#You will see the most annoying whiny comment in the tags and without fail it will be a TIM with permanent reddit speak brainrot.
clit-a-cola · 6 months
CONTINUED prayer circle for the fallout girlies because the most obnoxious fun draining scrote havers are coming out of the woodwork because of the new show.
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gothamstreetcat · 4 years
Please share your thoughts based of the bingo cards below because I wanna know 👀
i am absolutely going to be talking about all things controversial below the cut: ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʳᵉᵃᵈ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃ ᶠᵃⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵇᵃʳᵇᵃʳᵃ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗᵃᵇᶦᵗʰᵃ 
season one
there isn't much I think is super controversial in season one, but I will definitely be talking about selina, the batcat kiss, and the overall season itself
on selina i have to say i was a little nervous before the show aired. it’s silly but also understandable for me because i always find myself getting nervous whenever someone new takes on a character I love. but honestly, i think camren is the best selina kyle we could have asked for. there is just always something about each catwoman/selina kyle i didn’t like, but with camren i think we get the most true and genuine portrayal because gotham shows her childhood—a obviously important part to selina’s character. it’s a side of her we never get to see much of in the comics or in films, and i just find it a very important part to her character. 
sometimes I think people are too drawn into making selina something more (holy tim burton, batman! she’s got cat powers!). and I hate to throw tim  under the bus with this, but over time the whole cat powers thing really pissed me off because part of what I loved about selina was how she was a regular person. she didn’t need cat powers to be great or special. it also kinda makes me sad when people compare cam’s selina so much to pfeiffer’s because a. camren is her own selina and shouldn’t be put under that kind of pressure and b. I really can’t see someone as tough as camren’s selina becoming some old man’s assistant with “corndogs” as a (cat)chprase(?) 
i know it’s silly, but another thing about cam’s selina is how much i just love her. i just grew up wanting to be her and be like her. i wanted to be hardened by city streets and i know it’s dumb but i don’t think i have to explain why i feel such a strong way about her. we all have our favorite characters. **more of this hot mess in the tags
moving into the batcat kiss i was initially really uncomfortable and disappointed with it. david and cam were young at the time, therefore, so were bruce and selina, and i just honestly feel like it was too soon. however, i know in an interview they talked about it and were okay with it—cam saying how she was able to separate herself from the character—so I have grown to be more tolerant of it (is it dumb to say i was a little embarrassed for them because that’s how i would feel if it was me?) i am also not innocent because i did make a gifset of the kiss but it was also paired with selina asking for bruce’s consent, and i only made it because i liked the parallels (queue a young me making gifs on makeagif.com) Now, I will highly advocate for that gifset because to me it really shows how much selina went to get bruce’s ‘okay’ before she kissed him. i feel as though we are always advocating so much when it comes to a woman’s consent but never when it is a man’s and both are equally as important but we’ll get into that later in this post. 
another thing i want to add, is how i’d like to believe i have some idea as to why they did the kiss in the first place. i want to believe it had something to do with the trauma of the day, or the fact that bruce is a boy who showed selina genuine kindness when she is clearly someone who has gone without. god forbid it only to be seen as ‘cute’ but perhaps, because selina wanted to know what it felt like to be touched in that sort of way. by someone like Bruce (who was innocent and had never been kissed) maybe it was some sort of way to thank him or a parting gift, to which i’m sure people would say that’s wrong but i feel with selina’s background it makes sense. as if it was a way for bruce to remember her by. now, i personally wouldn’t know what any of that feels like so maybe that throws all my credibility out the window but these are just my ideas.
