#gekko x male reader
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wisteriaiswriting · 11 months ago
I just finished skimming through your account and god I love them. May I ask Valorant men (Yoru, Chamber, Gekko and Iso) with male reader. Bravely holding the reader's hand in public even though they'll get strange and nasty looks.
Thank youu 🩵💛💚💜
𝔹𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖
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Words: 320
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He’s actually secretly insecure when other people, mainly strangers look.
Not that he’ll ever show it or let anyone know.
But eventually down the line he’ll let you in on these feelings.
When ever he does anything with you, he can ignore the stares, most of the time.
If you want to hold his hands go for it.
He does hold yours almost painfully, but he has just enough restraint not to hurt you.
Just be sure to keep his attention on you, otherwise the day will be cut short one of two ways.
He’ll either go off at someone for staring.
Or just leave and be in a sour mood for the rest of the day.
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He’s more worried about you rather than the stares.
As your safety is a higher priority.
He does have plenty of enemies.
So he’d rather stay indoors for any type of date.
But if you want to go out he won’t complain, at least to you.
Won’t reveal his feelings on everyones stares.
He tries to hold your hand softly, but in the end he just feels tense.
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This guy doesn’t really mind the stares at the start.
But when it’s everyone or it's been a while, it slowly gets to him.
So he’d rather stay right next to you.
Won’t let go of your hand unless it’s an emergency.
He won’t even let you step away without him following.
And his buddies don’t make it any easier for you.
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Before you he wasn’t one for any type of pda with anyone.
So when people start staring he’ll try to hide.
But ever since he left ‘Hourglass’ he’s become a lot braver.
Now he shows you plenty more affection than before.
He makes sure to keep you close by.
In not a painful grip, but it’s tight enough to not forget he’s there.
He just doesn’t want you to step away from him.
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fabricated-misslieness · 2 years ago
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: gekko x male reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: gekko hopes its a simple crush, one that'll pass, but he hasn't had one since the first light, so his expectations for how this will go are skewed. slightly.
ʀᴇ𝐐: no ~ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 4761
reader knows spanish but doesn't look like he does
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: swearing
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: guess whos back baby
"You might want to keep your little friends in check." Reyna remarks. She leads a steady pace as she guides Gekko through the halls of what will be his new home away from home, yet the new recruit still has to fight to keep up. "There are quite a few rule-enforcers here."
His eyes wander everywhere, from the mundane tiled floors through which he could see his own reflection to the interesting sign declaring the firing range. He rushes forward to catch up with Reyna, "What do you mean?"
Instead of answering, she only nods her head towards one of his buddies. Wingman. "Hey! Dude, put that down!" Then there were "Mosh, Dizzy that is not how you play baseball! And not where you should, either." and finally "Thrash! You little monster, get back here!"
"That is what I mean." Reyna smirks, and Gekko could do nothing but laugh nervously.
"I promise they won't go wandering off, at least not without me."
At first, he didn't know why Reyna would be so apprehensive; then, when his friends snuck out of his room without permission and caused havoc in the living quarters that led to Brimstone scolding him with a passive-aggressiveness he's never quite witnessed before, he understood. But it wasn't so bad—he kept them under control afterwards, and even then, there was only so much they could do in terms of destruction. He hadn't thought about what else they could do, at least not until he met you.
Where was she? She couldn't have gone far. Well, she could fly, but she did it slowly. How could she have gotten past him so easily?
She's done it before, actually, usually in the mornings, but it was the afternoon now. She usually made her own way back to him too, but it had been to long and Gekko was starting to worry.
"Dizzy!" Gekko opens a door and calls obnoxiously, for he wasn't expecting what he saw before him.
He saw you, and her; and you were sleeping, the both of you. Dizzy slept often when there wasn't much action, and he guesses that you do too, although his loud call disturbs you from your sleep.
You stretch your limbs above your head and roll over to face him, unfortunately knocking Dizzy off the couch.
"Shit, sorry for waking you."
He swoops down to pick Dizzy off her back but you do it before he can. The little critter snuggles into your chest and Gekko swear she can feel the gesture himself as his chest warms.
"Mm, 's all good." You reply, words slurred like you're too lazy or tired to put in the effort to speak.
"You sleep a lot." Why did he say that?
"Do I?" You yawn, "Sometimes the couch is more comfortable than my bed could ever be."
"Maybe it's the feeling that it's different." Gekko suggests. He wonders if he should sit, but where would he? You take up the length of the couch and anywhere would be intrusive. He didn't want to be intrusive but... he also wanted to sit with you. He settles for an arm rest.
"You mean, like novelty?"
You snicker, and he feels a warmth spread up to his cheeks, whether shame or something else, he doesn't know. "Nevermind."
Maybe he shouldn't have stuck around in the first place. Gekko sweeps Dizzy from your embrace, missing the disappointment on your face in his haste, and moves to make his quick escape with a swift excuse, "I think that was Reyna calling my name. Right? Yeah, I think so. I'll, uh, see you later."
He's out the door before he can even hear your own goodbye.
"Reyna, I need you to make up an excuse for me."
The conversation starter certainly gets Reyna interested. "Harbor needed you?"
"No, I mean, an excuse for why you would call me." At that, she raises an eyebrow. She also glances at Dizzy, who remains in Gekko's arms and not in his bag.
But first came making up an excuse, she cared for him, after all. "Gun training." It's only then that he notices the gun in her hands. Reyna raises a smirk and turns back to the targets, "Why?"
"Well, I..." Gekko grabs a rifle from the rack and decides to shoot along with her, maybe to keep his mind off things. "I don't know, really."
Reyna doesn't prod. Instead, she fixes his stance and continues to shoot.
He tries to focus, to recall everything Reyna's told him before on shooting. He's good at it, maybe not better than Reyna but certainly better than Neon; she relied more on her finger guns, after all, but today he was worse. Thoughts ran rampant through his mind without limit, and it felt like they would spill out from his ears.
He shoots and he misses and he shoots again and he misses again.
"¿Que paso, cariño?" (What happened, dear?)
"No sé." (I don't know.)
He takes a deep breath and steadies his gun on the target's head. You sleep a lot. Why did he say that, instead of anything else?
He shoots and he misses.
"Steady your gun, steel yourself–"
"I know." Gekko interrupts her, "You've said it a million times." He's too frustrated, lost in his mind that he doesn't watch his tone.
"Well, you're not following it today." Reyna's voice is like a dagger. It cuts his thoughts and brings him back to reality.
She shakes her head, "You're off your game. Do you know why?"
"I'm acting before thinking."
"But now you're thinking too much."
Gekko can only offer a shrug. He only had one possible explanation, and that was it. Reyna sighs, "¿Supongo que es algo sobre tus sentimientos?" How could she tell? Gekko's face becomes the answer, and Reyna can read him easy. "A crush." (I'm guessing it's something about your feelings?)
Gekko's had his fair share of crushes. He knows the telltale signs, he knows the heat on his skin, the sweat, the feeling he can't quite name, how his mouth can't catch up with his thoughts and his face won't seem to cooperate.
He's just not so sure he has one on you. What did he see in you? You were pretty, you were smart, you've saved his ass more than once in missions, you were handsome—could he go on? Yes, yes he could. Okay, he saw it.
Reyna breaks him out of his thoughts, "This is not something I can help you with."
"Why not?" She only raises an eyebrow in return and Gekko remembers who he's talking to. "Yeah, okay."
Normally she would fire back with sass but now she just laughs, "Sage would be better help."
Gekko didn't seek out Sage's help. He didn't need it. This was just a simple crush. It would pass, just like most others. He was just crushing on you because of the–how did you put it?–novelty of it all. You were a new person in his life, a person much cooler than him. He was just adjusting to getting new friends so suddenly.
Now Thrash was gone. For a creature so loud, she made no sound when she snuck out of his bag and or his room.
"Thrash?" She could only have so much energy. Either he'd find her or her globule.
But then—a sound.
"You can't be sneaky anymore," He calls out as he walks, slower now in order to not startle her immediately, "I can hear you~"
As he rounds the corner, he spots her trying to hide behind a plant pot. He could see the top of her head behind the leaves. He walks even slower, makes his footsteps even quieter, and shuts his mouth. He would catch her soon, but only if he was careful. If he wasn't...
...she would run. "No, Thrash, don't go!"
And suddenly there was a chase. Thrash rounded sharp corners swiftly and Gekko followed behind much more sloppily. He held onto the wall's edge to swing himself around it and gain momentum, but she just kept going faster. "You have nowhere to go!"
Watching the agents in the simulated training room was always good entertainment. Especially since the team took out the fierce nanobomb collab bot together, as now the agents wanted to try facing them on their own again. Doing it together proved it was defeatable; doing it alone would prove they were skilled.
On your end, you would rather save yourself the trouble... and also bet with Yoru along the way, which, really, was a scam.
"Why do I keep betting for the agents if we both know the bot will win?"
Yoru shrugs, "That's a problem for you and your wallet."
You scoff, "You little sl–"
Suddenly, a huge creature falls into your arms. You recognize her immediately as Thrash by the slimy feeling of her underside. You also recognize that she's knocked your mug out of your hands. What a detain! The problem is that mug was not yours, and instead, it was Commander Brim's huge dad mug. Oh, you were in so much trouble.
You brace yourself for the shattering of the porcelain but it never comes. Instead, you find Gekko again. He stands quickly with the mug in his hands and flashes you an apologetic smile.
Begging for attention, Thrash turns over on her back, placing her rough back against your hands instead and chirps as if to plead, and you know just what for. You scratch, scratch, scratch behind her ear, below her chin, and on her slimy stomach. She seems so pleased that she disappears into a globule right in your hands and takes her sticky residue with her.
"I'm so sorry." Gekko takes her immediately and places her in his bag.
"It's okay."
His eyes drag down and he gasps dramatically, "Oh no! I got a huge stain on you!"
You only laugh and reply "It's okay." again. "Although, I do wonder why your little critters are seeking me out."
"I don't know neither..." Gekko admits himself. He scratches the back of his neck, pondering for a second, and you can't help but find it cute.
Your attention is ripped away by the blue edgy man behind you, "It looks like you pissed yourself."
"Oh shut up." You roll your eyes.
Gekko takes the opportunity to leave, but as soon as he steps out the door, as soon as he can't see you anymore, his thoughts decide to be rational, or irrational, as they are only about you. He was down bad.
The main meeting was over. Gekko was set to join the next mission in Norway, and you were to stay in HQ. Maybe he was a little disappointed that you weren't coming with, but at least you wouldn't be in any danger. He was glad about that, if anything.
Groups divided to talk, really, about anything. That was one of the main things Gekko was surprised about. Everyone talked so freely. The atmosphere felt like one of his big family reunions.
But he wasn't talking to anyone. He was only looking.
You really were so cool. Everyone here was cool but he always seemed to be especially entranced with you. He could stare at you like a painting on the wall, except that was the problem. He could never approach you on his own.
His buddies, however, seemed to have no problem with it. "Dizzy, wait!" He whisper-shouts.
Dizzy ignores him and curls into a ball and rolls your way, a new technique Gekko'd never seen before from her, knocking at your feet until you pick her up. You continue your conversation like it's nothing and mindlessly pet at the critter in your arms. Gekko can do nothing but watch.
He was jealous of his own buddies for being able to approach you so easily, but it was also heartwarming to see you regard them so fondly.
Reyna leans on the wall next to Gekko, letting her heels announce her presence. "Te ves estupido." (You look stupid.)
Gekko's eyebrows scrunch up, "What the fuck, Reyna?"
She only laughs, "Es la verdad." (It's true.)
He scoffs and turns back away from her, and it's only natural his eyes fall on you. "Is it Dizzy you're looking at, or him?"
Reyna continues to read him like an open book. It's the way it says it–him, so softly, like speaking is the first thing on his mind and like staring at you is his only priority–that answers her question.
"For your sake, let's say both."
"Reyna?" Gekko perks up, all shy and timid.
It was interesting to her. "Hm..?"
"Do you know why they stick around him so much?"
Reyna knew what he was talking about, who "they" was and especially who "he" was. It was endearing how he trusted her with these things. But she had already told him before. She wasn't good help with these sorts of things. "You're the critter handler."
"But," She still had a hypothesis, "las mascotas hacen lo que sus dueños les muestran." She sends a wink somewhere ahead and Gekko takes a look, only to find you offering the two of them a smile. He almost melts. Thank God you don't know Spanish. (Pets do what their owners show them.)
"Reyna...¡para de echarle leña al fuego!" He whines. (Stop adding fuel to the fire!)
"Aww," Reyna coos, almost like she's going to pull his cheeks, "no huyas de las oportunidades, cariño." (Don't run from opportunities, dear.)
Pets do what their owners show them. What did that mean? Dizzy liked to sleep, he supposes so does he. Sometimes Wingman tries to sneak a drink from his boba. The whole bunch of them have a lot of energy, and he knows others see that in him. But why would she bring that up now? I do wonder why they always seek me out... Oh no. They liked you too, which really did confirm he had a crush.
