#Yandere Tanjiro x reader
Hi!! Can I request some yandere douma and yandere Tanjiro with a f modern s/o that has a power to go back and forth to her world!????!
Yandere Tanjiro Kamado
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Tanjiro would love you.
He would love you from the first sight.
You would probably meet when Tanjiro saved you from a demon.
You haven't seen a demon before.
So without him the chances of survival would be slim
Fortunately, Tanjiro happens to be there.
Tanjiro would surely notice right away that you are not from this world.
Let's just say that clothing styles have "slightly" changed.
So it wouldn't take much convincing.
You two would become friends very quickly.
Let's just say that when Tanjiro first noticed that you had returned to your own world, he would panic.
Tanjiro would think something had happened to you.
When you go back you would meet a crying Tanjiro.
He would definitely hug you really tight.
Tanjiro wouldn't be interested in you going to your house to take care of mandatory things.
He would never want you to do this again.
And ooooooh boy.....
Tanjiro would definitely make you feel bad.
You certainly wouldn't listen to him the first time….
But Tanjiro is good at blaming.
Each time it would be a little worse…
He can't stop you from leaving.
But he can make it really difficult
Yandere Douma
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This would be the main reason why Douma would be interested in you.
You are something new and different.
He would never have met something like you.
Which is no surprise.
Douma would quickly become attached to you.
He would also have a lot of questions.
Where do you come from?
What kind of future is it?
What is your favorite color?
Some are about the future and some are just about you.
Douma would also be interested in how you move between worlds…
And how he could make you stay.
Because Douma doesn't want to let you go.
Might want to visit a couple of times in the future…
If you could bring people along.
But mostly he wants you to stay with him.
And oh boy, Douma could get creative with this one.
He would do almost anything to make you stay.
Douma would probably try to blame you.
If that didn't work he would surely ask Muzan to turn you into a demon…
Or you have an "accident" that prevents you from using your abilities.
Everything is allowed in love.
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angelic-dew · 2 months
Can I get yandere alphabet list with tanjiro?? Thank you babes <3
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# yandere alphabet list !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🕸 ୧・author's note :: sorry for the delay, my posting schedule isn't the most consistent! I got this list from @dear-yandere to use as reference.
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🔪 ୧・pairing :: Tanjiro K. x g/n reader — {you/your pronouns}
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ⛓ ୧・trigger warnings :: yandere. isolation. kidnapping. unhealthy obsessions. delusions. some ooc. mentions of drugs. mental abuse. manipulation. gaslighting. stalking. grammatical errors. ⁞⁞ LETTERS A—P
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⚝. Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction.
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[A]ffection :: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Tanjiro is an interesting individual when he becomes lovesick. His undying love for you only burns pure passion and lust into the deepest depths of his heart for you; so it's no surprise he tries to show you his affection in every way he humanly can. I see his main love languages being words of affirmation and quality time, of course, some others slip in as well, just not as much such as gift-giving and acts of service. So he's willing to go to many lengths for you, he always strives to give you his utter best and nothing less.
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[B]lood :: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Not much in particular, he would never hurt innocent civilians and villagers regardless of how much jealousy tries to tempt him into acting in such a manner. He would rather try to isolate you from that person(s) completely rather than kill them off, though, he does get sudden urges to act upon those deeds. Now, if it's a demon, then it's fair game. The brutality would really show in his actions if it were a demon, like a fire luminously burning in his chest as he fights it courageously, just for you.
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[C]ruelty :: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No, he would never dream of showing what's truly stored beneath the surface of his kind smile. Even though you got abducted by him, he would still treat you with the same vehement amount of endearment; if not, maybe a bit more since you have no one to go to besides him if there's any such issue. He likes this feeling of being depended on. Kamado would definitely make you dependent on him but also restrict some of your access to certain parts in your place of capture by keeping a heavy chain tightly secured to your ankle.
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[D]arling :: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Of course, he would, not intentionally though; he really doesn't mean to act upon it in these such ways but his self-control slips at certain times when rage begins to consume him entirely. I see him always wanting to be around you, therefore, that can translate to taking you on various missions with him with or without your permission. He lives and breathes you, it's no surprise he'd also tend to drug you from time to time with sleeping medication so you can barely remember a thing when you end up in a foreign location.
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[E]xposed :: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Before your 'disappearance', I would assume he would be very subtle with his emotions towards you; of course, he would be a little too friendly towards you but what's the harm in that? You two are just best friends, nothing more or nothing less, sharing a close bond together is all that it is. Now, when his true colours are revealed, he'd be much more open with you concerning his feelings, reminding you every night that you're with him that you're his only true love, whispering words of compassion, professing his love for you repeatedly in hopes you'd see him in the same way he sees you. Very vulnerable indeed.
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[F]ight :: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He is not pleased in the slightest. Tanjiro loves you, why can't you just see that he means all well to you. His one and only radiant angel sent from above; he doesn't harm you even though he is edged to do so, his violent tendencies are getting worse and worse. He simply sees you being unhappy with the situation, he only attempts to console and softly mutter words of how much you mean to him. It's only for your own good after all, he's doing this for you, can't you see that? Hopefully one day you'll realize that your actions of lashing out are futile.
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[G]ame :: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This situation is far from comical to Tanjiro. There is no such entertainment in having his darling try to leave him when he desperately needs them more than ever. So, attempts to escape do enrage him to an extent but he could never actually get upset with you. Not all can bare with these types of experiences, so he doesn't blame you. All he has to do is up the ante in barriers and security in your place of capture. And maybe do the same for you.
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[H]ell :: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Hmm, if I had to pick, it would be the few times he deprived you of food and water as a form of punishment. Strengthening your restraints and such as well, causing nasty bruises to form along your wrists. That and the time he locks you up for long durations in pitch darkness as another form of punishment. But this treatment type only comes when you seriously cross the line.
