#Yata will not complain about this
ridiasfangirlings · 10 months
As a way to say "sorry for leaving you with no explanations, Misaki", Saruhiko has to give head to his best friend for forgiveness.
This is what happens when you ask Hidaka for advice XD Though imagine that is actually what happens, like Fushimi and Yata have somewhat reconciled but there’s still tension between them and Fushimi is just so very aware of how much he’s done to Yata and how much of this really was all his fault. He wants to apologize but his pride won’t let him, like he can’t bring himself to admit to Misaki of all people that he was wrong. At the same time though he’s aware that if he doesn’t he’ll never be able to entirely relax, it’ll always be there in the back of his mind reminding him that he hurt Yata and never said he was sorry. 
At some point he’s mulling it over and the squad catches him looking upset, like Yata invited him over to play video games and Fushimi doesn’t look terribly happy about it. Hidaka really wants to help Fushimi-san so he asks what the problem is, Fushimi’s evasive but eventually mutters out something like ‘if you needed to…apologize and didn’t want to say it, what would you do.’ Fushimi was thinking like gifts or other things that don’t require him to actually say the words and that’s what most of the squad suggest, like buy him dinner buy him a new video game send him a card. And then there’s Hidaka who once apologized to someone by giving them head (it was a friend though, like no homo really) and is all ‘as a last resort!,’ which leads to him being glared at by Fushimi and sent on chores by Akiyama.
Later Fushimi stops by Yata’s place and they’re gaming and Fushimi keeps thinking about it again, what he can do to apologize. Maybe this also coincides with Yata trying to deal with his budding romantic feelings for Fushimi that turn into an unexpected confession and tentative make out. Fushimi can’t just go forward with this knowing that apology is hanging over his head though and he ends up between Yata’s legs, giving Yata a suggestive look while Yata goes bright red and swallows hard.I imagine this leading to something of a misunderstanding though because afterward Yata’s feeling all satisfied and romantic while Fushimi’s like so you accept this in return for me leaving Homra. Yata’s like wait what and Fushimi clicks his tongue all of course the virgin doesn’t know about apology blowjobs and Yata’s suddenly upset that Fushimi thinks he has to do this for Yata as an apology, Yata thought Fushimi was doing it because he wanted to. Fushimi manages to mumble out ‘….I did want to’ and he probably still ends up awkwardly apologizing anyway. Yata reassures him like we can definitely do this again but only because we want to try it okay, you don’t have to give me sex every time you want to avoid apologizing.
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just finished a rewatch of Prison of the Past
and I gotta say, I really really enjoyed that special. Not only does EVERYONE get more screentime (except for jigen but that's okay) but you get to see them in a more in depth character.
Like goeman- you get to see him have more than 3 minutes, you see that he is calm cool collected and it lightly touches on why he sticks around the gang even though he gets frustrated and annoyed at them a lot. You get to see him be a sassy samurai in this one too lol
Fujiko- she appears throughout and not just a device that's mentioned to explain why everything went wrong. You actually see fujiko explore her skill as a disguise master as well as a more close up and personal look to how greedy she can be in an actually kinda adorable but annoying way.
Zenigata- he actually has life in him and in depth character, not the flat persona they've been giving him since LIII:The first. You get to see just how skilled he actually is, and his passion for justice and not just the typical ride off into the sunset screaming LUPAHHHHHNN! (Although he does do that at the end, and I am certainly not complaining about it, I think its one of my favorite things in the whole of LIII.) But you also see that he most certainly does know that people can't resist his big long lashed blinkers, and how well he works with the gang in team ups. Anyways I'm just really glad they gave life to zenigata's character in this special. (P.s you see how bad an actor zenigata is too lmao)
Yata- again you see a more in depth character, not just the 'Yata idolizes zenigata and is a rookie' in PotP you definitely have that but you see just how much of a rookie yata is as he's a little oblivious and hasn't learned to read the room at all. You definitely get the idea that he's just a kid (age wise my head Canon places him to be a 22 year old) but you also see the relationship he has with zenigata. Which a little more than just his assistant. You definitely see that yata is absolutely awe-struck by zenigata but also is able to joke and banter back and forth with inspector.
Jigen- surprisingly shares about as much screentime as fujiko, and jigen has his usual jigen persona not much change there, but you do get to see how willing he is to fight ppl. Jigen doesn't technically start a fight but if someone says fight me he most definitely will. Like both goeman and Zenigata accuse him of insulting them and asked if he wanted to fight, and he's like 'hell yeah' I think jigen likes pushing people's buttons. Anyways he pretty calm cool collected himself in this one. Y'know typical Jigen
And finally Lupin- this Lupin is pretty light hearted, and gives off his part 2 vibes with a very slight pt 5 dusted in. Need I say more? Obviously they didn't have to think very hard on the depths of his character, and im not going to elaborate any further.
Overall- this was a very light hearted adventure with plenty of bantering between all the characters, coupled with the usual LIII shenanigans and good old action/adventure. I think I would put this in my top 5 favorite specials.
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 months
For day three, could you do prompt four (more specifically: they found a video not for their eyes) for Yata. Because of course I have to ask that.
Of course I can, my lovely! This is a really amusing thought, no matter which way I took the video and its contents, so I had a lot of fun writing these headcanons, though they’re a bit small, and I hope you’ll have the same fun in reading them.
There’s only one of three ways that Yata would discover a video not specifically meant to be seen by him. Someone would have to accidentally send it to him, he would have to overhear other people talking about it, or he would have to be specifically told it existed, either by the person (such as Kusanagi) warning him about it and not to look at it, or by the person (such as Fushimi) taunting him about it.
In the first case, where the person accidentally sent him the video by accident, the person in question would be quick to follow up with a text, or several, telling him, maybe even begging him, to not watch it, telling him it wasn’t meant for him, he isn’t to watch it, etc.
In the second case, he’d really only pick up on the video being a big thing if he overheard several people talking about it or if he overheard the words HOMRA, one of his friend’s names, or his own name and, curiosity getting the best of him, demanded to know what the people were talking about.
In the third case, he’s been told the video exists and been told not to watch it or been made fun of for not watching it. He knows there’s something to this video, he knows it’s important somehow.
The thing with Yata though is that the more he’s told not to do something, the more he has to do it. He’s stubborn and has a real hard time with authority. Unless Mikoto himself declares that Yata can’t watch it, which Mikoto would never do as it’s just not his style to outlaw his clansmen from doing things, Yata now makes it his absolute priority to sit and watch the video simply because he was told he couldn’t and that kind of pissed him off a little.
If the video turns out to be naughty – say an accidental sexy snap or video sent accidentally to him, or a sex tape featuring one of HOMRA’s members, Yata turns bright red, quickly turns it off, does everything he can to not think about it, and won’t be able to meet the person’s (or people’s) eyes or even talk to them properly for at least a good week or two after that.
If the video is simply something making fun of HOMRA or Yata himself, his reaction would be a lot more severe. Though he’d be pissed about a video making fun of Yata himself, he’d simply settle for getting pissy, complaining, and taking out his anger on those around him who are vulnerable targets, like anyone stupid enough to make fun of him or to say the wrong thing to him.
If it’s about HOMRA though, Yata’s doing everything he can to convince all the other members to go full scorched earth figuring out who made the video and completely annihilating them and their very will to live.
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tala-bez-i · 4 months
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At first sight Chapter Eight
(m!reader x Bonten!Haruchiyo Sanzu)
Fluff/slash/reader is male/cursing/BontenTimeline/drugs and alcohol mentioned/violence/blood/death
All characters that appeared in the Tokyo Revengers manga and anime belong to Ken Wakui.
Words: 3461
(Author's note: This is the third chapter this week… but due to the long weekend, I decided to write as many chapters as I can to be ready for publication during the new week. The next chapter will appear on Wednesday. Thank you for the likes and reblogs so far. They mean a lot to me 😚 )
You opened the door to Kakucho's office more violently than you intended and rushed inside, holding the folder you were supposed to bring in your hand. “Sorry... I met Sanzu on the way....” 
“It's okay, Y/n. I'm glad you brought Fuku with you. It was the right decision.” Kakucho said calmly and pointed to a pot of fresh tea that must have been brought by one of the girls in the hideout. “A cup of tea?” 
“Yes, please.” Before you closed the door, you made sure no one was in the hall. You turned to the surprised men and cleared your throat. “Yata will have to stay.” 
“But I can't. Akira…” 
“Akira knows I took you somewhere.” You interrupted the young man, walked over to the desk and handed the folder over to its original owner. 
“Oh shit… How does the boss know?” His face paled and his eyes widened. 
“Sanzu told me.” 
“And how did Sanzu know?” Kakucho became interested, putting aside the report he had just picked up. 
“Akira recognized me and called Sanzu to complain to him that I took one of his men because…” You shot Miyata a quick glance. “Not a word to anyone, do you understand?” 
“I-I understand, but... What is it?” The boy looked confused, and his eyes moved from you to Kakucho and back again. 
“Akira thinks I took you to have fun with you.” You said, sitting down on the empty chair. 
"To have fun with me? But how do you, boss, could have fun with me?” 
Kakucho became slightly confused at your words before turning his head, a small smile appearing on his face. You watched him, lips pursed. You simply couldn't believe how a person who was around whores every day and worked directly for a pimp could not know what kind of fun he was talking about. After all, he asked if you came there because you wanted a prostitute. 
You looked at him. “Are you serious now, Yata?” 
The boy blinked several times and suddenly his face turned red. “The boss doesn't seem to mean…” His voice wasn't clear, but he seemed to be starting to realize what his employer had accused you of. “Boss! But, oh no!” 
