#Yoru x male reader
rekino2114 · 17 days
Can I ask for one headcanon about what Fami, Makima, Asa/Yoru, Power and Quanxi reacting to someone hitting or disrespecting your boyfriend?
Makima,power,quanxi, asa/yoru and fami reacting to you getting disrespected
She resists the urge to kill the person right there and then to not cause a scene and instead just approaches you
She's smiling the whole time and holding your hand to make you feel safe but to the person who was bothering she just seems creepy and uncanny
If they don't leave and continue harassing you she'll just use her powers and make them leave before asked if you're OK and reminding you that whatever they said wasn't true (she gives you headpats if you're particularly sad)
If they, for some reason, decide to come back, she'll just kill them, she already gave them a warning after all
"Are you alright darling? I saw you looked pretty sad by what that piece of trash said, just remember that I love you ok?
"Don't worry I know thanks makima"
"Don't mention it, it's the least I could do"
Unlike makima, power has absolutely no problem with killing someone in front of you, especially if that someone is insulting you in front of her
She'll just create a blood spear or something and stab them repeatedly to release her anger
But if she's having a good day or if you ask her to, she won't kill them but just kick them down while spouting insults at them
Once she's finished she'll demand praise for defending your honor
"......p-power I think they're unconscious"
"Eh, how disappointing, anyways I think I deserve a little credit for protecting you"
"Thank you power, even if I didn't think you needed to go this far thanks for defending me"
"*blushes* o-of course, the almighty power will always defend you"
Her hand was already on her Dao the moment she heard something negative about you come out of that person's mouth.
She decided against killing them and just joins your conversation, making (not that) veiled threats at their life if they continue insulting you
This woman is intimidating af, so the person will probably leave but if for some reason they don't she'll put her sword at their neck and just say "leave" in her cold and deadly tone (she considered going crossbow form but thought they were too weak)
She'll be more protective of you for the rest of the date (which is saying something) side hugging you whenever someone goes near you
"Y/n....... is this person bothering you?"
"Oh its alright babe I think they were leaving anyway"
"What a shame.....i just sharpened my Dao I was looking forward to using it"
Asa mitaka/yoru
(I assume you wanted them together since you put a slash in them instead of a comma, but let me know if I'm wrong)
That person's fate really depends on who is in control of the body at that moment
Asa doesn't like confrontation so she'll just tell you to ignore them and pull you away (while ignoring yoru screaming in her head to let her out so she can kill them)
Yoru, on the other hand, is much more aggressive. Those insults that person told you are gonna be their last words because she's immediately turning them into a weapon before chuckling at how weak it is and throwing it away (probably killing another person in the process)
If you're sad about it later they will give you hugs and remind you of their love to make you feel better (yoru while blushing intensely)
".......hey girl, let me out this instant"
"No I'm not letting you murder someone today"
"Our boyfriend"
"Whatever. The important thing is that you didn't even tell them anything, do you really love y/n that little?"
"N-no, I love him!"
"......Are you and yoru fighting again?"
She finishes swallowing whatever she was eating, stands up, goes near their face, and tells the person to leave
Fami can be really intimidating too. She's a tall, emotionless woman with ringed yellow eyes, so most likely the person will leave when she is right in their face
She'll keep silent eye contact until they leave not even blinking once and then coming back to the table continuing to eat like nothing happened
If what the person said really hurt you, she'll bring you to eat ice cream cause she heard it's the food that helps cheer up humans the most
"My boyfriend and i are eating. Leave."
"Is something wrong y/n?"
"N-no, I just....didn't think you could be that scary"
"I'm an horseman of apocalypse, I kinda have to"
"Yeah that makes sense"
"........I don't scare you do I?"
"Oh no don't worry, absolutely not"
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wisteriaiswriting · 3 months
Jett, Yoru, Viper, and Omen dating a male reader who likes to pull comically advance pranks on them.
𝕊/𝕆 𝕎𝕙𝕠 ℙ𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞
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Words: 905
Unsure of what ‘comically advanced’ means so I’ve settled for more ‘comical’ pranks
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On one hand she loves every prank you pull.
But on the other hand, absolutely despises it when you turn them against her.
She’ll become all huffy and pouts when you target her instead.
Really tries her best to avoid one prank just to wander into another one.
She had a mission tomorrow but no knives. Sure she had backups but she’d rather not use them until they’re needed, not as replacements. Quickly enough she left her room to start searching around in some rooms, asking anyone she came by ‘If they’ve seen her knives?’ But coming up with no luck.
At some point she gave up, planning to spend at least a few hours in the living area. And that was going to plan for about an hour, watching Gekko and Clove yell at each other. That was before Sova suddenly called for her, at first she thought it was for training, that was her main thought until he emerged from the kitchen.
“Jett, you were looking for your knives, yes?”
“Yeah! Did you see ‘em?”
He didn’t speak, instead pointing her into the room. At first she thought he might’ve been playing his own prank on her, until she noticed the bowl he placed on the counter. Peeking over the side to find something she didn’t want to.
Her knives had been stolen, and now stuck inside a bowl of jelly.
“Wha– Who did this?!”
Turning her head at the sound of someone laughing, and it wasn’t Gekko or Clove. It was you, leaning into the doorway and laughing at her situation.
Forgetting about her knives as she rushed after you. At least she knew who did it.
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He makes it very clear how much he hates it.
Is so tempted to destroy the things you used against him, but will walk away before he does.
Will get you back immediately.
Scowls then pouts when you prank him, becomes so loud laughing when he gets you back.
Today started off pretty normal, until you started doing… you. Starting simple with a piece of tape stretched over a doorway at just the right height for Yoru to hit. And within a few minutes he walked right into it, angrily pulling it off as you howled with laughter.
That was until he dumped a nearby glass of water onto you. The room filled with even more laughter, and not just from him. As everyone else had started laughing as well. Shaking off any excess water back onto Yoru before you stormed off, you had something planned for him. “The fuck?” Walking closer to his bike as if everything on it would just disappear. But they didn’t, staying stuck on every edge of the bike. Taking a handful before dropping it onto the concrete ground. “Y/N!”
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She secretly has a soft spot for your pranks. (Anyone else even near her receives a massive side eye or glare from her.)
Everytime you either try or successfully prank her she’ll grumble about it for the next few minutes at least.
Is now constantly on guard for anything you might try.
She’s willing to give you things (All non-lethal/dangerous) to help your pranks.
