helped us uncover this.”
“ We studied the file” . “ Well State knew we were fighting Corruption, but this is cruel”.
“ Yes” Henry said. “ They kept it so hushed up , even CIA did not catch wind.” One of the translators working there when we were deployed as Marines has now rose in their military ranks. He brought this to us.”
“Henry, I mean Dr . McCord worked extensively with him, the asset ,our source. . Henry was not only my superior officer in the Marines, but we hung out together. Anyhow that’s how we met him , in a bar while we were hanging out. He was young , idealistic and Dr McCord hired him . We were in dearth of translators and he helped us. Anyhow we are planning to present the military leader in the international Criminal Court.”
“ We have frozen some of his assets. However he got wind of it. The dictator thinks there is a leak. Before we can pursue the dictator , we need to get our asset out. Now the state is visiting to Geneva right , to sign a trade deal?”
“ Now the asset trusts only Henry and Gibbs” Russell Jackson said. “ The asset is visiting Geneva with the dictator. We can take him in safety there. Henry and Gibbs have to go. Henry’s cover is as Msec’s arm candy. Gibbs will your date Y/N. Since the event in WTO mentions that staff could bring dates, he will be yours.”
I nodded.
“ Oh one more thing. The week in Geneva, you will be sharing a room with him. The dictator suspects we might to do an extraction. If by any chance he gets to know a staff’s date is in a separate room, he will get our plan. We need to be careful. “
“ I am Okay with it if Special Agent Gibbs is” I said , to which he nodded.
“ While Henry and Gibbs works the extraction, your job is to get the trade deal signed by him. It’s a multilateral agreement and when we present him to the International Criminal Court, there will be instability in the country. We don’t know if we could get his successor to agree to the trade deal. Since they control vital maritime routes , it’s important we get them to sign the deal. “
“ Now that his assets are frozen, he might use the trade deal as a leverage to unfreeze it. We can’t unfreeze the assets. Then the dictator would escape before we could get to him.” Russell said.
“ So Y/N” you would have to drop into NCIS once to work on your cover.” Henry said.
“ While you are at it familiarize Jethro with the protocols okay.” Msec said.
Jethro’s POV:
I saw Y/N walking in with a huge binder. How on earth does she work in those heels. Well they were sexy though. I would like to fuck her with those boots on. Wow from where did that thought come from. I blinked to get that image off my head.
“ Well here are the protocols. Covers the banquets ,dinners etc. There are pointers on the meet and greet style for people from different countries. Learn them” she said taking off her coat.
“McGee pointers” I said handing the file over to him.
“ Gibbs protocol is important. Go through it.” She said leaning against my desk.
As she did ,I could see her cleavage peeking out from her blouse. I suddenly had this urge to cup her voluptuous breasts, knead them. She was inches from my mouth. I wondered how her lips would taste. Her dark red lipstick looked so enticing. I got this urge to brush my thumb on her lips, to kiss her with a passion she has never known. Her eyes beneath her glasses spoke of wild seduction and pure temptation. Like the finest whiskey in a crystal glass, it sparkled against the light. What attracted me more was the inherent kindness and exuberance that was reflected in her eyes, like hot chocolate on a cold December night. I couldn’t look away from her. She held my gaze until she blinked. “ Gibbs you have to read them okay. I don’t care if Mcgee helps with a framework or something , but get it done, okay. McGee I will highlight the important points.”
As she bent down to talk to McGee, I couldn’t help but stare at her ass. The loose skirt she wore did not really highlight her body, but as she bend down, I could see her attractive curves, the voluptuous beauty if it, from the bent of her hips and ass to her lovely thighs. I heard her laugh with McGee. Suddenly I was filled with an insane jealous rage.
“ Do your job McGee. You can laugh and fool around later. Y/N in Abby’s lab now. Let’s get it over with the cover story . I have other cases to solve.” I said.
I barged out ,Y/N following me.
“ Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs” Abby said. “ Look I went through the Admiral’s journal.He was going through a divorce right. So I finally managed to read through it , not easy because of the codes , but look he found out that his lawyer arranged for someone to roofie his wife and take suggestive photos , making everyone believe that she had cheated. That’s when our missing Admiral wanted to confront the lawyer.”
“ I need more Abby.”