"Ay, diosito, cómo te he provocado..?" Gekko groans, sinking his head further into his pillow. A knock to his door. Thinking it's just Neon, or maybe even Phoenix, he shouts "Come in!" from the bed.
However, instead of an electrically charged or pyrokinetic agent, it's you. "Hi, Gekko."
"Oh!" He straightens up on the bed.
Either his surprise woke them or they sensed your presence; whatever the case, his little buddies wake from their slumber in his discarded globule bag. They pounce on you harmlessly. Thrash climbs up to your shoulder, Dizzy flies atop your head and Wingman hugs your legs. Mosh obediently stays a globule on the table, but he threatens to roll off the edge. You catch him before he can create a pit.
"Hey guys. How are ya?" You push Wingman onto just one of your legs so you can wobble towards his bed, which is of course still quite the task, but you finish it all the same.
You plop yourself down next to him on the bed and, he doesn't notice it but, he scoots closer. "Reyna wanted me to check up on you. Said she was worried."
"..why?" He had a feeling he knew why, but he asks anyway.
"It's almost eleven."
Gekko glances at the alarm clock on his table. "Oh."
"I'll admit," You begin with a small laugh to mask your evident anxiousness, "I was quite worried too."
"I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to apologize all the time, you know." Your growing smile lights one up on his face as well. "Well, let's see, do you have a fever? Did you not get enough sleep last night?"
"No, I–"
Despite him denying it, you press a hand to his cheek, then his forehead. "My, you're burning up."
He pushes your hand away, "It's not what you think."
"Really?" But you bring it back up to monitor the heat on his cheeks.
"I assure you, I'm fine." He nods, taking your hand in his so that you don't continue to raise the temperature on his cheeks in a way you don't even notice. He's never seen you so worried before. Usually, you were so laid back and chill. This was a new side of you he didn't expect, and a part of him felt warmed by the thought that you cared for him so dearly.
"Do I need to tell Brim to take you out of the upcoming mission?" You stress, fighting his hold that keeps you away.
"Really! I'm all good!" He squeezes your hand to reassure you. "You don't have to worry about me."
You huff but nod, "Okay, fine. But if you are bedridden tomorrow, don't say I didn't try."
He's glad, for once, that one of his buddies doesn't lead him to you. Instead, he finds his way to you on his own, whether for good or for worse. It was just a crush that he wanted to end. But he was prolonging it when he was with you, alone; although, he couldn't just avoid you. He really did want to be around you. It's a dilemma.
"What are you doing here?" It was mid-afternoon. Lunch was over two hours ago and he was sure he saw you there, and not only because his gaze always drifted towards you like a magnet.
"Oh, hey Gekko." Your voice is cheerful as you greet him. "It was meant to be a surprise, but I'm baking cookies... or cupcakes. Can't decide."
"For who?" He curiously asks.
"Celebration for after the mission, so everyone, but I guess... you."
His face quickly lights up with surprise, "Oh." Then a grin makes itself present on his lips. He's trying to hide it, but he can't and you spot it.
You chuckle, and a little shame climbs up his cheeks and surely paints them pink. "You're welcome to help, if you're not actually sick. "
"I told you, I'm not," He shakes his head with a laugh, "and I'd like that."
"What do you like?" You move to maneuver the cabinets much more familiar to you, grabbing flour from the top ones and eggs from the fridge and milk and all. "Between cupcakes and cookies, I mean."
In his growing anxiousness, Wingman sneaks out of his bag. His eyes remain on you, watching your every move. He could definitely mess this up if he wasn't careful. "Cupcakes. More toppings that way."
"You're right."
Out of the corner of his eye, he spots Wingman hopping and trying to grab the flour off the counter. "Hey, Wingman..." He warns sternly, "no te atrevas." (don't you dare.)
You push the flour out of the little man's reach and play along, "You mess things up, I'll mess you up!"
Gekko follows your lead. He hasn't really baked anything before, except for the cake boxes at the grocery store. He was... out of his field of expertise. Wingman, too, tries to help, and he has half the mind to put him back in the globule pack but you seemed to be enjoying his presence. It could be worse. Wingman was his only buddy that had actual appendages.
Everything you called for, he reached for. Cinnamon? Vanilla extract? Whatever it was, he looked for it, even if he didn't always know where it was; unless Wingman beats him to it.
Sometimes neither of them could find it, though, which meant you had to go for it yourself. The space between the counters was limiting, hardly enough comfortable space for one person. Maneuvering around each other should've been hard, but you had a simple solution.
You take his hips in your warm hold and pull him gently to the side, then walk past him. It only takes a few seconds. Usually he wouldn't allow himself to be so malleable, nor would he let this pass; but you were you. It got him quite confused but also so enamored. Your touch absolutely brought tingles up his side. It was driving him crazy.
"Three trays." You announce as you close the oven. "Good enough, yeah?"
"..yeah." His eyes trace your figure as you stand up proudly, hands on your hips. You were beautiful. Your smile shined brightly, your eyes crinkled with the same joy, and he couldn't keep his eyes away.
You were just lovely.
At the use of his actual name, Gekko shakes his trance off. "Yeah?" His voice breaks and he fights the urge to shrink in on himself. He clears his throat, "What did you say?"
"They'll be ready in about twenty minutes, so we've got time for a break."
He nods his head slowly, "Okay. What do you want to do?"
"I don't know, I–oh no." Your face drops suddenly.
He follows your petrified gaze down, down at himself. "What? Oh." His waist was absolutely covered in flour the shape of your handprints that stood out stark white against his lilac tee.
"I am so sorry, Mateo." You place a hand over your mouth, "I–"
He pulls it down before you can cover your lips with inedible flour, "It's okay. Just like that stain on your pants a few days ago, right?"
You laugh, comforted by how quickly he got to consoling you. "Yeah, alright." But you lift your hand to show him one last thing, his fingers stained in flour from holding yours. "Oopsie."
Gekko bursts out laughing, and you laugh along with him.
Wingman hops up and down–for a little guy he jumps real high–to catch your attention. Much to Gekko's dismay, you give it to him.
"Who's such a good little helper? You are, Wingman, right? You are~"
He doesn't know whether to be jealous or happy.
"Mateo, hey!"
He loves the way his names roll off your tongue. It feels sweet, like the cupcakes you'd made together, even if he'd promised to hold off and eat them after the mission. You said so perfectly, too, without even the slight hint of an English accent. He loves the smile you send his way too and how cute you look waving at him for attention; but you hadn't gotten his attention, after all. He wasn't listening, too focused on your face.
"Mateo?" You call again.
He clears his throat, right, yeah, you were saying something, "What's up?"
"Good luck." You nod encouragingly. "Not that you'll need it."
"Well, I still appreciate it." He offers a grin, "Thank you. I'll make sure to come back in one piece," He doesn't know where the sudden courage comes from, but he winks and says, "just for you, of course."
You shake your head with a laugh, "You better."
It was the most beautiful, no, one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen in his life.
The mission went successfully, so there was some extra time for perusing an actually inhabited and not evacuated part of Norway. He had no idea this would be here, this tulip field. Huge rows of different colored flowers shined under the golden hour of the setting sun. The ship was coming soon and he'd have to leave soon, and normally he wouldn't even want to leave, but now he only wished you were here to see this with him.
He snaps a pic and turns around, but not before a thought occurs to him. There were so many... thousands of them. Surely a single pink tulip wouldn't be missed?
"Dios, te amo... te amo tanto." The cupcakes taste so good! They made him want to kiss you right now, so badly, but he knew he couldn't, even with his mind half-drunk off sweetness. (God, I love you. I love you so much.)
You raise a brow and Gekko is so glad you don't know Spanish because it almost looked like you knew what he said. "What does that mean?"
But he's still petrified, "Don't worry about it..."
"It means the cupcakes are great, sort of." Reyna places a hand on Gekko's shoulder as she settles down next to him, a cupcake in her other hand. It's decorated with dark chocolate, which is certainly fitting. "Cuidate, Mateo."
"Right..." Gekko shakes her off.
"How was the mission?" You ask.
"Oh, it went great," He perks up in his seat, "everyone did so well. Harbor's water powers were cool as always and Skye didn't flash anybody! Wingman even got to plant the spike."
"Mateo did a significantly good job." Reyna states, patting his head in an attempt to ruffle his hair up, "He deserves some praise... but he also made some funny mistakes."
"Really? What'd he do?"
Gekko can only sit there and listen to Reyna make fun of him endearingly while you listened to her every word. He chimes in with his own jokes about the situation as a way to lighten his own shame.
"Nuh-uh, Reyna, you know I–"
"Almost tumbled down the steps?" She smirks, "You could've squashed Mosh into a pit."
He groans and hides his face with his hands. His mistakes were bound to run out soon enough, right? No more of listening to this anymore. Except they aren't over yet when Gekko perks back up.
You wrap a comforting arm around Gekko's shoulders and it causes him to stiffen up. You, on the other hand, seem so nonchalant; but he can tell with the way you glance at him that you're nervous too, maybe over him. It's reassuring.
It also means the jokes come piling in, now that he's comfortable.
The tulip in his hand is red, a deep pigmented red. If he'd have thought about it–or maybe he didn't even know about the language of flowers–he would've googled its meaning. Red tulips are a sign of confession and love, much like roses, but, to him, roses would've been way too romantic. It was just a little crush, after all.
Your friendship was blossoming. He was finally becoming more comfortable around you. What if it went wrong? What if this would mess everything up?
It was just a little crush. It could still pass; but Reyna had told him not to let opportunities go to waste, and she always had objective suggestions for him.
He turns to you with a jump, placing the tulip on the hallway table behind him and hiding it with his body. "Hey."
But he didn't have it in him.
"Something wrong?"
"No." He shakes his head, "Everything's fine."
Gekko's buddies had a deep love for you, and, unlike Gekko, they didn't have shame. Wingman pops out of his pack without even alerting him. He made sure to be sneaky and quiet, but Gekko's attention was entirely on you, so he didn't have much to worry about.
Wingman snatches the tulip from the table with a little hop, and the "plop" sound of his feet making contact with the ground again alerts Gekko, but by the time he looks down he's already at your feet.
"Bloop." Wingman holds the flower high.
"Hey, little guy, this for me?" You bring him up with one arm, taking the tulip with the other. "Don't think you got this all on your own. This yours, Mateo?"
"Yeah." He admits.
"Thank you." He watches you attentively, waiting to see a big, drastic reaction. "A red tulip..."
"Listen, I–" He clears his throat, preparing himself only briefly in his mind. "Te quiero, tanto y no tengo ni la primera idea como decirtelo, pero sí puedo decir que tu eres increible y tan, tan bonito. Soy tan estupido que te lo estoy diciendo en español y tu no sabes lo que estoy diciendo y sera muy dificil decirtelo otra vez en ingles. Mierda." The words fall out his mouth like tumbling dominos. (I like you, so much, and I have no idea how to tell you, but I can tell you that you are incredible and so so beautiful. I am so stupid that I'm telling you this in Spanish and you don't know what I'm saying and it'll be so hard to tell you in English. Shit.)
"Increible, ha?" You snicker, shaking your head, "Quiero que sepas que te encuentro muy bonito tambien." (Incredible, huh? I want you to know that I find you very beautiful too.)
What? "Tu sabes español?!" (You know Spanish?!)
"Sí, amor." (Yes, love.)
"Dios santisimo..." Gekko could melt into a puddle right then and there. He covers his face with his hand and breathes out a sigh, but it's one of relief. (God...)
"Ah, y," You begin, placing Wingman down and cupping his cheek, in the process moving his hand away from his beautiful face. "te quiero tambien." (Oh, and, I like you too.)
Maybe he rushes, but he can't hold back with the warmth your hand brings to his face. He kisses you, and even if it was rushing, you kiss him back. It's nothing and everything like he's imagined at the same time and he can't have enough.
Thank you, Wingman.
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seneitut · 2 years ago
Hello! Can I request Gekko x male reader that finds Gekko jerking off while they have a sleepover? Of course if you're not comfortable doing that feel free to ignore it. Have a nice day and thank you!
Words: 3.5K
Tags: Fluff, NSFW +18, voyerism, masturbation, Handjob, Oral sex, more fluff, both of them being so in love(?) Sub!Gekko, Dom!Reader
Warning: There is a slight part where you could read it as non-consent but nothing much happens. Either way, remember! Consent is sexy and very much appreciatted!
[I had so much fun writing this hehe :3c Made the last revision at a restaurant hope it was worth it. This is for you all horndogs!!!!]
It's hot.
It's so damned hot, he is this close to start stripping down out of his own skin to feel some sort of relief.
The windows are closed in this tiny room of yours, and with no way to let the air get in, Gekko thinks this is the closest to a furnace he will ever be in. He wonders how the fuck did you survive living in this place before moving into the protocol. Did you just get used to it, was this normal to you?
A little warning wouldn't have hurt before accepting. You should have let him know that his body was going to become roasted by the time morning rolls around instead of making sweet eyes and offering a room by your side.
