#You dont have to continue hehehehe *twirls hair around finger*
medicus-felini · 11 months
"That's how it went; this little game of truth and dare.. I knew it would cause me trouble, ga ne." Mr 3 chuckles, unlike how someone else planned; he doesn't feel annoyed at all. He's hardly takes first steps and that was just a perfect cue. The artist leans over her desk, elbows over the table while facing the mink; as the dare said he should do. "We're close enough and while I know I shouldn't be that shy to talk about these things with you, Missy Linn. My heart just can't handle when I think about you that manner, specially in front of others, ga ne." He gently takes her hand, placing over his own cheek as he nuzzles it without breaking eye contact. " I'll admit I'm into wax play but it's not my main thing.... if you're ever interested. I even searched for things that wouldn't glue onto your fur—that’s more as a foreplay tool than anything." He gives a firm squeeze over her hand.
“Now about fantasy… well. I’m a simple man; doubt that would be called degenerated per say. Do you know when our hearts feel like one and we’re about to feel total bliss? There’s.. really something about if I just took it from you; that ending. I guess because I like to be in control of things; plan them. Now...If that happened.. over.. and over..and over." His lips touched her palm, kissing softly as his eyes closed for a bit. “ There’s something sublime in the total frustration and pain that is not being able to get what you want, until you feel simply miserable and just want the release of that sensation, you know.”
“Oh.. to imagine Missy Linn with pitiful eyes; begging please and then holding them closer to me as I finally allow myself to end that agony. As if our body only think on the desire than anything else.” His teeth nibble on the side of her palm, breathing deeply.
“I hope—hope.” Obviously, flustered and excited by that. He gulps down as he looks at her again. “I don’t sound like a degenerate to you, Missy Linn. By now.. I..Feels like our bodies are like extensions of each other… and I yearn to be complete so often. but I… don’t want to be a pervert in your eyes, ga ne.”
@waxgentleman `♡´ The wax question (finally)
Well, that was certainly something. Looks like this game reached Galdino, and he had to do his fair share of dares too. The doctor wouldn't call it trouble per se, though. An amused smile escapes her lips, how many times did they have problems being frank with each other? He was a gentleman through and through, always trying to keep things to himself rather than sharing them. The embarrassment was shared, Linn would physically melt down in a puddle of shame if she ever had to speak her desires out loud. They understood each other without words, which was good enough to not take it as something bad
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The wax play question has always been a light tease, accompanied by some serious interest. Mr. 3 had the ability to create wax on the spot. He had to make use of it aside from battle and art, anything else would be... weird! ❝ Oh, you actually did research about this topic...? ❞ the mink stammers, her heart sinking. That man's train of thought is so unimpeachable. ❝ You are planning through everything. You really did not have to- ❞ Well, maybe she was secretly glad he did. Ah? He was not finished yet. But that was all she was asking for as his truth in that game.
Galdino's voice feels like salve, honey around her ears, which makes them twitch with every syllable. And the lips leaning towards her hand, her palm—oh dear god, what is he doing? Linn can only listen silently, eyes big like saucers, all while a heavy blush pushes itself onto her whole face. It's bad. Very bad. The cat has to remind herself to blink every once in a while. She is on autopilot. Factory settings.
He is talking about edging. Orgasm delay. Isn't he? Quite bold to just share this with her. Was it that bold? It's not like they are still immature teens in their first week of sharing closeness. Both enjoyed their fair share of tea time. Still, the way he phrases it—wanting to see her helplessly pleading to end said ordeal... interesting indeed. Galdino was honest with her. There was not a hint of teasing, his teeth softly nibbling on her hand made her shudder.
His monologue is finished with his final self-conscious sentences. A pervert? He is so humble, so modest. It makes her heart melt even more. Her lids lower, trying to catch his glimpse, welcoming his eyes to find reassurance in her own. ❝ Is that something you are curious about? To see me truly lost and at your mercy? Hm, maybe you did have your reasons for being in prison, Mr. Galdino. ❞ She quips.
The hand, which was kissed a moment before, rests on the artist's cheek, caressing slowly over his warm skin until wandering along his jaw and finding its place on the side of his neck. Oh, how his pulse throbs against her paw-pads, adorable...
