#Yes this photo taken about four inches in front of my face
grison-in-space · 4 months
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This is just how I watch tv now.
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inkdrinkerworld · 10 months
jack of all trades
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wc: 3.7k
pairing: handyman!james x teacher!reader [though can be read as any reader]
cw: fluff, life mishaps, handyman!james, mention of a break in, family dynamics [healthy], mention of food
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You were fucked. You should’ve just called a plumber from the beginning.
Now your pipes were all wrinkled and your sink wasn’t draining.
Your heart was in your throat as you pulled out your phone and called your brother, Michael.
“Do you know any plumbers? My sink’s pipe is fucked,” you send him a picture and he chuckles down the line. Your brother is a mechanic, but he's got friends in many places.
Places you hope include wherever they hire plumbers.
“Yeah, I’ll call someone. Make sure you don’t use it again, dummy.” you nod, chewing at your cuticle.
“Thanks,” your voice shakes and you know your brother is frowning.
Life had been fucking you with no prep for the last couple months. Someone had broken into your house almost five weeks ago, stolen a couple small pieces of jewellery and fucked with your locks.
You’d had to change the locks, your front door and you’d taken to sleeping in the living room with a three inch knife under your pillow.
That had put you out of money for groceries and your brother had taken over doing it for you till you could again.
Now you can’t wash your dishes and your anxiety is all over the place.
“Stop it, go get ice cream or something. I’ll come over with him if he can swing it, okay?”
“You're the best,” you say earnestly and he chuckles, “I’ll buy shit to make the buns you like as payment.”
Your brother doesn’t deny himself the delicacy- it had taken a while for you to get back into doing things that made you happy and he was also a sucker for them.
“I’ll text you what he says, be safe. Love you.”
You return the sentiment and head out, double checking that you’d locked the gate and the front door.
You’d gotten a pint of orange creamsicle, and a pint of caramel biscuit and cream before getting the stuff to make the buns for your brother.
As you set them all down on your counter your phone pings off.
‘He can come tomorrow morning at 9, I’ll come with him. He’s a good guy though, don’t worry.’
You send your brother a thumbs up and then he sends you a photo of the man you suppose is coming to fix your pipes. He’s good looking, his hair is long in the photo, tied back in a low bun but there’s curls on his forehead. Another thing you notice is how massive he is. He’s broad and muscular but in the photo you’re looking at he’s got a warm smile on his face that shows off a dimple.
He looks friendly enough. Maybe tomorrow won’t be so bad.
You try to sleep in your bed, you don’t want your brother to notice that you’re still on the sofa in the morning, but being so far from the door makes your heart clench and you find yourself dragging your blanket out to the sofa that you’re sure by now has your body’s impression.
“Last night,” you say to yourself as you cuddle your pillow and tuck your blankets under your chin.
Your alarm has you groaning. 6:30 is a nice time, but not so nice when you don’t actually have to go into the preschool to teach, but for parent meetings at 11. Rubbing your eyes, you sit up, legs already moving to the kitchen to set the kettle on.
You go through your morning routine and only feel alive when you have a cup of tea and a bite of the last of sourdough toast you’d made last week. Your phone rings and you already know it’s your brother, “Yes I’m awake, dork.” he might be older than you by four years but you’re really close so the teasing is nice.
“Open the door then, and make sure you have on your glasses.” you flip him off over the phone but walk across the floor, glasses on, to unlock the door.
“Where’s your key?” you ask as you open the door, finding your brother holding two brown paper bags and the man in the photo standing next to him in grimy coveralls.
“I hooked it on the look of my pants, James was being prudish about touching me.”
“I wasn’t,” the beefy man starts, jingling his toolkits as an answer. His voice is nice, deep, cherry and his drawl is a little slow, but still very pleasant.
“Come in,” you step to the side and open the door wider. “Don’t worry about him, he just likes people touching him.” your brother scowls but doesn’t deny it.
“Don’t laugh when you see it, this one already did. I know it’s bad.” you say nervously as James sets down his stuff.
“S’fine, can’t be much worse than some of the other stuff I’ve seen.”
“Come eat, I got you that breakfast cake thing you like.” your brother sets the box before you, sliding over your cup of tea and a bottle of orange juice.
“Did you eat?” you eye him as you sit on the island.
“Shanice made eggs and toast.” you love your future sister-in-law, but the mention of her in the kitchen has enough merit to make your stomach roll in discomfort and your body to produce a gag.
“There’s chicken salad in the fridge and the bread’s there too,” you turn to James, “Do you want anything to eat, James? There’s vegan stuff in the fridge too if you don’t eat meat.”
Your brother rolls his eyes, “He could eat an entire chicken if he really wanted to.” You’re positive there’s a small blush on James’ face. He’s even prettier in person and you’re really trying not to stare.
His hair is tied back like it was in the photo, inky curly spirals slipping out around his ears and the nape of his neck. His eyes are a shade of brown that reminds you of sand- dark but flecked with lighter hues; he’s captivating.
He’s almost as wide as your fridge and his arms are huge, but he looks soft, even with all the corded muscles. You will your eyes not to linger on his hands.
Your brother makes himself a triple sandwich and takes one of your iced teas.
“I’m alright,” he eyes your cup of tea, “I could do with a cuppa though.” you nod and set the kettle on.
“One sugar or two?” He holds up a single finger before opening the cupboards. He hisses and you suppose that’s better than the laugh that bursts from your brother.
“S’not that bad,” you can tell he’s being extra nice when he sees the embarrassed look on your face, “I’ll have to change all the pipes though. Whoever installed these ones used really thin PVC so under the heat it crumpled.” James stands and accepts the tea from the dainty mug without a complaint.
“Will it be super expensive?” you ask, and your brother flicks your forehead. “What? You know I can’t afford many more swings right now.” You only feel a twinge of embarrassed heat licking at your neck as you look between James and Michael.
“You’re such an idiot, I’ll go half with you.” He says and you nod, giving him your best smile but your brother draws the line when you try to hug him.
“It won’t be, but I can’t do it today. The better pipes have to be ordered in, but they only take like a day to get here.” James explains and you nod.
“That’s fine, I’ve got most of my stuff already cooked so there won’t be much dishwashing.” James finishes the tea and pulls out a pen and paper from his bag. “Here’s my number, you can text me in like two days about it if I don’t call Michael first.”
You nod again, thanking him as he gathers all his stuff and moves for the door. Your brother waves him away and then turns to you, frowning.
“You still sleeping on the sofa?” It’s then that you realise you hadn’t put your blanket or your pillow away and scowl.
“I can’t sleep in the bed, my mind just runs wild.” you say as you finish your tea and cake. “I’ve been trying though.”
The door shuts and you realise James has probably heard what you’ve said. Your mouth can’t seem to not run away from you when he’s around.
You brush the slight shame away with the semi-reassuring thought that ‘at least he doesn’t know why a grown woman can’t sleep in her own bed,’ it doesn’t last long, but it mellows the initial sting.
Michael ruffles your hair and you shrug, “It’ll just take some time,” he says softly, “Want me to get a security system?” You shake your head at that.
“You’re already going half and half with me on this, and you paid for my groceries for like three weeks. I’ll be okay.”
Your brother doesn’t look convinced, but he can’t argue with you because his phone rings.
“Work, I gotta go, but think about it okay? Shanice won’t mind either,” you nod but you both know you won’t be thinking about anything.
“Have a good day at work, I’ll bake those buns the second the sink’s all good.”
You’re coming back from work the next day when your phone rings, an unknown number. You frown and then realise it might be James.
“Hi, angel. This is James,” he says, like you’ve forgotten his name over the last twenty four hours.
“Hi James, is everything okay?” you ask, shoving a couple folders into your bag from the passenger seat of your car.
“Yeah, was calling about the pipes. I’ve just picked them up and I’m near-by. Would you mind at all if I came to install them today?”
You stick the key in the ignition, “I wouldn’t mind, but I’m about twenty minutes from my house, would you wait?”
You really hope he can, you want this problem resolved as soon as possible.
“I can, angel. Don’t sweat it,” he says before he hangs up. You do a happy shimmy in your seat before pulling out of the school’s parking lot.
Next, you call Michael.
“James is coming over to fix the pipes today, just in case you know, I go missing or something.”
Your brother laughs, “He’s a sweetheart. Maybe stop listening to your crime podcasts, you’re getting even more morbid.”
“Oh whatever, I’ll stop by tomorrow with the buns.”
“Make sure you get some sleep,”
“Yeah yeah, I’m going now.”
James is in his car when you pull up, a bronco that looks very well kept. “Sorry for the wait,” you say as you unlock your door.
“S’fine, had enough time to have a late lunch.”
You check your watch, “It’s almost four James, that’s more like an early dinner.”
The man lifts his shoulder and drops it with a smile, “It’s been one of those days.”
“Do you want a cup of tea or iced tea?” you ask as you open your fridge. “I should warn you though, they’re addictive.”
“What flavour iced tea do you have?” you smile, James might be someone else you get hooked on them.
“Peach, hibiscus and I think I see one last cucumber melon.”
“Which is your favourite?”
“Peach! It’s not really that sweet though, but if you like it super sweet maybe hibiscus would be better.”
James smiles at the way you ramble as he opens up his toolkit and then the pipes.
“I’ll take the peach angel,” you pass him the glass bottle after tipping it upside down. James takes a long sip and sighs, “That’s good.” you nod and then move to take out a bowl of rice and chicken.
“Do you need me to get anything? To help?” you ask and James shakes his head.
“Not right now,” you think about going to eat before asking,
“Can I watch? Just to know what you’re doing?” then you back track as James doesn’t say anything.
“Not because I don’t trust you to do it well, I just like knowing. Like with my door, I learned how to put it up when I had to change it,” you realise you’re rambling when James smiles and his dimple is visible through his stubble.
“You can watch angel, you can hand me the tools I’ll need.”
You and James make a good team- you’d been nervous at first and then when James was so close you could smell his coconutty cologne you felt your head go a little light but almost two hours later, your pipes were changed.
“Moment of truth is if the water goes down,” you say as you stand, knees cracking in the process.
James nods, “You’re not a bad assistant, if you ever change professions I’ll put in a good word for you.”
You beam at that before opening up the tap and letting the water flow. Not even a drop of it pools in the sink and your heart feels like a feather floating away in the breeze.
“You did it!” you turn to James with a pleased smile and he blushes. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you exclaim and he chuckles, already packing up his toolkit.
“You’re welcome angel, Michael already paid by the way.”
You shake your head at your brother’s actions, but you can’t find it in you to be upset, not when your sink is fixed. “Can I entice you to have dinner then? I’ll feel bad if you just go,” you tack on when James doesn’t answer. “I’ve got pizza or taco bowls.” you sing-song and that breaks him.
“What kind of pizza?”
It’s how James ends up on your sofa, overalls hanging off his hips, revealing a dark red compression shirt as he holds his plate.
Your blanket is still on the sofa, but you shove it to the armchair.
“Wanna watch anything specific? I’m going through Christmas movies right now,” James’ eyes are wide at your confession.
“It’s the middle of August,” you nod and bite your bar-b-que chicken pizza.
“I’m making a short list of Christmas movies for this Christmas. Last three years in a row I did one.”
James grins, “So I take it you like the season.”
You nod, “If you ask Michael, he’d tell you I was obsessed with it,” you shrug, setting down the slice of pizza.
“When we were kids, I used to go crazy about it. Write letters to Santa with our address and mail it, play Christmas songs all through the month and I was a little excessive with the decorations- especially when I started working and could buy the ones I wanted. It just always feels like a good time- eternal joy and hope and all that jazz I guess.”
James looks around your house now and finds a few trinkets in the space and for a moment he can imagine it decked out for Christmas. “I can see it,” he groans as he takes a bite. “That’s delicious, angel.”
Your face gets hot under the compliment and you give James a small smile.
“What are you watching now?” he asks, taking another bite.
“The Holiday,” you search for the remote and find the movie. “It makes the shortlist every year, but it’s so good.”
James and you watch the remaining forty five minutes, and he nudges your shoulder during the sad parts so you don’t let the tears in your eyes fall.
“Do you think people rent that cottage?” He asks you and you frown.
“I dunno, but if it’s for rent it’ll be so nice! It’s so cosy looking.”
James doesn’t point out that your house looks just as cosy. It reminds him of the houses you see in magazines- not the boring ones that’s all one colour and minimalistic, but the ones that seem to be alive with colour and things.
He’s sure they all serve a purpose- the small statues in one corner near your window, the coasters that look like flowers, it all seems to complement you and your home and James thinks to himself, ‘this is what a home should be.’
He stretches as he stands and you do as well, reaching for his plate that he doesn’t give. Instead he takes your own and walks to the kitchen.
“You’re a guest, guests don’t do the dishes.” you try to get your plate back but it’s no use, James is already washing them and stacking them in the draining board.
“Thanks for dinner angel,” he picks up his toolkit and the bucket of parts that need to be tossed out.
“You’re welcome, thanks for fixing my pipes.”
James waves it off, “I’d say we should do this again sometime, but changing your pipes so frequently isn’t ideal.”
It isn’t till after you hear the innuendo in his words. You do laugh a little in the moment, so James counts it as a win. Your laugh reminds him of that fairy in the show his niece loves- a sweet tinkering, bell-like sound that makes him smile.
“It was nice though. You’re good company.”
You walk James to the door, “Make sure and lock up,” he says kindly and you nod.
You notice that you don’t hear his boots don’t move till he hears the locks click and your heart flutters stupidly at the action.
You can’t like him already, you barely know him. A voice in the back of your head says, “But he’s already so dreamy,” you’re very inclined to agree.
You’d thought that would’ve been the last time you saw James too, but three weeks later, he’s at your brother’s house for his summer party and you’re fucked all over again.
He’s not a bad sight to be greeted with, arms exposed in his black tank top and his thighs. They’re thick and you can see the outline of muscle on them, even from far away. There’s a couple smattering of tattoos that peak from the hem of his shorts and you have to stop yourself from drooling.
He’s laughing at something Shanice is telling him, and he looks even more gorgeous.
It should be illegal, you think to yourself, for the man to look that effortlessly beautiful.
“You made it!” Michael says, handing you the drink in his hand before gesturing for you to follow him.
“You said if I didn’t come you’d have called me non-stop. I love you, but that’s annoying.” Michael leads you over to his fiance and James. You hug Shanice and wave politely at James.
Conversation is easy, and James hopes he’s being discrete as his gaze falls to you a little longer than necessary. You catch him once, and the look in his eyes confuses you just a little.
You don’t think badly of yourself, but you’re just in a pair of jean shorts and the top of your bikini- a pretty pink colour, after you’d read an article about lifeguards having a hard time spotting people in pools and the ocean if they had on blues and greens- is exposed by your lack of shirt.
In any case, you didn’t think it was cause for his stares to linger and look so… primal if that was even the right word.
Michael says, “James, do you know any good alarm systems?” as you sip your peach iced tea and vodka. You elbow your brother as James nods.
“There’s a few out there that I’d recommend, why?”
“Don’t,” you murmur to Michael who ignores you entirely.
Your brother doesn’t hesitate as he says, “Someone broke into her house a couple weeks ago and she hasn’t been able to sleep in her room since.”
“Yeah, just talk about me like I’m invisible,” you mutter and James feels anger and fury for you fester in his chest. It blooms rapidly and takes him by surprise.
“You’re not invisible, you’re just a hard head.” your brother says, James is inclined to agree as well- especially after the portion of the conversation he had overheard that first day you met.
“I can stop by the hardware tomorrow if you want, should have some of the ones I usually recommend.”
Your brother smirks and you feel shame and something you can’t yet name balloon your belly.
“Thank you, James,” you say as you finish off your vodka iced tea, already feeling for another one.
As the food comes out, you help yourself; ensuring to avoid James’ gaze because over the last couple weeks he’s seemed to come to know a lot of the bad things about your life. You pile watermelon and pineapple on one side of your plate before picking some fries and a bar-b-que chicken breast. Your hand reaches for a lemonade when a bigger one grabs it.
“I got it angel,” James’ own plate is full too. More meat than fruit but it’s fuel either way so it doesn’t bother you. “Where’re you sitting?”
You point to the seat near the pool.
“You don’t have to be so nice, James. Michael’s mouth is just too big for his own good.”
James rolls his eyes, “I’m not being nice because of him,” he says, taking the seat beside you and handing over your lemonade after cracking the seal. “Or because I fixed your pipes, or anything else.”
You frown as you chomp on a piece of watermelon. “You’re not?”
James shakes his head, digging into his food.
You squint at him and James chuckles, “No, you should feel safe in your house.”
You don’t say anything much after that, overwhelmed by his care- even if you’re stopping yourself from reading too far into it.
“You’re real sweet, James.” you say after a while, spearing a look at him to find his eyes already on you; that same kind of hungry look in his eyes like earlier.
“Yeah?” he hums and for a moment you want him to kiss you. You want to feel the press and the heat of his lips on yours, then you catch the thought. You hardly know him. But you want him and him coming over to install the security system might not go as smoothly as the plumbing had gone. You find you wouldn’t mind if James does something other than install the alarm system.
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mountswhore · 3 years
Hey girl, me again 🥺I’ve had this idea in my head for ages 🤔 based off the song ‘Polaroid’ by Liam Payne Mason Mount on holiday with the boys in Mykonos, him and the boys befriend a small group (reader and friends) bassically a holiday fling between reader and Mason but he never actually gets her name or anything just a few ‘Polaroid’ pictures of them both, few months later he’s been trying to find her but can’t and the lads convince him to post it on Instagram with the caption “Instagram do your thing” after a while he notices numerous different people (her friends) tagging the reader in it and turns out it’s her and sends her a message. Thankyou sweet cheeks 😎💙
aaahh bestie this is such a good idea
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 ��𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 — mason mount
summary: mason can’t find the girl he had a fling with last summer, so he takes to the internet to find you.
notes: my requests are open, ask away!
for @yourmypurpose
Winning the Champions League was supposed to be a feeling like no other, a feeling that you’d remember for the rest of your life. But Mason felt deflated, he felt like the world was closing in on him and he could do nothing but watch it happen. Even his friends noticed his awful mood, they’d gone from watching him run around the pitch with the trophy, with a smile nobody could take away from him, to this; a man not wanting to leave his bedroom, let alone his house. His career was the only thing he was doing well in, his girlfriend left him, he would just train, come home to an empty house, sleep, and repeat. It wasn’t a life worth living.
“It’ll be fun,” Declan pleaded, following his best friend into his living room, “it’ll be the perfect chance to get away from everything, from work, from the UK, from your ex.” He spoke the last part quietly, yet Mason still heard and shot his friend a glare as he sat on the couch.
“I’ll think about it.” Mason mumbled, reaching for his PlayStation controller and turning his console on. Declan was trying to get Mason to come to Mykonos with a few of the Chelsea boys, as a celebratory vacation after winning the Champions League. But he wasn’t budging.
“You say that, but you never do. Come on, if it doesn’t lift your mood, you can take the next flight home.” Declan was trying to reason with his friend, to do anything in order to get this man out of his sweatpants and into some swim shorts. This holiday was all Mason needed to get back into his rhythm, to realise you don’t need a girlfriend to be the best version of yourself, to realise he was Mason fucking Mount.
The look on Mason’s face was completely readable, a smile appearing on Declan’s face. Declan jumped onto his friend, cheering and shaking him vigorously. “You won’t regret this, we’re gonna have so much fun.”
Mason found himself in his plane seat, earphones on, and on the way to Mykonos. Greece had always been one of his dream destinations, it was one of the places he’d planned on going to with his ex. Shaking his thoughts from his head, he’d drowned himself in the music. Waiting for the next three hours to be over.
The villa was lovely, the view from his room was even better. He felt himself smile just a little, hopeful for this holiday. He’d spent the first day enjoying the food of Greece, visiting the beach, taking in the place he was staying. Every time the negative thoughts would try to push in, memories of his previous vacations with his ex, he shut it down. He forced a smile and laughed with his friends, hoping they didn’t see through this façade.
It was tiring. Getting back from a busy day and then being told there was a club in town. Having to force that smile back onto his face once more. He still dressed appropriately for the night ahead, pre-gaming with his friends before heading out to this club. It was only 8pm and it was packed, the place had an outside terrace, which didn’t seem so crowded.
Drink after drink, rounds of shots, drinking games with his friends and a few randomers. It was wild. Mason was finally beginning to let go of it all; his negative thoughts weren’t affecting him right now. It was pure bliss.
“Mase,” Declan called out, gesturing to him on the other side of the bar, “wanna play beer pong? These guys need another group.” Mason just nodded along, looking over to the group he was referring to. It was a group of four, just like them, but he’d locked eyes with you for the first time.
Throughout the game, you constantly had a smile stuck to your face, brighter than anything he’d seen before. It was the infectious type of smile, one that spread to his face too. The drinks had done a number on his movement, almost stumbling to the terrace, where only a few people sat. He took in the cool air, resting his head back onto the wall behind him.
“You good?” You questioned, sitting beside him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He quickly opened his eyes, turning his head to face you. There you were again.
“I’ve had a lot to drink,” Mason mumbled, breathing heavier than usual, “your twin looks so much like you.” You just laughed, understanding how much he’d had to drink. You had also had a lot to drink, but clearly Mason didn’t handle alcohol well.
“Here,” you instructed, holding his hand out for him and placing a cup into his hand, “it’s water, drink it.” You watched as he did so, downing it rather quickly and slamming it onto the table beside him. “Do you remember your name?”
“Yes, it’s Mount. Mason Mount.”
“Well, Mount, Mason Mount, do you remember where you’re staying? I think it might be an idea to get you home.” You spoke, the cool air sobering you up almost entirely. Mason’s head was getting droopy, you’d seen this all before, he was inches away from snoozing on your shoulder. You just giggled at him and stood up, grabbing both of his hands and pulling him up.
“We walked here from our villa, it’s a silly looking one. One with the pool shaped like a love heart.” You hummed, not knowing which one exactly, so his information rendered useless. He was leaning against you as you both walked back into the club, spotting his friends again.
“Hey, he’s had a lot to drink. I was going to walk him home but the only thing he said about the villa was that the pool was heart-shaped.” You laughed to his friend, who you’d learnt was called Ben. Mason was looking around the club, the multi-colored lights making his eyes squint in pain. This was the beginning of his hangover, he knew it was only going to get worse from here.
Ben had been kind enough to give you the villa address, and a key, so you made your way to the location. It was weird how trusting they were, for all they knew, you could be a psycho thief. You’d gotten to the villa, after an awful walk up the hill, and placed him on the couch. You didn’t even want to look at their stairs, let alone take Mason up them.
“I’ll stay here until your friends get back,” you spoke quietly, grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch and laying it over the half-asleep Mason, “night, Mason.”
“You never said your name.” He stated, craning his head to look at you as you sat on the opposite couch.
Declan had gotten back, wanting to arrange another outing together, a bit less boozy than a club. And here you were, on your way to spend the day on a boat. You’d brought your polaroid camera with you, hoping to get some nice pictures with your friends before you go home in a few days.
“You’re back.” You spoke, sitting beside Mason as the boat started to move. He smiled at you, handing you a flute of a sparkly liquid, which you’d taken without complaining. “Having fun so far?”
“Yeah, I’m glad I’m seeing you again. I don’t really remember much from last night apart from your face.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. You blushed, hiding it with your hands and reaching for your camera.
“What do you say to a picture? To remember this moment.” You suggested, holding the camera up at the two of you. Mason’s arm slid around your shoulders, pulling you in closer with a smirk on his face. You just smiled your usual, bright smile, and let the photo develop.
The day was spent enjoying the view, jumping off the boat multiple times, finally making your way back to the docks when the sun began to set. Everyone was sitting on the front of the boat, taking in the last few hours of the sun on their skin, whilst you and Mason were at the back together. Away from the sun, completely alone. You laid beside him, your eyes shifting to look at him every few seconds.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He retorted, poking his tongue out at you as you laughed, shoving his leg slightly.
“Oh, I already have.” You replied wittily, holding the polaroid up to show him. It was quite a creative picture, actually. His skin was tanned, muscles perky, the sun hitting him in all the right places. He was very handsome, you could only imagine the job he had back home.
“Hey, give that,” Mason chuckled, reaching for the polaroid but you’d held it away from him. He leant over to you, hand out to grab it, but you’d both been focused on something else. How close your lips were. You could feel the other’s breathe, it was straight out of a movie the way Mason grabbed your waist and closed the gap between the two of you. He was pulling you down with him, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. This was an Oscar-worthy kiss.
You knew you wouldn’t see these boys again, as you didn’t have long before you returned back to the UK. So, as you were grabbing your things, you’d flicked through the polaroid's from today, finding the one of you and Mason.
“Here,” you spoke, holding the polaroid out for him to take, “I thought you’d like it. And it’s a way of remembering your time here, and the most gorgeous girl you’ve ever laid eyes on.” You joked, but Mason really felt that way. You were the most gorgeous girl he’d laid eyes on. He came on this holiday thinking it would depress him even more, but he found fun in you.
“Trust me, I won’t forget a face like that.” He replied, placing the polaroid into his wallet and smiling. “See you,” he whispered against your neck as you hugged, one last time, “someday.”
It had been two months since he’d returned from holiday, back to work, but more importantly, back to his old self. He enjoyed going to work, coming home, and spending time with his friends. He saw beauty in his mundane life again. But he missed you. He never thought he’d miss a two day fling with a random girl on holiday, it wasn’t even a fling, The pair of you hadn’t hooked up, only shared a kiss. But it was a good kiss, an unforgettable kiss.
“Have you searched her name up?” Declan asked, relaxing into the corner of Mason’s couch, rolling his eyes as Mason opened his wallet up for the fifteenth time that day. The boys were round for their frequent game day, a day Mason looked forward to.
Mason shook his head, slightly embarrassed to have forgotten your name, in his defense, he was out-of-this-world drunk. “I don’t remember it, I was hammered. Plus, I’m sure there’s at least a thousand people in this country who share her name.”
“Post the picture on Instagram, people always find people on there, it’s creepy.” Ben added, laughing at the end of his statement. It was a good idea, but was he ready to put it out there that he’d moved on, only for his ex to be mentioned in his comments again? Were you worth all of those nasty comments?
He’d posted the polaroid that evening, with the caption:
‘Instagram, do your thing.’
You had received a call from your brother, just as you were heading up to bed. Strange, you thought, your brother only called if he had some ridiculous news. You’d answered it, sitting on your stairs as he spoke.
“Did you meet anyone on holiday?” He questioned, your mind instantly flicking back to your memories with that man. The kiss on the boat, the horrible walk up the hill, the fighting over a polaroid.
“Why’s that your business?” You questioned, running up your stairs and grabbing the polaroid's from your bedside table and flicking through them.
“It’s my business when I’m scrolling through Instagram, only to find a Chelsea player has posted a picture of you and him.” He mentioned, voice raising in disbelief as he finished his sentence. You furrowed your brows, Chelsea player?
“Chelsea player? Chelsea, as in the football team you follow?” You wondered, opening Instagram to find this man’s account. You’d forgotten his name, curse your horrible memory. “What’s his name again?”
“Mason Mount,” he recalled, and you were kicking yourself for not remembering his silly James Bond introduction. Finding his account, you’d seen his recent post. It was your polaroid. The one you’d given him the last time you’d seen each other, he was looking for you. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, scrolling the comments and seeing everyone compliment you. How did you manage to run into this man and not remember his face? Or his name? The amount of times your family had mentioned how A1 he was on the pitch, how happy they were when Chelsea had won the Champions League.
“That’s not me,” you lied to your brother, knowing there was no way of escaping this now, everyone you knew would be able to tell it was you.
“Don’t bullshit me, Y/N,” he laughed on the other end of the phone, as you were frantically shoving the polaroid's back into your drawer, “I don’t know anyone else who uses a polaroid camera.”
“Should I text him?”
“You’d be an idiot not to.”
After ending the call with your brother, you sat in Mason Mount’s inbox for over an hour, unable to send him a message. Was there a right thing to say? Was ‘hi’ not enough for the man you’d left a mark on? Throwing away all of your conflicting thoughts, you sighed and just sent the word, ‘hey’. It didn’t take long for him to get back to you, so over the moon that he’d found you.
Mason: I can’t believe it worked, I actually found you.
Turns out my brother follows you and saw the picture, small world?
Mason: Chelsea fan, huh?
Guess so.
Your conversation lasted until the early hours of the morning, you promising Mason a proper date when you were both free. He had training the next day, but how could he sleep when he now knew you. He now had your Instagram, so he could talk to you, instead of staring at the polaroid in his wallet a million times a day.
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lunacellestia · 3 years
M!Drider x F!PlusSize!Reader
"Goodbye Mrs. Baker!"
"And to you too dearie! Stay safe!"
The basket rested on your arm as you said your goodbyes to the lonely woman.
A widower she was, left alone by her husband who passed on several years prior.
"He was my first love, and at my age, it's simply too soon to go after another. Besides, he was all I ever needed and he's still here.. Not physically but I hear his voice every so often, telling me to go on and that he'll see me soon, only when it's time." She had said one day, her shaky hand resting over her heart, her face scrunched up with a content smile.
Your eyes glanced towards her ring, the shade of emerald in the shape of an oval.
Somehow it was still gleaming, despite it being decades old.
You wondered briefly if she ever got it polished, but decided to keep that question for another time.
You sipped your tea and smiled at her, nodding as she went into her tales of her past.
"May I see some old photos of you both Mrs. Baker?"
"Why of course! Just give me a moment dear."
Together you both looked at the photos of her beloved and her together.
In her youth, her hair was a bright orange, going from flowy and wild to a nice pixie cut as the pages went on.
Her love, a man a bit taller than her, had on biker clothes in select photos, his hair darker than the women's on boxes you see on hair dye boxes.
"He was such a mad lad that one. Always getting into trouble."
"He was your little trouble maker."
"Indeed he was." She giggled
You let out a small sigh as your memories of that day came to an end, instead opting to focus on the small dirt path in front of you.
"What a wonderful lady. But still.. I wonder, is love really that strong?" You muttered to yourself.
You had never been in love; it was a bit odd to you, but you've just never felt the connection.
You've had crushes, had your fair share of cry days when they were taken. You've had those that fawned over you and vice versa, but its never been like others describe it.
"I guess I'm just too.. Myself for love." You sighed and continued on your journey towards your home.
You checked your basket once you arrived, seeing that the goods you purchased were still in tact, not a thing gone and not a thing broken or spilled.
"Can never be too careful these days, those in the forest are mischievous and take what they want. Pranks and all." One of the local men had told you.
The fairies that inhabited this area were a bit too... Chaotic for their own good.
They loved to play pranks and annoy the people when they could, sometimes getting upset if they didn't get the reaction they wanted.
You headed inside and closed your door, locking it and listening to the click.
All was silent for a moment as you checked around silently for any signs of something.