“Akira suggested it, not me. Sorry, kid, but it looks like your boss thinks you like to fuck for money..." You shrugged and Kakucho let out a laugh that he couldn't hold back anymore. “I don't care, because it doesn't make much difference to me whether my sexual partner has a cunt or a dick... But you, Yata, I think you're already burned.” 
“Boss, you can't do that! Boss Kakucho, please say something in my defense!” The young man's voice was shaking with emotion, and the first tears appeared in his eyes. “I'm not like that!” 
Kakucho shook his head and took a few deep breaths to calm down. His cheeks were slightly flushed, which showed that despite the ridicule of the situation and so many years of using the services of prostitutes, the topic of sex is an area that he considers something serious. 
“Don't worry, Yata.” He said, still amused. “Y/n won't get your ass.” 
“Boss promises? Boss L/n?” The boy looked at you worried. 
“You're pretty, Miyata, but not my type.” You assured him and reached for the cup of tea prepared for you. "Don't worry. I will pay triple for your service, just like Sanzu told Akira...” You looked at Kakucho with a serious face. “Which, on the one hand, will give us an alibi…” You moved your gaze to the hot drink that smelled tempting. “But then Akira will expect the same from you as from the girls…” 
“I will absolutely give him back to Akira.” Number three spoke. “I'll arrange it so that Akira gets more money for Miyata, but we will put the boy to work for Shion.” 
“Huh? Um, Boss Kakucho? Boss L/n?” The boy looked even more confused. 
You nodded, ignoring Fuku squirming in his chair. “It's a thought, but why Madarame?” 
“He wants a few girls in the club, so he's looking for someone to watch over them.” He glanced at the black-haired boy. “Not in the form of a bodyguard, of course. Yata has almost no muscles, but as a companion. Akira’s bitches praise him.” 
“Do you want to make him a mascot?” You asked, taking a small sip of your tea. It was delicious as usual. 
“Yata is already a mascot.” Kakucho looked at the flustered one. "What do you think? You tell us everything you know and we will get you a quiet job with Madarame.” 
“Boss Kakucho, Boss L/n! This is the most wonderful thing that happened to me! Yes! Everything except working for Akira..." The young man said quickly, his eyes sparkling with joy. 
“So, you will commit treason to improve your living conditions?” You laughed softly and Yata held his breath. 
“Don't scare him, Y/n. This is not betrayal. This is the right decision, Miyata.” Kakucho calmed him down and returned to the reports he had on his desk. “Let's start over, shall we? At lunchtime, Mochi will provide us with his folder and we can all compare our observations together. From what I know, he has tracked down two other pimps who are in cahoots with Kudora.” 
You shrugged and used small tongs to hand Yata the cookie. “Welcome aboard, kid.” 
You listened to what the black-haired youth had to say and felt an increasing dislike for Hachirou Kuroda. It seemed that Kitty was the only one who died because of the knowledge she had about her pimp's shady dealings. The rest of the girls - you still didn't know how many there really were - died because their clients indulged in way too much and it resulted in the poor women being no longer good for anything. 
You understood that everyone had different sexual preferences, but burning and cutting the skin in various places on the body was too much. It was no longer sex, but the most ordinary torture in the world, which Akira should never have allowed. 
Yata confessed that the pimp saw each of the girls who returned to him in a sorry state and instead of immediately reporting the problem with the customers, he preferred to take larger sums of money from them and kill the girls or simply ordered his men to do it. 
The boy again admitted to disposing of the bodies of the three dead girls. He described their injuries because Akira was taking clothes and jewelry that belonged to prostitutes. He ordered them to be taken to the forests and before they were covered with earth, they had to be poured with various flammable substances and set on fire. The same substances could never have been used, otherwise if the police discovered the remains, they could easily link them. 
Usually, you weren't moved by such confessions, because you yourself had desecrated corpses many times, but... One description was too extreme for you. Even Mochi had to reach for the whiskey, and you've never seen such murderous intent in Kakucho's eyes. 
Yes, none of you were saints. You have done many bad things, even very bad things. Hanma once took a debtor's daughter and gave her to a brothel so that she could work off her father's debt but had good living conditions. You also knew about families murdered on order, including children, but... Forcing a pregnant girl into prostitution because you found a client who wished so... And then allowing a situation in which the girl was hanging by her hands from the ceiling for several days, only to end up in a dug hole in the forest... 
You wanted to skin Akira and rub salt into his wounds. You were sure Sanzu would happily join in. 
“Son of a bitch… Just a son of a bitch.” Mochi growled after your second glass of liquor, and you wished you had drunk the alcohol yourself. “I thought the two I found were fuckers, but no. L/n must have found a better one.” 
“Kakucho came across him.” You corrected your friend, but he waved it off. “Do we need evidence or will the testimony of Yata and the whores be enough?” 
“Who is Akira's clientele?” Kakucho asked, frowning. 
“Various guys and probably even two women... But all in all, they all had a lot of money.” The young man replied and Kakucho cursed fiercely. 
“So it's a serious matter. We cannot afford to lose such funding sources.” 
"So? What we do?" You asked quietly, looking towards the window where dark, rainy clouds were gathering. “Do we investigate the remaining pimps more thoroughly or report what we already have to Kisaki and Hanma?” 
“I want Mikey to know everything first.” Kakucho said after a while. “He may not be interested in Sato, but I don't think he'd ignore such shenanigans.” 
“Let's check the ones I mentioned and then we'll turn over the combined files to Mikey.” Mochi lit a cigarette. He inhaled deeply and exhaled, looking around for an ashtray. “I don't give a damn whether he's interested in these whores or not. He can't let these bastards do this. If the police find out about it, everyone will pay for it. The whole business will go to hell.” 
“Mochi is right.” You spread your hands and crossed your legs. “Our beloved leader must express his opinion on this matter.” 
“Okay, we'll do that. I'll have to mention this to Sanzu too. Still, he's number two." Kakucho nodded and started organizing his reports. “That everything had to get so fucked up. Kuroda was one of the most trusted pimps.” 
You looked out of the corner of your eye at Yata, who was sitting in silence, eating cookies that were lying on a tray with cold, forgotten by everyone tea in a pot. 
“Eat normally.” You said quietly and the boy looked down at his pants, which were covered in cookie crumbs. 
“Sorry, boss…” He said and started collecting crumbs on a plate. 
Madarame will wipe the floor with him. - You thought and your mood improved slightly. 
“Yata, do you know who is the best person to talk to from Nagasawa and Nagano?” Mochi suddenly asked, turning towards the boy. “They have someone like you?” 
“Huh? Someone like me?” He thought for a moment and involuntarily dropped the crumbs he had managed to pick up from his pants onto the carpet. "Let me think... I know Nagasawa had a girlfriend whom he didn't allow to have sex with his clients... But he didn't hide his business from her... And Nagano... Nagano..." He scratched his head and shrugged... “Sorry, Boss Mochi, but Nagano has a man everyone calls Yuu, but I have no idea who he is. I've never seen the guy in person." 
“Okay, what about this girl?” 
Yata smiled brightly, his tone strangely soft. “Junko Yoshioka.” 
You raised one eyebrow and started looking at the boy. “You, kid. Are you sure he didn't let her shag his clients?” 
“I wasn't a customer.” He replied to you with a wide smile and froze, his expression immediately dropping and his face turning red. “Sorry, boss…” 
“I have no further questions, thank you.” You clicked your tongue, reaching for the last cookie on the plate and popping the whole one into your mouth, biting it thoughtfully. 
There was silence in the room for a moment, everyone was busy thinking about what steps to take in this matter. Thanks to Kakucho and Mochi... and Yata, you almost solved the whole case of the prostitute murders. But you had a strange feeling that... 
“I'll take care of Yoshioka and let L/n find this Yuu guy.” Mochi said and Kakucho nodded, completely agreeing with him. 
That's right, you knew it would be like this. Find a guy that neither of you have seen in person and don't know the real personal details. 
“Thank you, Mochi.” You muttered softly, looking away from the man. 
“Something wrong?” The other asked, looking at you from the corner of his eye. 
"No no. Of course not." You denied, then an idea popped into your head and you looked at him. “Maybe the rest know something more about this Yuu?” 
“Like who?” 
“Haitanis? Ran likes to use the services of girls and does it more often than Rindou.” You suggested, playing with your tie. “Maybe even Sanzu heard something…” 
“Aren't you the one who gets him whores?” Mochi asked as he poured himself another glass of whiskey. 
You pursed your lips, staring at Kakucho's desk. “Yes, I usually get him girls. But Sanzu is a big boy, and I don't live with him, so when he feels like it, he calls for services himself.” 
“I'm just asking.” Mochi shrugged. “You can try, but I don't know what time they will return from their trip. That damn Sato is pretty bummed out somewhere.” 
“Maybe Takeomi will know something. He used to sleep with girls from Nagano.” He mentioned Kakucho and looked at the folder you had brought earlier. “I'll give it back to you so that if anything happens, Kisaki won't bother you.” 
You nodded, took the paper folder from him and stood up from the chair. “I think we can call it a day. Each of us has a task, so... Let's do what needs to be done and get this over with." 
"Right." Mochi drained his glass and after saying goodbye to all of you, he left the room. 
“Come on, Miyata.” Kakucho said as he stood up from behind his desk. “I will take you to your new room and give the girls some instructions regarding your hospitality.” 
The young man quickly got up from his chair and you both followed Kakucho into the corridor. “Good luck, Y/n.” He smiled slightly at you and walked away down the hall towards the guest rooms. 
“See you later, Boss L/n!” Yata waved at you and quickly followed the retreating man. 
“Fuck…” You cursed as you headed back to your bedroom. “How will I find this guy?” 
You turned the key in your door, went inside and walked to the desk, onto which you lightly threw the folder with the completed reports. You took off your jacket, untied your tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons of your shirt. 