the season overall i hold onto dear, i know we all have our favorites and this isn’t controversial, but you can’t beat the first. sometimes, i do feel like shows lose their way and loose that little spark when they first got started. and to be honest, i did feel that a little with gotham. not only that (and i’ve said this before so i’m sorry if i’m a broken record) but with gotham it gaves us these characters we are so used to seeing a certain way. the show took these seeming monsters and turned them human and we as watchers related to them. edward nygma was a nerd working at the gcpd. oswald was a guy holding an umbrella, turned dishwasher who then became the king of gotham. poison ivy was just a kid. everything was so new and fresh and exciting. so yeah, i think that’s a wrap on season one
season two
the only thing i am really going to talk about from this season was ‘babitha.’ again, i am sorry for anyone who follows me, is reading this and is a fan of them but in all seriousness: their relationship was toxic as hell. first off, i really didn’t like barbara nor tabitha before hand. barbara always felt whiny and needy while tabitha was played like some ditzy woman for her brother. together they were highly annoying, and i almost hate say that because independently tabitha was a really strong character. i still didn’t like her but i see and appreciate her without her brother. 
going into that i really think there where times barbara dragged her down. times where barbara was unstable, power-hungry and it just seemed like tabitha was not enough unless she had more. barbara also didn’t seem to like the idea that butch had a special place in tabitha’s heart (and then later killed him). i mean this is a funny way, but barbara can come off like that kid who was never told ‘no’ in her life.
not to mention when tabitha died and barbara went and fucked jim for the sake it of, i guess. i know everyone grieves differently and holy batgirl, batman! but it doesn’t seem right.
i wish i had more to say on them with better examples, but i honestly have way more to say regarding the sirens so i’m gonna let you read that instead.
honorable mentions include: bridgit pike deserving better because that girl could never catch a break. and the true ending of herself and karen jennings meeting, falling in love, and leaving gotham together. it honestly makes me sad i made up this ship and it feels like i’m the only one keeping it afloat. 
season three
again, i have my issues regarding the siren’s team up, so i was unhappy when they decided to make tabitha galavan selina’s mentor. i personally would not want to pair someone as vulnerable as selina with someone who physically and mentally abused her, but okay gotham. so that is where my ted grant comment came in, i assume you’ve read the comics and know that ted was one of the few who originally trained selina before becoming catwoman. therefore, i was disappointed they didn’t use him as i find him a better canidate for a mentor but also such an important person in her story. he would have been a great addition to the show. 
of course my first honorable mention must go to the batman returns scene because you’re only hip if piggy-back off of tim burton. as i mentioned above i don’t like how much cam’s selina is compared to pfieffer’s. i don’t understand why they had to re-create something i already think is over hyped when gotham is already a great show on it’s own, it would have been redeeming if they had not done the ‘cat power’ thing in season five but thankfully they didn’t really use it.it really pisses me off how much they really tried to make that scene frame for frame. 
my second honorable mention is going to be given to selina not knowing five was bruce because of his scars & alfred and maria respectively. i could talk a lot about why i love maria and alfred--i understand why people don’t like her and they’re right to do so, however, i do think they are right for one another. they both have jaded pasts, and yeah, the show was teasing love-interests for alfred a here and there but how can you not be happy for him when he saw selina’s mom? i think people should be redeemed and i honestly think maria was at least changed by her time at wayne manor and if you want i wrote a fic about alfred and maria but it’s totally bad writing wise so don’t read it. also. i’m sorry it’s dirty and i couldn’t go through with it. it’s kinda bad
as for selina and five i think there is something imamate about selina knowing bruce’s scars (not gonna lie,i was honestly going to talk about this but i’m too tired and don’t think i have anything meaningful to have)
season four
this is probably going to be the hardest season for me to talk about. and the only two things i’m going to cover are the toxic manipulation and abuse between the sirens team-up, as well as the sexual abuse bruce endured.
on the sirens i just wanna say i hopefully plan in the future to make a master-post involving this trio. i want to be as clear as possible and include the episodes but in case i don’t i’m just going to try my best. keep in mind i made this post regarding this topic a long time ago if you want the quick version. if you do check it out it’s been a while since i read it so it is probably messy and ugly. i also want to point out i’m going to try and talk about how much of the adults in selina’s life failed her. barbara and tabitha hit this mark pretty hard since at least barbara was there in the beginning stages of her life, and the trio themselves were made to appear as some sort of strong power-house.
