#You don't understand I love the HEA AU so so much-
corrodedseraphine · 1 year
easy | one shot
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: "But Eddie has a girlfriend!" Dustin said first. "He does?" Adam asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "I do?" Eddie muttered under his breath trying to understand what was going on. "Yeah, he is dating my sister y/n!" Will continued. "They're so in love with each other it's disgusting." Dustin rolled his eyes.
Everything would be fine if it weren't for the fact that neither you nor Eddie were informed in advance of the fact that you were a couple.
It promised to be a very interesting week. angst/fluff and almost smut (making out in the bathroom), friends to lovers
In this AU Joyce didn't move to California, but Argyle is there in Hawkins because he is too cool to erase him just like that.
TW: mention of injuries, blood, murder, drugs
the one shot is also avaliable on ao3
9 591 words
When I first got the idea, I thought it would be a very short and pleasant story. As standard, it turned out quite differently!
I know I said this fanfic wouldn't be related to any song, but as I was writing I was listening to one of my favorite songs about love Safari by Piotr Zioła on loop and couldn't resist adding elements of it in there.
eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
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"Here are my favorites!" Wayne said entering Eddie's room with a big cardboard box.
"Please let me tell Dustin that you called us that, this little shit will lose his mind." Robin grinned.
"He knows it. This is my uncle and sometimes he loves you guys more than he loves me." Eddie replied with a mouth full of pizza. 
You were sitting in the Munsons' new apartment. After the huge compensation Eddie got from the government, they decided to give up on the trailer park and find a place where power failure and lack of hot water would not be on the agenda. You, of course, helped them with the moving out. Unfortunately, Eddie's condition was not the best so with the carrying furniture and cardboard boxes Steve, Jonathan, Argyle and Hopper helped Wayne. You, Robin, Nancy and Joyce took care of painting the rooms, but now it was time to eat to strengthen yourselves before continuing. You sat in a circle on the floor, since you hadn't yet had time to assemble the table. Suddenly there was the sound of a telephone in the apartment. Wayne went to answer it and returned after about 10 minutes with a worried expression on his face.
"If it weren't for the fact that the police chief is now sitting across from me I'd think I'd messed something up again." the younger Munson joked, to which Jim just rolled his eyes.
"We'll have visitors next week." sighed the old man.
"Remember aunt Theresa and her son Adam?"
"Jesus, no!" his reaction spoke for itself.
"They want to come for a week."
"So at the moment when we live in a trailer and can barely afford anything they don't want to know us, but when we suddenly get a lot of money and a new apartment they feel like suddenly renewing family ties?" he asked with disgust in his voice.
"It's only a week Son, you'll survive."
"Nope. I won't survive. Hopper you don't have a free cell for a week? I'll be much better off there than in their company."
"Don't be dramatic, kid." he replied.
"Joyce! Have mercy on the victim, store me for this time in your basement, you won't even notice I'm there," he whined. "I just got you out of the hospital, the doctor said that I am categorically forbidden to do any extreme activities!"
"How can a family visit be extreme?" Steve asked.
"When you meet them you'll understand."
You finished eating and everyone went back to their duties, but you went to help Eddie with changing the bandages. From the very beginning you were the only person he allowed in, because you handled him most delicately of all. You knew that Wayne was trying his best, however, Eddie always dramatically confirmed that everyone else wanted him to die in pain.
He sat on the edge of the tub as you cleaned each wound in turn. He hissed in pain from time to time, each time you heard it you sent him a slight smile whispering that it would be over soon and everything will be fine. When each wound was thoroughly cleaned you moved on to applying the ointment.
"Why do you dislike your family so much?" you asked while rubbing the ointment into his cheek.
"They have always considered themselves the best of the family, just because they have money. They love to brag about it, if they could they would wear badges that say 'we're fabulously rich, sucker,'" he said rolling his eyes.
"That doesn't sound too good." You sighed.
"I'll be hearing all week about how worthless I am. Too stupid to graduate from high school on the first try, too controversial looking to get a good job... The list goes on, if I were to list everything we'd have to sit here until night."
"Hey, look at me." you said grabbing his chin and turning him so that he was looking straight into your eyes. "You're not worthless. You saved the world, Eddie. You saved us all. The only worthless thing that exists is your hopeless aunt's words, do you understand?"
"You saved me, too. More than once." he whispered surprised with your words.
"I would have done it a second time without hesitation."
When you found yourselves in the Upside Down after passing through the gate at Lover's Lake the Demobats took you as their target. Without a second thought, Eddie rushed to your rescue when one of them wrapped its tail around your neck. Later, while Steve, Nancy, Jonathan and Robin dealt with Vecna together the two of you and Dustin were supposed to distract the monsters. Unfortunately, Eddie had no intention of listening to Steve and feeling a surge of courage he cut the line when you and Dustin returned to the trailer on the good side. That didn't stop you from jumping after him. You don't know if it was the adrenaline or the despair that overwhelmed you when you saw him that made you and the others able to get him back out the other side. The option of getting out of hell without Eddie simply didn't exist for you.
"I just... I don't want Wayne to be ashamed of me. I don't want him to listen to all the crap they say about me because I know he cares. He tries not to show it but I can see it. And that's the worst part of it all."
"Wayne loves you. And I know he would do anything for you. It's normal that when someone talks nonsense about people we love it upsets us. Remember when you had to pull me forcibly away from Craver who was bullying Will? I thought I was going to tear him apart then. I probably would have if it hadn't been for you."
"To be honest, you were terrifying, I was scared as hell," he laughed.
"If necessary I'm ready to defend you from your crazy family too. I just need to grow my nails so I can claw out their eyes better." you answered. When you saw the smile light up his face as well, you felt your heart skipped a beat. You meant it in all honesty. You would do anything for the people you love. He didn't need to know that you loved him in a little different way than the rest.
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When the ultimate day arrived Eddie was sitting in his room with Dustin and Will working on the details of the next D&D campaign. This was to be Will's first time as Dungeon Master for the whole group so Eddie, as always, eagerly offered to help. They were fiercely discussing the final boss fight when the door to his room swung open gently and Wayne showed up in it.
"Hi Uncle Wayne." Dustin and Will said simultaneously.
"Hi boys. Eddie? Our guests have arrived." As soon as the last word left his mouth the door swung open wider allowing his aunt inside. There was a look of displeasure on Wayne's face at the fact that she had walked in there as if it were her own room, but he didn't comment. Immediately after her, her son Adam walked in.
"Hello, Edward!" she said in an overly high tone, looking around the room with a judgmental gaze. "Why don't you give an old aunt a hug as a greeting?"
"I'd love to, but unfortunately the doctor has forbidden me to have close contact with other people." Eddie replied in a flat tone causing the younger boys to snort quietly with laughter.
"Hm... I see you still haven't grown up. Adam threw away all his toys the moment he started high school."
"These are not some toys, they are needed for our campaign." He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Are you still playing that satanic game?" interjected Adam.
"It's not- Yeah, you know what? Yes, I play the satanic game all the time. Actually, I'm the leader of the cult now, and these are its scary members Dustin and Will. Before you say anything, yes, I am bringing the Hawkins youth to the dark side of power to worship Satan with me." Their visit had so far lasted only five minutes and they had already made Eddie think about how much more fun it was to be ripped to shreds by demobats.
"Alright." Wayne interrupted his dramatic speech before things got too far. "Why don't I show you the rest of the house and the neighborhood?" Without a word they left closing the door behind them.
"Dude, they're awful." commented Dustin.
"Are you still playing this satanic game?" Will began to mock Adam.
"This is going to be the worst week of my life." The metalhead rubbed his face with his hands.
For the next few hours, Eddie didn't leave his room for a step, knowing that the enemy was sitting right behind the wall. He tried to focus on Will's campaign but anxiety and nerves didn't help him one bit. When the doorbell rang around the apartment all three of them left the room knowing it was Hopper. However, they didn't expect it was Aunt Theresa opening the door for him.
"Good evening officer!" she said. "My name is Theresa Munson, is something wrong?" A confused Hopper sent Eddie a questioning look, to which only the latter rolled his eyes.
"Nothing happened, I-"
"Did Eddie get into trouble again? I know he's been in trouble with the law several times before," she sighed. "Edward I'm sure what you did was not intentional right?" She didn't let him get a word in edgewise.
"What the fu-" Eddie didn't have time to finish when Wayne came out of the bathroom.
"Jim! How are you?" he said shaking Hopper's hand.
"Good." he replied still somewhat surprised. "I came to pick up the boys."
"Oh, so you're not here after because of Edward? What a relief!" his aunt interjected.
"Unbelievable!" Eddie exclaimed, banging his head against the wall.
"I'm just worried that you'll follow in your father's footsteps! Look at you, tattoos? torn clothes and that satanic music you listen to? That doesn't bode well, does it, officer? If you don't change something about yourself you'll never find any girlfriend or a good job."
It was a punch below the belt. Mentioning his father was crossing the line. Seeing Eddie clench his fists and the knuckles on his hands turn white Will and Dustin sent each other a communicative look.
"But Eddie has a girlfriend!" Dustin said first.
"He does?" Adam asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"I do?" Eddie muttered under his breath trying to understand what was going on.
"Yeah, he is dating my sister y/n!" Will continued.
"They're so in love with each other it's disgusting." Dustin rolled his eyes.
"Come on boys, we have to go." Hopper said, interrupting this bizarre exchange of words. "Your mother will kill me if we don't get back before dinner."
With that, the two teenagers left them all in shock, including Eddie. After they left, he quickly locked himself in his room thinking about the situation. Apparently you are a couple now. How should he behave around you now? He didn't know what to do with all this. These two little bastards had just put him in a game of pretend relationship with the girl he wrote all his love songs about. On the one hand, it was a great opportunity for him to finally make a move on you. On the other, he was paralyzed by the fear that nothing but rejection awaited him.
"You can pick the place." Hopper said as soon as they got into the car.
"What place?" asked a puzzled Will.
"Where I can bury your bodies when y/n finds out what you've done."
"Oh come on! Everyone knows very well that she has a crush on him!" Dustin exclaimed.
"They're both only have eyes for themselves, we're just helping them finally do something about it." Will tried to defend them. "Just helping!"
"Even if it's true what you're saying, they should come to it by themselves, not by your wild ideas," he sighed. "You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm not going to get involved."
And Jim was right. As soon as you found out what they had done you were furious, yelling at them that they had no right to decide for the two of you and put you in such a strange situation. However, it was too late. Locked in your room, you nervously played with your fingers while looking at the phone standing on the bedside table, not knowing whether you should dial the number to the Munson's house and explain the situation. Apologize for the behavior of these little shits and hope that your relationship will not worsen because of it. Plunged into your thoughts, you didn't even hear the knock at your door. After a moment of unresponsiveness on your part, Jonathan and El entered the room.
"Will told us what happened." began Jonathan slowly, sitting down next to you. El wordlessly followed him. "You know very well that they didn't mean a bad thing," he said.
"You can come in too." You sighed still looking at the door. After a moment, your younger brother emerged from behind the wall and, not knowing what to expect, walked slowly into the room.
"I know that a simple apology is not enough!" he began to defend himself. "But this aunt is really awful person! She started comparing him to his father, she thought Hopper had come to arrest him, or God knows what! She said he would never find a girlfriend, so we wanted to help him a-and then this idea came to our minds! At firs it didn't seem so bad. We thought...I am really sorry y/n."
"It's okay." you said quietly and you extended your hand towards him. "I forgive you." He ignored you hand and hugged you tightly with a relief. 
"Eddie didn't protest, I think he liked the idea." he said quietly and you smiled.
Despite the fact, that thinking that Eddie liked the idea of being your pretended boyfrend for a week made you feel very warm you weren't able to stop thinking about what Will have just told you about his aunt's behaviour. She compared him to his father? Your blood boiled inside you. No one had the right to say such a thing, and you set as your goal to make sure it wouldn't happen again. At least not on your watch.
