#Yata would be pretty good with the Homra kids but the S4 kids worry him
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years ago
It's Halloween and Munakata wants everyone to participate and go in costume. On their side, HOMRA also wants to participate for fun in the city's Halloween event. Without even discussing it, somehow Yata and Fushimi's costumes matched.
I feel like this is one of those things that would definitely happen to them, they just have a wavelength like that. Say there’s this huge Halloween event planned in the center of the city, it’s expected to draw huge crowds and be really popular. As such it’s also the perfect place for criminals to try and hide their activity, especially since everyone will be in costume. S4 gets intel that some criminal Strains are planning to sneak into the event to cause chaos and as such Munakata decides that the force will attend the party and act as security. Of course if they’re in uniform it will be obvious and the Strains might manage to give them the slip, therefore the only sensible course of action is that everyone has to wear a costume (imagine Munakata is just a little too excited about this, like yes his plan makes sense but the squad are like does Captain just want an excuse to wear a costume and attend a Halloween party). Fushimi is naturally not a fan of this but Munakata makes clear that it’s an order and if Fushimi doesn’t wish to pick up a costume Munakata would be happy to pick one out for him. Fushimi sighs and stops off at a Halloween store near the office, picking up the first vaguely okay costume he can find.
Meanwhile Homra’s also learned about the party and they’re worried about keeping the peace too — but more importantly, Anna has never been to this type of big Halloween party and they want to take her. Totsuka decides that they should all dress up and accompany her, there will be a lot of fun things going on so the Homra guys can have a good time and de-stress. The Homra guys are much more into this than S4, they’re ready to dress in cool costumes and party all night. Yata’s taking this pretty seriously too, he wants to have the coolest costume so that even Mikoto-san will be impressed. He goes to a few different stores looking and finally he sees one that he thinks is really awesome, feeling pretty proud of himself for finding something this cool.
Halloween arrives and Homra head out to the party all decked out in their costumes. While the sun is still up everyone hangs around Anna and encourages her while she plays some of the games that are set up for kids and wins a few prizes, as it starts to get dark though Mikoto, Totsuka and Kusanagi take her back to the bar. Totsuka tells everyone else to keep enjoying themselves and the Homra guys all start milling around the crowd having fun. Yata decides to go get a drink and as he’s at the punch counter he accidentally bumps into someone. Yata quickly apologizes and then hears a familiar ‘Misaki’ in response. 
Yata immediately yells ‘Saruhiko!’ all ready to fight…and then there’s this long pause as Yata and Fushimi realize that they are both wearing the exact same costume. Yata accuses Fushimi of copying his super cool costume, Fushimi snorts and says he knew this was a worthless costume, he only chose it because there was nothing else. Yata’s like no way this costume is too cool for you, Fushimi expresses surprise that Yata could even fit into the costume without it being too long for his stumpy legs. I imagine they keep squabbling back and forth until Totsuka happens to rejoin the party, he walks over to them all how nice that you two decided to match. Yata and Fushimi both snap that they did not decide to match and Totsuka just smiles all what good friends you two are, isn’t it nice to be on the same wavelength as another person.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years ago
What would the character's do if they won some money from a raffle? What do you think they'd use it on?
I feel like S4 would be more boring about this since they probably all have a pretty good amount of money anyway, with the government salary and living in a dorm where they don’t even have to pay rent. Fushimi also presumably has access to Niki’s money though I doubt he touches that, even if he got some extra prize money separate from that I imagine he wouldn’t do much more than maybe buy himself some upgraded electronics. Munakata also seems to be pretty well off (I believe Gora mentioned he paid Fushimi’s ransom to Douhan himself, so…where did you get all that cash Captain) but I think he would be generous if he won some unexpected money. Depending on the amount I could see him just buying himself some new puzzles and then possibly gifting some to his parents and investing the rest, money likely isn’t something he’s terribly worried about. Awashima I imagine buying herself all the expensive high end anko treats of her dreams, like she can finally afford that rare chocolate-covered anko truffle with gold dust. 
The alphabet squad would likely have more fun with it, Enomoto definitely buys himself some new games and maybe a few expensive waifu figures that he’s always wanted. Gotou buys a rather large cursed fertility statue that fits very neatly in the corner of his dorm room, right where the eyes can stare at Hidaka all night long. Hidaka I imagine being the one to like throw a party, like drinks are on me tonight and he just has a great time. Doumyouji has to be talked out of buying himself something super cool like a motorcycle or a giraffe. Kamo definitely just quietly sends all his winnings to his kid, maybe keeping some back to take them to an amusement park or something the next time he’s able to see them. Benzai takes a tour of all the cat cafes in the area and pays extra for private time petting the cats. Akiyama buys himself some new pointy boots and handcuffs and doesn’t tell anyone. 
