#Yesper hr
janamensch · 4 months
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Haha Yesper you smell like wet dog now!
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halfelfbard · 4 years
trott's character pissing off strahd within the second episode of their CoS campaign is so extremely on brand
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Well, the High Rollers Crew asked for it, so I decided to deliver🐛🍂🎲
We Didn’t Start The Mire based on their Curse of Strahd campaign and Billy Joel’s We didn’t start the fire.
This is pretty much a summary of the events of HR COS up to episode 33, so obviously beware the spoilers!
Disclaimers: As much as I would like to be a kickass Alto, a kickass Alto I am not. Instead I’m one of dem High Sopranos, so the pitch of this song is... not exactly ideal for my voice. I’m also not a native english speaker, so please let me know if you find anything gravely wrong with the lyrics! I also don’t know the first thing about mixing music, so I’m aware that this is very amateurish, but despite my terror of the whole fandom laughing at this, somebody might end up liking it, hopefully, so here we go! The ending part was a last minute idea, but I like it :) I’m sure other’s have done something like this much more successfully already, but I’m actually pretty proud of how my lyrics turned out, so I wanted to share it anyways😊
Anyways, enough excuses, lyrics can be found under the cut, background track by ProSound Karaoke Band! Headphones probably help and check out High Rollers!
Travellers in Barovia,
Ravenloft and Bonegrinder,
The Kolyanas, Madam Eva, and Taroka Decks.
Shadow beyond the Veil,
Rose summons thorn and hail,
Yesper and the Dragonborns,
Vallaki is not safe.
Xiiki comes back from the dead,
But there’s something that she lacks,
Shadow figures, giant snail,
Bones of St. Andral.
Silver Dragon, He-Who-Grins,
Don’t you trust the Mystan-Twins,
Pacts made with Asmodeus,
Ireena is Tatyana.
We didn’t start the Mire,
It has always been here,
Before Strahd had sowed fear.
We didn’t start the Mire,
No, the earth is rising,
And it’s socialising!
Sunsword and Mad Mage,
Strahd is full of rage,
Towers are collapsing,
And Xiiki’s down again.
Shadow dies and Rose is grieving,
Yesper’s mad and Xiros’ scheming,
Ismark is a himbo,
And Strahd just fucking sucks.
Mistrust, secret deals,
Giving Xiiki guilty feels,
Dogsbody gives some hope,
Turns out he’s a lycanthrope,
Helps drawing another card,
Ezmerelda joins the Gang,
But she’s too intolerant.
Scarecrows, Wereravens,
Vineyards and green gems,
Dragons walk their own way,
Nearly ends in TPK.
Xiros, Xiiki are no more,
Living in Avernus lore,
Tom and Rhi make new plans,
Coming back as the lands.
Party is completely torn,
But therefore the Mire’s born,
Bugs and shrooms are everywhere,
Lysaga isn’t fighting fair,
Flying skulls and kidnapped kids,
Snakes are being little shits,
Grasping vine and darkness cast,
Yesper isn’t made to last.
Nope-ropes are cut in twain,
House is in rock throwing range,
Strahd owes me money now,
Yesper’s taking his last bow.
Finally the zombie dies,
Ireena makes a sacrifice,
Hut’s defeated, Rose is sad,
Ding dong the witch is dead.
Second relic is unveiled,
The party’s plans are derailed,
Because Ezmerelda’s back
In the town of Krezk.
Crystal ponds, abbey bells,
Alvaski versus truth spells,
Shadow’s breaking all our hearts,
Dead ducks don’t fly backwards.
Tracking down Vasilka,
Ismark of the Opera,
Stitched together angel pricks,
Silvered weapons, magic kicks.
Vasilka’s tearing wolves apart,
Alvaski’s story hurts my heart,
Rose’s quest is Shadow’s rest,
Mark, we all are fucking stressed!
Mirewolf and werewolf dens,
Laughing fits and opened cans,
Tom and Trotty ship their boys,
HR fandom make some noise!