Sabine stepped back into her lab and everything just seemed… off. She couldn’t pin what it was but she knew the room was disturbed, now she needed to find out why. A quick scan only encouraged her thoughts, but she needed to look closer.
There it was.
In seconds she realized what happened. All the liquids in their original containers were replaced with more childish versions, and most of her tools were now plastic. But there was one thing that made her laugh, shaking her head as she looked away.
In the tank that belonged to her precious Eastern Hognose, she had been removed and replaced with the dumbest plush snake ever. Looking over when she heard the door slide open, finding you standing in the doorway with her snake laying over your shoulders.
“Aren’t you so smart~”
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Honestly, there’s not one prank that has ever worked on Omen.
At least not any that you *think* work, as you can’t make out any facial expressions.
That is until you pull out the real annoying ones.
This is when he starts grumbling.
Omen didn’t need to sleep, but he enjoyed the time spent in his room. That was until you decided today was the day you would finally get a reaction from him, and you certainly got one.
As soon as he finished clipping his bonzai the sound of an alarm caused him to jump, looking around only to not find the clock. He didn’t have one, so why was there one going off?
Gently placing down the clippers as another one went off, then another, and within the minute there were at least 5 alarms blaring. But whenever he got close to the noise it seemed to move, but maybe it was just another alarm being set off. There was only one person who was brave enough to do this to him.
You jumped when you heard Omen teleport behind, unprepared for that. Even with what you just did, you should’ve been more than ready for him to show up.
“Oh, Omen!”
“What did you do?”
“You know…” Taking small and slow steps back as if he was an animal that would attack at any moment, “At least your bonsai is safe!”
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onlyfrags · 4 months
Yoru with a male s/o who's radiant powers give him draconic features and powersof the elements. Their on a date but people keep pointing out and staring at reader features like his horns, eyes or tail etc..
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A/N I apologize for this taking forever! Yoru might be a bit OOC and I did not proof read this well, apologies. Its 4:30 AM and I have not slept so :D
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Yoru with a Draconic Male Significant Other | Yoru x Male Radiant Reader
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Yoru had always been a very prideful man. He took pride in everything. Be that his looks, his skills, and his ancestry. So of course, his pride would further extend to his relationship.
That extended to you.
Initially, he had little interest in you when you first joined the protocol. Sure, your appearance was definitely one of the more shocking or jarring Radiants he had ever seen, but you were just another teammate to him.
For a while, he listened to Phoenixs comments about you. About how odd your eyes were to him and how your stare gave him the creeps. How unnerving it was when he saw how your skin seemed to have visible scales. How your nails almost seemed like claws, and the many many questions about why you would have a tail. It was all so much for the poor man when all he wanted was to get some extra training in.
Then he went on a mission with you. He saw your powers in action. You in action. How you were able to aid Phoenix in guiding his fire a bit farther than before. How you took some of the water from Harbors wall to blind the enemies. How you joined Jett in dashing across the air. How the ground shook to reveal the people who hid.
He was entranced, though he would never admit that out loud.
As more and more missions happened, Brimstone was able to identify how well you both worked together. With you to aid in distractions, Yoru could thrive. You had a deep trust in the rift walker, and you had gained Yorus respect. Something that many weren't able to achieve.
You became inseparable. A duo that the omega universe would theorize about in hushed whispers that sent chills down fellow agents spines.
It was thrilling for Ryo. Exciting. Something that kept his heart racing and spirits high out on the battlefield.
Soon enough, The friendly banter turned to teasing jokes and witty remarks. Competitions would break out between the two of you to see who would achieve more on the field, and then it bled into training as well.
It was only a matter of time truly before someone had made the first move.
You had been relaxing with Yoru in his room, watching the other man from his couch with a mischievous look that he knew all too well. Before he could question it, you flicked your finger in the air causing a small spray of water into his face from the cup he had been holding. The poor man sputtered and coughed as he shook his head. His wet hair fell into his eyes which only further irritated the man.
Next thing you know, he was on top of you. The cup long abandoned as his knees dug into the cushion that was next to your thighs. He pushed you back against the couch, starting a playful wrestling match the same way he had many times before. All the while he loudly complained about his hair having been messed up, and about how he had to change clothes all while trying to pin you to the couch.
Somehow, with a few squirmy movements, you knocked Yoru off balance so he landed in your arms. Trapping him in an embrace, you couldn't help but grin as the smaller man tried to free himself before eventually giving up. His damp hair now pressed under your jaw as you felt him relax a little in your arms. A few moments later, he wrapped his arms around your torso and rested his hands above your tail.
It was silent. Though you knew Yoru could hear your heart pound against your chest. Despite this, not a word was spoken.
Instead, you felt something feather light against your collarbone. And then again. And once more a little farther up against your throat.
Your own breath hitched when you realized that Yoru was peppering you with gentle kisses where your scales met exposed skin. Hearing your little noise only made the man let out one of his signature chuckles before he moved to press one last kiss against your jaw.
His hands gave your waist a little squeeze before he mumbled, "You always were cute when you have your guard down~." His ego showed as he pulls away to admire you with a look of pride. Pride at how he had you flustered, and pride from his own actions.
After that day, you were an unspoken couple. In front of the others, nothing had seemingly changed. The competitiveness remained between the both of you as did your trust in each other. But behind closed doors you found yourself at the mercy of Ryo. A man who struggled with words but showed he cared about you with his actions. A man who was proud of the work you did together. A man who was proud of you.
Eventually, you and Ryo had managed to acquire a few days off. Perfect timing since he had been wanting to take you to Japan for a while now. He wanted you to see his homeland and experience the place he loved.
Yet the trip didn't go exactly as Ryo had hoped it would.
By this time, he had completely forgotten that your appearance made you stand out a bit. Your horns, tail, scales, and slitted eyes had others staring.
Some whispered in hushed voices. Some pointed at you and grimaced, throwing judgmental glances before turning away when you looked back at them. A few people even ran up to ask for pictures with you, asking about your appearance or how you did your makeup. It was an uncomfortable experience. Uncomfortable for you, and uncomfortable for Ryo.
After about half an hour of the stares and whispers as you walked with him to various different places in Tokyo, Ryo was done with it. He huffed loudly, taking your hand in his as he drags you down several different alleys and streets until he stops in front of a small building. A little hole in the wall place that seemed to be fairly empty from the looks of it.
Ryo, also noticing this, took a deep breath and sighed before squeezing your hand a little. A sign that he was there for you despite what all happened, before he let go. Giving you a reassuring head nod, he goes to open the door for you and follows you inside.