Not that he complains about that, he was more than eager to accept the offer with no regards to what it could possibly mean for your relationship. Because who would dare to reject their long time crush sharing a bed together? Besides, it was either that or a hotel with a bunch of duelists who decided to reserve at last minute two rooms for the night.
And he doesn’t want to deal with Phoenix and Yoru in a single room, thank you. These women might be okay sharing one space and not complain about it, but he’s not and doesn’t want to be the third wheel of these dumbasses throughout the night.
It's a win-win situation for everyone. Phoenix will finally have his alone time with Yoru, and Gekko can have his own time with you.
Although this bonding would be better if you were awake and not sleeping soundlessly. As soon as you changed clothes and hit the bed, you might as well be dead to the world. A heavy sleeper you are, damn.
Maybe if he were more brave, a little cuddle session might have taken place. He knows you wouldn’t mind if asked, but with how shy Gekko is when it comes to physical affection— at least when it is about you— and with how sweaty he was getting, the embarrassment might not be suitable for him to handle nor the overwhelming feelings flustering him.
The furry covers sweltering against his skin, his pillows hard and warm on his head and the shorts you lended him tightening on the crotch side are starting to get the worse of him.
It's almost like everything around was trying to make him as uncomfortable as possible to make him lose his mind when all he wants is to bask in your presence and perhaps daydream with you a little bit. 
Gekko sighs.
You’re sleeping peacefully right beside him, a little too close to his personal space, snoring softly and lips parted slightly letting out puffs of warm breath against his bare shoulder. If it weren’t because he was getting sweaty and uncomfortable with the covers and his shorts, he would have gotten nervous with having you this close.
He was second-guessing himself over his decision. Maybe this was not good at all, perhaps staying with Phoenix and Yoru wasn’t going to be that bad. Hell, staying with the girls was an option too knowing how in love he was with you.
You suddenly roll around, startling him, and close the small gap between your bodies. Trying to fix your position while sleeping, you end up hugging his torso, burrowing your head on his neck and throwing a leg over him until your knee brushes against his pelvis.
Gekko can't help but gasp when the stimulation awakens his sex. Your dormant body moves on its own, accommodating yourself until you land a comfortable position and unconsciously rubbing your knee up and down until you find the perfect spot without noticing all you're doing is making friction against his cock.
Face warm and biting his lower lip to stop his groan, Gekko wishes your actions didn't have this effect so fast on him. Up this close, he can feel the pressure of your own dick against his thigh and soft breaths against his neck—you're making him lightheaded and horny and he doesn’t know how to stop it.
With reluctance, he decides to push you away, avoiding touching you where he shouldn't until some healthy distance is made and he can finally breathe.
You mutter something in your sleep, his name, in that sweet voice of yours which ignites the want and desire burning him from the inside and runs down his veins.
He wants to desperately touch himself and get rid of this boner and you, splayed next to him with your neck bare and the covers barely hiding your own arousal in the tight boxers you're wearing, isn't helping with how enticing you look in his eyes.
His cock twitched inside his trousers with the idea of release, while his hands get clammy with how often he flexes them to distract his urge to masturbate. Gulping once, twice, he thinks 'fuck it' before kicking down the covers and pulling down the trousers to free his hard member from its confines.
The soft glow of the moon through the window gives enough light to see the precum gathering at the tip of his cock, fully erect with the veins protruding on the sides. He scratches softly around the base, teasing himself, and his fingers caress the sides of his member with a feather-like touch until he is cupping his balls with one hand.
Fuck, he really is doing this, huh.
His thumb runs down the tip, covering the head in slick circular motions and giving in the barest stimulation to keep himself on edge. Gekko knows he should be working on this faster and get it over with, but there is this darkening thought clouding his lusted mind that he will never get the chance to have the person of his affection this close nor vulnerable for him to be able to fantasize freely.
Besides, the fact that you could be waking up anytime, catching him with his hand engulfing his hard cock and masturbating has him reeling in adrenaline.
Gekko moves his hand slowly, throwing his head back against the pillows and squirming when relief floods over his body. Biting his lower lip to refrain from making noises, he breathes out harshly, gasping, when one specific stroke sends a shiver down his spine.
He peeks at you, deep in slumber and still displayed for him to oogle you without shame. His eyes travel from your lips to your neck, down your chest until it lands on your dick and your thighs. Thinks he wouldn't mind sucking you off while masturbating, finds it fascinating that even through the boxers, your member looks engorged and enticing that his mouth waters just imagining its taste.
“Ah, fuck—” His hand trembles when he accelerates the rythym, closing his eyes and gasping softly with the slow movements on his cock.
Gekko has been thrusting into his hand unconsciously, trying to chase after the pleasurable feeling and wanting nothing more than to cum with your name on his lips, that his hand is now covered in so much slick it makes the sliding easier and quicker for him to handle.
“Oh, oh! God-” He groans loudly this time, mouth parting in a silent gasp when his thumb stimulates the head of his dick once again. 
His other hand is holding onto the bed sheets to ground himself, too lost in the euphoria of reaching his orgasm he fails to notice a pair of eyes watching him perform this filthy act without shame.
Hips stuttering, he snatches his hand away to stop himself from cumming. The tightening knot that was about to be released screams in agony for the denial of breaking point. Gekko was so close to spurting every bit of his semen all over his stomach and thighs, he found the perfect chance to delay his moment of climax and wait a little more to keep getting himself on edge.
Gekko opens his eyes, breathing slowly until his eyes travel to his still standing cock between his legs. There is a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead and stomach, proof of the act that took place, and feels his whole body burning from the heat and frying his brain with lust. 
Lightheaded and pleasure clouding his senses, he thinks he imagines things when a hand that is not his makes presence on his field of view and grabs the base of his dick firmly.
Bucking his hips, Gekko moans loudly when the hand starts masturbating him without a warning. Sparking the dying heat into something stronger that his whole body can feel the burning of the chase after his release.
“Go on, keep going.” Your voice startles him. Lips caressing the shell of his ear while you whisper words of encouragement. “You were giving me such a show. How filthy of you, Gekko, to have fun without inviting me.”
“Fuck, fuck!” He leans his head to your side, locking eyes through the darkness and a shiver runs down his spine with how heavy your gaze is. Gekko groans when your fingers squeeze the head of his cock, moving your thumb in circular motions. “Please, god, please!”
“Am I a god now?” you tease. Scooting away from him, but maintaining your hand moving up and down slowly, you kiss his cheek and make your way down his chest, biting and sucking on his skin until you land near his stomach where your breath hits the sensitive skin. “Preach to me like your god, Gekko. Be a good boy, yeah?”
Taking your hand away, Gekko whines in protest, desperate to cum and hips lifting to feel the friction of your hand grabbing his dick. Whatever words he was going to utter die at the back of his throat, replaced by garbling noises with the shock of having your lips wrapping at the head of his member.
Entering your wet mouth feels like a fever dream, eyes rolling to the back of his head when you bob up and down his pulsating cock. Your tongue lays flat on the underside of his member, mapping out the protruding veins on the shaft and making pressure to keep the stimulation constant while giving him oral.
Gekko can't help but moan your name with shame burning his face, hands flying to the back of your head and thrusting against your throat that tightens around his cock with every pulsating second.
“Please, let me cum, please.” Gekko chants your name like a prayer, hips rising from the bed to chase your mouth, sucking him off with desperation.
Moaning around his member, Gekko finally crumbles under your touch. His orgasm hits hard and just right, that starts bursts behind his eyelids and the burning fire explodes on your mouth with heavy spurts of his seed.
Never mind the iron grip he had on your head, locking it in place while he rides the waves of his climax and you take a deep breath to stay still and let him be.
His semen is hot and heavy on your tongue, salty with something else you cannot put a name on. You drink every drop as if it were an elixir, milking him from all he is worth until there is nothing else but overstimulation coursing through his veins.
Gekko whines, satisfied and tired, and tries to make you back away because the extra stimulation is killing him in a way he finds exciting and wanting for more. Is a masochist thinking, because he is close to passing out from one single climax he can't begin thinking about cumming a second time, but craves for it.
“No more…please, ah—!” Sucking harshly on the tip of his cock, Gekko moans. His hands lay flat on the bed, breathing through big gasps of air and gulping down the saliva that was pooling in his mouth.
“Look at you,” you comment, hovering over his body menacingly. “So spent after the first round.”
Taking the trousers off that were hanging by his knees, Gekko is finally naked and bare for you to admire with greed.
He is breathing rapidly, trying to still and calm his rapid heartbeats pounding loudly against his ribcage. You've never noticed before, but the tattoos framing his arms go way deeper, covering part of his chest and down his navel in intricate swirls of colors and contrasting against his color skin.
God, he is just a work of art.
The sight makes you tremble with eagerness, because all of this? Just for you? You hit the jackpot.
Squirming under you, Gekko groans, feeling exposed in so many ways he doesn't know where to begin. But somehow, he likes watching you being above him, with this imposing aura of strength and power he could probably start swooning if it weren't for how tired he feels or the embarrassment that would wash over him for exposing his feelings so openly.
Gekko watches you with bated breath when you cage him between your legs, taking your shirt off ever so slowly, giving him a little show of flexing your arms and uncovering the skin inch by agonizing inch. 
Throat dry, Gekko gasps when you lower your boxers low enough to free your member, bouncing against your stomach and perking up in attention.
For fucks sake, your dick up close is so fucking big he can't help but whine with desire.
The fire gets ignited when you wrap your fingers around your cock and begin moving it in languid motions. Your eyes are scorching, burning him with want and desire swimming in those orbs of yours, and observing every change in expression. 
To your delight, Gekko's face flushes when you lean in, and hold your weight with one arm against the headboard, the other still occupied, jerking you off and guiding it to his mouth. His breath gets caught in his throat because the tip of your cock brushes against his lips, painting them with your slick and making a mess out of it.
“Open your mouth wide, baby boy.” You demand sweetly. And who is he but someone who loves to obey you.
Gekko parts his lips gently, opening them for you to start bullying your way into his wet cave and testing the waters to see how rough you could get with him.
The hand that was holding your dick travels to his chin, helping him open wider his mouth until you could no longer push in. He gags when the tip hits the back of his throat, surprised to see that he's only halfway and a little bit more through your cock. 
Looking up, Gekko groans, the vibrations sending you reeling with lust and gasping for air when his tongue toys with your veiny shaft. 
You start moving your hips slowly, to let him get used to the size and width before accelerating the pace. Gekko's hands desperately grab at your backside, playing with your ass and the muscle of your thigh, encouraging you to move faster and deeper inside his mouth.
He is loving every second of it, despite the tingling sensation at the back of his throat and how hard it is to breathe. This is what he imagined your cock tasted like; musky and salty, addictive to his paladar he fears he will be begging to suck on your cock often with how this is playing out in his favor.
“That's good, Mateo.” Your praise goes straight to his cock. “Suck me harder, baby, Milk me dry.”
Holy shit.
Gekko sucks the head of your dick in earnest, eyes wide and pleading while looking at you with adoration swimming on his hazel eyes. There is spit and precum gathering around his mouth and rolling down his chin the hardest he tries to deep throat, the hardest he tries to pleasure you as good as you did him. Gekko wants nothing more than for you to remember him every time you jerk off, because he knows for sure you will be on his mind every time he touches himself.
He moans, the vibrations traveling to your engorged member, and his nails dig into the muscle of your thigh for good.
You don't have to look back to know he has just come again, feeling the spurts of his semen hit your backside and feeling him squirming to desperately feel your ass against his chest. 
“Good boy.” You mutter, making some distance to hold your cock in hand and chase after your own release. “You've done good.”
His fucked out face should have told you enough that the boy was pleased, but you haven't finished yet. A hand under his chin and your other hand furiously jerking you off, you aim at his face the moment the tight knot breaks inside you and cum paints his features. 
Gasping for air, Gekko tries his best to open his mouth to drink in your seed, barely able to have some land on his tongue and gulp it down with a wide smile on his face.
There is a silence that envelops you both, breathing harshly and rapidly that it feels like no air is circulating at all.
Standing up, you walk towards the only window in the room and open it, letting the fresh breeze of the night wash over you with the light of the moonlight outlining your form.
Gekko could swear you were like an angel in his eyes; glorious, beautiful, that your filthy act of pleasure could be overshadowed with only one look in your eyes.
“Are you okay?” You ask. Laying down next to him, you brush your hand through his short hair in soothing motions. There is a towel in your other hand, he doesn't know where it came from. “I'm going to clean you up, okay?”
Nodding, he lets himself be handled by your attentive care. Cleaning his face, down his chest and taking away the dry cum by his stomach and thigh, he sighs blissfully. Your touch is no longer scorching nor heated, but full of cautiousness and delicateness.
With a love.
He wonders if there is a deep meaning to all of this or was this just a spur of the moment thing. Did it mean anything to you at all? Because to Gekko, this was a lot to process. Even more when his feelings are being jeopardized if you were to deny any kind of affection to him.
But what if you didn't feel anything?
Once deemed clean, you throw the dirty towel in one of the corners of the room before laying down next to him, your hand barely touching his.
