#YouTuber egos AU
th3w00ds · 8 months
The Egos as Magnus Archives Fear Avatars
Hello ego enjoyers, I'm once again back on my AU bullshit! Or simply just me rambling on about these character's funky little vibes and assigning them TMA fears they'd probably be avatars of based on nothing but vibes. Possibly their lore, too, if they have it. -Markiplier Egos-
Darkiplier, Avatar of The Dark: This one was an obvious choice! Dark(iplier) shares the same name/nickname as The Dark, and in my opinion it really makes sense with how his character is. My other two options were either The Stranger or The Web, but I decided to go with The Dark.
Wilford, Avatar of The Spiral: I thought that The Spiral fit really well with how Wilford is, considering the Spiral is all about the world not being as it seems and general madness, like how Wilford is.
Host, Avatar of The Eye: The Eye is a perfect fit for Host, because he can see everything going on despite being blind, and seems generally very knowledgable. I also think that The Eye fits with Host because he's a podcast host, and that's very similar to the case logs of The Magnus Archives.
Google, Avatar of The Extinction: This one fit mainly because of his vibes, and his "secondary objective is to destroy mankind" thing. Google just seems like a very Extinction-y android, and given the chance, I feel like he'd gladly serve The Extinction to fulfill his secondary objective.
Yancy, Avatar of The Stranger: Okay, I admit, this one was pretty much entirely based on his vibe. I didn't really think Yancy fit any one of the Fears exactly, so I went with The Stranger as I feel like Yancy sort of has its vibe? Also The Desolation for some reason.
Actor, Avatar of The Web: Even in his lore, Actor is very Web aligned to me. He manipulates, schemes, and is generally just an asshole. Actor orchestrated the entire night of WKM, and I think that's a very The Web thing of him to do. Also control is also very prevalent in his character.
Annus, Avatar of The End: If Unus Annus taught us one thing, it was that everything ends. I think that's all that's needed for Annus's explanation.
(Jacksepticeye, Crankgameplays/Ethan Nestor, MatPat and NateWantsToBattle egos under the cut)
-Jacksepticeye Egos-
Anti, Avatar of The Slaughter: Originally, I was going to do The Web, which I still think fits really well for Anti, but I thought that The Slaughter fit more. This is because Anti is, y'know, very aggressive, and even slit his (C!Jack's?) own throat in his first appearance.
Marvin, Avatar of The Eye: This one was majorly based on vibes, and I felt that Marvin had the most Eye vibes out of the Entities. He knows a lot about magic, too.
Jameson Jackson, Avatar of The Web: I was gonna go with The Eye initially for JJ. However, I thought with his theme in some of his videos of being a puppet connected by strings and being manipulated, I think he'd be an unwilling Avatar of The Web.
Chase Brody, Avatar of The Lonely: Considering in his lore he's divorced his wife and left his child, possibly killed them or somehow lost them... ("I lost the only two people that ever mattered to me") Yeah I think it's safe to say he'd be an Avatar of The Lonely.
Robbie the Zombie, Avatar of The Extinction: Another option for Robbie I had was The End, but with him being a zombie and all, I thought that The Extinction was just a better thematic fit I guess. I also was considering The Corruption.
Jackie, Avatar of The Corruption: This Fear is a little bit of a reach, but I thought that he had the vibes of The Corruption the most out of all the Fears. Jackie in my opinion doesn't really fit with any of them exactly, so I just went with the one I felt like for him. Maybe it's a representation of him getting "corrupted" by his hero work?
Henrik, Avatar of The End: He's a doctor, and has let his patients die before. Henrik is even called the "Doctor of Death." So I think that he's a good fit for being an Avatar of The End.
-Crankgameplays/Ethan Nestor Egos-
Unus, Avatar of The End: Two End Avatars in a row! Again, same logic as Annus being an Avatar of The End. Unus Annus was made to teach us that everything comes to an end, and to cherish the life we have.
Blank, Avatar of The Lonely: I think that The Lonely fits him well, since Blank is the manifestation of Ethan's depression and anxiety. I have a headcanon that he tends to avoid crowds and lots of people like the plague, so The Lonely is a good fit for my version of him too.