Homra meanwhile would be more excited about finally not being poor (or maybe not, they got that big pile of reward money for Totsuka’s killer from somewhere, are they secretly rich too). Kusanagi probably just puts the money back to work for the bar, paying off debts and maybe refurbishing some things and buying new furniture and some fancy wine, stuff like that and Totsuka complains that Kusanagi should let himself have more fun. Totsuka totally squanders all his winnings with really wild hobbies, like he’s always wanted to ride an elephant do you think this is enough for that. Mikoto I feel like wouldn’t even care, like on the bright side he can pay for his own cigarettes now but there’s nothing he really wants to do with the money. At most I imagine he’d use it to take Anna places and maybe slip some to Kusanagi as payment for all the times Kusanagi’s probably ended up supporting him.
Yata I imagine being the one who spends all the money really quickly on like a new skateboard and video games and treating his friends to stuff and then a week later is scrambling to pay his rent. Kamamoto probably uses the money on other people, like he goes out for drinks with everyone or buys Ayumi a gift, I could also see him giving some of the money to his parents to help with the shop. Fujishima gifts a lot of his money to the local animal shelter and uses the rest to buy pet supplies for any rescues he ends up with in his own apartment (Eric says he’s going to use the money on fun things but then buys pet supplies for Fujishima instead). Chitose goes to a bar and buys drinks for every cute girl he sees and then is bummed when he has no money left to take any of the girls he gave his number to on dates. Bandou probably tries the same thing except all the ladies at the bar thank him for the drinks and then ask him if he can help set them up with Akagi. Anna would I think immediately offer the money to Kusanagi, who ruffles her hair and tells her to keep it. Anna then ends up spending it to buy everyone gifts instead, imagine her insisting she needs to go out on a shopping trip on her own and the Homra guys shadowing her as she tries to get something special for everyone.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years ago
Scepter 4 and Homra encounter a strain that turns people into children and fall under the influence of forces. Everything except yata and fushimi. And now they are forced to be educators in a temporary kindergarten
Wait didn't the Fushimi part of this kinda happen in Gakuen K XD Anyway please just imagine Sarumi getting to be parents for the day to a whole group of toddlers of various personality types. Like there happens to be this Strain that's out running amok and causing major havoc in the city by turning people into children, the Strain has been targeting government officials and law enforcement along with any random wealthy or influential people that the Strain can manage to get close to. The Strain himself is like a very nondescript person and has been using this to his advantage, posing as a janitor or window washer, someone who does menial tasks and is easily looked over. Scepter 4 is doing their best to try and keep order in the city with the majority of other law enforcement out of commission (Kokujouji was keeping the peace but he's currently hanging out in Mihashira Tower drooling on a bunny plushie and being cared for by a few of the Rabbits who managed to escape the Strain).
Several of Homra's people have been affected by the Strain too and so they've been actively hunting it down. Yata is off searching for the Strain one day while the Homra trio, Kamamoto, Anna and the Homra alphabet squad reconvene at the bar to discuss what they've learned so far. They do have to take a brief break though, as it looks like Kusanagi's getting a wine delivery and the deliveryman needs someone to sign for it, he'll just be in the bar for a minute. Some time later Scepter 4 is having a debrief of what's gone on so far, Fushimi however is missing because he's also down in the city gathering intel. Fushimi nearly brushes past an electrician on his way out the door, clicking his tongue and complaining about how the idiot needs to watch where he's going and since when did they need an electrician anyway.
Yata and Fushimi are both chasing the same lead and they probably end up running into each other and a fight happens, as usual. Fushimi's perfectly happy to take a moment to tease Yata and throw some knives, but then mid-fight Yata's PA starts buzzing with a call from Kusanagi. Yata tries to answer but all he gets is static and the sound of something breaking, Yata gets worried and decides he can kick Fushimi's ass later, he needs to go back to the bar. Fushimi's rather dissatisfied at Yata running off like this, calling him a coward and sneering at how quickly he turns tail and runs when Mikoto calls. Yata's all fuck off asshole as he turns and skateboards back to the bar. When he gets there the door is hanging open, Yata's all concerned as he runs inside yelling for Mikoto and Kusanagi. He promptly almost trips over a small toddler with red hair who is fast asleep on the floor. Yata's like wait where'd this kid come from, which is when he looks up and sees that the bar is filled with kids. One of them is sitting on the bar counter playing with a pair of sunglasses and chewing on Kusanagi's phone, while another is filming everyone with a camera. A small fat kid is trying to keep this little baby girl with white hair from pulling on the sleeping kid's hair. Various tiny alphabet boys are breaking glasses and climbing on chairs. Yata's staring at the scene in front of him when he hears a tongue click behind him and turns to see Fushimi standing there snickering, like so this is what happened to the great 'Homra' huh.
Yata's all what the hell are you talking about and Fushimi sighs like Yata's the biggest idiot in the world as he's like what does it look like, they got attacked by the Strain. Fushimi notes that it looks like Yata's a dad now and Yata's all wait a sec what do you mean dad. Fushimi tells Yata to enjoy dealing with the kids and Yata's like you can't just leave me like this asshole. Fushimi would be perfectly happy to do that but he supposes Munakata would want him to handle this somehow and he suggests they take the kids back to Scepter 4 for safekeeping. Yata's not thrilled at the idea of taking his clansmen to the Blue's headquarters but he's got his hands way too full watching all these kids so he reluctantly agrees. Unfortunately for Fushimi he didn't think this through much and they end up having to walk all the kids to Scepter 4, with Fushimi in the lead and Yata at the back and all the kids holding hands like it's a school field trip, Yata's got Anna strapped to his chest in one of those baby carriers and Fushimi's complaining under his breath because tiny Mikoto is holding his hand and keeps almost falling asleep on him.