Gekko gulps, nervous to dare peek at you and find something in your expression that might shatter him. He's too anxious to be the first one to talk or act, because what could possibly be said to break the ice after sucking your dick?
The thought embarasses him further, shying away from whatever intention he had initially and decides maybe today he won't be the one with initiative.
But Gekko doesn't have to do anything. Your pinky does the first step, intertwining your fingers together in a weak grip that makes his heart jump inside his ribcage.
“Are you sleeping?” The question is meant to be answered, but Gekko cannot find his voice to reply. 
When a few seconds passes by and Gekko doesn't reciprocate the hold, he feels you pulling away slowly, reluctantly. And the action itself is his callout to do something, so he grabs at your hand immediately, clasping your hands together in a tight hold despite having his heart hammering insde. Gulping, he dares to look at you, finding you doing the same thing and holding his gaze through the darkness.
His damp skin is getting cooled off with the window now open, and if a shiver runs down his spine is not because of the cold air, but of your sudden close in gap, startling him. 
“Stop me if you want. Say the word, and I'll leave you alone.” 
Gekko doesn't say anything, anticipating your actions and leaning in to lock his lips with yours on a sweet touch.
You gasp, surprised at his boldness, but don't back away. The other takes the chance to thrust his tongue inside your mouth, eager and wanting to taste every crevice of you until he gets breathless.
Gekko's hand squeezes your hand, sighing in pleasure when you reciprocate his frantic kisses with the same fervor and desire, tongues toying in the middle and fighting for dominance to claim each other's lips.
You move closer, your free hand finding purchase on his hips to have him closer, to feel all of him against your bare skin and bask in his presence and warmness. 
“I love you.” He confesses, gasping your name when your mouth travels to his cheek and down his neck with a new found ignited passion. “I love you so much.”
You kiss his neck, his chin, his cheek, you kiss every inch available to you until your mouths mesh together once again, drinking in his whines and soft moans. 
“I love you too, Mateo.”
Looking deeply into his eyes, you wonder if this is how you imagined things to develop and if it were any different, would you have minded? 
If any other actions would have guided you to him, you don't think you would mind.
Kissing his lips softly, you whisper his name with love, pawing his body with addictiveness and obsessive to hear more sounds come from him.
Gekko moans when your hand goes straight to his ass, fingers prodding his entrance in circular motions and teasingly making pressure. 
“Ah—! Ngh, you're mean,” he accuses, flustered. Smirking, you kiss his pout away, nuzzling his cheek with affection.
“Mnot' mean, I'm teasing you.” 
Huffing, Gekko kisses your cheek, letting you do whatever you want with him.
“Be gentle, please ”
An open invitation, the free pass to melt together in passion, you dive in and drown in the feeling of being loved and loving back with him chanting your name thoroughly, between gasps and groans of pleasure.
The moonlight is the only witness of the throws of passion unfolding on these sheets. The promises of a future, heated gazes and warming embraces.
In that tiny room of yours, you make love to Mateo.
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kissmyaft · 2 years ago
Moonwake in Venice (Gekko x male reader)
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(n.) When the moon's reflection on the water seems to follow you as you walk.
With a week passing from your recent adventure another one awaits. With you being pretty new to LA anyways there's a lot for you to experience and Gekko takes it as his chance to show and take you to all sorts of places
I made a second part to this as a birthday gift for my friend (and also because he got other people invested and I was bullied into writing another chapter) Again, I'm definitely not a perfect author, but I tried and I hope you guys enjoy it.
@darkdestroyer-256 happy birthday you simp
"Whoa, slow down!" You yelped as you were practically dragged down a flight of stairs, almost tripping over your half-tied shoelaces. "Come on we're not in a hurry and it's so early too. I barely had time to brush my teeth and shower-!" Complaining was cut short when the sunlight hit your eyes making you slightly cringe from the sudden brightness change.
Going through your pockets to see if you have a pair of sunglasses while trying to ignore how the wind blew over your - already messy - hair, you heard the boot (trunk) of a nearby car open. You looked to see Gekko putting all sorts of things in it, well, trying to, at least. The bags and skateboard easily fit. The surfboards? not so much. You told Gekko before that you guys could rent them, but he insisted it's way better with your surfboards and that they'll fit. They didn't.
You watched as Gekko struggled with the surfboards before sighing and shaking your head with a soft smile before jogging over to go help him. They will fit fine on the roof of the car. Probably. Hopefully.
You soon find yourself in the passenger seat of the car, socks and sneakers discarded on the floor and feet resting on the dashboard waiting for Gekko while he's getting the little crew from the apartment. It's not long until you hear him opening the rear door of the car and the babbling of his pets as they get into the car. However Mosh being Mosh he quickly found his way over into the palms of your hands instead, preferring that over the crowded back. You carefully adjust him into one palm of your hand to put your seatbelt on with the other, having to fight with the seatbelt a little before you finally get it on. Removing your feet from the dashboard and letting Mosh get back comfortable you were ready for this trip.
The sunglasses on your face being snatched from you snapped you out of your thoughts. "Hey-!" You protested. Gekko laughed and slid the sunglasses on his face poking your cheek before sliding the car key into the ignition and putting on his seatbelt.
The car sprung to life, the car's blower motors kicking in to cool the interior of the car - before you turned them off because the cold air was hitting your feet - and opted for having the window down instead. While Gekko reversed out of the parking spot you grabbed his phone with one hand, Mosh comfortably in your other hand, and connected it to the car's aux, putting on the playlist you two specifically made for the trip.
Gekko gently nodded his head along with the beat of the song, eyes intently on the road ahead.
The trip there was chaotic, but when is being with Gekko not chaotic?
You had to stop multiple times because you needed to pee. At first, he'd handed you a bottle and told you to pee in the bottle. That ended with him getting a smack on his leg and you begging him to pull over and that you're 'not pissing in no damn bottle'. Road trips make anyone hungry so you two ended up in a little store at one point too. While you two were picking out snacks and water for the rest of the road, Wingman, Dizzy and Thrash got to stretch their limbs as well. Mosh was content being on your head instead, snoozing away. Gekko may or may not have sneaked a picture or two. But can you really blame him? The sight was just way too cute for him to not take a picture.
By the time you were back in the car, you were trying not to cringe at the feeling of hot leather seats against your bare thighs. You weren't even away from the car for that long, but it being summer and the sun high in the sky heating the car, it sure felt like a damn sauna. You were busy playing with the car blowers to keep you cool when Gekko returned from his own side trip to the shop toilet.
You swore it almost looked like Mosh was going to melt into a puddle right in your hands. Honestly so did everyone else in the car.
Windows down again, music playing and Wingman trying to drink water from the bottle without spilling it all over the back seat. Gekko's hand occasionally reaches over to steal your crisps, despite him having his own bag of sweets right next to him. With you having nothing better to do, you humour him by feeding him the chips so he won't constantly have to reach for them. Of course, also putting a quick video of your trip on his Instagram story is a must. Thrash definitely didn't excitedly shove his face into the phone camera that ended up making both you and Gekko laugh. At some point, you found yourself dozing off, the heat and sitting still making you sleepy. Gekko turned the music down enough for it to not disturb your little nap.
A cold, moist feeling on your face stirred you from your nap, hand coming up to rub your eye before pulling away, suddenly wide awake, "BRO- Why is my face wet?" you squawked at a giggling Gekko and an overly mischievous looking Wingman in the back. "Abd why the fuck is it sticky?? What did you put on my face".
"Well, you see, mi amor. I and Wingman were a little bored." Gekko began in a honey-sweet tone which was quick to leave you suspicious, "And we wanted to see if Kool-aid would leave your face blue when it dries-" you quickly interjected "You two put Kool-aid on my face??? How did you two even come up with something like that?" You blurted, the shock on your face enough to make Wingman snort, of course awkwardly going silent when your sharp gaze found its way over to him.
" I know right? It's so random! Come on you can't be mad, you have to admit it's funny. Even just a little!" Gekko stated. You pouted at him "It's funny when I'm not the victim- Ohhh man, come on I washed my face this morning and now it's all sticky and disgusting!" You cringed and snatched the water bottle from him to wet a towel you pulled from your bag to clean your face. It must have taken a while or maybe the time just flew and you didn't notice the car pull into a parking lot and stop until Gekko pulled your car door open.
"Oh, we arrived?" you asked and Gekko smiled while throwing your socks at you "yep! Anyways hey, how about I take you to that nearby suuuuper awesome food place to make up for the kool-aid thing, eh? sounds good, right??" This caused you to roll your eyes "weren't you supposed to take me there anyways?"
"Well yeah, but-! Uhhhh, then how about…Chick-fil-a?" He inquired giving you those puppy dog eyes, causing you to giggle "I'm kidding, you dumbass. Just get us into our hotel room so we can put our bags there and I can properly wash my face. Also, return my sunglasses and get your own."
The car beeped as it was locked. You and Gekko made your way to the front lobby to check in. Waiting while Gekko was talking to the lady was miserable, the heavy bag slung over your shoulder making it hurt. By the time you two made it to your designated room, you were more than happy to finally go wash your face and then flop on the bed, spread out like a starfish. Gekko smiled at your childish behaviour. He makes his way over to your laying form and basically lets himself fall on top of you making you wheeze. "you're heavy-!" He laughs and rolls off of you. Taking this as your getaway chance you sit up and slide yourself off the bed. Going to rummage through your bags to look for a shirt to change into, the one on you right now being all sweaty from sitting in a hot car. While at it you toss Gekko a new one too before pulling your shirt off. However, you don't notice Gekko sneaking up behind you and before you even have a chance to reach for the fresh shirt you double over in laughter, Gekkos fingers poking and tickling your sides. "S-stop! Gekko!" Your pleas for him to stop only encourage him on and soon you're crying from laughter on the ground with his fingers still running over your body begging him to stop before you end up pissing yourself. Luckily for you, he has mercy on you and stops his relentless tickle attack. More than happy it's finally over you rush to the bathroom to relieve yourself before you actually end up peeing yourself.
While you're busy in the bathroom Gekko takes the stuff out of the bags and places them in their correct places so you wouldn't have to deal with unpacking once you two come back tired afterwards.
With your things unpacked and taken care of you and Gekko take it as your cue to go outside. Gekko tells you all about Venice and gets distracted by excitedly rambling about the times he was here as a kid while dragging you all the way to Linnie Canal park where you spend some time exploring and taking pictures before he drags you to Baja Cantina, a food place. You swore this might become your new favourite place to eat. If you ever return to Venice. A lot of your time was spent at the skate and cycling trail. It was a good place to let Gekko's little crew run about too. You didn't really want to admit it at first, but you ended up loving them just as much as Gekko. He took you around introducing you to a few friends he has in Venice that lived right nearby.
The sun was setting and the sea was calm with minimum waves as you two just sat on your surfboards. Sure, you hoped to try and catch some waves, but this wasn't bad, not at all. Gekko playfully bumped his board against yours before you decided to try and push him off of his board which ended up with both of you in the water instead, laughing and splashing each other.
"Race you back to shore?"
"you're on." You challenged.
You ended up winning, but maybe it was because your lover slipped off his board at one point.
By the time he reached shore, you had already gotten to drying yourself and changing into dry clothes. As Gekko made his way to you, you threw the towel at him. He made quick work of drying himself off and getting on his dry clothes. But he opted to wrap the towel around his head since his hair was still moist, making him look like a diva which you were more than happy to poke fun at while you two put the boards in the lobby and the swimshorts in your room to dry before heading back down.
The beach too had gotten a lot quieter, many of the people returning to their homes or other nightly activities. The calming sound of waves, wind breeze and seagulls made the moment so much better and almost unreal as you two stalked along the shoreline hand in hand. The full moon shone brightly, reflection glimmering on the water, the reflection of the moon following you two. The walk on the beach was filled with quiet jokes, giggles, kisses and sweet words whispered to each other. When you two decided it was time to head back to the hotel and get comfortable for the night. You, Gekko and his crew enjoyed the cool air on the balcony. The two enjoyed a few glasses of dry apple cider and Gekkos buddies munched on their snacks. Having to retreat to your room in silent laughter when Thrash threw a water bottle against the head of the rude hotel resident on the balcony below you. Soon the curtains were closed, and teeth brushed. With you two in bed and the little guys already asleep the room was dark and fell silent.
Well, almost silent. The shuffling of sheets and quiet chuckles filled the room, soon turning into quiet sounds of pleasure, bodies rubbing together and sweet nothings whispered to each other as the night lived on.
The wind picking up and the sounds of waves crashing were promising, perhaps tomorrow will be a good surf day. But for now, maybe you can allow yourself to be a little bit louder.
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lottesofluv · 2 years ago
someone should make a gekko (valorant) x male reader fanfic pls 😭
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hxmocrastic · 2 years ago
Blowing Off Steam
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✮ pairing ; Gekko x M!Reader ✮ summary ; Gekko can't seem to keep his eyes off you, He can't help but feel his pants tighten everytime he catches sight of you. So he decides to blow off steam... ✮ a/n ; Sorry if he's ooc y'all I made this at 4:30 😭 also readers a muscle Bottom🤭 ✮ warnings ; ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+ Masturbation ; 18+ Twt Links ; NSFW Thoughts ; Erection ; Domination
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The scarlet colored ball toppled off the side of the basket. Gekko let out a sigh of frustration, "Why can't this damn ball fall through the hoop!?" He cursed.
