#Yes Reader did indeed destroy the statue in an emotional state after everything they had gone through
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sagaubeloved · 6 months ago
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Perspective of Reader holding the destroyed small statue of the Creator.
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iliumheightnights · 5 years ago
We Have A Jedi | Part 1 Male!Stark Jedi Reader
Fandom:Star Wars and Avengers
Summary:(M/N) Stark starts his journey of becoming a Jedi.
A/N: hey Everyone! Finally,here is the next part of the star wars/avengers fic. Please bear with me as this part focuses more on the star wars side of it,but hey it’s planned out and we have to start here before we get to the more interesting stuff. I should go ahead and say that the star wars universe and marvel universe both are a little different than canon,I mean it’s an insert so yeah. But in this world the star wars universe is really jacked and the movies still exist but are more like propaganda for Neutral worlds.
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June 29,2003
Janai paced back and forth on the balcony. Usually the sound of waves crashing along the cliffs soothed her,it wasn’t today. After discovering that (M/N) was force sensitive she immediately called Tony,she couldn’t tell him about (M/N),it was too dangerous and he wouldn’t understand anyway,but she had to break some bad news to him. Tony had been busy with a business meeting the day before so he came today,which only stressed Janai more,she wanted to rip it off like a band-aid.
“What do you mean you’re taking (M/N) and leaving?!” Tony shouted.
“I know this isn’t what you wanted to here and I’m sorry,but something came up and all of us are in danger now. It would be better if I take him and disappear for a while.” Janai was on the brink of tears,but she knew this was the only way.
“What came up? Why are we in danger?” You can’t just call me out of the blue and say you’re taking my son out of my life!” Tony’s eyes were now betraying his emotions,tears flowing down. His voice starting to faulter.
“I wish I could tell you everything Tony,I really do but I can’t.”  She turned away from him looking across the ocean. “Besides,he’s already gone.”
Tony felt like his whole world had just been ripped away from him. “Where is he?”
Tython,home of the first Jedi ever to walk the galaxy. A planet filled with Light side energy. The current home of the Jedi Order.
As the door of the ship opened,(M/N) was blinded by the sunlight shining brightly in his eyes.A woman he had seen with his mother a couple of times carried him in her arms. Looking around he saw a couple people with long sticks. The woman stopped at the front of a large building.
“This little one,is the Jedi Temple,the sacred place of our Order and your new home.”
Entering into the Jedi Temple,the duo were greeted by a large floating statue with bright blue lights inside of it. Walking up the stairs (M/N) couldn’t help but feel the numerous eyes of the temples inhabitants fall on him. Entering a large hall,the two are met with a group of five people.
“Masters,I have returned to you because Master Udera has discovered a child strong in the force.Stronger than any other youngling she or I have ever discovered.” The woman holding (M/N) stated.
A small green man with pointed ears spoke. “Indeed,strong in the force he is Master Dia.sense it from he,I can.” He got up from where he was sitting and walked with a short cane to the two. “Which planet did Master Udera find this youngling,Hhhhmm?”
“She found him on Terra.”
The group of people started to talk amongst themselves,as the smaller man looked intrigued. One of the men in the group spoke up,a man with a stoick face. “We have never had a report of anyone being force sensitive on Terra,it’s basically a back water world.”
“Yes,but often times,wrong the records are Master Windu.” The little green man spoke up. “Works in mysterious ways,the force does. Train here at the temple,He shall be.”
“I trust your judgment Master Yoda,the boy shall be trained and we shall wait for Master Udera to return.” Master Windu spoke up.
Leaving the council chambers,Master Dia took (M/N) to an empty room and set him down. Crouching to his level she spoke, “I know you are young and you are afraid,but do not fear. Your mother should be here soon,but when you see her you mustn't call her your mother,the Jedi cannot know.” She took (M/N) to another room,this time the room was filled with other children his age. “Here little one,this is where you shall stay.” She turned and left,leaving (M/N) alone on a strange planet,with strangers.
November 17,2010
(M/N) sat cross legged underneath a waterfall,meditating,letting the energy of Tython poor into him. He felt the feeling of the living creatures all over Tython,from the Jedi at the temple,to the Flesh Raiders in their caves. Yet,he didn’t feel one thing coming from behind him.