They get back to Scepter 4 and immediately Fushimi realizes something's wrong. He hurries to the meeting room and there's a bunch of kids sitting there. Unlike in Homra all the children are being very well behaved, as tiny Munakata has made them all sit in a circle and they're playing quiet games while they wait for an adult to come supervise. Yata appears behind Fushimi with this wide grin all look at the 'great' Scepter 4 huh you guys aren't any better than us. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he isn't a babysitter, Yata's all looks like you are now. The two of them end up corralling the kids into like an empty meeting room where there's nothing they can hurt themselves with. Yata goes looking for some toys for everyone to play with while Fushimi's like setting up a monitor to play cartoons so he can let the electric babysitter take over. Yata scolds him and notes that Anna needs her diaper changed, Fushimi can handle that while Yata gets her some milk right. Fushimi's all no fucking way she's your baby you change her diaper and Yata's like okay then you get to clean up Doumyouji's throw up because it looks like he finally hurled after spinning on the swivel chair for the last ten minutes. Fushimi grimaces and figures well at least most of Scepter 4 is decently well-behaved thanks to Munakata keeping them in line – except Munakata has somehow latched onto Mikoto and the two of them are squabbling in the corner (luckily Kusanagi and Awashima show up and knock them both over the head with a stuffed zebra).
While things are kinda chaotic Yata has to admit that it isn't so bad right, like at least he and Fushimi seem to be getting along a bit better. Fushimi completely ignores this, trying to act like he's only working with Misaki because he can't deal with all these kids on his own. The kids all totally love Fushimi too, like he's trying to get the TV working and he feels some wetness on his leg, he looks down and Bandou and Chitose are drooling on his pants. Fushimi waves them away and then hears a loud wail from the corner, Kamamoto stole Akiyama's cupcake and now Akiyama's sobbing uncontrollably while Benzai pets his hair and tries to calm him down. Fushimi clenches his teeth and has to stop himself from drawing a knife as he grabs the nearest pacifier and just stuffs it in Akiyama's mouth. Meanwhile Munakata and Mikoto are arguing again over Munakata wanting to read a book that Mikoto was sleeping on, Yata breaks up the fight and wonders why they even brought the History of Japan's Criminal Justice System in to a room of toddlers anyway. Fushimi's probably half exhausted by the time they manage to get all the kids to take a nap and he doesn't even care that he's got paste in his hair and someone drew a cat on his cheek, Yata's looking equally exhausted but he's kinda smiling too like see we managed this. Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away, Yata's like ha you can't even tease me because you'll wake the kids up. Fushimi hisses at him to be quiet and Yata's like maybe I should get you some apple juice and a pillow too.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years ago
Domyouji visiting bar Homura with Kamo. He complained that ever since Captain left for "holiday" Fushimi have been working assistant if he want to kill people lol. I think GoRa / 1 of those author said it on Twitter. Kusanagi on the other hand tho felt relief cause that just show how S4 is where Fushimi belong
Imagine Kusanagi being happy Fushimi found a place to belong but I bet he’s also still a bit sore that place didn’t turn out to be Homra, he could use some backup okay. Say post-ROK the S4 alphabet have been stopping by Bar Homra more often now that everyone’s on good terms, Doumyouji in particular is friends with a couple of the Homra guys and comes to visit often. Kusanagi finds out about Munakata’s trip from Awashima and he’s been keeping up with her but he’s only tangentially aware of how Fushimi’s handling things (I imagine Yata’s more the one keeping him up on that one, Yata’s a little worried that Fushimi’s overdoing things again). One day Doumyouji comes into the bar and Kamo’s with him, Kusanagi greets them and notes that they both look pretty tired. Kamo admits that things have been difficult without Captain around and Doumyouji just groans, Fushimi-san is working us all to death. 
