#You have mail. ;; [ RP Memes ]
brutalmasks · 5 months
where do you carry your pain?
your heart.
you have loved and been hurt. your heart is tired, but cannot grow calloused...
tagged by: @divingdownthehole
tagging: @volegne, @warled, @question-marked, @cxpperhead, and anyone else who might like to take this quiz!
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13urningstars · 1 year
I'm like a day late and we haven't really interreacted that much but... ✵
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  
Their first impression of your muse: Oh this guys gonna be fun [back when starcsream was a con]
Current impression:  He's trying his best, she can appreaciate that. he kind of reminds her of an anxious chiwawa-
Are they attracted to your muse?:  Aesthetically? yes, other wise she's not to sure
Something they find frightening about your muse: How willing he was to bring harm to humans, and that stays one of the few reasons why she's wary of him at first
Something they find adorable about your muse:  How animated he is
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  maybe????? She doesnt know but she'd also rather not
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  sure why not?
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  Entertaining
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: yeah probably
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: mmm, nah. they havent gotten that close yet
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I miss the good old days when writing on tumblr was less of a hassle. You didn't need to follow the icon trends to be relevant and you could use gifs of any size on your posts and no one cared. Everything was just about writing and your editing skills didn't matter. And be ready to be accused of being racist, if you're writing a PoC, if you accidentally make a mistake while trying to brighten a picture that was in a dark room setting for an icon. The correct response to this would be to reach out to this person and try to give them some tips! Not to yell at them as a first response. I miss when the "trigger warnings" actually meant something and weren't used so lightly. Despite what you think kids may think, tw do not mean "this thing is something that I don't like", or "it makes me uncomfortable", or anything like that. It actually means something that can trigger you into having a panic or anxiety attack. I miss when anyone could write villains and no one batted an eye and no one attacked you for doing so. They seemed like any other character being written. But now fiction equals reality and if you don't put disclaimers all over your blog, you could get callouts and hate mail for writing them. And even when you do put disclaimers on your blog, you could still get the callouts and hatemail. I miss the days before pro-ship and anti-ship existed, especially since no one on this hellsite can tell you the actual definition of what those words even means. Because it seems most people use those words wrongly. I miss not having reblog karma, and before folks gets the pitchforks over this one. I understand why people feel the need for it, but I feel like some people have taken it too far. It went from "reblog from the source so it doesn't mess with my notes! I'm not a meme blog!" to "I know you're just reblogging it from the source so you don't have to send me anything!" Meaning you can't even reblog it from the source now, too. because apparently it's not really about, "messing up my notes!" I miss not having to fill out interest trackers. We used to just be able to talk and communicate with each other over what we want to write, and now it's like we have to fill out an application before we can write with each other, like it's some kind of job interview. I'd prefer just talking with my writing partners personally. I miss when people didn't complain about not getting memes, while also simultaneously complaining that people take on more than they can write. Which is it guys? Do you want us to send you memes or not? Will you complain, too, when I don't get your response out quickly enough because I took on another meme? I miss not constantly needing to worry about everyone's opinion on how we can all run our blogs. Everyone says, have fun, it's your blog! But is it really? You almost have to worry about it, at least to an extent, because you get unfollowed and blocked in the blink of an eye anymore. No communication. Just blocked. Leaving you with no clue as to what you did wrong or how you could fix it. The point? Tumblr has become a place where you have to jump through hoops just to write with each other these days. It's just a big hassle. Between all of the spoken and unspoken rules, the trends, and the people who are all addicted to outrage, ready to get a mob together for even the tiniest of offenses. It's no wonder people don't want to write on tumblr anymore. Everything we do seems to make people angry. It's like walking on broken glass. If y'all ever wonder why people are disappearing out of the rpc, this is probably a lot of the reasons why. Some of you guys really take this RP thing way too seriously. It's not real life. Just relax okay? We all need to relax��
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i-am-not-a-villain · 1 month
Hello fellow Marvel fan! Are you looking for a Marvel role-play Discord server? Are you looking for people who are as obsessed with Marvel as you? Well, if you do, today is your luck day! I have just the right thing for you!
My friend made an MCU/Marvel role-play Discord server a while ago, and we are currently looking for more people who could be active to join our server! Our server is a very good opportunity to connect with other Marvel fans and make new friends.
Our server is a safe place for any Marvel fans! We have different channels such as therapy and school help for our members to help each other out. We also have channels for members to share your Marvel theories or memes / fanart / photos with each other. And a channel for suggestions to make our server even more amazing.
Occasionally, our members would have group calls to play party games or watch (Marvel) movies together. ( It's one of my personal favorite things about the server :D ) And of course, you don't have to join our calls if you are not too comfortable or you are simply not available to join.