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All Tuesday from the very morning you could not sit still. Lessons went on mercilessly, still thinking about the situation into which you were embroiled. When you told Robin about it at lunch she looked quite excited saying that finally something would happen between you two. She was the only one who knew how you truly felt about him and from the very beginning, she was trying to persuade you to finally do something more than rambling to her about your feelings. In her opinion, Eddie should be the person to actually listen to it. The longer you thought about it the more you had to admit that the excitement was getting to you as well. Yet you still didn't know what Eddie thought about it.
When the final bell rang, you quickly ran out of the school, got on your bike and headed toward Munson's apartment, stopping by a bakery on the way. Once there, you took three deep breaths and knocked on the door, which Wayne opened a moment later.
"And who do we have here?" He asked with a smile.
"Hi Uncle Wayne." You said answering with the same. "Is Eddie home?"
"I don't know where else he could be, come in." He let you in. "This is my sister Theresa and her son Adam. And this is y/n," he said as you walked deeper into the apartment. They were both sitting on the living room couch watching TV.
"It's very nice to meet you!" you said in an over-sweetened tone.
"We are also pleased to meet you." Replied a somewhat puzzled aunt.
"Did I hear my favorite Bayers?" Eddie leaned out of the room with a broad smile. Seeing his reaction you took it as permission to take it a step further.
"It's good to know that my little brother hasn't stolen that title yet." you laughed walking up to him. "Hi, Teddy." You kissed him on his healthy cheek. Not expecting it, he fossilized for a few seconds but after a moment he woke up.
"Hi baby." he said, smacking you on the forehead. "I see you've already met my wonderful family?" he added with a hint of sacrasm.
"Yes, Wayne introduced me." you confirmed. "Did you change the bandages today?" you asked wanting to change the topic.
"Not yet." he said, shrugging his shoulders.
"So here's the plan: First we'll change your bandages, then we'll take care of the school notes I brought you." you announced "Ah! I almost forgot! I was also at the bakery on the way, and I brought your favorite doughnuts."
"I told you she was the best." he said proudly looking his aunt straight in the eyes. Wayne watched you from afar with a smile on his lips. Pretend or not - it was nice to see you in such a position.
When you disappeared behind the bathroom door, free from the prying eyes of his guests, you breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank you..." he said quietly. "For playing along."
"Will told me about what you heard from her. I thought instead of clawing her eyes out right away we'd show her how wrong she is. If you don't mind, of course."
"Of course I don't. I was afraid it would be you who would mind. Those little shitheads hadn't decided anything about it with me before."
"So since neither of us has anything against it..." you said. "You told them I was the best?"
"Of course, and it wasn't even a lie!"
It took you more than two hours to come to grips with the notes. If Eddie had dispensed with his dramatic episodes the time would have been about half as short, but you were in no hurry. Sitting behind the closed door of his room nothing changed too much, your relationship from the very beginning was very good and full of laughter that reached the eavesdropper Theresa and her son. After finishing his study, Eddie played you some new songs he had written in his spare time. Three of them were related to each other telling the adventure of fighting the worst kind of evil, which was full of throwing fireballs, manipulating thoughts and knife-sharp fangs tearing skin. The fourth had no words yet. That, at least, was the version for you. The piece of paper with its words was tucked deep in the closet along with the rest he had written thinking of you. So that it would never see the light of day.
As dinner time approached Wayne called you into the living room where you helped set the table and get a few things ready. Eddie accompanied you, watching as you casually moved around the space talking and joking with his uncle. Feeling a pleasant warmth on his heart, he thought if it could stay like this forever. The way you jokingly patted his hand when he tried to snack, or when you pretended to be a princess in distress unable to open a jar, so he as a brave knight would come to your rescue. Such behavior was not something new for you, but this time as a wonderful addition, from time to time he could steal a little kiss from you on the cheek, forehead or tip of the nose, or without hesitation hug you from behind when you were standing at the counter cutting vegetables for a salad. You then leaned gently against his frame, creating an enclosure of safety around you. You both tried desperately to remember the feeling you had then if it was about to disappear as quickly as a soap bubble.
"So how did you two meet?" Theresa asked as you all sat down at the table.
"Eddie was friends with my twin brother, Jonathan, so it was only a matter of time before we met." you replied while putting food on your plate and then doing the same only with Eddie's portion. "I must admit that from the very beginning he had something about him that caught my attention." You continued.
"Interesting." she hummed. "Edward, how's the situation at school?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you going to finally get out of high school? You know you won't be young forever." she paused briefly. "Adam is studying in New York. He's one of the best, he's getting a scholarship."
"That's great." you commented, not wanting to drag the subject further.
"And what are your plans after graduation?" Adam turned to Eddie with a contemptous look.
"I don't know, at this point I'm just trying to get better." He shrugged his shoulders without taking his eyes off the food.
"Eddie is great with cars!" you blurted out. "Before the accident he used to work for a local mechanic, he really appreciated him." You placed your hand on his, which was lying on the table. When you squeezed it gently he looked at you and sent a slight smile showing a dimple in his cheek.
"Well, yes, but without education you can't find a good job," he said.
"I believe that if someone is good at their craft they don't need any high degree at all to succeed. And Eddie is the best, and I'm sure that as soon as he finishes high school this year he will be very successful." Your voice was still kind however this time a hint of firmness could be sensed in it.
The rest of dinner passed in silence. When you had finished eating you helped to clear the table and wash the dishes. Then it was time to go home.
"My mother and Jim are hosting an engagement party this Friday. She said to tell you that you and Adam can also feel invited. It's going to be great fun, right Eddie?" you said already standing at the door.
"Of course sweetheart." he replied with a fake smile hating the idea of them being there with all his heart.
For the last time that day you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Although it was gentle Eddie felt as if your lips were leaving a permanent mark there, which imprinted all the way on his heart.
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The rest of the week looked similar. Except for the day of Hellfire, you came to him after school bringing notes and spending the rest of the day together. You could get used to such a course of events, unfortunately, when Friday came you felt nostalgic about the fact that this could be the last of the days like this. Theresa and Adam were going home Sunday morning which meant that these were also the last days to enjoy Eddie's closeness. Feeling a weight in your chest, you got off the bike and headed toward the apartment. You didn't expect Adam to open the door for you. He was shirtless. You immediately felt extremely uncomfortable and wanted to turn back but he stopped you.
"Wayne and Eddie went to get some groceries, you can wait for them inside." he said smiling broadly.
"Thanks." you muttered and squeezed past him in the doorway.
"I just finished doing my home workout. You know, we have a gym at the university, so I go there every day, I can't stop." He winked at you coming closer. Responding nothing with a quick step you walked to the living room and began to unpack the contents of your bag. In addition to your notes after school, you entered the store and bought the new figures for D&D that Will kept talking about that they would need for the new campaign. You carried the notes to Eddie's room, then sat down on the couch in the living room and began spreading out the figures and paints on the coffee table. Adam never took his eyes off you, watching your every move making you feel increasingly nervous.
"Do you play this stupid game too?" he asked, sitting down next to you.
"I participate in campaigns from time to time." You replied shrugging your shoulders. Not wanting to lean on the couch as his arm was stretched across the backrest, you aimlessly moved things from one place to another, making you not notice how close he was to you. It reached you when you felt his hand on your cheek. Surprised, you looked in his direction and immediately jumped away standing up on your feet.
"What the hell are you doing?" you shouted.
"Oh come on, don't you wanna mess around? It will be a while before they come back from the store." he said getting up from the couch.
"Jesus, no! Have you lost your mind? What made you even think that I might want something like that?" 
Adam was wrong. Eddie and Wayne returned from shopping, but you were so preoccupied with the situation, and your voice was so loud that you didn't hear the door open. Eddie, seeing you with his half-naked cousin in the living room, felt his heart suddenly get very heavy. He was just turning to leave the apartment and not look at it when Wayne grabbed him by the arm and with a hand gesture showed him to be quiet and watch what would happen next.
"So you're saying all this talk about having a crush on him when he was just your brother's friend is true? You fell in love with a trailer trash who worships Satan? The scars are turning you on?" he smirked. "A better Munson is now standing in front of you, baby, don't waste this opportunity."
"Don't you fucking dare to say one more word!" He crossed the line. It wasn't even about how he behaved toward you. You were too concerned about what he called Eddie. "I tolerated your and your mother's snarky behavior just so I wouldn't make Wayne uncomfortable. But since he's not here now I'm happy to answer your questions. Even homeless Eddie would be much better than you. You don't measure up to him you damn asshole! I don't care about your expensive car you are so enthusiastic about, I'd rather walk everywhere my whole life than get in it. I don't give a shit about your apartment in New York. I would have had a better life homeless under a bridge. And yes, I loved Eddie when he lived in the trailer, I loved that he made me feel at home there, trailer or not I fucking love him so you have to remember that the next time you talk shit about the person I love nothing will hold me back anymore. I will make you regret it for the rest of your miserable life. I'm disgusted with you. I'm disgusted by how self-absorbed idiot you are and how your ego blows the scale. And you are right. You're damn right that these wounds are incredibly attractive. Do you know why? Because they remind me that my Eddie is a fucking hero! You don't even realize how many lives he saved back then! So yes, he and his scars are the hottest in the world and definitely much more hotter than your pathetic gym routine." The words flew out of your mouth like bullets. The shock on his face encouraged you even more but then you heard the door slam.
"Adam?" the voice of Wayne made you tighten your lips into a thin line and take a deep breath.
"Y/n! Good to see you!" he said bringing in the shopping bags.
"Hi Wayne." you said getting the nicest and the calmest tone you could afford at that moment.
"Sweetheart!" before you had time to respond Eddie with a quick step and a wide smile on his lips was already at your side. What you didn't expect, however, was what came next. He cupped your face and kissed you. Eddie was kissing you. You experienced a three-second shock and then completely surrendered to the kiss by placing your hands on his chest. His nose gently touched your cheek, you felt its tip was cold. Yet his lips were burning. Even though the kiss was brief, you felt as if your soul had left your body and had travelled to a completely different dimension. Was it a dream? If so, you didn't want to wake up.
After Eddie heard what you were saying, he felt he had to do it. Many times he saw you defending your loved ones from all kinds of attacks. You weren't afraid to cover Will with your own body when Vecna tried to get him, so verbal attacks were not a problem for you. You also handled this one very well. More than once he had the opportunity to witness this. Now you were doing it for him. This awakened completely new feelings in him. He was sincerely touched and happy. In that moment you gave him something he had not felt since Wayne took him in. He felt wanted and loved. Even if it was pretended at that moment. Nothing could take that moment away from him, so he decided to take a risk. The risk definitely paid off. He enjoyed every second of it. The satisfaction was also a bonus. He wanted to show "the better Munson" that you were his. As if what you said wasn't enough. He wanted the kiss to be a seal saying she is perfect, and she is mine. Damn, he wanted you to be his so bad.
As if nothing ever happened, you sat down on the couch with Eddie and took up painting. You didn't say a word about your exchange with Adam, and Eddie pretended he hadn't witnessed one of the best moments in his life. Painting took you a lot longer than you expected. Plus more because every now and then you glanced in his direction focusing your attention on his mouth as he told you more details of the campaign. Could you have become addicted to something you had only tasted once?
"They are being chased by a pack of wild mutant lions so they run into an old hut where the master of nightmares is waiting for them." He tells you while gesturing with his hands. You're interested in what he's saying, but damn did his lips always look this beautiful? "Earth to y/n!" he yelled clapping his hands.
"Shit, sorry, I zooned out." you woke up suddenly. "So what exactly is it about the master of nightmares?"
"He throws you into a vision that replicates your greatest fears," he said.