Mad Mike, Avatar of The Spiral: He sells drugs in ice cream, and some of those have to have to have some psychedelic affects. I think that he'd be an Avatar of The Spiral largely because of his drug business, and that he's probably somewhat crazy.
-MatPat Egos-
Mad, Avatar of The Desolation: Mad is insane, loves fire, and canonically (if we're calling William Afton in FNAF: The Musical MadPat, which I am) burned himself badly. I think he'd be a poster child of an Avatar of The Desolation. He'd enjoy watching something burn from the outside, knowing that someone's livelihood is being destroyed too.
The Detective, Avatar of The End: My memory of ETN is quite rusty, but I believe he died multiple times and came back once only to permanently die, right? I also get The End vibes from him in general.
The Hermit, Avatar of The Vast: I would've gone with The Lonely because he's trapped alone on an island in the middle of nowhere in the ocean, but because it's in the middle of the ocean, I went with The Vast instead. Hermit just kind of gives The Vast vibes to me.
-NateWantsToBattle Egos-
Natemare, Avatar of The Web: To be honest, I couldn't really decide on a fear for him to be an Avatar of. It was between The Web and The Vast, mainly. For him, I think it's majorly because of him being a siren and being able to control people if he wants to with his voice, and that seems very Web aligned to me.
Phantom, Avatar of The Stranger: Again, I couldn't really decide on one for Phantom. I thought that The Stranger fit his vibe the most, so I went with that. The other option was The Web, but since I already have Natemare as an Avatar of The Web I thought that Phantom should be an Avatar of a different Fear.
Bones, Avatar of The Hunt: This is mainly for my version of him. He's a revenant, constantly in pain and usually very angry. I think he'd like to take it out on others in a Hunt-like way, rather than a Slaughter-like way if that makes sense. His type of violence and killing isn't mindless, it isn't random, it's planned to hurt in as many ways as it can, to cause people the most pain before dying in an attempt to soothe his own pain.
Sharper, Avatar of The Flesh: I thought that he'd be an Avatar of The Flesh since in my interpretation of him/version of him, Sharper is a cyborg. I based that off the scene in the Take Me Anywhere music video where he has an injury with metal and wires and stuff under his skin, then I thought that he would work well as a Flesh Avatar since he might not like that he's (at least partially) still made of flesh and bone instead of fully robot or fully human.
Thank you for reading, everyone! Have a good day/night!
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colourfulmes · 7 months
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Demon!Natemare doodle for tonight because why not :) ((I drew this yesterday—))
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redheadbadger · 2 years
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He puts the ass in sass <3
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luna-vixen-art · 3 months
Hey! Does any one know or remember a Markiplier fnaf video from around maybe 2016-2017?
I don’t remember much about the video but I’ve been on the search for about 2 years now.
What I remember: I remember it was a 3D fnaf fan game, I remember the starting of the video was the main character getting a call by his brother or best friend to come over to Freddy fazbears Pizza.
The dialogue went something like this, (MC -main character) “ugh what is it? It’s 1 in the morning!”
(Brother/Best) “dude come over to that old pizza place, me and some friends are here”
Unfortunately that’s all the dialogue I remember, but I do remember MC driving in his car to get to Freddy Fazbear’s pizzeria.
The next scene there was like maybe 5 people? they all walked into the pizzeria, it was like normal horror movie young adult banter/goofing off.
I remember one guy getting grabbed by the puppet and getting pulled into a vent in the ceiling.
Then a phone started ringing so MC/Markiplier walked to the phone and right before he picked up the phone Springtrap walked by.
And that’s all I remember.
I’m pretty sure the game was supposed to be Fnaf 3 but I don’t remember it that well.
I just wonder if anyone remembers that video or maybe played the game
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bondoes-art · 7 months
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Was bored last night and made a man and his derg. I spent like 30 minutes staring at Skrill refs because I've never done anything related to or watched anything related to httyd in freaking forever. Besides why wouldn't I want to draw Mare riding a dragon? Lookit him go.
