#Yes Gojo wanted to find strong students but that doesn't mean that that's all that he saw them as. He did the best he could in my eyes.
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saturnscherie · 1 month ago
༄ A Second Chance for Tsumiki’s Happiness
༄ An analysis on why I think Megumi *chose* this memory a second time, for his final moment before death.
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When Yuji accepted Megumi’s wish to die, Megumi knew that he didn’t have to continue living because Yuji was finally going to get rid of Sukuna and take him down along with him.
But, when Yuji saw him again after that scene, he found young Megumi in the same memory that changed his life forever. The scene where he chose to become a sorcerer, to protect Tsumiki’s happiness.
I always implied that we see this memory a second time because it was supposed to be a representation of Megumi walking towards death to join Tsumiki in the afterlife.
I think this is what's being presented because, in the memory where Gojo finds Megumi, Megumi was on his way home to Tsumiki, who we saw later on, waiting and watching through their window for him to arrive.
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This small but significant detail of Tsumiki waiting for Megumi is important because it seems Megumi wished to return to the day when he accepted Gojo’s offer to become a sorcerer.
After all, he knew that if he went back to that day he could just keep walking forward, instead of turning around; he could choose to join Tsumiki at home, instead of choosing to become a sorcerer.
(He even turns back around to face his home mid way through his convo with Gojo. It looks like a part of him wanted to just go inside instead of hear Gojo out.)
༄ Tsumiki’s Happiness
From my understanding, Megumi never wanted to be a sorcerer for his own sake. He only chose that path because it was his only way at the time, to bring Tsumiki happiness.
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Megumi further proves this point when he talks about his dream life because he didn't mention being a sorcerer at all. He only mentioned wanting to create a world where Tsumiki wouldn't have to suffer and if he couldn't do that he wanted to at least be able to preserve their fragile life.
༄ Tsumiki was the first person Megumi truly wanted to save and not being able to do so, made him lose his will to continue living life, without her.
If you remember, at the end of the Shibuya Incident arc, Kenjaku said that they carefully picked every person they gave cursed objects. We find out later that Tsumiki became the vessel for Yorozu, meaning she was given her cursed object.
This implies that Tsumiki was specifically targeted to be used in their Jujutsu terrorism because she was involved in the world of sorcery, through Megumi.
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I think Megumi understood that this was the case, and couldn't help but blame himself for becoming a sorcerer, even though it wasn't his fault.
In his mind, the day he chose to become a sorcerer is what would eventually lead Tsumiki to her downfall. Her death meant he wasn’t able to protect her happiness, the one thing he so dearly wanted to do, from such a young age.
At the end of the day, all he ever wanted out of agreeing to be a sorcerer, was to make his older sister happy. If Tsumiki was happy, he would be happy as well. A life without her had no meaning because ultimately, her happiness was his reason for living.
༄ Final Thoughts
Megumi returning to that same memory gives off the impression that maybe, just maybe there was a small feeling inside of him, where he believed that he could get a second chance at protecting Tsumiki’s happiness, by joining her in the afterlife.
He already knew that the life he lived as a sorcerer didn’t bring her happiness. Choosing to go home instead of choosing to be a sorcerer, would give him another chance to save her. They could both start over and continue living their life, together in peace, without being involved in the cruel, harsh world of Jujutsu Sorcery.
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༄ I will make a separate post [Part 2], explaining why I think Megumi *chose* to turn around a second time, in the scene with Yuji, instead of joining Tsumiki at home/joining her in the afterlife. ♡
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linkspooky · 2 years ago
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"Ultimate Strength... and the Solitude it Brings!!"
So this is a thoughts for chapter 233, and also a meta on the whole Gojo and Sukuna fight in general as we're nearing the end. My biggest question here is what exactly does this fight mean for Gojo's character? Why is he fighting and how does that compare to Sukuna?
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Before the fight even begins on the eve of Gojo's unboxing we're given a reminder of the loneliness that is at the core of its character. That his central motivation is to raise strong companions so they'll be able to live out the springtime of their youths. That they won't be left alone the way that he was, and the way that also Geto was before he fell from grace.
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It seems like Gojo's takeaway here was "I need to intervene earlier" otherwise another Geto will happen. Which is why he his next action in the manga is to find Megumi and recruit him, with the warning that if he's not strong enough he'll be left behind. Because this is Gojo logic we're working here strength = good.
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If he raises strong enough companions he'll finally have equals. If he raises students who are strong enough, they won't fall to the corruption of the Jujutsu World.
