#Yami can understand ida
marune2 · 7 months
Male Ida Au
Warning read the #
Why sukehiro did stop to crush Ida’s head or trow him or other things because he see what he hope he never remembers again
Sukehiro did realize as Ida whas a kid something is wrong whit the kid Ida never cry out of pain and take it how it is he did things Ida is just Ida but…..
Then Ida come back ida have many problems but Ida try to fight him sometimes bite he even sukehiro if he get’s zero reaction or so and then trow he Ida away or crush him but then came the situation wo many stuff make sense to him
Ida: come mother fuc€er let my go I going crush you!!!!!!“yami hold Ida on the head
Sukehiro:you so fuc€ing noisy stop or I kill you“say he mad
Ida:I don’t fuc€ing care!!! My Father did hid hater as you do!!!! Even I didn’t fell pain toush did just can’t move
Sukehiro stopped for a moment what Ida did just say :fuc€ing hell kid what do you mean?“
Sukehiro stare at the kid He did. know Nacht’s and Morgan’s parents were bad people but child beating Morgan did never say something like Nacht and Morgan would did. take Ida away immediately so what going on?
Ida:Oh I can’t fell pain I’m born whit out to Fell stuff I believe or it’s came from……“Ida looking away from sukehiro as good he can Yami Fell Ida is scared now
Sukehiro: do you think I’m stupid gremlin I mean this whit you parent
Ida:Ah this nothing „he lied
Sukehiro: so?
Ida:haaaa fuc€ing hell well…….you read it pretty mush right they whas bad people did heven harm Morgy and Machty whas not so nice……
Sukehiro just stare it’s make no sense whit Morgan he never did say something and he is protective especially whit Nacht and Ida he did. would tell or try to get Nacht and Ida away but it’s make sense whit Nacht he is a pretty good layer and whas beaten up or show other symptoms of abuse why didn’t he see it but Morgan didn’t Morgan see it as abuse? Or did something go different?
Sukehiro:well kid lucky they not here you free just life kid but Finral will talk whit you Abaut no pain think but I’m going to kill you if you die
Ida just stare at him but Ida get the idea why yami is so
Ida:hmm why do you life after this how you life? Will the brain pain going away?
Yami just stare he is sure Ida mean „trauma“
Sukehiro:Not really but it’s going be good if you do active against you pain and living situation if you fight from you freedom and even it’s mean you left you family they know exactly what they do they choices what they do exactly so don’t Fell sorry to let them past because they family they never were
Ida just stare at him yami is not a serious talker it’s surprising him really
Ida:hmm…I think you right…….I wish I did would……well yami I need my coffee and I go then to finral I guess……thank you….“as he say it let Yami go of him and Ida did just go away
Sukehiro looking surprise after Ida but he take a smoke und looking out of the window „ the past will hurt always…..“
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drmarune · 21 days
Teen parent Nacht Au (9) Finale?
Morgan is death Nacht’s family is mostly death Ida did run away and all is left of he’s Family is he’s little daughter cucurucho
Nacht did bring Morgan too Josele but josele can’t safe him he’s screaming at her this she doesn’t loved Morgan enough and other bad stuff he is a bad person……….
But again he remembers cucurucho the only person wo is left in he’s Family………..
Nacht:I-I can‘t take care of cucurucho anymore I-I don’t want her…..“Morgan whas my light my other half I did love him……I can’t do it cucurucho will end just like him if I left whit her all I touched get destroyed and dark……I-I can’t do it……….
Josele don’t really understand what he is saying she is full of sorrow and madness right now she doesn’t understand what he is saying she is holding the death body of her fiance and crying
Whit this left Nacht the he’s Home after Morgan’s burial
Cucurucho is crying but stoped as she see her father she smile happy too see him
Cucurucho:dada!! Dada!!! Ba oh ba pa!!!!
Nacht Take cucurucho he looking at her her innocent eyes looking at him back
Nacht is crying : come cucu…..I can’t be whit you I’m sorry for taking you family away from you……….
Cucurucho looking curious at him don’t understanding what he is saying she try to put her toddler hand on Nacht’s face and babbling she at least understand her dada is upset but don’t understand why
At this teleport he too the only one he would know cucurucho would be safe yami……….
Yami whas not sleeping well as he takes a walk because of it as Nacht come out of the shadow and yami know eminently something is wrong especially because Nacht did cry a lot and is holding cucurucho
Yami go fast To Nacht and take cucurucho fast because Nacht looking like to collapse any moment
Yami:Nacht what the hell happened?! You looking shi€ and why have you the rascal whit you?!
Nacht silently:take her………
Nacht going louder and louder as he say:take her take her take her TAKE HER!!!!
Yami:what the hell is wrong whit you?!
Nacht: I can’t Morgan… he did died because of my Ida is nowhere to be found…….all other are death…….
Yami:Morgan death?! What the hell happened Nacht what did happened?!exactly I still don’t understand you?!
Nacht:I-I did kill Morgan I where stupid for trying to………..I’m sorry I’m sorry……….
Yami:I barley believe you did kill him what exactly happened?!
Nacht:just take cucurucho I can’t take her anymore……….
Yami baffled:the hell Nacht I do now come and let’s talk what really happened
Nacht:I-I can’t I kill my family and Ida is away nowhere to be found and I did hurt Josele and left cucurucho whit no one…….I can’t
Yami try to grabbing Nacht but Nacht run in he’s shadow away
Yami just standing there whit cucurucho in he’s arms in shock did he just abandon all? Even he’s own child?what the hell happened?!
Yami:well come we go to your home…rascal taking you father if we are lucky if not take we you stuff and then to Julius ok?
Cucurucho looking at him not understanding what happened but beginning to sleep
Yami:oh fuc€ well thank god you too small for this…………..Now come cucurucho……….