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o-crud · 1 year
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Dawktrap is literally a silly rabbit
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madhare0512 · 3 days
All he knows is that when he gets angry, he blacks out. Like he's drank too much on a bad night. He hates it. He loves it. If he doesn't remember what happened, people will forgive him easier.
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altegos · 1 month
Daniel Wickes | NAYKT
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Inhuman | Divine Being | Unknown
Near limitless abilities that stem from his intensely powerful creation magic that is pure white in colour. As long as Daniel can conceive of something, he could make it. Inter-dimensional portals that pierce through the veil between universes.
NAYKT Character Facts
In his original home universe, thousands of beings like Daniel (known as the Divine) lived in peace with humans, working towards a greater prosperity for all until war broke out.
The war began between Divine and humans, but soon they all turned on each other. Brother against brother, friend against friend until the Divine's arrogance and intent to survive began to tear the very fabric of their universe apart. Divine Verse was ultimately destroyed.
Daniel escaped due to a seemingly unique ability he possessed to pass between universes, though he had little control of where he ended up and passed through countless universes before he came to a stop.
He only stopped running when he encountered the Colonel and Jameson Jackson who seemed to understand the devastation he'd seen without him ever needing to verbalise it.
Daniel joined their crusade to find their friend Damien, happily providing safe passage and greater insight into the various universes they would encounter.
Writer's fave fact
Daniel is meant to be a reflection of Phantom. Where Phantom is a being of greed, sin, and temptation who despite being young had to mature very quickly, Daniel is a being of Divinity, pure intent, and community who despite being incredibly old is actually very youthful and inexperienced, especially when compared to those he currently travels with (Colonel and JJ).
While all the Battlers seem connected, there is something very unique between Phantom and Daniel.
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phenioxflame · 4 months
Monkie Kid- Animal Fury Season 1 Chapter 3 The Last of me
Mischief walks up to the blue crystal clock. She spins the the big hand with her magic and the little hand lands of three. A blue flame is lit. mischief walks away into the darkness; the light from the blue clock making her look like a silhouette.
A bead of sweat falls down Mischief head. Her hair on the ground and her back up august the wall. Mischief had been doing a headstand for the last thirty minutes. In her mind, doing this action once a week was a good way to keep her blood flowing and strength high.
Sun walked outside and saw Mischief up august the wall.
“Are you gonna stand there all day”, Sun asks, holding a peach in his hand.
“You should try it”, Mischief said under the pressure. She uses her feet to push off the rock and picks herself up. “It helps with strength endurance and it help you think.”
“Hard pass”, Sun says, biting the peach. “You know I’m not good with my arms.” Mischief smirks and says, “That’s not what I heard from Ne Zha~” Sun stopped walking and almost chocked on the chunk of peach in his mouth. He looked over at Mischief and said in embarrassment, “Could you not bring Him up?”
“Why? What’s the problem”, Mischief teased. “Oh right, you still like him.” Mischief laughs and then says, “After a millennia and you still haven't told him?” Mischief continues to laugh while Sun burns a bright red and shouts, “Can you shut up?!” Sun starts to hit Mischief head and she still laughs.
“Okay, Okay, I’ll stop”, Mischief says. Mischief stops laughing but Sun crosses his arms in annoyance. “Go train Mk. I’ll see you in a bit.” Sun walks out to the training dojo. Mischief smiles but then holds her head in pain with both of her hands. She keeps her eyes shut and feels herself being surrounded by darkness. Even when her eyes where shut, she could see a being covered in a moon themed cloak.
“No…! Why are you here?!” The being looks back; her eyes glowing a light blue. She turns and starts to walk over to Mischief. Mischief raises her hand and cast a spell, but the being covered in the moon cloak faces Mischief.
I am you, as you are me. We are two become one.
Mischief opens her eyes once the pain subsides and sees that the world around her is normal. She looks around to see if anybody else is there. No one. Mischief looks at her hands and sees then shaking with fear.
“No…. not this night…! Please, not this night….!” Mischief walked back into the house and looked around for a quill and scroll.