He doesn't want children to be left alone the way he was left alone as a child, and the way Geto was. However, he also rather condescendingly thinks that the only people who could possibly be on his level are those who are physically strong. There we see Gojo's good intentions mix with how ingrained he is into the society that he was raised in.
The foundation of Jujutsu Society is might = right.
I'm going to borrow a quote from another manga to explain it. Don't read it because the author is a criminals but Makoto Shishio espouses views that are pretty similiar to all of Jujutsu Society as a whole (and yes even Gojo).
Saitro: Kill evil quickly. Shishio: Kill evil quickly? Am I evil? What is evil? In my eyes weakness is evil, raw power is justice.
We actually see this theme repeated over and over again "the ugliness of the weak" or how wekaness itself is considered a crime.
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Ironically these two characters who decry the ugliness of the weak then go on to be mass murderers... so you know. Look in the mirrors, guys. People who are victims are often condescendingly spoken down to, lambasted while they're in pain, told they are wrong.
Then you have characters like Toji who while being horrible people are almost fetishiticallly praised just by the virtue that they are strong. Like yes, Toji abandoned his son, solid him, then gambled away all the money he got from selling him, and then killed a high school girl by shooting him in the back of the head but... he was so strong.
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Maki becoming more like Toji is apparently a good thing, because you know... he was just so strong. Toji is a pathetic manchild and a loser but because he fits Jujutsu Society's ideal of raw strength so well he ends up being held up regardless as some kind of gold standard.
Which kind of just goes to show how twisted the ideals of Jujutsu Society are. "Weakness is evil, and raw power is justice."
No one embodies this viewpoint more though than Sukuna. In his brief fight against Yuji he almost quotes another Makoto Shishio quote word for word.
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Makoto Shishio: "The weak's reason for being is to be food for the strong. Those who are even too weak to be food have no right to exist and the strongest of the strong are at the top of the food chain. The Meiji government is weaker than I am and has no right to be in control of this country. Power belongs to the strong, it belongs to me alone. Taking over this country is my right by natural law. If you're strong you live and if you're weak you die."
Sukuna even says something similiar early on that it's ridiculous that Gojo isn't in charge of the entire sorcery world because of his position as the strongest.
Sukuna just like Gojo before entering the fight receives another reminder of just how alone he is as an individual in his fight against Yorozu, which is where the quote about the loneliness of the strongest emerges from. Yorozu's fight ends with a flashback of Yorozu in the heian era recognizing how alone Sukuna was while the rest of his crowd was worshipping him and despreately wanting to be by his side.
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Whereas, before entering the fight Shoko reflects on how Gojo would never allow her to be by his side even though she's been right next to him for years.
The parallel is pretty clear here, these are two people who stand alone at the top of the food chain. They are the extreme version of "right of the individual" or "right of the strong." To borrow from another manga Tokyo Ghoul this time on how to define right of the strong.
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"Every disadvantage in the world is from a lack of competence..." or translated in other version's a lack of individual competence. It's the extreme form of individualism that both Gojo and Sukuna represent, if you're tramepled upon, violated, abused, it's your fault for being weak and letting it happening. If you were simply strong enough you could have prevented it from happening.
Gojo and Sukuna both see the world in that black and white logic, however, Gojo has the added burden of his duty as a sorcerer of protecting non-sorcerers that he took on from Geto. Gojo can't kill without meaning or just use his power to stomp over others because Geto drilled it in his head at his weakest moment post Riko's death and awakening that it's important for sorcerers to have meaning to their actions.
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In every other way though Gojo is a believer of right of the strong. IT's what he preaches and practices. Hence why his problem solving method is just to win the big fight all alone. Every conflict in the world and every problem to be solved is just a matter of being strong enough in Gojo's eyes.
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Which is why I wonder if that explains Gojo's attitude towards this fight with Sukuna. Megumi's life is on the line, the chips are down on the table, but Gojo just seems to treat this like it's a champion prize fight.
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Gojo's attitude is notably different from when he was fighting in the beginning of the Shibuya Incident Arc.
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Gojo's angry that Jogo and the cursed family are trying to gang up on him and win using strategy rather because none of them are individually strong enough to beat him on their own. He's vicious and brutal the entire fight because it's almost like they've insulted him by trying to challenge him.
Whereas with Sukuna despite the fact that the emotional stakes are way, way higher. Despite the fact one of Gojo's students is in danger and he may even have to kill said student, Gojo just jokes around the entire time and seems to be enjoying himself. It seems like this would be the fight for Gojo to get lose his mind and get unhinged but no.
Yuji and Gojo are both characters who admit they might have to kill Megumi in order to resolve this situation, but look at the differences in their reactions.