“ See the lawyer meets her clients out of her office. She has this weird jamming programme where we can’t triangulate her cell location. But if we get her to meet , I can access her cell data, her client list , her records of who she set up , how she got the roofie, who she used a photographer, everything.”
“ We need to get the location of our kidnapped admiral. Or else she would leverage that for a deal.”
“ Well Gibbs you can go in as a client. You can tell her to meet at a bar my friend owns. She has great tech that breaks signal jammers for video games. She uses them in her bar ,so she could play video games without any interference. I can put in someone undercover as a waitress . In that way while I attach a chip on you to hack her phone data, someone can get her phone locations.”
“ Well, Ziva, Kate, Jessica and Ellie have all interrogated and talked to her. So who to put.” I ask.
“ Her” Abby says looking at Y/N.
“ You can go undercover right?” I asked. Why didn’t it strike me before.
“ What me? Hmm ok” Y/N says.
“ Stop fidgeting Y/N” I said, looking at her in her waitress uniform.
“ The skirt is too short and tight” she said pulling at it.
“ Ohh God. I don’t have the body for such an outfit. I look awkward. There’s no way I can pull it off. Your lawyer will know something is off.”
“ Relax. You look wonderful. You can’t pull it off. “
“ Uhh huh keep the coat in the van and walk. There is no way a waitress can afford such a coat.” I said.
“ Got the data Boss” we have her. McGee said.
“ Yeah got all the locations she had been. “ Abby said.
“Okay Tony ,Nick follow the lawyer.”
“ Jessica , Ellie get to location 1 ,Ziva and Kate to location 2”.
As I walked Y/N to my car, I realised she disnt have her coat. She was shivering. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her.
“ Thanks” she said.
“ Good Job” I smiled at her. Dropping the menu to get close to her for the signal. Brilliant” I smiled.
“ You know you should smile more often Gibbs. It really looks good on you.”
“ Says the woman who forgot to smile in her year book photo” I chuckled.
“ So you did a background check on me” she laughed.
“ Well I needed to know who I am sending undercover. Plus I was curious . I wanted to know you, understand you better.” I confessed.
“ I was trying to portray the bold mysterious enigmatic look in that yearbook photo” she chuckled. “ You know typical teenage rebellion phase.” She laughed. “ I was a need but a rebel too, breaking rules , being a brat, resisting authority. In some sort of way I thought not smiling in my yearbook photo was an act of rebellion. I was a brat then, pretty mischievous. But my grades were really good. Plus I had this knack of avoiding suspicion, so didn’t get into trouble.”
“ You are still a brat.” I chuckled. “ It has worked Well for you though, helping you think out of the box.”
“ You have your fair share of out of the box thinking, disregard of protocol too, cowboy.” “ Yeah I looked you up too.”
I didn’t realise when I have gotten so close to her, her lips centimetres away from mine. It will be so easy to brush my lips against hers. She leaned in slightly. I leaned in too. Suddenly her phone rang.
“ Yeah , thanks Blake. I would look into the keynote speaker for the International Women’s Education Summit.” She said.
If only that stupid phone didn’t ring right now. I was so close to kissing her. I would have loved to hold her close to me, kissing her ,exploring her, feel her heartbeats against mine. Get a grip Marine.
Reader’s POV:
“ So how do you two meet?” “ Uhh Dating website, that’s a good cover.” Abby said.
Gibbs was standing behind me , bending down to look at the computer screen. His close presence made me feel butterflies in my stomach. “ Nope, find a better one” Gibbs said.
“ Maybe in a coffee shop, while we were getting coffee?” Gibbs continued.
“ Boring” Abby said.
“ Maybe at a bar. Two complete strangers. Fucked behind the alley. Had on and off casual sex. Then started dating.” I mused.
“ Wow , Hot.” Abby Exclaimed.
“ English Lit major here. I know how to write a good story. You should always be specific when you lie you know.” I chuckled.
“ That’s one of my rules too” Gibbs laughed. “ So who made the first move? How many times in the alleyway ?”
“ What?”
“ Specifics remember?”
“ I Will let you two work that out” Abby laughed.
We were going through our covers. We saw the lawyer being escorted out. Suddenly she took out the gun of an NCIS agent holding the entire squad room at gunpoint.
“ I will not go to prison” the lawyer said.
“Okay ,Okay ,we can talk” I said.