Some day have passed
Josele she seems ok this yami have cucurucho bevor she sealed her heart and left yami taking care of her and cucurucho
Julius helping whit some other of taking care of cucurucho whit him
Yami will protect cucurucho after all cucurucho is just a little child this don’t can’t protect herself and yami wants to protect her white all he can after all cucurucho is the only thing what is left from Nacht…..wo run of too god know as he’s fice captain……..,
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
👻, 📊, 💻, ⏰? From the Fanfic Ask Game (the movie, the sequel).
Four questions! You anons are really curious for this ask game! Thank you for the interest!
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
I ought to start writing for Demon Slayer and My Hero Academia in general honestly.
I got a few gems of fics in the Demon Slayer fandom, though they are oc centric. But like... I think I did good in those cases.
📊 Current number of WIPs
I've got 5(-ish):
-a fic centered on Nacht and a friend's oc (just doing some formatting edits before posting). -fic centered on a love letter. -Nacsele piece that I've wanted to write for a while. -fight centered fic idae that I mentioned in another ask. -Grey Deer days with Josele, Morgen, and Yami.
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
Oh yes I research.
I've looked up things ranging from how adoption/foster kids are viewed in modern Japan (tl;dr: not that well) to pre-modern Japanese measuring systems. I'm probably on a watchlist somewhere because I've looked up info regarding how anxiety medication can be used as a sedative and how gaslighting actually works.
For most in-depth research... figuring out which time periods certain vampires would likely hail from. I found that women cross-dressing to join the military wasn't a totally foreign concept outside of Mulan and Joan of Arc. Also did you know that pirates actually had codes of honor/conduct? I didn't until I researched it.
⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?
I read so much more fic than I write!
Thank @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @simpingforthisonedeer and @lyranova for that! Laura with Embers. Anshi with Demons Run. Lyra with CotF and the other fics I need to get to!
I just... I love reading content so I understand other ocs better!
Also their writing styles inspire me. I enjoy Laura's work with her poetic style. Anshi is great with depicting cunning and tension. I personally just think Lyra's writing style is the most fun. Casual and snappy sometimes and poetically heartfelt at other times.
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drmarune · 26 days
Teen parent Nacht Au (2)
Little Ida became a aunt even she don’t understand it and Nacht as a parent…… welp good he have Morgan and oh and yami the-
Nacht hanging in the eating room whit cucurucho wo getting Milk from a maid lucky for Nacht
As Ida where in and looking at the baby
Ida:oh! I‘m a big sister now!!!
Nacht:no you more a Aunt Ida people will get it wrong if you say it like this
Ida looking at him more because he says actually her Name and not „gremlin“
Ida:why? Isn’t it the same anyway she is family!!!
Nacht:no because people think I would did have do disgusting things whit mother and hell it’s worse this I’m a parent I’m not made for the shi€
Ida:oh ok!“ don’t know what means really
Maid:so lady cucurucho is feed sir Faust „smile
Nacht:year sure thanks „as he say it give the maid cucurucho too Nacht wo is not happy to hold cucurucho really
Ida:can I hold her???
Nacht:Hell no not right now I don’t even know how too hold her properly so why do you think to hold her gremlin?
Ida:hmpf fine“close to crying
Nacht just run of whit cucurucho bevor Ida crying
Nacht walking to he’s room as he hear the last voice he wants to hear
Yami:oh hell it’s true you got ya baby trapped Nacht“laughing
Nacht:fuc€ of sukehiro aren’t you whit Morgan and Josie?
Yami:welp No as you see and this not how to hold a baby give here
Say he and taking fast cucurucho wo don‘t know what going on like Nacht
Nacht: how the fuc€ do you know how too hold a baby?
Yami raised a eyebrow at him :you forget ya I had a family too ?
Nacht just Stare at him right wait yami have siblings??? Or younger family members as him?
Nacht:you can have her I’m out
Yami:don’t you dare to dump the baby on my „say he mad
Nacht:why not how you think I could take care of a baby? I don’t even want her really „how could he take care of he’s baby if he can’t even help himself or protect Morgan or say he love Josele…….
Yami:look Nacht year sure it’s sucks ass too take care of a baby even for my but you are the father so don’t your dare to run away from it or be a bad person too it what is even her Name?
Nacht:fuc€ you sukehiro and her Name is cucurucho her mother gave the Name bevor she fuc)s of
Yami:ok? Wait how old is the mother?
Nacht:16 years old I get it she is younger but hell I’m a man how she did think this I taking care of cucurucho she will die or so
Yami:so you are scared cucurucho will die if you taking care of her? I mean you did take whit us of Ida and she is alright
Nacht:because Morgan did take mostly care of her or Josie
Yami:year sure but you did a lot too Nacht and cucurucho seem peaceful as fare Morgan told my
Nacht :tz year sure ok she barely cry…….she sleeps mostly like right now in your arms
Yami:yes sure
Both teens looking at cucurucho wo is sleeping peacefully
Morgan:Brother. Why did you make Ida cry?“smile mad
Nacht:oh hell no not you too…….
Morgan:Look Nacht I understand you are stressed because of cucurucho but bringing Ida to cry because of it?
Nacht:year sure how should I tell her she will drop the baby just because she is a little child and is too stupid to hold cucurucho anyway“say he annoy
Morgan gasp:Nacht!!! Ida is Ure sister!!!
Morgan:I‘m sorry you are stressed but don’t you dare to talk over Ida like this!!!
Nacht scream now:I DON‘T CARE I DIDN’T SLEEP FOR DAYS AND I DON‘T WANT TAKING CARE OF LITTLE CHILDREN“say he and run away in he’s shadow‘s
Cucurucho begins too crying now
Yami:ow fuc€ shhh it’s ok „say he and rocking cucurucho wo is still crying
Morgan:…….“smile sad
Yami:don’t be mad he will come back he is just stupid right now but he likes Ida and cucurucho
Morgan:I understand he is stressed but he can’t take it out on other especially not on the children…….
