#Yellowjackets Wasp
poeproductions · 3 months
Someone's on a RAMPAGE! 🐝 Meet Rampage, the yellowjacket wasp!✨We are SO excited to reveal this fursuit, he was a huge undertaking and we are so proud of how he turned out.💖 See more of him with @Twilight_Saint ! 🌟 Model's smaller than client so excuse the fit/flop/no neck.
He's got super unique shapes and padding, large minky wings with an armature, huge tail, hands with finger escapes, antennae, and an inflatable tail!
You can see how he came to life by checking out the WIPs on our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/PoeProductions
While we are very proud of what we were able to accomplish in terms of bringing this suit to life, none of it would have been possible without the INCREDIBLE design work by the client. @Twilight_Saint is a true artist (and a bit of a visionary tbh!)
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addicted2wasps · 4 months
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Yellowjackets - a short story.
I root for them because I think they're awesome. This took a lot of time and effort (I draw everything by hand), so if you hate wasps, that's fine, but just move on. I don't have the energy to deal with irrational hate.
I'm aware that some people are allergic and afraid, and that's totally valid. You don't have to love wasps, but try to understand their place in nature.
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onenicebugperday · 2 days
just wanted to share the friends i made at work they r so cute n friendly
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I am kissing them!!
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cloud-ya · 4 months
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dinoserious · 4 months
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a-wasp-in-the-hand · 1 month
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this sweet angel kept me company this morning after i found him sleeping on the side of the house. i put my finger in front of him and he quickly woke up, then climbed onto my finger almost immediately, which was surprising, and very endearing.
i spent some time in the yard, all the while he was walking between my hands, sipping leftover sugar on my skin from the donut i had for breakfast, or simply resting on my fingertips as i walked around. he flew off after a good half an hour/forty minutes. i was shocked he didn’t leave earlier. definitely one of the longer encounters i’ve had with a wasp, especially a bald faced.
Dolichovespula maculata, Bald Faced Hornet
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krazykatt111 · 3 months
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I like the thought of a yellowjacket having a sparkly or starry look on the black areas of its body
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616witch · 4 months
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random headers of wanda maximoff and her loved ones. from left to right; pietro maximoff, hank pym, janet van dyne, jericho drumm, lorna dane, the vision, crystal amaquelin, billy kaplan and tommy shepherd, steve rogers. made for a white tumblr background, 16by9 ratio.
❗❗ NOTICE ❗❗these were made based off available art. I know there are some characters I missed!!
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herpsandbirds · 1 month
Found out last year I was allergic to Yellowjackets after getting stung a bunch of times, if I’m allergic to Yellowjackets would I be allergic to bees or wasps or hornets too?
Yellowjacket Allergy
My understanding is that if you have a Yellowjacket venom allergy, you may not necessarily have allergies to other wasps (yellowjackets are wasps), and you very likely may not have an allergy to bee stings.
Notice the careful and conditional language I am using...
From what I understand, bee venom and wasp venoms have different components that people may be allergic to. There are some components that are found in both venoms.
Some people are allergic to only yellowjackets, and nothing else.
Some people are allergic to yellowjackets and other wasps, but not bees.
Some people are allergic to both yellowjackets and bees.
I think you should see an allergist to be tested for these things.
Are You Allergic To Insect Stings? Types Of Reactions, Symptoms And Treatments (webmd.com)
Insect Sting Allergies | Symptoms & Treatment | ACAAI Public Website
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crevicedwelling · 9 months
I have a pretty bad fear of wasps. Nothing crippling, I can observe them from a distance just fine, but it does make being outside on warm, sunny days a stressful experience. I want to work on it, because I know they're just like any other animal: they're just minding their own business 99% of the time, they're not out to get you, and they deserve a place on this world as much as any other. And I know some can even learn to recognize/"befriend" people, which I think is super cool. I actually followed your blog partially because you post about wasps and I knew it would help to regularly expose myself to wasps that way.
I still sometimes freeze up or get really jumpy when I see a wasp near me. But I can tell I've been getting better. Just the other day I went to the Renaissance Festival and was carrying around a big cup of mead (a.k.a. wasp attractant) and, yeah, I was followed by a couple wasps. At one point two of them just hung out on the inside of the cup for like five solid minutes licking it clean.
If it weren't for your blog I would've been so terrified I probably would've thrown the cup onto the ground and waited from like twenty feet away for the wasps to leave. But I DIDN'T. I carried it around with me and patiently (and anxiously) waited for the wasps to fly away whenever they did show up.
