#Ymir x Krista x Sasha friendship goals
lady-serai · 6 years
Part Time Babysitter
An Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin Fanfiction
Rating T
Disclaimer: I don’t own Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan
Chapter One
Sasha sat on her bed chewing at a granola bar while working on an application to get a job working as a cashier. She needed to find herself another part-time job while away at college during the summer. One part-time job wasn't enough for her to pay for her expenses. She needed the money to feed herself and take care of apartment expenses. Sasha hated not having money to buy food for herself.
Sasha finished the last part of the application and sent it to the email listed on the cover of the form. She sighed noisily and took another bite of the granola bar as she scrolled down the website looking at the job listings.
This was her Tuesday afternoon. A very dull afternoon that she knew was going to be boring since she didn't have any classes on Tuesday.
Sasha sighed and glanced at the clock and saw that it was 1 pm. She was supposed to meet Ymir and Krista at 1:30 pm for some girl time. She was about to log off of the site until an interesting job caught her eye.
'Part-time babysitter' she read. For a few minutes Sasha debated in her head, but in the end, she decided she was broke, and she needed the money. Satisfied with her line of thinking, she clicked on the title and was surprised at the very little information on the application.
All there was, was a short message. Sasha read:
If you are reading this, GREAT! A friend of mine needs a babysitter for his children, and he won't ask for help. If you are interested, please call this number!
Sasha stared at the message and the number contemplating what she was getting herself into.
Just do it, stupid! She scolded herself. Sasha picked up her phone and punched the numbers into her phone and waited.
"Heellooo?" a man's voice drawled.
"Uh, hi! My name is Sasha. I saw your job offering—"
"Oh, that's GREAT! I'm Hange Zoe by the way. Nice to meet you!"
"Uh, nice to meet you too," she stammered.
"You know what? I want to meet you personally and tell you everything about the job. Here's the address," Hange said.
Sasha blinked. She then lunged for a notepad and her pen as Hange began to rattle off the address. Sasha hurriedly wrote down the address.
"Would 3 pm this afternoon sound good to meet?"
"Uhh," Sasha mumbled.
"Lunch is on me," offered Hange. 
Sasha was about to refuse the offer and suggest a different time when her stomach growled. Sasha hung her head in embarrassment her face turning bright red. Hange burst out laughing, his deep laugh causing the girl to flush even redder.
"That works for me," Sasha said as she buried her burning face into her hand.
"Awesome. See you then Sasha!"
"See you then Mr. Zoe," the twenty-year-old said.
Sasha groaned as soon as she hung up and glared up at the ceiling.
What the hell did I get myself into, the auburn-haired girl thought. Her stomach rumbled causing the girl to grimace. Sasha decided she needed to eat food to handle the mess she was in since that was how she dealt with everything.
"You what!" gasped Krista staring at the auburn-haired girl in surprise. Ymir, typically the least emotional person in their group, raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"I already told you!" Sasha exclaimed glaring at the short blonde girl.
"I know! I want to hear it again!" the blonde-haired girl exclaimed.
"I am meeting with Mr. Zoe to discuss a potential job offer to be a part-timer babysitter for his friend's kids."
"You are meeting a stranger to talk about babysitting kids," Krista said slowly. "Sasha, are you serious? Do you know how strange that sounds?"
"You are doomed," Ymir said suddenly causing both girls to look quizzically at her. Ymir grinned at Sasha. "You are probably gonna get your neck slashed by this 'Mr. Zoe.'"
"Ymir!" gasped Krista mortified.
Sasha sighed. "Yeah. I leave my remains with you two considering I don't have any immediate family."
"Are you sure babysitting is your thing Sasha?" asked Krista ignoring the arm Ymir had thrown around her.
"I've babysat before. It won't be a problem."
She turned around and waved goodbye to the two bickering girls. As she made her way to her car, she pulled out a granola bar and took a bite of it. Sasha pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards her destination.
Sasha's mouth dropped open as she pulled through the gates once the gate guards finished interrogating her. This was almost unreal. The houses were so big three of her apartment complexes could fit inside these mansions. Damn rich people. Sasha arrived at a large pale blue home that designated that she had arrived at her destination. Sasha swallowed hard as she pulled into the driveway.
Sasha got out of her car and made a note of the bushes evenly cut as she walked the path towards the door. Before she could ring the doorbell, the door opened, and a tall, lean man with brown hair pulled messily up into a ponytail, wearing glasses grinned down at her.
"Hi! You must be Sasha."
"It's nice to meet you," Sasha said smiling. Hange gestured for her to come in and Sasha hesitantly walked in.
"Oh, you should take off your shoes."
Sasha pulled off her shoes and noticed the shoes at the door were all lined up neatly. She added he cute tennis shoes at the end of the line and followed Hange to the table. The pair both sat down and began to eat the sandwiches. Ham. Ham was her favorite.
"Do you like it?"
Sasha looked up surprised to see warm, brown eyes twinkling. "Oh, yeah. It's delicious."
"Glad you enjoy it. Let's go down to business."
Sasha lowered her sandwich and gave her full attention to Hange.
"Long story short, you will be a part-time babysitter for my friend's kids Eren and Mikasa. The dad's name is Levi Ackerman."
Sasha's jaw almost dropped open. Levi Ackerman. The Levi Ackerman. He was a big name in the business world, considered to be both ruthless and handsome. After all, he is Wall Rose's Number One on the Top Ten Hottest Men List.