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sluttylittlewaist · 3 years
First lines meme
I was tagged by @elennare - ty so so much!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less  than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 authors! (If any of these sound interesting, you can find them on my ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/FriendlyNeighbourhoodTransguy01/profile ).
1) Nova turned the page of her book that she was discreetly hiding under the counter as she stood watching the till. (Thalia discovers oat milk-HR)
2) Lucius was keeping a close eye on the repairs being made to his ship. (to the world and to the both of us I confessed a longing I was dreaming of-HR)
3)Nova looked blankly at the papers in front of her, she was trying to write up her weekly report on the engines for Lucius. (Cookies for lunch-HR)
4) Quill placed his hand on the back of Lucius’ headrest as he pulled into a tight space in the office carpark. (Aerois Actually-HR)
5) Lucius ran through what felt like never ending darkness. (Lucius' weird fucking dream-HR)
6) Quill closed the stock room door behind him, and flicked through his pile of papers. (the prettiest person you've ever met-HR)
7)Yesper sat in the corner booth of a fancy restaurant anxiously sipping his wine.(on our first date I told you I was a dog person-HR)
8)When he was a teenager he would often trance for twice as long as he needed. (can't think of anything more important-HR)
9)Candles flickered on the huge wooden table of the war room aboard The StormChaser. (Quill, Thoughts?-HR)
10) Lucius shifted uncomfortably in his bed, he couldn't rest. (silk pajamas-HR)
11) After the snap, and Thor killing Thanos, their goodbyes were rushed. (Fixing Things-MCU)
12) Peni was not only adorable and precious but also a genius. (Friends To Lovers- spider man into the spider verse)
13) It was late one evening In the middle of summer. (Soft- MCU)
I don’t know why I have gotten into such a habit of starting fics with a character's name, I should probably try something different. You can literally see the switch in hyper fixations here lmao. The Marvel and Spider-man stuff is from ages ago and I have got much better at writing since then but they are still up on my AO3. I have written more for High Rollers than I have for any other fandom! IDK who to tag, I think most of my mutuals who write have already been tagged, but if you haven’t and you want to do this feel free to tag yourself on my behalf xoxox
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janamensch · 10 months
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Yesper my beautiful boy! Based on @anx1etystatment’s design on twitter
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janamensch · 1 year
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They may hate each other but they’re also best friends!! This one shot is so important to me
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janamensch · 1 year
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Yesper doodles!!!
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janamensch · 2 years
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They are being sneaky and are scouting out a place where some occult things have been rumoured. Probably ghosts?
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janamensch · 2 years
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Yesper probably insulted Xiiki’s treehouse or her dog again. What was that quote from the one shot? “Xiiki fucking hates Yesper” or something like that
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janamensch · 1 year
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janamensch · 2 years
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“If this is what it means to come back from death, then so be it.”
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janamensch · 4 years
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I like to imagine that the little non-canonical "argument" that Xiros and Yesper had either happened in Yesper's head like they said, or the creepy Ireena dolls in Vallaki inspired Yesper to make little dolls of all the party members. Or maybe that's something he already did before, maybe it's something Vistani do. (Long story short, I really just wanted to draw this stupid little scene I had in my head.)
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janamensch · 4 years
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This Strahd episode was amazing, I had SO much fun!! This is probably my favourite Strahd episode so far, because the Xiros and Xiiki deal episode was very fun, but this one had more inner party conflict, Strahd, actual inner party combat and the whole fight was just very fun! And Yesper sang a nice song, very nice.
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janamensch · 3 years
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I wanted to draw some fake screencaps from the Strahd oneshot but I think I chose the wrong scene because this sounds very dark out of context :(
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janamensch · 4 years
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This drawing is called “Eww I hate drawing the Mire so much and I don’t know why I did it again but I guess here’s some CoS fan art”, I hope you enjoy it because I sure didn’t!
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janamensch · 4 years
Xiros @ Yesper in episode 15: Why don't you go get yourself a deal with Asmodeus and maybe you'll calm down
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