If you want to do any nsfw role-play, there will be a channel for any 18+ rp. But please keep anything nsfw in that specific channel. In case some of our members are not too comfortable with nsfw.
You can choose any character to rp as long as it's not taken already, that's mean each person can choose one character to role-play as, and only one person can role-play as one character. Here are the characters that are taken so far :
Loki ( a.k.a owner of the server )
Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow ( me )
Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier
Wanda Maximoff / The Scarlet Witch
Stephen Strange / Doctor Strange
Pepper Potts
Peter Peter
I will update the list as each person joins our server
It will be amazing if you would like to join us! But since we do not want our server to become a toxic place instead of a safe place for anyone, the owner did make up a few rules you must respect :
We do not expect any of the following :
Or any disrespect towards any group(s) or people
No toxic or problematic behavior would be allowed ( such as black mail, gaslight, doxxing, death treats, ect )
You must be between the ages of 14-19 to join our server
No advertisements allowed
As mentioned before, this is a safe for anyone. Therefore, you have to be respectful. Even if you don't agree with other's opinions ( such as ships, head cannon, ect ), you have to respect it. We are not going to start any ship wars, fandom wars, or anything similar to those.
Our members are from across the world! Therefore, please respect other members' races, cultures, and religions.
Please do not post anything inappropriate, such as intimate photos and/ or fanart/ drawings, heavy gore, pornoghpy, inappropriate messages directed to other member(s), or things similar to the examples. There will be minors in the server (such as myself)
You WILL be permanently banned from the server if you break any rules. We will NOT tolerate any toxic or problematic behavior.
And last but not least, if you are really interested in joining the server. Please dm me on my main account, @epiione , about what character you are choosing to role-play as, and I let you know the next steps to join the server. :)
Before I end the post, I just want to say that we could be kind of weird sometimes. Don't mind the weirdness! Anyone is welcome to join the server. We are really, really excited to have new members joining our server!
Thank you so so much for reading! Even if you are not interested, it would be really really helpful if you could like or reblog this post so people who might be interested in joining the server could see it! It would also be great if you could share this post with your friends who might be interested. I am really excited to make some new friends!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Can't wait to see you on the server!
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poohsources · 1 year
I'm new to tumblr and i'm not sure how rp bandwagons work on here haha.
I know i have to reblog them, but i'm not sure what happens next or where to put the starter 'n such. so sorry if this doesn't make sense LOL.
hi there! gotta be honest here, i have no clue what bandwagons are ( i tried looking it up but all i gathered was that it's something used in twitter rp ) so i'm not exactly sure this'll be the right answer. but i hope this will be of help for you anyway and is what you're looking for. if not, feel free to send me another ask and i'll try to give a better explanation.
after you've set up your blog and gathered some followers, there are two easy ways to get interactions going. technically there are more, but these two are the ones that work the quickest and make you start doing stuff on your blog.
starter calls. make a post titled starter call in which you give people a chance to request a starter from you. they can like or reply to that post, which in turn shows you they're interested in writing with you. now you can either reach out to plot with them ( if you want to ― usually, starter calls are more of a spontaneous thing that isn't really planned out, although it can eventually evolve into something deeper ) or just make a new post / starter for them. you can keep it simple with just a line of dialogue ( remember to make open dialogue and give your partner something to work with; roleplaying is a back-and-forth that requires some kind of effort being put into it ) or write maybe a paragraph or two ― whatever you feel like doing. it's best to tag the person the starter is for somewhere in the post ( you can do that by using @ and putting the username right after the symbol ) so they'll hopefully see your post. from there on, they reblog your post with their reply, and afterward, you reblog your reply to their post, and so on and so on.
memes. another easy way to get things going is by reblogging memes / sentence starters to your blog. you can find a variety of them either by looking up rp memes ( or if you want something more specific, e.g. angst starters, try looking up that ) and all you'll have to do is to click on the reblog button and put them on your blog. now your followers can send you one or multiple of these through your inbox ( which reminds me that you have to make sure that is turned on. to check that, go to your blog settings, scroll down until you see the switch titled "let people ask questions" and make sure it's on ) for you to reply to. as for your reply, you can either directly do that by accessing your inbox ( if you're on desktop, it's the little mail symbol on top / on mobile you can access it by clicking the profile button on the far right, then going to the settings at the top right and clicking on inbox ) and clicking answer or you can make a completely new post in which you'll copy and paste the sentence starter that was sent to you, and then do basically the same thing i explained for the starter call. write your reply, tag the person who sent it to you in it, and let the reply thread begin.
anyway, it might seem a little daunting at first but once you've got the hang of it, it's really simple and quite fun.