i get on a surface level why fans like the barabra/tabitha + selina team-up (because girl power i guess), but i honestly can’t get over the abuse selina endured to even get to the point of being in a group. much of their relationship seemed more about tabitha and barbara loving to have her rather then love her, period. there were times during their involvement that it was clear selina was not an equal, and times where being with them made selina weaker (speaking about when she called upon them for help in that one episode where she was trapped, yet you’re telling me this is the same girl who took out that guy’s eyes from season one?) several times, selina appeared to be talked down to and treated as though she couldn’t handle tasks, yet has been homeless her whole life and has broken in and out of prison. 
the interaction between barbara and selina from season one haunts me a great deal for the way barbara spoke to selina and was objectifying her. i made a long-post/ask about it here which i encourage you to look at. this is particularly hard for me to talk about for the simple fact of selina being a child of the streets and barbara speaking to her like she’s trying to pimp her out *for lack of a better way of saying it* i just don’t think this is something an adult should be saying to selina because the truth is that barabara is the adult and should do better. her and tabitha even dressed her up for that club commercial (in which selina was clearly unhappy) and had her running a club full of underage kids developing a drinking problem and one very small boy being taken advantage of. 
people hate it when alfred slapped selina but when tabitha punched selina unconscious and kidnaped her for barbara it’s no big deal
and the episode “to our deaths and beyond” hits deepest and is a clean sign of manipulation when they both tricked selina into bringing bruce so they could mutilate him for his blood. even when he was crying and panicking barbara help him down and tabitha held selina back from helping him. 
here is a gifset about the scene and *lex i’m sorry for using your set if you happen to see this (but please don’t see this because i don’t wanna make anyone feel bad and i just want to speak freely about what i believe) 
again, not treating selina with respect, and when she straight told them she would have not brought bruce BECAUSE HE IS HER FRIEND, tabitha got defense and questioned her loyalty. first off, you are an adult and should know how to act better. she knew selina wouldn’t have brought bruce otherwise because they knew what they were doing was wrong. they knew how much bruce meant to selina and for them to try to guilt her is awful in itself. tricking and manipulating bruce is awful. mutilating him is awful. and holding selina back from helping her friend after you lied to her is awful--this is honestly one of the most sickening things for me to watch *not to mention why you would not want selina to be friends with bruce when he’s clearly a great guy* (but the gifset is pretty no question. shout-out to lex for being so talented)
in addition to this, the entire selina getting shot storyline is right up there too. i understand the writer’s didn’t have enough time to flesh everything out but it wasn’t even mentioned once that barbara and tabitha went to visit her. i believe tabitha might have mentioned it but it was only to get revenge over jeremiah, but they never visited her or checked on her, and she tried to kill herself and still nothing. 
now, i’m not trying to be all biased for bruce wayne because he was there for her every singe day and never left her side. nor would i ever mention that idea of bruce physically helping selina care for her own body when she couldn’t. how he got her that medicine to heal her pain and held her while she screamed that she wanted to die. all the while doing everything he could to help her not feel that way again.
you can say a lot of things about bruce wayne. people love to talk shit about him. but at the end of the day you can never say he was a bad friend, because he was the best. and you can’t say that for barbara and tabitha (not only to add how all the abuse was never brought up nor apologized for)
now, onto something that i am a big advocate for and particularly boils my blood. bruce’s alcohol problem and constant physical abuse by the adults in the show. 
i am mainly speaking about ivy (peyton list) however, while reading a reddit thread someone said that grace’s actress as twenty-one years of age, also kissing david (who i believe was sixteen at the time). someone else, also said that it wasn’t really illegal but i honestly do not care. if the roles were reversed and it was a young girl vs an older man, people would be in outrage and i don’t think that should change be it david.
the scene with peyton particularly bothers me because she is substantially older, and while you could argue it might not be david based off how the scene was shot, i highly doubt it. it’s wrong no matter how you slice it and it particularly bothers me because the abuse surrounding men/boys is taken so lightly. i’m not trying to put presidency over female abuse, as i believe both are equal in how awful they are, but there is evidence behind males being mocked. something that is at a higher volume, and it makes me wonder the number of rapes that go unreported or those who can’t talk about it because they won’t be believed. i’ve already seen it but i would be lying if i said i wasn’t worried for david to be conditioned to think what happened to him was fun or cool.
