#Yandere light yagami x reader
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Yandere Light Yagami fluffy headcanon
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Light tenderness would be really possessive.
He would like to show others that you belong to him.
And that no one else would have a chance.
He would be a god and you would be his partner.
However, he is not as possessive as he could be.
Light is the facade he has to maintain.
But public PDA would be a thing.
Holding hands for sure.
Light is always with you.
You wouldn't get much alone time with him.
He has deliberately created your schedule together.
Especially if you knew his "secret".
In private, he's not the biggest show of physical affection.
Light would always be a big spoon.
Absolutely no exceptions with this one.
His god complex already extends to physical affection.
Usually you sit on his lap when he helps you with homework... Or when he does his "divine work".
However, you shouldn't touch his Death Note.
That would be forbidden.
Light kisses would usually be really possessive and deep.
Usually, both of you are out of breath during kisses.
Love bites would definitely be a thing too.
He would like the whole world to know that you are together~
Plz send me more Death note stuff~
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yandere-daze · 1 month ago
I promised I would do it and now that I've finished reading Death Note, here are some of my thought on Yandere Light ^^
While writing this, it moreso turned into a scenario told in bulletpoints rather than headcanons. I hope you have fun reading! I'm more than happy to talk about it or answer any questions you might have after reading!
gn reader
2.6k words
cw yandere, manipulation, isolation, stalking but not exactly by Light himself?, kidnapping (mentioned)
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Yandere! Light Yagami Headcanons / Scenario
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I believe Light would be a very fascinating case of a yandere as he would both be very intense and controlling while still keeping that side of himself very well hidden from you and the general public. You wouldn't notice anything off about him until it is already too late (if you would ever notice it at all)
When Light first fell in love with you it came as a complete surprise to him. Never in his life has he ever loved anyone before so these strange warm feelings he got whenever he looked at you caught him off-guard and made him feel a bit uneasy.
He was obviously intelligent enough to quickly figure out just what exactly these feelings meant and at first, he wasn't very pleased with these new circumstances. To him, romance was simply a distraction from his greater goals for the world, an unnecessary nuisance, and something that was quite frankly beneath him.
He convinced himself that he had no time or real desire for a relationship so for the next few days and even weeks, he tried his best to suppress these pesky feelings he has developed for you. He tried to keep his distance from you and if you were somehow forced to interact he would do the bare minimum of keeping up appearances. Polite smiles and meaningless small talk were all you were getting from him. Everything was perfectly normal.
At first, Light had thought that staying away from you like this was a smart idea. Feelings were supposed to fade away into nothingness if you never interacted with your object of affection and he was counting on that. If he only let go of this silly delusion of a loving relationship with you, everything would go back to normal soon enough.
But quickly Light found that his approach was starting to backfire pretty spectacularly. The more he forced himself to stay away from you, the more he found himself lying awake at night, his thoughts drifting off to images of you smiling at him or laying down right beside him as he wrapped his arms around you. Instead of regaining focus, he was getting even more easily distracted than before, his mind constantly wandering.
Staying away, watching you talk to and laugh with other people was slowly starting to drive him insane and so he decided that he would need to change tactics. If his love for you wasn't dwindling then he must do everything in his power to grow closer to you and finally satisfy his longing for you.
After his initial denial phase, Light would slowly worm his way into your daily life without you even noticing. Every time you saw each other somewhere, he would greet you with a charming smile and start a short conversation with you, hoping to build some rapport between the two of you. He would offer to carry your bags for you, insisting it wasn't a big deal, or invite you for a tutoring session if you were both still students. Light was at the top of his class, the brightest boy in the entire school. What reason could you possibly have to refuse?
At first, you would meet at a public place like a library or a cafe to meet up. Spending one-on-one time with you like this, even if you were only studying was strangely exhilarating for Light. Sitting across from you and watching your face scrunch up in confusion whenever you got stuck on a subject or the way your expression would brighten up with understanding after he explained a particularly difficult problem to you... These were moments he would find himself looking forward to every single time.
Slowly over time, the frequency of these study sessions would increase under the guise of needing to properly prepare for upcoming tests or exams. The location, too, would change once Light suggests studying at his home where you wouldn't be disturbed by anyone else.
Sometimes he would even pick you up at home and smirk internally whenever he heard your parents comment about what a nice, handsome young man he was. He didn't miss the way they would nudge you toward him while shooting you a knowing look and waving you off.
Of course, to grow even closer to you, he would integrate himself into your friend group. Though he didn't care for any of your friends in the slightest, it was very easy for him to connect with them due to his popularity and good looks. He was good at pretending to care for these fools if it meant he could spend even more time with you.
Naturally, he would also use his connections with your friends to learn more things about you that he could then purposefully include in a conversation during your study sessions. Light made sure to study up on any of your interests whether it was a certain band, movie, book, or anything else, just to be able to impress you with his knowledge on the matter. It was truly remarkable how many things you had in common, wasn't it?
Slowly but surely, Light became a constant presence in your life when you had been mere acquaintances a few months ago. Light picks you up in the morning, he's a permanent member of your friend group, he sits beside you in class, he invites you over to his house three times a week now to study ( though your study sessions have evolved into regular hangouts now instead of really getting any coursework done) and he's a constant conversation topic at home. ("And you two really aren't dating? What a shame, Light is such a sweet boy. I'm sure he would treat you right.")
In such a short amount of time, Light has clawed his way into your life and yet he's still not satisfied. He won't be content until he finally has you all for himself, until you're finally in his arms. And once he has you, he won't ever let go.
After growing closer to you as a friend, Light would quickly work on isolating you and becoming the sole person you rely on. These so-called friends of yours are all imbeciles, people unworthy of being in your presence.
At this point, I might as well mention that I think Yandere Light would rever and idolize you to a point but he would still want to be the one in control ultimately. You are pure of heart, someone who should be protected, and are so far above the ignorant masses. They don't deserve you. Only a god like him is worthy of owning you and he really wishes you would realize this soon. He knows what is best for you.
I actually think he wouldn't use the Death Note to isolate you and get rid of any obstacles in his path to claiming you as his, at least not yet. Early on in the story of Death Note, while the world is still largely against Kira and he is actively being investigated by the police and L, Light can't risk getting his hands dirty for something trivial like this, no matter how much he would love an efficient way to rid himself of these friends of yours, let alone the people he deems an active threat to your future relationship.
No matter how much he might yearn for you, he can't risk his greater mission of ridding the world of all criminals.
So, Light will take the subtle manipulation route. Manipulation is something he is very good at and he will not hesitate to guide your thoughts and feelings in a direction that benefits him.
He acts as a concerned friend when he tells you about the things he heard about fellow classmates. Did you know that one of your friends used to be a member of a gang? He heard that they were slipping into old habits and getting in trouble again and so he couldn't help but feel worried about you. He doesn't like you associating with someone so dangerous. He's just looking out for you, okay?
He's even worse when it comes to people he deems a romantic rival. He never runs out of negative things to say about people you show an interest in. It angers him greatly whenever he has to listen to you swoon over someone else but he knows you're just too blind to see that he's the one for you at the moment.
But no matter, Light will make sure you don't do anything stupid like going on a date with someone else. Oh, he heard that one was a total player, they would only break your heart. Your date didn't show up at all? Oh, he's so sorry to hear that. Look why don't you make the most of this evening and spend it together instead then? They were a fool to stand you up and he's going to make sure you'll forget all about them soon enough.
Never mind the fact that he had sent your date an anonymous letter threatening them to not show up or the dark secret he had found out about them would soon be exposed to everyone.
You're none the wiser about Light's secret manipulations, simply grateful for what a nice and supportive friend you have.
But being friends with you isn't enough for Light anymore. He needs to be more than that. He's already managed to isolate you from all your other friends but you just aren't falling for him fast enough. So he hatches a plan to force you to seek him out, to make you come running into his arms.
Having waited for such a long time, Light is nearing his wit's end at the fact that you aren't his yet. So just this once, he is willing to use the Death Note to get you to fully rely on him.
Quickly, he finds the name of a petty criminal who has already been released from prison and writes an entry in his notebook.
Suddenly, you start receiving strange letters at home. Twisted declarations of love sent by an unknown sender. They claimed to have been watching you for a while, waiting for you to truly notice them and fall for them as well. They describe your daily routine in great detail, indicating that they must have been following you. They promise that you won't have to wait long, that you will soon finally be together without any obstacles in the way.
The contents of the letter make a chill go down your spine and soon enough, you don't feel safe in your own home anymore. You feel watched, as if someone was just around the corner, staring at you. It was highly unnerving and soon, you would tell your best (and at this point only) friend Light about the creepy letters you've been receiving and that you had the sinking feeling that you were being watched.
Light of course showed great concern and offered to stay at your side for the entire day. He would make sure no creep would get to you as long as he was around. And sure enough, with Light around you felt safer, as if nothing could harm you anymore. You could spend the rest of your day at ease, knowing that your friend would protect you if anything were to happen.
But as soon as Light would bid you farewell after escorting you back to your home, you would feel an unsettling chill going down your spine once more as the feeling of being watched returned. You were scared again, fearing that your stalker might climb through your window and kidnap you at any moment. You barely got any sleep in the night, practically jumping out of your skin anytime you heard a loud noise outside.
Morning couldn't come soon enough, when you would see Light again and this nightmare would stop, at least until you would once more return home.
Soon enough, your mind would start associating Light's presence with the feeling of being safe and his absence with intense fear and discomfort. Parting from him would grow more difficult every single day and he was counting on that.
The same routine would continue for a few days until one day, you couldn't take it anymore. As Light moves to say goodbye to you once more in front of your house you yell in protest and hold on to his arm, making him stop in his tracks.
You explain to him that you just don't feel safe anymore at home and that his presence is the only thing that can put you at ease. You tell him that only he makes you feel safe anymore and by the end of it, you're practically pleading with him to not go, to not leave you alone. You can't handle another night being alone, without him. You needed him by his side.
It was everything Light could have hoped for and the knowledge that this was his doing fills him with smug satisfaction that he masks with a genuine smile. He's quick to agree to your request and offers you to spend the night at his home instead. You could stay in his room even and maybe you would feel more at ease, knowing that he is there with you.
Of course, you agree and true enough, sleeping in his room was the most peaceful night you had in a while. With him next to you, you could feel like you could finally relax.
"I'm here for you. Don't worry, nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here."
From then on, your life became even more impossibly intertwined with Light's. Instead of just spending the entire day with him, you would now wake up next to him, eat breakfast in his home, walk to and from school alongside him, and fall asleep curled up next to him. And you felt happy like this.
The next time your parents would ask you about your relationship with Light, you would answer that he made you feel like no one else ever has and they would congratulate you, all while saying that they always knew you two would start dating one day.
And Light? He couldn't be happier that his plan worked out. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder but forced proximity under the stress of possible death works just as fine in his opinion.
A few days later, a petty criminal would be found dead outside your old home, in their hand another twisted love letter addressed to you, clear evidence of their crime.
" My love, the wait is finally over. Finally, I get to hold you in my arms as I have always longed to. Finally, you're all mine, forever and always."
It was quickly deduced that this person must have been the one stalking you for the past few days. You were relieved that it was finally all over, that you no longer had to fear for your life. But at the same time, you were glad that it had happened for otherwise, you might have never come to realize just how much you loved Light, the person who had been your best friend for the longest time and always stood by your side when things got difficult. When others would leave you, you knew that Light would always stay.
Being led away from the crime scene by your boyfriend, walking hand-in-hand, you can't help but wonder if maybe someone else had been watching over you all this time as well. You take a last glance at the motionless body lying in front of your door, then turn back around to whisper a silent thank you towards the heavens.
Your stalker's cause of death? Why, a heart attack of course.
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trancylovecraft · 1 year ago
Yandere light yagami headcanons?
Thanks for ordering!
Come again soon!
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• Eep! NOT a good yandere to have in deathnote at all.
• I headcannon him as delusional, Obsessive and MANIPULATIVE TO HIGH HELL (what a surprise)
• Delusional in the way that his god complex plays into his obsession. He believes he’s entirely right and believes you to be pure and completely innocent. If he is a god, You are an angel. That sort of thing.
• Obsessive in the way that he just loves to dig up all the information he can on you. Light uses this to his advantage to be the perfect boyfriend. Keep his image up for you and appear like the most loving partner in the world
• And manipulative in the way.. well, You know. Light likes having control of you and your life. He decides your friends to your wardrobe. Tells you he's doing this for your own good, And with his delusional tendencies he believes it too.
• I can see two ways that he gets invested in you.
• One, You were in the same class as light. You were smart too, Always keeping up with him and being a sort of academic rival. It infuriated Light, It tempered his ego and made him want to tear his hair out.