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[I]deals :: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He planned everything out already! He wants an estate and to be married and four kids and a pet chicken named Kota! But in all seriousness, he sees himself falling for you further in the future and you doing the same to him. He sees you walking down the aisle looking utterly extravagant! That's the main thing he dreams of each night. To make it official with you. To tie you with him until death do you both part.
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[J]ealousy :: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Not really, but he can't control it when he does get this strong feeling. He usually tries to be passive-aggressive with his jealousy, uttering snarky remarks under his breath but never anything too direct. He usually sulks in his jealousy until he reminds himself that you truly belong to him and him only! It's pretty useless wasting emotions on those who aren't worth it.
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[K]isses :: How do they act around or with their darling?
Fairly.. normal in public spaces. I mean, it is Tanjiro after all, he acts cheerful and sweet, comforting when he needs to. He acts like his usual self, however, there is a distinct possessive nature which lurks deep within him that comes out of hiding ever so often. He is keen on having your attention all to himself, and will become highly frustrated if someone were to even hold you in a conversation.
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[L]ove letters :: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Easy. I think that Kamado would definitely be a strong believer that all relationships last longer when they are friends or good acquaintances before pursuing an actual relationship; ergo, he would attempt to befriend you before dropping some hints on the matter.
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[M]ask :: Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not entirely, Tanjiro is Tanjiro, he will always be what he is, a good person deep down that wants nothing more than to help others in need, but you, you bring out something he could have never imagined himself being like - How hostile he could truly get around others when they've done nothing wrong, a sense of urgency always takes over him when he's with you, and he'd be very clingy, you must pay attention to him! and him only.
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[N]aughty :: How would they punish their darling?
As I stated previously in [H]ell, I would say he isn't one for many punishments. The most he'll do (when you're finally abducted of course), is tighten your restraints to the point you feel like you're losing circulation to that area. The cold steel tightens around your wrists, almost making your hand feel completely numb; now that would be the worst. The second type of punishment is depriving you of food and water for at least a day or two, while you're stuck in the darkness, with only his voice to alleviate your whines and needs.
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[O]ppression :: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The most Kamado would do is restrict you from having much freedom; when he 'punishes' you, he cracks away at your basic needs: nutrients, food and water. So I would say that's bad by itself but your social interaction will also be limited, as expected. The only one you could ever truly see besides him is Nezuko, and even then, she has issues with her speech.
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[P]atience :: How patient are they with their darling?
Extremely patient, it's kind of scary at times, he rarely ever snaps - and if he does it's not something noticeable. The only thing that would change is that his always soft smile would shift into more of a neutral frown accompanied by a blank stare. Another thing about Tanjiro is that he's incredibly understanding, which makes him more tolerable than other yanderes, in turn, he can see why you will not enjoy these circumstances. So take all the time you need to adjust.
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© angelic-dew, please don't translate or reclaim without permission <3
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
hi! clarification- this isn't a request to write or anything, i just had an idea and wanted to hear your opinion on it
i know you haven't touched the demon slayer scene in a while, but considering uzui's whole nightmare house thing and tanjiro's act of I Do Not See It, do you think that y/n would actually run to another hashira as a last resort?
honestly if yes, i'm betting its giyuu. man is a platonic yandere but would not stand for shit and is probably one of the least insane (although that means. very little in the grand scheme of things). idk i just have the idea in my head of giyuu smuggling y/n into his estate when she needs a break, and going papa wolf whenever uzui fucking breathes in her vicinity, deep-seated insecurities or not. he may not win, necessarily, but dammit will he try.
(can you tell i have a bias-)
No cause I 10000% agree with you. With Tanjirou constantly ignoring your story about being fucking abused physically and psychologically by Uzui+wives, and not paying attention to Nezuko being distressed over your ptsd state, and EVEN looking away when Uzui and the wives are constantly trying to create opportunities to corner you and being a little to touchy with you (and you're flinching away), someone else has to step up and help. And I have 2 people in mind for that.
First, is ofc Giyuu, cause why wouldn't he??? His moral compass is clear as day and he doesn't even need to be a yandere for him to absolutely shred everyone to pieces just to protect you. He can see the fear in your eyes, he can practically feel the hopelessness and anxiety you're suffering through. I think he may even try to convince Tanjiro to see that you're actually telling the truth, but he's not going to break his back to make him believe it. No, he doesn't exactly need him to protect you. Again, I see Giyuu becoming a platonic yandere, maybe more of a brother than as a father figure, and while he's... emotionally stunted, he's going wayyyy out of his comfort zone to console you. Expect a lot of head pats and deep words to assure you. He's a great listener, if it helps. ALSO, I can also see that if Uzui+wives come with other Hashiras to fight Giyuu for you, then Giyuu doesn't exactly have any qualms about joining forces with demons to protect you. Like I just know that if reader vouches for him to papa Muzan and the 12 moons, they would (hesitantly) accept Giyuu and you. After all, he has been the only human so far who's been kind to you.
Another option that I think would step tf up for reader is Sanemi, as a romantic yandere. Because this man, he's got love on the brain and he's fucking KILLING ANYONE WHO TRIES TAKINGBL YOU AWAY FROM HIM. Fr fr, he will actually fight all the hashiras and 12 moons for you. Will he win? No one knows for sure because like I said, he's absolutely batshit crazy when he's in love. Like one peck on the cheek from you is enough fuel for him to obliterate everyone with in 12 miles. Imagine what he's willing to do if he sees you waking up screaming and crying from the nightmares you have of Uzui.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
A romantic Tanjiro concept from Demon Slayer, please?