on top of all the kissing in the club scene followed by waking up in bed with the two girls--i would not hesitate to think he was taken advantage of in some way. i also can’t even think of his drinking days and not think of all the people who potentially abused him.
i obviously can’t speak for david and perhaps i’m grasping at straws but this is something that bother me and no one talks about enough.
season five
nothing to add here except while i did miss cam in the final and it wasn’t complete without here, i very much respect her for her choice to walk away. i think it shows a high level of intelligence and integrity (something i wish i had). and i most admire her for passing on the torch when she felt she wasn’t ready, which i think speaks volumes of her and her character. again, selina one selina will always be my favorite so i love the idea of my favorite staying a young girl before she was ready. i don’t think the show was ready. and as much as i would have loved for her to have a cameo like david did, it isn’t here or there and she said she favorite scene was on the staircase. so as far as i’m concerned, that’s the best place to leave on (even though that wasn’t the last scene but we’re ignoring that)
i hope this wasn’t too wordy or long!
#i'm so sorry if me not using capitals was really annoying. i wanted to be aesthetically pretty#thank you dear!#please feel free to add to this!#sorry this took so long#gotham bingo#asks#asks: ashlyn#also. in case I don't talk about it in the post (because I always write the tags first)#street selina is really important to me because it’s something we don’t see enough of in the comics#it’s what I crave so I’m sure it makes be biased to rave about cam’s performance#but long ago I used to think Kitt and Newmar were over the top (now I find them endearing and funny)#plus 60’s catwoman comes off more like a villain and maybe the only redeeming thing was how she was considering change for batman#unfortunately though when newmar left they didn’t have the romance with kitt but also in a weird way I grew up with cam#she was not really *catwoman* but I do think selina Kyle on her own is just as fucking important#as I say with bruce because really anyone can be batman or catwoman but it takes someone special to be the one underneath#and I’m around the same age as cam and when I watched that show my life was a certain way#and when it was over my life was totally different#I wanted to be her and I used to think if selina could do something so could I. which is why I hold so tight onto season one#with the other catwoman. I like Phiffer but I think she’s a little overrated. again. I hate the cat thing. I hate the assistant thing#but all an all I’ve grown to love the film more and more. with Hathaway I don’t think she had a lot to work with#also. I’m a nit picky motherfucker and I didn’t like that she didn’t have her whip nor did I like that she used guns#there was really nothing wrong with her but there wasn’t much special either (again. she didn’t have much to work with)#and a speical mention for Hally Berry who was not selina and again the cat thing but she was my first catwoman and who got me into the#character in the first place. don’t know why I’m fucking judging newmar and kitt though considering I pulled the same shit when I was a kid#but okay Haley
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icecreammac · 6 years
Let‘s Talk About the Gatewatch
Ever since July 17, 2015, the day Magic Origins was released, Magic’s story has centered around a cast of five characters:  Gideon, Jace, Liliana, Chandra, and Nissa.  These five (well, Liliana would join later) eventually joined together to create the Gatewatch, named after Sea Gate on Zendikar, which was an important location in Battle for Zendikar.
The Gatewatch is a group of planeswalkers dedicated to fighting interplanar threats.  Mark Rosewater likes to liken it to a superhero group (like the Justice League), though I’m loath to make that comparison, since it sets up unrealistic expectations for the Gatewatch and the story (superhero comics and fantasy stories are two different mediums, for example).
I’d like to tag @yawgmothdemon here, since their comments here are what inspired me to make this article. I actually wasn’t going to make one, honestly, just wanting to reblog his post with my thoughts, which were very similar to yawgmothdemon’s, but those thoughts ended up being so long that I thought, “Why not?” and went ahead and redid the intro and made those thoughts into their own article.
So, without further ado, let’s talk about the Gatewatch.
Gideon—Currently my favorite of the Gatewatch, I’ve always liked the “paragon of justice” character.  He wants to be everyone’s friends, and he wants everyone to get along, and I love that about him.  He’s also badass and seems to be able to fight alongside anyone, which is also great.