• Number two, You were an awful student. You got in trouble with teachers, Slept in class and had general bad behaviour. But you were smart, You were clever, You aced all your tests. This interests light, Surprises him even.
• I’m picking number two.
• You often skipped class, Went out to smoke and drink underage. You were intelligent but you never cared for academics or any high-profile careers suggested to you by your counsellor. You instead had a passion for something else, Something away from here.
• Light wasn’t interested in you at first. He view you as a slack-off and had a slightly negative opinion of you when you WERE in class. You didn’t like him either because he was a snitch who tattled to the teachers about you smoking.
• But that changed one day.
• You were off for about a week, And completely missed your homework. So as the respectable man that light was, He offered to bring it to your home.
• But when he got there, Light was stunned. Your father answered the door, Slightly stumbled in his movements and a pungent smell of liquor on him.
• Light handed over your homework to your father, Barely getting a peek into your dirty and unkempt home before the door was slammed shut on his face.
• From then on, Light became much more understanding to your situation. He’d sometimes turn a blind eye to your unhealthy habits, Lend you notes that you missed or help you out if you asked.
• But it wasn’t obsession. Well, Not until he got his hands on the deathnote that is.
• As soon as Light does, That’s when his mental health starts to spiral. His insanity and god complex become much more.. Visible.
• Not visible, Light hid it very well. But the affects the deathnote had on him just amplified all his worst traits to the absolute maximum.
• Including his obsession
• Light started to grow more and more enamoured with you. He grew antsy on the days you didn’t show up to class, Mind wandering to you in late night study sessions.
• It starts off as that, A distraction. A persistent one that distracts him from his goal of becoming god, But just a distraction.
• Of course though, You saw the title and pressed read more so of course it isn’t gonna stay that way. The distraction becomes obsession.
• It invades his mind, Every second of the day is him thinking about your smile or the way your hair smelt of apples. He tries to shake it off, But Light just can’t.
• Then, His delusional tendencies start to kick in.
• All of your slights, Your smoking and your drinking. Your wide vocabulary of insults or your snarky attitude all get written off. You are perfect, You are innocent.
• He starts walking with you to school despite your protests, Keeping his perfect attitude up as a kind and caring man. You tried to get away but somehow he finds you (Well not him, But a certain god of death has eyes on you.)
• Light brings you lunches since you never brought any of your own. He makes sure you eat every bite.
• When you talk with Light, You find out you have a lot in common! Almost everything, In fact (You don’t know that Light stalks all your social media and in real life to get a taste of how to be the perfect man for you)
• You also notice that what little friends you do have start to drop out or avoid you entirely for some reason, Leaving you with Light.
• He often invites you to study sessions at his house, Making sure to hide the notebook too of course. He uses this as a way to get closer to you and as a cover for when L is surveying his house.
• The Kira case is now ongoing, You don’t really have an interest in it but Light seems to have. He tends to mention it in conversation, Trying to get your opinion on Kira.
• When you tell him that you think Kira is a good-for-nothing criminal who should be locked up, He isn’t happy to say the least.
• You’re weirded out by his behaviour, You don’t understand the sudden change of attitude but get brushed off when you try to bring it up.
• Until you decide to go out for a midnight snack run, You wanted to watch a newly-released movie and you didn’t have any food in the house thanks to your drunkard father eating it all.
• But when you leave the convenience store with your goods, You’re suddenly pulled into an alleyway and a gun is shoved into your face.
• You’re terrified, Barely listening to the mans yells and threats for you to stay quiet. All before his gun drops from his hold and falls to the ground, Dead of a heart attack.
• After that night your opinion on Kira has taken a turn for the better.
• As soon as you get to school the next day, You’re shaken up. You admit to light what happened to you. Light of course is very understanding and concerned for your wellbeing.
• You tell him that your fine and that Kira must’ve gotten to the criminal. This is where his manipulative edge comes in and he starts to push you towards Kira with words like:
• “I don’t want to think what would’ve happened if Kira wasn’t there, If he wasn’t, You could’ve died.”
• Positive reinforcement. You don't have any other friends at school except for a few smoking buddies, Even then you don't talk much. Light is your only source of socialisation, You trust him.
• This is where he starts to manipulate you more and more.
• By now you two are both in college, You go to the same one as him after he convinced you to join. You don’t know how you got in with your horrid grades but you passed the entrance exam with flying colours, So that was probably it.
• After that his behaviour gets stranger and stranger.
• He becomes much more clingy, Following you around everywhere now and constantly asking you to come over to his house on the guise of studying for college.
• You’re both a strange pair. Light being the perfect man, Perfect grade student that everyone loves while you’re some girl with bad attendance and a smell of liquor.
• You cant make any friends at school, Anyone you talk to instantly avoids you the next day. It takes a toll on  your self esteem so you decide to just stick with Light.
• There is Ryuzaki too, A boy that shared the top spot with light. But you think he’s creepy and just avoid him as best as you can.
• It’s also why you excuse his behaviour, You have no one else to talk to and you just write off his behaviour as being caring.
• All until your hand accidentally brushes against a certain notebook in his bag.
• You didn’t mean to, But as soon as you do you see a shadow looming behind Light, Who is cackling to high hell.
• You cant say anything before Light pushes you to the wall, Grabbing you by the neck and starting to choke you.
• This is where you become aware of who he is, Your best friend is Kira. A man who has killed thousands.
• Light lays down how this is going to go, He looks crazy, Insane as he tells you that from here on out you’re going to do as he says.
• You try to protest but suddenly Light silences you by kissing your lips roughly. You’re disturbed, Shaken and terrified as you struggle.
• When Light pulls away he tells you that if you struggle he’ll kill everyone in this school, Telling you how the deathnote works.
• While you aren’t the best person, You don’t want thousands of innocent people to die.
• He says that you have no choice, And you don’t.
• After that, You enter the domestic stage.
• You dropped out of college for what was said to be bad attendance when In reality, Light just doesn’t like you being outside.
• You spend your time at his house and after explaining your exaggerated sob story she quite sympathetically lets you stay to your horror. You don’t want to stay but Light was watching your every move.
• He doesn’t let you out of the house, Telling his mother that you’re sick from your domestic life and that you need rest. She brings you food, You want to say something but you can’t risk the life of thousands
• As much as he wants to kill your deadbeat father he can’t. It would fuck with his plans and you have no other guardians, Throwing you over to the legal system.
• Its not like he’ll know you’re gone though, He won’t report to the police in favour of another shot.
• When Light comes back he often plays up his delusional tendencies, Showing what he calls affection with kisses to the lips and embraces that you wish you could escape from.
• When his sister Sayu asks about you, Light tells her that you’re his girlfriend but not to tell mother. Sayu of course, Tells her anyways and she gets excited for him. Light planned this of course, Giving you more pressure to stay when his family loves you so.
• And as his girlfriend, You two sleep in the same bed. Its uncomfortable, But after Light threatens to whip out the ‘note you need to bear with it.
• When Misa comes into the picture, She is instantly is jealous, But is told a lie by Light that you’re just there to further his plans and she is the one he truly loves when its really vice versa.
• You do somehow end up becoming best friends though, Misa shows you pictures of her shoots and brings you food for a girls night. Its nice, You have someone else to talk to other than light. (good luck if she goes yandere for you too)
• If you ever get Stockholm then Light would be overjoyed. You’d actually be allowed out on dates with him and go do stuff normal couples do.
• But of course, Anyone who looks in your direction for a little too long suddenly disappears. Anyone who dares to flirt with you is destroyed.
• Good luck with Light, He’s hard to deal with.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months ago
Romantic Light Yagami with prompts E-3 and M-1 from A-Z Yandere prompts list
Sure! Here's Light attempting to "help" you through an abusive partner... Then there's him. He's such a disgusting man in this, ugh....
Prompts Here
Yandere! Light Yagami E-3 + M-1
“I removed the problem. You should be thanking me.”
“I’ve done everything for you and this is how you repay me?”
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Abusive relationship (You're in one before Light... Then there's Light), Stalking, Murder, Implied physical violence (Your past partner, not Light), Swearing, Forced relationship.
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Light knew about your partner.
Hell, out of anyone, he probably knows about them the most. After all, you're two close friends. Since middle school you've come to him to vent or hang out.
Naturally... Light is used to comforting you.
He never liked your partner. Even less when he began to notice you hiding bruises from him. Light never liked to show his distaste... always opting to quietly listen as you sit beside him.
Deep down he's pissed, brown eyes darkening each time you brought up your partner.
Light has always been there for you. He holds you when you need him, he lets you cry into his shoulder... He distracts you from your problems. You'd think he was just being a good best friend...
In reality he's infatuated even if you don't know it... The fact you're taken already gets on his nerves...
Even more so when the person who has you is hurting you.
There's only so much Light can take when he watches you. A bruise here, a cut there... It's infuriating. Each time he sees something new... He tenses.
Light wishes you'd just let him take care of things. While you're unaware, he keeps an eye on that partner of yours along with yourself. He glares when he sees your arguments...
He hates when someone hurts you.
Naturally, if you can't leave him alone, Light vowed to help in whatever way he can. You interpret this as comfort, as helping you get through it. You thought he'd just support you as you try to smooth things over.
What a naive thought, he almost wanted to laugh.
No, your partner deserves worse than that.
It was so easy to track them down. He remembered their face... He researched their name.... Honestly, he swore he heard Ryuk laughing as he came up with a grotesque scenario in his mind. Was it wrong to write your partner's name in the Death Note...?
No, not in the slightest, not to Light.
Light had expected you to be upset. Despite that, he hated that you still mourned for them. Even now he still can't have you....
Months pass and Light has done nothing but stay by your side. He comforts you, holds you close, and pretends to care about your partner's death. Despite it all... He's happy to see you smile... to know that bastard is gone...
Then you find someone else.
Light feels his eye twitch when you tell him the news. Months out of a horrible relationship, and you rebound for someone else? Someone not him?
"They've been a good friend of mine... I felt I should give them a chance... But I just don't know...."
Light just about lost it when you said those words. He felt himself gripping the desk in his room as he looked at you sitting on his bed. Ryuk ends up teasing him and his 'love trouble'... but Light snaps when he sees the blush on your cheeks.
“I’ve done everything for you and this is how you repay me?” Light snaps, making you jump. "I care about you, pour my heart out to you, and you look for someone else?"
You're immediately intimidated by the glare Light gives you. He stands up and you feel your heart sink. This feels so familiar...
It scares you.
“I removed the problem. You should be thanking me!” Light scoffs, standing in front of you and kneeling to look in your eyes.
"Light...? What do you mean removed the problem...?" You hesitantly asked, only for Light to laugh.
A chill runs down your spine.
"Oh, baby, you know what I mean..." Light coos, leaning closer. "It was so damn easy, too. That partner of yours didn't know what was coming...."
Another laugh occurs as Light cages you in, barely concealing the fact he's seething.
"I could do the same to that friend of yours..." Light whispers, eyes dark as he stares you down like a man starved. "That's all they are... a friend... I'm meant to be your boyfriend, baby...."
"Light, no, stop, I'm sorry—!" You plead, Light clicking his tongue.
"You're sorry?" Light muses. "You're sorry after playing with my feelings, after leading me on?"
You nod aggressively, even if what he said wasn't true. Light sighs deeply, pulling you closer. You go stiff...
You thought he was helping you...
Turns out he's just as bad as your old partner, he wanted something in return for helping you...
You're terrified.
"Fine, baby... I'll forgive you." Light sighs, burying his face into your neck. "Just prove to me you mean it..."
Light holds your chin, pulling back to look at you properly.
"Prove to me you mean it by being mine..."
You should've known Light wanted something... Wanted you...
You just doubt anyone's saving you this time.
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41-kiraraaa · 2 years ago
🎣 ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ 𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕒!𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕪𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕞𝕚 𝕩 𝕕𝕠𝕝𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕟!𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
your pod often intersected with his.
even though you both came from two different species of dolphins, light yagami being an orca and you being a pacific white-sided dolphin, the emotional intelligence that both of you possessed as dolphins had both of your pods living in relative harmony, even going so far as to help and share food when dinner wasn’t always seals. or shark liver.
as of right now however, you were relaxing before you were due in to hunt with your pod. the orcas didn’t seem to be in your vicinity, so it would just be you and the other pod members.
after swimming a bit on your own, you used echolocation to determine the location of your pod and started your trek back to them, when you suddenly registered another mer coming your way.
when you swished around, you couldn’t help but preen in approval. there was no mistaking it. his dominance. his attractiveness. his cunning and wit. light yagami was in your presence again, and you could see a polite smile forming on his face to cover up his malicious intent.