Ryo explained that this was his favorite place to come to, a small family owned restaurant that he claimed made the best cold soba noodles to help relax after a long day of being in the sun
"…or dealing with idiots who stare." He grumbled under his breath
And he was right. The noodles and dumplings were easily some of the best you had ever had, and the lack of people around made Ryo much more comfortable as well. The man who usually doesn't say much, babbled. He talked about the different foods he shared with you, the memories he had with the restaurant, and even told you about the history of each dish.
By the time you both finished your food, had a beer or two, and paid for it all, the sun had already began to set. Ryo would hum a little before carefully taking your hand in his own once again. Little actions like this were so uncommon that you couldn't help but feel your heart race.
His fingers laced with your own before looking back at you with a small smile. Taking a step forward, he did the unthinkable. He pressed a kiss to the corner of your lips and gave your hand another squeeze.
He would smile gently at you before he began pulling you down the street once more. This time, he was taking you to the place you'd both be staying so you didn't have to deal with prying eyes, and he could hold you close without fear of others seeing.
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cryoniide · 2 years
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Too late…
~ genre ~ angst
~ warnings ~ death, suicide, badly written angst
~ requested ? ~ nope, but feel free to request :)
~ pairings ? ~ Ryo Kiritani (Yoru) x m!reader (but can be read as gn)
~ a/n ~ my first time writing angst, sorry if its bad
It’s been…how many days? You weren’t sure, you had lost count. You knew that dating an agent would come with it’s ups and downs, but you weren’t ready for the days, sometimes even weeks, when you wouldn’t be able to talk to your boyfriend. Not knowing if he was still alive, it hurt you to think about. So, you decided not to. Only, that made it worse. The more you tried not to think about it, the worse it seemed. You were in your bed crying most nights at the thought of not being able to see him again. It hurt, physically, mentally and emotionally. You don’t know when the last time you saw daylight was. When had you eaten? Drank water? You can’t remember, you don’t remember. You can’t find it in yourself to care. Not until you knew he was safe.
That day didn’t come for another two days. You heard the door open, your name being called. It made you jump out of bed, walking out to the source of the voice. And that’s when it hits you. When you see him, standing there, smiling at you. He looked perfectly fine. A little scratch here and there. But, nothing broken. You…were worried…for nothing. You stood there, teary eyed, staring at him. You looked….broken. His smile disappeared. He dropped all of his things and ran over to hug you.
It’s been a few days since he came back. He’s been more loving than usual, giving you more attention. You loved it, but it felt so..wrong. You decided to ignore those thoughts, pretending that everything was okay. “Hey, {y/n}, is everything alright?” You turned your head, flashing a smile to your boyfriend, “I’m fine, Ryo, just tired,” you replied, going back to your writing. It was a simple note. A letter you had forgotten to write a few weeks ago. You were tired, that’s true, but you didn’t want to leave without writing a letter.
It took longer than you expected. You were up until 4 a.m. And now, here you are. Staring at the tear stained letter, contemplating everything that was happening. You wanted to do it. Everything was tiring. Eating, getting up to use the bathroom, waking up, even going to bed seemed exhausting. And you were tired of it. You were done. Done with this entire game people called a life.
Standing up from your desk, you walked slowly to your shared bedroom. You scanned your eyes over the room one last time, stopping after seeing your boyfriend’s sleeping figure. You walked next to him, bending down to push the hair from his face, giving his temple a small kiss before smiling softly, “Don’t miss me too much, I’ll feel bad.”
After seeing everything for the last time, you left. Out the door, down the hall, to the stairs. The walk up was excruciatingly slow. Your heart ached, tears streaming down your face. You can’t believe you’re finally doing this. After how many days? Weeks? Months? Years, you’ve felt like this? But, enough was enough. You were tired of waking up every day, wishing something, anything, bad would happen. It never did, so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
Finally, after what felt like hours, you reached the rooftop. You walked to the edge, climbing up and sitting down, taking in the scenery. It was so beautiful, peaceful, stress free. The life you always wanted but, never got to have. With a smile on your face, you stood up, leaning forward and going wherever the wind took you. No thoughts, no stress, just…peacefulness. You were happy, yet you couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “I guess this is it, huh? Goodbye..world..”
The following morning, he searched the entire house. For you. Only stopping once he found the letter. Halfway through, tears started streaming down his face. He was devastated, heartbroken. His whole world crumbled, and it was all his fault. He made you feel that way. He made you miserable. He..killed you. And now, he couldn’t do anything but mourn. Mourn, mourn, mourn. Until he couldn’t anymore. He decided to join you, he had nothing to live for anymore. He’ll stay by your side forever, not make you worry anymore. He loved you too much to leave you. And, you loved him too.
‘Ryo, do you remember our first date? You saw me at a café, you kept glancing my way with that pretty smile of yours. So, you asked me on a date. You took me to the park, it was beautiful. The cherry blossoms were in bloom, we had ice cream, and just talked. We were just kids. We didn’t know we’d be together..forever. I remember our first kiss like it was yesterday. A year after we met. You were so nervous, but you did it anyways. Your whole face went red after you realized what you had did. It was hilarious. Do you remember what I said to you that day? How I thanked you for being in my life? You gave me a reason to live. You saved me. Or, so I thought. I loved you, I really did. I will continue to love you, but I can’t deal with the pain. The constant weeks of being alone, not knowing if i’d ever see you again. Not knowing if I’d feel your touch, hug you, or hear you talk on and on about the intensity of the battles you face. I’m sorry, but I give up. I will never forget you though. You were everything to me. You made me so happy, so don’t beat yourself up over this, okay? I love you, Ryo Kiritanti. And truly, thank you for trying to save me. But, I’m afraid you were just..too late..”
~ word count ~ 948
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amphibiahawks321 · 4 months
[Asa and Y/N hanging out]
Asa : Chuckles i-i'm having a nice time Y/N...
M!Reader : I'm Glad!
[Y/N spots an icecream cart]
M!Reader : Hm..... You want icecream?
Asa : S-Sure!
M!Reader : Be right back! ^v^
[Y/N walks up to the icecream cart while Asa stares at Y/N with a genuine smile]
Yoru : You're seriously wasting our time on this date....
Asa blushing : Wha!? This isn't a date! It's just a fun hangout as f-friends
Yoru : Come on I've seen the way you stare at Y/N.... What's so special about this Y/N anyway—......
Asa : because his genuinely fun to be around.... Not to mention his really funny and I'm not saying I have a crush on him but...
Asa blushing : Ahem h-he is pretty cute...