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Yuji's horrified, and to be fair in Yuji's defense even if Yuji is forced to kill Megumi in order to "save" him. Yuji was the previous host of Sukuna and he was one hundred percent willing to get killed by Yuta or Gojo if he ever went out of control again.
However, Gojo's response to the fact that Megumi got possessed is... let's say less serious.
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"I can totally beat up Megumi."
Now, in Gojo's case in comparison to Yuji. Yuji is just a child of Megumi's age and he was also in Megumi's position of being taken over by Sukuna before this and was willing to risk his life on that. Gojo is in a position of power over Megumi. He was obligated to protect Megumi, and now having failed in that obligation isn't really making any attempt to save him.
Now, do I think Gojo is actually trying to kill Megumi?
I'm hovering towards no at the moment. His line here indicates that he thinks there may be a way to revive Megumi after he kills Sukuna once.
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However, I think the author wants us to quesiton whether or not GOjo's priorities are really in the right here. After all the other characters are questioning if he's actually trying to help Megumi. Megumi's already been on the receiving end of the unlimited void because of Gojo using his body as a punching bag.
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Rather, I think the takeaway here is that Sukuna is bringing out the worst in Gojo because Sukuna represents Gojo at his worst and most toxic. Gojo totally believes in that individual right of the strong.
He thinks that it's the way the world works, everything comes down to how individually strong you are. If you want to fix something? Well just raise a buch of strong children into strong adults and that'll solve everything.
This fight is everything that appeals to Gojo's black and white world view, because he can fix this whole situation with a heavy weight prize fight match between him and Sukuna. Which is where we get to the line this chapter that I used as the banner image.
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Why is Gojo fighting here?
Is it because he wants to save Megumi? Is it because he needs to save all of his students and Tokyo as a whole from Kenjaku?
Or is he just fighting for personal satisfaction to be secure in his position as the strongest?
The situation we're in right now reminds me so much of his lines towards Amanai shortly after he awakaned as the strongest. He should be angry for Megumi's sake but...
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At the moment the only thing that seems to matter is his fight against Sukuna and the satisfaction from winning.
I guess that's just what happens when you're a main character in a Shonen Manga.
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gizkalord · 9 months ago
i'm not good at putting my thoughts into coherent words, nor am i a writing expert, but now i'm just kinda wondering why gege decided to kill gojo off relatively early?
before anything, i feel the need to state that i'm not a die hard fan of satoru. his death definitely caught me off guard yes, though at the time i would be fine regardless if he returned or not. but what i got from this is that the remaining sorcerers could not, in fact, defeat sukuna without gojo. like, yuta could probably possess higuruma or copied angel's technique, but the gang chose gojo's body specifically for the task.
like, it's such a roundabout way to bring him back (in a way). why not let him live a little longer then? he can still die, just not back then. not sure if it's jsut me who finds this weird (and maybe a little salty cause not only is gojo being dehumanized, yuuta has to step up and man. he's just a teenager)?? anyway, enough rambling. sorry for clogging up your inbox, but i'd love to hear your thoughts on it
IMO Yuta coming back into Gojo's body is different from Gojo just living until now in that it's more of a statement on Yuta's resolve. Like I do feel that there's a thematic distinction between Gojo himself swooping in and Yuta deciding to maximize his Copy CT even if it means crossing his moral boundaries.
Yeah I agree it undermines the idea of his students surpassing him from a powerscaling perspective—that being said, I also thought 261 clarified that Gojo thought of the idea of "become strong so you're not left behind" (what he told Megumi) to be at least partially figurative. And Yuta is definitely matching Gojo by breaking beyond convention and imagination to reach his technique's full potential. It's the whole "risking death to win" idea. The execution is lacking, but this is how I see it fitting within that theme.
So that's kind of a roundabout way of saying why I think Gege killed off Gojo permanently early on. Also, even as a Gojo fan I recognize that from a storytelling perspective, Gojo is the kind of character to dominate the narrative and kill the tension every time he shows up. Characters like that have to be restrained/removed for the story to even progress which is incredibly hard to do, so I think he wanted to resolve that issue ASAP. It was a valid decision, even though I personally think exploring a depowered Gojo would've been more interesting (which I have seen fanfics do very well).