It's really hard to make myself just stay still when I see a wasp near me. Earlier today I could only do so for maybe 30 seconds before I had to stand up and wait nearby for it to leave. But I'm really trying to get over that fear, and I'm slowly getting better, and I think I owe your blog quite a bit in that regard. So, thank you.
I believe the most common wasp here (at least, the one I was dealing with in those two anecdotes) is some kind of Vespula yellowjacket, probably Vespula maculifrons. So... I dunno, if you have any fun facts or pictures or videos about yellowjackets (either V. maculifrons or yellowjackets in general), I'd love to hear/see those. And if not, that's okay too <3
I think a fun fact that most don’t appreciate about yellowjackets is how much they parasitize one another!
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Vespula maculifrons here is a widespread, common species in eastern North America. queens of this species do the usual overwinter under log, find a hole, make a nest deal. they scavenge, they hunt, they feed on nectar. pretty standard Vespula.
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V. squamosa is a species that’s very common locally, and when you see workers out and about they act much like other yellowjackets. however, their queens (no photo) are huge, hornet-sized orange wasps quite different from the workers. curiously, V. squamosa don’t make their own nests about 85% of the time. instead, most of those big bruiser queens wait a few weeks longer to come out of hiding, and track down a new Vespula maculifrons nest founded earlier in spring. she’ll march into the smaller species’ nest, chew the original queen to pieces, and bully her daughter workers into submission. she then lays her own eggs in the nest, and produces her own workers who forage alongside the V. maculifrons workers, and over time the colony becomes only made up of V. squamosa. V. squamosa will even take over nests that have already been usurped by another facultative parasite, V. flavopilosa, which usually targets V. maculifrons as well!
in the warmera south, V. squamosa nests can become massive superstructures housing dozens of queens, used year after year. if you’ll allow me a moment of poetic speculation, most of these ancient castles must therefore contain the remnants of a tiny V. maculifrons nest at their core, the gnawed ruins of a conquered house.
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jupiterswasphouse · 13 days
[VIDEO TAKEN: JUNE 20TH, 2024 | Video ID: A video of a large, black and yellow queen yellow jacket on a green leaf of similar size, cleaning itself very thoroughly through the 32 second runtime of the video /End ID.]
An absolutely beautiful queen ^^!
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bonefall · 4 months
I like that Waspstar's name has some symbolism to it! Real wasps having a reputation of stinging without reason or being aggressive, when in reality they're normally just protecting their hives..
Oooo, thanks for pointing out, that's delicious.
Most of the time, Canon!Waspwhisker has blue eyes since he's a gray and white cat... but none of his kits have blue eyes anyway, and there's too many cats with this color scheme anyway.
So maybe I'll make BB!Waspwhisker have BRIGHT yellow eyes, just like a yellowjacket. I'll even make the gray patch on xeir head resemble the T-shape that a common wasp has. This mark helps distinguish a more "aggressive" common wasp from the passive (but larger) german wasp
Xey're not trying to hurt you, so don't try to hurt xem. Come openly, speak calmly, perhaps make a small offering of meat and sweets and you'll see no problems.
CW: BUG FACE. Insect. Close-up head of a wasp.
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[ID: A common wasp. From top down, its head is striped black, then yellow, then a black stripe connects its antennae and dips downward into a T. A final black stripe defines its mandible and "lips."]
Funfact; the common wasp is rare in the US, but the German wasp has been widely introduced. If the yellowjackets seem "smaller" in the UK, that's probably because you're looking at a common wasp!
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addicted2wasps · 3 days
An old video from 2011. Yours truly picking up a queen Vespula alascensis that was overwintering somewhere in the basement and woke up prematurely. This was filmed during the winter months. I think I tried to keep her alive until spring, but she passed, unfortunately. She was so sweet. I did my best to keep her alive at the time. 😢 Please excuse the framed beetles in the background, I had just finished making that display and then hung it up on my wall afterward. I don't recommend that people go around trying to pick up any wasp that they see (especially allergic folks), but the point of this video is to show that these animals are not completely mindlessly hostile and can be very passive if shown respect.
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onenicebugperday · 2 months
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No ID needed, just wanted to show you this friend I've met at the cafe! Had a very cute face, sadly I only have this photo.
I was worried for it's safety inside because while the baristas are all very chill, other patrons are a mixed bag when it comes to insects, especially wasps. So I took the little guy outside with me and it flew away after hanging out on my hand for a bit!
I'm glad they were removed safely! Definitely most people are not chill about wasps being indoors :)
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chameleocoonj · 1 day
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tiger beetle larva + eastern yellowjacket
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chernobog13 · 8 months
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The Avengers posing for a yearbook photo, by the late, great George Perez.
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