Kusanagi chuckles and says Fushimi must be doing his best too, it’s hard on everyone without Munakata around. Doumyouji says Fushimi’s been working as the Lieutenant’s assistant and doing all kinds of solo mission work and no one can keep up with him at all, like is Fushimi-san really a robot. Kamo smiles thinly and says he regrets that none of them have the talent to work alongside Fushimi, they’re taking off what load they can but that person truly is amazing. Kusanagi gets a nostalgic smile as he says Fushimi always was a talented kid. Kamo doesn’t know what they would do without Fushimi to help right now and Doumyouji just groans again, it’s so tiring how does Fushimi-san keep everything running like this. Kusanagi says they should make sure Fushimi’s getting some rest too but he’s still smiling a little, like of course he’s worried about Fushimi overdoing it too but it’s good to see how well Fushimi really does fit in with S4, even with their King missing it’s clear that Fushimi has finally found a place where he belongs.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years ago
You has point in Domyouji's dad scenario, difference between old Red Clan and Mikoto's Red Clan is so drastic, also why old Scpeter 4 is way more brutal than Reisi's Scepter 4. Makes me wonder, what if one of Homra's members (Akagi or Fujishima or others) has dad/uncle/family member who was part of old Scepter 4. Their PTSD is triggered by Homra's red power, but then they realize that Homra is more like family than mafia organization like Purgatory
Honestly I feel like this would be pretty interesting, like old Scepter 4 had to deal with so much more messed up shit than current Scepter 4 does (it makes me think of that one old ask I had before we got all this info about the past Red and Blue clans that wondered how the ghosts of the old Kings felt about the current Kings and now I'm just imagining Kagutsu and Habari watching these guys like wow these new kids have it easy we were locked in a battle to the death and they're just locked in a battle with unresolved sexual tension). I could actually see this scenario maybe even working with Doumyouji's dad, like imagine post-ROK the Red and Blue clans are on friendly terms and Doumyouji's actually made pretty good friends with the Homra guys. His dad has some idea of the whole thing with the Slate being destroyed but he knows everyone still kept their powers so when he hears his son is hanging out with the Reds he gets concerned, like maybe he calls Scepter 4 one day looking for Doumyouji and Hidaka answers the phone, giving this perfectly calm offhand 'Oh, Doumyouji-san? I think he's down at Bar Homra right now.”
Doumyouji's dad freaks out and races to Homra thinking that he needs to protect his son, like he can't believe Scepter 4 just let Doumyouji go into what's clearly a nest of danger. When he gets there though Doumyouji's just laughing and chatting with the Homra guys and is super surprised that his dad showed up. Kusanagi greets Doumyouji's dad and offers him a drink and maybe he kinda offhandedly lights his cigarette with his powers without really thinking about it, like from Doumyouji's conversation he was able to figure out that Doumyouji's dad knows about their powers. Doumyouji's dad immediately freaks out seeing the Red power though and has to leave the bar, Doumyouji's really worried and hurries after his dad to check on him. His dad is still shaking and insists that Doumyouji not have anything to do with Homra again and Doumyouji's all confused, like no it's cool now they're my friends.
His dad can't quite believe that the Red clan could ever be 'friends' with the Blue clan and imagine he calls Munakata all irate like I entrusted you with my kid and you let him spend time with the Red clan. Munakata's totally calm though, assuring Doumyouji's dad that they have made a truce with Homra and that Doumyouji is in no danger. He suggests Doumyouji's dad visit Bar Homra again some time and make his own decision and maybe that's what Doumyouji's dad decides to do, like he goes down to the bar one day alone (but brings like his old sword along just in case) and he's greeted again by a surprised Kusanagi. Kusanagi pours him a drink and chats with him and imagine Doumyouji's dad just observing everything that's going on in Homra, first on his guard and then slowly lowering it as he sees how friendly the Homra guys all are with each other. Maybe a couple S4 boys are there too, like Hidaka stopped by to see Chitose, Benzai and Fujishima are having an Animal Crossing playdate, Akiyama's helping Kusanagi clean the bar while Fushimi and Yata (well, mostly Fushimi) help Anna with her schoolwork. Watching them all together being friendly and happy he starts to realize that maybe not all Red clansman are bad and that it isn't the Red power itself that caused all the misery S4 had to deal with, that it was Kagutsu who poisoned the Red King's throne and not the other way around, and he thinks that maybe this isn't so bad after all, peace between the clans.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years ago
Yata can see ghosts. His best friend is Saru, whose spirit left his body since he's currently in a coma (caused by his father). Yata promises Fushimi that his father will face justice for hurting Saru. He is able to achieve this with the help of Homra, a group of paranormal investigators (Anna is the only person able to communicate with ghosts in Homra) and S4, a special division of police. After his father is arrested, Saru finally wakes up because he feels safe enough to return to his body.
I like this idea that Fushimi could technically return to his body at any time, he just chooses not to because it's like 'safer' being with Misaki as a ghost, as long as Niki's around. Like say Yata's always been able to see ghosts ever since he was a kid, he used to get really freaked out by them but by high school he's largely gotten over that and he usually tries to do whatever he can to help the ghosts move on and their spirits calmed and all that. He does pretty good, like he mostly runs into ghosts who just need some small thing done that's within Yata's power and it makes him feel like a secret superhero being able to help them.
One day when he's at school the teacher is taking attendance and makes a comment about how 'Fushimi's absent again, huh?'. Yata starts to say 'wait but Fushimi's right there' and he stops himself, realizing that the kid who's been sitting at that desk at the head of the class for the last week can't be seen by anyone but himself. Even as Yata watches Fushimi clicks his tongue and stands up, walking out of class and no one but Yata even notices. After class Yata decides to go find Fushimi, thinking that he can't believe one of his classmates died and no one noticed but him. He finds Fushimi hanging around outside the school and Yata calls to him, Fushimi ignores him and Yata's like hey I know you can hear me. Fushimi glances back like 'so you can see me, huh?' and Yata gives a friendly smile as he says that if there's something he can do for Fushimi to help him go peacefully Yata's there. Fushimi gives him a cold look and says that if Yata's looking to feel good and be praised he should look somewhere else.
