#You're part of the backbone of this fandom darling
skloomdumpster · 5 months
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I swear somewhere this works
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moondirti · 2 years
is it alright if i ask what your process is when you begin to write for characters? like do you watch all their scenes or maybe read fanfics about them? i’ve been trying to write for ghost for a while now but i have a hard time starting because i’m scared of not doing the character justice
It's totally okay darling! I'll try my best to answer any questions you guys may have :) I love it that y'all want my advice
You're right in saying that I devour anything I can get my hands on! That's just part of the hyper fixation for me, but it certainly helps when it comes down to characterisation. Shows, gameplays, interviews, wikis, and especially fanfics. (At the end of the day, you'll be diving into a fandom space. Fanfics tend to be the backbone so it's nice to see where everyone's heads are at! Don't let that suade your personal interpretation though! You do you.)
I don't really take notes or anything. It's just getting a general sense of who that character is, what motivates them, how they express affection, etc... It can be hard when they're so closed off, like Ghost, but the treasure is in the nuances! His relationship with Soap and the progression between the two, with what Simon brings to the table, is a big point for focus! (See: him begrudgingly accepting him as a teammate -> admiring his competency on the field -> genuinely worried when he's hurt in 'Alone' and waiting for him -> trusting him enough to take off the mask).
When it comes to writing for a character, I'm of the opinion that the person you're pairing with them is just as important! I always give my reader characters strong personalities that I think would pair nicely with who I'm working with. This can differ, of course, but a compelling mc will always bring out the more interesting aspects of a character. You'll find that small moments/pieces of dialogues will come to you naturally if that's the case.
And, finally, it's a learning curve! The best way to nail a character is to write about them. I can't guarantee it'll come off perfect the first time; hell, my first COD oneshot has mediocre characterisation at best. But the more you do it, the better you become. There'll be a certain point where you just... know what someone will say in the scenario you've put them in. (Often times, a fic will take longer than I precedented because my character will just not do what I planned for them to do. Simon is a repeat offender of this. I get it, he's hard to decipher.)
I hope this helps! Tag me in your piece if you get around to writing it, I'd love to read it <3
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Mayaaaaaaaaa!! 💕💕💕 Better late than never, huh? 😅 Once again, massive congratulations on your follow milestone, you deserve all the love and support, in the fandom and outside of it! Firstly, can I just say: all the incredible fics you've written for your celebration so far have brought me endless amounts of joy and all the emotions, so thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts and talent with us, darling 💖💖 Your writing is delightful, as are you, and this fandom is SO lucky to have you, my sweetest, most talented and loveliest friend!!
So I realize I'm rather late with this, but if you're still up for it, would you consider writing something for the prompt leather jacket + Evanstan? 🥰
Thank you so much, lovely Maya!!! Sending all the hugs & snugs! 💕
Hi Minnie, my love 💖💖 I’m so happy you decided to still send me a prompt, you have no idea! Thank you so so much for your kind words, you really are too fucking sweet 😭😭😭 I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed my little fics, and thank you for being so supportive and leaving such wonderful comments, they really made my day every single time.
I feel SO lucky to have found you on here, and that I can call you a friend 🥰🥰 You’re like the backbone of this fandom, so sweet and open, so supportive and kind. Your writing is out of this world, and there’s nothing I’d rather do than scream about our boys with you all day every single day 💖💖💖 It’s honestly the best thing to happen to me, and it gives me SO much joy 🥰🥰
So it seems more than fitting to close off this little follower celebration with your prompt. As has happened with about half of these fics, it starts out with me having no idea where to start, only to be saved by the brilliant mind that is @forsureitslove. That was the case with this one too, so you have to thank/blame her for at least part of it, and especially the fact that it got so out of hand. Because it didn’t really end up being a little prompt fic, but a 10.2k outpouring of love for our boys, and for you 💕
The timing on that seems fitting too, because I’m pretty sure it’s your birthday tomorrow, so you can consider this my gift to you. I really hope you enjoy it 💖💖 Of course, I’ll shower you in love again tomorrow on the actual day, as you deserve. But for now, I just want to say: a little early happy birthday to you, may all your wildest dreams come true 😉 🎉🎉🥳 and I love you a whole lot 💕💕
Evanstan + Leather Jacket, 10.2k, M
Read You Make My Dreams Come True on Ao3
With a lot of thanks to the lovely Tej for brainstorming with me, screaming at me, encouraging me and betaing this fic💖
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