It just doesn't go over well when you combine all of the above with Gege speedrunning all character development lol
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sugarxlumps · 4 years ago
Can't Help It
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Hey guys! Oml I promise, I'll do other characters after this :') I just couldn't help myself, Gojo Satoru has my heart
Note: Image is not mine, Gojo as a character also isn't my own :)
WARNINGS: degredation, choking, mating press, hot smut ;)
He was too much; Gojo Satoru. He knew too much. Too much of how to get a rise out of you, leaving you flustered and stammering, and you knew this. The moment he got too close to getting you melt at his touch, his long teasing fingers brushing against your thigh, the way he slid his hand at the small of your back to make his way through, even when there was all the space in the world. As he moved past, you could barely make out that he said "Excuse me, miss", his warm breath hitting your ear as he grazed by you, causing you to shiver visibly and your breath hitch. Your head whipped around to follow his steps as he walked away from you. He used any excuse to lay his hands on you. Which is exactly why you avoided him like the plague.
Only when it was absolutely necessary did you ever interact with him, attempting to avoid his dangerously sweet touches that wreaked havoc on your body as it was. You could only imagine how euphoric his hands would feel on the rest of your body, especially to your neglected cunt that’s been craving attention… his attention specifically. You've tried to extinguish the fire in your body that craves his cock at night yourself, but it just isn't the same.
But of course Gojo knew this; making his way back home from missions and he hears you with your windows open. But your avoidance of him definitely doesn't go unnoticed either. You train 1:1 with Nanami twice a week; not being a direct student of his own, it's surprising he commits that much time to you along with the other things he's got going on. Training days are the days that Gojo grumbles about as he could think of a much better use of that time "Damn, I could be making her scream right now” He finds himself murmuring aloud. But with the strings he's pulled on Nanami, you won't be able to avoid him any longer and he'll have you all to himself.
"What? That doesn't even make any sense, why would they do that?" You questioned Nanami in annoyance, clear to hear through the speaker of his phone.
"I'm the wrong person to be asking that, y/n. I'm in no mood to debate this. I won't be coming back until next week, so just take the week off." Nanami huffed, his tone almost apologetic; he knew how dedicated you were to training.
You sighed in annoyance. "No. You know I can't do that."
"Okay, then ask Gojo."
You froze, a silence coming over the line. "Y/n?"
"No. I can't do that either." You clenched you teeth. Damn, did you really have to? Of course, he just had to be the only teacher left.
"Then I don't know what to tell you, y/n. It's either him, or take the week off" And with that, Nanami fared you goodbye through the speaker and hung up.
Well damn, this is the true test of dedication huh? Well just no fun and games then you thought to yourself. You gotta get to work. You commit reluctantly, your body already tensing up.
After hesitating, I finally dial Gojo and a few rings go by until you hear his familiar voice.
"Hey there pretty. Now to what do I owe the pleasure?" Gojo teases. You gulp at the nickname, but roll your eyes as if to convince yourself.
"Look, just calling to see if you can train with me this week. Usual times I do with Nanami. Yes or no?" You ask plainly.
Gojo chuckles over the speaker, his husky voice sending shivers to your spine. "Jeez, so cut and dry huh? I might do with some manners, y/n" He remarks playfully, his plans already falling into place. He knows you'd try to be acting like the straightest arrow with him, but he knows just how to make you crumble.
You huff before speaking again. "Can you train with me this week… please" You ask hesitantly.
"There, see? Not too bad, right?" You can hear the smirk in his voice, imagining that damned wicked smirk of his that could make your breath hitch.
"8:30 tonight, my place"
"Y-you're place?" You stutter a bit, not expecting him to offer his place. "Why not the studio?"
"Don't worry, I've got one at my place. You forget who I am, doll." He purrs the nickname, making you part your mouth and a small flame ignite in your core. "I'm the greatest sorcerer after all; work hard play hard all from the comfort of my own home."
You think it over. I mean I guess it'd be closer to home than training on campus, a plus since training gets excruciating to walk home from.
"Okay, fine. I'll be there" You huff. You hang up and sigh once more. This should be interesting.
You wince in pain, as your body thuds to the floor from where Gojo had knocked you back. You're quick to get up, holding the side of your waist.
"You've got quite the fire there, sweetness" He smirks, shifting his glasses down to wink at you. He's been shooting flirty remarks all through session, only 30 minutes having passed with you two sparring and it's getting you irritated. But only at the fact that he knows just what to say to get you all riled up with heat rising to your cheeks.
You lunge at him again, but he grabs your arm to pull your body in and spinning you around to face him. He's pinned one hand behind your back and holding your other by your wrist, pinning it to his chest. "You're getting ahead of yourself, y/n. You're becoming a little predictable. Loosen up a bit, hm sweetie?" He breathes on your lips, grazing too dangerously close to them as wetness begins to drip from your cunt.