Surprised I haven't done this yet, lol
Yandere! Tanjiro Kamado Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Delusional behavior, Stalking, Clingy behavior, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Slight manipulation via guilt tripping, Obsession at first sight, Paranoia, Isolation, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Tanjiro is such an honest soul.
He's probably the type you won't even notice his yandere tendencies at first.
He can't lie and is always so kind and appears so innocent towards you.
He's so naive and forward he probably could not hide anything from you if he tried.
Tanjiro may also be a hopeless romantic and a family yandere.
He just believes you two love each other and in the future, when there's no demons, you can be a family!
As a result he's no doubt a delusional yandere.
I feel Tanjiro would overall be a docile yandere.
He probably couldn't lie to you without you noticing.
He just... isn't that kind of manipulative type.
He could emotionally manipulate his darling but even that isn't fully on purpose.
Tanjiro just clings to you because he feels you're like family to him.
He isn't very violent unless he has to defend you from a threat.
Tanjiro would also be a yandere who'd most likely not kill out of jealousy, if at all.
He gets jealous, yes, but it's more like the pouty kind of jealous.
He really isn't that bad, just persistent.
Tanjiro would also grow more attached if you cared for Nezuko.
There's many ways you could've met Tanjiro.
Maybe he saved you from a demon and you became friends ever since.
Maybe you work at one of the manors and help Tanjiro when he's injured after missions.
Or maybe you're a Demon Slayer yourself?
These are just some ways you could've met and gotten close to Tanjiro.
Tanjiro is someone mostly attracted to caring/familial traits.
Things like caring for him, caring for Nezuko, or even sympathizing with demons despite your job.
Anything that shows you have good intentions or are a good person will attract Tanjiro to you the fastest.
Tanjiro is definitely an obsession at first sight person.
He's also incredibly loyal and devoted to his love.
I want to say he'd be bashful and shy but if anything in reality he's mostly blunt.
Tanjiro would be very open about his feelings towards you.
He's not afraid to tell you compliments and how you make him feel.
He isn't ashamed of admitting he feels jealous when you speak to others.
Honestly, Tanjiro would do almost anything for you if it means you'll love him.
As I said before he truly believes in love to the point of being a hopeless romantic.
You may not have feelings for him now... but he's convinced you will at some point down the road!
He's a bit more grounded than Zenitsu would be and isn't going to really chase you everywhere.
Well... not to the same degree.
Tanjiro would follow you around at times to make sure you aren't "ambushed", even more so if you're a Slayer like him.
Tanjiro would not let a demon touch you.
He'd cut them down before they have a chance.
Tanjiro's big goal with you is certainly to have a family somehow.
He is such a family man due to growing up in a big family.
He wants to be your husband in the future.
He may even achieve such a goal since he's so sweet before you notice anything.
It's hard to point out the more toxic traits in him but I can come up with a few.
First is his emotional manipulation.
Intentional or not, it occurs when he is jealous or worried for your safety.
He wants to be the one to keep you safe and wishes you'll rely on him.
He wants you out of harm and would take a blow to protect you just to make sure you don't spill a drop of blood.
If anything I can see his yandere behavior showing up later on.
Like, by the time you two are adults and dating/married, that's when the worst of it is.
Maybe Tanjiro becomes obsessive about keeping you home.
He wants you as his little house spouse and you're most likely coerced into it.
Tanjiro tries not to appear "forceful" when he has you stay home.
He provides for you, gives you everything you could ever want.
He allows you outside in like a yard or something but never too far without him.
He's promised since you both were young that he'd protect and care for you.
So why do you need to go out so often anyways?
You can just stay at him and he'll come back to pepper you in kisses and affection!
You won't have to lift a finger.
For some, this is a dream.
For others, a nightmare.
Tanjiro removes your autonomy once you two are officially together.
He doesn't get why you'd want to leave home anyways.
He picked an isolated cabin just for you and him.
Now... it'll just be you and him!
There's no need to worry anymore, there's no longer any demons to harm either of you.
All you have to do is focus on him and his adoration...
You don't have to think of anyone else!
Just keep your eyes on him...
He protect, provide, and defend you with his life...
All you need to do?
Never go outside ever again.
Overall, Tanjiro is a subtle yandere.
He's sweet, caring, and seemingly innocent.
That is until you step closer...
Becoming trapped in his darker adoration.
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If your requests are open, can I request tanjiro x reader who escaped but was found months later thanks
Yandere Tanjiro x Escaped Reader
He thought he lost you when he lost his family
Turns out it was just you taking advantage
Or having joined the man who freed you 
It makes him both excited and incredibly worried
But with a heavy heart, he defeats you with the help of Nezuko
And he decides that he’ll just cure you too
No matter how much your fighting
“Don’t worry darling I’ll cure you too!”
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crazytea5 · 1 year
Yandere Tanjiro Inosuke and zenizu.
so I’m doing this because of the “What do you want me to post?” Post so I’m doing it like I said I would. Now let’s do it! Pls note that y/n uses she/they pronouns.
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1 Yandere Tanjiro.
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Now you met Tanjiro selling some pastries in your family’s bakery.
he noticed you and instantly became obsessed with you.
he started to stalk you until one day gaining the confidence to come and say hi. Little did you know that he had been stalking you.
he decided to buy some kelp rice balls.
He asked if you would like to see him later on but you declined due to your mother being extremely afraid of oni (demons) and apologised for not being able to but he said that it was fine.
he started to come EVERY SINGLE DAY but you didn’t mind because you believed him to be your best mate. He knows what you thought of him and believes you still think that.
You didn’t just work 3 hours a day at the bakery you also did wood chopping for 5 hours a day and then would give it to you Father to sell.
after work you would meet up with Tanjiro but that stopped when his family died.
Fun Fact: You were at the kamado household when it got attacked and you suffered serious injuries trying to protect them you also managed to save not just nezuko but also Tanjiro.
