#Yeag here's something completely different
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serpentface · 2 years ago
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redraw of one of my absolute favorite IASIP scenes lol
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cowboymantis · 3 months ago
I've had this one cooking for like half the year but never really added much, now I finally went around it. Uh... I noticed a bunch of my favourite artists had many fitting songs, so you might see a lot of the same ones 😭
I mean I only add songs I actually like anyway so yeah. It's not that different from my regular playlists, just that it's more limited...
Also, here a little preview compilation of stuff on there, more focused on similar genre to fit better together but yeag. Idk why I put sm effort in it but it was fun so yippiiee!!!
(Also yes that is cursed pretzel Wonnie as thumbnail. And it might look a bit weird sometimes bc I literally just threw screen recordings together quickly so tumblr will most definetly completely break the video jdhdjd)
The greatest struggle and the worst thing about trying to look through songs is how often there's one line in a song that makes me go AYOO WAIT THIS IS PERFECT! ...and then it suddenly turns into a love song or something. Sigh
Wild Life also gave me the inspiration back to work on this again and also made me add some songs for it already!! I'll probably update the playlist as long as I stumble across songs that I think deserve to be in there
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wolfwillowisp · 2 years ago
Honestly my gender situation is so weird and it’s almost certainly bc of the whole autistic nonhuman thing. I’m cisgender because I identify with my assigned gender: female. But like here’s the thing. It’s female. Not Woman. I’m not a Woman but I am female and that’s why I’m not comfortable calling myself trans or non-binary because I’m just not! Saying that would be flat out untrue! and I’m not like a Demi girl either like. I’m female, im a female my gender is female. If you gave me a checkbox that said gender - and made me pick between Male, Female, And Other(via fill in the blank of course), I’d pick female every single time but if it said Man, Woman, Other, I’d check other and write in female. But like you can’t do that because nobody fucking understands that those are two completely different things like ok hold on let me try and explain. Being a Man or a Woman requires some level of human societal interaction and expectation. And those things are cultural and not found outside the species: but male and female are completely different. Even in species people think of as having specific gendered roles, like lions , those are often broken. Female is something you are. Woman is a role you play because you are a female human does any of this make sense?? I’m not fucking human so I’m not a woman like the fucking. T. rex from Jurassic Park that’s not a woman it’s a female animal. I’m female but I’m not a woman, I’m a hen, a she-dragon, a dragoness. So yeah. Cisgender animal not cisgender human I think anyways this is inspired by a furry porn video essay where the trans female essayist basically says I’m not a human I’m a dog and saying otherwise is like misgendering me anyways oooooughhhh you want to listen to her music so bad you are going to look up Wavetable by Patricia Taxxon and you are going to like it so much do you hear me young man. Anyways yeag I’m cis female but I’m not a Woman. I’m a hen/dragoness/she-dragon. I probably should have used the time I spent here starting to draft my trigun S/A allegory essay but eeeeeeeeeh Whatever at least I got you to listen to Wavetable. You did listen to Wavetable right?
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her-canine-teeth · 1 year ago
cornflower blue by flower face - notes
-interpretations r all mine and completely baseless as im prone to overinterpreting. but its my edit so idc (just a heads up. not like theres that much symbolism here either (yet))-
pov jackie is blue, pov shauna is red
I wanna lay on the kitchen floor with you
theyre. laying on the floor
I wanna do all the things that lovers do
idk but her lookkk in the beginning. to me, the neclace is symbolic of their support; a promise that theyll always have each other. something that held value to jackie (always held it when she was nervous/excited/idk) and now its shaunas. 'its a good luck charm' - im giving you my luck, im giving you what carried me through this; id give u anything. the meaning is like the one of a a ring to me. Also its a heart
Bruised on your face like a watercolour bloom
'bruised' reffering to the emotional bruises she shows now. 'watercolour' bc i think it fit sorta and 'bloom' bc. plant
Moonlight paints your skin
it does
Cornflower blue
honsetly just searched for blue stuff
You love me 'til you wear me out
Then you love me more
technically she doesnt. but jackie doesnt know that
I'm blue to the middle, just like you
=sad. shaunas sad bc she like. lost her friend
Freezing to the core
i thought that was funny. still do
The days, they fly like trains go by
the closest thing i found to a train
I'm on my way home to you
YES bc she is on the way home to her best friend, to her shauna (i think i alr said this in the tags) BCEAUSE the shauna in the death hallucination did never actually exist. Shes what jackie thinks she is, which is different from who she actually is. Jackie is on the way home; here, home simultainiously meaning 'shauna' and 'the place where hallucination-shauna came from' whcih is. non-existance. ignore the random man in the corner
And I think about if they ran me down
obvious i think?? even though theyre more running shauna down though
Baby, what would you do?