You looked at your watch and it took you a moment to realize that you hadn't heard from Sanzu for eight hours. Nothing special, but you only had such a long break in contact when each of you was sleeping in your own beds... Still, you didn't feel anxious. He wasn't completely alone after all, and you were able to get some rest. 
You lit a cigarette and walked to the window. You looked up at the sky and were relieved to see that the clouds had not thickened. Maybe it won't rain after all. 
You liked the rain, but you didn't like hearing the complaints of a soaked Sanzu. You laughed quietly, after all, there was no certainty that you would see each other again today. Maybe neither of you will have the time or even the strength for it... 
You took a long drag on your cigarette and flicked the ash into the ashtray. You had at least four people you could try asking about that damn Yuu, and you hoped that one of them knew something about this guy. At least one piece of information... Maybe it will be easier to find him. 
Sure, you could always stalk Nagano, but you wouldn't know which of his assholes was Yuu. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw movement on the garden path and looked in that direction, seeing a petite woman accompanied by a tall man with dark hair slicked back. 
“Look at this.” You smiled to yourself as you watched Rosie and Takeomi. From a distance, you could see that they were having a calm conversation and clearly enjoying each other's company. Then the thought popped into your head that maybe Rosie knew Yuu or one of the girls who were currently in the hideout. Rosie was like a brothel mom to them here. "It is worth a try." 
You stubbed out your cigarette and barely made it back inside when someone knocked on your door. You stopped dead in the middle of your bedroom. "Who's there?" 
“It's me, Miki... Yata-chan would like to talk to you again.” One of the prostitutes answered you and you went to the door to open it. 
You looked surprised at the slim girl who was pulling the hand of Miyata, who was hiding behind the door frame. “He's a bit shy, isn't he?” 
"A bit." You looked at the boy who kept looking over his shoulder down the hall. “Come in. Thanks, Miki. Come back for him in half an hour.” 
The girl smiled even wider at you and, pushing the boy into your bedroom, she began to walk away almost with a dance step - just like usual. 
You closed the door and looked at Yata, frowning. "What's up?" 
"I'm sorry, boss, when we were walking here, I thought I saw Hanma... I don't want to run into him..." The black-haired man said quietly and rubbed his arm nervously. 
"I see. What else did you want to talk about?” 
“In Boss Kakucho's office, Boss Mochi mentioned Sato's name…” He swallowed and squeezed his forearm. “I shouldn't eavesdrop... But... Maybe it's about Mr. Sato from Hot Cherry?” 
You winced at the mention of the old nightclub name, but confirmed. “How do you know about him? Have you been to this club?” 
“I was there once with Akira... He sold one of the girls to him.” He shrugged and then added more quietly. “I don't like that bitch... Mina would sell her own mother if she had the chance.” 
You raised an eyebrow at the mention of the girl and decided not to tell the boy what happened to her. So, Sato and Akira were... or still are, in business together. You will need to pass this information on to Haitanis and Sanzu. 
“I have some information for you, Yata.” The boy looked at you interested. “You will be at this club more often. It is already ours and has been handed over to Madarame, with whom you will work.” 
"Seriously?! Oh, Boss L/n!” Miyata's hands shot towards you, but he pulled them back at the last moment. "It's wonderful! The club was nice, but the name and owner sucked.” 
You walked over to the desk and reached for a pack of cigarettes. You still had a few minutes before Miki would come back for the boy. "You smoke?" 
“No, boss. Smoking harms your health." 
“Fucking prostitutes doesn't guarantee health either.” 
“I'm using protection…” The man muttered, blushing slightly. 
You looked at him and shook your head, sighing slightly. “Where did you come from, Miyata, huh?” 
The other shrugged, turning even redder. “I know I'm a shitty gangster... But I grew up in a poor neighborhood and I don't know anything else.” 
“Can you fight?” 
"I can." Yata smiled and lifted his shirt slightly, showing you his slightly muscled stomach, with two long scars on it. “I even got stabbed twice.” 
You nodded in approval, thinking that maybe Fuku Miyata wasn't so bad after all. Everyone cries sometimes, but... He wasn't crying for no reason, he was just afraid for his life, and you didn't necessarily assure him that he was in no danger. 
He lowered his shirt and looked slightly confused again. Suddenly he bowed deeply and said in a serious tone. “Thank you, Boss L/n. For taking me away from Akira and giving me a second chance.” 
You looked at him slightly surprised and shook your head, a soft smile appearing on your lips. “The decision wasn't just mine. You don't seem bad, and you made the right decision. You deserve another chance.” 
There was a soft knock on the door and the boy straightened up. “I guess that's my guard.” He joked and Miki opened the door. A smile appeared on her lips again. 
"You can go." You patted the young man on the shoulder and the girl grabbed his wrist, pulling him into the hallway. 
“Come, come, Yata-chan. Let Mr. L/n work.” She laughed and you were left alone. 
You closed the door behind them and returned to your small desk, where you sat down. You leaned back in your chair and looked at the ceiling. I wonder if Sanzu knows about Sato and Akira's connection. 
You heard single, gentle knocks on the glass and looked out the window. It looked like Sanzu was going to get a little wet after all. 
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
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In the corners of the streets of Shizume City, where futuristic buildings with large screens on the walls are next to the other, there is often a landscape that seems to have stopped the flow of time for decades.
The bottled juice vending machine standing silently in the gloomy space between the buildings was one such scene.
Retro designed carbonated cola and orange bottles are lined up on the misted window. For Yata, who had not yet lived for "tens of years", it was something new more than nostalgic.
"Wow, is this vending machine still here? Let's buy something. The cola is fine, right? You liked the taste of this type of carbonated drink."
"How many years ago?"
A cold voice was heard from Yata's back as he ran to the vending machine. However, "The cola is fine." It was added in a short time.
"What's wrong? Can't you be without complaining once?"
Although he complained, Yata was in a good mood and bought two bottles of cola.
"Here you have." Yata released one and Fushimi received it without danger.
Leaving the vending machine, the two, shoulder to shoulder, began to walk down the street again.
"How long has it been since you saw them?
"Sixth grade and second grade, right?"
"Oh, yes. You remember it well. I have to count for a moment."
"I didn't bother to remember. The last time I went to your house was in the autumn of the third year of high school. If you calculate from there, you will know immediately."
The fact that the conversation continued uninterruptedly, even though he invited him, made Yata nervous. There was something more shameful than he had imagined when he left with his best friend, who had been hostile for several years. He was trying to act as he always did, but since before he had been talking without much confidence, so he did not know if he did it correctly.
His mother was bothering him to take Fushimi to his house, so he learned of Fushimi's free day and scheduled an appointment.
Minoru and Megumi are a younger brother and a younger sister who were born between their mother and her new husband. Yata is the only son of his mother's previous marriage.
After collecting Megumi at primary school, his mother contacted him when she was going shopping, so he was supposed to join her and return home. The keychain that usually carries with him now does not have the key of his parents. Five years have passed since he left home.
As Fushimi said, how many years ago was it the last time they both came out like this? It was about three years ago that Fushimi was the only one who came out of "Homura", where the two entered together. But when he thought about it, even before that, the two had not walked much together.
"Do you remember? When we met Mikoto-san for the first time before entering "Homura", we were drinking that cola that I bought in the vending machine. I was so scared when I saw Mikoto-san melting this bottle with his own hands."
"You said you weren't scared."
Fushimi made a correction bluntly. He looked down over the top of his glasses at the bottle he was using to comfort himself without popping the cork.
"We now, we can do that easily."
"...Hmm. That's right."
Yata also looked at the bottle he had in his hand. The vending machine was equipped with a bottle opener, but if he wanted to open it with his bare hands, he could open it, and if he concentrated his "power" in his right hand, he could even boil the liquid inside the bottle... the bottle would explode first, that's why he dissipated power immediately.
He heard that the Dresden Slate was destroyed and that the extraordinary power granted by the "King" to the clansmen would begin to fade. At the moment, Yata had no real changes physically.
"Hey, it's just speculation. Is it possible? If the Slate didn't exist in this world from the beginning, Mikoto-san wouldn't have been the "Red King" and "Homura" wouldn't have existed. If we hadn't met Mikoto-san, what would we have been doing now? Well, I could be a part-time worker like I am now. I wonder if you would have gone to high school and then college."
"I don't even want to think about the possibility of a different future. There's no point thinking about it, it's ridiculous."
"I see... Saruhiko, you don't regret it now."
Fushimi looked at him for a moment as if he was surprised by what he casually said. With a little click of his tongue, he immediately looked forward.
"Even if he wasn't a "King", I think you would meet him somewhere."
"Why? Why do you think that? Fate or something?"
"Fate doesn't seem like much. You were originally wandering around Shizume City, and before he became 'King', he was in Shizume City involved with Kusanagi-san and Totsuka-san, right? The chance of meeting each other was normal, right? No matter where you went, I can see that you would end up saying "Mikoto-san Mikoto-san" while sticking to his side."
"I see..."
Although he was disappointed by objective consideration, "I see... I see."
Gradually, Yata repeatedly nodded his head. Fushimi frowned at Yata, who nodded in satisfaction.
"Are you happy that I told you that you would stay glued to his side? You're an idiot."
A future where the Slate disappeared and even the existence of "Homura" faded away would have been painful for Yata no matter what. For five intense years, from the age of 15 to 20, Yata's world was in the "extraordinary" centered on Suoh and "Homura".
However, even if the Slate did not exist in the world from the beginning, if those five years were not replaced by something else, he felt that somehow he could face the "everyday" that he would have to return to from now on.
"Homura" will probably not be able to continue in its current form. Since Suoh died, Yata was the only one who couldn't admit it until the end. He was annoyed that his friends had moved away from the store and accused them of being cruel. He stubbornly insisted that he should continue to protect "Homura" and Bar HOMRA as he did when Suoh was there.
