#Yae Kamii
askthedespairkids · 4 years
Malcolm walks back into the 9th branch, holding two pots of coffee. “I brought coffee! Try not to spill any on the paperwork, please...” (Day two of working hard... Hopefully nobody’s overworking themselves already.)
Yae: *Passed out at her desk*
Denbe: Kamii-chan...out cold.
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Thanks, Suzuki. You didn’t have to do that.
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
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“That’s right, the Ultimate Blogger.”
“…is something wrong?”
Yae: He...*Her expression darkens* He’s actually here...? They let a dirtbag like him here....?
Umeko: *Her fists are clenched white and shaking, her eyes enraged* He...caused it all...he’s the reason Miyamoto-chan died....*She’s bites her nail* I’ll kill.....I’ll kill him a thousand times over and set fire to his corpse, leave it here for the rats and maggots to destroy it until his bones are left...I’ll crush them into dust until there’s nothing left...Nothing left....
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
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“Go ahead and set up a few traps. From what Yokozawa told me when he showed me around, this forest is pretty dangerous.”
Yae: Y....
Umeko: Yokozawa...you say? Like that Yokozawa?
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
“…what?  What did that blogger cause?"  Miho turns around to look at Nagata.
I… does she mean what I think she means?
Yae: Miyamoto-tan...Maita-tan...everyone....they all died because of what he did...
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
Miho narrows her eyes as she looks for traces of Togami’s path, listening to the other three trainees she’s working with today banter among themselves.  
Nagata’s right about this forest, though.  It’s unsettling as all hell.  But that needs to be left for now.  Let’s see, any broken branches or such here?
Yae: Hmm...Hey, I think I can maybe probably make something out of this. If we need a trap, y’know?
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
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“Fair enough, considering what she did back at the old base. Anyway,” Damian looks up at the other two in the room. “It’s just us four?”
Yae: Hard to know. Maybe it’s a team vs team kind of thing are there are other groups across the island.
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
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“What? But isn’t that a bit much?” Damian asks concerned.
Yae: Nah! I’ve seen Nagata-tan in action! If anyone can do it, she can!
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
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Are you aware that there are a wide variety of diseases with long incubation times?
You’d feel perfectly fine until the symptoms manifest. And in some cases, once they do appear, there’s nothing that can be done.
It’s pretty awful.
Yae: Sounds fun.
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Y-you hate doctors that much?!
Yae: I hate needles!
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
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I see.
Do you have a degree in medicine? Have you studied biology?
Yae: N...no...but my friend is the Ultimate Biologist!
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B-but she’s the one that told you-
Yae: *Pouts* Who cares?!
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
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Can you take me to her?
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B-back here...*They go to one of the beds near the back of the room*
Yae: *When she sees Mikan and Kyoji* If you two are gonna try and give me an injection, you can back the fuck up! I’m no going anywhere near your needles.
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
The Stand of Gekkougahara
Damian: It...won’t be enough....*Looks over at Sora* Y...you...brought him here....
Sora: ............
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*Runs into the radio tower* We have to go! This place could collapse at any moment!
Yae: Don’t have to tell me twice, man! *Sprints for the exit along with a few others*
Damian: Everything we did...what was it for...?
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*Grabs Damian’s hand* We have to move! *The two run*
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*Gets knocked across the road by the robot’s arm, skidding for a few feet* Gurk!
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Die...! Die....!
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W...we’re never gonna be able to keep this up...!
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*Gets batted against a wall, letting out a gasp*
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Shit! Byakuya!
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I....is he....
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We have to keep fighting....!
Sora: .....she’s not there...where’s wheelchair?
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.....*Looks up at the roof*...exactly where she should be.
*A blue flare goes off atop the radio tower*
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*On the roof* .....(Here we go).....
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Go! Retreat!
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Cowards! Where are you running to?!
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*Small missiles and and large machine guns sprout out of her wheelchair and aim at Mark Guyver* “You can thank Izayoi-kun for this one!” *Opens fire at Mark Guyver*
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Y...you can’t do that...!
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*A larger missile takes aim* “Don’t tell me what I can’t do!” *Fires at Mark Guyver, engulfing it in an explosion*
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She got it! Her plan worked! *The smoke clears, Mark Guyver starts to short-circuit*
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*Mark Guyver collapses to the ground, exploding on impact*
Yae: They.....they really did it.....that blue haired chick destroyed it.....
Damian: *Staring in awe*.....we...won.....
Sora: .....and move on for better days....*looks down at Damian* Or something like that, right...?
Damian: ....y...yeah...
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
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Mark Guyver, kill! *The robot rushes at the foundation*
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We’ll take this down, or die trying! Go everyone!
Damian: (No!) *Turns to the people behind him* Quick! Activate the trap!
Umeko: Kamii-chan!
Yae: Leave it to me! *She flips a switch when the robot steps on a panel, electricity surges through Mark Guyver, the hatch on it’s front pops off*
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Quick! While it’s stunned!
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No! You can’t do that...! You can’t do that...! You’re ganging up on me...!
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G-ganging up on me...a-a-again...like it’s my fault.... *Looks at his shaking hands*
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N....no! I’m not scared anymore! So stop it! *Starts hitting his arm* Stop it! I’m not afraid! I’m not scared of him anymore! I don’t need to be scared of the adults!
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Focus on the robot! *He and Kanon shoot at the robot with the hacking guns
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I.....I’m not scared of you anymore! *Mark Guyver starts moving again* ...never again...!
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Wha-?! Keep your distance! Nagata! Nakajima! Use the hacking guns!
Damian: It wasn’t enough...?!
Yae: That trap was one use....
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
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There’s no need for that. 
Let’s just take a moment here to relax.
I don’t think we’ve been introduced yet. What’s your name? I’m Dr. Kyoji Nakamura.
Yae: .....Kamii...
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U-um, her test results showed that she caught a few diseases from the air, but she refuses the treatment...
Yae: Yae Kamii doesn’t need those damn injections! I’m the sign of perfect health! Poster girl! Hell yeah!
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
Yae: Y-you think...? Thanks...I need to go talk to Nagata-tan about some stuff though. Catch ya’ later, Fujioka-tan! *Jogs off*
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
Yes... I thought it was a nice pet name. ~Misao
Yae: ...tch... I’m gonna kick at least despair before this war ends though. The real power of the Ultimate Trap Specialist has yet to be seen! Kamii Yae will not yield! To despairs or manipulators or anything in between!
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
D'awwww calm down my little wad of chewing gum. There's no need to be afraid. We're friends! You're completely safe with me! .....unless we come across bad people and they beat me up first. ~Misao
Yae: W-wad of chewing gum....? Am I supposed to trust that?
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