#Yes. Yes it does
wayrad · 10 days
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john egan died of a heart attack. he was only 45…
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ice-cap-k · 2 months
Please go on, I'd love to hear your thoughts about Dominion Shadow 🙏
Fair warning before I get into it, I like my science, biology, physics, etc. and I'm about to loosely apply those two subjects to minecraft, of all things. If you're not a fan of applying any of that sort of stuff to silly block men, consider this fair warning to click off now. I'm about to ramble. Seriously. Turn back now while you still can.
Still here?
Law of Conservation of Mass says matter cannot be created or destroyed. Same's true with energy. When something withers like a plant, it's usually because as the cells making up the body die out, they lose moisture and the cellular structure collapses in on itself as the remaining mass is converted into decomposed tissue.
Wither skeletons are already decomposed and exist in the nether where moisture is near non-existent. It would make sense that their desiccated skin would sap moisture from the player at an extreme degree since water moves to the place of least concentration. In a pure vacuum, such as space, moisture leaves at an even faster rate because there are no other atoms in the atmosphere that would bombard the skin and slow that process down. Technically a body out in space could mummify considerably faster than it ever could in the desert on Earth.
Now, I'll admit I jumped on the Dominion train after it had ended, but Shadow his origin is a wither, and he kind of has an association with those void creatures once the blood moon appears. And void is associated with space in minecraft. Loosely. Obviously you can still breath in the End and whatnot, but with the star backdrop and the moonrock texture of the endstone, the parallels are intentional.
Wither as a sapping force, drawing moisture and life essence. Shadow's still alive. Still has a body, unlike a skeleton, so unlike a skeleton with bones that would grow denser as it saps the lifeblood right out of you, so too would Shadow's wither effect, but his is caused by an artificial vacuum created around his person like an aura as his body sucks up the atmosphere and gaseous water around it. And when a person gets close enough, say, close enough to touch, they hit that pocket of vacuum and suddenly they're caught and affected by it like that body in space.
BAM! Instant wither effect.
But like I said, Shadow's still alive. So what he's getting from that person is both their energy, and the mass he's absorbing that's carrying said energy. And as I mentioned in the last post, I picture Shadow as a big-ish guy, if not tall.
That's where gravity can come into play.
Because when something has more mass, it's gravitational force is greater.
People lose moisture, muscle mass, bone density, it's gotta go somewhere, right?
Yeah. Shadow gets it. And he becomes bigger. More moisture running through his veins as sickly black sludge, more muscle mass on his still living body, denser bones capable of handling intense shear and compressive stress, less likely to fracture and break under extreme duress.
It's led me to some really cool headcanons like, if Shadow withers too many people, absorbs too much, he gets bigger. Not, like, tall, but more mass to the point where it might hurt to walk. But also, it makes it easier for things to be drawn to him and his sphere of influence/vacuum larger around him as more air particles within the vicinity are trapped within the draw. And also, it would make it THAT much easier to wither anyone who comes close.
And like I said, I came to the party late, but I did hear that there was rumor of him playing into the Wither Storm concept. So I'd imagine, like a black hole, he could have simply kept growing and growing as his sphere of influence spread, things getting caught in his vacuum's event horizon, people getting hurt just walking by him, until he ultimately became an unstoppable force that was no longer capable of decaying back to the point of stability.
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discordiansamba · 9 months
POV: You are a detective. You've just been handed a case. A kid with no ID on him and no memories was found in some remote desert town. It's now your job to find out who he is and where he came from.
You start by actually meeting the kid. The first thing you're struck by is his eyes. They're a shade of blue-violet you've never seen before. His skin is pale, a sharp contrast to his black hair, long enough that he keeps it braided. He can't be any older than fourteen, though no one knows for sure how old he is.
He does not remember his name.
In addition to the head wound that likely caused his amnesia in the first place, he also has three broken ribs and a dislocated arm. Even more concerning is the presence of several older scars- a large scar on his right shoulder and a set of three scars on his lower left torso, that if you didn't know any better, you'd say looked like claw marks.
He doesn't seem to speak English that well. No one seems to have established what his first language is yet. But he understands enough that you manage to ask him a few questions- not that he can tell you anything. The kid's memories are gone gone.
