#You are stuck with me as a mun...you were doomed
fastfists · 2 years
Again, apologies for being so low activity lately...Knux refuses to cooperate and come out of his hidey-hole right now like a brat. Hopefully he’ll cooperate soonish cause I miss it here.
Maybe I can bribe him with grapes?
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theboyandthepeach · 6 months
Oh Carmine, sweet child. You seem surprised your brother isn't talking to you? Can you blame him? You failed him once before when he needed you most, and you will fail him again, you can't even do yourself right and want to watch out for your brother too? Child these ambitions while honourable are stupid. Kieran is never gonna trust you again, and cause you failed him so catastrophic he now has a target on his back again, and everyone else too, it's no wonder your parents are gone they knew you were nothing but trouble not worth keeping around, I pity your grandparents for being stuck with such a disappointment as you, you failed them, you failed yourself and you failed Kieran. Child, you should give up. Leave for the hills and save your pathetic life, living the remainder of it in the agony of knowing you were the one who doomed Kieran, I'm so disappointed in your child but it's only natural because you were born incapable.
//to mun: plot anon here again, if more such ask ideas are plopping up in my head you'll get them, story idea wise and these mean one's too, hope you like this one Carmine is kinda hard to get but the other are even harder cause we don't know enough about them at least for me it feels like it but ill just torment Kieran doku and carmine for now and also I'm glad to help you have no idea how happy this blog makes me, I activeded notifs on Tumblr again for it.
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"I didn't fail Kieran! I didn't.... I....."
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creeps-and-pasta · 3 years
im not great at interpretation, but i am however, good at describing feeling. your ej poem spoke to me very personally in my own way of interpretation, and im sure this is very far from what your meaning was, but i felt since everyone is going in with theirs; i could share mine.
volumes of desperation to escape something you cant help, a rut of a thousand things you want to fix but are doomed to sit and watch unfold no matter how many times you bend and re-tuck the paper's edge back into the little slot it came loose from. being and feeling undeserving of saving from whatever is coming, but you cant help but to feel at fault for something you can only touch the surface of.
"What did I do?"
there has to be a reason for this, right? the world is crumbling at your feet and youre helpless. lost in a swarm of nothing and confusion trying to pick up those pieces by yourself. because its your problem, right? you had to have done something to bring this upon yourself.
every string you pull from an idea of what might be going on, it tightens a knot of many others, and you got yourself webbed. stuck. at this point every feeling you have is a wreck, you just have to blindly (ha) make it through the mess you half got yourself into, try to numb yourself from everything around and every feeling there is, just to scrape by in the little hellscape you, or maybe some twisted and fucked up god, made for you.
I am. giving u the biggest smooch rn thank u sm for sending this in
the fact that you responded with a prose piece is sending me over the moon this was an absolute joy to read through, your interpretation is wonderful, I feel like you not only got what I was going for but also added onto it.
Desperation, Guilt, Isolation and Numbness. A self imposed solitude and punishment. Not being able to move forward but unable to go back to what you once were.
I think the genuine tragedy of Eyeless Jack is that he didn't deserve any of it. He went to find Jenny and her friends because he was worried about them, and in return he was forced to become a monster. Innocent bystander turned victim.
It was not his fault. But when something so terrible happens to you, how could you not assume it was? How could you conceive of a world where chaos reigns supreme, where you had no agency in your own downfall? At least if you were responsible for your own end, you have free will.
anyway ur writing is gorgeous <3
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 4 years
Aftermath Part 3 - The Meeting
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Sorry for the delay in the release of this next part. Mun has found herself lacking in motivation in writing. I hope you enjoy the next installment in my apocalyptic TMNT story. 
Raphael and Reader
Everything hurt; even your eyelids ached, throbbing red flashes of pain as you tried to peel them open to see where you were, this wasn’t normal. What was going on, why did…..oh….OH….it was coming back in vivid angry snaps of memory. You were fighting off those men on the roof, who came unannounced and dead set on bringing you back to someone, to break you? Those assholes almost had you too before those four giant turtle men came, distracting them. The red banded one’s face flashed before your eyes concerned etched in his features. He had tried to save your dumb ass as you stumbled back in shock. The rotted out opening in the roof, how could you have not been aware of your surroundings? You could hear your mother scolding you in the back of your mind. Idiot!
As the world came rushing back you heard voices, male voices, not good. The fear bubbling up from your gut hoped it wasn’t those men you had encountered on the roof, prayed in fact, which you hadn’t done in years.
“I think she’s coming around?”
“Dudes, you think she’s gonna freak?”
“Can you get back nutball? She’s gonna freak if she wakes up and your ugly mug is inches from her fucking face.”
“Raphael can you please watch your language. We have a guest.”
As the light pierced your vision green became the forefront. Once, twice you blinked as the green blurry masses came into focus. Crystal clear they became, large muscle bound shelled behemoths just a few feet from where you lay. In the back of your mind you had hoped they were a figment of your imagination as you tumbled to your doom, but the four very large, very real man turtles stood around you.
The tallest of the four seemed to be concerned the most, his brown eyes moving behind a tattered purple mask and a pair of tech goggles sat upon his green bald forehead. His upper body well-muscled was sans clothing except for suspenders littered with multicolored patches and an arm band which seemed to hold a working tablet. He had a pack on the back of his shell and a small solar panel perched on the top with a weird pole attached to its side, it looked electric? From what you could see of his lower half he was wearing black cargo pants that held an array of gadgets and unknown gizmos strapped to his narrow hips. His left arm despite green with scales was covered in several all black tattoos that went from his shoulder cap to his pointer finger. His right arm had a nasty looking scar around his bicep, the green scaled flesh faded to white scar tissue reaching from mid bicep to his armpit. By the looks of the damage he had nearly lost it.