Yata's kinda hurt about that but he also remains determined to help this 'wandering ghost.' He starts trying to talk to Fushimi at every opportunity, Fushimi initially ignores him but eventually starts giving small answers and such and Yata can kinda tell that Fushimi isn't enjoying being invisible to everyone as much as he's trying to pretend he is. Fushimi also starts hanging around Yata more, like instead of sitting in his old seat during class Fushimi will lean over Yata's shoulder and complain about how terribly Yata does his work. Yata soon figures out that Fushimi's kind of a genius and Yata starts to think that Fushimi's really amazing, like Yata's never found anyone so easy to talk to before. At some point once they've really become friends Yata says he wishes Fushimi was alive to be next to him and Fushimi gets really evasive, just shrugging and saying isn't this fine, he and Yata can talk to each other and that's all that matters.
One day when Fushimi's not around Yata decides to talk to the teacher about setting up like a memorial for Fushimi, which is how he finds out that Fushimi isn't dead, he's just in the hospital in a coma. Yata's shocked by that and decides to go visit him, wondering if there's a way he can get Fushimi back in his body and then they can finally touch and be together for real, without worrying that Fushimi's going to fade away. Yata manages to get into Fushimi's room by claiming to be a friend from school, he's staring at Fushimi's unconscious body when ghost Fushimi shows up and yells at him to leave. Yata doesn't understand why Fushimi didn't tell him the truth and Fushimi clicks his tongue and says it isn't important, 'that guy' is coming and Yata needs to hide. Yata's all 'that guy?' and suddenly the doorknob turns, not knowing what to do Yata dives under the bed. He's crouched down there hidden by the sheets and all he can see are a pair of tacky boots as he hears a man talking, wondering how long his 'little monkey' intends to sleep, he needs to wake up so they can 'play' again. The man laughs and it sends a shiver down Yata's spine, he lies there totally still until the guy walks away. As the man is leaving Yata can just make out his face, he looks almost exactly like Saruhiko.
Once Niki's gone Yata asks Fushimi who that was and Fushimi coldly says that was his father. Yata says that guy gave him a weird feeling and asks what he meant by 'playing.' Fushimi admits that he ended up in a coma after Niki set a trap that caused Fushimi to fall down the stairs. The way he says it Yata realizes that this isn't the first time Niki's done something like this to Fushimi, quietly asking if that's why Fushimi won't go back into his body. Fushimi doesn't reply and Yata says things are different now, Yata's here and can protect Fushimi. Fushimi becomes unexpectedly heated as he says Yata can't protect him and would only get hurt as well, telling Yata to stay away from Niki and that Fushimi isn't ever going back into his body, he's fine like this.
Yata isn't fine with that though, saying that he wants to hold Fushimi's hand and go do fun things together and just be together forever alive, he wants to cook Fushimi food and play video games with him and do all these things that they can't do together. Plus who knows what will happen to Fushimi if he doesn't go back, what if his body just deteriorates too much and he really does die. Fushimi's adamant though that he won't go back unless Niki's not around. Yata decides that they need to find a way to prove that Niki hurt Fushimi, so that he'll go to jail and Fushimi will be free. Fushimi doesn't see how they can do that, it's not like anyone will listen to the words of a ghost. Yata decides they need help from people who will listen and that's when he remembers one of his previous missions, where he heard about these guys called 'Homra' who are paranormal investigators.
Together Yata and Fushimi go to Homra, as soon as they walk in this young girl greets them both and Yata does a double take like wait you can see Saruhiko. Bartender Kusanagi appears and asks if Yata's being haunted, stating that Anna can see ghosts and helps them with their clients. If Yata needs an exorcism they can handle it, Yata's immediately like wait no definitely not we need help. Kusanagi calls the rest of Homra and Yata explains what's happened, while Fushimi perches on one of the seats and glares, trying to avoid Anna's quiet gaze. Homra agrees to help, Kusanagi noting that they may need help from the police this time, there's a special division that they have a tentative alliance with who assist with these kinds of ghost issues. Yata starts to feel really optimistic, like he's sure they can get Niki now and save Saruhiko (and then maybe Fushimi starts fading because his body really is weakening and now Yata's even more rushed, Fushimi's like resigned to his fate but Yata's not going to give up, he's going to take Niki down and then Fushimi can finally live again).
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years ago
1/2. No Slate AU. Homra is a Vigilante group, their whole shtick is about defending the defenseless/taking down the corrupt by any means necessary, regardless of the law. S4 is a military/police unit is in charge of apprehending Homra members. Fushimi was home-schooled w/ his father, so he never met Yata in middle school. Niki does something to end up on Homra's radar and they track his house down to deliver their 'justice' and instead find an obviously mistreated Saruhiko, who they then kidnap.