Dizzy tilted it's head towards the boy inquisitively and nuzzled into his arm. Gekko looked towards her and smiled. "I'm alright, little homie. You don't got nothing to worry about" He lied.
In truth, he was downright annoyed and frustrated in many ways than one. God he hated those heated (e/c) eyes that'd make his heart drop to the pits of his stomach. He hated how one jiggle of your ass made all the blood in his body rush to his dick. He hated those plump juicy lips that'd make his balls drop to the floor.
It took all his self control not to pin you to the ground, throw your legs over his shoulders and fuck you into the mattress — ⭐
'god mateo stop thinking with your dick' he thought.
His zipper was on the edge of snapping , he can't even think of you without his nuts being sore. You had so much influence on him, he even had wet dreams of you. And they were always the same;
You on your back your face red and drenched with tears as he pounds into you relentlessly.
Gekko was glaring at his skateboard without even realizing it. He stepped on it and began to speed out of the court. He needed to blow off some steam.
Gekko launched open the door to his house and slammed it right after. 'I need to make this quick'. His mother was out of town for the time being and Gekko needed something to relieve his problem. Thankfully he had just the right thing.
He bent down underneath his bed and grabbed the recent bought lube he stashed away and frantically tugged at the belt of his pants.
Gekko wasn't one to masturbate often. The only time he did was when he was in desperate need for relief. And this is one of those times.
He threw away his jeans and practically ripped his underwear, freeing his erection from the confines of the cloth.
His cock stood there swinging back and forth and as hard as ever.
The agent plopped down on the couch and grabbed his cock. He pumped it a few times and reached for the lube simultaneously releasing his veiny shaft to squirt the clear liquid in his palm.
Once he was satisfied with the amount he brought his soaked hand around his cock once again and began fisting it.
Gekko wasn't the biggest, but he wasn't the smallest either — His cock was 8 in inches but was notable girthy in width. His cock is especially veiny and pink at the tip with tattoos running down the underside.
He felt a trickle of sweat slither down his ear. His skin was dampened and moist with sweat, his neon tank top sticking to his skin like he just left a sauna.
He kept his meaty rod clasped within his shining fist, pumping it at an exceptionally slow pace. His breath hitched as he forged lewd images of the infamous crush who caused this mess.
He imagined grasping your two mounds of flesh sitting on your chest, as your silken walls contract around his cock.
He imagined the stench of musky sex permeates the room, as you panted for him to go faster.
Gekko was heaving at this point, he was on the edge of cumming causing his cock to grow an angry shade of red while veins protruded. Almost as if it were about to explode. His fist pumped his phallus with a greater ferocity, as he threw his head back facing the ceiling.
Soon enough he found himself thrusting into his palm, imagining it was your ass that clamped so tightly around his length.
In one flush movement he released a cry from his lips, his orgasm crashing down on him with impeccable force. Semen spurted from his enraged slit, gushing and spewing from the tip. He panted profusely and remove his now dormant hand from his spouting member.
He threw his head back down drawing frantic breaths of air. A loppy side grin fell upon his face. Though his mind was still hazy he got rid of his cause of stress and that was to be happy for.
His eyes expanded to the size of meal sized plates. Gekko whipped his head towards the sound only to be met with the presence of three gawking creatures.
He didn't have time to collect the situation as he heard the twisting of his doorknob.
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onlyfrags · 11 months ago
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Last Updated: 5/24/2024
| Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content |
If you see someone you want that is not on this list, feel free to send me a request at any time! Just make sure to read the [Request Rules]
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*Untitled* | NSFW x GN Reader (In progress)
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Coffee talk | NSFW X GN Reader (IN PROGRESS)
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Reunions | Gekko X GN Reader (in Progress)
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Self Worth | Iso x Reader (in Progress) Iso is so used to being a weapon for others. What happens when someone reminds him that hes worth more than that now?
After work | NSFW x Reader (In progress) You and Iso help each other relax after another stressful mission
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✿ Yoru X Draconic Radiant S/O | Yoru X Male Reader ✿
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zeilaaan · 2 years ago
Gekko, being the soft gentle top he is, asking you repeatedly if you're okay as he's balls deep inside of your ass.
"¿Estás bien mi amor?" (Are you okay, my love?) He asks, as he's gripping onto your thighs fucking you.
You get tired from his blabbering, so you cover his mouth with your hand, however this turns him on more, causing him to pound you faster and he ends up finishing inside of you, in awe as he watches his seed leak out of your asshole.
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jettjournals · 9 months ago
Tangled in Desire | NSFW
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The night air is warm as you and Gekko find yourselves alone in his dimly lit room, the gentle hum of Los Angeles nightlife filtering through the open window. His radivores have retreated to their globule forms, giving you both some privacy.
You've known Gekko for a while now, your friendship growing deeper with each shared adventure and quiet moment. Lately, you've noticed the lingering touches, the stolen glances, and the unspoken tension building between you. Tonight, that tension feels particularly thick in the air.
Gekko's eyes, deep and filled with a mix of affection and desire, lock onto yours as he steps closer. He hesitates, as if considering whether to close the distance. "I've been thinking about you all day," he murmurs, his voice low and husky.
Your heart races, but you simply smile, stepping a little closer yourself. "I've been thinking about you too, Mateo."
He reaches out, his hand brushing against your cheek before he pulls you into a gentle kiss. It's soft at first, exploratory, as if he's savoring the moment. His lips are warm, moving against yours with a tenderness that makes your knees weak.
As the kiss deepens, the world outside fades away, leaving just the two of you in this intimate bubble. Gekko's hands trace the contours of your body with a mix of urgency and reverence, each touch igniting a fire within you. Yet, he takes his time, not rushing the moment, letting the anticipation build.
Clothes are slowly discarded, each piece falling away as if in a dream. His gaze roams over you, filled with admiration and longing. "You're beautiful," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion.
You respond with a soft sigh, your hands exploring his toned body, tracing the tattoos that tell stories of his life and adventures. The air is filled with the scent of desire and the sound of your mingled breathing.
Gekko's touch becomes more insistent, his kisses more demanding, but he still holds back, drawing out the moment. He whispers your name, his breath hot against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "I want you," he says, his voice raw with need.
Finally, the slow burn reaches its peak. Gekko gently lowers you onto the bed, his body hovering over yours. His eyes search yours for any hesitation, and finding none, he moves forward. The feeling of his body pressing into yours is electric, a culmination of all the anticipation.
He enters you slowly, almost reverently, his eyes never leaving yours. The sensation is intense, a mix of pleasure and deep connection. He moves with a careful rhythm at first, each thrust measured and deliberate, drawing out the pleasure.
As the passion builds, his movements become more urgent, his need matching your own. You meet each thrust with your own, your bodies moving in perfect harmony. The room is filled with the sound of your mingled moans and the rhythmic creak of the bed, a symphony of shared desire.
Gekko's hands are everywhere, caressing your skin, holding you close, his lips never far from yours. His whispered words of adoration and desire fuel the fire between you, driving you both toward a powerful climax.
When release finally comes, it's overwhelming, a wave of pleasure that crashes over you both. Gekko holds you tight, his body trembling with the force of his own release. For a moment, the world outside ceases to exist, leaving just the two of you, connected in the most intimate way possible.
As the night deepens, you find yourselves tangled together, sweat-soaked and sated, a sense of deep connection and satisfaction settling over you both. Gekko's arms wrap around you, holding you close as he whispers sweet nothings, making you feel cherished and desired in a way you never have before.
With Gekko, the slow burn was worth every moment, every heartbeat, every breath.
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yilingpatriarchscvnt · 8 months ago
Paper Ring
"I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings."
Gekko X M!Reader
Summary: A popular boy with terrible grades, a less popular boy with straight A's.
Highschool au! Almost all characters are high-school student,Reyna is gekko's older sister, brimstone is M!Reader's father figure (adopted sigh).
"Please tutor me!"
"Why the hell should I? Rip-off Eminem."
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"You can't keep going like this mateo." His mother sighed deeply in disappointment as she slam the F scored paper on his table. "You're almost 18! You can't be failing like this anymore."
"I don't see why it's such a big deal, it's just one bad score mom!"
His mother furrowed her eyebrows in anger, getting angrier each minute passes. "But it's not just one bad score isn't it mateo? Since this school year every test you have taken you almost failed every one of them!" She crossed her arms trying to calm down from the stress. "Look here gekko, I just want the best for you. I want you to get a decent job in the future, this is why I am doing this"
"Doing what?"
His mother looked at him dead serious in his eyes. "If you don't pick your grades up then you are not allowed to go any of those parties and dying your hair like that." His eyes widened by his mother's words as he got up from his chair to argue.
"You can't do that mom, All of my friends are expecting me to go to that party! And no they love my hair!" He said furrowing his brows.
"Guess you have to disappoint your friends then, unless you fix your grades." His mother said the final words and left him furiously clenching his fist in the room. There was still time for his final exams, few a months at least. But there was no guarantee that he would succeed all by himself like that. He had to find a tutor.
"Ugh.. this is such a pain in the ass." He mumbled under his breath as he got a notification from his phone.
hermana estúpida
Gekko did mom see ur test score?
Yeah she's pissed
Well that's what you get for partying instead of studying dumbass
I need to find a tutor or smth
do you know anyone?
You could always ask Y/n
he's hella smart.
who is that.
are you serious...
do you not pay attention to anyone
I am literally upperclass of you but I know your classmates.
he's in your class
try talking to him tomorrow
Dont make me come downstairs gekko.
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Gekko's POV
I shoved my phone in my pocket and looked out of my bedroom window the sun was setting by now, and the moon was peeking over the horizon. I decided needed some fresh air to clear my head and to mentally prepare myself for school tomorrow. I'll actually need to listen in class now, ugh..
I walked to the door, putting my shoes on and grabbing a jacket. "I'm going out! I yelled to anyone that could hear me. and then, I walked out of my house, heading to a small park nearby. I didn't get much time to go out alone, I was either going to parties with my friends or spending time with my sister. it was a rare occurrence for me to be in my own company. it was quite relaxing to be honest.
although I was relaxed, I was still angry. getting grounded because I can't get good grades? what the hell. So what if i'm failing? my family is rich anyway. If I fail I can always fall back into the family business. in my haze of frustration I barely noticed where I was going until I heard a soft meow at my feet. I looked down to see a fluffy white cat laying in a bed of flowers.
"oh shoot sorry bud, i nearly stepped on you there, huh?" It gave out another soft meow as I bent down to pet it. I couldn't help but snap a photo of it. "where's your owner, little one?" as if I had summoned it, an unfamiliar voice rang out.
"kita! kitaaa?! ugh where are you." within the darkness I saw a faint silhouette of a boy who looked about my age. as he stopped underneath a lamp post I took in his features, getting a good look at him. He had [h/c] hair that practically glowed underneath the light of the lamp post. [e/c] eyes that glanced in every direction.
I looked down at the cat who was purring beside me, noticing a light blue collar. I gently moved its head out of the way to see a name tag. kita. so this was the [h/c] boy's cat? I cleared my throat and picked the white cat up in my arms, cradling it like a baby
"uhhh excuse me?" he turned his attention to me, his [e/c] eyes glinting underneath the light. He noticed the cat in my arms and came running towards me with his arms out. before i could blink he had scooped it up in his arms, facing me whilst cuddling the cat to his chest.
"kita how could you run away from me like that?! you scared me to death." he said, over-dramatically. i cleared my throat again, trying to catch his attention. He finally noticed me standing in front of him and he looked up to meet my eyes.
I gave him a small smirk. "don't I get a thank you?" he nodded his head at me, not saying a word and simply turned to walk away. "h-hey wait! aren't you going to say thank you?!" he turned around to face me again giving me a small smile.
"thank you." he then walked off, holding kita in his arms, leaving me alone under the moonlight.
I was slightly shocked that he wasn't fanboying over me, since for as long as I can remember any time someone looked at me they would blush and ask for my number. It wasn't a surprise they acted that way, ever since I was a kid I was always naturally good looking and charming.
I took one last look at him before turning around and heading back home before anyone would get worried. after a minute or two I realised that I never caught his name. I turned around to see if he was still there but he was gone. all I saw was an empty park, with no one in sight.
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Part 2
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aaabsinthe · 2 years ago
Valorant Male Agents Masterlist
Angst: -
Fluff: =
Smut (18+): *
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wisteriaiswriting · 2 months ago
Meeting Their S/O Father, Who Is Brimstone
Words: 601
Request: the reader is Brimstone's son, and he decides to introduce his boyfriend to his father, but he didn't know that his boyfriend and his father worked together - Gekko, Harbor, Yoru and Phoenix
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“Mi amor, ¿estás seguro? Quiero decir, él...” “Hey hey, calm down!” Your hands settled on his shoulders, smoothing over his shirt. “He’ll love you and I'm sure of that, he just wants the best for his son, now c’mon.” Taking his hand in your own with a small squeeze, pushing open the door.