"And what is Eddie the Banished's greatest fear?"
Losing you. That was his first thought. "Y'know it will probably be bats." he cuckled and winked at you.
"I am so sorry Eddie, I didn't mean-"
"It's fine, clam down." he said, yawning.
"You're tired, I should go."
"No, stay." he grabbed your hand. "I mean... if you want to of course, I thought you'd wait until they're dry to take some home for Will."
"Oh, sure." a smile crept onto your lips on its own as you accepted the proposition. Lips. You had a feeling you never thought about that particular body part as often as you did today.
"We can chill a little in my room." he suggested. You knew perfectly well what he meant.
"You know very well that I won't agree to this kind of chilling." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Those strange doctors have made it very clear that until the traces of the Upside Down are out of your system for good, there is no question of smoking anything."
"But- please! Have mercy on my poor soul." fell to his knees in front of you making you giggle.
"Don't you dare use those puppy dog eyes on me Munson. It's for your own good." you said softly and tenderly stroked his cheek with your thumb.
"You heartless woman." he faltered, laying his head on your lap.
"Okay, I am able to bear the weight of those words." you chuckled. "There are many other ways to relax, you know? We can listen to music, or read."
"Will you read to me?" he asked raising his face toward you. Big chocolate button eyes glared at you. His face looked so innocent. Rarely did anyone get a chance to see it, since Eddie almost always wore his mask. The fact that he didn't have it with you made you feel very special.
"Come on, adventure awaits!" you helped him stand up and walked to his room. After a moment of deliberation and dithering about whether you should read The Hobbit for the millionth time, you decided that this time it would be some new fantasy book that Wayne had bought Eddie while he was still in the hospital.
"Wayne won't mind that I'm staying this long?"
"Of course not. Besides, we still have some time before they come back."
"We have plenty of time before a pack of wild lions reaches us?"
"And before one of your worst dreams hunts you down" He replied and patted the bed indicating for you to lie down next to him. With that, you began to read, but after a short time you both began to get sleepy. The dim light of the bedside lamp, the warmth that eminated from the two of you, the comfort and peace that you felt in each other's company succulently lulled you to sleep. When you heard a quiet snoring in mid-sentence you looked at its source with tenderness in your eyes. Feeling your own eyelids getting incredibly heavy you put the book aside. Just five minutes. You thought and, moving closer to the boy, allowed yourself a small nap.
It was not as small as you thought.
"Yes, Joyce, you have nothing to worry about." Wayne said. "They were already asleep when we got home, I don't want to wake them up. Yes, I'm sure. They will manage, they are adults. Yes, it won't be a problem for sure. Okay, bye. See you tomorrow." Eddie lazily opened his eyes and rubbed them with one hand. He listened to his uncle's words looking on in disbelief that you were still here. And much closer than before he fell asleep. He brushed your hair away from your face as gently as he could so as not to wake you up.
"Hey, kid." Wayne whispered. "I talked to Joyce, she can stay."
"Thanks, Wayne."
The man smiled and winked at him, closing the door behind him. Eddie took the blanket that lay at the other end of the bed and covered you. In your sleep you turned your back to him and he took the opportunity to embrace you becoming a big spoon. Feeling you move even closer and snuggle into him he thought his heart was about to explode. Your back touched his abdomen causing a slight pain in the areas of the still healing wounds, but this pain was bearable. Besides, it was nothing compared to the happiness he felt. 
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As the first rays of sunlight broke through the cracks in his blinds and his watch indicated the unmercifully early hour Eddie sighed unhappily. He had never been one of the early birds, and there was no promise of change in that regard. When he opened his eyes he remembered why he was actually sleeping in his clothes. You must have turned in the night because now your face was facing his. You kept one hand under the pillow and the other lay on his side. He wanted to close the gap between you and wake you up with a kiss like in one of the cheap rom-coms, but he didn't know if he could let himself do that. Kissing you in front of his cousin was justified, since you were going to pretend to be a couple, you had to be convincing, but wouldn't doing it when it was just the two of you be too much? He was weighing all the pros and cons when he noticed your eyes slowly open.
"Good morning Eddie." you said stretching.
"Good morning, panda." he replied in a whisper. You looked at him questioningly, and with his thumb he lightly rubbed the black mascara marks under your eyes that must have formed there overnight.
"Oh, shit." you said while covering your face. "'m sorry." you muttered and sat down on the bed.
"Don't be, you look cute." So cute I want to kiss you again and again and... again. His brain didn't let go recalling these visions every now and then. Instead, he simply told you that if you wanted to dress up you could borrow something from his closet. Since your top was a bit sweaty after the sleep, you agreed by taking one of the Hellfire shirts and went to quickly get yourself cleaned up in the bathroom. Then you waited for Eddie to shower and get dressed and helped him with his bandages as you always do. You had seen him shirtless countless times, but now that he was sitting in front of you on the bathtub in only loose sweatpants you were overcome by a feeling that you only allowed yourself in the privacy of your room by fantasizing about your friend. You were afraid of the fact that these fantasies were now at your fingertips, and before you could stop yourself your hand actually moved toward him. Eddie, as if in a trance, equally enchanted by the moment, watched your every move. Your fingers gently traced a path on his body. Starting with a healthy cheek, continuing on his neck, shoulder and then chest.
"Do you like what you see, sweetheart?" he said, unable to catch his breath.
"Very," you whispered biting your lower lip.
"I like what I see, too." He confirmed by pushing your hair off your shoulder. He imitated your movements. Starting by gently brushing your face, neck and arm which was slightly exposed by the fact that his shirt was too big on you. Your breathing became faster and faster as you rested your forehead against his. His hands quickly found their way to your waist pulling you as close to him as he could. And then you kissed him. No matter how close you stood to each other until your lips were joined the gap was too huge. Initially shy and tentative sparks ignited a fire. The desire that had been bubbling inside you for a long time exploded. Still kissing you, he got up from the tub pushing you toward the wall so that you were trapped between it and him. Trapped? You were not going to escape even if you were to burn in this fire. As he laid wet marks on your neck you sank your hand into his curls. The temperature was hotter than hell when you felt his hands go under the shirt you were wearing. His lips returned to yours as he pressed his body against yours and you felt how hard he was. You thought you were going crazy.
"Eddie..." You didn't control the moan that spontaneously left your mouth.
"Yes, Angel?" he asked pulling away from you. His eyes were darker than usual but on his lips was the same smile as always. The same dimple-showing smile that made your knees weaken.
"Please." That was all you could get out of yourself before you put your hands on his neck pulling him close. This time he was the one who moaned right into your mouth and started to roll up your shirt to take it off. And then a fire truck arrived. A huge bucket of icy water to extinguish the big fire between you. A big downpour called Theresa.
"Hello? I think you've already finished changing the bandages! Some people need to use the restroom!" she shouted, knocking quickly and hard on the door. Of course she was eavesdropping. Of course she was doing her best to squeeze in where she wasn't needed. Eddie moved away from you and unlocked the bathroom door. Visibly angry, he passed his aunt without a word and went to his room to get dressed. He was definitely uncomfortable with the fact that they could see his wounds. When he returned, he noticed you in the hallway putting your shoes on. Seeing his sad expression you smiled slightly.
"I have to go help my mom get everything ready for tonight's party." You explained grabbing his hand. "But don't miss too much, we'll see each other in a few hours, right?"
"Yeah." one corner of his mouth lifted
"See you later." In farewell you kissed him on the cheek and left the apartment. Leaving him alone with thoughts of what the hell  just happened.
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When you got home, you didn't have much of a chance or time to think about the morning's events. You and the rest of the household threw yourselves into the whirlwind of preparations. You sat with Mom and El in the kitchen while Jonathan and Will helped prepare the garden, carrying chairs and tables there. After some time, Steve and Eddie also came to help. Because of his condition, Eddie stayed close to you in the kitchen and Steve went to help set things up in the garden. There was a kind of tension between you and the metalhead, but it wasn't bad. All the time you were sending each other glances and smiles. When you handed him vegetables to cut, his fingers brushed yours. The tiny gestures created a kind of attraction between you, which was terribly hard to resist. Despite everything, you did not bring up the subject of what happened just a few hours ago in the bathroom.
The party was going on at its best, Hopper and Wayne were sipping beers while keeping an eye on the meat on the grill, and right next to them at the table sat Joyce, the Sinclairs, Mrs. Henderson, Jonathan, Will, Eddie, and Theresa with Adam, who today was being extraordinarily, suspiciously nice to Eddie. Shouts and laughter came from the other end of the garden. Together with Dustin, El, Robin, Argyle and Steve you were playing fresbee, while Lucas and Max cheered you on from the sidelines. The disc flew out of your hands almost every time though you didn't give up. Seeing your persistence Eddie couldn't hold back a smile.
"Eddie!" shouted Will. "Are you even listening to me?" he rolled his eyes.
"Of course! You were talking about the new campaign."
"Yeah! What exactly?" Silence and the Dungeon Master's reddened face was the only answer he got.
"Will give him a break, you can see that something else is on his mind." interjected Jonathan. "Or rather, someone?"
"Is that someone our sister?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." he muttered while covering his face with his hair.
"So, Theresa! How is life in New York for you, life in the city must be very interesting!" the voice of Joyce caught the attention of all three so they turned their heads towards the aunt.
"Oh, it is! It's also very hard. It's hard to maintain the role of the Munsons, who have not followed in the family footsteps." she laughed artfully. "Fortunately, we're doing great with Adam."
Eddie's leg began bouncing under the table at an incredibly fast pace.
"What does that mean?" Joyce asked a visibly confused.
"Our family doesn't have a very good reputation, as you well know. Not many of us are able to get out of a miserable life in a penny trailer or avoid owning a police cartorette." She sent Eddie a quick glance, through which he knew he was about to receive the final blow. As his aunt continued, his leg began to move even faster, which did not escape the Byers brothers' attention. They both sent each other somewhat frightened glances but did nothing, waiting for the situation to unfold. "When we found out that Eddie was wanted for murder we were immediately horrified that he had followed in his father's footsteps-" she didn't have time to finish when Eddie stood up abruptly looking at her. Father. A word that caused even more pain than the pack of demobats tearing through his body.
"Don't-" he began in a shaky voice. "Don't you dare mention him. Don't you dare call that man my father, you understand." he tried to be calm. In truth, with all his might he wanted to be self-controlled now, but it all seemed too much. All week he had bravely endured everything she said about him. But now when she did it in front of everyone he cared about, when she did it in front of your family, pulling the strongest card in the process he couldn't stand it. Wayne and Hopper became alarmed and walked closer to the table, but that didn't stop him. "This man is nobody to me. A stranger. A fucking sperm donor nothing more. He is a murderer. He killed my mother, and your sister. His last name is Davis. Not Munson." He felt something tighten in his throat. Something making it difficult for him to breathe. "My father's name is Wayne Munson. He raised me, he changed my last name, so don't you ever dare call that man my father again." Saying all this, he looked her straight in the eye. He wanted to make sure she understood every single word he said. Feeling tears come to his eyes and he quickly turned away walking into the house. He couldn't afford to cry in her presence. That's why it wasn't until he was in your room that everything he held inside gave vent. Angrily, he grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it with all his strength onto the floor then sat on it himself while leaning against the bed. He took the pillow cuddling his face into it. As the smell of your scent filled his nostrils even more tears flowed into his eyes. Like tentacles full of venom, thoughts of Aunt Theresa being right wrapped around his mind. He thought he wasn't worthy of you. Maybe she was right that he didn't have a good future ahead of him. If he couldn't provide it for himself how could he provide it for you as well? How could a freak hated by the whole city be worthy of someone as wonderful as you? He felt like screaming. At that moment he hated himself even more than his aunt.
"I thought I'd find you here." Hopper said as he entered the room and sat down next to him.