“ah, light!” you chirped cheerfully. he chittered contentedly at your greeting and, as you gleaned from one of your many interactions from him as he continued a quick approach, he wanted to play chase.
so, you obliged to the unspoken request and turned around and swam in the direction of your pod, going up and down and doing little neat spins as you went to tease him and flaunt your underwater grace, unaware of his growing desire and impatience at the… other kind of teasing you didn’t seem to know you were subjecting him to.
of course, he was enough of a gentleman to let you keep the lead for a couple moments, but then reached your speed with a bit more force and caught up with you in swift, powerful strokes of his tail, grabbing you from behind and pulling you close.
you chittered a laugh, all the while his hold on you gradually tightened. he snuck in a few nibbles on your ear and brushes of his teeth on your neck he (reluctantly) let go, feeling your warmth dissipate with the increase in distance between you, watching you swim up a bit further up before turning your head back and motioning for him to join you for a visit with your pod.
his little smile widened, though you had already focused your attention up ahead before you could see the darkened look in his eyes. you’d already accepted him enough to invite him personally into your pod, with him in the process of befriending and knowing the ins and outs of everything there.
more information to use against their case if you ever wanted to set your eyes on another, though, with the way you had given in to his advancements gradually, it was likely impossible you would ever want to get with anyone but him.
your pod welcomed you upon your arrival, also giving out greetings to light as well. you ignored the swooning of the other girls and the not-so subtle chittering relaying light’s presence across the entire area, though he didn’t seem to pay them any mind.
he easily swam up beside you and wrapped his arms loosely around your waist for a moment before relinquishing his hold on you when you protested halfheartedly. you had no qualms falling prey to his antics in private, but you and him had a front to maintain in the presence of your respective species.
still, you didn’t mind all that much. if anything, you felt more at ease with him and his strong, stable aura ensuring your and his survival and comfort. he could have anything and anyone he wanted, seeing as he was also popular back at his own pod.
which was why it didn’t make sense that he seemed to give chase after you. you were ordinary and like any one of your other pod members, with your physical and mental capabilities similar to everyone else around you. the only thing you had to yourself were your thoughts, opinions and a worldview unique and privately kept because they weren’t important. not in the face of a problem such as survival.
though, you didn’t quite know how much you gave those thoughts away to him.
even though it was uncommon for mers to mate with other species outside of their own, it wasn’t unheard of. it was just that everyone preferred to keep their gene pool to their pod, and that was that.
it seemed as though running into this pod a few years ago would sort of blur those lines, though, as light’s introduction would have other mers flocking to him like clownfish to sea anemone. you soon fell victim to his good looks and devilish charm, now exasperatedly dealing with the other side of him that he didn’t show much to anyone else.
the playful chases. the teeth on skin. the proximity. you’d never initiate any of these things unless you could tell that he wanted to be entertained, as his species of dolphin was still the apex predator of the ocean. but he seemed unfazed by the difference in, well, everything.
he didn’t seem to mind taking things one step further, even going going far once as to mark your neck, leaving a small trail of blood dissolving into the ocean while he apologized, though there was a note in his voice that didn’t seem too sorry about it, just more startled about his lack of self control. lustful at the idea of him claiming you, with your submissiveness urging him onwards.
you forgave him because it didn’t hurt much and you were very good friends, but you were questioning your relationship with him because of how… friendly he became when you were around.
you caught on to the way he’d dismiss everyone around you, not hesitating to call someone out as fraudulent and addressing other potential candidates for your attention with disdain as he took you in his arms or dragged you by the wrist in a direction where no other mers were present.
you’d never noticed that everything he did, the chasing, the biting, that delectable, comforting warmth was courtship on his part, and he couldn’t help but become frustrated at the prospect of you being taken by anyone else.
to light, you almost seemed to not want anything to do with him anymore, as you always ushered yourself back to the other, smaller, weaker dolphin mers in your pod instead of hanging out with him for longer. he could provide everything for you, and all you’d have to do was stay by his side.
but at the end of every day, you relinquished that position in his arms to rejoin the people you called your home. when were you going to obsess over love him as he did to you?
every second you were away from him, the more anxious he became. he was afraid that his honeyed words and exceptional appearance was being brushed off, and by someone that was inferior to him, no less.
so, in order to combat anyone who dared oppose his judgment, light had gradually came and spent time with your pod, getting to know everyone and gleaning all information about you he could get.
your favorite foods? he’d snatch it up in a heartbeat and hand it to you on the weird, silver disks that humans so loved to bring with them onto ships. he’d seen his fair share of shipwrecks, and stored a couple relics away from prying eyes in places he knew his pod, and yours, would cross so he’d never lose them in case he needed to impress you with different curiosities.
he’d also go along with any sort of play you’d want, though he suspected that you were only playing chase because he desired it so. so, if you accepted his games and lost to him in the end, with you in his arms and teeth grazing, tongue tasting you, why wouldn’t you finally give in to his embrace?
why did you still tease him with your lighthearted laugh and getting togethers with your members of your pod?
what was he doing wrong!?
still, he would play the waiting game if he had to. he was a very patient mer, and he’d do anything to get what he wanted.
if his lies charm wouldn’t work on you, then he’d have to work his way into the hearts of everyone in your pod, and then neutralizing any threats in his way to becoming your mate. if his pod was unaccepting of his ways, then he’d either fight tooth and nail to keep you with him, abandon them and take you with him into a life of solidarity, or maybe keep your relationship with him secret.
though, he wasn’t a fan of that last idea, since he adored the idea of you relying so heavily on him and his words, his strength and his wit. anything to make you stay.
light knew that your pod was going on a hunt after casually conversing with some of the other members of the pod, with you beside him to display your significance with him, and was intent on showing off his superiority in species to you.
if he wasn’t fit for you, no one else was.
nobody else could have you, and he’d make sure of that, one way or another.
even if he’d have to kill for you.
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d3stinyist1red · 3 months ago
ʏᴀɴ ʟɪɢʜᴛ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴡʜᴏ ʀᴇɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇs
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Yan light who was obviously obsessed with you, even Misa could tell.
The first time she ever met light in person was the first time she's ever met you. It was when she went inside his room to discuss methods on how to kill L and such, when she noticed you in the corner, in his bed all cozy.
"light, whose that." Misa asked, jaw slowly clenching. "My wife, now tell me more about those eyes of yours." Light responded stoically, as if Misa wasn't even worth his time.
Yan light who doesn't show any interest in Misa, not even bothering to pretend to be her boyfriend.
"nope, I have a wife." Light said quickly shutting down the idea. "What?! But it'll be suspicious if your only with h-"
"shut up, woman. You don't know anythi-"
"mh..."You groaned, rubbing your eyes slowly, opening them to find out who the hell was lights crazy ass talking too.
Your tired gaze then landed on a goth girl with blonde hair who seemed to be glaring straight at you. "Oh hey..Light, I didn't know you were bringin' a girl." You said, lazily wrapping the blanket around you so you could get even warmer.
"I know, sweetheart, I'll tell ya next time alright? Go back to sleep, okay baby?"
Yeah, Misa has never tried so hard to not pounce on another girl like today.
Yan light who sprinkles and showers you with compliments in front of Misa, shamelessly tryna kiss your neck as if he didn't have a blondie glaring daggers at the both of you, but more specifically you.
As soon as Misa got home, she with no hesitation, wrote your name in the death note as she bit her nails out of sheer anger. Light was supposed to be her knight in shining armor, not be totally obsessed with you!
'y/n l/n dies as she gets ran over at exactly 10pm while walking home.' is what she wrote, tapping her nails against the table anxiously
Yan light who whined when you wanted to go home, saying that you could only go home one time a week to see your family, and that's it since he's a clingy fuck
"light, you practically keep me in your bed all week long."
"yeah, and that's how it's supposed to be!"
You rolled your eyes, grabbing your black jacket and heading out but not before saying bye to his little sister and mom
As you were walking home, you with no care in the world, crossed the street after looking both ways, before seeing a huge burst of light.
Misa was FUMING LIKE RAGE QUITING when she saw you the next day, perfectly fine as light was all up on your body, practically straddling you as he wraps his legs around your waist, not planning to let you go ever.
This happened a few more times, over and over, and Misa got really creative with it, even trying to get you to fall into your washer machine.
Yan light who notices all these tricks, and acts that Misa does, smirking "Stupid woman, doesn't realize that my baby can regenerate."
Yan light who now is more protective over you though, practically glaring and insulting Misa any chance he gets with no shame.
Yan light who loves you so so so much not even death can tear you two apart, he's yours, and your his.
Yan light who is never gonna let no ones filthy hands on you.
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fangdokja · 1 month ago
The sweetest kisses are often the most dangerous.
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❤︎ Synopsis. Your best friend has always been your safe haven—until his touch lingers too long, his words drip with unspoken threats, and you realize too late that safety was never part of his plan.
♡ Book. World Ablaze (WA): For You, I'd Burn the World.
♡ Pairing. Yandere! Light Yagami x Fem. Reader
♡ Novella. In the Name of Love - Part 2
♡ Word Count. 7,537
♡ TW. dom + top + older yandere, general non-con, possessiveness, psychological manipulation and conditioning, suggestive themes, fear play, emotional manipulation and abuse, isolation, monitoring, lack of boundaries, non-con kissing and/or touching, forced relationship, BDSM, manipulation of circumstances, abandonment issues, angst + tragedy, gaslighting
♡ Note. Due to Tumblr content guidelines involving minors, some plot details of the original story were changed to fit the platform. If you want the true original story, please look at the author's official website or Ao3.
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Once you finally became of age, it brought with it a new set of challenges—and some old, familiar dynamics. Light Yagami, your self-proclaimed best friend and eternal tormentor, had somehow grown into the golden child of your school. Teachers adored him, parents praised him, and students—especially the girls—flocked to him like moths to a flame.
You, on the other hand, remained firmly in your lane. A slacker by nature and a ‘loser’ by reputation, you floated through school just barely scraping by. Your grades hovered just above the failing mark, your desk was perpetually cluttered, and your teachers sighed in resignation every time you turned in a half-finished worksheet.
“How are you two even friends?” became a question whispered in every corner of the school.
Light, of course, handled his popularity with the effortless charm he’d always had. Girls left love notes in his locker, baked him cookies, and blushed when he smiled their way. He’d already received more confessions than most people would in a lifetime.
“Another one?” you’d ask flatly whenever he showed you a new letter, scrawled in pink ink and dotted with hearts.
“They’re very persistent,” he’d say with a smirk, tucking the letter away. “You jealous?”
“Not even remotely,” you replied, your attention already back on the handheld game console in your lap. “Have fun with your fan club, Your Highness.”
For a while, Light balanced his new relationships with his time spent with you. He’d date the occasional girl, give her his full attention for a while, then inevitably move on when the novelty wore off.
“Why do you even bother?” you asked once, sprawled on the grass during one of your cloud-watching sessions.
“Because it’s good practice,” he replied matter-of-factly, hands tucked behind his head as he stared at the sky.
“For social dynamics,” he explained. “Understanding how people think, what they want, and how to navigate their expectations. It’s useful.”
“You sound like a robot,” you said, unimpressed.
Light smirked. “You’re just mad I’m right.”
When the girls dragged him away, as they often did, you were left to your own devices. You didn’t mind—at least, that’s what you told yourself. It wasn’t like you’d ever been the center of attention, anyway. Loneliness wasn’t new to you; it was just an old companion that came and went as it pleased.
You filled the time with your usual distractions: gaming, reading, cloud watching, and sketching mindless doodles in the margins of your notebooks. Sometimes, you’d overhear whispers about Light and his admirers, but you tuned them out.
“Why don’t you go after him?” someone asked you once, their tone half-curious, half-mocking.
You didn’t even look up. “Because I’m not an idiot.”
Despite the distance his popularity sometimes created, Light always found his way back to you. When the crowds cleared and the noise died down, it was the two of you again—two opposites bound by years of shared history.
One evening, as you both sat in your room playing video games, he glanced over at you and said, “You’re not mad about the other girls, right?”
“Why would I be mad?” you replied, not taking your eyes off the screen. “You’re Light Yagami, the golden child. Go do your thing. I’m good.”
For a moment, he didn’t respond. Then, with a small smirk, he said, “You’re impossible, you know that?”
You grinned. “Takes one to know one.”
No matter how far his orbit expanded, Light always seemed to come back to you. And though you’d never say it out loud, you were glad he did.
From Light Yagami’s perspective, life was predictable—and predictably successful. He was the golden child, the perfect student, the center of admiration. People hung on his every word, sought his approval, and envied his effortless excellence. For the most part, it was satisfying. Life unfolded as it should, meticulously planned and executed.