“Dad, I’m home!” You both made your way into the house, it was quiet but it was the house you grew up in. Now you just needed to find your dad, but where was he? “Is he even here?” “Anyways, what doe–” “Y/N!” Finding him enter from the backyard, pausing when he saw your boyfriend.
“So, you two work together, you,” pointing towards your dad, “are his boss?” “Yes.” Taking a breath as you registered everything. “Okay, just go easy on him now that you know.” “No promises Kiddo.” “Thank you amor.”
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After making sure all your items were safely tucked away you turned to Varun. “You ready to go?” “Of course.” Handing you your helmet as he held his own, “I’ll meet you there.” He laughed as you both set off, parking in front of the hotel not long after.
Getting off the bikes and placing down your helmets to fix yourselves up, not that Varun needed to. Instead he wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning against your back as you finished up. “You look dashing, darling!” His light laugh caused you to follow, “Thank you love.”
Your moment was cut short by another bike pulling in next to you two, looking over to find a very familiar man. “Brimstone, what are you doing here?” “Harbor, Y/N.” Varun doesn’t realise, but your dad does. “Varun, you know how I said you were going to meet my dad?” He nodded. “Well, Varun met Liam, my father.”
You watched the blood drain from his face before going back to normal, or as normal as he can be. “Well, how about we go in, dinners on me tonight!”
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“C’mon Ryo, it’s been nearly two whole years, you gotta meet him at some point!” God, sometimes you forgot how stubborn this man could be. Guess you have to take this into your hands, well, even more.
Finally, after weeks of talking and planning you managed to get your father to your place. And now all you needed was for your boyfriend to get back, meaning he would finally meet your dad, the one thing he’s been avoiding.
Hearing the door open you start pulling your dad over, “He’s here, I bet you’ll love him cause he’s so–” “Brimstone?” “You two know each other?” Neither of them said anything, instead they just stared at each other. “Can one of you tell me why you know each other?” “It’s about time.” “Sure.”
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It’s been months since you’ve been able to see your dad, and also a good amount of time into your relationship with Jamie. So you took this time to introduce them, having them come over to your place.
“Jamie!” “Babe!” Pulling you into a crushing hug while swaying side to side, “Jamie, I want to introduce you to my dad.” Pulling away to guide him into the living room, with your dad sitting on the couch scrolling on his device.
“Dad, meet Jamie, my boyfriend.” Putting down the device, his mouth opened only to pause. So did Jamie, “Phoenix.” “Brimstone, hey man, I didn’t know Y/N here was your son.” “Clearly.”
You could only look between the two, “Brimstone, Phoenix? What do you two do?” “Don’t worry about it darling, it–” “Nothing for you to worry about.”
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jayurgirl · 2 years ago
Unexpected Arrival
Characters: Gekko, Phoenix, Yoru
Word count: 341
I plan to continue this fanfic unless I become too lazy to do so.
The night was calm, the clock striking 3 am as the mysterious visitor stood outside the door of the agents' quarters. With a confident knock, the anticipation of what lay ahead seemed to fill the air. Inside, the dimly lit room held three figures, engrossed in their virtual battle. Gekko, Phoenix, and Yoru were consumed by the glow of the screens, their competition fierce. Suddenly, a knock echoed through the room, and they exchanged glances.
"Gekko, since you lost the last round, you're on door duty," Phoenix playfully exclaimed, a mischievous grin dancing across his lips.
With a resigned sigh, Gekko got up from his seat, a hint of embarrassment evident in his demeanor. Slowly, he approached the door, his heart racing, and swung it open. His eyes widened, his face flushing as he took in the sight before him – a man of exceptional stature and charm.
"Uh, hi," Gekko stammered, his usually composed demeanor faltering in the presence of the stranger.
The man's deep voice resonated with a playful confidence as he responded, "Hey there. Sage sent me. I'm here to lend a helping hand."
Gekko's eyes darted between the stranger and his companions, his mind racing to process the unexpected encounter. He managed to introduce himself, albeit a bit flustered, "I'm Gekko. Come on in. The others are around somewhere."
As the reader stepped inside, his magnetic aura seemed to affect the room's atmosphere. Gekko led him to where the other agents were gathered, introducing you with a newfound shyness that betrayed his usual self-assuredness.
The agents who were still awake were taken aback by the your striking appearance, their hearts racing as they exchanged furtive glances. Yoru avoided direct eye contact, his cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. Meanwhile, Phoenix, never one to back down from a challenge, attempted to employ his flirtatious charm, only to find himself rendered speechless by your confident response.
"Names are important, but perhaps you'd like to know more about me than just my name," you remarked, your voice dripping with playful innuendo.
To be continued... or not....
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seneitut · 2 years ago
What is your opinion about gekko with a himbo male reader?? 😏 fr if i was gekko i want to suck that boobs or maybe sleep on it too lmao.. Just thinking the reader olso have hip dip dayumm...
[NSFW +18 mentions]
Oh my god, Gekko would be the most enthusiastic and eager man ever.
To finish training and crash into his boyfriend's chest and bury his face onto the mounds is the highlight of his day.
He finds it very soothing, listening to reader's heartbeat while sighing with happiness oozing off of him, hugging his torso and just, limp and dead to the rest of the world. [Bonus points if reader scratches Gekko's head while he doozes off.]
If it were a small in height himbo or Gekko's height, I believe he would tease the shit out of his boyfriend. You know, resting his arm on reader's head, spooning him on bed and grabbing his boobs while they sleep—perhaps and if Gekko is feeling frisky, he would grind against reader's ass while grunting in his ear. He would even get more handsy and beg to fuck in that position while his hands travels on reader's body and under the clothes to feel him up. [Gekko will stop if reader says no, but that is unlikely since the two of them are just horndogs and fuck anytime they can get their hands on each other.]
Now, if it were the other way around, Gekko would still tease the fuck out of reader. He has a very...unique sense of humor when it comes to his teasing, the "how's the weather up there!" kind of jokes, is so bad is hilarious. Would cling onto reader's back if he has a chance, good luck trying to get him off there.
The cuddling would remain the same, Gekko wants the big spoon and grabby hands to reader's boobs. But like said before, if Gekko is in need of reacharging? Face down and drowning between the mounds.
There is no escape to his neediness and spikes of libido when together, worsening with time and the longer the relationship evolves. Gekko tends to fall in love fast and hard, gets obsessive with reader real quick, too.
Digging his fingers on reader's hip, holding him still and pretty for Gekko to thrust his pelvis against the other and sliding his cock in and out repeatedly until he has his boyfriend moaning and babbling incoherences.
The slaps of skin deafening and echoing on the room is like an incentive for Gekko to be harsher with the way he fucks reader, watching the tip of his cock bounce against his stomach and leaking pre-cum, god, he might cum right then and there.
Gekko becomes the most dominant person ever with a himbo reader, wanting to have him under control, have his pleasure at the palm of his hand and denying reader of his release everytime he's on the brink of cumming. Gekko gets off with the idea only him can provide reader the pleasurable and most wonderful experience when having sex because he knows of every single thing that can set reader off.
He would enjoy railing him with a fast pace and sucking on the mounds of flesh from reader's chest while listening to his cries and non stop begging to fuck him harder. And Gekko complies, because he's been such a good boy; opening up to him so easily, prepping beforehand with lube and three of his fingers inside his hole, and letting Gekko do whatever he wants with reader's body afterwards.
Balls deep inside, nipples perked up and sore to the touch, Gekko would finally wrap his hand around reader's cock and pump it alongside his thrusts, watching with want the pre-cum smeared on his shaft and making a mess out of it while masturbating him.
He would admire his work on him, flushed face, eyes rolled to the back and mouth ajar letting the most sinful sounds he's ever heard on his life. That mixed with the way reader's walls clamp down on his cock, sucking him in and squeezing him deliciously is enough to make Gekko cum inside of him, leaving his seed and slumping against his chest while riding out the orgasm.
Reader's climax always hits him so hard, the knot on his belly finally releasing, and moaning out Gekko's name, he passes out for a while.
Is a pleasing experience for the both of them.
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art-missy · 2 months ago
The Angel and The Hound (Gekko x Reader)
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Me ? Trying a fantasy AU ? I guess so. My brain agreed to write this but threw a tantrum when I tried to continue a one shot left in my draft for more than six months...
Anyway, thousands of apologies in advance for my torturous grammar and dull writing.
In a world of fantasy and mystery, where the scent of adventure drew people in like light attracted insects, where naives and arrogant fools were constantly eaten, where treasures and glory were as common as misfortunes and villainy, you preferred to live like a hermite.
Well, semi-hermite actually. While you preferred to live away from civilization, you stayed close enough to know about the recent news in order to avoid problem from said civilization.
Living alone in the Forest of Valorant wasn't as terrible as some people might think. Yes, there were creatures that could pounce on you and use you like their meals or chew toys, insects that could take a bite of your skin or a sip of your blood. There were mud and increases of risks of landslides after rains, winters could be lethal, nights scary and unpredictable and the whole area seemed to be design for people's downfall.
But it was your home.
It was only you and nature. Fresh foods, fresh air, fresh water, fresh life. You were far from cities and towns, therefore far from people and you were consequently better. You would sometimes help lost adventurers or parties, heal the wounded, guide them until the closest town or city then went back to your home. These people wouldn't be able to find your house again anyway, it was hidden in a large tree and protected by an illusion. According to some random people, you were known as the 'Woods' Angel' by the inhabitants of surrounding towns and nearby cities.
Finding it cringey, you would glare at any person calling you by this title.
Even your friends Skye and Clove started calling you by that name. It was a tease at first, but the druids kept calling you that way even when serious, unfortunately for you.
But despite everything, your life was peaceful and almost uneventful.
Strolling and picking berries, you were just minding your business when you noticed a dog, no, a hound following you around. You were used to woods creatures and animals and most of them were also used to you. When one would cross your path, it would either mind its business or be curious and follow you around for some minutes before going away. You were used to it and it wasn't a problem. Yet, this animal was peculiar. This hound was huge and strong, much bigger than a grey wolf. Its brown fur highlighted the lime-green tips of its perky ears and its wagging tail. And despite clearly being a predator, this hound was playful in a goofy way.
You never saw that hound before, which led to the conclusion that it wasn't from around the area since you would have had remember it.
"New here, buddy ?"
Its ears perked up at the sound of your voice. Its tail wagged in excitement as it ran in circles around you. It kept following you around during your daily stroll, always pulling stunts to attract your attention. You swore you saw its warm chocolate-brown irises shine in delight everytime your gaze would meet its eyes. When it understood you were looking for berries, it literally out-rooted a bush for you. It then looked at you, its eyes sparkling with expectancy.
"Thanks, buddy !" you smiled, bending down to collect the berries.
It let out an excited bark and roll on his back in front of you. Snorting, you gave a few belly rubs to this excited ball of fur and eagerness. With one glance, you noticed that it was a male. You raised an eyebrow, and straightened your back, looking at the hound who straightened itself on its four paws. He was so big and so tall that it had to slightly tilt its head down to look at you properly.
"Where the heck are you from ?" you muttered to yourself.
It tilted its head then nuzzled its snout against your cheek, his breathing warming your face. It clearly didn't seem to want to give you an answer, just wanted to stay close to you. It followed you during the totality of your stroll, running around you, rolling in the ground and sometimes asking for caresses, or belly rubs. And when the sun started to set, the hound started to whine and to be more clingy.
"Sorry buddy, but it's getting late."
It howled sadly and clinged even more to you. You pushed its head away.
"The nights here are no friends. Don't you have a place to go back to ?"
Its ears perked at your words and its back straightened, as if remembering something. Then, it let go of you with a huff, head low and a sad whine escaping its mouth. It gave you last nuzzle with its snout then ran away far in the woods.
"What a strange hound."
Strange indeed. You had no idea what breed it could be, probably a crossbreed. And when you friends came in your house to visits, you couldn't help but talk about your strange encounter.
"Aww !" Clove cooed as you poured them a cup of tea. "You made a new friend !"
Skye hummed, thoughtful. Sat comfortably in a plushed chair, she bit in a warm cookie.
"You said that you did not recognise its breed ?"
You shook your head, sitting in a chair as well.
"Yeah. I even searched in the book you gave me," you pointed said book on your cupboard. "I didn't find any breed of that height with the tips of ears and tail colored."
Skye's brows furrowed at your words as she spinned a spoon in her cup of tea.
"Colored ?"
"Mmhmm," you nodded. "Lime-green. I've never seen this color on a non venomous animal. Well, I don't exactly know if this hound is non venomous but you got me."
"Well I wonder if its even a hound," expressed Clove. "According to how you described its behaviour, it sounds more like a nice doggy. Its not attacking you, therefore there is no reason to be worried about it for now."
You leaned back in your seat, pondering their words.