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sundered-souls · 5 months
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Welcome ~
You are now on my FFXIV OC sideblog, where you'll find my original posts about the game (and very occasionally Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate 3). A few things to know about me and this blog:
I'm Skaar (he/they), an adult from Europe
Follows come from @undisclosed-id
I reblog other people's FFXIV posts on @sundered-souls-hub
This blog is NOT spoiler-free
Since I don't believe DNI are all that useful, I'll keep my interaction rules short and simple:
I delete hate mail without acknowledgement
Bigotry and meanness will get the culprits blocked on sight
I won't reblog callouts nor do I care about them
Please send an ask before reblogging an ask meme from me
Feel free to tag me in dash games. It takes me a while to get to it but I'll do them eventually!
You have my permission to draw my characters if you want to, just keep it SFW
If you also play on Chaos DC and see me in game, feel free to say hi o/
Thank you!
(List of characters and mobile navigation under the cut!)
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This blog is centered around my WoL verse, a canon-divergent AU in which there are two WoLs: Inge, pictured at the top, and Aïcha, pictured right above this. The MSQ and important sidequests are split between them and a few fellow adventurers (other OCs of mine).
Inge Sjasaris: about, aesthetics, meme tag (Azem's shard)
Aïcha Bedi: about, aesthetics, meme tag
A’idan Tia: aesthetics, meme tag
Aku Ratyasch: aesthetics, meme tag
Alakja Bloom: aesthetics, meme tag
Emhih'a Litka: aesthetics, meme tag
Griveroix de Gorgagne: aesthetics, meme tag
Hanae Corvus: aesthetics, meme tag
Kazan Takeuchi: aesthetics, meme tag
The Advocate: aesthetics, meme tag
You'll see me talk about the FCU or other characters sometimes. The FCU is my FC RP verse and the names not on here are either characters I strictly roleplay with them or characters that have been shelved/are on hiatus.
Others like A'idan and Inge exist in both verses, but I'll stick to the WoL verse on this blog unless an FC mate sends me an ask about them.
Other important tags
— OOC: OOC stuff — The More You Know: general meme/asks tag — answered; OOC: my replies to asks about me/addressed to me — It's Always Screenies In Eorzea: my screenshots — My writing: well, what it says on the tin — FFXIVwrite2024 masterpost
-> You can also find me on Ao3, BlueSky and Pillowfort
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✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr?
✍️ — what other platforms have you roleplayed on?
😤 — what do you dislike the most about being part of the rpc?
💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
🤗 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’d like to meet irl?
😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before?
Munday Asks - Accepting!
✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr?
Since 2011, so we're at 13 years, now!
✍️ — what other platforms have you roleplayed on?
So many. I used to RP through forums and mailing lists back in the day. I also RP through regular old phone text and Discord. I've roleplayed through passing notes with doodles on them, and of course live and in person as well! I've even LARPed once!
😤 — what do you dislike the most about being part of the rpc?
How scared we all are of being the first to reach out and talk to each other. 😂 Not to sound like the old fogey that I am, but back in my day (ie when I first started RPing here) reaching out to other RPers was the only way to get interaction. Follow someone, send them asks about their threads (in or out of character), send them memes and prompts from stuff they post. Or hell, join an RP group. That's actually how I got my start. But that often required an audition where you sent in proof of your writing capabilities and handle on the character you wanted to RP as.
💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
Honestly, more than I can count. I've made many and lost some, too. @reanimatedmuses @xiaolindude @ofteaandmagic @droppingdonkeys @yieldingdreams and @bitofthisandthat to name a few of the current ones.
🤗 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’d like to meet irl?
I've been invited to @yieldingdreams' wedding, so my cat's health pending, I hope to meet them in a little over a year! I'd also love to meet @ofteaandmagic, who I've been RPing with basically as long as I've been RPing here, and @droppingdonkeys who I chat with on Discord regularly. (I'd also like to see @xiaolindude again.)
😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before?
@reanimatedmuses gets top billing for this since we're dating and see each other twice a year. X3 But I've met @xiaolindude as previously mentioned, and also @coronas-dashing-rogue and @gottagetmeoneofthese (both of whom I miss terribly, but at least we still chat).
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stellaronheart · 2 months
Pinned Post
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Welcome I am Aurora and this is my blog. I have played Star-Rail before but I lost my account along with my e-mail when I changed providers so I am working my way back through it. (I am 100% always accepting friends. ) This is a blog for (Stelle) who I have named Aeyanira you may call her Stelle or Aeyanira either way I am happy with it. She is canon and AU friendly. Heavily Head Canoned multiverse/multimuse/side-blog/oc friendly.