"Yeah?" Eddie earned a smile while wiping away tears.
"Actually, I think that would be everyone's first thought."
"So obvious."
"Listen... I shouldn't say this, but your aunt is really insufferable. Don't worry, okay? Everything she said was one big bullshit."
"Looking at how many times I rode with you in the police car I wouldn't agree," his words were bitter and full of sadness.
"I know you Eddie. I admit that at some point you were not on my list of favorites, but later I got to know you from a different side as well, and I have to admit that Wayne did a great job raising you."
"Wayne is a great guy," he said.
"So are you." Seeing Eddie only nodding in the negative, he sighed heavily and continued. "I know the man your aunt was talking about. And you are nothing like him. You almost died protecting my kids. You are a hero. And you make one of my daughters damn happy, so as far as I'm concerned you're one of the best people I've met in this messed up life."
"You think I make her happy?" the wall of sadness was shot through with tiny hope.
"Very happy. That's why I don't even want to dig into why she came home in your T-shirt today."
"That- it's not what you think," he began to explain.
"I said I don't want to hear about it. Besides, she came back today very smiling. I haven't seen her like that in a long time."
"Eddie what happened? Jim?" when you noticed that Eddie had disappeared from the table you asked Will where he had gone, and he only said that towards the house, without giving you any details. Moments later you found him sitting on the floor with Hopper. His eyes were a little puffy and red, and you knew he had been crying. You were afraid that Hopper might have said something that led to this, and as if reading your mind he raised his hands in a defensive gesture.
"I didn't do anything. Your boy just felt a little worse, you know yourself how wounds can sometimes give you a hard time."
Hearing this seconds later you were on your knees next to Eddie. "Do you need painkillers? Maybe you need to rest? You can stay here and sleep." With concern in your eyes, you watched his eyes become even glassier. "What can I do to help you, Eddie?" without a word he pulled you close with a hug. You were his safe heaven. He knew that with you he could be vulnerable. "Eddie, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want your wounds to hurt you even more." You said quietly scared that such closeness could inflict more pain on him.
"I don't care 'bout them," he muttered into your hair.
"Come down to us when you're feeling better, we'll be making a fire soon to toast marshmallows." Hopper said, leaving you alone.
The two of you sat cuddled together for some more time. When you returned to the rest of the party, you didn't leave his side for a moment, making sure he was feeling fine and everything was okay. The rest of the evening passed peacefully, especially when you all sat around the campfire listening to the melody of the acoustic guitar that "slays dragons."
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When the day of salvation arrived and the intruders left the Munson kingdom Eddie could breathe a sigh of relief. Even Wayne admitted that their visit was too much to bear and they deserved a rest. Still, Eddie could not rest. Staring at the ceiling, he wondered what your relationship would look like now. Will you forget everything that happened? Such as how close you were to each other? He tried everything to clear his head. Playing his guitar, writing songs, planning campaigns, drawing- nothing. Completely nothing was able to pull his thoughts off track. Countless times he approached the phone and was already almost grabbing the receiver but chickened out at the last moment. At the point when he could no longer handle himself he sat down on the couch with Wayne and they watched TV in silence. But whatever was playing on it didn't help. Then he heard a knock on the door. The thought crossed his mind that maybe it was his aunt who had returned, which in itself made him feel sick. Fortunately, it was you. Although the look on your face didn't indicate that you just came here to hang out. You were nervously biting your lips and your eyebrows crinkled together as you played with your fingers.
"Eddie, we need to talk." you said when he let you in and without a word you went to his room.
"What's wrong? I know pretending to love me for a week was hard, but I didn't think it was that hard." he tried to joke.
"Shut up!" you exclaimed. Your lower lip began to shake and tears came to your eyes. You had thought about the course of this conversation many times before coming here, but you didn't expect to be so carried away by your emotions. Seeing his surprised and then somewhat hurt look made you feel terrible for having erupted like that. He deserved an explanation. He deserved the truth. He didn't deserve yelling at him, for sure.
"I'm sick of how badly you talk about yourself. I'm sick of how you think you're not worth loving, because- because loving you is easy, Eddie! The easiest." you began, feeling like you were about to die of nerves, but you came here with a purpose and you were going to fulfill it. "I want to love you the way you deserve it. And you deserve the purest, the most honest and the strongest kind of love in the whole world. And I know that if you only let me, I will be able to give it to you. But I want you to know that I will understand if you don't feel the same way about me," the last words passed through your throat with extreme difficulty. You were ready to take the risk. A broken heart was a better option than keeping your feelings for him hidden. Especially since you had the opportunity to see what life at his side might look like. It looked like a dream. And you have to fight for dreams.
"You know I'm not the best at talking about feelings." he sighed. "So I'll use a little help," he said taking a couple of D&D figures in his hand and sat down on the bed. You sat down across from him. "If this were one of the campaigns I would say that a very important part was when Eddie the Banished and Y/n Golden Heart had a battle that lasted a week with two, extremely nasty monsters," the figurines portrayed a small fight scene. " After the monsters were gone they both met, in King Harrington's palace in the lobby, just by the door. Not feeling like feasting, they sneaked out and climbed onto the roof of a small shed that was nearby. Under the cover of night, they felt like they were the only people in the world. The night was beautiful. And the fact that evil was not lurking just around the corner gave it an added charm. The wind gently rustled between the trees, the hushed sounds of the feast could be heard in the background, and they were so immersed in a conversation they had created that they forgot about everything else. They talked about comets, about the next adventure that awaited them, about anything they wanted to talk about. The stars in the sky shone brighter than usual. They heralded the beginning. A good beginning." He grabbed your hand. It was a little sweaty because he vas nervous but you didn't care about it at all.
"How do you know it's a good one?" you asked quietly sniffing and feeling that you were calming down. You've always known that Eddie is amazing at storytelling, but this was the first time it involved something so sensitive.
"As the first shades of orange appeared in the sky and the sun gently began to illuminate his companion's face, Eddie the Banished realized a very meaningful matter."
"What kind of matter?" you waited impatiently for the continuation.
"From the very beginning as soon as y/n Golden Heart appeared in his life he couldn't stop thinking about her. He couldn't remember anything because all his thoughts were directed only toward her. At first he thought she charmed him with a bunch of curses, after all she was the most powerful witch in the kingdom. Because of this, he thought, he felt a constant need and desire to always be by her side. Having once been under the influence of the fumes created by the powerful herbalist Argyle, he wondered what kind of magic it would take to reduce him to the size of a rat, so that he could hide in a pocket in her robe to be by her side for a few moments longer." He laughed, and you dreamily listened on. "His life was like a hurricane. It rushed dangerously with unimaginable speed bringing with it a lot of destruction and dangerous changes. But despite the hurricane, he waited for a warmer front. That morning when y/n the Golden Heart closed her eyes and smiled slightly feeling the warm rays of the sun surround her face, he realized that she was the warmer front. They had survived a lot, rescued each other by pulling out of fires and getting out of rivers, defeated the scariest monsters in the kingdom. And they were together. They never left each other's side. It reached him that his feelings were not caused by curses. What he felt was stronger than a curse. It was love. Simply put, he was in love with her, and to his last breath he wanted to be with her."
"How many points do I have to roll to kiss you right now?" hearing this sentence from your mouth he knew that nothing more was needed for his happiness, so without hesitation he joined your lips together.
Eddie was right that this was the beginning. A very good beginning.
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taglist: @i-me-mine
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bookofmirth · 9 months
Do you think that gwynriel will be The Little Mermaid retelling? I saw someone say they think it will be a love triangle and Elain will see Gywn and Az getting along and she sees the necklace that was supposed to be hers. The sea witch tricks Prince Eric into thinking she is the girl he's in love with. So, Elain will use her seer powers (we don't know much about them yet) to trick Az into thinking they are mates. I saw another theory say what if Elain falls in love with Azriel despite the mating bond with Lucien, but he ends up choosing Gwyn and it causes Elain to turn bad. I think it might be Little Mermaid retelling, but I’m not so sure on Elain being a villain. I don’t like the idea of her being bad unless it’s done very, very well. I was surprised to see there are quite a few theories on Elain being bad/evil, but I guess it kind of makes sense. People underestimate/least expect since she’s off in her garden and keeping to herself.
Not really, mainly because sjm has stepped away from doing straight up retellings. Even in acotar, she took the bare outline of Beauty and the Beast and made it her own thing - if Tamlin was the beast, then they don't even end up together and the irony is that he did have something dark to him that prevented their HEA. Cassian and Nesta weren't a retelling of anything. ToG was supposed to be Cinderella but it bares such little resemblance to Cinderella that by the end of the first book it's its own thing.
Sarah takes bits and pieces of stories, fables, religion, other cultures, and uses what she wants. She's never faithful to the original story, she just takes the vibes and aesthetics that she likes and then goes on her own journey with the characters. That's part of the reason why I don't think that most super-detailed theories are going to pan out. Sarah does research into other stories and cultures and religions, but she's rarely faithful to them to the point that we can follow the bouncing ball all the way from point A to point Z. She's more like, here's point A, and now I'm going to forget the rest of the alphabet.
I'm not super into the idea of Elain being bad or evil, first off because it's so unlike anything that sjm would write, and second because it would go against who Elain is as a character. I think she could get tricked into something or even tempted, and then have to repair the damage - hence my idea for an elucien Legend AU - but intentionally? I don't think she would do anything to hurt her family. I understand why people have those ideas too, because it would be an interesting subversion of what we know about her character, and it would be one way for Elain to take agency over her life! I guess I just don't see it happening in canon.
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ichaisme · 4 years
Love, Loss, Hope, Repeat
The hardest part about losing a loved one is trying to rework your life without their presence. Bendy from @a-rae-of-sunshine‘s HEA AU makes that adjustment while also welcoming Henrietta into it. 
Do not seek death. Death will find you. But seek the road which makes death a worthy closure of the final chapter of your life.
The decision to record at the funeral caused a lot of ruckus, and though many debates led up to it, the reasoning was rather simple. While it was only a friends and family affair, it seemed at least half the town considered themselves friends. In their years after the horrors of the studio, their little family accumulated quite the menagerie. What a rare gift, to gather people from all walks of life under a banner of friendship, and their little family seemed to have it in spades. 
The video served as a testament to the sheer number of people who loved him.
Even if it sat on a shelf to never be seen again, its very existence provided a physical dose of proof, a human library of all the ways he touched the lives of everyone around him.
Bendy never thought he’d look at the video.
Something had set him off tonight. He didn’t remember the details, but it likely had to do with Henrietta. 
As soon as he got to hold her in his arms, he loved their newly adopted daughter with all his heart. Yet on multiple occasions now, the feeling of familiarity would strike him like a bolt of lightning, and it would begin. The ache in his stomach would grow, his ink would drip in an instability that he hadn’t felt in a long time; a reminder, a desperate reach for a comfort he couldn’t get again. He would remember what that ache meant. He felt the loss more strongly than ever then.
Things couldn’t continue like this. He wanted to think of his dad and smile, think of being a dad and want to do just as good as he did. Yet the loss rang in his head like a clock striking the hour, he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone. He hoped seeing the video would give him back control. A reminder of finality. A request to push on.
He held the tape in trembling hands, stood like a statue in front of the television. Frozen. 
Close your eyes, and listen. What do you hear?
A survival strategy from the studio, passed on by Allison as calming advice. The little devil gripped the tape harder, far too tense. What did he hear? Ink. He always heard ink. Dripping, flowing, rushing, life giving and life taking ink-
Also breathing. Gentle and calm, he could hear James, asleep on the couch. He didn’t need to turn around to picture his face, perfect and sweet, hair mussed up from lying down, the only constant the bit of hair that always stuck up. Slowly, he began to calm down. He released his vice-like grip on the tape, gently sitting down as he finally, finally pushed it into the VCR. If he needed to stop, James would be there for him. But he owed it to his little family to try first.