“ I will walk out from here, you will not follow me” she said. “ Get me that box of money and fake passports you confisticated now”
“ OK, Ok I said . I am bringing it.” Then looking at my shoes, I looked at Gibbs, a silent understanding passing between us.
I took the evidence box and approached her . Then jammed my foot on her, my stilleto shoes causing her real pain and she dropped her gun. Gibbs immediately slipped it away as Ziva tried to handcuff her.
“You bitch” she shouted at me, and she attacked Ziva, snatching her knife and throwing it at me. Gibbs immediately pulled me down on the floor , protecting me with him on top of me before Ziva subdued her. The knife however hit the window and a piece of glass cur my shoulder. I gasped at the pain.
Jethro’s POV:
I looked at Y/N. I saw the blood from the glass that had cut her shoulders.
I pulled her up. She looked shaken. I pulled her in a hug , holding her tight against my chest.
“ Get Ducky now”. I said to Kate.
“ You know Y/N it’s okay to say it hurts while getting stitches.” Ducky said. “ You don’t have to grit your teeth and put up a brave face.”
“ You gave me painkillers Ducky. Plus the Alcohol you made me chug helped me with the nerves, as you said.”
“ You gave her painkillers with alcohol Ducky?”
“ Well it helps with the nerves . Though I suggest she doesn’t drive today.” Ducky said.
“ I will take her home Ducky.”
Ducky finished doing her stitches. “ Well you can take her home now Jethro.”
“ Come Y/N , let me take you home.”
“ But I don’t want to go home. I wanna see the world” she pouted.
“ What painkillers making you loopy kid?” I chuckled. “ Come.” I said as I took her hand.
“ Ahh such a gentleman. You don’t have to be so kind. I won’t sue NCIS for the damages” she giggled. “ I am sorry about your jacket though. I can buy you another.”
“ It’s okay Y/N.”
She tiptoe on her feet ,suddenly brushing her lips against mine and softly sucking on it. “ Kind of wanted to do that all day long” she giggled.
I lost my self control then. I crashed her lips against her passionately. She gasped at the sensation and as she parted her lips I shoved my tongue inside her . I felt so close to her. She responded eagerly. As we broke for oxygen I looked into her eyes. “ I have wanted to do that all day along too”.I said . Her eyes reflected the desire I felt. I picked her up and carried her to my car. I buckled her seatbelt before driving.
“ That’s not the way to my home.” She said.
“ I am taking you to my place?”
“ To your bed” she giggled.
“ I would be lying if I said I don’t want you in my bed Y/N. You have no idea what has gone through my head from the morning, Ohh the things I want to do to you.” “ Well how drunk are you?”
“ Drunk enough to really have the nerves to go to bed with you.Not enough for you to think guily of taking advantage of me.” She said dazed.
“ Ohh Y/N I want to be with you tonight. But you have alcohol and painkillers in your system. I don’t want you to do anything you will regret in the morning.”
“ You don’t want me?”
I took her hand into mine placing it against my crotch. “ You feel the hardness Y/N . You did that. I want you so much Y/N. But it’s not fair to you. I would like to take you when you are fully sober.”
“ She rubbed her hands against my crotch. I did that .” She giggled. “ I would like to feel more of that hardness.”
My cock throbbed against my pants. “Y/N , you are making it difficult for me to concentrate on the road.”
“ Oops Sorry. She withdrew her hands and started biting her nails and sucking her thumbs.”
This girl is really gonna test my patience and my honour. I have to keep my self control control.
“ Don’t bite your nails. It’s a bad habit.”
As a response she stuck out her tongue at me, making me laugh.
We arrived at my place. I carried her to my bedroom , put her down on my bed. I gave her one of my hoodies to change into.
When I came to the room again after changing to a hoodie and sweatpants , I found her half asleep. I gently tucked her in, kissing her forehead and Patting her forehead.
“ I wish you would stay” she mumbled.
“ You really want me to?”
“ Only if you are comfortable”
“ Good. Cause I want to.” I said . Then I laid down beside her, pulling her close to me ,cuddling her as we both drifted off to sleep. The sensation of her against me really turned me on , but I also felt a comfort, a warmth I did not want to lose. Her touch was like a drug to me.
“ I woke up in the morning. Y/N laid in my arms fast asleep. I have never felt so much peace ,so much bliss, that I felt at that moment. Gently I nuzzles at her neck. “ I think I maybe falling in love with you” I whispered. Gently kissing her forehead, I got up.