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Para-Multi Para-Novella small format , colored text, icon & iconless rp. A Study In waking up alone, amnesia , found family, learning the past doesn't matter to embrace the future. Becoming a beacon of hope. Reining in chaos, and finding shiny things. A look at immortality, life through the eyes of a twin and seeking a way to find her own ending to her story.
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RULES -- ABOUT -- RP MEMES -- OPEN RP -- HEAD CANONS -- credits for my icon border go to @silvermoongfx
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rpmemesbyarat · 1 year
RP Memes from a “Stupidest Thing You’ve Ever Heard” Reddit Thread
“Can you email me back the PDF I emailed you? It’s my only copy.”
“It says carbonated because they removed the carbs" “How can Hawaii and Alaska have such different temperatures when they are right next to each other on the map?”
"If earth is spinning then why my front door is always facing east?"
"Blueberry muffins you buy premade don't have any blueberries in them. Blueberries cost too much. They dye bees blue because they have the same texture and use them." "I don't know how you can stand to fly when there's a 50 percent chance the plane will crash. You know, because either it crashes or it doesn't. 50/50." "I don't have an e-mail, I have a gmail" “How do we know it wasn’t just ostriches on the radar that triggered Pearl Harbor?” "Fish aren't animals, they're mammals." “Once had someone try to sell me the theory that the moon is a hologram made by the government to trick people.” "Women have 6 ovaries" “Got into an argument with a guy that thought limes were unripe lemons.” "A guide dogs job is to drive the car for the blind person".
“Back during the mosque shooting in New Zealand and the government there were trying to ban guns, my coworker said that they can't do that since it violates the (American) second amendment.” “I thought Lewis and Clark lived in the 1970s.” “I once had a coworker who believed with all sincerity that twins could only be conceived through anal sex.” "Women can control their periods." "You have to understand, I'm not a vibrational match for car accidents, so we'll be safer if I drive."
“A professor in college refused to give back our tests because "you should know what you did wrong" “My best friends sister once spent an hour trying to convince me that marshmallows grew on trees.” “Women pee out of the same hole babies come out of.”
“Water has memory” “Old roommate said that when the weather app says 50% rain then that meant half of all the rain in the sky is going to fall. Same for all percentages. 80%, meant 80% of all the rain possible would fall, 100% rain? Yup, every single last drop of rain is coming down today.” “"Of course a pound of feathers is lighter than a pound of quarters, duh" “They wished they could go back to the 1800’s to see what it was like in black & white” “Root canals cause breast cancer.” "If we evolved from monkeys, why is it when we see a sonogram, we see a person and not a monkey?"
“Is there anything we can do to increase the speed of light?”
"I thought Greece was a myth like Hercules" “The real reason you can drown by falling asleep in a kiddie pool is because you soak up too much water.”
"I didn't know peanut butter was made from peanuts."
"Australia doesn't exist" "Has no one ever taught you? The woman's brain tells her body if it wants to have a baby or not." “If I don’t finish all my eggs within two weeks I throw them out. I don’t want the light in the fridge to make them hatch.”
“Ok, let’s all just get this straight: north does not equal up.” "I hate croutons. They taste like dried bread."
“If you as a guy wear gold ,you will turn gay.” “Some broad I know, fully and truly believed, that Mt Rushmore was a natural formation.” “I have street smarts because I’m good at remembering street names.”
“I have a friend that believed women didn't poop.” "See women don't poop because it helps them attract a mate. They are more attractive to men if they don't poop." "If you're having trouble learning Spanish, just hire a Chinese guy to teach you."
“My computer keeps telling me it can’t see the printer even after I put it in front of the monitor.” “Africa isn't a city, it's a country.” “Do Jewish people celebrate Thanksgiving?” “Migrating butterflies are a problem because they create hurricanes with the movement of their wings” “When the sun turns around it turns into the moon” ““Do women close their vaginas when they are in the ocean? Water is drawn into the body and you can explode.” “Touching your own period blood is just asking to get HIV.”
“Someone I knew once asked me if cats laid eggs.” "I just love pitbulls sooo much! My dream is to get a blue nose pit and a red nose pit to have babies! They'd have purple noses!!" “You can’t put two dryer sheets in the dryer at the same time because they’ll cancel each other out” "What the difference between a mocha and an iced mocha?" “Clockwise and counterclockwise change depending on where the clock is.” "You only get an STI if you don't wash your dick after sex"
"The moon isn't real." “Birth Control pills can be taken rectally too”
“Dictionary isn’t an accurate source for finding definitions.”