But then there was you.
His so-called best friend, the antithesis of everything he represented. Lazy, unmotivated, and perpetually on the fringes of mediocrity. Despite your differences, you were always there—silent, sarcastic, yet strangely dependable in a way he couldn’t quite define. It wasn’t something he thought about too often. You were just…you.
Until the day he noticed you staring.
It was during lunch, an ordinary afternoon where Light was half-listening to the chatter of his friends while methodically organizing his notes for the next class. His focus should’ve been on the conversation, but his gaze flickered to you, seated a few tables away as usual.
You were always in the corner, avoiding attention, engrossed in some book or game. But today, your attention wasn’t on the usual distractions. It was on him.
Not Light. Not one of his admirers. No, your focus was fixed on a scrawny, nervous wreck of a kid seated a few tables over.
The boy was all sharp angles and awkward movements, perpetually hunched over as though trying to shrink into himself. Light recognized him vaguely—a shy, nerdy kid who tripped over his own words whenever called upon. Nothing remarkable.
Yet, you watched him.
Not with mockery or disdain, but with something quieter, more intent. You weren’t laughing, whispering, or rolling your eyes like most people would. You just…observed.
It unsettled Light in a way he couldn’t immediately place.
Later, as he packed his bag and prepared for the next class, Light’s thoughts returned to that scene. He prided himself on his ability to read people, to predict their behavior and motivations. And yet, he had no explanation for your interest in that boy.
He brushed it off initially. What did it matter? You were free to stare at whoever you wanted.
But the image lingered, uninvited, in his mind: the distant look in your eyes, the way your usually indifferent demeanor softened just slightly.
He frowned, closing his notebook with a bit more force than necessary.
The following week, he started paying more attention. It was subtle—Light was nothing if not discreet—but he kept you in his peripheral vision whenever he could.
And there it was again.
That same quiet, almost contemplative look as you glanced at the boy in question.
Light found himself growing irritated, though he couldn’t pinpoint why. It wasn’t like he cared who you watched. You had your own life, and he had his.
So why did it bother him?
He thought back to the countless times he’d teased you about being jealous of his popularity, the playful smirk on his face as he’d waved off another confession or accepted a gift from yet another admirer. You never cared. Not once.
It had been mildly disappointing, in retrospect. He’d thought it might get a rise out of you, but you never so much as flinched.
Yet here you were, paying attention to some no-name boy like he was the most fascinating thing in the world.
Light’s fingers tightened around the strap of his bag. It didn’t make sense.
Not yet, at least. But Light Yagami didn’t like questions without answers.
He decided then and there that he’d find out what had caught your attention—and why it left him feeling so uncharacteristically unsettled.
Light never let himself get too attached to anything, at least not to the point where it would affect his plans. He had control over his emotions—he had to. And yet, as he watched you sit with Ethan, that crack in his composed facade began to form, slowly but surely.
It was subtle at first. The boy, Ethan, always seemed to be at the edges of Light's awareness, always there when Light was distracted by his admirers or lost in his own thoughts. But this was different.
You didn’t just sit with him. You spent time with him. You helped him with his homework. You joked around with him in the way you never did with anyone else. You went out of your way to keep him company at lunch, when no one else would. You, who had always kept your distance, kept your circle small—yet now you were investing time in him of all people.
And Light hated it.
There was no reason for it. It didn’t make sense. Ethan wasn’t even someone worth considering. He was shy, weak, and socially awkward. Everything about him screamed mediocrity, the kind of person who would never stand out, never make anything of themselves. So why? Why were you helping him? Why were you treating him like he mattered?
Light had always been the one to push you, to help you improve, to get you to rise above your own mediocrity. He'd worked tirelessly to shape you, to make you better. And now, here you were, giving that same attention—your valuable attention—to someone who didn’t even deserve it.
But then, as he continued to observe you two from the sidelines, the truth started to unfold, albeit in a way that made him recoil. He couldn’t stop it from clicking into place. You didn’t see Ethan for what he was now. You saw him for what you used to be.
He reminded you of yourself.
The realization hit Light like a wave. You hadn’t always been the person you were today—motivated, sharp, and at least somewhat capable. No, you’d been the same kind of outcast Ethan was now. Alone. Invisible.
And you saw a part of yourself in him, that small, quiet echo of who you used to be.
You wanted to help him. You had to help him.
Light would have expected a feeling of satisfaction, even a touch of flattery. After all, you cherished your experiences with Light enough to want to help someone like Ethan, someone who reminded you of the person Light had pulled you from. But it didn’t feel like that. It didn’t feel warm or appreciative. It felt... cold. It felt harsh and bitter, like the sting of jealousy he’d never fully acknowledged before.
Why? Why was it this way? Why didn’t he feel proud that you were helping someone who could never repay you?
He hated it. He hated how it made him feel, how his thoughts twisted and spiraled into something darker.
Light tried to keep himself composed, but it was becoming more difficult. As the days passed, and he saw more of you with Ethan, that unease continued to eat at him. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but it was growing harder to ignore.
If he confronted you about it, it would mean acknowledging something he wasn’t ready to face. Something he couldn’t process. He wanted to think it was just about Ethan. But deep down, Light knew it wasn’t. He knew it wasn’t about the boy at all. It was about you—and the way you were slipping further away from him.
He was jealous.
It was ridiculous. He of all people, jealous of someone like Ethan?
But he couldn’t ignore it. It hurt.
So, he buried it. He buried it like everything else—like the ambition he’d always kept under wraps, like grand plans where he couldn’t afford to falter. He buried it deep down, pretending it didn’t bother him, pretending that you could still be his, that your attention was his, even as you drifted to someone else.
There were moments when he almost confronted you, asked you why you were so hell-bent on helping someone so insignificant, but he held back. Instead, he bit his tongue, letting the resentment simmer inside, like a serpent coiling around his thoughts.
It was a feeling he couldn’t quite place, but one he couldn’t escape. And for once in his life, he hated not having control over it.
It had been a month, a whole month, of Light trying his best to suppress the gnawing frustration and resentment. On the surface, life carried on as usual—he kept up his studies, dated other people, spent time with you, pretended everything was fine. It was routine. Everything was routine. But underneath, something had shifted. Something that made everything feel hollow.
He’d watched Ethan grow in confidence, all because of you. He couldn’t deny it. Ethan had improved significantly—he spoke up more, stood taller, even started getting more attention from others. And Light hated it. Hated how he had been replaced, how your attention, once reserved for him, was now shared with Ethan.
You didn’t even notice, though. You were too absorbed in your "little project," as you called it. You genuinely wanted to help Ethan, and it was clear to everyone, Light included, that you had. You were kind to him in a way you had never been with anyone else, and though it made Light’s stomach churn, he couldn’t argue with the results. Ethan had gone from an anxious, nervous wreck to someone who could hold a conversation, someone who felt like he had a place in the world.
But all of that—the improvement, the attention, the support—it was nothing compared to the point of no return.
The moment it all cracked open for Light was when he saw Ethan, of all people, trying to kiss you. Trying to confess to you. In that moment, every bit of control Light had over his emotions snapped. All of the jealousy, all of the uncertainty, the fear that he might lose you to someone else, came crashing down in a split second.
Ethan had moved closer to you, his hand reaching out toward your face. You were looking at him in that quiet, gentle way you always did when you were being supportive, completely unaware of how things had changed. Light’s heart raced, his chest tight, suffocating with a mix of jealousy and... something deeper. Something he couldn’t ignore anymore.
Without thinking, he moved. He didn’t care how it looked, didn’t care that it would make him seem possessive or irrational. He couldn’t let this go any further. Not now, not when he hadn’t even had the chance to process it himself.
“Hey,” Light’s voice was sharp, cutting through the tension between you and Ethan. His hand shot out to grab Ethan’s wrist before it could get any closer. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”
Ethan recoiled slightly, a mix of confusion and disappointment flashing across his face. You looked between the two of them, still unaware of what had just happened.
“Light?” you said, voice confused. “What’s going on?”
Light forced a smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes. He tried to maintain his usual cool demeanor, tried to act like nothing was wrong, but his mind was racing. His heart was pounding in his chest. “Nothing,” he said smoothly, his voice casual. “I just thought it was a little too soon. You don’t have to rush things with him, do you?”
He kept his gaze on Ethan, the mask of indifference slipping in place. It was all too easy to be the confident, charismatic Light Yagami in front of others, but inside, something was boiling. He wasn’t ready to admit it—not to you, not to himself—but it was there. A slow-burning ache. The realization that he might actually care more than he’d allowed himself to believe.
And he hated it. Hated how unstable it made him.
You seemed to brush it off, distracted by the sudden interruption, and shifted your focus back to the situation at hand, oblivious to the internal war happening inside him. Light gave Ethan one final look, sharp and piercing, before letting go of his wrist, silently warning him to back off.
“Let’s get back to work,” Light said, his voice cool and collected, as if nothing had happened. His smile was back, a perfect mask to hide what was really going on. “There’s no need for any of that, alright?”
Ethan nodded, visibly uncomfortable, and after a moment, he stepped away. Light watched him leave, his gaze lingering a little too long, as if to make sure Ethan didn’t try anything else.
When the two of you were alone again, Light tried to act normal. He even teased you lightly about it, making some comment about how you were apparently too irresistible for Ethan. But beneath it all, the feeling stayed with him, thick and suffocating. The truth was there, buried deep inside.
He wasn’t ready to face it. He wasn’t ready to admit it to you. But Light was starting to realize just how much you meant to him. And for the first time, he wasn’t sure how to deal with it.
So, he buried it again. He kept the mask in place. He pretended it was just a moment of concern, just a protective instinct over his best friend. He’d dealt with worse. He’d always dealt with worse.
But as the days went by, the pressure continued to mount. And no matter how hard he tried to push it down, that little crack inside him was only getting wider.
Light was a master of subtlety, an architect of unseen movements in the intricate game of social dynamics. He didn’t need to manipulate overtly—he understood that power wasn’t in direct control, but in the delicate nudging of events, in guiding people without them ever realizing they were being guided. And so, when it came to you and Ethan, he did what he did best: he bent the circumstances in his favor without ever leaving a trace.
It started with a casual observation. Light knew that Ethan’s new-found confidence, while refreshing, was also a weakness. The more he was validated by his peers and admired by the girls in school, the more distracted he became. He was no longer the shy, introverted kid, but a rising star in a social hierarchy that was just as demanding as it was fickle. And that, in Light’s mind, was his opportunity.
It wasn’t enough to push Ethan directly. That would have been too obvious, too aggressive, and would only serve to make Ethan wary, perhaps even resentful. Instead, Light did what he always did: he stayed in the background, gently adjusting things without ever touching them directly.
One afternoon, Light invited Ethan to study at his house, a seemingly innocuous gathering. It wasn’t that Light wanted to help him with his homework—he was smarter than that. No, he invited Ethan because he knew exactly who else would be there.
“You should join us,” Light had said, his tone casual but with a hidden undercurrent of suggestion. “I’ve got some friends coming over. A few people from our class, actually. I’m sure you’ll enjoy their company.”
Ethan, eager for approval, agreed without hesitation. And when he arrived, he was greeted by not just a group of classmates but also a few girls from your year—girls who Light had carefully cultivated an interest in Ethan. They were charming and confident, just the kind of people who would make Ethan feel special, like he was part of a social circle he’d only just begun to enter.
Light watched with quiet satisfaction as the evening unfolded. He knew that Ethan, although still somewhat socially awkward, would be swept up in the flattery, in the attention from the girls. He would find himself caught up in their world, a world that was fast and shallow and entirely separate from the quiet, introspective world you inhabited.
But Light wasn’t finished yet.
The next day, when Ethan and you were supposed to meet for a study session, Light intervened once more, subtly inserting himself into the equation. He casually mentioned that Ethan was already busy with other plans.
“I’m sure Ethan has his hands full,” Light had said with that same detached, almost apologetic tone. “He’s got a lot going on with his new... friends, after all. It’s good for him.”
You had simply nodded, the familiar pang of abandonment not even worth acknowledging. Light could see the slight drop in your expression, the way your shoulders slumped imperceptibly. But he didn’t act on it immediately. No, he needed you to feel like you had no other choice, that it was just a natural consequence of the circumstances.
And as the days passed, Light continued to keep Ethan distracted. More invitations, more group activities, more of those seemingly innocent social events. He made sure Ethan was always busy, always surrounded by people who pulled him in different directions. He could feel Ethan growing more distant, his once-deep friendship with you fading into the background as he became more absorbed in his new social circle.