(M/N) Jumped from the rock he was sitting on,and tripped right into the water. Looking up, he saw a Mirialan girl the same age as him,another youngling.
“Really Sheyo!? I was actually meditating this time!”
Sheyo laughed at (M/N)’s misery. “Oh really? It looked like you were about to fall asleep.”
“I’m sorry,I think you are mistaking me for you.”
“Ha ha,anyway are you excited for today? We finally get a master and become full fledged padawans!’
“I wonder why we’re being given a master before getting a lightsaber.”
“I bet it’s because they need to train us more first.”
“Maybe you’re right,either way I’m still excited. I wonder who we’ll be paired to”
“C’mon meditation boy,we can’t be late for finding out.”
(M/N) and Sheyo walked down the path from the waterfall back to the Jedi Temple,in the past few years Tython has quickly became more populated than in the past. The last 3 years revealed the return of the Sith Empire,they waged war against the galactic Republic and began a galaxy wide war. The Jedi Temple on coruscant destroyed when the Sith attacked the planet. The remnant of their order returned to Tython or Joined the republic forces in fighting the Empire.
The two of them entered the temple hall and stood in front of the council chambers with the other younglings. (M/N) has had his run ins with the council members,five in total. Master Yoda,the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order,Master Windu,Master Kenobi,Master Shakti and Master Plo Koon. Each are strong in the Jedi ways,yet some are more “open minded” like master plo and kenobi.Soon the younglings were ushered into the council chambers,each council member stood in a line,Master Windu spoke.
“Today is the day you take your next step as a Jedi”
“You each must venture out and discover your Kyber crystal,when you do you will continue onto the forge where you shall build your lightsaber.” Master Plo spoke.
“Careful you must be,many dangers there are.” Master Yoda added.
Master Kenobi stepped forward. “Head into the caves to the west,there are clusters of crystals there. Be wary,your crystal must call out to you otherwise your lightsaber will never be yours.”
The Younglings were dismissed from the council chambers and began their quest. Journeying from the temple to the mountains,(M/N) and Sheyo arrived at the entrance to a large cave not far from the waterfall from earlier. Using robotic lanterns the two entered the cave and walked for a long time. Coming to a split in the cave the two stopped,(M/N) heard a small,light,whistle come from his left,down that path.
“I think we should head down that way,I have a strong feeling that’s where we’ll find it.” (M/N) pointed out.
“Sorry (M/N),I think we should go that way.” She pointed towards the right. “I really,really have a strong feeling about it.”
“I think this is where we head our separate ways Sheyo.”
“I think you’re right,be careful.”
“May the force be with you Sheyo.”
Continuing down his path,(M/N) stumbled upon an underground river leading into another section of the cave. He follows. Down the river,he exits out into a large cavern glistening with crystals. The whistling sound is stronger here,and beacons to him. Heading towards the call,he is stopped when a large creature steps out of the shadows and blocks his path. He recognizes the creature as a Narglatch,a large cat like creature. Some people would attack this creature on sight,not (M/N). Standing his ground,He put his hands together and started to meditate.
“I am sorry for disturbing you,I do not wish to cause you harm. May I please pass in peace?”
The Narglatch’s anger softened after that. Moving out of (M/N)’s way it came closer and nudged it’s head on his shoulder before exiting the cavern.He watched as the creature left when he heard the whistle again. Moving closer to the sound,he saw a bright light from a hole in the cavern. Too far to reach,he called on the force. The crystal unlodged from its place in the ground and started floating towards (M/N) until it was within his reach. Grabbing the crystal he felt the raw utter power that the crystal held. It was time to head to the forge.
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mackloveswriting · 7 years ago
None of that matters - Loki
Summary: Loki’s afraid that if you find out the truth about him that you won’t love him any more.
Requested: Yes! @littlemisscaptainfandom
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Sad Loki, some angst.
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Midgardians, usually not someone that Odin wanted on Asgard. But, seeing as how you helped Loki control himself during the New York distraction. Thor decided to bring you back to Asgard with them, meaning you had left your new team.
Being on Asgard, you noticed a lot of tension. But you knew that they shooed you out of the room before the family conversation could begin. The asgardians wanted to keep everything from you.