Sasha jerked back to herself as Hange continued, "Just a little note about Levi is that he is a neat and clean freak. If there is one thing you will be required to do: it's to keep everything cleaned and in place. The guy is ridiculous. I honestly can't tell you how many times he went ballistic on me when I left something out of place."
"That isn't a problem," Sasha said. "I can keep things clean."
Hange grinned, "That's a good attitude you have there." He raised a long finger. "My second thing is a question. I am interested to know why did you decide you were interested in this job? Let me say this if you are in it just for the money and to get the spotlight as Levi Ackerman's children's nanny, you are in the wrong house."
Sasha closed her eyes. She knew this was going to be asked. "To be flatly honest, I need the job to pay for my life. I'm a college student in my second year, and I live in an apartment with two other girls which means I pay for everything. I don't have my parents to support me. I work whenever I am available at a café, and although it brings in decent money, it isn't enough to support me. Quite frankly, Mr. Zoe, I don't care about Levi Ackerman that much. I care more about the food on my plate than him."
Sasha looked down at her hands. She never told anyone the real reason why she worked all the time even though she had several scholarships supporting herself. Sasha didn't like telling people that she didn't have parents to help her. It was something she had preferred to keep to herself.
"I must say that you are the first person who said you didn't care about Levi Ackerman," Hange said with a small smirk on his face. "I'm sure Levi would work with you on the schedule." Hange pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it. "Now, I have several questions that I think are important to ask you. The first question is: do you have any siblings?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"God, no," blurted Sasha before she could stop herself. Hange's lips twitched in amusement.
"Have you babysat before?"
"When and who did you babysat?"
"I babysat a neighbor's kids for several years during high school."
Hange grinned and gave Sasha a thumbs-up. "I like you! In my opinion, you're hired."
"Thank you so much!" Sasha said relieved.
After the pair finished eating, Sasha took care of the dishes while Hange went to sit in the living room. Once Sasha was finished with the kitchen, Sasha joined Hange on the couch.
"Mr. Zoe—"
"Call me Hange. Mr. Zoe makes me feel old."
"Oh, you don't look old," Sasha mumbled. She then flushed red when she realized she didn't filter her thoughts.
Hange snorted with amusement. "I feel old. Babysitting eight-year-old twins is sure a pain in the ass. Excuse me for the language."
Sasha merely smiled. She glanced around the place. It then hit her what was missing. "Speaking of the kids, where are they?"
Hange snapped his fingers. "That's right! I told them to stay in their rooms until I finished speaking with you. Would you like to meet them?"
"Of course!"
"Wait here," Hange said as he unfolded his long form from the couch. Sasha watched as Hange walked towards the suitcase and cupped his mouth with his two hands. "EREN! MIKASA! YOU CAN COME DOWN AND MEET MY FRIEND!"
Hange took a seat next to Sasha on the couch. "They are getting sick and tired of babysitters, to be honest."
"Really? Why?"
Hange shrugged. "Levi picks the babysitters, and I guess the kids don't like the babysitters. I decided that I would be the one to pick a babysitter that Eren and Mikasa approve of."
Sasha was dumbfounded. What did the babysitters do that caused these kids to dislike babysitters? Unless…Sasha remembered what Hange said. If you are in it just for the money and to get the spotlight as Levi Ackerman's children's nanny, you are in the wrong house. Well, fine, then. She would earn their approval. She could do this. Sasha calmly leaned back into the couch and listened to the patters of feet coming down the stairs.
Sasha turned to face to the twins standing in front of the couch where Hange and her sat.
"Who's this Hange?" the green-eyed boy said.
Sasha almost raised an eyebrow. Isn't he a confrontational child. Sasha inwardly grinned. She had babysat kids like this before, and she knew how to handle them.
"Eren and Mikasa, I would like you two to meet my friend Sasha."
"You mean babysitter," the dark-haired girl said.
Sasha calmly watched the boy, Eren, scowl. Here it comes. Sasha sighed. "Yes, I am your babysitter—"
"I don't like you," Eren said flatly.
"And I don't like your lack of respect, Eren," Sasha said firmly. Out of the corner of her eye, Sasha saw Hange slightly smile. Sasha shifted her gaze to meet those penetrating green eyes and dark eyes that were closely watching her, "I know how frustrating it has been for you to have babysitters who were using you to get close to your dad, but I could care less about who your dad is. I am here to watch you two for your dad. Nothing else. I promise."
Sasha practically held her breath as Eren looked at Mikasa. Both kids looked over at Hange who smiled and nodded his head.
"Promise?" Eren asked quietly. Sasha's eyes slightly widened when she saw Mikasa tug the scarf around her neck. They looked so vulnerable in that instant that caused Sasha to silently swear that she would not break her promise to them.
"I pinky promise," Sasha said holding up her pinky finger for the twins to take. Sasha smiled as the twins shook her pinky finger with their respective digit.
Hange clapped his hands together. "I knew you guys would like Sasha. I liked Sasha the moment I met her."
The four turned, startled when the telephone began to ring causing Hange to grumble about someone's impeccable timing. She turned her attention to the twins and said, "Do you guys want to do something while Hange takes that call?"
Eren and Mikasa looked at each other, and both kids grabbed her hands and proceeded to drag her up the stairs as Hange sighed and grabbed the telephone.
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