You turn to his belongings. He was wearing what looks to be some kind of strange armor when he was found, like nothing you've ever seen before. The knife he was carrying is weird too- there's some kind of mark on the hilt that almost seems to glow. He knows nothing about either of them, but seems to think the knife is important somehow.
You spend the next few days going over every missing persons case in the area from the last fourteen years. You find nothing that comes close to matching the kid's description, and no one has reported a child missing recently. If you didn't know any better, it was like the kid didn't exist before now.
But that can't be, right?
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tempestforged · 1 year
Capitano: On Diplomacy and customs
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As befitting his title of Lord First, Nikolas takes great effort to ensure his knowledge of current FORMAL greetings and diplomatic customs remains relevant at all times, he is of the mind that combat need only be the LAST possible course of action in all situations where he is not met with justified hostility. As the right hand of the Director he strives to instill this quality in all who served under his direct command, taking careful action in foster the qualities in those he considers to be his KNIGHTS, encouraging them to hold themselves to the highest of standards at all times.
AS PART of his constant attempt to keep up with the customs of all nations, its rare for him to not endorse his knights acting with a level of autonomy in their missions, only asking that they do not seek out needless fights or attempt to sow dissent unless EXPLICITY called upon to do so. His faith in those who wear his banner is oft unwavering due to the high standards instilled upon them, his knights in return often feeding him information on the rites and customs of the seven nations in return.
This information, in turn is often used when engaging with those who may encounter him and his contingent on their travels in an attempt to OFFSET hostilities unless absolutely required, despite knowing information of his presence will be shared upon his departure.
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asherasgayagenda · 1 year
oh yeah if you’re not focusing too hard on the song it really does sound like risky penis
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ghostsessioned · 1 year
I am a firm believer that they're always up at ridiculous times and will just hit Riley with things if she's not awake
FUNNY YOU SHOULD MENTION THAT, back in 2021 when we got the first few IGN interviews, my wife and i got the idea of sage and riley interacting over a radio station ( 106.3 or 107 as both have important significance ) without the other really knowing who they were talking to, so. yes. they ( mostly sage ) absolutely would throw random shit at she and jacob at ungodly hours
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bereft-of-frogs · 6 months
There’s that post that’s like ‘everyone should get into a tiny niche fandom at least once’ fully agree, that was really fun -- but I would like to add that everyone should get into a fandom where their opinions run counter to major fanon because it really teaches you about sticking to your guns and trusting your interpretation of the text without having to rely on peer validation
because WHAT are people talking about sometimes
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ineed-to-sleep · 9 months
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Collection of memes with mostly my tav/astarion to keep myself sane
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christadeguchi · 1 year
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gritty both capturing the zeitgeist as usual AND educating me on the availability of free flow butter at american cinemas
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samgiddings · 10 months
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@staff @support @engineering @music @books
Have you ever considered this is a really stupid layout to have when there’s no way to easily get your account back if you accidentally hit the wrong button???
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makenna-made-this · 12 days
Okkkkkk so where is Chicken Miku?
Anon the way i dropped everything when i saw this
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(based on the Onagadori chicken breed)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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The squad of all time has arrived on scene.
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vile-wizard · 1 month
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Superhero dreams....
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mysterycitrus · 3 months
conceptualising brucie wayne as like…. an ominous boomer texter. he uses a lot of ellipses. never elaborates on anything. describes events in the worst ways imaginable. he texts dick ‘the plane went down. we lost tim’ (bruce forgot to pick tim up from school after lacrosse practice) and dick tries to call and ask if bruce just told him his brother?? is dead?? and bruce just keeps replying with thumbs up emojis with no context and ‘tim passed’ (his final exams)
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littlemushroomboi · 1 year
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post canon board games
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tooquirkytolose · 3 months
Actually I love the two throuples in Sense8 because one is Kala in love with her husband Rajan but also kinda cheating on him emotionally (and then sexually) with her boyfriend Wolfgang that she's mentally linked with and then when Rajan finally meets his wife's boyfriend his reaction is
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And then Lito,Hernando and Dani doing this
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