While the voices were clear on the tape, they didn’t register in his head as much more than a nagging static, murmured conversations just out of reach as people filed in for the funeral. Despite the somber occasion friends and family alike tried to keep their spirits up. They’d had to pick and choose well in advance who would speak. So many people had stories about Henry they’d be happy to share. Little by little, the mood seemed to lift, from the emotional sinkhole it began as, to something almost… hopeful. 
Some stories were sad, of course, tinged with all the bittersweet notes of the knowledge that there’d never be a follow-up story. Others were quite funny, regaling antics long forgotten or never shared, even if he didn’t have the strength to laugh at them then or now. Allison spoke for Bendy, reading off what he’d written down. The mood in the room was a muddled, heavy mix of emotions. Sadness and mourning mixed with occasional bits of joy in the strangest cycle he had ever experienced. 
Love, loss, hope, repeat.
He’d forgotten how much they’d all done for him.
Bendy glanced back at the couch, rubbing at the inky tears sliding down his face. James still lay on his back, fast asleep with their little baby in his arms. While the sounds of the television wouldn’t disturb Henrietta, they certainly would his husband. He needed the sleep. The little demon scooted closer and turned the volume lower. The video continued, cutting from the funeral service to the first time he’d visited his grave, after the headstone had been placed. 
At the grave he’d left the single best memento he could think of, lovingly crafted to stand the test of time and elements: a framed drawing for Henry. One of his first to feature them as a family, all stick figures and ink splotches and only just enough to differentiate who was who. With this simple gift resting against the simple headstone, a clear message emerged: Here lies Henry Stein. As an artist, as a father, and as a friend to all who needed it, he was beloved. 
The tape ended here. He stared at the screen a while longer, as muted video turned to muted static, until finally he turned the tv off. The room plunged into a familiar darkness, and the weight of the world pressed against his shoulders. How heavy a burden it was, an existence without him in it. Even in his bean form (an in-joke in his family about his different sizes), he knew he could weather the onslaught of feelings, though. Shakily but carefully he pushed back to his feet, swiping once more at his tears. Even now, the little smile on his face was genuine. He carefully climbed onto the couch, curling up in James’ arms, a single gloved hand on Henrietta’s side. His world filled and brightened, quiet breathing forming the unspoken lullaby to which he would slip into sleep.
While the world still turned without Henry on this Earth, his legacy continued in his friends, his family, and the lessons he imparted therein. They shared his stories and his spirit, all the little things that made him who he was. And that passed on; as Bendy watched their little baby sleep, he knew his father would never truly be gone. He had his memories… and he had that tape. He hoped he could be half the father to her his was to him. As pie-cut eyes slowly drifted closed, nuzzling just a bit closer to his husband, he imagined the warmth of Henry’s smile and the confidence he instilled, and knew it would be okay.
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adecila · 3 years
 20 Questions: Writer’s Edition
Tagged by @muttpeeta @nadja-antipaxos @rayondeneige @hot-auntie-dany & @jupiterix thank you 🤍
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
41 oop...
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
329727 not bad not bad
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
1 so far, which is jonerys obvi 😚
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
For the Cameras
Meet Me Halfway
My One
The Night Train to Winterfell
Two Days
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Absolutely. Because as a reader I get super giddy and excited when an author replies to me, so I can only hope I have the same effect on my readers 🥰 Plus they took actual time out of their day to leave me that comment. Replying is the least I can do!
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I really thought about this and nothing comes to mind. I think that somehow I've managed to not have angsty endings? Don't get me wrong, I love angst, and I'll bury you in it. But I usually resolve it in the ending so that you still get a sort of HEA. I think season 8 of GoT left me so jaded, I wouldn't want my fics to have that kind of painful ending. At most I'll do an open ending. It might also stem from the fact that this year I accidentally read some fics with very angsty endings and honestly one of them was so sad it left me pretty much a mess and I didn't trust that author again 😂 so as much as I love angst...I try to not write angsty endings.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
It has to be ...you'll find the real thing instead —it was a pretty cheesy ending 🤭
8. Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
I adore them...but they have to be done right, you know. The craziest one I did has to be Scorching Bloodlust because I don't think anyone wanted A World of Warcraft Jonerys AU yet I decided it needed to exist anyway 😂
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Unfortunately it has become a rite of passage in this fandom... If I remember correctly it was on two fics. The fic that attracted a lot of incels and mean comments was Suburban Thrills. Apparently some people were mad at me for writing Dany as being married to Dr*go in this modern AU. I even got called a "r*pe apologist* for it... when in reality they were mostly mad that Jon was just a pool boy, while Dany was the rich and powerful one. The other thing they were mad about was that the fic contains a Dany/Dr*go smut scene, which apparently was hotter than the jonerys one 🤣. Allegedly. There was this comment that legit sounded more like "how dare you make me find them hot???" Seems like some people don't understand the concept of voyeurism 😃...
The other fic that got me hate was Inevitable. Again this fic has Dany being with someone else before Jon, and obviously this is wrong since how dare she even look at a man who's not Jon Snow 🙄🙄.
You can clealry see a theme with the hate comments I was getting on both fics.
10. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Do I? DO I??? *looks at the numerous pwp fics I've written* all kinds tbh. I have a short list of squicks. The rest is fair game. Check out the tags on my fics, I like trying new things in fics all the time 🤭
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not. Not that I know of, in any case. I have friends in other fandoms who had entire fics posted on other websites and it is the most horrible thing to experience as a writer. There was however a situation maybe a little over a year ago, but it turned out to be an entirely different thing on top of low key stealing my fic lmao. Such a wild story, the proof is somewhere on my blog... I still can't believe that happened 🥴 seems like a lifetime ago.
Now, if we're talking about fic concepts and certain elements... yep 🙃🙃🙃🙃 (and no, I don't mean tropes). Lately t's become an entire thing across the board and unfortunately not much can be done about it. Which is sad in such a small fandom, especially when I see how things are in bigger ones. Guess some people think that just because it's fanfic, everything is fair game, yet they forget we all have our grain of originality we put into our fics. Just because we're all writing fics doesn't mean you're less of a dick if you take something you know someone else came up with in that fandom and pass it off as your own. The concept of giving credit as a courtesy seems to have been lost, along with so many other things that we all thought were common sense and fandom etiquette. As always, fanfic writing is shunned to the side and considered as the least original thing in fandoms, when it's not the case at all. But that's a bigger debate, too long and complicated for this post. At the end of the day, it is what it is, I guess 🙃 but it has definitely turned me off some of the very things I used to love
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12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, I don't think our fandom does this, it's too small for it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yep, quite a few 🤭:
For the Cameras with @muttpeeta
The Wrong Impression of the Right One with @tomakeitbeautifultolive & @thescarletgarden1990
Moonlight with @tomakeitbeautifultolive
If its the last thing I do with @thescarletgarden1990
Blood Runs Cold with @tomakeitbeautifultolive
The girl in my story has always been you with @thescarletgarden1990
The Perks of Being a Good Boy with @thescarletgarden1990
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
It's too hard to pick, but jonerys is pretty much my obsession and they consume most of my thoughts
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oof I really wanna try to finish them all!
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Aesthetics. Setting up a certain mood or vibe. I'm pretty good at descriptions in general tbh. Oh and I've been told I'm good at transition scenes.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue 😭. I always feel like I can never be as good as others, so when it comes to scenes that are important to me, dialogue intimidates me. I always work 4x as much on dialogue than I do on anything else.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
Love it. I'd do it more often tbh if I knew others liked it too!
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Jonerys 😌
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I cheated and picked 2 absolute faves:
Paint My Soul Anew —maybe because I'm very happy with how the prompt turned out. I think I managed to pack so much plot in such a short fic.
And, of course, our souls, intertwined —there are just so many things I love about this fic I'll never stop loving it tbh 🤭
Tagging @tomakeitbeautifultolive @thescarletgarden1990 @zavocado @dany-belongs-in-the-good-place @the-last-targaryens @valancyjane @ashleyfanfic @esteriivy @eleanorr05 @esteriivy @stilesssolo @thesuperjane @benjaminbarnes
Do feel free to ignore if you already did it or just don't want to x
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gone4neow · 5 years
The New King ♔ dks
Chapter Twelve
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- kyungsoo x reader, royalty AU, prince!kyungsoo
- warnings : swearing, mature content, arranged marriage, good looking men
- word count : 2,795
chapter eleven or chapter thirteen or masterlist
♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔
The princess took a deep breath as she looked down the small hill. At the bottom of the hill, she could see the reflection of the moonlight on the river's surface. If she looked harder, she could see the figure of a man sitting on the embankment of the river. Her heart pounded against her chest and her trembling fingers had shown up for an encore.
"I'm right here if you need me," Kyungsoo whispered against the shell of her ear before he placed a tender kiss against her forehead. She nodded and took a brave step forward. Once her feet had began to move, she couldn't get them to stop. Her footsteps were quiet, but the mystery man still seemed to hear them over the sound of the crickets singing into the night. He turned and looked at her with raised eyebrows. When she met his eyes, her feet finally found the power to stop. Her eyes were wide and full of disbelief.
The mystery man was Park Chanyeol.
"Oh my god," she whispered into the summer air. Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion as she watched the tall man rise from his seat on the grassy ground. He walked over to her slowly. He swallowed his nerves as he made his way over and cleared his throat before he let a soft 'hello' roll off the tip of his tongue.
"Hi," The princess replied weakly.
"I think there's something we need to talk about," he told her quietly. She agreed with a simple nod of her head. He glanced up the hill, just now noticing Prince Kyungsoo standing with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. The man was already intimidating enough with the sun up. Chanyeol drew in a sharp breath at the sight but allowed the corners of his lips to lift.
"Your bodyguard for the night?" He questioned in a playful manner. The princess glanced over her shoulder at the man she loved and couldn't help but smile softly.
"You could say that," she replied. Chanyeol revealed that he lived in a small cabin next to the mill, along the riverside. He insisted that she joined him there, claiming that he had some things he needed to show her. She called out to Kyungsoo - who was at her side within a few seconds. Her hand rested against his right arm comfortingly as he glanced between Chanyeol and her with fire in his eyes. She explained that they were going to Chanyeol's cabin and he hesitantly nodded.
The three arrived at the cabin within just a minute. It was small in size but stood at an astonishing height. It was decorated with flowers all around and the walls of the cabin were painted a light blue that looked almost green due to the fire of the lantern hanging by the door. The princess would have never imagined Chanyeol living in such a place, but she thought it suited him well enough. The inside of the cabin was sort of messy, but it was a welcoming mess. It looked lived in; it looked like the man's home. He quickly lit a few lanterns and the small space glowed.
"I know this is all strange, but I promise I will make sense of it before you leave," Chanyeol told the woman. He cleared two seats around his small table, that sat neglected in the corner of the cabin. Kyungsoo and the princess sat down at the table and watched as he rushed around the small space. He collected a few leather journals, as well as a few scrolls, and finally took a seat at the table next to the princess. His eyes flickered up from the handful of items sitting on the table's surface to the princess's.
"I'm not entirely sure how to go about this, so please bear with me," Chanyeol told her. She could tell he was nervous from the shakiness of his words. His lip trembled as he spoke ever so slightly. She found herself feeling sympathy for the man, wondering if this is what she had looked like all day. His large hand grabbed at one of the leather journals and he flipped through it until he found what he was looking for.
"When I was a small boy, this man would visit me a few times throughout the month. I never really knew who he was until I was old enough to understand the concept of people existing outside of my mother. We lived alone - in a small cabin like this one on the outskirts of your kingdom's village," Chanyeol began his story, his eyes traveling across the piece of parchment in his hands. He stopped speaking and looked up from the parchment to meet the princess's eyes.