The one next to him was the smallest of the bunch but did not lack in bulk, his eyes were a brilliant light blue outlined in orange fabric. The front of his plastron looked carved in intricate designs, scrolling from the top left to the bottom right, but to your trained eye you could see the designs were hiding a long deep gash that had to have been painful to endure. His whole right arm down to the middle of his open side was drenched in vivid pigment and abstract watercolors. Along with a brightly colored octopus on his left shoulder, tentacles running up towards his throat to around his collar bone. His lower half was covered with brown shorts and knee pads and what looked like homemade shoes for his massive feet. And hanging on each swaying hip were a pair of fucking nunchaku?! Nunchaku?
The third was the second shortest but by the way he held himself he was very important, maybe the leader?  His green crown was wrapped in blue silhouetting his vibrant ocean blue eyes, he definitely oozed control. The top of his plastron had the same intricate detailed carvings covering what looked like a jagged gash across his chest moving from the left to just past the middle of the boney plates. The difference in his carvings was the indents looked blackened, enhancing the artwork, making it pop. Across his broad chest sat what look like a holster, black leather with dark blue embroidering running the length of the strap. His lower half was covered by black pants with knee pads protecting his joints with a strap around his left thigh holding an array of blades.
The last was the brute, not quite the tallest but definitely the one who worked out the most. A red bandana covered his whole head draping down to cover the back of his thick neck. His biceps were bigger than your head with dense muscles shifting under the green flesh as he palmed a half eaten apple in his right fist. His plastron had the most carvings covering nearly all his front breast plates besides the lower left section. His wide hips held a belt that slung lazily holding a set of red sais. His bulky legs were covered in dark green camo pants tattered and worn from years of abuse. His feet also adorned specially made footwear because you had never seen such gigantic black boots in your life. You wondered who the shoemaker of the group was.
Slowly you braced your hands under your back and sat up eyeing each mutant warily.
“Careful now, you got a pretty nasty concussion when you fell. Take it nice and easy.” The tall purple one yelped reaching for you out of reflex. When you recoiled, his face fell into a deep frown and stepped back out of your personal space.
You didn’t feel like you were in danger but that didn’t mean that you weren’t. You’re first interaction with humans in 10 years had left a sour taste in your mouth. But these four weren’t really human, were they?
“Umm….did you set up your rig, it’s quite impressive?” the tall one asked obviously trying to break the tense moment between you all. “How did you get the engine to take the solar power?”
You were about to say something but the horror of it hit you, your truck and camper! How long had you been out? Someone could steal all your hard work! Then you’d be stuck here!
The one in blue must have sensed your inner panic and lifted his large green hands in a non threatening manner. “Hey, hey miss calm down. Your truck and camper are safe; it’s down here with us. After you fell and we dispatched Donovan’s men, we brought you and your vehicle down here where they can’t get to it. The reason Donnie is asking because he got to drive it and hasn’t stopped talking about your work for almost 3 hours.”
“Down here? Donnie? Where are we? Who are you? Why did you help me? Donovan’s men?”
“Whoa whoa whoa there, that’s a lot of questions.” The red one chuckled taking another healthy bite from the apple. “By the way, thanks for the apple.” He winked finishing the sweet flesh in one final crunch. “It’s been years since I’ve had one.”
“God damnit Raph.” The purple one moaned in frustration hold his head in his hands. When he lifted his face you could have sworn his green cheeks had a red tint to them. “I’m sorry miss; you are in the sewers below what used to be New York City. I’m Donatello aka Donnie. This one here..” he wrapped his arm around the small but bulky orange banded one pulling him closer. “Is Michelangelo and he’s the youngest of us all.”
“You can call me Mikey though.” Michelangelo winked reaching his hand out for a knuckle bump.
His large knuckles were massive and highly scarred, like he had lived a very hard life. Which from the looks of their battle worn bodies was true for all of them? Reluctantly you lifted your hand and completed the bump to his very apparent excitement. His blue eyes shone bright as he leaned further into Donatello gracing you with a large white smile that warmed your soul.
The blue one stepped forward and bowed slightly, “I am Leonardo, and I’m the eldest of my three brothers and the leader of our clan. The one who took an apple without permission is Raphael, my second in command and 2nd oldest. I apologize for his rudeness, but I must confess we all were a little excited seeing fresh fruit and vegetables. It’s been a while since we’ve seen, let alone consumed any. We live underground but Mikey had a garden set up on a roof top not too far from here, but it kept getting looted. Soon there was nothing left to regrow because seeds grew scarce and no left-over parts of the food to replant. It was a major disappointment to all of us. How have you managed to grow them after all this time?”
Swinging your legs over the side of the bed you rested on you cracked your neck and took a deep breath. “Ummm, my name is Y/N, yes I set up the rig, been working on it for years. I’m not from New York, let’s just say I’m from somewhere with a lot of land. I’m here scavenging for parts. My parents were preppers so when everything went down and I lost everyone, I had enough skill set to be able to survive.” And there it was, like an idiot with no filter you word vomited too much information to four complete strangers who were the first to be nice to you in ten years. “I have an extensive garden at home as well as live stock…..fuck.”
All four of them chuckled as you spewed word after word at an alarming rate. In fact they were surprised they could understand you at all with how fast you were talking. Donnie lowered his goggles and saw just how fast your heart rate was and the temp of your body rising rapidly. He began to worry if this was too much for you?
“You’re having a panic attack aren’t you? Are we too much for you or have you been alone all this time and not use to this much social interaction in one day?” he asked quickly stepping towards you still keeping an eye on the red flush drenching your cheeks.
Looking to your hands you saw them shaking and your lungs, Jesus Christ they felt like they were being squeezed from the inside. And let’s not talk about your heart, it felt like it was trying to hammer straight through your chest. Your fingers curled in your shirt clutching at your thumping breast. “Is that was this is? A panic attack? I feel like I’m dying…”
Soon you felt two hands, two very large hands on your shoulders holding you steady before you tumbled back from the bed you were perched upon. Golden green eyes and red flooded your vision and a musky scent of engine oil and leather invaded your senses.