Jace—I actually liked Jace.  To me, he didn’t come across as whiny or pseudo-intellectual or anything. He came across as careful, clever, and socially awkward (not that being socially awkward is a good thing, though). He was physically fit enough to adventure, and while he did feel insecure about Gideon’s larger musculature, he still knew his careful planning was more than a match for Gideon’s more idealistic strategies.  After all, Gideon’s a good tactician, but he’s often overly idealistic, and from what I’ve seen, once Gideon’s Plan A fails (that is, once his enemies get past him), he seldom has a solid Plan B.
The one area I couldn’t stand, however, was how Jace acted toward Tamiyo, like a pupil trying desperately to please his teacher, even going so far as to try to read Emrakul’s mind just to answer Tamiyo’s stupid yet surely rhetorical question.
I say I liked Jace, though, because I hated what they did to him on Ixalan.  With all of his memories came a stronger confidence in himself, and he used all that confidence to become a follower.  He has seemingly tied so much of his identity to being Vraska’s lackey that any time they were confronted by an antagonist (like Azor, parun of the Azorius clan), the first thing he said wasn’t, “Who are you and why are you here?” (or, in Azor’s case, “Holy crap, It’s Azor!  Where have you been?”) but instead, “You’ll call her Captain Vraska!” as if that’s such a big frickin’ deal.
At least with Tamiyo, Jace reacted with disbelief and shock when Tamiyo consigned them to die against Avacyn.  Now, though, if Vraska did the same thing or told Jace to literally jump off a cliff, he’d probably be all, “Well, captain’s orders and all…”
But, hey, at least the Creative Team got what they wanted, right?  They saw all of Jace’s haters (who are far outnumbered by his fans, I might add) and got to “trick” them into liking Jace (by overriding all his previous characteristics, but whatever), and isn’t that all that matters?
Liliana—I started out with Liliana as my most-hated character in the Gatewatch.  Now, I like her more than Nissa and Chandra.  And maybe Jace.  And while I hated how she acted with Chandra on Kaladesh (where she basically was just a gossiping and rebellious teenager), I like how she’s not as dark as she apparently used to be.
What I don’t like, however, is that we never spend any time on her enemies.  Liliana’s had not one, not two, but nine powerful creatures to contend with (her four demons, Emrakul, Josu, Tezzeret, the Raven Man, and Bolas). I can’t speak for Griselbrand, she lost to Bolas, and she has yet to fight Belzenlok or the Raven Man, but the others went down in the span of a single story.  And that’s boring.  Draw it out, have one escape, do something other than kill them off immediately.  Tezzeret was a good example of how to do it.  They fought in the arena, then he escaped to fight Liliana later, then he escaped again, and now, we can see him later.  Just do that with someone more…competent. And no, Bolas doesn’t count, because of course Wizards isn’t gonna kill off their most famous villain.
Chandra—I can’t stand how they write Chandra.  Impulsive and reckless to a fault, Chandra talks, acts, and thinks like a child instead of an adult, and that child is usually throwing a temper tantrum (go back and read anything written from Chandra’s point of view, and you’ll see what I mean).
The only thing she adds to any story she’s in (other than a liability) is her “cute” and “endearing” awkwardness with Nissa.  But it’s not cute or endearing, it’s annoying and forced.  Even her similar actions in her one conversation with Gideon (which I did like) just seemed there to have Nissa walk in on something “compromising” and force some drama, now that I look back on it.
Really, Chandra leaving Gideon and Liliana (even though I know she’ll be back at somehow just the right moment) was really good for their mission.
Nissa—Nissa used to be a racist, but they decided that they didn’t want a racist to be their green main character (Garruk?  Who’s that?), so they instead removed all character from her and instead made her an absurdly strong, nature-loving loner who has no friends, never had any friends (which is still incorrect, even in Origins), and never tried to make friends despite the fact that she’s lonely.