You try to compose yourself, and annoyance overcomes you once again. You elbow him and swing at him again, this time imbuing cursed energy into your fist as it burns black, preparing for a black flash.
He swiftly catches your fist in his, the power of the contact between your swing and his hand causing the wall behind him to cave into a dent. He grips your wrists and turns your back to him as he pulls you up against his chest, your head hitting his shoulder.
You grunt in pain at the contact.
"Gotta admit that burned a little, princess" He growled into your ear, only sending more of your slick gushing to your pussy and threatening to leak through your panties and onto your thighs. "I might have to punish you for that one."
"Gojo, please." Your voice cracks. You weren't even sure of what you were pleading for; for him to continue? For him to stop? You couldn't help yourself any longer, and it was all lost upon you now as you could feel the hardness of his bulge through his pants grinding up against you.
"Please what y/n? Want me to stop? Or keep going? You're going to have to be specific with me darling" He suggests, his grip on your wrists tightening and grinding his hard-on harder against you, the contact almost lifting up your skirt itself. You groan unconsciously at the feeling of how big he was with his pants still constricting him, giving Gojo the answer he already knew, but he wanted it spilling from your lips specifically.
"P-please, don't stop" You gasp as he nips at your neck, sucking harshly only to lick at the tender spot as if to heal it. His hand releases your wrists to grope your breasts through your uniform, slowly unbuttoning the jacket and throwing it aside.
"That's what I like to hear" Gojo chuckles darkly in your ear, ripping the rest of the top of your uniform off, revealing your bra. He unhooks it swiftly, letting your tits drop bare in front of him as he gazes down at them.
"Shit, y/n" He breathes, quick to roll them between his fingers as he continues to trail kisses down your neck and licks stripes up to your ear, eliciting lewd moans from you. He dips his hand between your legs, running a finger along your clothed folds, feeling your slick instantly.
"Damn baby, all for me? Is this how wet you are when you're touching yourself at night moaning my name?" He seethes, his voice making you tremble and you cheeks flush pink at embarrassment that he could hear you all this time trying to relieve your thirst for him and his touch. You could do nothing but moan in admittance.
He chuckles at your response. He hooks his fingers around your skirt and the hem of your panties, sliding them both off in unison. He turns you around to face him, wanting to see the look on your face when he finally touches you in the spot you needed him most.
He doesn't wait to slide two of his fingers into you, your slick walls clenching desperately around his digits as you moan and gasp loudly at the unexpected stretch and sting from him entering you just with his fingers. You clutch onto his arm tightly, mentally cursing to yourself why you're the one completely naked while he's here still fully clothed.
"See baby? Look at you" Gojo groans into your ear at the tightness of your pussy clenching around his fingers, already anticipating how you'll feel wrapped around his cock that's straining painfully against his pants. "Making such a mess on my fingers, and I've barely done anything" He begins to pump his fingers, curling them to hit your sweet spot repeatedly with dangerous accuracy. You moan loudly at the sensation, heat continuing to build in your core and your body tingling.
"G-gojo" You pant breathlessly, clutching onto him for dear life as your legs give out, leaning on him for support, silently thanking him for being as strong as he is.
"Mmm" He groans at how sinful you moan his name. "Such a good girl for me"
Your pussy clenches tighter around his digits, pushing him to add a third as you yelp at the stinging stretch, now clawing at the back of his neck.
Gojo laughs sadistically, "So you want me to talk to you like that, huh?" He asks rhetorically, your body and moans already agreeing.
He continues the thrust his fingers into you, curling them against your walls to graze perfectly on your sweet spot, bringing you closer to the relief you've been craving since you laid eyes on him.
"G-gojo… I-I'm.. I'm gonna" You try to say, but the words fail to gather together in a coherent sentence.
"What's that y/n? What do you need?" He urges on, only thrusting his fingers faster into you to push you over the edge.
"Oh my god, Satoru! I-I'm cumming!" You moan, cutting you off as he presses his lips hungrily to yours to swallow your moans. You bite his lip, causing a moan to escape his own lips. He hungrily massages your breast as he continues to finger you to ride out your orgasm as you trembling in front of him at his touch. You were his.
He gives you a moment to recollect yourself and catch your breath, showering you with feather-light kisses down your collarbone.
"Please Satoru… I need you" You whisper, desire pooling in your eyes and dripping in your tone as you palm his hard-on through his pants that twitches under your touch.
"Since you asked so nicely…" He smirks, that damn smirk that makes your knees weak as he continues to hold you up. He clasps his hand together to warp you both, and within a blink of an eye your surroundings are no longer that of the studio, but of his room; dark with only the moonlight shining through big elegant windows.