Mischief walks back outside to see Mk and Sun training. She sits under a shady area near the entrance to the waterfall. Mk jumps back and lands on the mountains wall. She pushes himself off and charges at Sun from above. Sun smirks and jumps directly up while Mk crashed to the ground.
“Missed me again”, Sun said. He picks up Mk with his tail and asks, “Now how did I win?”
“Misdirection”, Mk guesses.
“Correct”, Sun says.
“That seams like a shady lesson”, Mischief yells.
“Too soon sis.” Mk chuckles a bit.
“I’m just saying the truth”, Mischief says. She walks over and whispers, “And I bet Ne Zha would say the same thing if he was here.” Sun gets an annoyed look on his face and says, “Whatever. And plus, I was always better at fighting than you.”
“Oh really?”
“Wait a second”, Mk interrupted, “You two have fought before?”
“Yeah. But it was for training purposes”, Sun says.
“Now that you mention it, we haven't trained in a while”, Mischief says. “What do you say, but brother?” Sun smirks and says, “Your on.”
Mischief and Sun get into their fighting positions on each side of the training ground. Mk sits on the stairs in anticipation.
“Not using your weapon sis?”
“I don’t need it”, Mischief said with a smirk on her face. Sun chuckles under his breath and says, “Your done if I land this.” Sun chares to Mischief at full speed. Mischief closes her eyes and smirks. She moves out of the way and pushes her brother to the wall. Sun blinks a few times in confusion and looks back to sees Mischief untouched.
“I’m waiting.” Sun runs over to Mischief and tried to hit her multiple times but each time, Mischief blocks his attacks over and over. “Wow, brother. Your getting rusty.”
“I’ll show you rusty”, Sun exclaims. He jumps back and starts to attack with his legs.
“Not really effective!” Mischief takes Sun’s leg and pins him down with her foot. “Moon: 1. Sun: 0. I win again.”
“Mischief, let me up”, Sun says. Mischief moved her foot off of Sun’s back and says, “I thought you fought celestial beings bigger than me. You sure your not getting rusty?”
“He’s not”, Mk says. “He beat Demon Bull King, Spider Queen, and More! He’s strong enough to fight the Jade Emperor!” Mischief could hear her thoughts snap in half. She chuckles to herself in annoyance and says under her breath, “Yeah…. Sure…” Mischief then holds her head in pain.
“Mischief, are you okay”, Sun asks. He holds her shoulders.
“I’m fine”, Mischief says. “It’s just a headache. And I don’t think I’ll be able to train Mk tonight.”
“It’s okay”, Mk says. “Plus, I promised Mei I would help her fix her bike”
“Thank you, Mk.”
The full moon shines from above the mountain; its rays passing the peek of the mountain. A being covered in a night themed cloak looks down on the city below. She turns back and jumps backward. She closes her eyes and summoned a portal under her. The portal was covered in shadows and it’s magic was a dark blue. The being fell thought the portal and landed on a roof with grace and elegance. She looks back and sees the lights on in each building from each block ahead.
“Now… where are you?”
Mk walks down the street of the city. He was walking home from Mei’s bike shop and he was hoping to get some well needed rest.
“This is the last time I stay out this late”, Mk thinks to himself. He looks up and sees a being silhouetted bu the light of the moon. “Who is that?” Mk squints his eyes and sees the being crying up at the moon. “Are they crying?” Before Mk could call to the person, they jumped to the next roof and vanish into the night. Mk runs to the end of the block but doesn’t see the being. 
“That person….. Why where they crying?”
“I’m sorry, say that again?”
“I saw a person last night”, Mk explains. “It looked like they where crying.” Mischief stopped in her tracks and hides behind the house. She looks to her right and back down to the floor.
“H-How, the, Hell, did he see me”, Mischief thought with worry, panicking in her mind. Her racing thoughts coming to a halt. Mischief touched her broach and thought, “He was with Mei that night. He must have been walking home when he saw me.” Mischief lied the back of her head on the house wall and says, “Damn you, Moon Maiden…!” Mischief sighs and thinks, “There’s no way I can control her at this rate.” Mischief walks back to the front and sees Mk and Sun walking to the top of the mountain.