On the surface, nothing changed. You two continued to hang out, study, talk. But Light knew. He knew that you were slowly becoming aware of the shift, of Ethan’s increasing distance. And that’s when Light did what he did best—he made sure you still felt like you had him.
One evening, after Ethan had canceled another plan with you, Light casually invited you over to his place, no agenda, no ulterior motive—just two friends spending time together. But Light’s manipulation wasn’t about grand gestures. It was in the small things.
He’d set up a video game session, one of your favorites, and while you played, he would drop little hints, reminders that you were the one he always came back to. He never let the topic of Ethan come up, choosing instead to distract you with conversations about your interests, your hobbies, things you hadn’t realized you’d been missing. Subtly, quietly, Light reminded you of your place in his life. You were the constant, the one who always remained, the one who didn’t leave.
When you finally admitted your inner thoughts to Light, he didn’t show much reaction at first. He kept his calm, his cold indifference.
“It’s a bit sad,” you’d said, your tone light, almost detached, as if you didn’t want to admit how much it stung. “But I’m not too sad. I’m used to it.”
Light, the ever-constant figure in your life, simply nodded. “Yeah. I get it.”
But it wasn’t just that. Not for you. You had always been prepared for this moment. Prepared for the day Ethan would outgrow you, for the day he would soar to greater heights. You had always been alone in that way, haven’t you? You knew how to let go.
And that’s when Light’s grip on you tightened, though you didn’t fully realize it. He was the only one who came back to you, the only one who had never truly left. He was the constant in your life, no matter what came and went. He was the one who always returned.
You couldn’t quite explain it, but something about that—the fact that no matter how many people came and went in your life, Light was always there—comforted you. And maybe that’s why, deep down, you never questioned his actions. You never thought to look at the situation from a different perspective, to wonder why Light was so intent on keeping you around, when you were used to being discarded so easily by others.
You saw the change in Ethan, sure. You saw the way his life had shifted, how he had grown. But that didn’t mean you resented him. You never did. You were prepared to let him go if it was what was best for him, just like you had done for everyone else.
But Light? He never let go. Not completely. And you never had to ask why.
The evening was peaceful, the kind of calm routine you had come to expect when it was just you and Light. The house was quiet save for the faint sounds of clicking buttons as you both battled through another video game session, your focus entirely on the screen. You didn’t need to speak much to him—nothing ever felt awkward when it was just the two of you. It was always comfortable, always predictable, until it wasn’t.
As you took a break to rest your fingers, Light leaned back against the couch, looking at you in a way that made your stomach tighten. His gaze was uncharacteristically serious, and there was something in his eyes that you couldn’t quite read. For a moment, you wondered if he was going to start one of his usual philosophical tangents or give one of his self-imposed lectures on some obscure topic. But when he finally spoke, his voice was steady, and there was no trace of teasing or sarcasm.
“Can I kiss you?” Light asked, his words blunt and direct.
You blinked, not immediately reacting. It was such an out-of-place comment that it took a few seconds for it to register. You raised an eyebrow, your fingers still hovering over the game controller. You were certain he couldn’t be serious—Light was always surrounded by a revolving door of girlfriends and admirers. He was practically a Casanova, after all.
“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” you asked, still unsure whether he was joking or not. You didn’t want to entertain it, but the sheer randomness of his question caught your attention.
Light didn’t miss a beat. “I broke up with her.”
You shook your head at the nonchalance in his voice, thinking about how many times you had seen him casually switch partners in the past. It was never a surprise. Light was always the one in control, always the one who seemed to be in charge of everyone and everything, and you had learned long ago that his romantic entanglements were always temporary distractions.
“You really are a Casanova, huh?” you muttered under your breath, continuing to focus on the game as your thumb pressed the button to start the next round.
Light smirked, but there was something different in his expression, something that made the usual cockiness feel almost forced. His eyes were still locked onto you, and there was an intensity there that you hadn’t noticed before.
“I’ve been saving my first kiss for you,” he said, the words so calm, so matter-of-fact, that it almost sounded rehearsed.
You paused mid-game, your thumb stilling on the controller. You turned to him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What? Why?”
“It’s simple,” he said, his voice softer now, but still carrying that logical, detached tone. “You’re the one who matters the most. You’ve always been there. Everyone else is just a distraction.”
His words hit you like a strange mix of sincerity and something else you couldn’t quite place. He had always been there for you, the constant in your life, the one person who had stuck by you through everything, despite all the weirdness of life. But as his gaze lingered on you, something felt different. There was a weight in the air, an expectation you hadn’t noticed before.
You didn’t immediately respond, unsure how to take his words. You glanced at him, brow furrowed. “Are you serious? You’re asking me this now?”
Light leaned in slightly, his voice dropping into a softer tone, the edges of his usual confidence giving way to something quieter. “I know you don’t get caught up in emotions. You’ve never been the type to care about that kind of thing. But... I’ve been feeling things, and I think you should too.”
There was something almost... resigned in his words, as though he had been carrying a burden for a while. The way he spoke wasn’t forceful, but there was a subtle gravity to it, like he was simply revealing something long kept beneath the surface.
“You know,” he continued, his voice becoming even more subdued, “I’ve always been here for you. But you’ve been spending so much time with Ethan lately. Helping him out, giving him your attention...” He paused, just long enough to let the silence fill the space. “I couldn’t help but wonder why.”
You hadn’t realized how much he had been observing, how much he had noticed. You always thought things were just as they were—Light and you, close as ever. It had never seemed like there was more to it, never something to question. But hearing his words now, there was an unfamiliar sting that gnawed at you.
“You’ve always had me,” Light added, his gaze steady, though there was something new, something deeper in it now. “And I’ve always made sure to be there. I guess I just... I never thought you’d be so busy with other people.”
It wasn’t blame, exactly. It was just the way he said it—like an old truth suddenly reexamined. He never demanded your attention before, never pushed for it. But now, in this moment, it felt as if he was trying to help you see something you might have missed.
“I should’ve said something earlier, but... I guess I was too focused on being there for you.” His words hung in the air, as if he was unburdening himself of something that had long been kept quiet. “Maybe... maybe I didn’t want to admit that I’ve always been waiting for you to notice.”
Your chest tightened, the weight of his quiet confession pressing on you. You had always been so focused on helping Ethan, on seeing his progress, that you hadn’t realized how much Light had been in the background, how much he had been giving without asking for anything in return. His presence had always felt constant, like a backdrop to your life, never demanding, always patient.
He shifted closer, his voice lowering even further. “So... can I kiss you? I’ve been waiting for this.”
As Light’s words lingered in the air, you felt a strange pull in your chest, a mix of confusion and guilt that twisted deeper with each passing second. His gaze was steady, unwavering, as if he had already anticipated your hesitation. You had always trusted him, relied on him, and the thought of disappointing him—of not recognizing what he had done for you—felt like an unbearable weight.
But still, you couldn’t shake the uncertainty that gnawed at you. Something didn’t sit right, not entirely. But when Light spoke again, his tone soft yet somehow firm, you couldn’t ignore it.
“You’ve always had me,” he repeated, his voice more intimate now, like a whispered confession. “I’ve always been here for you. And maybe that’s why... it’s so hard for me to see you with someone else, giving all your attention to Ethan, when I’ve given you everything. When I’ve always been here, waiting for you.”
There it was—the subtle shift in his words, the quiet insinuation. The way he made it seem like you owed him something, like you hadn’t truly appreciated everything he had done. And it worked. The guilt bubbled up inside you, slowly at first, but it soon filled every inch of your chest, clouding your thoughts.
His eyes softened, his voice quieter now. “I don’t want to make you feel bad... but I can’t help how I feel. And I’ve always been there for you, through everything.”
The logic, the gentle push—it was all so subtle, so carefully calculated that you barely even realized how much it was affecting you. You didn’t want to hurt him, didn’t want to make him feel neglected or unimportant. And the truth was, you hadn’t thought about him the way you should have, not in this sense.
The thought of him hurting, of him feeling left behind, sent a pang of guilt through you. Wasn’t he always there for you? Wasn’t he your best friend? And hadn’t he given you so much, asking for nothing in return? How could you not see that he needed something from you too?
You swallowed hard, feeling as if you were cornered, though he had never raised his voice. You met his gaze, and the weight of everything—his words, his feelings, the years of friendship—pressed down on you. Maybe, just maybe, you could give him this, just this once.
“Okay,” you muttered, almost too quietly, nodding in agreement, though you weren’t entirely sure why. “Okay, Light.”
His eyes brightened, as if he had been waiting for you to finally understand, to finally see what he had been trying to show you all along. And before you could think any further, before you could change your mind, he closed the distance between you, his lips pressing against yours with a fervor that surprised you.
The kiss was hard, intense—far more passionate than anything you had ever imagined from Light. His lips parted, and before you could react, his tongue slipped into your mouth, coaxing you deeper into the kiss. His hands, once casual and comforting, were now firm, pulling you closer as if he couldn’t get enough of you.
You tried to pull back, to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions that were suddenly flooding your senses, but he was relentless, his grip tightening around you as he deepened the kiss, pouring out all his hidden feelings in the act. There was a rawness to it that unsettled you, a sense of desperation that didn’t feel like the Light you knew.
“Don’t pull away,” he murmured, his lips brushing against yours as he kissed you harder, more urgently. “I’ve waited too long for this.”
You struggled, your hands pressing against his chest in an attempt to create space between you. But his hold was unyielding, his mouth determined as he kissed you more forcefully, his body pressing you back into the couch. The more you tried to push him away, the more he responded, tightening his grip, kissing you with an intensity that left you breathless.
It was like he was trying to make you feel every ounce of what he had been holding back all this time—the possessiveness, the longing, the unspoken need. You couldn’t escape the feeling that this wasn’t just about a kiss. It was about something deeper, something he wasn’t willing to admit, and for some reason, you were caught in the middle of it all.
Your heart pounded, your breath quickening as you tried to regain control, but it felt impossible. Every time you thought you might push him away, his presence swallowed you whole, and you found yourself trapped in the moment, uncertain of where it was going or what it meant.
And in the chaos of it all, you couldn’t help but wonder: Had you just given in to something you weren’t ready for?
The kiss seemed to stretch on forever, the force of it stealing your breath and leaving you spinning. Light’s lips were desperate, hungry—each movement sending a storm of emotions through you, making it hard to think clearly. His hands were unrelenting, pulling you closer as if he needed you to be closer than ever before, and you couldn’t tell if you were suffocating or if it was just the intensity of the moment.
But just as you thought you might lose yourself entirely, Light finally broke the kiss. His lips lingered near yours, a soft breath escaping him as he pulled away slightly. His eyes were wide, almost unsteady, and there was a flush on his cheeks, a vulnerability you hadn’t expected. He looked at you, a mix of guilt and something softer in his gaze, almost as if he had been holding something back for far too long.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” Light’s voice was low, softer than you had ever heard it. The usual confidence was gone, replaced by something raw and apologetic. He reached up, his fingers brushing lightly over your cheek as if trying to make sure you were still there. “I just... I’ve wanted this for so long. Wanted you to know how I feel. But I didn’t want to push you, didn’t want to scare you off.”
You could barely breathe, the rush of emotions still flooding your chest. But his words, the way he spoke—so calm, so seemingly vulnerable—made it harder to argue with. He was always in control, always the one who seemed so certain about everything. But now, he seemed... different. More human. More real.
“I know you care about Ethan,” Light continued, his voice growing quieter, almost like he was confessing a long-hidden secret. “But you’ve always been my person. And I can’t just keep pretending that it’s okay to watch you give all your attention to someone else. I can’t do that anymore.” His gaze softened, and he let out a slow, shaky breath. “I’ve always been here for you, through everything, and I’ll always be here for you. But you need to know that I need you too.”
Your chest tightened, a mixture of guilt and confusion flooding you. You had always relied on Light, always seen him as the constant in your life—the one person who never faltered. But now, with him standing so close, his eyes filled with emotion, it felt like he was asking for something that you didn’t know how to give.
“It’s just hard, you know?” he went on, his voice softer, almost as if he were talking to himself. “I never wanted to make you feel pressured, never wanted you to think I needed something from you. But I’ve been waiting for you to see it... to see me. The way I see you.”
His words stung, a sharp reminder that maybe you had been blind to his feelings, had never really considered how deeply Light had been there for you. His presence, his care—it had always been so constant that you never thought of it as anything other than friendship. But now, hearing him speak so openly, it felt like you had missed something, like you had failed to notice the depth of his emotions.
“I’m sorry,” he added, his hand moving to cup your face gently. “I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me. How much I’ve been there for you. You’re my everything, you know that?”