You didn't want to deal with a fairy that had snuck it's way inside by mistake or even purposely.
Heading into the kitchen, you unpacked your things and put them away then headed to your couch and went onto your phone.
'We can cross that off the list. I need to get some silks tomorrow and get to working on some clothes.'
A knock sounded as you jumped a bit and held your chest, caught off guard and frightened a bit.
'Could that be one of the fairies playing pranks? No... I don't want to play their games right now. Besides, I'm already inside.'
You headed to the door, albeit a bit cautiously and peaked out the window first.
You squinted a bit seeing a hint of something but nothing too clear.
Besides, you didn't want to make it obvious that you were staring.
Letting out the smallest of breaths, you unlocked the door and opened it a bit, peering out and up.
"Yes..? Can I.. Help you?"
"Apologies for coming so abruptly my dear. I wanted to catch you before you came all the way to me later tomorrow."
You blinked and opened the door more, seeing your supplier of the very silks you needed.
"Yes?" He asked, raising his brow amused.
You opened your mouth then closed it, getting a little shy and embarrassed under his gaze.
'Worried for nothing.' You thought with a small sigh.
"Sorry.. It's nothing. I just couldn't help but to get a little scared. Anyways, what was it that you needed again?"
"Well, I won't be available tomorrow. I have some matters to attend to. So I wanted to provide you with some silk now."
"Oh that's fine! I could've waited though, you didn't have to do that for me."
"Nonsense, I couldn't let my favorite girl go on without her supplies. What kind of supplier would I be hmm?"
"I suppose you have a point. Come in! I'll make you something?"
"I'll just take some water if that's alright dear."
"That's fine, give me a moment." You said and stepped aside so he could come in.
It was a bit of a squeeze, his lower half having to turn a bit in order to come in.
Raveed was a drider, and like many, he had the lower half of a spider.
Though he only had two arms instead of four like some, he had 8 legs, each slim and proper.
His hands as well were slender, with beautifully manicured nails, evident of how well he'd taken care of them over the years.
Just as his appearence had showed, his aura and air were the same, not once betraying him.
He had a handful of admirers, even those who feared driders, mostly due to their fear of spiders.
His skin was like the shade of mocha, his eyes, 6 in total with three on each side, were dark and dreamy.
His hair, long and braided to the side, was the color of night, mixed with some white as he had dyed it in (or, you assume so, you never asked if that was natural for him).
His lower half was also a simple black with some crackles and specks of fuchsia.
You had thought he hailed from a prestigious family with his looks and way of speaking, but he always waved you off and let out a small chuckle.
"Had I been, I would've had you as a queen by now. You, by my side, as we ruled together."
You had brushed his words off each time and chuckled nervously.
He always had a way of making you flustered, so much so that you may have developed the smallest of crushes on him, though never anything too grand to consider it love.
You closed the door behind him once he was safely inside, and proceeded to make your way to the kitchen.
He stayed and instead looked around while you poured him a glass of water and came back out.
"Here you go Raveed."
"Thank you dearest. Now, shall we get started?"
"With my silk."
"I-I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be of assistance."
He chuckled lightly and shook his head a bit.
"I'm not as shy as I was when I was younger. I used to hate others seeing me produce it. But it is my job now."
You turned away and pretended to busy yourself with a task.
"I-I see! Well! I'll leave you to it! I still don't wish to intrude on you."
"You aren't, and this is your home after all."
"Y-yes but-"
"Dearest, you aren't scared of me are you? I hope I don't frighten you so at times." He said somberly.
You turned back quickly and waved your hands.
You have shied away from him before, but not necessarily because he was scary, you were just a bit nervous to be around him.
"Its not that really!"
He inched towards her a bit and gently cupped her cheek after setting down the cup
"You're so beautiful you know?"
"You're so beautiful. And so bashful too. I absolutely adore that about you, my dearest spider lily." He said softly, his thumb stroking your cheek.
You swallowed and felt a nervous laugh bubble up in your throat, not knowing what exactly to say or do.
"Ahh, is that so?"
" 'Is that so' Indeed it is. I would never lie to you. Well, maybe aside from another part of the reason on why I came to see you. I did come to see you to give you the thread you needed for the silk but.. I also came to see YOU. Do you understand me now?"
"I... I think so? I'm - you're here for me?"
"Spider Lily, I'd like to take you on a date."
Your mind felt boggled and your mouth dry; a date?
"Are you sure about that? I mean I.. Don't know if I can give you the best company and-"
"You are already wonderful company dearest."
"I think I'm immune to love!"
He blinked, all six of his eyes in unison as he bit his lip holding back a small laugh.
"And why do you say that?"
"I've never.. Fallen in love."
At that, his eyes widened a bit, before a calm smile graced his lips.
He stepped back for a moment and opted for your hand, dipping his head down and pressing a small kiss to it.
"Will you be so kind as to grant me the honor of allowing me to show you just how you may fall in love?"
You swallowed, a bit scared of his words, scared of disappointing him if you didn't feel the same love he felt.
You had a crush on him... But was that all? Strangely, you felt something growing in you.
"I... Alright."
He grinned, one full of teeth, sharp and on display.
"Oh dearest spider lily, you will not regret this choice you've made. I can assure you of that and then some." He declared, kissing your forehead.
"Now! Onto the silk finally!"
You both laughed a bit; onto the silk he goes.
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blazedbakugou · 3 years
the epicenter of beauty and chaos
In which Itadori spends the day exploring the city with you and creating unforgettable memories along the way.
a/n: been thinking about him a lot lately if you haven’t already noticed
genre: fluff
warnings: food, somewhat reckless behavior, aged up characters
word count: 2.2k+
pairing: itadori yuji x gn!reader
fever - dua lipa & angéle
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No one ever knows what to do while waiting for your turn to cross at a crosswalk. It’s the awkward fumbling of the Notification Center on your phone, the constant tapping of the crosswalk button as if pressing it more than once would speed up the process, the burning hot stares of people in their cars as they watch you cross in front of them, almost as if they were rushing you. No one knows what to do at that moment but Itadori was sure that grabbing a stranger’s hair was most certainly not the right choice.
“I like your hair! Looks like cotton candy!” You smiled, reaching up to fluff up his hair.
“Uh…” Itadori looked over at the stranger beside him in confusion, and oh, wow you were really pretty, “thanks?”
He tried to walk faster, attempting to get away from you since your sudden introduction had startled him a fair bit. Apparently, you hadn’t gotten the hint that he wasn’t interested in engaging with you any further as you rushed to catch up to him anyway.
“So… what’re ya up to today? Got any plans, sweets?” You inquired, skipping happily beside him.
Sweets? He’d never met you before in his life and you were already giving nicknames? You were proving to be more bizarre than he’d initially thought.
“Nope.” Itadori sighed, looking onward.
“Great! Me either, so what do ya say me and you go check out Old Sam’s shop around the corner? Been craving one of his burgers for weeks.”
“Don’t know what shop you’re referring to, I’m not from here.” Itadori winced as soon as he’d let that bit of information slip, admitting to being new in town to a possibly crazy stranger was most definitely not a smart move.
“Oh? Well, consider me to show you around!” You grabbed his hand, “oh but first! We need to capture the moment.”
You fished out an instant camera from your bag, halting to an abrupt stop in the middle of the busy crosswalk much to the annoyance of the crowd around you. Itadori looked over at you with a puzzled expression, slightly mortified by your recklessness.
“Say cheese!” You grinned as you held up the camera in front of the both of you, snapping a picture and waiting for the film to develop.
“I really should get going…” Itadori said, shaking his hand out of your grasp and walking in the opposite direction from you once he reached the sidewalk.
You looked at the picture in your hand, laughing at his confused expression before pouting and rushing to catch up to him, “Hey! Wait up, don’t just go walking off on me.”
“I don’t even know you.”
“Well, in that case, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Y/n, the best tour guide you’ll ever meet! And you are?” You trailed off.
Itadori hated himself for thinking that your name was a pretty one. It made sense for you to have such a unique name, it suited you.
“Itadori…” he begrudgingly huffed, slowing down in resignation.
You smiled, “Nice to meet ya, Itadori. Whaddya say you and I grab a bite before taking on the city? We’re gonna need plenty of fuel if we plan on exploring around.”
“You sure are friendly, almost too friendly. How can I trust you’re not planning on kidnapping me or anything?” Itadori squinted at you.
“If I were a kidnapper do you really think I’d go for somebody with bright pink hair?” You countered, walking up to open the door to Old Sam’s.
“I guess you have a point… but I still don’t understand why you’re so eager to show me around. Don’t you have anything better to do?” He followed you inside, stomach grumbling at the sizzle of burger patties cooking in the kitchen.
“Nope. I like to keep my schedule open in case something fun like this pops up.” You plopped down into one of the empty booths, Itadori hesitantly sitting across from you.
“So you show strangers around town often?” He questioned. Maybe you weren’t lying when you said you were a tour guide— was he getting scammed?
“Only the cute ones.” You winked, grinning at the blush that spread onto the pink-haired boy's face.
Itadori hid his face behind the paper menu, “Let’s just hurry up and order.”
“Sure thing, sweets.” You hummed.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
In the past two hours that Itadori had spent running around town with you, the sun had begun to set, impulsive decisions had been made, and a beautiful bond had been formed. As against it as Itadori initially was, he soon found himself enjoying your company even if he thought you were slightly annoying at first. It was odd how drawn to you he was, he hadn’t known you for more than a few hours and yet you managed to make those few hours one of the most enjoyable experiences he’d ever had.
Your hand fit comfortably in his as you dragged him down the boardwalk, a half-eaten cone of pink cotton candy in your free hand. Your eyes trailed from the sugary snack in your hand to the hair on Itadori’s head, a genius idea sparking in your brain.
“Quick! Go stand over there, I wanna take a picture of you.” You motioned over to the wooden railing of the boardwalk.
Itadori did as he was told, although he was slightly confused. He leaned his arms against the rail with his back facing the ocean, his hair matching the pink hues in the sky, and his yellow shirt contrasting the blue water behind him. He popped his lollipop into his mouth, the blue sugar lightly staining his lips.
“Well? Aren’t you going to take my picture?” He tilted his head back with a small smirk.
You rolled your eyes at his smug expression before snapping the picture. He walked over to you to see how the picture came out, a proud smile appearing on his face after deeming the picture good by his standards.
“Great, I’m a model. Now what?” Itadori shifted his weight onto one leg.
“Ooh! I know! Let’s go take some pictures!” You exclaimed, running over to the photo booth only a few meters away.
Itadori struggled to keep up, nearly tripping over his feet as you dragged him along, “You gotta stop doing that!”
“Yeah, yeah, now hush and get in.” You rolled your eyes, holding the curtain open for him as you waited inside.
Itadori sat down beside you, unsure whether he should scoot over or stay in the awkward position of having one leg out of the booth. He didn’t want to sit too close to you in fear of making things awkward though he was beginning to debate whether there was anything he could do that you wouldn’t be okay with. You seemed to be very carefree, or at least according to his observations.
You tugged his arm closer, “Oh, come on! I don’t bite, now scoot closer.”
“Okay, jeez.”
A total of four pictures had been taken in the next two minutes, one with a serious pose, one with the two of you wearing your matching sunglasses which you bought from some random street vendor, one with a funny pose, and the final picture, your personal favorite, a picture of you catching Itadori by surprise with a kiss on the cheek. You paid for two printouts before exiting the booth and moving on to find the next activity to do.
“How’s the Ferris wheel sound? Bet the view from up there would be incredible at this time of day.” You commented, motioning towards the nearly set sun.
Itadori looked over at the sun’s reflection over the water and frowned, he didn’t want the day to end, he was having so much fun with you. He wasn’t even sure if he’d ever see you again, which was why he was hoping to drag this out for as long as he possibly could.
“What’s the matter? Don’t like heights?” You munched on the last of your cotton candy before throwing the paper cone into a nearby trash bin.
“Nothing… let’s get on before we miss the sunset.” He smiled.
You nodded and got in line for the ride, letting Itadori hand the worker your tickets before getting into one of the ride’s capsules. Itadori took a seat beside you, thanking the worker as they shut the door and started the ride. You sat in silence for only a moment, letting the cool evening breeze chill your skin before Itadori spoke up.
“Uh… thank you.”
“Hm?” You looked over at him.
Itadori looked out towards the ocean, suddenly entranced by the deep shade of blue, “I’m just saying thank you for spending the day with me. I had fun today… but don’t think you can use this as an excuse to go making a big deal out of it.”
You reached out and gently tilted his head to face you, “I had fun too, more than I have in a long time.”
Itadori blushed at how close you were, the light bulbs on the edges of the ride’s capsule illuminating your frame beautifully. He cautiously placed a hand on your thigh, the other coming up to cup your cheek as he glanced down at your lips. You inched forward ever so slightly and that was all Itadori needed before mustering up the courage to lean in and kiss you. He sighed against your lips, the sugary remnants of your cotton candy lingering on your tongue. The kiss lasted for what Itadori could only describe as “the shortest eternity ever”, it had ended far too soon for his liking.
He leaned his forehead against yours, puffy lips molded into a goofy grin, “Will I get to see you again?”
“If you make an effort to search for me, then yes.” You replied with a smile. Itadori wasn’t entirely sure what you meant by that but he stayed silent in favor of not ruining the moment.
“I can do that.” He breathed out, leaning into his seat.
The ride had ended sooner than he had expected and before he knew it, you were already walking him to the local bus stop. Itadori knew that he had no reason to have gotten so attached to a stranger he’d only just met early that day, and yet he still found it difficult to part ways. The bus would arrive in a few minutes and he would have to go home with the uncertainty of ever seeing you again.
“Guess this is it, huh?” Itadori scratched the back of his head as he leaned against the bus stop pole.
“Looks like it.” You frowned.
“I know I already said this but I just wanted to thank you one more time for showing me around. You didn’t have to go out of your way to do that but you took a chance with me… and I’m glad you did.”
“Of course, though I must say… you sure have a certain level of crazy in you too for trusting a stranger as reckless as me. Maybe it’s why we work so well together.” You shrugged.
Itadori’s heart sunk as the bus came to a halt behind him, “Yeah, maybe.”
“Oh! Before you go, I have something to give you, think of it as something to remember me by.” You handed him the pictures you’d taken of him and a crumpled piece of paper.
“Thanks but I think you accidentally handed me some garbage?” He pointed at the crumpled piece of paper in his hand.
You smacked his arm, “That’s not trash you, idiot, just look at it when you get the chance.”
“Ow!” Itadori shoved everything into his pocket before rubbing at his arm, “I will— no need to get aggressive.”
“Better hurry up before your bus leaves you.” You nodded at the passengers getting onto the bus.
Itadori chewed on the inside of his cheek before nodding, “Right. Look, if I don’t see you again-”
“You will.”
“Let me finish!” He groaned, “If I don’t see you again then I want you to take care, okay? Seriously.”
You stepped forward to hug him, “Okay. Now go! You’re seriously gonna miss the bus.”
“Bye!” Itadori called out before scrambling onto the bus.
He watched you from the window beside his seat, waving as the bus took off. Itadori let out a deep sigh, leaning against the cold glass as he watched the city lights appear and disappear from view. After a few minutes had gone by, Itadori decided now would be a good time to look at the paper you’d given him. He fished it out of his pocket, uncrumpling it and holding it up to read it, “see ya around, sweets! xx” was scribbled on the back of the receipt from Old Sam’s. Sure, he appreciated the cute note but how was he expected to find you when you hadn’t even left your phone number? Were you joking when you said you planned on meeting him again?
Itadori quickly wiped away those negative thoughts— surely if you hadn’t intended on seeing him again then you wouldn’t have spent the entire day with him. He believed you were a genuine person and decided that he would just have to believe in the fact that you’d stay true to your word. Itadori felt this odd sense of dizziness but in a good way. It felt like his entire body was buzzing with this energy and tingling with joy— the after-effects of meeting and quite possibly falling in love with the most beautiful and chaotic tour guide he’d ever met.
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@combat-wombatus @sunflowersuki
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bentforkent · 4 years
paint it over
spencer reid x female!reader
content warning: fluff, smut, the word “daddy” is said once as a joke, spanking, roughness, dom/sub undertones, !!!!!reader asks spencer to stop during sex!!!!, soft sex, soft spencer, arguing
word count: 2,251
in which spencer and his girlfriend go to a big, fancy party and irritate each other there.
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spencer looks ravishing, to say the least. his velvet suit jacket hangs perfectly off of his shoulders, and the color of his tie highlights his honey eyes. he’s got his hair slicked back into a style you rarely see on him. it takes everything in you not to grab him and ruin him before you even get out of the door. but you know this event is important to him, some gala for the FBI employees. or something. you hadn’t really been listening, too focused on his lips when he had extended the invitation to you as his plus-one.
 but yes, in the weeks leading up to the event, spencer has reminded you numerous times that it’s “a very important night” for the BAU and that you needed to be on your “best behavior.” he fretted frantically about your outfit more than he did his own. he made sure you had a full night of sleep the night before. he helped you shower and wash your hair before getting ready, but you’re convinced that part was just an elaborate ploy to get his rocks off. (if so, it was successful.)
the gala is held at some fancy hotel, and you instantly feel out of place upon arrival. you cling tightly to spencer’s arm in an attempt to feel grounded. he plants a firm kiss on the top of your head, leading you into the grandiose ballroom. your grip on him tightens. the venue is really big. 
“y/n, lovey,” he starts gently, prying your hands from him, “go mingle. emily is right over there, she’d love to see you.” he points in her direction and your gaze follows his finger.
your voice is quiet when you answer. “can i stay with you a little longer?” how can he resist you when you’re looking up at him with big doe eyes and a small pout on your lips? 
he smiles widely, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “of course you can stay with me, baby.” 
as spencer flits around the party, you’re quick to follow. he’s talking to penelope? you’re there with bells on, one hand wrapped around a champagne flute and one hand on spencer’s shoulder. he’s talking to hotch? you keep a tethering hold on his left hand. 
and you’re enjoying yourself. it’s easy to be with spencer. he’s sweet and smart, although both of these are understatements. you feel proud to be seen with him, proud to be his girl. but as the night progresses, you begin to notice him acting odd. 
when you rest your hand on his shoulder, he shakes your hand away. when you’re hand-in-hand, he starts to pull from your grip instead of pressing a kiss on the back of your hand. he’s just being odd, suddenly averse to your touch and tense to an absurd degree. while you’re sitting engaged in a riveting conversation with rossi about his latest book, one hand on spencer’s bouncing knee, your boyfriend interrupts you. “y/n, would you go refill our drinks?” he asks.
“you haven’t even taken a sip of the one i went to get you 20 minutes ago,” you say, gesturing to his full cup. there’s a pregnant pause. 
“would you excuse us?” spencer asks rossi. you flash the older man a polite smile, trying to ignore the frustration you can feel radiating off of your boyfriend as he leads you away from the conversation. “what is wrong with you?” he questions harshly, grip on your wrist tight as he leads you outside of the hotel ballroom and into the lobby.
 “nothing!” you exclaim, yanking your arm from him. 
he sighs and rubs his hands over his face, clearly exasperated with you and your behavior. “i told you this night was important.”
 you frown, a deep set frown that affects your whole face. “i’m being good!” 
“you’ve been hanging on me all night!” 
there’s silence as you rock back and forth on your heels, trying to figure out what to say without sounding weak. “i get nervous at these events, spencer, you know that.” your voice is small, timid. you’re crushed by the implication that spencer would rather spend the rest of the night alone, especially when the sheer magnitude of this event alone is enough to make you anxious.
 his face softens by a miniscule degree, but his voice is still firm. “i know, baby. but please, try and leave me alone for a little bit so i can have some business conversations.”
 without answering him, you turn and stalk back inside.
he was sitting alone. perfect. another hour or so had passed, and you’d been pretty good at avoiding your boyfriend during that time. you seemed to float around the party, such a presence that no matter how much space spencer needed, his eyes followed you around anyways. you laughed with grandiosity, clinking champagne glasses with whomever you passed. you took campy photos with the women on spencer’s team, camera flash highlighting whatever funny face you all had decided on. you’d even held a captivating conversation with hotch, getting him to crack and hold a smile.
 but despite your efforts to throw yourself into the party and subsequently away from spencer, you found yourself getting bored without him by your side to share the fun with you. a normal thought process would’ve prompted you to go sit and have a normal conversation with him in which you both normally apologized for your behavior earlier. but you were still beyond peeved about how he had snapped at you earlier, so all normalcy flew out of the window, and your champagne-powered brain resorted straight to revenge. which is why it was perfect that he was sitting alone, finally. 
you skipped to him, and plopped yourself down on his lap. you were intentionally making a spectacle of yourself, knowing it would make spencer squirm to know people’s eyes were on him. “hi daddy,” you sing into his ear, and his hands tense on your thighs.
“what are you doing?” 
you lean close to him, so close that to anyone else observing, it would appear that you simply have your head tucked in the crook of your boyfriend’s neck, not that you were whispering to him. “just wanted to come and tell you that i just took off my panties in the bathroom.” you take the lacy undergarment and tuck it into his jacket pocket smoothly. 
“what the fuck is wrong with you?” he whispers aggressively, the repetition of the question not lost on you. his lips graze the shell of your ear, and his hand grasps the back of your hair tightly.
“i just love you so much,” you say grinning. he’s angry, you can tell, but it’s more fun for you to pretend you don’t notice. you make no more attempt to quiet your voice as you continue. “and i’m just waiting to go home so i can suck you off.” morgan walks past you at the perfect moment and hoots at your words. you copy his noise in response to him. “see?” you turn to spencer, shit-eating grin on your face. “derek’s rooting for us to fuck tonight.”
spencer stands, yanking you into an upright position. “you’re drunk. we’re leaving.”
you turn and wiggle your eyebrows at derek, and he gives you a thumbs up as spencer drags you out of the ballroom. 
spencer lays yet another harsh smack on the curve on your ass, reveling in the whine you emit. his tie is shoved into your mouth, where it has been situated since you got in the car leaving the event. you’re bent over his knee on the edge of the bed, fully naked. 
“get on your hands and knees,” spence says gruffly, and you oblige as quickly as possible with the welts on your ass aching. you hear a pretty unmistakable sound of pants dropping, and despite being faced away from him, you have a sense that his eyes are trained on you.  your face is pressed into the mattress, and you find yourself wishing spencer would just fuck you and get it over with. wait, that’s not right. you should be 100 percent involved in and excited about this intimate moment. 
spencer runs his hands along every inch of skin he can reach, positioning his cock at your entrance. he takes one hand and grips your hair, pulling your head back. the breath of air you get from being pulled so harshly wakes you up.
“wait! wait, spence, please stop,” you gasp loudly. his hands are off you immediately, afraid to hurt you, and you scramble from your position on all fours back onto your back. he cocks his eyebrow. you didn’t utter the safe word, so technically you’re breaking all sorts of rules right now, but you hope the urgency in your voice and your explanation would save you from punishment. 
under his gaze, fully exposed and spread open, you start to get emotional, tearing up. “i know i was really bad tonight,” you mumble.
“speak up,” spencer says, voice calm. it’s an order, but not a harsh one.
 “i know i was really bad tonight,” you repeat, rubbing at your eyes. “i know i’m the worst girl.” spencer frowns. “but i...i just want you to be nice to me now.” you sniffle. “i don’t deserve it, i know, but i just…i want nice spencer.”
 spencer lays down on the bed next to you, face full of worry and concern. you look at him with tears threatening to spill over your lower lashline. “baby,” he scoops you up and pulls you close to him, all thoughts of sex pushed away for the time being. “you are not the worst girl, where are you getting that from?” you’re silent, so he continues. “if anything, i’m the bad guy for making you feel that way.” his eyes search your face, trying to get an idea of where your emotions are at. “i love you so much.” he emphasizes each word with a kiss.
shy all of a sudden, you hide your face in the crook of his neck as if you weren’t lying naked in front of him. the two of you lay there for a few moments, air thick with emotion and love. “you’re a good girl,” spencer whispers, rubbing your back in soothing circles. “do you want to stop?”
 you shake your head no in response. 
“i’m not going any further until i see your pretty eyes.”
you look up at him slowly, and crack a small smile. it’s hard not to. spencer is looking at you with endless amounts of adoration in his face, and although you had been upset just minutes earlier, you had never felt unsafe in his presence. 
“please fuck me, doctor,” you whisper, and he grins. 
spencer figures out a way to make your current position work, adjusting your body slightly. he lifts your leg and pushes his cock into you slowly, slower than usual. you moan, an extended high-pitched sound, and spencer groans in response. 
“such a tight little cunt for me, baby,” he murmurs, beginning to thrust into you firmly. his words are filthy but his voice is soft. you whimper, trying to grab onto his back, but only succeeding in leaving tiny scratch marks. 
he picks up the pace of his hips, his strokes long and quick. each time he bottoms out, it’s punctuated with one of his grunts. “you’re such a good girl for me, baby,” he says, words coming out rushed with the distraction of him chasing his orgasm. “you’re so soft,” he groans, “you take my cock so well, fuck,” his breathing becomes tighter.
you press your lips to his collarbone, letting your tongue poke out to taste his salty skin. “i love you,” you whine against him, and his hips stutter.
 “say it again, baby, i’m so close,” he says, words cut off with a moan when you suck a tiny mark onto his jaw. 
“i love you,” you whisper in his ear, and as your teeth graze his earlobe, his speedy thrusts slow and become sloppy. he cums with a loud moan of your name, and you whimper at the sound. your orgasm follows his quickly, the feeling of his warmth filling you enough to send you over the edge. 
“hey,” he says as he pulls out of you and rolls out of bed.
“i love you too.” 
“yeah?” you ask. spencer walks into the bathroom and spends some time there, cleaning himself up and preparing a washcloth for you. 
“yeah,” he replies when he emerges, dressed in flannel pajama pants and a shirt you’re pretty sure was yours once. “and i’m sorry. i was a dick to you tonight.”
 “yeah you were,” you say with a grin up at him. he pulls the warm washcloth along your legs and over your sensitive cunt gently, cleaning up any residual sex. at your words, he shoots you a pout. “but i’m okay now, promise.” he folds the washcloth into a tiny square, ever meticulous, and sets it on the nightstand.
 after flopping down on the bed next to you, resuming his original spot, he brushes his thumb over the highest point of your cheekbone. “but,” he drags the word out, “you’re not invited to any more fancy events after your little stunt tonight. you stress me out.” 
you press a firm kiss to his lips. “i think i deserve that,” you reply with a smile.
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kissesinthekitchen · 4 years
Prompt: It’s been three weeks since Harry first slept with you. Or three weeks, one day, four hours and a few minutes - give or take. Not that he’s counting. And he’s feeling needy. Dreadfully so. 
Smut and fluff. Needy Harry. More than 6,560 words of sub!Harry.
Pairing: Harry x Reader
A/N: I’m really excited about this! This story was written for the Pick Your Poison Fic Challenge - and my prompt was 9F - Sub!Harry. It really pushed my writing and forced me to write something different and out of my comfort zone. I have so much love for @for-fucks-sake-h @andwhenshesays​ and @oh-honey-styles​ for their patience and for putting this event together. These writers have inspired me so much, they literally brought me back to fanfic -after years of writer’s block- and I could not be more thankful. This was my first time taking part in a writing challenge too! I would appreciate any love or feedback this gets. Thank you! xo
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His eyes are full now, they’re brimming, prickling with tears. And his jaw is tense. He leans into the cup of your hand and you watch the features of his face flutter, the desperation is still there - simmering, but a calmness passes over him as he leans into your touch. He could be good, he could be so good for you.
God, you want to wreck him.
It’s been three weeks since Harry first slept with you. 
Or three weeks, one day, four hours and a few minutes - give or take. Not that he’s counting. 
And he’s feeling needy. Dreadfully so. 
But aside from passes of food and medication through the door of your apartment and fuzzy Facetime calls, he hasn’t seen you. 
It’s been hard. The evening after you first slept together, you were taken away from him - a girl’s trip to Maui, for one of your best friend’s bachelorette parties. You’d given him time, moments tucked away in your hotel room when your mate was gone and you had an hour to yourself. An hour of grinning at him through the face of an unreliable internet connection to tell him that you missed him so bad. Selfies taken hidden in the bathroom. Cheeky voicemails. He’s kept them all.
Then, when your plane had touched down in California, there had been another road bump in your reunion when you’d come back ill. Your achy, trembling voice had croaked into the phone delivering him the bad news. “Harry, I’m sick.” 
You’ve been sick for the last week and a half and it’s been hard to give you your space, Harry will admit to that. But you’re adamant, serious. You remind him that he has rehearsals for tour starting soon and he can’t risk it. 
“Miss you,” he croaks into his phone when you touch down.
“Miss you more,” you tell him back, a cough slicing through your promise. 
“Let me buy you groceries. I can pick up your prescription-”
Harry watches your face soften through the video call, wanting nothing more than to touch your cheek. 
“I’ll pay you back,” you tell him, smiling as if you both don’t know he has a bank account worth millions of dollars. Later, you both stare at each other miserably through the window of your living room window as he places your groceries and medicine on your doormat. He blows you a kiss goodbye before he leaves and you pretend to catch it with your hand. 
But that had been a few days ago and now you’re on your way to his house, caught in Los Angeles traffic but on your way nonetheless. 
He wonders if you’ve thought about it too, thought about him. If you have missed him just as much. He doesn’t feel alone in this feeling, if the look in your eyes as he left your window is enough to tell him, but there’s something else gnawing at him-
Harry is sure he’s in love with you. 
It’s a feeling that kindled inside of him before you slept together, but now it feels more palpable, real. Bigger than himself. The weeks without you have only cemented it for him. He loves you. He’s in love with you. He might have even written a few songs about it already. 
He wants to tell you. He likes the idea of feeling right, but he doesn’t want to wait. He wants to tell you when he feels like he can’t take it anymore, and he knows that feeling is dawning. The words feel like they are bubbling in his chest, nearing the tip of his tongue each time he talks to you. 
You’ve been together five months now. And he knows maybe that’s a bit of a long block of time to get into each other’s pants for some people - god knows he might have wanted to jump your bones earlier than that. 
But time was always in the way, the same way it feels now. A trip to take him across another country away from you. Your job making you stay late or taking you out of state. You’ve done other stuff together before - of course. Hurried handjobs when you were visiting the studio, his fingers tasting you, he might have even gotten his cock in your mouth when he went to visit you at work. But the real getting together, the real sleeping together - had taken five months. And now that he knows what you feel like, what sounds you make, how you look underneath him - Harry can’t think of anything else. It’s the only thing that has carried him through the last few weeks without you when he’s been miserably lonely. His need for you, and yes, his love for you. 