Asa : So if you—......???
[Asa stares at yoru and sees yoru intensely staring at something]
Asa : Yoru? You okay?
Yoru : .......
Yoru : Y/N does have a nice ass....
Asa : !!!?!?'
Asa : What the!? What are you staring at?!
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hopelessrromantix · 1 year
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kinktober blurbs 2023 masterlist
[send asks to choose kinks from the list and characters <3]
cis women dni
top/dom male reader content
1 — somnophilia | morpheus
4 — overstimulation | marc spector
7 — power imbalance + hate-fucking | miguel o'hara
10 — boot-riding | billy hargrove
13 — dacryphilia + lingerie | steve harrington
16 — phone sex | poly!ghostface
19 — feminization + breeding | steven grant
22 — orgasm denial + thigh riding | steven grant
25 — free use | marc spector
28 — hate-fucking | billy hargrove
31 — photos/video + corruption | steven grant
cock warming | feminization | dry humping | breeding | somnophilia | thigh riding | brat taming | masturbation | bondage | phone sex | body worship | overstimulation | drunk sex | hate-fucking | aphrodisiac | boot-riding | free use | lingerie | dacryphilia | first time | threesome | cuckolding | facefucking | daddy/master/sir | praise | degredation | humiliation | orgasm denial | photos/video | bulge | creampie | fingering | power imbalance | corruption
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
tw/cw: yandere themes, drugging, mention of noncon, depression, suicide. y/n kinda a masochist. unedited and written in like 20mins.
It was no problem really, he in turn loved chasing after you. But it was time for this game of yours to end. College didn’t last forever after all, and he knew that with your grades and other qualifications, you’d be leaving somewhere he couldn’t reach.
Your attitude was understandable. You two started off your ‘relationship’ with bickering about academics. People were assigned shifts as to who had to tear you two apart before it got physical.
Whoever’s side they might be on, everyone agreed that it was peculiar how the two of you acted towards one another. You were kind, almost a pushover at times but tended to be headstrong and stubborn when it came to Derrick. Whereareas Derrick never participated and usually went with the flow of things, uncaring of what grades he got, but only ever argued about his thoughts and opinions when he was grouped with you.
You were like destined enemies.
Until, one day, you gave him your hand.
His mental had been in an all time low. He last attempt had gone wrong and he was rescued before any irreparable harm was done. At that time he couldn’t help but hate any concern shown to him.
Any concern but yours.
It was brief, agonizingly short. The caress of your (soft/callused) skin on his cheek before you squeezed his hand, mouthing words he’ll never forget,
“Stay stubborn, slacker.”
And you disappeared.
You two weren’t close by any means. You even chose to insult him again and dig at his greatest insecurity. But your concern was there,
and he didn’t hate it for some reason.
Confused over his feelings, Derrick found himself too distracted to dwell on self hatred. Soon his venomous words he spat at you at the daily turned flowery, heck, sappy at times.
You’d stare at him in group activities, which you were somehow always forced to do with him, like a ticking time bomb. Waiting for the moment he explodes and tell you everything that was wrong with your idea.
But instead he smiles, telling you how wonderful it was and that he fully supports it. Surprising not just you but your entire class that everyone went dead silent.
After that day, which most thought was a fluke, he still continued his attempt at your heart. Accompanying you to every class of yours, even if the schedule clashed with his and he’d have to run two buildings away after escorting you.
At some point, people assumed it was just his way of saying sorry for how he acted, but he couldn’t have that! So he began actively giving you gifts and food items as well. Clothes and accessories were his favorite. When you’d reluctantly accept it and wear it to class he’d melt on the spot. People could finally relax when you two were together. Everything was going great.
Everything was going great but to you.
You actually, well, liked Derrick’s approach when it came to your discussions. It annoyed you when people were just ‘alright’ with what you brainstormed and whatnot. You adored it when they could find faults so that you knew when you tried again you could at least improve upon it.
And goddamn it did you have such a crush on Derrick because of his behavior.
You were glad he was so distracted with being rude on a daily basis that he doesn’t the blood rushing throughout the many places of your body when he spoke crap. So relieved he didn’t catch that massive grin on your face after you tried comforting him. So utterly grateful to all that is holy for the times people tore you two apart before you could start groping him all over.
This Derrick? The Derrick that was all sunshine and flowers? He wasn’t the Derrick you liked.
And so you ignored him. While he turned brighter, you only grew dimmer. You’d excuse yourself from anywhere you knew he’d be in to avoid interactions. You’d demand the teachers give you a new group to be in.
Derrick soon found out about the situation and despite your friends saying it in a mournful manner — completely in grief for your love life, he saw it as the green light. The go ahead sign. Ignoring the fact that it was his personality that you were interested in and hyperfixating on the fact that you liked him in that way at all.
It was the end of the year party. You were quite the drunkard so all he had to do drop a little something into one of your drinks. Your friends somehow trusted him with taking you home.
That night, as you lied in bed with his seed flowing down your thighs. He knew you’ll never leave him.
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zeilaaan · 1 year
"Kuso~", Yoru mutters in your ear as he fucks you mercilessly, while holding your body against him with his arm. Rift particles around the area, signifying he's close to climaxing.
His freehand, travelling across your body and shoving his fingers inside of your mouth to prevent you from making any noise.
Being the selfish lover he is, he bites deeply into your neck as he cums, and you groan out loud.
He licks your tears, and praises you for the being the good little slut you are.
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rekas-writes · 1 year
Hello, can I order headcanons? If so, I would like a yoru x male reader with an agent whose skills are similar to a vampire, remember to eat healthy and take care of yourself!! ♡
A/N: Hello and thank you for your order! It was really fun to write! I promise I am also taking care of myself ^^ And here’s a note for you to do the same too!
Also, my inbox has quite the stack of reqs, but I’m doing my best to get through the list as quickly and as thoroughly as possible! It’s just a little bit overwhelming ^^; It’s also not helping that Tumblr on my pc is eating my reqs ;-; I’m glad my phone has all of them still (at least I hope it does-)
✧☕✧ Thank you for ordering, please do visit again soon~! ✧🍮✧
Strange Cravings and Love Bites
Pair: Yoru/ M! Agent + Radiant! Reader Source: Valorant
Type: Headcanons - 1,222 words Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life, Angsty/Hurt w/ Comfort at the very end Perspective: Second-Person (You/Your)
TW: Mild references to violence, reader getting hurt, reader biting Yoru and getting a little carried away but he's fine! + thought of Yoru dying at the very end
You remind Yoru a lot of the classical vampire figure, to the point where he kind of associates you with some of the common tropes. More specifically, the weaknesses. You may not be able to tell with his prickly demeanour, but he is a worrier- especially with those he holds dear, doubly so if it concerns his boyfriend. He doesn't want you to get hurt, and ends up projecting that whenever he gets harsh.