Yami :yes you are right now little rascal now stop you Dady will come back“say he to cucurucho wo is still crying
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marune2 · 2 months
Josele ida and Nacht fight part 3
I Post Here the colab whit @loosesodamarble too a end because all what written whit her is on this half death Handy and I like a a lot so I post all we did here sad it’s did not end❤️🫠
The sound of the biwa was strange to Ida's ears. It was understandable, as the instrument was literally foreign to Ida. Or maybe Ida was the one who was foreign to the biwa and the culture it resided in. Either way, despite being unused to the sound, the slow strumming of the instrument was putting Ida at ease.
"It seems like the spell is effective on you, Ida-san," Ichika remarked while standing beside Ida's futon.
It was true. Fujio's Sound Magic essentially massaged the tension from Ida's body to the point that she doubted her ability to move freely with the way her limbs felt like putty. She felt neither light nor heavy. If anything, Ida felt that her body was soft.
But it was only her body that was relaxed.
Ida's mind was still racing with... *everything*.
Ida would've been lying if she said she didn't see some of herself in Sterling. From birth, Sterling had been different. Not to the degree that Ida was but the child was still set apart from the rest of humanity. With one eye seeing the past and one eye seeing the future, so to speak. Ida's own powers went beyond human limitations and delved into the fathomless abyss of devilish might. The two of them also had very different views of the world. Ida saw calculable values as much as she saw the faces of the people with those data points. Sterling knew of aberrational entities that even Magic Knights weren't tasked to fight.
Had circumstances not brought Sterling to Josele and Nacht, the child would've been raised a specific way. For a specific purpose. Not given a choice of her own. Ida too, avoided a similar fate at her parents' hands.
But now with fate changed, things were so uncertain for Sterling. Ida wanted, or maybe she'd be desperate, to make sure that Sterling's future would stay safe. That the child's happiness wouldn't be taken from her. And look where that go her.
Ichika see this „Ida-San are you ok? You-
Ida rolling aside and burp up but don’t vomiting her devil part’s show up her wing’s lay protective over herself
Ichika just looking concerned „Ah I see…….
Fujio just standing up „I believe I let your alone say if I should come back
Ichika nodding“yes thank you
Then looking she over Ida and sitting to her und rubbing her wing’s „it’s going be fine ida I know you think mush but you have us here
Ida looking sickly to ichika“thank you…….I just thinking how similar Sterling and I were……..but I can’t stop thinking………..
Ichika just nodding „I can understand you but you doing good thinking is a part of grow as long you don’t overthink but you are just really concerned
Ida now stare at here“hm true it’s whas a good choice to come too you………..
Ryu whas just preparing the comonicator whit sukehiro after a wile take he up after he did try a half a hour
Sukehiro:Ryu what is now?
Ryu:oh sorry dear friend how are you doing?
Sukehiro:stupid quistion Whit you eye what is wrong?
Ryu laughing „ok ok dear friend I just want to say we have Ida here she try to get here better but struggling right now right now life she whit ichika
"Is that all you have to tell me?" Yami asked curtly. That was one mystery solved. But that did little for the root of the problem: the tension between Ida and Nacht plus Josele. "What's Ida's mind like?"
"Eh, pretty messy from what I saw," answered Ryuu. "She's getting music therapy from Fujio. Why? Do you want your crew to handle it?"
"Nah. Keep her. I gotta work through things on this side still. But we should probably keep calling until we're sure the family are ready to see each other again."
Ryuu chuckled over the communication line. "Never saw you as the type to take charge back then, well except when it came to Ichika. But look at you. Looking out for your subordinates like a good leader."
"I learned from someone pretty smart," Yami replied with a laugh of his own.
Josele quietly braided a portion of Sterling's hair before affixing a black ribbon to the finished hair style.
"Thanks, Mother!" Sterling said as she turned and hugged Josele.
"Of course, my starling." Josele hugged Sterling back and stroked her loose hair.
Things had become somewhat normal again after Josele and Nacht exhausted themselves and their magic during their initial panic over Ida. Once they'd rested up, they tried to go back to their normal routine. And that included being parents to Sterling.
Josele let go of Sterling and looked her in the eyes. "Is everything okay?"
"Mhm. I'm okay. Are you okay?" Sterling cupped Josele's face and pouted. "The servants said you and Father were sick. And when I'm sick, I'm sick a long time. Are you really already better?"
Josele sighed. "Yes. Grown ups aren't sick as long as kids like you are, just so you know." She removed Sterling's hands and gave them a little squeeze. "Thank you for worrying though."
"Okay." Sterling's gaze shifted and she fidgeted in place.
"Is everything really okay, baby?"
Sterling shook her head. "I don't know why you and Father are sad right now." She looked to her card stack. "I tried to ask the cards like your friend's granny showed me but I don't understand."
"Oh..." Josele patted Sterling on the head. "Your father and I are sad because of some complex grown up emotions. But I'll try to explain. Aunt Ida was worried about you. And her being worried made it seem like she didn't trust me or Nacht to be your parents. We fought about it and... Ida ran off."
Sterling's eyes went wide with shock. Or maybe fear. "Is Auntie okay?"
"I don't know quite yet," Josele answered vaguely. "But she's strong. She'll be back."
"Why doesn't she trust you and Father to be my parents though?"
Josele glanced at the floor before looking at Sterling again. "Parents aren't always good people, Sterling. Nacht and I try to be good to you, but Ida knows of parents who didn't try to be good to their child. And she was very scared of you being hurt that way."
"It's okay if you don't understand, Sterling," Josele whispered. "What matters is that Ida does care for you. Adult emotions are hard to deal with, that's all."
Sterling bowed her head and pouted. "They are..." Sterling threw her arms around Josele. "I know you and Father wouldn't hurt me. Can I tell Auntie Ida that? Will that make things better?"