“Where are you two going?”
“We’re going to train at the top of the mountain”, Sun says. “Wanna come?”
“Sorry, not this time”, Mischief says. “I still have a bit of a headache.”
“Oh… does that mean no training tonight either”, Mk asks.
“I’m sorry, Mk”, Mischief says.
“It’s alright. Take care of yourself. We can train when you feel better.” Mischief smiles. She then remembered how her mentor from years past was so understanding. She saw a lot of them in Mk. “Well see you later.” Mk and Sun walked up the path to the top of the mountain. Mischief looks off to the side is sadness. She hated lying to Mk and her brother, but she had to protect them at all cost. She could risk to lose them like she lost…… her….
Mischief sits on a rock near the edge of the cliff and looks up at the sky. It had almost been a month since she had been away from the celestial realm: her home. She wondered if the cheetah twins had been playing in the celestial forest around this time. She touches her broach and says, “I miss you, mother…..” Pink magic flew around Mischief and a scroll appeared. Mischief catches the scroll and looks at the wax seal. “This is Ne Zha’s crest.” Mischief opens the scroll and a necklace rolls into her lap. She looks at the necklace and then read the scroll as follows:
It’s good to hear from you again. I heard from your mother that you moved to earth. I hope Sun hasn’t been giving you too much of a headache. I did some research on what you told me about and it lead me to this necklace. And I also found out that the reason your alter ego is coming out on her own is because she hasn’t been bound. One of your ancestors had the same problem and they had a solution. The necklace I set you is called the moon of Apithaea. It has the power to control your alter ego’s rage. It might help you. I hope you get a handle on your powers.
Could you tell sun I said hi? -Ne Zha
Mischief chuckles and says, “Looks like Ne Zha hasn’t changed one bit. Still the same helpful prince I know.” She smirks. “And his interest in Sun hasn’t left at all.” Mischief looks at the necklace and then placed it around her neck. “Thank you, Lotus.”
Mk and Sun fight along the mountain Plato. However, Mk couldn’t couldn’t really concentrate. He was worried about Mischief, and he was thinking about the person he saw the other night. Mk was soo distracted that he didn’t realize that he had left an opening for Sun to hit him. Sun stops his attack midway.
“You got distracted.” Mk lowers his staff and shudders, “S-Sorry.”
“Are you okay? You seam distracted”, Sun points out.
“I’m worried about Mischief”, Mk says. Sun looked at Mk and the to the side of him, thinking of how to help Mk. she smiles and says, “Kid, follow me. I wanna show you something.”
“What is it?” Sun taps on the ground and a hatch opens. “Now way! How long had this been here?”
“A long time”, Sun says. He jumps and and says, “Come on!” Mk jumps down the hole and lands in a cavern like cave.
“Whoa…. Had this always been down here”, Mk asks.
“Yup”, Sun says. Mk looks ahead and sees a crystal floating above a pedestal; it’s light casting along the floor. Mk walks up to the crystal and asks, “What is this?”
“This is the crystal of the sun”, Sun explains. “This crystal has protected this mountain for a very long time. It was made over three millennia ago.”
“It’s amazing.” Mk takes a closer look at and then gets a vision.
Mischief looks back at someone; her face angry and upset.
She says something but her words are distorted and scrambled.
“She was your mentor!”
Mk blinks a few times and moves his hand away from the crystal. Sun notice Mk’s discomfort and asks, “Are you okay?”
“Huh? Oh, I’m fine”, Mk reassures Sun.
“If you say so.” Sun says.
“Hey, Monkie King? Can I ask you something?”
Mk and Sun walk along the roof of a building.
“Are you sure the person you saw the other night is gonna be here”, sun asked.
“I’m sure of it”, Mk says. The two look around. Mk looks to the north and sees the same person from the other night. “Hey!” Sun looks over to see Mk running over to the hooded person.
“Mk, wait!”
“Um. Excuse me?” The hooded figure looks back; her eyes covered in shadows. “I noticed you the other night and I wanted to meet you.” The hooded figure looks at Mk for a second.