I was rock hard and needed a cold shower. I willed my Dick to go down, but it had a mind of its own. I imagined Y/N’s mouth and fingers around my cock and stroked my Shaft. I thought of how it would feel to be inside her. I shot my load in my hand and floor. Then taking a cold shower , I went to cook breakfast.
“ Hi good morning” she said. “Smells delicious.”
I offered her some coffee. “ So how would you want your eggs? Runny or dry.”
“ None. Cause I think your pan’s on fire.”
“ Shoot fuck I said” putting it out.
We both ended up laughing together. At that moment I felt so whole. I moved towards her. Then holding her gaze I cupped her face before claiming her lips.
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enretrogue · 9 months
A Targaryen Prince With a Heavy Burden — @vsnyarbll
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Doubts and Talks (+ Dick Grayson + Bruce Wayne) — @xoxo-mylove
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Unlucky Prologue ⎢ Pt. I ⎢ Pt. II ⎢ Pt. III — @navalcriminalimagines
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New Girl — @slutforsilverfoxes
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The Stuff of Wet Nightmares ⎢ Pt. II — @angelltheninth
Dragon (Felix) — @flowersandbigteeth 
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Handle Him — @youvebeenlivingfictional
Scary — @iamaslutforcoffee
Thot Thoughts w/ Angel — @hennyjwrites
Thank You For Cleaning My Seat — @yourwonkywriter
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Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda — @spliffymae .☘︎ ݁˖
Pussy Drunk!Jean — @
10 Things I Hate About You — @robynnnhooddd
I Couldn’t Hold Back — @ackrmvvn-levi
First Kiss — @writingforcuteppl
Pussy Eating HCs (+ Eren Jaeger + Connie Springer) — @mommypieck
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Lessons Learned — @chellestrash
Frank and Yearning — @blackleatherjacketz
Angsty Frank Drabble — @amhrosina
Die For You — @scarlet-daisy
Just Get To Me In Time, Okay? — @thyme-in-a-bubble
Frankie Loves His Girl — @bubuslutty
La Reine de Londres (+ Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
Hold Me Tight — @frvnkcastles
You Can Let It Go — @frvnkcastles
Valentine’s Day — @forthel0vers
Hide — @houseforwhores
The Big Bad Pineapple — @darlingshane
Melody of Tears — @frvnkcastles
Not a “Dog Person” — @forthel0vers
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Sick Fic — @dameronscopilot
Baby Miller Series ⎢ 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 — @bullet-prooflove
While We Were Young — @guess-my-next-obsession
Keeping Count — @libraryofwaterdeep
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Dealer!Ellie — @shesluxurious
“There Isn’t Anything That I Wouldn’t Do For You” — @dameronology
Joel x Fem!Pregnant!Reader — @forever-rogue
A Part of You, A Part of Me — @apollyonsdarksecrets
First Glimpse of Love — @valerinaswriting
To Be Alone — @cowgurrrl
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Glow — @irlganseyiii
Drabble — @munson-blurb
Under the Mistletoe with Argyle — @fanatictypist
High For This — @loveshotzz
Don’t Let Me Go Yet, Lover — @french-goodbye
Control — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Girls Like Me — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Steve Eating You Out — @wroteclassicaly
Never Could’ve Seen You Coming — @supernovafics
Angel Eyes — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Part-Time Lovers — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Jessie’s Girl — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Kiss — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
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NCIS: Origins (Oct. 14, CBS)
NCIS fans may have spent 19 seasons getting to know Mark Harmon’s character Leroy Jethro Gibbs, but the version of the special agent they’ll meet in his prequel series NCIS: Origins is very much his own man. Narrated by Harmon, who also serves as an executive producer, Origins shines a spotlight on a young, grieving Gibbs' (Austin Stowell) early days at NIS Camp Pendleton under team leader Mike Franks (Kyle Schmid) after a devastating experience changes his life forever. “The Gibbs that we find in our show — it's not the guy that the fans are used to,” Stowell tells EW. “This is someone who's going through a lot of pain. He's suffered a tremendous tragedy just four months before we pick up this show, and there's a lot of newness in his life. There's lots of firsts going on right now.” —E.T.