I wanna lay on the train tracks with you
can i just say. i LOVE the like transition of sound. idkkk anyways yeah theyre like together n happy
I wanna tie you down the way that lovers do
shes giving back the necklace that was hers, therefore binding them together (made more sense in my head ill be honest) maan idk how to explain but also it was the closetst thing to tying i could think of. also the eay jackie looks at shauna omg and i think her head idk shake? is sorta on beat. and its a HEART what more could u want
In the morning, I'll love the mangled bits of you
R U KIDDING THATS LITERALLY WHAT HAPPNED OMG cannibalism is a form of love.
I'll love you when your lips turn cornflower blue
makes sense also this was the first time i used a transition slay
I love you 'til I wear you out
Then I love you more
cannibalism is a form of love. this has been established.
Now all the things that we don't talk about
Are waiting at the door
guys look shes literally pointing to the door. amazing
I won't let you out of my sight
greatest tragedy is that she did
Even when you're sleeping
So baby, take your medicine
think that is obvious too like. medicine
And promise me you're eating
Who will I say goodnight to when you're gone?
love this part tbh
you can find the edit here!
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twipsai · 5 months ago
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^this is me when someone respectfully disagrees with me btw
ANYWAYS! pls dont take this as me arguing in a mean way or anything, i love Sonic a lot!!! and i like talking about it and i think you bring up a lot of interesting points!!!! so im gonna go over it all in maybe a not super cohesive way???
i wanna start by acknowledging what you said at the start, "the wording of the second bolded point echoes IDW Sonic's wording of his principles in IDW #2 that Amy swoons over" and clarifying that i was referencing It Doesn't Matter from sa1 and sa2,,, (the full lyric is "Don't ask me why; I don't need a reason / I got my way, my own way!), and the reason why i alluded to it is because i was trying to make that connection that Sonic still has the same basic principals that he did during the adventure era, but i guess i wasnt clear enough oops ^^; i honestly completely forgot that theres a reference to that lyric in idw #2 but,, uh, happy accident i guess?
ok now onto my actual thoughts
i actually wanna agree with you on that first part, cuz as i think about it its something that makes a lot of sense and i havent really been able to fully wrap my head around it -- Sonic being reactive to whats in front of him is exactly how he is!!! idk how i didnt realize that before lol
as to what you said to my first point, i think that theres a level of dissonance between the games and comics with the threats theyre dealing with, and it kinda prevents me from explaining myself with examples. this MIGHT be a reach!!!! im sorry if it is BUT im gonna compare satbk and frontiers for a sec, since we're talking about satbk a lot here (as we should. its such a good game)
(and im not sure if youre lumping in Sonic in IDW with Sonic in Frontiers? a lot of people do but. idk maybe you dont lol. for the purposes of my point i will)
i think that there are parallels to be drawn between how Sonic treats Merlina and Sage, vs how he treats King Arthur and The End. he has a lot of patience for Merlina and Sage as he realizes theres a lot more to them besides just wanting to kill him, but he'll still take what they throw at him like he takes anything else. then you compare that to Arthur and The End, and Sonic is like. ready to destroy those guys. and i think that, while Sonic is first and foremost just living in the moment and reacting to what people throw at him, i also think that theres a huge difference between when Sonic is fighting a person and when Sonic is fighting a powerful entity. granted, he didnt know that King Arthur was an illusion, but he did know he was an immortal tyrant associated with hell. i mean. the underworld
i would love to use an example from the comics showing how he does treat similar scaled threats the same way but i. cant! because he doesnt face threats like that in IDW! hes dealing with things like "the dragon is back" and "that girl has psychological issues". the only thing that comes close to the world-ending threat that we see in the games is the metal virus, and it was both a lot more complicated than typical "defeat the bad guy, save the world" that we see in the games. now, that does NOT mean i dont think the games have complex stories but if i delved into every situation Sonic has been put in then we would be here for so long. and i dont wanna do that. so yeag.