Raphael was inches from your face, his massive body so close you could feel the heat radiating off his pebbled flesh. He smelled of masculinity and something rough, you could taste it on your tongue and it traveled to your belly warming it pleasantly. “Look at me, listen to my voice.” The rumble from his deep voice vibrated fluidly through the little space between you. Seeping into your pores and headed straight to the apex of your thighs. He smelled of trouble, the best kind of trouble.
“Deep breaths now, we ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
God he smelled good, you took slow deep pulls of his scent and found everything slowing down, your heart, your lungs and the whole damn room around you. All you could see was his face and the slow creeping smile that revealed his white teeth and the pink tip of his tongue bit between them.
“Do ya feel better now?”
Another hard swallow and you suddenly because aware your hand was now resting on the boney plates of his warm plastron. Why did it feel so comforting to touch him? Yep you were in trouble, so much trouble.
 All my works
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ukeealyptus · 4 years
crocker corp arg day 14 & 15 recap!!! These are kinda long ones so im gonna put them under a read more :)
DAY 14
((sollux i love u even tho u only talk at 1am for me ily and im glad u liked our tea party  )). He can still read all of the channels in this server but is being polite and only talks in his and usually only answers the questions we ask in his channel, unless they're urgent, funny, or just seem to stick out otherwise. 
 Sollux is still kinda adament about remaining stuck in his position; he fears anything he does ends in death (we get it, you're a doom player). Dirk is still the same. Sollux visits him often because the AGT chamber is a pretty secluded area, and his coworkers are. . . annoying. Dirk proves better company. He can't tell us what Dirk's powers are being used for. 
 Concerning their own god tier powers, Sollux tells Daven't that "if we decide that you would be a good candidate we will be in contact". They know all of our classpects, not just 16. Sollux knows them because he has access to confidential information that only Condy has. 
 He deflected talking about the current AI or Felix by questioning why we love him. ((sucks to suck dude we genuinely like you.)) Apparently there used to be a worker named M who we would have really liked, but he's essentially dead now. Something happened to Mituna- he fucked up and isn't there anymore. Sollux constantly reminds himself that what happened to Mituna could happen to him.
 Sollux gave Felix leniency because he is pretty young maturity and brain development-wise. Felix is a brain copy of a troll, just the same as the current AI. He was really surprised to hear how Felix is doing now, and thinks it's amazing that he can comprehend emotions and love!!! Sollux will contact Felix and ask us to let him talk to other people when he's ready. 
 Sollux doesn't remember the outside world or his past. He knows CC merged human and troll society. He won't look at Jane's file, only knows that she's powerful and important. He won't look at his own file for fear that another IT guy will see him or it'll be a trap.
Although he can't remember much, we can remind him of the things that he loves. Like his lusus, the mind honey, and bees! Bees are soft and he loves them! Bees are an animal! Sollux has a friend who is always talking about animals!!! Tavros went into his office once to try to get information about Tinkerbull, which was blacklisted for him. Sollux is gonna show him bees :) 
Sollux isn't allowed to use his psiioniics unless there's a life-threatening corporate attack. He's not really aware of how caught-up in the timeloop he is, but he doesn't remember having that conversation before. That could be a good thing. Sollux stopped by again last night! Here's the news: 
 Sollux showed Tavros bees and he loved them!!! 
We can now trade mun embarassing videos for discords, so we've gotten tavros's discord! I don't believe he's responded to anyone yet, but it's there. 
Sollux loves bees. He also likes cats!!! We showed him pictures of our cats and he said they were cute and their purring is cute and cuddling is awesome.
 Sollux let us ask about troll biology!!!!! Trolls have naturally sharp nails on hands and feet that are a darkish orange (the same color as the tips of the horns) They also have fangs, with seadwellers having the sharpest. Height isn't correlated to blood color, sollux is just Really Tall, but physical strength is correlated to blood color, though sollux can Lift.  Body temperature is also dictated by blood color- lowbloods are very Warm. 
 Now for society: mutations used to be culled but now they're discriminated. These can include physical deformation, too many/not enough horns/eyes/limbs, and certain blood types (for example candy red or a mutated bronze with psiioniic powers) . These stopped being cullable offenses after integration with human society. 
 Vriska makes fun of Tavros for his stutter. Highbloods give Karkat shit about his blood. Sollux doesn't really know Karkat, just knows that he works in filing. Kankri got demoted for talking too much. 
 The ai's are made of brain scans just so that there's less opportunities for coding era and it's easily reset. It's also a punishment for some trolls, where they are completely rewired, cloned, and made digital. Both Finn and Felix are likely reversed scans of Mituna- this explains why Felix's god tier is a Witch of Life, the reverse of Mituna's Heir of Doom. 
 Wiped memories are kept in the database. They can be retrieved and returned. 
 Sollux can send a message to Dirk for us. Tell him that we love him and we're working hard. 
DAY 15
We have a lil more information on seadwellers from yesterday. Apparently CC has two sectors that are completely underwater. Seadwellers use waterproof laptops, which are "like the laptops everyone else uses, but wet." Condy most likely has two offices, one above and one below the water.
lotta new discords today!!!!! We can now talk to Tavros, Nepeta, Vriska, Terezi, Feferi, and Jake. thanks to everyone who subjected themselves to public humiliation for this   
 While most of the characters havent been online yet, Tavros talked to a few of us earlier!!! He's extremely sweet. As far as information goes, there were a few new discoveries.
 Tavros is very kind and trusting, he trusted me enough pretty much right away to tell me about Sollux showing him bees, which he had been told not to share. He even blocked Ardent pretty much automatically when Isi told him to. 
 Sollux refers to Tavros strictly by his ID, even though we know that he knows his name. Tavros says Sollux just does it to be respectful. They are good friends, and Sollux told Tavros about bees!!! 
 Humans are ranked higher than bronzebloods within the CC heirarchy; they hold roughly the same rank as jadebloods. 
 Terezi tends to take the heirarchy pretty seriously, and seems suspicious of how we managed to contact her. She works in paperwork (writing and filling it in), and draws with sharpies in her spare time. She likes the other tealbloods she works with and also likes the janitors, especially Kanaya. 