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NCIS (Oct. 14, CBS)
It’s been six months since Jessica Knight (Katrina Law) accepted the REACT chief job in California, and her departure has since created what showrunner Steve Binder calls a “chain reaction” with the crew: Timothy McGee (Sean Murray) vies for a deputy director position, and Nick Torres (Wilmer Valderrama) returns to his undercover roots. “The team kind of separates, so picture Parker [Gary Cole] walking into the bullpen and the kids aren't home,” says Binder. It’s not long before a case leads Parker out west, though, reuniting him with Jessica — who may or may not be mulling whether she made a mistake for leaving boyfriend Jimmy (Brian Dietzen) behind. “Under the worst circumstances possible will these two have the talk,” quips Binder. All in all, expect heavy hitting episodes filled with romance, “fun and unusual” pairings, and mystery. Like, who the hell is Lily (Sunnie Pelant)? “I wouldn't be so sure that Parker knows who she is either,” teases Binder. “We don't always remember the scars of our youth.” —Jessica Wang
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Gibbs x Daughter!reader - best for you
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Could you request, Leroy Jethro Gibbs x daughter reader, who is going to nevermore academy, the reader is a banshee - Anon💜
Sitting on the table, you smiled at your friends as they all walked over and you offered them half a wave.
“Hey, you looking forward to seeing your families?” You asked.
There was mixed reviews, some saying they were, some saying they weren’t, namely Wednesday and slightly Enid.
“I mean I’m happy, but I’m nervous.” Enid sighed.
“Well you can always come sit with me and my dad.” You beamed.
“Is that offer extended to everyone? I would much rather have an escape option from my overbearing parents.” Wednesday said.
“Sure why not. Dad won’t mind.”
She nodded her head and you guys carried on mingling about until it was time for you all to go and wait for your families.
You were beyond nervous to see your dad, you hadn’t seen him since you arrived here and you guys hadn’t left on the best of terms.
“(Y/N), a word?” Weems asked.
You nodded and let her pull you aside.
“I know you’re waiting for your father, but I never received any reply to if he is going to be attending or not.” She sighed.
“Yeah I know… I’m hoping he does but I mean I can’t say I blame him if he doesn’t…” you mumbled.
She nodded her head and offered you a gentle smile.
“I’m sure he just needs some time to accept what has happened, I’ve spoken to Mr Gibbs a few times over the phone since you started.”
You rose a brow, knowing your dad wasn’t one for technology, let alone talking in the phone unless he really had to.
“Did he sound kind of young? Like did he make some strange sounding jokes?”
Weems hummed for a moment before she nodded her head.
“In fact, he did. I didn’t think too much about it seeing as you like your strange jokes as well.” She said.
You laughed a little and shook your head as you pulled out your phone and showed her a photo of your dad.
He didn’t come in when he dropped you off, he said goodbye to you at the gate before he left since he had to be at work the following day.
“That’s my dad. You spoke to one of his team members, my uncle Tony. Dads an ex marine, he wouldn’t be as childish as Tony.”
“Right, well since he isn’t a legal guardian I can’t keep giving him updates on you.”
“Please keep doing it. My dad isn’t great with technology, Tony probably passed all this along to him. Please Miss, he’s my uncle.”
Weems sighed and looked at you.
“I’ll have to see if I can. But for now, you’ve got a visitor.”
She turned you around and you saw your dad standing unsurely by empty table looking around a bit uncomfortable.
Gasping, you rushed over and ran to him, stopping just in front of him as you gave him a huge smile.
“I’m so glad you came dad.”
Gibbs looked down at you and his face was stern for a moment before he finally cracked a small smile and reached out to hug you.
“Hey sweetheart.” He whispered.
He wrapped his arms around you and you smiled to yourself as you held him back.
He let go and you led to him to the empty table and sat down in front of him.
“I didn’t think you’d come…” you whispered.
“Of course I would, you’re my daughter (Y/N), why wouldn’t I come?” He asked.
You shrugged a little bit and sighed at him.
“I… after everything that happened… you didn’t seem to be happy when you found out about… you know… what I am…”
Gibbs sighed as he reached over, taking your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel that way sweetheart, I just wasn’t sure you wanted to speak to me after what happened before you left.”
You laughed a little and shook your head at him as you smiled.
“Dad, we had a fight. You were shocked and scared, I understand. I was as well, we both said some harsh things.”