In the end of it all, after Zendikar, where she was legitimately useful, she was just someone for Chandra to crush on despite the fact that they have nothing in common besides their sex and, after they decided to just be friends, she was just a plot device that ended up not having any use on Amonkhet.  At all.
Ajani—Ajani is a deus ex machina whose only purpose was to save two women who didn’t need saving and a woman he just so happened to have an important bond with.  His contributions ever since he joined the Gatewatch have amounted to jack all, and I hope he actually does something useful on Jhoira’s team (which he decided to do instead of, you know, meeting the defeated Gatewatch and the meeting place he set up).
And that about sums up how I feel about the Gatewatch so far.  I know I always gripe when a story isn’t about the Gatewatch (you know, the main characters of the story), but that doesn’t mean I like everything about them. Seems I like hardly anything about them, really.  Imagine that…
Thanks for making it this far.  Do you agree? Disagree?  Have anything else to add?  Let me know what you think.
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dfnm-mnfd · 6 years
Chapter 2 of Sweetheart It's Been So Long, But I'm Glad We're Here : Sunshine
May 23rd, 2014
"Hey, Bill?" Eddie glanced up from his phone, eyes narrowed slightly in puzzlement. Beside him, Bill's head lifted a little, and the met his gaze, a wordless question in his sky-blue eyes. The auburn haired boy met his gaze, an ever-present expression of kindness on his face, and Eddie couldn't help but feel his pulse stutter at the sight, a reminder of his fading crush on the boy. Without Bill, Eddie might not have ever come to terms with his sexuality, with the fact that he liked boys. But when his heart fluttered whenever his best friend walked into a room, or his large eyes were drawn to the boy like magnets, it all made sense. His lack of attraction to girls, his confusing dreams about boys, the waves of personal offence that washed through him whenever someone threw around a homophobic slur as easily as bringing up the weather. His crush, though important, was quickly fading, though. Eddie loved Bill, he knew that much, but as a brother. As a best friend. He would do anything for the stuttering boy in a heartbeat, rationality and self respect be damned. If Bill asked Eddie to jump off a cliff, the boy would gladly be hurling through the air, no fear of death, only the gladness that he could help Bill. But as much as he /loved/ Bill, he wasn't /attracted/ to the boy. The crush was just a silly phase, though a vital one, and Eddie was equally embarrassed of it as he was glad for it.
"They... uh." Eddie wet his lips, glancing down to his phone. His large eyes flicked across the glowing screen, taking in the little words. Those words, so innocent and meaningless... why did they make his cheeks flush in a way they hadn't since his crush on Bill? "They commented again." Hands reached out for his phone, grasping it from Eddie's hands. Peering down at the screen, Bill scanned the words, then glanced up to Eddie with a smile playing at his lips.
"Looks like you have an admirer." Eddie flushed at the words, a warm rush flooding his veins.
/An admirer/
"Yeah.. looks like I do."
June 2nd, 2016
It was kind of amazing, really, how the commenter had stuck with him. For two years, there had been a sweet little remark posted beneath every one of his videos. Eddie was impressed- this person had some serious dedication. Not only tat, but it was rather astounding how he never ran out of creative little remarks. Eddie had done the math- this person had left over 1,000 comments on his videos, and not a single one ever failed to bring a pink flush to his cheeks, and make his heart flutter within his chest. He didn't understand- he didn't even know who this person was, their profile, @mywamgislongertha showed nothing more than a crappy profile picture, which was a little too grainy to see, and a long list of liked videos, mostly Eddie's, but with a few gaming videos mixed in. His profile name was a little vulgar, the first time Eddie had seen it he had almost deleted the comment, but he made up for it with sweet comments and heartwarming complements.
The most recent comment was no exception.
4:02 pm
@mywangislongertha : Georgie might be an adorable little nugget but you are still the cutest <3 <3
A warm blush spread across Eddie's cheeks, watercolour red painting his freckled skin a sweet portrait of happiness, and, dare he say it, maybe a hint of-
Finally, Eddie registered the signature at the end of the comment, his brown eyes zeroing into the innocent little combination of letters, so simple, so meaningless, so why did they make his heart race it was racing right now?