“Japan is the capital of Australia” "Science is just some supposed experts' opinions and like why do their opinions matter more than mine? That's why I refuse to accept Science as facts"
"Norweigan" is a word I made up to trick her, because there's no country called Norwegia.” “I started taking my birth control every other day to save money”
"what's beef? Oh what? Thats cow? That's not a different type of meat?"
“Panama? That’s in Europe right?”
“Panda Express is where they save Pandas”
“Lemonade is made from limes” “Are chapped lips contagious?” “Did your grandfather have any kids?” "I have 17 bottles of perfume, some people don't even have that many toes"
"Cooking destroys the gluten." "If the moon was really originally a part of the earth, then when it broke off, it would have decapitated all the dinosaurs."
"Don't keep the window open because you'll let the WiFi out"
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hasellia · 1 year
Hi! My name is Hasselia!
He/They, Demiboy / Non-binary man
Autistic/Inattentive ADHD
Australian (G'day)
Uni Student (If you see me on here chase me off please I have grades to pass!)
Instagram : hasselia_amber
Discord: Hasselia#6856
Steam: Hasselia
Ko-fi: hasselia14070
Throne: hasselia
I mostly post about dinosaurs, palaeontology, fossils, geology, biology and art. I've been curating this little museum of mine since 2017, but lately, it's more like the graffiti section of a Roman archaeology display.
You may have noticed my side bog blog. That is for NSFW post. Minors do not engage in that blog, please.
Feel free to drop a DM or ask about pretty much anything. If you just want to infodump or chat or plug creative stuff, whatever I don't mind (except obviously hate/heinous stuff, and if you want to RP I haven't done that in like 11 years IDK what I'd be doing). I may not be timely, but that's what happens when you send mail by mollusc.
Again, hate isn't tolerated here. TERFS, SWERFS, fascist, racist, MAPS, aspie supremacist and other forms of bigotry will be blocked and/or reported.
My favourite dinosaur is Velociraptor. Please tell me yours.
Tags (WIP)
# banger bring back : post I love & want to see again
# queue wot : my queue
# tumblr games : Post with user interaction
# reblog games : Tumblr game where you respond by adding to the post via reblog.
# tag games : Tumblr game where you respond by adding to the post via tags in the reblog.
# Archives : For databases, tutorials, and generally, information
# Schist posting : Geology memes
# Coprolite Posting : Palaeontology memes
# Thinking of one bastard in particular : Post to show to my sibling
# faves : post I really like & may want to see again
# animal # invertebrate ect : Taxonomy notes & because I think finding animals on a blog via taxonomy tags is really cool.
# love this : post I really love & would always want to see again
# Not part of the collection : (I don't use this one anymore) For unimportant things that don't really fit the vibe of my blog
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waveofstars · 1 year
get to know the author!
name : angie
pronouns :  she/her
preference of communication : i honestly prefer to start off on tumblr ims and then migrate to discord if we get to chatting/plotting! tbh i've been so bad with communicating this year and finally getting better at it (and better at being active in general! so come hit me up!)
most active muse :  chey! she's been my main babe since 2013 and she's not going anywhere. i used to always feel bad that my main focus was on her, but not anymore tbh. she's unapologetically my fav.
experience / how many years :  oh man, i've been writing since the dawn of time. i used to write privately with friends back in the day through e-mail, polyvore, MYSPACE! literally anywhere and everywhere. i didn't find tumblr rp until 2013.
best experience : i have to say wholeheartedly some of my best memories come from the 2013-2014 years and that's largely thanks to @mutatedangels! the summer was full of nights where i'd stay up writing and plotting until the sun rose the next day. it was so fun being giddy over ships and having a blast writing whatever we wanted.
rp pet peeves : refusing to write with certain faces or being too rigid with rules in general. i also never really like when someone chases a face and has no interest in what the actual character is like. i totally get preferences, but sometimes it just feels a little crazy to be so strict with certain rules that really don't matter at the end of the day. it's tumblr rp, we're all here for fun!
fluff, angst, or smut : i'm a sucker for fluff & angst. i love anything that brings on strong emotions! i'm not against smut, and in fact really love the idea of it when i have a great ship - i just SUCK at it. and i get bored writing it pretty quickly. but again, not against it!
plots or memes : oh plots for sure. most of the time i don't really need a big plot, i just like a connection to build off of. almost all my muses have a set bio, stats, etc so sometimes i can't make them work for a specific meme bc it doesn't make sense for them. there's only a few characters of mine that i'm willing to change for the sake of a meme or plot.