Que his surprise when he sees you eating garlic bread or chilling casually under the sun. You had to remind him that you weren’t actually a vampire, and if they really did burn up- Reyna would have to carry an umbrella to every day mission (You heard her laugh behind you right after. You weren’t sure whether to count your days or to consider yourself on her good side)
Though, that being said, the Sun probably does have some kind of influence over you and your abilities. Maybe you have an allergic reaction if you’re under it too long, or it takes longer to channel your abilities, or you could just feel weaker under the harsh light (Maybe even changing personality like a certain FE character)
Somehow, being beside Yoru makes that all feel better, if just a little. Maybe it’s because he’s your 夜 (*Yoru -> night). Your comforting, starlit night in the overwhelming brightness of day. If you ever spill those thoughts to him, he will short-circuit no matter how hard he tries to brush it off. Any flattery unrelated to his prowess in battle is way harder for him to take in and retort, even with his ego. It’s quite easy to tease him and watch his face glow warm with a blush- like the hue of the setting Sun
"Like the night sky, you're like a blessing to me! My very own good luck charm! Thank you, Yoru."
"... You're terrible at flirting. Focus on the mission already, idiot," // Internally: "adsjjskdjdk???SDAJKDAJHKJDK???"
If your eyes are sensitive to the light, there’s a good chance he gave you a pair of sunglasses. They might’ve even been your first gift from him! Having seen you wordlessly struggling with the glaring sunlight, he either leaves a pair in your locker or shoves them in your face while avoiding your eye contact. He will never admit that he was thinking about you, let alone worrying enough to get you something. Don’t ask, he will scoff and say it’s because he doesn’t want you dragging the team behind with your incompetence. Ouch.
You may have keen senses, like Reyna’s ability to hear people’s heartbeats. Your eyes are sharp, and you can smell copper like a shark despite nothing being spilt on the battlefield just yet; or perhaps your sense of smell is more distinct. Maybe certain people smell sweet and alluring or plain and uninteresting, if you have the urge to feed just like a vampire. You may even need to feed, in order to recover your strength. (On base, you totally drink from "juice pouches" Like some kind of morbid capri-sun)
If it’s the latter, Yoru most definitely draws you in the most. There’s just something you can’t put your finger on. If you focused on it, you'd be able to guess where he was with those heightened senses of yours. Mirror Yoru really needs to watch out when you’re on the prowl, that unique draw applies to him too
As a radiant related to creatures of the night, there’s a very good chance you can shapeshift into a bat! Yoru could never admit it but he thinks that form of yours is very cute. He definitely has the urge to just hold you whenever you shift. He thinks you can’t tell, but you can see the way his expression subtly changes to one of awe. No thought, only hold bat boyfriend gently.
Some agents have definitely found you like that, just napping somewhere in the common room with you in your bat form perched on his head. You might even be able to control or summon bats! He put a limit on how many you could summon in his room, though. He's not willing to have his bed be surrounded in bats, unfortunately :(
There’s been times where you've pushed yourself too far, the strain bearing its weight down on you. Like all radiants, you get tired when you use your abilities too much. You’re running on empty when you get hit badly, body too exhausted and hungry to mend itself like usual. Alone with a hand pressed to your biggest wound, you wait- head growing foggier as time seems to all but slow down.
You can’t describe the look on Yoru’s face when he finally finds you. He’s silent, and you can't hear his usual scolding and sharp insults. It's frightening, you realise. More frightening than your possible death. Instead, he's kneeling forward and offering his arm to your mouth. It’s positively dizzying when you breathe in, self-control broken as your body demands for you to accept.
When you finally snap back to focus, you’d never felt dread like that before, lurching backwards as you try and focus on hearing the thud of Yoru’s pulse. Guilt and anxiety are at the forefront of your mind, with apologies spewing forth and shaking hands. He only brings you into a slight hug, one partially induced out of light-headedness, as he mumbles your name and a partial command/plea,
“Take better care of yourself.”
He makes you swear to come to him whenever you need to drink after that. Yoru can't bear the sight of you like that again, slouched, wounded and gasping for breath with dulling eyes, your skin a sickly hue. He was prepared to offer as much as it took to get you back to usual. He probably accidentally confessed here and now, after realising just how much you meant to him.
If immortality is part of your radiant abilities, deep down, you knew this wonderful relationship would one day become a bittersweet memory. You avoided telling him for as long as possible, not wanting to burden him with your knowledge of what will happen. But one day, it’s inevitable as you gaze at the night sky and count the stars like they’re the countdown to the day you would be left behind.
You’re sombre, the terrifying thoughts weighing you down more than usual, and Yoru can tell whatever it is that had been plaguing you for these past few weeks is really piling up. He doesn’t want to have to force it out of you, but it pains him to see you like this. He’ll wait, no matter how long it takes to gather the strength
That day, you break. It’s as he holds your hand gently- as though you’re made of glass. He calls your name, not your code name, not a nickname. His tone is just as gentle, yet firm- steadfast in letting you know he has you as much as you have him,
“You can talk to me.”
You crack and splinter, caving in to his warmth and comfort. You vent the painful pangs in your heart, the dark storm that rages in your head. All that pent up grief and pain floods out into the abyss of night. To the world’s night and your night; the night that lets you cling close and embraces you readily to soften your anguish
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rekino2114 · 4 months
can you do asa/yoru x male reader headcannons
Being in a relationship with asa mitaka and yoru
A/n:Is it a poly relationship if they're using the same body?
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You were already asa's boyfriend before the whole becoming the war devil's vessel thing happened (don't ask her how she has no idea how she got you with her nonexistent romanticism)
After yoru possessed her, she tried to stay as far away from you as possible because she was afraid yoru was gonna try and turn you into a weapon, it hurt her so much seeing you confused and sad cause she was ignoring you but she loved you too much to let you die.
However, to asa's surprise, yoru actually developed a crush on you and after learning you were asa's boyfriend she made a deal with her host to share you, asa thought that was better than you dying so she agreed.
To tell you the news asa invited you to her home for a date, you were really happy your girlfriend finally spoke to you again, so you obviously accepted thinking this was just going to be a normal date.