"The man's visits came to a slow when I was around nine. He told me it was because he had a child that he needed to take care of because her mother wouldn't. He would visit once or twice a month, but he would send me letters weekly. He would bring his daughter sometimes, but he couldn't after her mother found out where they had been going. Do you know who that man was?" Chanyeol asked the princess. She stared at him with curious eyes.
"Who?" She asked quietly.
"It was your father," he revealed softly. Her eyes grew at the revelation. She released a nervous laugh, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Why would my father visit you so often?" She asked with confusion in her voice. Chanyeol handed her the piece of parchment that rest in between his fingers and she looked down at it with furrowed eyebrows.
"Because he was my father, too," the man confessed in a whisper. She looked up from the parchment and looked at him as if he had grown three heads. He was nervous and his eyes watched her every movement. He had anticipated her rejection for years now. Again and again, he had pictured this very moment in his mind.
"Read it," he urged her, nodding down at the parchment in her hands. She looked back down at it with a speeding heartbeat. She felt a thin layer of sweat covering her skin already. Could it be true?
'My Dearest Grace,
For years now I have hidden a large part of my world from you. The pain I have felt from having to keep my two favorite creations separated is indescribable. If you're reading this then that means I have passed away and Chanyeol has found you.
You're probably wondering why I have waited until this moment to bring you together. I've asked myself the same question for a while now. Perhaps it was fear - fear that your mother would end up tearing you right back apart.
I don't want you to be angry. I want you to live a life you can look back on and smile because you lived a life you loved. You do not have to accept Chanyeol with open arms, but he is your brother and I love him as much as I love you. Be gentle with him. I hope you can find it in your heart to care for him and to one day forgive me.
Your Father'
The princess held a shaky hand over her mouth as she stared at the parchment. For a second she thought she was going to burst out into violent sobs, and then she thought she was going to release her stomach's contents all over the table. Kyungsoo's hand found hers under the table and he gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked up at him and lowered her hand slowly. He could see the tears in her eyes, the pain and shock in her face's features. He hated to see her so distraught when he knew there was nothing he could do to help sooth her pain.
"You told me you didn't know me," she whispered accusingly at Chanyeol, her eyes finding his as she did so.
"I was told not to. You don't know how hard it was to keep quiet when I saw you in the bakery and then you came back multiple times after that... it was like you were taunting me. I've been alone for most of my life and I finally had the chance to have my sister - it wasn't fair," he replied to her in a frantic tone. She stood from the table quickly, and Chanyeol found himself standing just as quickly. He was just about to plead for her to give him a chance when she threw her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into her. He was considerably taller than her and bent down so that she wouldn't have to strain to reach him. An expression of relief washed over his face as he let his chin rest on her shoulder. He felt her shoulders shake as she cried and within a few seconds he was crying himself. Kyungsoo felt as if he were invading an intimate moment and looked away from the pair to stare at his empty hands. There were several things he had expected to happen tonight; this was certainly not one of them.
The brother and sister held each other for a few minutes and pulled away one another once their crying had died down. The princess laughed lightly as she looked at Chanyeol's tear stricken cheeks, letting her thumb wipe at them until they were gone.
"Come back to the castle with me tonight. We have too much to catch up on," she insisted. Without being able to say no, Chanyeol agreed. He told her to give him a few minutes to gather some of his belongs to go. She was fine with that. She took a seat next to Kyungsoo, her hands finding his.
"I have an older brother," she whispered with amazement in her voice. He smiled softly and reach over to wipe a stray tear from her face.
"You know what this means?" He asked her quietly. She sent him a questioning look. He glanced over at the tall man before he leaned forward and spoke again.
"Chanyeol's the new king."
Chanyeol and the princess stayed up until the sun was rising again. They shared stories about their father that neither had known before. The princess felt bad for having her father around her at all times while her brother had only gotten him for a few years, and so she let him do most of the talking. They laughed and they cried, but they had never felt more whole in their lives.
"I can't sleep," Chanyeol whispered into the dimly lit room. He glanced over at the princess, who laid with a peaceful expression. She asked him why he couldn't sleep without opening her eyes. She was exhausted, but she found herself not able to sleep either.
"I'm afraid when I wake you won't be here anymore," Chanyeol confessed. He watched as the princess's eyes fluttered open. She sighed quietly and shifted in the bed so that her head rested against his chest. He let an arm wrap around her lazily as he stared up at the ceiling.
"I've always wanted a brother and now that I have you, it will take a war to separate me from you," she mumbled into his chest. A small smile formed on his lips.
"I hope I'm a good big brother," he sighed. When the princess didn't reply, he realized she had fallen asleep. He tried to recall their brief moments together as a child, but he could only remember small details. He had been so angry at the universe for keeping him away from his family all these years and, finally, the universe had given him what he wanted. It was too good to be true. He let his eyes close, trying to evade the worrisome thoughts. Before he knew it he was slipping away from reality and into a dream.
He woke up the next morning to loud whispers. His eyes cracked open just slightly to see the princess gesturing towards him as she spoke with Prince Sehun. He hand his hands on his hips and his eyebrows were raised as if he were upset by what the woman was saying. Chanyeol quickly raised up in the bed and held his hands out.
"I c-can explain," he stuttered with a slight slur to his words. The two royal figures looked at him in surprise. The princess couldn't help but giggle at the sight of his wide, tired eyes and his messy hair. Sehun suddenly bursted with laughter and held onto his stomach as he did so. The sound of his silly laugh only made the princess's giggles blossom into full on laughter. She held onto the prince's arm as they laughed together. Chanyeol looked at them with confusion in his eyes.
"What?" He finally asked, aggravated with them. They slowly sobered up from their intoxicating laughter and looked over at him.
"I've already told Sehun you're my brother. Besides... I am not with Sehun," the princess explained. His eyebrows shot up quickly and he pointed at them accusingly.
"But you're engaged!" He exclaimed. The prince and princess shared a glance with one another.
"I'm with Prince Kyungsoo."
"And I'm trying to be with Junmyeon."
Chanyeol blinked at them once, twice, and then a third time before he raised his hand to pressed his palm against his forehead. He had always assumed there was complications within the castle but he could have never imagined anything this complex. He listened to the prince and princess as they explained their situations. Disbelief could not describe how he felt as he listened. Suddenly he was looking at both Prince Kyungsoo and his fellow employee at the bakery differently.
"Prince Kyungsoo - is he good to you?" He asked the princess once everyone had fell silent. He watched as her cheeks transformed into a warm, pink shade and an adoring smile formed on her face. It was an expression of nothing but love.
"Oh, he's the best. I could go on and on for days. He's quiet at first, but I think you and him will become good friends," his sister answered him. Prince Sehun scoffed before he teased the princess for being so in love with his brother. He couldn't deny the fact that seeing the two together made him happy. While he knew he would never be able to love her like she deserved, he knew his brother would. He was glad his brother was getting the privilege of loving someone as wonderful as the princess, too. He grew unusually quiet as he began to daydream about nieces and nephews. I'll be a damn good uncle, he thought to himself.
The princess introduced Chanyeol to all of their friends after lunch. They welcomed him with kind smiles while he bowed before them respectively. His sister assured him that he didn't need to do that - he was a king after all.
"Princess, how many times am I going to have to ask you out to dinner before you say yes?" Baekhyun asked the princess as they sat against the cool grass out in the garden. The princess pretended to consider his words thoroughly, while her brother's head snap towards them quickly. He had stopped talking mid conversation with Jongdae to listen.
"C'mon, I would do anything to have lunch with a pretty woman like you," Baekhyun added with a suggestive smile as he looked over at the princess. She was about to laugh and push at his shoulder playfully when her brother spoke up.
"Hey! Don't flirt with my sister like that when she's already spoken for!"
Everyone looked between the two men, feeling the tension in the air already. Chanyeol glared down at the childlike man who had been speaking with his sister while Baekhyun simply stared up at him with amusement. Everyone was even more surprised when the sound of Kyungsoo's laughter sliced through the thick, tense air.
"We're keeping him," he told the princess once he had finished laughing. She rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile.
"Baekhyun always speaks to the princess like that and sometimes she plays along. It's just their friendship - they know there's no feelings involved," Sehun explained to the king with an amused smile. Chanyeol's lips parted at the man's words. Jongdae and Jongin laughed at his expression, teasing him when they saw his face turn a bright shade of embarrassment.
He shook his head, looking down at the ground with closed eyes. The corners of his lips were lifted despite his embarrassment. He realized that this is what he had been dreaming of having all along. Perhaps this could eventually become his family.
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bettsfic · 5 years
Honestly, i don't know if it's because i used to ship a lot of incest (like a LOT) but step sibs is like really not that problematic. People make such a fuss about it. Same thing with cousin incest. In my country it happens and it's not ilegal so people don't judge it that much. There was a tumblr called shipcestuous that i followed and i liked a lot of ships involving sibling stuff. I understand why it may irk people and stuff, but like, don't like it don't read it right?
Also, i kind of need to ask this for my mental health, is your step sibs au gonna have a HEA?? I wanna know before i get too involved. If you think it's too spoilery or just don't wanna say it, it's fine too. Love your fic ;)
i’m with you, anon. but as much as i appreciate DL;DR, i also want people to grow the fuck up and stop having stupid opinions based on toxic moralistic rhetoric. like sure, by and large people shouldn’t read things they don’t want to read, but purity police need to learn some basic critical thinking skills, and they won’t find those if they avoid everything that makes them uncomfortable.
i haven’t written the end of FDYSB, so i can’t give any promises. i certainly don’t intend to end it on an angsty or sad note, though. it’s a comedy, so it ends like comedies do. i’m not going to throw like an MCD wrench at you or anything. 
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I really, really want a Agents of Shield 4x21 AU fic where Fitz don't choose Jemma immediately, and there is this weird and tense love triangle between him, Jemma and a (at least for now) nice and caring but also a bit manipulative AIDA/Ophelia. Could you do something like this?
Thank you so much for your amazing prompt! I hope you like it! I loved writing it :)
Jemma didn’t know what hell looked like, but she figured it looked vaguely like this.
He was staring at Jemma like she was the first star to have ever appeared on the inky sky.
But Jemma could only watch helplessly as he turned his gaze to her.
And his eyes looked the same as when he was talking about something he was passionate about.
He loved her.
The air felt like it had been knocked out of her lungs, like someone had physically cracked her apart into a thousand splintering pieces.
He clearly wanted her.
Jemma didn’t want to say the name aloud, saying it might make this whole mess become true. She staggered back and waved Fitz’s concerns away, after all it was hardly as though he cared about her still.
You don’t know Jemma, he might still want you, a small voice said in the back of her head. She almost laughed out loud. How ironic, the man who has loved her for years, who fought for her and saved her countless times didn’t need her anymore. After all, he had something better. Something prettier.
Someone that had never doubted her love for him, unlike herself.
It made Jemma hate her even more.
“Listen, can I just have a moment to think”, Fitz asked again. He sounded exasperated. His hair was practically static and his eyes slightly feverish. She knew he found decision making hard.
And Christ, this was a huge decision.
It reminded her of the times at school when they had been partnered up in Chemistry. Both achingly shy and jittery around one another. Even this small memory brought burning pangs to her chest and tears threatened to spill over.
No, she wouldn’t lose him.
Jemma narrowed her eyes at him and moved a step forward, nudging Ophelia. It was an act of hate, a small one at that, but she knew it would rile her up.
It made her want to laugh.