It happened in your bedroom, on the small - full sized bed in your apartment, rather than the massive mattress in his house. But he thinks it was perfect that way. He loves your apartment now, he knows it. He has his favorite mug and you stock a box of his favorite granola on top of your fridge. He names the plants in your living room. (“Bowie,” he points to a colorful succulent. “Obviously.” And then “Freddie” to the pothos sitting on your bookshelf.) And there are photos of you together tacked up with magnets in the kitchen and frames next to your bed. That night you had given him his own toothbrush to keep on the sink in the bathroom next to yours. 
Everything about him seems to ache without you here. His hands feel empty without you against them, music -even, he realizes- does not feel as vibrant without your voice there to sing along with him. 
You’ve kept him close though, and for that he is happy. He muses on this as he finishes some dishes in the kitchen, trying not to glance at the clock again. 
It started with the text messages. Then the photos you sent him from Hawaii. He has to stiffle a grin at the memory - A sex shop your friends had pulled you into a few days into your trip. You’d sent him a photo of a wall of toys - floggers, gags, dildos, chokers, blindfolds. Harry had barked out a laugh at first when he saw the picture unfold in front of his eyes. See anything you like? You’d teased. 
He remembers how he’d been sitting in his living room, the sound of the latest Packers game fading in the background. His ears felt hot as his fingers hovered over the letters on his phone. 
The choker. He’d typed out, teeth gnawing into his bottom lip. Maybe the blindfold too. 
For me or you?
Me. xx
Harry swears he must have felt all the blood rush to his groin when he saw your reply.
They have handcuffs too. 
Your talks and messages had only escalated from there. It was as if you were both daring each other to go further, but instead you were crossing new territory together, hand in hand. You made him feel dizzy with want, the way you were meeting him inch for inch. 
It’s the only reminder that Harry feels like he needs - he can trust you in a way he hasn’t been able to trust anyone before. He finds himself pledging devotion to the intrigue in your eyes, the way you don’t shy away when he teases you back or admits something through the phone. The feeling leaves him breathless, if he’s being honest. Most of all, it makes him miss you even more. 
His skin is buzzing as the minutes crawl by and your arrival gets closer and closer. He can’t stay still. He paces the hall until he sees the text banner on his phone announce you’re arrival. I’m outside. 
Harry’s favorite thing about you is the way you look perfectly at home in his house. Like you’ve alway belonged here. He swears sometimes that he must have dreamt you into life. It’s like you have just always been here. He’s reminded of this when he hears your voice over the security camera  - “It’s meee.” And when he pulls the door open -  
“Baby-” he opens his arms. 
You drop your bags on his doorstep. And you’re grinning as you launch yourself into his arms, your cheek flat against his chest and your nose buried in his neck. “Harry.”
“Oh baby,” he says, his fingers gingerly stroking your cheek, pushing your face up so your foreheads meet. He doesn’t miss the way your eyes are glistening as he presses your lips together. 
The last few weeks feel like a lie of nostalgia. Your memories of him have not done him justice. Not to the crinkles around his eyes when he smiles, not to his warmth or his laugh and definitely not to the way he kisses you. 
He smells good, like something crisp and floral - his expensive aftershave and cologne, and something still so distinctly Harry. That’s the part you have missed the most. 
You kiss him with both arms around his neck to pull him down to your height and you don’t stop until his back hits the door, reminding you both that you need a break to breathe. He’s laughing as he grips your waist. 
“Sorry,” you muse, smudging some of the lipstick that you’ve gotten on his mouth and teeth. 
“Don’t be, love. C’mere,” he takes your groceries (you owe him, don’t you?) and bag from you.
You shuffle into the house, checking your keys twice to make sure you locked your car even though Harry laughs and reminds you there’s a gate and a security guard that patrols the neighborhood. 
Harry helps you unpack the groceries, while you work on relearning the map of his kitchen again, pulling drawers and opening cabinets, trying to get acquainted with his space again. He throws on some Fleetwood Mac and The Zombies filter through the space between you as you start dinner. He muses that the song could not be more perfect for the feeling inside his chest. “Should I try to hide, the way I feel inside? My heart for you? Would you say that you love me too? I can tell the way you smile. If I feel that I could be certain then. I would say the things I want to say tonight.”
He stares at you with something that feels like pride, watching the sun filter through the window as you work. He thought -maybe- it might be hard to look you in the eyes or to push the feeling inside him aside but this, it feels easy. Watching you and being together with you in this way. His house, he feels, it finally feels like home now that you’re here. 
The smell of garlic and olive oil begins to fill the kitchen as you prepare the ratatouille and pasta you promised him you would make. You smile when he leans down to rest his chin against your shoulder as you work, sometimes squeezing your side with his hands. 
“Smells good, love,” he says, a watchful eye hanging over your shoulder at the pots and pans on the stove. 
Harry pours wine into glasses for the both of you and you hum your thanks when he pushes the throat of a glass towards you, closing your eyes as he kisses the top of your head.  And when you unwrap the loaves of bread from the store, he laughs and barks out “Could’a told me to make some, love. I used ‘ta work in a bakery!”
You laugh as you tug on his waist, reaching up to catch his lips. “I know. You never make me forget.” 
You make tiramisu later, trying hard not to stare at Harry too much as you work together. His long fingers dipping the ladyfinger cookies into the espresso mix. And you know he catches you blushing when he asks you to taste the whipped cream from his fingers. It has not stopped catching you by surprise, the way he can make you feel beautiful and important and lucky all at once. 
And even though he knows this was the plan for tonight, he can’t help but beam at the promise in your voice when the words come tumbling later. “Brought my bag,” you tell him over your empty plates. “Packed an outfit for tomorrow. Hope you like my pajamas.” You smirk at him. 
“S’the ones with coffee mugs and lattes on them?”
You throw your head back and laugh at the fact that he remembered them. 
“Sexy,” he teases. You catch him leaning against the counter and taking you in. “Got you a toothbrush.”
You smile, memories of last time quickly flooding your thoughts, but don’t take your eyes off the napkin in front of you. You know he’s lost in the same memories. When you’re washing dishes later though, he leaves you to place the fancy -electric, you’ll notice later and expensive- toothbrush sitting on top of your overnight bag. 
After dinner, when you’re both feeling warm and giggly, you pull him back into the sitting area of his bedroom. Harry gulps hard as he watches you insist on lighting some candles, and the smell of teakwood and rosemary fill the room. Watching you makes his stomach clench, this is all he has wanted, craved, needed for the last few weeks. You in his arms and in bed, taking up his space again. 
He’s sitting on the small sofa next to his bed, the enormity of his room could almost beat the entire size of your apartment. But you feel at peace here, in the same way he feels comforted and hidden in your home. He’s more than the expensive, designer clothes in his closet, the guitars that line one wall, the pile of leather bound journals and gold and white accented bathroom. Here, he’s just Harry. Your Harry. 
When he’s finally relaxed, you push some gifts bags into his hands and insist that he unwrap the gifts you got him from Hawaii. There are books, boxes of chocolate, bags of pineapple candy, floral shirts from vintage thrift stores, and a kitschy keychain with hula dancers and his name on it - that looks so hilariously out of place next to the keys for his Mercedes and vintage cars. 
You look warm and inviting as you turn towards him, the candlelight taking your skin glow like amber. Your skin looks kissed by the sun thanks to your trip. And Harry’s suddenly overwhelmed with how he wants nothing more than to kiss you for your thoughtfulness, for the disbelief he feels at having you here, for the feeling bursting in his chest. 
“Got you one more thing,” you tell him as you close the distance between you, reaching around him to place a small gift box in his hand. 
“Another present? Or summat?” he smiles. 
You kiss the side of his face, humming softly in response, stroking the back of his hair and neck. You try to stay composed as Harry’s fingers gingerly pry the lid of the box open. 
The air feels like it has been sucked out of him. He hates that his fingers tremble a little as he takes the collar out of the box. It’s black and thick, feels smooth like leather, with a buckle that slides closed on the side. He swallows hard as his thumb gingerly runs over the loopholes, imagining the way it would feel gripping his throat or how you would look tying it in place - god, help him. 
“Thought we could use it sometime. Doesn’t have to be tonight. You mentioned-”
And then he’s kissing you. Kissing you so fiercely that your mind stumbles before your body can catch up. Both of his hands on your face, knocking the collar down between you. 
It’s what you have both been walking around all night and it feels like the feeling that had been simply growing in his chest is about to burst. His vision feels like it is swimming right now, but your hands on his face are the only thing tethering him to the ground, whatever is growing between you makes him feel like so much more than himself. The feeling in his chest feels bigger than he has words for right now. 
Your eyes search his. “Do you trust me?
“I do. Y’know I do.” 
“Then Harry?”
His pupils are so wide. “Yeah?” he says. 
“Get on your knees.” 
You watch him carefully as he moves to his knees on the floor, idly shifting closer to the bed. When he stills, you reach for the belt he had discarded on the way into his room. Your fingers rubbing against the leather. “This okay?” 
You listen to his sharp intake of his breath, watch the curls at the front of his face fall briefly in his eyes. “Y-yeah.” 
His hands are one of your favorite things about him. Their large, calloused - his fingers long and tapered. You reach down to press a kiss to the cross on his hand and then move to coil the belt so it loops around his wrists, biting into his skin. 
 Realistically, Harry knows he could get out of this, but it’s the fact that he doesn’t that thrills you. He’s patient and pliant beneath your hands, reduced to his knees and shuddering when your touch leaves him. The line of his neck arching as his eyes follow you. He uses his mouth to follow the line of your palm, kissing your skin until you let go. 
He crawls for you - and oh, you love that. The way his back arches, his long legs and knees hitting the floor, his mind unable to grasp what his body can’t right now - he’s so eager to follow where you go, to be with you, to be a part of you. 
“Harry-” you say, sitting down on the mattress and spreading your legs wide. You lean back to rest your weight on your elbows, thighs lazily spread wide so he can rest between them. You shimmy the end of your dress up, loving the way his nostrils flare and his pupils widen, watching your hands - your fingers grazing where he wishes his skin could go too. Have hungered to for days and days. 
“Harry, do you want to taste me?”
“God, love. Please-”
“Say it again.”
“Please?” he begs.
His nose and lips skim the same path your hands followed. His head of full dark curls turning under the hem of your skirt. You’re gracious enough to help make it easier for him by tugging it up and he groans a sound of thanks into your skin with his lips. 
He’s hungry for it. He inhales deeply, licking you through the fabric of your panties in a way that makes you shudder. He’s even more grateful when you take pity on him by raking your nails through his hair and shifting the material down so he can look at you bare. The tug makes his eyes flutter, it feels so good. 
He’s frozen though, stilling as he waits for your instruction, and you gingerly cup the side of his face in thanks. 
“Go ahead,” you whisper, when he’s almost at the point of whimpering. And then he moves forward, making a home between your thighs. 
Last time you did this, you learned that you love when Harry has both his mouth and his fingers inside you - but this is - well it’s lovely. It’s fucking heaven. Watching how desperate he is to get you off, the way he presses all of his face into your cunt - heeding the deepest part of you, where you’re so wet and just as desperate for him. He’s needy, messy with it. His lips and tongue remembering you all over again, his nose smashed against your cunt and the hint of his teeth against your clit - just enough to have you grinding down on him in a way that makes your brain feel fuzzy. 
Feeling the slickness of his tongue as he slides it inside you makes your cunt feel like it’s fluttering around him. Your face pinches every time he comes back to lick you deeper and you listen to the half garbled words that he’s sucking and pleading into your skin. 
“So wet. So fuckin’ wet for me. Tastes so good. Missed ‘yeh so much.” 
Without the help of his hands, Harry uses one long leg to push himself against the length of the bed- trying to be close to you, while also finding some friction against the mattress. He finds no relief, but when he hears you voice gasp out for him, your fingers weaving in his hair - it’s almost better than any vision he had of you these last few weeks. Oh, it’s so much fucking better. 
He’s so greedy for it. He wants to taste you, needs to feel you cum more than he wants it for himself. You can tell by the way he pushes his tongue between your folds, trying to get deeper, like he’s trying to reach inside you and be a part of you. If his hands were free, he would use his fingers to spread you wide and open. To stuff you full. He knows he would tug on your legs, wear your thighs around his neck like a fucking necklace but there’ll be more time for that - another time, another place - right now, he just wants to feel you cum.
“Harry,” you beg him. “Harry. I’m close-” 
He moans when he watches you slide your fingers down to help aid him, his jaw dropping down in awe as you rub your clit. He works hard to sink down and lick around your fingers before dipping inside of you again. 
“You’re gonna make me come. You’re gonna - I’m going to come in your mouth. God, I’m going to come in your mouth-”
He’s lost in it, but it’s when he looks up at you - his big, green eyes against your flushed pussy, that you feel yourself lose it. It’s simultaneously loving and yet so obscene - you can’t bear it. 
You fist your fingers through his hair, shoulders trembling a little off his pillow, your thighs shaking just as hard- and if his hands were free, Harry knows he would be forcing your thighs and your hips down onto the bed. But all he can do is take it now, take it as hard as you are giving it back to him. His face getting wet and messy with it. 
You could scream with how good it feels. And he licks you through it all, only stalling when your nails dig into his head and he feels you shift away from his incessant mouth. “Too sensitive,” you murmur, and Harry finally relents. 
He sits up on his knees, leaning his forehead against your thighs, trying to breathe through his nose. 
He makes a sound in his throat, still gasping against your thigh. You touch his head, urge him to rest against your thigh and he’s grateful. He feels something hanging off the tip of his tongue-
“Harry. Harry, what’s your color?” Tell me. Where are you?”
“Green,” he groans, nuzzling deeper into your skin. “That was- that was just a lot. But I’m green. So fuckin’ green, love..” 
You giggle at that and when he finally does look up at you, he looks so pleased with himself. When you take his face between your hands, he feels warm against your fingertips, from the pressure of your hips and how deeply he was digging his face between your thighs. His lips and jaw are soaked, glistening with you and you’re more than happy to help clean him up, licking the taste of yourself from his mouth and pressing soft, appreciative kisses against his face. 
When you finally step aside, his eyes follow you. He’s appreciative of the fingers you still have in his hair and the way you use them to steer him up and onto the bed. 
“Harry?” His eyes look drunk as they meet yours.  He’s still kneeling. “Are you with me?”
“Always, love.”
You smile at him, giving him another pat on the head, your fingers running through his matted hair. And he nuzzles deeper into your hand. 
“Breathe, baby. Give me your safeword.”
His mind is swimming. He thinks of your eyes narrowing at him over dinner - a field - the bright painting on the wall behind your head. - Plastic crinkling around the bouquet of flowers he held clenched between his fingers on your very first date. The vase of them you keep on the island in your kitchen and next to your bed- smiling over at him, the smell of coffee drifting, the sun hitting the bare skin of your back, the name he has you saved under in his phone-
“Sunflower,” he says, the smile on his lips lazy and triumphant when it finally comes to him. “Sunflower. Sunflower.” 
You’re beaming as you stare down at him and he feels like he wants to sink into the praise in your eyes. 
“Good,” you tell him. “Good. You’re doing so good, Harry.”
His eyes are full now, they’re brimming, prickling with tears. And his jaw is tense. He leans into the cup of your hand and you watch the features of his face flutter, the desperation is still there - simmering, but a calmness passes over him as he leans into your touch. He could be good, he could be so good for you.
God, you want to wreck him. 
“M’cock’s hard,” he says, in the same lazy, almost dazed voice. “S’leaking.”
You make work of both your clothes and then unbuckle his pants and take him out and true to his word - he’s hard. So hard. His expression looks pained when you thumb the raspberry tip of his cock, your mouth watering. He’s too sensitive for that right now, but maybe- you think- hope blooms in your chest. In the future. You could use a ring or-
It’s endearing how reactive he is to you. Not only do his eyes always follow you, but it’s as if his skin’s instinct is to follow you too. 
“Harry, I’m going to untie your hands. Would you like that?”
“Yes-Yes Please.” And god his voice breaks twice around your name -you almost want to take pity on him. 
“I’m going to untie them but I want you to listen to me. Listen to me, okay? I want you to raise them above your head, hold onto the headboard. You’re still not going to touch me. Is that understood?”
“Ye-yes,” he stutters out. And oh you love that. Your golden boy, who has had the world at his feet since the beginning - he’s never been denied things. But this, this he’s doing just for you. And for himself.  
He gasps as you work to undress him, pulling his jeans down the length of the bed, then his briefs. You move to straddle his thigh first, leaning down enough to rub yourself against the tiger inked into his skin. At the touch of his thigh against your clit, you moan - and he moans with you - as if he can’t help himself, can’t bear it- feeling you spread open against his skin and being unable to touch you.
“So wet,” he whimpers. “Fuckin’ christ. You’re so wet.”
You allow yourself this moment, a few seconds to rub yourself against him like some kind of cat in heat. Using him until you feel more wetness begin to pool on his skin. You note that his arms are straining with the stretch of the angle he has against the headboard, the veins in his arms a flash of trembling light blue as his fingers shake. 
When finally you feel like you’ve had enough to bear, you swing your leg over his hip and draw yourself down to his pelvis. His face is almost flush with your chest, and you can see the restraint he’s trying to give you - the pupils of his eyes are so wide, and he’s biting into his plush bottom lip, trying not to close the distance between you to suck a beautiful, puffy nipple into his mouth or between his teeth - He needs to be good. He needs to prove to you how good he can be. 
You’re more patient and forgiving this time, spitting on his cock and taking him into your hand. You stroke him a few times, letting the tip of him - just the tip- graze inside of you. 
His eyes and forehead crease at your teasing. 
“You’re so big,” you tell him, and his skin flushes beneath the phrase, his hips bucking up to meet you. 
“B-biggest?” he stutters out and you don’t mistake the nervous lilt at the end of his voice for anything but what it is - a need for confirmation. 
“Biggest. Best I’ve ever had,” you affirm. “Harry. Fuck.”
Pride swells in his chest, making him gasp. 
“God, Harry. That first time we...I didn’t think I’d be able to-. It hurt something good the next morning. Felt like I was aching without you there anymore. - Missed you so much. Missed my baby boy, so much.”
He’s rutting up, hips lifting off the mattress and you feel equally pained for him, your cunt miserably fluttering around nothing too. 
“Fuck. Please,” he begs you, the deepness of his voice making you tremble from the tips of your toes to the roots of your hair. “Take me. Take me.”
You relent, letting yourself slide down the length of him - and oh, this is nice. A snug fit. Another memory of him gone unjustified. You can feel him in your belly. His cock is so thick and deep, it’s still new but comforting. Like coming home. 
“Feel good, Harry?”
“Yes! Yes. God. Christ. You feel so bloody good-”
You shift so you’re resting against him, the palms of your hands flat against his chest. - But not moving. 
“Please,” he groans, his jaw straining towards the side of the bed. “Please fuck me, princess.”
“What do you want Harry?” you indulge him. You’ve missed his voice just as much as his touch, and you need to hear him say it outloud. 
“Fuck me till I cry. Fuck me, ‘till I’m done for. Christ.” 
His skin flushes like he’s embarrassed, so you lean down to kiss his jaw and mouth. “I will. I will. I’m going to fuck you, Harry.”
You use your hands for balance as you lift your hips, sliding up and down the length of his cock. Moaning loud and gasping hard when he shifts up to meet you thrust for thrust. 
“H-Harry,” you call him, only continuing when his head shifts up, his eyes peering up to meet you and tell you he’s listening. The green intensity of them makes you clench around him. “What if I tied you up? Would you like that?”
His feet are flat against the bed now, his hips shifting up in response - he doesn’t trust his voice right now. He feels so wrecked. All he can say is your name as he impales you on his cock. 
“Or maybe- maybe we’ll go somewhere and you could wear a collar - your collar - tight enough around your neck. Something to take out, huh? Just between the two of us - so you’ll know you’re mine. And when I’m gone again, you won’t ever have a reason to forget.”
Harry could almost choke on his disbelief. Hope and lust seem to twine together and something that feels like hope has been freed from his chest. Your mouth - it’s every fantasy, every secret he’s had - coming alive, coming to fruition hearing it in your voice. 
“I’m going to come on you, going to come on your prick, baby,” you promise him. “Then-then you can come.”
“Yes,” he sputters out in response. “Yes-yes. Use me. Please. Please, love. It’s all I’ve been able to think about-since you’ve been gone. Wanting to make you come.”
There’s no hesitation in his voice, and you feel yourself grow wet at the sound. He knows he’s safe. He knows he has you. His exhibitions are unraveling like a thread. They have been since that first message you sent him. 
He’s rambling now. “Wanna come too. Wanna shoot it in deep. But-need ‘ta feel you first. Need ‘ta feel you quaking around me-Baby, please-”
His eyes go wild when you press your hand against his throat, small tears slipping down his cheeks. Your red fingernails look beautiful against the paleness of his skin. And his knees lift up in a desperate show to fuck into you harder. 
“Fuck. I love you. I love you. Fuck please. Please!”
He’s too lost, plummeting into the safety of the haze you have taken him to - he doesn’t notice the way your eyes narrow in surprise as he gasps from between your fingers. Your heart feels too full, like it might smother your rib cage and you let that feeling take you under. He loves you. He loves you. 
Something overtakes you then. A wave of pride, and something territorial. You feel his words sinking into your bones, and you don’t feel afraid. In fact, you feel something like pride and adoration make a home inside your chest. You’re soaring. He loves you. Your teeth sink into the skin between his neck and shoulder and he groans, a heated sound that makes your skin flush, makes you feel impossibly wetter where you’re holding him between your thighs. It’s a mark to match the ones you have left on his left pec and his thighs, the line on his hip, and your handprints around his throat.. And for days to come, beneath the dim candlelight of his bedroom or the sunlight peeking through his bathroom in the morning - he will marvel at them, but now, now he’s too overcome. 
“Harry,” you rake your nails through the back of his head and grab a fistfull of his hair, harsh and tight. “I’m gonna come. You’re gonna make me cum. I want to come for you. You’re so good.”
He chokes as he feels yourself clench around him, swallowing him deep. You’re shaking, tugging his hair, and saying his name - “Harry, you’re perfect. My beautiful-Harry.” And watching you come on his cock, it’s still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. 
You kiss him through it all and as you come back down. You’re tired, slick, and still recovering but your hands grasp Harry’s. Your fingers clenched between his long fingers, squeezing tight around his rings and pressing down on his wrists. 
You lean down so your mouth is pressed between the pink wetness of his mouth, tugging at his bottom lip with your teeth. 
“Do you want to come inside me? You can, my sweet- Harry. You can. Only you. Come inside me Harry-.”
He doesn’t need much now. You’re grinding against him, lazy and slow. Licking into his mouth. 
“Come inside you,” he repeats your words, gasping against your face. You feel his arms flexing beneath your touch, his hips pistoning his cock in and out of you. Arousal -both yours and his- dripping between your thighs. It’s a mess, but it’s your mess. “All I want - ‘ta come inside you.”
You press your fingers against his throat again and his eyes roll back into his head again. You push the weight of your hips against his pelvis and then feel it - the first few spurts of his release inside you, warm and comforting-
“Fuck. I’m coming. Y/N. I’m fuck-”
You hold him as it happens, your fingers around his throat only relenting when his hips have stopped stuttering and he’s finally stopped calling your name. 
Spent, you collapse on him. Tapping his hands and wrists and loosening them. - “You can touch me. Harry- you can touch me.”
You stay with him for a long moment, it’s a space of time you both need. He’s coming down from where you took him so high, and you need to feel grounded, tethered next to him in every way you can right now. The bites and marks you’ve left on him pulse and throb, and his skin feels like it’s been lit on fire. He aches in the best way possible. He feels each throb like an ache under the intensity of a magnifying glass.
Your hair acts like a curtain over both of you as you plant soft, wet kisses over his neck, his temple, his face. Kissing away his tears. Your fingernails tracing over the tattoos on his stomach and chest as you tell him how well he did, how good, how hard he made you come. It makes him feel looked after, cherished, adored.
Your skin is a warm and comforting weight against his back, until he feels like he’s floated down again, his feet firmly planted.
It’s only when you’re sure he’s stopped trembling, and his heartbeat has slowed beneath the palm of your hand, that you break the surface of this bubble you’ve created together- 
“Harry?” you call to him. 
“Mmm,” he grunts. 
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fuckin’ perfect,” he says. “Love?”
“S’okay if I...I’ll be right back. Need to get us both cleaned up, babe.”
“I’ll-” he starts, and you can almost see his tall frame trying to lift from the  bed. 
“You don’t have to do anything, beautiful,” one of your hands comes up to press him back down against the mattress. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere, handsome.” You press a wet kiss to his head again to soothe him and laugh as he makes a joke - “Think ya properly fucked my brains out. Can’t move, love.”
You walk to the bathroom on trembling legs and feet, and retrieve a wet washcloth to clean both of you up, only pausing to smile faintly at your reflection in the mirror - you look disheveled and happy. You hurry to grab a water bottle from the fridge and then patter back to Harry’s room and make him take a few sips from it. He stares up at you from beneath the throat of the bottle and you try to ignore the way you feel yourself flush beneath the awe in his eyes. 
Only after you’ve pulled a clean pair of underwear on him, do you join him on the mattress again. You crawl onto the bed knees first, and Harry’s breathing slows as he feels you tug him towards you, your face pressed between both of his broad shoulder blades. 
You listen to the heavy thud of his heartbeat through his back. 
“I love you too,” you tell him quietly, finally. “Love you too.”
He makes a muffled sound, and then though he feels heavy and his body protests against the movement, he turns in your embrace so he can look in your eyes. 
“Heard that, did you?” he tries to laugh. But you feel worry cementing itself in your heart when he doesn’t look up to meet your eyes. 
“Don’t have to say it back, y’know?” he finally says. “Don’t have to say it just because I did. Don’t have to know what to do with it. You can have it- you can have me either way.”
You lean up a little to brush your hands through his hair, and so he can tilt his head up to meet you. The edge of his jaw against the cusp of your breasts, the pink of his mouth sitting so pretty against your chest, his eyes half lidded and still so fucked out. You wonder if he grasps exactly what he’s telling you. 
“I know I love you. And I know I missed you so much, Harry. I want to take care of you.”
His heart thrills at what that could mean. “Want ‘ta take care of you too. Want to make you feel good.”
“You do. You’re the best. I love you and,” you smile a little, fingers brushing over the bite you left on his neck. “You’re mine.”
He laughs a little, drawing a glance at the mark too. His big hand closing over yours. “I love you too. Been wanting to say it for a long time.”
“I’m glad you did right now.” You smile at him, and the anxiety he was feeling seems to falter. He smiles back.
“Did you mean what you were saying?” Harry says, reaching for you even as sleep looms over the edge of his thoughts. “About the choker and the ring and summat?”
“’Course, whatever you want,” you smile at him above the duvet pulled up over both of your shoulders. “Trust me?”
“Know I do,” he smiles, the dimple in his cheek deepening. 
Your face softens as you reach up to trace it with your fingers. “I’m many things, Harry Styles, but I’m not a liar,” you laugh. 
“Know you are,” he laughs back, the gravely sound of it making you feel light and wonderful. Bright and adored. “First and foremost though, you’re my sunflower.”
You seem to beam under the look in his eyes. You pull him close, tucking yourself under his chin, and kissing one of the sparrows on his chest. “I am,” you tell him. “I am.” 
A/N: If you’re wondering, yes, the story and title were both inspired by the song of the same name by 5SOS.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Stand In Chapter Two
Your finally about to film your first scene for a teaser and things have just became real but how are you going to get through make up along side Henry for hours without fangirling? especially when he keeps staring at you like that?
Warnings: Swearing, fluff
A/n: so got a few people that like this idea which really shocked me. I'm trying really hard to make y/n one of us fangirls I really want you to be able to put yourself in this one. Like seriously if I had the chance to meet him I'd just fucking freeze on the spot go red scream and melt into a puddle of goo... I'd be way to anxious to approach him or ask for a photo..Any who enjoy this next chapter xxx
Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99​ @thummbelina​ @sofiebstar​
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You yawned loudly as you trudged out of your new comfy trailer: which was actually one of those fancy ass tour buses. You grabbed your bag with a few bits in it...Phone, snacks, purse, snacks, script, snacks....more snacks. What?You got hungry!You opened the door wrapping your cardigan around you tightly as you ventured out into the dark it was freezing the cold air making you shiver. A four am start was always a shock to the system and today was your fifth, your alarms on your phone had gone of again and again and again, blaring and screaming at you. Since the whole becoming and actress and Lauren pulling a contract seemingly out of her ass thing had happened a few days ago, you hadn't seen much of Henry and Joey they had been busy filming and training.
You were slightly smaller then 'she who shall not be named coughDickcough' so some of the fight scenes had to be reworked...Yes at some point you and 'Geralt' were going to come to blows in a fight scene and you were bricking it. For more then one reason;
One. I mean come on the huge hunk of a man; the star of every single late night fantasy you've pretty much ever had!, tossing you around and possibly pinning you down? Grunting and growling the entire time? and your supposed to look angry? Hahaha no...
And two. Well Henry is a large imposing man and Geralt is supposed to be frightening in those scenes so...How the fuck are you gonna stay in character and fight him when your simultaneously scared shitless , remembering choreography and creaming your panties....Like fuck that's gonna be some crazy self control needed right there. If you get through it with out fangirling; which would be a miracle in itself you deserve a fucking Oscar. But that's a problem for another day...Tomorrow in fact. The point is you felt a little bad because he had worked so hard before and now he has to relearn it all and he has been working super hard on it..you don't want to mess up.
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But that’s not to say you have been idle oh no! You'd been hard at work learning lines and undergoing your transformation from y/n into Keira which was completely insane. Once fully kitted out you would be....Well not you...But it was you, a super weird experience you were sure but you was looking forward to it all coming together. You had to wear a wig, your hair was just a little to short naturally skimming your shoulders. You were glad really you loved your lilac hair it took a lot of work to keep up with it!.
The wig was a bright blonde not as bright as Freya's hair for Ciri but still quite light, more golden then pale it was a strange color, hard to describe. The wig itself fell down to just past your shoulders in large loose silky waves and even though you had green eyes you were still going to get contacts, it had been mentioned that they want your eyes to be an impossible bright green, all the mages seemed to have bright eyes and you were no different. You were dreading it , you'd never wore them and have a thing about eyes...You don't like touching them or other people touching them eyes aren't meant to be fiddled with you know? ...You need them to see kind of?
Apart from that things had gone well the dresses just needed to be taken up a few inches and the rest of the transformation was mostly attitude , props and make up thankfully the make up was mostly highlights and color correcting that sort of thing. You walked across the set following the light emitting from the hair and make up trailer, you could see from here a few people were up and about inside. Within a few moments you were inside standing off to the side unsure where to put yourself or your bag ,it was just you and a few of the make up artists there. Holly was in charge of you, you got on well with her helping her out a lot before all this and was glad to have her as your artist she put you at ease which is definitely what you needed ,she came over smiling and directed you to your seat.