"... Maybe... She'll have to come back first so you can try."
Josele's heart twisted with worry. For Sterling. For Ida. For herself and Nacht. What a mess. What an awful mess that she had a hand in creating.
Ida can’t sleep because of nightmares and it’s happened this she sleeping now on ichika’s futon not in it but on it like a cat because she feels safe
As ichika wake’s up she see it she putting her blanket over Ida what wake’s Ida up too
Ida ground „urg uhrhfhjg oh thanks ichika………..
Ichika looking concerned at her „you looking not good the ground is hart do you want too sleep in my bed? The sun is still not up so I can lay whit you just here
Ida just stare at her „sound nice…..ok yes…..“Ida go then too ichika whit the blanket and lays there like a cat left too ichika wo put the blanket well up them and ida is warm….comforting……
Ida lay’s whit her it’s remembered her of the time she would laying whit Morgy in a bed sometimes whit Nachty cuddling up whit them and play after…..her parents would experiment whit and are done she getting sick again oh she hopes Sterling is fine…….
Ichika fells her Qi going bad again so she take’s Ida in a hug and rubbing her back what surprise Ida but she don’t do something about it her Qi going better at this „thank you ichika…….“
Ichika just sish „sure Ida you are ok I’m here for you we all here……
Ida just blushing a little „hmmhm thanks love you for this……..
Ichika blushing now too but don’t say something and they stayed for this at this point as the sun gets up
And Ida make breakfast more depression cooking again ichika letting her do first it’s comport her and tow Ida is really good in it
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marune2 · 5 months
Siren Au
Ichika x Ida
Ichika just wanted a peaceful time on water as she see a woman laying mostly on water as she get’s closer she find out it’s not human and kick it away but this get’s her problem this woman followed her now ok meaby she should kick a fish away just because it’s attacking her…….
Ichika whas just going to water too take a break from work and take a breath
As she goes bye she see a woman laying in water it’s dark so she doesn’t see well but the woman moving a little bit
Ichika goes to the woman Fast and try to look if she is alive
But then snapped she her eyes open glowing blue eyes stare at her she see fish treats on the woman oh fuc& it‘s a siren
Ida:oh~?!“try to bite ichika
Ichika kick her away fast bevor it’s happened
Ichika:get away don’t you dare…“glaring at the fish woman
Ida:oh come on you did surprise my now how is we talk?
Ichika:you tricks don’t work bye“run fast of
Ida:Hey wait bis€ what the fuc€?!?!
Ok ichika didn’t know it’s would be this big of a mistake to kic€ the siren away
As she goes on water along can she Fell eyes on her the female siren follow her……great both don’t talk a wort
It’s goes weck’s this ichika goes on water whit the siren following her both don’t talk but sometimes she hear her laughing
After a wile
Ichika : stop following my or I kill you“glaring at the woman
Ida:oh now we talking and I want see you try now come in the water bis€ then we talk
Ichika:I’m not stupid siren…..tz
Ida:well I have a name I’m ida and yours?
Ichika: will you go away then?
Ida:not really but I want to know wo did kick my out of my sleep and don’t even say sorry for it“glaring back
Ichika:ok good I’m Yami ichika
Ida: yami ichika hm good name ichika now we talking be honest in the beginning I just want you blood but now you interested my…….
Ichika:well I don’t care ida now go don’t you have you people around you?
Ida: you really don’t know well I have just tow brother‘s and a sister but they are in mating season whit my sister
Ichika:be honest I don’t want to know
Ida:oh no my sister is not blood related of you care about this I call her this just……
Ichika:wait you did say you brother,s are in mating season so you are boring and following my now?
Ida:well yes but I want you now be honest even my brother will be not happy ok at least big brother Nacht Morgan would be more happy whit josy….anyway they are Mermaids don’t be scared
Ichika:No thanks and it’s make no sense but ok I don’t care now go
Ichika :well then follow my this it
Ida: sure fine
And so time’s go bye Ida now follow ichika as they talking now and Ida did bring her gifts like death fish or gold or other Juwel stuff ok ichika understand what going on but she doesn’t know how to Fell but yes it’s did. go some time now
Ida:well I know you can’t love my back but hey I know you will be mine at least in some point……
Ichika:well you adore my Ida but I get you point let’s see how fare it’s goes…..
Ida:It’s will be nice I know we can’t get children but hey adoption is there to I’m even open for human children
Ichika ray’s a eye brow now: well if you mean but let’s see….we didn’t even kiss or so
Ida:ichika my woman we don’t need to kiss to be in love as fare I know love you
Ichika:well I adore you too
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marune2 · 5 months
Merlin Yami
A day of Merlin whit he’s parents and other people he see as family and friend
As Merlin whas 5 year’s old
Merlin waking up bevor sun raise up and running in the kitchen wo he’s mom(Ida) cooking breakfast
Ida:oh Merly breakfast is ready if sun raise up ok dear don’t run or flay fare away ok?