“You know who I am?” Sun takes a closer look at the hooded woman and gains a surprised look on his face.
“Mischief?” The being blinks a few times and then says, “I’m sorry. I don’t know anyone by that name.” She tries to walk away, but Sun holds her by the solder which makes Mischief’s necklace break off. The necklace falls to the ground and Mischief’s head hands low.
“Mischief? Are you okay”, Sun asks. Mischief looks back with her glowing eyes piercing Sun’s soul from within. Sun could feel a chill go up his spine. “Um, Mischief?” Mischief rushes back and attacks Sun. “Sis! Stop! What are you doing?!”
“Anyone who get’s in my way will be destroyed”, She yells. Sun whips around and holds his sister down with all the strength he has within him.
“Mk, get the necklace”, he shouts. Mk looks over and sees the necklace. He runs over and picks it up. Mischief looks over in panic and rage.
“No!” She breaks free from her brothers hold and rushes over to Mk and holds him by his collar. Sun tries to rush over to Mischief, but she puts of a barrier. She looks up at Mk and says, “I will not be locked up like a prisoner!”
“What? I don’t get it. Who are you”, Mk asks, struggling to break free. Mischief chuckles to herself, looks up at Mk and says, “So she didn’t tell you? Your her apprentice. Surely you can tell the difference.”
“You don’t know? I am–!” Before she could finish her sentence, A ghostly rendition of Mischief, the real Mischief, Holds back her own body. Mk falls to the ground and looks up to see the scene taking place before him.
“Mk, I’m sorry”, Mischief exclaims. “I got you and my brother rapped up in this!” Sun runs over and helps up Mk.
“Mischief, who is this”, Mk asks.
“Moon Maiden”, Mischief answers, struggling to hold her back. “She’s my alter ego. I can’t control her without the necklace! Get it!” Sun and Mk run over to the necklace. “You have gone out of control for the last time! You going back where you belong!” Moon maiden holds Mischief by her neck and says, You really think you can control me?! I am half of you that lingers in your shadow! The dark side of light! You can’t escape me, Mischief Wukong!” Mischief puts her hand on Moon Maiden’s arm and says, “No…”
“Your right. You are part of me. But you are nothing but an alter ego! I have been through hell and back! I have lost my way over and over, but I never gave up! I have kept you back for over two damn millennia, and I’m not stopping now”, Mischief shouts, felling herself gaining power. Mischief breaks free and holds Moon Maiden with her magic. “NOW!” Mk and Sun put the necklace on Moon Maiden. Mischief lies up and forces herself back into her body. Mischief looks in the darkness and faces her alter ego. “I know you are part of me, and it’s time to make peace with the past”, Mischief says. She puts out her hand to her alter ego. “And I want you to face it with me. If you allow me to.” Moon Maiden looks down and says, “Then I guess we really are one in the same.” She takes Mischief hand.
“We are two become one. The shadow of the sun.”
Mischief gains breath and she holds herself up.
“M, are you okay”, Sun asks.
“I’m alright”, Mischief says.
“Alter ego, Huh? That’s a new one”, Sun says.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her before”, Mischief says. “I though I could control her on my own, but I can’t even do that right.”
“Mischief, you can talk to us”, Mk says. “We’re here for you.” Mischief looks at both Mk and Sun and says, “You know, I think me coming down here was a blessing in disguise. I’m glad you two are here with me.” The trio smiles.
Just so all you guys know, I ship Sun x Ne Zha. I expect a war in the comments below.
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yourstrulykline · 2 years
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A little thing (IT TOOK SO LONG LITERALLY OVER FOUR HOURS-) for my Who Killed Markiplier AU, Choices!
Also to briefly explain the darker drawing: The Entity (as it is called) has free will and can possess whoever it wants for a certain amount of time and based on certain conditions.
I would explain this whole drawing but it’s kinda a spoiler for Act 3 of Choices so I uh… can’t.
Okay also the woman, her name is Portia Signora, and she’s a professional singer.
And Marc wrote a musical and casted her as the lead role.
That’s all you get now shoo.
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th3w00ds · 7 months
Egos + Sanders Sides Demon Slayer AU
Need I say more?