"So! Todays the day huh? Your first shoot you excited?" You gave a nervous laugh.
"Terrified more like, Its not long apparently they need a teaser for the character to go out and to stick in the trailer....I'm so fucking out of my depth it is unreal! Each day has been a whirlwind and I still don't know if I can pull this off...I'm not an actress" she stood behind you combing your hair back looking at you in the mirror fixing you with a look and struck your crown with the flat of the comb.
"Hey enough of that, you got this just go out there and give it your best. Joey was actually stunned when you did your reading he said he has never seen an actress like you before" you frowned looking around at her slightly twisting in your seat.
"Probably hasn't seen one like me cos I'm not and actress but okay I will bite..What exactly did he say?" She blinked at you leaning back waving the comb about shocked looking for words.
"You-hah? I don't even, you really don't even know how big a deal this is do you?" You blinked shaking your head as she was caught up in her own shock.
"Err no duh? Not an actress remember" you huffed she pointed the lethal comb to your face and make a circle motion she chuckled when you flinched and spun round twisting to face the mirror again.
"Talent. He and Henry were talking about you the other day, they couldn't believe that someone with talent like yours hadn't been picked up on. Apparently the way you just...Turned off your own personality shut down your personal feelings like that and became Keira so effortlessly is rare... Said it was like flipping a switch. A complete personality change like that with no prior training or mentoring is the holy grail. Untapped talent I think was the term used. Henry said he has only seen it twice before and that is saying something with everything he has under his belt... So trust me when I say your going to do great" you flushed they thought it was that good? Henry though you had talent.. you smiled feeling giddy blushing a little.You watched as she moved getting some leave in conditioner to make your hair behave itself.
"It's...It can't be that rare it just comes from having to hide anxiety...Can't let people know your having a meltdown...That’s all I was doing hiding a fucking anxiety attack!" She scoffed running a comb through your hair making sure the product was evenly spread through the strands preparing to split it into two plaits to hide under the wig.
"Babe I saw the video there was more going on there..Perhaps you should watch it and see for yourself It really was like watching someone flip a switch" You shook your head slightly resulting in having the comb waked across it again making you flinch
"Stay still! Its bad enough that you fucking washed it! I can't plait it if your moving!" You sat straight
"SoRrY MoThEr-ouch fuck not with the brush!!" She smirked and carried on plaiting the strands neatly.
"Did you bring your lines to practice?" You went to nod but stopped when she sighed tugging on your hair a little keeping the plait tight to your head.
"Yes I did thought I could get some last minute reading...I think I've got them all down tho" she nodded
"That’s good because your wig is a little late, they are dying it again...Apparently yellow blonde isn't right for your skin so your getting a white silvery ash blond now...A muted tone they said. Think its basically going to be a super light blonde with a lilac or blue tint, fucking wish they would hurry up and choose I need to settle on your face tones! Any who it should be here in about an hour" you whined
"I could have had an extra hour in bed?! Why wasn't I told!? You know your job would be a lot easier if I had beauty sleep!" She laughed loudly tying your first plait off with an elastic before starting the other one.
"I'm sure it would but you do know this is like a late start? Some of the scenes your booked in here for one and two o'clock in the morning~" she through her head back laughing at your pout.You stayed in the make up trailer for a while and Holly had called over to wardrobe about the delay so,thankfully your costume was going to be delivered over here which was less running about for you. So here you were in hot seat waiting ,there wasn't much you or Holly could do at this point but wait.  She couldn't work on your face until she had the the wig on you for color reference. She had left a few moments ago promising a coffee on her return.
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You hummed scrolling through your phone messaging your eldest brother and Mother who you had let slip to about your new drastic career change. they were trying to calm you down, knowing you well enough that you was getting yourself into wound up ball of anxiety and panic. You were so engrossed in your phone you didn't notice a certain bear trot in to the room until you had a huge snoot wedged under your phone trying to nudge your hands for some love. You jumped so on edge you yelled out as you was touched.
"OH FUCK WHAT IS-OOOH well hello there~" you looked around quickly then seeing you was still alone you decided to indulge and immediately placed your phone on the table in front of you and leaned back looking between your legs going gaga over the handsome boy. Kal was sitting looking up at you smiling panting away as you petted him on auto pilot. You blinked it took everything you had not to squee out loud somehow managing to keep it inside 'OH MY FUCK KAL! I'm like petting THE Bear... Wow he is so fucking fluffy!...Okay girl stop he is looking at you weird...That’s it chill don't scare him away...Good remember dogs can smell psycho....Cool and calm yeah he is just a dog...BUT HE FUCKING ISN’T THIS IS THE BEAR!' you leaned down cooing at him making baby talk as he lapped up the love moving his head to make you hit the right spots around his ears and chin. You managed to get over the fangirling and enjoy scratching the good boys ears digging your fingers in the thick fur enjoying the softness.
"Oh look at you!? So sweet huh?.....Are you a good boy?....Yesh you are! Cute baby! Getting your chin scratches such a fluffy good boy!" You giggled as he seemed to take your compliments to heart thumping his tail a few beats then stood up you followed rubbing down his back as he moved.
He must have liked your attention because before you know it he was climbing onto his hind legs leaning over your lap with his front paws. From there Kal had sneakily gone the whole nine yards, the happy Akita had some how clambered up into the chair with you making it squeak under the strain as he engulfed your lap still receiving his well earned scratches. You giggled at him moving your arms around him letting him do as he pleased rubbing his belly and chest he sat content leaning his weight on your chest pinning you to the back of the seat.
You grinned wrapping him in a big hug still twisting his fur in your fingers diligently showering him with the attention the good handsome boy deserved.
"Wow look at you such a handsome boy!... OH kisses to? Well aren't I a lucky lady" you moved at he tilted his head back licking at your face being a right soppy little pup, out for all the love he could get.
"Wow your lucky Holly hasn't done my face yet, she won't like you ruining all her hard work!" He pulled away and just panted happily then rested his head on your shoulder huffing. You smiled still hugging him rubbing you face into his fur. Then out of the blue his tail began thumping your leg in excitement. You pulled back from the hug and brushed your fingers through his coat seeing Holly and Henry arrive.
"Oh haha. Looks like Kal made a friend!" Holly giggled Henry sighed looking for him then gasped doing a double take when he saw the Akita draped across you sitting on your lap leaning his head on one shoulder as you petted him. His heart clenched a smug sort of 'that’s my boy!' he enjoyed seeing you snuggling the bear, it was something he could get used to seeing. He snapped out of it and made his way to you both.
"KAL! You what are you doing boy? Come on down!...Tin-I err Y/n I am so sorry... He doesn't usually do this... Come on Kal you big lump! Your probably crushing her!" Kal eyed Henry from the corner of his eye pretending not to here him huffing loudly past your ear. You smiled and waved Henry off trying to be casual as your inner fangirl raged pretty much foaming at the mouth. You was thankful that Kal was ignoring his dad as his big frame hid your creeping blush giving you the confidence to speak as you tucked your face further into him as you spoke quietly.
"I-its fine really...I...Y-yeah was kind of worrying about today he I... I think he sensed my anxiety...His cuddle is helping a lot..." Henry stopped his approach eyeing the two of you. He meant what he said Kal was well behaved and gentle but he never cuddled on a stranger's lap, not like he did with him anyway. But he knew Kal picked up on anxiety attack's and it was entirely possible he had wandered in here and wanted to comfort you. Henry blushed a little and took his seat next to you nodding trying to take in the scene before him as much as possible.
"Okay...W-well don't let him guilt trip you, that boy gets so many cuddles its unbelievable... Just..I-if he gets to much get him down...He knows he isn’t allowed on the chairs..hehe not that you can tell... Its best not to spoil him too much" you flushed smooshing your face in to the Akita’s neck trying to hide from the man who seemed to be staring yet again. He moved forward placing two coffees before you then placed his in front of him. You rose a brow at the two cups.
"I-I...ahem I wasn't sure how you'd want it-fuck haha... Shit.... I meant the drink....you-your coffee...Fuck... I didn't know how you liked your coffee" you blinked at him as he got a little flustered you groaned as you reached forward peeking at the cup as Holly moved about behind you moving her equipment around.
"Henry was already picking you up a coffee insisted on getting it treated me to~" you smiled and reached over popping the lids the first black the other with milk.
"T-thank you ...you didn't have to" his face split into a grin as he mentally pat himself on the back.
"No no your welcome! These four am starts are pretty brutal for anyone to get used to..." he chuckled as you moved over sipping the coffee slowly, you tried not to pull a face it was a little to bitter for your taste needing one more sugar but you didn't want to seem rude. An awkward silence fell over the two of you and he sat there staring, you kept taking small sips trying to hide more in Kals shadow.
"S-Sorry for the coffee....Its a bit bitter I know...Should of added more sugar"
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Henry was kicking himself as the silence grew, great fucking brilliant the first time he gets you alone and he says something like that!? scolding himself and his own fucking stupidity. 'How you'd want it? What the fuck Cavill?! Smooth why not just come out and say how should I fuck you? Yeah wait a go!' He sighed leaning back in the chair eyeing you as you sat clearly uncomfortable with him there 'yeah and now be a creeper and stare that will fucking help...Still staring mate stiilll staring....SAY SOMETHING FOR GOD SAKE!' That did the trick he could see you were trying to hide your distaste over the coffee. 'There apologize for shit coffee!' That was his opportunity!"S-Sorry for the coffee....Its a bit bitter I know...Should of added more sugar"  he watched with baited breath shivering as you licked at a small loose drip off your bottom lip and gulped. Definitely nervous... Or maybe you just didn't like him? That could be it! you did run from him and you flirted with Joey not him. Henry could feel a lump in his throat and felt a weight on his chest...Was that it you just didn't like him?...He hummed trying to ease the heavy feelings around him, his own anxiety starting to creep over him he clenched his jaw. No you had no reason to dislike him...You didn't know him he would just have to interact with you thats all...Make him self known then? And then? Maybe let you know he was interested...Drop hints?. He straightened up in his seat a wave of determination washed over him he tilted his head looking at Kal trying not to be creepy as shit.
"I err no thank you...I-its fine... Ive got a huge sweet tooth anyway..." he smiled you were talking, albeit quietly and stuttering but it was a start! He could work with that.
"I will have to...Err remember that for next time." He watched you spin the cup and frown slightly seeing the scribbled name on it. Shit you must think he was an ass! It wasn't your name it was his and Joeys nickname for you....Wow how could he think that was a good idea! You must think he'd forgot your actual name!
"I err me and-well that’s....Fuck" you looked at him a little sad. Yep definitely thought he'd forgot...Tinks had just stuck.
"Me err me and Joey ...well joey gave you a nick name so...it stuck I'm sorry you must think I'm a dick" you shook your head taking a deep breath closing your eyes then placed a false smile. For a self proclaimed 'non-actress' you did so effortlessly and supposedly without even knowing bottling up you feelings and slapping on a smile... He wasn't sure he liked it, faking a smile when he could tell he had upset you.
"It's fine...I don't think your a-a dick...H-how can I expect you to remember silly details like that... We did only meet once and you've got more things to worry about" 'and award to the biggest prick on set goes to drum roll...you ,you fucking ass! Fix it! Fix it now Henry! Look even Kal isn't impressed!' He quickly lent forward wanting to fix his fuck up like right fucking now!
"No! No nothing like...I mean its not a silly detail! Your name it's- y/n I know it! I know your name! Me and Joey have seen you around for a while he called you Tink's..Its after Tinkerbell!..A-a nickname just a nickname nothing meant by it!.....We called you it for so long it just stuck when we spoke about you and ....Well I thought it suited you so just sort of...Yeah.." you blinked at him then looked back to the cup.
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'Holy shit! They gave you a nickname oh my god! that’s crazy....Right focus girl see he didn't forget either he knows you knows your name!...Fuck me! life got weird quick' You bite your lip looking at him confused then glanced to the cup Tink's scribbled across it haphazardly. You smiled at it trying to fight down the building squeal of excitment, it was so sweet you it made you feel...welcome? You'd been worried that you being on the job now had put a strain on everyone. It seems as if everyone has had to work harder because of you and you felt almost...guilty like an inconvenience. Kal sat up pulling away from you then tucked his snout under your chin snorting into your chest. You moved ruffling the base of his ears lightly.
"T-Tinkerbell?" He smiled softly as you pampered Kal you must have started getting upset as Kal moved digging into you comforting you. He loved how Kal was helping you when he himself couldn't. He hissed through his teeth nervously and moved his head around slightly.
"Well...Yes Joey had seen you...And you reminded him of a fairy he just sort of started calling you Tink's you know? after Tinkerbell....It fits....Small and cute" you pressed your face back to Kal tucking your glowing cheeks. He called you cute 'aaaaahhhhhhhgggggg! Cute he. Henry-Mother-Fucking- Cavill called you cute! He thinks your fucking cute fuckingohmygod! Yes girl GET IT!...Right okay and chill woooo! Right yep done? done!'
"I...We will stop if you don't like it ...Its probably weird right?" You shook your head pulling away from his dog when you were sure you could pass the blush off as a chill or something.
"No its...Its fine...I-I just didn't think...You know cos of me you-everyone has a shit tonne more work now...Just feel like well..I don't know burden I suppose" his face dropped.
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'you what? You thought you were a burden?' He blinked forgetting all his anxieties and nerves overcome with a need to help you, you got it wrong so so wrong he is ecstatic you were now his costar! He cant wait to get going! That’s why he is here nearly forty five minutes early! So he can get to know you he gathered you must be nervous and well...He wanted to be your knight in shinning amour....Or witcher in leather doublet a it were. Everyone who was 'in the know' was just so happy that you’d decided to do this, your saving The Witcher for Christ sake! But you didn't see it like that? He moved over grasping your hand without thinking,it was only when he felt you tense he realized he was touching you but by some act of god he managed to beat down a full blown fucking melt down trying not to dwell on how soft your skin was. 'Why it is so soft?....what does she do?...Moisturizer?.....Wonder if she'd let you watch?- WOAH OKAY THERE BOY SLOW DOWN!.....But she even smells ugh fuck could just eat this woman....Henry! Stop fucking sniffing her...Shes upset and your just here being so..FUCKING ...CRINGE! Seriously!?...Now would be the time to speak cavill...I mean you are just rubbing her wrist staring ...Again.' he swallowed managing to hopefully shake away his thought before you got too creeped out by him.
"No! No don't Please don't ever feel like that...Your not a burden to me or-or Joey or anyone here! Your keeping this going if it wasn't for you we'd all be out of work...I-I am really grateful for you choosing to help...I Love this role-this project and your the one who has saved it!...I know it must be hard trying to navigate all this but please if you ever need help or anything you can come to me ....Even if its just to talk ....Promise me if you ever start thinking or ever made to feel like that come talk to me...Okay I mean that y/n you can come talk to me anytime" Henry watched seeing an array of emotions cross your eyes you were still unsure but he would help. He would be there for you if it was the last thing he did, he wanted to be a colleague, friend, someone you could come to and confide in!
He wanted you to come to him if you got overwhelmed of upset he had already been speaking about the press tour after he was trying to make sure you were never going to be  alone in interviews he wanted to protect you form the more public side that was going to be the real shock. Filming was easy you knew what you were in for but tv? Journalists and critics? Yes that was going to be... A wake up call luckily for you Henry was going to be all over you by then he hoped. When it boiled down to it he wanted to be so much more then a mentor and friend but for now he would work towards friendship and try to get one conversation over with out fucking up stuttering or blushing. You blinked and nodded slowly.
"Th-thank you for saying that-" he shook his head you didn't believe him and smiled what he hoped was sincerely.
"Its not just words I do truly mean it Tink’s...I'm here for you and so is Kal apparently" he smiled when he got you to giggled the moment of doubt truly passed as you snuggled the bear again. 'And breath...Well that went well...Fuck she is so cute with him, I should get a picture...you know to commemorate her first proper day...Would that be weird of him? Hey can I have a photo of you to keep on my phone please?..Yeah okay maybe not like that' it was sweet watching as kal quickly become your teddy bear. The pup seemed not to mind in the slightest just happy to be getting away with blue murder and get cuddles for it!. He had moved and was now resting his head on your other shoulder sitting up with his back to Henry, Kal was basically hugging you tucking your neck and shoulder under his chin to his chest.
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Henry smiled nodding cutely seemingly pleased with himself as he pulled back then. He blinked quickly as if remembering something and sat up getting his phone out he was about to speak but was cut off by the sound of the door as it opened again it was then that Holly made an appearance, you didn't even notice she had left. You smiled happy feeling better in yourself Henry's words meant something you actually believed that he meant it. It was nice to know he didn't hold anything against you for all the extra work your arrival had dumped on him.
"Haha! Here they are one wig for you sir! And for the lady!" She placed two wigs on the table in front of your respective chairs, both of which were pinned on two wig mannequin's. You placed you feet on the bar sitting up getting a groan for one Kal who was comfy.
"Oh shush you" Henry huffed a laugh as you scolded the bear. 
"Wow that’s... How'd they even do that?" Henry looked over to yours and whistled. It was sleek and very very light ah blonde you could just see a hint on lilac from the toner used giving the hair an almost ethereal look yet still a believable tone. Holly gushed
"I know right! They said they took into account your hair color now because of how it complimented your skin....Honestly it mean you wont need as much color correcting as before with the gold! And along side this these came to!" She moved producing a small pile of contact lenses boxes. You looked to her uneasy making some weird unconvincing sound.
"Oh hush love~ contacts aren't that bad! You just pop 'em in" you blinked and gave her a look.
"Yeah...pop em in your fucking eyes! That you need to see!...God they can't like slip back can they?" Henry and Holly chuckled and shaking their heads.
"No...They can't your lris is slightly bulged they sit on that bulge! I can categorical attest they do not slide back or get stuck...I promise trust me?" He tilted his head at you and you eyed the contacts 'well he has used them for a while..so he would know' you gave a slight nod
"Good I promise I won't stear you wrong! I normally wait until the hair and stuff is done and put them in just before make up, sometimes the hair on the wig can get catch them when styling and that is a bit uncomfortable especially if they move" you snapped your gaze to him
"M-Move!? B-but you- You just said they don’t!" He chuckled rubbing his hand over his neck.
"I-I well yes I did just say that...W-What I meant is they can't go to the back of your eye...But if you touch them once in they can slip just...Once their in don't touch them until you want to take them out and you will be fine" you eyed him carefully and nodded.
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Holly moved about the room quickly switching make up pallets and the woman in charge of Henry's hair and make up came in with her kit opening it ready to get started. You couldn't help but be relieved in a way to have him turn and stat a conversation with her taking the heat off you. 'AANNDD BREATH...well that wasn't to bad? Sure you used kal as a hiding spot but the good boy didn't mind' you looked to the content dog still rubbing his tummy absent minded. 'Yeah the bear was happy, soo your first real conversation with the stunningly handsome Mr Cavill wasn't to bad....But fuck he thought you were cute? Oh boy that is just fucking mind blown! There you go girl you could die right now and be one very happy woman!... And he wants to help you! And you know I do think he meant that....He is very sweet, and he got you coffee! AAAHHHGGG! Like not dinner but the man got you food...Well food it was a coffee...Still he got it for you babe! You go girl!' Your thoughts were interrupted when a cheerful Joey made an appearance at the door
"Good morning! How are we all today?" You smiled at how happy he was. He got a series of replies from grunts to 'fine how are you?' He spotted you and laughed.
"Shit Kal? Pulling the moves already? You know she's twice your age a tleast?" The dog huffed and you petted him giggling.
"Don’t listen to him boy~ you be you...such a good little pup huh? Yesh you are...And your keeping me warm huh? Little hot water bottle....Yesh you are...You an sit on my lap any time good baby~" Henry chuckled out of the side of his mouth trying not to move as his make up artist began to comb through his hair readying him for the wig.
"God don't tell him that, he would never get off if he could help it, he love his cuddles...And snout kisses its why he is holding his head like that by the way...He wants kisses" you giggled and looked at Kal who was sitting still holding his cheek near your face.
"Oh baby~ you want kisses?" You quickly moved in peppering kisses on his cheek. When you stopped you laughed as he turned to you giving kisses back. Henry smiled your laugh becoming something he was determined to hear at least once a day!
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Joey watched slyly. It seemed Henry was going to have Kal be a wing man...dog? In his journey of wooing you. He smirked he would help to! It was clear that you liked Henry ...Henry certainly liked you so it won't take to much pushing.
"So Henry...What are you doing here? Your early not meant to be here until five. " Henry froze and looked panicked and met Joeys eyes in the mirror. Joey smirked knowing full well You had heard Henry squinted at the singer giving him a 'what the fuck?' Look
."I-I wanted to make sure Tinks was okay...It is her first day...Dont want her to be in here going through the motions alone we are a team" Joey smirked 'well okay if that how you want to play'
"Thats very sweet of you!, Oh! Yes we need pictures! It is your first day Tinks!" He turned to Henry's artist who had just got the wig on. Leaning down he grasped the witchers shoulders squeezing.
"Can I brorrow him?" She smiled nodding with a chuckle Joey smiled and ushered Henry up swiping the mans phone from the side and handed it to Holly, who took it and stepped back as joey spun your chair around to face her.
"Do you mind? We need to document this, The day the witcher was saved!" You blushed as both Joey and Henry stood either side of you ,They each crouched a little placing their faces next to yours and smiled, Henry had tucked kal's head to the side so he could get a good view of you. Once the photos were snapped Joey looked at them excited.
"Wow! Henry you have to send these to me so I can tweet them!" You blushed as Henry nodded grinning then looked you his screen then to you. He could kiss Joey! Henry now had a reason to get your number, whatsapp ,face book fuck everything!
"I will send these to you...You know if you want, I mean you don't have to if Joey is tweeting them... But I could send them....Only if you want... No pressure!" Joey sighed watching the great white wolf fumble over his words still rambling. Even the other women were watching fascinated as the unshakable Henry got himself all flustered.
"You know make memories... A-along the way...You never know Tink’s could be the start of a completely new career!haha..." An awkward silence fell over the room as henry eventually trailed of with a nervous laugh. Joeys eyes fell to you, you sat dead still shocked then finally blinked snapping out of what ever thoughts were going on you were slowly blushing. You were definitely interested.
"I-I err sure you can send them to me... Here I'll give to my number..." Joey smiled nodding pleased with himself. That worked beautifully if he did say so himself. Henry sent him a thankful glance as you exchanged numbers. He turned as he had a tap on his shoulder.
"Oh god its time already? I hoped to get to know our Tink's...Oh well we can chat on set" he moved around you sitting on the other side of Henry and sat down letting his own artist begin.
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You had sat in the chair for another hour or so getting tweaked then had been ushered to change in a sectioned off little changing room. You came back out ready to see Keira for the first time. Henry and Joey stole glances at you
"Wow...Fuck you look...Wow" you smiled at Henry shyly as he kept sweeping his eyes over you seemingly awed at the final look. If you were honest it made you a little self conscious. How could it not! he was; if you squinted, kind of checking you out..In a way? you avoided eye contact willing yourself to calm down as your heart pounded away at top speed.
"What he means is you look fantastic!" You smiled unsure and pulled at the skirt of the dress, your first scene with them was a party so it was very elegant it was designed to be seductive with a swooping neckline and swirling delicate detailing over the collar  it was heavy to being made out of a heavy velvet material you were happy there wasn't any running you'd collapse in minuets.
"Th-thanks...Its heavier then I remember..." Joey smiled admiring the look."You look brilliant! Look Henry is speechless!" Henry swallowed  dryly. Fuck you looked quickly then turned away... Wow... His fantasy was nothing compared to you here in full costume... Henry shook his head remembering every detail to recall later.
"Y-you look...Better then I imagined! It-she....Your..." you flushed a little and moved past him to your seat wanting to sit down and calm yourself being in costume had brought it home you were doing this...You were going to actually be in witcher as a cast member!. You sat down taking a deep breath. You could feel the anxiety .Shit. Kal popped his head out from under Henry and glanced up at you he was still sulking.
"What puppy?! I'm sorry...I know Holly is so mean huh? making you jump down like that" He huffed again ears twitching then he heaved himself up again and sat before you tapping you with a large paw, you smoothed your hands across him somehow just petting the gentle boy was calming you down. Henry and Joey exchanged looks Kal must be picking up on your nerves.
"Yes oh I know... But don't worry we can have cuddles after okay?" You said calming considerably as you spoke to him. Henry chuckled at the exchange and Joey piped up.
"Is he being a grumpy boy?" Henry tilted his head.
"No a needy boy I think... he has got a new favorite snuggle buddy" you blushed at that and soon Kal laid down out of petting distance. All three of you were nearly done...Well you were done, you hadn't until now seen the whole get up together wardrobe and hair and make up had been separate until now. You quickly glanced up and froze wow...This new wig was definitely better now, you felt... you didn't know it was completely strange seeing someone different staring back at you in the mirror.
"Wow....Thats-this is crazy..." you leaned in turning your head this way and that moving your hand slowly to your face, Henry smiled at you.
"Yes...It's always strange the first time in character..." you nodded to him dumbly still inspecting yourself moving to run your fingers threw you 'hair'
"So fucking weird"
"And about to get a whole lot weirder! time for these bad boys~" you whined at Holly as you watched her wave the slim box holing your contacts.
"Oh? please tell me she isn't getting blue? I love the green!"Joey protest was flattering as he and Henry came closer wanting to see, you stood awkwardly twisting your hands in the sleeves of your costume. Henry smiled opening your box peeking at the color
"Hey...They're going to look amazing! Tink’s you get green look!" Joey leaned over and smiled
"Yeah and they have that nice dark ring around the outside to! really going to pop...Well come on girl get them in we have what ten minuets?" he directed his question to Holly who giggled nodding. You gulped looking at the small colored discs warily...
"How? I've never...They're safe right? wont get stuck of something?" Henry seeing another opportunity to bond with you jumped up collecting his own contacts box Joey took a step back so you could et closer and watch Henry's lesson smirking knowingly as a stupid uncharacteristic grin spread across 'Geralt's' face.
"Here look its fine...Just hold it like this...And pinch it if it folds like this..see? Like that...Then its okay if it curls out and has a lip then its inside out." You watched as he gave you a quick glance.
"I-Inside out? wh-what happens if that happens?" Henry quickly tried reassuring you.
"No! its not-it will just be uncomfortable...Nothing bad will happen or anything its just irritable....Right pick yours up like I’m doing...That's it!...See...Then hold open your eye and....Just try and pop it in...You can do it looking down or up which ever is comfy, I'm used to it so can do it standing up right....And if it moved like mine just has...Typical! just look around and....There see! easy!" Henry explained his contacts lesson well, it did seem simple he let you watch as he placed in the other contact explaining once again how to put them in as he did. You watched intently blushing each time he moved in closer so you could see.
"O-okay...So just press it and it will stick?" he nodded and you bit your lip 'come on girl...that's it just like when you do liquid eyeliner stab your eyeball with it!' you looked to you mirror and began to poke your eyes with Henry and joey watching closely commenting as you did so. One Joey pep-talk and eighteen tries later you finally got them in with a tiny round of applause ,It was actually pretty cool, your eyes popped a really bright and had a dark ring that made your iris a little larger adding to the ethereal atheistic.
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The three of you made your way out of the trailer as Geralt ,Jaskier and keira. You took a deep breath when you saw the cameras and lighting as you walked onto set.
"Fuck...shit, shit, shit" Henry and Joey slowed walking beside you patting your back. Henry wrapped an arm around you making sure you didn't bolt which you looked ready to any second, had you not been so panicked you would have clammed up under his heavy arm but it wasn’t on the top of your list of things to worry about right now. Joey followed suit holding you around your back squishing you between them and smiled down at you directing you to the frightening amount of people milling about doing various jobs.
you’d seen it all before but being behind the scenes was completely different to being in front of the camera you slowed until you was barley moving at all.
"Come on Tink’s" with his prompting Joey had in fact sped you up a little, he was stronger then he looked. You took deep breaths trying not to freak out as everyone turned looking at the new comer.
"Th-thats a lot of people.." Joey and Henry hummed in agreement
"Well its a big deal...you've been cherry picked from the assistants Tink's word has got around but everyone wants a peek.." Joey cheerful as ever chuckled into your hair as they got closer to Tomasz who was waiting for you all.
It  was when you saw the director that you really freaked trying to turn around but they two men grunted
"Oh no you don't...Come on your fine"
"I forgot my lines" Henry scoffed
"That fine we memorized them for you to, besides why do you think Tomasz made you do improv?"
"O-okay....I need the bathroom" Joey giggled still helping guide you into the huge makeshift banquet hall
"No you don't its nerves" you shook as they continued ushering you out in front of the crew
"I'm going to be sick" Henry chuckled as bad as it was he couldn't help thinking you looked pretty cute panicking like this trying desperately to find a way to run off and hide.
"Again that’s nerves just breath...We wont let anything happen okay? just take a deep breath...Good now out your going to be fine" you did as he had said to focused on the upcoming filming to even squeal about him looking out for you.
Finally you stopped in front of Tomasz who smiled at you kindly.
"Wow...Look at you! perfect! absolutely perfect! Ready?" You shook your head looking around it felt like everyone involved in the projects was hear to see the stand in.
"No...Not really" he laughed and shook his head at you...You were serious....didn't he think you were serious you fucking was! You didn't know whether you needed to be sick, panic ,cry or use the bathroom.
"...Why are there so many people?" He eyed the crowd
"Well you did pull this whole production from the brink of collapse...They are bound to want to see to woman who has stepped up...I'm sure everyone has told you already but this is a big deal...I don't think I have heard of someone completely untrained taking a role like this. Any way enough chit chat lets get to work shall we?" you were shaking in Keira's boots but...By way the two men still had you stuck firmly between them he knew you'd have all the support you needed, once you started it would be fine.
"Trust me you’ll do fine" he turned with a huge grin
"Places everyone! Remember camera four you start now from the top a sweeping motion left you right? good!" You gulped stomach dropping soon Henry and Joey are moving to their cue's leaving you with one final squeeze and your left on your own wondering. How the fuck did this happen again?.
You took a breath closing your eyes tight looking down collecting yourself pulling a more confident catty seductive woman from within. Unbeknown to you a hush fell over the scene as you did everyone holding their breath waiting to see if you could pull this off.
Joey smiled from beside Henry and said something but Henry didn't even hear what the man had to say, he just smirked entranced as he watched you transform before everyone about to prove to yourself and everyone in the room you could do this. Its what you did last time you closed your eyes and when you opened them you wasn't there anymore.
For anyone who understood what it was, it was incredible to watch everything changed your posture , your aura, your presence felt heavy and playful he could feel it from way over here. When your eyes opened you was a completely different person you could feel it here and now there was no y/n; you was Keira through and through. then with a slow count down the scene began.
"ACTION" you smirked holding your head high. Here we go!