For Anna's sake, he now understands that "Homura" will stop being a street gang. In order to adequately deliver to the future what the deceased treasured, they will have to change. And when that happens, not all the friends who admired Suoh will follow the same path.
Once he came to accept it inside of him, it was strange, but at the end of the road that he began to walk, the day had come when he once again walked next to his best friend, from whom he had once parted ways.
The PDA on his left wrist informed him of an incoming call.
"Yes, mom?"
"Sorry I'm late, Misaki. I just finished shopping after picking up Megumi. Where are you now? You're with Saruhiko-kun, right?"
As soon as he responded, his mother started talking on the other side of the PDA. He tried to calm her down so that she would speak calmly, Yata subtly moved his head away from his PDA.
"Oh, I was killing time with Saruhiko. Where are you now?"
"Nii-chan!", a bright voice said from outside the PDA.
When he looked towards the sidewalk, he saw his mother and his sister with shopping bags walking hand in hand. Megumi let go of her mother's hand and ran happily. The backpack that seemed to be heavier than her was bobbing up and down on her back.
Yata responded with a smile and issued a warning: "Oh, don't fall."
A loud horn blared from the street.
There was a motorcycle speeding down the street. Red flames were shooting out of the muffler like a jet engine, and the biker was holding on and yelling "Uwaaaaaaaa!" from inside his helmet. Other cars coming and going on the street suddenly applied their brakes one after another, and the cars in the opposite lane were about to collide with each other, causing panic around them.
"He is a fugitive from supernatural powers."
Fushimi's voice switched to work mode with a click. The incidents of ordinary people suddenly gaining supernatural powers through the release of the Slate by "Jungle" and being unable to control their powers and losing control seem to be gradually decreasing, but still occur frequently.
Yata was startled by the voice of his mother, threw the cola bottle into the air and ran. He didn't bring his skateboard with him for that occasion. He saw a courier pushing a cart, kicked the package and jumped on it saying, "Sorry, I'll borrow it!"
His entire body was engulfed in red light in front of the frightened merchant. Immediately after kicking the asphalt, the chariot's wheels spewed out flames and instantly accelerated.
He slipped in front of the runaway motorbike that ran onto the pavement in a stopped state (front wheel drive), jumped off the dolly and held Megumi in his arms.
"Kakakakka!" A loud sound echoed nearby, and a row of throwing knives stabbed into the asphalt. The three knives glowed blue, threads of light intertwining and stretching to form a web in the void.
The net caught the motorcycle along with the driver who had stopped driving and was just screaming. It was so strong that the net couldn't be broken, Yata's nose hugged Megumi, and the light net lit up a bit and bounced off the bike. The driver was caught in the netting, but the motorcycle flew backwards and crashed into the side wall of a moving truck. A trucker stuck his face out of the window, surprised.
Fushimi caught the two bottles falling from the sky as he spun, juggling them with his right hand as he placed the remaining knife in his left hand into his fist. Passers-by and people looking out the car windows erupted into thunderous applause as Fushimi performed a combination of juggler and magician tricks with a cold face.
A blue suit immediately rushed to pick up the wrecked motorcycle and the confused driver. As long as the Slate's influence remains in the world, it looks like the work for "Scepter 4" won't go away.
"Then I'll leave the rest to you."
"Yes, Fushimi-san."
Fushimi returned to where Yata and the others were waiting, leaving the one in blue clothes.
"Hey. In the end, you ended up with something great."
Fushimi hurled a bottle of cola over the teasing (slightly serious) Yata. One was the one that Yata threw when he helped Megumi, and the other was the one that Fushimi threw into the air before throwing the knife.
"You're the coolest to her, at least."
Saying that, Fushimi winked at Yata. When he looked down, he saw the small head of his little sister. She didn't cry, but she looked like a scared, stiff little animal.
Yata let out a wry smile and stroked his sister's head.
"It's fine now. Go to Mom."
He gently pushed her away towards her mother. "Megumi. You were scared, weren't you? Mom was scared too."
Her mother bent down and hugged Megumi.
"Well, alright. Megumi's hero."
He felt a little proud that he was able to use his "power", that he would never know when it would end, to protect his family.
"Come on. I've submitted my application."
"Is it okay if you don't come back to work?"
"I told you I'm off duty today, right? It's not something they can't solve without me. Or don't you want me to come to your house?"
"No, I thought you couldn't come today. I really wanted to come here, hoping it would be okay. I mean, you haven't changed that much, right?"
When he said that in disgust, Fushimi pouted and slipped a knife from his fist.
At that moment, the blade caught on the bottle cap and deftly pulled it out.
The liquid inside shot toward his face with the force of a geyser.
Ah... That was probably the bottle that Yata had thrown earlier. After that, he had to shake things up.
Megumi looked at Fushimi, who was standing there with a blank expression on his face, and said, "Saru, you're soaked."
Seeing the gloomy aura emanating from Fushimi's shoulder in inverse proportion to Megumi's mood,
"Okay, do you want me to come with you too?"
Yata vigorously shook the bottle he was holding.
"Huh? What are you doing...?"
Fushimi stared blankly, Yata bit the lid with his front teeth and boldly pulled it out. He was going to face it with a big smile, but the liquid gushed into his mouth with more force than he expected, so he backed away.
"Nii-chan, don't do anything dangerous."
It was a peculiar thing to be warned by his eight-year-old sister.
Fushimi looked at his face covered in bubbles from the sticky liquid. "Pfff...", Fushimi's cheeks went slack.
"You're stupid?"
"Oh, if you need a stupid, leave it to me."
"Don't be arrogant. Idiot."
How long had it been since Fushimi and Yata had laughed out loud during a ridiculous conversation?
"Hey, what are you two doing? As soon as we get home, wash those clothes and take a bath."
He wondered how many years it had been since his mother had scolded him like she was treating a naughty elementary student, and the two of them bowed our heads and exchanged glances.
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redloveashes · 3 months
Based on the heatwave poll, I have some new headcanons:
It's definitely Bando who complains the most. His mood is all over the place. A timebomb for outbursts. Refuses to shed layers.
I think Shohei and Fujishima would be perfectly fine.
Dewa would minorly complain and probably make sure every drinks enough water.
Eric would just sleep with an ice pack on his head.
I dunno I feel like Chitose would strip. Mood: minorly annoyed by any inconveniences.
Despite the whole fire thing, Mikoto probably gets heat exhaustion and so does Yata, but he's more whiny about it.
Kusanagi is fine until everyone complains too much. The a/c is broken and he's had it, if they wanna complain then they can pay for it. He's just a stressed out mom, please give him a break.
Totsuka is so unaffected that he doesn't even sweat. Of course he can tolerate king's flames, this heatwave is nothing! I think this mostly applies to Anna or at least she pretends she's not affected.
We all already know about Kamamoto.
P.s. I hope the temperatures in your area lower soon and you get some relief 💛
😱😱😱 I love these hc!!!
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lisutarid-a · 7 months
[Gakuen K] Yatogami Kuroh Route Translation
MAP 4 [Courtyard] Fushimi Saruhiko
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: (I can't come up with any ideas for a stall at all)
Saya: (Huh…The one walking from the other side of the street is…)
Saya: (Fushimi-kun. …I wonder if the Blue club is going to open a stall as well)
Saya: I'd like to ask, but I wonder if he'll tell me…
Saya: I haven't talked to Fushimi-kun much and we're not close enough for him to tell me, so I guess it's hopeless…
Fushimi: …Tsk.
Saya: Eh!! Fushimi-kun!?
Fushimi: Don't call out people's names in such loud voice.
Saya: Eh? Did I call you…I was thinking about Fushimi-kun.
Fushimi: If you're thinking, do it in your head. …You spilled it all out.
Saya: (I don't feel like he's going to tell me anything, but I'll ask just in case…)
Saya: Um, I want to ask you something….What kind of stall is the Blue club going to open?
Fushimi: Who knows.
Saya: … I knew you wouldn't tell me…
Fushimi: Complain, as well, only in your head.
Saya: O-Okay. Sorry!
Saya: (We're classmates, but…he's scary…)
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[Prev MAP 4 Yata Misaki][Next chapter]
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x0401x · 2 years
Hey there! Since you've already finished vol. 3 of the Tsurune novel, are there any more quality Kaito/Seiya scenes?
Hiii! First of all, thank you for the ask. This was really fun to write. Second of all, I’m really sorry for taking so long to reply! It was super hard finding the time to finish it.
Now, to answer your question, there are indeed quite a few quality scenes of them in this volume, but more than scenes, I’d say there are lots of quality facts about their relationship. See, this volume speeds up the pace a lot and there are many characters being handled at once, so the focus often shifts all too suddenly from one scene to the other. Rather than getting actual moments of them, most of what we get is facts about the characters and their relationships. But in my opinion, they’re equally as delicious.
That being said, here comes the wall of text, lol.
First and foremost, I must make clear that throughout the whole volume, aside from the juicier stuff, we do get the usual interactions between these two. Seiya telling dad jokes and Kaito wanting to rip his own eardrums out, Kaito making fun of Seiya’s naming sense and pretending he didn’t say anything when Seiya asks what he means, the two of them mentioning each other in completely unrelated topics for no apparent reason, etc. The crumbs are just as yummy as the meals, I’d say.
One particular crumb that I love is the fact that Seiya is trying for individual competitions this year. We can check that one off our wishlists now, lol.