You could see asa was really nervous,even more than usual, and that she wanted to tell you something, so you asked, and after calming down, she started explaining everything. but during the explanation yoru got impatient so she took over and just started making out with you aggressively
After a conversation with her (and making sure you were not chainsaw man), she told you she loved you and you agreed to a relationship with both of them, so congrats now you have two girlfriends in one body.
Yoru constantly fights over you with asa and insults her daily, telling her how much of a better girlfriend she is.
"By the way, when you hang out with y/n, you should let me take over"
"What? No he's my boyfriend too"
"To be honest, it's a miracle you even have a boyfriend in the first place with how much of a loser you are"
"Just shut up"
"Be honest. Who do you think he likes better? A stunning and super powerful horseman of apocalypse or a random ugly girl whose only interests are cats and fishes"
"Whatever, if you just don't get it, it's useless to try and explain it"
They constantly switch out during dates, mostly because of yoru wanting to have you all to herself and asa trying to prevent that. At least you're not gonna get bored while your girlfriends literally fight for control it's kinda entertaining to watch.
Imagine cuddling with asa while she's silently and calmly nuzzling in your shoulder just for yoru to take over wrapping her arms around you and start randomly giving you hickeys.
Overall, while it's kinda hard to deal with them you also get double the love you'd normally get.
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wisteriaiswriting · 5 months
Could you do Yoru x male reader where they’re sparing/practicing against each other
𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 ℝ𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕔 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕤
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Words: 292
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Everyone knew how out of hand the sparring between you and Yoru could get, which is why everyone decided to come watch. Well, most agents. Many had their own things, but mainly Sage, Jett, Phoenix, Raze and Killjoy stayed. Jett and Phoenix had bet on the winner, Sage knew she would be needed. While Raze and Killjoy watched while tinkering.
This time you two have been going at it for nearly two hours. As you kept winning and Yoru wasn’t having it, calling for another round until he won. Which only led to more losses, and he just could have that could he?
“C’mon Ryo, thought you were better than this?”
Although it was said quietly enough so the others couldn’t hear, it was directed at him. Using his position on the floor to tug you down, allowing him to do this.
“And I thought you knew me better? Guess not.”
Pulling you down by your collar, clashing his lips against yours. Which you obviously didn’t expect. In a panic you tried to pull away, but he only held on tighter. Eventually you relented, falling into a simple rhythm.
Almost everyone else had watched your sparring session, if not the looks on Jett and Phoenix’s face had them looking. Pausing in their actions as Yoru pulled away. As you were also frozen, but now red in the face. He took his chance, pulling one hand away from you.
Only for it to hit you in the face, sending you falling back from him.
“Guess I win.”
“Yeah, by playing dirty!”
Unable to come up with a response before he continued.
“I think I deserve a prize for this victory, care to join me?”
How could you ever turn down his offer?
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onlyfrags · 6 months
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Last Updated: 5/24/2024
| Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content |
If you see someone you want that is not on this list, feel free to send me a request at any time! Just make sure to read the [Request Rules]
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*Untitled* | NSFW x GN Reader (In progress)
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Coffee talk | NSFW X GN Reader (IN PROGRESS)
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Reunions | Gekko X GN Reader (in Progress)
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Self Worth | Iso x Reader (in Progress) Iso is so used to being a weapon for others. What happens when someone reminds him that hes worth more than that now?
After work | NSFW x Reader (In progress) You and Iso help each other relax after another stressful mission
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✿ Yoru X Draconic Radiant S/O | Yoru X Male Reader ✿
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aaabsinthe · 1 year
Valorant Male Agents Masterlist
Angst: -
Fluff: =
Smut (18+): *
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jayurgirl · 1 year
Unexpected Arrival
Characters: Gekko, Phoenix, Yoru
Word count: 341
I plan to continue this fanfic unless I become too lazy to do so.
The night was calm, the clock striking 3 am as the mysterious visitor stood outside the door of the agents' quarters. With a confident knock, the anticipation of what lay ahead seemed to fill the air. Inside, the dimly lit room held three figures, engrossed in their virtual battle. Gekko, Phoenix, and Yoru were consumed by the glow of the screens, their competition fierce. Suddenly, a knock echoed through the room, and they exchanged glances.
"Gekko, since you lost the last round, you're on door duty," Phoenix playfully exclaimed, a mischievous grin dancing across his lips.
With a resigned sigh, Gekko got up from his seat, a hint of embarrassment evident in his demeanor. Slowly, he approached the door, his heart racing, and swung it open. His eyes widened, his face flushing as he took in the sight before him – a man of exceptional stature and charm.
"Uh, hi," Gekko stammered, his usually composed demeanor faltering in the presence of the stranger.
The man's deep voice resonated with a playful confidence as he responded, "Hey there. Sage sent me. I'm here to lend a helping hand."
Gekko's eyes darted between the stranger and his companions, his mind racing to process the unexpected encounter. He managed to introduce himself, albeit a bit flustered, "I'm Gekko. Come on in. The others are around somewhere."
As the reader stepped inside, his magnetic aura seemed to affect the room's atmosphere. Gekko led him to where the other agents were gathered, introducing you with a newfound shyness that betrayed his usual self-assuredness.
The agents who were still awake were taken aback by the your striking appearance, their hearts racing as they exchanged furtive glances. Yoru avoided direct eye contact, his cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. Meanwhile, Phoenix, never one to back down from a challenge, attempted to employ his flirtatious charm, only to find himself rendered speechless by your confident response.
"Names are important, but perhaps you'd like to know more about me than just my name," you remarked, your voice dripping with playful innuendo.
To be continued... or not....
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
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content: long because i combined two days, degradation, dacryphilia, yoru being an asshole (but what's new tbh)
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You were the peaceful type, you really were. You were one of the protocol’s resident healers, and a protege of Viper. Despite working with weaponry and fighting constantly, when it came to your team members, you tried to stay as calm as possible.
Being a controller and a healer, your job was to protect everyone above all else, and you took that job seriously. Even when Viper recruited you, she’d told everyone you were a source of balance that the team needed.
You, Sage, and Sova, always managed to act as voices of reason. Even when the group was at their craziest, they always took your words into account. It was something you were grateful for, it made protecting them that much easier.
All around, everyone in Valorant treated you with kindness and respect.
Everyone but Yoru.
He was a narcissistic bastard who always put himself above others. Even when his teammates had to save his ass, he always found a way to make it look like he was the hero.