Tanjiro came straight home and didn’t stay at another house.
giyyu saved you and brought you all to the demon slayer HQ were you and Tanjiro trained under him as his successors.
Tanjiro kidnapped you on a rainy night in a alley.
He is EXTREMELY obsessive and delusional.
2 Inosuke
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You and Inosuke met in the final selection.
in final selection you had seen Inosuke coughing up blood and being extremely injured so you helped him.
he felt different. He had never felt love before but after experiencing it he was safe to say it was a very real thing and not just for fairytales.
one day you and him have the same mission. You too have missions together a LOT. Due to Inosuke asking and due to him threatening to kill your Crow. Due to polite requests.
he kidnapped you when you to finished a mission. He then told everyone that you had died during said mission and said that the demon kidnapped you tortured you and ate you alive.
YOU HATE HIM! You love him he’s so kind! No we hate him… stop lying.
He keeps you in a box like Tanjiro’s when you have to leave tho thats pretty rare.
you live in a cave with him and if you do something wrong expect to almost be beaten to death.
He is extremely delusional and scary.
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Now Zenitzu only met you due to you being a local farmer. Only due to Tanjiro being busy as he would normally be the one to do food shopping when he seen you it was love at first sight. Totally not a obsession.
He was just crying and you had come to help him so he started to believe that you Loved him too.
So after asking Tanjiro Zenitzu was allowed to come with him to the farm to buy food.
Zenitzu after knowing you for a year kidnapped you while you were asleep and defenceless.
he is extremely delusional
You extremely hate him and try to do murder attempts to kill him but you always fail and he always says that it’s just a stage that people go through when their taken to a surprise home and that love will always fix it.
Ok I’m finally done because I am posting this at 06:51 in the morning and I have had 0 sleep so bye!
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Can I have tanjiro with fem reader that's their childhood friend?
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Warnings: None!
Authors note: Heck yeah!! My first Tanjiro ask :)). Thank you so much, please enjoy!
So sorry this took so long! 😢
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The relationship between you two is pretty strong! The both of you are connected by the hip, practically understanding and talking of inside jokes that nobody knows. You’ve helped Tanjiro in many ways, not only by being there for Nezuko but always sticking with him till the very end; comforting him when he needed it.
It’s likely you’re a Demon Slayer. While it is possible, it doesn’t mean you could be a civilian that Tanjiro frequently visits.
Being part of the Demon Slayer Corps makes his protectiveness even more overbearing. He always insists on him or the trio to come along with you, always panicking over you whenever he sees you get in front of a demon or let alone get a scratch on you.
This often makes him the mother hen. He constantly worries about you, even if you’re sitting or laying next to him. He often asks you if you’re okay, or if you’re more quiet than usual, he’ll offer to get you food.
This also includes him watching over you while you sleep, his fear of you abandoning him or simply getting killed in the brutal night makes him shake. This makes night quite bad for him, which normally forces him to rely on Nezuko watching over you.
Speaking about Nezuko, she absolutely adores you. While she sees Tanjiro crushing on you, she sees you as her long lost sister that she was never able to have. Normally, she’s very clingy with you and often pats your head or nudges her forehead against yours.
(From the headcanon above) Tanjiro often asks Nezuko to watch you when he goes out and about. While he does know you can protect yourself, he absolutely fears that you’ll get hurt in any shape or form. It physically pains him when he sees you upset or simply crying over a ‘small’ thing (literally nothing is small with him, no matter the situation. If you’re crying over a flower, he’d sympathize with you and comfort you. He would never ever make fun of you.)
But, the cool thing about being childhood friends is that Tanjiro knows everything about you. From your earliest dislikes to your favorite book, to suddenly buying your favorite food dish on a random Tuesday. He makes sure to intel everything that you say in the conversations, including people; which makes him a bit uneasy.
Tanjiro trusts you a lot. But he just doesn’t trust a lot of people. An example would be Zenitsu, while he does like him, Tanjiro hates seeing him flirt or fawning over you like a high-school girl. This normally includes him glaring at Zenitsu or simply grabbing your hand and excusing the both of you to hang out somewhere else.
Certain people make his nose itch, his sharp sense of smell telling him to not trust someone who is around you. He often suggests not trusting that ‘friend’ of yours or simply telling you not to hang out with them again but they’re bad news. Whom, suddenly disappears or comes up in the paper as a murderer and a horrible person.
Tanjiro is very respectful and rarely touches you without your permission. At times, when in public, he will hug you or hold your hand out of nowhere; squeezing it like you’ll disappear if he dares to let go.
My masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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lady-ashfade · 9 months
Demon slayer request back open
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—£ For this years seasonal event I have opened back up a few fandoms.
—£ Go nuts. Zenitsu Agatsuma,
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demoiselettes · 2 years
Hello 💕💕💕 I have come to request a yandere Tanjiro!! Maybe a scenario where we try to escape and Tanjiro catches us? 😭 OOO AND MAYBE LIKE WE HAVE BEEN CAUGHT MULTIPLE TIMES SO THE PUNISHMENT IS LIKE- UNLIKE TANJRIO AND LIKE KINDA INTENSE???? And also how he takes care of us after the punishment. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND IF YOU DON’T DO THIS REQUEST OR TAKE YOUR TIME WITH IT!!! We all need breaks from posting sometimes so no pressure! Thank you for checking my request out! ILY!! ❤️
Cat & mouse
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Pairing: Yandere! Tanjiro x reader
Category: yandere, quite obviously
Warning(s)/note(s): fem! Reader, yandere themes, mentions of injury, manipulation, delusion, please lmk if i missed anything else, Tanjiro is a hashira, legit fire torture down below
A/n: i defaulted to fem! Reader since the reader's gender was not specified BUT THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING 💕💕🎐🍡 i'm a sucker for soft characters doing a 180 and going yandere 🤤 i hope this is what you wanted, enjoy!