The first scene we get of them is actually a MasaMina scene that they take part in as kind of a bonus. The whole thing is fucking ridiculous and resembles a lot the boar scene from volume 2. Yeah, that one where Masaki protects Minato while Kaito protects Seiya and the whole thing just feels like some bullshit straight out of a cliché shoujo manga except with a bunch of guys. It also reminded me of the festival scene between Minato and Ren, where it starts out with Ren being hostile towards Minato and making clear that he doesn’t think Minato is good company for Masaki for various reasons, yet it ends with Ren asking Minato to “take care of Masaki”, showing that he resigns to the fact that Masaki isn’t gonna leave these kids ever. Still, though, this one MasaMina scene is even more ludicrous than the two that I just mentioned, and to contextualize the KaiSei bit that comes afterwards, I’ll have to explain it first.
What happens is that Kazemai is doing the yawatashi no gi at the Yata Shrine, just like the previous year, and Masaki and Minato go to the back to get kimonos. Minato had been feeling frustrated for some time now about Masaki avoiding him, which becomes even more obvious from the way that Masaki is walking so much faster ahead of him without looking back as Minato struggles to keep up. Minato asks to talk and Masaki brushes him off, telling him to save it for later. Minato then grabs his arm, which seems to be yet another parallel, specifically with that scene in Masaki’s car where Masaki isn’t looking at him, and Minato wants to grab his arm and brush his bangs away so that he can look at him in the eye, but holds back from doing it. Yeah, this time, he does it, but Masaki covers his eyes and asks Minato to please not give him “that look”.
When Minato asks Masaki what he means, he says he sometimes really wants to rub Minato’s head like he used to, but he “can’t let other people see that”. ‘Cause this choice of words totally sounds like what it should sound like. The actual context here is that the first-years of Kazemai have started complaining about the fact that Masaki is much closer to the second-years, especially Minato, so he’d been avoiding Minato and holding back from physical contact. What bothers Minato the most about this is the lack of eye contact, though. Yeah, his obsession with Masaki’s eyes is even worse in this book, if that was even possible. And that’s why these words bring Minato to the verge of tears. When he’s about to break down, his grandparents show up.
Yeah, his fucking grandparents. They literally just invade the back of the dojo out of nowhere. Minato’s grandfather, seeing him teary-eyed and all, starts accusing Masaki of being a terrible coach because “he’s forcing kids do club activities on an off day”. Minato tries to explain the misunderstanding, saying the club members were the ones who came up with the idea and making clear that this had nothing to do with his crying at all, but completely avoids explaining why the fuck he was crying in the first place, and his grandparents don’t seem to give much of a shit anyway. Speaking of explanation, Minato’s grandmother starts explaining to Masaki about the circumstances after the car accident that killed Minato’s mother and why they grew distant from that side of the family afterwards. This was completely unprompted and the flow of the conversation is, yes, “smooth as a jungle river” but Masaki rolls with it from behind Minato, putting an arm on his shoulder.
Minato’s grandparents take their leave, but not before asking Masaki the exact same thing that Ren had asked Minato in volume 2, except a tad more dramatic: “Please take care of him for as long as possible”. This “as long as possible” is actually just paraphrasing because the actual line was much heavier and wouldn’t fit. When people say “for as long as possible” using this specific term that Minato’s grandma used (末永く), they usually mean “forever”, “for eternity”. A bit too much to ask from a mere coach, let alone one that they just fucking met a minute ago, but this is the whole goddamn point, isn’t it, Ayano.
This is where Kaito and Seiya come in. They were, in fact, watching the whole thing unfold from behind a tree. No, not the whole club. Just the two of them. It’s not specified from what moment they caught the scene happening or if they heard anything that was said, but seem to know that all ended well. Kaito asks how Seiya knew that Minato’s grandparents would be coming and he explains that they’d gone to his house to greet his parents. Kaito then says Seiya should’ve said that earlier, so that he wouldn’t have had to worry. And then Seiya... apologizes. He actually fucking. Does that. It might be my memory failing me, but I don’t think I recall seeing him say “I’m sorry” before this scene. He says it so honestly that it catches Kaito off-guard, to the point he freezes up on the spot.
This bit is really cute because it just enforces even more that, yeah, Kaito and Seiya are the parents of the club, and more importantly, they’re Minato’s parents. The way they watch over Minato and Masaki as if they’re a couple receiving the blessing of Minato’s grandparents is hysterical. I love that this is just so natural for both of them. I mean, I understand Seiya worrying about what might happen, but Kaito? Why the fuck would he? And why should Seiya not only be able to assume that he’d be worried but also give him information before-hand so that he wouldn’t have to worry? The whole thing just screams “married couple” on a megaphone.
In-between this scene and the next one is where we get the delicious one with the song greenleaves at the fair. Later on, the next KaiSei snack comes from Seiya’s house, where the five second-year boys are studying for exams. In the middle of that, they get a visit from Seiya’s older brother, who came to town. His name is Gaku and he’s a whole can of worms of his own, and amongst a lot of other stuff, we find out two things: one is that Seiya thinks his brother is a weirdo and doesn’t respect him at all; the other is that, in spite of his attitude, Seiya refers to him as “Onii-chan”. This has Kaito shook, lmfao. He’s even more surprised by this than by Gaku’s eccentric personality and looks. In fact, so was I. This scene was so calm and slice-of-life-ish, yet it was pure chaos at the same time. It’s what I call the Tsurune Style TM.
It is also from this scene that we get more delicious fucking food about Kaito and Seiya’s relationship. Whoever has been reading the novel since the first volume probably had zero doubt that Seiya would be a doctor when he grew up and that taking over his father’s clinic would be his first and only choice. However, here the kids are on their second year of high school, where they have to think of their career paths so that they can plan it up and follow it through in the third year, and Seiya vehemently rejects the idea of studying medicine. Why? Because he’d have to leave town for that and because he’d have to focus a lot more on studying, inevitably leaving archery to the side. Regardless, Gaku tries to convince him to reconsider and asks the boys to convince him too. Their parents support their decisions in regards to their professions, but Gaku insists that Seiya’s vocation is to be a doctor (and he isn’t wrong). By the way, Gaku is an entrepreneur and wants Nanao to work for his brand in the future as a male model and makes the proposal right then and there.
Once the brother leaves (like a storm, just like how he came in, as did Minato’s grandparents), Kaito is shaken again, by both of these things. Both mean Nanao and Seiya going away and even Minato can tell that he’s disturbed. And get this: Nanao actually asks him what he thinks of this. Not just his situation but also Seiya’s. Kaito says it’s their decision to make, acting like he’s got nothing to do with it even though he’s obviously restless. Nanao then asks Minato, and he replies, sincerely, that he respects Nanao and Seiya’s respective choices.
After everybody goes back home, the subject extends itself with Minato and Seiya on one side and Kaito and Nanao on the other. Minato seems 100% fine with anything that Nanao and Seiya decide, even though it might mean not being able to do archery with one or both of them in the next year. Meanwhile, he and Seiya are worried about Kaito, who insists to Nanao that this his and Seiya’s business and no one else can decide for them.
A while later, Nanao decides to turn down the model proposal, as his dream is to become a carpenter. Seiya, however, chooses to become a doctor and take over his father’s clinic, but asks his parents to let him prioritize archery in his third year even though he might become a ronin as a result. Just like with his brother, his parents fully support him.
What I find absurdly savory in this whole ordeal is that when there’s a risk that Seiya might not be there with them in the next year, the very first person whose opinion everybody wants to know isn’t Minato’s, it’s Kaito’s. And it’s not for no reason. He’s not only the one that’s most shaken, he’s also the one who’d miss Seiya the most and they all know it. Also, just like from the latter half of volume 1 onward, Seiya is with Kaito most of the time in this book. And it’s really neat that his input means a lot in the conversation. One more thing I love is Minato’s reaction, because it really shows how he’s willing to let anyone go no matter how much it might hurt, but not Masaki, whom he already made clear he won’t handle over to fate or death in volume 1 or to the gods themselves in this one. This scene really serves to show many aspects of the characters’ relationships and what they’re willing (or not) to give up, as well as how they handle that. It’s so subtle yet not subtle at all. Just *chef’s kiss* level. Keep feeding us, Ayano.
This is basically what we get from book 3, I think! My memory might be failing me a bit, so I’ll add more to this post if I happen to remember anything else. Again, sorry for the late reply and feel free to ask anything else!
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lifeandspices · 1 year
Do you still remember the first time you set foot in Baguio? I do. It was in the cold month of February in 2013. I was with my former colleagues and we went there to witness the Penagbenga Festival. It was too crowded, I must tell you. But never did it discourage me to go back there every time an opportunity presents itself.
There are tourist places I have not yet explored in Baguio however that’s the least of what gravitates me towards it. Been years already since I set foot in Baguio due to the pandemic. Add to it, I moved away from Manila. So that’s about 20 hours travel time - give or take, if I plan to visit the City of Pines again.
What I missed most about Baguio was its cool weather and fresh, delicious food. Para kasing the first few visits, given na sakin na I want to see the tourist spots like the Mines View na ‘di yata nauubos ang tao o Burnham park na andaming bangka. When you get to see all of these, you really just endure a 4-6 hours bus ride just to experience comfort. Like a home or place I never grew up from pero it brings me so much nostalgia like ano ba, strawberry ba ako sa La Trinidad sa past life ko? Ahaha!
Honestly, I envy people who lives in Baguio or got the chance to study there during their College years. E di sana may chance na clear skin ako now. E wala, sabi ni Lord - ilalagay kita sa lugar na may Mt. Mayon. Can’t complain either, I love that moody, little gal especially on a clear day or cloudless night sky.
Lastly, I missed the late night walks in the city. The feeling of cold breeze on your face as you walk. That’s why I prefer staying in a hotel just close to Session Road para accessible. I would end up the night getting myself a bowl of lugaw (there’s a good one just below SM Baguio btw!) or corn on a stick from the night market then head back to the hotel.