basically to sum up my points above, im saying that the reason IDW Sonic has been pretty lax with his enemies, and even tries to help some of them, is because theyre not really the same level of threats as most of the villains he faces in the games. he can deal with them fine without ending them outright, so he doesnt really have an issue with letting them live. hes just kind of easy-going and chill like that. at least thats how i see it, maybe im missing something?
also, to your point that "Sonic doesnt fight for freedom, he fights against oppression" i just. do not agree lol. i mean, hes been associated with the Freedom Fighters since 1993, but theres also some more direct reference to it in reference to specifically Sonic
the Sonic Adventure Stylebook, page 9 (translated) - "He loves freedom and hates crookedness. He is impulsive and short-tempered, but also has a kindness that can't be ignored when someone is in trouble."
Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia, page 13 - "Sonic is usually laid back and cool, but he's driven to fight injustice - not in the name of the law, but for the ideal of freedom."
and then i WAS going to add more examples, but the wayback machine is down right now so. can i just say source: trust me? sorry i wish i could add more examples :( i dont wanna dwell on this "for freedom or against oppression" point too much though, cuz i honestly think its just kinda arguing semantics. as well as the fact that i feel like both things are true, i just kinda didnt phrase it well in my original post
um. and now i kinda wanna go completely off the rails so please be nice to me but im gonna say something that may be controversial,,, i am of the mind that, because IDW is canon material, then it shouldnt be seen as a different character than how Sonic was written in some earlier games, even if it seems like it. because its just as much as source material as anything else! i really just think that most "out of character" things are more akin to different facets of a character. i think that writing off all of Sonic in IDW because some things he does contradicts what he does in the games is just kinda. idk. i dont like how quick people are to do that. i mean like, i got into Sonic because of IDW, and then i went and played the games and it never really felt any different to me -- just Sonic responding different to different situations. maybe i need to do another read through of IDW! but i really dont think that writing off an entire canon comic series is a good thing to do when looking at the facets of a character's personality. that could just be me
anyways ummmmm yeah i dont really have anything else to say? i dont disagree with everything you said, but there are some things that i dont think are quite right,,, hopefully this all makes more sense than my original post cuz i dont think i did a good job articulating my points
um. idk what else to add. bye bye i hope you at least liked my drawing of a super sad alien
"sonic just wants to be best friends with his enemies"
WRONG thats only in the idw comics. extremely loud incorrect buzzer.
#footnotes:#1. i dont usually bring up this point cuz im scared ppl will laugh at me for it.. but idw takes place a month after sonic was tortured in#the death egg. so i think that a lot of his more anxious moments in idw can be attributed to that#2. i also wanna be clear that whatever issues you or anyone else has with Sonics characterization shouldnt be attributed to Ian Flynn or#Evan Stanley and it should be directed toward the creative directors and the ip. if they were writing sonic in a way the ip didnt like they#would be forced to change it. just throwin that out there! ik you didnt say it in your post but ive seen a lot of ppl say it so. bleh#3. idw definitely shows Sonic being anxious or unsure more often than the games but i dont really think thats a bad thing. i like it when h#feels like a person! and part of being a person having those sorts of moments i suppose. if that makes sense#4. i have a more in depth look on The Phantom Rider specifically on my blog somewhere. i do think that the latest issues are the best Sonic#has been so far and earlier issues had some shaky moments with his characterization#though i think thats to be expected when coming off of Forces#5. i know i didnt respond to like the last third of what you said i just dont really know what to say other than big text that says#'i disagree'. and like theres so much there to unpack but i dont really think im smart enough for that#/#these footnotes are all over the place btw its just throwing some thoughts out there. not really contributing to my main point#idk. am i wrong? do i know anything? i feel like i know Sonic so well but when i try to explain i forget who he is. whats a hedgehog#ok fuck this post is making me so anxious i dont wanna be misinterpreted WAUGH im posting it anyways whatever. go my scarab#edit: ALSO ppl are talking about my post in serverssss???? (twirls hair) omg
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