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linyi-is-dreaming · 3 years
The Drop Of A Tear - 14
BTS V x Y/N (Reader)
Summary: Tae meets a woman who is very manipulative. Before he even notices anything, she got him around her finger. He decides to leave his wife Y/N and his four kids to start a new life with the new woman. This perfect house of cards that he had just started to build, starts to unfold as she starts to show her true face. Piece by piece it makes him feel sick. Tae notices his wrong doing as his house of cards starts to fall apart. Regret and hate towards himself makes him wish to turn things around. Will he be able to safe his house of cards and to get back what he once threw away?
It’s been minutes since Y/N keeps starring at the ceiling. The words Jungkook said, felt like medicine to her soul. Even if he might have not meant it one hundred percent the way he said it, it still feels good to hear that she would still be looking good for a mother of four. A smile escapes her lips the longer she thinks about his words. It has been a long time since any compliment was directed to her looks positively. The insecurities about her looks are coming back into her mind as she sits up. Her eyes fall immediately towards the mirror. She tilts her head slightly as she brushes her right hand through her hair. As she steps out the bed, she sighs softly. Y/N puts on her slippers and steps towards the light switch to turn on the light. Her eyes immediately look into the mirror once again as she sits down on the corner of the bed.
“Where exactly, am I still beautiful?”, she asks herself as she looks up and down her mirror image. It might be a short question but it felt like a minute until she noticed that she did not care about her looks for a long time. Her hair is long, but the ends are damaged. Her nails are slightly broken and her nail polish is barely left on her nails. “I am surprised I even got the job...”, she says as she takes a closer look on her nails. Y/N’s eyes move from her knees, to the floor and back to the mirror. “I look so much older than back then...”, she sighs. “My eyes are still swollen. Even as a mother, I got those stupid pimples on my cheek. Why would Jungkook even say I am too beautiful to be an insect? He obviously did not look...” As her hand slides over her thigh, she gets up to step closer to the mirror. The eyes of her keep going up and down her legs. The shape, the stretch marks. Every inch of her body, she keeps looking closer at. “Those legs had better days.”, she comments as the memory of her honeymoon reminds her on how beautiful her legs looked like when they were crossed with Tae. The sunset above the sea, the only thing she heard was Tae’s heartbeat whilst she hugged him. All the memories come back at once like a wave rushing over her. In realization to where her head is heading, she shakes her head to stop  herself up from dreaming away.
It does not take long until she finds another spot on her body that she so deeply dislikes. “Stupid tummy. Why do I not get rid of you? Stupid fat roll...” Her hands find their way to her stomach and starts to squish it. “I was toned. I used to work out before I had a family of my own... I will have to start working out again. Next goal after everything has been taken care of, I will be getting fit again.”, she says confidently as she lets go of her stomach. “It would have been nice, if I went through with the surgeries that the surgeon suggested... I could look so much better today.” She keeps turning in front of the mirror as she stares at her butt. “The only good thing about my body change after becoming a mother. I finally have a nice butt but my breasts... God, I hate the way they look!” Upset of her current look, she takes the closest jacket next to her and covers up the mirror. “So much better.”
“Are you done?”, Jungkook asks as he makes himself being noticeable.
“Huh?”, she says surprised as she turns to look at the door, unaware that anybody had opened the door whilst she was in front of the mirror.
“I actually forgot one of my USB sticks over there.”, he explains slowly as he points at the USB stick next to her on top of the earlier washed clothes. “I brought it to the bedroom but forgot to return it to the studio.”
“Oh.”, Y/N comments as the redness in her face starts to show. Slowly, she picks it up and walks to Jungkook who just closed the door behind him. “Here you are.”
“Thanks.”, Jungkook says as he takes the USB stick from her. “Uhm, Y/N. Can I ask you something?”
“Why did you say those things about yourself?”, he asks carefully as he looks into her eyes intense.
“Sorry, but I do not know what you are talking about...”
“Why are you so judgmental with yourself? You were never vocally this judgmental to anybody around you. What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”, she lies again with a fake smile on her face.
“I think I already told you, do not use a fake smile on me. I can see that something is wrong and I think I even heard what it is about. Just tell me, why did you say that? You always courage your daughters to love themselves. You also tell them how perfect they are, why are you not saying the same thing about yourself to yourself?” Stunned by Jungkook’s words, Y/N clears her throat whilst she plays with her fingers.
“I don’t think that is any of your business.” Her voice sounds quiet and guilty. As Jungkook wonders what else he could say, Y/N looks away to sit down on the bed whilst looking almost everywhere but into his face.
“I think it is though.. I am here for you, which makes it my business.”
“But it is not your business. So, forget what you heard. It was just a ‘i-cannot-sleep-let's-talk-about-something-else-conversation with myself to get sleepy.”
“If I should forget what I heard, you need to listen to what I have to say. I can see on your face that you do not feel happy that I heard you...”
“Jungkook, my thoughts are my thoughts. You understand that, right?”
“Yeah. Yes, of course. Just as I understand that becoming older, looking older is a normal thing. Look at me and at the photos when I debuted. I am not the same person either. Not physically not mentally. That your eyes are swollen is normal due to the situation you are in. Not just that it is almost midnight as well and you are standing here hating your body.”
“Jungkook. You can stop as-”
“I am not done, so listen.”, Jungkook interrupts. Annoyed by Jungkook's words, she crosses her arms in front of her chest. “You might have pimples, but here is some news for you. Even I still get them. Your legs, they might not look like they did in your twenties, but trust me, they still look amazing. Your tummy? Oh, come on. It looks more than fine. When you sit down, there is barely a, how did you call it? Oh yeah, fat roll. You were toned, okay, it might have looked different back then. We can work out together if you want your toned body back. I have some weights here and trust me, the couch is great for training.”, he jokes. “But there is no fat that I can find on you.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“Don’t you get it? You are very beautiful. I noticed that people turn their heads when you pass them. Did you not notice that? Y/N, you are so attractive. Do you know what makes you look unpretty?”
“Jungkook, I appreciate what you are trying to do here but-”
“Answer. Just answer me. Do you know what makes your body look unpretty?”
“I don’t know. I seriously don’t know, Jungkook.”, she sighs as she wishes Jungkook would finally be quiet and just leave the room.
“Then let me tell you. You are feeding this poison to yourself.”
“Hey, I watch my diet!”
“I am not talking about your diet. I am talking about what you just did.”, Jungkook explains as he walks to the mirror to uncover it. “You cover up the mirror to not look at yourself. What does it tell your mind once it is covered? That is your poison, Y/N. The more you say those bad things, the more you feed yourself with this negativity, the more you will believe every single letter of those negative words. Stop asking yourself why anyone says something good or bad about your body. You are the one within it. Embrace it.”
“I am not telling you how to do anything else, because you got that figured out. But I am telling you, as somebody who cares for you, stop poisoning yourself with those thoughts. Do you have any ideas how pretty you actual are? Trust me when I say, that there are women who are adoring other women for their looks. You have no clue how many of them would like to have a killer smile like you. Do you know that there could be someone who would like to walk into a room and get everyone’s attention just by appearing? You do that get this attention!”
“Jungkook, thanks but if I do not see it this way... Thank you, thank you for your kind words but I do not see any meaning in what you are saying.”
“Maybe you should spend time thinking about my words instead of what you do not like about yourself.”, he says in a tone which sounds like a father who is talking to his daughter in a strict tone.
“Why are you talking to me like that? You are behaving like I am a kid. I am an adult like you and a friend of yours. Who do you think you are to talk to me in this tone?”
“I talk to you like that because it drives me crazy!” Jungkook takes a long breath before he steps back to her. “How can someone, who looks like you, not see how damn pretty you are.”
“I am sorry! That is just how I feel...”
“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to yourself!”
“Why are we even having this conversation...?”
“God damn, Y/N. If I could just simply confess to you and show you how pretty-” As soon as Jungkook notices what he just said, he stops himself from talking.Y/N watches as Jungkook’s eyes get bigger as he freezes on the spot. Confused, about what he said, she steps closer to him to have barely any distance to him.
“Confess what? What did you just mean by that?”, Y/N asks puzzled as she looks at him with widen eyes.
“Good night, Y/N.”, Jungkook says quickly as he walks outside the room and closes the door behind him quickly. “I am an idiot!”, he curses himself. “Why, why did I say that?” As he leans his head against the door, he hears some steps coming from around the corner towards him.
“Jungkook, why were you in mom’s room in the middle of the night?”, Y/N’s oldest daughter asks.
“How much did you hear?”, he questions concerned with one eye brow up.
“Nothing. I just came out of the bathroom and saw you walking out of mom’s bedroom.”
“Good. Time for bed. Let's go!”, he says in a fast pace as he puts his hand on her back to lead her back to the bedroom.
“Are you okay? Jungkook, why were you in mom’s bedroom?”
“None of your business, princess.”
“Did you confess?” Shocked, he stands still and looks at her. “You did? Finally!”
“Shh. Keep it down. Princess, listen closely. I did not confess to your mom and if you remember our conversation, I told you that now is not the right time. If you say it out loud like that, your siblings will hear you and tell your mother and if that happens, your mother will not believe a single word I would say. You understand that, right?”
“Absolutely. But when will you finally...?”, she asks innocently.
“When the time is right, I will do it but until then, get some rest.”
“Why are you not asleep yet?”
“I have to work on this one song.”
“Maybe you could read a good night story?”
“I do not want to wake up your siblings.”
“We are all awake.”
“What? You all should be already be sleeping since at least last two hours.” Y/N’s daughter walks fast towards the kids’ bedroom door to open it.
“We could not sleep and stayed up to talk about a few things.” Still surprised by the girl’s honesty, Jungkook walks into the room and closes it behind him as soon as the girl is sitting next to her sister.
“That still does not explain why nobody is sleeping.”
“We could not sleep and our little brother wants to hear a good night story.”, the older girl explains.
“I will not even ask why your little brother is not in his own bed. Your mother won’t be happy about it.”
“She does not need to know.”
“Princess!”, he calls with a warning tone.
“Okay, I will not do it again...”
“Good. Why did no one tell us that you need a good night story?”
“Because he wants this book.”, the older boy says as he hands the book to Jungkook. “I am not in the mood for reading such a long book nor are the girls. Mom wouldn't have read this one as this one is for the afternoon reading and I thought you were too busy.”
“Okay.”, Jungkook sighs as he looks at the book. “Fine, I will do it but then you must sleep. Even you, Champ.”
“Wait!”, the younger girl whispers. “You have to lie down with us.”
“But then I can’t leave for the work that is waiting for me without waking you up.”
“That is not my problem, uncle Jungkook.”
“You are very friendly tonight.”, he comments with a smile as he turns off the light. “Alright. Here we go.” Jungkook turns on the flashlight of his phone as he walks towards them.
“Where are you?”, Y/N wonders as she checks the toddler’s room once again. “How can a toddler just disappear? Okay, I got this. It must have been princess who brought him to their room.” Nervously, she leaves the toddler’s room. Once she opened the kids’ bedroom door, she found her four children sleeping peacefully with Jungkook lying in the middle with a big book on his chest. “Good morning everyone.”, Y/N says softly as she walks closer to them. “Good morning, good morning.” As soon she holds her son to her chest, he hugs her and it feels to her as he would continue his sleep in her arms soon. “So sleepy, young man?”
“Morning, Y/N.”, Jungkook says in a deep voice. “I must have fallen asleep after reading them a story.”
“You read them a story?”
“Well, to my surprise they were all awake after our conversation.” Just as he finishes his sentence, Flashbacks of the end of their conversation pops up in his mind. Quickly, he jumps up and runs pass her. All the eyes within the room, seem to follow Jungkook.
“Is uncle Jungkook alright?”, her younger daughter wonders. “He never ran in the morning. I think I never saw him running except when we played soccer.”
“He probably must use the bathroom urgently.”, her older son jokes. Whilst everyone laughed for a moment, Y/N fakes a smile as she turns back to her kids. “Who wants pancakes?”
“You made pancakes?”
“I was about to make some.”
“I’ll help!”, her girls say in unison.
“Alright.”, Y/N laughs. “I guess we three will make it together. Clean your teeth first and wash your face. I will be waiting in the kitchen.” Y/N announces as she leaves the room.  As she sees that Jungkook is almost out the door of his apartment, she steps closer to him. “Jungkook, do you have a minute?”, she asks as soon as she stands in front of him.
“Uhm, no. Sorry. I have to, you know, with... With someone and I cannot be late. They are waiting and I... You know... So, I got to go.”
“We can talk later. No big deal.” Jungkook nods as he storms out the door. “Your uncle did not even clean himself before leaving... You know what we call that?”
“Dirty.”, the toddler answers.
“Yes, that is right. That is dirty.”, Y/N laughs as she pets his head.
Jungkook quickly runs into the building of Big Hit once he gets out of his car. He tries to greet as friendly as he can whilst he tries to get to the practice room. Once he is inside the practice room, he looks around.
“Who are you trying to escape from?”, Jin asks as he sees how out of breath Jungkook is.
“Are you the only one here?”
“No, Jimin has arrived too. The others might come in later.” Jin watches curiously how fast Jungkook finishes his water bottle. “Are you alright?”
“No. No, I am not. I am actually not alright.”
“Does it have anything to do with Tae?”
“Somehow it does.”
“Yep.” As the door opens behind Jungkook, both turn to the door.
“Uh, Jungkook is practicing with us.”, Jimin says happily. “What happened? You are so out of breath.”
“I tried to figure it out.”, Jin explains.
“The answer I got it has somehow to do with Tae.” Jungkook steps closer to Jimin with a glare that makes Jin and Jimin a little nervous. “Why are you looking at him like you want to tear him apart?”
“You will help because of you I am in the situation!”, Jungkook tells Jimin in a warning voice.
“Did something happen between you and Y/N?”, Jimin wonders.
“You confessed and kissed?”
“Just confessed and she told you she does not feel the same?”
“Worse.” Confused, Jimin looks to Jin.
“Worse? What did you do?”
“If I would have not have let her stay at my place, I would have not heard her and I wouldn't be in this stress.”
“Tell me slowly. What happened?”
“I heard her speaking badly about her body and it annoyed the hell out of me and I found an excuse to walk inside.”
“Sounds alright…”
“Yeah, but somehow between telling her to stop thinking like that I said that if I could confess…”
“Congratulations! You finally told her.”
“Not exactly...”
“What do you mean?”, Jin wonders. “Did you or did you not confess to her?”
“I think I did… I am not sure.”
“Hold on.”, Jimin says as he scratches his forehead. “What happened afterwards?"
"I said good night and stormed out.” Jungkook watches his friends who keep exchanging facial expression before they start to laugh.
“Okay, that was funny. But honestly, what happened?”, Jin asks as he holds his stomach.
“Guys, I keep trying to stay away from her.”
“Are you for real? You needed so long to finally tell her and now you try to stay away from her?”, Jimin questions as his facial expression changes into a focused one.
“Yes. The horrible thing is she wants to talk with me about it tonight...”
“What is horrible about it? Don't you want to know how she feels for you or if there could be more?”
“Not anymore.”
“Damn, you are starting to sweat again.”, Jin says as he discovers how sweaty Jungkook’s face is becoming. “She really means something to you! Sorry Jimin. I truly thought you might be wrong.”
“It’s fine. At least I am not the only one who heard it from him right now.”, Jimin says as he touches Jin’s shoulders.
“Guys, help!”, Jungkook begs. “I feel like I am dying.”
“Listen, we will practice a little bit and during the break we talk about this, okay?”, Jimin suggests.
“Maybe I can help you with something ahead of your upcoming conversation.”, Jin suggests. “I still remember talking with Namjoon and Yoongi, before I confessed to my wife. I felt similar to you. Trust me, if it does not horrify you to hear a ‘sorry, i do not feel like you’, then she ain't the one for you. I bet she feels something for you, I can sense those stuff trust me.”
“You only try to relax me, aren't you?”
“I sometimes hate you for doing that.”
“It worked, didn’t it?”
“Only until you came up with the sense thing.”
Y/N puts the fork down after taking a last bite from her pancake and continues to feed her toddler. As she hears how the conversation of the kids become louder, she clears her throat to get her kids attention. “So, now that you all have eaten. I got some news.”, Y/N announces happily.
“News?”, her older daughter asks carefully. “What kind of news?”
“I will start my new job this Monday.”
“You got a job, mom?”, her younger daughter questions cheerfully.
“Yes. I will work together with Uncle Jimin’s wife. Which is why I needed you all at the table. Because of my new job, me or her will bring you to school or bring you home from school. Depending on who has to work in the afternoon, you will always be at the house of the person who picks you up after school.”
“That’s cool. That means we can go to their house after school?”, her son wonders.
“Probably. That brings me to the next point; you will all behave, okay? It can happen that your little brother will be picked up from her as well. I do not want you to cause any troubles, got me?”
“Yes.”, her kids answer in unison.
“As usual.”, her older daughter says confidently.
“Mom, I know it is something we do not like to talk about, but dad texted me yesterday.”, her son mentions nervously. The eye roll of her older daughter was the biggest one she ever did. Whilst ignoring her, Y/N tries to make an eye contact with her son.
“Oh really? What did he say?”
“That he will not make it to the game... He meant they got a recording on the day and if we could film it for him.”, he explains sadly. “I told him no, because he will not watch it anyway.”
“He would watch it. Your dad loves to see you play.”
“I think dad only tried to tell me that he does not want to come at all. He probably has nothing to do on that day.” As a tear rolls down her son’s face, his mother gets up to hug him tightly.
“I understand why you think like that but I do think that he wants to see his boy shooting a goal after the other. He always talked about how proud he is that you are the number two of best players in your team.”
“Why can he not just come? He just has to be there. I do not even expect him to cheer anymore.” Hearing her son’s disappointment makes her feel bad as she did not know what to say to cheer him back up. Carefully, she wipes his tears off his face.
“I have to bring the divorce papers to your father next week. I will ask him if he sees any chance of coming even if he is just coming for twenty minutes.”
“Even if just for ten minutes...”
“Text him that you want to see him there for a minimum of ten minutes and I will talk to him when I see him if he has not answered you by then, okay?”
“Okay.” Y/N presses a strong kiss on her son’s cheek.
“I will give you a new plate. Your tears landed on your plate.” As soon as she was far away from her kids, she tries to take a deep breath as she takes a new plate from the shelf. If Tae would miss this game as well, she knows that there is no chance that her son will forgive his father for it. There are only two games left for this season. Tae never missed the most important games, which were the last two. “Here we go.”
“Thanks, mom.”, he thanks her as he takes another pancake.
“You are welcome. Eat up kids. There is still some left even though I am sure that uncle Jungkook would not mind to eat them.”, Y/N plays with her toddler.
Nine o’clock. It has been twelve hours since Jungkook has not shown himself in his own apartment. As Y/N leaves the bathroom in her pajamas, she thinks about how to speak to him without him running away from her. Y/N follows the sound that seems to come from the kitchen. The closer she comes, the surer she is that it must be Jungkook.
“Hi.”, Jungkook greets whilst he takes a pancake.
“Hi.”, Y/N says as she walks closer.
“I have to take a shower.”, Jungkook says as he puts the pancake back into the fridge to walk away from her.
“Jungkook, will you keep on running from me?” Just as he thought, he stopped in his track and turns back to her.
“What are you talking about?”
“You are avoiding me since last night.”
“I am not.”
“You are. Can we please talk this out like adults?”
“Let’s sit down on the couch.”, Jungkook suggests as he grabs two small water bottles. He places both water bottles on the coffee table before he sits down. He waits until Y/N has sat down before he turns his body towards her. Nervously, he plays with his fingers as he can feel the anxiety building up within him.
“So, let’s talk about it. Why are you acting so strange?”
“Look, I am supporting you as much as I can, I know you know that. If the kids need me, I am here for them, you know that as well.”
“Yeah, I am aware of that and I am super thankful about that.”
“The last months, were hard on you, but they were not easy for me either. Not because I was helping you, but with all the emotions.”
“I thought we might talk about that...”
“You know what I am trying to say?”
“I guess you want to talk about the pressure that I had put on you...”
“That is not what I want to talk about.”
“No? Sorry, I thought that might be the reason why.”
“No, that isn’t it... Please, answer me honestly about what I am going to ask you next.”
“How do you feel about Tae?”
“Tae? Why you are asking me about him?”
“Please. Just tell me.”, Jungkook begs. His face shows how emotionally he feels on the inside to Y/N’s surprise.
“I have a lot of anger towards him. I hate him for what he had put us through but on the other side, he is their father and I want them to have a father in their live. I know how hard it is to be without a father...”
“Do you still love him?”
“I don’t think so. Look, there has been moments in which I felt like I am becoming weak but then I remember what he did and I cannot forgive those things. But there are also moments which remind me on his old personality.”
“Do you want him back?”
“No.” A sigh leaves his lips as his hands wipe over his own lips. “Why are you asking me those questions?”
“Because I would have just died if you would have said that you still have feelings for him and that you think about going back to him.”
“I don't think that I could ever try to have what I had with him again. That train left months ago. Feelings might still be there but they do not mean a thing.”, she explains slowly as she notices the nervous and insecure facial expressions of Jungkook. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I am just in disbelief that you think you might be still in love with someone who treated you like that.”
“I cannot help it. Maybe it is me trying to forget what happened to move on that I get these damn flashbacks of beautiful moments we shared. I mean, it has been twelve years. Jungkook, thirteen years is not something that I can just forget.”
“Isn’t the pain killing you?”
“You have no idea how much it hurts. Especially when I look at my little boy, knowing that there could be a little brother next to him. You have no clue how much it hurts that I send my daughter to spend time with her father even though she doesn’t want. When I think about my son this morning, when he talked about Tae missing his game, I thought I die with him. When my little girl asks me why kids in school are so mean to her lately whilst she cries and I try to cheer her back up. It all hurts.”
“You never showed how much in pain you still are...”
“I couldn’t do it. The kids saw way too much of things they should not be involved in. Hold on, is that why you thought I would go back to him?”
“The option was always there, but I kept hoping that you would not do it.”
“Trust me. I am done with him.”
“You do look like there is something else... What’s wrong?”
“Y/N, I will tell you one thing and I do not want to make things weird between us but I need to get it off my chest. Not saying a thing is killing me even though I do not know how it will affect us.”
“Okay. I promise you. Nothing will change between you and me-”
“As I said, nothing will change no matter how you feel about what I am about to tell you.” Y/N nods as she leans forward to make sure to catch every facial expression to the fullest. “Y/N, the reason why I am asking you about Tae is because I do not want to push myself between you and Tae.”
“Your worries are unneeded. Tae and I are past. Promise.”
“Good. I do not think you got what I tried to say though... Okay, I will try it like that. The last few months, I do not know why but my feelings for you have changed. You are not just a sister to me; you became so important to me. Look, I... God, it is harder than I thought.”, Jungkook comments as he takes a deep breath. “Y/N, I fell in love with you.”
“You fell in love with me?”
“Oh wow. Since when are you in love with me?”
“Honestly, since Tae introduced you to us. That is why I was so distant until I had my feelings under control.”
“But the two girls you introduced as your girlfriends... Did you not love them?”
“I did not. But I needed to get over you as you were getting closer and closer to marry Tae. The feeling I have for you, it is stronger than what I ever felt for anybody else. The feeling I hid so well inside me, is coming back stronger and stronger by day.”
“I do not know what to say.”
“Don’t say anything. I am not expecting you to give me your answer to what I just told you right away. If you excuse me, I need to calm myself down. I feel like I am about to fade.” He adds before he leaves the room.
“Hyung, you know I will not appear this late if it is not necessary.”, Tae says. “Can I not do that all on another day?”
“Why did you not mention it earlier on? All the production has been set for those three days. Everything is organized by now. I talked with my son that I will not be able to watch the game as I have work to do.”, Namjoon answers. “I cannot cancel anything anymore for you. Sorry, but it is simply too late.”
“But this is the second last game for this school year! As you just said, your son is playing too, you must know that it is very important for our sons for us to be there. I missed the last two games. This is one of the important ones. Namjoon, please. Talk with our manager once again.”
“What makes you think that I can change our manager’s mind? He said no to you and even contacted me already about your request. I cannot believe that you complained all afternoon to him that you must see your son play.”
“I had no other choice... You were not able to do anything?”
“No. Not even that you could leave for watching him from the car for a few minutes. Absolutely no chance.”
“What about your son? Will you not watch him either?”
“My wife will call me and I will watch it via FaceTime.”
“That is a great idea! I will watch it with you.”
“Will your son believe you when you say you watched it without anyone proofing that you did? He wanted you there. Tae, this game has been fixed for at least six weeks… This shooting was settled four weeks ago.”
“I will try to get someone to FaceTime me during the game.”, he comments as he picks up his jacket.
“Where are you going? You have just arrived…”
“Shopping. Y/N said she will come over this week. I got to prepare some stuff before she comes.”
“She comes over to your place?”
“Yes. I do not know the reason but I do not want to miss a chance to make things alright between us. I got to go!”, Tae says as he winks at Namjoon as he leaves.
“He truly believes that he can get her back, huh?”, Namjoon’s wife asks when she notices that Tae left.
“You were listening again?”
“Could not help myself. I do not like him being at our house, Namjoon.”
“He is my friend and band mate. What do you think I am supposed to do? Plus, he did not even say anything about him coming over.”
“I know. But right now, it might be better to keep him away. I said to Y/N that she could come over anytime, any day. She will not do that when she sees his car in front of the house.”
“I get that. But if I tell him that that is the reason why, he will camp outside.”
“He still does not know where they are at?”
“He doesn't. I want to keep things like that at least until after the next comeback.”
“I understand.”, she says as a long breath leaves her lips. With a little smirk on his face, he hugs his wife. “He is such an asshole.”
“I know your friendship with her hasn't been the same since.”
“I feel like she only talks with Jimin’s or Yoongi’s wife. I have no clue what happened the last two days.”
“Oh come on. You could call her, what do you think?” Smilingly, she pushes him away.
“Hey, I got a degree in psychology. I am licensed and you think I did not think about calling her?”
“Just saying.” The silence might lasted a half minute as Namjoon’s phone starts to ring.
“Tae again?”
“No, it is Hoseok.”
“Pick up and I will get the kids to bed. I see you in the shower?” With a big grin on his face, he nods as his eyes follow her body. “Don't forget to pick up!” Reminded by his wife, Namjoon picks up the phone.
“Hey. Make it short.”, Namjoon says as he walks towards the window to look outside.
“Nice greeting. Am I calling at the wrong time?”
“Kinda. Listen, I finally got some alone time with my wife without us being super exhausted.”
“Ooh.”, Hoseok says as he laughs for a moment. “Okay, I’ll make it short. Why is Tae asking me about Y/N living with Jungkook?”
“He asked you what?”
“He called me a minute ago.”
“He was at my house like five minutes ago but he only mentioned that he will meet up with her this week.”
“Well, Jungkook is totally through the wind, I was barely able to talk with him normally and Tae is mad at Jungkook for telling him to stay away from Jungkook's apartment.”
“What else did Tae say?”
“Nothing but that he does not understand why Jungkook is taking Y/N’s side… the typical things.”
“You did not say a thing about her living with him?”
“No. I said that the wives know where she is at but they won't tell us.”
“Do the others know about your excuse?”
“No, not yet.”
“Text them to let them know.”, Namjoon tells him.
“Honey, the kids are in bed and I am about to hit the shower. I thought you might want to know.”, Namjoon’s wife whispers as she places a kiss on his neck.
“I am coming.”, Namjoon confirms. “Hoseok, please text the others. Thanks for letting me know but I got to go.”
“Yeah, I heard her… Another Bangtan Baby?”
“No, my kids are enough.”
“Yeah, especially Mini-Me Namjoon.”, Hoseok jokes.
“Okay. I really got to go. We will talk tomorrow. Bye!”
“Bye. Have fun!”, Hoseok says laughing.
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littlefreya · 4 years
Heart of Darkness
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Synopsis: Slight sequel to Overprotected. Walter’s longing wife comes to visit him at his office.
Pairing: Detective Walter Marshall x OFC
Word count: 3.9K
Warnings: Explicit, graphic smutty sex, rough oral sex, choking, role play, pleasure denial, rough sex. MaleDom / FemSub. Slight fluff though. 
A/N: A special thanks for @agniavateira or helping me proof my work. I don’t own Night Hunter / Nomins or Marshall!
Title: Heart of Darkness
The heating is broken at the station. It’s either that, or Walter came up with some new methods of torture to interrogate his suspects. I’ve never seen him in action, I’m not sure if it’s the shame of this very darkness that lives within him, or his desperate attempt to keep me safe from the horrors of the night. His colleagues filled me in a while ago, mentioning he tends to go rough, violent, even brutal at times. 
They know very little for I bask in Walter’s darkness. I’m the first to witness the terror that consumes him and shadows his soul. I drink from his desire, joining him in this violent lovemaking. It’s the only thing that helps him cleanse his demons.
It brings us closer. 
And yet, he doesn’t want me here. He fights to keep me secluded as if I was some porcelain doll. 
As if I don’t see my share of blood and death every day. 
I walk through the chilled halls of the station, wrapping my arms around myself to keep warm. Even though I’m wearing a large, thick winter coat, it feels like it’s four degrees here. I shouldn’t have worn a skirt beneath all this, but how could I have known? I left five text messages which remained unanswered. It’s not unusual. He is busy, and sometimes he forgets. 
It doesn’t mean this doesn’t piss me off.
I find him in his office, with a phone pressed to his ear. His bulky body faces the window while he talks down some crime lab trainee for messing up the evidence. He turns to see who dares to barge his office uninvited, his blue eyes pale as glaciers. They immediately melt as he realizes it’s me. 
“I don’t care how. Get a new sample or I’ll make sure you’ll never hear the end of this!” He ends the call without a goodbye and drops the device on his desk. His arms grab the edges of the chair tightly while he stares down, letting his soft dark curls fall on top of his forehead.
“What are you doing here, pet? You know I don’t like you coming here.” 
I take off my long coat, hanging it next to the door. His office is only slightly warmer. It’s smaller, and Walter emits enough warmth on his own. Everyone is walking around in their coats and jackets but he's in a black wool sweater per usual, with the sleeves rolled up to expose his wide forearms.
“I missed you” I answer, pretending not to tremble but the fumes that come out of my mouth give me away. 
I take a small, slow twirl in the secluded space, inspecting the room. There's so little light in here. On the shelf, he has some books about the history of crime and criminology, with his diploma and badges of honour laid next to it. Not out of pride, but out of compliance. Walter is not an arrogant man, he’s actually the opposite. He doesn’t have time for chasing glory, all he does is out of pure heroism, some would even say out of altruism.   
The morbid photos next to his desk catch my eyes. Images of victims. They hang on a board latched to the wall, along with a map, and a thick, red string that trails the locations where the bodies were found. These are young women, mutilated, their lives were stolen from them by selfish monsters. 