There’s always a little joy in my heart every time I prepare for bed and put on that thick, warm comforter. Ang saya-saya matulog ng malamig. Little things in life that I don’t get to experience always kasi ang init-init, sa Manila man or sa probinsya namin. So I guess strawberry talaga ako in my past life. Ciao!
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rarestnicole · 6 months
I had an idea! 💡
Lagi ko kasing nakikita around Araneta City that this is the City of Firsts, that’s their tagline. 🤭 And since I did something today—for the first time!!—why not start documenting them? 😂 I forgot a lot of them na, but it’s never too late to start anyway. 😋
So today, I bought and tried Dunkin’s coffee. ☕️ Spanish Latte ang binili namin since bumili rin kami last Sunday (for the first time), from Popeye’s, with the same mixture and… 🥴 we were utterly disappointed. So rito muna tayo sa Popeye’s coffee experience namin.
I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but I’ve been trying fastfood coffee’s because I live with 2 coffee lovers, alright. And I like drinking coffee naman, occassionally nga lang.
Going back… so nakita kasi ni ate Lly na may coffee na nga ang Popeye’s. After church, we decided to go and buy a cup of coffee for us each. Spanish latte ang binilo namin. Goodness gracious sa branch na ‘to rito sa Cubao. 😢 Walang sense of urgency ang mga staff, eh fastfood nga. :< I get that they may be tired, but I don’t think that’s the sole case here at all. Hay. We waited for about 20 minutes before kami nag-follow up. During those minutes, tatlo na ang narinig naming magreklamo. Two delivery riders complained about having to wait for too long. As in. Tapos one guy complained about the gravy that he requested. Iniwan lang sa kitchen kahit may laman na tapos he’s literally standing outside ng kitchen, wala man lang nag-initiate na mag-abot sa kanya. Sad, because kumakain sila tapos patapos na ang family niya, wala pa ring nag-aabot ng gravy. Alangan namang hablutin niya sa loob ng kitchen, ‘di ba? He just couldn’t help but complain. 😬 And there I was, an empty piece of a shell 😆, hindi na kayang i-mind ang own world ko because nangangawit na ako katatayo sa paghihintay sa coffee ko… na ‘di pa pala nasimulang gawin. 😃 Fuck. Teh, nagutom na po ako at nangawit at natakam na sa coffee. 😢 Maiintindihan ko sana kung buzzing ang branch, kaso hindi, eh. The staff inside the kitchen were chatting while making the orders with no sense of urgency. And when we tried to follow up, saka pa lang ginawa ang order namin. 😭 Haaaay. Tapos when I refused to take the straw, ang sabi pa sa’kin, baka matapos daw ang coffee. 😔 But the cup design is for sipping. Kung matatapon nga, why did the company had it as a design? I know it’s not the staff’s fault and I don’t blame them for that naman, it just defeats the purpose of the design. Kaloka. Tapos pagtikim namin ng kape… TEH?!! Ang tabanh, walang ka-kick-kick. Minadali pa yata. :< ‘Di naman kami nagpakita ng pagmamadali, we just really wanted our orders. It’s either mindala talaga kaya sobrang tabang na halos walang buhay na kami ang sinisipsip namin or gano’n talaga kapangit ang mixture ng Popeye’s. 😞 I don’t wanna risk it again and try buying from a different branch. And I swore that I won’t go back to that branch for anything again. Hay nako. First time trying a cup of coffee from Popeye’s and it disappointed big time.
Kanina sa Gateway, nakita namin ang kabubukas lang yata na store ng Dunkin’ and since natikman na ni ate Lly ang coffee do’n, we decided to buy ourselves a cup each. Spanish latte ulit. AND HOLY SHIT. The kick??? Hindi ako makasipsip nang dire-diretso. 😂 I felt like I’d palpitate. I’m not sure about how Spanish Latte should taste like but super tasty and strong ng version ng Dunkin’. Phew! I loved it! I feel like I could add more water to dilute it and it would still taste decently. Huhu. The best counter sa disappointment last time. Until now, as of typing, ‘di ko pa yata napangangalahatian ang large cup. HAHAHA. Baka ‘di pa ako makatulog mamaya, pero masarap talaga. Yey!
The tradition of buying ourselves coffee from time to time or almost whenever we go out started with Burger King. It started when we moved to Cubao. We enjoyed every cup from Burger King and that will remain the original tradition. That’s also a first time for me from Burger King. Sina ate Lly lang din ang nag-introduce sa akin. Mwahaha.
And that’s all about our coffee experiences here… yet. 😉
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ridiasfangirlings · 29 days
Aya (Saruhiko's second cousin) meets Saruhiko and Misaki again after not seeing them for a long time since she went to highschool. Imagine Saruhiko and Misaki were walking on the streets going somewhere to buy drinks and snacks because they planned to have a drinking party. Suddenly they came across Aya, at first they didn't recognized her because she has changed a lot too, her hairstyle and way of talking was different and she had became a little taller (but maybe still shorter than Misaki, let's say Misaki is around 5cm taller than her).
I really want the trio from lsw to comeback. Please make an interaction between the three of them meeting again with the context above
It would be funny if she was almost as tall as Yata though, Fushimi would never stop teasing him about it XD Imagine this some time post-ROK, Yata and Fushimi are going to have a drinking party and went to grab some snacks. They stop at a convenience store and as it happens there are a bunch of college girls there chatting, Yata of course gets nervous and tries to hide (and Fushimi laughs at him, like what’s wrong Misaki can’t you just walk past them and Yata’s like shut up I’m giving them room). One of the girls separates from the pack to grab a snack and reaches for it at the same time Yata does, Yata immediately jumps back as if he was burned while stuttering an apology. The girl pauses and looks at him intently for a moment, Yata wilts under her gaze all ‘w-what’ and then the girl clicks her tongue and says you haven’t gotten any better with girls have you. Yata’s like what and then he hears an echoing tongue click beside him as Fushimi’s like of course he hasn’t, but who asked you. The girl’s like you haven’t gotten any less rude either Saruhiko and Fushimi irritably mutters didn’t you say I was cool, the girl’s like maybe I did say that. Yata’s brain finally catches up and he’s like wait, Oogai? 
Aya crosses her arms and says who else would it be, Fushimi snorts that hasn’t she gotten ruder too, what happened to all that ‘Misaki-pyon.’ Aya shrugs and then gives this small smile as she says she stopped doing that, this way of talking suits her more after all. Yata gets this weird feeling and quickly says isn’t it fine though, he likes the Oogai who talks straightforwardly instead of with all those weird ticks. Yata adds he almost didn’t recognize her, imagine she still has shells in her hair but it’s longer now and styled different, and she’s holding a normal backpack (though it does have a bunny keychain, and a monkey one too). She’s also grown taller and Fushimi snickers all but we can’t say the same for you, she’s almost taller than you are. Yata’s like no she isn’t, holding a hand out over Aya’s head like she’s at least three, no five centimeters smaller, no probably ten, she’s way shorter than him. Fushimi rolls his eyes and Aya finally lets out a laugh, Yata hasn’t changed much at all.
Fushimi says of course Yata hasn’t, he’s as much a loud mouth shorty as always, and Yata looks at him like come on I’m sure I’ve matured a little. Fushimi’s like nope, still virgin shorty Misaki like always. Yata argues with him you know I’ve even grown a few inches since middle school and I’m a trusted adult now, a guy with a kid’s sensibilities like you shouldn’t talk I still have to hide your vegetables in dinner to get you to eat them. Fushimi says that’s different and Yata’s like how is that different. They stand there just having this good-natured back and forth until Aya laughs again, they stop and look at her and Aya says no, it seems like you really are the same, you’re only looking at each other all the time. Yata coughs and asks how Aya’s been doing, he knows she had a rough time in middle school. Aya pauses and says it was hard, but she thinks she’s grown too and things aren’t so bad now. She’s kinda glad though, seeing that Yata and Fushimi are still together. Yata looks away, saying well a lot’s happened to them too. One of the other girls calls Aya’s name and Aya says she has to get going and Yata impulsively says she should meet them for drinks sometime, now that they’re all older. Aya pauses and looks up at Fushimi, who clicks his tongue but says it’s fine, and Aya smiles as she says maybe she will then, one day.
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theloopcrew · 1 year
was about to complain again but yata you just REALLY said it out loud huh
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thirdnap · 6 years
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some misaki sketches from a few weeks ago! pls press on the pics tumblr kills the quality lol
pencil/ink and cleaned up on ps
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deathnotescenarios · 3 years
Wammy boys and Light at Disney World?
I’ve been waiting for this one!! Turn it up!!
-Literally had to drag him onto the plane with Watari’s help
-He wanted to stay indoors and he complained about the dangers and possible sicknesses and yata yata the entire plane ride. Good thing he got you those background noise cancelling headphones though! Now only Watari has to deal with L’s complaining. 
- “They’re staring at me” is gonna be a common phrase 
-Prefers Epcot to any other land tbh
-While you guys go on that ride that talks about different cultures and stuff, he’s going to point out the wrong facts and ask to see the corporate manager about fixing it. You have to threaten him to get him to stop 
-During the soarin’ ride, he has an internal panic attack and is holding onto you the whole entire time. Mans really thinks he’s going to drop. 
-He doesn’t really like Magic Kingdom. There’s no knowledge, only fairytales. 
-Will not ever go on scary rides unless you convince him to but it takes at least an hour. When he looked up the Tower of Terror and saw what happened, he left the park and didn’t return the whole day
-You went for 3 days 
-Poor baby just wants to play in the Magic Kingdom. 
-He drags you to meet all of the princesses and characters around the town. 
-His last interest is the rides. He gets anxious because of the crowd but to make it better he holds your hand. 
-He will pout if you want to take him to a different park. You decided to go to Magic Kingdom and near almost fangirled himself when he saw the animals. Of course, he was upset about them being caged but he loved seeing something in real life and not online. 
