#You think after decades of it my stomach would be used to it πŸ™„
nln4 Β· 1 year
apparently I can't drink ice water on an empty stomach or else I'll get abdominal cramps and stomach pain πŸ™„
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murfeelee Β· 2 years
Hello murfeel, I don't know if anyone ask you this before but what do you think about the news of sims 5 being planned by ea?
Hi! I see we're starting 2023 on a positive note, getting me triggered by EA's shenanigans! 🀣
Yeah, so far I've only commented briefly about TS5 in this post, when EA did that stupid Summit thing where they showed off how much they're trying to one-up Paralives. πŸ™„ OOoOoo~! They're bringing the color wheel back after swearing on a stack of bibles that CASt was the worst feature in TS3 and TS4 didn't need it and their wacka** LACK of customization was the FUTURE of gaming--zomg lemme get my wallet ready~~! 🀑
Like, EA, everyone knows you're good at Build/Buy mode and CAS--people don't call TS4 a DOLLHOUSE SIMULATOR for nothing. But where is the EFFING GAMEPLAY? I feel the same way about Paralives--I don't need to see anymore of their builds or Paras--I want to follow sims INSIDE their places of work and school (no more EFFING rabbitholes); and see how they act come rain, snow or shine; and I want pets aside from just cats & dogs and RODENTS EA. And different cultural representation, so it's not the same generic American suburban cookie-cutter crap all the time--give me simulated life of the islands, the tundras, the equator, the poles, the Nth/Est/Sth/Wst hemispheres, the cities, the farms, the jungles, the corporate ladder, off the grid--in fully fleshed out EXPANSIONS with living breathing WORLDS, not watered down Game Packs, for crying out loud. Do y'all even remember what Expansion Packs are, EA? If only every pack was given HALF the content and attention to detail that Seasons always gets! It's a sad state of affairs when the best pack y'all ever released was for VAMPIRES. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
I get stomach ulcers every time I hear about how people spent over a THOUSAND DOLLARS on TS4 and are clamoring for the torture to be over already so TS5 can hurry up and screw them over instead. The biggest complaint simmers have been screaming at EA about is how dang BORING TS4 is, because
the game is too easy, and people have to cheat to make the game HARDER wtf
the game is too buggy and none of the fancy "features" effing WORK, releasing ENTIRE PACKS BROKEN, with patches that make everything worse
the features TS4 does have that actually work are shallow AF and a lot of them are repetitive/redundant or they don't carry over to other EPs/GPs/SPs to make the gameplay deeper and richer you had one job EA
TS4's worlds are too small and we don't even have CAW, but EA promised us that smaller non-open worlds with no CASt and no Story Progression would make TS4 run so much smoother than TS3--gosh golly, now if only my save would stop laaaaaaagging 😩
where are the skills where are the careers where are the hobbies other than streaming/blogging where are the NPCs where ar--
the sims' emotions & action queues are out of control, but the EMOTIONS were the MAIN thing the dev's pitched when TS4 was announced over a decade ago; why are my sims acting like crack heads when you said they'd be so much smarter?
the kids are totally ignored, where the teens are basically young adults with curfews--but zoinks! they're finally going to update the bassinet-babies after TEN YEARS so the legacy players can actually PLAY WITH LIFE and interact with babies! Maybe if we're lucky, they'll patch in some frikkin preteens so the life states in a life simulation game actually make sense!
the alpha vs maxis match saga continues
Look at everything Sims Freeplay has--it's monetized to hell and back, but at least they have COOL stuff! WHERE IS IT in TS4? Will that stuff be in basegame TS5???? EVER? Or will EA just keep showing us how many throw pillows we can rotate on couches in rooms full of clutter that aren't even interactive objects? πŸ™ƒ Paralives has Paras ziplining off of rooftops into their pool--will basegame TS5 even launch with pools and swimmable water, or will that feature be locked off behind another lukewarm paywalled EP where you can only ever swim in ONE (1) world? 🏝 And now that EA making basegame TS4 free to play, they have carte blanche to microtransaction people to death with useless Kits full of DECOR and mess in TS5, too, huzzah!
And they keep bringing up MULTIPLAYER--THEY BETTER NOT. πŸ’€
GOD, I hope the TS4 simmers go off on EA and tell them that TS5 CANNOT be TS4 2.0. Don't have EA walking around thinking TS4 was the right way to do life simulation gaming. TS4's enormous player base means diddly squat if people don't play the game to PLAY the GAME, only using it as the base for their Blender renders -- quantity does NOT equal quality, EA!
I'm not even staying on top of TS5 news anymore, listening to Lindsay Pearson lie to my frikkin face; promising me the moon only to have it turn out to be made of government cheese. The proof is gonna be in the pudding once the game actually LAUNCHES in a zillion years; I refuse to get hyped.
But I am PRAYING EA does TS5 right. Or at least that they make something better than TS4--it's a low bar, I know, but baby steps. Believe it or not, but I'd actually like to play a sims game that isn't TS3 sometime this decade. πŸ™ TS4 had so many red flags; everyone knew it was a mobile game port, we're not THAT dumb, EA. Plus, TS4 was just too effing ugly for me. I hate the cartoony playdough look, and the lack of CASt and customization was an IMMEDIATE dealbreaker; so at least EA learned ONE lesson in all this time. *slow claps* Now we just have to see what they'll do about the actual GAME, the part that MATTERS.