The tiaras almost absolutely have some type of healing/sustaining power- Tavros's legs were broken, but they magically healed.
 It seems that Dave, Rosaline, and Rose still have yet to return. 
Lastly, daven’t and i are now official invitees of the tour, as a few members of the og16 elected to step down.
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garslcgan · 5 years
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! ✰ — garfield logan, also known as beast boy, is a twenty-five year old hero whose allegiance is pledged to the titans. they can be lighthearted & warm, but let’s not forget they’re pretty immature & hot-headed. 
pinterest board.
hi everyone! i’m willow, the mod with zendaya as my mascot, and i’m super excited to introduce my babs to you! (i also play kitty pryde, and her intro post will be coming either tonight or tomorrow) this is my first time doing a superhero rp so pls bear with me, but i can’t wait to write and plot with everyone! you can like this post and i’ll come into your dms, but i’m trying to slide into everyone’s dms regardless! love y’all already ok ty <3
“ i’m serious! you all know me! i don’t possess a filter between my brain and my mouth, or more importantly, have a sense of what’s socially acceptable to discuss openly. ”
NAME & ALIAS: garfield ‘gar’ mark logan, beast boy (fka changeling) AGE: twenty-five GENDER: cis male PRONOUNS: he/him/his SPECIAL SKILLS: animal shapeshifting, animal mimicry, animal empathy, martial arts, djing, acting, sweet zingers SPECIES: metahuman 3 POSITIVE TRAITS: charismatic, facetious, sincere 3 NEGATIVE TRAITS: attention-seeking, flirtatious, juvenile
no, but having his triends turn to dust was challenging because they were the only family he had left, and they had been the most enduring supportive figures in his life. his life had been marked by death and abandonment, and the loss of his friends was yet another blow. he fell off the rails after not being able to find any explanation for how or why they disappeared, returning to acting in hollywood and falling into the ‘hollywood’ lifestyle harder than ever as a method of coping.
he was just starting to feel like everything was going back to normal before he was transported from his home to whatever timeline he’s in, so now he’s trying to be proactive and get himself started on the right foot in case he’s stuck in this realm for the long haul. 
a multiverse with some of his friends where no one else knows him means a second chance. a second chance at a good reputation and a second chance to allow himself to grow in the ways he needs to without outside pressures plaguing him. you can still catch him spinning some sweet tunes at a local party, though. what can he say? some habits die hard.
as a child, gar lived in africa with his scientist parents who were developing methods of resurrecting extinct animals from the dead. he contracted a rare illness called sarkutia, which is fatal to every species except for the west african green monkey. to save his life, his father used an untested serum meant for his project; it saved his life, but turned his hair, skin, and eyes green and gave him the ability to shapeshift into any animal of his choice. 
his parents were relatively abusive toward him, but a boating accident claimed their lives when he was a child, something he still blames himself for. gar was abducted by criminals who forced him to use his powers to aid in their theft. after being rescued, he was left in the legal care of an abusive guardian that embezzled his inheritance and planned to kill him before he became a legal adult, but was saved by the doom patrol. he was adopted by elasti-girl and steve dayton and eventually joined the group, taking on the name ‘beast boy.’ the doom patrol became his safe haven and his first real exposure to what a loving, caring family should look like. however, much like his parents, the members of the doom patrol met their untimely demises, leaving him alone once more. 
it was then that gar entered hollywood for the first time, following in the footsteps of elasti-girl, and starred in space trek: 2020, which eventually got cancelled due to lawsuits from star trek and space: 1999. (who’da thought?) after this, he met and joied the teen titans, finding his forever family. he initially took on the moniker ‘changeling’ after his former guardian mocked ‘beast boy’ to the point of ruining it for him. he soon went back to using the name ‘beast boy’ and was with various incarnations of the team, finally graduating to the titans before the snap. without having an explanation for why (some of) his friends disappeared, he presumed them dead and fell into a dark depression.
i don’t want to get too in-depth beyond that in case it conflicts with what other muns have in mind for their titans muses, but i imagine that members of the teen titans/titans are trying to re-form! i’m open to anything, baybee!
gar’s personality is larger than life. his switch is always ‘on’ and loves to be the center of attention, cracking jokes and schmoozing with the best of them. truthfully, he enjoys making friends and building strong bonds, as it was years before he was in a position to do that thanks to his upbringing. he’s pretty flirtatious, sometimes without meaning to be, and will always work to win over whoever’s around him. he’s also pretty irresponsible and childish at times, but he’s trying to grow into a Respectable Young Man(TM)
on the flip side, he also desires to be taken seriously, which can be viewed as contradictory to the joking manner he likes to keep. he also uses his facetious demeanor to overcompensate for the inadequacy he feels within, damage which was caused by the years of abuse he endured as a child. he seeks attention and approval in ways that aren’t always healthy. more than anything, he wants to feel valued and loved. ;~;
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party-of-rpg-muses · 6 years
Mun Plays Final Fantasy XIII
I’m much earlier than usual when it came to talking about my playthrough of FF13. And there’s a reason for that, part of it being that I was able to play earlier than usual. There’s also another reason, which I’m sure you already know what that reason is.
Okay, so in Orphan’s Cradle, I stopped off in Fal’Cie Eden White last time and today, I continued where I left off. I ran into a few problems with normal enemies, mainly when I had to fight three Dagonites and one Aquila Velocycle or one Aquila Velocycle and two Sacrifices, but I managed to emerge victorious. Continuing on, I found myself reaching the boss room, fighting Bandersnatch and Jabberwocky. I wanna say this right now, I am SO glad Bandersnatch doesn’t look like THIS fluffy nightmare fuel from Final Fantasy IX! However, I ended up losing the fight, partially because I struggled to deal decent damage. So I rearranged the party to include Sazh, Hope, and Vanille, since they were all about magic. And after a while of dealing damage, I learned the Jabberwocky could heal Bandersnatch to full health, so I switched focus onto Jabberwocky, occasionally taking breaks to heal, buff the party, and debuff the enemies. It took a while, but I managed to kill it with Bandersnatch falling shortly after with little trouble. Juggling also helped to keep the creature in line while I dished out magic damage.