“Of course, take your time Fitz”, Jemma said sincerely. She turned back and moved to the back of the room. Everything was slightly dizzy, and her stomach was squeezing with nerves and adrenaline. Jemma glanced out of the corner of her eye at Ophelia, who was batting her eyelids at Fitz so heavily Jemma feared her whole eye might fall out. The thought made her feel slightly better. She couldn’t remember the last time she had hated someone so avidly. Well, apart from Chelsea Rosewater from school. What she would do to trade Chelsea for Ophelia. Even though Chelsea had been pretty, she was no match for the looks of the woman standing by her. There was no denying it, Ophelia had to be one of the most beautiful girls Jemma had ever seen. Admitting this to herself made her body tremble with anger. Why couldn’t she have glossy hair and deep almost cartoon like eyes? Why couldn’t she have the exact right lips and a figure like hers?
Jesus, she hated her.
“Fitz, have you made up your mind darling?” Ophelia asked cutting off her thoughts. Her voice was so sickly sweet it made Jemma want to be sick.
“Give him a chance”, Jemma retorted quietly. Ophelia spun round, her pretty eyes almost manically dark. Jemma wanted her to lose it right there and then. Show Fitz what you really are, Jemma thought darkly. A few beats passed but nothing happened. Ophelia seemed to be taking deep breaths and her hands were knotted in fists by her sides. Fitz was watching nervously from behind her.
“What did you say?”, she finally answered. Jemma narrowed her eyes like a cat, hoping she came across looking like a threat.
“I said give him a chance”. Jemma pronounced each word carefully, as though she was speaking to a small naughty child. Ophelia was turning a dangerous shade of red.
“Its been ages, we all know what the real answer is anyway”. Jemma bit down on her lip, hard.
“We aren’t toys Ophelia that he is deciding between at a shop, we are people”, Jemma replied bluntly. Ophelia turned her icy gaze back to Fitz.
“I hate to admit it, but she is right, just tell her you want me and let’s go”, Ophelia said whilst examining her nails. What a spineless bitch, Jemma thought nastily. Fitz was rubbing his temples frantically.
“I just, my hea-“, he started but Ophelia cut him off with a wave of her hand.
“You do know Fitz, we are meant to be together”, she said whilst walking over to him. Jemma turned away. She knew she didn’t deserve to see this. Fitz caught her eye over Ophelia’s head. Jemma knew she probably looked pathetic, she felt worthless. How could he treat her like this? After everything they had gone through? By fate or not, he seemed to understand what she was feeling in her eyes as he gently prised himself away from Ophelia.
“I need to lie down, I don’t want to hurt anyone, I can’t think, my heads all over the place”. Before Jemma could say anything, Ophelia had her arms around him.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, you look tired”, she said with a voice like syrup. Jemma was happy she hadn’t eaten any breakfast. Fitz said something to her which she didn’t hear and left the room.
Just great.
What the hell should she do now?
As soon as Fitz left, Ophelia felt drained. She was tired not only from everything that had happened, but also from having to restrain her burning anger for so long. She couldn’t let Fitz see her go crazy. Of course, once he had finally chosen her they would get to see each others darkness. Ophelia knew that unlike boring Jemma she would fully embrace his other side. She would enjoy watching Jemma be ripped apart by something horrific, especially with Fitz laughing by her side.
But she had to remain calm, for now.
“Do you want a drink?” Ophelia asked Jemma. She was trying to keep her voice cool and collected. Ophelia didn’t fully understand emotions yet, but she knew what love was. She knew that love was what she felt for Fitz.
And God help anybody that stood in her way.
“Are you insane?” Jemma replied angrily. Her eyes were wide and distressed and her body language was hostile. Ophelia wanted to crack her body into two like a stick between her fingers.
“Yes and no”, she shrugged. Jemma was breathing like a scared but furious child.
Hate rippled through her like a drug, numbing any other new emotion.
“You have taken Fitz and changed him into some horrible creature-“. Ophelia didn’t want to hear this. Within seconds Jemma was thrown against a wall.
“Shut your stupid mouth or-“.
“Or what? You will brainwash me too?”.
“I haven’t brainwashed anybody, Fitz loves me”.
“No, he loves me”, Jemma spat. Ophelia grinned wickedly at her.
“No, he loves the idea of you. To him before the framework you were a nice distraction from his boring life. Really I should thank you for looking after him for me. You can’t really believe that he would choose you over me. I was told you were smart Jemma Simmons, how fretfully disappointing”. Ophelia waited for her reply. Maybe she would cry? The thought made her feel giddy. Then Fitz would see what a pathetic woman she was.
And he would choose her, and they would be happy.
For eternity.
Jemma pushed her away, but force was not in her action. She looked tired and sick, her face pale and sickly looking.
“You’re right”, she said. Ophelia staggered back, shocked, she wasn’t expecting this.
“You are right, why would he want me over you?”. Ophelia didn’t know whether to hit her or hug her. How confusing emotions were.
And with that, Jemma walked briskly out of the room.
Fitz felt like throwing up.
Everything was blurry and made no sense. He couldn’t get any thoughts through his head. The same question was repeating in his mind like a broken record.
Who did he really love?
Fitz remembered the framework vividly, like a bad dream that stayed in your mind for days. He saw himself kissing Ophelia.
He saw himself as someone powerful, and strong.
For some reason this didn’t repel him.
He knew that Ophelia loved him, she never stopped telling him. And it was true that she was pleasing to the eye. But then he thought of her.
Jemma Anne Simmonds.
Who he had crossed the galaxies to save and given his oxygen supply to. The Jemma that had been his friend when nobody else had.
The Jemma that loved him.
His feet were working before his mind was and suddenly he was in a room alone with Ophelia.
But he was not alone with her.
Coulson, May and Daisy were there too. The disbelief and confusion in their eyes almost destroyed him.
What on earth had he done?
“Oh Fitz, there you are! Tell these nasty people that you love me”.
Bone shattering silence.
He kept looking at the floor, hoping against hope that it would swallow him up like a black hole.
“Fitz?” Ophelia’s voice was mock hurt but also tinged with something else.
He took a step back.
“I love you Fitz, I love you and you love me”, she was walking towards him now, her eyes sparkling with fury.
He had never felt so afraid.
“N-No, I love her”, he stuttered. Words were failing him. Daisy was getting something out of her pocket.
“NO, YOU LOVE ME”, she was so close to him, her hands outstretched and ready to grab him.
He shut his eyes.
But nothing happened.
Fitz opened his eyes to see Jemma staring back at him, a strange machine in her hands. Her hair was tousled and her lips slightly parted.
He had never seen anybody so beautiful in all his life.
“Where did she go?” he asked. Daisy appeared beside Jemma, grinning.
“You don’t want to know, trust me”. It was true, he didn’t. Jemma leaned over and said something into Daisy’s ear which he didn’t catch, and she nodded.
“Going to go check on some stuff..”, Daisy said awkwardly. Coulson and May chimed in agreement at the back and left.
It was just them.
Even being this near him made his veins burn and his stomach flip. He wanted to cling to her and never let go. He needed her like someone who had promised to never touch drugs again, something he wanted that he shouldn’t. The framework might have brought out another side of him, but Fitz knew what he really felt.
What he felt for her.
Fitz didn’t dare look at her, shame pulsed through him.
“Jemma I am so sorry, I’ve ruined everything”.
“You haven’t Fitz”.
“I bloody well have”.
He looked at her now, really looked at her. She looked so tired and it was all because of him.
He had never hated himself more.
“You don’t know that for sure Fitz”, she replied softly. He felt pressure and looked down.
She was holding his hand.
And strangely, even though everything was wrong, and his head was pounding painfully.
Everything felt right.
Hope the ending was ok. I love Fitzsimmons SO much :)
Feel free to drop in an ask, look at my last post to see what fandoms I write.
Love, Bebe x
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Pokespe Fanfic AU Contest, Modern AU
December 24th, sixteen years old.
The winter invaded Pallet Town, nonetheless in those times of the year, certain redhead always wished for a snowfall in his birthday.
“Silver, we’re only sixteen, we still have plenty birthdays to wait for snow…” he whispered for himself with a neutral manner. Then he directed his gaze to the two girls
“Y’know, Yellow” the brunette said calmly, not like her cold queen voice but with a caring warm tone that could only be compared to the orange rays that crowned the sunset in that bridge.
“What is it, Blue? Why you told Silver to leave us alone” the minor said glazing with the corner of her eyes the youth waiting for the two girls.
“I love you, like I love Silver, you are the little sister I always wanted in my life…” she said while playing with her hair. “That’s why I’m breaking up with Red next week, after New Year…” the one with sky like eyes only put her hair in the back of her ear and tienes toda see the smaller while the blond one just stared at her showing a mix of emotions in her face.
“I… why? But…” Yellow tried to say but she was defeated by her own feelings while being betrayed by her chords.
“You… you like him, right?” this time there were no movements for Blue’s part, only a question in the air. “Red?”
The thunder orbs were startled for a second, but then she realized the person she was talking, beautiful and graceful as a doll in the outside but an analytical cold minded computer in the inside, a woman only warm around those she loved.
“Yes.” she said with no hesitation, knowing that her secret was none to the major. “Red and I are…” she couldn’t finish before the taller one interrupted her.
“So… I just hope you don't…” Blue’s gaze fly away from Yellow to saw how Silver was patiently waiting for them. “Just don’t hurt… him, please. I could not bear watching the treasure I’ve been protecting all my life being hurt by you, Yellow.” with a loving smile she just fell her hand in the blond shoulder. “We shouldn’t keep the birthday boy, now we? Let us proceed.” always calm, always graceful but in her mind she could only pray for Silver’s happiness.
December 16th, nine years old.
The park wasn’t the man’s favorite place to spend time in his day off, but his son begged him to go to the park nearby. He sighed while taking out a cigarette but he stopped himself noticing the judging glances of the other parents, he thought how those people haven’t drove themselves into madness in a place filled with screaming children.
“Blue, Silver, don’t go too far, stay in the playground where I can see you!” yelled a man in trench coat to the two kids playing.
The two didn’t mind the adult and keep playing with Blue’s action figures.
“When I grow up, I want to be a white gloved thief, like one of those that Uncle Giovanni has in his books.” said happily the girl pretending that her doll was said criminal. “And my name will be… Jiggly!”
“I just want to be like Father…” the minor said shyly not really thinking about his answer, after all, he was watching a boy with a big hat in the swings.
The refreshing and almost cold breeze of the winter contrasted with the almost sunny day, but Silver hasn’t been paying attention to that details beside that boy who stood out in that setting. He was alone, he didn’t seem very happy, but Silver really was amazed how pretty the boy was and he remained curious about the big hat with the two feathers.
“Hey, pay attention to me, Silv.” the brunette girl said with an angry tone.
It felt funny, thought Silver, that boy was alone while playing sadly in the swings, he actually felt a little weird seeing that boy with a hat.
“What are you watching, Silv?” The girl said while looking at the swings. “The boy with the hat? That’s what you are seeing?” Blue questioned the smaller one. Silver only nodded. The girl took the boy’s hand and dragged him where to the swings, his metallic orbs were left with an startled look while following Blue understanding that he was weaker than the girl but when he realized where they were going he blushed fiercely.
“Hey, the one with the hat!” Blue said with her practiced joyful girl tone. That really startled Silver, the bravery of his friend to do anything with anyone always amaze him.
The boy saw them, he gave them a look Made by a mix of shock and curiosity,like being scared of something cute.
“My name is Blue!”a big bright smile and lending a hand in gesture of greeting, all of them planned just seconds ago in the girl’s mind.
The boy froze trying to think what to do, he was obviously nervous and the aggressive way of approach was quite intimidating for him.
“And I am…” the redhead tried to introduce himself, but he still felt the embarrassment trapped him like a blanket that suffocated all of his being. The one in the swings only stared shyly which only made the situation worse. The one of metalic eyes took a deep breath trying to calm himself. “I a-am… Silver… a pleasure to meet you.” he said fast and almost inaudible, but the boy with the hat was given a bit of courage thanks to the awkward ways of Silver.