"Fair point," you sighed. "Oh ! I've been meaning to ask. What is that village that burst out of nowhere at the south of the forest ?"
Clove perked in their chair, the new subject of conversation tickling their interest.
A few weeks ago, you had helped a few lost people who were asking the direction towards the south. The surprise you had when you discovered that instead of a meadow where you used to see goats and sheeps were now a whole and highly functional village had you stunned and speachless for a few minutes.
"A new village came out of nowhere ? How ?"
"The Mondragón Sanctuary," said Skye after taking a sip of tea. "Ruled and protected by the great sorceress Reyna. Tribeless outcasts of all kinds, runaways and survivors of the Kingdom tyranny are seeking refuge there. I've been reached out to teach the young druids of this village to master their abilities."
Clove's eyes seemed to sparkle. They reached out for Skye hands, squeezing them in theirs while doing pleading eyes.
"That sounds so cozy ! Could you put a good word for me ? I want to see that place ! And I could help youngsters too !"
"Sure," acquiesced the ginger druids. "The Sanctuary is actually asking for more professors," she then turned to you. "You could teach botanical and apothecary stuffs since plants have no secrets for you."
A grimace painted your lips as you shook your head. The simple idea of being the center of a crowd's attention made you sick.
"No thanks. The farthest I am from people, the better."
True to her words, Skye put a good word for Clove who are now teaching the young druids along side her how to master their elemental abilities. You often saw them exercising with children in a clearing in the south of the forest while picking incandescent berries. The sounds of laughters and squeals of joy was new but welcomed melodies in the sometimes chilly silence of the Forest of Valorant. You occasionally found yourself watching them from afar discovering their abilities, or drawing them in a sketchbook when you weren't searching for plants. Of course, there were times when Clove waved at you and that you had to jump in a tree to avoid being seen by so many eyes, but it was a new colorful routine adding new pigments into the once monotone painting that was your life.
Lulled by the laughter of children, you were now asleep in the grass, back against a tree. You were so deep in your slumber you barely noticed the young man walking in your direction until he was right before you. Startled, you jolted awake.
"Sorry," he smiled apologetically. "I didn't mean to scare you."
You eyed him warily, taking note of his light catching lime-green hair, the runes on his skin and the jewellery decorating his ears. Your gaze then met his —a very warm chocolate gaze— before falling on the constellation of freckle highlighted by his smile. Despite not knowing him, his face was vaguely familiar to you.
"I wanted to introduce myself correctly since I couldn't last time."
"Last time ?" you repeated, your brows furrowing in confusion.
His eyes momentarily seemed to shine at the sound of your voice roughened by sleep.
"Yeah," he nodded, taking a step further towards you. "My friends and I were lost but you helped us coming back in the village. Man, these woods are big ! We owe you big time !"
You stood up, cleaned yourself and took a step back.
"Oh," you said simply. He was with the group you guided to the Sanctuary a few weeks ago.
"I'm Mateo," he said with a nervous but happy smile. "But people call me Gekko."
You picked up your stuffs in the grass while telling him your name.
"I know ! Skye told us about you when we came back at the Sanctuary after you guided us, and Clove keeps praising your erudition. They also said that if we ever get lost in the woods, there were great chance to have an encounter with the Woods Angel."
"Snitches," you grumbled, an unpleased grimace stretching your traits.
From the other side of the clearing, Clove's voice could be heard, calling for you and highly distracting. When Gekko looked back, you were gone.
Keeping people at arm's length was a skill you perfectly mastered after years of semi-isolation. You could disappear in one blink, lowered your presence or just hide in the shadows. Gekko seemed to have finally understood that after several attempts to strike conversations with you when you were out admiring your friends' educational prowess.
While you proud yourself in keeping people away, it was another story for animals. When you went out in the clearing today, the exact same hound from a few days ago was comfortably laid down at the foot of the tree you usually relaxed against. It immediately perked when it noticed you.
"You again ?" you gasped in surprise as it came nuzzling against you.
You let it cling onto you as you sat down against the tree. It immediately put its head on your lap.
"Do you belong to someone from the Sanctuary ?" you inquired, to which it let out a soft growl.
It kept looking at you as you mindlessly caressed its colored-tipped ears while drawing in your sketchbook, its eyes reflecting a confusing intelligence. It sometimes lifted its head to take a peek, sometimes nuzzled its head better against you.
And slowly, this hound slithered into your cocoon, being an element of your routine.
You often met at the tree in the clearing, relaxing together —sometimes to the point of taking naps together. You soon discovered how eager this animal was. You sometimes discovered bushes of berries at the tree where you often met. Or there were these times when it let out soft whines when you stopped caressing it. And you also found yourself laughing more thanks to it. You had a listener for your little rants and company when you needed it. Clove often teased you about the hound, saying that you've been adopted by it.
You once let it follow you to your house, showing it how to pass through the illusion that was hiding it. And since that day, you would often hear it scratching eagerly at your door or see it napping in your garden.
You were now used to hear your new friend around and the familiar noise of its claws scratching the wood. So one day, when you heard someone banging with strength at your door, you couldn't help but grabbed your daggers.
"Go away !" you shouted.
"Please !" the voice was masculine and familiar, the tone heart-wrenching. "It's an emergency !"
Biting your lower lip, you kept your guards up.
"How did you find this place ?"
You heard sniffling from behind the door and your hands clenched around your daggers.
"You showed me the way."
"Liar !" you hissed.
There were a silence and for one moment you believed he was gone. But then, you heard the familiar pattern of claws scratching the wood. Confused, you hurried to unlock the door and swung it open. A light yelp escaped you when you saw Gekko, ugly tears flowing down his cheeks and sobs shaking his broad shoulders. When he saw you, he immediately fell down to his knees and hugged your legs, burying his face in your stomach.
"I'm sorry for lying to you all this time but please, people are dying at the Sanctuary," he begged, his fingers clenching around your thighs. "I'll do anything ! I'll...I'll even stop seeing you if that's what you want, I promise but please, save them ! They're my family."
Momentarily paralysed at the sudden contact, you let the informations sink in your brain as his loud sobs were painfully clenching your heart. For a short instant, you saw your hound nuzzling against you.
"What happened ?" you breathed out.
He sniffled again and looked up at you, his eyes red of despair. He then pulled out two vials from his thigh sac. They both contained a dark grey sandy powder.
"We found soldiers of the Kingdom spreading these in the river and the wheat. People started feeling sick and our healers can't help the ill."
You took the vials, opened one and took one short inhale before cursing under your breath. Recognition hit you in the most unpleasant way possible. If you were right —and you furiously knew you were— you would have to act fast before the worst could happen.
"When did people start getting sick ?" you asked as you gently pull away from his arms, rushing inside your house.
He quickly stood up, following you.
"Yesterday afternoon," he wiped his tears as he watched you pulling out different bocals, vials and tools and put them in a large messenger bag. "People started dying this morning."
You tossed your messenger bag at him and grabbed a few notebooks before rushing outside.
"Did you inhale the powder ?"
"No," he shook his head. "I didn't. Why ? What does it do ?"
"It nullify abilities of magic users and weakened their immune system as well as draining their life force in a recording speed. Healing abilities won't work on the sick. You can't find the plants used to make this powder on this continent. The Kingdom must have imported it."
You saw his eyes widening in horror as you exited the illusion protecting your house. You then felt his hand grabbing yours, stopping in your track.
"Wait. Get on my back, we'll be faster."
And under your heavy but still surprised eyes, he turned into a hound.
Your hound. Looking at you with sad eyes while holding your messenger bag in his mouth.
You barely contained the disillusioned scoff that escaped you and his big canine body winced in response.
"Let's just go."
When you arrived at the Mondragón Sanctuary, a gasp of horror left your mouth. It was almost liveless. The once colorful and joyful village was now filled with gloom and sorrow. Gekko kept running through the streets until reaching what seemed to be a small hospital. You climbed off Gekko's back and he turned back to open the door for you. Another loud gasp escaped you at the maelstrom of panic in the hall. Healers and physicians were running everywhere, screaming orders and moving sick people.
Suddenly overwhelmed, you took a step back, your hands clenching on the strap of your messenger bag.
"Mateo !"
Before you even knew it, a tall woman rushed towards you two to cup Gekko's face in her hands.
"Where were you ? I looked for you everywhere !"
"I brought help."
Your attention was led behind you when a familiar voice called your name and when you turned your head, you saw Skye walking in your direction.
"Oh gods, Skye !" you whimpered, taking her in your arms.
Your friend looked so pale, so weakened. Walking seemed to take so much energy. Seeing her in that state brought tears into your eyes.
"W-What about Clove ?" you stuttered.
"They can't leave their bed," she coughed.
Gekko retrieved your attention by grabbing your hand again and gently calling your name.
"This is Reyna. The head of the Sanctuary and my mentor."
You looked back at the great woman and almost fell under the intensity of her stare. You felt like her deep purple gaze was analyzing each atom of your being. There were something about her that was confusing your instinct : on one hand, you felt very protected by her presence. On the other, you also felt like you walked into a lethal and sadistic trap.
"The infamous Wood Angel," she said with her sultry but imperial voice. "My protégé told me a lot about you. Clove and Skye also praised your knowledge and competency."
You side-glanced Gekko —who shyly looked away, and Skye who coughed again.
"I'll go straight to the point. Are you able to get rid of this illness ?"
Your body winced when you noticed the attention of everyone in the hall on you. You literally felt their eyes itching your skin, their silent questions suffocating you. Anxiety raised silently raised its thread to make you its puppet. Your fingers raised to dig their nails in your wrist, but before you could hurt yourself, two hands gently grabbed yours. Your eyes searched for who they belonged to and fell into Gekko's warm ones. For an instant, you saw your hound's worried gaze.
Feeling oddly relieved, you took a deep breath then nodded.
"It's not my first time dealing with this. I brought my equipment but we need to be quick and I need space to create the remedy," you took another deep breath, taking a look inside your bag. "I brought my own plants and potions, but I want the antidote to be strong. And I need incandescent berries for that."
Gekko perked at your words, his hands squeezing yours again, recognition sparkling in his eyes. After following and accompanying you so many times in the woods, he knew the berries and where they grew.
"I know where they grow. I can go fetch them for you."
Reyna sized you again, her eyes, glowing faintly.
"Very well," she agreed. "Mateo, tell Sage and Viper to quickly prepare their laboratory."
"Sure," Gekko nodded then looked back at you. "Come on, it's this way."
You let him drag you out of the hall.
"Skye, please find a bed to rest. I'll be as quick as I can."
"I know," she smiled weakly. "I trust you."
The walk in the different corridors was filled with a loud silence. His shoulders stiff with tension, Gekko avoided your gaze as much as he could. Yet, his hand never left yours, its grip strong but gentle. A heavy sigh escaped your lips and his body winced in response.
"Look, I'm sorry," he finally said.
"Oh ? You are now ?" you raised an eyebrow. "You know what ? Forget it. There is much more urgent than your deceiver tendencies."
He froze as his hand grabbed the doorknob of the laboratory. He then looked back at you with sad eyes. For a moment, your hound was back in front of you. Gulping, you diverted your eyes elsewhere.
"I played with your trust and that's not fair. I...I've been wanting to tell you for a long time. Really. But the more I waited, the harder it got."
Your eyes stayed away from his as your jaw clenched. You've rarely felt so hurt, but your feelings weren't the priority at the moment. Yet, for a rare time of your life, you had difficulties putting them away. Huffing, you harshly pull your hand out of his touch.
"I've felt less alone with you around," you lamented in a murmur. "I thought you were my friend."
"I am !"
"Friends don't deceive each other !" you scolded. "You played me for months ! And all of that for what, huh ?"
Your argument was quickly interrupted by the door swinging open on a tired looking woman scowling at you two, her green eyes glaring.
"Could you two be loud elsewhere ? I'm trying to focus."
An oddly exhausted huff escaped Gekko, but he took the time to introduce you to Viper, an alchemist who soon understood that you were there to help and the Sanctuary salvation. She welcomed you into her dizzyingly organised laboratory and you didn't waste time pulling out your equipment. You were pulling bocals out of your bag when you felt a hand patting your shoulder.
"I'll go fetch the incandescent berries," he murmured. "I'll be back soon."
You didn't answer. You didn't even look at him.
You gave Viper instructions, teaching her how to manipulate certain plants and certain mushrooms, answered her questions. Soon, Sage, a cleric, came to help the both of you and you ended up working in an efficient synergy.
Focused, you were manipulating boiling vials when a blue armadillo-like creature arised in your sight, its strange body slightly deformed behind your magnifying binoculars. Startled, you let out a yelp and, as you jolted back, your back collided with a torso.
"Gekko, how many times did I tell you to not summon your spirits in here ?" sighed Viper as she handed you another vial.
"Sorry," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "But we're back with the berries. Set the basket down, Wingman."
Another creature, this time yellow and almost axolotl-like, walked on the work plan and set down a basket full with incandescent berries. It garbled, cheerfully waved at you and disappeared into the runes on Gekko's arm.