So that was his name.
Eddie held it on the tip of his tongue, savouring the taste of it as it stretched out, uncoiling itself like a cat, reaching to the seal of Eddie's lips, a wordless question to be spoken. After a moment, Eddie let the name slip from his lips, listening as it mingled with the silence, a quiet whisper.
He liked it, the boy decided. It was a good name. A good name for a good person, it was fitting.
November 23rd, 2016
"/Billlll./" Eddie's voice took on a whiny tone, one that was annoying even himself as he tugged on the taller boy's wrist, his slim fingers curling around Bill's bony arm. "I need to finish this video! I've been stalling for the past week and tomorrow's Thursday and I can't- I-" Eddie took in a shuddery breath, blinking up at his friend with watery brown eyes. "I'vegottaposttomorrowbutIdon'thaveanythingtopostandmyfollowerswillallunfollowmeandthenI'llstopgettibgpaidbyyoutubeandI'llhavetogobacktomymomandshe'llfeedmemoreplacebosand-"
"Woah... Eddie. Cuh-cal-calm down, buh-bud." Bill put a comforting hand on Eddie's shoulder, cutting off his spew of words. "I'll help yuh-you. Wuh-we can go fuh-for a walk or you cuh-can do muh-makeup or go ar-ruh-round petting duh-dogs. It'll be fuh-fine." The taller teen offered Eddie a reassuring smile, his kind blue gaze comforting the small boy. Eddie took a deep breath, nodding slowly as the haze slowly slipped from his mind, leaving him a little foggy around the corners with a pair of only-a-little-shrunken lungs.
After taking a short puff from his inhaler, Eddie felt a little better, and loosened his death-grip from Bill's wrist.
"Petting dogs sounds fun..." he mumbled softly, looking quietly down at the shag carpet beneath his converse.
"Yuh-yeah. Do you wuh-wuh-wanna go to the duh-dog puh-puh-p-park?" Bill offered a comforting squeeze to Eddie's shoulder, which Eddie responded to with another nod, tucking his inhaler into his pocket with a quiet sniffle.
"Oh my /gosh/!" Eddie let out a high pitched squeal as a particularly fluffy dog came bounding up to him, it's long white hair bouncing with the dog's deer-like leaps. ( https://goo.gl/images/YVQw81 ) "It's so flu- oh my gosh you are just the cutest little floofer!" His voice adopted a softer tone as the dog reached him, and he dropped to his knees, reaching out to tangle his fingers into the doggo's fluff. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh how are you so fluffy..." Eddie's grin was huge as it spread across his face, dimples tugging at his freckles. The dog happily licked at Eddie's face, it's tail whipping back in forth in excitement. "Ohmygoshhhhh" threading his fingers through the silky fur, Eddie leaned into the dog, feeling its body wriggle with excitement.
There was a soft chuckle from behind Eddie, and he took a moment to glance behind himself, meeting Bill's laughing eyes. The taller teen was holding the camera, which was trained on Eddie's face, and Eddie glanced into it for a moment, flashing it an excited smile before looking back up to Bill. "What?"
"Nuh-nothing." Bill shot the smaller boy a bright smile, and Eddie shook his head, turning his attention back to the dog.
"You are so /cute/! Look at you and your fluffy little tail!" Eddie paused, taking a moment to boop the dog's glistening black nose before glancing down to its collar, fishing the tag out of the cascades of fur. "What's your name... Iris? That's a cute name... for /such/ a cute doggo!"
Looking up again, the youtuber lifted a hand to ruffle Iris's hair, smiling fondly over at her as he leaned forwards, their foreheads bumping. "I just want to take you home..." Eddie cooed, eyelashes fluttering against Iris's fur.
Iris's tail wagged joyfully, causing her whole body to wriggle back and forth as she reared her head, pink tongue darting out to lick Eddie's cheek, which Eddie took as an answer. "Yeah? You want to come home with me?"
"Eddie..." Bill's voice came from behind him, soft and a bit exasperated. "We can't steal someone's dog."
read the rest on A03 :)
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