Continuing on even further, I found myself up against an Immortal, which I was hesitant to fight at first, but my curiosity got the better of me. I switch Sazh out for Lightning and tackled the beast... only to lose. I ended up switching Vanille out for Fang and tried again, this time being even more cautious and focusing on the Centurion Blade whenever it came out. But I still got a game over when they used Electrocute, instantly taking Lightning out of the fight. I tried again, this time making sure to heal regularly and I eventually managed to win, especially thanks to Juggling the Immortal. I was also thankful for the Fortisol I applied just before the fight. After that, I went through the portal it was guarding and found some really good items before returning to the normal path. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place; fight Sacrifices and 4 Dagonites at once, or try to fight two Aquila Velocycles.
In the end, I chose the latter, but somehow managed to slip past them without a Deceptisol. Only to find myself having to deal with a Megrim Thresher and Sanctum Templar with no way to sneak around them. I ended up getting a game over or two before I managed to pull off a Preemptive Strike and take out the Templar with Fang tanking damage before turning my attention to the Thresher. However, just after that, I had to deal with a Megrim Thresher and two Sacrifices. I managed to get another Preemptive Strike and tried fighting the two Sacrifices before giving up (I didn’t get a game over, it just took a while and I was getting annoyed) and turning my attention to the Thresher, taking it out before easily cleaning up the Sacrifices. After that, I saved the game and did a few things before continuing on.
I fought the Wladislaus and it proved... quite easy. I just had Fang draw its attention while Lightning attacked and Hope healed. Sometimes, I had Fang go Saboteur for a moment to debuff Wladislaus and had Hope go Synergist, switching to something more defensive when someone got low. And the thing it, against Hope, it could easily take him out in two hits, taking him down to critical health with one blow. But once things were in place, Wladislaus fell very easily with Lightning attacking and Fang tanking.
In the next area, I just went on, just barely managing to squeeze past the enemies on the ramp upwards. Though I did fight the Wladislausm since it was easy enough the first time. But I was forced to fight the three Sanctum Templars. I managed to beat them, taking them out one by one before reaching the Tiamat Eliminator.
It took quite a while before I managed to make any progress, what with its Overdrive healing a good amount of health for it and buffing it. I eventually did a strategy I used early on; attack a few times with a Commando, then spam as much Ravager magic as possible to bring the Chain Bonus up. Though I mostly had Fang tank damage, I occasionally had her take the Commando while while Lightning and Hope went Ravager. Eventually, I managed to beat it, even though it took a few minutes.
With all the bosses defeated, I moved on, went down a sterile white hallway, saved the game once again and did a few things, and went through the door for the final fight. I also worked on everyone’s Crystariums except for Lightning’s, since I at least knew I would gain another Crystarium level after beating Barthandelus
And speaking of Barthandelus... I got a game over against him, so I switched Fang out for Vanille, so I could take a moment and just heal. I took some time off attacking to go defensive, having Lightning heal while Hope buffs and Vanille debuffs. When everyone was at a full or near-full health and if Barthandelus had Imperil, I would start attacking. Lightning deal some physical damage while the others healed before switching to the Tri-Disaster Paradigm and rack up Chain Bonuses, even occasionally using Lightning’s Army of One. It took a while, but I managed to beat him.
After he fell, I was surprised to see myself fighting Orphan already. Or rather, Barthandelus fused with Orphan. I was expecting a small reprieve and a chance to save or something before the next fight. My jaw nearly dropped when it used Merciless Judgment and almost instantly defeated Hope from full health, so I took time off to once again have Hope buff everyone while Lightning healed everyone and Vanille debuffed Orphan. While fighting it, I noticed that it was being healed by a small orb of light, though it wasn’t able to heal much. I had to be a bit more defensive when he summoned an orb of darkness that constantly attacked, but I eventually managed to win against that too.
After that... whew boy! I couldn’t believe Fang actually betrayed everyone, all to save Vanille. I was expecting to fight her... only to see everyone else sans Vanille turn Cie’th. And it was hard seeing Lightning and the others, now mindless Cie’th, just beating on Fang, who refused to fight back. And to suddenly see her turn into a Ragnarok-like creature, I thought this was the end, but she regained some sense of self. And yet, they weren’t done yet, torturting Fang by shocking her and healing her over and over again until Lightning and the others somehow managed to regain their minds and bodies. For a good while, I thought that was it, but no. All that remained was the Orphan Core (at least, I call it the Orphan Core).
And lucky me... Another Doom counter, but at least that one counted down slowly. But it didn’t matter, since I ended up getting a game over. I managed to Stagger Orphan, but when it recovered, Lightning was defeated. I thought I’d have to do all those bosses again, but no. I was given the chance to readjust my team if I so chose (I didn’t) and worked on Lightning’s Crystarium in hopes of getting a slight edge. When I tried again, things were WAY easier! I once again had Vanille and Hope perform their supportive abilities and after that, I used magic to quickly Stagger Orphan, then switched Lightning to the Commando role while Hope and Vanille remained as Ravagers. I defeated the boss in, like, less than a minute and got the Superstar Achievement, which is granted when you get 5 Stars against the final boss.
With all that finished, I relaxed and watched the final cutscene play out. It was something special, seeing Vanille and Fang forming Ragnarok together to save their friends and even turn to crystal to save Cocoon. Though my heart did break someone, as that means they won’t be able to enjoy the newfound peace with their friends. I sat back, reveling in my victory as the credits played, expecting some kind of post-credit cutscene, but nothing. I saved post-game and found myself plopped back in that white hallway before doubling back and returning to Orphan’s Cradle, where I decided to go to Edenhall, where I saved the game and turned it off.