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So close yet so far
That was the only way to describe your predicament. The hallways seemed to elongate at dizzying speed with every thud of your feet against the cold wooden floorboards. You were reminded of the dreams you often heard people have, where they would try to exit buildings but with every step, the door that stared at them almost mockingly would seem further and further away. You'd counted yourself lucky to have never experience those, yet perhaps gloating had not been such a good idea. Because here you were, in that exact scenario, but this wasn't a dream you could wake up from. If only.
The Estate was stupidly huge and you had a nagging feeling that he had insisted it be so just so it would take more time for you to escape. Your throat felt like a cement chute, dry and aching with every recollection of the times you had tried to escape. In retrospect, it seemed as though he had wanted you to, to test your so-called 'loyalty' to him by dropping little chances that were more so curses and giving you the opportunity to figure out an escape route. You were a doll, one for him to toy with.
The sickening realization caused you to swallow back bile rising in your throat. How long until he arrives? You reached the door, fingers hooking into the small hatch of the fusuma. Was this it? Would you be free? It seemed too quiet, too comforting, you felt dread pool into your stomach at the belated realization. Had he..actually gone on a mission? How many swords did he have?
And why was one of them, with the flame-shaped hilt that you recognized to be that of the former Flame Hashira's, leaning by the door which you were about to open if he really was on a mission?
Warm air flew over the expanse of your nape. But it did nothing to alleviate the drastic drop in your body temperature. If anything, it caused the hair on the back of your neck to stand up in alarm. Silence reigned, thick and nauseating. Your vision blurred and your grip on the hatch loosened. But you were so close to the outside, so close to being free, what if you managed to outrun him? Surely, he would not chase you in public, for all to see.. Outrun a hashira? Your consciousness mocked, but you were desperate and maybe, just maybe.. you regained your grip and began sliding the door, hearing the satisfying scrape against the ground-
« I hope you understand the consequences of your actions, » his voice was lathered in honey and if you hadn't been hyper aware of the mind games he played, you would not have registered the dangerous undertone, akin to the bitter aftertaste of dark chocolate. « You know what will happen if you open the door. » yet he made no attempt to stop you. His gaze was un-relented, boring a hole into the back of your head. You were breathing heavily, your mind fuzzy. The only clear fact was the freedom that laid behind the door. The fight had long left you, and when you slid the door just a little further and felt a sharp pain stab your neck, you didn't even scream.
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Tanjiro watched you from where he was seated at the foot of your bed. Your knees  were pressed against your chest and your palms rested on both of them, eyes refusing to meet his. If that bothered him in the slightest, he didn't give any indication of it. His face held no anger, but he regarded you like a mother would a child who had drawn on the walls. You weren’t sure what to expect as punishment.
Punishment like twice before. The first time you had made an attempt to escape and had been caught, he had resorted to locking you up in your room.
"As a warning." He'd said.
The second time, he had left you in the dark for days. A windowless room. Third time's a charm, but in your case, it was three strikes out.
"Our family works with fire," he spoke up. In his eyes, you were already married to him and his family. Or rather the remaining member of it. "You know that, don't you? » he stood up smoothly, bending towards you to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. His mouth tugged downwards when you flinched.
« And it will help me to teach you a well-needed lesson. »
Alarms seemed to go off in your mind, and your heart raced. You glanced around the room frantically, hoping to spot whatever he would use on you. Perhaps you would be smart enough to figure out how to turn it against him, but it seemed all luck had abandoned you. Your chest heaved and there was that dizziness again that seemed to cause the room to tilt sideways. The sheets wrinkled when you gripped them too hard.
« T-Tanjiro! » you tried, but your voice was hoarse. « I'm sorry, i'm sorry, please, please, i'll listen! I- i won't try to escape again-« you were crying now, and his gaze softened just a bit at the edges. Hope sparked in your chest. « I'll be good, i..i love you.. » the words hurt like glass cutting through your throat, but you forced them out. You love him. You had to.
He stared at you with sympathy and pity for a while, looking close to crying. But his resolve was stronger, it seemed, for he shook his head and closed his eyes. �� It has to be done, » he whispered. « You'll thank me after, my love.. »
Out of the pocket of his green and black checkered haori, he fished out a single match and your heart seemed to get stuck in your throat as the realization of what was to come dawned on you. When he lit it, your eyes trailed on the small, dancing flame. You scooted backwards on the bed, looking around for something to throw at him, to smother the flame with.
But you severely underestimated a hashira's ability to quietly and quickly move around and when you felt cold air brush against your skin, he was on you, hunched over your body on the bed. The flame was dangerously close to your face, and your wide eyes zeroed in on that. In that moment, you held your breath. Waiting.
But the matchstick was soon lowered and Tanjiro sighed. « No matter how much i try, i can’t bring myself to hurt you. » he gingerly took your hand in his and for a heartbeat, you had hoped that he would lay a kiss on your palm. « But i still have to punish you in some way. You need..you need to learn.. » he looked up at you and those wine tinted eyes of his that had once held kindness were now fractured with desperation. A small portion of you felt bad. Life had been cruel to him, he had witnessed the death of his entire family, save for one. Now, he simply wanted nothing more than to retain what he had left. But this wasn’t the right way to do so.
A little goes a long way and the little kindness you had bestowed upon him on Mount Natagumo had lead him to develop an aching need for you.
He brought the matchstick to face level and observed it, lips pursed. You thought that the anticipation would kill you faster than he would, if ever. Finally, your palm that you thought he would kiss was pulled into the fire. You screamed, and instinctively drew your hand back or at least tried to. He had an iron grip on your wrist. The more you struggled, the worse the pain became and soon tears were choking your voice. He was also crying, looking like he was the one being burnt, but he held his posture.