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❝ I am not one to deny a thorough session of... investigations around these fantasies.❞
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keyenuta · 4 years
TW Prologue: So enters The Wizard: part 2
(I'm gonna change up how i write dialogue to test stuff out, of you prefer this style please let me know) pt1, pt3
Mirror of Darkness: Your soul's shape is...Ramshackle!
Despite no echo being made, all throughout the room the word reverberated in everyone's minds. How could that be it's just an abandoned dorm?! For what felt like hours suddenly the silence was filled with a loud,
Everyone: Eeeeh?!
As each dorm head and student each shouted out in confusion, even Zoroaster, the boy in question looked at the mirror in shock, his golden eyes widening as his smirk became waver, beginning to crack into one confusion.
Grim: Ffnah?! Wait were getting a new member?!
Grim's sapphire eyes widened in confusion as he looked to You, now without their carpet of hair covering their face, Yuu looked just as dumbfounded as Grim, all they could really do was shrug.
Riddle: H-Headmaster, can they really enter Ramshackle, it was abandoned for some time after all.
Crowley: Mr.Rosehearts, I am just as confused as you are.
Leona: geez, this is too troublesome, I should've just went to sleep.
Kalim: ooh! Jamil, were getting another dorm isn't that exciting! Haha
Jamil: Hmmm, I agree Kalim, it is certainly interesting to say the least.
And all the while, despite all the murmurs and talking in the background, Zoroaster, the boy that spawned this uproar walked back to the mirror and now spoke plainly.
Zoroaster: uhh, you sure about that mirror? I ain't ever heard anything about a dorm named ramshackle ever, we need to clean your glass or something?
His chuckle died on his tongue from the expression of the mirror, it's stone cold face still glowering down on the boy as if nothing was amiss, or was a laughing matter.
Mirror: If you would prefer I look once more I shall, but your soul still reads ramshackle
Zoroaster: wait wha-
The boy was cut off by Crowley's outstretched hand. Resting in front of the boy's mouth as he rushed over to the mirror. While in the background whispers and murmurs slithered even more.
Crowley: Wait, wait, oh great Mirror of Darkness, there must be a mistake, Ramshackle is not a dorm I dont under-
Mirror: Headmaster Crowley, have I stuttered?
Crowley: well no, but why, please at least explain why no other dorm is suitable.
The mirror cutting him off gave the headmaster pause, but still he pleased the mirror for answers.
Mirror: Ramshackle is the shape of his soul headmaster. The reason why is because no other dorm fits his soul. The trait I saw within him was innovation. Now that is all. Please whoever is next come forward and give me your name.
Zoroaster seeing as he wasn't going to get anything more, went over to where Yuu and Grim stood and introduced himself to his new dorm mates. He strolled over to them and gave a playful bow
Zoroaster: Thanks for havin' me here, if ya want you can call me Zoro, no need to say all of it, oh and why's there a flaming racoon here?
Grim: Grrr, i am not a raccoon! Hmph, I am the great grim, and you are my new minion! Heheh
The monster laughed as he grinned from ear to ear imagining all the new stuff he could do with a new minion around. Zoroaster on the other hand looked to yuu who gave him a smile and shrugged, welcoming him in while the ceremony continued.
Up next there was the green skinned boy from earlier, as he walked over to the mirror, you could've sworn his brown eyes were staring at Grim with stars in his eyes. And thankfully when they stopped at the mirror, it broke him out of his trance.
Mirror: Give me your name
Jolting out of his trance, the boy whirled his head to answer the question, his hood flapping with every movement before he stopped on the mirror once more.
???: Oh-oh! Right, I'm Theodore, Theodore Elphaba!
He spoke brightly with a highish voice as he bounced and wobbled on his heeled slippers, while his hands clasped behind his back.
Mirror: Your soul reads, Ramshackle
Theodore: gaaaasp!  Yay!  I got in the kitty dorm! 
Theodore cheered happily as he raced across to Grim, despite the monster's protests he still found himself glomped in a massive hug from Theodore as ge began to pet the monster while in the background Zoroaster trued and failed to hold in his laughter
Grim: hey! Let go im not a cat! I-i'm prrr the great grim!