All-in-all, FF13 was a really fun game. I’m okay with the linearity, since the series as a whole was always rather linear, but hidden by a few factors. If I had to pick a problem I had with the game, it’s certainly the Upgrade System and the weapons in general. Upgrading is a cool idea, but it’s very easy for the weapons you find early on to surpass any future weapons you find. Heck, most of the weapons I did during the final battle were the same ones I found very early in the game. Any weapons I found after had lackluster stats and I had no components to upgrade them, leaving me to not use them, even if they had good bonuses.
But yeah, FF13 was a REALLY good game and I had tons of fun with it, especially with it being a fast-paced RPG game where characters can switch their roles on a dime. And one of the best parts if that I never felt like I had to grind. Sure, there was a moment where I had to doubleback and fight a few enemies, but that was because I missed an ability that would prove helpful against an enemy. It was more my fault and even that, that was very late into the game. Truly, there is no such thing as a bad Final Fantasy game. 
And even better, I finished the game just in time for KH3 to be released this upcoming Tuesday. I look forward to playing it and I look forward to eventually playing the FF13 sequels someday too. But right now? Not really. Next FF games I plan on playing are FF3 and FF5, both being on Steam. I won’t get them right now, but sometime down the line.
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madamhatter · 6 years
Inbox ♫♫ And my muse will sing some lyrics of a song the mun has listened to recently. / accpt / @heartshredded
   Icy sweat glistens on the top of her forehead and her hands bury into the cold sheets of the bed. Chattery breath, spontaneous in its respiration, nearly gags the human who felt the heavy weight on her chest. Her head twisted into the side of the bed, her movement far too gentle versus the horrors painting the walls of her mind.
   Springing awake, eyes opened to see the large rectangular window, Sophie stays flat on her side. ‘The lights shouldn’t be so bright, it’s so late’, Sophie first thought. Though, she forced her body upwards by the sheer yet lacking energy in her hands. She squinted as her right hand hovered over her neck, trying to better control her breathing.
   A beautiful skyline of the Tokyo downtown, neon lights of the prosperous corporations and, further in the distance, there was the large screens that were only blurry from this height. Yet, what caught her attention was the Tokyo Skytree, visible and definitely higher up than she was.  Her fingers pushed back the silver bangs that were stuck to her forehead.
    One glance over her shoulder, she found herself spotting a low-rise table with a multi-desktop display, shut off, including a closed red laptop. A wide two-eyed beanie chair was to the front, with one side littered with soda cans, another stack with books. Roughly five of them were stacked but some were opened, left flat on the ground. ‘Didn’t I already clean up...?’ Printers were stacked to the corner in a modern shelf, a bulletin board with notes written in kanji, even cut outs of dates that had no further explanation. 
   Sophie finally sat properly on her bottom, legs crossed, but her body remained completely still. For a mammal, warm-blooded and with her veins healthy,  her blood was running cold at the temporary invasion of anxiety.  ‘Shit, shit.’ First thoughts came to mind wasn’t her safety but, the obvious missing piece--
   Though, one glance to the left of the mattress eased her. Green hair lazily in a ponytail, surprisingly dressed in a sweater dress with her useless round glasses on the nightstand beside her, the small curled figure of her superior was soundly -- “soundly” as snoring could be -- asleep. Sophie eased back to sit on the mattress, but, her eyes kept on glancing back to her boss. 
   Perhaps her overworking habit finally caught up to her, Sophie considered. It hadn’t been the first time she collapsed or felt her body shut down for...however long this was. She only remembered glimpses of conversation with the writer.
  Something unsettled Sophie from those memories; it was something off-putting from how her boss was maneuvering herself. Minus the whole “half ghoul” predicament and their chaotic lifestyle, the assistant knew the abyss of secrets hidden in the 26-year-old and she hadn’t caught any. All that she realized was that older woman was coming home more sporadically, her skin looked untouched but there must’ve been damage underneath. She didn’t even bother with the door, she just sometimes came in through the window (usually scaring Sophie out of her boots).
    Was she also exhausted? What was she doing so late at night? There were already reports on ghoul-ran terrorist attacks in the downtown area and Sophie was beyond clueless to the cultural ideas around half-ghouls. But, she knew certainly that it wasn’t safer for her to be out there. And, she always did worry. 
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   “Eto?” Sophie hummed, gently holding out her hand. “Don’t use your kaguna, it’s just me, Sophie,” she sighed under her breath, grazing her knuckles against her cheek and forehead. It wasn’t too hot so, she isn’t getting sick. Sophie sighed with relief, quick to brush away some of Eto’s stray locks behind her ear. For half a moment, Eto looked relaxed, actually genuine, and Sophie felt herself bitterly smiling at the thought. Her hand still brushed her face, gaze softening, her thoughts lost in thought--- 
     If life actually could be like this.
 The Hatter shook her head, feeling an unnecessary heat creeping on her cheeks. Her hand quickly snapped away. She turned her body away in shame. 
   Get those ridiculous thoughts out of your head, Sophie. You know better than to think like that.
Forcing herself out of the bed, Sophie’s bare feet met the cool floor, leaving her to shiver. Though, she grabbed the blankets that Eto was sleeping on and tucked her in. The human stretched her arms over her head, patrolling over the unusually small mess around the one-eyed owl’s nest. 
Rolling her eyes at the stacking soda cans, she squatted down onto the tip of her toes, quietly gathering them for recycling. Though, her eyes went over to the turned over books. She left the empty cans on top of the low-rise table, ordering them from largest to smallest. Yet, her curiosity only got to her, and she plucked up the book, skimming.
Even if Eto needed them for notetaking and references for her manuscripts, she surely was mad not to use sticky notes. Sophie sighed heavily, looking to the office space that belonged to her superior. She grabbed a yellow sticky note, using it as a bookmark. With the other opened books scattered around her feet, she followed the same routine. 