-Honestly, even though he didn’t want to go before, he’s really happy that you took him. He paid for everything and just wanted to see you smile. Even though you didn’t go on any rides really, you had a great time shopping with him.
-You went for 5 days 
Mello and Matt
-Yeah, there’s no way they won’t go together
-If both of them have a s/o, you two are going to have a hard time keeping up with the boys because they’re going to be running from ride to ride to the food stands back to the rides all day
-Don’t worry, they’re going to pay for everything. Don’t ask how they got the money, okay?
-They’re going to take you guys to all of the fanciest restaurants and for once actually dress up nice
-in Magic Kingdom, you can’t get them away from Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, and the Mine Train
-interestingly enough, though, they both loved The Little Mermaid ride so much 
-In Hollywood Studios the ride you’ll do with them the most is Tower of Terror 
-They will occasionally go on Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway, and they LOVE Rockin’ Roller Coaster
-They’ll forget to eat, and won’t want to, so you and the other’s S/O will have to have half of a girl’s day, shopping and eating. Mello and Matt just offered you their wallets and let you go 
-In Animal Kingdom, they loved Expedition Everest 
-In Epcot, they wouldn’t get off of test track
-You guys went for 12 days 
-He just wanted to make you happy 
-He didn’t have unlimited amounts of money, but he paid for what he could
-He went on any rides that you wanted to go on
-Misa wanted to come and she almost did, but Light promised he would get her a present if she left you alone, and somehow she agreed 
-Surprisingly, on Tower of Terror he almost cried. It was scarier than he wanted it to be
-You and him went out to dinner every night, and breakfast every morning
-He killed anyone who made you upset, but didn’t tell you until you guys got back because he wanted you to have fun
-You guys went for 6 days
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
A year has passed since then.
The sports store where Misaki Yata is currently working is not a famous store nor is it located in a large shopping mall, it is an old-fashioned two-story community store in a corner of the shopping district.
The store manager is a former professional baseball player and took over the sports store, which is a family business, after he retired. Inevitably, baseball tools are the most substantial, but there are plenty of other sports supplies.
Also, Yata participated in a skateboarding competition, so he was willing to take a break from time to time, and he actively supported him.
In a very understandable workplace, Yata, who had held relatively different part-time jobs, has been working very seriously.
That day, he worked from ten in the morning until night. After getting off work, Yata felt a little peckish, so he ordered a menchikatsu from a nearby garnish shop, and strolled through the shopping district while he munched.
This shopping street in Shizume has many old-fashioned shops, such as a rare cafe, a second-hand bookstore that has been in business for fifty years, and a fishmonger run by a kind-hearted general.
Among them, Yata found a store that caught his attention. It was a toy store with a retro-toned neon sign that said "Retro Store."
If you look in the splash window, you will find the retro anime Chogokin that aired about 20 years ago and board games that have been discontinued long ago.
Yata was curious and entered the store.
Glass covered shelves act as partitions to form narrow aisles. And on the shelves, monster figures, plastic model submarines, and sofubi dolls that couldn't be seen at all, but the characters were stacked and neatly lined up.
To be honest, young Yata did not feel any homesickness because there were only antiques that were out of reach.
However, Yata, who was looking at it with a feeling of "Oh, there is such a thing.", suddenly stopped and said:
His eyes lit up.
At the end of his gaze was the hardware and some of the computer game software that had once ruled the world. Those mysteriously increased Yata's heartbeat.
"Oh, how nostalgic."
He said that unintentionally. To be precise, these game consoles were top sellers when Yata's parents were children.
However, Yata had a special feeling for this game console. When he first entered "Homura", he got these games in the retro genre at that time, and he was very addicted to staying up all night.
And the existence of a close friend who kept him company even though he complained about his stupidity.
It was an exciting day for Yata.
When he noticed, he was calling for the bearded manager, who was at the counter.
"Hm, how much does it cost to buy all this?"
After finishing his shift, Fushimi Saruhiko dressed in civilian clothes and bought chuhai, beer, and some snacks at a convenience store, then headed to a multi-tenant building on the outskirts of Shizume.
It was 9:30 at night.
Stainless steel tenant signs at the first-floor entrance were lined with obscure company names such as "Waraji Specialty Sales Company", "Ponpon Mail Order" and "Goriki Shoji".
Fushimi took an old-fashioned elevator that made him hesitate to go up and went up to the top floor.
"You Law Office" was written on the frosted glass in front of him. However, it seemed that everyone had already left work, and it was completely dark inside.
Fushimi walked up the stairs on the side of the building slowly and with a serious look.
He pushed open the heavy door. Then, immediately, he could see the ceiling covered in moonlight.
"It's still a strange place."
Fushimi laughed.
The rooftop of this multi-tenant building, about 90 square meters, was the entire residence of Yata Misaki. The only space he could really live in was a small attic in the back that looked like a mountain lodge.
Also, a little further away, there was a locker room-sized bathroom and shower, placed side by side.
In the back space, there were benches and old tires that existed before Yata moved in, bus stop signs for some reason, tattered mannequins, heavily-graffitied beach umbrellas, stone chairs, and large foliage plants.
It was too incoherent and a little scary.
Fushimi said:
"Didn't the real estate agent cheat on you?"
Despite what he told him to his face, Yata liked this living environment.
The reasons can be broadly divided into two: One is that the rent is ridiculously cheap.
Another thing is that the ground floor is unpopular at night, so there were no complaints, even if he was a bit noisy.
Therefore, recently, Yata enlisted the help of Kamamoto and Fujishima, who is good at carpentry, to build his own skateboard track and practice tricks night after night.
Fushimi walked up the handmade wooden skateboard ramp (a structure that looks like an ellipse split in two, which allows for tricks like jumping while sliding left and right on a curved surface) to the attic in the back, then called at the door of cheap construction.
Almost immediately,
"I'm going!"
Yata opened the door with a big smile on his face. As he exhaled, his eyes lit up and he beckoned him with a "pon, pon" gesture.
Fushimi laughed a little, thinking that he was like a dog patiently waiting for his master to return.
The attic where Yata lives has about eight tatami mats, but it also has a mini kitchen and a small loft space. Yata usually puts a futon in the loft space and sleeps there.
Inevitably, the space below was the kitchen, dining room, and living room. Eating and drinking is done at a small chabudai. There are two cushions next to it. One had a cool arabesque pattern and the other was elegant with a cat character.
The difference is that both are gifts.
Speaking of gifts, the big screen television that occupies much of this room was an heirloom from Izumo Kusanagi.
The shelf along the wall is made of pipes, and above it is a wide range of items, from laundry baskets to clear jars filled with sweets once collected, a collection of battle-focused manga, and a wide range of skate magazines.
The small refrigerator was decorated with photos of "Homura" members taken at their travel destinations sandwiched between magnets.
The room was messy as a whole, but the room had a somewhat tidy impression, perhaps reflecting the owner's temperament.
Yata has long since grown up, but his youthful mischief still lingers in the atmosphere of the room.
Fushimi thought, "It's still like a child's room.".
Yata took the plastic bag that Fushimi gave him and...
"Oh, alcohol? Thanks, Saruhiko. But I don't feel like that today."
He said that while he was putting alcohol in the fridge.
"Huh? So how do you feel?"
He invited him saying, "Let's have a drink party.". Fushimi's face turned a bit sullen. Yata was...
With a mischievous look on his face, he handed Fushimi a can of juice instead of alcoholic beverages.
"A drinking party is a drinking party, but today is this."
Fushimi took the item that was handed to him and...
"Watercarian? Is there a place that still sells this?"
He couldn't help but laugh.
It was the carbonated drink that Yata and Fushimi had become addicted to when they started living together.
The name of the product is Watercarian and the can packaging has red and green stripes, so it looks like watermelon juice, but the aftertaste is strangely medicinal. A strong sour taste hit his nose.
It is still a hot topic on the internet as a representative of "bad juice". At first, both Yata and Fushimi drank it as a punishing game with each other, but they gradually became captivated by its strangely addictive taste and eventually drank it regularly.
"Well, naturally, I somehow stopped drinking Watercarian."
Fushimi muttered under his breath.
It was before the two entered "Homura" together.
He didn't stop drinking that peculiar juice before he knew it.
"Besides, that's not all."
Yata was in a good mood and threw another snack in front of Fushimi.
"Takoyaki and grilled squid sandwiches, huh?"
That was also a sweet that both of them were addicted to at the same time. The rich flavor of the sauce laced his mouth, and it was an odd combination with the watercarian, which tasted extravagant.
"Finally. Check this out."
Yata then pointed to a retro game console that had already been set up in front of the TV.
"Isn't that great? I've already confirmed that it works properly."
"I see."
Fushimi's eyes narrowed as he realized what Yata had prepared for tonight.
"In other words, let's dive into nostalgic stuff."
"Oh, that's right."
Fushimi clicked his tongue once.
"What nonsense."
But his tone was never harsh.
Fushimi received a set of jerseys from Yata and exchanged them. Instead of wanting to be relaxed, he didn't want his clothes to get dirty while he ate snacks or juice.
Yata also had a similar appearance.
Now that he thought about it, even when they lived together, there was a time when they spent the whole day casually chatting with each other in casual clothes like that.
"Good. This is the first."
Yata first chose a fighting game. He inserted the cassette into the retro game machine.
After turning on and waiting for a while, an old-fashioned dotted image appeared on the TV screen and cheap electronic sound played on the speaker.
"Certainly, it's nostalgic."
Yata laughed when Fushimi muttered that under his breath. This fighting game is a popular series that continues even now, and Yata and Fushimi were direct hits around the fourth and fifth generations.
He recalled that when he was in high school, he honed his interpersonal fighting skills on the Internet and in game centers.