Zoroaster: awww, nice to meet ya Theodore, seems like you met the great and adorable grim already he teased to the monster. Who hissed between his purrs.
And next up, the Lion from before shuddered up to the mirror, his long mane of dreadlocks bouncing with each step as he shimmied forward. Gulping, while gripping his tail he stuttered while his orange ears dipped down
???:I-i-i am R-Regis Anakh, t-thank you
All through his stuttering introduction, the Lion listened for the mirror to give his statement as his eyes were bound shut, as he muttered in a scared whisper
Regis: please don't pur me in the dark gremlins dorm, please no scary dorm, please-please-please
Mirror: Ramshackle
Regis: That's even worse, oh no oh no, um uh, your great and knowledgeableness, d-do I have to be in this dorm?  I mean I would be fine being in his-no I mean uh
Zoroaster walked up to Regis with a smirk on his face, but he did feel a bit sorry for the guy, so he placed a hand on his shoulder abd tried to calm him down
Zoroaster: Heheheh, don't worry man, you're gonna be fine, no worries, ain't...nobody...gonna hurt you.
His word's tapered off as Regis scurried away from him in a rush
Zoroaster: man stop being an actual scary cat it's gonna be fine, no ones gonna hurt you I promise
Regis nodded fiercely but made no intention to move whatsoever. In the end Zoroaster shrugged and walked back to his spot there wasn't much he could do.
     As the ceremony reached its end, and the uproars continued, you could see the look on Crowley's face. It seemed as if he saw a ghost as in a clean sweep, each and every member of the late arrivals all had been inducted into ramshackle. Dorothy and the tin man, Simon both went in there as well to his shock.
Crowley: a-ahem! I thank you all for joining us today for our late arrivals, as well as the apparent reopening of Ramshackle into an official dorm. It is truly another day of miracles I must say.
The headmaster gave a smile to the students around him as he paced in place, and continued his speech.
Crowley: but with a new dorm, there must be a dorm leader. And for I am so gracious, I will allow one dorm head battle. For whoever wants to be dorm leader, please step forward now!
And out of the seven dorm members, two students stepped out. Though one had to tear himself away from Theodore's iron grip. In the middle of the room, the two students who chose to be dorm leader, was Zoroaster and Grim.
Crowley: i see, very well, Students please follow me onto the field, if you would prefer.
Leona: feh, what do I care about a few herbivores fighting, Ruggie let's go, this was a waste of time
Ruggie: Shishishi, alright Leona bye bye!~
     Waved the hyena as Savanaclaw made their exit. For the rest of the dorm leaders, vice and otherwise, for their own reasons they stuck around. Whether it's simple interest, such as with riddle, entertainment(Kalim) or if its for more unsavory means, as with Azul, they each waited for Crowley to give his mark. On one side of the Ceremony room, Zoroaster smirked a wicked grin, bouncing on his feet as he shook his right arm, as soon an item tumbled from its dark abyss to reveal a black hooked handle. Zoroaster's eyes closed for a moment as he twirled the hook, feeling a familiar groove he snapped his eyes open as a metallic click sounded from the hook, as a long shaft rocketed from the collapsed cane.
Now instead of gold, his eyes have turned an emerald color as with one last twirl, he launched the cane to his left hand and snapped the cane to his side like a showman on set getting ready to perform. Green eyes met sapphire as Zoro smiled at the monster before him.
Zoroaster: So grim, how 'bout we put on a good show, i think the audience deserves a good one after all this
Grim: heheh! Yeah I'll show the great magician grim in action! They'll be like "ooh, look how cool Grim is!" Or "wow! I wonder when I could get that good"
Zoroaster: Heheheheh, a magician vs a wizard, wonder who'll win? Though I will say, my money's on the wiz.
Crowley: The rules are simple, when this mirror leaves my hand, please only use magic attacks only, good luck you two.
Theodore: GET HIM GRIM!
Yuu: Heheh, good luck you two
Regis: please don't hurt me but, y-yes, best of luck
A ear bursting shatter fills the room, it's trickle being closely followed by the roar of flames and a low mutter. Rapidly as an ocean of blue flames stampeded towards Zoro, he made no movement so move, no action to defend, all he did was mutter.