When your voice failed you and you didn’t find it in yourself to struggle, the pain long since numbed, he released you. His face was streaked with tears and he gazed at your helpless, broken form in anguish. He blew the fire out shakily, kissing the charred skin in a feather-light way.
Throughout the entirety it took to cool, bandage and disinfect the wound the one he caused, he kept muttering his apologies almost like a mantra. You were unable to register it. In fact, it was as though your mind bad gone dormant. You let him do as he please, say what he wants to. You knew now that you would never be able to escape, and if you tried, you would be burnt. And you knew Tanjiro performed Sun breathing, but it wasn’t the warmness that you felt when you stepped outside. Tanjiro was scorching. He had scorched you. It was better to relent. You knew that much when he brought you in his embrace, tucking your head underneath his chin, the apologies still spilling out of lips.
You were a doll for him to play with.
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wantsomechoccymilk · 1 year
I meant to press demon slayer 💀
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How would yanderes Tanjiro and Sanemi(Separate) react to reader living with their friend and she and her friend are roomies? Let’s make it a male roomie since I need some drama
Yandere Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Ahahahahaha yeah, this definitely wouldn't go on.
Sanemi doesn't like this at all. His feelings for you would still be new to him. Something that Sanemi would try to deny.
He would also believe that he is not good for you and the best thing would be to stay away.
You certainly didn't tell him this directly. You weren't even very close when he found out about this. Sanemi overheard your conversation with someone else.
It seems that the only thing he would see for a moment would be red.
Sanemi would DEFINITELY find out everything about your roommate. Damn, he would really hate that person already.
ALL thoughts of pushing you away are instantly forgotten. Sanemi would understand that he wouldn't want to lose you to anyone else. You're just his only one.
Sanemi would definitely threaten this person to move elsewhere. If that didn't work, Sanemi thinks violence would be the solution.
Their fault for not listening :D
Such a situation should never happen again. Sanemi was going to make sure of that somehow.
Yandere Tanjiro Kamado (older)
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Ooooh nooooh. The cutest boy of all would be jealous. Tanjiro probably doesn't even know what jealousy would feel like. He would have been far too innocent for that before.
Tanjiro still remembers the moment he saw your roommate for the first time. It was a cold evening and he was taking you home. Tanjiro would be really happy because he would "officially" see your home for the first time. Maybe you'd even invite him in~
However, all the cheerfulness would have drained away when another man opened the door. Tanjiro would think for a moment that you were cheating on him.
The fact that you said the man was a roommate would help a little. However, only a little. At first, Tanjiro doesn't understand it properly. Only when the door closes in front of him does Tanjiro realize the situation.
He would feel envy in his chest. And oh Tanjiro wouldn't like that.
He wouldn't want to upset you though. Tanjiro hates to see you sad. But this situation could not continue.
Tanjiro would "talk" to your roommate. As a result of the 'discussion', they would move out... and Tanjiro would move in.
This would be perfect right?
Tanjiro is sure that you too will be satisfied with this solution.
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angelic-dew · 1 year
Can I get some yan tanjiro pls?
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# yandere tanjiro headcannons !
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▸🥢・yuri's thoughts :: this request is so old, i am so sorry.
▸🍂・pairing :: Tanjiro K. x g/n reader — {you/your pronouns}
▸✖ ・trigger warnings :: yandere. isolation. possessive behaviour. occ? obsessions. delusions. jealousy. manipulation. grammatical errors. || proofread.
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⚝Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere which is stricken to the core with pure 'love'; well that's what he tends to call it. All his love and dedication is solely devoted towards his angelic darling, nothing could compare to how you make him feel - it's as if you're a simple treasure, that he must keep safe and hidden away from the greediness of the world.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that doesn't show his yandere tendencies often, to be frank, they never show unless it's a life-or-death situation. However, he tends to always reassure you more often than not, even when you don't need it. Kamado is always professing his undying lust for you in the simplest of ways: either soft praises of his own sentimental value towards you or a gentle gaze accompanied by a slight smile is always enough.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that cannot bare to see you in pain, furthermore, to see your beloved eyes beginning to weep and sob; he truly can't bare to behold a sight such as that, so more often than not, he would do almost anything in his power to keep you happy. Your smile is what he cherishes most. In fact, that's what attracted him to you in the first place, your captivating smile, it was just so alluring and he craves to see that sight more and more.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that spoils you from time to time; that being small gifts or maybe a thing or two you were eyeing at the market the other day. He does tend to pay his utmost attention to your every want and need, he's always listening to you - the slayer is just too wrapped around your finger, my dear, he will listen to your every beck and call, despite how ridiculous they may be. Anything to keep you happy after all.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that never shuts his trap about you. Singing your praises to the top of his lungs as if you're some God when he's away from you on a mission of some sort. He has constant reminders from Zenitsu to kindly shut up but those words tend to fall on deaf ears, for his beloved angel calls his name, every hour of each day, despite their presence being absent.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that manipulates you right from the start. It was his best attempt at a pacifist way of claiming you as his own for good. He spends his time with you when he's not on missions, whether that's enjoying your presence near him or Kamado savouring the conversation you both share together.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that with every individual word that comes out of that mouth of his, it is inclined to store such overbearing emotion behind them. Especially when he locked his eyes on you with such sweet eyes and a tender smile always plastering itself along his face. His voice was inevitably solemn and gentle; as the passion he felt for you was evident within his pupils.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that will make himself familiar with your hobbies/interests. Either trying them out himself or gaining more knowledge about said thing. It always fills him with pure joy to hear you talk about what makes you happiest in the world, and now that he's familiarized with them - he can understand that passion of yours to a greater degree.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that loathes in your loves. He wants it all for himself, he doesn't mind that he's selfish; all he really needs is you, his angel and your love is the purest thing he can get in life.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that doesn't take kindly to rivals, of course, he won't do anything drastic, however, jealousy still radiates off him by the boatload, it's always clear in his demeanour when he feels this type of way. Whether this person may be close to him or not, the only one he truly trusts you around is Nezuko - everyone else is out of the question.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that due to his jealousy, has to find a way to make the 'problem' go away, that is when he finds himself approaching you while the person is with you. Offering you some food or asking you to help him out with some matters. If all fails he pulls you in by the waist and pecks your cheek.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that needs you, to be with you desperately. He loves to savour your beauty your everything; his words are gentle but his intentions are darker and growing more calculated and precise every day he spends with you, that 'love' of his is also growing, like a flame, rapidly burning more as the warmth takes over. He's hooked on you like a drug, a drug he can't get enough of.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that is fully aware of what his actions may cause. The loss of friends and such, he's fully aware and it barely stings him as he does realize the mess he is making. After all, you're his, and he's pulling you closer to him every day; to the point, you feel like he's your world. You're so dependent on him. It's almost pathetic. But don't worry my dear, that's what he wants - he is more than capable of suiting your every demand.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that is an addict for you, and he surely knows that. He's waiting for the day he can claim you as his forever soulmate, for even death cannot draw him apart from you.