Merlin:yes mom I’m in the garden and feed the yokai
Ida:good if they come stupid show just you devil part ok? Or scream after my and remember if you see something humanoid run in and say it to my
Merlin:yes mom I go now“take some food for the yokai‘s
He just hear how he’s mom laughing
Then is he out feeding the small yokai‘s and looking in the garden the watermelon growing well he can’t wait to eat one today whit cheese
Then raise the sun and He goes in wo he’s mother (ichika) waiting on the table and he’s mom make the breakfast ready
Ichika:oh good morning sweet bird I hope you don’t get in trouble today
Merlin:No mother all fine and no stranger today and I didn’t fly of today
Ichika:this good
Ida:ok food is ready „say she and putting whit her magic the food on the table fast Merlin love he’s mom‘s shadow creature‘s they are funny looking he is learning in the last time to form he’s magic there he have shadow and dark magic as a hybrid
Then eat they and he’s mother going to work he like to hear stories if he’s mother is home they are really cool to hear sometimes funny too
Then go he whit he’s mother making the garden and house corse and then learning whit he’s mom it’s ok he like it he’s mom make it funny and understandable they play sometimes whit the learning stuff mom says because she have HDAS and have problems to focus on stuff if they are boring so they learn over playing he like it but he think mom think learning is boring if they sitting on a table all the time
Then come mother whit he’s ojiSan ryuya and they have fun talking he and he’s mom come out too and give ojiSan ryuya some food and they talking and he’s mom say a lot the „f“ words mother will kill him if he say it mother say he shouldn’t say it just because mom say it because mom grow up whit animals and he won’t do it because mother is scary if she is mad
Then go ojiSan ryuya away whit mother and mom and he’s make dinner today something whit watermelon whit cheese fish and some vegetables for them all
Today are they alone he like it mother came back and mom were happy today so they eat and did. play in the garden a little
After this they bath and mother putting him to sleep and did tell him what she did today then get he sleepy and he hear how he’s mother go to mom sleeping but they hugging today again loudly
Merlin don’t understand how they can hug so loudly but mom like it a lot as fare he hear but then sleep he
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marune2 · 7 months
Merlin Yami and tzubaki Yami
The yami’s have a family meeting and the children talk to each other too and Merlin say stuff
Mention of dusk Faust @loosesodamarble oc
Merlin 5 year’s old here
Merlin is happy to talk to tzubaki again
Tzubaki:well your mom’s having it wild how is it at your home country?
Merlin Stare like ichika stern: good ryudo-ojisan take in the last time some time whit my and tell my funny stories abaut mother(ichika) and I mom(Ida) building a new home more on the forest of the city in the free time…..
Tzubaki: oh sound nice father would love this….
Merlin:do what tell chat(the voices) you again I mean they tell for sure what we all do?
Tzubaki: year some time anyway I grow watermelon on in ur garden and I did hear the land of the raising sun can grow them too I would give you some seeds „smile and give Merlin a bag of seeds
Merlin:oh!!! Thank you Mom will be happy and make some nice food out of it !!! Oh yes thank you tzubaki-kun!!!!
Tzubaki laughing „oh the chat (the voice’s) are happy too they did tell my your mother’s building a big garden so I touch why not?
Merlin: Sound good“stare at him whit a glare
Tzubaki: I’m happy but you have definitely the face of you mother „laughing
Tzubaki:it’s not all bad at least you looking grumpy not like father wo looks like wo want’s beat the hell out of one“smile
Merlin:True…….sukehiro-ojisan looking creepy but people say I’m creepy too and dusk-kun crying most of the time if I looking at him…….
Tzubaki:well wo know I’m sure if he is older he understands you not mad it’s just you normal face
Merlin:hpf But I like mom’s face more…..
Tzubaki laughing: have good luck dear buddy
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marune2 · 1 year
Ida Faust what if she were Male 9
As Ida is 18
In the Land of the raising sun
First get’s Ida spit out of a gold fish and wake like this up then get’s he panic wo he is and the beads him a really small woman too the ground at least she is hot
Ichika: know you place foreigner
Ida hissing at her : fuck you
Then smash ida her back sword at ida but too surprise for ichika ida give zero reaction too this
Ichika: I will make you then
Ida: ha try „smile at her then
Then came the doc in ( don’t finde he’s name)
Doc: stop !!!! What going on here!?
Ichika: he goes out of place and attack my first
Ida: say the woman wo get’s a aggressive Qi by just looking at my wo I wake up I will show you!!!!
Ichika ignor him now
Ida: Hey!!!!
Doc : now now stop you tow Ryu will come I can understand you young man wake’s up in a land whit person you don’t know
Ida: hold up other land?! What is whit Asta?! „Our of nowhere Gose Ida in he’s shadow and run of
Doc : oh ichika this is bad !
Ichika: not under my watch he is for sure to the other
So they run to asta just to see Ida looks at asta scared and irritated and then Stares he at ichika and doc
Doc: it’s ok We don’t mean harm we want‘s to help your you little friend is ok we did heal you ok ?
Ida stare at them he is a doctor!!!! And then Gose he in he’s devil form and hissing at them and gose in front of asta in a protective Stade
Both adults stare in shock at Ida
Ida: don’t getting close I dare your
Ichika: don’t do something stupid yokai
Doc: Ichika I promise we stay away but we have a friend wo needs to talk to you and your frien ok? We can help you
Ida: help year sure you are a doctor „hissing he
Ichika: No clue wo you are ore what I will beat your down if you try something stupid if I make clear but I don’t know why you are scared of doctors but don’t harm urs he will do he’s job properly so this Ryu can talk whit your
Ida: Ryu??? And wo are your???
Doc: I’m ******** ********(don‘t know he’s name)
Ichika: yami ichika and you?
Ida: yami??? Wo say….. I’m ida Faust good I will wait here but if you are treating your will know what happened „hissing he and swing he’s tail upset
Doc: good but you must be hungry I will bring you food“smile and run of
Ichika and Ida just make a stare contest in this time
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marune2 · 1 year
Norm Family day : it’s beginning whit a haircut and a courgette
Tag Faust is @heinrich-18 oc
Ida Faust is my oc
Josele is @loosesodamarble oc
Ida whas just playing as she see Tag whit josele Tag is for sure teasing josele again think Ida and Tag did cutting he’s hear short again and did he’s favorite tang-top on whit long pans
Then go’s Ida too them
Tag: awww come on josele my dear it’s not this all bad but it’s funny this my lovely dolls scared you just by exploding scream
Josele: this whas not funny how get you just this doll?!??
Tag: crafts it“ say he proud to her
Josele: how?!
Then became it’s too stupid for Ida and she lets her knows
Ida: Tagy?