"Please let me help you," he begged. "It's only fair that I–"
You cut him off with a loud exhausted sigh. You sized him from head to toes and groaned when you recognized the sparks, no, the fire of stubbornness in his eyes. You were used to see it on a canine face, but the blaze was the same. You had a quick flashback of that time when he didn't let you carry your basket of flower. He had only let you carry it once you were back at your house.
"Put on protection gloves and an apron. Incandescent berries are quite tough to deal with."
You didn't have the strength nor the will to argue with him. It wasn't the moment anyway.
Gekko proved himself to be efficient and quite reliable. Once you showed him how to manipulate incandescent berries without being burned by their juices, it was easy for him to fill a few dozens of bocals. Meanwhile, you were stirring the boiling cauldron. After Viper and Sage added smashed mushrooms and plants into the odd-colored mixture, you took a graduated pipette to take the right amount of incandescent juice to pour it into the remedy with extra caution. Its reaction to the mixture would indicate if the antidote was reliable or not. You took a deep breath and waited. The incandescent juice started to sizzled on the surface of the potion before bursting in small flames dancing on the liquid. When the small blaze went out, you let out a relieved laugh.
"It's working !" you announced, putting an amount of potion in two vials. "Where are Skye and Clove ?"
Rushing outside of the laboratory, you ran through different corridors and then burst into the room where your friends were. The poor druids didn't even have the strength to be startled. You handed a vial to Skye and helped Clove drinking theirs.
"Shyte ! It's spicy !" they grimaced. "I will need a cookie to help pass the taste."
"You'll have all the cookies you want once you'll be fully recovered," you smiled. "It should take a few hours."
"Efficient as ever !" complimented Skye. "You're already done ?"
You nodded, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Only the first round of potions. Sage and Viper are giving the antidote to the people in the building while Gekko and a few other emissaries are giving it to the rest of the village," you explained before narrowing your eyes on Skye. "You knew, right ?"
She didn't even seem to need more precision to what you meant. A sigh escaped her.
"I'm sorry," she apologized, her tone sincere. "I thought he would tell you."
"Well he didn't. Since when do you know ?"
"The day you recalled us your first meeting with him. He has quite notifying traits when he shapeshifts."
Feeling themselves excluded from the conversation and completely clueless, Clove gently fist your top to attract your attention.
"Knew what ? Who are you talking about ?"
Back at the laboratory, you were crafting the remedy for the umpteenth time. You were so focused you barely paid attention to the small green bouncing creature on your left, or the dozing shark-like one at your feet. You had to supply a whole village, after all. You already managed to supply the totality of the building, the neighborhood, and to fill two whole tables with vials. Emissaries came from time to time to take some. In a few hours, the ill that touched the village would be nothing but a bad memory.
"You've been working all night. Please take a break," you heard Gekko pleading.
"I can do that later."
He had been keeping you company for hours, without even flinching. You were done filling another vial when he gently grabbed you wrist and led you to a small couch.
"And you say I'm the stubborn one," he sighed. "You did enough for today. Sage and Viper taught the recipe to other physicians and healers."
He sat you down and kneeled before you.
"Please," he begged taking your hand in his.
For a quick moment, you heard the whine of your hound. He nuzzled his warm cheek in your cold palm, his lids heavy.
"I owe you. Again," he was thanking you, but his voice sounded so apologetic. "You helped me when I was lost in the forest, listened when I came asking for help and saved my home and family without hesitation. All of that despite the fact that I tricked you."
Your eyes narrowed on him, almost glaring.
"Why did you even do that ?"
You felt him flinching at your tone.
"I've been thinking about you since we first met. Skye had warned me that you barely interact with people, so I approached you in my canine form. I wanted to tell you since day one, I swear. The day you found me again in the forest, I wanted to have more time so I could explain but it was getting late," he laid his head on your lap and guided your hand to his head. "Everytime I tried to talked to you as Gekko, you did your best to keep me at arm's length. So I turned back and used the hound to get close to you. I'm sorry. I would understand if you decide to not see me anymore."
A silent yawn stretched your jaw as his words echoed in your mind. You were mad at him. He learned so much about you without your knowledge, he slithered into your life and settled comfortably in your routines and heard your rants, he heard you expressing your mind. Hell, thinking about all the times you rubbed his belly made you deeply embarrassed. But he was good company and had the ability to turn your plain loneliness into a very colorful painting.
"I don't want us to part ways," you confessed. "I would miss you." you raised a scolding finger when he raised his hopeful eyes to you, interrupting him before he could say anything. "But, trick me again like you did and I'll make you drink a beverage with a balding effect. You hear me ?"
He nodded, holding out his pinky finger to lock it with yours.
"Pinky promised !"
He looked so eager at the moment that it made you realize that there weren't really any difference between your hound and him.
"Now that I think about it, you never named me."
Your brows furrowed in confusion.
"Named you ?"
"Normally, when people see an animal regularly, they end up giving it a name. But, I've been visiting you for months yet you didn't give me one. Why ?"
Internally, you already had the answer. Giving a name or a nickname was like accepting and nurturing a growing bond between two individuals. By giving him a name, you would have accepted to be more vulnerable to your hound than you already was. Due to past experiences, you had difficulties bonding with others, Skye and Clove being exceptions but it was mainly because they never left you and proved multiple times how much you meant for them.
You didn't want to give him an answer. Not for now. So you changed subject.
"What happened to the soldiers that poisoned the Sanctuary ?"
He noticed your abrupt change of topic but said nothing of it.
"Oh. Reyna took care of them," he shrugged way to casually for it to not be recurring, and chuckled at your raise of eyebrows. "Don't worry, they're still alive. Which is kinda sad for them, now that I think about it." His gaze regained its worry when you yawned again. He gently pushed you down so you could lay down on the couch. "Please have some rest. You've been standing on your feet for hours."
You couldn't even argue, your lids were closing on their own.
You woke up at the sounds of whispers and the scent of bakery. When you opened your eyes, Clove's radiant smile blinded you while a gelatinous paw patted your forehead. Your eyes then met lively white ones.
"Huh ?"
"Aren't they awesome ?" Clove exclaimed as you sat up, taking Wingman in their arms. You also noticed Skye drinking juice and Gekko bringing you a tray of food. "And they're so cute too !"
Gekko sat down beside you while you watched your friends interacting with the four very lively spirits. Even though Clove could now exit their bed, you noticed they were still very cautious with their movements. As for Skye, dark circles were still present under her eyes.
"Eat a little," said Gekko. "You didn't have dinner last night."
"How is—"
"Everything is fine," Skye cut you off with a reassuring tone. "The whole Sanctuary had their vial. Now eat."
You noticed the tables which were filled with vials the precedent night now empty. A small sigh of relief escaped you.
"Oh," you accepted the toast Gekko presented you and bit in it. "Good. I can go back home then."
You didn't notice Gekko's frown as you finished your tray and chugged down the entire pitcher of orange juice.
"I'll probably return to my town, just the time for the Sanctuary to recover fully," hummed Skye before turning towards Clove. "You coming ?"
Clove nodded, still playing with Gekko's spirits. Speaking of Gekko he gently nudged his shoulder against yours.
"You won't stay ?" he questioned and once again, he looked so much like your hound. "You never come to the village. I...I could show you around or even show you my place."
You shook your head, setting the now empty tray aside.
"I'll be fine. But thanks for the proposal."
You swore at that moment that he contained himself from whining.
"You sure ? The whole village wants to thank you."
"And this is one more reason for me to go back home," you grimaced, stood up and stretched.
Clove and Skye silently watched your interaction, one with a knowing smile, the other with fond eyes.
"Okay," Gekko's shoulders deflated. "At least, let me walk you back home."
You accepted and let him take your hand to lead you outside of the building. On your way out, you briefly saw Reyna talking to Viper. When she noticed you, she nodded in your direction, as if appraising and thanking you. Once outside, Gekko shapeshifted and invited you on his back.
He ran through the village, attracting brief attention. Feeling awkward, you hid your face in his fur until he exited the Sanctuary. You immediately felt your body relaxing when he reached the forest and ran through the different groves, the rhythm of his paws drumming the floor almost lulling you. He only slowed down when he passed through the illusion protecting your home, and stopped when he reached the house. You climbed off his back and he did not wait to leave his canine form.
"Did you mean what you said last night ?" he asked almost shyly. "That you'd miss me if we parted ways ?"
"You're still welcomed," you agreed. "I love your company."
His eyes lit up before he suddenly took you in his arms. His embrace was as warm as his eyes, strong but so gentle. Surprised by his sudden and bold action, you remained stunned for a few seconds before returning the hug.
"Thanks again," he murmured in your eyes. "For everything. You really live up to your nickname."
He chuckled at your irritated groan before patting your back. And then, he did something you would have never predicted. He kissed the apple of your cheek.
"Please have some more rest," he said as he took a step back. "And don't be surprised if you find me napping in your garden."
On these words, he shapeshifted again and exited your sight. He didn't even let you the time to see how flustered he was by his own bold action.
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My headcanon is that Clove wrote this fanfic to tease you and Gekko.
I don't know if I'll do a second part for this one. Honestly, I'm pretty doubtful. The first half was funny to write, the rest a bit less. Plus, I don't have any idea for a part two nor any inspiration left for it.
Thank you again for reading this. I wish you a nice day/evening/night ^^
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offbranddrpepsi · 6 months ago
Hello! I'm not sure if you do this so feel free to just ignore this request if you don't :]! Could I request a Reyna X trans! Male reader that already had his surgery but some people were mean to him saying his still a female (how would Reyna react to them, comfort reader, etc) have a great day/night!
I am always open for asks like this because I know how much comfort they can give people as well as it just feels nice to have something like this sometimes. I hope you enjoy it and will be writing it as both top and bottom surgery (though the focus will be top surgery for obvious reasons). This is not proof read as im still a bit sick and finished a book recently so rereading anything makes my brain soup so i apologize for any mistakes.
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Reyna is no stranger to being different though she doesn't understand why it is such a big deal for some. As such she is as well read as she can be when it comes to queer issues, especially if they involve her partner or someone close to her. She may not be perfect but she is always willing to listen and understand. Since day one when you introduced yourself she had asked for your pronouns, a habit Gekko had gotten her into, and didn't ask any questions past that. At that point you had obvious defined hips, despite trying to hide them, and a notable bump in your chest as binders weren't perfect but she never questioned it. You called yourself a man so she did and when you came out to her you could tell the dots connecting in her brain as you spoke. If someone misgendered you she would just very bluntly correct them with a "he." then stare at them with those vibrant eyes until you folded. Reyna was like having a guard dog that, even if they disregarded your identity, made it hard for anyone to disrespect you to your face in her presence. As you two grew closer and became a pair she would get a little intrusive but well meaning. She would ask you about physical things ranging from affection to more intimate ones. How you wanted her to handle you or refer to you, if you were comfortable with her seeing you in certain clothing or ways etc. Reyna is a woman who likes to establish clear boundaries and does so with you so she can be the best girlfriend she can be while also making sure you are comfortable. If permitted she can be found at times stealing your clothes like most girlfriends would, favoring anything oversized or jackets. She never stops gushing about her partner and boyfriend, even talking about how her sister would adore you and probably see you as a brother. At the end of the day who you are at the surface doesnt matter to her as she cares more about whats under it all, appearances be damned.
Post surgery shes adorable and overbearing as you heal. She helps change bandages, drains, even helps you shower if needed. Her radiance lets her monitor your heart rate and body temp so at the first sign of any infection or inflammation shes right on top of it making you take medicine and rest. Once you're healed enough she is the first to nuzzle herself into your chest and sit in silence as she hears your heart beat, you breath, just you exist as a more full version of yourself thats hopefully happier being in your own skin. Given how supportive and loving she is she absolutely takes it HORRIBLY when people are still mean and cruel to you. She makes sure to over talk them with your pronouns and correct name, throwing compliments at you in there as well to make them feel absolutely smothered by her. Of course thats when you're there, when you arent shes snarling and threatening them in the way shes best at. Teeth bared shes asking them to repeat themselves, seeing how dedicated they are to their bigotry before tearing into them. If theres one things Reyna is good at its being scary and damn does she scare them into at least being politely silent. When it comes to comforting you shes your biggest fan already but shes admittedly a tad bad at it because she doesn't really get why they have to be like that. Before it made sense because maybe they slipped up or just weren't thinking but now that you've taken steps to masculinize yourself more she sees absolutely zero excuse. Reyna holds you against her and promises to make sure you don't have to hurt again, to weed out those that would treat you this way. She makes threats of ripping tongues out but calms herself to turn her attention to you. You're the one that was hurt by people to small minded to be accepting, being vengeful won't fix that right now. For as long as you need she is there, holding you and talking to you. She talks you into setting up a date where she introduces you to her family that accept you just as she had. She arranges shopping trips to get you more masculine clothes and even helps you donate your old binders to other trans youth. Reyna even pulls Gekko in to "help his big brother out" as theres just some things about being a man that she doesn't understand but knows having someone like him around would be helpful
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