As a duelist, he was always charging, picking off people as he could. He never made healing easy. He’d come crawling to you, beaten and bloodsoaked, still acting like he was perfect.
He never thanked you, either. It was always some sarcastic comment about how he didn’t even need you, how he’d already done all the work. To some of the other protocol members, it was annoying. But he always seemed to come after you, like some kind of personal vendetta.
“It couldn’t be Skye or Sage?”
“Why are the rest of you even here, huh? I’m doing all the hard work.”
“Can’t you heal me faster? And smoke them off better next time, this time sucked.”
It was always those little, stupid comments. You never argued with him, always putting the mission above your own feelings. You weren’t anyone’s punching bag, but every time you explained to him what he was doing wrong, he waved you off. So, in favor of staying alive, you always bit your tongue in the middle of the field.
But this time, he’d taken it too far.
Despite your team mostly being duelists, you’d managed to ace, getting them all back home safely. They were all injured, though it was nothing lethal. It’d taken a lot of healing on your part, but you were just happy to be back home. Well, as ‘home’ as you could be.
The rest of the team had congratulated you, Jett and Phoenix offering the rest of the protocol exaggerated retellings. Even Viper gave you a nod, which, coming from her, was a lot.
Yoru, on the other hand, couldn’t help being petty.
“Oh please, the only reason he managed to do anything was because I’d injured them. The only reason he ever manages to do anything is because of us.” He’d waved off Jett and Phoenix’s retorts, simply scoffing. “You’d be more useful healing, but half the time you can’t even do that right.”
And something about that was enough to make you snap.
Jett and Phoenix froze in their spots, a few other protocol members doing the same. Some of them opened their mouths to defend you, but you acted faster than they could.
“I’ve had enough of your shit,” You mumbled, grabbing him by the hand and dragging him out of the dining hall. Most of the agents were focused on their dinner, so they didn’t seem to care.
“Yeah, he’s gonna get his ass kicked,” Jett joked, shrugging as Yoru looked shocked at their lack of reaction.
You pulled him all the way to your room, one of the furthest in the protocol. The hall was completely empty since most of the protocol was down eating. The only exceptions were Cypher, Killjoy, and Chamber. Cypher never ate with the group, Killjoy spent far too much time in her lab, and you were pretty sure Chamber thought he was too good for the protocol’s food. Still, an empty hall was the perfect place to yell at Yoru without Viper getting upset at the noise.
“The hell are you doing,” He muttered once you let go of him. He dusted himself off, as if touching you had contaminated him.
“I’m tired of this, Yoru,” You began. You saw him roll his eyes, another sarcastic comment about to come out of his mouth. But you simply held up your hand and talked over him, forcing him to listen.
“You think it’s alright to insult me, to belittle me. What, because I won’t fight back?” You questioned, your tone seeping with venom. “I’ve been nothing but kind and patient. I’ve put up with everything you’ve had to say, every stupid little comment about how you’re better than me, or how I’m fucking useless.”
By now you were fully yelling. Yoru looked surprised, and honestly, you were too. You never got mad like this, but right now, you didn’t really care.
“I’m not putting up with you or anything you have to say anymore. If you want my help, my healing, my kindness, smoke, if you want absolutely anything from me, I’d better get one hell of an apology.”
He stared blankly for a moment, looking like was still processing your words.
“Well? Nothing to say?” Yoru wasn’t meeting your eyes anymore and you could see his face heating up red. Did you embarrass him? You weren’t entirely sure what the hell was going through his head, but at the moment you didn’t really care.
“Look, unless you feel like begging, you can go to hell for all I care,” You huffed. Still, there was no response. “One chance, Yoru. Your next words better be good.”
“I’ll do a lot more than make it up to you,” He muttered. You opened your mouth to say something, but he grabbed your collar pulling you closer to him.
He leaned up, his lips meeting yours. Your eyes widened before you shoved him off.
“The hell are you doing?!” You yelled, looking at him incredulously. “Are you insane? I ask for an apology and you take it as, what, a confession?!”
“You’re hot when you yell,” He offered, shrugging. “Besides, you wanted me to make it up to you right?”
You paused for a moment, analyzing his face. It took you a minute or two to believe he was even serious.
“You fucking slut,” you scoffed. “You finally pissed me off enough and your only solution is to suck my dick and make up for it?”
You chuckled at the way he avoided your eyes. His cheeks were red, though he attempted to turn away it wasn’t helping him hide.
“What, do you do this to everyone you piss off?” You questioned. “Or did you just wait for the opportunity to do it to me?”
He looked offended at your statement. “You think I ask random people to fuck often?”
You shrugged. “With how easy that was, I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s a regular activity.” You chuckled at the way his brows furrowed, expression shifting to anger. “You wanna be a slut? I’ll treat you like one.”
You grabbed onto his arm again, this time with more force, and dragged him inside your room. The door shut behind you, the small light beside it turning red to signal it was locked.
You didn’t waste any time, pinning him to the wall next to your door and catching his lips in yours.
The kiss was rough, your teeth clacked and he bit at your bottom lip after only a few seconds. You chuckled at how eager he was.
Lifting one leg to your hip, you felt how hard he was already.
“Don’t tell me your hard just from this,” You laughed. “You really are a whore.”
You captured his lips again, this time gaining a low moan from his as you did so.
You finally pulled away from his lips, attacking his neck instead. He tilted his head to the side, giving you as much room as he could.
You slipped off his jacket, watching as he eagerly took his shirt off before tugging at yours. You obliged, sliding it over your shoulders and focusing back on him.
“Strip.” Your voice was stern, a tone you didn’t use often. Yoru seemed a bit surprised at the aggression in your voice. He opened mouth with a half smirk on his face, obvious with some stupid retort in mind. Instead, you reach up to firmly grip his throat, your hand steady. “Don’t you fucking talk back, you strip and get on your knees.”
His nod was hesitant, but he did, tossing his clothes aside. You did the same, watching eagerly as he sank to his knees. You could see his eyes tracing you. He was fully hard by now, twitching slightly as he looked at you.
“Well?” You questioned, looking at him expectantly. “Start making it up to me.”
His eyes flicked down to your half hard cock, taking it in his hand and stroking it slowly. You let out a sigh as his tongue flicked out to lick the tip. He watched your expression carefully, tongue softly circling your now hard dick.
“Aw, you can do better than that,” You cooed, grabbing onto his hair and shoving him all the way down your length. It hit the back of his throat and he let out a loud gag, tears instantly gathering in his eyes. You groaned at the feeling of his throat constricting around you, his tongue tracing the underside of your dick. He was still trying his best to suck, but was more focused on not gagging.