What is currently being shown on television was the first generation of that work.
"Then I'll take this guy as usual."
A macho character to whom Yata makes thorns sprout from his body.
"Well, according to theory, I'm this one."
Fushimi chose a magical character with complicated moves.
Each of them is a popular character that continues to be used in the current series. The game starts with stage selection and the start button.
Yata leaned forward slightly, while Fushimi corrected his posture and concentrated on the game. Every time they waved their fingertips, the characters flew around the screen, throwing punches, emitting beams of light, and burning their opponents with waves of heat.
"Shit, this!"
Yata's style of play is attractive. Fushimi is cool, but when he's outnumbered, he frowns a bit.
The arms of the two men were even. Currently, in this fighting game, where the player population is spreading all over the world, it is to the extent that it is a good thing.
However, that was enough for the two of them to enjoy themselves.
"Oh, yeah! I won."
Yata narrowly won the auction, and then...
Fushimi took advantage of Yata's silly mistake and attacked everyone at once. After that, he enjoyed the game, winning and losing for a while.
Oddly enough, the victory or defeat of these games has rarely caused a dangerous atmosphere for both of them for a long time.
Both Yata and Fushimi weren't fully trained as humans as teenagers, but for some reason, losing to each other didn't bother them as much.
Yata laughed when an unusual move came out, and Fushimi also shook his shoulders in an unusual way, and the game was temporarily interrupted.
And then they took a break.
They ate takoyaki and squid sandwiches and drank watercarian.
The takoyaki and squid sandwiches were delicious even now, but the problem was that they fell apart and the sauce stuck to your hands.
Fushimi frequently wiped his hands with a damp handkerchief, while Yata once vigorously spilled it on the chabudai, then wiped it with his hand and threw it into the trash can he had brought nearby beforehand.
And the watercarian tasted weird like always.
"It's really bad."
Yata and Fushimi nodded to each other, yet drank their respective portions with oddly satisfied expressions.
After eating and drinking, the fighting game resumed.
The two of them enjoyed playing shooting games, racing games, and even novel-type horror games by replacing the cassettes and forgetting about time.
A few hours later, the two of them left the attic and found themselves under the starry sky of the city.
It's not that they were "tired of the game" or "got tired", they were just "satisfied with the game".
It was a feeling of satisfaction.
On the other hand, they were lounging on the couch, which had been out in the open for some time, and were rambling on.
The drinks were chuhai and beer that Fushimi had bought from a store. The snacks were also changing to something that went well with sake, like a variety of nuts and salami.
"It's stupid, why are we so obsessed with such old games?"
Yata looked up at the night sky and said something a bit strange. Looking back, he felt that the time he was actually working was a very short period of time, around three months.
However, during that time, he remembered staying up all night many times.
Fushimi lightly sipped the chuhai before replying.
"I guess it's the same feeling as if you were making fun of a movie. Because it's cheap, there are several complaints, but on the contrary, it's interesting."
"Oh, I kind of understand that."
Yata said that in a slightly sleepy tone.
"That's why it wouldn't be very interesting to do it alone."
Fushimi didn't reply, but Yata didn't seem to care.
He sat up and looked at Fushimi again.
"By the way, how are you doing lately?"
"In fact, the store manager is inviting me to become a full-time employee."
Fushimi was silent for a moment. Later...
"Isn't it okay if you do what you like?"
For someone who doesn't know Fushimi very well, he gave an answer that sounded cold.
Yata smiled slightly.
"There will be a big competition next time. Either way, I'll wait until it's over. I'll reply to the manager after that."
Fushimi silently tossed the nuts into his mouth. Next, he looked at the skateboard ramp made by Yata and the others.
"So how are you for the final?"
Fushimi asked.
"Nothing bad."
Yata hit his left palm with his right fist. His eyes had the same glee of a bad boy that hadn't changed since they'd met.
"I'm able to do the part I was stuck on before. I'm going to win."
Fushimi said that without any interest.
"Well, do your best."
"Of course."
Yata smiled and showed his white teeth. Later...
"And what about you?"
Fushimi's face became a bit troubled. However, since Yata was looking at him, he couldn't help it.
"I do what I have to do. But that's it."
He responded very nonchalantly.
He looked lethargic as always. However, deep down there was a will that was cold and hard as ice.
Yata nodded loudly.
"You've always been like this, Saruhiko."
At that moment, Fushimi, who had been looking uncomfortably at that conversation, suddenly realized that it was already there and pointed his finger.
"Look. It's dawn."
"Oh, really?"
Yata headed for the east end of the rooftop. Fushimi also followed him. It was certainly dim, but twilight was slowly filtering in from across the street from the building.
Yata and Fushimi watched the scene in silence. The two of them were fascinated by the process in which the city was filled with power as if by magic, as light hit the gradually dawning sky.
Grabbing the rusty handrail, Yata said a bit embarrassed as he looked ahead.
"Saruhiko. Let's be stupid like that again, okay?"
Fushimi answered in an equally soft voice.
"Oh, that's right. Misaki."
"Yes, let's do it!"
Despite those words, Yata energetically raised his arm. Fushimi also swallowed his small yawn.
After sleeping for about three hours, he finished showering and quickly washed his face, and went down to the back of the multi-tenant building. It was eight o'clock in the morning. The streets were already full of travelers.
Yata had to go to work and prepare to open the store. Fushimi returned to the dorm once, changed into his uniform, and had a regular meeting with Awashima.
When they first entered "Homura", it was common for both of them to fall asleep and stay asleep until the afternoon.
But now it was different.
Even when they tried to recreate a nostalgic night, his eyes were already grown-up and sleepy.
"See you later."
Yata raised a small fist. Fushimi hit his fist with his fist.
Then the two started walking in their respective directions. Because there was definitely something in their hearts and they could trust each other.
It will continue in chapter eight: "The place where I belong".
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chaotic-lupin-blog · 3 years
I don't know anything about canon Yata or the role he plays in anything, because I've not watched the newer Lupin parts except for a little of part 5... but I think introducing another regularly recurring character has such hilarious potential. I really think that could/should be so funny. the crew is all used to each other, they've seen each other do some of the worst shit that they've ever done in their lives, and by now there's probably been some expectation drift as far as what most people would consider normal behavior. meanwhile Yata is over here like... still balking at the fact that Goemon is just walking around like he was plucked straight out of the past, and Jigen can get his hands on an anti tank gun if he needs it, which he does sometimes??? and Lupin... god, Lupin is just Lupin, y'know? what isn't weird about that guy...
but especially when it comes to the polycule, I would love to watch the slow process of Yata building his understanding of what the hell is going on with them from the ground up. like he starts with a basic understanding of "Lupin is dating Fujiko" which... er, it isn't entirely like that? they don't consider themselves quite that official, and they definitely aren't exclusive, but also they'd move mountains for each other, and sometimes they will just swap pieces of their wardrobe and gossip like old friends in a way that almost feels completely platonic, but then other times they're all over each other... so even just that is confusing. I'm imagining Fujiko regaling Lupin with the tale of some stooge she had to sleep with for a con she was running, and complaining about how terrible he was in bed, and Lupin is just howling with laughter because Fujiko is a good storyteller, but she might also be steering the conversation in the direction of "we should have a better time than that tonight" and that might be because she's trying to get at something he stole recently... it's complicated. if you asked Zenigata what he thought of the situation, he could pick up on almost everything about their dynamic. if you asked Yata, he'd know next to nothing. they're like, a couple... right?
so the first time he sees Lupin and Jigen kiss, he has to rework his whole worldview. like wtf why is that happening?? Zenigata is like "oh crap, yeah, I should've briefed Yata on the relationship dynamics" because by now it's second nature for Zenigata to accept all this. he forgot that that'd be surprising... especially with just how absolutely gay Jigen is... he's got so many crazy exes, Zenigata's perception is that Jigen must reeeeally like men if he was capable of dating this many deeply unhinged ones. and Zenigata gets to blow Yata's mind yet again by telling him that Goemon is involved too, and then trying to explain the intricacies of Jigen and Fujiko's contentious frienemies-with-the-same-boyfriends dynamic... it's a very long talk.
but then all that's left for Yata to discover, is just how involved Zenigata is in all this, despite his best efforts not to be. he's seen Lupin tease Zenigata in suggestive ways before, but Zenigata always responded by trying to enforce proper boundaries... moreso in front of Yata because Yata is a coworker, and it'd just cause all kinds of problems if he didn't. but they could only keep this under wraps for so long. it'd probably just be a lot of little things that Yata notices over time... questions that keep piling up in his head until he's ready to burst with curiosity. certain genuine reactions to Lupin's flirting start recontextualizing the amount of time Zenigata spent looking at Lupin's photo the other day, and there was also that phone call that Zenigata had to take in private, but his body language and tone of voice as he talked into the phone was particular, and instinctively made Yata feel like Lupin must be on the other end. is Zenigata in love with Lupin? how does that work... or does it? maybe he's trying his best not to act on his feelings, or maybe their relationship is secret... how does he feel about the rest of Lupin's band of thieves?
the real confirmation of his suspicions is when Lupin drags Zenigata off in the midst of some unrelated chaos, and Yata follows when he wasn't supposed to. maybe he overhears Lupin complaining that it's harder to find good moments to fool around with Zenigata when Yata is constantly with him, and Zenigata grumbles a bit about how they're not supposed to be doing this in the first place, and Yata is simply a diligent, hard worker... but he doesn't really resist getting kissed by Lupin either. Yata tries to just leave, but they somehow notice him. ultimately everything turns out fine, but there's a bit of initial tension because technically Yata should be reporting this as some kind of misconduct. idk how it'd all eventually get smoothed out, but the more Yata learns, the more he realizes that the rules are made up and the points don't matter, so to speak.
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