I get to see my share of blood every day, sometimes even death. But, this is not something anyone should see. 
And this is what he sees all the time, probably also in his dreams. The ghosts of the girls he couldn’t save haunt him; it’s not his fault, but he’d never see it that way. For him, every girl who died on his watch is a girl he has failed.  
My fingers press against the ring on my finger, twisting it anxiously. I can feel my heart shrinking to the size of a walnut. I wish I could suck the pain out of him as you do with poison.
“I told you…” he speaks with a deep frown on his face, as if he is angry with me for entering his cave of horrors. He was in a foul mood before I got here, and I defied his request. I am the one teasing the tinders with more wind and fuel. 
All I wanted was to bring my light into his world, at least for a little while.
“You visit me at work all the time,” I answer, inching closer toward his desk. I try to ignore the sourness in my throat as the horrifying images on the wall stare right at us.  
He gives me a small smile, almost invisible amongst the wrinkles of grumpiness on his forehead. 
“It’s a part of my job to come to the hospital, and it’s the only one in the county.”
That’s how we met. 
I was in my first year of residency. The tall, burly man with the most caring blue eyes appeared in the hospital. I have seen Walter once before that, spending an evening at the local Irish bar with his friends. The toughness on his face was the only thing I remembered then. I thought he was hot, obviously, though I didn’t bother approaching him. 
I didn’t fall in love with him until I saw the ocean of benevolence he kept under that hard shell. 
He came to visit a victim and stayed the night to make sure the aggressor won’t return, and that the girl is taken care of. I felt his eyes on me every now and then, silently observing me when I was checking up on other patients. He tried to strike a small conversation, about the girl first, and then about my job at the hospital. I believed the British giant was just being polite and passed the long, boring night by chit-chat. I should have known I was being interrogated to see if I’m single or not. 
Suddenly, he appeared at the hospital every other day, to check up on “the girl”. The first night, he brought me some coffee because “I work crazy hours,” and he thought I’d like some to drink. Then, it was coffee and a sweet pastry to eat. For a week and a half, I had a constant visitor who took care of my caffeine and sugar intake. My colleagues teased me for suddenly wearing perfume to work, and how I’d blush whenever “Sir Big Dick” arrived.
On the last evening, he came to my department and found me signing some charts. I’ve told him the girl was released during the morning, but of course, he knew that. He smiled at me and offered me a single red rose instead, asking if I’d like to accompany him for a real dinner this time.
Four years since then, he comes to visit even when there are no victims. Sometimes, I’m worried he does that out of fear that something will happen to me, and not just out of a romantic gesture to see his wife. 
“Is it part of your job to stalk your wife?”
He slouches on his chair heavily, making it squeak beneath his weight. His eyes rise to gaze at my face. There is a weariness in them, the kind that even sleep can’t cure anymore. I fear the day when my husband will stray too far from the light, when the heart of darkness will clutch its ugly thorns in his tender flesh. 
“It is my job to make sure the citizens of this county are safe.” 
I roll my eyes at him, walking to stand behind his chair. My hands reach to clutch his broad shoulders as I begin to knead the tense muscles with mild force. He stiffens for a moment and then emits a soft groan, flexing and trying to relax beneath my touch.
“Do you bring red roses to all the citizens in our county?” I speak with a sultry voice, moving my hands to his collarbone. Walter closes his eyes and throws his head back, a deep groan vibrates from the pit of his throat. 
“Only the hot ones,” he answers as his hand finds my leg and snakes up my bare skin, running all the way up beneath my skirt to find the curve of my ass. “You’re shivering.”
“It’s freezing in here.” I answer, leaning into the warmth of his palm as he strokes up and down my thigh to keep me warm.  
“Why are you dressed like that, then?” he guides me toward him to sit in his lap. His hands run up and down my legs, exposing more of my skin while a soft smile spreads across his rugged face. “If I wouldn’t know better, I’d say you came here to seduce a police detective.”
I bite my lower lip, wrapping my hands around his neck while my ass sinks against his groin. I feel so safe in his touch, with his coarse hands that burn hot on my flesh. 
“Why? Is that a crime?”
“Actually, yes.”
I pull away from him, standing against the edge of the desk with a teasing smirk across my face. His hand reaches out to my knees, not wanting to break contact. He has been deprived of it all day long, abandoned in the cold. 
Now here I am, the only warmth he knows.
“Show me then.”
He licks his lips, still smiling as he is caught up with my little flirtatious act. “Show you what, pet?”
“What interrogation methods would you use? How would you squeeze a dirty little secret out a seductress like me?” I place the heel of my boot between his straddled thighs, preventing him from moving and asserting my dominance to provoke him.  
His eyes narrow at me while he considers the idea. I see how the ethical balance begins to tip, the ball falling from one scale to the other. His better judgment becomes lost in a thick cloud of lust. 
“You keep secrets from me?” he asks as he plays along.
“Maybe…” I stretch the word, giving him a wicked flirtatious smile. 
Somewhere deep inside this good man, there is a big black dog, hungry to rip this willing victim to shreds. 
He peers at my leg and then up into my eyes while his fingers reach to gently tickle beneath my knee. I hum in delight, throwing my head back, my leg losing its strength, my assertiveness leaning on the edge along with my ankle. 
“I’d begin by putting you in a position where you don’t have any power whatsoever,” he speaks in a voice that’s gruff and low, his fingers now pressing hard and I’m forced to straighten my leg and lower it to the floor.
The smile on his face becomes cold and his eyes darken as he moves to stand in front of me. His leans against me, his torso pressed against my chest, his chin against my forehead as he lowers his head.
“Down on your knees.” 
These words take my breath away, making my skin prickle with nervousness. I follow his orders with the obedience of a good wife. My knees lay pressed against the cold floor, I try not to tremble too much. I’m not sure if it’s just the temperature of the room, or the dark glare on Walter’s face.
His groin is at the level of my face, the outline of his cock showing through the fabric of his trousers as it begins to harden.
He reaches out his hands to cradle my face. Stroking my hair back, examining my face as if he is learning my features for the first time. The smile diminished from his face the moment I went down on my knees. Now he stares at me with the severity of his bad detective attitude.   
“You’re very pretty,” he compliments me, but it sounds more of a fact than anything sweet. His fingers caress my cheeks and then at the corners of my lips, forcing me to part my lips. “Pretty little mouth too, does it talk?”
“I ain’t telling you nothing, Detective” I play along, if I’ve known we’re actually doing THAT, I would have prepared a script. 
His hands run to stroke the hair away from my face, beginning in a tender affectionate touch, he collects every strand lovingly until my hair is bundled between his strong palms. I can feel the softness of his touch draining away. 
“Undo my belt.” He commands. 
“I don’t…”
“You don’t want me to ask again.”
My hands tremble with fear and excitement as my fingers fumble with the metal clasp of his belt. Walter’s eyes look at me carefully, completely devoted to this role. I wonder how much of his job is pretence and how much is actually him.
“What do you say if I’ll fuck your mouth until you cry?” 
He asks while reaching one hand to unzip his trousers, freeing his beautiful large cock and stroking it in front of me for display. I can’t help but lick my lips, like a hungry kitten presented with creamy delight. The little drop of pre-cum that trickles down his shaft is too inviting. 
“I’d say you still won’t hear a word from me,” I provoke. 
Walter gives a short smile, tugging my hair back painfully until I’m forced to part my lips open into a breathless gasp of pain.
 “Take me in your mouth.” 
Usually, when I please him, I’d begin with a soft teasing, licking my way up and down his hardness until I finally take him in and begin working him sensually.
I am not granted any of that courtesy right now.
Walter forces himself into the wet heat of my mouth with the delicacy of a grunt. A deep, throaty groan echoes in the room as he is surrounded by my hot saliva and is pressed against the softness of my tongue. 
I choke out a mewl as he completely fills my mouth, feeling the head of his cock nearing the back of my throat. My cheeks betray me, sucking by instinct to savour his girth. Every inch of my body knows Walter all too well, it succumbs to the man that owns it, physically and emotionally.  
I look up to him with helpless glossy eyes. Victory showers his face, golden and bleak at the same time. He lets his callous long fingers clasp around the hollow of my cheeks to force me to keep my mouth open wide just to please him.
I gasp for air as he pulls back slowly. Just a cruel act to make me think we’re done, but we are far from that.
“Loosen your mouth pet, I am going deeper.”  
He warns and shoves himself in again, this time deeper as promised, relishing on my muffled whimpers he puts one hand on the back of my head and begins to buck his hips. Fucking my mouth in the rhythm that fulfils his lust.
My heart pounds on my chest, my knees begin to hurt as I try to move with him. But I’m his good girl, breathing through my nose, letting my tongue lap around his lavished cock lovingly while he uses me as the wet hole he unloads into. 
His eyes are glistening, ecstasy drawing near. I look up to stare at him, admiring how glorious he is. My large man, so confident and dominating. His beautiful dark curls frame his square face, bringing out his high cheekbones and bright blue eyes. And damn, that voice, those low melodic hums of pleasure making my entire body shake.   
I choke onto his swollen cock. Tears stained dark grey thanks to my eyeliner and mascara, run down my cheeks.
“Don’t cry beautiful,” he speaks with cynical sweetness, his thumb wiping the tears away from one cheek as he carefully withdraws from my mouth, allowing me to breathe once again. “All you need to do is tell me what you’re hiding and this will end.”
I gasp for air, my chest slightly heaving while his fingers run under my eyes to clean the black mess that is smeared on my face. He remains silent, the wrinkles between his brows are deep and severe while he is still pulling his bad cop act. Yet the way his hands run over my face with care gives him away so easily.
“Is this the worst you can do? Some detective you are!”
I provoke him, laughing patronizingly with my voice still husky, the edge of my throat slightly sore from having to endure his size in its depth. Walter chuckles momentarily before grabbing my shoulders and pulling me up to sit on his desk. 
“Spread ‘em” he nearly barks, but it’s not really an order since his hands press my knees apart widely, exposing the dampness on my underwear. He smoothes both hands up my thighs roughly, his thumbs reaching out until reaching to my core. 
I let my head back, feeling how his thumb massages me, pressing against my covered clit and drawing circles against it.
“You like that, little slut?”
“Yes…” I throw my head back and moan, my hands holding hard at the edges of the desk while I spread myself to him as much as possible and grinding my hips to steal more friction.
“You want more?” he teases while his fingers slowly slip my underwear to one side, exposing me to the cold air in the room. I’m so drenched for him right now, held open, anticipating like sliced fruit. He reaches out for his cock and begins to stroke himself in front of me, a wicked grin adorning his face.
I’m very much aware he can finish himself just like this while leaving me here to beg out of thirst. Well, I can do that too. I lift my hand to touch myself, nearly losing balance but he shoves his thighs between my legs right away and holds my wrist away.
“Ah, ah” he forbids. “You’re not touching yourself, you’re still under investigation.”
“If you don’t finish me off…” I threaten him but my intimidation breaks into a pathetic cry as I feel the head of his cock rubbing against my clit. 
“You’ll what?” he asks, running the tip between my throbbing lips and up to my clit. Back and forth he tortures me, increasing the pace and then slowing down. His groans convince me he may be enjoying this more than actually fucking me, seeing me so helpless and weak, willing to cry and beg for him to just put himself inside me. “I’m still waiting to hear what you’re hiding.” 
I close my eyes, head thrown back in agony and pleasure at once, so close yet so far away as Walter pushes just an inch inside, and then pulls out and strokes me again. 
I am still not willing to break completely, what’s the fun in that? I know my man, and I’m aware of his darkest desires and capabilities.
Let him unleash his worst. 
“Not a word from me, Detective, you’ll just have to try harder.”
His nostrils flares. 
“Fine, then I’ll just have to punish fuck you, drill you like a whore.” He pushes all the way in, making me whimper with bliss as I am finally whole again. 
I’ve led him just to where I wanted. His body conquering mine, filling me with the pleasure that’s not just physical.
Somehow both his hands find their way to my neck, holding me constrained while he allows my body to stretch for him. He makes me stare directly into his eyes, holding my face close to him, his hot mouth hovers onto mine, our breath mingling.  
I wrap myself completely around him, my boots pressing onto his ass to keep him buried deep inside. My hands hang onto his shoulders as if hanging to lift itself. 
He begins to finally move, grunting against my ear, his beard tickling at my neck while he thrusts me fast and hard. I grind onto him, our bodies making the erotic sounds of wet bodies as they slam together. 
This isn’t romantic lovemaking, he’s not tender and caring. His force is controlling, consumed by his demons once again. He fucks into me as if he wants to rip me apart, his hands depriving me of air, tight, perhaps too tight. Yet it’s still love, he would have not been able to have this with any other person and I would have not given it to him if I have not loved him as much.
The desk moves as he pounds me, he stretches his arms somewhat to lean me back, so he can look at me as I squirm beneath him, choked, fucked, and beautiful in his arms. We have both long forgotten our stupid game. We were too lost in the act of seeking out pleasure in one another’s bodies. 
I look back at the man I love, feeling the tremor that dances between my legs. My entire body quivers. My muscles embrace him deep inside as I come hard around his cock, snapping my eyes open, gasping at his sight.
He has his fingers engulfed roughly around my throat, leaving blue bruises. If he’d want me to stop breathing at this moment, he could so easily just push slightly tighter. I’d die happy in his arms, but I know he’d kill himself before ever really hurt me. His hands finally snap from my throat and reach instead to hold my face, crashing his lips against mine into a deep hungry kiss before breaking away and letting out one final gasp as true bliss sweeps him away. 
For more than a few moments, Walter is lost, buried deep inside me, surrounded by light.   
That’s when I break, entangling my fingers in his big soft curls, I inch my lips toward his ear to whisper, 
“I’m pregnant.”
Walter backs his face away to look at me, first with disbelief, his eyebrows rising, unable to even form a word. I’ve never seen so many emotions at once. Then a smile appears, so wide I think his cheeks may hurt. His beautiful teeth show and he lets out a chuckle of joy, sounding almost half-believing. 
I melt as I see the twinkle in his eyes. The man who is always so grumpy and gruff looks now like the sweetest, most caring person in the world. 
“Yes, we're going to have a baby.” 
He kisses me lovingly, his arms wrapping around my back and holding me tightly. 
“Detective Walter do you ha… SHIT!” A young cadet barges in, finding me with my legs spread around Walter while he is still panting heavily with his curls sticky at his forehead.
It’s as bad as it looks.
The frown immediately returns to Walter’s face. Looking at the cadet as if he is ready to murder him at the spot.
“GET OUT!” he yells, throwing whatever’s within his reach to force the cadet out faster.
I can’t help but chuckle, wrapping my arms around my mountain of a man, there is so much of him to hug, it always makes me feel so protected. He leans his cheek against my forehead and then lets out a deep sigh. 
That’s when I know the darkness is returning, and now he has a brand new fear in him. 
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riversofmars · 3 years
Here's a prompt! The Doctor suddenly goes missing on some strange world and the fam is in a panic, only to find her and River together, perfectly fine.
Thank you for a brilliant prompt! Just some lighthearted fun, hope you like it!! <3
Rating: General
Word Count: 1700
Read on AO3 or below
Into the Jungle
“Doctor?“ Yaz called out. “DOCTOR?! I swear she was here a minute ago…“ She turned to Ryan and Graham who looked just as confused as she was.
“Where could she have gone?“ Graham asked, trying to get his bearings. They found themselves on an alien planet. It was an incredibly hot, rather tropical climate. Ahead of them stretched what looked like a jungle.
“The TARDIS is still there, she can’t have gone anywhere…“ Ryan waved at the TARDIS. They’d arrived only a few minutes ago and were having a look around when the Doctor had vanished. He ducked when an oversized mosquito took a dive at him.
“Maybe it’s the ground. Alien soil. Maybe it eats people.“ Graham suggested jumping out of the way of the mosquito as well. This place didn’t seem friendly.
“In that case, we would have been eaten too…“ Yaz pointed out. “Maybe she wandered off while we had our back turned? Wouldn’t be the first time…“ She carried on, placing her hands on her hips, wondering where she could have gone to.
“But not on a strange, potentially dangerous planet…“ Graham pointed out.
“DOCTOR?!“ Ryan called out again.
“Look over there, what’s that?“ Graham spotted something at the edge of the trees and they carefully made their way forward to investigate.
“That’s a custard cream… she was still snacking on a handful when we arrived…“ Ryan pointed out as she bent down to pick up the left overs.
“She wouldn��t just waste a good biscuit… you know the Doc… something must have taken her… or someone…“ Graham pointed out, looking around uneasily.
“We have to find her.“ Yaz took a deep breath, they were all starting to worry now.
“Are you saying we should just walk into those woods without her?“ Ryan confirmed as he followed her gaze into he jungle up ahead.
“Are you saying we should leave her and head back to the TARDIS and wait?“ Yaz retorted.
“Seems like the safer option…“ Graham pointed out half-heartedly. He didn’t particularly fancy going around exploring an alien jungle without the Doctor but they didn’t seem to have much of a choice.
“She could be in danger. Let’s go.“ Yaz took the lead as they slowly made their way into the jungle.
“Did you hear that?“ Graham grabbed Yaz and Ryan by the arms to stop them moving. There were voices in the distance, very faint and hard to make out over the buzzing of insects and other sounds of nature.
“Almost sounded like someone laughing…“ Ryan pointed out, bewildered.
“Or a weird bird or something…“ Yaz huffed. “What?“ She looked into their questioning faces. “If the Doctor’s been kidnapped, she’ll hardly be laughing about it, will she.“ She indicated for them to keep moving but something else caught her eye. Silver, reflecting the bright light streaming through the canopy of trees.“Is that…“
“Her sonic!“ Ryan realised and Yaz picked it up, starting to feel properly anxious now.
“She’d never part with that without a fight…“ She said and then she spotted something else, a few yards over. “And that’s…“
“Her coat!“ Ryan exclaimed, shocked.
“Guys are we sure this is such a good idea? God knows what’s in these woods…“ Graham looked around anxiously.
“She must be close by…“ Yaz mumbled gesturing for them to be quiet. “Let’s try and be quiet, whatever or whoever has her, will hear, we’ll lose the element of surprise…“
“Was that laughter again?“ Ryan asked and this time it was rather distinct. There was someone up ahead of them and they seemed to be having a great time.
“Probably celebrating their triumph… we must rescue her.“ Graham said sneaking forward.
“Over there…“ Yaz pointed towards what looked like a clearing in the jungle.
“Oh Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, did you really think I would recognise you?“ A voice sounded and they halted, hiding behind trees. So there was definitely someone there with the Doctor and they seemed to know who they were dealing with.
“I uhh…“ The Doctor’s voice sounded nervous but the Fam were relieved to hear it nonetheless. She was alive, though probably in a difficult position.
“Sounds like they’ve been looking for her.“ Ryan whispered to the others.
“Maybe those people from the Division again? I can’t see anything…“ Yaz inched forward, trying to see what was happening in the clearing. The sound of running water - a waterfall perhaps - swallowed some of the sounds but they could make out the Doctor’s voice quite clearly now.
“I didn’t expect to see you again…“ The Doctor said, sounding baffled.
“Oh you know I’ll always find you eventually…“ The other voice, that was quite clearly female, retorted.
“We need to do something…“ Ryan whispered, it sounded as though this person had been chasing the Doctor for some time. They looked around for something they could use as weapons but the best they could come up with were branches for clubs.
“Now, what do we do about this?“ The other woman sounded like she was enjoying this.
“You know, I’m not here on my own…“ The Doctor retorted, sounding more nervous now.
“Damn right she’s not.“ Graham huffed as they inched closer.
“No-one will find us here, Doctor…“ The female voice carried on with great amusement.
The Doctor’s response was muffled and that did it.
“On the count of three…“ Yaz indicated to the others as she grabbed tight hold of the sonic screwdriver. “One, two, three!“ They jumped out from behind their trees and stormed into the clearing, branches and sonic raised in aid of their friend.
“Whoever you are, get your hands off the…“ Graham’s words died on his lips.
“Doctor?“ Yaz didn’t know what to say or where to look while Ryan was very quick to look up at the sky.
“FAM?!“ The Doctor exclaimed in shock as she whirled around. The woman she was with seemed awfully put out at the interruption and why wouldn't she be? They had been kissing a minute ago and she’d just pulled the Doctor’s t-shirt off!
“Fam?“ The woman echoed her words with amusement.
“Told you I wasn’t by myself!“ The Doctor turned back to her, scolding her.
“Fam though?“ She chuckled.
“Doc, would you mind just… putting a shirt back on…“ Graham pipped up and the Doctor looked down herself, realising her state of undress.
“Oh shit, yeah, sorry…“ She quickly picked up her t-shirt that lay in the grass next to her, abandoned.
“Doctor, any chance you can explain this? Some weird aphrodisiac plant or…“ Yaz asked when it was safe to look again. The Doctor had blushed deeply and the other woman seemed quite amused at the whole situation. They were all relieved that Doctor wasn’t in any mortal danger - by the looks of it anyway - but they had questions!
“Is she a siren? Cause like, that would make a whole lot of sense, cause…“ Ryan gestured to the stranger who smirked as she ran her hand through a mane of wild curls.
“Ahh… no, it’s not what you think…“ The Doctor held up her hands defensively.
“I’m pretty sure it is exactly what they’re thinking.“ The other woman jumped in, seemingly enjoying the Doctor’s discomfort.
“But not like, nothing weird is going on, you don’t have to worry.“ The Doctor insisted looking in between all four of them.
“Nothing weird is going on? What would you call this?“ Graham raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“We just… haven’t seen each other in a while…“ The Doctor threw her hands up, not knowing what else to say.
“So this is not some kind of… you know each other?“ Yaz frowned, trying to wrap her head around the situation.
“Intimately.“ The curly-haired woman replied looping her arm around the Doctor’s hip pulling her a little closer.
“Yes. I mean, no. I mean…“ The Doctor didn’t know what to say, trying to get out of the other woman’s arm, looking thoroughly embarrassed.  
“Professor River Song.“ River let go of the Doctor and extended her hand to the Fam who one after the other shook it, though reluctantly. “I’m her wife.“ River explained pleasantly as they’d all introduced themselves.
“Right…“ Ryan blinked, looking back at her in confusion. “Sorry what?“
“Come again?“ Graham wasn’t sure he’d heard her right.
“You’re married?“ Yaz looked to the Doctor and frowned. “And you never told us?!“
“She never does.“ River sighed theatrically. “Do I embarrass you, Sweetie?“ She pulled her wife close again pressing an affectionate kiss to the side of her head.
“It’s just, I never know if and when and…“ The Doctor tried to explain how difficult their out of order meetings and complicated timelines really were for her. She could never be sure whether they’d even seen each other again and what they would each be like when they did. It was easier not to hold out hope. But she couldn’t find the right words to explain so Ryan jumped in:
“Did you think we wouldn’t believe you?“ He teased.
“I’m not sure I do, still…“ Graham admitted with a chuckle.
“What on Earth possessed you.“ Yaz grinned, looking to River now, intrigued to find out more.
“Hey!“ The Doctor protested, picking up on their digs.
“It was either that or killing them.“ River answered with a smirk. “And they had such a baby face then, I just couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger…“ She bopped her wife’s nose. “And you’ve got a baby face again now, and such an adorable one, too.“
“So you knew her before she looked like this?“ Ryan asked with a grin. They had always been intrigued to find out more about her past.
“I have pictures of all her faces.“ River grinned and reached into her coat pocket producing little wallet of photographs.
“Oh wow!“ Yaz grabbed the photos and unfolded them, Ryan and Graham stepping closer to look as well.
“You just had to, didn’t you.“ The Doctor huffed, giving River’s shoulder a playful slap.
“Good distraction.“ River smirked. “Come here you.“ The Doctor yelped and laughed when her wife pulled her close again and kissed her deeply.
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kim-miri · 3 years
HALF(have a little fun) pt. v
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→ one | two | three | four
→ Sayomi Zoldyck is the eldest child and twin sister to Illumi, of the renowned Zoldyck family of assassins. At the age of ten she’s taken away to Meteor City by her mother, Kikyo Zoldyck, unbeknownst to the rest of the family, as well as newborn Killua, and left to fend for herself. This is the story of the long-lost Zoldyck and those she becomes acquainted with, all while she just wants to have a little fun.
» part five / ?
» pairing: eventually - chrollo x oc x feat. hisoka
» warnings: swearing, blood/violence
» a/n: helloo~ this is my first write ever, and it’ll probably be a pretty long series. I’m also balancing school and a part-time job so forgive me for slow updates! If you’re reading this, thank you so much for showing interest and please leave comments below with your inputs!
» word count: 3,127
Name: Sayomi Zoldyck 小夜美 | "小" is small | "夜" is night | "美" is beauty |
Hair color: White
Eye Color: Purple
Nen: Manipulator (same exact abilities as Illumi)
Abilities: Same as Illumi Zoldyck - Body Alteration, Hypnotic Spell, Corpse Control, Needle People, Katana
☾v. part v: the mafia(2/2)
Sayomi made her way to the elevators once again, dispatching the control room through her walkie talkie that she needed to get to her shift.
It was currently a quarter to 1, the last minutes before her shift would start. With a hand resting on her katana, Sayomi now exited the elevator having arrived at the 48th floor.
As she approached the VIP’s room, the two bodyguards on duty sighed in relief. 
“Thank god, it’s finally rotation time”, the woman exhaled lazily.
Sayomi tried her luck at a friendly interaction, casually asking the pair a question. “I’m guessing there wasn’t any action?”
The man laughed a genuine, but tired laugh. “Absolutely nothing. We haven’t moved an inch since the start of our shift.”
Sayomi laughed at the pair’s lack of enthusiasm, her violet eyes crinkling at the edges. Her expression of joy seemed infectious, as the older members in front of her laughed along with her in their despair.
She was starting to feel like a true member of the team already.
This is nice, I didn’t expect the others to be as unmotivated as me. 
Closing in on the time designated for the shift change, Sayomi’s partner arrived as well. Seeing no purpose in waiting around when everyone was present, the pairs switched early, starting Sayomi on her very first stretch as a bodyguard.
The first 30 minutes into her shift, Sayomi had learned that her partner was a rather quiet person by nature.
Upon starting their shift, the two had exchanged a brief greeting, nodding to acknowledge the other.
It was only after an hour of standing and staring at the wall that Sayomi decided she couldn’t stand the silence while they waited out their shift.
She initiated a conversation with the older man, coming out bold as to establish her character.
“So, how did such an average man like you get stuck working for the mafia?”
The man was unmoving, replying to her question in a soft voice. “My family’s debt… Why did a young girl like you get caught up with the mafia?”
She wasn’t expecting such an honest response from the man. It threw her off, making her unprepared to answer the question shot her way.
“Um… I guess you could say family circumstances?” She hadn’t lied, given that it was her family’s actions that left her at Meteor City.
The man nodded in understanding at her vague answer. 
Another wave of awkward silence fell over the two, Sayomi’s initial attempt at socializing having failed miserably. 
She decided not to reattempt a conversation with the man, sensing that he didn’t care for idle chatter.
Family circumstances, huh. That’s the best thing I could think of. 
Sayomi had fallen deep in thought, her brows furrowing as she reflected back on her life.
I wonder if… father ever came looking for me? Or Illumi… did Illumi want me gone too? Ah, I shouldn’t be so dramatic about this. Either way I won’t return home, because that would mean mother winning. 
She exhaled audibly, tired from the splurge of thoughts that had taken over her mind once again. 
The man glanced over at the teen stationed next to him. She was obviously just as bored as he was to be stuck with this job.
Moving his eyes back forward to the wall in front of him, he attempted to kickstart a conversation once again. “You seem a bit too young to be on your own, don’t you miss your family?”
Sayomi blinked at the man in surprise, both at the question and the fact that he had initiated a conversation.
She contemplated whether she should tell the truth or cover it up with a lie. Deciding that a lie would take more effort, she settled for the truth. “I’ve been in the assassin business for 6 years now, so I wouldn’t say too young… I do miss my little brother though. Do you miss your family?”
As the man appeared to be deep in thought, Sayomi mulled over her words. My little brother… Killua, are they treating you alright?
“My apologies for assuming. And, yes, I do indeed miss my family. But, why haven’t you escaped yet, then? With no leverage against you, you could easily run away at any time.” The man spoke while looking at her this time. 
She thought about his question. “I guess… well, I don’t really have anywhere else to go. It’s my first time in Yorknew City, and I wouldn’t want to go back home to the people that left me in the first place.”
He let out a hmm at her response, obviously putting the pieces of her situation together. “If I told you of a way you could live here in Yorknew without being trapped under the mafia… would you oblige?” 
His eyes were soft and earnest. He knew what it was like to remain helpless at the hands of the Mafia, and saw no reason she should as well, especially at such a young age.
Sayomi’s expression formed one of shock and surprise, obviously taken aback by the man’s sincerity to help.
“I suppose I would… but if you know of a way out, why haven’t you left yet?” The two were now holding eye contact as if to read the other’s intentions. 
“I’m afraid I’ve already received too much from the Mafia. I owe my life as well as my family’s safety to them.” He responded somberly.
Sayomi nodded silently, understanding the man’s situation. She decided to at least take a listen to the plan he had to offer. “So, you know of a way I can live in Yorknew without the Mafia breathing over my shoulder?”
There was a mischievous glint in her eyes, and the man could sense it as something between the recklessness of a teenager and the confidence of a powerful assassin. She has no fears. I wonder how much she’s experienced to be this strong at such a young age.
“Ah, yes. Sticking with the Mafia will never do you any good. There’s a way of living here in Yorknew City if you’re especially confident in your fighting abilities. It’s called Heaven’s Arena.”
Sayomi raised her eyebrows at the man’s words, curious. Heaven’s Arena? Sounds like some shoddy place where people bet on fights.
“Alright, you’ve got my attention. So, what does one do at Heaven’s Arena?” Sayomi asked.
The man cracked a ghost of a smile at her interest. “You fight. From what I’ve heard, it’s set up in multiple floors, and each time you win they let you advance to higher floors. I’m pretty sure the pay goes up with each floor as well.”
Sayomi was impressed. A place where they pay you to fight? Count me in.
“I wonder what the catch is though… if it’s as easy as you say, wouldn’t everyone be taking their chances at Heaven’s Arena?”
The man hummed in agreement with her words. “You’re right. The most I’ve heard is that once you reach a certain point, the matches become a fight to the death, and through any means possible. I’m guessing that’s where most people falter- it’s either life or death matches that’ll provide you with a stable income, or small fights once in a while that pay very little. Only the strongest find what they’re looking for at Heaven’s Arena.”
Gambling with your life in order to pay the bills… 
“And you think I could make it at Heaven’s Arena?”