Then looking both teenagers at her
Josele: oh hello Ida „smile at her
Tag: yes Darling gremlin
Ida: why have you short hair???
Tag: because I like it? I mean I don’t want’s too looks like big bro‘s
Ida : Why?
Josele raise a eye brow she tush he like he’s brother‘s
Tag: It’s for some reason like Nacht dose Ida if I do my stuff I don’t want’s Nacht or Morgan too mistaken as my ore I gets mistaken like them plus I looks sexy like this“ smile at Ida
Ida: ohhhh ok I understand Tagy now wo I think abaut it like after the courgette accident wo you smoke some funny stuff and put the courgette in your-
Josele Stare disbelief at Tag first what is he doing second what let’s he Ida knowing what he do and thee whas this the accident wo Yami talk abaut wo Nobody whas allowed too touching the courgette in the grey dear HQ for a good reason she know now
Tag: It’s whas good to talk to you Josellein I need just too talk Ida Fast what she can tell other „smile red and take Ida and running of
Josele stare after them :S-sure…..
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marune2 · 1 year
The true come up ichika x ida and josele finde out Chapter 4
Colab whit @loosesodamarble and her oc josele
"Everything is..." Josele paused, sensing the panic radiating from Ida and Ichika. Everything was becoming clearer to her... "Well, Ichika and I were talking. About you actually," Josele stated.
When Ichika had spoken of Ida, there was a warm feeling radiating from her being. It was soft, like an embrace. Couple with the increasingly close and intimate situations that Josele had stumbled upon. It painted a picture of a relationship that was far from the friendship that the womens' brothers shared with each other. The nail in the coffin was the all too familiar energy of Josele's healing that welled up inside her when she listened to Ichika.
Ida and Ichika loved each other. But the nature of that love was...
"You two have grown awfully close, huh?"
"Y-yeah... Is there a problem with that?" Ida's face paled a bit and her mouth twitched into a tense smile.
"Mmm. Not really." Josele closed her eyes and shrugged. "Are you two so secretive about your friendship because... you two don't want to be compared to your brothers?" She tilted her head as she asked.
Ida's eye twitched. Josele had to be playing dumb at that point. If she was trying to spare Ida any embarrassment, beating around the bush was actually having the opposite effect.
"Josy... if you know... Just say so dammit..."
Ichika stare at Ida now it’s whas cat out of the back
Josele stare ok it’s whas in this moment clear but this Ida give in so Fast and she whas right „how long are you together?
Ida seufs „a half year now Josy……
Wait how long and she realizes it a half year leather it’s in the time sone wo Ida did. stop flirting whit her and other stuff like this Ida is away for day’s „wait so long why didn’t your tell someone?
Ichika stare at josele „just you Nacht-San and oni-San don’t know everyone in the black bulls know they did promise not too tell you and ur brothers
Josele raise a brow“ wait you telling my even Asta know???“ josele thinking not bad abaut asta but is the last one wo know wo is in love whit other and he did not tell them??? Ok this hurt this all know just not her but it’s Ida’s and ichika reallocation ship
Ichika see how she feels „we are sorry not to tell…..“
Then fall Ida in ichika’s wort“ we whas scared this you will tell Nachty and yami I know you can’t hide good this for them because of you past but we want this they don’t know
Then came ichika in Wort „we wanted too tell them if we are sure to marry and get family in some points
Josele just stare at both ok this hurt more „I understand you both but I can keep secrets but why would you don’t want you brother to know?
Ida raise a eye brow“ really if I will tell yami a date his sister he gona kill my he know my past love life for sure thinking he right now I’m fully active right now and if came up I did fuc€ is sister really??? And Nachty really he hate my love life and if came up I date he’s best friends sister wo is older whit the intentions to marry her do you remember wo a boy wo opposed to my as I whas five the guy is for sure traumatized in this day on…
Ichika nodding at this
"Oh boy..." Josele pinched the bridge of her nose. "Yeah I can... I can kinda see that kind of stuff happening."
Even if Ida and Ichika were adult women at that point, they were still the younger siblings of their brothers. And considering that both families had issues of the elder brothers not seeing their younger sisters for the longest time, it only made sense that Sukehiro and Nacht would be needlessly protective over Ichika and Ida respectively.
"And to be honest..." Josele muttered. "I'm a bit with Nacht."
"Josy, you can't be serious!" Ida groaned.
"I can't really help it." Josele walked up to Ida and placed her hands on the younger woman's face. "You're my little sister and so a part of me will always feel the need to protect you, even when you're all grown up like this and you're making your own choice." She looked to Ichika. "I'm sure Sukehiro feels the same."
"Tch, I don't need nii-san trying to make lost time come back. Or whatever is said in this country," Ichika remarked with a shrug.
"Right, right." Josele stepped back. "Now that the truth's been put how. Care to explain to me how you two managed to keep it a secret for so long?"
Ida snickered. "You're asking me how I kept my dating life a secret for a few months when I kept being a whole devil secret for my whole life?" She ruffled Josele's hair like she was the younger sibling. "I am a woman practically *made* of secrets, ya' know?"
"Ah ha. Fair point." Josele laughed then swatted Ida's hand away. It was a playful bat of the hand but Ida still hissed and Josele clicked her tongue as if to scold Ida.
"There's also the fact that you, Josele-san, tend to take things at face value and not question things more deeply."
"Well I'm not someone skeptical who thinks everyone is keeping a secret from me!" Josele exclaimed, trying to defend her outlook.
Ichika groaned and rolled her eyes.
Ida groaned too at this „Look we are sorry for not telling even you know now why but ichika is right to be honest you are a good soul but this you want’s too talk openly whit all people is hart for us
Josele stare at Ida „sorry what?