"How can I deny such a request, when you're this hot and bothered?" He caresses your face, cupping it in his hand as he runs his thumb over the bottom of your lip. "Such a pretty slut for me" He growls lowly.
At that, your pussy clenches again, sending heat to your core and biting down on his thumb, earning a groan from him. He quickly puts a hand to your throat, squeezing the sides of it enough to have your head to nod back slightly and your eyes flutter behind your eyelids as you moan.
"Mm so you want it like that?" He laughs as he swiftly picks you up to set you down on the bed.
"You dirty little thing" He licks his lips at the sight of you finally splayed out on his bed for him as he unbuttons his uniform and unbuckling his pants, discarding them to the floor only to leave him clad in his briefs.
You drool at the sight of him, both your mouth and your pussy watering at the sight of him strip in front of you. The sight you've been waiting for, for what feels like ages now. Your eyes rake over his figure as you prop yourself on your elbows. Looking over how muscular and toned his muscles are with each movement he makes, how big the bulge in his briefs are, how massive his bare frame is to yours, and how celestial his eyes are as he devours your own figure with such dark lust and desire, making heat only ignite further within you.
He pushes his way through your thighs, settling himself between them as he kisses trails from your thighs to your navel, and reaching your breasts to suck on your nipple tenderly, kneading them between his teeth. You arch your back at the sensation, entangling your fingers in his silver hair as you gasp and your brows furrow. His hand massages your breast and travels down to cup your cunt, his fingers grazing the opening of your folds. He lowers his head down between your thighs, taking in the sight of your glistening pussy that he's gotten all to himself.
"F-fuck, Satoru, just -" You plead, but before you could finish he puts a hand to your throat harshly.
"Patience, princess" He seethes, giving kitten licks to the outer folds of your cunt just for a taste. "Now that I finally have you, I'm taking my time. Besides, isn't this what you wanted? For me to have my way with you?" He smirks as you glance down at him, regretting that you did. The devilish glint hazing over his eyes sending heat waves to your pussy. He finally delves his tongue through your folds without warning and settling to suck on your throbbing clit as he enters two fingers into you, pumping and curling them.
You thrash your head back, clawing at his forearms and shoulders as he pries your thighs a part with his hands. You feel the familiar wave of an orgasm beginning to wash over you again as he continues to curl his fingers into your g-spot and circle his slick tongue around your clit, quenching his thirst with the juices of your cunt as he laps up every last drop.
"Mmm… Satoru, I-I'm close" You warn him, your body becoming a feverish mess as you claw at him desperately, as Gojo smirks at the thought of having such marks in the morning as a reminder of tonight.
"Are you now?" He immediately pulls away, leaving you to throw your head back and groan in frustration, taking your eyes off him for a brief moment enough for him to remove his briefs. The next time you look back at him, your eyes widen hungrily at his cock, adoring how perfect it looks, yet wondering if it'd even fit.
"Don't worry, baby. Daddy's gonna take very good care of you tonight" He purrs, sliding back between you , kissing and sucking the sweet spot of your neck.
"But you have to be the one to tell me exactly what you want" He adds with a chuckle, clearly amused at how you pout slightly, so desperate to have him inside you as you tug on his waist lightly in attempt to pull him closer to you.
He nudges the tip of his cock at your entrance as he lowers his head to graze his lips against yours. "C'mon y/n, you can do it. Tell me what you've been wanting this whole time, baby" He teases raspily, the same hunger in his voice also evident as he tries to hold himself back.
"Please fuck me Satoru" He whimper, surrendering completely as you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders.
With that, he delves his cock through your tight folds, gripping and clenching around every inch of him as he eventually bottoms out, causing you to moan in unison.
"Damn, your pussy's taking my cock so fucking well baby" He grunts as he continues to thrust into you at a powerful pace. "What a perfect slut you make" He smiles cockily, slamming roughly into you as moans continue to fall from your lips. "That's right princess, let the whole school know who fucks you this good" He urges
Your eyes roll behind your eyelids at the euphoric sensation of Gojo stretching you out, filling you up so well that you see a slight bulge in your stomach when he thrusts into you, hitting your cervix and your g-spot every time. The sounds of your hips crashing and the sounds your pussy makes as he thrusts into you mercilessly are too much, already feeling heat building up in your core once again.
"You've been so desperate for my cock, isn't that right princess? Look at you, screaming and begging for me to fuck you like a bitch in heat" He seethes, lowering himself to suck harshly on your nipple, causing you to arch your back as he looks back up at you "How does it feel now that you've got the real thing?" He asks, pushing further into your as your legs press against his shoulders, folding them more onto your chest as he continues to pump his cock into you, pressing into your cervix.