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© angelic-dew :: reblogs are appreciated ! <3
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yanderemisery · 24 days
Thinking about older male yandere and how he infantilises you. How he creates a power imbalance between you two.
He dresses you in pretty frilly little dresses with white knee-high stockings decorated with cute little bows.
You're always dressed in pastel colours while he's the complete opposite with tailored suits and covered from head to toe in black. You figured it just adds to the power-play at this point. The way the clothing styles are completely opposite with the way he uses it as a way to remind you of your age difference.
He makes you feel like a toddler who's completely incapable of doing anything on her own. You're only allowed to drink from sippy cups, have to hold his hand whenever you leave the bedroom, have to sit on his lap while he spoon feeds you dinner. He makes sure to gently blow on it before you have a chance to eat just in case you burn your mouth.
Always calling you condescending names which you know for a fact he gets a sick thrill out of. It's as clear as day from the way his eyes have an ill luminescent glow to them and how his firm lips curl into a sadistic sin of a grin. How he pats your head after you do something pleasing. How your always placed neatly on his lap even while reading or taking a bath.
Never having any time to yourself. Every second of everyday he has to have some form of physical contact. The only time you have to yourself is when he's at work but even then the only thing you can do is wait for his return while being chained to the bed.
The collar adoring your neck a small reminder of who you belong to. No way of finding any escape.
He loves you... but in his own perverted way.
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cozymoko · 1 year
Kamaboko boys reaction to, "I love you."
This includes: Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa
Pairing: All x Gender neutral reader
WARNING(S): none
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He smiled kindly, sneaking a peek at you through his dark, thick lashes. A field of unkempt sakura blooms blossomed along his round cheeks, tingeing them a faint pink. BA-THUMP! BA-THUMP! BA-THUMP! His heart cried out. Your words left him uneasy, embarrassed even, as they lightly tickled his chest. Despite his wishes, he could not speak for he was grinning far too wide to do so.
Training that evening proved to be quite the challenge for the young slayer as vivid pictures of you had obscured his mind, slowly but surely eating away at his concentration. Your words rang through his head like a silver bell, loud and persisting, furthering his desire to see you —touch you— He's getting red just thinking about it!
“T…Thank you for loving me. I really don't deserve you sometimes.” He whispered, leaning into your shoulder. “I love you too.” Tanjiro pressed a light kiss to your cheek, using his free hand to gently grip your unoccupied shoulder. A cheery laugh had escaped you at his chastity, nearly sending his heart into another frenzy. And to no one's surprise, you were enjoying every bit of it.
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Oh my, you've made the poor thing faint. Stumbling over his words much like any other sweet adolescent. His fair skin held a warmth much like the sun, if not putting it to shame. Even with his lack of consciousness, that same lovesick grin had never fled his lips. Oh, and be a dear and close his mouth. We wouldn't want him to swallow any pesky flies, would we?
Upon his return from the land of dreams, Zenitsu was distraught. His body rested against the plush cushions of your futon with you seated by his side. He watches you gently rest a damp cloth on his burning skin, humming a feeble tune to occupy the silence. Zenitsu cleared his throat in hopes of "cooly" responding to your confession, but as you'd expect, he fails miserably.
“I-I love you too!!” He shouted, clasping your hands to his chest. “Wait, no — I love you more than anything!” You gently push him back towards the futon, tucking him beneath the sheets once more before lightly caressing his rosy cheeks. To him, words simply cannot convey his feelings for you. They are far too complex to describe. He's happy and he sure as hell wants you to know that.
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“Eh? The hell is that!?” Of course, he's confused, why wouldn't he be? Don't take it to heart, you expected this after all. (growing up in the wild does that to you.) Nonetheless, you can't help but feel a little bit annoyed by his statement. Just how clueless could he possibly be and why did you care about him so much? Two questions that you decided to indulge in another time.
Once you walked away, Insouke was quick to find Tanjiro and ask what this "love" thing was, seeing as you were so reluctant to tell him. At first, he finds it rather silly. Why do people use those words as a term of endearment anyways? He can just show you how much he cares! But with further convincing from Tanjiro, Inosuke shoves his inquiries to the side...for now.
“I ‘luove’ you, or whatever you said, too.” You gave him the most deadpan expression, using that moment to take in the immediate panic dancing across his gentle features. A snort slipped past your lips as you snaked your arms around his perfectly thin waist. At that point, you didn't know what you hated more, his obliviousness or his pretty face.