Lemme stop, before I pop a blood vessel.
Wake me up when TS5 has more gameplay than Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley.
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blossom-hwa Β· 3 years
i want to, first of all, point out the short introductions per chapter in sunflowers. how the brief phrases not only summarize the specific episode but also is connected with a fixed season. the concept is really amazing, seriously. it took them 4 years to reunite and an additional 1 year for them to realize their (romantic) love for each other. it was so sweet of juyeon to remember that reader hums whenever theyre happy. the fact that its a very small action yet something he remembers even after an almost half a decade of separation is really something. what i remember the most in this story is the part wherein juyeon gathered and literally brought a handful of snow back into readers house LOL stupid but stupidly cute. AND the mcdonalds scene, please. if i hadnt known better, i woulde thought that juyeon spent the previous hours drinking to his hearts consent. the situation itself was humorous, though. imagine kissing your crush then passing out because of your lack of sleep, its very embarrassing. the obvious juxtaposition of your skz and tbz fics got me laughing in amusement HAHHAHA i wonder what your other masterlists focus on. instead of the angsty genre and the fluffy romance done in the formerly stated works, maybe horror or comedy? im really excited to read them!
by how amazing kingdom's plot is, i wont be surprised if you decide to publish it as a book. at the coronation chapter, when juyeon tried guessing why changmin and the previous ivory queen wasnt able to attend the celebration, my heart ached so much knowing full well that the both of them are out there, dead. How you expressed juyeons desperation since realizing his bestfriends death was so on point that i felt it too. while reading the story, i wrote down my reactions and comments because of emotional it made me 😭 the story is so beautiful :">> i HONESTLY didnt expect that youd kill sunwoo! i didnt have the time to cry as i was too shocked, watdafuq. thinking about it again makes me bitter πŸ€₯ i remember the both of them (juyeon and sunwoo) wishing to deepen the newly formed trust and that they have a long time to get to know each other since they had a ton more gems to collect bUT nO because he died. and changmin. every time i see his name, i frown deeply. maybe its because of bloom bloom pow! since for some reason, i feel weirdly attached to his character even though he only showed up in the prologue 🀑 moving on! kevin and sunwoos first meeting was so cute and hilarious and dumb af. and kevins sadness and regret, it was conveyed so clearly. i felt that too :< kevin as best best best friend. i also love LEE MINHOs character. the whole time i was chanting "you can do it minho, keep bitching her! she deserves it 😠" the way how you showed the ivory kingdoms perspective every second part of the chapter made me feel like some god who knows whats happening on both sides. anyways, somins just jealous of jisoo because she can handle a kingdom on her own πŸ™„βœ‹
the figurative language you used in oceans burn in your eyes is just chefs kiss. it made me speechless af. and birds in the heavens is a masterpiece! how ironic that death is known to supposedly separate and break the hearts of people in love yet that very infamous word gave the reader and haknyeon the freedom to love each other and be true to themselves. reading the story got me listening to maiah wynne’s version of the song and it made me tear up because i keep on remembering the story :”>> btw, i also read your text aus! i didnt know that you have such a great sense of humour HAHAHAHA i had the hardest time suppressing my laughs because everyone in the house was already asleep. it made my cheeks and stomach hurt so much HAHAHA
well, you deserve all the love for these works ! i wanted you to know how truly happy they made me <333 so i m willing to take the time to show my love for them because you really deserve it. and yEAH I STAN TBZ NOW BC OF U! i was shocked to know that they had a song called 'bloom bloom'. my spotify was on shuffled then i heard "bloom, bloom, pow" and i was like "I KNOW THIS HUH" HAHAHAHAHA i also recently just finished midterms and the only thought i had while answering was "bloom, bloom, pow!" i got LSS-ed. we never know, maybe your works can get me into nct, ateez, and golden child πŸ‘€πŸ€” thanks for the writer recommendations! i ll surely check them out next time. i hope your midterms went smoothly! good luck to us <333
- anon who likes doing long asks (??)
anon I absolutely adore you. thank you so so so much for taking the time to go through my masterlists and leave these long, wonderful comments in my inbox - it absolutely makes my day every time I even remember the fact that you sent me something like this because to know that someone is out there reading and enjoying my works this much is just... the feeling is indescribable. AND TO KNOW THAT I GOT THAT PERSON INTO TBZ AS WELL AHHHHHHHHHHH (bloom bloom is one of my favorite songs by them help)???????????? omg your comment about minho in kingdom is just chef's kiss I love his character so much AND AHHH YOU READ MY TEXT AUS ngl I had so much fun writing those that for a few days I contemplated doing fake texts but lmao nah I have too much on my plate already
thank you again for all of your support anon :) please let me know if you want an official anon title (maybe an emoji?? you choose which one!!!) because I would be honored to give you one :D I hope you have a lovely lovely day wherever you are <3
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