You moan loudly at how deep he hits you, his adjustment causing his cock to hit deeper on your g-spot, your orgasm approaching embarrassingly quick. You continue to moan thoughtlessly, your mind too hazy to begin formulating a response. He puts a hand to your throat and picks up his pace slightly, making you yelp and gasp.
"I demand an answer, pretty" He growls this time, his eyes hungry with desire to hear you fall apart for him.
"Y-yes Satoru! It feels so fucking good!" You cry out, tears now dripping across your cheeks. "Satoru, please." You whimper, "I-I'm gonna cum"
"Cum baby, give it to me" He groans, thrusting relentlessly a couple more times until you unravel before him, completely becoming undone as you claw at his back in desperation, only fueling him more to continue thrusting deep into you to ride out your second orgasm of the night. Once he feels you slightly relax under him, he folds you over more, completely this time. With knees pressed back into the mattress, giving him all and complete access to your pussy to pound it just how he likes, how he's always wanted to.
He groans to keep himself together, close from cumming at this sight alone at how beautiful you look beneath him. "Damn sweetness, you've got me riled up here." he pants, his eyes cast with lust and carnal desire as he looks at you. " Do you know how long I've been waiting to touch you like this? To fuck you like this?" He caresses your jaw, his fingers trailing down to your collarbone and down to your breast to roll your nipple in his fingers. He dips down to connect his lips greedily to yours, emotions spilling out into the kiss as your tongues swirl around each other, everything all at once making you dizzy as you moan sweetly into his mouth, tugging at his hair to elicit a moan to slip from his own as it vibrates against your lips. "To kiss you like that" He says huskily, desire overcoming him.
He pushes himself into you, your walls suffocating around his cock as he groans at the feeling of it. Your mouth parts in a silent scream, sure that you wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow with how he’s stretching you out. He's thrusting even deeper into you now, with more raw, carnal desire than before if it were even possible. You mouth parts as you moan loudly without any regards as to who hears you. Your sopping pussy squelching as he slams his hips into yours, the sight of him fucking you into oblivion as his bright blue eyes devour yours, licking his lips ravenously.
"Satoru" You moan sinfully, so much so Gojo has to bite his lip to stop his own eyes from rolling to the back of his eyelids.
"G-gojo, it's t-too much" You moan, putting a hand lightly to his abdomen in a failed attempt to get him to slow down. You've cum so hard, you've never even brought yourself to cum this intensely, this many times consecutively.
"Too much, huh? Already fucked out on my cock, sweetness?" He chuckles, yet adoring the sight of you fucked out on his cock. All you could do was nod and whimper in response.
"Too bad, baby. You think I'm gonna stop here after I've heard you moaning my name so many times by yourself? Such a needy slut" He whispers salaciously into your ear, grunting occasionally with how rough he's pounding himself into you.
Your pussy clenches at his words, more tears streaming down your cheeks with nothing but moans of his name and curses from your lips calling out to him. He wipes them away gently, a harsh contrast to how hard he continues to slam his thick cock into you, a contrast to how his infinite blue eyes pierce into you.
"That's right, y/n." He smiles "You'll take it all like a good girl, right?" He licks a stripe up your nick to nibble on a sweet spot by your collarbone, causing you to only moan louder. "Let everyone know who's fucking cunt this is" He growls lowly. He slips two fingers into your open mouth, your tongue and mouth sucking on them instinctively. He groans at the sight of you like this, folded over sucking on his fingers as saliva trails down the side of your mouth, your eyes and body surrendering to him completely as he dedicates this moment to memory.
"You're mine, princess" He remarks possessively before removing his fingers from your mouth, a string of saliva still connecting from your lips to the tip of his digits. He brings them down to rub small circles on your throbbing neglected clit, causing you to scream in desperation and euphoria, your back arching to him slightly in the position you're in. You're pussy grips even tighter around his cock at his possessive words making you his. Another wave of pleasure begins washing over you, threatening to push you off a new edge as he drives you near the brink of being overstimulated.
"Fuck, good girl, just like that" He pants, as he continues thrust unforgivingly into you.
"Satoru, p-please!" You moan loudly, almost screaming desperately for him, only to for him to cut you off with a hand to your throat. "Say it, baby. Tell daddy what you need" He exhales, eyes engulfing yours completely.
"Please make me cum" You mewl, a couple of more tears streaming down your face as your body is on the brink of uncoiling the spring that he's wound up so tightly. He slamming himself into you in a slightly faster pace, his thrusts getting sloppier as you feel his cock twitch inside of you, indicating he was also close to his own climax.