“I’m Yellow, nice to meet you.” he said taking Blue’s hand.
March 3rd, seventeen years old.
“Birthdays are worse as time goes on.” He said sitting that dock at the river where his companion loved to fish.
“Why do you think that? I’m happy with you right now, Silver…” the words felt like a whisper for anyone, but for the boy, they felt like everything and that made him feel guilty.
“Gold and Crystal are having some relationship time, Sapphire is in Ruby’s fashion contest and Blue, Green and…” he hesitated “Red are in college.” he thought how the two men seek veterinary and how his best friend biology.
The silence reign for a while between the youths, just watching the stream of the water.
“But they are happy… and I’m happy thanks to that…” the blonde got up as she ended her sentence. She started walking out of the dock.
“Lies…” the redhead whispered copying Yellow. “You are not happy.” he grabbed her by her sleeve, he didn’t want to face her so Silver stayed watching the river while Yellow still faced the exit of the dock. They were facing opposite sides only being connected to that hand.
November 21th, twelve years old.
Quite strange, thought Silver, Blue’s room was always organized, it was almost shocking but this time it was a mess of clothes and accessories.
“So, what do you think?” said the brunette teen only wearing a bra in the top. “This one?” said putting in front of her a white blouse. “Or maybe this one?” now putting a black dress.
“The blouse.” answered Silver without hesitation just imagining the looks on his friend with that dress. “Why are you so worried about your looks, in any case?” the boy asked knowing how beautiful his companion was.
“Tomorrow is Green’s birthday party, one of my classmates, and he invited that guy I’ve talking about, Red.” the teen said happily.
“Red…” the red haired repeated almost hating the guy before knowing him, but he was just being protective.
June 1st, twenty years old.
“Are you ready?!” the crowd exploded as the singer shouted.
People jumping and trying to dance at the spinning multicolor strobe lights, Silver didn’t like that, but he was there for Blue.
“Yeah!” the brunette shouted while sitting the shoulders of the one with red eyes. “Come on, Red, higher!
“Blue you are hea…” the black haired youth tried to say, but was stopped by a kiss provided by the other brunette.
“Blue, you are tiring my boyfriend.” Green said but almost shouted by the screams of the people.
“It was my boyfriend first, I have right of seniority!” shouts mixed with laughs, as the whole concert was reflected in Blue, radiant and noisy. Red only blushed by the comments of the two.
Then, that song started.
A melancholic tone sounded, a reminiscence of a love that never happened, a voice that was quite but still full of emotion, slow instruments but still harsh, Yellow’s favorite song.
He couldn’t blame Blue or himself, he thought about the memories that triggered that band. After all, that band was Yellow’s favorite thanks to Blue.
Then, Silver smiled, look up and just let it all go in a sigh.
January 27th, thirteen years old.
“Hey, Silver…” the blonde teen asked to her companion.
“Yeah, Yellow.” he didn’t even bothered opening his eyes, he was comfortable just being recumbent like that in the roof of the house of his friend.
“You aren’t scared about… y'know, being alone?” Silver opened his eyes just at the hint of Yellow being troubled by something like that, she was far stronger than him, he thought.
“Not really.” he answered fast and simple. “The thought of being alone doesn’t really bothers me, but, it isn’t a big deal, after all I got you.” he added. He was already remembering his crush in Yellow when they were kids, he thought that the one with thunder in her eyes was pretty even when he was in the mistake that Yellow was a guy, he blushed just thinking about that.
Yellow looked at him with a dazzling smile that was decorated by the orange rays of the twilight.
“You’re right.” the youth laid down next to the youth of metallic eyes. “Maybe we don’t have the answers, but that’s okay…
August 28th, fifteen years old.
“Blue is late, again…” Silver said while changing Ferraligatr for Weavile seeing how Yellow choose Pikachu.
“She is with Red, isn’t it?” the teen said with a trembling noise in her voice.
She left the console and laid down in Silver’s bed, much to Silver’s disgust but he was losing, after all.
“Silver, what am I for you?” Yellow asked while the youth sit right next to her.
The thought mix his head, but the, the started thinking about the question.
She wasn’t asking him why he liked her or why did he harbor a crush for her. But Silver couldn’t really answer that, she was his friend, obviously, but there was something more he thought. Of course she was his first love, even when he thought she was a boy.
For Blue she was the little sister she always wanted.
For Red she was that strange friend who acted weird but always caring.
For Green she was some kind of apprentice.
But what was Yellow for him? Not only some love interest, a friend was rejected thanks to his feelings, he haven’t really expected a wonderful future with her, he really liked her, she was smart, caring, strong, beautiful, nice but at the end those words were not more than adjectives and he was digressing.
Yellow wasn’t a sibling like figure for Silver, nonetheless an apprentice, if she had a liking for him as she has for Red he knew, he knows her.
Still, just words, none of them could really wrap around what was that person, a dazzling smile and laughter but still delicate, a caring but strong willed gale which razed in him, but and most of all, she made him feel like he was everything and the thought of her liking Red made him feel like nothing.
“You are ev…” then he laid down keeping almost a perfect parallel, after all he wasn’t much taller than Yellow, he damned waiting for a growth spurt. He putted his arms in the pillow above him. Yellow mimicked the gesture letting her arm rest atop Silver’s connecting them by the wrists.
“You are my really dumb friend.” everything for me, he wanted to say.
Then she laughed.
March 3rd, seventeen years old.
“Silver, let me go.” a harsh tone, void of emotion.
“No.” an icy response, like he was convinced of what he was saying. “I want to be egoist.”
“Then be egoist with someone else…” she was done, Yellow knew that she made mistakes but she hoped that at least Silver let her he wrong.
“You confessed to Red, and nothing happened. Are you going to cling to that?” even more attacks, he didn’t want to do that, he didn’t want to be egoist but he was frustrated.
“What do you know about clinging into someone?!” she smacked his arm with her free hand and looked straight to her friend.
“More than you, that’s for sure…” he said while touching the sleeve of that red and black jacket Yellow gifted him.
“Yeah, because seeing your best friend being the girlfriend of the guy you like is compared to anything you could have, Silver!” those eyes, electric and menacing, almost threatening.
“Blue broke up with Red for you, and you know it, Yellow!” he yelled, the monotone voice broke, he broke. “And he ended being Green’s boyfriend!” silence.
They crossed looks, no one knew that, only he and Blue. They decided to not tell Yellow.
Then, the blonde ran away.
December 24th, fourteen years old.
Alone, he thought. Changing channels mindlessly of the television wasn’t helping, just the blank noise of the device didn’t help the loneliness accented by the monochromatic living room.
Blue was in Sevii Islands traveling with her parents and his father was busy with his work.
Silver was quite comfortable being alone, at least most of the time, but in holidays and in his birthday was another case, back alone like when he was just a child and Giovanni worked all day and haven’t met Blue.
The door knocked and snapped out him from his thoughts.
He ran toward the door to find Yellow behind it.
21th May, seventeen years old.
“Silv…” the brunette said quietly.
“I know, Blue…” he said in a false monotone voice. While making him comfortable in his bed.
“You know Yellow’s leaving today, still you choose to stay here!” the young adult snapped at seeing her friend not doing anything.
“It’s not a big big deal…”
“Your friend is leaving without you saying goodbye!” now she was screaming.
“We fought, she doesn’t want to see me…”
“That’s it?”
December 24th, fourteen years old.
“Hey, I brought you some food!” the teen claimed happily while entering the house. “Uncle Wilton let me spend the night with you, since I told him that you were alone” she explained while showing a bag full of tupperwares with food while managing to something with her free hand.
“Oh, that’s very thoughtful, thanks.” he answered quietly while taking the bag and closing the door.
“So, what’s better than seeing trash movies alone, in the dark, in your scary house?” the blonde commented while still keeping something from Silver in her back.
“All of that with you?” he asked mildly curious about his friend antics.
21th May, seventeen years old.
“That was cruel of you, Silver” the brunette confessed harshly.
“I was very full of myself in that moment, and since then we haven’t talked.” he admitted.
“Full of yourself? Dude, you were mean with her, even I admit that knowing that my ex-boyfriend and best friend are dating is harsh, in any case, yeah, you were mean while confessing your six years old crush on her.” the teen was confused, he didn’t had a crush for that long, he thought that he was Blue’s best friend and…
“I never confessed to her…” he said quietly.
“I never said anything to Yellow about how I feel for her…” he came to that realization, he didn’t confessed.
“So you are just letting Yellow go, might not seeing her in years, without her knowing why you did all of that?”  Blue scolded her friend.
“No…” he got up from the bed and grabbed that jacket Yellow gifted him. “Got your motorcycle, sis?”
“I thought you’d never ask, bro!
24th December, fourteen years old.
“Merry christmas!” Yellow said while handing Silver the present she kept hiding from him.
“Very funny, thanks, anyway.” he opened the present to see a black and red jacket.
“When I saw it I thought that it was made for you, Silver.” the blonde said happily while the red haired one try the cloth.
“It’s too big for me…” the teen said looking how it didn’t fit at all.
“You’ll grow, I mean, your father is quite tall… so… it was the last one, you know…” she lost herself as she give his friend a hug. “Happy birthday!”
Silver reciprocated the hug, but, it esa strange.
Yellow was always for him in that ways, weirdly quirky she showed while not knowing how to answer stuff that embarrassed her, caring like he was thinking of him about that jacket that he loved, strong how every time she saw Blue with Red she wanted to think that she was happy for their relationship, but and most of all, she cared. She didn’t thought that Silver’s antics were a mask, she was happy to see him being as he liked.
That’s when it hitted Silver.
He always thought of Yellow like a messiah or someone celestial, and that wasn’t farfetched she was a wonderful person, and that line fall of, he also thought that Yellow was awful pretty but that wasn’t the real point.
He liked Yellow for caring about him and the others.
He liked Yellow for being strong to keep him and the others.
He liked Yellow for being a good person who always tried her best.
He liked Yellow for being fun, weird, innocent, intelligent, caring and the best person he met.
He liked Yellow because she accepted him and likes him anyway.
He liked Yellow.
“Thanks for the gift…” I like you, he wanted to say.
21th May, seventeen years old.
“Yellow!” he yelled while entering the airport, he knew it was wrong, even knowing how big it was he didn’t care anymore, he needed this.
He ran off the way Blue told him she was going, still yelling her name. Then, he saw that hat and the beautiful long blond hair sticking out.
“Yellow!” feelings, all of his emotions, they were bare in that moment. Yellow look up to him, her eyes watered by seeing her friend.
“Silver…” she didn’t know what to do, just stay there watching and wanting to say something but nothing was there to say.
“I like you, I always liked you, you are smart, brave, funny, strong, amazing, caring, thoughtful… there aren’t enough words or time to say everything, but know that I like you, and I wanted you to know that” she ran to him and ended everything with a hug.
July 2nd, twenty years old.
A moonlit black starless night in that bridge, Silver laughed at himself for being that sentimental.
“You are late…” the youth said to his arriving companion.
“Sorry, Lance and I lost track of the time.” the blonde answered heartily.
“Lance the “not a serious deal” guy, Yellow?” he questioned her mockingly.
“You goof… where’s Blue anyway?” grabbed the taller one’s arm.
“She had to buy some books, you know, biology and evolution stuff, but she said we could met at my house…” the red haired started walking not minding how the one with yellow orbs hanged from his arm.
“Yeah, I get it, medicine school is quite hard to me…
“That’s because you are dumb, Yellow…” they laughed.
A strong wind rushed in their area, leaves flown, everything felt like it moved by their own, then, Yellow’s hat flow away from her head, Silver tried to grab it. The weight shifted into the side were the smaller one was hanging, his leg gave up and let the two of them landing in the floor, fast enough Silver put Yellow in a position to let her being above him
They looked at each other, and laughed. And Silver was happy with that.
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