The man looked down at Sayomi with a fatherly gaze. “I don’t think you’re the type of person to need someone else’s approval. But to answer your question, yes, I think with the right amount of training you could find a new life with Heaven’s Arena.”
Sayomi smiled at his judgement of her character. “Well, then that does it. I just need to find my way out of the Mafia’s grasp, and then I can get to training.”
Sayomi’s shift was over before she knew it. Just as the pair before them had said, their VIP client had no one after him. 
Her partner had told her all he knew about Heaven’s Arena and the Mafia from his many years working in Yorknew City. 
She had learned that there were members of the Mafia hidden within the assassin recruits, keeping anyone from sneaking away. Her escape would have to be well planned out to avoid getting caught along with any consequences.
Tagging out with the next pair of bodyguards, Sayomi head back to her room once again.
2 days later
VIP Adachi Yuto’s stay came to an end, with it marking the end of Sayomi’s first job. The team was dissolved as a result, and Sayomi was dispatched by her section leader to meet with him down at the lobby.
The section leader turned out to be the man who had first brought her to Yorknew City, a familiar face that relaxed Sayomi’s nerves a great amount.
Upon meeting, he was immediately down to business, letting Sayomi know of her next assignment. 
It was an assassin’s job.
She had originally planned to find a way out of the Mafia’s scope soon, but with the mention of her finally getting some action, the plan was postponed. 
Her target was a man in his 30s. No other information was given to her besides a photo and his location. 
Not much to her surprise, an ankle monitor was situated around her right leg, keeping her from straying from the job.
Damn you, bloodlust. No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to ditch the cold blood and murder mother and father drilled into my head.
Sayomi was falling victim to her old habits. She knew it was wrong to stick around any longer, but the consequences of the offer to satisfy her thirst for blood didn’t sink in until the cool metal of her ankle monitor pressed into her skin.
The man seemed to read Sayomi’s thoughts as she realized her mistake. “The ankle monitor is programmed to shock the user upon our command. It’s enough power to deal sufficient damage to even the largest of animals, so I insist you remain focused on the missions we give you. We never enjoy having to resort to using it, but keep in mind that we will not hesitate to, given a reason.”
She looked down at her ankle in defeat. It seemed Heaven’s Arena would have to wait.
Later that night
Sayomi paced anxiously about in her hotel room. It was a mix of long-overdue bloodlust and hatred towards herself as a result of her assassin’s instinct to kill.
Deep inside her head, a war of conflicting feelings raged on.
Calm down, Sayomi. Every time you do this it’s only proving that mother succeeded in sculpting you into her little assassin. 
She had completely thrown away a perfect chance to escape just because she couldn’t control her impulses to kill in cold blood. 
But is it that wrong to want to kill? Being an assassin doesn’t mean I’ll be exactly like mother. I can control my own future now, I am my own person.
Setting her katana down against the wall, she opted for her needles instead. It had been a while since she’d used the smaller weapons because they reminded her of the past.
Now putting the past behind her, Sayomi walked with a new air of confidence. It was her greatest skill and job to kill, she’d decided. And this was a decision she had come to on her own, a new mindset for a new beginning.
A static-ridden dispatch over her walkie talkie marked the beginning of her assignment, and Sayomi headed down to the lobby. 
Since she was still underage, a driver was provided to her, stationed in front of the hotel with her designated license plate.
The brisk night air greeted Sayomi as she exited the hotel. It was currently a few minutes past 12, the streets being mostly empty except for the young city goers enjoying the nightlife in Yorknew City.
Exhaling out an envious sigh at the stunning city lights surrounding her, Sayomi watched her breath disappear into the night as she walked briskly to the car.
The drive to her target’s location was silent. Sayomi sat alone in the back seat, watching with empty eyes as friends, lovers, and complete strangers came together in harmony within the lively city.  
She started to wonder what it would be like to live a normal life like them. What would she be doing right now? Staying up and texting friends? Going to bed before midnight? 
As the teen sat in the back of a luxurious car going towards her next target to assassinate, she couldn’t help but wish she had a normal life, with friends who cared about her feelings or guy problems instead of waiting for orders on which guy she would kill next.
These are useless thoughts. There’s no turning back now.
The car came to a stop at an intimidatingly tall company building, around the same height as the hotel.
Stretching her limbs as she exited the car, the driver notified Sayomi he would wait for her return in the same spot. 
Thanking the driver for his services, she took quick steps towards the entrance of the building. With her persistently developed speed and underground techniques, sneaking in and out of the building would be no problem.
Taking notice of the lack of security, she rolled her eyes as she let out a breath in annoyance. This is amateur work. 
Activating her zetsu, Sayomi’s menacing purple aura dissipated into thin air as she dashed past the sorry line of security, making her way to a deserted hallway.
There was a lone guard doing rounds with a bright flashlight in hand, failing to notice the slight breeze that Sayomi had left in her path.
Positioning a needle between her fingers, Sayomi flicked her wrist out at lightning speed, sending the needle flying towards the guard. 
It hit home in the guard’s neck, knocking him out instantly. Taking nimble steps towards the fallen guard, Sayomi made quick work of grabbing his access badge before heading to the elevators. 
Seeing as no one else was around, she tabbed an elevator, rocking back and her toes as she waited.
Just as she had expected, the elevator required an access badge, which she tapped against the scanner while pressing on the button for the 38th floor.
In a bored attempt to keep herself preoccupied on the way up, Sayomi spread her band of needles out in her hands. Closing her eyes, she ran a pale hand over the band. 
Her hand came down on a single needle, the needle she would use to finish off her target. Putting the band back into her pocket, she held the single needle between her knuckles, adrenaline rushing through her veins.
The elevators chime signified Sayomi’s arrival at the 38th floor. The floor was empty, being past working hours and in between shifts for the security guards.
A single desk lamp shone in her target's office, and Sayomi strolled casually to the partially open door.
She could see from where she approached that her target was busy at work, having stayed overtime. 
Knocking twice on the inside of the open door, Sayomi just barely caught the attention of the man before moving her wrist in a single, fluid motion.
The man had no chance to react, slumping face down onto his desk with a muffled thump.
She had hit the jugular clean and precise, leaving no trail behind of her job besides the now motionless man.
Satisfied with her work, Sayomi returned to the elevators with a skip in her step. A few months without my needles and I’ve still got it!
Greeting her driver with a smile this time around, she didn’t blame him for being utterly confused. 
The job had taken her just under 5 minutes, the majority of the time belonging to the elevator rides up and down from the 38th floor.
Dispatching her section leader of the completed job, Sayomi returned back to the hotel, looking as if she had gone out for an evening stroll.
Her section leader greeted her in the lobby, letting her know she had the remainder of the night off. She frowned slightly at the news, her adrenaline still rushing from the short job. 
An easy target like today always left her wanting more, unsatisfied with the lack of fighting that came with it.
I’m getting all caught up in this again.
Shaking away her thoughts of possibly finding more action, Sayomi returned to her room with slumped shoulders. She forced herself to set her needles back down on her nightstand, finding it hard to keep herself from fiddling with them.
It was late. And though the 51st floor around her seemed to be deep in sleep, Sayomi was restless. 
She decided to wash up and take a quick shower to relax her nerves, changing out of the uniform and into one of the other outfits they had provided her with.
Wrapping her silvery-white hair in a towel, she opted to sit on the floor, gazing out of the floor length window in front of her.
Yorknew City was quieting down, the street vendors having cleaned up for the night, stores being long closed, and clubs starting to die down. The last of the neon signs flickered in the darkness, looking like tiny specks of color from where Sayomi sat, high above most of the buildings bordering the one she was in.
The 16 year old girl sat cross-legged in a trance, no longer focused on the city in front of her, but something within her mind.
What am I gonna do now… I ruined my chances of escaping anytime soon. All because I couldn’t control myself, my old habits. Does this mean mother was successful with her plans?
No. I don’t have to give in to defeat. I’ll find a way out, just like how I got out of Meteor City. Maybe if I gain their trust they’ll take this ankle monitor off. 
I just have to become one of their obedient assassins, quiet and reliable. 
Sayomi fell asleep slouched on the rough carpeted floor that night, lost in her own thoughts and emotions.
But despite the uncomfortable position, her face proved differently. She was only ever at peace when she was fast asleep, because that’s when she could see her loved ones within dreams.
Illumi, Killua… Are you two taking good care of each other? Are you doing better than I am? 
Do you guys even miss me? 
I miss you two so much I feel like I could die. 
to be continued.
a/n: taglist open!
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leda-x · 3 years
Ladybug has five minutes left with Chat Noir, and she isn't ready to give them up.
Ladybug woke in the cooking section of a library with the word “chance” tumbling from her lips. It was the ancient atrium of a newly modernized building. Like always, she was crouched down behind a bookshelf with Chat Noir at her side.
Far, far above her head, thin marble columns rose upwards, curving into graceful arches to meet in the middle. Early morning light shone through the enormous circular skylight positioned at the center of the atrium’s domed ceiling. It illuminated little specks of golden dust that had been disturbed by them seconds before. The room was empty, sound hushed.
Meeting her gaze, Chat tapped the screen on his baton and the numbers 04:58 began to flash. 04:57… 04:56... He reached down, flipping through a cookbook at his side, stopping at a random page. “Lobster tails meunière,” he read aloud to mark the attempt, green gaze flicking back up for her lead.
There were 2,000 recipes in The Escoffier Cookbook and Guide to the Fine Art of Cookery. That one was new. Ladybug took it as a good omen.
There was nothing but seriousness in Chat’s face right now. Seriousness and a rosy glow of determination and confidence.
Ladybug’s fingers drifted off her bracelet to cradle Chat’s cheek. Her gloved thumb followed the line along the bottom edge of his mask, right at the exposed part of his cheek. She watched the depth and vibrancy in his eyes. Could see a ring of eyelashes through the colored glass. Could feel the heat from his skin. He had a freckle on his upper lip. Not for the first time Ladybug realized her partner was beautiful. The first few times she had stopped to really notice she had cried. An ache started in her throat and grew until her entire chest was sore, until she was breathless with grief.
A blush colored his cheeks and his neck. She watched, with some fascination, the steady beat of his heart through the vein in his neck. It was throbbing quick. He was searching her face for answers now, lip pursing into worry.  “Uh oh… It’s that bad?” Chat joked.
She wasn’t ready. It wasn’t the right time around. Ladybug got up from her crouch and held out her hand.
Chat took it without question and allowed her to lead them both out of the atrium into a modernized foyer, then into an elevator. She pressed floor four. 
“What’s the plan?” he asked as the elevator doors shut. Ladybug could detect a thread of nervousness behind his grin. He was probably wondering why they were going up when the akuma was last spotted below.
Such faith. It cracked her heart a little further every time. Ladybug squeezed his hand, watching the elevator numbers tick so she didn’t have to look him in the eye as she admitted, “No plan.”
The doors opened to an art gallery absent of people.
She let go of Chat’s hand, even though she never really wanted to, and began walking through the exhibit. She could hear the soft sound of his footsteps following her. Extremely large images of sand flicked by in succession. Ladybug didn’t stop to marvel at them.
Chat always did. “Whoah,” he said and she glanced back, catching him craning his neck. “This isn’t a photo. Someone drew this.”
Ladybug used up a few of her seconds to watch her partner, feeling a wash of fondness as Chat placed his hands on his hips and tilted forward, nose scrunched, face inches from the canvas. “LB how long do you think this took to make?”
Years, Ladybug thought. Aloud, she said, “This way.”
Chat let out a low whistle as they passed by a total of ten drawings. Each one looked alike. There were slight variations, however, upon closer inspection. It was the variations in Chat Noir that Ladybug kept discovering that made it impossible for her to stop doing this. They had been here over a thousand times before. Each time was a little different, but always ended the same.
They wound a corner and ended up in a smaller room. Ladybug headed towards the back where a replica of the interior of an old-style french house had been built. There was a bed and a little TV where you could learn all about Château de Blois.
It was the best place she had found for this. She had tried a lot of places. She had already dragged Chat around the entire city of Paris looking for a solution. Not that this Chat Noir remembered any of that.
She gestured at the bed, ignoring the documentary that was playing softly behind her, “I have a lot to tell you and no time to do it. How are we, by the way?”
Chat Noir obeyed, sitting on the bed, cat ears perked straight up, eyes bright now and curious. His knee bounced with pent-up energy. He glanced at his baton. “Three minutes, forty-seven seconds. Why? What’s going to happen?”
“I need you to pretend that everything I’m about to say is true,” Ladybug began.
Chat Noir gave her a funny look like, ‘why wouldn't I?’
Ladybug couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. She crouched down in front of him, placing a palm atop each bouncing knee. “You are going to die in three minutes,” Ladybug said.
Chat froze.
“Your heart. It stops. An arrhythmia,” Ladybug continued, keeping her eyes locked with his, making sure he was following along. They never had time to go over it again. “We’ve been here a lot. Anything you are about to say I’ve tried.” She had tried every hospital, every ER, every doctor; had tried Lucky charm-ing a solution countless times. 
Chat’s eyebrows drew together. His eyes were still present in the room with her, though. They hadn’t glazed off or flicked away in fear. “What?” he breathed. He searched her for a long moment for the joke. 
Ladybug knew better than to so much as flinch or blink right now while he was looking for a way out. Chat’s denial came in different severities every time, but it was never helped by her saying or doing anything until he did first.
A stormy look passed across his face as he took that in. “So... I’m dead and there’s nothing anyone can do about it?” he summarized, grinning.
Ladybug nodded, relaxing a touch. In her experience him grinning was usually the best outcome, even though it did seem a bit deranged. She took her hands from his knees, giving him a bit of space despite every bone in her body aching to hold him close. Even though she had held him so many times, it was always new for him. Too much of her affection too fast could scare him off.
“Wait. What about the cure?” he asked.
“You know Ladybug can’t bring people back to life.”
Chat leaned back a touch. A clawed palm drew up to rest over his heart, expression a bit dazed. Ladybug watched as her partner’s brain spun, processing. Then he glanced back at her, eyes startled. “How… How many times have we done this?”
“Many,” Ladybug admitted. “Each time is a little different. Sometimes you don’t believe me. Sometimes you call your dad. Sometimes you call Nino. Sometimes we just sit together.”
“Nino?” Chat caught.
“I know you are Adrien Agreste,” Ladybug said and then waited to see how he would react.
Sometimes this revelation hit hardest. It was more real, more believable. Often the fact that she knew his name at all was taken as proof she was telling the truth about everything else. That realization typically followed with denial. Sometimes terror.
Ladybug watched closely as Chat’s chest heaved in panic.
A humming noise suddenly kicked off. It was only after it stopped that Ladybug realized the air conditioning had been on. The change shocked Chat back out of whatever place he had gone. “Do I know you?” he whispered.
“Do you want to?”
Suddenly he recoiled, gaze suspicious. “You’re not Ladybug,” he stated, as if the thought had just dawned on him. “This isn’t real.”
Ladybug’s heart sank.
He was standing now, stumbling backwards. His shoulder hit one of the wood beams of the replica, causing him to twist.
With a sigh she reached down and twisted the bracelet back into position.
. .
Ladybug woke again in the cooking section of the library.
Chat tapped the screen on his baton and flipped through the cookbook. “Eggs benedict,” he read aloud.
Ladybug was still reeling from last time. They had almost parted ways on terms she could (maybe) accept. But no— Chat had to get paranoid. Not for the first time she cursed all the replicas of herself that her partner had faced. Maybe if he hadn’t been tricked previously they would have a better chance at this.
“Ladybug?” Chat’s voice broke her out of her thoughts, worried. “What’s wrong?”
“Why do you wake up in the morning?” Ladybug asked, eyes locked down at the book in his hands. At the long pause she got out of her crouch and into a cross-legged position, chancing a look at his face. Sometimes his living face in all it’s animated glory really hurt to look at when seconds before it had been dead.
Chat was staring at her in uncertainty. After a beat he mirrored her, settling down at her side and putting down the book. “That’s a weird question. Why? Something to do with the akuma?”
“Yes,” Ladybug lied. “I need to know.” She needed a break. Even though she never grew physically tired, emotionally she was exhausted. She used up rounds getting to know him better, plucking up the courage to try again to say goodbye again.
He had a grin on his face now. “Usually because of my alarm clock.”
 . .
She was back in the library.
“Grammont pullet,” said Chat Noir, to her right. He set down the cookbook and tapped his baton.
Ladybug laughed. She laughed and then she cried. She wasn’t sure when she stopped doing the first and started doing the second. They sort of happened together, just like all of these second chances and all of these subtle striations.
Chat’s hands hovered beside her arms like he wasn’t sure he was allowed to comfort her. His ears flattened, green eyes distraught. However, when Ladybug leaned in his arms looped around her in an easy embrace, chin resting atop her head.
Eventually emotions passed and Ladybug went quiet, listening to the sound of Chat’s heartbeat and the rumble of his voice as he asked, “What’s the joke?”
“You started the timer after you read the recipe this time,” Ladybug said.
Chat’s grip shifted. He fell silent, as if weighing something, before he admitted, “I don’t get it.”
Ladybug reached up and patted his back. She hadn’t expected him to.
. .
This time around was coq-au-vin.
They had made it to the elevator. This time, Ladybug pressed ‘Floor 4’ right as Chat pressed ‘Basement’. The elevator suddenly had a choice, and it chose to go down, and instead of twisting the bracelet to start over, Ladybug decided to take out some of her own anger on the akuma.
The fight was over before it barely begun.
The umbrella Ladybug tossed to Chat skidded across the floor. Chat stumbled. Ladybug reached down and spun the bracelet before she had a chance to watch him fall.
. .
The last recipe was profiteroles. And it was only the last one, because Chat— like always— surprised her. Ladybug supposed it was only a matter of when, not if. She could only do this so many times before Chat turned it back around on her.
He was glaring at her now, green eyes bright and vivid, unobstructed by goggles. Ladybug internally cursed whenever Chat decided to transform back because it meant there was no more baton— no more timer— and she always felt a bit lost within these three minutes without it.
“How many times have you put yourself through this?” he was asking her, again, since she couldn’t give him a straight answer. Suddenly, and swiftly, he got up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed and took two steps forward into her personal space before Ladybug had a chance to stumble back. “How many?” he repeated.
“I-I don’t know!” Ladybug answered truthfully, suddenly flustered beyond belief. This was the first time Adrien Agreste had had the audacity to step this close to her, to get this mad at her.
“Marinette,” Adrien realized, sounding a bit punched in the gut. “You’re Marinette. This whole time...”
Not trusting herself to speak, Marinette nodded, eyes wide. The amount of times they had both come to know each other’s identities were slim. Rarely did it ever get this far. From this point on was uncharted territory for Ladybug. This Chat Noir suddenly became very real, no longer this strange version of himself that repeated the same phrases and did the same things over and over. No, all the sudden this profiteroles version of Chat was wholly unique.
“If I die in three minutes—” he began.
“Any second now, actually,” Marinette corrected.
“—you’ll do what, exactly?” he finished.
Marinette knew how bad it sounded, but she said it anyway, “I’ll go back to when you’re not dead.”
Adrien’s eyes flicked to the Miraculous around her wrist for a second, brows scrunching. “And then what?”
Ladybug only had to meet his eyes for a brief second to answer that question.
Suddenly Chat had a strong grip on her arm, yanking it towards him.
It took Ladybug a full three seconds to realize what he was trying to do. “Chat. Stop. Chat, stop,” she hissed, veins icy, mouth dry. If he took the bracelet it was over. She twisted and ripped her arm out of his grip, stumbling back and away. A quick glance down confirmed the bracelet was still there and still activated. She kept it pressed tightly to her polka dotted chest, holding it with her other hand.
Adrien was shaking his head, bits of blond hair falling in and out of his eyes. “You can’t keep doing this,” he said, a little out of breath.
Marinette wondered if his heart had stopped and her fingers rested down upon the bracelet, but after a few seconds passed and he remained standing she let them drift away.
If Adrien noticed, he didn’t mention it. “Other people need you,” he accused. “Paris needs you.”
“Paris can figure it out,” she hissed.
Chat blinked, surprised. His face slowly morphed, surprise bleeding into understanding. “It’s ok, Bug. It will be ok.”
Her throat clenched and it felt like he had cleaved her entire body into two pieces straight down the middle. How? How would it ever be ok? When she thought of her future now she only saw darkness. There was nothing left.
“I know I can’t keep doing this,” she gasped, the words ripping out of her. “I know other people love me, need me. But you’re not the one that has to walk out of here alone." The word 'alone' made her own heart swell ten times too big until it felt like it would burst. She hoped it would. That would be a whole lot easier. She had wished a whole lot of things recently that would have appalled her younger self. “I’m not ready.”
“When will you be?” Adrien asked softly.
A hot surge of anger raced through her and she felt the insane urge to shove him or hurt him or do something because how dare he ask her that. How dare he! How dare he die in the first place! Ladybug was tempted to twist the bracelet just to get away from this Chat and go back to an earlier version who was still malleable and innocent. Just erase this attempt all together from his memory so she would never have to answer.
All she had to do was twist it. But then he’d be right. And if she didn’t twist it, he’d still be right. Because… he was right, regardless. And no matter how many times she could make him forget it, she would never forget it.
Adrien wobbled, taking a few quick steps back until he was slumping back on the bed, face pale. Time’s up.
Her anger evaporated and she was there, tugging him close into her chest, because this was the closest to Chat she had ever gotten in all her attempts. The crown of his head tucked underneath her chin, gloved fingers running through his hair, as she felt all the movement and life drain out of him. It was like this every time. Quick, quiet, sneaky. As quick as a switch. One minute the lights were on, the next they were off.
She had no idea how much time she had before her five minutes were up. If she had to guess it was down to seconds. Her fingers detangled out of blond hair and dragged along her side, along her arm, until they met her wrist and bumped against the bracelet. 
Was she? When would she be? Ready, that is.
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screamxqueenx94 · 3 years
For Your Protection/ Unexpected- Mitch Rapp
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A/N: It's been about a year and a half after the incident in Italy, after Mitch saved the world from complete destruction. It's in danger again with Russia wanting to attack the U.S. President and his family. Mitch is assigned to protect the President's daughter and executing the Russian assassin going after the President and his family, however Mitch may be in over his head with the First Daughter who will do anything for a night of partying to cope with a secret her family has been hiding for years.
Warnings: depictions of smoking
Pairings: Mitch Rapp x OC!Violet Monroe (eventually) 
POV: Third Person
Mitch was use to walking down this hallway. He did it at least once a week to get his new assignment whenever the old one was completed. His sneakers hitting the redwood floors towards Irene's office was a sound he knew all too well. He knocked on the big wooden doors leading into her office and waited to be welcomed in. He opened the door and seen both Hurley and Irene waiting for him. That was new, it was usually only Irene. This had to be a big deal if Hurley was there too.
"Take a seat, Mitch." Irene commanded, gesturing to the empty seat next to Hurley. 
He sits and waits for what's next. 
"We have learned that the Russian Prime Minister has planned an attack on the President and his family. The secret service has the President, his wife and son covered, but they need someone a little more...experienced, to protect his daughter." Irene informs him.
"And why is that?" Mitch asks, head leaning slightly to the side as he sat in a comfortable slouch, legs open in the padded arm chair facing her desk. 
"She doesn't sit still. Likes to run off and cause problems for the secret service agents and doesn't exactly do things that keep her father's reputation straight." She explained.
"Which is why I recommended you for the job, Rapp. Because you're just so good with people." Hurley added sarcastically, smirking at Mitch. 
"I'm guessing I can't say no, right?" Mitch asked, assuming correctly.
"No one would be more perfect for keeping her safe and under control than you, Mitch..." Irene insists "... She needs someone's who's tough and won't take shit, and that's you." She continues, pointing directly at him on the last word before sitting down in her big, black leather chair.
He sighs, pinches the bridge of his nose, then inhales sharply as he looks back at Irene. 
"What do I need to know about her?" He asks reluctantly.
She slides the file across the desk to him. "Violet Monroe. Age twenty-three. Youngest winner of Miss Teen U.S.A at the age of 13. Was Cheer Captain at Phillips Academy her senior year. Graduated from Stanford University top of her class with a Masters degree in Political Science. President of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority. She's the eldest of the Monroe children by seven years. Not only is she his only daughter, but she is her father's pride and joy." Irene informs him.
As she speaks, he's looking at her file and sees her photo, which looks like a social media profile picture, paperclipped to some pages. He's taken aback by how attractive she is, especially her crystal blue eyes. She had beautiful full lips, high, defined cheekbones, ivory skin that seemed damn near flawless. He had not seen a woman this beautiful in his eyes since Katrina…
Before he got too distracted, he closed the file and gave Irene his full attention. "Seems like she's her father's perfect angel. You sure you got the right person who does the partying?" 
"We're sure. She's just good at making herself seem otherwise." Irene insists.
"Don't let the pretty ones fool you, kid. You've certainly learned that by now." Hurley smirks at him again, making Mitch look his way. Irene looks at her watch, then to Mitch. "Get going, we have a car waiting for you to take you to the White House to get aquainted with the family before they send you and her off." 
Mitch pushes himself out of the chair by the armrests and heads towards door. As he reaches for the knob, Irene calls back to him, "Mitch…". He looks at her, waiting for her to speak again.
"Don't let her on social media either, she likes to tag her locations in her posts." She tells him.
He just nods and heads to the car outside waiting for him. 
When he arrives to the White House, he's stopped by a guard at the entrance gate. 
"Name?" The guard asks.
"Mitch Rapp." Mitch answers. 
"State your business." The guard commands.
"I'm the new Bodyguard for the First Daughter." He informs.
The guard makes a dry chuckle, shaking his head as he types on his small computer. He waits a moment and gets a notification and turns back his attention to Mitch. "Good luck, kid. You're gonna need it." 
He pushes a button, a buzzer goes off and the gate opens for Mitch. He drives through and follows the directions of where a second guard leads him to. He parks where all the other black SUVs and a limousine are and is met by two secret service agents. One is a tall man with a buzzcut and the other is blonde with a military style haircut. The agent with the buzzcut speaks into the small microphone on his watch. 
He listens to his earpiece, then both agents lead him into the White House towards the Oval Office. The blonde agent with a military style haircut opens the door and announces Mitch's arrival. He steps to the side and let's Mitch inside with the buzzcut agent right behind him. He could see Violet sitting on the couch with her back turned towards him until her and the rest of the family look towards him when his entrance is announced.
There on the couch, facing the door was the President, who had medium length gray hair, crystal blue eyes and a tan that looks like he's lived on the beach his whole life. Next to him was his wife, Amelia who was a thin woman with long brown hair, fair skin, full lips and big, brown eyes. On his other side was his son, who looked like his father, but with green eyes. A kind looking family with kind smiles. All of them making Mitch feel very underdressed in his old jeans and black shirt with the sleeves pushed up just above his elbow. President Monroe gets up from the couch he was sitting on and offers his hand out to Mitch for a handshake. 
"Mr. Rapp." He greets.
"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. President." Mitch greets back. 
"Please, call me Richard." He insists with a friendly smile. "I appreciate the service you've done for us, Mitch. You are a true hero." He praises, resting a hand on Mitch's shoulder. 
"Just doing my job, sir." 
President Monroe turns to look back at his family and secret service staff, smiling and exclaims "Look at that. A hero and humble. You don't see that everyday!" He turns back to Mitch and squeezes his shoulder. 
"Mitch, let me introduce you to my beautiful family." He puts his arm over Mitch's shoulders and guides him towards where his family was standing and directs him towards the couch he was sitting on before Mitch arrived.
"This is my lovely wife, Amelia." He introduces. Mitch shakes her hand and she smiles kindly at him.
"My talented son, Elliot." Elliot stands and shakes Mitch's hand with his other hand in the pocket of his khakis.
He then turns Mitch towards the other couch, facing Violet. "And my gorgeous daughter, Violet." 
She stands up, she's much shorter than Mitch would've expected. She comes up to his chin with her heels on. Her photo in her file didn't do her justice. In his mind, she was even more beautiful in person. Her blue eyes looking even brighter, her skin looking softer than silk. Her curled, long light blonde hair shaping her face perfectly. 
She put out her hand with perfectly manicured candy red nails out to shake his with a sickenly sweet smile on her face. He shook her hand and half smiled at her. 
"Well, I won't take up any more of your time Mr. Rapp." Richard spoke up, clamping his hands together, making both Mitch and Violet look his way. 
"Amelia, Elliot, we must get going to Atlanta. Violet, we will meet you in New York once things blow over." He continues. 
Violet just nods. The secret service agents lead Mitch and Violet out of the white house with some of her Louis Vuitton luggage in hand and help Mitch load them into the trunk next to his old duffle bag that he takes on every trip. The agents leave, but not before telling him good luck and both snickering. Mitch rolls his eyes and opens the passenger door for her. She smiles at him, then hops in gracefully as she holds her nude shoulder bag close to her body. He closes the door and rushes over to the driver side. 
He starts up the car and leaves the White House property. Once they're a good distance from the White House, she finally speaks up. "Are we out of view of the White House now?" 
He checks his rear view mirror, then answers without looking directly at her, still facing forward. "Yes ma'am." 
She lets out a sigh of relief and takes off her lace front wig, surprising Mitch with a head of long, mint green hair and making him do a double take. She kicks off her nude four inch heels and takes off the jacket of her black and gray tweed skirt suit, unties the bow on the collar of her blouse and unfastens the first few buttons, exposing a bit of her chest tattoo. She pulls the hairtie out of her hair and runs her fingers through her hair a few times then rolls down her window and flips open the flap on her purse and pulls out a pack of American Spirit cigarettes and a gold Zippo lighter.
She puts a cigerette to her lips and lights it. She takes a long drag and leans her head back as she blows it out, flicking the ashes out the window. He just looks at her with a raised eyebrow. She looks back at him, not understanding why he's even staring. 
"What?" She asks with a shrug. 
He quickly turns his attention back to the road and just shakes his head.
"Just didn't expect that is all." He answered.
@mrs-mitch-rapp93 @coconutstars @javalavax @lavenderrosegoddess @hufflepuff-foodie @okaybestfriend @bxchanansbarnes @life-is-obrien @daisyxbuckley @porg-damneron @ohhhhmybrien @stiles-o-dylan24 @maliatatevevo @confuscita @blueraindrops
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cocovikings23 · 4 years
New Start - Chapter 1 (Modern Ivar x Reader)
I start writing a little fiction with a Modern Ivar. Thanks to @youbloodymadgenius for supporting me. Sorry for my bad English, it is not my mother tongue.
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Chapter one : Engaged
Summary: The reader goes for a job interview at the Ragnar & Sons Corporation and finds herself face to face with Ivar during the interview. He is a very strict sector manager but facing his potential new recruit, he will behave differently than normal.