"Fuck baby, cum for me" He demands, finally allowing your body to release the most intense waves of orgasm you've ever felt, your body on a new high as he continues to thrust into you, your climax fueling his own to follow after. He slows and stills into you, his cock still twitching as he coats the last of his cum along the walls of your cunt.
He removes himself slowly with a groan, laying beside you and quick to pull you to his chest.
"No more avoiding me, okay?" He exhales raspily, gently moving your hair down from your shoulders to place a kiss there.
"Okay" You hum happily as you nuzzle deeper into his chest, fatigue overcoming you as you both lay together.
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midava · 3 years ago
Gojo Satoru x Reader - Being in realtionship headcannons
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Gojo is very teasing boyfrined. He would be such a tease. When he see you at home doing some stuff while you look so much cute, his inner self wants you to admire you and just remember your cute look, but his ego says something different
,,Oh, you look so cute, baby," will be heard behind you. Turning to see him you saw smirk on his face: ,,Satoru, shudln´t you be at work?" surprise in your eyes sparkling.
He just came to you still smirking at you. His strong arms pulling you in hug. His hands putted softly on your lower back making you place your arms on his shouldres. ,, You don´t want me here?" he did sad face.
,,I want you here, but what if your students need right now"? Your hand trying untie his blidfold wich seccesly did. The blindfold fell on the floor. Now his unbelievable blue orbs were looking in your sooul through your eyes.
,,I gave them free day, so now i can spend time with you," He said with lower voice. Ohh, that voice can always make yours knees weak. He leaned to kiss you.
His soft lips mets yours. His teeth carefully bitting on your lower lip make you blush more. His tongue explored your mouth. Hands on your lower back pulling you still close to him.
After passionette moment he slowly broke the kiss, leaving your lips red. Total blushing mess. You and Gojo are dating for s month now, so some things are still new for you.
This was your first passionette and romantic kiss with Gojo as for Gojo it was the same. He had kiss someone before ofcourse, but he never meant it from love.
He look at your blushed face. Now his ego inner self were gone. Only the inner self he doesn't let out so often. His bigger palm took your hand between two of you to conect his fingers with yours.
His attention was on yours hands how they were holding each other. He looks so peacfull now, like he doesn't have to higher up his ego or tease you to show you how much he loves you.
This was really unusual for him, but it was like he's not the strongest sorecer like always. Now he is like normal human... You can't even describe how it feels. It was beautyfull and weird feeling at the same time.
,,Satoru?" You try bring back his attention. Your soft voice echoed in his ears like a melody. He blinked few times when He realized what he did.
He looked back on hands and than on you: ,,Ohh, I was really deep in my mind," He let you do your stuff you leaved when he came home. You were thinking about it all evening. He helps you with some things, but as usual Gojo. In full teasing mode.
When he lied down with you in yours shared bed you decided to ask him: ,,Satoru?" Small whisper escaped your lips. ,,Yes, babe?" He asked you to tell things on your mind.
,,After we kissed you acted at the moment different than usual. Something happend?" You try to hide your curious tone. He chuckled a bit: ,,No, nothing I just realize how lucky I am," He said like it was obvious.
,,Lucky in what?" You asked without hiding any curiousity. Gojo sit to look at you how you lie down. His hand finding its way to caress your cheek.
Smile on his lips, but as He spoke his tone was trully meaning: ,,I"ve had some realtionships before, but they never can compared to you," blush on your cheeks were unnoticable in the low light.
,,I love you for being who you are and you love me for being who I am, but for the others I am only the strongest sorecer. Thats the differnece between them and you. Even if I will do nothing normal to human powers, I will be still for you Satoru, not the strongest,"
His speach was unbelivable. Your heart melted. His eyes watching you with lovely spark in them. He leaned to kiss you. Another passionette kiss from him. But more full of emotions he has for you.
When two of you separate the kiss he tug you close to him. His arms never leaving your waist. ,,I love you, Y/n," He said lovingly in your ear. Your blushing face hidding in his chest.
But you realize that te said the truth. You love him for being Satoru, not for being the strongest. You want give him all your love you have for him just let him know that he doesn't need to be strongest for you.
,,I love you, Satoru," you said back with satysfing feeling of knowing he love you the same way as you do. With all night cuddiling you two fall peacfully asleep in each others emberance.
Hii, hope you enjoy this oneshot!! <3 let me know if you like it.
Anyways I am do thankfull for 160 likes on story on Megumi!! You guys are awesome!! <3 Love ya
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