Ichika come in „ she mean it not as a attack josele-San but it’s the main reason Ida-San did told my what going on whit your family so I did tell her so we thought it’s good not too tell you this you don’t have secrets from your Husband
Josele seufs „thanks this you thinking abaut it but I like to be more trusted I understand your in some point but I can understand it
Ida“ to be true it’s would be funny to tell Yami and Nachty it if we wanted to officially marry so is at least the plan
Ichika nodding at this „ it’s would just mean a short stress time for us even we know ur brother‘s would be mad
Ida laying her head aside „ok we did not planned it well how too tell Ure brother’s and too be honest we did planet it too tell it you too if we marry
Ichika looking then too ida „yes we are don’t even sure if Ida Gose whit my to hino or if I stay permanently even we are sure this it’s would be this Ida come whit my and I believe Nacht-San would be not happy abaut this what I can understand in he’s situation……
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marune2 · 1 year
Arima Novachrono chapter 1
Arima don’t like most of humans but she love there magic and „testing“ it she use her soul magic too manipulated the person’s in using it even it’s end in burning on part these capitals up
As Arima walk araund see she ida and run too her and give her a kick in the back
Ida?!: the hell you!!!!“ say she and kick Arima back
Arima: nice too see you girl
Ida: nice too see you not I bet ya you are the reason why it’s burning here again
Arima: wo know want’s have a drink whit my?
Ida: No thanks I have a mad Yami on my ass
Arima: and what did you do? I can help you my pretty little girl
Ida: jokes on you I’m taller as you
Arima: and this is why you are the Boten of us?
Ida: fuc€ you but what ever how is max again did. he mother Han you and julius again???
Arima: don’t talk abaut him he is for sure hunting my father down again I can luckily block he’s magic but dad not god bless
Ida: year sure and I touch I’m a wild cart but you bis€h top it
Arima: year sure wana fight if I win you give my you day and if you win I let you one Weck in peace
Ida: sure but if you win and I give you my day you take care of yami he is real mad of my for destroy he’s bath and I did nearly kill Magna in a accident
Arima: sure but then you give my you night too and I can do I want if you understand
Ida: deal
Spoiler Ida lost closely
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marune2 · 2 years
Fun facts random
Cry of the shadow
1) Cry of the shadow is inspired from resident evil8 ,black clover and Faust from göte/Friedrich Schiller ore so
2)everyone all carackter are inspired from other carackter out of manga/literature ore other story’s
3) the comic is not the same as the original Au Novel so you can find hide stuff what I not tell
4)the cry of shadow is planned as a slide of live,mystery,fantasy and dark Manga as long but in some parts it’s looks like a jonen manga but as long it’s not but there are fights and story’s what going be deep
The anomalies of Faust
1) I did create it at beginning four the Yami Nacht Weck as a love story bud I’m whas too scared too make a love story there I don’t understand love really and how it’s going
2) Nacht as a Angel have over 100 gender he can chose one in the beginning I thinking abaut too make him gender less Ore gender-fluid at the beginning
3) I did think’s abaut too make Morgan felling’s like a reall devil and make he’s love a little twisted but you can mistake this and and it’s wuld end this all things Morgan have romance felling’s four Nacht what wuld Not the case this is why I write it’s not like it
4) how I know so mush abaut devils and Angels and other creatures ? Too be honest you can say I’m creasy but I did have a creature devil ore god what living in my house whit my and there I have really holly shi€ moments I did looks what can be plus I got’s interested in this so the post what you make if you live whit a devil is a small part of my live and I have luck whit my buddy and my cat’s did. like him
5) what I learn in time if you make a devil mad you can do something abaut them they have not the full power on earth but if you piss of a Angel your death and it’s give reasons why devils head god what I did learn holly shi€ like Samael story holy shit your shuld read it not just the bibel read the other stuff too no Wunder Angels and god are more fuc€et as you think they can be worse as demons and devils if they want
6) Nacht is a dominions angel they are angels of intuition and give guidance too lower Angels
7)Morgan is a high rang devil but can because of he’s light see as a angels too but is a devil but if he were on he wuld be a ache Angel and a throne protector of god’s thrown and are angels of will and justices
General too all other Au’s and other stuff
1)Half of my Au’s whas Plats as yamixNacht Au but I whas too shy four this and I’m now
2)I did write a porn but delect it there I whas dies from sharm and and have too mush panic so no HeinrichxLucifugus sexy tzenen like this
3) I write Ida as a pan sexual carackter but you see her ore more read her flirt whit just woman this is there Ida don’t want a child if she self a child and I don’t know but it’s too fell wrong write a too young person this she have you know and other women are safe in this Akt…..
3)I’m a gay chipper it’s rare I ship Man and woman but I ship one person whit more as just one so year
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marune2 · 1 year
How Ida whas original planed chapter 1
Ida is the junges twin sister here of Nacht and Morgan year Morgan is the Angel Nacht the Emo and Ida the Wilde card
Ida is Boring her Brother are of Morgan help’s some people in the magic knights and Nacht running araund again and make he’s crime so what do Ida do? Sure she can help people but this is Boring and make crime like Nacht is Boring too right now so it’s time to try new stuff
So Ida thinks she wants too go as Morgan araund again there Morgan is good whit people so she stealing some clothes again from him
And then go’s she too the black Market too buying new stuff and she did see yami and Nacht gamble there so she wants too try it
Year funny she win really mush and she get’s Magic mushroom‘s and of curse she eat them oh this whas fun
Morgan whas helping araund in the city as he hear this some magic creatures messing araund so he going too help but he did not dare too imagine this he’s sister is the cause of it her Magic Gose wild as fuc€
Morgan did Wunder what the hell his little sister Normally don’t do something like this as he see the he’s sister walking as him araund again and laughing like a mad Mann and scream some no sense
Ida: haidy hoooo!!!!! Dance my devils dance like a Angels the light want’s too see you !!!!!!