You couldn’t help but soften, despite the overwhelming swirl of emotions inside you. He was right about one thing—he had always been there for you, through every up and down. He had given you so much without asking for anything in return. Couldn’t you just give him this? Couldn’t you show him the same loyalty, the same devotion he had shown you?
“I know I’ve been selfish,” Light continued, his voice thick with emotion now. “I didn’t want to admit it, but I’ve always needed you, and I can’t pretend that I don’t anymore.”
You swallowed hard, your heart pounding in your chest. His words were so soft, so raw—something about the vulnerability in his tone made it hard to keep your walls up. He was your best friend. He had always been there, a steady force in your life. How could you not want to give him this?
“I’m not asking for anything big,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I just want you to see me. To know how much I care. To know that... I’ve always cared.”
Your heart clenched as the weight of his words settled over you, and despite the uncertainty swirling in your mind, you nodded slowly. You could never refuse him. Not Light. Not when he had always been your constant, the one person who had never wavered in his loyalty.
“I... I do care about you, Light,” you murmured, your voice barely audible.
He smiled softly, almost sadly, as if he had expected something like that, as if he had known you would give in.
“I just needed you to understand,” he whispered, leaning in again, this time his touch gentler, more tender, as he kissed you once more.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself be swept away by the warmth of his lips, the tenderness of his touch. Even as doubt whispered in the back of your mind, telling you that something wasn’t quite right, you buried it deep. After all, Light was your best friend. The one person who had always been there for you. You couldn’t turn away from him now, not after everything he had done.
And so, despite the confusion, despite the overwhelming swirl of emotions, you let yourself fall into the kiss, letting the weight of his presence consume you. Because in the end, he was the one constant in your life. And to you, that meant everything.
As Light’s lips moved against yours, his touch became softer, more controlled, though the intensity beneath the surface didn’t waver. When he finally pulled away, he didn’t let go. Instead, he wrapped his arms tightly around you, drawing you into an embrace so firm it felt like he was trying to fuse your body with his. His chin rested against your shoulder, his face buried in the curve of your neck, inhaling deeply, almost reverently.
The scent of you—natural and subtle, like soft florals—flooded his senses, grounding him in a way he hadn’t anticipated. His grip tightened for just a moment, and though you couldn’t see his face, there was an unguarded smile stretching far too wide, twisted in its elation. Ah. Finally. This feels so good. So perfect.
He allowed himself one long, slow breath, savoring every second of having you in his arms. His face remained hidden, safely tucked away where you couldn’t see the mask slip, where you couldn’t catch the flicker of something far darker than the tenderness he pretended to offer. His voice, when it came, was warm and light, the perfect mimicry of someone lovestruck. “I’ve waited so long for this,” he murmured, pressing his lips lightly against your temple. “You have no idea how much you mean to me.”
But inside, his thoughts were far from gentle.
Calm down, Light. Don’t ruin this. Not yet. She’s not ready. He had to physically restrain himself, fingers digging into your back to keep his hands steady. The urge to take, to claim, to make you entirely his surged like wildfire, burning away the edges of his composure. Not yet. You’ll ruin everything if you move too fast.
Your naivety was what made you so precious. You were brilliant in your own way—smarter than him in certain areas, even—but socially? Oh, you were practically a child, stumbling blindly through interactions while he played the perfect friend, the perfect protector. And you trusted him so implicitly. That’s your greatest weakness. You trust me.
His mind was a whirl of strategies and calculations, and all of them led to the same conclusion: you were his, and you always had been. It was simply a matter of time before you realized it too. If he had to break you, mold you, and piece you back together to make you understand, then so be it. He would do it slowly, carefully, ensuring you never saw the cracks in his façade.
You think you’re safe with me. The thought was almost laughable, sending a ripple of satisfaction through him as he tightened his embrace. You don’t realize how deep you’ve already fallen into this. How much I’ve shaped your life to keep you close. But that’s okay. You’ll understand soon enough.
He could feel the heat of your skin against his, hear the soft hitch in your breathing, and it made him drunk with control. He’d never felt calmer, never felt more in command of himself. Every step from here on out was carefully planned, meticulously crafted to lead you exactly where he wanted you. There was no need to rush.
I’ll break you, little by little. But you won’t even notice, will you? You’ll think I’m helping you, protecting you. And when there’s nothing left of the girl who thought she could exist without me, you’ll thank me for it.
You stirred slightly in his hold, and for a moment, he almost let his grip slip—almost let his hunger get the better of him. But he reined himself in, forcing his breathing to slow, forcing the wicked grin on his face to soften into something fond. His lips brushed against your neck, leaving a featherlight kiss that made you shiver, though you didn’t pull away.
“I won’t let you go,” he whispered, his voice so soft and tender that it sent a pang of guilt through you for even considering doubting him. “I’ll always take care of you. I promise.”
And he meant it. Oh, he meant it in every twisted sense of the word. You were his to care for, to cherish, to love. And if caring for you meant destroying every piece of independence you had, if cherishing you meant breaking you down until you couldn’t live without him, then that was exactly what he would do.
Because to him, you weren’t just the person he loved. You were his purpose, his possession, his world. And no one—not Ethan, not anyone—would take you from him.
As he pulled back slightly, his hands lingered on your shoulders, holding you at arm’s length as he gazed at you with eyes so warm, so sincere, you felt your heart twist. “Thank you,” he said softly, his lips curling into a gentle smile. “For trusting me. For letting me in.”
You didn’t have the words to respond, too overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, too consumed by the vulnerability you thought you saw in his expression. You nodded, offering him a small, shaky smile of your own.
And Light, ever the patient predator, smiled back.
Good girl.
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♡ A/N. This is a request, but I have not yet fulfilled the full request (hence the lack of proof of request). This turned out better than I thought it would. No explicit stuff yet, but the subtly of it? Yeahh.
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If you want to be added or removed from the tag list, just comment on the MASTERLIST of World Ablaze (WA): For You, I'd Burn The World. Thank you.
General TAG LIST of “World Ablaze”: @berry-berry-beam , @magica-ren , @hyakki-yosai , @esthelily , @zombeepuppy , @mololoteco , @whyamaris , @iciel , @songbirdgardensworld , @airangelaira , @illyanaillyana , @ninahorikoshifr , @yandere-daze
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chuulyssa · 1 year ago
drunk and driven. (light yagami)
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↷ A/N ─ happy belated birthday to light and me !! i hope you enjoy this :) again, this is NOT rape/non-con. the reader is as sober as light here. written by a zombie-me at 4am. also im sorry if the camera topic is overused, i just couldnt help myself fantasizing about this
★ COUNT ─ 2.5k
!! TAGS ─ f!reader, dom!light, drinking, smut, fingering, spanking, unprotected sex, p in v, nicknames (good girl, pretty girl, etc.), edging, begging kink, voyeurism
★ PROLOGUE ─ your boyfriend punishes you for almost letting slip his real identity
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The dim glow of the television cast shadows around the room. You had been at your high school's farewell party, and had too many drinks there to stumble back home in one piece. It was almost midnight, so there was also no way your boyfriend, Light Yagami, would have let you out of his sight, especially with how tipsy you were. He was quite protective of you, but he was right. You let out a drunk sigh and looked away, silently accepting the fact that you'd have to meet his parents in the morning and share a few awkward exchanges.
Light had had more drinks than you at the party, but he looked far from as drunk as you currently were. He was quietly watching a movie on the TV, stroking your hair lightly. Your gaze went up from Light to the flickering screen. A sudden surge of courage rushed through you.
"Light," you whispered, breaking the silence with your hoarse voice.
"No, you're not going home tonight," Light replied without looking at you.
"No, it's not that," you said frustratedly.
Light raised his eyebrows, hearing you slur your words due to the effects of the alcohol. Still, he did not look at you.
"How much did you drink?"
"Less than what you drank," your throat burned, your eyes drooping slightly.
He ignored you, seemingly engrossed in the movie, but you knew it was all just an act for the cameras L had set up.
You continued, "And it doesn't matter how much I drank, because either way, you refuse to give me attention."
Ryuk snickered in the corner.
Light frowned, finally turning his attention towards you as his eyes trailed down your body. He noticed the dark circles under your eyes, the redness of your cheeks, and the slight swaying of your body.
He looked at you for a few more seconds with a calculating look before sighing and setting the remote on his table. He stood up, "You should really get some sleep."
"No," you repeated.
"I-" Light was starting to get annoyed. "Are you crazy? Don't you want to go home tomorrow?"
"I just- I-" You sighed again, leaning back against your chair and almost falling off.
"Idiot," Light muttered, catching you before you fell. He carried you to his bed and lay you down gently before covering you with his blanket. "Are you comfortable? Do you want me to sleep on the floor?"
"No, no, I need cuddles," you smiled drunkenly, completely forgetting what you were going to say back when you had gotten some "courage".
"Of course, you do," Light said proudly. "You need my cuddles to sleep."
You hummed in response. As he snottily took his shirt off before lying down next to you, you closed your eyes slightly. They were burning, as if trying to stop you from both closing them and keeping them open.
His hands made their way to your back, gently pushing your neck to his bare chest. You finally shut your heavy eyelids and snuggled closer to him. This was what you always wanted. Just you and Light. Alone.
You furrowed your eyebrows, your eyes still tightly shut, your face pressed against him. Alone? It was laughable that you thought even for a moment that you two were alone right now. Well, for one, there was a God of Death in the same room as you, trying not to pass out from the lack of apples in his digestive system. Second, a great detective was watching the two of you, possibly along with your boyfriend's own father.
Light pulled you even closer to him, inhaling your scent deeply. Soon, the two of you drifted off to dreamland, and L was left questioning whether the seventeen-year-old star student really was a murderer.
You woke up, limbs tangled with Light's. You checked your wristwatch. About four hours had passed, and as you tried to sit up, your head felt heavy from an early hangover. Light's eyes jerked open. He had always been a light sleeper.
"Hm?" he mumbled in his sleep, no longer feeling the presence of your head in the crook of his neck. "What's the matter, honey?"
"I... had a dream," you said slowly.
Light sat up slowly and reached out for a glass of water to hand to you.
You peeked into the glass, rubbing your left eye until you saw stars.
"Vodka?" you said hopefully.
"Water," he replied calmly.
You pouted pleadingly; more alcohol was what you needed right now, but you eventually had to resign to your boyfriend. You drank the water, and instantly felt much more sober than you were before. Your sleepy eyes fell on Ryuk, his legs and hands in a rather uncomfortable position, perhaps due to not having apples for such a long time.
For a moment, you, for the second time that night, completely forgot about the existence of the cameras.
You turned to Light. "How long is he going to go without apples?"
"Who, honey?" Light's eyes flashed warningly, but you were far too sleepy to notice.
"Ryuk, your Shini-"
Your words were cut off by a sharp kiss. Light had completely thrown himself at you, and you fell back down on the bed due to the sheer force of his abrupt kiss. The empty glass landed on the floor with a loud clink, but he ignored it. His hands reached under your shirt, his nails digging into the skin of your hips as if daring you to talk further.
You attempted to prop yourself up on your elbows, to gain some kind of control over what was happening. But Light pushed you back down, pulling you by your hips and roughly throwing your head down on the pillow.
He pulled away eventually, the pupils of his eyes completely red, and you cursed yourself mentally. This was not your Light. This was Kira.
He leaned away from you, got up to pick up the thrown glass and filled it with water again, but as he offered it to you, you rejected it. "I'm sober enough for this, Light."
"Very well then," Light whispered and leaned in closer to your ear. "I hope you remember you're being watched. Make sure you put on a show."
You nodded slowly, letting his hands roam around and make their way to the hem of your skirt, twirling the fabric around his fingers. He brought another hand to your top and slid it under the cloth, feeling the material of your satin bra.
"The one I gifted to you?" he raised his eyebrows, a little smirk on his face.
"Yes," you whispered, pulling his bare chest against your clothed one. "Strip me, Light."
"What's the magic word?" he teased, hand slipping under your bra and cupping your breast.
"Please," you whimpered when he pinched your nipple.
Ryuk snapped his eyes open and tumbled out of the room clumsily, perhaps to give you some privacy.
"Good girl," he didn't hide his smirk this time as he pulled your top off completely, throwing it to the side where it landed on his chair next to his own shirt. He ran his hands down your back, grabbing the zipper of your skirt and slowly pulling it down. Light slid the skirt down your legs, leaving you in a matching set of satin underwear and bra.
"Pretty," he murmured, his hand grasping his growing bulge tightly.
"Let me help you with that," you sat up on all fours and leaned in closer, a hand stretched out to touch his crotch.