long or short replies : i'm a sucker for long replies. i don't always need them to be SUPER long, though i tend to get carried away. i pretty much can NEVER write under a paragraph- so one liners are a no-go for me.
time to write : mostly at night, but sometimes i get some inspo when i have desk time at work and i'll crank out a few replies (or do something like this 😈)
are you like your muses : i have a lot of the same interests as some of my muses! i made a lot of my muses BECAUSE of those interests of mine. sometimes my life experiences inspire me for a character. for instance, i used to be in the film industry and hated it. but i knew someone like chey would LOVE it. so, little things like that! but there's no muse of mine that is quite like me.
tagged by: @wynterlanding tysm hun! <3
tagging: @chronicxwanderlust , @sinsoakedsaints , @kierankyleculkin , @thanaredreamtof , @inexorcble , + anyone who wants to!
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doriangray-irl · 6 months
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❧ dorian gray, he/they
❧ aesthete, hedonist, muse
❧ source: the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
❧ 18+ only, please
i am rather new to this site, but everyone here seems quite charming! i hope you all could forgive me if i were to muddle something up.
i adore receiving mail, but i simply ask that you do not bore me. other than that, i assure you that there is no topic too taboo, no question too outlandish, no interaction too scandalous. scandal and i are intimate friends, as it so happens. only, please remain respectful, or i will throw your letter in the rubbish—which would be a terrible waste of stationary for both of us!
i look forward to meeting you all. ♥
𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲.
ooc info!
this is an rp blog (obviously)! so asks, games/memes, in-character rp, etc are all welcome!
it takes place in an au where dorian has not killed basil or at some point in the book before that (that nebulous time skip between chapters 10 & 11). sibyl is also alive. dorian would be about 25 years old right now.
i am very new to running an rp blog (and new to tumblr in general) so please be patient! i’m just a little guy!!
would love to interact with other characters from tpodg or from other oscar wilde works! i’ve read the importance of being earnest, salomé, and the fairytales (though those last two might not make a whole lot of sense timeline-wise oops), but would be willing to interact with others if you can pardon my ignorance :)
no dorian doubles, please!
apologies if i am slow to respond, life is a thing etc etc.
#asks — asks i’ve responded to
#interactions — interactions w/ others’ muses
#ooc — out of character (either to answer
#🪞 — art depicting dorian
#me core — …self explanatory, i think
#my room — aesthetics of dorian’s house
#basil’s studio — aesthetics of basil’s studio/house
#henry’s house — aesthetics of henry’s house (had to fight the urge to tag it as ‘harry’s house’ lol)
#my attic — the less pretty stuff
#i am too fond of looking at art to care to make it — not my art
as a final note, i have read both the full published version of the novel and the uncensored version submitted to lippincott’s a year before, so if there are any discrepancies in anything i say please let me know.
aaand i think that’s it! my askbox is “dear dorian,” and it’s open!
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sierra6x · 2 years
get to know the author.
NAME: zed. sometimes kay, it's what i went by when i first joined the indie rpc, so if old mutuals and friends call me that (because they know me by it) i don't mind. PRONOUNS: she/her. if you call me they i don't mind. PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr im's. i give out my discord to people i'm super comfortable with or know decently well. i've had bad experiences. NAME OF YOUR MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S): sierra six. EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?): i always wrote when i was a kid. i started writing on aol e-mail lol with other people. i was maybe ... 9? and i'll be 33 in a few days? so 24 years. PLATFORMS YOU'VE USED: aol e-mail, aim, neopets, myspace, roleplayer.me, sitemodel, tumblr. some forums here and there but it never stuck. BEST EXPERIENCE: i met my very best friend in a tumblr group rp like 10+ years ago. i've met some fabulous people and made some fabulous characters that have really define my writing. RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: there's a lot, in my old age. top of the list are people who "write" popular canon muses and just gather names as popularity. there's no actual writing on their blog, save for one-liners they never reply to after one or two posts, and they're all about the aesthetic. they're usually the people with the 10x10 pixel icons that have such a deep fried psd on them that colonel sanders is considering suing them for the recipe. FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: angst, if i had to choose only one. but i like them all within reason. fluff is kind of hard on six (unless you're chris and you throw claire at me) but not impossible. smut is something that comes with planning and an understanding that six isn't a wildly sexual man && tends to run the slowburn division. (and you say: but zed, you have a smut thread right now! // and i say: yes, but mari and i planned the background for the muses and i could hard map out for you their relationship prior to that thread. also it wasn't planned.) PLOTS OR MEMES: both. memes are a good ice breaker, and a good way to introduce more plots, potentially. plotting once we know kind of where we want to go. a few years ago there was a renaissance on tumblr where people who plotted decided collectively to put the onus of work on the other person and i tapped out of all of my plotting spoons then. so i need memes to break the ice. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: any is fine but i tend to get really wordy as i get into a thread and the mindset of the muse. i'm not fond of one-liners. BEST TIME TO WRITE: when u have muse, my dude. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: i wish i was even remotely like sierra six. alas i am not r.yan g.osling. (wouldn't it be really funny if i was, though? like, just secretly r.yan g.osling??)