You and Loki became best friends, but the first time he opened up to You was after Frigga died. You put up a fight with Odin and Thor about how it wasn’t fair that Loki couldn’t even be there. That argument almost got you kicked off Asgard and sent back to New York.
Finally, everyone thought that Loki had died. Thor came and told you, where you instantly broke down in tears. Even though Loki didn’t tell you about all his problems, you still had good times even though he was practically a stranger to you.
Thor had came back down to Midgard to get you before he went back to Asgard after taking Ragnarok’s crown. You both entered the kingdom, much to surge’s dismay. Thor shot you a look when he seen Loki’s statue standing in front of the entrance.
“That’s new.” You muttered as the two of you walked in to see a play going on and Odin sitting on a couch with women giving him grapes. After the play of Loki’s death ended you and Thor made your way up to Odin.
“Go along with whatever I say.” Thor whispered as you two were in the sight line of Odin. You nodded.
“My son, Thor, has returned.” Odin said as everyone started clapping. “Greetings my boy.”
“Interesting play.” You told ‘Odin’ as you walked forward with Thor.
“What’s it called?” Thor asked.
“The treasurity Of Loki of Asgard. People wanted to commemorate him.” Odin told us as You gave Thor a weird look.
“Indeed they should.” Thor told Odin as he walked with the crown of RAGNAROK.
“I like the statue.” You told him as you caught him smile before he quickly wiped it off.
“The statue makes him a lot less weasaly, a lot less greasy.” Thor said causing you to smack his arm gently. After Thor talked about the crown and asked Odin a few questions.
“So, Uh, back to Midgard for you is it?” Odin asked as he glanced at you making you uncomfortable.
“No.” Thor answers as he started with the long explaination and such. Before him and Odin started talking and Thor took his hammer and threw it.
“Alright, I yield!” Odin said as he slowly turned into Loki. Everyone in Asgard gasped as Thor looked upset. Loki’s eyes locked with yours as he turned around to Thor’s. You took the opportunity to turn around and walk away.
A few minutes after walking, you could hear footsteps behind you. “Y/N.” The wish for that to be Thor instead of who it actually was, was to much.
“What?” You snapped as you turned around and faced him. “What could you possible want?” You snapped at him again.
“Let me explain.” He sighed as he looked over your face.
“Explain what?” You asked as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Explain how you faked your death? Or explain how it didn’t hurt you to fake your death?”
“Y/N, you don’t know how I felt when I faked my death.” He told you as you scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“You’re So right.” You told him as you took a step closer. “I don’t know what you feel or how you’ve felt.” You said as he locked his eyes to yours in a deep gaze. “You have never fully opened up to me about anything and you wanna know the stupidest part?” You asked as his eyes showed different emotions. “It’s the fact that I love you.” You told him causing his eyes to grow wide.
“Y/N—“ Loki started before he could finish Thor walked into the room.
“Loki, you need to take us to our father now.” Thor demanded as you gave Loki a look before walking past him and Thor so you could head to the Bifrost.
Once Thor and Loki returned home with you, you wondered off into the city. You didn’t really want to hang around Loki, especially not when you spilled your feelings out to him.
“What’re you doing here?” Stark asked as you walked into the avengers tower for the first time in a month or two.
“I’m back.” You told him as you looked around the place that used to be your home. “For good.” With that you headed off to your old room to get the feeling again.
*A long time later*
“Mission accomplished.” You said happily as you walked into stark tower with Steve, Bucky, and a few other behind you.
“Have you been training differently?” Steve asked as he watched your reaction.
“Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.” Bucky said as you spun around to face the two that were now your best friends. “You’ve got some new moves.”
You gave your best friends a smirk, “Well, thank you.” You said to them before turning around and freezing at the sight of Thor and Loki sitting on the couch. “What the He—“ you started before Steve covered your mouth. You smacked his hand away before turning towards Tony. “We go away for one week and suddenly these two have moved in?” You exclaimed to tony.
“About that.” Tony said as he told you the story of everything. Thor you didn’t care staying here, but where you and Loki hadn’t talked for a while, you didn’t want him here.
“Good job.” Steve told Tony as he patted him on the back. Steve turned to you and gave you an apologetic smile before heading off to change out of his Captain America suit.
