#Yes 99% of my OCs have freckles on their noses and what about it
larkoneironaut · 9 months
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Just an Elikai sneak peek before the year ends 🫴🏽
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princeleyjeans · 4 years
My first OC: An intro to Amelia.
As some of ya’ll know, Wallace and Gromit was what got me writing, literally, soon as i saw the movie all my chubby 10 year old butt wanted to do was make my own episode for the show and while I knew I was too little to work for Aardman Animations, that didn’t stop me writing fanfiction and beginning a fun and disturbing trot into the fandom world.  Amy, was my first character, the one who started it all and yes, her story, is not one of cute mishaps and crime solving like that of her husbands (Well, husband’s dog but you know), it’s not twisted but it’s not light either, she is and always has been hella un-canon to the series, to the world they reside in and sure, as a kid I was told Mr Park wouldn’t touch such a mature plot-line with a barge pole, but it didn’t stop me and here we are today.  Amelia Quartermaine:  Age: 28 Gender: Female.  Height: 5/11. Description: Pale skin, ginger/reddish hair with your stereotype freckles across the nose area of the face with piercing hazel eyes, larger than most cartoon creators like but not technically unhealthy, a physical blend of muscle and squish, huntress thicc, slight hourglass figure but the weight is a little wider than commonly described.  --- Amelia begins as a brief glace during a routine visit to her almost stepmother/aunt figure, Totty, as I mentioned earlier, she’s appeared on the specific day to collect the last of Hutch’s things since he’s now living with her family, it’s not an idea situation and Lady T is less than okay with losing her one real link to Wallace, a missed love interest who declined her marriage/business proposal, but knowing of Amelia fondness for him and dedication to animals (Philip the dog, the family’s various large frightening birds and imported Vampire deer happily scattered around Victor’s less impressive manor house) she accepts the idea he’ll be happier there and leaves the matter at that.  Speaking of love, it’s obviously Cupid firing arrows at a solid wall, nothing gets through for a while until Wallace suffers a minor injury during a tour of the Quartermaine estate, caused by Lady Tottington asking for his company on a visit to her ex boyfriends estate to attend a live auction of Victor’s hunting gear, various expensive/rare guns and weaponry finally being taken away from his weak grasp following the whole being beaten to a pulp by the angry mob and left needing rehab/reconstructive surgery on his legs/right shoulder.  Don’t get confused, this isn’t a choice he’s made, no no, it’s his children, Amelia and her brothers, seeing his altered state and lack of ability to properly hold a rifle and deciding the best option is to save Victor from himself and remove temptation from his home, keeping the good shit for themselves but making sure he can’t get his mitts on any random weapons to use against animals, people, Wallace, you get the idea. He’s a cranky old man at this point and will happily deck the one who put him in crutches/permanent knee brace so what’s safer than remove 99% of all his shooty shoot toys.  After said auction, Amelia walks her aunt and Wallace through the hand planted woodland, ranging 500 years old and full of some of the freakiest birds you ever saw, along with the little vampire deers that aren’t actually scary and really like people and small corn snacks, no sooner have they cleared a path and entered the most beautiful memorial pond area for the girls mother, Wallace trips over something and ends face down in the dirt with a vamp deer climbing on his back to reach a random grub on a nearby tree, the whole fiasco causes Tottys almost step-daughter to burst out laughing and thus begins the inevitable woo of the Quartermaine girl as any man capable of making even the coldest of people laugh must be one worth knowing.  Of course, with all his love interests, this one holds an unspoken truth Gromit wishes to solve fast, especially given her status, and even with Hutch acting as a comforting example Amelia can be kind, he needs to uncover the other side, when things get tough, how many skeletons fall from the closet?  ---- Now: A little background.  Amelia is one of three children, being the youngest while her brothers, twins Marcus (Short for Machello) and Dametre are joint first, all birthed via Victors first wife and only love, Giovanna, who was lost to a long running genetic condition with no known cure or explanation.  Amelia grew up under the wing of her father, favoring hunting/taxidermy/general gruesome hobbies as the twins preferred a variety of tailoring, cooking, knitting, gardening and lighter crafts, similar to Gromit.  They were equally close to each parent although you get the idea that Victor held a certain admiration for his daughter given their shared blood lust, the familiar craving of the hunt and urge to display their kills for the world to see, plus being of similar mind yet him being the obviously weaker of the pair, Amelia dutifully going through with the plan while he either got angry with all the complicated steps or just failed to follow up.  Victor, as a younger man, was very much one of those snobby “I’ll kill it, eat it and show you it’s skin because I’m hella macho”, while his daughter, was...well, a killer, a darker presence his weakness clung to, like a mother unable to let go of her son due to fear his partner will replace her in his heart, lack of power, lack of ones own worth so he taught her to be the best, the hunter capable of a big kill, no fear, all confidence and knowledge of entitlement and worth.  No surprise, though never actually murdering a person, Amelia was a skilled fighter, handy with a sword, steady with a pistol and indestructible, mentally and physically....at least, until the death of her mother.  Although staying strong, it left a rift, a rift concealed by a large vault door and locked tight so nobody could see just how sad it was to lose the only rational/in tact person in her life.  Yes, she loved her father but Victor was a proud man, a proud father, giddy over having a child so devoted to the hunt just as he was, as his own father and grandfather, having someone to carry on not just the bloodline but that legacy, that path, despite loving his daughter, his sons, Victor was not someone you could actually...talk to.  