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sungracd · 2 years
✿  name :  kas which is short for kasumi which is what i’ve gone by since like forever.
✿  pronouns :  she/her
✿  preference of communication :  tumblr dms! i do have discord but i’m lazy and just like having everything in one spot so i’ll forget to check discord most of the time.
✿  name of muse(s) :  the fabulous adrian saint-clair ☆ i did have a multi once upon a time but i just never have the muse or energy nowadays.
✿  experience/how long (months/years?) :  now that i think about it, i guess since like middle school so around 17 years? which makes me feel so old wow- and i think i started out on the rp forums of neopets lol.
✿  platforms you’ve used :  aim, e-mail if that counts, gaiaonline, those invisionfree and proboards forums, roleplayer.me, and more recently aniroleplay and dreamwidth.
✿  best experience :  weeell usually i have a hard time choosing a best or favorite anything, but a memory that def still sticks with me is having this little rp friend group i chatted with daily and got to do group rps with! it was so much fun, especially for someone like me who’s really shy. 😊
✿  rp pet peeves / dealbreakers :  too much negativity. not the venting kind cause that’s only natural but like people that only have bad things to say? this is my fun and relaxing space so i like surrounding myself with positive vibes! that’s about all i can think of though.
✿  fluff, angst, or smut :  all of it! but mostly fluff and angst since i’m a little more picky with smut; it’s really only fun for me to write when there’s a lot of Emotions involved. fluff comes easiest for someone like adri but hurt/comfort does too tbh. i just really like having a nice balance of fluff and DRAMA ✨
✿  plots or memes :  normally i would say memes but maybe a mix of both? idk man, i like how convenient memes are and i like the spontaneity but sometimes they’re really hard for me to think up scenarios for. that’s why i say to spam me with like 20 options lol.
✿  long or short replies :  i prefer short but i’m probably more like an inbetweener? i just like to write what i feel is enough and it usually doesn’t get very long imo. i’d like to do more short & casual banters cause i feel like that would help with inspiration but idk, i guess it always ends up turning into something longer djskl.
✿  best time to write :  weirdly enough, right after i wake up. my theory is because that’s when my brain is the most refreshed and uncluttered.
✿  are you like your muse(s) :  we’re both air signs so in that sense there’s a few similarities in how we think and deal with emotions, but adrian is definitely way more positive and outgoing. i feel like wednesday addams compared to them lmao.
tagged by :  @yakshiaos ,  thank you !! hehe ♥ tagging :  @demonpunch ,  @ebonyforged ,  @fractempyreal ,  @felfruit ,  @svartr ,  @holyrisen ,  @gottgenug ,  @bitbrumal ,  @cruelset ,  @maugus ,  @electric-ecclectic ,  @mellodiies  and anyone who wants it !
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un-chained-a · 1 year
Tumblr media
Name / Alias: Ti
Pronouns: Any is fine with me. But default is they/them
Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other (temporarily mutuals only until i have more free time)
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: nsfw. Animal abuse. Child abuse. Chain mail/messages.
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practice it | I practice it sometimes | I don't practice it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | [space for eventual additions / explanations]
I can be slow on threads. My muse leads me to what they wanna reply to. Sometimes a thread has more of my attention and muse than others. I also work a job and have other hobbies. I won't always be here.
Please tag your NSFW, especially if it's an image. Please no fancy tags, just tag it simple nsfw or something easy. Having fancy ways to tag something that I CANNOT black list it, might get you unfollowed.
Do not send hate of any kind or spread hate of any kind. This can be with call outs, or reblogging things of 'every time this gets reblogged *insert person* dies.' It will get you unfollowed.
People who CONSTANTLY pester me for threads or telling me they replied (I am okay of course if I give you PERMISSION to tell me when you reply. I have one person I asked to tell me when they reply cuz their replies don't always show up on my blog.) I am fine if you ask me about a thread once in a while, but doing it every day or really constant will get you blocked.
Really bad grammar.. I don't mind mistakes, I make mistakes too in my writing. But if it's constant, I'm sorry I can't do it. It bothers me too much. I am WAY more lenient to people who's first language isn't English, but tbh, those people have WAY better grammar than people who is first language.