“Since you’re opening avengers tower to everyone, why don’t the kid move in?” You asked Tony about Peter. Honestly, Peter was like a little brother to you, but Steve and Tony joked about the crush the poor teen had on you.
“Because he’s still in high school.” Tony replied. Not saying much else you headed off to your room and showered since the mission was long and nasty.
A while later after showering, you were reading a book when a knock sounded on your door. “Come in.” You called as you flipped the next page. The door opened and you looked up. You sighed when seeing Loki standing there. “How Can I help you?” You asked as you looked back down at your book.
“We need to talk.” He told you as you shook your head and stayed stuck in your book. “I’m serious.”
You closed your book, “there’s nothing to talk about.” You sighed as he walked closer. “You lied about your death.”
Loki looked down at the ground, “I’ve always known.” He admitted. You were confused as to what you were admitting. “I always knew you loved me.” You narrowed your eyes but he continued before you could talk. “You told me, after you found out the affect Frigga’s death had on me.” Your eyes furrowed but you let him continue. “Remember when you were trying to get me drunk to ‘not remember’ as you said. Well, you got drunk instead of me and you told that you were to scared to tell me.”
“Then why are you just telling me this now?” You asked him. “You haven’t even told me very much about yourself.”
Loki looked down at the floor before looking back up at you. “I’m getting there.” He told you with a small laugh. “I was gonna open up to you about everything that night.” He admitted as you looked up at him.
“Then why didn’t you?” You asked him as he ran a hand over his face. Something you knew he only did when he was flustered or frustrated.
“Because, you told me that you loved me that night.” He told you as you still looked confused. “I was afraid that you wouldn’t love me if you seen who I truly was.” He sighed before looking down at the ground. “I’m afraid that you will no longer love me if you see who I truly am.”
You placed your hand gently on top of Loki’s, “just tell me.” You told him softly as he locked his icy blue eyes with your eyes again.
“I was always jealous of Thor,” he told you and you nodding being able to observe that for yourself. “Everyone called him the perfect king. Everyone thought he was better than me. Which, he actually was seeing how I behaved...” he trailed off as you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “So, he had this plan to go kill the frost giants that had entered it kingdom and I basically told Odin.” He started the long story. “It was at the fight that I discovered that I wasn’t actually like Thor or any of them.”
Seeing how hard this was for him, you scoffed closer to him, “it’s okay Loke.” You told him as he placed his other hand on top of yours.
“I ended up being a frost giant.” Loki said as you squeezed his hand a bit. “Odin took me as a peace offering.” He added as he blinked fast. You knew he was hiding the tear but didn’t say anything. “After that, everything went down hill for me. He told me I wasn’t worthy enough to be king and then I ended up in New York.” He shrugged, “and you know how the New York thing ended up.”
“Everyone makes mistakes.” You shrugged as you rubbed his arm in a comforting way.
“Not as big as mine.” He states. “Anyway, you know the thing with the dark elves and fake death. That’s where you and Thor found me as Odin. After you left, Odin died and or sister, Hela, is the goddess of death. But she’s dead now.” He summed up. “Asgard is destroyed and Thor and I are here.” He finished.
“Loki, I knew you had family troubles.” You told him as he pulled you towards his lap so your legs were draped over his. “You could’ve told me how odin made you feel.” You added as you brought your hand up to his face.
“How Can you still act like this with me?” Loki asked as you seen the tears in his eyes. It wasn’t the first time you had seen him almost cry, but it was a very very rare occurance. “I’m a—“ you cut him off.
“You’re Loki. Not Odinson, not Laufeyson.” You told him as his tears finally went back down. “You’re Loki, The man I’m in love with.” You told him.
At this, Loki leaned forward slightly and gave you a small kiss on your lips before pulling away. You smiled before pulling him by his neck back into you and kissing with more force and with so much more meaning behind it. After a while you pulled away.
“So, if we get married do I take your last name?” He asked jokingly as you laughed out loud. He smiled watching you laugh and he knew that he wanted you to be with him forever.
[-Hello! I hope you enjoyed this, especially the one who requested. I know it might not be very much angst just a part or two but I’m sorry. I’m also sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you wanted. Just a little hint, I’m starting a Tom Holland series soon, so if anyone likes Tom Holland then you should look out for that.]
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