Zoroaster: Walk down a road of yellow bricks and come to see the wizard, of the Emerald city
After the flames enveloped the tall boy, in mere moments a fierce howl echoed all around. As from where the flamed had hit, a thick emerald mist billowed out. Surrounding everyone on its haze as from behind Grim a figure made of that mist drifted out, and with a swing of a cane, Grim was launched back by a emerald bolt of lightning.
Grim: Arrrgh, what the-why didn't you get roasted?!
Grim demanded annoyed, but without answering his question, Zoroaster snapped his fingers, as the very ground beneath them cracked and heaved up, thinning into a long winding road of amethyst stone that Zoro hopped on, sliding on the thin pavement as he rocketed towards grim
Azul: oooh, that's quite the impressive unique magic, very powerful indeed.~
Azul cooed, eyeing the display before him, but in the background, you see Regis cowering once more in the corner, trying to stay very far away from this fight. Meanwhile Theodore was calling grim to shoot a left, and right at the monster. Rooting for him with all his might.
All the while Grim on all his paws charged forward to meet the incoming boy head on, but as he went to launch fire onto the boy, he suddenly found himself shrink more and more, and for those outside, in a poof, they found grim transformed into a small lizard, landing square in the wizard's hand.
Zoroaster: if ya wanted to meet the wizard ya came to the right place, would ya rather be a lizard or frog
At those words, seconds after the words left Zoro's lips Grim turnt from a lizard to a black frog. Eyes bugging out frog grim leaped out of Zoroaster's hand and yelled angrily at him
Grim: nyaah! No-i wanna be normal now
Zoroaster: Pffft if that's your request I'll grant it, don't worry
Snapping his fingers, Grim in a second turned back to normal as the ground returned to normal as the wizard tried and failed to hold his laughter in
Zoroaster: Heheheheh, sorry about comin' off like that, guess I'm feelin' playful today
Grim: phew, hey, don't do that again?! What kinda magic is that?!
The monster demanded as the flames in his ears blazed from agitation while Zoro leant on his cane
Zoroaster: it's my unique magic, emerald city whatever's in this ring, whatever pops into my head i can do. Zero gravity? Got it, want a soldier of stone i got that. Guess ya could call it magic incarnate i guess.
To further emphasize that, he floated on the air and soon a soldier of purple stone was erected in moments. And in the back, you could see Azul's smile widening as he flicked up his glasses, chuckling lowly as he listened to what this magic was. Now he was sure he had to have it.
Trey: my, that seems like a complete opposite to your own unique magic Riddle.
Riddle: yes, that seems to be the case, Trey
Grim: well i don't care how strong that is, ill still show yiu who's boss minion!
Zoroaster: Wonderful, let's keep goin' then!
      The Wizard smirked wildly as he and the soldier charged forward, to respond Grim decided to run while sending out pot shots of flames, immediately, the soldier's rocky frame bounded together and took the flames head on, as Zoroaster hopped on its back, launching him to the cat, skidding to meet him, as in a second, water and fire magic collided into steam, surrounding the two in a blanket if thick fog, but despite this, the wizard still smirking, snapped his hand one last time, as now, a hiss was heard.
As soon, unbeknownst to Grim, from the steam the two had just made, two snakes formed and wrapped the monster up, binding him as the snaked coiled around him.
Crowley: Seeing as Grim can no longer continue the fight, Zoroaster Ozma wins, please release grim Mr.ozma.
Breathing out a sigh of relief, Zoroaster gave one last snap as the fog receded, and any and all damage from it disappeared like smoke. Now unfurling grim groaned as he saw Zoro crouch to pick him up.
Zoro: We put on a great show I gotta say, how ya feelin' Grim?
He asked outstretching his hand, which soon met a paw
Grim: mmm, in fine, heh, i guess i can let you become dorm leader minion
Snickering with the monster Zoro shrugged it off
Zoroaster: ya ain't allow nothin' but alright
Crowley: Mr Ozma, congratulations on being dorm leader of Ramshackle, perfect, could you be so gracious and guide the dorm to their home.
Yuu: Sure why not, everyone follow me haha
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