“There you go,” You smiled, dragging him up and down your length. “I like you so much better when you’re quiet.”
You saw his eyebrows furrow in anger, but it went away the second you started fucking his face.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, his face flushed and eyes wide. He still stared up at you, watching the pleased expression on your face.
He reached his hand down to his own cock, intending to stroke it when you slowed down. “Don’t you dare touch yourself. Sit there and be a good little fuck toy, got it?”
He nodded as best he could, his hand reaching up to your thigh as your pace started up again.
It was brutal, your balls slapping against his chin as you thrust into his mouth as deep as you could.
“Fuuuccck yes,” You hummed, feeling your orgasm approaching. “Takin’ my dick so well. Such a good whore.”
The whine Yoru let out spurred you to the edge. You pulled out of his mouth, stroking your cock as fast as you could manage.
“Mouth open, bitch.”
He compiled without question, mouth opening just as you came. Ropes of cum decorated his face, a good amount landing in his mouth.
“Swallow, you fucking cum rag.” Yet again he complied, taking down everything in his mouth and licking a bit outside.
When you looked him over, you noticed the white covering his stomach and the floor. You almost laughed at the sight. The man who thought it was so funny to torment you, kneeling on the floor covered in cum.
You gripped his chin, forcing him to meet your eye. “You always act like you’re better than everyone else, yet here you are. Whoring yourself out so you don’t get your ass kicked.” His face flushed more, a few stray tears falling. You leaned down slightly so he could hear you better. “You’re a hell of a lot more tolerable like this.”
He let out a near whimper at that, his half hard cock twitching slightly at your comment. You chuckled at him, looking so desperate despite how willing he was to put you down.
“You can clean yourself up, then get the hell out of my room.” He seemed a bit disappointed at that, and admittedly, you wouldn’t mind doing this again. Not that you could tolerate him for longer than it would take to fuck him. “Don’t get too upset, I’m sure I’ll need to shut you up again.”
Yoru was ashamed at how much he liked that idea.
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justatypicalwizard · 10 months
A scrap from your book
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Bakugo x reader, aged up, college! au, quirks don't matter, no warnings, just heartwarming
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Roommate Bakugo who is forced to share a room with you for about three months due to unexpected construction works in the college apartment he occupied. The whole Bakusquad was moved to random rooms. To make it worse they were all shared ones. You agreed to take in a male occupant.
Roommate Bakugo who tries to spend as much time outside of the cramped college room as possible. He feels like he's kinda invading your privacy as well as just finding the whole situation uneasy.
Roommate Bakugo who has to complete a bunch of assignments but the library is packed in the late afternoon hours, the air thick with gossip, stress, sweat and annoyance. Bakugo finally wandered off to the dorm room to find some peace for his work.
Roommate Bakugo who spotts you always turn off your lamp and tune down the brightness on your laptop when he tells you he's going to sleep.
"You don't have to do that." He grunts, already wrapped up in heavy covers.
"I don't mind, you do the same." Because he does.
Roommate Bakugo who walks on you watching a film he loves. At first he just circles the small room mindlessly, more interested in the unwrapping dialogue between his two favourite characters than the laundry he's picking up.
"You wanna watch?" You ask, pausing the movie.
"No. I was going to do my laundry."
"I can wait, I can buy some snacks in the meantime, I was looking for an excuse to do it anyway."
So the two of you ended up finishing the film together, sitting on your bed.
Roommate Bakugo who talks to you more, geting used to the situation faster than he thought he would. You both sit by your desks working on the boring college stuff. He spotted you were trying hard, not slacking around and keeping most of your deadlines. Even if he didn't want to admitt it, he was impressed. Not that he didn't do the same, it's just rare to find a person who actually cares.
Roommate Bakugo who didn't know how to phrase a sentence. He was working on a piece of paper for the last two hours after an intense day of workout and his brain refused to cooperate anymore.
"Can I ask you for a favour?" Your face appeared from behind your laptop screen.
"Depends on what is it."
"I finished a short essay and I wanted to ask if you could read it and tell me if it makes sense."
Might as well take a break to refresh his mind. Bakugo read through the text and came to the conclusion that you were a good writer. A very good writer in fact.
"How would you say that in other words?" He asked after you were happy with your work, your laptop tossed aside as you lay on your bed scrolling through your phone.
You skipped to him, read through the sentence and gave him a paraphrase, one that he wouldn't think of himself.
Roommate Bakugo who was eying you book collection for some time. You had a bunch. When he asked the two of you started talking and in went on and on and on. Finally, you stood up on your bed, the sheets dipping in where you stretched out to reach the highest shelve. Picking out a book you handed it to him.
"My favourite."
So he started to read it.
Roommate Bakugo who got a text from you that you wouldn't be back in the dorms for the night. After a shower he laid down in his bed, shirtless, with your book in hand. It was definitely worth it and he was way past the half already. Suddednly the doors opened only to reveal you, eying him up and down.
"The fuck you doing here?" Suddenly Bakugo felt a tad bit embarassed about his bare chest and lose sweatpants.
"My friend cancelled, sorry, you have someone over?" A small sly grin appeared on yoru lips.
"Jeez no, I'm just half naked."
"I don't mind." You shrugged, throwing your bag on the bed.
And what was that supposed to mean?
Nevermind. Bakugo wanted to get back to the story when he spotted something horrific. His hand gripped a nice chunk of the page, torn out of the book. He must have done it when you startled him with the grand entrance. It was readable as he only torn the cream white but it still looked nasty.
"Shit, I'm sorry." He didn't even look at you, opting on eying the damage, embarassement creaping up his cheeks for destroying someone's else belonging. One of yoru favourite belongings.
You came over, looked at the book and started to laugh.
"What's so fucking funny?" From embarassed Bakugo quickly merged into defensive.
"You look as if you killed my grandma. It's just a book." You saw that it didn't make him feel better, in fact the frown in his brows deepened. "I like my books being used. Lets treat it as a memory of you reading it. Give me the torn piece, please." Your hand reached out and he put the scrap into your open palm.
You skribbled something down on it using a pen fished out of your drawer. When you gave it back to him, the paper read 'Don't stress so much, dummy.'
"You can keep it." A smile brightened your face as you turned around to do other things.
Roommate Bakugo who would never admitt to anyone that he kept that scrap in the back of his phonecase at all times.
Roommate Bakugo who would never admitt to anyone that it took you roughly two months to steal his rock-like heart away.
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