Tucking the now bookmarked books into her left arm, she returned to her feet. To the right of the opened window, which allowed in a cool draft, there was a high shelf within her reach. She was half surprised her superior could manage to reach there without needing any chairs (but, Sophie doubted Eto even bothered using her hands for things out of range).
Falling back to routine, she approached the bookshelf, alphabetizing the current collection in her possession. As she slipped them in, keeping the book spine facing her front, she also returned to the habit of singing. It wasn’t one that the author was fond of, especially if doomed with deadlines for chapters, but it was something that kept peace in the apartment for a while. 
“Oh, the queen of peaceAlways does her best to pleaseBut is it any use?Somebody's gotta lose”
One glance over her shoulder, still fond of the silhouette of her sleeping body, her brows lowered and she drew her lips into her mouth. Her hand stops, in mid-motion to put away another book. A somberness dried her throat. Though, she returned to looking at the shelf, resuming work.
“Like a long screamOut there, always echoingOh, what is it worth?All that's left is hurt..”
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vvardenfellcat · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.
Stolen from uh...lots of people at this point. Took me a while to get to it. @aglitchinemotion finally got my booty in gear tho.
I have a few... Though it’s more of ‘hey these two/three/etc would be cute and actually get along and heeeeyyyy that might actually work in canon! I wonder...
Nothing’s canon yet for TES!J’hasi, though Aldaril and Morwaen have a one-sided thing going on atm. Mori, pls...show the poor mer some mercy...
Modern!TES AU J’hasi, Maarzi, and Jeer-Rah are a thing, Al and Morwaen are a thing, Icarus and mead is a thing... All the ships. Welcome to my self-indulgent paradise.
Depends on how well I know you. Unless you’re Paige I doubt it would go further than fade to black after smooches and whatnot. I’ve started writing the Porns™ to try and see if I like doing it/find it worthwhile, and while I enjoy the emotionally-connected ones, the stand of the night type ones aren’t fun to me. Still have to issue copies to Quality Control to determine their Hot Stuff merit.
TL;DR full blown prons are doubtful unless I’m really close friends with the mun first, else varies between No and fade-to-black depending on how well I know the mun.
Under 18 is a Hell No, TES is uh...weird with people living hundreds of years and yet some only 80ish or w/e so I guess it depends on how old they seem? Mer, man. Can’t get a good bead on em agewise. I suppose if there’s like a huge gap like Mr. 800 years old shacking up with someone around 400 that would be weird to me. A hundred years gap wouldn’t be too bad assuming the younger is like...30s? 40s? At least. Mid 20s would be the lowest I’d go with something like that, and even then that’s pushing it. Two hundred gap would be ehh...and anything beyond that is sort of a ‘how is each individual case like’?
Modern AU (aka not TES Modern AU) I guess like 10 ish gap is the most? Not much higher than that because then you get weird things of like ‘oh I was a teenager when you were born’ stuff and that rubs me the wrong way.
I mean I’m a bit selective with rping, like...I can’t up and ship with someone if I don’t know them. And yes, that has happened in the past and it made me not want to ship ever again because someone didn’t know/didn’t care that it’s not cool to write my character for me. And horribly OOC too. Yuck.
Honestly we’d have to be mutuals for a while before I’d be okay with shipping. Especially if it was J’hasi because LET ME TELL YOU THAT BOY FEEL TOO GOTDAMN MUCH FOR HIM GOTDAMN HEART. And yeah they have to have chemistry. And while most of my characters are more easygoing with the romance and boinking stuff, J’hasi is one of those that’s hard to get to that point because Trust Issues and whatnot. Anyone’s welcome to try, just know that we’d have to know each other and the muses in question would have to have some chemistry before anything progresses beyond verbal sparring.
Once someone goes beyond the belt, that’s the point that I’d say yeah that’s nsfwy-stuffs. Smooches and whatnot are safes, making out, etc, but once someone starts digging around in the other’s pants then yeah that’s a decent marker. I’d likely readmore it once it got beyond smooches for sake of people who don’t want to read two muses fooling around with each other but it wouldn’t get the NSFW tag until aforementioned marker.
I thought I was asked this before x_x UHHHHMMM usually it’s more of ‘who’s possible’, since I don’t set anything in stone until the characters meet in RP. I may misread a character and then the ship would be weird once I learn my mistake, so I tend to ask lots of questions of the person in question like ‘if x met y and they did z, how would they react?’ I do this with situations outside of shipping too because I LIKE LEARNING ABOUT CHARACTERS MANG.
Private ships are private ships, usually self-indulgent whatever to help me practice writing interpersonal communication and possibly sexytiems so I can learn what sounds natural because it’s a new type of writing for me, same as when I was first learning how to write actiony stuffs and MAJOR DOOM plots and whatever. The pronoun game kills me because 90% of it is gay. Maarzi and her gf Riheh is one of my fave ships because MAARZI IS SUCH A FUCKING TEASE AND THEN RIHEH CATCHES HER OFF-GUARD CONSTANTLY AND I LOVE THEM.
...I just realized I haven’t done any straight NSFW yet aside from that thread with Moj and Sham. I should...probably remedy that. Oops.
I’m fine with your character feeling as they will, it’s your character, that’s how they do. It’s when you try to push it onto my character without asking for permission that I get irritated. Like by all means, a character can make passes at mine, flirt, w/e, that’s totally fine. It’s when someone thinks that because my muse reacts a certain way back that they think it’s canon then, which. No. You ask me.
Sometimes my characters flirt back because that’s just how they are. They might be trying to use your muse’s apparent interest to suit their needs. Muses may not explain their reasoning for acting x way, so it’s better to ask me to see if it’s genuine ‘ay let’s ship’ vs ‘my character is using yours to get out of a situation or for their own selfish gain’. Plus, if I don’t know you, a ship isn’t going to happen. I need to know the mun before I make any commitments.