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I'm imaging Homra as being kinda like they are in canon but without superpowers, like they're considered something of a gang but they protect the people in their territory and basically do what the police won't. Maybe that's sort of how they find out about Niki, like even though Scepter 4 is largely tasked with keeping Homra in check they do have something of an understanding between them as well. Niki has been on their radar for some time, known for being involved in corrupt dealings and such, but there's no hard evidence and Scepter 4 can't actually go after him without any proof. Awashima passes on this info to Kusanagi, who discusses it with Mikoto and the rest of Homra and they decide to pay Niki a little visit.
Say in this AU Niki's not just wandering around being useless all the time but he does actually have his hands in some pretty bad stuff, lending out his services as like a 'consultant' to various druglords and gang leaders. He's known to be really dangerous but also untouchable due to belonging to an old rich family. He was once married but his wife left him years ago and nobody actually even knows that he has a kid. So then when Homra goes after him they end up cornering him at his house, Niki tries to bluff his way out but Mikoto's pretty much like let's just kick this guy's ass and get it over with. Niki tries to pull a gun and in the ensuing scuffle he actually gets killed (oh no. How terrible). Kusanagi gives this heavy sigh, like it's not as if he cares that they killed this guy but it's a lot more trouble for him to try and clean up and now they'll have Scepter 4 after them again too. Mikoto shrugs and says this guy did it to himself as he lights a cigarette. Meanwhile Yata, one of the newest and youngest Homra members who was allowed to tag along, is looking around the house in amazement like wow this guy was really rich huh. He hears a noise from nearby and immediately Kusanagi tells him to be on guard, everyone wondering if Niki has an accomplice here or something. That's when this skinny gloomy kid about Yata's age pokes his head around the doorway. Everyone freezes as Fushimi stares down at Niki's dead body for a long moment before giving this soft 'heh' and then turning to walk back upstairs like nothing's happened, telling them to clean up the trash before they leave.
Obviously this presents a problem, even if Homra knows that it's going to be pretty obvious they were involved part of their whole vigilante thing is to not leave enough evidence to get caught and here they had a witness. Kusanagi notes that the info he received didn't even indicate that Niki had a child, wondering if they missed something. He tells Yata to go after Fushimi, Yata nods and runs upstairs all ready to like threaten Fushimi into keeping quiet. Instead he finds Fushimi sitting all alone in a mostly empty room, playing on his PDA as if his dad isn't dead on the first floor. Yata kinda feels like punching this guy would be bullying so he sits down next to Fushimi instead and asks what he's playing. Fushimi says it's none of Yata's business and Yata gets annoyed like hey I'm trying to be nice here. Fushimi noticeably flinches when Yata moves, like kinda shrinking back a little as if he's expecting Yata to grab the PDA from his hands. It's obvious enough that even Yata notices and he finds himself thinking like here there's this kid no one knew about who's obviously underfed, living in a mostly empty room in a big house with a dad who's known for being shady. Yata's not the most observant but even he can realize that Fushimi's probably been abused or neglected and he ends up just sitting there for a while, watching Fushimi play his game and commenting that Fushimi's good at it. That seems to make Fushimi relax just slightly and by the time the others come looking for them Yata's chatting to Fushimi like they're friends and Fushimi's cautiously answering back.
It's decided that they can't just leave Fushimi alone in this house, especially once they hear that he hasn't seen his mom since he was like three. Fushimi's wary about going along with Homra but Yata assures him that it's fine, Homra are all very cool and they fight for justice and stuff. Fushimi's already finding himself feeling strangely at ease near Yata so he nods and allows himself to be taken back to the bar where he is soon basically adopted by Homra at large. Kusanagi's initially pretty concerned, they aren't able to get much out of Fushimi but it's pretty clear that he's suffered a lot as Niki's kid and that there might be scars there that Homra can't see yet. Even so he's impressed by how quickly Fushimi picks things up, within days he's helping with balancing the budget for Bar Homra and commenting on strategy sessions for Homra's various activities.
It's noticeable from the very beginning though that even while Fushimi's hesitant around most of Homra he feels calmest around Yata. Because of this Kusanagi encourages Yata to spend time with him and help him get used to things, and soon Fushimi's got his very first crush. Fushimi of course has no idea how to handle this because he's never felt this way before and he's all worried that Yata will leave him or won't care for him back and he goes through phases of wanting to cling to Yata and wanting to push him away. Yata doesn't get why Saruhiko acts like sometimes but then he's also really drawn to Fushimi too, like the more he gets to know Fushimi the more amazing Fushimi seems and now he's also got a crush which he is totally unaware of. Meanwhile all of Homra is fully aware that these two kids are into each other and matchmaking ensues as they try to get Yata to accept that he likes guys and get Fushimi to accept that having positive emotions is a good thing and that he should just ask Yata out on a date already.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years ago
Zombie AU. Takes place in Yata & Fushimi's last year of middle school. When they hear news of what's happening Yata is concerned for his sibling so he & Fushimi leave to go pick them up from elementary school. After rescuing Yata's siblings, they're about to be overrun by zombies, when a local 'gang' called Homra swoops in & helps them. They stay with Homra for safety, as the world continues to get progressively worse. Homra eventually meets & teams up with S4, a former private police force.