Giovanna was, she was that small hint of sanity in a strange, abnormal world, riddled in blood and destruction, she was that light at the end, the warm water washing away the deeds of the day, the listening ear and giver of advice, the forgiving hug, the confessional Amelia could tell her sins to with all the promise of them never seeing the outside.  Regardless of being a hunter, Amelia also cared about animals, and her relationship with the forest was a complicated sort, it was hypocritical and ironic but she refused to engage that part of herself, she wanted to have her cake and eat it too, no matter of the internal struggles between just and evil.  After the mothers death, the brothers took over, Amelia hunted but the twins were her protectors, the homemakers and general kindness of the estate as Victor got more into his cruel habits and needing of money, he did it all for them, but at the same time, he also did it to ease the heartache, the loss, the pain of having his wife around, without her being with him. He believed that the ones you loved never left, but at the same time, never seeing their faces was enough to put all those feelings to the test, all that faith, all that sense out the window.  --- Back to the present: With her father’s condition now requiring support/aid, Amelia has taken position as one of the estates breadwinners, next to her brother Dam while Marcus stays home and looks after Victor, the arrangement is stable but with the intro of Hutch and her sudden taking to Wallace, things are looking...rocky, soon to become worse as Gromit gets involved to uncover just how much of her childhood has stuck. (Spoiler: SHE DECKS A BEAR AND PUTS THE VICAR THROUGH A PEW!)  Welp Imma end this here, prob gonna do another story post at some point but for now I need a pee and my ass hurts from sitting so long
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gayliensfromspace · 6 years
Since I’m bored so I’ll just answer these all in one 8)
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
I have no doors for my closet :/
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
Never been to a hotel.
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
I try to tuck them in but I guess I flail like a fish when I’m asleep since they always get untucked
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
Never use em
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Bear i guess, Bees will die 8/
8: Do you have freckles?
A few
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
NO I get too nervous
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
UUHHHH People not being honest with me about things I guess?
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I used to
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
[looks over at my stuffed animals] UH
17: What size is your bed?
I think it’s a twin bed??!!
18: What is your Song of the week?
None? :)
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
I’m not sure, probably any live action talking animal movie? they seem so annoying
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
In the titty
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
25: What is your favorite food?
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
I guess some Disney movies?
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
I think never
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
Listen I don’t drive
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
Chicken sandwich
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Chocolate cereal, cinnamon rolls, pancakes
36: What is your usual bedtime?
[wild shrugging]
37: Are you lazy?
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
Different things?
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
40: Are you horny?
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
43: Are you stubborn?
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
45: Ever watch soap operas?
46: Are you afraid of heights?
47: Do you sing in the car?
48: Do you sing in the shower?
49: Do you dance in the car?
50: Ever used a gun?
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
No???? I guess??
53: Is Christmas stressful?
In a way yeah
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
UHHH I guess apple
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to make a movie when i was a kid featuring my OCs, and... well still kinda do :’)
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
I guess no
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
A lot yep
59: Take a vitamin daily?
I try!
60: Wear slippers?
61: Wear a bath robe?
62: What do you wear to bed?
T shirt and shorts
63: First concert?
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
I guess Walmart
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69: Ever take dance lessons?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I never really thought of this... I guess I just don’t know, nor do I care what her job will be
71: Can you curl your tongue?
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
74: Own any record albums?
75: Own a record player?
It’s not mine so no
76: Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
Uh it’s complicated
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
79: What was the last concert you saw?
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Yuck yuck
81: Tea or coffee?
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Sugar I guess?
83: Can you swim well?
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
Depends on thing like right now super impatient for Spyro remaster announcement 8)
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
87: Ever won a contest?
Yes...... only because I was the only participate 
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
89: Which are better black or green olives?
90: Can you knit or crochet?
91: Best room for a fireplace?
Living room I guess?
92: Do you want to get married?
93: If married, how long have you been married?
94: Who was your HS crush?
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
Dunno I guess
98: Whats your favorite color?
Blue (Cerulean), Purple, Indigo, Teal
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
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