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colourfulmes · 8 months
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Bro is NOT okay ‼️‼️
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lildevyl · 2 years
Whumptober Day 5: Ransom Video
DSMP Superhero AU  Phoenix Rising
Summary:  “Are we live?  Yep, we are!  Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen of L’Manburg. You probably already know me and my brother but let me introduce myself.  I’m Nightmare.  But let’s actually move on to the star of the show!”
TW: Kidnapping, Ransom Video, Nonconsensual Drug Use
Part One Here
Part Three Here
Part Four Here
Nightmare takes the camera and strolls through the hallway and towards a door leading to the basement.  When Nightmare gets to the bottom of the stairs and turns the camera to the center.
“Aw! Doesn’t he look so cute!  Already trying to escape Tommy?  But we haven’t even started on why you’re here yet!”
It has been about a week since the sixteen year old Thomas Theseus Innes Watson has been reported missing.  Reports say that a man had come to pick up Thomas from school that was not his father or brothers.  However, since Thomas stated and showed that he knew the man the school allowed the man to take Thomas with him.  Since then no one has seen Thomas.  The last time anyone saw him was last Friday.  If you have any information please call the hotline.
The news drone on and on about some more boring stuff.  Oh, so they finally noticed that their little boy had gone missing?  Well, time to put the Superhero Family out of their misery.  Oh this was going to be fun!  Let’s what the Crow Father, the Blade and Ghostbur truly value.  Their so-called family that they kept on saying and repeating from time to time but had no problem in ignoring their own family?  Or the lives of faceless and nameless people that only see them as the heroes when they need a hero?
He went to the laptop and checked to make sure everything was ready.  The New Channel was still going on and it was live!  Perfect!  He then hit the button.
The screen went black and white and with nothing but TV Snow for a few minutes than it came back.  One side of the screen was the L’Manburg News Channel and the other side of the screen was the live footage that he presented.
“Are we live?  Yep, we are!”  He then took the camera that was broadcasting the event and turned to him.  The News Anchors covered their mouths when they saw who it was.
  “Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen of L’Manburg.  You probably already know who me and my brother are but let me introduce myself anyway.  I’m Nightmare.  But let’s actually move on to the actual star of the tonight’s show!”
Nightmare takes the camera and strolls through the hallway and towards a door leading to the basement.  Nightmare starts going down the wooden stairs and just starts monologuing the entire time.  About how easy it was to get the kid’s trust.  How easy it was to just lure him away.  How easy it was to just get him to trust him and his brother because of how lonely the kid was.  The kids' family were Superheroes though he made sure not to say what their names were and how they were so dedicated in saving so many lives but chose to ignore their youngest son.
When Nightmare made it to the bottom of the steps, he panned the camera to the “Star of the Show.”  Thomas Theseus Watson.  The kid had his arms free and was trying to get the ropes off his legs.
“Aw! Doesn’t he look so cute!  Already trying to escape Tommy?  But we haven’t even started on why you’re here yet!”
Tommy looked up and gave Nightmare his best intimidation of his brother’s the Blade, death glare.  “You fucking tricked me!  You said that we were friends!  I trusted you!  You - you took me to see your shop and everything!”
“Aw, don’t be like Tommy!  Of course we’re friends!”
“Bullshit!  Friends don’t kidnap them and shove in the basement for days on end!”
“Oh Tommy!  It isn’t like that!  Look, we both know how neglectful your so-called family are!  I just decided to show you how much they truly don’t care about you!”
“That’s not true!  They care about me!  They’re just - really busy is all!”
“Tommy, if that was true then you wouldn’t have summoned me.  You wouldn’t have summoned my brother.  We are attracted to those you call out to us.  Those who truly have a truly deep seeded wish that they want to come true.  You, Tommy, have truly called us.  I haven’t heard a call like that in so many centuries, it isn't funny!”
Tommy stilled at that.  It couldn’t be true!  No, he was just lying!  Trying to get under your skin!  “You’re lying!  I didn’t - I didn’t summon you!  You - you’re a fucking wrong’un is what you are!  Fucking godman dickhead that can’t get any women because you just go around kidnapping people!  What too afraid to face my family so you had to kidnap me?  Stalk me?!  What the absolute fuck!”