So imagine this starts as a nice normal day at middle school and then turns into a zombie movie halfway through. Maybe Yata and Fushimi manage to escape because they're skipping class too, like it's during the day that things start getting messy as some zombies manage to make their way onto the school grounds and start biting. Most of the kids are in class and don't notice what's going on until it's too late and then panic ensues as everyone tries to escape at once. Yata and Fushimi however were hanging out on the roof and Yata sees these weird adults staggering through the courtyard. He wonders what's going on and Fushimi leans over and stares down with this keen look, like he doesn't think 'zombies' immediately but he definitely feels like something's wrong. He grabs Yata's arm and says they should go home, Yata doesn't get why Fushimi's suddenly so insistent but he goes with it. They make it to the courtyard just in time to see a few faculty members get bitten and turn into zombies and it's a total 'oh shit we're in a zombie movie and we look like expendable side characters' moment. Yata wants to try and run right past the zombies but Fushimi stops him, saying they need to be cautious about this and instead they sneak around the building to where Yata's been hiding his bike. By the time they retrieve the bike the school has already exploded into chaos, imagine Yata just pedaling as hard as he can past all these zombies and carnage while Fushimi clings to him on the back of the bike.
The streets are in just as much of a mess as the school was and Fushimi probably thinks they should go back to his place to hide on the assumption that his large well-stocked house will be easiest to hunker down in. Yata's worried about his siblings though, the elementary school isn't far and he can't just leave Minoru and Megumi to get eaten by zombies. Fushimi's irritated at Yata for not listening to him but he just clicks his tongue and says fine, they'll get Yata's siblings and then they need to hide. They probably have to ditch the bike eventually and go for a more stealthy way of movement, they also sneak into a destroyed sporting goods store and Yata gets himself a nice zombie-killing baseball bat while Fushimi stocks up on various knives and even manages to retrieve a gun and some ammo. Yata's like Saruhiko can you even use that and Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he would rather have too many weapons than not enough.
Eventually they make it to the school, where there is even more zombie chaos. Yata and Fushimi get to fight their way through the school as best they can, taking out zombies on the way and trying to get past all the frightened panicking kids and teachers. They split up briefly and Yata goes to find Megumi's classroom while Fushimi goes to get Minoru (who probably comes running out of his classroom and just clings to Fushimi all 'Saru!' while Fushimi has to stop himself from prying the small child away from him). They meet back up outside the school but things are getting bad in the street and Yata doesn't know how they're going to escape, especially with Minoru and Megumi. Fushimi leads them to the nearby parking lot and tells Yata to break open the windows of the nearest car and have Minoru climb through and unlock it. Yata's like wait we can't drive Saruhiko and Fushimi gets this wild grin as he's like I can if it doesn't matter who I hit (and that's how Yata finds out that Fushimi knows how to hotwire a car).
They drive wildly out of the school and through the streets, Fushimi just running down every zombie they come across and Yata thinks that maybe he is enjoying this slightly too much. Unfortunately they eventually get surrounded by too many zombies and they can't go any farther, surrounded on all sides. Yata asks Fushimi what to do and Fushimi gets this grim look as he pulls out some knives, telling Minoru and Megumi to stay in the car. Yata catches his eye and nods, shouldering his bat as he tells the kids to keep their heads down and don't look out no matter what. Yata and Fushimi climb out all prepared to meet their last stand together, which is when they hear the sound of a motorcycle pulling up and suddenly there's this red-haired guy with a flamethrower taking out zombies left and right. Yata and Fushimi stare in shock as this whole motorcycle gang appears and takes down the zombies, a blond guy with sunglasses drives over to them and holds out his hand all come with us if you want to live, okay kids.
So Yata and Fushimi are taken back to Bar Homra along with the Yata siblings, turns out that Homra's a gang that's been running this territory for some time. When the whole zombie outbreak thing happened Kusanagi used his contacts and Mikoto's influence to get a resistance set up almost immediately, procuring weapons for everyone and going out trying to find survivors. Shizume's been pretty overrun in just a few days and most of the guys at Homra are members of the gang and their families, Yata and Fushimi are outsiders who eventually become a part of the gang as well. Yata's strength and speed are praised immediately while Kusanagi is impressed with Fushimi's strategic mind. They can't seem to do much more than defend the bar and occasionally rescue a few survivors though, Fushimi's getting restless that they're just fighting a war of attrition and that Homra has no endgame. Then one day while he's out on a supply run Fushimi runs into Scepter 4, a private police force who all managed to survive the initial outbreak thanks to the genius of their lead officer Munakata. Munakata is intrigued to find that there are other groups of survivors out there and requests an audience with Homra, everyone is surprised when he greets Mikoto with an almost familiar 'Ah, Suoh. So it is you,' while Mikoto sighs and gives this feral grin all even zombies couldn't take you down huh Munakata. The groups are immediately at odds but they also have a common goal and now must work together to defeat the zombie hordes and take back the city.