You rubbed him lightly, slowly increasing your pace before unbuckling his belt and slipping your hand under his boxers. Your constant touching of his tip made him groan, hand reaching out to yank you by your hair and push you back down to the bed. You grabbed his hands and brought them to your breasts, pressing them against your chest.
"Take my bra off."
"I'm not a man to be told what to do," he said, bringing his lips down to your neck. "But I will allow it this time."
Light freed his hands from your grip and brought them to your back, unclasping the hook of your bra and letting it fall to the floor. He cupped your breasts in his hands, lowering himself so that his mouth sucked on one nipple while his hand squeezed the other.
"Fuck," you moaned, pushing his head against your chest.
He grabbed your hand and brought it once more to his crotch, letting you feel the bulge in his pants again.
"You're not the only one who's needy right now."
"You're so- god, I can't wait to feel you inside me," you said, rubbing his dick through the fabric.
"Patient girls are rewarded," he said, dragging his lips from your neck to your collarbone, his free hand ripping your panties off.
"Hey!" you whisper-screamed.
"I'll buy you another set," he said calmly, sliding two fingers inside you, curling them up and hitting your g-spot.
"Yes," you moaned, pushing his hand against your pussy. "Faster."
He brought his other hand from your nipple to your clit and started rubbing it in circles, simultaneously fucking you with his fingers.
"Fuck, I'm going to come," you whimpered after a few minutes, feeling your orgasm build.
"Mhm, do it, what a good girl," he said, rubbing your clit faster, aiding your release. You came hard on his fingers, arching your back, bucking against his hand and moaning loudly. Your legs shook, while he pulled his fingers out of your pussy and brought them to your mouth. "Clean them."
You nodded, sucking on his fingers, your teeth digging into his skin. Light smirked.
"Don't you think you should be punished?"
"Huh-? For what, Li-?"
Your words were cut off once again when he pulled you onto his lap so that your ass faced him and you lay on your stomach, pussy pressed against his crotch.
_ _ _ _
"L, I don't think we should be watching this," Soichiro Yagami kept his eyes away from the screen, where his son, his perfect little son, was busy fingering his girlfriend. He hadn't even known he had a girlfriend, let alone the fact that they were so... intimate with each other.
"There has to be some meaning in what the girl said," L racked his brains, eyes scanning the scene, now showing you in Light's lap and his hand rubbing your ass. "Apples?"
"For god's sake, it may be some sort of safeword for when they- for when they do- this," Soichiro yelled, his eyes on the floor.
"It's not a mere coincidence, Mr Yagami," L said thoughtfully. "Apples? Kira told me 'Shinigamis' loved apples earlier. This is not a coincidence, Mr Yagami."
_ _ _ _
"You're going to be punished for fucking everything up," he whispered in your ear before smacking your ass hard. "Count."
"One!" you yelped, feeling the sting of his hand on your ass. "Two!" "Three!" "Four!" "Five!"
He kept spanking you, alternating between your ass cheeks. You could feel his dick hard against your stomach, and ignoring the pain in your ass, you started to grind against it.
"Six!" "Seven!" "Eight!"
He spanked you harder, and you could feel your ass getting red. You were breathing heavily, and your pussy was so wet that it was dripping onto his lap.
"Nine! Ten!"
_ _ _ _
"Can we stop watching this now?" Soichiro groaned.
"There has to be some hint," L traced the screen with his fingers which showed you getting spanked hard by Light now.
Soichiro let out an uncomfortable sigh.
"Mr Yagami, you can close your ears and eyes," L said without looking away from the screen.
_ _ _ _
"Good girl," Light said, rubbing your ass. "Now, a reward."
He slid his pants and boxers down to his legs and wiggled out of them. He brought his dick to your pussy, rubbing its head against your clit and earning a moan from your pursed lips. He flipped you over, pinning you under him on the bed again as he continued to tease you.
"Please, Light," you begged, trying to reach out for his dick so you could push it in.
"Please what?" he said sweetly and you groaned in annoyance.
"Please fuck me."
He smiled and pushed his dick inside you slowly, savouring every inch of your tight pussy.
"Oh!" you wailed, feeling his cock stretch your pussy.
He started bucking his hips in and out, fucking you harder as his balls slapped against your clit, doubling the pleasure. He was careful not to make a sound, but he didn't stop you from letting your strangled moans out. This would be your punishment, facing his mother in the morning after getting fucked so hard by him at night.
You tried very hard to suppress your lustful sounds, eyes welling up at the thought of facing his family in a few hours, but you couldn't. He was too good. He knew just how to get under your skin. Slowly, you felt your second orgasm approaching.
"Ah, ah! I want to come," you clasped your hand against your mouth to stop yourself from screaming. He was going so hard on you, of course, his mother and his sister would wake up if he continued.
"No, you're not. Hold it in," Light commanded. "You're going to come when I say so."
He kept fucking you harder, and you could feel your orgasm building. This was torture. There was no way you could hold yourself in when he was going so hard on you.
"Please, Light," you begged, feeling your pussy clench around his dick. "I can't hold it in anymore."
"Hold it in, I said," he said, flipping you over again and spanking your ass hard. He increased his speed, and you buried your head in a pillow to muffle your screams. "I'm going to come inside you now. Understood?"
You could feel his cock twitching inside you, and you knew he wasn't lying about his orgasm. You nodded slowly, voice still distant because of the pillow.
He let out a long, satisfied groan as he released his juices inside you, pushing his dick deep inside you. You could feel his cum filling your pussy, and it sent you over the edge.
"Now, come for me, pretty girl," Light said in a hoarse voice.
"Yes!" you screamed, feeling your orgasm wash over you. His cum was dripping out of your pussy, and you could feel his cock softening inside you.
"Good," he said, pulling his cock out of you. It was scary how calm and composed he was when a minute ago, he had spanked you so hard. He grabbed a towel and wiped your pussy clean.
_ _ _ _
Soichiro blinked at the abrupt ending of the sounds. Still refusing to look up at the screen, he asked, "Is it over now?"
"They're both still naked," L said, analyzing the place, feeling his own dick harden at your bare figure, panting and sweating as Light got off you and laid next to you, throwing the towel somewhere insignificant.
"Well then?" Soichiro said.
"Well what?"
"You made me watch my son... doing- doing stuff with his girlfriend," Soichiro said in a shaky voice, his hands behind his back to avoid pulling his hair out in frustration. "What have you understood from this?"
"What I've understood?" L said thoughtfully, his gaze unconsciously reaching his growing bulge. "Your son is quite romantic, I suppose."
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© chuulyssa, 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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honeyxbee · 5 months ago
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Yandere!Light x fem!reader
Day 10 ― Blackmail/Coercion TW: NSFW, dubcon, yandere character, sexual coercion, blackmail, possessiveness, manipulation, referenced murder, threats of murder words: 318
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Seven minutes.
It turns out it takes exactly seven minutes to ruin someone's life.
Seven minutes ago, everything was fine. You were sitting with your boyfriend in his bedroom, the boy you've known your whole life ― the person you've planned on spending the rest of your life with since you were both in your first year of high school.
It's not unusual for Light to invite you over to his house; no, it's quite the contrary. His parents know you by name, have started calling you their daughter. You taught his little sister how to do makeup and have lost count of how many times you've agreed to go shopping with her.
But this isn't like the other times.
Not when you watched him scribble down the name of the man on the television in a notebook, and he was lying on the floor dead in just seven minutes. After you tried to run, it took him less than seven minutes to have you pinned on his bed, murmuring that you can't tell anyone. If you do, he'll just have to kill them, too. You'd leave him no other choice.
And you don't want that, right?
But he wouldn't kill you, no, as far as he's concerned, yours is the only name that could never belong in the death note. After all, as the god of this brand-new world, he'll need a goddess to rule beside him.
But he doesn't tell you that part. Not when it only takes another seven minutes before he's fucking you into his mattress. You're too scared to fight him right now, worried about what he'd do if you did ― Light decides he's okay with that. He can deal with you being scared of him as long as that means you won't try to leave him. He's made sure you won't leave his side.
And all it took was seven minutes.
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elationeffect · 10 months ago
Light Yagami NSFW headcanons
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Here are some NSFW headcanons I have for these this dumbass. I’m back in business baby, please feel free to send an ask! Do not read/interact with this post unless you are over the age of 18.
cw: afab!reader, dubcon, oral, fingering, imbalanced power dynamics, edging, physical marks/restraint, rlly bad @ tagging but lmk if there is anything else i should include
— Light is manipulative and charming in that order. This is a fact. He is attentive when he presses your back to the wall, unyielding when he forces your hips closer to his, and seemingly desperate when he grabs your jaw and traces the line your neck with his gaze. More than the taking, it’s the withholding that hurts.
— He takes great care in memorizing every touch that elicits a breathlessness from you. His thumb in the hollow junction of your neck and shoulders, his lips against the butterfly-thin shell of your ear, his face between the soft curves of your thighs.
 — And when he has you at the edge of his bed with your legs thrown over his shoulders, and he genuflects to perhaps the only person worth worshiping, Light is methodical.
— His hands would move slowly up your leg, grabbing and massaging where he can before pulling your legs apart to reveal a dark spot clinging to the contour of your cunt. Devastatingly slow, he would run his fingers across your twitching form, making sure to rub slow circles along your slit until you’re shaking.
— And when you can’t bear it for one more second, one whimper away from anger, his mouth would be on you. Underwear pulled clinically to the side, he’d press his tongue into your folds and start his slow ministrations. He’d force you to watch as he circles the tip of his pink tongue around your clit, never quite giving you the satisfaction you deserve.
— Light likes to edge you, to see how long you can withstand him. He relishes in taking his time and forcing your hands above your head, made up in knots sometimes by his own weight, other times by his crimson tie.
— But after the kindness wears off and he immerses himself deeper into the game, his God-complex would start to get the better of him.
— One of his favorite ways of owning you is to take your jaw in his hands and face fuck you. Your whole body would be immobilized, forced to kneel in front of him as he shoves his thick cock into your mouth. He’d call you filthy for drooling and grab your hair by the roots to take him from the base. Of course you’d cry, tears converging with your spit, but the sound wouldn’t register as you gagged to the beat of his unrelenting pace.
— He’d take what he wants when he wants it. No God should have to wait after all and you hardly have the power to resist him. He threatened your loved ones after all.
— Despite his inherit need to hurt, Light doesn’t truly harm you. At least, not where anyone can see. Yes, his fingertips are a tattooed bruise on the inner parts of your thighs, and his teeth have left permanent scars on your ass, but he never gave you anything you couldn’t handle.
— Still, he’d tend to your wounds. He’d be distant and objective but at least he still cares. At least, until he returns to his desk and begins the work anew.
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animeyanderelover · 5 months ago
Anon: How would yan chuuya, jouno, light, megumi and gojo react to a darling that just doesn't care that they're yanderes?
I already did a similar concept with Chuuya before but I added him nonetheless because I wrote this with a darling in mind that is even fine with the Yandere killing
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, isolation, murder
Tags: @maggiequinn59 @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78 @lovley-valentine7
Darling doesn't care that they are obsessed
Yagami Light
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✍️Light takes the information very well, a pleased grin on his lips when he realises that none of the things that he does seem to bother you. It’s a sign of submission from your side, something that could only ever please a man with a god complex like he has. This is how it should be after all. You should know your place and love him utterly and completely for the perfect being that he is. Light has done some terrible things in the name of his proclaimed love for you, things that he believes he has the right to do as no one is allowed to steal the person away from him that he plans to keep by his side after he has become the New God. Stealing what belongs to a deity is nothing short of a sin. A sin that has to be punished with death itself. After having confirmed that his feelings for you haven’t scared you nor have some of the actions that he has committed which you were aware of, Light starts truly testing how far your adoration and your dedication go for him. He reveals his ideologies, his mission, his identity to you as well as the future he plans to have with you all whilst you remain loving and loyal. Oh, you are indeed worthy of ruling this world alongside with him. He chose wisely.
Nakahara Chuuya
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🟠Chuuya tends to let his delusional side get the better of him yet upon initial discovery that you truly don’t care about his behavior as long as he keeps on loving you and treating you well, the Executive is a tad bit concerned. Are you sure? You’re really fine with all of this? He’s in the Port Mafia, he’s killed people for you even. It’s just hard to believe that you accept all of it as gracious as you do to the point where Chuuya wonders if you’re trying to trick him. That distrust remains for a while even if you give him no reason to doubt you. Paranoia is rarely soothed by logic after all. Once Chuuya has been convinced that you truly mean it when you say that you don’t care about his obsession he gets undeniably more delusional though. If you don’t mind his obsession after all he can’t possibly be as bad as he thought he was. He starts indulging in his obsession for you more and more as you basically give him a free pass, asks of you to move in with him so that he can protect you better all whilst spoiling the living shit out of you. He doesn’t really have to hold himself back as much anymore which leads the Executive to turn his possessive behavior up quite a bit. You won’t mind after all.