“I want you to know I didn’t mean a single word.”
“Me neither.” You smiled.
Gibbs asked you about your studies and what the taught at Nevermore. He asked you about what you mainly focused on and about your friends.
Looking around the quad, you pointed them all out to him.
“Wednesday isn’t like us though, she’s what we call a normie. But she’s pretty cool, very straight forward though.” You chuckled.
He nodded his head and he looked around before turning back to you.
“Did you learn anymore about what you are?” He asked.
“Yeah! I’m a banshee, apparently my predictions can happen at any time, but mostly when someone is close to death. But I can apparently control it though it’ll take a while.”
You carried on explaining everything to Gibbs and he sat there listening.
You couldn’t help but smile as you explained everything and seeing the smile on your face made Gibbs smile as well.
He missed you, he missed talking to you like this. But he knew Nevermore was the best place for you at the moment, up until the point you felt like you had good control over your powers.
But if you wanted to come home he’d take you back with him be it day or night
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mult1f1cs · 1 year
Who’ll I write for:
Severus Snape
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Jennifer “JJ” Jareau
Emily Prentiss
Aaron Hotchner
Nick Burkhart
Rosalee Calvert
Olivia Benson
Alex Cabot
Casey Novak
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Maria Hill
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Larissa Weems
Nicky Nichols
Carol Denning (young or old)
Alex Vause
Alcina Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock
Elizabeth Olsen
Scarlet Johansson
Mariska Hargitay
Lana Del Rey
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Abby Scuito
Melissa Schemmenti
Ava Coleman
Dean Winchester
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Actually, now that I have thought it over, I think it would be better to add live action TV adaptations to possible candidates for the 40, but for characters from Live Action TV Shows.
I would include...
Jon Snow from Game of Thrones
Shawn Spencer from Psych
Michael Scott or Jim Halpert from The Office
Leslie Knope or Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec
Edmund Blackadder or Baldrick from Blackadder
Neil from The Young Ones
and Gilligan from Gilligan's Island
What live action TV Shows would you pick?
There were so many shows that it was so hard to pick! But I did my best:
The Addams Family (1964): Gomez or Mortica
BBC Sherlock: John Watson (I know there are some who don’t like this version, but I like the idea of John becoming even more badass and getting a leg up on Sherlock).
Good Omens: Aziraphale or Crowley 
Merlin: Merlin of Arthur (I’m just imagining Arthur being surrounded by modern technology and calling it “sorcery!”)
House MD: House
Gilligan's Island: Gilligan
M*A*S*H: Hawkeye or Klinger (Look, the man KILLED IT in those dresses and was committed!)
Star Trek: The Original Series: Kirk or Spock
The Nanny: Fran or Niles
The Golden Girls: Rose or Dorothy or Sophia or Blanche (Listen, for so long I have wanted to see Niles from The Nanny and Sophia go toe to toe in an insult competition, so this is the closest I can get!)
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Will Smith
Knight Rider (1982): Michael Knight or KITT (Can you imagine three of the people waking up in a room only to find a talking car with them as well?)
Dexter: Dexter
Fringe: Olivia or Walter or Peter
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington (The babysitter needs to be prepare) or El
Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor
Supernatural: Sam or Dean or Castiel
The Good Doctor: Shaun Murphy
Breaking Bad: Walter White or Jesse Pinkman
The Handmaid's Tale: June Osborne
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy
Roswell (1999): Liz Parker or Max Evans
Fleabag: Fleabag
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Miriam Maisel
Orange Is The New Black: Piper Chapman
Psych: Shawn Spencer
The Office: Michael Scott or Jim Halpert
Parks and Rec: Leslie Knope or Ron Swanson
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Jake Peralta or Ray Holt
MacGyver (1985): Angus MacGyver
NCIS: Leroy Gibbs
Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid
The X-Files: Dana Scully or Fox Mulder
Full House: Jesse Katsopolis or Danny Tanner or Joey Gladstone
Corner Gas: Brent
Downton Abbey: Charles Carson
Monk: Adrien Monk
The Queen's Gambit: Beth Harmon
Columbo: Columbo
Murder, She Wrote: Jessica Beatrice Fletcher
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dextraicarus1994 · 1 year
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NCIS is one of my favorite TV show and well my favorite character is Leroy Jethro Gibbs performed by the actor Mark Harmon who curiously today is his birthday. So... I tried to draw a young Mark Harmon. Man, he is difficult to draw.😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🥺👉👈💕💕💕🥳🥳🥳🥳
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beautifulballad · 10 days
Watch the Trailer for 'NCIS: Origins' starring Austin Stowell
The first trailer for CBS’ new series, NCIS: Origins has been released. The series stars Austin Stowell as a young Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Kyle Schmid as Mike Franks, Mariel Molino as Special Agent Lala Dominguez, Tyla Abercrumbie as Field Operation Support Officer Mary Jo Sullivan, and Diany Rodriguez as Special Agent Vera Strickland. A prequel to the hit CBS show, NCIS, “The show follows a young…
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Serendipity (CH 2)
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 1482
Warnings: Mild language, fluff, smut, angst, violence, gore…
Prompt: You have a major crush on Gibbs, however you choose to push it away as you fear he doesn’t feel the same way. Suddenly there is a bunch of chances that lead to a happy ending.