Nightmare just cracked a smile at this kid’s attempt at bravery.  He had to give it to the kid.  He had no fear in insulting his kidnapper like there was no tomorrow.
“Oh don’t worry, Tommy.  There’s an actual reason why I came down here.”  Tommy eye Nightmare.  He didn’t like where this was going.  “Oh, Tommy, you’re the Star of the Show!  We’re going to actually see what your family truly values.  Their youngest son/brother who’s got no powers and is completely human?  Or the lives of the faceless, nameless civilians of this city?”
“What are -what are - you going to do?”  Tommy stammered.
“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that, Tommy.”  Nightmare came over to Tommy and put his hand in front of Tommy’s face.  He then let his Sleep Mist do its trick.  Tommy slumped in his chair, completely passed out.
The next thing that the News Channel saw, when the segment went live again was.  Tommy Watson passed out in a coffin, both Nightmare and Phantom were standing over Tommy.  Then they closed the lid and lowered the coffin with the boy still inside.  Then Phantom took his cane banged on the ground and the dirt covered the coffin evenly.
Phantom then looked back at the camera.  “You have a choice, Heroes.   You have one hour.  You either save the lives of the worthless faceless, nameless civilians that have no problem in turning on you at the drop of hat?  Or the life of your youngest?  The one that has no powers and will grow up to be another nameless, faceless civilian while the rest of you have all the fame and glory.   The L’Manburg Graveyard or the City Park.  One has the life of your youngest and will be dead in less than an hour when the air runs out.  Or the people in the park where we hid a bomb.
Your choice, Heroes.”
The screen went black as the camera was turned off.  No doubt everyone was panicking.  Oh, this will be fun.  What would the Hero Family choose?  Their youngest brother and son?  Or the lives of the civilians that they swore to protect and literally put them first above all else.
Tagging: @weirdmixofweirdness, @ashedflower, @luna-moonblood, @luverofsupernatural, @tracobuttons, @10th-no-name-person, @10ths-writing-corner, @a-humble-narcissus, @isa-ghost, @septic-dr-schneep
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thedarkcoven · 2 years
Got new headphones so that means I'll be able to be in the zone since most the time I write/wrote I would always be listening to music for inspo.... Aka since I got headphones I'll be able to listen to music again without bothering my husband and son so I'll be able to start writing again HOWEVER.... I have no idea when I'm going to be constantly active again due to being so close to the baby's due date. So hopefully soon I'll be back, loves!! 💕💕💕💕
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anxious-ace · 2 years
So I watched "Film Theory: You Are Being Erased..." and:
This video talks about what args would look like in the future thanks to our current technology and he mentions how this tech has gotten too good, basically upending the imperfections displayed in current args. The hyper-realism of today's tech reminds me of IRIS and what they've made (especially the watcher cameras, I feel like they could just frame pretty much anyone by creating deep fakes and text-to-speech using the person's actual voice).
(Watch the video for further context)
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ytacademy · 2 years
<{I’m debating whether to give someone the quirk I’ve already assigned them because it’s a terrible idea so in the meantime:}>
Angus McLoughlin
Eldest of the 9 McLoughlin kiddos.
To such a degree that Seán thought Jack was the eldest and Angus was an uncle. He is only close with Robbie and Marvin, but it’s close by “Angus standards” ( if they talk more than twice in a year, they’re close ).
Lives in Australia.
Has done since he was 20; got offered a job that involved heading over for a bit, ended up liking the job and the place and the people. He’s developed an odd mishmash accent as a result. He only really comes over for big family events like graduations, weddings, and funerals.
None of this helped the uncle theory.
Works as part of a specialist group of heroes who hunt and eliminate high level villains.
Surprising to most given his quirkless status. He has one of the best success rates of anyone in the organisation, hence his nickname “The Hunter”, occasionally prefaced by his name. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t been injured.
The job doesn’t always involve killing — sometimes it’s just maiming or brutalising.
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