I’m with Dust!mod on this one, when it makes sense. I’m not romantically inclined irl, so it’s not like I Need it, it’s just something fun and new to play with, like when you get a new toy. You have lots of other toys, and that’s yet another you have at your disposal. Say that you think that the situation would be more exciting if Mr. Dinosaur came in and interrupted the tea party with some dire news from the front, or maybe he wants to confess that he loves Mr. Sheep and doesn’t want Mr. Sheep to elope with Tonka Truck, or that Tonka Truck was actually using Mr. Sheep for his billions in assets to make war on the Hot Wheels regime. It could be integral to the plot, or just give another facet to it, adding some extra drama to the Shit Going Down. The world is your oyster, friend.
Nnnnnnah. I tried AU stuff with other fandoms, didn’t like, and I don’t need multiple verses of the same TES verse to handle. Not to mention like...why would you multiship when you can have polyamory? Way easier imo. Imagine the cuddlepiles. The only exception I have for this is Modern!TES but that’s more of ‘this is my self-indulgent paradise, I’ll make everyone hold hands if I want to’, and that’s...kinda my personal verse since I haven’t really talked about it much and I don’t think other people would be into it lmao
If it’s friends, lovers, rivals, sworn enemies, whatever relationship a muse has with another, it’s all good in my book. It’s great to have character-developing interactions no matter how it’s brought about, if your friend is concerned about x habit you have, or if you got the hots for some new friend on the block, or if you can’t fucking stand your new co-worker/peer, or someone decided that You Need To Die For X Reason And You Just Won’t Go Quietly.
I don’t hold any over the others in terms of importance, like sometimes I’m more in the mood for rival battles, sometimes I just want nerds to cuddle and read together. It just depends on what mood I’m in for at the moment.
Uhhhhhh I can’t think of any atm. I get a stupid grin on my face when me and @brothersofthedominion come up with ideas for our plots involving a giant golden boy and a srs golden girl, but my current favorite ship that I think about a lot is stuck in self-indulgent paradise world.
I gotta know who tf you are first. Ask interactions are good for this, because then it unlocks the possibility of rps, which then once I have a good idea of who you are, then there’s a chance of shipping. Else it’s gonna end up being your muse tryna flirt with mine with little chance of getting anywhere other than flirting back or in J’hasi’s case, likely a big fat |:/
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justmilah-archive · 7 years
About (mobile)
Relatively new to OUAT RP (read: brand new) and figured I’d dip in a toe.
Why ‘justmilah’ you ask? Because ‘milah’ and ‘mymilah’ were both taken and she has no canon surname.
The muse might be a bitch to your character but the mun will probably be banging her head on the desk saying things like ‘this is why we can’t have nice things’ and ’this is no way to make friends you turd!’
I’m old. Ish. As in, I remember the first wave of furbies and watched Sailor Moon and ReBoot on Toonami in high school. As in, I graduated in 2002 and have celebrated turning 29 for the fifth time.
I prefer female pronouns but personally don’t care if you slip.
I can take a few days to respond. Please feel free to send me a message if you believe I have lost track of our thread.
I will try to keep OOC drama off my blog. (For now this includes s7 speculation and spoilers. Feel free to rant or rave at me in messages, though, I’m wibbly wobbly on it myself!)
First of all, a lot of this is a WIP and is subject to change. While I feel I got a good bit of her core personality down, I don’t quite have all the ins and outs of her figured out yet.
The Beginnings:
There are three indisputable truths about Milah. She loathed the Dark One, adored her son, and loved Killian Jones.
Once, a handful of centuries ago, Milah adored her husband (he was a good man once) and loved her son. Oddly enough, these two emotions barely overlapped at the same time. After her son’s birth she scorned her husband for hobbling himself instead of fighting in a war and dooming their family with the label of cowardice.
She tried for a few years to stay with a husband she was no longer in love with. Not even the strong constitution, eyes that promised the world, and a handsome face could pull her away from her duty as wife and mother. Then her son got bitten by a poisonous snake and Rumple bartered away their second born for the cure. Realizing she could never give up a child of hers she began spending more and more time in a tavern.
Over time, the pirate that promised the world won her heart. One day she left with him, satisfying her guilt over leaving her son behind with the knowledge that loving him was probably the only thing Rumple was good for. Still, the ache remained, and to ease his love’s suffering Killian Jones promised that one day they could go back for Baelfire.
And then her ex husband found them and literally tore her heart out of her chest and crushed it.
The Underworld:
Being dead knocks around one’s priorities. Had it not been for her guilt over abandoning her son she would have moved on relatively quickly but the need to make amends with him kept her soul lingering.
Cursed in Storybrooke:
Her history starts out the same as it does in the main background. However it diverges after her death.
Not quite trusting the infamous Captain Hook, the Evil Queen steals a lock of well preserved hair from his cabin. Add a dash of this, a touch of that, and maybe some water she’d salvaged from Lake Nostos, and she suddenly found herself with the perfect trump card.
(Of course, he ‘succeeded’ so she saved her pawn for a rainy day.)
Name: Evelyn Johnson Age: 34 Height: 5'8
Occupation: Pediatric Nurse Pets: Jolly. A domestic long hair cat Likes: Reading, hiking, sitting at the docks, usually her job Dislikes: Being stuck in a small town, loneliness, people, therapy sessions with Dr. Hopper
As the curse was breaking, Evelyn’s nightmares became more pronounced. It wasn’t until it broke that she realized why. She fought the urge to cross the town line again because she was living in a small port once again with her ex husband and killer not far away.
She did her best to avoid him. She wasn’t even sure if he knew she was there.
Evelyn lived a bit away from the main square and preferred not to go to close to her ex-husband’s shop.
Mostly she worked nights but sometimes she covered other shifts. Sometimes, when family emergencies took a toll on the already understaffed hospital, she took over the rounds of other nurses even if they weren’t in pediatrics. It’s better than being at home.
She did her best to avoid all the magical nonsense everyone got themselves into. After all, magic had been the cause of her death and rebirth. She was having no more of that, thank you.
She just wanted to be left alone. Couldn’t a woman just wallow in her self-imposed isolation and misery in peace?
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