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“Hey Abby.” I say, walking into her lab.
“Y/N! What are you up to?” She asks with her cheery smile.
“Just checking in. The case is at a standstill. Director Shepard has Gibbs in MTAC.” I explain.
“When are you going to tell him, Y/N?” She asks.
My eyebrows furrow and I look at her confused. I try to think about what she could be talking about. I didn’t recall having to tell Gibbs anything.
“What are you talking about, Abs?” I ask.
“Gibbs! When are you going to admit how you feel about him?” She asks and my cheeks flush red.
“A-Abby…he is my boss. And he doesn’t feel that way. Not to mention…there is an age-gap. I’m too young for him.” I mumble.
“Do you care about the gap?” She asks.
“I-no…I don’t.” I mumble.
“So, why are you depriving yourself of happiness, Y/N?” She asks, throwing her hands up in the air.
“Yeah, Y/N? Why are you depriving yourself of happiness?” Gibbs asks, walking in.
I look down, my eyes on the floor as more of my face heats up. Abby “ooo’s” quietly and I can imagine the grimace and maybe regret on her face.
Gibbs pops up out of anywhere. It was unfair how he was able to do that. Abby starts to fill Gibbs in on what she found and I decided to slowly start inching out of the lab.
I hurry to the stairs, running up to the floor and I head towards the bullpen. Tony eyes me, knowing something was up and I internally curse him too. He had his nose up in the air for drama.
I grab the file off my desk along with some evidence and see the sticky note.
“I’m bringing this too, Ducky.” I murmur.
I walk out of the bullpen and pass the elevator that opens to the stairs. I start making my way down to autopsy while looking over the file. My eyebrows furrow, running back up the stairs. I huff as the door opens and I go flying back down the stairs.
“Oh my god! Y/N! I was coming to look for you and Gibbs said you were going down the stairs, not up! Are you okay?” She asks, running down the stairs and I slowly sit up, rubbing my head.
“You must’ve been on a mission then. Jeesh, Abs.” I tease, smiling grimly.
She kneels beside me, studying my head before giving me an apologetic look. I knew she felt guilty and I hated that.
“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” She asks.
“Yeah. Yeah. I just…right, I needed to tell Gibbs something.” I say as I hurry to stand and grab up the file.
I try to blink sway the dizziness, running up the stairs. I open the door, walking into the bullpen as Abby followed behind me.
“Y/L/N, what the hell happened to your head?” Gibbs asks, standing.
“Me, sir. I opened the door very fast and it sent her flying down the stairs. I’m going to clean that cut up once she stops working on this case for a moment.” Abby says.
“It was an accident. I wasn’t paying attention. The file. Look, Gibbs.” I say, opening back up and showing it to him.
“I’m looking at a concrete wall, Y/L/N. Send her to Ducky to rule out a concussion.” Gibbs says and Abby grabs my arm, but I shrug it off.
“No! Gibbs, look! Like really look! Right here! Do you see it?” I ask.
“McGee, DiNozzo, head back to the crime scene and see if that hole is what Y/L/N thinks it is. Looks that way too. Ziver, with me. Abby, take Y/L/N to Ducky.” Gibbs says.
“Boss, I’m fine. It’s just a little cut.” I say.
“Meet us when your finished.” He says.
I huff, following Abby towards the stairs as we head back to autopsy where I originally was suppose to go.