(Also as long as we’re talking zombie AUs it’s been a while since I mentioned the Great Unfinished K Zombie AU I wrote once for NaNo)
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years ago
Saruhiko is always saying Misaki looks like a middle schooler so, what if he is mistaken for one by Anna's schoolmates when he picks her up from school, and soon the rumor of Anna's boyfriend spreads around until is heard by Homra, S4 and Silvers, and all (Misaki included obviously) freak out. When the mystery is solved Misaki just wants to die, and while everybody else is making fun of him Anna comfort him saying she knows he would be a great boyfriend giving a meaningful look at Saruhiko XD
I’mjust imagining Yata hearing all these rumors about Anna having aboyfriend who looks like a total delinquent and he’s like ‘I’m gonnafind that guy and beat him up if he doesn’t take good care of Anna,’only to find out that 'that guy’ is actually him XD Say one dayKusanagi asks Yata to walk Anna home from school because there’s beensome dangerous Strain activity nearby lately and he’s worried aboutAnna being a target, even though she has her own powers Kusanagi’sstill concerned about her being alone and getting attacked. Yatashows up at the front of Anna’s school with his skateboard and allthe kids keep looking at him, like no one recognizes him and he’s notin a school uniform so a rumor quickly goes up about some delinquentkid who skipped school and is waiting by the door to beat someone up.The kids are then all shocked when quiet mature Kushina Anna comeswalking out the door without a single moment of pause and walks rightup to the scary kid, they walk away side by side and within minutesthere’s rumors all over the school about Anna’s boyfriend who must bea gang member and who probably has to go to a special school forjuvenile delinquents or something.
Therumor spreads quickly after that without Anna really being aware ofit, like she’s so sweet no one at school has the heart to ask herabout it but all her classmates are concerned that she’s beingbullied or taken advantage of (there’s also another rumor that maybeshe’s secretly a gang leader herself and her boyfriend is one of themembers as well as her bodyguard, most people dismiss that one asbeing too ridiculous to be true). The rumor does end up spreadingpast the school though, like say one of the kids at Ashinaka has alittle brother who goes to Anna’s school and ends up mentioning it totheir sibling, who in turn spreads the rumor to Hieda and Neko.Neko’s of course all worried about Anna and goes running to Shiro andKuroh, very upset that maybe Anna is being threatened into dating adelinquent. Shiro assures her that it just must be a silly rumor andwhy don’t we call Homra to check, as soon as he calls Kusanagi andmentions the words 'delinquent boyfriend’ on the phone Kusanagi ispretty much ready to hang up and send an entire squad of Homra guysto Anna’s school to teach this delinquent boy who thinks he can hiton Mama Kusanagi’s little princess a lesson. The rumor even spreadsto Scepter 4, Awashima comes into the bar for a drink and findsKusanagi troubled because of course he wants Anna to be her ownperson and live a normal life but he wasn’t ready for 'boyfriend’ andhe definitelywasn’t ready for 'delinquent boyfriend.’ Awashima pointing out thattechnically Anna is surrounded by delinquents and still doing welldoes not help matters.
Yatafinds out about the rumors too and he’s in immediate hot-bloodedmode, worrying that some boy is causing Anna trouble and no way isYata going to stand for that. Fushimi happens to be at the bar at thesame time too and he’s somewhat more suspicious about the wholething, like there’s something about this rumor that makes him thinkthey’re all missing an important piece of information. Yata decidesthey need to confront Anna about the situation, to make sure sheknows that if anyone’s bullying her she can tell them and they’lltake care of it. The other Homra guys are all for it while Fushimijust sits in the corner rolling his eyes, Kusanagi just shakes hishead and smiles fondly like well, once you get everyone fired up forAnna’s sake calming them down is impossible.
That’swhen Anna walks in and is immediately surrounded by her clansmen,everyone wanting to show her support while also telling her that shedoesn’t have to date a delinquent, she can be on her own for a fewmore years before she decides to start dating. Anna is very confusedat first but eventually she realizes that they heard the rumors, shefinally figured them out herself after Neko called her in a panicasking if she was being forced to date a mean boy. Everyone’s like'wait so you’re not dating anyone’ and Anna looks right at Yata asshe says 'I’m dating Misaki.’ Everyone immediately fixes Yata withthe world’s coldest glares as he stares at her blankly, Annaclarifies that everyone thinksshe’s dating Misaki.Yata’s just staring at her like 'huh’ when Fushimi bursts outlaughing because really Misaki, I knew you were immature but to bemistaken for a middleschooler. Yataimmediately snaps back that he’s notthat short but his face is bright red as he realizes that technicallyFushimi is right and he was mistaken for a school kid all this time.The other Homra guys get into the teasing action while Kusanagibreathes a sigh of relief that he doesn’t have to burn any middleschoolers for inappropriately touching his child. Poor Yata meanwhileis just totally red-faced and embarrassed, Anna tries to cheer him upby patting his hand and saying that Misaki would be a good boyfriend.Yata gets a little bashful at that, like it feels weird having hersay it to him but he’s proud of it too – which is when Anna slideshis hand so that it’s holding Fushimi’s as she reiterates that Misakiwould be a good boyfriend. Fushimi and Yata just stare at her blanklyand Anna gives them a serious look in return because she’s alreadydecided that this ship must sail no matter what she has to do.
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