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As usual, you arrived early for this umpteenth job interview. So there you were, in front of this big building, perhaps the biggest you've ever seen, remembering your previous failures of the last few weeks. It's true that you had had a series of interviews, none of which had resulted in a contract. Since you had left your home country and set off for a completely unknown city, you had a difficult start, you worked in a café as a waitress for the first few months and after you had had enough, you decided to go back to your original line of work: negotiation. There are a lot of companies recruiting at the moment, you thought it was now or never to try your luck. After a dozen or so interviews, some of which you'd like to erase from your memory, like the last one, where the guy openly made you understand that in order to get a job here you have to go through the "I'm lying down to succeed" box; of course you took your legs and left.
You enter this gigantic building through large transparent sliding doors, to reach the main lobby of the Ragnar & Sons Corporation, THE biggest trading company in the area and the name Lothbrok is on everyone's lips in the small town where you landed a few months ago. You easily reach the reception counter where you see the four switchboard operators dressed the same way: a black skirt suit with a white shirt ultra well ironed underneath it. Their hands are manicured, their contouring was so perfect that Kim Kardashian can go get dressed, their eyeliner line in the corner of the eye is also measured to the millimeter. You look at yourself in the long mirror behind the manicured quadruplets, as you so aptly called them, you look dull compared to them : Your hands are far from perfect since you cut your nails that very morning so that you wouldn't have a single inch that could get caught in your stockings, your make-up is very light and your hair, oh gods, you struggled for thirty minutes in the bathroom with your mane and finally opted for a professional style bun despite the fact that some of your hair is receding.
You get out of your mind when the Barbie asks, "Welcome to the Ragnar & Sons Corporation, can I help you? »
"Uh ... yes ... hello, I'm Miss Y/LN Y/N, I have a professional interview ... ",
She types on her computer for a few seconds, takes her phone, dials a number and says " She has arrived ", then hangs up to finally announce " Mr Lothbrok, is waiting for you, he is on the 15th floor, office number 01 ". You thank her with a touch of apprehension, the knot in your belly intensifies when the elevator doors open, you go inside, press the number 15 and you let yourself be carried further up in this big tower. You barely have time to do a mini self-meditation to calm yourself down that you have already arrived at your destination. You get out of the elevator, walk straight ahead, along a large silent corridor and finally arrive in front of a double door on which is written in the top right corner "01". There you are, you know nothing about your recruiter except that it is either Ragnar himself, but this is unlikely because he is very often travelling abroad, or one of his sons.
Like any good candidate you took a keen interest in the company in order to avoid trick questions during the interview, so you know that the boss is Ragnar Lothbrok and that he runs the company with his five sons: Björn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd and Ivar. You were even more stressed for this interview when you put a face to these names, there are some pictures of the sons on the site: all of them were very attractive. But your attention was caught by Ivar, the youngest of the family, in one photo you noticed that he wears a brace on his right leg and that he holds himself up with a crutch, but what intimidated you the most was the look in his eyes: his eyes are the bluest in the family, an intense, authoritative look... You begged the gods that it be one of his brothers who welcomes you the next day.
You come back to you when you hear the voice of a man behind you asking if everything is all right. You turn back to him, your eyes immediately widen because you know him or at least you know who he is: a tall man, hair in a man's bun, green eyes, he was one of the Lothbrok sons, he is Hvitserk. Having no answer from you, he repeats his question: "Is everything all right, Miss? Has my brother made you miserable or not yet? "he says with an amused look.
You sputter : " yes... well no... well I mean, yes I'm fine and no I haven't seen anyone yet " you come to your senses " I'm Y/N, I'm here for the new job, I have to meet Mr Lothbrok ". Hvitserk continues with the same amused look, "So you have to talk to my little brother Ivar, he's the one who manages recruitment.   After his words, it's as if the ground is crumbling under your feet, your greatest fear, since the call to confirm your appointment, will materialize. You haven't had time to understand what's going on, because Hvitserk has already gone into his brother's office to announce your arrival: "I found your new victim at your door little brother, try to be nice this time, don't let her go away crying" he says, laughing. Hvitserk leaves the office and winked at you, he closes the doors, you wonder why the gods punished you in this way, you want to have this interview with Hvitserk after all.
You turn to Ivar, who is sitting behind a large wenge-colored desk, which is arranged in a very orderly, even structured way, each pen is the same size, all stored in a brown leather jar. Ivar, who taps on her Mac, frowns before giving up "You're early, we had an appointment at 9:30, it's 9:15". You swallow and he goes on " But since you're here we'll get rid of that now ". You bend your head and tell yourself that it was a waste of time, another failure, you even think of resuming your job as a waitress to provide for your needs while you find a job worthy of your skills when Ivar resumed the speech "You can settle down" by pointing to the chair in front of you. He didn't even bother to look at you, he's too busy with his screen. You settle down on the chair, which itself is made of brown leather and is quite comfortable, put your little purse on the floor next to you, put your sweaty hands on your knees and clear your throat. You have time to watch the executioner who would torture you for twenty minutes, asking you questions, each one more twisted than the other, for a job that you wouldn't get. He is dressed in a dark blue suit, very well adjusted to his size, gods that he is muscular, you can see his biceps through the jacket that fits perfectly. Under this suit, he wears a bright white shirt, slightly open with three buttons, you do not see his legs, they are hidden by the desk but you notice his crutch on the armrest of his beautiful luxury armchair. Faced with so much charm and charisma, you feel a knot in your chest.
Ivar is typing on his keyboard one last time before closing his computer, he looks up to start the interview when he stops in his tracks as he looks at you. "Then Miss," his eyes become even bluer, he freezes like a statue for a few moments before resuming, "Miss Y/L/N, we are going to start the interview," he has become different than when you entered his office, a kind of vulnerability has taken hold of him. Which doesn't help you any more because you are at the height of your stress. "Tell me a little bit about yourself, why do you want to work here?"
" I've only been in Kattegat for a few months, I worked as a waitress in a café in the center to acclimatize myself and I wanted to go back to my original skills in negotiation, business, " you answered.
"Hmm I see.." Ivar runs her fingers over her lower lip while continuing to stare at you like a hunter watching his prey, you feel your cheeks warm, the atmosphere in the room gets heavier and heavier... A long silence lingers when Ivar's cell phone begins to ring. He takes his eyes off you to look at the caller, makes a gesture with his finger to cut the call. He looks up at you again, to finally resume the conversation. "Well, Y/N, you know that we are the largest trading company in Kattegat and I, unlike my brothers, hate failure. I want to be certain of your skills and now you're not proving anything to me," you swallowed loudly, not knowing what to say.
Ivar continues, "For a person who wants to demonstrate her qualities as a trader you are very quiet..." he says with a sly smile. But what an asshole !, you think.
In order to put an end to this humiliation as soon as possible you start to take your bag on the ground to leave, you dare to speak up. "No disrespect Mr. Lothbrok, I think your behavior is totally inappropriate, I think it is more reasonable to end this interview now, thank you...".
"Please sit down Miss Y/L/N", Ivar cuts you off, you are surprised that your only decision is to obey this tyrant. He remains silent, spinning slightly from left to right in his authoritarian boss chair, smiles "Finally, the little waitress has character...". Ivar gets up, uses his crutch to walk up to you, sits on the edge of his desk right in front of you, his crotch in front of your eyes. Despite the fact that he's a complete asshole, he's still a very handsome and attractive man, the fact that he's getting closer to you doesn't leave you indifferent. He stooped down to your level to look you straight in the eyes, your faces are only a few centimeters away from each other. You can feel his warm breath caressing your cheeks, your mouth opens slightly by itself. You rub your legs together to try to hide the fact that some kind of excitement is building up in your lower abdomen. He bends his eyes to finally break this moment that has become erotically embarrassing. "As I was saying, failure is not a possibility, I may regret it but I will give you your chance, don't disappoint me otherwise... " he leans towards your ear to continue with a broad smile " I should punish you ". He gets up, taking up a neutral expression to get back behind his desk taking up his Mac to finish the emails that were in progress before your arrival.
"You're hired Y/N", he drops this information by waving you off his desk "You'll see Clara at the reception desk for your contract".
You get up, gently says to him " Thank you Iv... Mr Lothbrok, goodbye ". You don't see him because you already have your back to him but at the announcement of his first name, he has sparks in his eyes. You close the door behind you, you think that you had spent an eternity in this office when you were there for only 15 minutes.
Hvitserk walks past his brother's office and asks you about your interview: "I see you are still alive, my brother spared you! "he says jokingly, "and then what was the sentence he gave you?" he asks,  taking it a little more seriously,
"Ivar hired me" you say shyly, Hvitserk equal to himself took you in his arms "Congratulations, you are officially our colleague now, so no formalities between us, OK? "He puts an arm around your shoulder to guide you through the corridor. "Come with me, I'll give you a guided tour of the premises and introduce you to my other brothers". As you both walk away from Ivar's office, you look behind you, your body wants to come back to him while your mind is slowly getting used to the idea of this new life that is being offered to you.
@youbloodymadgenius @therealcalicali
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Neighbors Son
You meet your new neighbors son.
Warnings: Swearing, Mature-ish, angst
A/n: so this is the start of my Clark Kent Imagine series that will sort of run alongside my Bruce Wayne ones, I re-wrote this about eight times so hope you like the final result as for the health insurance I'm British so have no idea how it works I just went along the lines of how car insurance works here.
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​
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The Neighbors Son
Martha chuckled as you sat at her kitchen table grumbling over the papers in front of you.
"You do you lot have to do things so weird?! What the hell is this shit ?And what the fuck does that word even mean. Its not a word that's the fucking alphabet in the wrong order! THEY MADE UP NEW WORDS Martha can you take me out back and shoot me please? At this point I think that's my only option" You grunted resting your head on the table. Martha sighed rolling her eyes at your dramatic display you felt her slip the paper from underneath your head.
"Just whats gotten you so work up now girl..... Health insurance? Well its about damn time! You've been here four months .....I can see why this can seem difficult." She scanned the documents and slapped the side of your head making you sit up.
"Come on up, right this one is the best value but doesn't cover dental or opticians, so you have to pay for them, but it covers illness and emergancey care, if you choose the next one up you’ll get that and it also covers for maternity care." She pointed out the different options, you knew that you’d been lucky in England to have the nhs but until now you didn't know just how lucky.
"Can I upgrade? Like at a later date if I wanna have a one?" The older woman scanned the documents.
"Yes but you wont be able to claim anything for prenatal or maternity for at least six months after adding it to the policy." You nodded you didn't really see yourself accidentally falling pregnant for that you'd need to have sex and you've been on a dry spell since being here. You nodded taking the paper from her."So I will just do that then"  you said wanting it over and done with she sighed at you crossing her arms giving you 'the look' that every woman got when she became a mother."How many have you looked at?" You shrunk under her stern gaze and rubbed the back of your neck nervously.
"Errr so far? In total? One" she sighed shaking her head at you, before pouring you both another coffee setting it in front of you,she hadn't realized how lonley she had been once the farm house across the field had been empty not until you had moved in, all the way from England you had bought the house with your inheritance selling most of the fields to others in the area just keeping a small two acres around the house for yourself. She had met you the day you moved in coming over to introduce herself see if you needed help, you both instantly hit it off and it wasn't long before she was looking out for you. It was hard for you to adjust to life here, loosing your dad was bad but she then found out that your mother had caused major problems practically chasing you out of the country, the woman had been unhappy with the will and wanted her 'half' tho it wasn't millions it was enough for you to live comfortably in the end you'd had to move as she kept coming around to the house causing problems and harassing you for money, you'd had to get away far away so settled in Kansas. It was different but a welcome change, slower and laid back sure sometimes you missed not being in the Hustle and bustle but you had everything you need, a comfy house ,decent car and an income from your books, you was an author writing adult books, tales of gorgeous cowboys, dominant business men and mafia king pin's all falling in love with the women of their dreams with erotic twists and scenes that would make a porn star blush. Martha had been a huge help since you got here ,she had taken you under her wing watching over you and you'd become fast friends, always finding yourselves at each others houses helping each other out. You groaned as she shook her head at you knowing the look. There was a lecture coming.
"That’s just silly, you should look around compare prices and policies, it could save you a lot of money in the long run, especially you i mean your a trouble magnet how you haven't already ended up in ER I don't know?" You smiled sweetly at her
"Because a have a kind and loving neighbor to patch me up" you said casting a look to the scar on your arm where she had sewed you up after a nasty fall on some farming equipment in the barn. She huffed at you rolling her eyes kids. And you was a kid only twenty seven years old younger then her Clark, sometimes she asked you why you don't go into town and meet some people your age you'd always cringe and shiver saying that they were to immature or just banged on about marriage and kids, which neither interested you in the slightest you were quite happy with things the way they were. Martha looked up as the dog perked up outside whining and yipping happily before she heard him
"Ma? You here?" She smiled as he entered the house wrapping her up in his arms she hugged him back.
"Clark? What are you doing here?"  She pulled back a little seeing him upset she cupped his face.
"Oh god whats wrong? Is everything okay? Whats happened?"
"Its Lois...we had an argument I had to leave her Ma, its over she couldn't see past the super-" Martha quickly shushed him as You stood awkwardly thinking it better to leave not wanting to intrude. The man snapped his head in your direction releasing his mum and you were floored he was stunning, sure she had showed you photos of her son but they didn't do any justice. Tall broad and strong his biceps were fucking huge his chest tapered into a perfect v, dark hair hanging in messy curls atop his head some falling forward just skimming his eyes that were a glistening bright blue you felt your pussy clench violently. Fuck. You was so lost that you failed to notice him staring right back at you it was Martha clearing her throat that snapped you both out of what ever trance you'd both been put you under.
"Cheers for the coffee but I should get back and leave two to catch up, anyway this next chapter isn't gonna write itself..... at this point I don't think I’m gonna write it either." You said with a chuckle Martha turned to you putting her hands on her hips.
"Oh no you don't, your going park you butt right there and stay here to search other quotes" you gaped at her looking to her son he held up his hands staying out of it.
"Don't you go looking to him,he wont help you" you huffed crossing your arms
"Did you just give me homework? It sounds like you gave me home work." She nodded
"Damn right, health insurance is a big deal and you don't just pick the first one that pop's up on the internet" you pouted at her trying to change her mind she just stared you down tilting her head then you threw your hands up.
"Oh for fuck sake, fine I will look Jesus Christ" she nodded smiling not missing the way you and Clark was stealing glances at one another, well you stole glances Clark was out right staring. She slapped him upside the head.
"Don’t be rude son introduce yourself" he stuttered shyly flushing at being scolded before holding out a hand towards you quickly.
"Er Clark Kent nice to meet you Mrs?" You took his hand not surprised by how warm it was I mean this guy was hot, it only made sense right?.
"Miss Y/n Y/L/N but just call me Y/n everyone does....apart from your mum she calls me 'a pain in the ass'" he chuckled
"Then we already have something in common" you laughed as Martha motioned for you both to sit at the table smiling knowingly, she saw how Clark couldn't look away how the sorrow in his eyes disappeared as he looked at you. Clark couldn't tear his eyes away from you he gulped eyes raking over your form his mouth gone dry speechless. Wow. You was very attractive like you walked out of one of his fantasies, a tiny homely looking girl light tan with deep chocolate wavy hair in a short bob twisted in a half up do, tiny bun in the back with a few loose strands framing your small face that had a dusting of freckles from being out in the sun, tho he guessed that some were more permanent as they didn'tstop on your face trailing down into you blouse, his breathing hitched as his eyes couldn't help peeking seeing the tops of you breasts spilling over the cups of your bra as you slouched over the table barely resting your elbow on it due to how small you was. His cock twitched you were very tiny the top of your head didn't even reach the top of his chest, he estimated you to be around four foot nine maybe four foot ten he grunted a little, he did have a thing for smaller women, he loved that he towered over average sized women but you were like his dream girl,fuck if he didn't want to fold you in half and fuck you senseless. His pants tightened at the thought, he bet you'd struggle to take him but given the chance he would find a way to impale you forcing your little body to take every punishing inch he grunted a quietly his stomach clenching. He quickly pulled his eyes away before either you would notice trying to calm his slightly ragged breaths this wasn't like him at all, he had been raised a gentleman but sitting here he felt anything but. Drawing his eyes up to yours. Incredible, he got many compliments for his eye but yours were something else, one a light brown honey colour the other was the brightest green he had ever seen, like someone had captured an emerald with in it, he swallowed dryly again becoming hot under the collar twitching in his pants as he continued to assess you. He wasn't sure what you was doing in his Mothers house but he had no complaints whatsoever.
"S-so Y/n your not from around here." his voice cracked a little as he spoke you shook your head at him a little uncomfortable as Martha pottered about the kitchen busying herself with making a fresh pot of coffee, you moved to help her but she just shook her head at you.
"No I moved here four months ago from England, your mum has been helping me get settled, America is a lot weirder than I had initially thought" you giggled a little nervously crossing your legs trying to fight off the building tension between your thighs, it wasn't every day you sat across for a delicious looking male, already picturing him as the main character in your next book with the amount of fantasies you were sure to come you'd probably have enough material for a whole series. He grit his teeth a little as his cock jumped at the melodious sound of your voice and thick southern British accent, he wouldn't admit but your voice had now become his favorite sound of all, imagining just how high he could get it if you ever gave him a chance.
"Wow that’s pretty far, and you chose Smallville why not one of the big cities?" He asked as Martha walked across the kitchen washing up some dishes in the sink, you frowned she never did that when you was here, she was up to something.
"Well Gotham didn't look to promising and I couldn't find anything in metropolis, I didn't have much time to move and when I saw the farm house I thought why not and bought it now I'm just  across the field from your mum. I might get a small place in the city at some point but right now I'm quite happy here"
"You haven't even been to metropolis yet and your already thinking of buying a place there? shouldn't you check it out first? Maybe you could show her around when she does visit Clark? Take her to see the sights she'd like that? Wouldn't you y/n?" Your jaw sort of hung open....was she trying to set you up with her son? You chuckled nervously seeing the smirk on the other woman face.
"Oh Martha he's probably busy-"
"No! No I'm not, I'm not busy at all!.....I-I mean sure I could to show you around." He interrupted you then flushed, Martha shook her head the boy wouldn't know sublty if it bit him on the ass. You blushed sipping more of your coffee.
"Well if your sure... but I need to finish my book I've already postponed the release date once, don't think the publisher will like another one" he smiled as his mother set down a cup and fresh coffee pot he refilled everyone's cups as she took a seat at the head of the table sitting back watching you both fumble around your words blushing and stuttering, there was definitely something going on here and she was a little smug and had a feeling she was going to enjoy this next bit.
"Your a writer? What do you write?" You blushed bright at his question. Oh shit.
"Haha Yeah, well I sort of write books, fiction"
"I don't think I've heard of you tho?" you looked down going beet red your pussy dampening your panties at the idea of him lying back in his bed reading one of your raunchy books.
"I use an alias so I don't get any backlash" he looked a little surprised but it wasn't uncommon even some journalists did this mostly if the do honest reviews of shops and services
"Oh so what type of fiction do you write children's books?" You flushed more at his innocence looking to Martha who was snickering quietly to herself. She was going to be no help here whatsoever.
"No..Not children's books...My stuff is more...Mature" you desperately looked to Martha eyes screaming. Help me!. poor Clark tilted his head a little not understanding why you seemed to be getting so embarrassed
"Oh for teens then?" his mother finally cracked up laughing out right at the face you pulled at him deciding to put an end to to sorry affair, it was painful to watch.
"Oh for god-She writes porn Clark! Erotica, Adult fantasies" Clark spat his coffee not ready for that at all, coughing and spluttering,you got up quickly just dodging the drink sprayed in your direction.
"MARTHA!..Oh shit are you okay big guy?" Patting to poor mans back as Martha sat there sipping her coffee smirking into her cup.
"What? Like I'm wrong? we'd be here all day if I'd let that pan out" You flushed at her words as he finally caught his breath before you sat back down and sunk in your seat mortified she just came out and said it.
"Ah okay then wow I didn't expect that....I mean you look so cute...Not that I don't think you can be sexy and cute cos you are shit I mean er what do I mean?...Its just not what I'd have thought you'd write....But there's nothing wrong with that, I imagine its quite hard NO!no not hard...Not that its easy that's not what I meant just that it would be hard-Difficult! difficult it would be difficult to write." Martha laughed out loud having the time of her life as you both flushed bright red, Clark was trying to talk himself out of his own embarrassment, you on the other hand just Blinked at him as he had a melt down so red he looked like his head was going to pop, finally taking pity on him you interrupted his babbling.
"Its okay...I get what you mean...Sometimes its... Difficult but you just you know keep at it..." Martha smiled oh yes you two definitely liked each other, now if only she could find a way to set you up together. An awkward silence fell over the kitchen as you fiddled with your cup a little and Clark trying to look anywhere but you failing miserably, she decided to have some mercy and change the subject and let you know that he was available all at once.
"So you and Lois are over for good this time?" You leaned back in your seat watching his face drop you couldn't help feel sorry for him.
"Yeah, she just kept pushing, wanting me to be someone I'm not, to play that part all the time I'm sick of it! it started got to the point I no longer had any choice, I'd do what ever for a quiet life even if it made me unhappy" Martha sighed at him she had seen this coming for a long time but had to step back and let him figure it out for himself.
"Clark I'm sorry things didn't work out I really am but she would never be satisfied until everything went her way you knew that"he nodded solemnly sighing you could tell who ever this Lois was had meant the world to him.
"I think I knew deep down she wasn't the one, I just thought if I carried on, if I stuck with it she would see how it was effecting me and change just a little for my sake. Just like I did for her you know?"
"She was never going to son, in her eyes you had become what she wanted so she didn't have to change at all but she forgot the most important thing in a relationship that's its give and take she forgot to be what you needed" Martha held his hand  he sighed looking at her nodding.
"Well this happened just over three weeks ago and she is still carrying on like we are together, like nothings changed! showing up at my apartment when she feels like it and throwing a fit when i don't let her in and is telling everyone I'm her date to this party now I'm stuck, I don't want to go with her but if I go alone then she's going corner me." he sounded exhausted and fed up and slightly bitter towards this woman and with good reason you knew how this type of thing could were on someone, you'd seen it first hand growing up.
"Party? what Party?" he waved his hand at his Mothers question
"A staff party celebrating another award and I don't want to go alone, if I do I know I will end up going back to her I really don't want to. So need to find someone else but there is no one shes still letting everyone think we're together! and none of them want to be on her bad side. I just need a woman to pretend to be my girlfriend for one night"
"Now Clark that's not fair on whoever you take, your a handsome boy and anyone you take might really like you it could crush them if they find out your using them. You can't use one women to prove a point to your ex it isnt right your father and I raised you better then that." You interrupted before she could lay into him anymore.
"I can understand what he is getting at tho, sorry to interrupt and if I'm being out of line tell me, but she sounds like my Mother, relationships are give and take, you can't just take and take and expect your other half to put up with it, Clark if you need someone to go with you to make it clear your finished with her I will go with you, no strings attached or hard feelings but women who think everything should revolve and change around them and their needs really fucks me off!! especially when they pull that shit on a sweet genuine person, in the end these women just destroy the men their with. I don't know you very well but Martha raised you so you can't be that bad and that's enough for me." You hissed some of the words it was like your parents all over again. Your mother was spoilt and selfish always demanding that your father change the way he was for her, you had watched as he had given up everything for her but it was never enough, he had to play a part and it ate away at him for years sending him into a deep depression, yet she never did anything in return or tried to help him. In the end, you at seven years old had found him trying to commit suicide. The thought of you being the one to find his body was what broke the camel's back he threw her out the next day then tried divorcing her but she wouldn't sign the papers so instead they remained separated she had nothing so you was left in your dads care, he was happier then ever but the damage had been done he never found anyone else, she hung around every few months trying to weasel her way back in missing the money more than her family, when she didn't get her way she tried to destroy any happiness he found. Luckily he had sense enough to rewrite his will and piddle away the money in the account he had left to her his final fuck you to her was when the executor of the will read out that you was left with the car, house and just over seven hundred and eighty thousand pounds the housekeeper Susanna was left the holiday home in Devon and forty thousand pounds and your mother well she got twenty nine pound sixty seven pence and was aloud to have the expensive china that the Susanna had been instructed to smash after his passing....Yeah your dad was a bastard but it was funny as fuck. That’s why you had to leave she kept coming to the house harassing you for money. The restraining order hadn't worked so you decided to move you had the means to do it so went for it, she would never find you here and couldn't use the fact shes your mother to find you because you wasn't a minor the cherry on top the account that your dad was leaving for your mother was what he used to pay for your college and university. Martha sighed knowing why you got so wound up and you was right Lois was similar to your mother.
"You'd do that? Really?" You nodded to him smiling
"Absolutely I ain't afraid of no American.... apart from your mum shes scary as fuck, but seriously I can handle anything she tries to throw at me and you can show me around town while your at it, I'm guessing its in metropolis? when is it?" Martha sat back a little stumped turns out she wont have to set you two up after all.
"Err Its this Saturday ,you sure you want to come what about your book?" you waved him off
"Its fine Clark I can bring my laptop and work on it in the hotel" he nodded grinning wide suddenly excited about this next week then faltered.
"Don't bother booking a hotel you can stay with me for the week after all your doing me a huge favor its the least I can do to repay you" he chose to ignore his mothers raised brow. She had a few guesses at exactly how he was planning to pay you back and she doubted it was just going to be bed and breakfast.... probably breakfast in bed if the looks he gave you were anything to go by, not that she minded you would be a better fit for him anyway. Call it mothers intuition but she got the feeling that Clark would be around a little more now that you were just across the field.
"Oh no I couldn't! a hotel would be fine"
"I insist I would love nothing more then to have you to myself for the week" Martha tried to bite back a laugh, she never realized how cheesy her son was trying to flirt, no wonder he didn't have much success but she could see you fall for it hook line and sinker as you flushed squirming in your seat a little, he smirked at you from across the table getting more confident, he liked to think that he had already caught you. Prick he new exactly what he was doing as he leaned back man spreading, making your walls clench.
"You could spend the week ,we can catch a train tomorrow afternoon if you like, be back in time for dinner there's a nice diner near my apartment" you nodded a little suddenly feeling like one of the women in your books flustered heart racing a mile a minute as the man of your dreams offers to take you away from the boring daily routine. The question was were you brave enough to follow through with it, hell you'd moved to the other side of the world on a snap decision, spending a week alone with a drop dead gorgeous man should be a breeze, it didn't take long to decide giving him a shy smile nodding as you had butterflies in your tummy. His face lit up
"Great I will check the train times It's Sunday service but there should still be some in the afternoon"
"Perfect! I should go and pack then I suppose,Martha if I leave a key here could you watch the house for me and feed the fish when I'm gone" she nodded quickly excited but anxious at the same time, hoping that you would hit it off with Clark but at the same time apprehensive about how fast you was going, after all you only just met, but you were both adults and could handle yourselves and she knew you'd be safe with him.
"Oh is it formal or what?"
"Oh yes, its theme is Hollywood glam"
"Oooo I've got the perfect dress, any way I'm off and will see you both tomorrow be back around eleven tomorrow morning?" he stood nodding walking you to the door making you swoon inside as he opened the door above you reminding you just how big he was, a gentle giant.
"I-I'll see you tomorrow then Clark" he leaned down to your ear whispering
"Can't wait, sweet dream's Y/n I know mine will be" you gasped as he pulled away winking chuckling at your hot cheeks, he could have a lot of fun making you blush he decided as you turned quickly scampering down the stairs away from the house towards yours, who's roof you could barely see over the crops from this distance. He stayed there leaning on the door frame arms crossed groaning watching your ass sway as you made your way into the brakes in the crops what the tractors used to get across the field disappearing into the high crops.
"So you like her then?" he jumped back bumping into the door frame making it creak a little at his mothers sudden appearance, she giggled folding the tea towel in her hands.
"Wow you must have taken a shine to her if your so mesmerized by her or more specifically her backside, that I can sneak up on you,I haven't been able to do that since you were a little boy." he chuckled embarrassed that she'd caught him staring
"Not that I think you would but Clark? don't play with her feelings okay? shes a good kid and had it tough over the past few years and she doesn't need a heart break on top of everything else" he snapped his head to his mom.
"Ma you know I wouldn't-" she fixed him with a look
"You just admitted in there that you was going to use some poor girl to make a point to Lois and I'm telling you now if you hurt her I wont be impressed"
"I wouldn't do that to her, I wont hurt her I promise, but I would like to get to know her more...see if we could you know" she smiled softly at him
"I'm just saying your a handsome man and she could fall for you easily, don't use her as a rebound." he sighed she had a point but after seeing you all thoughts of Lois died.
"I like her Ma do you-do you think maybe she could like me to? this time have a relationship with me, get to know Clark Kent before Superman? that Clark could be enough this time?" that made her pause clenching the cloth in her hands twisting it, there was something in the way he said that, so unsure and hopeless she fumed inside his confidence was knocked she felt like she was speaking to the shy beaten down preteen he once was. He truly believed that Clark Kent wasn't good enough anymore and there was only one person to blame for that,it was with those words she realized that Lois had hurt him and hurt him bad, she sighed pulling him down kissing his cheek then cupped his cheeks making him look her in the eye.
"Now you listen to me and you listen well. You are good enough and you are loved, I don't know what Lois has put into your head, and for her safety I don't think I should know, but you forget it right this instant! you hear me?" he nodded a little still unsure as Martha searched his eyes for a little glimmer of confidence but her heart clenched when she couldn't find any, that confidence from earlier must have been false bravado. Lois was lucky she wasn't going to metropolis herself she's probably kill her for hurting her baby, tho she's sure Y/n was going to rip her apart in her stead it was a pity she wouldn't be there to see it.
"I think Y/n is already smitten with you and that you'd be good for one another. I've only known her four months but She doesn't try to be anything she's not, she takes people as she sees them and doesn't have time for all the games other women play its why we get along so well. And as a side note she has never reacted like that to any one else's attempts at flirting trust me there have been quite a few try when we've been out and she shut them down....Quite brutally now that I think of it. But if your serious about her give it your all I don't think you will be disappointed I think you'd be a good match." she wiped under his eye as they welled a little with unshed tears.
"Y-you really think she could like me?" he asked in a small voice.
"There’s no doubt in my mind that she already does, you think she'd agree to spend a week with you if she didn't? Honestly if you both hadn't made plans I was going to play matchmaker myself. Now why don't you go have a cold shower? and I can start on dinner"
"Cold shower?"
"You think I haven't notice your problem?" he flushed laughing wiping at his eyes and pulling his top down a little trying to cover the tent in his pants as she walked back into the house patting his back.
"Oh shit! You think she notice to?!" his mother laughed shrugging
"Who knows I mean she was checking you out to" as she entered the kitchen he stood there dumbfounded
"What Are you sure? I didn't notice"
"You wouldn't your a man, now go have a shower you are not eating at the table like that" he groaned shaking his head closing the front door making his way up the stairs to the bathroom.
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