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“What...what'd you say?” He grimaced at the harshness of his tone as it was not his intention. He turned away from you, brushing his nose with the pad of his thumb in sheer hope of masking his embarrassment. But it didn't. You were able to spot the deep red creeping up the back of his neck to the tips of his ears. Scooting a bit closer to him, you rest your head on his back, rendering him stiff. But at that moment, you just didn't care.
Being as ill-mannered as he is, Genya hadn't expected anyone who didn't share the same blood to genuinely care for him. The boy has natural bitch repellent unbeaten in his DNA so surely even you are aware of the reasoning behind his insecurities. But, I suppose that makes him charming in a very questionable sense.
“You aren't too bad yourself...” which roughly translates to “I love you too so please don't take this the wrong way.” Genya needs as much love as he can get, though he refuses to admit it. As his partner you should go with your gut when dealing with him — if you think he needs comfort, a hug, then just do it — because at times, you seek to understand his emotions better than himself.
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Forever With Me
"Does this make me a bad person? Do you think I'm a bad person?"
"I think you're a fucking monster."
"Do you really? Is that by your own free will or what you've been led to believe by other people, my love?"
"Does it matter?"
"To me it does."
Chains rattle as hands raise up, showing off wrists rubbed raw. "It's my free will." A click of teeth, a hand running through messy hair, an annoyed huff. "That's not true. Don't be so cruel to me."
A sharp laugh followed by a scoff, head whipping up to meet crazed eyes. "Cruel?! You've got some balls. You're the one who chained me up."
The cold metal of a blade presses against warm flesh, digging into skin and just barely piercing it, and a low voice beside an ear. "Come on, don't be like that. It's me and you until the end. You're with me. Forever with me, my angel."
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Hey, I was wondering if you could do a Chesshire reader x yandere demon slayers were they're out on a mission and come across demon reader and after the demon slayer sees the demons skill they want them but before they can get the reader, they vanished so now the slayers are after the reader on a search for them
(You don't gotta do this,I know it sounds weird but I thought of it and since I suck at writing I thought you could write it Please?)
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Cheshire Demon Reader | Yandere Demon Slayer
You are like Tamayo, acting on your own from Muzan Kibitsuji. With a smile as wide as the crescent moon you can easily make yourself disappear long before the drop of a hat. Something you seem to use in order to avoid others from apprehending you both against demons and their slayers. You’re akin to a mischievous yokai that simply appears to mildly inconvenience the townspeople, who are probably well aware of you. But when confronted about you they just shake their heads and wave their hands–”Ah them? They're no problem, just a sneaky yokai that likes to play tricks but when it counts they’ve got our backs.” 
And you do, enough to attract the attention of the demon slayers whose targets are no longer existent. Wondering who or what is killing these demons that have been so hard to track down. Only to find your smiling visage disappearing into the dark of the night:
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Kyojorou Rengoku
He’s been put on a mission to catch a demon on the run
Eating people and destroying the remaining lives in its wake
So he arrives greeted by the people who both curse and rumor about Cheshire (Y/n)
And when night hits he finds a civilian in distress 
Only to be seconds behind at the flick of your disappearing tail 
The demon is subdued and he can only look at the demon pleading to die
“Oh, flame guy! Don’t you have the sword that’ll kill that thing? Go ahead, I wanna see what it looks like to die that way.” “OF COURSE! I PLAN TO! BUT WHY HELP ME?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He’s persistent 
And he decides to keep finding out more about you
“Why don’t you make like a tree and leave flame boy?”
He loves you for your willingness to protect the humans around you
He doesn’t mind your mischievousness 
But he’d appreciate it if you weren’t so slippery to catch
“COME DARLING! There is no reason to run! I have no plans to eliminate you. IN FACT IT’S QUITE THE OPPOSITE!”
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Tanjiro Kamado
Same mission 
He’s led by the scent of the demon
Only to catch another
It smells like Ms. Tamayo except its more curious
“Well well, who is this young sprout? I’ve never seen you before, what’s your name?”
You meet him earlier on 
He probably doesn’t realize you're a demon though
Instead blushing at just the way that you are 
Completely unaware of the way you’ve stolen his food
“Huh!? I just had it?”
“Ah, it must have been (Y/n).”
“Yeah, they’ve been awfully curious about newcomers as of late.”
 He doesn’t mind it until he’s getting slapped around by the demon
Ready to pull out all the stops until you intervene
Saving his life and further making him fall in love with you
“Awww don’t get your kimono in a twist baby Tanjiro.”
It takes some time away when he decides to pursue you
You’ve broken away from Muzan so it's a given that he should want to know more about you
Don’t mind the weird bets he tries to instigate with you 
“I-I-I’ll have you marry me! If I win you have to marry me!”
“Whoa whoa, that’s hilarious little boy…Let’s do it.”
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Iguro Obanai
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to kill you, now.”
“Oh, will you then–!” 
You’ll have a blast with him
He’s such an antisocial outcast he’s perfect prey for your antics
He’s such a downer the townspeople are slow to inform him about your reputation
“Stop! Stop moving!”
“Ha ha okay.”
“No wait–don’t!” 
He gives up on killing you 
When you interrupt him again 
It’s to bring an end to the demon
And he quiets the attraction that bubbles in him when you terminate the demon
“Why…why would you save the people? As a demon.”
“ Don’t know. It’s fun here. And I won’t stand for anyone disrupting that.”
He figures he can take you 
After all, they let that stubborn kid keep one
Why can’t he?
“Just come with me and I’ll stop bothering you.”
“Hahaha, that’s hilarious. Why would I stop now!? This game of cat and mouse is one I’m quite good at!”
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