Morgan: Ida!!!!“scream he at her but she doesn’t hear him is she under magic influence?!
He did try too cash her whit he’s magic but year she is so Fast as he whit her magic too she did just laugh at him
But then falling she asleep on the ground
Morgan then get’s her she sleeping like a rock but take her to Owen year
Owen: Ah Morgan you sister going be fine
Morgan: is she ok?! What happened too her
Owen: she whas influence on Magic mushrooms but she going be fine she should wake up in the next day
Ida have the „talk“ of her life Nacht finde out too what happened and now are her big Brother mad at her for taking drugs
Ida : ach come on you tow it’s whas just one time my whas Boring I swear I will never take some again I promise I swear
Nacht glare at her : I hope you do you don’t want’s my more mad as right now
Morgan: I’m hope too Ida this whas wrong what you did I believe you understand this too“smile
Ida: year I know you tow I did have a horrible trip from this it’s whas like a fifer dream……….
Nacht: I Hope so Ida I swear I will burn you drawing‘s if you doing this again „glare at her
Ida get’s pale as he did say it : what?! No come on I promise it but say you did not see what I draw…….
Nacht?: why should I?
Morgan: what did you draw this you react like this???
Ida: you don’t want’s too know so can I go now???
Nacht: Now I’m interested“smile evil
Ida: god Nacht No!!!! I Swear Don’t!!!
Then wanish Nacht in the shadow’s
Ida: I’m death Morgan it’s are just drawing‘s ok nothing seriously I promise
Morgan: um…what did you draw???
Ida: we see us in one Weck say Nacht I did say it!!!!“run in the shadow’s away too
In this moment hear Morgan Nacht scream :WHAT THE HELL IDA!!!!!!!“
Morgan then in her room wo he see Nacht burn her drawings
Morgan: Nacht what did you do you can’t do it!!!!“but then see Morgan what Ida draw…….year he need a big cake after this………
It‘s him and Nacht whit yami do adults stuff in the drawing‘s and this is really hart stuff……Nope just Nope Morgan just don’t want’s too see more god
And Nacht need a drink he’s sister did. draw stuff he never dare too think and Nice now can’t he see yami in the eyes after what he did see in Ida’s drawing’s
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marune2 · 2 years
Fact’s abaut Ida Faust
Just of my Boringness
1.) Ida born whit No physical pain felling but she fell pain mentally what tell her her body hurt’s as a child cut Ida herself really painful what she don’t fell bud gave her Brother a heart attack
2) ida can’t getting scar’s in Norm way she can just get’s scar’s from curse Magic weapons
3) Ida don’t really understand love of woman’s there she never fell love of her mother in a crossover whit @loosesodamarble oc josele finking Ida this she love josele and wants a Family but in true it’s it’s the Love of Mother what she fell but Ida don’t know this there she don’t understand this and will do everything too gets josele love even it’s wuld be Negative love……
4)Ida have a second Magic what she use many jears whit out knowing let’s say her look of the wold is like a video game
5)Ida is pan sexual but like older person like her but not too old she like too mess whit other and her sexuality and make fun of this and talk whit Asta abaut this and there love god know how this happened
6)Ida wear just clothes what Nacht use too wear as a teen there she runs really hot
7) Ida’s body temperature is 40 degrees hot and can run araund baisicly blank there she don’t get’s sick of cold temperatures but Summer is hell four her this is the reason why it can be she just wear underwear at home whit the black bulls
8) Ida runt’s some time in jears as Morgan araund on day wear his clothes and ponytail all the stuff too remember him and sometimes as Nacht Ida have a small Personality disorder on this day’s if she do this and imitate the personality of them as she have them in her Memory‘s what discomfort brings too all person‘s araund there Ida is not Ida in this moment all you can do is play along even you have a traumatized moment because of this
9) Ida have eat a Human in the past what she tells the black bulls like nothing Yami and she have a deb talk after this
10) in the crossover whit loo oc josele canty have Ida a instabil psychological moment wo she do disturbing fink‘s araund josele ore tell really dark story‘s and get’s psychotic araund her ore self Harmful ore attack’s josele whas going mush better as she get’s 18 jears but yami asta Vanessa Nacht and josele need too help her in this moment‘s there she have no control of this
11) Ida Fell peace if she drink coffee ore Limetten juse
12) Ida love it if she get’s pet’s ore cuddling not she going too tell someone this is the reason why her love life go out of Hand some time
13) Ida have a mush more love life as Nacht ore someone ever have she do go out some time and finral cry abaut this and Nacht don’t really like it not this he know how too talk abaut this
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marune2 · 2 years
Norm Family day food
Josele candy is @loosesodamarble oc
Ida came in the room wo josele Siding and searching for sompfing
Josele?:do you need help Ida?
Ida: year did you see my coffee?
Josele: No? I toush you have a lot in you magic hite
Ida: year funny story short the coffee get’s influenced from my magic and cainda brocket out“nervous laughing
Josele: what? How is this possible and they are not deangerus if they even can broken out of you magic ?
Ida: ha yes plz help my bevor yami and Nachty see this……
Josele: sure how they look’s like?
Ida: like one of my mental breakdown Grimms….if you understand…Nachty will get’s panic if he see this normally can I just create Grimms like this in a mental breakdown…..“laughing
Josele: oh
Ida: yes you can kill them at best if you cut they heads up normally but I don’t know if it’s whit coffee Grimms too
Josele: okay wo know if they are peaceful maby….
Then hear both Asta scream
Asta: What are you!!!!!
Then hear they death scream from the coffee Grimms and Asta scream cry and more screaming
Ida: oh found them I hope the coffee taste after this fine and asta have no trauma like last time and thanks josy „go too asta whit her magic
Josele: what just happened?!
(Mental breakdown Grimms are smarter and can talk and have the looks of humans ida really love and they can think on they own baisicly ida created live then)
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