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️For Jouno this knowledge is a bit of a double-edged sword. On the one hand you are easier to deal with, don’t throw any tantrums which could get on his nerves and show quite a level of obedience that deeply satisfies his possessive side. The composed sound of your heart doesn’t overwhelm him but sometimes he also finds himself getting bored. Don’t forget that this Hunting Dog is still an utter sadist after all who would love to listen to the melody of your frantic heartbeat once in a while. After all it’s quite unspectacular for you to be so monotonous with your behavior and your acceptance all of the time. As much obedience and acceptance you may give him after all, it is all for naught if Saigiku doesn’t have control over you by having you fear him. Loyalty and love are not enough in his mind, not if there isn’t fear that weights you down and has you carefully thinking about every stupid decision you might make. The sadist inside of him is truly talking out of him with this desire yet Jouno never attempts to restrain his actions. Since you’ve already taken so well to everything that he’s done so far he’s sure you won’t mind learning how to be a bit scared of him~
Fushiguro Megumi
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💙Megumi’s silent paranoia has led him to justify his overprotective and somewhat overbearing behavior most of the time yet there is a shred of awareness still left somewhere inside of him. It is this last shred of sanity that is the only thing letting him know that you shouldn’t think this way, that you should be scared of him. Perhaps you’re trying to trick him? Something holds Megumi back from believing you when you first admit it to him, almost accusing you of trying to fool him so that he lets his guard down. The moment you manage to convince him though that you are speaking the truth the last shard of awareness shatters and leaves him thoroughly led by his paranoid and overprotective instincts. Of course he trusts you. It’s everyone else that he doesn’t trust though. So you two better spend time alone with each other where others won’t be able to bother the two of you. When he isn’t with you, try not to leave the house. If you do, please contact him and let him know where you are, what you are doing and when you are back home again. No, he isn’t overbearing and overprotective. He only wants to ensure your safety, wants to know you’re safe.
Gojo Satoru
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🩵Gojo totally eats your behavior up as soon as he knows that you really don’t mind his overbearing, clingy and paranoid attitude. This man has no restrains to begin with as he never holds his affection back but everything becomes even more gross for the people forced to watch as soon as you indirectly give him the free pass. The man is thrilled, constantly smothers you in love and presents and he quickly pushes this relationship to move in the direction he wants it to go. You quickly find yourself moving in with him as it takes him little to no time to convince you, you find yourself spending an almost overwhelming amount of time with him as he gets quickly jealous when you pay attention to others as his possessive and needy nature quickly cages you in. You’re compliant, you’re sweet and you love him for the person that he is which only pushes Gojo to cling tigthter and tighter to you. He finds comfort in you, he finds his peace when he’s with you and he only confines his pain and his feelings to you. You know him. You understand him. You love him. For those reasons he will never let you leave him nor will he ever let anyone lay a finger on you.
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Request: If it's okay can I please ask for a yanderea light with a darling who doesn't see a point in fighting back since they saw the kidnapping coming and knew they couldn't do anything about it
So they see no point in fighting back since they know he's not going to let them go
L is here
Yandere Light Yagami
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Okay, with Light, there probably wouldn't be direct kidnapping.
It would be really impractical and might mess up his plans.
Most likely, he would force you into the relationship in other ways.
At first you wouldn't even recognize that he was manipulating you.
When you finally did, it was too late.
Light would reveal himself to be Kira at some point.
After this, at the latest, you gave up on the idea of running away.
You knew that if you tried Light would take revenge on your family.
Light would love this with all his heart.
Finally, you would be obedient as you should be.
Light knows you don't love him yet...
However, he wouldn't care.
Even if you don't try to escape Light will still keep you isolated.
He wouldn't take risks, especially with you.
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0asisbliss · 7 months ago
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Thinking about a virus that’s spreading around making anyone who gets it fall deadly in love with anyone they had a crush on. Oh shit does it suck for you. Depending on who it might be. You might be locked up in a basement quicker than ever, you might witness murders dedicated to you, maybe your smothered and suffocating in their love for the rest of your life, or maybe they’re nice and watch you from a distance. The minute you catch their eye who knows what they might do to you.
L Lawliet, Light, Matsuda, (DN) Luffy, ACE, Law, Sanji, Shanks, (OP) Ranpo, DAZAI, Chuuya, (BSD) Aizawa, All might, Present Mic, (MHA) Shalnark, Uvogin, KURAPIKA, Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks, Shizuku, Illumi, (HXH) Giyuu, Sanemi, Gyomei, MUZAN, (KNY) Gojo, SUKUNA, Geto, or your fav.
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thewriterg · 1 year ago
hush puppy
A/n: oh wow headcannons so cute I wrote this while I was half asleep so… —kinktober day; 23—
warning(s); SMUT, power dynamic, degradation, praise, dry humping, pegging, pet names, and language
secret subs! who probably told you they were doms the first time you even brought up sex in fear that you would think how they actually wanted to be treated was gross and we’re afraid you wouldn’t like them if so
secret subs! who used to make themselves nauseous when previous flings would cry under them begging on their cock while degrading phrases were forced from his lips burning his tongue and ended not enjoying sex for a while
secret subs! who gets hard from you calling them a good boy even if they were doing something harmless like washing the dishes that has them rushing towards the bathroom to take care of the growing tint in their pants
secret subs! who act very poised and carry themselves with confidence that you can break down in seconds by a few words and light feathery touches to… sensitive areas
secret subs! who look up fem doms and are aching soon enough face flushed skin hot until they finally slam the laptop closed a vowel to never watch something like it again for obvious reasons… the obvious reasons being a stubborn boner pressing against their pants bottoms while they squeeze their legs together trying to take the pain off their aching cock
secret subs! who start testing the waters with little things like seeing how far they can get with making you angry before you tip over the edge and put them back in their place where they should stay
secret subs! who let out rushed moans not realizing what they said as you bounce on their cock your cunt swallowing them whole “ngh- oh fuck miss please”
secret subs! who let you fuck your frustrations out on them after a long day or a situation that didn’t go how you wanted it to “name augh- please, please, please, name” long whimpers and whines that are loud and clear while you thrust your hips into his abused hole hitting his prostate over and over with your strapped cock
secret subs! who act out just for your attention even if it’s the wrong attention or very right in their mind “please mam I’m ahh! I’m s-sorry I won’t do it a-a- oh fuck! I won’t do it again” he sobbed his arms tied behind his back bare now red and bruising ass revealed to you to use at you disposal “no, you wanted my attention? you got my attention baby” You hummed before bringing your hand down harshly the air whooshing behind it coming down with a harsh sting that brought tears to their eyes
Secret subs! who live for degrading insults as much as they do your praise “dirty fucking slut couldn’t wait five minutes before your getting off on my shoe” You chuckle staring down at him his clothed cock rubbing against the tip of your boot under your desk as you ended your online meeting
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©2023 thewriterg spooktober do not copy, translate, or modify.
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yan-rai · 7 months ago
Thinking of Yandere! Light with an enabler darling.
In order for this to work I think they'd have to meet at childhood, like in primary school or perhaps their parents would've been friends; because that's when kids have the most innocence and not understanding the true nature of the world.
I like to believe that even at a young age, Light would hold a dislike for those who did wrong. After all his father served in the police department, so it wouldn't be unusual to hear cases that are darker. Thus, leading him to mature more quickly than his peers. So imagine when he meets darling who doesn't understand human nature. As in the behavior and actions of a person, Light doesn't know this so he chose to believe darling is extremely sheltered and innocent.
So just imagine how it would be in secondary school, at this point you understood that Light was... more abnormal than the rest of your peers. Such as- Clings on to you, makes others feel inferior compared to you, uses "study sessions" as a way to hang out more, etc. Knowing this, you aren't afraid to use it and manipulate him, of course, he won't notice because how could you do such a thing? In his eyes, it's practically impossible, he's smarter so he would think he'd catch on quick. (He doesn't know you are fairly intelligent yourself...)
And oh boy do you really use that potential once he gets the book. When you find out, you act all shocked, and at first try to tell him he's wrong for killing people and that it's no better. This leaves him a way to think he can control you, he isn't afraid to change your beliefs to fit into his wants. So you act as if you gave in, praising him for removing the evil in the world, feeding into his ego. In fact, you convince him to kill certain people, people who wronged you? People who you just don't simply like? They'd be gone with a brutal death, after all, wouldn't it make them a bad person to hurt someone so innocent?
I want to add more but due to the fact I'm debating whether or not to write this as a one-shot or a series and whether not to include L in the shipping (because why not?) I don't want to reveal anything if it were to become a series. I also don't know if this fandom is dead on tumblr... So uh, if y'all want it comment to let me know your thoughts! (In any case you guys want to see how I write and whether or not you'd like it based on that, I have a csm post and a quotev account that's a Danganronpa fic! It's a Mikan x reader, called "You always forgave me..."!)
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d3stinyist1red · 6 months ago
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ʏᴀɢᴀᴍɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Yan light who met you in highschool, the last year
Yan light who becomes your study partner, helping u and ur dumb lil brain
Yan light who starts realizing how cute you were, but never had a crush on u (he did he just never wanted to admit it)
Yan light who now has a crush on you after him trying to convince himself that you're not his type,
Yan light who now helps you with more than studying, whenever you don't have a pencil, he'll give it to you eagerly, whenever you want something from Amazon but your too broke, he'll buy it for you, whenever your too lazy to work on assignments, you call him and he'll let you copy
Yan light who is now your friend rather than study buddie
Yan light who sits with you during lunch, not bothering to hang out with his other popular friends, telling you that he prefers you
Yan light who stares at you during class, thinking of all the things you could do to him before shaking his head, and covering his blushing face
Yan light who convinces his sister that you're his gf, and that's why you keep coming over to his house.
Yan light who now is by your side 24/7, walking you to classes, holding your backpack for you as you ramble about the girl u don't fw, walking you home, and more
Yan light whose house you go to for a study session, but you knew it was just gonna turn out to you rambling about drama as he watched you with heart eyes, hand on your thigh
Yan light who convinces you to stay over, saying "N/n, it's too dark out, just stay here yeah?"
Yan light who you ask "Light, where am I gonna sleep?"
Yan light who smiles, and says "In my bed, where else, sweetheart?" As if it was the most obvious thing in the world
Yan light who cuddles you throughout the night, arms around your waist as he whines when you try to pull away from him
Yan light who now tells you to go to the college he's going to, giving you puppy dog eyes as you refuse
"Sweetheart, come into the college I'm going to, you don't wanna be separated do you?"
"Honey, what do you mean your too dumb? Just copy off me, my love."
Yan light who makes you go to his college, smiling at you when you finally tell him "Fine, I'll go to your college."
Yan light who now barely lets you go to your own house, "Am I not good enough for you, love?" He asks with tears in his eyes like bro I just asked u if I could go home
Yan light who cooks and cleans for you, "Honey, do you want me to make you some pasta for tonight?" He saids all giggly, his sister just gags in disgust bc why is her rat brother acting like a middle school girl in love
Yan light who is literally 3 seconds away from smashing the TV in his room because your busy playing GTA rather than him, he's literally half naked, wanting you to touch him and your playing GTA tryna run from the cops?! How dare you, just watch, he'll get rid of that fucking ga-
"hey wife, can ya bring me my water?" You ask, you gave him a glance making him perk up, knowing that if u called him wife, he'll do anything for u
"Okay! ♡" What was he thinking about again?
Yan light who finally got the death note, and told you "If you fucking even look at someone else other than me, I'll kill them."
"wife, you barely even let me see my own family"
Yan light who Misa finally meets up with
"Light! I'm your classmate, and you dropped this book!" Misa said, showing the book as light makes her follow her to his room. You were inside the room, playing rock paper scissors with ryuk the homie
Oh yeah that lil bitch light showed you the death note and practically said he'll rip anyone's skull if they even bother to look in your direction, genuinely u weren't even shocked bc ur wife was just like that fr fr but anyway now ur homies with ryuk
They both walked into the room, and Misa was quick to glare at you. 'Light is my love, and I am his so why is this homewrecker all up in his bed like that!' was her train of thought, ready to launch at you before seeing Lights dark glare on here
"Don't even fucking think about it, now why are you here?"
They talked and Misa told him if he dated anyone but her, she'll kill them.
"thats...too bad, I'm already y/ns wife"
Yan light who is your wife that kills anyone who gets between you both <333
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