People who take art as icons and cannot say where they got them from (giving the artist credit.) I'm not saying you have to have a BIG ASS list on your blog of all the credit. But it someone asks who made your icon, please be able to tell the person the artist. Please be able to credit artists some how if asked. (The icons I didn't make I can say who made them when asked on Shigaraki.)
I changed it to hard blocking. I do NOT soft block. I either unfollow or hard block. Unfollow = We can still RP together, it's just that your content on your blog bothers me. Hard block = I will no longer talk / RP with you.
Reblogging call outs. I want no drama on my dash, including call outs. Talk it out like adults instead of spreading rumors and bull shit. All y'all claim to be adults but you certainly don't act like it. I've seen my friends called out and everyone blocks them without asking for THEIR side of the story. So yeah, I want none of that on my dash or in general ANY drama. I admit if it's a few times you post drama, I am okay, I get you may need to vent. But if it's a constant thing, I'll hard block.
As stated above, really bad grammar and sentence structure. I cannot read run on sentences. It gives me a head ache. The same with GIANT blocks of texts-- no paragraphs just a big wall. I don't like that either.
People I just don't vibe with. If you give me bad vibes, I'll block you.
People who soft block me or block me, I will block in return.
This kinda goes with the above mentioned...
People who post really long posts that are NOT RP. Like that color of the sky post. I hate it. Posting long posts that take me a few scrolls to get by might get you unfollowed.
Posting politics.
You are a personal blog or all it seems you post is musings and ooc. If I see NO RPs from you, I won't follow. I will also unfollow if I see no RP content from you. That being said, SOME personal blogs I DO follow, esp if they're a friend.
You are a bot / p0rn blog.
I just happened to miss you. It happens. If you RP I usually follow back. And if I don't follow you-- Just RP with me and I probably will notice I am not following you and follow. MY BLOG IS NOT MUTUALS ONLY.
tagged by: I yoinked Tagging: YOU
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grimhunts · 2 years
NAME: Dani
PRONOUNS: she/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Usually discord! If we’ve written/chatted before, then mutuals can DM me for my handle, but I’ll use tumblr DMs for new people 
NAME OF MUSE(S): Hunter and Caleb Wittebane, at least on this blog. I’ve got a couple of solo d.escendants blogs, and a multi with a few primarily animated muses
EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?): I think I’ve been consciously rping for nine years...? But I’ve been writing on tumblr specifically since about 2017
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: tumblr, discord, instagram, kik (rip), wire, and maybe a random forum or two. i’m only active with tumblr and discord now for writing
BEST EXPERIENCE: I’ve made some really impactful connections from rping, from finding one of my best friends to this day, to meeting some pretty awesome gals and movie night pals (can’t wait for our next one!). While I’m not in contact much with them anymore, I think one of my best experiences was receiving an xmas card a few years ago from one of my writing partners at the time. It was the first time I ever received mail under my alias, “Dani,” and it just felt really cool and cute to receive
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: Plotting only works when there’s something to bounce of off, and I’ve definitely had times in the past where I’ve reached out or vice versa for plotting, and had minimal or no ideas thrown back at me. It can get disappointing sometimes
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: I was gonna say fluff and angst, but while I still really enjoy fluff, I’m realizing a lot of my favorite past threads have all had elements of angst to them... oops. It seems I’m a sucker for writing out muses working through emotional conflict, but hey, it’s never without a happier ending of some sort (ignoring that one thread with Caleb’s death I’M SORRY). I’m selective about smut, I don’t really do it on dash, but if the muses are of age, and it’s consensual in-context, then sometimes I’ll dabble in discord
PLOTS OR MEMES: I love both! Memes are a great way to get new interactions going especially, so I love sending them, but I do also adore getting to plot extensively with others. I can get super into plotting more often than not, and have a crap ton of fun doing it :)
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I’ve got preference for long replies, those can be the most fun to continue on, but I enjoy doing both
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Unfortunately, the motivation to write tends to hit me at the ungodly hours of night. It is currently 2am while I type this up... My hope is that once I’m back at school, I’ll get back into a rhythm of hitting up drafts in the afternoon or evening, when I have downtime between or after classes
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): That is a loaded question for me lol... I absolutely vibe with Hunter in 3x01, as far as being a lil nerd and starting to accept himself, but even though she’s on a different blog, I probably relate much closer to Willow, given some of my experiences and the way that I’ve come to view myself over time
TAGGED BY: @trvehearted (ily alice) TAGGING: I’m not quite sure who’s done this one yet, so you can absolutely steal this from me PLS ;)
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