“Oh dear, what happened to your head?” Ducky asks, ushering me to a chair.
“Me. I opened the door to the stairwell to catch up with her as I was told she was going to your lab, but she was coming back up and I knocked her down the stairs.” Abby says.
“Oh Abigail. The good news is that she seems to not have a concussion. Just a nasty little cut there.” He says.
He cleaned it up and I left the evidence before following Abby to the elevator. I was the first to get off, hurrying out of the building to get to a work car. I drive to the address that Gibbs texted me and they were here…but I didn’t see them.
I walk around the building, peeking through a broken window to see that Ziva was knocked out and Gibbs was being held at gunpoint. I turn away, loading my gun, aiming it at the unsub. I fire a shot off and the unsub falls backwards as Gibbs looks at Ziva before looking around. I’m pulled down though by someone, my mouth covered.
“DiNozzo! McGee! Y/L/N! Whichever one of you are here, theres a bunch of them!” Gibbs shouts.
I roll over, punching the guy. I grunt as he knees me in the stomach. I stand and we both were throwing punches back and forth before he lunges at me. A scream gets lodged in my throat as we fly off the loading dock and into the freezing water.
I claw at his wrist as he wraps his arm around my neck, trying to cut off my breathing. I try to swim to the top, but I was unable to move the both of us. I bring my head back and his grip loosens, so I swim to the top. I gasp for air as I breach the surface and hear gunshots.
“DiNozzo! When did you and McGee get here?” Gibbs shouts.
“Just now.” DiNozzo shouts.
“Where is Y/L/N?” Gibbs shouts.
“Her gun…was by the broken window…badge here.” Ziva says as the gunfire ceases.
My teeth were chattering and I am pulled under the water again by the guy who I totally forgot about. I snapped his wrist as he yells. His other hand grabs my throat and I stare at him, unable to react. I think I was in a state of shock. I breathe out, closing my eyes as my chest tightens.
Jethro Gibbs POV
“Find her!” I shout.
The three of them scatter, looking around and I run a hand through my hair. I look around, but it was like everything was speeding up and alls I could hear was my heart violently thumping against my chest.
“Boss! Found her shoe here…” Tony says.
I look over and he was at the edge of the loading dock. I look over the loading dock at the freezing deep blue water. I look at him before shrugging off my jacket, taking my gun out of my holster.
“Boss…that water…it’s below freezing. You won’t have much time, if any time because your body is going to go in shock.” He says as I walk towards the edge of the dock.
“Would you leave me in that water, DiNozzo? No? I thought so. She is apart of this team.” I snap.
I jump in the water and I see her, floating near the bottom. I swim towards her, wrapping an arm around her waist as I pull her towards the surface. McGee and Ziva work her up on the dock as DiNozzo pulls me up.
“Go! You two go find the bastard who did this to her. You go call an ambulance.” I snap.
They take off and I start doing CPR, looking down at her blue-grey lips and pale skin.
“C’mon Y/N! You can’t die on me. Not yet.” I grunt.
I lean down, giving mouth to mouth before going back to CPR. A breath I hadn’t noticed I was holding leaves me as she coughs up water, but was unconscious. I pick her up, walking up the dock.
Ziva, Tony and McGee all look at me as an ambulance pulls up. A gurney was being pushed towards me and I laid her out.
“I don’t know how long she was under, but I got her back a few minutes ago. Her pulse is thready.” I say.
“Don’t worry, Agent Gibbs. She is in good hands.” The EMT says.
I watch as they wheel her away. Tony walks over and hands me her gun and credentials. I look at them before sighing.
“Go back to the bullpen, warm up. I’ll go pick you guys up once I get changed. We will see her together. Tell Ducky, Palmer, and Abby.” I mutter, walking away.
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deadlinecom · 10 days
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tmrrwppl · 3 months
Sb: Would your kids fight for you?
Clari and Jordan, no hesitation: yes.
*Last resort starts playing loudly*
First born— Cassandra Morgan (Cassie)
(Named after Cassandra Smythe, Casimiro Tellemanca, and Morgan Burke)
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Second born— Nathan Jethro (Nate)
(Named after Nathan Drake, Nathaniel Williams, and Leroy Jethro Gibbs)
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Third born— Emma Jean (EJ/lil Em)
(Named after Emilia Reynolds and John Young)
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